Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) Movie Script

Trans: MiKiE
Good judgment can not my point.
I was possessed by an ancient demon
And the presence of evil
I changed, I became a monster
I pray the magic
and ...
sucks the souls
Better to not be there
We have good and bad we
You may be anonymous
But you do
you do not want to see the Horseman
An innocent lie,
an illegal downloading
What do you do? And you?
I tried to fight. To conquer.
But the darkness inside me
becomes stronger
That should be run,
around the world
Still running
I am embarrassed ...
Who are you?
My name is Monroe
and my brother is dead
Are you John Bleiz
We do
He likes darkness
They do not understand
The Horseman
You thought that would control?
To use it, huh?
You were
what possible
this hungry thing.
This illness.
Why are you here?
What do you want from me?
I need your help,
and you need your soul
So we make a deal.
Do you know about agreements, Johnny.
Nice bag.
This child,
and most of his life
you will save.
I do not
John Bleiz.
Thousands of miles away
Brought here to
about it.
This child,
How do you think I find it?
That you met, years ago
in which he cursed.
The Rork.
The devil has many names.
Is your link for this child
left his instinct Horseman
lead to a child
You said something about a deal
The church of my master
are ancient
I'll give
the most precious thing,
Find the child
and the curse will be gone.
Hello you.
I saw that
staring at me. Yes?
Nice suit.
Thank you.
You gypsy?
Why you ask?
The world says about ...
I am a businessman ...
I have a lot of money,
And ...
Hi Mom.
Where is daddy?
Excuse me ... must be ...
You have a lot to my explanations
We will not do for a lifetime,
I want a better life for you.
This is my life.
I love you so much ...
And my mom.
Sometimes prevented
the Horseman to come out,
but now
I need it.
Hold on.
What happened?
Hold on.
Stay inside and locked the doors.
I long to see you sweetheart.
Are you still a big hassle.
We are looking for people
Let me go.
I can not follow you!
Get out!
Still struggling!
In please.
It's my son
I know.
But not mine.
There had to end like this.
Kill it.
Take a little.
Put him in the car
Wake up!
It's funny.
Once I saw you,
I thought I was dreaming.
Do you have hallucinations?
No, I have.
We do harpoon.
You have no morphine?
No morphine,
you have taken.
Valium what else do you have?
Your wounds
very strange, sir.
The police want to talk to you.
I told them that you were here.
In please.
Get out.
I have the package but the price rose
I do not understand.
What do not you understand?
I want more.
The know?
We made an agreement Karigkan.
Changing the agreement
is something we do.
You told me to steal a child,
no problem.
I've never done before.
And I have experience in this
so there is no better,
not what you told me
that would play a horror movie.
Where's the joke?
I almost burned my own
from one type
a motorcycle,
with his head on fire
For pesto again. -Heard me.
I saw strange things badly.
But like this, yesterday,
No. No.
Give me speak with the child.
Can you hear me?
I want you to listen carefully ...
What was that?
Think that your child is a computer
Do you know the computer?
He uploaded a program
A firewall
And motorcyclist
could not feel.
To locate him.
Of course.
You can still find you,
and proposes to continue.
Who sent you?
The devil?
The devil who lives on Earth?
I replied.
The small ...
Danny ...
is your son?
Nobody will hurt you anymore
no demon ... but ...
Tell me why a trust?
you can not.
But if you do not find your son ...
will probably die.
If you want, to press the trigger
Do ...
to please.
We found yesterday.
You can do it again?
I felt him before ..
I felt something
and then ...
No, no
not dead ...
are excluded.
You know something ...
Let's go.
To understand,
who kidnapped Danny
who went on to kill
who blew.
with grenades
Did you bond?
Karingkan is the killer, merchant,
not interested
just wants money.
Danny ...
Danny what?
if son?
In fascination?
I offer something?
Yes ...
What a life of my father
He lied
You did a good trick to Karigkan,
but it went badly.
We left the floor
Drown in my blood,
I realized I would die.
The feel.
And there he found.
He promised to take the pain,
save me.
And asked for something in return.
Your son?
You can not understand.
