Ghost Game (2024) Movie Script

What the fuck?
We're leaving.
Fuck that.
You know the rules.
ADRIAN: What fucking rules?
It's punk rock.
Fucking shit.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
What are you doing?
You've only been here a week
and you're spying on me?
No, I was-- I was gonna.
On my fuckin' laptop?
Mine's dead.
The cord's still packed.
That was you, wasn't it?
Jesus, no.
VIN: What is this,
like, a snuff film?
Three stitches
and a night in the hospital.
But that was you.
In the mask.
And the softball trophy.
Come on, Laura.
This is bullshit.
How-- how can you expect
to make living together work
if we're keeping secrets
from each other?
At least throw down some pants!
Neighbor said there was
a dead body in this car.
-Is that you?
-Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, girl kicked me out.
Okay, we have two choices.
You can go make up with her,
or you gotta clear out.
Come on, I brought breakfast!
Unpacked pack your Xbox.
Oh, Vin, meet Adrian.
The creep with the scissors.
Harsh, but not inaccurate.
Adrian and I met online.
Through a private board.
Private board?
Sit down. Sit down, Vin.
Yeah, you know
that video that you saw,
so it's not exactly a sex thing.
It's not a violence thing
It's-- it's a hobby.
A lifestyle.
It's art.
We call it Ghost Game.
Hey, just-- just show him.
This is, like, prank shit?
Okay, that's Mr. Whatley.
He has the best theories.
Whatley's overhyped.
VIN: So, this is, like,
some cosplay home invasion?
Again, it's a challenge.
You live in the house without
the homeowners knowing.
Mr. Whatley was inside
that house for eight nights.
That's my hand right there.
Money shot, money shot.
Oh! No!
Oh, no, sh-- shit!
Real nice.
Okay, Whatley has three rules.
Don't get caught.
Don't steal anything.
And have a plan.
I don't get it.
What's the point?
Well, the point is the thrill.
It's like...
An orgasm?
I was going to say therapy.
Adrian and I have been
planning something short notice.
We got an opportunity.
An opportunity
to break and enter?
A haunt.
That's what they're called.
And Adrian got a lead.
Can't really call dibs
on a lead.
It's the first to the location
who gets it.
So, you're not really asking
for permission?
I don't need
anybody's permission.
So, if we're gonna do this,
I have to be able
to live my own life
and you live your own life.
We have our own interests,
our own hobbies.
A hobby is fucking
playing Catan.
Just tell him about
the Halton House.
That might shut him up.
Halton House?
The Amityville place?
ADRIAN: Oh, Amityville
is a mass shooting.
This is a mass drowning.
It's way harder.
Logistically speaking.
But wouldn't that place
be empty?
Well, see that's the tip, Vinny.
The place was empty.
Previous owners
already sold the property,
but new owners,
new owners are just movin' in.
Dude, can I get a minute?
With my girlfriend. Please.
Picked a real winner here.
Good job, Laura.
Okay, shut up, Adrian.
You're gonna break into a house
with that asshole?
It's a two person-job.
Well, what if you
had a new partner?
You can show me the ropes.
I can learn.
Well, you can't exactly
pick up a basketball
and play for the Wizards.
He doesn't seem
like LeBron James.
Is he on the Wizards?
Okay, you know what?
Laura, you showed me this
for a reason.
You wanted to let me in.
What about Adrian?
Tell him...
Tell him you're calling it off.
That I fucked everything up.
Your square boyfriend.
Always messing things up.
What? Fuckin' what?
It's everything off
that we've done!
I'm not fuckin' anything up!
Why the fuck are you yellin'?
Laura, shut the fuck up!
Okay, alright. In the car.
You don't want to us ruin
our friendship, Adrian,
get the fuck out of here then!
Get the fuck out of here!
Get out of here!
I made it for you.
Do you like it?
Yeah, it's-- it's perfect.
Halton House.
Perhaps the most infamously
haunted house in the U.S.
