Getting Schooled (2017) Movie Script

Well hello, little lady.
Lemme guess.
Detention, right?
Yeah. Totally bogus.
I've-I've gotta pee
really bad.
Kids today.
I used to love detention.
Pick up chicks.
Some of them had to pee also.
Someone stayed up too late
watching MTV.
I got places to be.
Like where?
Take a bath?
Hold that, Princess.
Stop it, stop it, stop it!
Ouch! Gag me!
Oh, my god.
Who's that, y'all?
Who are you?
Call me Mr. Roker, tough guy.
Everybody sit.
Boy, girl, boy, girl.
And girl.
Close the door.
Mike swank?
Just say "here", meathead.
Hillary Miller.
As if!
Rusty Boone?
- Shelly Hinson.
- Here, sir.
Julie Moore.
Aren't we a fine looking bunch?
From the looks of you, I imagine
you already know the rules.
No talking,
keep to yourselves,
and no one, and I mean no one,
leaves this room
without my permission.
I can do this
standing on my head, man.
Don't make me
have you prove it, son.
You ladies enjoy...
and I'll be back in a bit
to check on you.
How's it going, Princess?
Ugh, gross me out!
Why don't you just
leave her alone?
That's what I thought.
Because you don't mess
with the bionic man.
Bet she'd do me if I put her
in the school play.
What's this world comin' to?
So what's your story, Princess?
Yeah... like, your story.
I think the burnout means
why are you here?
I'll tell you mine
if everyone else tells theirs.
Come on.
What's your damage?
Maybe I don't like handing out
my dirty laundry to strangers.
Aw, come on,
we're all friends
here in detention.
Yeah, just like
a championship team.
Come on,
as if it's that personal.
Get real.
You go first.
Okay, so, me
and my gal pal Brittany
were, like, totally
going to Blaze out of class
and stand in line
for R.E.O. Speedwagon tickets...
Uh, r.E.O. Is totally proper!
We got busted by that science
guy pulling out of the lot.
Totally lame-o.
Can you relate?
I can relate to what boner
smokers those guys are.
R.E.O. Homowagon.
What about you, four-eyes?
My name is Shelly.
- Ooh.
- Okay.
Let's just say
I had a little run-in
with someone who was...
Touching my property.
Like, they touched you
where you pee?
Don't have a heart attack.
Will you just let her talk?
What was it?
My Rubik's cube.
Whoa! Those are so...
Ill? Mung?
Not more uncool
than R.E.O. Whateverwagon.
So you raged on some scumbag
for touching your blocks?
It's Hillary, right?
Go shut the door.
Where'd you go?
Get your tires rotated?
So you're
a real go-getter, huh?
You gonna roll me
over to the office, Mr. Roboto?
but I am gonna roll
all over you.
Shut up, Geekette!
Don't you people
have anything better to do
on a Saturday morning
than sit here with a cripple?
Don't you have friends?
The freak doesn't.
Meet the only friend
I need, Jocko.
Bring me the knife, Mr. Boone.
Why don't you come over here
and get it?
I hope you brought a spare tire.
Seeing that you all have
an obvious learning disability,
I'll write the rules
on the board.
It hit him right in the face!
- Oh, my god.
- Mister?
Mr. Roker, are you okay?
Oh, shit.
Is he breathing?
Mr. Roker?
I think I hear him breathing.
It's actually
more of a wheeze than...
- Sh...
- You tried to kill me!
You gook bastards!
Let him go! No!
Damnit, I'm not touching him!
Let him go!
She just hit him!
Thanks a lot, Bimbette.
I don't wanna touch you, dweeb!
We got trouble.
He's got trouble for sure.
You think they're
gonna believe us,
or a teacher in a wheelchair?
What do you mean by they?
Police. Parents. Society?
We just assaulted a teacher
as far as they're concerned.
He said we tried to kill him.
No, you assaulted the teacher.
You tried to kill him!
And we watched, asshole!
It's called being
an ass-cessory, joystick.
I'm not gonna get busted
for this.
This is hellacious.
My dad... will kill me for real
if this messes with me
starting the next game.
Don't have a cow.
Let's tie him up.
