Ghosts of Darkness (2017) Movie Script
(eerie orchestral music)
- Do you remember what I
told you the other night?
Close your eyes, count to
five, and take a deep breath.
It's all in your
imagination, I promise.
There are no ghosts
in this house.
There's no monster under the bed
and there's definitely no
bad man in your cupboard.
Now, come on, go back to sleep.
Look, let's talk about
this in the morning.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Look, it's been going
on for three nights, now.
It has to stop.
- Will you give her a break?
It's just gonna take her a
while to settle in, that's all.
- Right, so in the
meantime I just keep goin'
to work with only two
hours sleep every night.
- Honestly, that room
gives me the creeps, too.
Why don't we set her
up in another room?
Just until that
one's been decorated.
- Great idea, yeah.
Let's spend some more money.
- It was your idea to move here.
- Drop it.
Thank you, thanks for
reminding me again.
- Let's not do this today.
- So, you finally decided
to get up, did you?
- There's cereal on the counter.
- Oh yeah, remember I've
got a meeting tonight,
so I'm going to be back late.
- [Laura] How late?
- Late.
Come on, silly,
you heard your mom,
cereal's on the counter.
You don't wanna be
late for school.
- Mike?
(clock chiming)
- [Mike] Please.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Hello.
I got your card.
It's Jack, Jack Donavan.
- [Jonathan] Hello,
is anyone there?
Ah, thank God.
I thought I was going mad.
And if I am mad,
then it is mercy.
May the gods pity the man
who, in his callousness,
remains sane until
the hideous end.
Jonathan Blazer, and you are?
- Jack, Jack Donavan.
- Yes, it's a pleasure
to meet you, Jack.
Now, how can I be of service?
- That's what I
was gonna ask you.
I got this card with
this house's address
and my name on it.
- Well, that is interesting.
I found this card in my
mailbox about two days ago.
Plot thickens.
- Maybe I can be
of help, gentlemen.
If you'd follow me.
In front of you
lies over 200 years
of this building's history
dating back to the 18th century.
I can assure you that everything
in that document took
place within these walls.
We invited you both here,
based purely on your reputation
within this particular field.
My client was very specific
that you two, and only you
two, should be contacted.
- So, what exactly is
it I can do to help,
a little house
clearance, seance maybe,
something to spook the spooks?
A little John Blazer special.
- So, your a medium.
- Certainly not, I'm a psychic.
And dare I say the best they
have in this two-horse town.
- Look, I appreciate
your client's invitation
but firstly, I work alone,
and secondly, I work in the
realms of the real world.
- Yuck.
- If you're looking for some
kind of paranormal clown
to promote this place
to the tourists,
then believe me, you've
got the wrong man.
- So, I take it
you're a nonbeliever.
- I believe you're full of shit.
- Wow, I mean that's just
unprofessional, isn't it?
- I make a living out
of exposing frauds,
and trust me when I say this,
I'm the best at what I do.
- See, I'm sensing a
little bit of hostility.
It's coming from this
side of the sofa.
I mean, are you getting this?
- Is this the best you could do?
Is this some kind of joke?
- I would appreciate it if
you'd read through the files
before making any rash
decisions, Mr. Donavan.
There is a substantial fee
attached to this proposition.
- Exactly how much
are we talking?
- 50,000 US dollars.
- I'm sorry, you want to
pay us 50,000 US dollars?
- 50,000 US dollars each.
- Well, I mean, it's a little
less than my normal fee,
but I think under the
circumstances we could make....
- This is a very serious
matter, Mr. Blazer.
Money is of no relevance to my
client providing you can get
this unfortunate
situation cleared up
within the allocated time.
- But you still haven't told
us what this is all about.
(clock chiming)
And all these deaths
took place in this house?
- That's as far back
as the records go.
For all we know, there
could be many more.
- Jesus, what happened
to these people?
- Who's the stiff?
- His name was Mr. Johnston.
His family were
the last residents
to look after this property.
- He's not going to
get his deposit back.
- Unfortunately, previous
owners would not accept
the history of this house,
and would occasionally
try to rent it out
to unsuspecting tenants.
As you can see, this
is a huge building.
It requires a great deal
of attention dedicated
to its upkeep.
- What were the results
of the autopsy report?
- Stabbings, hanging,
mutilation, gun fire,
the list goes on.
But that's where things
get a little strange.
- What could be
stranger than this?
- The Johnston's only
lived in this house
for a couple of days before
the murders took place.
They were killed by their
own 13-year-old daughter
in what looked like
an unprovoked attack.
- Teenagers.
- What happened to the daughter?
- She was found dead upstairs
in a bedroom cupboard,
apparent suicide.
- Apparent suicide?
- She was stabbed to death,
but the police could only
find her fingerprints
on the knife.
And what makes it so strange
was the fact that she
died from knife wounds
to her own back.
- She stabbed
herself in the back?
- Eight times to be precise.
- How's that even possible?
That doesn't make sense.
- I wish I could tell you more,
but that's everything I know.
I have included the
official police reports
for you both to read over
at your own convenience.
The reputation of this house
has grown over the years.
The murders have
created a legend
that doesn't exactly bode well
with my client's current
business interests.
Half up front, and half
when you complete the job.
- Well, this all sounds amazing,
but what exactly is the job?
- Damage control.
I'm guessing they wanna
offload this place
to some poor unsuspecting buyer.
And I bet you nobody wants
to touch this place
with its track record.
Am I right?
- And what better
way than to get two
of the very best
to reassure them.
You'd be very surprised how
superstitious people can be.
- So, what is it exactly
that you want us to do?
- Three nights, you stay here
for three uninterrupted nights,
and then report your findings
back to me, and only to me.
- That's it?
You're gonna pay us 50,000
grand just to have a sleepover?
- We will, of course, be
contacting the local press
to make people aware
of what we are doing.
Maximum exposure is crucial
to making this a
success for my client.
- And what if we find something?
- Let me make this clear,
you're findings will show
that this residence
is nothing more
than an old house.
You'll both state that your
stay here was uneventful
and that you found
nothing strange,
supernatural, or
paranormal whatsoever.
- What's the catch?
- No catch, just look at is as
a paid holiday for you both.
- And if we refuse?
- Oh, of course,
we'll take the job.
When do we start?
- You started already.
Everything's been arranged
to accommodate your stay.
- No offense, but conning
people isn't exactly
what I get paid to do.
- Mr. Donavan, I
fully understand
and appreciate your honestly.
- It's $50,000.
- But unfortunately,
the offer only stands
if both of you agree
to participate.
- I knew you were
gonna say that.
- I need your phones and your
car keys if you possess them.
This is a publicity
stunt, gentlemen.
We need it to look as
genuine as possible.
- Chop, chop, come on.
- This is non-negotiable,
I'm afraid.
- What is it?
Is there porn on the phone?
It's porn on the phone,
I'm sensing, there we go.
- Excellent, I'll
return your phones
and your vehicles once
you've completed the job.
One last thing.
- Here it comes.
- The building will be secured
for the full three days.
