Girl Gone Bad (2022) Movie Script
[eerie music]
[air whooshing]
[thunder rumbles]
[ambient music]
Sunrise I can't open my eyes
unless you're next to me
It's hard, all
I see is stars
Without you, I
can't see
[Ron] Bean drop, dinner.
Real talk I never wanna
walk without you by my side
Come on, dinner's ready.
Gotta eat up.
You're gonna be safe for
me this weekend, right?
Yes, Dad, I'll be fine.
And you remember all the rules?
No guys, no guests, no ganja.
Oh, ganja?
Weed Dad, it means weed.
Ah, well when I was your
age, we just called it pot.
So you did it at my age.
Is that permission?
No ganja.
Are you all packed
for your trip?
[Ron sighs]
I think so.
Make sure I got everything.
[Ron scoffs]
What the f-
[papers rustling]
Where in the hell
did you get this?
Cousin Chris got it from school
so I took it from his bedroom
last time we were in Utah.
Well you do realize
that it doesn't exactly
work the same way
once you already have a kid.
I don't care, I just don't
want another sibling.
What do you honestly think
is gonna go on this weekend?
Lots of sex.
[Ron scoffs]
You know, adult friends
can go out for a weekend
and still just be friends.
Especially when
they're all single
in the middle of nowhere
with no cell reception
and I'm assuming there's a bar.
It's BYOB.
[papers rustling]
That's a wrap.
[Ron scoffs]
[papers rustling]
I need you to be safe for
me this weekend, okay?
Dad, I can manage myself.
Yes. I know you're
16 and I trust you,
but nobody else and even
if you can manage, just...
[melancholic music]
I just need you to be
safe for me this weekend
little Bean drop.
[ominous music]
I'll be completely fine, okay?
Just have fun.
I'll follow your rules and
I'll see you on Monday.
I better get going.
[Ron laughs and sniffles]
[Ron sighs]
If I stay any longer, might
as well just stay the night.
Go in the morning.
I'm kidding, honestly. Just-
I hope you have a
fun weekend too.
Yeah, if you count
Broad City reruns
and pistachio ice
cream as a fun weekend.
[both chuckle]
[door opens]
[Ron sighs]
[heavy metal music]
[aggressive patting]
Oh shit.
[Ron sighs]
[dramatic music]
Get up!
Of a perfect
life she's hoping
Constant war
weighs on her heart
Please don't hurt
me, no, no, no!
[Amanda screams]
[body thuds]
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
[upbeat music]
[drawer opens, closes]
I can watch it all day
Samantha, have you heard
from Amanda's family at all?
We barely ever talk Jillian.
Well I haven't heard from
Ron at all and call me mom.
Maybe he's already on
his way to the boneyard.
Samantha, inappropriate.
Because you just
can't trust me, mom.
When are you gonna
learn that I am smart
and mature enough to be trusted?
I do nothing the other
girls do at my school.
You know that?
You know I do all my homework.
My grades are good,
I'm not doing drugs.
I'm not drinking booze.
I'm not blowing every
guy on the rugby team
like Lexi Palmer.
Ah, I don't need to hear that.
Her mom is in the PTA.
[Jillian sighs]
Okay hun.
Listen, I am trusting you, okay?
I know you don't do drugs.
I know you don't drink
and I know you're not
-Blowing all the rugby players?
-Yes, yes, that.
I trust you're gonna
be safe this weekend.
I just need to hear it from you.
Mom, I promise you I'll
be safe this weekend.
I'm going to the movies tonight.
I have a ride there
and a ride back
with drivers who will be sober.
[Jillian sighs]
I did a good job
with you, right?
I mean, I think
I did a good job.
Mom, you did fine.
I'm not dead or pregnant.
And that's like the two
main boxes of parenting, so.
And what do you know
about parenting?
That if you can do it,
and I shouldn't
finish that sentence,
but, hey again, NDOP.
-Not dead.
-Not dead or pregnant.
Don't you say who you're going
to the movie with tonight?
[luggage zipping]
Shannon O'Neill.
She's new in town
from Australia.
You don't know her, I think.
Yeah. Her family moved here
because of all the drop bears.
All right, come on.
I'll meet her mother
when I get back.
Okay mom.
I love you too, angel.
[Jillian sighs]
As long as she's not pregnant.
[upbeat music]
You're trying to play it
like you wanna please me
But you've been
ringing me a lot too
Can't let you get off easy
So we're pushing
you off the seal
[psychadelic funk beat]
You say you want a
big dip, double scoop
So save me
Butcher picking up the
comb for a watch or two
With a great
big silver alert
What you gonna do
when it starts to melt
So save me
How you gonna fit
this all in your mouth
I don't know
[psychadelic funk beat]
[object clanks]
You know, sometimes I finally
give someone a piece of pie
And they take one bite
and throw the rest away
No pie for you
And then other people
They'll just eat the
entire pie for themselves
[door opens]
[psychadelic funk beat]
You've got this.
Gotta make it like
you wanna please me
Hey Amanda, you look nice.
How are you?
I can't let you get off easy
I just wanna make any sounds
[Samantha whispers and sighs]
Hey Amanda.
[upbeat music]
I know what you want
Not getting a slice
You're not getting
my sugar and spice
I know what you want
Not getting a slice
You're not getting
my paradise
I know what you want,
not getting a slice
You're not getting
my sugar and spice
[tense music]
[tense ambient music]
Did I actually hear that?
[object thuds]
[tense ambient music]
Is someone there?
Is anyone there?
[ominous music]
[phone chimes]
[Samantha deeply exhales]
I'm just stoned.
I'm just stoned.
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
[phone dials]
[disconnected tone]
What the fuck?
Come on.
[phone dials]
[disconnected tone]
[phone dials]
[Lexi] What up bitch?
Hi, I need you to do me a favor.
[Lexi] Depends.
You live close to
Amanda Knight, right?
I need you to go there.
[Lexi] Fuck that.
I'm not stepping foot.
I'm not catching her
lesbo stink on me.
Lexi please, please.
[Lexi] Oh my god, are you
like friends with her?
[Lexi laughs]
Lexi, just please go over there.
She could be hurt.
[Lexi] Well, she
probably deserves it.
[disconnected tone]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[phone dials]
[disconnected tone]
[phone vibrates]
[slams door shut]
[phone thuds]
[slams and locks door]
Okay, okay.
Okay, just call mom.
No, call the police.
Oh fuck, the police are
gonna wanna talk to mom.
Oh god, what if he can hear me?
[deep sigh] Okay.
[phone dials]
[phone chimes]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[dramatic music]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
You've got this, okay.
Three, two, one.
[door opens]
[tense ambient music]
[phone chimes]
[tense music]
Come out.
I will find you.
I will fuck you up.
So come out now and make
it easier on everyone.
[dramatic music]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[ominous music]
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
[Samantha groans]
[Lester grunts]
[Samantha groans]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[drawer opens]
[tense music]
[Lester screams]
[head bangs]
[body thuds]
[ominous music]
Ah, fuck, fuck!
[electricity buzzes]
Scream and die.
You're gonna sit and listen.
Do you got that?
Do you get who's in
charge right now?
[loud thud]
[muffled scream]
Look at this.
What is this?
Who the fuck are you?
Fine, fine.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Are you seriously asking
me to do this again?
You listen bitch.
You seriously think
you can scare me?
You're gonna put
on this big show
when I goddamn know
you're not gonna-
-[Lester groans]
-[electricity buzzes]
I get it.
You're fucking nuts.
I don't know anything
about your friend.
I'm just here at random.
You better start
telling the truth
or it's gonna get a
lot worse around here.
[Lester chuckles]
Just try me.
You seriously think I can't take
what a 16 year old can dish?
I already know you have.
I serve.
I've survived worse
than you can imagine.
You're military?
Serve and protect.
I'm a cop darling.
You're not going anywhere.
I'm going upstairs
and I will call-
The police?
[clamps clank]
[door opens]
[soft ambient music]
[soft ambient music]
[ominous music]
[door opens, closes]
It's a bit of a step
backwards from car batteries,
don't you think?
You know when they
trained for interrogation.
[Lester grunts]
[pan clinks]
Do not scream in here
for Christ's sake.
[Lester grunts]
So you're a cop, yeah?
Bad idea to tell me
you pig piece of shit.
[pan clinks]
[Lester grunts]
For Christ's sake.
Listen, this can be very easy.
Very, very easy.
As long as you follow some
simple directions from me.