What? We can talk to him
when he catches snap.
He tried to friggin' kill me.
It's a fantastic idea.
Where are we gonna
get rope from?
Fine, okay...
They're boys,
they can do the rope stuff.
I don't... it's not...
I'm just the idea person.
Well, I was a girl scout.
Let's go Jocko, get some rope.
What do we do now?
Wait until he wakes up.
Reason with him.
Did you hear that major
crazy shit he was talking?
Man, we're all in more trouble
than I wanna even think about.
Hell, I'm not even
supposed to be here.
I'm the good kid.
I ought to be home
working on my science project.
Uh, just say no.
I should be out
buying my prom dress.
Instead I'm stuck here
with you posers.
Can it, miss America.
Everybody had something better
to do today.
I could be out busting heads
on the field.
I could be home right now.
What would you be doing?
What was he yelling about,
Probably gibberish.
I think part of it
was Vietnamese.
How the hell would you know?
Uh, whatever.
What's he doing
in that wheelchair anyway?
Ladies! Come on!
We need to figure out
what to do before he wakes up.
Uh... too late.
Uh... hi.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
It's just that...
Do you remember what happened?
Shelly's gonna take a look
at you.
I don't want to.
Do it...
or I'll call the police myself.
Okay, don't have a cow.
Just give me two seconds.
What the hell are you doing?
Just go!
I'm gathering my chi.
If I watch this
am I gonna be a flamer?
Fuckin' do it already!
- Okay.
- Come on! Do it!
It's a little bruised.
You have to press around it.
Gag me.
Do you wanna do it?
Are you okay?
It hurts further back.
Be careful.
Further back.
Oh, barf me out!
What is wrong with you?!
You're a dick, man!
- He bit me!
- You're in time out, speed racer.
Get the door. Move!
Come on!
It's like shark teeth.
God, you're heavy.
Shut up!
Stupid kids.
Ah, ouch.
It hurts.
So now we add taking a hostage
to the list of offenses.
Oh, it's "we" now?
Yes, we.
Let's just figure this out!
I've been thinking about this.
Oh, here we go.
The men are talking.
We need to make sure
no one gets in here
until we figure this shit out.
We need to call the police.
We are totally innocent.
They're not gonna believe us!
At least not until Mr. Roboto
comes to his senses.
What's your big idea, then?
We gotta lock down the school.
Lock it down?
No one can see him.
He's in the closet.
What if somebody walks in
and he starts shouting?
What then, huh?
I can't believe this, but...
I agree with a kid
that wears a leather jacket.
Any volunteers?
- Mm-mm.
- All right. Jocko, I guess we...
Uh... I'll take Julie with me.
You just watch that door.
Hey, why don't you come up here
with me?
I think he's gone insane.
What are we gonna do?
Follow the plan.
Lock it down.
Every door and window?
That's impossible.
Nothing's impossible.
Man, you are a mess.
You're so pretty.
You think they know?
They would never...
I love you.
I love you too.
Aw, young love.
Kinda takes me back to my youth.
'Scuse me.
You guys have a hall pass?
- We really have to go...
- Yeah, we gotta go.
Look, we just gotta go.
That's all.
Kids of today.
You just wonder what's
going through their minds.
You know...
Probably sex...
more sex...
sex again...
Did I say sex?
That's included: Sex.
We can't let them catch on.
Yeah, they'll rag us to death,
I don't really care
what anyone thinks.
I do.
You can't be seen
with an outcast like me.
What if your dad...
You two look like
you've been boinking.
Ugh! Grotesque!
Ha ha!
Nobody's getting in here today.
This place is locked down
like my offensive line.
Boo bam!
- Ta-da!
Mr Roker's wallet, anyone?
Look what we have here.
Mr. Roker's rsum.
Couple of private
security contract jobs.
Hm. No teaching jobs.
Fucking queer!
Veteran card.
Couple of tours in Vietnam
I'll bet.
That's where the gibberish
came from.
Know what that card is?
He was in black ops!
What does that mean?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
That means he's a bad, bad man.
I wanna call my parents.
What if we just tell him
what we know?
- Read it to him, outcast.
- What? Why me?