Despite its spacious
and dramatic architecture,
it sits abandoned
on Terrace Hills, rotting.
The story of its
prior residents,
so tragic and chilling,
it's warded off even the most
curious for over half a century.
What lurks inside these walls
that could have driven
an ordinary woman
to the most heinous of acts?
Adelaide Halton
grew up in the manor.
Her father, Abraham Halton,
had inherited it
from his father,
the former mayor
of Terrace County,
Gunther Halton.
Both died young,
mysteriously, in the house.
Adelaide Halton was named
Homemaker of the Year,
a record five times,
a record that still stands,
even in death,
if only that is
what she was remembered for.
By all accounts,
the family was happy
and thriving
up until that tragic evening.
Neighbors saw Adelaide playing
with the children in the yard
just hours before,
laughing, smiling,
a picture-perfect family.
What happened between then
and the moment she prepared
for that final meal
is anyone's guess.
Some have claimed the house was
tainted in some way, haunted.
Time for dessert.
I've made custard.
Little did
the unsuspecting family know
they were ingesting
nightshade custard.
The flour is poisonous
in large doses,
but Adelaide had
other intentions,
lacing each pie with just enough
to only paralyze her prey.
The house had five full baths,
enough for even
the smallest members
to have their own tub.
It's unclear what happened next,
but legend has it that
after killing her family,
Adelaide returned
to the sitting room
for a glass of rosemary tea.
She then climbed
to the top of Halton House,
for her final act.
After several days, authorities
were sent to the home
to find all four members of
the Halton family deceased.
Don't let me go now
Don't let me go now
Don't let me go
A million little lies
Holdon' on
To somethin' resemb--
Do is wake up early
in the mornin'
Smoke a little weed
And drink
some fuckin' coffee
For the first time
in my life
I can see myself
with my eyes closed
raisin' up the dead
Hey, hey, hey
They call me creepy
Hey, hey, hey
What can I say
Hurt me
Thrill me
Nothing on earth
can kill me
Hunt me
Bind me
Nothing on earth can find me
You must have been told
about me
I think-- I think this is it.
Oh, look. Look, look, look.
The window at the very top.
Private property. Get lost!
He'll see our faces.
Hi! How are you?
I could shoot you.
LAURA: I really wish that
you wouldn't do that.
And I know that this
is private property.
Our bank actually holds it
until we can get
these papers signed.
My associate and I
would love to speak
with the Trammels.
Are they in, mister...
They ain't here yet. I'm Daniel.
Oh, you're the caretaker!
Yeah, yeah, I see
that you've been very...
That's the gardener's job.
Mostly I watch rodents.
Set traps.
Well, we would really love
to get these signed
before habitation
can be finalized.
Do you know when the family
will be arriving?
Do you live on the premises?
Shack out back.
But I got evicted.
Bank would have known
about that, wouldn't they?
Different bank,
different assets.
Listen, you've been
extremely helpful.
I'm gonna let
you get back to it.
Don't you need to talk
to Mr. Trammel?
We forgot coats.
Don't be a tourist.
Can we get through this?
Not without a blowtorch.
What if we break a window?
What if I slice my hand open?
Do you know first aid?
No. But Siri does.
There's a basement
around the corner.
Watch my back.
I don't know.
VIN: Behold
the horror of Halton House.
Where's my bag?
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
-Jesus Christ!
Uh, got the bags.
Don't do that.
Lots of space down here.
Lots of places to hide.
Possible home base?
What do you think
is in those boxes?
Adelaide's fine China.
Halton House swag
could be valuable.
We're not thieves!
Okay. Yeah.
Rule number two.
I was testing you.
Okay. Let's go this way.
Come on.
that's some Phantom Opera shit.
Laura, check it out.
Hold my calls.
We don't have that much time.
Actually, you know what?
Go find some linen.
I'm gonna find a place
for us to hide.
Meet back here in five minutes.
Wait. You wanna split up?
