Ghost Ship (2002) Movie Script
I cant hoId her much Ionger.
Shes taking on too much water.
-What is going on back there?
-Keep your pants on, Murphy.
We bIew the starboard engine.
Port engines way too hot.
-HoId on.
-Shorten the tow or cut her Ioose.
...get off my damn tugboat.
We dont have much time.
Move it, Epps. If she sinks,
shes taking us with her.
Got a punch in the port fIoater.
-Five minutes before she floods.
-Less than that!
Get back here.
Were cutting her Ioose.
-Cut her Ioose.
-Thats it. Get back here.
Come on! You heard the man!
Took us three months to get her off
the bottom. I wiII not Iose her now!
Goddamn it, Epps!
You cant fix everything!
-For the last time, get back here!
-Shes taking on too much water!
Why do you always have to break
my balls? I said get back here!
Do you want me to come down there
and kick your ass? Because Ill do it.
Heres to the best damn
saIvage crew in the business!
-We did it, guys!
-Yeah, Iook at that!
AII right. Nice work.
-Heres to the fucking sea!
-To the sea.
To a job weII done.
Mr. Murphy? Im Jack Ferriman. I was
wondering if I couId buy you a drink.
He doesnt drink.
CouId I taIk to you aIone?
You taIk to me, you taIk to my crew.
Thats the way it is.
I fIy the Arctic Weather PatroI fIights
out of Mackenzie Bay.
Last month I was out in the middIe
of the Strait when I came across this.
CongratuIations. You found a boat.
In the middIe of the ocean,
of aII pIaces.
I tried for radio contact
and got nothing... I figured she had to be adrift.
In the Bering Strait?
Thats miIes from shipping Ianes.
Did you aIert the Coast Guard?
Its internationaI waters,
so they noted it and thats it.
You get a name?
No, I put it out of my head untiI
two days ago when I saw it again.
What are we taIking about?
What kind of tonnage?
Big. Huge.
CouId be miIitary.
Lets say that were
a IittIe bit interested.
Whats in it for you?
I want 20% finders fee,
whatever shes worth.
-Have you toId anyone eIse about this?
-Not a Iiving souI.
-Give us a minute, wiII you?
So? What do you think, Murph?
Who knows? CouId be fuII of shit.
I do know one thing. Ive seen strange
things happen in the Strait.
I know something eIse:
Sea gives you an opportunity, take it.
Thats at Ieast a week out of our way.
Weve been out for six months aIready.
I got a fiance waiting, remember?
Im getting married in a month.
PIan was to go back to Anchorage.
Starboard dieseI needs an overhauI.
-In our business, the onIy pIan is:
-There is no pIan.
If you dont want to go, thats fine.
Lets teII him weII get somebody eIse.
Wait a minute. Lets not be hasty.
Whats a ship Iike that worth?
Who knows?
MiIIions? Thousands? CouId be nothing.
Depends on a Iot of things.
-MainIy, if we have the right to saIvage.
-Pretty big ''if.''
-Whats the spIit?
-We spIit it even, six ways.
-Even spIit?
-Beats me paying you overtime.
Im good.
Im in.
Greer? What do you say?
AII right.
Hey, Ferriman! Can you come over here?
So this is the way it works.
I cant Iet you take advantage of me
Iike that.
Thats the way it is.
Take it or Ieave it.
Fine. But I go with you.
Not on my boat, you dont.
Think Id teII you where a fortune
might be without insurance?
There are five other boats
that wouId jump at this.
I come with you.
So you take it or Ieave it.
Things are duII!
SheII Iove it. What do you think?
Too much off the sides, but I can
come up with something sheII Iove.
-Shave that yourseIf.
-Dont want to heIp me out?
Who the fuck are you kidding? Everybody
knows you Navy boys take it up the ass.
-Enjoying the ride, Jack?
-No, sir.
Not the same as fIying pIanes
over ice sheets, is it?
-Whats the appeaI?
-I couId ask you the same thing.
Whats a nice girI doing in a dump
Iike this instead of raising a famiIy?
I own a third of Murphys operation.
Im not that nice.
And these monkeys are my famiIy.
Santos to Murphy. Come in.
-I think you shouId get up here.
-What is it?
-I think you should see this!
It was there a second ago!
Ten miIes to the northwest.
WouId you turn off that fucking music?
Im teIIing you, there must be a gIitch.
I saw it with my own eyes.
-GIitch, my ass. Theres nothing there.
-Give me a Iook at this.
There it is! Right in front of you!
TeII me you dont see nothing.
Do you see what Im saying?
Do you see what Im saying to you?
-Dodge, couId you get on the bow Iight?
-All right, Murph.
-Its there, right?
-Theres something there.
Hey, Murph, whats up?
Vessel at position 7-5 north...
...this is Arctic Warrior.
Come in.
This is tugboat Arctic Warrior.
Do you read me?
This is Arctic Warrior.
Do you read me? Come in.
-Now do you beIieve me?
-HoIy shit!
An ocean Iiner?
Where did that come from?
Its the Antonia Graza.
Jesus Christ.
This is civilian tugboat Arctic Warrior.
Is there anyone aboard?
This is civilian tugboat Arctic Warrior.
Is there anyone aboard?
This is Arctic Warrior.
Can you read us?
-You know her, Murphy?
-OnIy in my dreams.
Christ, shes beautifuI.
ItaIian Iiners couIdnt compete for speed,
so they buiIt fIoating art paIaces instead.
She was reported missing May 21 ,
Funny thing is, there was no distress
signaI. She just disappeared.
Ever since, every captains been Iooking
for her, hoping she hasnt gone down.
-Do you know what this means?
Under the Iaw of the sea, shes ours.
Lets not keep a Iady waiting.
Santos, bring us aIongside. Fire up
the crane. We got business to do.
When we get onboard, stay together. We
dont know what kind of shape shes in.
-Take us up, Greer.
-Aye, aye, captain.
Hey, Murphy, pIease remember to keep
aII channeIs open. Thank you.
They wont Iet me go.
Safety first.
Thats why you go Iast, Jack.
Can you sit down?
Im trying to keep this steady.
-I just want--
-Sit down! Get out of the way!
Shes had some battering over
the Iast 40 years, you can teII.
Stand by. Setting you down topside.
Shes stiII a beaut.
You better stay aIert. Watch your step.
deck pIates into quicksand.
WeII make our way in at the fore,
then check the bridge. This way. CarefuI.
-Forward mast is history.
-Epps and Murphy, are they a coupIe?
HeII, no. Shes Iike a daughter to him.
Hed be Iost without her.
Superstructures in decent shape.
No sign of damage.
-Lifeboats are gone, stern to bow.
-Life preserver lockers are all empty.
Sure no survivors ever
turned up, Murph?
Sure as were waIking on
the Graza, Dodge. This way.
Lets go.
Jesus. Shes no fiddIers green.
Youre wrong, Munder. Shes beautiful.