Got it?
Before you think that anything
is working in your
favor tonight,
one call to the police
is all this will take.
You are in over your head.
Really doesn't matter
if you trust me
about being a cop or not.
At this point it's your
best interest to release me.
You can walk away and
live your normal life
because I'll make sure
that nothing happens to you
at the end of this, okay?
You're 16.
Do you really wanna spend
the rest of your life
in prison for killing
a cop no less?
[Lester spits and
breathes heavily]
I suggest you release me.
[train rattles]
You sure you wanna
be here with me?
Yeah, I'm sure.
[phone beeps]
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
What was that on the phone?
It's just Lexi again.
She's such a bitch.
-She's a complete slut.
-Sammy, stop.
That's your friend.
I can handle my
problems by myself.
You don't need to try to
be something you're not.
-Well yeah, but-
-No buts.
I'm here for you, not to
make you hate your friend.
[train rattles]
I suggest let me out.
[Lester groans]
Let's see.
Let's see.
[Samantha rummages in pockets]
You're actually a cop.
You piece of shit.
All right.
Lester Holbrook,
officer Lester Holbrook.
You are so stupid.
What do you know?
Who breaks into two
homes in one night?
Kills one person,
tries to kill another
and carries their police
and ID badge with them?
[Samantha scoffs]
You have to be an
idiot for that.
But now it's not the
time to talk about that.
I'm gonna give you
a chance to talk.
Piss me off once and it's over.
-[squishing sounds]
-[Lester groans]
I'm not asking.
I'm only waiting.
[Lester gasps]
What a lazy ass name.
[dramatic music]
Now Armenia?
Ah, Armenia.
That's exotic.
That's hot.
Imagine you're feeling hot.
Just whew, horny as shit.
Then this smoke show,
this real sweet piece starts
to show you some interest.
A guy like me?
Mh, oh yeah.
So you start talking and talking
and you send some
more dirty shit,
then the dirty shit
starts to get real.
Requests are being made,
they're being followed.
All is well.
Then come the extra requests.
You need money for
this, drugs for that.
Who cares?
But it's time for my benefit.
So I told her all
of this can happen,
but if we're getting
real like that,
oh we're getting
real all around.
Daddy wants some action.
And then some hen from
the hen house comes around
and stops mama hen
from catering the cock
and shit is not so smooth
in our arrangement anymore.
So she tells me she
lied to me about her age
and that she's a teenager.
That she's gonna
out me to the police
if I talk to her again.
Well, why should
I believe her now?
I have seen too many
cases like this.
I know how this
whole ordeal ends.
It ends with somebody's
life getting ruined
and it was not gonna be
the officer of the law.
I have done more in my career
than she was ever
gonna accomplish.
She was an artist.
Oh, you mean those
fucking doodles.
You killed a talented artist.
I only have one regret.
I only wish
I could have killed her
little dyke girlfriend first!
Open your ears Les
and listen to me.
There is a very limited chance
that you're gonna
make it out of here.
You don't know what
you walked into.
I hope it was worth
it you piece of shit.
You think you walked
into the hen house?
[Samantha scoffs]
Look around.
Do you feel like the fox?
[Lester groans]
We have a long
night ahead of us.
And you can bet your pedo-dick
that you'll find yourself right.
You should have killed me first.
Now look into my
eyes and go cluck.
Little chicken shit.
[Samantha scoffs]
[train rattles]
Hey, why no excitement?
This is our first time
being able to do this.
Your dad and my mom won't
be back until tomorrow.
It's not that, I was just
hoping it would be us two.
You know, we didn't have to
get stoned
and I really don't
need this cooler.
Come on, it's summer.
Go big or go home.
Samantha, I've already told you,
you don't need to
try so hard for me.
What if this is just me?
Your friends aren't here,
you can let your guard down.
[dog barks in distance]
[birds chirp in distance]
[train rattles]
[drawer opens, closes]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[Samantha sobs]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[paper rustling]
[Samantha sobs]
[paper rustling]
[knife clinks]
[bag unzips]
So the first thing
I wanted to say was,
sorry about the leg.
Just the leg?
You're lucky it
was even the leg.
That said, I'm not
as heartless as some,
I'm gonna go ahead
and clean it for you.
Not even sharp.
[Lester grunts]
[Lester screams]
I just have to keep the
wound fresh for this to work.
Hey, hey!
[Lester screams]
Jesus Christ kid.
I'm not a kid, I'm 16.
-[Lester pants]
-Just for that?
Oh, oh, fuck.
[Lester grunts]
[ominous music]
Oh, relax, it's sanitary.
[Lester grunts]
[Lester screams]
[knock on door]
[Lester cries]
Oh shit, right.
Don't you make a sound.
[Lester grunts]
[door opens]
Hey, so that's two
large Hawaiian,
comes to $24.85.
Wait, don't I know you?
Yeah, you went to my school.
Couple of grades older.
Yeah, nice.
Go Highlanders! Haha!
So you are not at that
party on Prenter tonight?
No, I heard it was
kind of a shit show.
So, i'm having a bit of
a thing of my own.
Oh yeah, nice.
Yeah, I heard some sounds.
Thought you might
be having a party.
[Weakly giggles]
Oh, oh, strange, yeah.
You know, I get off
in a couple of hours.
I could grab some stuff, come by
later for the party. You know?
I could bring my
unique blend of grass-fed,
hormone free, certified
organic Blairness.
It's my unique brand
of super awesome brand.
Like the Blair Witch Project.
That's not a brand.
Nope. Uh...
Oh wait! I could be this party's
fresh of breath Blair.
I mean breath of fresh Blair.
My name's Blair by the way.
I didn't catch your name.
Must have only said it once.
[sarcastic chuckle]
[door closes]
[Samantha sighs]
Still got it.
[door opens, closes]
I have good news!
You get a bit of a break.
I just had two pizzas delivered.
And since you killed my date,
I have to eat them alone.
-[Lester growls]
-[loud slap]
I'm really starting to
hate your restlessness.
What are we going to do?
[Samantha chuckles]
Got it.
I don't want my pizza to get
cold, so we'll make this quick.
[Lester grunts]
-[pizza squelches]
-Just a little piece of pie
I'm gonna take one bite
and throw the rest away
No pie for you
And then other people
They'll just eat the
entire pie for themselves
Without leaving
[door opens]
[melancholic music]
[Samantha sniffles]
[ominous music]
-[Samantha sniffles]
-[laptop slams shut]
[door opens, closes]
-[Lester mumbles]
-[water splatters]
You have a choice to make.
I can call the police and your
entire life can be ruined.
[Lester spits]
-And what else?
-Nothing else.
That's it.
That won't work
the way you think.
You have no evidence.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Also by definition,
that's not a choice.
I have evidence.
I have you.
You have a cop in
a hostage scenario.
That's it.
This is just gonna make life
worse for you and your parents.
Who cares?
I bring it back to your best
choice being letting me out.
[Lester breathes heavily]
No, that would be
the biggest mistake.
You're right, I have a
cop in a hostage situation
and at this point
I've already
committed to anything
that could get me
into serious trouble.
This doesn't leave any
other option, really.
I'm all in.
So, here's the thing.
Tonight was supposed to
be kind of a first time
type of thing for me.
And well,
I figure since you took away
one first time for me tonight,
you can pay me back in another.
-So that's why.
-[phone vibrates]
Shit. Shit!
[Lester groans]
-[phone vibrates]
-[door opens, closes]
[phone beeps]
Hi Angel, how's the night going?
Going well, boring.
What's going on?
Are you okay?
I thought that there
was no reception.
[Jillian] There isn't.
I'm not up there yet.
I haven't heard from Ron still.
Maybe I should go over there.
How far are you?
[Jillian] At least halfway.
No, way too far to
backtrack. Um...
Just keep going or find a hotel.
I don't want you to be unsafe.
[Jillian] Okay, my angel.
I'll try making it there.
Love you.
Love you too.
Hold on, you are supposed
to be at a movie.
[Jillian] Don't lie
to me, Samantha.
I already came back from
the movies, it wasn't long.
[Jillian] Sorry, I'm
just being a mom.
Have a good night.
[phone beeps]
[Samantha sighs deeply]
[Samantha deeply exhales]
[door opens, closes]
[tense music]
You're so ugly.
[camera flashes]
You're a fucking monster.
[camera flashes]
You don't deserve beauty.
[camera flashes]
[camera flashes]
You don't deserve happiness.