No. I understand.
You're the mom diavolopaidiou.
For this the Monroe wants
Danny so much.
The Monroe?
Yes. French Black
alcoholic you know him?
Try to help us
but do not let
Not doing well with the decisions.
Where to go?
someone I know.
Karigkan minions,
knows where to find him.
Why the devil came down to Earth
as a man?
I do not know
Not even he knows,
may pass
from body to body.
Through History
Where fits perfectly.
But I know one thing.
The earth
is weak.
The forces are limited
Needs help
to make the dirt.
Finds them ...
Makes them ...
and uses more power
the power
Tis Agreement.
May I open the window
You think you can talk?
And your mother speaking
So who paid
Get me out.
Come here.
If you do it again this ...
Do you speak English
Yes. What got hurt?
Is your truck?
There you go.
The saddle will appear.
When do ...
Will destroy
those who come.
This situation
No reason
Neither consciousness
just hungry
his eyes
There are different
You're not any different from them.
Not to fear.
It should.
He is?
As a sailor is.
We regret that brought you?
Probably yes.
I have an idea
You're fine.
Shut up,
Shut up.
Talk to Karigkan
A few days ago.
I talked to Karigkan?
I speak to many.
I need it my friend.
The Karikgan I'll talk about it,
For this, huh?
that is within me.
You're a bad man.
This thing
the rage
the feeding
and hungry
That trembles
From Hell
between you
and tomb
I am
Breaks in the door
Breaks in the door
Will you tell me what I want
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Move your head.
Well done
Will you tell me otherwise ...
Army picks
I know the place
There will be no alerts, no?
Okay well done.
We must go, must go.
American Banker Mpaster
With two locations launchers
The first sucks the oxygen
from the air
The next ... I know what it does.
Give me an extra 4 handles.
How many would you add?
Just one.
Are you okay?
It will get you out of here.
I broke my ankle.
Hold on.
Come, hold me.
He started the festival!
What happens?
I do not care.
Give me something. Give me that.
It was beautiful!
Give me that.
Sorry to hurt you?
Look how it happened.
Come on let's go.
In pain?
Do it, do it.
The foot has healed you.
Where is my mother?
Puts gasoline in the truck.
is a little inelegant
I'm with you
after all.
You're tighter than
guys who come out.
What will we do then?
The Monroe believes that
spend a few days
Until we get the
Danny in a safe place.
a sacred place with people
that will protect us.
I contacted the Monroe,
we anticipate the road.
We must move quickly
Why after us.
Have not given up.
I personally would like to go to get drunk.
Not all Karigkan.
I brought my son at Nantes.
I expect to accomplish
obligation to you.
Sorry asshole ...
but I'm dead.
What I did?
I gave you a second chance.
You're just living now.
And more.
You see, I gave you power.
The power of the decline
Of darkness.
By changing that drives him.
Why not take a taxi?
I do not know
A train ...
They burn when they pee?
It's perfect, you're like ...
When you change
You feel good?
Like what? Is ugly?
The power comes from a dark place
but not who we were.
will become ever
and use it for good.
To help kanthropous
As I help you and your mother.
I know because it helps us.
He says what you want to get rid of.
I can not ever do that.
Good morning.
I hope you do not shoot me.
Want to bounce a little fun?
It's weird.
This is the happy
part of Monroe.
They will take my curse?
Hello you.
In the name of the Father
Son and Holy Spirit
Thank you Father.
Do not you fear God led you here.
I know a little uncomfortable,
will not be as
badly when they find out.
I'll watch.
We will see later
We have a job to finish.
I gave John a promise.
Why do not you come with us.
You're safe here.
We did.
The only thing
that can hurt you
you and your mother
I am.
We make sure
that will never be.
Everything will go well.
I promise.
Whatever you say. Go.
Are you sure about that?
Where are we going?
In my favorite dome
If one thing they know
is wine.
Such a bottle was sold
Monroe ...
What happens?
One thing in my
I want to know before
The rider was an angel
a spirit of justice
Sent to protect
the world of humans.
But he laughed
and threw him into hell.