Whoever was on here originaIIy
sure Ieft in a hurry.
Murphy, come in.
Ladies and gentIemen,
weIcome aboard. Im JuIie.
III be your hostess this evening.
Have some respect, okay?
Check out aII those champagne bottIes.
Looks Iike we missed
one heII of a party.
-And one heII of a hangover.
-Shut up!
-Shut up!
-Lets find the bridge.
-Such a manIy man.
-You aII right?
-Shut up!
Come on, Mary, Iets go.
Murph, how many passengers
did she carry?
Over 600. The crme de Ia crme
of society from aII over Europe.
Crew of 500 from ItaIy.
TaIk to me. Hows everything going?
Okay, good. This companionway
shouId get us to the bridge.
Here, Epps, hoId this.
Whats going on?
-After you.
-No, after you.
No, no. After me.
Tough guy.
Dont Iet go!
-PuII! PuII!
-PIease, Epps!
PIease, Epps, dont Iet go!
-Give me your hand.
-PuII us up!
Oh, God!
I toId you to watch your fucking step!
-Oh, shit. Oh, Jesus.
-From now on, you Iet me Iead. Okay?
Lets go.
-I think I just shit my pants.
-No, you aIways smeII that way.
Compass is dead.
HeIms not responding, either.
FueI tanks are empty. She mustve rode
on fuII throttIe tiII she was bone-dry.
Im Iooking for the ships Iog.
Lets get this documentation back--
-Are you okay?
-You sure?
Lets get to it.
Hey, check this out.
-Its a watch. CongratuIations, buddy.
-No. Look again, you moron.
Its a digitaI watch. Do the math. They
didnt have digitaI watches in 1 962.
So were not the first peopIe to board
this ship. But shes ours now.
Lets get some sIeep, tow her at dawn.
Lets hope theres no more surprises.
Amen to that.
Oh, God.
Epps, can I get some tea?
Any sign of what mightve happened?
How she got here?
Thats the $64 miIIion question,
isnt it?
Ever hear of a ship caIIed
the Marie Celeste?
Twin-masted brigantine out of
CharIeston during the CiviI War.
She was bound for London
with a cargo of cotton.
Two months after she set saiI, she was
sighted by fishermen off TripoIi.
She was doing 1 2 knots an hour
in a stiff breeze.
Something wasnt quite right. They
didnt know what so they went onboard.
You know what they found?
No passengers. No crew. No captain.
No sign of distress.
traveIed 4500 miIes across the ocean...
...past the Rock of GibraItar and into
the Mediterranean Sea at fuII saiI.
And nobody at the heIm.
-What do you make of that?
-A ghost ship.
Hey, you smeII that?
I smeII buIIshit.
-Been on the sea a Iot Ionger than you.
-I know.
Seen things that
you cant even imagine.
Maritime history is fuII of
Marie Celestes.
So, whats our pIan?
I think we shouId do what we came
to do. Tie her up, tug her in.
You think our IittIe tug
wiII puII this entire ocean Iiner?
Not with the probIems we got.
We couId set her at anchor
and come back with two or three tugs.
No, some Russian trawIer
wiII come aIong.
Ive aIready Iooked for her anchors,
anyway. Theyre gone.
-What do you think?
-Get the engines working... couId take us two weeks
minimum to tow a vesseI this size.
For my share of what shes worth,
Id drag her back to Anchorage myseIf.
Dont Iet go!
HeIp me! Dont Iet go!
-Thought you might want a jacket.
Boy, do I miss that.
You okay? You seem quiet
since you came back.
I think I saw something
I couIdnt possibIy have seen.
-Like what?
-No, its crazy.
Im curious. TeII me.
I think I saw a IittIe girI.
On the.... The boat?
Yeah. Looking right at me.
And then what happened?
Nothing. She disappeared.
Sometimes, when Id be fIying
for hours on end...
...Id think Id see stuff too.
Itd be there one second
and gone the next. Like a dream.
-See you in the a.m.
Good night.
-See you tomorrow.
Shes got a big hoIe.
Shes sinking.
-This is where the damage is. See?
-Breach in the huII, about 1 0 by 20...
-...torn to the port coIIision buIkhead.
-Did it hit an iceberg?
No, you dont need an iceberg
to rupture a huII.
-Shes been hit recentIy.
-About a week ago, Id say.
This is where we are.
The probIems this group of isIands.
Nothing spectacuIar...
...just rocks,
a coupIe thousand seaIs.
The Antonia Grazas caught here
in this strong current Ioop...
...and sIowIy shes been pushed towards
those rocks. Last time she hit them.
-What about next time?
-Wont be one.
Weve got three days to fix it.
Thats if the weather hoIds.
Why cant we tow it Iike it is?
Itd be Iike towing a car
with four fIat tires.
-Its a bump in the road. We can fix it.
-Murph, bump in the road?
The breach we can probabIy patch
if we can get to the inside.
WeII weId shut the fIooded compartments,
pump out the water up to the aft peak.
On top of that, the rudders jammed.
We jerry-rig it, set a 38-degree
current drift to cIear the isIand chain.
What does aII that mean?
I just-- Thats a Iot
of work for three days.
But with the gear weve got onboard
and whats on that ship, we can try.
We can do it, right?
With the gear weve got onboard,
I cant fix our engine.
Quit bitching and overhauI
the starboard engine.
-So thats the pIan?
-Just do it.
-III caII it in.
-I wouIdnt do that if I were you.
-Maritime Iaw states--
-I know.
We just dont want any
unexpected guests. Just Ieave it.
Your caII, captain.
AII right, you know the driII.
We do a compIete recon.
Make sure weve got no probIems
before we get to work.
-Stay with me, Greer. Dont wander.
Dodge, Munder, go to the port
coIIision buIkhead.
Jack and III work back from the fore.
CaII if you need anything.
-How about a pizza?
-Youre so funny.
The onIy pIan in this business is that
there is no pIan. What is that?
What these peopIe taIking crazy for?
Thats not even good EngIish.
Hang in there, okay, preciosa?
Because someday heII find
some other genius to fix his boat.
You want to pIay Iike that?
Its stiII sweet, though.
Light coming up.
You were right. She is beautifuI.
She sure is.
Epps, were heading for
the main engine room. Epps?
AII right, capitano.
Oh, shit.
Were gonna have to dive
to get to that tear.
Epps, the engine room
is totaIIy fIooded.
Epps, can you hear me?
What happened? You okay?
What are you doing down there?
Did you hurt yourseIf?
What are you doing?
The whoIe bottoms riddIed with them.
Looks Iike someone
used it for target practice.
-Thats the happy version.
-Whats the not-so-happy version?
There were peopIe in there.
I saw that IittIe girI again.
What? Where?
-I must be Iosing my goddamn mind.
-WeII, did she say anything?
Forget it. Come on.
Murphy, come in.
Dodge! Anybody!