[camera flashes]
[tense ambient music]
[camera flashes]
[camera flashes]
[train rattles]
[ominous music]
I know what you're thinking.
16 year old girl down
on her knees for me.
One more and I got a turkey.
What are you doing?
Wait, what are you doing?
None of this will be made any
easier with all your whining.
Now we had a little
interference on the way,
but I took care of that
so now we have all night.
Don't worry, it would be
pointless for me to kill you.
At least not until
I've had my fun.
[manically laughs]
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Have you thought this through?
You can't go digging
out people's eyes.
You fucking crazy bitch!
You're right.
You're right!
I really am just
jumping into this thing.
One sec.
[door opens, closes]
[door opens, closes]
[dramatic music]
[pills rattle]
-[Lester gags]
[Samantha sighs]
[Lester coughs]
Bring your mouth, there.
[manically laughs]
[water splatters]
I already told you,
none of this will be made
easier by your whining!
That was your only chance at
any sort of pain reduction.
Won't people hear me scream?
[manically laughs]
Around here?
If they're not
drunk or drugged out
they're already passed out
on their sleeping pill.
I'm not concerned.
[Lester grunts]
[Lester screams]
[water running]
So stupid.
You're so fucking stupid.
Stupid, ugly shit.
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[Lester groans]
[chair scoots]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Samantha pants]
[chair scoots]
[Samantha pants]
[train rattles]
No, no, you're not Sammy.
You are not ugly.
You're absolutely beautiful.
You're just being nice.
No, I'm not.
I know how other
people wanna see you.
I know that with school
starting next week
this probably won't
be a thing anymore.
What do you mean?
I mean, you're gonna
go back to hanging out
with Lexi and everyone else.
I'll be back to hanging
in the library at lunch.
It's just how it's gonna be.
I know you care about me,
but I know what is most
important right now.
I don't want anything to stop.
None of it.
What are you saying?
Labor Day weekend.
Our parents are
going on their like
high school reunion cabin thing.
They're so going for sex.
Yeah, they are
but what if we planned a
little visit to my place?
What do you have in mind?
Whatever we can think of
before the school year starts.
[Amanda laughs]
Sounds great.
[train rattles]
You're so fucking stupid.
Stupid, ugly shit!
[Samantha pants]
[chair scoots]
[Lester groans]
[Lester groans]
[chair scoots]
[chair scoots]
[chair scoots]
[ominous music]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Lester groans]
[tense music]
[tense music]
What the fuck do
you think this is?
[chair drags]
You don't think I have
this shit figured out?
You think I'm a fucking idiot?
You're out of your
goddamn mind kid!
Don't call me kid!
[Lester screams]
You can't roll a joint.
Yes I can.
I'm better than
any of my friends.
Then your friends
can't roll a joint.
Fuck you.
What are you, the weed police?
[Lester chuckles]
Kind of.
Go shoot a black kid, you pig.
[Lester groans]
That's quite a tongue on you.
Wouldn't you like to know?
I roll better joints than any
of my friends, so whatever.
Don't do that.
Don't do what?
You're doing that thing
that kids your age do.
What did I say about
calling me kid?
A mature young woman with
homework and a bedtime.
You can't just take a percentage
of the people that you know
and use that as a basis of fact.
It's like saying you're
the best driver you know.
Everyone's the best
driver they know
according to themselves.
[Lester scoffs]
The truth is,
everyone sucks at it.
Slow down Professor.
When did the playground
pervert become so nuanced?
Nuance nothing.
You're 16.
You're still learning.
Just look at the situation
we're in right now.
[Lester scoffs]
Here's the thing, and it's
something you haven't considered
Do you have a plan?
What do you mean?
[Lester scoffs]
A plan?
It's the type of
thing that happens
when someone has two brain
cells to rope together
before creating a
hostage scenario.
Excuse me, you killed
Amanda, not me.
That doesn't change
anything about this.
All anybody needs to
see is that I'm tied up
and I have wounds all over
and, um, yeah, I'm missing
a fucking eye.
[Lester chuckles]
That's all anybody needs.
What I did?
It'll be punished eventually.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Doesn't mean you're gonna
get away with any of this.
[Lester breathes heavily]
And oh, you can bat your eyes
and you can play the
jail-bait card all you want
and you'll still be the
girl who tortured a cop,
[Lester breathes heavily]
and that's all they'll need
to make an example out of you.
[Lester breathes heavily]
That will fall apart so easily.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Just look how much you're
losing just talking to me.
[loud clash]
It's 'cause you're not
letting me smoke it.
And you just keep
talking my ear off
like you think I give a shit!
Well, guess what?
I don't.
I don't give a shit, so shut up!
Yeah, this is clearly
not affecting you.
Look, if you just take a
moment and listen to me,
I can help.
Shut the hell up.
You don't know anything.
If you think you're
so fucking smart,
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Samantha chuckles]
[Samantha sighs]
You know what?
This isn't working for me.
I think you need something
a little less talkative
and a little more creative.
[Lester groans]
[pan clinks]
[tense music]
So here's the deal.
I can't keep being here with
you, so I need a fail safe.
[Lester groans]
[Samantha chuckles]
Hang tight.
[Samantha chuckles]
It's just far enough from the
stool that if you try to jump,
you'll end up hanging yourself.
So I don't wanna hear a peep.
It'll be hard anyway.
Honestly, this whole ordeal
is just starting to bore me.
[door opens, closes]
[soft thud]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
You are not ugly.
You are beautiful.
You deserve your beauty.
You deserve happiness.
[Samantha breathes heavily]
You are not ugly.
You are beautiful.
You deserve your beauty.
You deserve happiness.
[Samantha breathes shakily]
[bottle clinks]
[Lester groans]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[train rattles]
When she's gone he cries out
For her lovely misconduct
Gently choosing not to be
[muffled dialogue]
Oh, sorry.
Sorry, couldn't hear you.
Yeah, I know you couldn't.
Can't be good for you
to listen to your music
that loudly all the time.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
Don't wanna hear my dad
on his dates all the time.
He's dating again?
You know, it's okay
to cry in front of me.
I know it can't be easy for you
and it's not something that
I could ever understand.
And I get that.
It's okay.
You can let it out.
Also, something else,
I think a change in tone
might help.
Every time you're
feeling depressed,
you're always listening to this
really angry sort of stuff.
It's metal, Sam.
[laughs nervously]
In any case, maybe try
something a little smoother.
Something lower key.
[gently scoots over]
There's this band
I heard recently.
Give me that.
I thought you might like them.
Real talk I never wanna
walk without you by my side
A lot more calm, right?
You're so far I just
wanna be in your car
I wish that I could fly
I wish that I
could fly, fly, fly
Is this okay?
I wish that I could
fly, fly, fly, fly
I wanna be forever
My heart pounding to
the beat of the song
We should be together
Eternally just
you and me, us
I wanna be forever
My heart pounding to
the beat of the song
That was my first kiss.
[laughs nervously]
You were great.
[laughs softly]
[train rattles]
[glass shatters]
Sam, you dumb bitch,
come give me a hug.
I love you.
Lexi, you have to
shut the fuck up.
It's like three in the morning.
Then why are you up?
I'm just kidding.
Why aren't you at home?
[Lexi gags]
Because I have to
use your bathroom.
Lexi, I can't let
you in right now.
Let me in unless you
want me to die out here.
Let me in!
Okay, okay, fine.
-Come on.
-You are my best friend.
Unlike Holly Morton.
You know that bitch
slept with Mike.
[rants drunkenly]
[Samantha heaves]
[loud thud]
[tense ambient music]
[Lester groans]
[loud crunch]
[Lester groans]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[water splashes]
[soft ambient music]
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[dramatic music]
Say one word and I'll
slit your goddamn throat
and watch you bleed out for fun.
I told you to let
me go, dumb shit.
I'm a cop.
You seriously think
I don't know how to
get out of restraints?
Don't you think
about biting my hand
or I'll kill you and
whoever you've got upstairs.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Now, this is what
we're gonna do.
You are gonna get me
out of here safely.
We are gonna go upstairs...
and I'm gonna leave
unless I change my mind.
Between now and then
you get to live.
I need you to nod so I
know you understand me.
Can you do that?
That's good.
That's real good.
I want you to raise your hands.
Did I stutter?
That's a good girl.
Let's go.
Keep going.
Almost there.
[Lester grunts]
[body thuds]
[Samantha pants]
[water running]
Okay, let's get you
over to the couch.