No one will be able to get in,
and no one will be
able to get out.
If however, either
of you wish to leave
before the agreed
allocated time,
you'll both forfeit the
second part of your payment.
- You're locking us in here?
- My client was very adamant
about this condition.
- What about a
change of clothes?
I didn't bring any with me.
- Why three days?
- Because that's as long
as anyone's ever lasted
in this house, allegedly.
- Trust me, I've
heard it all before.
- Good luck, gentlemen.
Have a pleasant stay
at Richmond Manor.
- That seem weird to you?
Finally, my luck
is about to change.
Where are you going?
Was he serious
about the clothes?
I can't wear this
for three days.
Wow, well that is a lot of belt.
What is all this stuff?
- Just so we're clear,
don't touch anything.
You understand?
- Yep.
- Stay away from my equipment.
- Sure.
- Off limits, private
property, Capiche?
- Absolutely, kemosabe,
I respect you.
I've just never seen
anything like this.
- Well, that's because all of
this is high-tech equipment,
science based.
Something I'm guessing
you're not too familiar with.
- See, I'm sensing you have a
problem with people like me.
- What do you mean,
people like you?
- Oh, psychics, mediums,
the rakishly good looking.
- Not really, I
just have a problem
with what you people
do for a living.
- I help people.
- More like, help yourself.
- Not everything
can be explained
with high-tech gadgets
and fancy belts, Jack.
What I have is a gift,
or a curse, depending
on how you look at it.
- Do you know how
many people I've met
like you over the years?
They're all full of
the same old bullshit,
anything to make a quick buck.
- Oh, do enlighten me.
- All right, you say you
can speak to the dead,
see ghosts, or demons,
or whatever the crap
you guys are selling these days.
Well, go on, prove it.
Summon the dead right now.
Make me a believer.
- It doesn't work like that.
- Of course, it doesn't.
There's always an
excuse with you people.
You see this?
This is how I prove things.
This is how I work.
- I fail to see the point.
He's paying us to sit
here and do nothing.
- You see, that's the
difference between us.
I'm not here for the money.
If all this is bullshit,
and I can guarantee you it is,
I'm gonna prove it, myself.
- This is gonna be
a long three days.
I'm sensing the booze is in.
Well, I suppose you'll do.
(eerie orchestral music)
I found the food.
I mean, it's not La
Zou, but it'll do.
High-tech equipment, whoop.
Note to jack, you're a dick.
(organ music)
Still got it.
You having fun up there, Jack?
(eerie orchestral music)
- [Jonathan] Jack.
- What do you want?
I'm working here.
- [Jonathan] Jack.
- This better be good.
(eerie orchestral music)
If this is some kind of
joke, I swear to God.
(door slams)
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jesus, what,
what the hell, man!
What do you want?
- Well, I found something.
- What did you find?
- Oh no, no, no, this
I have to show you.
- Were you in this room?
- No, that door's locked,
I tried it earlier.
Come on.
Come on, Jack.
Huh, huh?
Isn't this the greatest
thing you've ever seen?
I mean, look at this stuff.
Imagine the children who
got to play with this.
Spoiled little shits.
These people must
have been loaded.
- Great, is that it, can I go?
- Clearly, you have
no appreciation
for the art of the
scaled miniature.
Luckily, I think
I found something
a little bit more your speed.
- Double-barrel Briska
Italian made shotgun.
- Shit, this thing's loaded.
- Whoa, careful with that thing.
You're gonna hurt yourself.
- Go on, take my picture.
John Blazer, hunter,
gatherer, lover.
- That'll look
great on my website,
right next to all the
other con artists.
What the?
- What, what now?
- What did I say about
touching my equipment?
Look at this.
What are you, five?
- Look, I'm sorry about
touching your stuff.
That was out of line.
I'm just not used to
working with people.
I tell you what,
I'll go upstairs,
and I'll set up in a room,
and I'll just try and
keep out of your way.
You know, if that's
what you want.
- Yes, that's what I want.
- Okay.
If you've come to
shout at me again,
I'd rather you didn't.
- Actually, I was thinking
about apologizing.
- You were thinking?
- I haven't quite
made my mind up yet.
What's that for?
- So, you're interested
in how I work
all of a sudden, are you?
- What is it?
- Well, this my friend,
is sodium chloride.
And you probably
wouldn't understand,
it's a little bit scientific.
- Why salt?
- It's for protection.
Nothing bad can touch
me while I'm in here.
Not even you.
- So, you think this
stuff actually works?
- No, do you know
what a Ouija board is?
- Well, everybody knows
what a Ouija board is.
- Look, you have all your
high-tech toys and gadgets,
this is what I have.
As to your next question,
yes, it does work.
Sometimes, a little too well.
Poor Mrs. Bracket, she
really loved that dog.
Are you sure you want to
be around when I do this?
I know you're not a believer,
and that's probably
gonna kick off, so.
- I'm curious.
I wanna see how
you do what you do.
Besides, I thought you
were just on holiday.
- You kidding?
A house with this
kind of history.
We should be covered in ghosts.
- Well, why don't you ask them
what next week's
lottery numbers are?
- How's a ghost supposed to know
what next week's
lottery numbers are?
Most of them don't
even know they're dead.
Look, are you gonna let
me do this thing, or not?
- You're the expert,
I'm just observing.
- If there is anyone
present in this house
make yourselves known to me
through the spirit board.
Well, that's
probably a good sign.
- What is?
- Trust me, silence is better
when you're using this thing,
especially in a house like this.
It takes a little while, okay?
I'm just getting warmed up.
By the gibbous moon and
the five-pointed star,
while the sky is
bruised and broken,
hear my voice and heed my call,
any spirits present
make yourselves known,
and move the pointer to yes.
Like I said, takes
a little time.
- Same old bullshit.
- Your wife must have
the patience of a saint.
- What did you say?
- Must be a bit
of a strain to....
- Don't you dare
talk about my wife.
You don't know
anything about her.
- Thanks, guys, you made
me look a right asshole.
Oh, is there some other house
you have to go and haunt?
(eerie orchestral music)
Who are you?
What do you want?
(eerie orchestral music)
- Rebecca.
- He made me do it.
- Oh, what have you done?
(eerie orchestral music)
(foot steps)
A slight drop in temperature
of the girl's room,
from 15 to eight degrees.
- Morning.
You're up early.
- Couldn't sleep.
- That's hardly surprising.
Not exactly bedtime
reading, is it?
What's your take on all this?
- I'm sure there's a
rational explanation.
There always is.
- I'm beginning
to think agreeing
to stay here was a grave error.
- I think your not
taking a change
of clothes was a grave error.
- I know you don't
wanna hear this,
but something
happened last night.
I got a message on the board.
- You're right, I
don't wanna hear it.
- Two nights left.
Whatever this thing is, it's
counting down our stay here.
- Wake up, Jonathan.
Somebody's playing
games with us.
We're not alone.
Last night, I saw somebody
else in this house.
And whoever it is, they have
access to the building somehow.
- Oh, that can't be good.
Whoa, what did I do?
- Motion sensor.
- What?