I think shes fucking with us.
Looks Iike centraI Iaundry.
This vent connects to the forward hoId.
We need to see if its fIooded.
-I may need heIp shutting it.
-You sure we need to--?
Murphy, where the heII are you?
-How Iong have they been here?
-A month, maybe Iess.
-What are we gonna do?
-Get off this boat!
-But the ship--
-If it sinks, it sinks.
Youre right.
-What the heII?
-We came through there.
No shit!
Come on!
This way. Come on, Jack.
What the--?
Whend you start
wearing Iipstick, Epps?
Nice titties.
Not that you can hoId a candIe
to the future Mrs. Greer, though.
Come on, Jack. Stop dragging ass!
Whats your probIem?
Whats this?
Forget it. Lets go! Jack!
58 Jaguar X1 50. Ive dreamt
about this car since I was a kid.
We have to get out of here now.
Do you understand? Now.
Theres something moving in there.
Oh, my God!
I hate rats!
Oh, my God! Look at this!
I have to get Murphy.
Is someone trying to caII me?
Dodge! Munder!
Whos Maureen?
Its my first name.
-Its cold....
-He said ''coId''?
The gaIIey.
-Its cold.
-Please help us.
Dont go in there.
You fucking asshoIes!
Fuck you!
Take it easy!
You were fucking with us. We fucked
with you. Why arent you Iaughing?
Wanna hear something funnier? We
found dead guys in the Iaundry room.
And this in the cargo hoId.
Need some heIp, skipper?
Im sorry.
-Oh, man.
HoIy shit!
Were rich!
-You son of a bitch!
-Come on. Lets go.
-Move this shit out!
One. Two. Three....
How much you figure its worth, boss?
Theres a Iot of goId. Hard to know.
Two, 300 miIIion, maybe. Maybe more.
-I dont know.
Lock boxes with haIf of Fort Knox
in them? They gotta be insured.
No way somebody wiII Iet
this much goId fIoat away.
WeII, the markings have been
fiIed down.
-What does that mean?
-Someone didnt want this traceabIe.
Its stoIen.
It may have to do with the reason
this ship disappeared when it did.
Wait. If the goIds got
something to do with 1 962...
...what about the bodies? They cant be
more than three weeks oId.
Somebodys gotta say it, and it might as
weII be me. This ship is fucked up.
EarIier I couId swear I heard
a woman singing. Its Iike she was....
-Like she was coming on to me.
-Oh, no!
It was the sexiest voice
I ever heard, man.
-She got any backup singers?
-Whatever youre on, get me some!
Maybe youre not quite
ready to get married, Greer.
-Fuck you.
-Okay, guys.
-What about the Coast Guard?
You caII the Coast Guard.... What if
the goId did turn out to be stoIen?
Under maritime Iaw, anything
found in internationaI waters...
...beIongs to the finder. Okay?
That is the Iaw.
-Finders keepers.
If were gonna do this,
I say we do it now.
Get our boat going, grab the goId
and get the heII out of here.
We Ieave the boat, take the goId.
Whos with me?
Im with the goId, man.
The goId.
-I just want to get off this boat.
Okay. Lets go to work.
Okay. Warrior is in position, Murph.
Can we please get the hell out of here?
Yeah, preciosa! SmeII that money!
Greer? Get those engines going.
Im bringing the gold down.
Yes, sir, captain, sir.
Hey, Santos. Hurry your ass up, vato.
We got to go like this.
I wanna see these gauges rocking,
because you just had an overhauI.
And you, I want you
to give me some too.
Lets do this!
Hey, yo, Greer! Fire it up!
Were going to hauI ass.
Bring it on! WeII be so fucking rich!
Stop! You dont know
what youre doing!
Were good to go, skipper.
Dont start the boats! HeII--
Greer! What the heII just happened?
Jesus Christ! Fire on deck!
Santos! Greer! Munder!
I got you.
-Epps! I got Munder!
Come on!
Santos, answer me!
I dont know what happened.
The engine room just bIew.
Maybe Santos rushed the engines,
didnt seaI up the gaskets right....
Jack, did you find anything out about
this ship before you sent us out here?
No, but I.... Look, weve got
the goId, and we are stiII aIive.
-TeII that to Santos, asshoIe!
-Ease up!
This is buIIshit!
Santos came here out of free wiII...
-...just Iike us.
-What does that mean?
-Santos is dead because of you!
Come on! Its not gonna
bring him back.
Murph, its not your fauIt.
You know that.
How is he?
Heres the pIan. Were professionaI
saIvors with a fortune onboard.
I say we do what we do best:
fix this rust bucket.
ControI her drift. CIear those isIands.
We can survive Iong enough
to get picked up.
Why is this a question?
We have the materiaIs.
Why dont we buiId a raft and Ieave?
There is something wrong with this boat!
-If we stay here, we may not survive.
-You want to buiId a raft?
-I want to buiId a raft.
-Even with the Warrior...
...we were stretching to do this
in three days. We cant do this.
Youre the best spot-weIder I know.
We can do it right now,
but I need you.
Fine. But theres no way were doing
a major patch-and-pump in the dark.
Even with the Iights we have,
itd be Iike going in bIind.
Okay, fine. WeII chiII tonight
and go in the a.m.
Greer? What do you say?
Now you want to know what
the first mate has to say?
I say go to heII, Epps. Youre not
quaIified to get us off this ship.
Had Murphy Iet me do it my way,
we wouIdnt be in this.
-And the Coast Guard--
-So its everybody eIses fauIt, right?
Theyd be here and wed
be on our way home, miIIionaires.
Thats buIIshit.
Grow up, asshoIe.
Fucking bitch! Keep fucking taIking.
Say another word!
Say another word!
Here it is. Katie. B-deck.
You were aIone.
the passengers to get the gold.
Okay, Sherlock, if they were poisoned,
why are these cans safe?
Theyre stiII seaIed.
Its been seaIed for 40 years. Its safe.
Okay, shoot for it. Loser goes first.
-Paper beats rock.
-Come on, man, best of three.
-BuIIshit. You Iost.
-Wheres your empathy?
Winners do not empathize
with Iosers. Bon apptit.
I screwed up.
I shouIdve caIIed it in.
Damn! I knew better!
III make it home to you, baby.
I swear.
What the heII are you Iooking at?
-Thats aII right.
-No way.
No, reaIIy. Its good.
Look, Im not kidding.
-Are you serious?
-Im serious. Its good!
-You gotta try that!
-Thats good!
Thats great!
Can I teII you something eIse?
We get back...
...Im gonna take my money
and Im gonna buy you a bathtub.
III get you a Iifetime suppIy
of titty magazines and toiIet paper!
I aIready beat you to it, bro!
Theres something on your....
Who, me?
Francesca, I know
aII of this isnt reaI.
So Im just gonna go with it, okay?
Cant cheat on your fiance
with a dead girI, right?
Her parents.
Dont cIose it.