No, I'm fine.
I like it in there.
[loud thud]
Ooh, I met the cutest
guy at the party.
[Lexi groans]
A little nerdy, but like, cute.
Just go to sleep.
[Lester groans]
[ax dragging]
[knock on door]
[door opens]
You get five seconds to tell me
what the hell you're doing
in my backyard at this hour.
Well, I met Lexi earlier tonight
and she said to meet her here.
You don't seem
drunk or anything.
[Blair scoffs]
Oh no, I don't drink and drive.
I went directly to
the party after work.
Oh, there was a
guy here earlier.
Is he still around?
No, he isn't.
And wait, why are
you even asking that?
I guess it's out of line.
I don't know.
May I come inside?
Now is not really a good time.
Oh, maybe I can just wait
inside until Lexi's ready?
Yeah, it's gonna be a while yet.
Oh, well it's just that I
said I would drive her home.
Oh, come on in.
[door closes]
Just sit right there.
And the moment that you
think you can take her home,
please do.
Promise me that you're
actually taking her home.
Oh, no, no.
Don't worry. I'll
take her right home.
Okay. I just-
I have other things to take
care of at the moment, so.
I don't think you're a rapist.
[tense music]
Get out.
Get her out.
Both of you go!
Out now!
And Lexi, take Lexi too.
I gotta open my car door
and then clear the backseat.
It'll take some time.
[dramatic music]
[Lester groans]
[tense music]
Fuck off!
Please leave me alone!
[Lester screams]
Shut your face, you incel.
You killed her.
[Lester gags]
You killed the only
one that ever got me,
[Lester gags]
the love of my fucking life!
She was just a kid, you
sick piece of shit!
You don't get it.
[Lester gags]
I was trapped.
[Lester gags and coughs]
There was no other choice.
[Lester cries]
It would've ruined me.
She would've ruined me.
I'm not a killer.
I'm not.
I'm just somebody
who was trapped.
I made a bad choice.
You're not the
victim here, asshole.
She was 16 years old and
you took her from me.
[Lester coughs]
And you won't meet her
where you're going.
[Lester grunts]
[eerie music]
[ax clinks]
I'll leave.
I'll leave right now and I
won't tell anyone anything.
You'll tell everyone.
I know you Lexi.
I know how you work.
You made her life a living hell.
Please just leave me alone.
You were the worst to her.
I didn't mean to.
Okay, I didn't mean to at all.
Then tell me who are
we even talking about?
That's what I thought.
[Samantha groans]
[dramatic music]
[floor creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[body thuds]
[tense ambient music]
[Lexi breathes shakily]
[phone vibrates]
This won't work.
I know you and something
here won't work.
You can't see things through
and you've missed something.
Think seriously, think.
Please, just let me go.
I won't tell anyone anything.
[train rattles]
[ax clanks]
[water trickles]
[gas burner clicks]
[soft thud]
[Jillian] Samantha.
Sammy, where are you?
I'm in my bedroom, mom.
It's like 5:00 AM.
So you think you
got away with it?
I know you went to
a party tonight.
You told me straight to my face
that you were going to the movie
and that I could trust you.
[Samantha laughs]
Hey, what are you smiling at?
I'm not messing around.
I also know that you
were smoking pot.
I told you, you can't do
this until you're older.
I'm sorry, mom.
But, at this moment
it's too late.
I love you and I don't
wanna disappoint you,
but can we please just
talk about this tomorrow?
We'll talk tomorrow.
Have a good night, Sammy.
I love you.
Wait, mom?
I love you too.
And if there's anything that
you wanna talk to me about,
you can.
[Jillian sighs]
Well thanks, hon.
That means more than you think.
Honestly, I'm a little
bit worried right now.
I haven't heard
from Ron all night.
I'm sure he is fine.
Yeah, probably.
Is there something going
on between you and Ron?
Nothing more than single friends
helping each other
not be single.
And that means?
Whatever you decide it means.
I love you Samantha.
Have a good sleep.
[Samantha cries softly]
To my love, Amanda,
There is only so much in this
world that I can offer you,
now that you're not a part of it
but I hope I offer
you the solace
to know that your memory
has remained vindicated.
I don't know how you
got into the situation
you were in with Les,
or why you chose to
never tell me about it.
I just need to let you
know, no matter the reason
tonight you were done
right and that's something.
[Samantha sobs]
[laptop shuts]
Yeah, the school had
the memorial today.
Thank you mom.
It's all just so new, you know?
I'm just really missing her.
No one knows
but she was at a
party that night.
Mom, I told you I wasn't there.
No, I told you, mom.
I was just trying to make
it seem like I was there.
Yes, it matters if
people think I was there.
[Samantha sighs]
I know, mom, you don't get it.
I'm sorry for that.
[Burner flickers]
Oh, I didn't really know
his daughter that well.
Probably wouldn't be too good
for me to come, honestly.
Yeah, I'm happy I'm alive too.
All right, mom.
Try to have a good day at work.
I'm here for you
when you get home.
[knock on door]
Love you, mom.
[knock on door]
[door opens]
Blair. Uhh...
Are your parents home?
Close the door.
What the fuck?
Close the door!
[door closes]
What are you here for?
I didn't go to Lexi's
memorial today, you know.
All that anyone's ever
said since last week
was that I definitely
killed her.
Why would anyone think that?
Because Samantha, I was
the last one with her.
Except I wasn't was I?
Yeah, like some asshole,
you left the moment
you knew you weren't
getting laid that night
and you left the
drunk girl by herself.
Nice, way to pass the buck.
Yeah, I told you I was
going to drive her home.
Had nothing to do with sex.
Oh please, then
why did you leave?
Because you were making it
so clear for me to leave,
that's why.
I said both of you.
Yeah, sorry I was scared
shitless and I ran.
None of this matters.
What happened after I left?
She was already gone
before I got back.
I delivered a pizza here
earlier and I heard screams.
I figured it was
just some kinky shit
and then later on it was
clearly something else.
What happened?
Don't yell in this house.
[Samantha pours tea]
Doesn't matter what
happened after I was gone.
There's a lot of people
who cared about her
who would disagree.
And I'm not taking the fall
for something I didn't do.
Three people died
that night, you know?
That changes nothing.
This whole last week,
everybody has been
talking about Lexi dying,
talking about how great
of a person she was,
how nice she was to everyone.
It's a crock of shit.
She was a bully.
There's someone
she used to bully.
She died at 16 years old.
So anything else that someone
could have been known for
[chuckles sarcastically]
Lexi couldn't have
achieved any of it.
Three other people
died that night.
Amanda, her dad, and Lexi.
So tell me why is no
one talking about them?
Because they were both
murdered in cold blood.
But no one had a vigil.
No one had paintings of them
put up all over
the fucking walls.
No one had a word
to say about them.
And yet you come over
here and berate me
because someone you
left has passed.
And you, along
with everyone else,
is just gonna pretend
that because she's dead
means she was a good person.
You said a lot of
people cared about her
and I'm sure you're right.
That's exactly the problem.
Because meanwhile,
Amanda was there
and she was kind,
and thoughtful and artistic.
[Samantha gags]
And she was someone who
deserves every bit of memoriam
that Lexi is getting.
But instead she just
got bullied relentlessly
called a loser,
called a piece of shit
by Lexi and everyone else.
And somehow having the strength
to show back up to school
every day.
So frankly,
I don't give two shits about
what punishment you endure.
Amanda endured worse.
You said three people died,
then you said
three other people.
Who else did you kill?
It'll be easier if
you just tell me.
I'll be going to the
police regardless.
This is a very bad idea for you.
I recommend you
delete that and leave.
Go to hell.
Right now there's
not any evidence
linking you to the crime.
They'll investigate you,
find nothing and move on.
And even if there's
a shred of anything
credible recorded on there,
I'm still the cute
16 year old girl
and you're just creepy pizza guy
who is currently in
my home uninvited.
This is recorded evidence.
Okay, let's try it like this.
Four people died last week
and they're all in
connection to me.
Now let's say they investigate
me and find nothing
and they will find nothing.
Do you want me to be
the person against you
when all this is said and done?
You aren't in the
right, you know.
I hope you have your tracks
covered for your own sake.
You should leave Blair.
Don't put yourself
in a worse situation
than you're already in.
[door closes]
[car door opens, closes]
[car engine starts]
[tense ambient music]
Do need to cover my tracks.
