Ghost Factory (2022) Movie Script

[dramatic music]
[high-pitched ringing]
Hey, Jeff?
[echoing] Jeff. Nod
if you can hear me correctly.
Now, listen.
Like I told you before,
don't let all this activity
bother you, okay?
This is just a formality.
This is what
they call an inquest.
It's just a formal way
to get together
to talk about something
we're all trying to understand.
And you're the closest thing
we've got.
[in normal voice]
Jeff, you're the only one
with any understanding at all
about what happened.
[sighs] Yeah.
You know. Not good.
Anyway, we're all hoping
that you could come up
with something that makes sense.
Frankly, we're all at a loss.
What do you mean?
Didn't you go out there?
Yeah, twice.
And with the SWAT team,
based on what you told me.
Jeff, we didn't find anything
to substantiate your story.
I don't care.
Everything I told you is true.
There's something else
wrong here.
Oh, hey. Okay, don't worry.
They're not charging you
with anything.
This is just to help us
get our story straight.
You're not
the only one with a story
about that place, you know?
We just can't find anyone
to stick around long enough
to help us understand.
They all seem to just disappear.
Like your friends.
Gone. No bodies, nothing.
It all happened
just the way I said.
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[suspenseful music]
[wind softly blowing]
[echoing soft exhalation]
[birds chirping]
[bird cawing]
[water softly lapping]
[dog distantly barking]
[opera music playing]
[shouts] Hello?
Anybody here?
[man shouting]
What the hell is
the matter with you?
Can't you see I'm down here?
Are you the caretaker?
I'm coming up.
I am sorry about that.
Just pitching things out,
and didn't see you.
Don't get
too many visitors up here,
if you know what I mean.
I would guess not.
I'm Murray Stein.
I called you last week.
Uh, I'm with the television
show, Terror TV.
Yeah, yeah. I know who you are.
I'm Malcom.
The missus and I,
we get some TV up here.
I seen your show.
All them kids
yelling and screaming.
Kind of funny,
to tell you the truth.
Who knew it would
catch on like it has.
But hey, bills get paid.
-[record scratches]
-[music stops]
No kidding.
[sinister music]
...I think you have found
yourself the perfect place.
You really caught on
with this one.
What makes you say that?
Well, this place
has seen its share,
if you know what I mean.
It was built in the mid-1800s.
Set up to build ammo
and blasting powder.
That's how come
it's out here so far.
this place was going full blow
until just after WWII.
And the feds had some
crazy stuff going on in here.
I guess they just wanted
everybody out in a hurry.
The place closed up in 1946
and hadn't been set in since.
Do you think
there was a problem?
I think they had something
secret going on in here,
and, and just wanted
everybody out.
Maybe bury the evidence,
if you know what I mean.
You clean it up?
For quite a while now.
I guess you could say
I know this place pretty well.
They'll find me dead in here
one day.
Till then, I just show up
from time to time.
You know,
I did not see your car.
[music continues]
Where did you park?
I got a flat tire
about half a mile down the road.
I was so close,
thought I'd walk.
Did you go over all
the site requirements with Mike?
Mike Wainwright, the,
the location scout.
He didn't, you know,
come by and talk to you?
You'd know this guy.
Wears a black Terror TV jacket.
Wears it all the time,
never takes it off. [scoffs]
The Mr. Hollywood type.
Well, I would
surely remember that.
No, we get some teenagers
around here once in a while.
I scare them off.
But no one other than that.
I can show you around
if you'd like.
No, that's okay.
I'll come back later,
take a look at the place.
That's fine. I'm here most days.
Hell, I'm here a lot of times
at night too. [softly chuckles]
Generally, I am here.
But if I'm not here,
that gate's out there
is always open.
Never locked. Just come on in.
You know, you should've seen
this place in its heyday.
Can you imagine how busy it was?
People everywhere.
[light somber music]
All of them making a living... of killing people
that they've never even seen.
Lots of ghosts.
If you know what I mean.
Well, Malcom, my friend,
that's what we're counting on.
Lots of ghosts.
See you later.
[ominous music]
[engines rumbling]
[electronic warbling]
All right, we're rolling.
We have a show
called Terror TV,
and it pays $5000
if you can stay one night
in a haunted place.
Would that interest you?
Yes, I would. For $5000,
I'd fight the devil.
[bossa nova music playing]
No fear.
The only thing I'd fear
is not getting that $5000.
-[distorted voice]
So, do you believe in ghosts?
-[man] Why not?
-I can't see 'em.
If they're there, I'd see 'em.
If they're not there,
I don't see 'em,
so they ain't there.
And if they was,
I'd kick its ass.
'Cause ain't shit scares me.
If it ain't breathing,
it can't hurt me.
[soft rattling and whirring]
You want me to stay overnight
in a haunted house for $5000?
[soft rattling]
[tape fast-forwarding]
You know, I figure I'll just--
I mean, if you guys
give me a shot,
I'll just go and be scared,
you know, for TV, and...
...I don't know.
[soft rattling]
One time, I was in there.
It was dark,
couldn't see a thing.
And, you know,
you kind of get
in the mood a little bit.
All of a sudden,
I get grabbed in the dark.
You know, first thing,
I turn around and clock
that son of a bitch
right in the mouth.
I bet it'll never do that again.
You know, not when
Brad comes through.
D-- definitely. Definitely.
[soft rattling]
So this was more
of a dare for you?
I guess. Look, your friends
put you up to something,
and you do it to save face.
But this is something you do
or don't wanna do?
Frankly, I could care less
if I get picked or not.
But for 5000 bucks,
it seemed worth looking into.
Tell me you are not
seriously considering her.
What a pain in the ass.
I think she's fine.
[gentle music]
I guess you know better than me.
[soft rattling]
Hey, congratulations
on season two.
Just a little bit lost on me
what makes this show so popular,
but I'm sure
all will be revealed in time.
Talent and a little luck.
Some chance taking.
Not blindly.
Hey... [snickers]
no worries here.
But I just got, uh,
the talk about content.
Last time around,
I think the producers think
they turned a blind eye
to a lot.
Blind eye?
Look, we got a show done, Jeff.
It's it, pure and simple.
And we got renewed.
This puts money in pockets.
Something they probably
didn't tell you in film school.
Not always.