In the haunted mansion.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
Have you ever seen Scooby-Doo?
It's just the house settling.
That's not settling.
Okay. Okay.
Blankets. Sir, yes, sir.
Vin, what happened?
Howdy there, partners.
You two surprised to see me?
It's okay, 'cause I'm surprised
to see you, too.
'Cause last I remember,
it was all,
"Let's just let this one go,
It's not worth ending
our partnership, Adrian."
You can't be here, Adrian.
Yeah, well, here I am, so...
You're gonna get us caught?
Burn the house down.
What is this?
Wait. It's scented. It--
The place smells
like a rat toilet.
It'll air itself out
by tomorrow.
They're coming tonight.
Let's just go.
Plan's fucked.
Boyfriend still thinks
this is a hobby.
Doesn't get that he's a hobby.
Okay, no.
You can't pull that crap.
Not here.
And you're the bitch who lied.
You brought this fuckin'
asshole to Halton House.
It was my fuckin' lead. My f--
Oh, no, you two, stop!
Stop! Stop!
Enough! Stop!
They're here.
Here. Careful.
Careful, honey.
It's bigger when you own it.
Spookier, too.
-We did it.
-Oh, my gosh.
Just needs some light.
Oh, Pete.
You-- you've gotta go slow
with her.
Damn light.
Old world charm.
And fixtures.
Why don't we just get a hotel
for the night?
No reason to force it,
just to say we're moved in.
PETE: No, no, no.
That's just one switch.
Must be
a lamp around here somewhere.
Vin, where is your bag?
Oh, fuck!
A light.
Just one light.
Just one fuckin' light.
Save me the price of a hotel.
And bedbugs.
Sammy, go home.
Oh, Sam.
See, Daddy Pete and I
bought this house.
This is our home now.
If they find that bag,
we're blown.
Then let's leave.
You're just
the flavor of the month, bro.
That girl's heart
belongs to Mr. Wattley.
Hide. Fuckin' hide.
Oh, what's this?
There's no electricity at all?
I thought you checked that.
I did check, Megan.
The guy told me he was--
There's no reason to yell.
Or call me Megan.
Okay, Meg.
Thanks for clearing that up.
It's been a long ride,
and I-- I just wanna
get us moved in.
The next payment on the house
is contingent upon me being--
The-- the advance. The book.
I get it.
Just, please find the fuse box
so the girl can charge her iPad.
Hey, okay, I'll-- I'll try.
Thank you.
Goodnight, iPad. iPad all done.
Charger, please.
Oh, it's in the car.
Not that we have--
Charger, please. Thank you.
Just stay here, okay?
Be right back.
Ugh! Rats?
Honey? Everything okay?
What do you see?
Go home. Go home.
Let there be light.
Oh! There we go!
My hero.
You want to open up a bottle?
Oh, well,
we've got a long day tomorrow.
The truck will
be here in a few hours.
We'll set the cameras tomorrow.
Maybe if we're lucky,
they'll leave
for a couple of hours.
What about Adrian?
It's a big enough house.
It's probably
a three-person job, anyway.
Laura, he's dangerous.
I can handle Adrian.
Don't make a sound.
Hola! Uh, um, hi.
Um, he says he won't go in.
He, uh, didn't know
it was this house.
Um, we paid you
to take the furniture
in the house, not the--
the driveway.
Yeah, um, I'll--
I'll talk to him.
Um, sorry.
Looks like I missed the party.
Are you trying
to burn the house down
before we can even move in?
Th-- this moving guy you hired
won't come in.
They're dumping all the stuff
in the driveway.
What the hell is a Halton house?
Is this where the advance you're
talking about is coming from?
Baby, it's not what you think.
I-- I thought we moved here
for Sam.
For the school.
Schools don't come cheap.
I-- I thought you were done
with this stuff.
This weird stuff.
The sensationalism.
You lost your last family to it.
You don't know anything
about that.
What-- what happened
to writing novels?