[tense ambient music]
Hey Fiona, I just found you.
[tense ambient music]
In a very short amount of
time, a reckoning is coming.
Be it by law and order,
or out on the streets.
In one way or
another, it's coming.
I did something
horrible last week.
It wasn't Les, it was Lexi.
I realized I've tolerated her
abuse of you for too long.
We didn't live in a world
where I was able to see this,
but I will make
sure that everyone
who ever made your life a pain
will never be able
to feel pain again.
I love you Amanda.
Rest well,
I'm here for you.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
[air whooshing]
[thunder rumbles]
[ambient music]
Sunrise I can't open my eyes
unless you're next to me
It's hard, all
I see is stars
Without you, I
can't see
[Ron] Bean drop, dinner.
Real talk I never wanna
walk without you by my side
Come on, dinner's ready.
Gotta eat up.
You're gonna be safe for
me this weekend, right?
Yes, Dad, I'll be fine.
And you remember all the rules?
No guys, no guests, no ganja.
Oh, ganja?
Weed Dad, it means weed.
Ah, well when I was your
age, we just called it pot.
So you did it at my age.
Is that permission?
No ganja.
Are you all packed
for your trip?
[Ron sighs]
I think so.
Make sure I got everything.
[Ron scoffs]
What the f-
[papers rustling]
Where in the hell
did you get this?
Cousin Chris got it from school
so I took it from his bedroom
last time we were in Utah.
Well you do realize
that it doesn't exactly
work the same way
once you already have a kid.
I don't care, I just don't
want another sibling.
What do you honestly think
is gonna go on this weekend?
Lots of sex.
[Ron scoffs]
You know, adult friends
can go out for a weekend
and still just be friends.
Especially when
they're all single
in the middle of nowhere
with no cell reception
and I'm assuming there's a bar.
It's BYOB.
[papers rustling]
That's a wrap.
[Ron scoffs]
[papers rustling]
I need you to be safe for
me this weekend, okay?
Dad, I can manage myself.
Yes. I know you're
16 and I trust you,
but nobody else and even
if you can manage, just...
[melancholic music]
I just need you to be
safe for me this weekend
little Bean drop.
[ominous music]
I'll be completely fine, okay?
Just have fun.
I'll follow your rules and
I'll see you on Monday.
I better get going.
[Ron laughs and sniffles]
[Ron sighs]
If I stay any longer, might
as well just stay the night.
Go in the morning.
I'm kidding, honestly. Just-
I hope you have a
fun weekend too.
Yeah, if you count
Broad City reruns
and pistachio ice
cream as a fun weekend.
[both chuckle]
[door opens]
[Ron sighs]
[heavy metal music]
[aggressive patting]
Oh shit.
[Ron sighs]
[dramatic music]
Get up!
Of a perfect
life she's hoping
Constant war
weighs on her heart
Please don't hurt
me, no, no, no!
[Amanda screams]
[body thuds]
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
[upbeat music]
[drawer opens, closes]
I can watch it all day
Samantha, have you heard
from Amanda's family at all?
We barely ever talk Jillian.
Well I haven't heard from
Ron at all and call me mom.
Maybe he's already on
his way to the boneyard.
Samantha, inappropriate.
Because you just
can't trust me, mom.
When are you gonna
learn that I am smart
and mature enough to be trusted?
I do nothing the other
girls do at my school.
You know that?
You know I do all my homework.
My grades are good,
I'm not doing drugs.
I'm not drinking booze.
I'm not blowing every
guy on the rugby team
like Lexi Palmer.
Ah, I don't need to hear that.
Her mom is in the PTA.
[Jillian sighs]
Okay hun.
Listen, I am trusting you, okay?
I know you don't do drugs.
I know you don't drink
and I know you're not
-Blowing all the rugby players?
-Yes, yes, that.
I trust you're gonna
be safe this weekend.
I just need to hear it from you.
Mom, I promise you I'll
be safe this weekend.
I'm going to the movies tonight.
I have a ride there
and a ride back
with drivers who will be sober.
[Jillian sighs]
I did a good job
with you, right?
I mean, I think
I did a good job.
Mom, you did fine.
I'm not dead or pregnant.
And that's like the two
main boxes of parenting, so.
And what do you know
about parenting?
That if you can do it,
and I shouldn't
finish that sentence,
but, hey again, NDOP.
-Not dead.
-Not dead or pregnant.
Don't you say who you're going
to the movie with tonight?
[luggage zipping]
Shannon O'Neill.
She's new in town
from Australia.
You don't know her, I think.
Yeah. Her family moved here
because of all the drop bears.
All right, come on.
I'll meet her mother
when I get back.
Okay mom.
I love you too, angel.
[Jillian sighs]
As long as she's not pregnant.
[upbeat music]
You're trying to play it
like you wanna please me
But you've been
ringing me a lot too
Can't let you get off easy
So we're pushing
you off the seal
[psychadelic funk beat]
You say you want a
big dip, double scoop
So save me
Butcher picking up the
comb for a watch or two
With a great
big silver alert
What you gonna do
when it starts to melt
So save me
How you gonna fit
this all in your mouth
I don't know
[psychadelic funk beat]
[object clanks]
You know, sometimes I finally
give someone a piece of pie
And they take one bite
and throw the rest away
No pie for you
And then other people
They'll just eat the
entire pie for themselves
[door opens]
[psychadelic funk beat]
You've got this.
Gotta make it like
you wanna please me
Hey Amanda, you look nice.
How are you?
I can't let you get off easy
I just wanna make any sounds
[Samantha whispers and sighs]
Hey Amanda.
[upbeat music]
I know what you want
Not getting a slice
You're not getting
my sugar and spice
I know what you want
Not getting a slice
You're not getting
my paradise
I know what you want,
not getting a slice
You're not getting
my sugar and spice
[tense music]
[tense ambient music]
Did I actually hear that?
[object thuds]
[tense ambient music]
Is someone there?
Is anyone there?
[ominous music]
[phone chimes]
[Samantha deeply exhales]
I'm just stoned.
I'm just stoned.
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
[phone dials]
[disconnected tone]
What the fuck?
Come on.
[phone dials]
[disconnected tone]
[phone dials]
[Lexi] What up bitch?
Hi, I need you to do me a favor.
[Lexi] Depends.
You live close to
Amanda Knight, right?
I need you to go there.
[Lexi] Fuck that.
I'm not stepping foot.
I'm not catching her
lesbo stink on me.
Lexi please, please.
[Lexi] Oh my god, are you
like friends with her?
[Lexi laughs]
Lexi, just please go over there.
She could be hurt.
[Lexi] Well, she
probably deserves it.
[disconnected tone]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[phone dials]
[disconnected tone]
[phone vibrates]
[slams door shut]
[phone thuds]
[slams and locks door]
Okay, okay.
Okay, just call mom.
No, call the police.
Oh fuck, the police are
gonna wanna talk to mom.
Oh god, what if he can hear me?
[deep sigh] Okay.
[phone dials]
[phone chimes]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[dramatic music]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
You've got this, okay.
Three, two, one.
[door opens]
[tense ambient music]
[phone chimes]
[tense music]
Come out.
I will find you.
I will fuck you up.
So come out now and make
it easier on everyone.
[dramatic music]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[ominous music]
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
[Samantha groans]
[Lester grunts]
[Samantha groans]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[drawer opens]
[tense music]
[Lester screams]
[head bangs]
[body thuds]
[ominous music]
Ah, fuck, fuck!
[electricity buzzes]
Scream and die.
You're gonna sit and listen.
Do you got that?
Do you get who's in
charge right now?
[loud thud]
[muffled scream]
Look at this.
What is this?
Who the fuck are you?
Fine, fine.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Are you seriously asking
me to do this again?
You listen bitch.
You seriously think
you can scare me?
You're gonna put
on this big show
when I goddamn know
you're not gonna-
-[Lester groans]
-[electricity buzzes]
I get it.
You're fucking nuts.
I don't know anything
about your friend.
I'm just here at random.
You better start
telling the truth
or it's gonna get a
lot worse around here.
[Lester chuckles]
Just try me.
You seriously think I can't take
what a 16 year old can dish?
I already know you have.
I serve.
I've survived worse
than you can imagine.
You're military?
Serve and protect.
I'm a cop darling.
You're not going anywhere.
I'm going upstairs
and I will call-
The police?
[clamps clank]
[door opens]
[soft ambient music]
[soft ambient music]
[ominous music]
[door opens, closes]
It's a bit of a step
backwards from car batteries,
don't you think?