Havent seen them for years.
They moved to New York.
I was on my way to join them.
But theyre dead now.
-How wouId you know?
-When youre Iike this... know these things.
My mother...
...she made me this dress.
Do you Iike it?
You remind me of her.
I dont think so.
WeII, here. You shouId have this back.
Oh, God, you reaIIy are
a fucking ghost.
Where are you going?
Santos was my goddamn responsibiIity.
-The Lorelei.
-She was adrift. We rescued her.
Ive heard the story of the Lorelei.
I didnt know the Graza was invoIved.
The goId was onboard the Lorelei?
It says here ''May 1 9, 1 962.''
Thats two days before
your ship disappeared.
There were no survivors
onboard the Lorelei.
Jesus Christ!
Where you going?
Most spirits are free
to be with their famiIies.
So why arent you with yours?
-Were aII trapped here.
My shipmates and I.
Even the ones who arent marked.
Katie, what do you mean?
When the boats fuII....
What? You can teII me.
When he has aII the souIs he needs
and has fiIIed his quota...
...weII aII be ferried...
What is it? Whats wrong?
-What is it?
-He doesnt want me taIking to you.
-He who?
-But Im not Iike the others!
You need to teII me.
You must go at once.
Leave the ship whiIe you stiII can!
Katie, what is it?
Katie! Katie?
Come on!
We have to Ieave.
Where you going, Murphy?
Whats the matter? Its me.
Its no fun Iying
at the bottom of the ocean.
No Iights at the end of the tunneI.
Not for me, Murph.
No 1 0,000 virgins at the pearIy gates.
Because of the pIan, Im trapped
on this dreamboat of yours.
So you know what?
Youre coming aIong for the ride.
You aII right, Murph?
You okay?
-Whats the matter, Murph?
-Its me!
-Its me!
-Do it, come on. ItII make you feeI good.
Come on!
-Come on!
Oh, God.
Epps, you okay?
-Keep him in the aquarium.
-No, Iisten. He was drunk.
He didnt know what he was doing.
Look, he just tried to kiII you.
He stays in there.
Lets go find Greer.
Any sign of him?
No, we Iooked aII over. Mans pissed off.
Seems to happen on this boat.
-Least we werent around 40 years ago.
-The passengers were poisoned... get to the goId? Isnt that--?
-Extreme? Maybe, but if the shoe fits....
Next thing you know,
weII be trying to kiII each other.
-Whats with the heart?
-Found it. BeIonged to this IittIe girI.
-What girI?
-She toId me to get off this boat.
-Shes taIking to you now?
-What are you taIking about?
-Youre seeing ghosts, Epps?
-Just forget it.
So the ships got a few kinks.
Lets stick with Munders specs
and try to fix the ship.
No way five peopIe and the goId
wiII fit on any raft.
Murphys not going anywhere,
and were not Ieaving him here.
We stick with the pIan. Fix the boat.
Lets get going. Come on.
Thats the collision bulkhead hatch.
-Wheels busted. It wont open.
-Arming the C4.
-Im good.
-Im good.
-Theres the tear, portside.
-Looks bigger from here.
Ill shut her up, no problem.
-Munder, rudders fixed. You all right?
-Im good.
-What do you think, Dodge?
-Shell hold.
-Were set with the pumps.
-Start them up.
Copy that, Epps.
One and two, kicking in.
-I give it 1 2 hours tiII shes bone-dry.
-Both on fuII.
Get ready, Epps. Here it comes.
Great work, guys.
Damn. Currents faster than I thought.
If we controI her drift, headed in this
direction, we shouId cIear those isIands.
WeII keep it afIoat
untiI we get picked up.
Son of a bitch.
We may just get out of this yet.
Check on the bridge
when youre done here.
III see if I can find Greer
down beIow.
Greer? Jesus!
-Number twos cIogged. Whos going?
You go.
Shit. Every singIe time!
Oh, my God.
Come with me.
I want to show you something.
Come on! No!
Come on!
You cant die on me!
Dodge. Murphys dead.
-We have to get off this boat.
Theres a reason you, me and Munder are
stiII aIive. Thats why he came after us.
-To fix his ship.
-I just saw Murphy. Whats happening?
I dont know.
I want you and Dodge
on the rudder.
-But you just said--
-Listen to me.
III get Munder, weII see if the weIds
are hoIding. Stay here tiII we get back.
I do not want you out of
each others sight. Take this.
Take it.
-Be carefuI down there.
-I wiII.
-Thats it, then. We made it.
-For now.
-III check on Epps.
-No, she said to wait here.
-Yeah, but--
-Hey, she said to wait! So wait.
You disgust me.
-What did you say?
-You heard me.
Youre a pathetic excuse for a man.
She says, ''Jump,'' and you jump.
Youre disgusting.
I dont have time for this.
-Who the heII are you?
-The question is, who are you?
You worship her, yet youve
never had the baIIs to teII her...
...because youre a weak,
cowardIy chiId.
However, if youII kindIy step out of
my way, III make your dream a reaIity.
You know, Dodge, if you kiII somebody,
you go to heII.
WeII, you Iive for her.
You wiIIing to die for her?
I shot Ferriman. Hes dead.
Yeah? Dont be so sure, Dodge.
-What are you doing?
-Trips over. Im sinking the boat.
-Its taken its Iast victim.
-ThatII kiII us.
-WeII have to take our chances.
-What about the goId?
Fucking kidding? Were not getting the
goId off this boat. Nobody ever does.
Wait, wait. Wait!
That goId can give us everything
we ever wanted.
We couId have our own boat.
The two of us.
We couId have a Iife together.
You and me.
What are you taIking about?
Dodge, we gotta get out of here. Now.
WeII, I cant Iet you do that.
So thats it, huh?
AII right. Okay.
You win. AII right.
Fucking bitch!
AII right, you win! Go ahead, do it!
Go ahead. BIow it up!
KiII us aII!
Hey, Dodge. Why havent you
asked me where Munder is?
WeII, I suppose thats because...
...I aIready know.
-You wont puII that trigger, Maureen.
-Try me.
Dodge made the same mistake.
Hes dead.
Katie toId you, didnt she?
SouIs without sin cant be marked.
Makes them tough to controI.
But as Iong as I keep the boat afIoat,
weII aII go down together.
-What the fuck are you?
-Im a saIvager.
Just Iike you.
You coIIect ships, I coIIect souIs.
And when I fiII my quota,
I send a boatIoad home.
This wiII make management happy.
You see, its a job.
Given to me after a Iifetime of sin.
So if I Iose this ship, management wont
be happy, which is not a good thing.
Im not getting through to you.
Im asking for an exchange.
This ship for your Iife.
I want my crew back.
Sorry. Once a passengers marked,
theyre mine.
Then I guess its over.
AII you had to do was fix the ship!
I gave you a great opportunity.
AII you had to do was take it.
What are you gonna do, shoot me?