- If there's anything
moving around up here,
I'm gonna know about it.
- And what if it's not a person?
Have you even considered that?
- How much do we actually know
about the man who hired us, huh?
For all we know,
we're just pawns
in some fucked up PR stunt.
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised
if this is all just a ploy
to get dumb tourists
to visit their
newly acquired haunted
house attraction.
Let's face it, we're in
the middle of nowhere.
- Those pictures
look real to me.
- Even if they are,
that doesn't explain
what I saw last night.
- And what if it's
not a PR stunt?
The thing I made contact
with knows we're here.
And trust me, that
is not a good thing.
Jack, please listen to me.
I think we might be in
some genuine danger.
- Enough to forfeit your
share of the money, Jonathan?
No one's keeping you here.
- Oh great, where
am I gonna go, hmm?
We're in the middle
of cocking nowhere.
No phones, no cars.
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
(suspenseful orchestral music)
(child laughing)
- What the hell is
going on out here?
- I just saw someone.
- What did you see?
(child laughing)
- Grab the camera.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
- Well, he didn't say
anything about having a pool.
This is definitely
better than the train.
For your website.
What did you see?
- I don't know.
- Don't know?
Or don't want to say?
- It looked like a little girl.
- Was it this little girl?
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
- No, tell me that's
not what I think it is.
I think it's high
time we talk about
what I think we're
dealing with here.
- We're dealing
with a real person,
not some phantom spook.
- Jack, I've watched you
fumble about this house
for the last 36 hours with
your gadgets and gizmos.
Now, it's high time
you listened to me.
Open it.
- What is this?
- Demonology, the study
of ancient demons,
their legends, and
more importantly,
how to get rid of them.
- So, you really think a ghost
left that thing in my room?
- Not a ghost, a demon.
Ghosts are easy to move on,
they're my bread and butter.
But a demon, that's an entirely
different beast altogether.
- Okay, let's just say for one
minute I'm buying that crap.
- What's to buy, Jack?
You're sitting in
the middle of a house
where entire
generations of families
have either murdered each
other or committed suicide.
- If you're so
convinced it's a demon,
why can't you get rid of it?
- Oh sure, yeah, just
get rid of it, hmm?
It's not that simple.
- But you're experienced
in this, aren't you?
But you have this?
- I've never actually
had to use that thing.
It's mostly for show.
- Well, isn't that convenient?
- Look, this isn't my MO, okay.
I'm used to moving on
stubborn dead people.
This is different.
- How?
- Because demons aren't human.
Their soul purpose is
to torment the living,
to cause as much pain and
suffering as possible.
Truth is, nobody knows
what these things are.
- Then how do you know that
we're dealing with one?
- Case after case,
all have classic signs
of demonic possession.
Parents murdered by
their own daughter.
You think it's a
coincidence you're seeing
little girls
running around here?
This hapless
handyman came around
to fix the washing machine.
An hour later, he hung
himself out to dry.
Murder after murder,
suicide after suicide.
No previous convictions and
no history of mental illness.
I mean, look at this.
How do you shoot
yourself in the back
of the head with a rifle?
- Okay, you've made your point.
Start reading this.
If it is what you say it is,
then we need to know
how to get rid of it.
But if you're wrong
and it's not a demon,
we got bigger things
to worry about.
- What could possibly
be worse than this?
- That's what I
intend to find out.
- You're wasting your time.
You won't find anything.
- Whoever it is
that's messing with us
must have a way in,
a door or a basement.
Something we haven't seen yet.
You gonna be okay here?
- Oh, I think I'll manage.
- If you hear or see anything,
call me immediately.
- Hey, be careful out there.
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
Oh, that's not good.
- [Jack] Jonathan,
where are you?
(eerie orchestral music)
(crackling) Jonathan.
- What is it, Jack?
- What the hell are
you doing up there?
I've been trying to
get ahold of you.
I found the basement.
Just having a look around.
If there's another way
in, this is probably it.
- Look Jack, I need you to
get back up here right now.
I found something
very interesting.
- Jonathan.
Jonathan, you're breaking up.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jack.
(eerie orchestral music)
(door slams)
Jack, if you can hear me,
get the hell out
of the basement.
(eerie orchestral music)
(child laughing)
(eerie orchestral music)
- Barnum vindictae.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jack?
Jack, I've been
trying to reach you.
There's something very
wrong with this place.
- Is that you, Sarah?
- Who are you?
- What did I tell you about
being late for school?
- What do you want?
- You're not Sarah.
What have you done
with my Sarah?
(eerie orchestral music)
- There, that should
stop the bleeding.
- Thanks.
- But you might need stitches.
What the hell happened?
- What did you find
in the basement?
- Doesn't matter.
- Of course, it matters.
Jack, what did you find?
- I found a little blood.
- And?
- Next to it, there was a....
- Well, that definitely
wasn't here before.
There's no dial tone.
(eerie orchestral music)
- What the hell?
That's not possible.
- Hello.
It's your wife.
- What?
- She says she's your wife.
She wants to talk to you.
- [Rebecca] Oh, it
hurts so much, Jack.
- Rebecca.
- [Rebecca] This
is all your fault.
Why did you let
him do this to me?
- Rebecca.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jack?
(eerie orchestral music)
What's going on?
You all right, Jack?
- She's been dead
for five years.
- God, I'm so sorry.
(eerie orchestral music)
- She was a psychic.
I loved her more than anything.
More than life itself, but
I could never understand
that side of her.
All the Ouija boards,
the totems, tarot cards.
I tried.
One evening at
dinner, she told me
that she made contact
with this evil spirit.
I thought she lost her mind.
I tried to reason with her,
talk some sense into her, but
she was convinced
it was real.
She became obsessed
with those boards.
No matter what I
did to hide them
or get rid of them,
every night, I'd wake up
and I'd find her on them.
As the weeks went on,
she got worse and worse.
She locked herself in her room,
she stopped eating.
She wouldn't talk to anybody.
She was scared.
She was convinced this thing
was trying to kill her.
One night,
I came home,
and she was in the bath.
There was blood everywhere.
She slit her wrists.
Before I could do anything,
she took the knife
and she cut her throat open,
right in front of me.
I couldn't save her.
I tried,
I tried.
I should have.
I couldn't live with myself,
with the guilt.
I took it out on everyone,
clairvoyants, psychics, mediums.
The more frauds I exposed,
the more it fueled my anger
that she'd been duped
or brainwashed by all
that paranormal bullshit.
She was right.
It's real.
(eerie orchestral music)
You're up early.
- Couldn't sleep.
- I slept pretty good.
So, what is all this stuff?
- What you're looking
at is the history
of Richmond Manor for
the last 200 years.
It turns out that most of
our murder victims were,
unbeknownst to them,
related to the Richmonds.
Back in 1801, there was an
unprovoked massacre here.
No one knows who started it,
but the family scattered.
Since then, something's
been drawing them back here
and murdering them.
I found something else
among the list of names.
A family, the Donavans.
- Holy shit.
- Holy shit indeed, Jack.
Your being here
is no coincidence.