You know when they
trained for interrogation.
[Lester grunts]
[pan clinks]
Do not scream in here
for Christ's sake.
[Lester grunts]
So you're a cop, yeah?
Bad idea to tell me
you pig piece of shit.
[pan clinks]
[Lester grunts]
For Christ's sake.
Listen, this can be very easy.
Very, very easy.
As long as you follow some
simple directions from me.
Got it?
Before you think that anything
is working in your
favor tonight,
one call to the police
is all this will take.
You are in over your head.
Really doesn't matter
if you trust me
about being a cop or not.
At this point it's your
best interest to release me.
You can walk away and
live your normal life
because I'll make sure
that nothing happens to you
at the end of this, okay?
You're 16.
Do you really wanna spend
the rest of your life
in prison for killing
a cop no less?
[Lester spits and
breathes heavily]
I suggest you release me.
[train rattles]
You sure you wanna
be here with me?
Yeah, I'm sure.
[phone beeps]
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
What was that on the phone?
It's just Lexi again.
She's such a bitch.
-She's a complete slut.
-Sammy, stop.
That's your friend.
I can handle my
problems by myself.
You don't need to try to
be something you're not.
-Well yeah, but-
-No buts.
I'm here for you, not to
make you hate your friend.
[train rattles]
I suggest let me out.
[Lester groans]
Let's see.
Let's see.
[Samantha rummages in pockets]
You're actually a cop.
You piece of shit.
All right.
Lester Holbrook,
officer Lester Holbrook.
You are so stupid.
What do you know?
Who breaks into two
homes in one night?
Kills one person,
tries to kill another
and carries their police
and ID badge with them?
[Samantha scoffs]
You have to be an
idiot for that.
But now it's not the
time to talk about that.
I'm gonna give you
a chance to talk.
Piss me off once and it's over.
-[squishing sounds]
-[Lester groans]
I'm not asking.
I'm only waiting.
[Lester gasps]
What a lazy ass name.
[dramatic music]
Now Armenia?
Ah, Armenia.
That's exotic.
That's hot.
Imagine you're feeling hot.
Just whew, horny as shit.
Then this smoke show,
this real sweet piece starts
to show you some interest.
A guy like me?
Mh, oh yeah.
So you start talking and talking
and you send some
more dirty shit,
then the dirty shit
starts to get real.
Requests are being made,
they're being followed.
All is well.
Then come the extra requests.
You need money for
this, drugs for that.
Who cares?
But it's time for my benefit.
So I told her all
of this can happen,
but if we're getting
real like that,
oh we're getting
real all around.
Daddy wants some action.
And then some hen from
the hen house comes around
and stops mama hen
from catering the cock
and shit is not so smooth
in our arrangement anymore.
So she tells me she
lied to me about her age
and that she's a teenager.
That she's gonna
out me to the police
if I talk to her again.
Well, why should
I believe her now?
I have seen too many
cases like this.
I know how this
whole ordeal ends.
It ends with somebody's
life getting ruined
and it was not gonna be
the officer of the law.
I have done more in my career
than she was ever
gonna accomplish.
She was an artist.
Oh, you mean those
fucking doodles.
You killed a talented artist.
I only have one regret.
I only wish
I could have killed her
little dyke girlfriend first!
Open your ears Les
and listen to me.
There is a very limited chance
that you're gonna
make it out of here.
You don't know what
you walked into.
I hope it was worth
it you piece of shit.
You think you walked
into the hen house?
[Samantha scoffs]
Look around.
Do you feel like the fox?
[Lester groans]
We have a long
night ahead of us.
And you can bet your pedo-dick
that you'll find yourself right.
You should have killed me first.
Now look into my
eyes and go cluck.
Little chicken shit.
[Samantha scoffs]
[train rattles]
Hey, why no excitement?
This is our first time
being able to do this.
Your dad and my mom won't
be back until tomorrow.
It's not that, I was just
hoping it would be us two.
You know, we didn't have to
get stoned
and I really don't
need this cooler.
Come on, it's summer.
Go big or go home.
Samantha, I've already told you,
you don't need to
try so hard for me.
What if this is just me?
Your friends aren't here,
you can let your guard down.
[dog barks in distance]
[birds chirp in distance]
[train rattles]
[drawer opens, closes]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[Samantha sobs]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[paper rustling]
[Samantha sobs]
[paper rustling]
[knife clinks]
[bag unzips]
So the first thing
I wanted to say was,
sorry about the leg.
Just the leg?
You're lucky it
was even the leg.
That said, I'm not
as heartless as some,
I'm gonna go ahead
and clean it for you.
Not even sharp.
[Lester grunts]
[Lester screams]
I just have to keep the
wound fresh for this to work.
Hey, hey!
[Lester screams]
Jesus Christ kid.
I'm not a kid, I'm 16.
-[Lester pants]
-Just for that?
Oh, oh, fuck.
[Lester grunts]
[ominous music]
Oh, relax, it's sanitary.
[Lester grunts]
[Lester screams]
[knock on door]
[Lester cries]
Oh shit, right.
Don't you make a sound.
[Lester grunts]
[door opens]
Hey, so that's two
large Hawaiian,
comes to $24.85.
Wait, don't I know you?
Yeah, you went to my school.
Couple of grades older.
Yeah, nice.
Go Highlanders! Haha!
So you are not at that
party on Prenter tonight?
No, I heard it was
kind of a shit show.
So, i'm having a bit of
a thing of my own.
Oh yeah, nice.
Yeah, I heard some sounds.
Thought you might
be having a party.
[Weakly giggles]
Oh, oh, strange, yeah.
You know, I get off
in a couple of hours.
I could grab some stuff, come by
later for the party. You know?
I could bring my
unique blend of grass-fed,
hormone free, certified
organic Blairness.
It's my unique brand
of super awesome brand.
Like the Blair Witch Project.
That's not a brand.
Nope. Uh...
Oh wait! I could be this party's
fresh of breath Blair.
I mean breath of fresh Blair.
My name's Blair by the way.
I didn't catch your name.
Must have only said it once.
[sarcastic chuckle]
[door closes]
[Samantha sighs]
Still got it.
[door opens, closes]
I have good news!
You get a bit of a break.
I just had two pizzas delivered.
And since you killed my date,
I have to eat them alone.
-[Lester growls]
-[loud slap]
I'm really starting to
hate your restlessness.
What are we going to do?
[Samantha chuckles]
Got it.
I don't want my pizza to get
cold, so we'll make this quick.
[Lester grunts]
-[pizza squelches]
-Just a little piece of pie
I'm gonna take one bite
and throw the rest away
No pie for you
And then other people
They'll just eat the
entire pie for themselves
Without leaving
[door opens]
[melancholic music]
[Samantha sniffles]
[ominous music]
-[Samantha sniffles]
-[laptop slams shut]
[door opens, closes]
-[Lester mumbles]
-[water splatters]
You have a choice to make.
I can call the police and your
entire life can be ruined.
[Lester spits]
-And what else?
-Nothing else.
That's it.
That won't work
the way you think.
You have no evidence.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Also by definition,
that's not a choice.
I have evidence.
I have you.
You have a cop in
a hostage scenario.
That's it.
This is just gonna make life
worse for you and your parents.
Who cares?
I bring it back to your best
choice being letting me out.
[Lester breathes heavily]
No, that would be
the biggest mistake.
You're right, I have a
cop in a hostage situation
and at this point
I've already
committed to anything
that could get me
into serious trouble.
This doesn't leave any
other option, really.
I'm all in.
So, here's the thing.
Tonight was supposed to
be kind of a first time
type of thing for me.
And well,
I figure since you took away
one first time for me tonight,
you can pay me back in another.
-So that's why.
-[phone vibrates]
Shit. Shit!
[Lester groans]
-[phone vibrates]
-[door opens, closes]
[phone beeps]
Hi Angel, how's the night going?
Going well, boring.
What's going on?
Are you okay?
I thought that there
was no reception.
[Jillian] There isn't.
I'm not up there yet.
I haven't heard from Ron still.
Maybe I should go over there.
How far are you?
[Jillian] At least halfway.
No, way too far to
backtrack. Um...
Just keep going or find a hotel.
I don't want you to be unsafe.
[Jillian] Okay, my angel.
I'll try making it there.
Love you.
Love you too.
Hold on, you are supposed
to be at a movie.
[Jillian] Don't lie
to me, Samantha.