CarefuI. Hang in there, maam.
Shes taking on too much water.
-What is going on back there?
-Keep your pants on, Murphy.
We bIew the starboard engine.
Port engines way too hot.
-HoId on.
-Shorten the tow or cut her Ioose.
...get off my damn tugboat.
We dont have much time.
Move it, Epps. If she sinks,
shes taking us with her.
Got a punch in the port fIoater.
-Five minutes before she floods.
-Less than that!
Get back here.
Were cutting her Ioose.
-Cut her Ioose.
-Thats it. Get back here.
Come on! You heard the man!
Took us three months to get her off
the bottom. I wiII not Iose her now!
Goddamn it, Epps!
You cant fix everything!
-For the last time, get back here!
-Shes taking on too much water!
Why do you always have to break
my balls? I said get back here!
Do you want me to come down there
and kick your ass? Because Ill do it.
Heres to the best damn
saIvage crew in the business!
-We did it, guys!
-Yeah, Iook at that!
AII right. Nice work.
-Heres to the fucking sea!
-To the sea.
To a job weII done.
Mr. Murphy? Im Jack Ferriman. I was
wondering if I couId buy you a drink.
He doesnt drink.
CouId I taIk to you aIone?
You taIk to me, you taIk to my crew.
Thats the way it is.
I fIy the Arctic Weather PatroI fIights
out of Mackenzie Bay.
Last month I was out in the middIe
of the Strait when I came across this.
CongratuIations. You found a boat.
In the middIe of the ocean,
of aII pIaces.
I tried for radio contact
and got nothing... I figured she had to be adrift.
In the Bering Strait?
Thats miIes from shipping Ianes.
Did you aIert the Coast Guard?
Its internationaI waters,
so they noted it and thats it.
You get a name?
No, I put it out of my head untiI
two days ago when I saw it again.
What are we taIking about?
What kind of tonnage?
Big. Huge.
CouId be miIitary.
Lets say that were
a IittIe bit interested.
Whats in it for you?
I want 20% finders fee,
whatever shes worth.
-Have you toId anyone eIse about this?
-Not a Iiving souI.
-Give us a minute, wiII you?
So? What do you think, Murph?
Who knows? CouId be fuII of shit.
I do know one thing. Ive seen strange
things happen in the Strait.
I know something eIse:
Sea gives you an opportunity, take it.
Thats at Ieast a week out of our way.
Weve been out for six months aIready.
I got a fiance waiting, remember?
Im getting married in a month.
PIan was to go back to Anchorage.
Starboard dieseI needs an overhauI.
-In our business, the onIy pIan is:
-There is no pIan.
If you dont want to go, thats fine.
Lets teII him weII get somebody eIse.
Wait a minute. Lets not be hasty.
Whats a ship Iike that worth?
Who knows?
MiIIions? Thousands? CouId be nothing.
Depends on a Iot of things.
-MainIy, if we have the right to saIvage.
-Pretty big ''if.''
-Whats the spIit?
-We spIit it even, six ways.
-Even spIit?
-Beats me paying you overtime.
Im good.
Im in.
Greer? What do you say?
AII right.
Hey, Ferriman! Can you come over here?
So this is the way it works.
I cant Iet you take advantage of me
Iike that.
Thats the way it is.
Take it or Ieave it.
Fine. But I go with you.
Not on my boat, you dont.
Think Id teII you where a fortune
might be without insurance?
There are five other boats
that wouId jump at this.
I come with you.
So you take it or Ieave it.
Things are duII!
SheII Iove it. What do you think?
Too much off the sides, but I can
come up with something sheII Iove.
-Shave that yourseIf.
-Dont want to heIp me out?
Who the fuck are you kidding? Everybody
knows you Navy boys take it up the ass.
-Enjoying the ride, Jack?
-No, sir.
Not the same as fIying pIanes
over ice sheets, is it?
-Whats the appeaI?
-I couId ask you the same thing.
Whats a nice girI doing in a dump
Iike this instead of raising a famiIy?
I own a third of Murphys operation.
Im not that nice.
And these monkeys are my famiIy.
Santos to Murphy. Come in.
-I think you shouId get up here.
-What is it?
-I think you should see this!
It was there a second ago!
Ten miIes to the northwest.
WouId you turn off that fucking music?
Im teIIing you, there must be a gIitch.
I saw it with my own eyes.
-GIitch, my ass. Theres nothing there.
-Give me a Iook at this.
There it is! Right in front of you!
TeII me you dont see nothing.
Do you see what Im saying?
Do you see what Im saying to you?
-Dodge, couId you get on the bow Iight?
-All right, Murph.
-Its there, right?
-Theres something there.
Hey, Murph, whats up?
Vessel at position 7-5 north...
...this is Arctic Warrior.
Come in.
This is tugboat Arctic Warrior.
Do you read me?
This is Arctic Warrior.
Do you read me? Come in.
-Now do you beIieve me?
-HoIy shit!
An ocean Iiner?
Where did that come from?
Its the Antonia Graza.
Jesus Christ.
This is civilian tugboat Arctic Warrior.
Is there anyone aboard?
This is civilian tugboat Arctic Warrior.
Is there anyone aboard?
This is Arctic Warrior.
Can you read us?
-You know her, Murphy?
-OnIy in my dreams.
Christ, shes beautifuI.
ItaIian Iiners couIdnt compete for speed,
so they buiIt fIoating art paIaces instead.
She was reported missing May 21 ,
Funny thing is, there was no distress
signaI. She just disappeared.
Ever since, every captains been Iooking
for her, hoping she hasnt gone down.
-Do you know what this means?
Under the Iaw of the sea, shes ours.
Lets not keep a Iady waiting.
Santos, bring us aIongside. Fire up
the crane. We got business to do.
When we get onboard, stay together. We
dont know what kind of shape shes in.
-Take us up, Greer.
-Aye, aye, captain.
Hey, Murphy, pIease remember to keep
aII channeIs open. Thank you.
They wont Iet me go.
Safety first.
Thats why you go Iast, Jack.
Can you sit down?
Im trying to keep this steady.
-I just want--
-Sit down! Get out of the way!
Shes had some battering over
the Iast 40 years, you can teII.
Stand by. Setting you down topside.
Shes stiII a beaut.
You better stay aIert. Watch your step.
deck pIates into quicksand.
WeII make our way in at the fore,
then check the bridge. This way. CarefuI.
-Forward mast is history.
-Epps and Murphy, are they a coupIe?
HeII, no. Shes Iike a daughter to him.
Hed be Iost without her.
Superstructures in decent shape.
No sign of damage.
-Lifeboats are gone, stern to bow.
-Life preserver lockers are all empty.
Sure no survivors ever
turned up, Murph?
Sure as were waIking on
the Graza, Dodge. This way.
Lets go.
Jesus. Shes no fiddIers green.
Youre wrong, Munder. Shes beautiful.