The mission of
protect the innocent
became a punishment.
And it was a spirit of revenge
The angel of the spirit of justice
is alive?
The feel?
Smile my friend
Soon you will be free.
This bottle ...
are over 2 thousand years old.
When all finished
We share it.
And something else.
This, you will not be easy.
Risking death.
Worse than death.
We must confess to
The only difficult thing for you.
My father
I did not do for him
I made the deal for me.
I could not leave him
was selfish
He was dying
He knew that his hour was coming
And I thought I can change it.
This is the god
it takes all
sins of the world
Happy those who will take
You say you do not deserve to get? No.
Okay, this is enough.
The Body of Christ
This has long been the bread.
May God guide you
to eternal life
There you go now
I can not follow you.
Are you ready?
Make the deal.
You did.
How are you
Let me go.
What are you doing?
Prophecy is tomorrow
It will keep the child
until the danger passed.
The risk will pass Monroe.
As long as the child.
It is always within.
You lied to me.
You lied to me.
This child must be destroyed.
To complain when you did the child.
Now it's too late.
Take them until you finish.
The soul of Dan can be saved.
It is one of the children of God.
It is not.
Cool, huh?
Peace bro.
Not happy to see me?
Danny did this?
Someone was here before
Before you kill him.
There I found anywhere.
Wanted him alive.
We know very well who was
Now is the Rork.
What exactly is thinking Rork?
What are his plans?
It is the day of prophecy
Like the day they arrested Danny
The child must be 13 years old
before the new
red dawn of winter.
The Rork uses
child for the power of
and the ceremony will move
the soul of the child.
There will be no more Danny
only Rork.
Why do not we said that Monroe?
You did the deal with Rork?
Both of you,
Something that I would not do.
The prophecy said that we
occur at the beginning of new day
This is good. There is still
years. You know who has it?
I think yes.
Want to play the hero?
You got what you wanted.
Yes I got it.
Thanks for keeping the agreement
You're welcome.
If it is my last day
yes no curse, but I accept
I promised that Danny will be safe
and if I leave now
it is a demon for another.
Here we go,
Do not touch me.
We were just best friends, do not you think?
You have no idea what I spent?
To get this shit?
Do not swallow me because I
falling out in my program.
You know who I am?
I'm sure your mother
said many things about me.
What is your face?
That is the point
fathers showed from heaven?
There takes place the ceremony.
According to the prophecy of course.
Of course.
We have few chances
against Rork
I thought you had faith? I have.
But to get better weapons.
Weapons and wine.
Atimoulides monks.
I'm starting to like you again, Monroe.
want to know why I'm right?
Think of a flamethrower.
It's funny?
A flamethrower made me so.
All this power
If you use the burn.
The living body is weak.
He died.
It will not make things
you have to do but you
You're half man
Got all my strength in you.
The apple will fall under the apple tree.
But this physical structure
can derive the
power without damaging.
It will help you relax.
This will keep
doped up to the ceremony.
Who are they?
Politicians, murderers, people
influential. People of the devil.
They traveled from around the world
To see the new king
The new king.
If you have managed to
more power available.
and a shadow will cover the earth.
The ceremony has begun.
The soul of Danny will
lost forever in the dawn.
Now Rork is weak.
Are you okay?
I made many mistakes and Danny
Dan is the only,
only good thing I do.
That should take care
not to become the Antichrist.
We do not have much time.
What is your plan?
You grab the child will
run and will not stop.
And you?
You run to the fountain.
John Bleiz.
My friend.
Good morning.
Grab it.
Both lost a good wine!
I enjoyed!
Should not have listened
I leave my power
Danny will erase.
I can still see the light
What disgust!
You have no power
Bleiz, you're an insect
Feed mills in hell
Want to see?
The apple did not fall far from the tree.
Danny you are not.
There will never become.
My forces are
same as yours?
This is not said?
As father and son so.
Come here.
I never was afraid to.
You are the worst
agreement I've ever made.
The Monroe said the rider
was an angel
who went mad.
I feel him.
An angel.
I feel him.
Are you okay?
We say yes!
Trans: MiKiE