I already came back from
the movies, it wasn't long.
[Jillian] Sorry, I'm
just being a mom.
Have a good night.
[phone beeps]
[Samantha sighs deeply]
[Samantha deeply exhales]
[door opens, closes]
[tense music]
You're so ugly.
[camera flashes]
You're a fucking monster.
[camera flashes]
You don't deserve beauty.
[camera flashes]
[camera flashes]
You don't deserve happiness.
[camera flashes]
[tense ambient music]
[camera flashes]
[camera flashes]
[train rattles]
[ominous music]
I know what you're thinking.
16 year old girl down
on her knees for me.
One more and I got a turkey.
What are you doing?
Wait, what are you doing?
None of this will be made any
easier with all your whining.
Now we had a little
interference on the way,
but I took care of that
so now we have all night.
Don't worry, it would be
pointless for me to kill you.
At least not until
I've had my fun.
[manically laughs]
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Have you thought this through?
You can't go digging
out people's eyes.
You fucking crazy bitch!
You're right.
You're right!
I really am just
jumping into this thing.
One sec.
[door opens, closes]
[door opens, closes]
[dramatic music]
[pills rattle]
-[Lester gags]
[Samantha sighs]
[Lester coughs]
Bring your mouth, there.
[manically laughs]
[water splatters]
I already told you,
none of this will be made
easier by your whining!
That was your only chance at
any sort of pain reduction.
Won't people hear me scream?
[manically laughs]
Around here?
If they're not
drunk or drugged out
they're already passed out
on their sleeping pill.
I'm not concerned.
[Lester grunts]
[Lester screams]
[water running]
So stupid.
You're so fucking stupid.
Stupid, ugly shit.
[Samantha breathes heavily]
[Lester groans]
[chair scoots]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Samantha pants]
[chair scoots]
[Samantha pants]
[train rattles]
No, no, you're not Sammy.
You are not ugly.
You're absolutely beautiful.
You're just being nice.
No, I'm not.
I know how other
people wanna see you.
I know that with school
starting next week
this probably won't
be a thing anymore.
What do you mean?
I mean, you're gonna
go back to hanging out
with Lexi and everyone else.
I'll be back to hanging
in the library at lunch.
It's just how it's gonna be.
I know you care about me,
but I know what is most
important right now.
I don't want anything to stop.
None of it.
What are you saying?
Labor Day weekend.
Our parents are
going on their like
high school reunion cabin thing.
They're so going for sex.
Yeah, they are
but what if we planned a
little visit to my place?
What do you have in mind?
Whatever we can think of
before the school year starts.
[Amanda laughs]
Sounds great.
[train rattles]
You're so fucking stupid.
Stupid, ugly shit!
[Samantha pants]
[chair scoots]
[Lester groans]
[Lester groans]
[chair scoots]
[chair scoots]
[chair scoots]
[ominous music]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Lester groans]
[tense music]
[tense music]
What the fuck do
you think this is?
[chair drags]
You don't think I have
this shit figured out?
You think I'm a fucking idiot?
You're out of your
goddamn mind kid!
Don't call me kid!
[Lester screams]
You can't roll a joint.
Yes I can.
I'm better than
any of my friends.
Then your friends
can't roll a joint.
Fuck you.
What are you, the weed police?
[Lester chuckles]
Kind of.
Go shoot a black kid, you pig.
[Lester groans]
That's quite a tongue on you.
Wouldn't you like to know?
I roll better joints than any
of my friends, so whatever.
Don't do that.
Don't do what?
You're doing that thing
that kids your age do.
What did I say about
calling me kid?
A mature young woman with
homework and a bedtime.
You can't just take a percentage
of the people that you know
and use that as a basis of fact.
It's like saying you're
the best driver you know.
Everyone's the best
driver they know
according to themselves.
[Lester scoffs]
The truth is,
everyone sucks at it.
Slow down Professor.
When did the playground
pervert become so nuanced?
Nuance nothing.
You're 16.
You're still learning.
Just look at the situation
we're in right now.
[Lester scoffs]
Here's the thing, and it's
something you haven't considered
Do you have a plan?
What do you mean?
[Lester scoffs]
A plan?
It's the type of
thing that happens
when someone has two brain
cells to rope together
before creating a
hostage scenario.
Excuse me, you killed
Amanda, not me.
That doesn't change
anything about this.
All anybody needs to
see is that I'm tied up
and I have wounds all over
and, um, yeah, I'm missing
a fucking eye.
[Lester chuckles]
That's all anybody needs.
What I did?
It'll be punished eventually.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Doesn't mean you're gonna
get away with any of this.
[Lester breathes heavily]
And oh, you can bat your eyes
and you can play the
jail-bait card all you want
and you'll still be the
girl who tortured a cop,
[Lester breathes heavily]
and that's all they'll need
to make an example out of you.
[Lester breathes heavily]
That will fall apart so easily.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Just look how much you're
losing just talking to me.
[loud clash]
It's 'cause you're not
letting me smoke it.
And you just keep
talking my ear off
like you think I give a shit!
Well, guess what?
I don't.
I don't give a shit, so shut up!
Yeah, this is clearly
not affecting you.
Look, if you just take a
moment and listen to me,
I can help.
Shut the hell up.
You don't know anything.
If you think you're
so fucking smart,
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Samantha chuckles]
[Samantha sighs]
You know what?
This isn't working for me.
I think you need something
a little less talkative
and a little more creative.
[Lester groans]
[pan clinks]
[tense music]
So here's the deal.
I can't keep being here with
you, so I need a fail safe.
[Lester groans]
[Samantha chuckles]
Hang tight.
[Samantha chuckles]
It's just far enough from the
stool that if you try to jump,
you'll end up hanging yourself.
So I don't wanna hear a peep.
It'll be hard anyway.
Honestly, this whole ordeal
is just starting to bore me.
[door opens, closes]
[soft thud]
[Samantha breathes heavily]
You are not ugly.
You are beautiful.
You deserve your beauty.
You deserve happiness.
[Samantha breathes heavily]
You are not ugly.
You are beautiful.
You deserve your beauty.
You deserve happiness.
[Samantha breathes shakily]
[bottle clinks]
[Lester groans]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[train rattles]
When she's gone he cries out
For her lovely misconduct
Gently choosing not to be
[muffled dialogue]
Oh, sorry.
Sorry, couldn't hear you.
Yeah, I know you couldn't.
Can't be good for you
to listen to your music
that loudly all the time.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
Don't wanna hear my dad
on his dates all the time.
He's dating again?
You know, it's okay
to cry in front of me.
I know it can't be easy for you
and it's not something that
I could ever understand.
And I get that.
It's okay.
You can let it out.
Also, something else,
I think a change in tone
might help.
Every time you're
feeling depressed,
you're always listening to this
really angry sort of stuff.
It's metal, Sam.
[laughs nervously]
In any case, maybe try
something a little smoother.
Something lower key.
[gently scoots over]
There's this band
I heard recently.
Give me that.
I thought you might like them.
Real talk I never wanna
walk without you by my side
A lot more calm, right?
You're so far I just
wanna be in your car
I wish that I could fly
I wish that I
could fly, fly, fly
Is this okay?
I wish that I could
fly, fly, fly, fly
I wanna be forever
My heart pounding to
the beat of the song
We should be together
Eternally just
you and me, us
I wanna be forever
My heart pounding to
the beat of the song
That was my first kiss.
[laughs nervously]
You were great.
[laughs softly]
[train rattles]
[glass shatters]
Sam, you dumb bitch,
come give me a hug.
I love you.
Lexi, you have to
shut the fuck up.
It's like three in the morning.
Then why are you up?
I'm just kidding.
Why aren't you at home?
[Lexi gags]
Because I have to
use your bathroom.
Lexi, I can't let
you in right now.
Let me in unless you
want me to die out here.
Let me in!
Okay, okay, fine.
-Come on.
-You are my best friend.
Unlike Holly Morton.
You know that bitch
slept with Mike.
[rants drunkenly]
[Samantha heaves]
[loud thud]
[tense ambient music]
[Lester groans]
[loud crunch]
[Lester groans]
[Lester breathes heavily]
[water splashes]
[soft ambient music]
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[dramatic music]
Say one word and I'll
slit your goddamn throat
and watch you bleed out for fun.
I told you to let
me go, dumb shit.
I'm a cop.
You seriously think
I don't know how to
get out of restraints?