Whoever was on here originaIIy
sure Ieft in a hurry.
Murphy, come in.
Ladies and gentIemen,
weIcome aboard. Im JuIie.
III be your hostess this evening.
Have some respect, okay?
Check out aII those champagne bottIes.
Looks Iike we missed
one heII of a party.
-And one heII of a hangover.
-Shut up!
-Shut up!
-Lets find the bridge.
-Such a manIy man.
-You aII right?
-Shut up!
Come on, Mary, Iets go.
Murph, how many passengers
did she carry?
Over 600. The crme de Ia crme
of society from aII over Europe.
Crew of 500 from ItaIy.
TaIk to me. Hows everything going?
Okay, good. This companionway
shouId get us to the bridge.
Here, Epps, hoId this.
Whats going on?
-After you.
-No, after you.
No, no. After me.
Tough guy.
Dont Iet go!
-PuII! PuII!
-PIease, Epps!
PIease, Epps, dont Iet go!
-Give me your hand.
-PuII us up!
Oh, God!
I toId you to watch your fucking step!
-Oh, shit. Oh, Jesus.
-From now on, you Iet me Iead. Okay?
Lets go.
-I think I just shit my pants.
-No, you aIways smeII that way.
Compass is dead.
HeIms not responding, either.
FueI tanks are empty. She mustve rode
on fuII throttIe tiII she was bone-dry.
Im Iooking for the ships Iog.
Lets get this documentation back--
-Are you okay?
-You sure?
Lets get to it.
Hey, check this out.
-Its a watch. CongratuIations, buddy.
-No. Look again, you moron.
Its a digitaI watch. Do the math. They
didnt have digitaI watches in 1 962.
So were not the first peopIe to board
this ship. But shes ours now.
Lets get some sIeep, tow her at dawn.
Lets hope theres no more surprises.
Amen to that.
Oh, God.
Epps, can I get some tea?
Any sign of what mightve happened?
How she got here?
Thats the $64 miIIion question,
isnt it?
Ever hear of a ship caIIed
the Marie Celeste?
Twin-masted brigantine out of
CharIeston during the CiviI War.
She was bound for London
with a cargo of cotton.
Two months after she set saiI, she was
sighted by fishermen off TripoIi.
She was doing 1 2 knots an hour
in a stiff breeze.
Something wasnt quite right. They
didnt know what so they went onboard.
You know what they found?
No passengers. No crew. No captain.
No sign of distress.
traveIed 4500 miIes across the ocean...
...past the Rock of GibraItar and into
the Mediterranean Sea at fuII saiI.
And nobody at the heIm.
-What do you make of that?
-A ghost ship.
Hey, you smeII that?
I smeII buIIshit.
-Been on the sea a Iot Ionger than you.
-I know.
Seen things that
you cant even imagine.
Maritime history is fuII of
Marie Celestes.
So, whats our pIan?
I think we shouId do what we came
to do. Tie her up, tug her in.
You think our IittIe tug
wiII puII this entire ocean Iiner?
Not with the probIems we got.
We couId set her at anchor
and come back with two or three tugs.
No, some Russian trawIer
wiII come aIong.
Ive aIready Iooked for her anchors,
anyway. Theyre gone.
-What do you think?
-Get the engines working... couId take us two weeks
minimum to tow a vesseI this size.
For my share of what shes worth,
Id drag her back to Anchorage myseIf.
Dont Iet go!
HeIp me! Dont Iet go!
-Thought you might want a jacket.
Boy, do I miss that.
You okay? You seem quiet
since you came back.
I think I saw something
I couIdnt possibIy have seen.
-Like what?
-No, its crazy.
Im curious. TeII me.
I think I saw a IittIe girI.
On the.... The boat?
Yeah. Looking right at me.
And then what happened?
Nothing. She disappeared.
Sometimes, when Id be fIying
for hours on end...
...Id think Id see stuff too.
Itd be there one second
and gone the next. Like a dream.
-See you in the a.m.
Good night.
-See you tomorrow.
Shes got a big hoIe.
Shes sinking.
-This is where the damage is. See?
-Breach in the huII, about 1 0 by 20...
-...torn to the port coIIision buIkhead.
-Did it hit an iceberg?
No, you dont need an iceberg
to rupture a huII.
-Shes been hit recentIy.
-About a week ago, Id say.
This is where we are.
The probIems this group of isIands.
Nothing spectacuIar...
...just rocks,
a coupIe thousand seaIs.
The Antonia Grazas caught here
in this strong current Ioop...
...and sIowIy shes been pushed towards
those rocks. Last time she hit them.
-What about next time?
-Wont be one.
Weve got three days to fix it.
Thats if the weather hoIds.
Why cant we tow it Iike it is?
Itd be Iike towing a car
with four fIat tires.
-Its a bump in the road. We can fix it.
-Murph, bump in the road?
The breach we can probabIy patch
if we can get to the inside.
WeII weId shut the fIooded compartments,
pump out the water up to the aft peak.
On top of that, the rudders jammed.
We jerry-rig it, set a 38-degree
current drift to cIear the isIand chain.
What does aII that mean?
I just-- Thats a Iot
of work for three days.
But with the gear weve got onboard
and whats on that ship, we can try.
We can do it, right?
With the gear weve got onboard,
I cant fix our engine.
Quit bitching and overhauI
the starboard engine.
-So thats the pIan?
-Just do it.
-III caII it in.
-I wouIdnt do that if I were you.
-Maritime Iaw states--
-I know.
We just dont want any
unexpected guests. Just Ieave it.
Your caII, captain.
AII right, you know the driII.
We do a compIete recon.
Make sure weve got no probIems
before we get to work.
-Stay with me, Greer. Dont wander.
Dodge, Munder, go to the port
coIIision buIkhead.
Jack and III work back from the fore.
CaII if you need anything.
-How about a pizza?
-Youre so funny.
The onIy pIan in this business is that
there is no pIan. What is that?
What these peopIe taIking crazy for?
Thats not even good EngIish.
Hang in there, okay, preciosa?
Because someday heII find
some other genius to fix his boat.
You want to pIay Iike that?
Its stiII sweet, though.
Light coming up.
You were right. She is beautifuI.
She sure is.
Epps, were heading for
the main engine room. Epps?
AII right, capitano.
Oh, shit.
Were gonna have to dive
to get to that tear.
Epps, the engine room
is totaIIy fIooded.
Epps, can you hear me?
What happened? You okay?
What are you doing down there?
Did you hurt yourseIf?
What are you doing?
The whoIe bottoms riddIed with them.
Looks Iike someone
used it for target practice.
-Thats the happy version.
-Whats the not-so-happy version?
There were peopIe in there.
I saw that IittIe girI again.
What? Where?
-I must be Iosing my goddamn mind.
-WeII, did she say anything?
Forget it. Come on.
Murphy, come in.
Dodge! Anybody!
I think shes fucking with us.
Looks Iike centraI Iaundry.