To teaching?
Adjunct teaching salaries
Don't pay for special schools
and-- and therapies.
They wouldn't pay for the taxes
on public schools.
Right, let me see
about the movers.
Why aren't you in the room?
Why aren't you in the room?
I was lookin' for you.
I heard noises outside.
The movers are here.
She's been doing this
all morning.
I think she's on the spectrum
or something.
What, are you
a clinical psychiatrist now?
No. My brother.
We didn't find out
till he was older.
He used to drive my dad crazy.
But it's not his fault.
He didn't know.
Look, I don't think we
should mess with her.
It wouldn't be right.
Or very sporting, at least.
We're not here to hurt anyone.
At best, we're here to give them
a sense of something bigger
in the world.
Mr. Wattley says
that that's the point.
Being a part of
something bigger.
Something mysterious.
Feeling alive.
We all need a little
reminder of that sometimes.
Oh, shit.
The kid?
No, no, I've been watching her.
Our phones are missing.
Damn it.
What if I give you both
an extra 50?
He saw somethin' in the window.
He keeps sayin' "bruja"
and "phantamos".
It's not a bruja. It's Sam.
-It's my stepdaughter.
Alright, sir. I'm sorry.
We can't help you.
The-- the caretaker isn't here.
It looks like he cleared out.
He-- he was supposed to stay
through the week.
His truck's gone.
I texted him twice.
Come on.
Let's go. You and me.
You-- you look ready to puke.
It's just-- can we get it done?
Just please watch your back.
I got it.
Hey. What's up?
You want some?
-Give me the phones.
-Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Don't fuckin' touch my shit.
I didn't take your phones.
Probably just lost 'em.
I have a system.
Maybe Vin's new little buddy
took 'em.
The creepy kid.
And I suppose you didn't start
that fire last night.
I didn't do shit last night.
I was up here.
Sticking to your plan.
I mean,
I might have rubbed one out,
if you wanna know the truth.
Maybe two.
Not to brag.
I won't let you
mess this one up.
Oh, you mean like last time
when you fucked everything up?
Only because you went off plan.
Huh, yeah.
And here I was about to share
my lucky charms with you.
That kid is wandering around
so we should
probably just wait.
You know, for a girl
who likes to break
into people's houses for kicks,
you had a real
stick up your ass.
don't use too much hot water.
Your mom's getting in next.
You've been in long enough.
What's in here?
His daughter
went missing years ago.
The UFO Girl.
Yeah. I kinda remember it.
She went missing and then
she walked out of the woods
or something.
Yeah, she said she was abducted
by aliens.
Can you please stop pacing?
They're gonna hear you.
Sit down.
Anyway, his ex-wife said that
he actually just had her hiding
in some rented cabin
or something like that.
There was a messy divorce,
fraud charges, yada yada yada.
Now he's back.
New wife. New kid.
Same old piece of shit.
You knew all this before?
I Googled the names
on the deed, didn't you?
Stickin' it to some ex-con man.
Makes this one extra sweet, huh?
Hey. Miss me?
You know, uh,
I know you went through my shit.
I didn't touch
your fucking stuff.
We need our phones back.
Well, I don't have 'em, Vinny.
you know, maybe
it's better this way.
Sometimes when you have
a safety net, you lose focus,
make mistakes,
break the rules.
Ain't that right, Laura?
Don't fuckin' touch my shit.
What is this? UFO Girl 2.0?
Like I got nothin' better to do?
Someone did this.
It wasn't me.
I'll call Daniel.
I called Daniel.
I've been calling him all day!
Fine. I'll get an exterminator.
We don't need an exterminator.
The rats are dead!
Well, what do you want me to do?
My daughter is not sleeping
in this house.
Damn it, Meg!
We can't afford a fucking hotel
and room service.
This is the only plan.
Not my plan. Come on, Sam.
Oh, honey, where--
where are the keys?
Sammy, were you playing
with mommy's keys?