- What about you?
- I've been asking myself
that same question.
My hunch is that it feeds
off psychic powers somehow.
Myself, your wife,
even our hapless friend here.
- That's the symbol I saw in
the basement next to the blood.
- Basement, I've been
seeing it everywhere.
Every time I touch the board,
it's like a feedback
loop in my mind.
Of course, it's a conduit.
That's how it gets around.
That's how it delivered
the cards to us.
That's how it's
drawing its power.
See, it's been weak
so far, but now,
it's taking physical form.
- The question is
can we herd it back?
- There's one way to find out.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
How many shells have we got?
- Two in the chamber, one here.
- Let's hope it's enough.
- Yeah.
Son of a bitch.
- What?
- Son of a bitch.
- Shit in my mouth.
- How old is this guy?
Barnum, Barnum, Barnum.
That's one of the words
I saw in the basement.
- Words, what words?
- There's some writing
on the wall in Latin.
It said, "Barnum vindictae."
- Barnum revenge.
- Oblitus.
- Forgotten.
- Legitimus fetus.
- Barnum's Richmond's
bastard son.
No wonder he's pissed off.
- What does that all mean?
- It means we're
not getting paid.
- I'm serious.
- So am I, Jack.
I've got some pretty
big gambling debts.
It's the dice, they call to me.
- Jonathan, focus.
Could we use it to hurt him?
- What the words,
the book, the symbol?
We could try a ritual.
The question is, "Where?"
- The basement.
- The basement's the
door he using to leave.
We need to find the
door he used to come in.
It could be anywhere.
- I think I know where.
- Show me.
- This has to be it.
The reading's are
off the charts.
Trust me, that isn't normal.
- I like it.
We'll perform the ritual here.
No matter what you hear,
no matter what you see,
it's imperative you stay
within the salt circle
till the ritual is complete.
- I'm ready.
- I hope so.
- So, what now?
- Now we wait.
This could take some time.
- Oh, that didn't take long.
What's that?
- Ignore it.
- It sounds like.
- Look, it's a trick, ignore it.
- I have to check.
- Really? Hmm?
What did I just say?
(eerie orchestral music)
(door slams)
(eerie orchestral music)
(suspenseful orchestral music)
- [Jack] Jonathan!
- Jack.
Jack, where the hell are you?
Oh, Jesus Christ, Jack!
- We've gotta get out of here.
- No, we have to
complete the ritual.
Oh, that doesn't sound friendly.
- Come on, come on.
This is getting really
messed up, I just saw....
- Look, if we don't
complete that ritual,
we're gonna die in
this house tonight.
Oh shit, look....
- Use the gun.
- What?
- Shoot her.
- I'm not qualified.
- Shoot her!
(gun fires)
- Oh!
- You got her, it worked.
- Is it dead?
- I don't know.
Can you kill something
that's already dead?
- Oh, it smells.
- Stay here and watch it.
- And do what?
- [Jack] If it
moves, kill it again.
- Stop looking at me!
Fuck you.
- Look familiar?
The falls?
- What are you doing?
- Are you serious?
We've gotta document this.
- Have you lost
your fucking mind?
- [Jack] This
changes everything.
- Oh.
Oh, Jesus.
Jack, he seems a bit big.
Jack, he's, oh, he's big.
It's big, it's big,
it's Big Beard.
Come on.
- What?
Go upstairs and
prepare the ritual,
I'll take care of him.
(gun fires)
(eerie orchestral music)
Oh shit!
(eerie orchestral music)
- Oh, come on.
- Why don't you help me, Jack?
You could have
saved me from him.
But you helped me die.
- (Groans) Fuck, son of a bitch.
Barnum, you bastard.
I call upon you of
spirits of hell.
Appear in my presence before
this circle of SOGOMA.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
I am the stag of seven tines.
I am the wide
flood on the plain.
I am the wind on
the deep waters.
I am shining tear on the sun.
I am a hawk on the cliff.
I am fair among the flowers.
I am a god who sets the
world afire with smoke.
Show yourself, demon.
Jack, what the hell
are you playing at?
- Rebecca, is that you?
- It hurts so much, Jack.
The pain never stops.
He won't let it.
Look what you made me do.
- No.
- You could've stopped it.
You could've helped me.
- Stop.
- Why did you let
him do this to me?
Why did you let me die?
- Stop it!
(evil laughing)
You're not my wife.
(evil laughing)
You're not my wife!
(evil laughing)
- You're wife
tastes sweet, Jack.
(evil laughing)
Very sweet.
(evil laughing)
- You're not my wife!
(eerie orchestral music)
- Oh, good of you to join us.
- I had some old
demons to deal with.
Let's finish this.
- I'm fine, by the way.
Start reading.
- [Both] In these names
that are above all others,
whether it constrained by
chains or returned to darkness,
may you never disturb
this house again.
- Again.
- [Both] In these names
that are above all others,
whether it constrained by
chains or returned to darkness,
may you never disturb
this house again.
- Atat.
- In these names that are above all others.
- Barnum.
- Whether constrained by chains.
- Bacuth.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Exsilium.
- May you never disturb
this house again.
- Vindictae.
Again. Atat.
- In the names are above all others.
- Barnum.
- Whether it constrained by chains....
- Bacuth.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Exsilium.
- May you never disturb
this house again.
- Vindictae.
- In the names that are above all others.
- Atat.
- Whether it constrained by chains.
- Barnum.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Bacuth.
- May you never disturb this house again.
- Exsilium.
- Vindictae.
- In these names that are above all others.
- Barnum.
- Whether it constrained by chains.
- Bacuth.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Exsilium.
- May it never disturb
this house again.
- Vindictae.
You are banished.
(clock chiming)
- Is that it?
- I don't know.
Don't look at it!
We have to complete the ritual.
- [Both] Atat,
- Don't look at it.
- [Both] Atat, Barnum,
Bacuth, Exsilium, Vindictae.
Atat, Barnum, Bacuth,
Exsilium, Vindictae.
Atat, Barnum, Bacuth,
Exsilium, Vindictae.
(door slams)
- This can't be right.
It was way too easy.
Oh no, no, no, no.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
Jack, I'm sorry.
(eerie orchestral music)
I'm sorry, Jack.
(eerie orchestral music)
- [Demon] Giving up
so soon, Mr. Blazer?
(evil laughing)
(gun fires)
("The Bringer of
Dreams" by Pallas)
Welcome, step inside
the waiting room
Just relax, they'll
be here quite soon
Now if you could
just let yourself go
You'll soon be starring
in your own freak show
They know that you're here
Your own dark fears
You know you
can't stop the show
You're at the mercy
of the bringer of dreams
A dream or a nightmare,
tell me what will you choose
No way of knowing
if you'll win or lose
Perhaps you'll find
your heart's desire
Or burn forever
in your own hellfire
Let the show begin
Just welcome them in
You know you
can't stop the show
You're at the mercy
of the bringer of dreams
Sleepless demons
approaching fast
They bring you gifts
from your subconscious past
Ride with Rhiannon on her...