I think the sound
of a woman's voice
might rush the blood
from his head to his...
Uh, Mr. Roker,
we know you were in
the, um, black ops.
You were also in Vietnam.
Do you remember?
Mr. Roker,
do you remember this?
You think he's dead?
There's only one way
to find out.
We gotta open that door.
Hey, hey, hang on a second!
If he comes after us, man,
I'm totally gonna sack him.
Fuckin' a.
Come on.
Watch out, Princess.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Sorry.
- One...
- Where's the beef?
- - Oh, my god, guys.
What's wrong?
What's it say?
How did he climb up
and into the ceiling?
- What's it say?
- - What's it say?
"Game on. You die."
Oh, my god.
Is, uh...
everything okay, there,
mister, uh...
- Roker.
- Roker.
I'm, uh...
watching detention.
I-I don't feel so well.
What's the matter, buddy?
I'm not sure. I know...
I threw up...
I... wonder if I could
borrow a mop.
I got plenty of mops here,
it's my job to clean up.
I can see you're eating.
Hey, I...
I won't tell.
Very considerate of you.
Don't wanna take your job...
but I will take your life!
Little bubbly?
Huh? Huh?
Drink it down.
There you go!
I wanna go home!
The pigs are gonna be
all over me for this,
and I ain't going down alone!
I guess the mall maggot is
going to sit there and bawl?
Why don't you just
leave her alone?
I'm tired of you
opening your mouth...
- nobody was talking to you, outcast.
- I'm talking to you.
I'm not an outcast!
- Why don't you turn your head...
- I'm not gonna turn around. - ...And
cut yourself a little bit, huh?
It's none of your concern,
so shut up!
Oh, you don't talk all year and now you
are gonna turn around and bitch at me?
I'm gonna bitch at you
all I want!
Let's not be afraid.
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little-death
that brings total obliteration.
Just let her go with it, man.
And when it has gone past,
I will turn the inner eye
to see its path.
Where the fear has gone...
There will be nothing.
Only I will remain!
Wow. Righteous speech.
I knew reading "dune" would
come in handy at some point.
Is that blood on your head?
I don't think
I can take it anymore.
Take what anymore?
War, you gook!
You and your kind followed us
for three days in the bush
while we were trying to find
the rest of our company.
You are going to listen.
We found evidence of 'em.
Our provisions were running low.
Some of the men turned to...
You know what I mean!
You commanded your...
little yellow bastards
to kill them, and...
It all started
when we ran across this...
this little village...
that had been napalmed
hours before.
For miles it was all
anyone could talk about.
That smell...
It was enough to drive
some of the...
weaker mean insane.
One of my men...
rushed up...
To a smoldering body...
didn't hesitate for a second...
After that it was a frenzy.
I'm not finished...
When we got back to base...
some of the men were arrested.
They were found
cooking human flesh.
Oh, I don't have to tell you...
It was in 'em...
It was in 'em, all right.
Like their conscience laid bare.
I have walked through the valley
of the shadow of death!
And it smelled...
You're gonna tell me
where my men are, general...
Let's hunt
that mental fuck down.
Yes! Yes!
He wants blood?
Let's give it to him, man.
Fuck yes!
Attention, students.
All of you little brats
are gonna pay.
I'll be wearing your ears
as a necklace
before the final bell.
That is all.
Let's get out of here!
Come on, come on, guys.
No fake.
We have to go...
- hey, hey, hey!
Chill out.
All right?
We just gotta make sure lieutenant
lunatic doesn't get in here.
We have to find something
to block the doors.
Let's go!
Get the cabinet!
Forget the cabinet!
Move the trash can!
That's never gonna hold, moron!
Shut up!
That has wheels, asshole!
- Hit me again.
- Get the goddamn...
Hit me again, bro!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
How's that?
Just what we needed he-man!
Ow... ow...
Just kidding! You suck!
How are we supposed to get out?
As long as he can't get in,
I don't give a shit
about getting out.
I am not your b.F.F.
I can get it for you.
I can get you all the money
that you need.
I don't care
about those little brats.
Just let me go.
Let me go!
Promises, promises!
Could use a smoke.
Hey, you can't smoke that
in here.
You have to go
to the smoking area.