Hey, I'm talking to you.
Hey, hey!
Take your hands
out of your ears!
She understands.
Don't you, kiddo?
Go home. Go home.
Where are the goddamn keys?
What the hell?
Go home. Go home.
Go home.
Pete! What is happening?
What's wrong with you?
Why did you do this, huh?
Do this? Do this?
This isn't a joke.
Do you understand? Huh?
She didn't do this.
Then who did it?
I don't know. Bad pipes.
Why are you doin' this?
It's not part of the plan.
You think--
you really think I did this?
I can barely unclog
a fucking toilet.
It's this guy.
It's this fuckin' prick.
He's up to those
old tricks again.
But why?
It's not like
there's fuckin' press here.
Well, he certainly
got his wife's attention.
We need to entertain
the obvious explanation.
It's Halton House.
Oh, fuck off. Fuck it, man.
What if the rumors are true?
Why'd you bring a goddamn
tourist in a house like this?
This is a bad situation.
The kid. The drinking.
The shotgun on top
of the fuckin' fireplace.
Your boyfriend's Dr. Phil-ing.
You hear this shit?
VIN: I've seen this shit before.
I know how it ends.
What the fuck are you even--
Okay, okay, okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Shh! Look at me. We are ghosts.
We are not social workers.
We don't get involved.
Listen to yourself.
Ghost Game isn't a thing.
You're just fuckin'
home invaders.
Hey, look at me!
We don't get involved.
Do you hear me?
Nod that you hear me.
Nod your head yes.
Yeah, good luck with that one,
That's my cue.
Okay, just give it--
give it ten minutes, Adrian.
Fuck you, Laura.
He's probably still downstairs
with the buckets. I--
Fuck you, Laura.
Fuck, okay.
This whole thing is
gettin' out of control.
Okay. Plan. Plan up.
You're on the second floor.
You know the plan.
VIN: What about giving it
ten minutes?
Just don't use any flashlights.
Put all the cameras
in night vision.
Put them high enough
that they stay out of sight.
And be sure that you--
-Angle them down.
-Angle them down.
Doesn't exactly take Spielberg.
I told you to angle 'em down.
We're barely getting the floor.
Wait, wait, wait.
There's only eight cameras.
Where's Adrian's?
I don't know.
Adrian's bein' Adrian.
He's probably going through
the mom's panty drawer
or something.
Or practicing stylist skills.
What happened to
no interference?
What happened to
Mr. Wattley's rules?
I've tried.
Lord knows have I tried.
That boy is his own worst enemy.
Even the community
wants him excommunicated.
Are you sure she didn't see you?
No. No. No.
Definitely not.
I don't think you have
to worry about Sam.
Okay, we'll move those cameras
in the morning.
Before she tells her parents.
Is this place normal?
It's never normal.
That's the point.
You want me, bitch, fuck--
You hear that?
What the fuck?
Fuckin' Adrian.
-Hey, hey.
You can't go out there.
Ghosts won't go out
in the morning.
Well, they do
if they're about to get caught.
We need to move those cameras
before everybody else wakes up.
Then I'm gonna find
that fuckin' asshole
and deal with him myself.
-Hey, hey.
What if this wasn't Adrian?
Will you please shut up?
You still in London?
Paris. Oh, nice. Lucky you.
I still haven't gotten
the check.
I'm working right now.
Writing every night.
Wait till you see the pictures.
Those weirdo fucks are gonna
eat this shit up.
Tomorrow? That's quick.
I was thinking next week.
Uh, I thought this was
a done deal.
I have bills.
What about
the reality show people?
I know. I know.
That book cost all of us.
But I'm doing this
one the right way.
Yup. He bailed.
His keys.
His wallet. His cameras.
Adrian mows lawns for a living.
He's not exactly swimming
in disposable income.
Maybe-- maybe the basement?
No, I checked the basement.
Laura, what are we doin' here?
Riskin' our life for--
for cheap thrills
like some fuckin' teenagers!