- Do you remember what I
told you the other night?
Close your eyes, count to
five, and take a deep breath.
It's all in your
imagination, I promise.
There are no ghosts
in this house.
There's no monster under the bed
and there's definitely no
bad man in your cupboard.
Now, come on, go back to sleep.
Look, let's talk about
this in the morning.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Look, it's been going
on for three nights, now.
It has to stop.
- Will you give her a break?
It's just gonna take her a
while to settle in, that's all.
- Right, so in the
meantime I just keep goin'
to work with only two
hours sleep every night.
- Honestly, that room
gives me the creeps, too.
Why don't we set her
up in another room?
Just until that
one's been decorated.
- Great idea, yeah.
Let's spend some more money.
- It was your idea to move here.
- Drop it.
Thank you, thanks for
reminding me again.
- Let's not do this today.
- So, you finally decided
to get up, did you?
- There's cereal on the counter.
- Oh yeah, remember I've
got a meeting tonight,
so I'm going to be back late.
- [Laura] How late?
- Late.
Come on, silly,
you heard your mom,
cereal's on the counter.
You don't wanna be
late for school.
- Mike?
(clock chiming)
- [Mike] Please.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Hello.
I got your card.
It's Jack, Jack Donavan.
- [Jonathan] Hello,
is anyone there?
Ah, thank God.
I thought I was going mad.
And if I am mad,
then it is mercy.
May the gods pity the man
who, in his callousness,
remains sane until
the hideous end.
Jonathan Blazer, and you are?
- Jack, Jack Donavan.
- Yes, it's a pleasure
to meet you, Jack.
Now, how can I be of service?
- That's what I
was gonna ask you.
I got this card with
this house's address
and my name on it.
- Well, that is interesting.
I found this card in my
mailbox about two days ago.
Plot thickens.
- Maybe I can be
of help, gentlemen.
If you'd follow me.
In front of you
lies over 200 years
of this building's history
dating back to the 18th century.
I can assure you that everything
in that document took
place within these walls.
We invited you both here,
based purely on your reputation
within this particular field.
My client was very specific
that you two, and only you
two, should be contacted.
- So, what exactly is
it I can do to help,
a little house
clearance, seance maybe,
something to spook the spooks?
A little John Blazer special.
- So, your a medium.
- Certainly not, I'm a psychic.
And dare I say the best they
have in this two-horse town.
- Look, I appreciate
your client's invitation
but firstly, I work alone,
and secondly, I work in the
realms of the real world.
- Yuck.
- If you're looking for some
kind of paranormal clown
to promote this place
to the tourists,
then believe me, you've
got the wrong man.
- So, I take it
you're a nonbeliever.
- I believe you're full of shit.
- Wow, I mean that's just
unprofessional, isn't it?
- I make a living out
of exposing frauds,
and trust me when I say this,
I'm the best at what I do.
- See, I'm sensing a
little bit of hostility.
It's coming from this
side of the sofa.
I mean, are you getting this?
- Is this the best you could do?
Is this some kind of joke?
- I would appreciate it if
you'd read through the files
before making any rash
decisions, Mr. Donavan.
There is a substantial fee
attached to this proposition.
- Exactly how much
are we talking?
- 50,000 US dollars.
- I'm sorry, you want to
pay us 50,000 US dollars?
- 50,000 US dollars each.
- Well, I mean, it's a little
less than my normal fee,
but I think under the
circumstances we could make....
- This is a very serious
matter, Mr. Blazer.
Money is of no relevance to my
client providing you can get
this unfortunate
situation cleared up
within the allocated time.
- But you still haven't told
us what this is all about.
(clock chiming)
And all these deaths
took place in this house?
- That's as far back
as the records go.
For all we know, there
could be many more.
- Jesus, what happened
to these people?
- Who's the stiff?
- His name was Mr. Johnston.
His family were
the last residents
to look after this property.
- He's not going to
get his deposit back.
- Unfortunately, previous
owners would not accept
the history of this house,
and would occasionally
try to rent it out
to unsuspecting tenants.
As you can see, this
is a huge building.
It requires a great deal
of attention dedicated
to its upkeep.
- What were the results
of the autopsy report?
- Stabbings, hanging,
mutilation, gun fire,
the list goes on.
But that's where things
get a little strange.
- What could be
stranger than this?
- The Johnston's only
lived in this house
for a couple of days before
the murders took place.
They were killed by their
own 13-year-old daughter
in what looked like
an unprovoked attack.
- Teenagers.
- What happened to the daughter?
- She was found dead upstairs
in a bedroom cupboard,
apparent suicide.
- Apparent suicide?
- She was stabbed to death,
but the police could only
find her fingerprints
on the knife.
And what makes it so strange
was the fact that she
died from knife wounds
to her own back.
- She stabbed
herself in the back?
- Eight times to be precise.
- How's that even possible?
That doesn't make sense.
- I wish I could tell you more,
but that's everything I know.
I have included the
official police reports
for you both to read over
at your own convenience.
The reputation of this house
has grown over the years.
The murders have
created a legend
that doesn't exactly bode well
with my client's current
business interests.
Half up front, and half
when you complete the job.
- Well, this all sounds amazing,
but what exactly is the job?
- Damage control.
I'm guessing they wanna
offload this place
to some poor unsuspecting buyer.
And I bet you nobody wants
to touch this place
with its track record.
Am I right?
- And what better
way than to get two
of the very best
to reassure them.
You'd be very surprised how
superstitious people can be.
- So, what is it exactly
that you want us to do?
- Three nights, you stay here
for three uninterrupted nights,
and then report your findings
back to me, and only to me.
- That's it?
You're gonna pay us 50,000
grand just to have a sleepover?
- We will, of course, be
contacting the local press
to make people aware
of what we are doing.
Maximum exposure is crucial
to making this a
success for my client.
- And what if we find something?
- Let me make this clear,
you're findings will show
that this residence
is nothing more
than an old house.
You'll both state that your
stay here was uneventful
and that you found
nothing strange,
supernatural, or
paranormal whatsoever.
- What's the catch?
- No catch, just look at is as
a paid holiday for you both.
- And if we refuse?
- Oh, of course,
we'll take the job.
When do we start?
- You started already.
Everything's been arranged
to accommodate your stay.
- No offense, but conning
people isn't exactly
what I get paid to do.
- Mr. Donavan, I
fully understand
and appreciate your honestly.
- It's $50,000.
- But unfortunately,
the offer only stands
if both of you agree
to participate.
- I knew you were
gonna say that.
- I need your phones and your
car keys if you possess them.
This is a publicity
stunt, gentlemen.
We need it to look as
genuine as possible.
- Chop, chop, come on.
- This is non-negotiable,
I'm afraid.
- What is it?
Is there porn on the phone?
It's porn on the phone,
I'm sensing, there we go.
- Excellent, I'll
return your phones
and your vehicles once
you've completed the job.
One last thing.
- Here it comes.
- The building will be secured
for the full three days.
No one will be able to get in,
and no one will be
able to get out.
If however, either
of you wish to leave
before the agreed
allocated time,
you'll both forfeit the
second part of your payment.