Get real.
I think that is the least
of our problems.
You smoke dicks, I smoke cigs.
You want one?
I want to get out of here.
You've made that
abundantly clear.
Ooh, abundantly, huh?
I could be like you...
if I wanted to.
Yeah, right.
What's your score on your sats?
A lot.
I bet mine was higher.
Bet you were just high
when you took it.
- He was. I was there.
- Come on. Humor me.
That's pretty good.
Yes? So?
Why don't you humor us?
Bullshit, and I'm calling
you out right now.
What are we betting?
What? Nothing.
How 'bout the Princess
let's me French her?
And if I win, you have to apologize
to all of us for being rude!
If you scored a 1500 on the sat,
I'll let you bag me.
No way! No way!
Let me see that shit!
Fuckin' a, dude!
Are you serious?
You want some gum, Princess?
So, do you want
some privacy, or...?
Let's just get this over with.
This is actually happening
right now.
You said anything I wanted.
You're not a liar are you?
- Fine.
Texas thunder light
would make this a lot easier.
Yeah, let's get some privacy.
- How is this happening?
- Later days and better days, suckers!
What does that even mean?
Oh, oh my god.
Is it safe in here?
Listen if you're scared...
We don't have to do this.
You think you're so
bad to the bone.
I think it's bogus.
Preppy girls do it best.
Say it.
Prove it.
This has been brewing
a long time.
Get real.
Get bent.
Just between us?
Oh, yeah.
Principals don't belong here
on Saturday!
That should bleed you out
soon enough.
Listen, this is
a long time coming.
To be continued?
In your dreams.
There's somethin'
out there, man.
Let's go check it out.
Rusty, let's go!
Shit, dude, you see that?
Oh, shit! Oh, my god!
Close it!
Fuck dude!
- Shit, shit.
- That's janitor Dan!
- Dude, that's fucked up, man!
That guy was cool!
Let's go tell the girls.
Let's go.
he is officially batshit
to the Max!
He butchered janitor Dan!
My balls are in my throat, man,
and that tells me we gotta
get the shit out of here.
Can we go home now?
I'm with her!
Let's bail!
- Yes!
- Guys, this is not a good idea!
I have a very bad feeling
about this.
Let's stick together.
God, please!
Somebody help us!
Hillary, you can't do this.
We gotta chill and keep moving.
Come on!
It doesn't matter.
We're all going to die anyway.
We will if you don't get up
off your ass!
Oh, shit! Boogie!
Damn! You're bohunk, man!
We didn't do all this!
Who, then?
My guess is g.I. Joker.
Hey, where's Julie?
- Julie?
- Julie! Where's Julie, man?!
- Wait, wait!
- Come back!
Wait! No, no!
Oh, god...
How could we just leave her?
I can't! I can't!
I gotta go back!
Ain't happening, bro.
We gotta stick together.
Nobody said "we", wuss!
Wait, wait! Wait!
We're sticking together.
Mike, I'm in here! Mike!
So... here we are.
Where is she?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Why don't you go see
if she's okay?!
Man, why don't you go
fuck yourself?
Soldiers today...
No respect for the enemy!
Oh! Oh!
Where'd the tough guy go?
Mike, I'm in here! Mike!
Thank you, sir.
May I have another?
Are you okay?
I see the breadcrumbs worked.
Big ol' honkin' breadcrumbs.
Come on let's
get you outta here.
- No! No, no, no!
Somebody help!
Somebody help me!
Mike, please!
Mike, I love you!
Mike, please!
Mike! Mike!
Oh, my god! Why?!
Why?! Why, why, why, why?!
No guts, no glory!
Right, little man?!
You're not half bad, now!
I'm sorry, Julie.
Look the only way we're
gonna getting out of here...
is if we kill Roker.
We-we know that right?
We see what rushing away
from the group gets us.
He saved my life.
And lost his.
Look, we all have skills.
We need to use them.
You are smart.
He's strong.
Hillary is... well...
Hillary is a gymnast,
captain of the cheer squad
and a black belt in tae Kwon do.
What's your skill, Julie?
My skills are bogus.
All I know is we need
to get the hell out of here...
and the only way
is over Mr. Roker's dead body.