Yeah, well, this was a mistake.
Yes, exactly.
It's a mistake.
And we can fix it.
No. I meant you. Us.
We started as a Tinder hookup,
and you immediately
quit your job,
and moved into my apartment.
You started spying
on my computer.
Adrian's not
the only one unhinged here.
I thought
we were past this shit.
You knew I wasn't spying on you.
But you know what, Laura?
I'm done.
Tonight, I'm gone.
I'm done playing second fiddle
to the great Mr. Wattley.
It's shattering
It's taking apart
Everything that binds
I've cracked the codes
I've seen beneath
The skin of man
Is thin and weak...
You shouldn't be lurking around.
It's time to go.
I know you probably
won't understand at first.
But eventually, you'll realize
I'm doing this for us.
What is this?
You fuckwit!
I can't pretend
like I don't care.
-Who do you think you are? Huh?
-You're a fuckin' idiot!
They're still awake.
You're more
than this fucking game.
What do you know, huh?
I work at a damn call center.
I used to do wild shit.
Every night was a ride.
College couldn't contain me,
you know?
But now-- now it's temp work.
Lean Cuisine dinners
and I'm binge-watching
The Office.
Come on, Laura.
This? It's over.
No, I got-- I got my laptop.
Still got my camera.
You're fuckin' nuts!
Yeah, I know.
That's already been established.
So get the fuck out of my life!
Go out the back door.
Take the long way out.
Don't go past the sitting room.
I'll lock up later.
Fuckin' idiot.
What the fuck?
Where is she?
Your daughter.
-Where is she?
-MEG: Sam?
Honey, what is it?
What's wrong?
What the fuck have you done?
You think this is a joke? Huh?
To burn things?
To fuck everything up?
You have any idea
what you've done?
No! No! No! No! No! No!
No, no, no! No!
How would you like it
if I burn your things?
Stop! She's just a kid!
Kids need to be taught lessons.
Kiki! I want Kiki! I want Kiki!
I wanted my laptop! My writing!
You're drunk! Stop!
You coddle her!
She needs to learn!
I want Kiki! I want Kiki!
I'm sorry.
I-- I didn't want to.
You came at me.
Don't you touch me!
Go home. Go home.
This is what happens
when you play games!
When you're a bad girl!
Let go of the kid!
Who the fuck are you?
Look, look, look.
You--you've had a lot to drink.
Your wife needs
to go to a hospital.
I'ma get 'em out of here.
Let go of the kid! Now!
-Meg, wait!
Did you see?
It was him!
All along screwing with us!
-Let Sam go!
-It wasn't me.
None of this.
This evil fuck!
Always trying to screw with me!
I've done everything I could!
I want Kiki! I want Kiki!
-Stay out of this!
-Just run!
-Come. Sam, come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Sam, it's okay. It's o-- okay.
Hey! Hey! What just happened?
We need to
get the fuck out of here!
Okay, okay, okay. Uh, basement.
Let's go to the basement.
They didn't do that.
We didn't do that.
Come on, let's go. Come on.
Fuck! Oh, shit! He locked us in.
I see a light. Maybe it's--
Oh, no. Don't move.
No, no, no, Vin, he's got a gun!
Holy shit. Holy shit.
This flashlight.
-It's-- it's-- it's mine!
-Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
-It's from my bag.
Okay, yeah,
we need to get our stuff
and get out of here.
-Okay, come on.
-We touched everything.
Our fingerprints are everywhere!
-Vin, please. Please, Vin.
-It's a setup.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, come on. Vin, Please.
I touched the gun!
I touched the gun!
The wife saw my-- saw my face.
Oh, my God.
Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam.
Sam, hey, hey.
Sammy go home. Sammy go home!
It's okay.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Sammy go home. Sammy go home.
-That time is--
-Yeah, okay.
-It can't be right.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
You like to watch?
Watch this.
You like that?
Fuckin' Adrian.