- You're locking us in here?
- My client was very adamant
about this condition.
- What about a
change of clothes?
I didn't bring any with me.
- Why three days?
- Because that's as long
as anyone's ever lasted
in this house, allegedly.
- Trust me, I've
heard it all before.
- Good luck, gentlemen.
Have a pleasant stay
at Richmond Manor.
- That seem weird to you?
Finally, my luck
is about to change.
Where are you going?
Was he serious
about the clothes?
I can't wear this
for three days.
Wow, well that is a lot of belt.
What is all this stuff?
- Just so we're clear,
don't touch anything.
You understand?
- Yep.
- Stay away from my equipment.
- Sure.
- Off limits, private
property, Capiche?
- Absolutely, kemosabe,
I respect you.
I've just never seen
anything like this.
- Well, that's because all of
this is high-tech equipment,
science based.
Something I'm guessing
you're not too familiar with.
- See, I'm sensing you have a
problem with people like me.
- What do you mean,
people like you?
- Oh, psychics, mediums,
the rakishly good looking.
- Not really, I
just have a problem
with what you people
do for a living.
- I help people.
- More like, help yourself.
- Not everything
can be explained
with high-tech gadgets
and fancy belts, Jack.
What I have is a gift,
or a curse, depending
on how you look at it.
- Do you know how
many people I've met
like you over the years?
They're all full of
the same old bullshit,
anything to make a quick buck.
- Oh, do enlighten me.
- All right, you say you
can speak to the dead,
see ghosts, or demons,
or whatever the crap
you guys are selling these days.
Well, go on, prove it.
Summon the dead right now.
Make me a believer.
- It doesn't work like that.
- Of course, it doesn't.
There's always an
excuse with you people.
You see this?
This is how I prove things.
This is how I work.
- I fail to see the point.
He's paying us to sit
here and do nothing.
- You see, that's the
difference between us.
I'm not here for the money.
If all this is bullshit,
and I can guarantee you it is,
I'm gonna prove it, myself.
- This is gonna be
a long three days.
I'm sensing the booze is in.
Well, I suppose you'll do.
(eerie orchestral music)
I found the food.
I mean, it's not La
Zou, but it'll do.
High-tech equipment, whoop.
Note to jack, you're a dick.
(organ music)
Still got it.
You having fun up there, Jack?
(eerie orchestral music)
- [Jonathan] Jack.
- What do you want?
I'm working here.
- [Jonathan] Jack.
- This better be good.
(eerie orchestral music)
If this is some kind of
joke, I swear to God.
(door slams)
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jesus, what,
what the hell, man!
What do you want?
- Well, I found something.
- What did you find?
- Oh no, no, no, this
I have to show you.
- Were you in this room?
- No, that door's locked,
I tried it earlier.
Come on.
Come on, Jack.
Huh, huh?
Isn't this the greatest
thing you've ever seen?
I mean, look at this stuff.
Imagine the children who
got to play with this.
Spoiled little shits.
These people must
have been loaded.
- Great, is that it, can I go?
- Clearly, you have
no appreciation
for the art of the
scaled miniature.
Luckily, I think
I found something
a little bit more your speed.
- Double-barrel Briska
Italian made shotgun.
- Shit, this thing's loaded.
- Whoa, careful with that thing.
You're gonna hurt yourself.
- Go on, take my picture.
John Blazer, hunter,
gatherer, lover.
- That'll look
great on my website,
right next to all the
other con artists.
What the?
- What, what now?
- What did I say about
touching my equipment?
Look at this.
What are you, five?
- Look, I'm sorry about
touching your stuff.
That was out of line.
I'm just not used to
working with people.
I tell you what,
I'll go upstairs,
and I'll set up in a room,
and I'll just try and
keep out of your way.
You know, if that's
what you want.
- Yes, that's what I want.
- Okay.
If you've come to
shout at me again,
I'd rather you didn't.
- Actually, I was thinking
about apologizing.
- You were thinking?
- I haven't quite
made my mind up yet.
What's that for?
- So, you're interested
in how I work
all of a sudden, are you?
- What is it?
- Well, this my friend,
is sodium chloride.
And you probably
wouldn't understand,
it's a little bit scientific.
- Why salt?
- It's for protection.
Nothing bad can touch
me while I'm in here.
Not even you.
- So, you think this
stuff actually works?
- No, do you know
what a Ouija board is?
- Well, everybody knows
what a Ouija board is.
- Look, you have all your
high-tech toys and gadgets,
this is what I have.
As to your next question,
yes, it does work.
Sometimes, a little too well.
Poor Mrs. Bracket, she
really loved that dog.
Are you sure you want to
be around when I do this?
I know you're not a believer,
and that's probably
gonna kick off, so.
- I'm curious.
I wanna see how
you do what you do.
Besides, I thought you
were just on holiday.
- You kidding?
A house with this
kind of history.
We should be covered in ghosts.
- Well, why don't you ask them
what next week's
lottery numbers are?
- How's a ghost supposed to know
what next week's
lottery numbers are?
Most of them don't
even know they're dead.
Look, are you gonna let
me do this thing, or not?
- You're the expert,
I'm just observing.
- If there is anyone
present in this house
make yourselves known to me
through the spirit board.
Well, that's
probably a good sign.
- What is?
- Trust me, silence is better
when you're using this thing,
especially in a house like this.
It takes a little while, okay?
I'm just getting warmed up.
By the gibbous moon and
the five-pointed star,
while the sky is
bruised and broken,
hear my voice and heed my call,
any spirits present
make yourselves known,
and move the pointer to yes.
Like I said, takes
a little time.
- Same old bullshit.
- Your wife must have
the patience of a saint.
- What did you say?
- Must be a bit
of a strain to....
- Don't you dare
talk about my wife.
You don't know
anything about her.
- Thanks, guys, you made
me look a right asshole.
Oh, is there some other house
you have to go and haunt?
(eerie orchestral music)
Who are you?
What do you want?
(eerie orchestral music)
- Rebecca.
- He made me do it.
- Oh, what have you done?
(eerie orchestral music)
(foot steps)
A slight drop in temperature
of the girl's room,
from 15 to eight degrees.
- Morning.
You're up early.
- Couldn't sleep.
- That's hardly surprising.
Not exactly bedtime
reading, is it?
What's your take on all this?
- I'm sure there's a
rational explanation.
There always is.
- I'm beginning
to think agreeing
to stay here was a grave error.
- I think your not
taking a change
of clothes was a grave error.
- I know you don't
wanna hear this,
but something
happened last night.
I got a message on the board.
- You're right, I
don't wanna hear it.
- Two nights left.
Whatever this thing is, it's
counting down our stay here.
- Wake up, Jonathan.
Somebody's playing
games with us.
We're not alone.
Last night, I saw somebody
else in this house.
And whoever it is, they have
access to the building somehow.
- Oh, that can't be good.
Whoa, what did I do?
- Motion sensor.
- What?
- If there's anything
moving around up here,
I'm gonna know about it.
- And what if it's not a person?