And for the record,
I'm with you on this one.
I think the show's attorneys
just hammered us
about liability.
Uh-- well, the last time,
they hammered us
into putting chicken-out lights
on the camera backpacks.
You know, if the contestants
get too scared,
they can just pull the plug.
This year, the contestants
are gonna look like
they're running around
with erector sets
on their backs.
Like, what else do they want?
Well, it started
with the word "caution."
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know,
one of the things that sucks
about getting old, Jeff,
is the fact
that you can actually remember
when things just worked.
I mean,
you had your opportunity.
You took your shot.
If it was good enough,
somebody bought it.
Things just don't work
like that anymore, I guess.
Look, I'm here
because I liked what I saw.
I mean, really, the only reason
we haven't been put on
America's most hazardous TV
is because we are making
a lot of money.
[birds chirping]
[soft rattling]
[light suspenseful music]
-Look at this place.
-My dad told me
about this place.
-Let's get out of here.
-No, it's too sweet.
Are you coming?
Hey, check this out.
Hey, man, wait up!
What are you doing?
-Dude, come on.
Let's get out of here.
Let's go over here.
[dramatic music]
Come on, man.
[suspenseful music]
Cody, where are you?
Where are you, man?
-[door slams shut]
[dramatic music]
[station jingle]
WCBG weather
From the Mid-Ohio newsroom,
unusually early snowfall
is causing misery
for Ohio commuters.
It's coming down hard.
But don't cancel
your grill out yet.
The National Weather Service
says you can expect
to see sunny skies again
as quickly
as this fast-moving storm
got here in the first place.
As far as we're concerned,
good riddance.
More on the eleven o'clock news,
so stay tuned.
[Murray shouts]
Hey, Malcom!
[birds distantly cawing]
Hey, Malcom!
Where you at?
[scoffs] Must be in his office.
Man, what a dump.
Hey, Malcom!
Say he was gonna be here
all night long.
Crazy old coot.
God, this place sucks.
I'd like to know how somebody
could possibly work
in a place like this.
I gotta fax this contract.
[light suspenseful music]
-[fire crackling]
[fax beeping]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[light dramatic music]
[birds chirping]
[engines rumbling]
Hey, Jeff, where
did they find this place?
Where are we? Ohio?
[wind blowing]
[light suspenseful music]
I just talked to Howard
or at least I think I did.
Yeah, he's, uh,
visualizing, right?
Coming up with new
and creative ways
to scare the hell
out of some poor,
unsuspecting teenagers.
Who needs anything added in?
I mean, I can think
of about ten,
and we don't even need
to leave this courtyard.
I guess,
while he's looming around,
we ought to find
someplace to set up shop.
Yeah, something indoors.
I think I heard somebody say
that there were some empty
offices around here.
[Jeff] Could be. I heard
something at breakfast.
Couple of locals talking.
A lot of business has been
in here the last few years.
They must have taken off
in a hurry. [chuckles]
That is,
if you believe in locals.
I don't know.
Local legends like this,
you never get all the truth.
Howard, you shouldn't
wander around like this.
I mean, at least wait
until we find someone
or get on a two-way.
Mary, my dear, we have 72 hours
in which to shoot this,
and time is money.
But I'll tell you what I'll do.
You go find the person
we need to talk to,
and I'll wander on
over to the truck
and get a two-way.
-[chuckles] Love ya.
[hip-hop music playing
on speakers]
Now, I know
you are not coming up in here
about two Black men
in the back of a truck.
Don't mind us.
We're stealing some shit.
-We'll be done in a minute.
Come on up. I'm Blake.
Ugly motherfucker's Devon.
We're your best friends
on this production.
Anything you need hooked up,
we can do.
Yeah, including
some fine-ass women,
if you know what I'm saying.
Not much chance
of that around here.
You guys were with Brian's crew,
weren't you?
Yeah, Brian's team.
Was at the old racetrack.
We were closer than anyone else.
I need to grab a two-way
so I can take a look around
this place.
-We'll hook you up.
-Get my jacket.
You see this light?
-See how it's green
and flashing?
-It lets you know
that you got a signal.
Now, if you see
that this light is red,
you do not have a signal.
So that means
I can't make a call?
No, man. You can tell
by the bars on the screen.
If that goes red,
you can't even use
the walkie-talkie.
But at least you know.
Yeah. Just look at it
from time to time,
-and you should be good to go.
-Thanks. [sighs]
I'm gonna go find us
a place to set up shop.
Someplace dry.
And hopefully, in this century.
[somber music]
[birds chirping]
Howard, are you there?
-[radio static]
-[pigeons cooing]
[wings fluttering]
[birds cawing]
Howard, you there?
I think I've got a spot
to set up our next challenge.
[Howard on radio]
Right. Where are you?
I'm inside
what I think is a boiler room.
These incinerators are too large
to be anything real.
You know, why don't you go in
and see what's inside?
But if it's too dark,
get out of there.
[suspenseful music]
Try me...
[radio static] in a minute.
What was that?
I couldn't hear you.
[loud whooshing]
[ominous music]
[birds cawing]
Jeff, you there?
Go ahead.
Look, I think
I may have found a place.
We find somebody that has
the blueprints to this p--
Who are you?
[sinister music]
I'm Howard Hope,
director of Terror TV.
We're here to do our show
for the next couple of days.
You the caretaker?
[softly chuckles] Why, no.
No, I am not.
Funny you should ask, though.
I can never seem to find him
when I'm around.
I'm Malcom.
Some folks call me Judge,
others call me just Mr. P.
You're the TV guy.
I heard about you.
Can't be too careful,
though, you know?
Looks like a small crew
you got here.
I would be remiss if I
did not offer you some help.
I could have a deputy
or two come over.
Oh, that's not necessary.
We don't wanna be a bother.
We've got our own detail
down there.
Everything should be fine.
Yeah, just a thought.
I'll, uh, leave you alone then.
Do not hesitate to use
that telephone for any reason.
[suspenseful music]
No one would fault you.
This place has a history,
my friend.
And I am not talking about
just folks, local legends.
I'm talking about real people
who have come in here.
Kids, mostly.
And we've had to pick them up.
For trespassing?
No. No, no.
I mean pick them up,
as in on a stretcher.
They were so scared
they couldn't move.