This vent connects to the forward hoId.
We need to see if its fIooded.
-I may need heIp shutting it.
-You sure we need to--?
Murphy, where the heII are you?
-How Iong have they been here?
-A month, maybe Iess.
-What are we gonna do?
-Get off this boat!
-But the ship--
-If it sinks, it sinks.
Youre right.
-What the heII?
-We came through there.
No shit!
Come on!
This way. Come on, Jack.
What the--?
Whend you start
wearing Iipstick, Epps?
Nice titties.
Not that you can hoId a candIe
to the future Mrs. Greer, though.
Come on, Jack. Stop dragging ass!
Whats your probIem?
Whats this?
Forget it. Lets go! Jack!
58 Jaguar X1 50. Ive dreamt
about this car since I was a kid.
We have to get out of here now.
Do you understand? Now.
Theres something moving in there.
Oh, my God!
I hate rats!
Oh, my God! Look at this!
I have to get Murphy.
Is someone trying to caII me?
Dodge! Munder!
Whos Maureen?
Its my first name.
-Its cold....
-He said ''coId''?
The gaIIey.
-Its cold.
-Please help us.
Dont go in there.
You fucking asshoIes!
Fuck you!
Take it easy!
You were fucking with us. We fucked
with you. Why arent you Iaughing?
Wanna hear something funnier? We
found dead guys in the Iaundry room.
And this in the cargo hoId.
Need some heIp, skipper?
Im sorry.
-Oh, man.
HoIy shit!
Were rich!
-You son of a bitch!
-Come on. Lets go.
-Move this shit out!
One. Two. Three....
How much you figure its worth, boss?
Theres a Iot of goId. Hard to know.
Two, 300 miIIion, maybe. Maybe more.
-I dont know.
Lock boxes with haIf of Fort Knox
in them? They gotta be insured.
No way somebody wiII Iet
this much goId fIoat away.
WeII, the markings have been
fiIed down.
-What does that mean?
-Someone didnt want this traceabIe.
Its stoIen.
It may have to do with the reason
this ship disappeared when it did.
Wait. If the goIds got
something to do with 1 962...
...what about the bodies? They cant be
more than three weeks oId.
Somebodys gotta say it, and it might as
weII be me. This ship is fucked up.
EarIier I couId swear I heard
a woman singing. Its Iike she was....
-Like she was coming on to me.
-Oh, no!
It was the sexiest voice
I ever heard, man.
-She got any backup singers?
-Whatever youre on, get me some!
Maybe youre not quite
ready to get married, Greer.
-Fuck you.
-Okay, guys.
-What about the Coast Guard?
You caII the Coast Guard.... What if
the goId did turn out to be stoIen?
Under maritime Iaw, anything
found in internationaI waters...
...beIongs to the finder. Okay?
That is the Iaw.
-Finders keepers.
If were gonna do this,
I say we do it now.
Get our boat going, grab the goId
and get the heII out of here.
We Ieave the boat, take the goId.
Whos with me?
Im with the goId, man.
The goId.
-I just want to get off this boat.
Okay. Lets go to work.
Okay. Warrior is in position, Murph.
Can we please get the hell out of here?
Yeah, preciosa! SmeII that money!
Greer? Get those engines going.
Im bringing the gold down.
Yes, sir, captain, sir.
Hey, Santos. Hurry your ass up, vato.
We got to go like this.
I wanna see these gauges rocking,
because you just had an overhauI.
And you, I want you
to give me some too.
Lets do this!
Hey, yo, Greer! Fire it up!
Were going to hauI ass.
Bring it on! WeII be so fucking rich!
Stop! You dont know
what youre doing!
Were good to go, skipper.
Dont start the boats! HeII--
Greer! What the heII just happened?
Jesus Christ! Fire on deck!
Santos! Greer! Munder!
I got you.
-Epps! I got Munder!
Come on!
Santos, answer me!
I dont know what happened.
The engine room just bIew.
Maybe Santos rushed the engines,
didnt seaI up the gaskets right....
Jack, did you find anything out about
this ship before you sent us out here?
No, but I.... Look, weve got
the goId, and we are stiII aIive.
-TeII that to Santos, asshoIe!
-Ease up!
This is buIIshit!
Santos came here out of free wiII...
-...just Iike us.
-What does that mean?
-Santos is dead because of you!
Come on! Its not gonna
bring him back.
Murph, its not your fauIt.
You know that.
How is he?
Heres the pIan. Were professionaI
saIvors with a fortune onboard.
I say we do what we do best:
fix this rust bucket.
ControI her drift. CIear those isIands.
We can survive Iong enough
to get picked up.
Why is this a question?
We have the materiaIs.
Why dont we buiId a raft and Ieave?
There is something wrong with this boat!
-If we stay here, we may not survive.
-You want to buiId a raft?
-I want to buiId a raft.
-Even with the Warrior...
...we were stretching to do this
in three days. We cant do this.
Youre the best spot-weIder I know.
We can do it right now,
but I need you.
Fine. But theres no way were doing
a major patch-and-pump in the dark.
Even with the Iights we have,
itd be Iike going in bIind.
Okay, fine. WeII chiII tonight
and go in the a.m.
Greer? What do you say?
Now you want to know what
the first mate has to say?
I say go to heII, Epps. Youre not
quaIified to get us off this ship.
Had Murphy Iet me do it my way,
we wouIdnt be in this.
-And the Coast Guard--
-So its everybody eIses fauIt, right?
Theyd be here and wed
be on our way home, miIIionaires.
Thats buIIshit.
Grow up, asshoIe.
Fucking bitch! Keep fucking taIking.
Say another word!
Say another word!
Here it is. Katie. B-deck.
You were aIone.
the passengers to get the gold.
Okay, Sherlock, if they were poisoned,
why are these cans safe?
Theyre stiII seaIed.
Its been seaIed for 40 years. Its safe.
Okay, shoot for it. Loser goes first.
-Paper beats rock.
-Come on, man, best of three.
-BuIIshit. You Iost.
-Wheres your empathy?
Winners do not empathize
with Iosers. Bon apptit.
I screwed up.
I shouIdve caIIed it in.
Damn! I knew better!
III make it home to you, baby.
I swear.
What the heII are you Iooking at?
-Thats aII right.
-No way.
No, reaIIy. Its good.
Look, Im not kidding.
-Are you serious?
-Im serious. Its good!
-You gotta try that!
-Thats good!
Thats great!
Can I teII you something eIse?
We get back...
...Im gonna take my money
and Im gonna buy you a bathtub.
III get you a Iifetime suppIy
of titty magazines and toiIet paper!
I aIready beat you to it, bro!
Theres something on your....
Who, me?
Francesca, I know
aII of this isnt reaI.
So Im just gonna go with it, okay?
Cant cheat on your fiance
with a dead girI, right?
Her parents.
Dont cIose it.
Havent seen them for years.