Have you even considered that?
- How much do we actually know
about the man who hired us, huh?
For all we know,
we're just pawns
in some fucked up PR stunt.
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised
if this is all just a ploy
to get dumb tourists
to visit their
newly acquired haunted
house attraction.
Let's face it, we're in
the middle of nowhere.
- Those pictures
look real to me.
- Even if they are,
that doesn't explain
what I saw last night.
- And what if it's
not a PR stunt?
The thing I made contact
with knows we're here.
And trust me, that
is not a good thing.
Jack, please listen to me.
I think we might be in
some genuine danger.
- Enough to forfeit your
share of the money, Jonathan?
No one's keeping you here.
- Oh great, where
am I gonna go, hmm?
We're in the middle
of cocking nowhere.
No phones, no cars.
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
(suspenseful orchestral music)
(child laughing)
- What the hell is
going on out here?
- I just saw someone.
- What did you see?
(child laughing)
- Grab the camera.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
- Well, he didn't say
anything about having a pool.
This is definitely
better than the train.
For your website.
What did you see?
- I don't know.
- Don't know?
Or don't want to say?
- It looked like a little girl.
- Was it this little girl?
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
- No, tell me that's
not what I think it is.
I think it's high
time we talk about
what I think we're
dealing with here.
- We're dealing
with a real person,
not some phantom spook.
- Jack, I've watched you
fumble about this house
for the last 36 hours with
your gadgets and gizmos.
Now, it's high time
you listened to me.
Open it.
- What is this?
- Demonology, the study
of ancient demons,
their legends, and
more importantly,
how to get rid of them.
- So, you really think a ghost
left that thing in my room?
- Not a ghost, a demon.
Ghosts are easy to move on,
they're my bread and butter.
But a demon, that's an entirely
different beast altogether.
- Okay, let's just say for one
minute I'm buying that crap.
- What's to buy, Jack?
You're sitting in
the middle of a house
where entire
generations of families
have either murdered each
other or committed suicide.
- If you're so
convinced it's a demon,
why can't you get rid of it?
- Oh sure, yeah, just
get rid of it, hmm?
It's not that simple.
- But you're experienced
in this, aren't you?
But you have this?
- I've never actually
had to use that thing.
It's mostly for show.
- Well, isn't that convenient?
- Look, this isn't my MO, okay.
I'm used to moving on
stubborn dead people.
This is different.
- How?
- Because demons aren't human.
Their soul purpose is
to torment the living,
to cause as much pain and
suffering as possible.
Truth is, nobody knows
what these things are.
- Then how do you know that
we're dealing with one?
- Case after case,
all have classic signs
of demonic possession.
Parents murdered by
their own daughter.
You think it's a
coincidence you're seeing
little girls
running around here?
This hapless
handyman came around
to fix the washing machine.
An hour later, he hung
himself out to dry.
Murder after murder,
suicide after suicide.
No previous convictions and
no history of mental illness.
I mean, look at this.
How do you shoot
yourself in the back
of the head with a rifle?
- Okay, you've made your point.
Start reading this.
If it is what you say it is,
then we need to know
how to get rid of it.
But if you're wrong
and it's not a demon,
we got bigger things
to worry about.
- What could possibly
be worse than this?
- That's what I
intend to find out.
- You're wasting your time.
You won't find anything.
- Whoever it is
that's messing with us
must have a way in,
a door or a basement.
Something we haven't seen yet.
You gonna be okay here?
- Oh, I think I'll manage.
- If you hear or see anything,
call me immediately.
- Hey, be careful out there.
(eerie orchestral music)
(eerie orchestral music)
Oh, that's not good.
- [Jack] Jonathan,
where are you?
(eerie orchestral music)
(crackling) Jonathan.
- What is it, Jack?
- What the hell are
you doing up there?
I've been trying to
get ahold of you.
I found the basement.
Just having a look around.
If there's another way
in, this is probably it.
- Look Jack, I need you to
get back up here right now.
I found something
very interesting.
- Jonathan.
Jonathan, you're breaking up.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jack.
(eerie orchestral music)
(door slams)
Jack, if you can hear me,
get the hell out
of the basement.
(eerie orchestral music)
(child laughing)
(eerie orchestral music)
- Barnum vindictae.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jack?
Jack, I've been
trying to reach you.
There's something very
wrong with this place.
- Is that you, Sarah?
- Who are you?
- What did I tell you about
being late for school?
- What do you want?
- You're not Sarah.
What have you done
with my Sarah?
(eerie orchestral music)
- There, that should
stop the bleeding.
- Thanks.
- But you might need stitches.
What the hell happened?
- What did you find
in the basement?
- Doesn't matter.
- Of course, it matters.
Jack, what did you find?
- I found a little blood.
- And?
- Next to it, there was a....
- Well, that definitely
wasn't here before.
There's no dial tone.
(eerie orchestral music)
- What the hell?
That's not possible.
- Hello.
It's your wife.
- What?
- She says she's your wife.
She wants to talk to you.
- [Rebecca] Oh, it
hurts so much, Jack.
- Rebecca.
- [Rebecca] This
is all your fault.
Why did you let
him do this to me?
- Rebecca.
(eerie orchestral music)
- Jack?
(eerie orchestral music)
What's going on?
You all right, Jack?
- She's been dead
for five years.
- God, I'm so sorry.
(eerie orchestral music)
- She was a psychic.
I loved her more than anything.
More than life itself, but
I could never understand
that side of her.
All the Ouija boards,
the totems, tarot cards.
I tried.
One evening at
dinner, she told me
that she made contact
with this evil spirit.
I thought she lost her mind.
I tried to reason with her,
talk some sense into her, but
she was convinced
it was real.
She became obsessed
with those boards.
No matter what I
did to hide them
or get rid of them,
every night, I'd wake up
and I'd find her on them.
As the weeks went on,
she got worse and worse.
She locked herself in her room,
she stopped eating.
She wouldn't talk to anybody.
She was scared.
She was convinced this thing
was trying to kill her.
One night,
I came home,
and she was in the bath.
There was blood everywhere.
She slit her wrists.
Before I could do anything,
she took the knife
and she cut her throat open,
right in front of me.
I couldn't save her.
I tried,
I tried.
I should have.
I couldn't live with myself,
with the guilt.
I took it out on everyone,
clairvoyants, psychics, mediums.
The more frauds I exposed,
the more it fueled my anger
that she'd been duped
or brainwashed by all
that paranormal bullshit.
She was right.
It's real.
(eerie orchestral music)
You're up early.
- Couldn't sleep.
- I slept pretty good.
So, what is all this stuff?
- What you're looking
at is the history
of Richmond Manor for
the last 200 years.
It turns out that most of
our murder victims were,
unbeknownst to them,
related to the Richmonds.
Back in 1801, there was an
unprovoked massacre here.
No one knows who started it,
but the family scattered.
Since then, something's
been drawing them back here
and murdering them.
I found something else
among the list of names.
A family, the Donavans.
- Holy shit.
- Holy shit indeed, Jack.
Your being here
is no coincidence.