[dramatic music]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[chatter continues]
[man 1 on radio]
Go, go!
[man 2]
Clear out!
Yeah, contact!
Going through, coming through!
[man 3]
Let me see your hands!
Get your hands up now!
Move them! Let me see the hands!
Someone get my medics
in here now!
[helicopter blades whirring]
[indistinct chatter on radio]
Police found them.
Just sitting there
in this dark room,
still as could be.
Like they was afraid
to disturb anything around.
[suspenseful music]
Anyway, some unusual things
have happened here.
So don't you hesitate to use
that telephone and call me.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Mr. P.
No problem.
[clicks tongue]
Have you tried the firing range?
Firing range?
They had a test range here.
You can still see shells
all over.
Okay. Let's fire up this feed
and see what we see.
Okay, so we got
three of these. [sighs]
Uh, camera one, here.
Okay, one looks fine.
Camera two... on.
[white noise on TV]
No, two's video's
a little choppy.
How about now?
-[Howard] Two looks fine.
-Camera three.
What is this, night vision?
Yeah. We get
into some dark spots,
and this is all we have.
I hate that grainy picture,
but we can use it.
You guys are not gonna believe
the maze I found below.
It's about time.
Took me almost two hours
to set this up
with no help from you.
-Thank you very much.
-So, where are we now?
Do I dare ask if we have
the courses set up yet?
Yeah, if we include the maze
that you talked about.
Uh, hey, did you ever find
that blueprint we need?
No, but I did take the time
to map out the areas
I walked through.
Did you get to see
the firing range?
No, but I think
it's in this building.
I pretty much walked
the other ones,
at least the basement
and the first floor.
Can you draw us some maps?
Yeah, I can use my laptop
and draw some CAD drawings
based on my notes.
This is like that time
we had to do the Baker Asylum.
You remember that? [chuckles]
Yeah, I do.
That one held up pretty well
in editing too, as I remember.
CAD drawings?
I dump the drawings I make
into the computer
and I create
a layout of the place
that our contestants can use.
Aren't you afraid
they might get lost?
I guess they could,
but believe me,
by the time the contestant
comes into the challenge,
Blake and Devon have been there,
and we have re-walked
the path ten times.
As long as we watch them,
we'll be okay.
-And if we can't see them?
-You worry too much.
Stop worrying.
You'll ruin this pretty face.
Okay, let's call
the transportation guys
and get the contestants.
In the meantime,
I'm gonna find the firing range.
Okay, well, security said
they were coming with
the rest of the crew tonight,
-so I'll be in good shape.
-[Howard] Mm-hmm.
So, Howard,
should we just hang out?
Nope. We're gonna try out
this baby down below.
All right, you look great.
See you on TV.
[suspenseful music]
Blake, you there?
I think I see stalagmites.
Hey, Fred Flintstone,
I can barely hear you.
But I know you said stalagmites.
And I know you're not
in a cave somewhere.
You wanna repeat yourself?
I laid the cable.
We might have trouble
with the remote detonation
of these squibs.
It's really moist down here.
And I said stalagmites
'cause I'm staring
at stalagmites, motherfucker.
-They on the ground?
Then they're stalactites,
bitch, not stalagmites.
Whatever. I just know
if we're getting bad reception,
we might not be able
to remote the charges.
[suspenseful music]
Well, well, well.
Home, sweet home.
Yeah, well,
a home never looked this small.
This is really cute.
Does anyone know
where we are exactly?
Some guy at the airport said
we were halfway
off the beaten track.
-[Claire] Whatever that means.
-No worries, ladies.
Combat Marine.
Know it? Killed it.
Really? My dad was
in the Marines
or the Coast Guard.
I, I can't remember.
Big difference.
Only in the Marines
can you go to exotic locations,
meet new
and interesting people--
And kill them.
Yeah, we know.
-[keyboard clacking]
-[computer beeping]
-[beeping continues]
-[soft clicks]
[keyboard clacking]
[keyboard clacking]
[light suspenseful music]
[water dripping]
I mean, how long do you think
they're gonna take?
This is kind of creepy,
isn't it?
-Yeah, when I jumped out
of the van to take a leak--
-Excuse me. Piss.
Some guy was talking
to our driver about this dump.
Said a lot of people
move in and out of here,
but no one stays.
You guys' phone work in here?
[Howard on radio]
Mary, are you there?
Okay, how do we look here?
Am I clear?
You look marvelous, darling.
Funny, Mary. Funny.
Well, they certainly
don't build them
like this anymore.
[sighs] It's no wonder
this place is still standing.
I'll be walking along
the hallways when she comes
You seeing what I'm seeing?
[music increases]
It's kind of damp in here.
Be sure to tell Jeff
to watch out for the squibs.
[beeping and whirring]
This place is kind of big.
A lot of junk
all over the place.
[beeping and whirring]
And I'm coming up
on an intersection.
Okay, I'm at a junction.
This appears to be the way
to the firing range.
I'm gonna be heading right.
[beeping and whirring]
These walls have to be
about a foot thick.
Probably would've made
a decent bomb shelter.
Are we gonna get
any kind of reception in here?
Who designed these backpacks?
Gee. Jeff, tell
whoever designed these things
they gotta
bring them back in again.
Since we put
the chicken lights on,
these things weigh a ton.
Straps are digging
into my shoulders.
[suspenseful music]
All right,
I'm at another intersection.
Sign says "right."
I'm at another intersection.
This one says "right."
[Mary] Howard,
you do realize that makes
your third right, don't you?
[Malcom echoing]
Have you tried
the firing range?
I was thinking,
I must have missed something.
This would be hallway
number four, wouldn't it?
Are you cutting back
at this point?
[Malcom echoing]
Anyway, some unusual things
have happened here,
you know...
-[Howard] No,
I'm gonna turn left here.
There're a lot of short halls,
but, man, do they twist around.
Okay, just let me know
if you make any more turns.
[Malcom echoing]
This place has a history,
my friend...
[ominous music]
Something's not right.
I just made a left back there
and I came back
to the same sign.
Going left.
Yeah. Are those
your only choices?
Left and right?
Well, it started
with the word "caution."
Howard, you shouldn't
wander around like this.
I mean, at least wait
until we find someone
or get on a two-way.