I am a cheerleader.
I'm not gonna kill anyone!
I'm gonna to call the police!
The only phone
is in the principal's office.
What about the fire alarms,
did you ever think of that?
I didn't think so.
Hillary, chill out, all right?
We gotta wait.
- Hillary!
- Hillary!
- Hillary!
- Hillary!
Hey! Hillary!
Yo, rusty.
We need a plan, okay?
You've got one minute to plan
before I go after her.
You know this is crazy.
I'd do it for you, too, Julie.
You just can't go on a wing
and a prayer.
If that's all I got...
It's righteous.
Rusty! Rusty, no!
He's the only guy that really
ever cared about me.
I loved him so much.
He wanted to tell everybody.
That was the kind of guy he was.
But if his dad ever found out
he was dating someone like me,
a freak,
he would've killed him.
And now he's dead
and I have to go into the world and
pretend like I never knew him.
Like I never fucking knew him.
Bite me!
Gross me out!
Oh, oh!
Chuh, like, what am I, a hacker?
Shelly will know
how to use this.
How did you get so far out
in the back country?
You are so kirked out!
What's a pretty little thing
like you doing
conniving with the enemy?
You won't get all of us,
you know.
Somebody's gonna get out
and when they do,
you're going down.
What's daddy's little girl
gonna do now?
Daddy's little girl is gonna
party Hardy on your ass!
Not bad for a squaw.
You're messing with
the spirit club now, loser.
Ow! Gag me.
Die, slant-eye.
Ah! Fuck!
Where could she be?
I just can't let rusty
be alone like that.
Like me.
S-stay here.
Not a problem.
I'll be back.
No, no.
No, no.
You showed me something today
that... I never knew existed.
That son of a bitch!
He killed her.
I wanna kill the fucker.
Rusty, we have to go.
That son of a bitch!
Good bye, Hillary.
I'll never forget.
Preppy girls do it best.
We gotta go!
Come on!
Come on! Let's go!
What happened?
Hillary's dead.
You know earlier, when...
she was saying that she
wanted to be out
shopping for her prom dress?
I thought "how typical...
Princess wants to go
shopping for a prom dress."
Why do we do that?
Why do we have these...
misconceived ideas
of one another?
If this wouldn't have happened,
then we wouldn't
be talking like this.
I don't want
to be like that anymore.
Me neither.
So, how the hell
do we kill the psycho?
Any ideas?
We have to find something
to arm ourselves with.
I got this.
What do you got, Shelly?
Let's go get this fucker.
Let's go.
Who goes there?
I said...
who goes there?!
Why didn't you answer me?!
Shut the fuck up.
We're supposed to keep our
location secret, ass munch.
Let go of my shirt.
Well then stop being
such a chicken shit!
I'm not a chickenshit.
Not even scared.
Come on guys.
We have to stick together
or we're dead.
Are we good?
He needs to apologize
for his last remark.
All right, shit.
You're not a deadweight.
And apologize for my shirt.
All right. I'm sorry
I messed up your shirt.
I'm sure your grandpa
would be mondo-pouty
I wrinkled his shirt.
Hey. Hey, Julie!
Hey, Julie, where you going?!
Julie, come back!
I'm sorry!
Rusty and I,
we're-we're fine now.
Look! We took
a major chill pill, all right?
This is how this is gonna go.
You, stop with your whining
and get on with your traps.
And you, stop with
your third grade crap
and get onto that hallway
and guard it.
I'm gonna take the other end.
If we don't stick together
we're gonna be...
frickin' road pizza
by the end of the night.
Shelly, you have fifteen minutes
to come up
with something spectacular.
Amaze me.
All right it's all clear.
Oh shit! What is that?
It's a compound I made using
general household products,
we should set it up
in every hallway
and if he tries to get us
we can throw it on him.
It'll neutralize him.
All right cool, but we're gonna
need more buckets
to put at the end
of each hallway.
Hand me that rat poison.
Go get those buckets.
Hey, Shelly.
You're gonna be all right.
It'll be okay.
I just need to... take a look.
Let's hunt this bastard down!
Our best bet is to drive him
into one of the traps.