- What about you?
- I've been asking myself
that same question.
My hunch is that it feeds
off psychic powers somehow.
Myself, your wife,
even our hapless friend here.
- That's the symbol I saw in
the basement next to the blood.
- Basement, I've been
seeing it everywhere.
Every time I touch the board,
it's like a feedback
loop in my mind.
Of course, it's a conduit.
That's how it gets around.
That's how it delivered
the cards to us.
That's how it's
drawing its power.
See, it's been weak
so far, but now,
it's taking physical form.
- The question is
can we herd it back?
- There's one way to find out.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
How many shells have we got?
- Two in the chamber, one here.
- Let's hope it's enough.
- Yeah.
Son of a bitch.
- What?
- Son of a bitch.
- Shit in my mouth.
- How old is this guy?
Barnum, Barnum, Barnum.
That's one of the words
I saw in the basement.
- Words, what words?
- There's some writing
on the wall in Latin.
It said, "Barnum vindictae."
- Barnum revenge.
- Oblitus.
- Forgotten.
- Legitimus fetus.
- Barnum's Richmond's
bastard son.
No wonder he's pissed off.
- What does that all mean?
- It means we're
not getting paid.
- I'm serious.
- So am I, Jack.
I've got some pretty
big gambling debts.
It's the dice, they call to me.
- Jonathan, focus.
Could we use it to hurt him?
- What the words,
the book, the symbol?
We could try a ritual.
The question is, "Where?"
- The basement.
- The basement's the
door he using to leave.
We need to find the
door he used to come in.
It could be anywhere.
- I think I know where.
- Show me.
- This has to be it.
The reading's are
off the charts.
Trust me, that isn't normal.
- I like it.
We'll perform the ritual here.
No matter what you hear,
no matter what you see,
it's imperative you stay
within the salt circle
till the ritual is complete.
- I'm ready.
- I hope so.
- So, what now?
- Now we wait.
This could take some time.
- Oh, that didn't take long.
What's that?
- Ignore it.
- It sounds like.
- Look, it's a trick, ignore it.
- I have to check.
- Really? Hmm?
What did I just say?
(eerie orchestral music)
(door slams)
(eerie orchestral music)
(suspenseful orchestral music)
- [Jack] Jonathan!
- Jack.
Jack, where the hell are you?
Oh, Jesus Christ, Jack!
- We've gotta get out of here.
- No, we have to
complete the ritual.
Oh, that doesn't sound friendly.
- Come on, come on.
This is getting really
messed up, I just saw....
- Look, if we don't
complete that ritual,
we're gonna die in
this house tonight.
Oh shit, look....
- Use the gun.
- What?
- Shoot her.
- I'm not qualified.
- Shoot her!
(gun fires)
- Oh!
- You got her, it worked.
- Is it dead?
- I don't know.
Can you kill something
that's already dead?
- Oh, it smells.
- Stay here and watch it.
- And do what?
- [Jack] If it
moves, kill it again.
- Stop looking at me!
Fuck you.
- Look familiar?
The falls?
- What are you doing?
- Are you serious?
We've gotta document this.
- Have you lost
your fucking mind?
- [Jack] This
changes everything.
- Oh.
Oh, Jesus.
Jack, he seems a bit big.
Jack, he's, oh, he's big.
It's big, it's big,
it's Big Beard.
Come on.
- What?
Go upstairs and
prepare the ritual,
I'll take care of him.
(gun fires)
(eerie orchestral music)
Oh shit!
(eerie orchestral music)
- Oh, come on.
- Why don't you help me, Jack?
You could have
saved me from him.
But you helped me die.
- (Groans) Fuck, son of a bitch.
Barnum, you bastard.
I call upon you of
spirits of hell.
Appear in my presence before
this circle of SOGOMA.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
I am the stag of seven tines.
I am the wide
flood on the plain.
I am the wind on
the deep waters.
I am shining tear on the sun.
I am a hawk on the cliff.
I am fair among the flowers.
I am a god who sets the
world afire with smoke.
Show yourself, demon.
Jack, what the hell
are you playing at?
- Rebecca, is that you?
- It hurts so much, Jack.
The pain never stops.
He won't let it.
Look what you made me do.
- No.
- You could've stopped it.
You could've helped me.
- Stop.
- Why did you let
him do this to me?
Why did you let me die?
- Stop it!
(evil laughing)
You're not my wife.
(evil laughing)
You're not my wife!
(evil laughing)
- You're wife
tastes sweet, Jack.
(evil laughing)
Very sweet.
(evil laughing)
- You're not my wife!
(eerie orchestral music)
- Oh, good of you to join us.
- I had some old
demons to deal with.
Let's finish this.
- I'm fine, by the way.
Start reading.
- [Both] In these names
that are above all others,
whether it constrained by
chains or returned to darkness,
may you never disturb
this house again.
- Again.
- [Both] In these names
that are above all others,
whether it constrained by
chains or returned to darkness,
may you never disturb
this house again.
- Atat.
- In these names that are above all others.
- Barnum.
- Whether constrained by chains.
- Bacuth.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Exsilium.
- May you never disturb
this house again.
- Vindictae.
Again. Atat.
- In the names are above all others.
- Barnum.
- Whether it constrained by chains....
- Bacuth.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Exsilium.
- May you never disturb
this house again.
- Vindictae.
- In the names that are above all others.
- Atat.
- Whether it constrained by chains.
- Barnum.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Bacuth.
- May you never disturb this house again.
- Exsilium.
- Vindictae.
- In these names that are above all others.
- Barnum.
- Whether it constrained by chains.
- Bacuth.
- Or returned to darkness.
- Exsilium.
- May it never disturb
this house again.
- Vindictae.
You are banished.
(clock chiming)
- Is that it?
- I don't know.
Don't look at it!
We have to complete the ritual.
- [Both] Atat,
- Don't look at it.
- [Both] Atat, Barnum,
Bacuth, Exsilium, Vindictae.
Atat, Barnum, Bacuth,
Exsilium, Vindictae.
Atat, Barnum, Bacuth,
Exsilium, Vindictae.
(door slams)
- This can't be right.
It was way too easy.
Oh no, no, no, no.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
Jack, I'm sorry.
(eerie orchestral music)
I'm sorry, Jack.
(eerie orchestral music)
- [Demon] Giving up
so soon, Mr. Blazer?
(evil laughing)
(gun fires)
("The Bringer of
Dreams" by Pallas)
Welcome, step inside
the waiting room
Just relax, they'll
be here quite soon
Now if you could
just let yourself go
You'll soon be starring
in your own freak show
They know that you're here
Your own dark fears
You know you
can't stop the show
You're at the mercy
of the bringer of dreams
A dream or a nightmare,
tell me what will you choose
No way of knowing
if you'll win or lose
Perhaps you'll find
your heart's desire
Or burn forever
in your own hellfire
Let the show begin
Just welcome them in
You know you
can't stop the show
You're at the mercy
of the bringer of dreams
Sleepless demons
approaching fast
They bring you gifts
from your subconscious past
Ride with Rhiannon on her...