Mary, my dear, we have 72 hours
in which to shoot this,
and time is money.
[dramatic music]
[distorted laughter]
[music increases]
I just came back
to the same goddamn spot.
How many turns did you make?
I didn't make
any fucking turns, Jeff!
I went in a straight line.
Howard, get back up here.
Let's find someone who knows
how this place is laid out.
Well, I don't know if I can.
What if I keep wandering
like I am now?
And what if every time I think
I'm getting closer, I'm not?
Howard, if I didn't
know you any better,
I'd swear you sound panicked.
Shove it, Mary.
I'm going to the sunspot.
Okay, but remember,
those are for a defib.
They don't last.
Do I look
like I care right now?
[suspenseful music]
Defib? What's a defib?
On our third show,
we had a contestant
get so spooked
that she broke her leg
stepping into a hole
in the ground,
which she wouldn't have
had she not been so upset.
Okay, you're the boss,
but get back up here
in a hurry, would you?
So, anyway,
our insurance company
made us put these lights in.
They're disposable
and waterproof.
-They emit a very strong light
for a period
of about ten to 15 minutes.
That's it.
Think I found the firing range.
Howard, stop.
Move to the right.
All right, I'm moving right.
What is splattered
all over the wall?
I don't know, it's, it's dried.
Can't be anything current.
If I had to guess,
I would say it's paint
or some sort of stain.
Paint? Why paint?
Well, on a firing range,
you set the accuracy
of a weapon,
but they built bullets here.
They would need to see
the penetration power
it would have.
What? So they shot things?
Like what?
[chuckles] Well, you've
heard it said that a .357 Magnum
can plow through
an engine block, right?
-Well, somebody had
to figure that out.
What you're seeing here
is the overspray,
probably testing
the fragmentation.
You know, what kind
of exit wound it would leave.
All this
and a firearms expert too.
Well, my dad
was really into guns. [sighs]
I never got it, though.
But I guess I learned a lot.
Remember the light.
We need that, just in case.
Yeah, just in case.
Get Blake and Devon down here.
I'm leaving the sunspot on
until I'm sure I can find
my way out of here.
I just hope
I don't get lost again.
[suspenseful music]
So, have you actually had
someone panic like that?
One time, we thought for sure
it was a heart attack.
So, you never know.
But, no, we haven't had
-any casualties at this point.
-Well, except my nerves.
-I'm gonna step out the door,
see if Howard needs some help.
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
I know I didn't just see that.
[soft whooshing]
[ominous music]
[soft burbling]
No, I didn't just see that.
[music increases]
[high-pitched ringing]
[shakily exhales]
What the fuck?
[dramatic music]
-[echoing laughter] this nothing--
-Crap service is not
so much my area,
-but, you know, I'll see
if I can pull some strings.
-Would you? Do you mind?
-For you? Yeah.
-Yeah. Thank you, guys.
-[Howard sighs]
Welcome to the tower of terror.
We will have the contestants
prepped by midnight, right?
Right. They should be
in their trailer.
[clears throat]
[muffled] Oh, yeah. Contestants,
contestants are in the trailer,
and they know--
[mumbles] to come out
until they are called out.
-Good, 'cause
what I'm planning to do--
-I was wondering-- I mean,
are they gonna have any more
food than, than this in here?
UH, maybe later you can run out
and get some for all of us.
[whimsical music]
Thanks. I'm--
I'm gonna be out, out, out here.
Thank you.
Where did you find that guy?
Looks like a longshoreman.
[chuckles] Would you go up
against a longshoreman?
-In the meantime,
I'm gonna head over
to Blake and Devon's trailer
and catch a little nap.
-Do they know
about the second challenge?
-Yeah, they know.
Is it just me
or is it completely unfair
that they get a cot
and we don't?
-Either they're really lazy
or it has something...
-[sighs] Look,
-I don't give a shit
one way or the other. do with--
They have a place to sleep,
and I need some rest.
[mumbles] Uh-- okay.
Well, I forgot to tell them
to put some glow sticks
on the path,
-so I'll give them a call.
-Look, tell them I'm on my way.
And get Blake up here
so he can supervise the gags.
And you should
probably brief the contestants
on the history of this place.
Send the first one
to the incinerator. [chuckles]
Somebody better come up
with one hell
of a third challenge.
Blake, you there?
-What's up?
-I need to ask a favor.
-I'm tied up
with getting this map done,
and I was wondering
if you could look
some history up on the place.
No one found the caretaker
for this place?
I mean, he would know.
No, but we really
need something,
'cause the show starts
in a couple of hours.
Well, give me a minute.
I'm kind of dealing
with a situation right now.
Did you get
the first challenge wired?
Yeah, that's okay,
but Devon fell on his head
-in the infirmary.
-Well, then it's probably
not a good time
for Howard
to be coming your way.
[engine rumbling]
[light suspenseful music]
What are you doing?
-"My $5000 list.
-[Terry laughs]
Rent, insurance,
dinner with Sissy,
lunch with Sandy,
and Vegas with Ashley."
-Dude, can you add?
-Oh, yeah, I can add.
-Where am I on this list?
-Top of the list, babe.
You gotta be kidding me.
You know each other?
Actually, she was
with my best friend. [chuckles]
Traveled halfway
across the US to meet you here.
Go figure.
I'm going over there
to see what they're up to.
I don't think they want us
over there anyway.
Well, aren't we supposed
to be the stars?
She's right.
I'll be back in a while.
Maybe walk around some.
[knocking on door]
It's Howard. I'm coming in.
-[Blake] Yeah, shut that door.
-[door closes]
[somber music]
What the hell
happened to him, Blake?
He had an accident.
An accident?
What kind of accident?
That's all I can figure out.
You know that area
where we're putting
the first challenge?
The area Mary saw?
[sighs] Devon was down there
laying some cable and...
...h-- he got freaked out.
Wait, wait, wait. Freaked out?
What do you mean, "freaked out"?
He was pretty out of it
by the time he got up here,
but he said he was down
in the infirmary and...
[sighs] he saw something.
I don't know, man.
I don't know, man.
He started talking
some crazy shit
about little kids
running around him and,
and then blood on the walls.
Whatever he saw, i--
it scared him so bad
that he panicked.
His injury is from a,
uh, close encounter
with a very real cement post.