What? We'll have to split up
to do that.
She's right.
We're gonna have to come at
this asshole from all sides.
It's do or die time, shel.
Let's crush this fly!
For Mike, for Hillary.
Here, let me help you with that.
Better run, Poindexter!
I'll have your goddamn heart
on a platter!
Aah! That's better!
I'm looking at you, little lady!
Uh, this one goes out
to all you spoiled little
pieces of shit out there.
New wave, baby!
Don't be such a spaz!
Please... no.
I'll do anything.
You're not giving up now,
are you?
We didn't do anything!
Come on, soldier!
There's no use
crying about it now.
Hey, slant-eye!
On second thought...
Let's jam.
Oh, you little... bitch.
You really got your head
in the game.
Nighty night.
You bitch!
What did you throw on me?!
Oh, god!
It's over?
It's over.
That's all it took?
That's all it took?!
That's all it took?
That's all it took, asshole?
That's all it took?
That's all it took?!
Oh, shit!
I'm outta here, asshole!
You need to watch
your language, young lady.
You're gonna end up with
another detention next week!
Attention, student.
I'm coming for you.
I can hear you, Julie.
You crazy son of a bitch!
What is wrong with you?!
All we wanted to do
was get out of here,
but you wouldn't let us!
And now I'm stuck here.
Nowhere to run.
Time to die, Julie.
That is all.
You know earlier, when...
she was saying she wanted
to be out
shopping for her prom dress?
I thought, "how typical...
Princess wants to go
shopping for a prom dress.
Why do we do that?
Why do we have these...
misconceived ideas
of one another?
If this wouldn't have happened,
then we wouldn't be
talking like this.
I don't wanna
be like that anymore.
I'm not gonna do this anymore.
I smell you.
I smell you!
Where are you, you bitch?
You're in my jungle now.
I'm gonna fuckin' devour you.
You dink bitch!
What you did to me...
That was mind control!
Hear that?!
It is the sound of nothing.
No chopper's coming for you!
You're in my jungle.
My jungle!
You don't get to
outta here, bitch.
Oh, my boyfriend Mike is dead!
He cut him in half!
That's nothing compared
to what I'll do to you!
I'm gonna end you.
After what you did to me
and my men!
They were my men!
Good men!
I'm gonna wear your ears
for a necklace.
I've got some 556
for your fucking teeth...
and then I'll devour them
and shit 'em out...
on your cold fucking corpse!
You understand me?!
You dink!
I'm gonna take my blade...
and I'm gonna bury it
deep into you, you bitch...
like I did
to your boyfriend, Mike!
Thieves, the dinks...
I'm comin' for you!
Oh, my god.
I can't see.
Where are you?!
There you are, slant-eye!
As if!
Well, since we are up here...
let's have a little lesson
in gravity.
Why are you doing this?!
Get back here!
For all my men
lost to the likes of you!
We're just kids!
It's 1983!
They're all gone now.
I'm just a kid!
Please! Please!
Ong Thanh, loc ninh...
dak to...
Mekong delta,
tam quan, thom tham Khe,
Khe Sanh!
They're all gone now.
No, no, no!
I live surrounded by ghosts!
No! No!
Help me!
Little girl?
I'm an American hero.
Why did you do it?
You tried to kill me.
You are the enemies!
We were just stupid kids!
But you are right
about one thing, Mr Roker.
We are enemies now!
And gravity...
Is so righteous.
Sometimes I can't help
but imagine...
what their lives
might have been.
she would be a news anchor...
or a rich socialite...
helping the disadvantaged.
He'd probably be running around
with the other hooligans...
but then again...
this might have changed him.
I could see him
turning a new leaf.
Maybe becoming a cop.
That would be ironic.
Who knows
what amazing discoveries...
she would have made.
How the world will suffer
without her.
He'd be winning
the big football game...
and I'd be at the sideline
cheering him on.
We all would.
Sometimes when it's quiet...
and I'm all alone...
I pretend that...
we're married and that
we have two children.
in a safe suburb somewhere.
But that's all gone now.
Look. That's the girl that lived
through the murder spree.
Wow. I can't believe
she came to prom.
Hey, back off, slick.