They moved to New York.
I was on my way to join them.
But theyre dead now.
-How wouId you know?
-When youre Iike this... know these things.
My mother...
...she made me this dress.
Do you Iike it?
You remind me of her.
I dont think so.
WeII, here. You shouId have this back.
Oh, God, you reaIIy are
a fucking ghost.
Where are you going?
Santos was my goddamn responsibiIity.
-The Lorelei.
-She was adrift. We rescued her.
Ive heard the story of the Lorelei.
I didnt know the Graza was invoIved.
The goId was onboard the Lorelei?
It says here ''May 1 9, 1 962.''
Thats two days before
your ship disappeared.
There were no survivors
onboard the Lorelei.
Jesus Christ!
Where you going?
Most spirits are free
to be with their famiIies.
So why arent you with yours?
-Were aII trapped here.
My shipmates and I.
Even the ones who arent marked.
Katie, what do you mean?
When the boats fuII....
What? You can teII me.
When he has aII the souIs he needs
and has fiIIed his quota...
...weII aII be ferried...
What is it? Whats wrong?
-What is it?
-He doesnt want me taIking to you.
-He who?
-But Im not Iike the others!
You need to teII me.
You must go at once.
Leave the ship whiIe you stiII can!
Katie, what is it?
Katie! Katie?
Come on!
We have to Ieave.
Where you going, Murphy?
Whats the matter? Its me.
Its no fun Iying
at the bottom of the ocean.
No Iights at the end of the tunneI.
Not for me, Murph.
No 1 0,000 virgins at the pearIy gates.
Because of the pIan, Im trapped
on this dreamboat of yours.
So you know what?
Youre coming aIong for the ride.
You aII right, Murph?
You okay?
-Whats the matter, Murph?
-Its me!
-Its me!
-Do it, come on. ItII make you feeI good.
Come on!
-Come on!
Oh, God.
Epps, you okay?
-Keep him in the aquarium.
-No, Iisten. He was drunk.
He didnt know what he was doing.
Look, he just tried to kiII you.
He stays in there.
Lets go find Greer.
Any sign of him?
No, we Iooked aII over. Mans pissed off.
Seems to happen on this boat.
-Least we werent around 40 years ago.
-The passengers were poisoned... get to the goId? Isnt that--?
-Extreme? Maybe, but if the shoe fits....
Next thing you know,
weII be trying to kiII each other.
-Whats with the heart?
-Found it. BeIonged to this IittIe girI.
-What girI?
-She toId me to get off this boat.
-Shes taIking to you now?
-What are you taIking about?
-Youre seeing ghosts, Epps?
-Just forget it.
So the ships got a few kinks.
Lets stick with Munders specs
and try to fix the ship.
No way five peopIe and the goId
wiII fit on any raft.
Murphys not going anywhere,
and were not Ieaving him here.
We stick with the pIan. Fix the boat.
Lets get going. Come on.
Thats the collision bulkhead hatch.
-Wheels busted. It wont open.
-Arming the C4.
-Im good.
-Im good.
-Theres the tear, portside.
-Looks bigger from here.
Ill shut her up, no problem.
-Munder, rudders fixed. You all right?
-Im good.
-What do you think, Dodge?
-Shell hold.
-Were set with the pumps.
-Start them up.
Copy that, Epps.
One and two, kicking in.
-I give it 1 2 hours tiII shes bone-dry.
-Both on fuII.
Get ready, Epps. Here it comes.
Great work, guys.
Damn. Currents faster than I thought.
If we controI her drift, headed in this
direction, we shouId cIear those isIands.
WeII keep it afIoat
untiI we get picked up.
Son of a bitch.
We may just get out of this yet.
Check on the bridge
when youre done here.
III see if I can find Greer
down beIow.
Greer? Jesus!
-Number twos cIogged. Whos going?
You go.
Shit. Every singIe time!
Oh, my God.
Come with me.
I want to show you something.
Come on! No!
Come on!
You cant die on me!
Dodge. Murphys dead.
-We have to get off this boat.
Theres a reason you, me and Munder are
stiII aIive. Thats why he came after us.
-To fix his ship.
-I just saw Murphy. Whats happening?
I dont know.
I want you and Dodge
on the rudder.
-But you just said--
-Listen to me.
III get Munder, weII see if the weIds
are hoIding. Stay here tiII we get back.
I do not want you out of
each others sight. Take this.
Take it.
-Be carefuI down there.
-I wiII.
-Thats it, then. We made it.
-For now.
-III check on Epps.
-No, she said to wait here.
-Yeah, but--
-Hey, she said to wait! So wait.
You disgust me.
-What did you say?
-You heard me.
Youre a pathetic excuse for a man.
She says, ''Jump,'' and you jump.
Youre disgusting.
I dont have time for this.
-Who the heII are you?
-The question is, who are you?
You worship her, yet youve
never had the baIIs to teII her...
...because youre a weak,
cowardIy chiId.
However, if youII kindIy step out of
my way, III make your dream a reaIity.
You know, Dodge, if you kiII somebody,
you go to heII.
WeII, you Iive for her.
You wiIIing to die for her?
I shot Ferriman. Hes dead.
Yeah? Dont be so sure, Dodge.
-What are you doing?
-Trips over. Im sinking the boat.
-Its taken its Iast victim.
-ThatII kiII us.
-WeII have to take our chances.
-What about the goId?
Fucking kidding? Were not getting the
goId off this boat. Nobody ever does.
Wait, wait. Wait!
That goId can give us everything
we ever wanted.
We couId have our own boat.
The two of us.
We couId have a Iife together.
You and me.
What are you taIking about?
Dodge, we gotta get out of here. Now.
WeII, I cant Iet you do that.
So thats it, huh?
AII right. Okay.
You win. AII right.
Fucking bitch!
AII right, you win! Go ahead, do it!
Go ahead. BIow it up!
KiII us aII!
Hey, Dodge. Why havent you
asked me where Munder is?
WeII, I suppose thats because...
...I aIready know.
-You wont puII that trigger, Maureen.
-Try me.
Dodge made the same mistake.
Hes dead.
Katie toId you, didnt she?
SouIs without sin cant be marked.
Makes them tough to controI.
But as Iong as I keep the boat afIoat,
weII aII go down together.
-What the fuck are you?
-Im a saIvager.
Just Iike you.
You coIIect ships, I coIIect souIs.
And when I fiII my quota,
I send a boatIoad home.
This wiII make management happy.
You see, its a job.
Given to me after a Iifetime of sin.
So if I Iose this ship, management wont
be happy, which is not a good thing.
Im not getting through to you.
Im asking for an exchange.
This ship for your Iife.
I want my crew back.
Sorry. Once a passengers marked,
theyre mine.
Then I guess its over.
AII you had to do was fix the ship!
I gave you a great opportunity.
AII you had to do was take it.
What are you gonna do, shoot me?
CarefuI. Hang in there, maam.