-You know, we've done what,
how many of these shows?
Ten or, or 12?
I mean, we've been
moving around nonstop
for, for the last five months,
going into all these
fucked up locations.
I mean, if you asked me,
I'd say he just had enough.
You know, checked out.
Finally gave in.
Well, somebody told me
something once.
Let me see
if I can remember it. [sighs]
"Nothing so effectively
robs the mind
of its ability to reason
and act as fear."
[light suspenseful music]
This is hitting us
all pretty hard, Blake.
Believe me,
I understand. [sighs]
I myself am
a little stressed out.
That's why I came in here
to lie down for a few.
But I see
all the best seats are taken.
No, man.
There's always room at the end.
Hey, uh, Dev,
why don't you hop up, man?
-You lay down. I'm gonna go
back up to the op center,
see if I can dig up
some info on this place
so we have a damn show.
Thanks. Look,
if I'm not up by 11:30,
have somebody come in
and grab me, all right?
For sure. I'll be back down
to check on him anyway.
[whimsical chiming]
[engine rumbling]
[light eerie music]
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
This is not
a slasher flick. It's TV.
-There's no sex in it.
-You didn't find
anything else out?
Only an order.
You're first, I'm last.
And I'm in the middle? Nice.
Well, they said there's a video
that tells us everything
we need to know.
-Did they talk to you?
-The TV guys.
Don't you find it odd
that no one's gone
through these things with us?
Well, I'm sure they know
what they're doing.
Yeah, but they're not
in the dark with us.
I don't know, man.
[crickets chirping]
[light suspenseful music]
[dramatic music playing]
Okay, contestants.
This is Operation Central.
You need to listen
to this announcement,
'cause this is gonna
give you instructions
and some information
you might wanna know.
The place you're about to enter
was a place
that manufactured munitions
and gunpowder.
Bullets and explosives.
Like bombs.
Opened in the Civil War,
you'll find bunkers
where explosives were hidden
completely self-contained.
Women and children worked here
while the men were at war.
The place was
top secret until 1946,
when it just closed the doors.
Now, here's the good part.
So, listen in.
The locals believe
that the reason
the factory was closed
had to do with a double murder
that may have happened.
Rumor has it that the murder
was the work of the janitor,
and he shortly jumped off
the smokestack
when the police
were getting close.
They don't really know
because no bodies
were ever uncovered.
They say that the bodies
were melted alive in a lead vat.
No witnesses.
They believe...
[soft white noise on TV]
...that the noises
that the locals hear
in the middle of the night
are noises like that
between a roar and a scream.
No one will say what or why,
and we are here to find out.
Terry, your challenge is first.
Be outside your trailer
at 12:01 a.m.
A roar and a scream?
How much of that
did you make up?
What makes you think that I--
Okay, the death thing is true,
but no one really knows.
And all I saw was
the unofficial website
about the plant.
The rest of it,
the molten lead thing,
that was artistic license.
Artistic license?
Since when is bullshit
artistic license?
When you have a show to do
and you don't know dick
about the site.
Mary, we are truly
strangers here.
No blueprints,
no maps, no history.
I'm going back to the trailer.
Gotta check out Devon
and start rigging
challenge number two.
Hey, wake up Howard.
We got a show to do.
-[keyboard clacking]
[dramatic music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
Well, I'm not really scared
of haunted houses
'cause there's really nothing
that scares me.
If you wanna talk
about a haunted house,
you know, you look
for Saddam Hussein,
his little palace.
Some say it was haunted.
Look, your friends
put you up to something
and you do it to save face.
[thunder crackling]
-[tape fast-forwarding]
-[sighs] Okay, we ready to roll?
-Video pack's ready.
-[soft clack]
Night vision ready.
-[man 2] Testing.
Oh, sound's ready.
[man 3 on radio]
Contestants are
in their trailer.
Security's ready.
Effects ready?
Blake, you there?
[light suspenseful music]
Yeah. Just a minute.
Devon, you there?
Yeah, man. You wanna do this
or you need a nap?
Only one of us needed a nap,
Make that two of us.
But who's counting, right?
Now, are we ready?
Yeah, that should do it. [sighs]
Howard, do you mind
if we take a break?
I'm gonna grab my coat
and get a quick smoke.
I'll be right back.
It's a good time, Jeff,
but get back here soon.
-Hey, Terry, here's your pack.
-What's this thing do?
-This is your face cam.
You're gonna use it
when you're on your challenge.
All right! So, um, did you see
that, uh, the Brad guy?
Yeah, he's a jerk.
You should stay away.
He's cute!
-Don't you think? No?
-[Mary] No.
-Okay, there you go.
You're all ready.
-Thank-- so, do I go up there?
-No, you go that way. Yeah.
-Oh, over here?
-Okay. Thanks. Okay.
-[Mary] Good luck.
[crickets chirping]
[soft snapping]
-[eerie screaming]
-[echoing clattering]
What the hell?
[suspenseful music]
Would you guys hurry up?
-Have you seen Jeff?
-No. This is probably payback
for when I was walking around,
I'm sure.
I don't have time
for this kind of thing, Mary.
Well, don't look at me.
I didn't say anything.
[suspenseful music]
Let's review.
Jeff hears creepy sound.
Jeff decides
to investigate creepy sound
by walking down would-be
condemned staircase
into a very dark basement.
Good. It's a good plan.
Oh, man.
[deeply exhales]
[snarling in distance]
Okay, who's over there? Come on.
[soft clicking]
I can't see much down here.
-Blake, you there?
-[Blake] Here.
[static] In the trail--
Listen, Blake.
If you can hear me me a favor.
You looked up info
about the factory, right?
You know I did.
Yeah, well, I'm in the north
tower building right now.
All I can see are bicycles.
Bikes? You say bikes?
Yeah, bikes.
Can you look and see...
[sighs] there were kids here
at one time?
This is just really weird.
I mean...
[suspenseful music]
Where the hell
did all these bikes come from?
[keyboard clacking]
[soft clicking]
[water trickling]
Okay, ready trap one.
Three, two, one, go!
I knew it! I knew it!
Hey, shut the fuck up, man.
I'm trying to make it work.
[light tense music]
What the hell just happened?
-[echoing laughter]
I'll go down there.