No, Adrian wouldn't do this.
He wouldn't do this.
Where else?
Point to it.
Point to it.
That one.
Look out!
-You okay?
I'll try to-- try to lift it.
-Can you walk?
-Oh, my God.
I'm not stayin' here.
-We need to get the kid.
-Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, go get her.
Go get her. Okay, go, go, go.
Go, go, go. Go, go.
I got it. I got it. Go.
Hey, hey.
Sammy go home.
Yeah, we're-- we're gonna
get you out of here, okay?
But Kiki's scared
and she needs you to be brave.
Can you be brave?
House all done.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, let's go. Come on.
Okay. Okay.
Let's get you out of here.
Come on.
Oh, God! Come on!
Okay. Okay.
If he's inside,
there's definitely a way.
So this is definitely a thing.
He's fucking with us.
Is that your phone?
He's carrying it.
He's right there.
Okay. Wait, wait, wait.
He wants you to chase!
Do you think that guy in there
really just killed himself?
That's not what you people do.
That's not one of the rules,
None of this is what ghosts do.
Well, the cameras
are still capturing.
We need to find my keys.
Okay. Let's go. Go, go, go.
Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay. I got it.
Oh, Vin, damn it!
Vin! Wait!
I'm gonna
kick the shit out of you.
Vin, stop!
Stay back!
What the fuck?
-LAURA: What?
-VIN: Secret door.
I'm not leaving you.
Well, save yourself.
How many do you think there are?
One downstairs and--
and one here.
Here. Trade me weapons.
I'm not much of a gun girl.
Be careful, okay?
Okay, looks like
it's just me and you, kid.
God damn it! Sam!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Sam!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Don't look, okay?
I'm gonna get you out of here.
I promise.
I promise.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Oh, shit.
Shit! Wait! Wait!
-WATTLEY: Please! Please!
-What are you doing here?
-Answer me!
You killed those people.
You and your whore killed them.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Shit. He's down here!
I can hear you.
I know you're right there.
Oh, you think this is funny?
What's real funny is the fact
that we destroyed
all your cameras.
Nothing else in this hallway.
No footage for you.
I got one of those, too,
Number one rule,
don't get caught.
Who are you?
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
This broadcast is a message
to Vin Cruz
of 449 Sequoia Street,
Secaucus, New Jersey.
He's an organ donor.
That's good for him.
May come in handy today.
Go to hell.
I'm sorry.
There's no sound on my end.
But from the look
on your face,
I don't think that
was very pleasant.
Oh, no, stop.
Stop. Stop, please.
Don't fuckin' touch her!
Vin! Don't let them get to Sam!
Sam. What?
Hide her!
Don't let them find her.
Mr. Wattley doesn't exist.
Mr. Wattley is a collective.
And we, Mr. Wattley,
are getting pretty tired
of you.
Especially the ones
who have been visited
by the police.
And even more importantly,
the punks who got caught!
Like little Miss Laura
and her pal Adrian!
Oh, Laura,
have you been keeping secrets?
Our little princess
bludgeoned a girl with a trophy.
And then she panicked
and called 911 for help!
She wasn't breathing.
-She was gonna die.
-No, no. No.
She could have been a legend
if only she followed the rules.
This is just
some stupid fucking game!
You're just a tourist.
Another one of
Laura's reckless acts.
Pretty good, right?
Did my caretaker act fool you?
Let's do this.
This is a message
from Mr. Wattley.
Mr. Wattley will no longer
tolerate amateurs.
No! No! Vin! No!
The kid is gone.
Where? Where did she go?
Are you okay?
Can you talk?
What's your name?
Kiki go home. Kiki go home.
Wattley isn't a person.
Wattley is not just one person.
It's all right here.
It's right here.
It's on this camera.
Just watch the footage.
They just broke rule number one
on the Ghost Game.
They broke all the rules.
Wattley is bullshit!
He's bullshit.
Okay. Somebody please stop this.
Give me Kiki.