I'll trigger it on our way back.
[crying] Somebody?
Somebody, please,
please answer me!
[dramatic music]
[music increases]
What's going on here?
What's happening here?
-Isn't Blake down there?
-Not that far in.
What's happening here?
Tell her she needs
to calm down a little.
Contestant, you need
to calm down a little.
[crying] I'm calming down.
[music continues]
Man, quality control again.
-[loud explosion]
-[Terry screams]
[gasping and panting]
-Whoa! Whoa--
It's okay! It's okay!
I'm with the crew.
I'm with the crew. You know.
I'm Blake.
I do effects. It's okay!
In case you haven't seen it,
I ran into the contestant,
challenge number one is dead.
Get the fuck away from me!
-Oh, shit.
-You set this up? [laughs]
You're fucking twisted.
This is not
what I signed up for.
-I'm gone.
-Howard, she wants to leave!
Tell her she can't.
Tried that.
Any other bright ideas?
All right. Bring her up.
I think she's
on her way, chief. Shit.
[suspenseful music]
Good. Radio's still down.
Lighter isn't working.
Fresh out of film school.
I gotta pick this show
to work on.
It's like a bad horror movie.
You set up fucking things
to scare me?
You set this up?
This is all bullshit!
It's no bullshit, Terry.
Let me show you something.
Roll night vision
on Terry's camera.
[music continues]
Th-- there was something there.
I-- I saw it.
I saw it!
Don't even try to cover this up,
you asshole!
-All of you!
-Terry, we can have
a car take you, but--
-You go to the trailer
and wait for it.
-[Terry sobs]
Do you think that's wise?
I am not staying one more minute
in this godforsaken place.
I'm to blame, Terry.
Granted, we did add
a little something to the mix,
but we didn't,
didn't mean for it
to happen when it did.
I had to come down
and find out why it didn't work.
Nice try,
but you staged all this,
this shit just to scare me?
Well, you're
some twisted people,
I'll give you that.
But the thought of children
in this is pathetic.
There were no children, Terry.
Well, those kids' bikes
weren't in my head.
-Bikes? Bikes?
-Call security.
I don't want her
wandering around.
Mary, get the pack
and get it down there.
Get Brad out of the trailer
and away from Terry.
We'll give him his briefing.
-[Jeff] Come on. Yeah.
-[lighter clicking]
Lots of paper rolled up.
Get this damn lighter.
Come on.
[Mary on radio]
Where the hell
have you been, Jeff?
The first challenge went to shit
and you're nowhere to be found.
You can say that again.
...I'm lost.
I only got my lighter.
Gonna try and make
a torch of some sort.
I'm in an office called Donner.
-Donner was the man
that they believed
killed Malcom Petrie,
the owner of the factory.
Donner killed himself
before they could question him.
[suspenseful music]
Chucky, need
some fire protection.
[softly] What the--
[whispers] What the hell?
"Silent night, holy night."
For... Aaron Neville
sings Christmas.
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
Okay, I'm singing Aaron Neville
in the basement.
-[Mary] Jeff, you there?
[music continues]
Just a minute.
[soft clicks]
[dramatic music]
-How'd it go?
-I'm so freaking gone,
it's not even funny.
Where's Brad?
He, he's gone.
Well, when did he leave?
Like a couple minutes ago.
-Oh, I'm gonna go look for him.
Come, let's go.
I got you a ghost.
Be quiet.
Let's go. Let's go.
Everybody's a critic.
[mysterious music]
[softly] Huh.
"Little Town of Bethlehem."
They'll wear a Neville version
this time, thank you.
"Please, God...
...make me right
about what I am going to do.
Forgive me for that
which I only did... the hope that the world
would be rid of this..."
[music increases]
[Terry shouting]
Brad? God damn it, Brad!
Where are you?
[crickets chirping]
[distant clattering]
[suspenseful music]
-Brad? [screams]
[soft click]
[light mysterious music]
[Donner echoing]
No one really knows
the true story.
[soft rattling]
It's a secret curse.
I bear it all.
-...I bear it...
In the better times,
I was Malcom's bookkeeper.
He was my friend.
...he was my friend...
It was my job
to keep his secrets,
both the good and the bad.
...and the bad...
I truly believed I knew
about all he held close.
-...he held close...
-...held close...
Oh, how wrong I was.
The light behind the door
gave him away.
[light ominous music]
[door creaking]
[music increases]
I saw him take the innocence
of a young girl,
but he saw me too
and gave no care.
[melancholic music]
Ever a threat to him,
I was discredited
and banished to the basement,
ever to be a caretaker. be a caretaker...
My job is now
to cover his handiwork,
to dispose of the bodies
and hide the bicycles
from view.
I had amassed 100 or more
before I could stand it
no more.
-...stand it no more... more...
Too many lives ruined.
It had to end.
And it did.
[dramatic music]
It was that day I learned
that evil never truly dies.
It's now too late for me.
They know he's gone,
and I've done all I can
to close him in,
save one last act.
Please, God, make me right
-about what I am going to do.
-"...what I am going to do.
-Forgive me for that...
-Forgive me for that
-which I only did...
-...which I only did... the hope that the world
would be rid of this monster."
[music increases]
We gotta get out of here.
[water trickling]
Found the floor map.
Looks old.
What does it say?
I guess it goes to the range.
Do you see anything unusual?
No, not really.
But I can't see anything
down here without more light.
Brad, this is
the challenge operator.
You should see
some chewing gum on a sign,
and this is to make sure
that you don't leave
the challenge path.
No, there's nothing
like that on this sign.
It's pretty old. Dirty.
-I don't think I'm gonna--
-[gunshot fires]
What was that?
Shots fired! Shots fired!
-[gunshot fires]
-What the fuck was that?
Devon, pick up.
Challenge two, fire and rain.
-How many squibs did we load?
One, right?
-[gunshot fires]
-Say a one.
-We heard three shots.
We heard three shots.
What the fuck?
[dramatic music]
[rifle cocking]
[chain rattling]
[man echoing]
Really, I need-- can I just--
please just-- please, let me go!
It's just-- it's the cat.
I-- I didn't mean it.
Don't hurt me, please.
Just, just let me
out of here. [mumbles]
-[chain rattling]
-Try the knee first.
-Please, just--
please, let me go!
-That should slow him down.
Please, let me go!
[mumbled shouting]
Please, just let me go.
[echoing gunshot fires]
[indistinct mumbling]
...let me go.
Please, just let me--
-Please. It was
only a cat. Just...
-[rifle cocking]
-...just-- please,
just let me go!
-[gunshot fire]
Just-- just let me
out of here! I just--
I just need to get out
of here. Please, mister!
-Mister, just, just,
please, let me go!
-Finish him.
[music increases]
[man shouts]
No! Please, just let me go!
[distorted] You're next.
[gunshot fires]
-[rifle cocking]
Guys, what the hell
is going on down here?
-They're shooting.
Are you fricking crazy?
-[gunshot fires]
[gunshot fires]
We lost his face cam.
[whirring and buzzing]
[gunshot fires]
[music continues]
Sir, Brad's back!
He's back online!
Who's shooting at me?
Who are you guys?
[gunshot fires]
Get me out of here!
They're shooting at me
down here!
-Guys, this isn't a ghost
anymore! This is fucking--
-[gunshot fires]
[beeping and crackling]
Op center, come in.
Somebody in the damn
op center, come in!
-Have you started
the second challenge yet?
-Well, get him
the hell out of there,
all sh-- all shit's
about to bust loose.
Don't do a damn thing
till I get up there.
James, we have
a contestant down.
-Who? The Marine guy?
-Yeah, Brad.
Somewhere on the firing range.
We lost him on the monitor.
-Are you serious?
Someone's down there with him.
Shane, do me a favor.
Meet me down at the trailer.
We have a contestant down.
Okay, we're on it.
-[Mary] Be careful.
-I'll fill you in as we go.
Yeah. Wait a minute.
Stay in constant contact.
This situation is getting
way out of control.
Yeah, we're on it. We're on it.
[tense music]
Ma'am, listen. Y-- I need you
to go back to your trailer
as soon as possible.
-You shouldn't
be here right now.
-Why? What's wrong?
There's nothing wrong.
We're just having a couple
of technical difficulties.
Oh, so they send you,
the rocket scientist,
to figure it out?
-Look, you need to leave now.
-What's going on?
Is anyone there?
-[sighs] Yeah.
-Mary, listen to me.
Go to the truck for a minute,
and then I'll be up.
We need to leave now.
Jeff, we already sent them
to look for Brad.
What are you talking about?
You let him go in?
He was down
before you called us.
-They think they have him.
-He's already dead, Mary.
Get those security guys
out of there!
Security, where are you?
[dramatic music]
Op center, this is security.
-Op center, you find him?
-No, we're on the rooftop.
Uh, we checked down
at the firing range,
but we didn't see anything.
-We're gonna make another pass.
-Hey, look, up there.
We got him. He's in the tower.
Just get up there
and bring him down quickly.
[music increases]
Excuse me.
Are you with the crew?
How'd that happen?
I hit my head on the post.
Looks like it hurts.
Only when I laugh.
-I'm Devon.
What are you doing here,
Claire? Aren't you
one of our contestants?
Yeah, supposed to be
is more like it.
You should be in your trailer.
You know, if they find out--
I think they have
other things to deal with.
What do you mean?
Well, I was in my trailer,
and the guy watching it,
your security guy,
suddenly got called
to go somewhere and--
And you're here instead?
Heck with that.
I figured if there's a reason
he told me to stay in there,
and I wasn't leaving anyway,
something's not right,
and I didn't wanna be
in there by myself.
Where are the other
two contestants?
Aren't they with you?
Wait a minute.
Blake, you there?
Blake, you there?
-[Blake] Devon.
[door opens]
You're not gonna
believe this, man.
[suspenseful music]
I have no idea what happened.
I'm trying to get in touch
with Jeff.
I can't find anybody.
I don't know what's going on
with Mary.
I mean, damn,
I think they-- I don't know
if they're dead or what.
-I mean, I've been trying
to call the guy all day.
-Well, that kind of goes along
-with what you were saying
about seeing something.
-Don't go there, girl.
We already have enough
to deal with.
Shut up, Blake.
I know what I saw.
-Down in the infirmary?
-The infirmary?
-Yeah, you said you were there.
-No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
Man, that hit on your head
must have really messed you up.
You said you were there.
Why you say that?
You said you saw
some writing on the wall.
Yeah. And?
It said "inoculation."
You know, shots.
It didn't say "inoculation."
It said "immolation."
-What is that?
-It's like making a sacrifice.
Like throwing yourself
on a grenade.
A suicide?
[dramatic music]
-Damn. Dropped my flashlight.
-No, wait. Look.
What the hell?
[echoing screaming]
[blood splashing]
It was a mess down there.
I mean, we gotta get our shit
and get out of here now.
We're leaving.
Get what you need.
somebody's making sense.
I was just telling them
that the caretaker of the place
-probably has kill--
-Yeah, the caretaker
killed the owner,
killed the owner's mistress,
and he killed himself.
-I'm going to the op center
to get some tape.
-It's gonna take a few--
Blake, we don't have time!
You don't understand.
If we stay, we're dead.
[gasps] Come on, girl.
Wait a minute. Look at this.
You were here, Devon.
North tower.
Nothing happened.
Well, almost nothing.
And Jeff wandered around
the whole place
and nothing happened.
And so did Mary.
You say nothing happens here.
All that shit with Brad
happens there?
-[Claire] Right.
-Fine. Fuck the whole place.
-I'm gone.
-Stop! One problem.
The op center is
in the south tower.
-[fire crackling]
[dramatic music]
What the hell is going on?
-[Mary] Security!
Security! Security!
-[Howard] Blake, Devon--
-...generator up here? Shit!
-[Mary] Security, come in!
Jeff! Blake! Devon! Anybody!
Jeff, are you there?
Hello? Blake?
[music increases]
[thunder rumbling]
[footsteps approaching]
-You all right? Okay.
Devon and I will go up
to the op center
and get everybody out.
-We have to leave!
Donner killed himself
because he thought
he could keep people
out of the factory.
-He's in the north tower.
-Okay, that's beautiful,
but we're getting out of here,
right? Right?
Yeah, we are,
invisible man or not.
Devon, I'll go up and get
everybody out. Dev, you up?
-We're looking for a phone.
-Are you out of your mind?
We're leaving!
-Get down the steps!
[softly] Damn.
[ominous music]
No time for that, man.
Go find a light.
I'm gonna see if anybody's okay.
[softly] Shit.
[suspenseful music]
[shouts] Found the panel!
[soft hissing]
[eerily] Gas.
[hissing increases]
[dramatic music]
I'm flipping the breaker.
-Devon, no!
-[loud explosion]
-[Jeff grunts] Petrie.
-Petrie! I heard it when he
knocked me down the steps.
-Thought I was dead.
-Now what?
[loud explosions]
-Run like hell.
-[shouting] Where?
These places always have tunnels
connecting the buildings.
I knew you were gonna say that!
[fire whooshing]
[dramatic music]
-[Claire] Blake!
-We thought you were dead.
-No, baby, I'm from Compton.
No mother taking me out
till I say.
-Look, he'll be
down here any minute.
-All right, come on.
-No-- I'm out.
-But you said--
I said "till I say,"
and I'm saying it now.
-All right.
-Wait. Take this.
I took all the video
I could grab.
If it works, use it.
I'm gonna go up here
and get him off before morning.
Hey, you! Ain't you nasty!
That's one--
-I'm right here!
[fire crackling]
-Stairs-- God!
-It's blocked off.
Damn it. I didn't think of it.
We're in the north building,
all right.
Donner sealed that thing off
to keep Malcom out.
I saw a ladder
about 75 yards back.
Let's see if we can get in
from there. Come on.
[shakily breathing]
[dramatic music]
This way!
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
Does it go through?
Yeah. Come on up. [grunts]
-Keep him in the north tower?
-[Malcom] You're an idiot.
I guess not. Come on, run!
Damn. There's a lot
of tunnels down here.
-We picked the wrong one.
-We won't make it
to the north building?
We're not gonna make it
till daylight.
Oh, God, we could be down here
all night looking for a sign.
Or a light switch.
F-- fuck, a light switch. Here.
There's a button
in the back of that thing.
Each one of these has
a fluorescent for emergencies.
-Lights up the whole place. Yes!
We got enough
to light up a staircase.
-We can--
-Wait a minute.
What's happening?
The light!
Oh, God.
-[Claire] Shit.
Blake must have grabbed the one
Howard was using it.
These things light--
last, like, 15 minutes.
Howard chewed this one up.
[deeply sighs]
You've got to be kidding me.
[dramatic music]
[loud whooshing]
We gotta go. We gotta go now!
-[Blake screaming]
It's gotta be
the way to the north
tower building. Come on.
Get under there.
It's blocked!
-[loud whooshing]
Be right there. [grunts]
-[Claire] What do we do?
-Working on it!
-[Jeff grunts]
-[Claire] It's a trap!
Ram through it!
[music continues]
Not very sporty, now.
This is a young one.
-You found the journal,
didn't you?
Oh, I know about the journal.
I know about everything
that idiot did.
Tell me, do you suppose
that janitor can help you now?
-No one leaves my factory.
You idiots.
-No one leaves here!
-Get out the window!
-Out the window?
-Are you crazy?
-Don't think, just do it!
You think he'll help you?
You think that idiot
will help you?
This is my kingdom! My factory!
When I finish with you,
your suffering
will be legendary,
even in this place.
This is my factory!
My secret!
[whooshing continues]
[dramatic music]
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
-[loud explosion]
[loud rumbling]
[dramatic ethereal music]
[rumbling continues]
[high-pitched ringing]
Hey, Jeff?
-[snaps fingers]
-[echoing] Jeff.
Nod if you can
hear me correctly.
Now, listen.
Like I've told you before,
don't let all this activity
bother you, okay?
This is just a formality.
This is what
they call an inquest.
It's just a formal way
to get together
to talk about something
we're all trying to understand.
And you're
the closest thing we've got.
[light melancholic music]
[in normal voice]
Jeff, you're the only one
with any understanding at all
about what happened.
[wind blowing]
[soft rumbling]
-[echoing screaming]
[quietly] Dead. No.
[in normal voice] not good.
Anyway, we're all hoping
that you could come up
with something that makes sense.
Frankly, we're all at a loss.
What do you mean?
Didn't you go out there?
Yeah, twice.
And with the SWAT team,
based on what you told me.
[somber music]
Jeff, we didn't find anything
to substantiate your story.
I don't care.
Everything I told you is true.
There's something else
wrong here.
Oh, hey. Okay, don't worry.
They're not charging you
with anything.
This is just to help us
get our story straight.
You're not
the only one with a story
about that place, you know?
We just can't find anyone
to stick around long enough
to help us understand.
They all seem to just disappear.
Like your friends.
Gone. No bodies, nothing.
It all happened
just the way I said.
Well, like they say,
sometimes you gotta
tell it to the judge.
All rise.
The Ninth Circuit Court
is now in session.
[soft creaking]
Jeff, right here.
[distorted] Okay.
The court has asked permission
to talk to you off the record.
The judge has
a couple questions to ask.
[Malcom in normal voice]
Only one, really.
[dramatic music]
You don't actually believe
in ghosts, do you?
All this talk about ghosts,
you'd have to be insane
to believe such a thing.
Remand him to custody.
Mental observation, two years.
-No review.
[shouting] Son of a bitch!
It was you! It was you!
-What are you doing? It was him!
[indistinct shouting]
-Get him out of my courtroom.
[shouting continues]
[man indistinctly speaking]
It was you. It was you.
It was you. It was you.
It was you. It was you.
It was you. It was you.
[shouting] It was you!
[dramatic music]
From the Mid-Ohio newsroom,
a small earthquake rocked
the Little Miami River area,
a result of an explosion
at the long-abandoned
Petrie Munitions Factory,
and authorities
are investigating.
More on this and other stories
on the six o'clock
broadcast tonight.
[engines rumbling]
Well, let's see, ladies.
This is the last one.
Last property
we're gonna see today.
I don't know. They can't keep
any tenants in here.
Looks like a dump to me.
Well, that's because
you haven't seen it.
From the inside, yeah.
[wind blowing]
You know, I, I feel,
honestly, I haven't
been here before myself.
I guess we go in here.
Watch your step.
[dramatic music]
[music increases]
[somber music]
[music increases]