Don't you think
about biting my hand
or I'll kill you and
whoever you've got upstairs.
[Lester breathes heavily]
Now, this is what
we're gonna do.
You are gonna get me
out of here safely.
We are gonna go upstairs...
and I'm gonna leave
unless I change my mind.
Between now and then
you get to live.
I need you to nod so I
know you understand me.
Can you do that?
That's good.
That's real good.
I want you to raise your hands.
Did I stutter?
That's a good girl.
Let's go.
Keep going.
Almost there.
[Lester grunts]
[body thuds]
[Samantha pants]
[water running]
Okay, let's get you
over to the couch.
No, I'm fine.
I like it in there.
[loud thud]
Ooh, I met the cutest
guy at the party.
[Lexi groans]
A little nerdy, but like, cute.
Just go to sleep.
[Lester groans]
[ax dragging]
[knock on door]
[door opens]
You get five seconds to tell me
what the hell you're doing
in my backyard at this hour.
Well, I met Lexi earlier tonight
and she said to meet her here.
You don't seem
drunk or anything.
[Blair scoffs]
Oh no, I don't drink and drive.
I went directly to
the party after work.
Oh, there was a
guy here earlier.
Is he still around?
No, he isn't.
And wait, why are
you even asking that?
I guess it's out of line.
I don't know.
May I come inside?
Now is not really a good time.
Oh, maybe I can just wait
inside until Lexi's ready?
Yeah, it's gonna be a while yet.
Oh, well it's just that I
said I would drive her home.
Oh, come on in.
[door closes]
Just sit right there.
And the moment that you
think you can take her home,
please do.
Promise me that you're
actually taking her home.
Oh, no, no.
Don't worry. I'll
take her right home.
Okay. I just-
I have other things to take
care of at the moment, so.
I don't think you're a rapist.
[tense music]
Get out.
Get her out.
Both of you go!
Out now!
And Lexi, take Lexi too.
I gotta open my car door
and then clear the backseat.
It'll take some time.
[dramatic music]
[Lester groans]
[tense music]
Fuck off!
Please leave me alone!
[Lester screams]
Shut your face, you incel.
You killed her.
[Lester gags]
You killed the only
one that ever got me,
[Lester gags]
the love of my fucking life!
She was just a kid, you
sick piece of shit!
You don't get it.
[Lester gags]
I was trapped.
[Lester gags and coughs]
There was no other choice.
[Lester cries]
It would've ruined me.
She would've ruined me.
I'm not a killer.
I'm not.
I'm just somebody
who was trapped.
I made a bad choice.
You're not the
victim here, asshole.
She was 16 years old and
you took her from me.
[Lester coughs]
And you won't meet her
where you're going.
[Lester grunts]
[eerie music]
[ax clinks]
I'll leave.
I'll leave right now and I
won't tell anyone anything.
You'll tell everyone.
I know you Lexi.
I know how you work.
You made her life a living hell.
Please just leave me alone.
You were the worst to her.
I didn't mean to.
Okay, I didn't mean to at all.
Then tell me who are
we even talking about?
That's what I thought.
[Samantha groans]
[dramatic music]
[floor creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[body thuds]
[tense ambient music]
[Lexi breathes shakily]
[phone vibrates]
This won't work.
I know you and something
here won't work.
You can't see things through
and you've missed something.
Think seriously, think.
Please, just let me go.
I won't tell anyone anything.
[train rattles]
[ax clanks]
[water trickles]
[gas burner clicks]
[soft thud]
[Jillian] Samantha.
Sammy, where are you?
I'm in my bedroom, mom.
It's like 5:00 AM.
So you think you
got away with it?
I know you went to
a party tonight.
You told me straight to my face
that you were going to the movie
and that I could trust you.
[Samantha laughs]
Hey, what are you smiling at?
I'm not messing around.
I also know that you
were smoking pot.
I told you, you can't do
this until you're older.
I'm sorry, mom.
But, at this moment
it's too late.
I love you and I don't
wanna disappoint you,
but can we please just
talk about this tomorrow?
We'll talk tomorrow.
Have a good night, Sammy.
I love you.
Wait, mom?
I love you too.
And if there's anything that
you wanna talk to me about,
you can.
[Jillian sighs]
Well thanks, hon.
That means more than you think.
Honestly, I'm a little
bit worried right now.
I haven't heard
from Ron all night.
I'm sure he is fine.
Yeah, probably.
Is there something going
on between you and Ron?
Nothing more than single friends
helping each other
not be single.
And that means?
Whatever you decide it means.
I love you Samantha.
Have a good sleep.
[Samantha cries softly]
To my love, Amanda,
There is only so much in this
world that I can offer you,
now that you're not a part of it
but I hope I offer
you the solace
to know that your memory
has remained vindicated.
I don't know how you
got into the situation
you were in with Les,
or why you chose to
never tell me about it.
I just need to let you
know, no matter the reason
tonight you were done
right and that's something.
[Samantha sobs]
[laptop shuts]
Yeah, the school had
the memorial today.
Thank you mom.
It's all just so new, you know?
I'm just really missing her.
No one knows
but she was at a
party that night.
Mom, I told you I wasn't there.
No, I told you, mom.
I was just trying to make
it seem like I was there.
Yes, it matters if
people think I was there.
[Samantha sighs]
I know, mom, you don't get it.
I'm sorry for that.
[Burner flickers]
Oh, I didn't really know
his daughter that well.
Probably wouldn't be too good
for me to come, honestly.
Yeah, I'm happy I'm alive too.
All right, mom.
Try to have a good day at work.
I'm here for you
when you get home.
[knock on door]
Love you, mom.
[knock on door]
[door opens]
Blair. Uhh...
Are your parents home?
Close the door.
What the fuck?
Close the door!
[door closes]
What are you here for?
I didn't go to Lexi's
memorial today, you know.
All that anyone's ever
said since last week
was that I definitely
killed her.
Why would anyone think that?
Because Samantha, I was
the last one with her.
Except I wasn't was I?
Yeah, like some asshole,
you left the moment
you knew you weren't
getting laid that night
and you left the
drunk girl by herself.
Nice, way to pass the buck.
Yeah, I told you I was
going to drive her home.
Had nothing to do with sex.
Oh please, then
why did you leave?
Because you were making it
so clear for me to leave,
that's why.
I said both of you.
Yeah, sorry I was scared
shitless and I ran.
None of this matters.
What happened after I left?
She was already gone
before I got back.
I delivered a pizza here
earlier and I heard screams.
I figured it was
just some kinky shit
and then later on it was
clearly something else.
What happened?
Don't yell in this house.
[Samantha pours tea]
Doesn't matter what
happened after I was gone.
There's a lot of people
who cared about her
who would disagree.
And I'm not taking the fall
for something I didn't do.
Three people died
that night, you know?
That changes nothing.
This whole last week,
everybody has been
talking about Lexi dying,
talking about how great
of a person she was,
how nice she was to everyone.
It's a crock of shit.
She was a bully.
There's someone
she used to bully.
She died at 16 years old.
So anything else that someone
could have been known for
[chuckles sarcastically]
Lexi couldn't have
achieved any of it.
Three other people
died that night.
Amanda, her dad, and Lexi.
So tell me why is no
one talking about them?
Because they were both
murdered in cold blood.
But no one had a vigil.
No one had paintings of them
put up all over
the fucking walls.
No one had a word
to say about them.
And yet you come over
here and berate me
because someone you
left has passed.
And you, along
with everyone else,
is just gonna pretend
that because she's dead
means she was a good person.
You said a lot of
people cared about her
and I'm sure you're right.
That's exactly the problem.
Because meanwhile,
Amanda was there
and she was kind,
and thoughtful and artistic.
[Samantha gags]
And she was someone who
deserves every bit of memoriam
that Lexi is getting.
But instead she just
got bullied relentlessly
called a loser,
called a piece of shit
by Lexi and everyone else.
And somehow having the strength
to show back up to school
every day.
So frankly,
I don't give two shits about
what punishment you endure.
Amanda endured worse.
You said three people died,
then you said
three other people.
Who else did you kill?
It'll be easier if
you just tell me.
I'll be going to the
police regardless.
This is a very bad idea for you.
I recommend you
delete that and leave.
Go to hell.
Right now there's
not any evidence
linking you to the crime.
They'll investigate you,
find nothing and move on.
And even if there's
a shred of anything
credible recorded on there,
I'm still the cute
16 year old girl
and you're just creepy pizza guy
who is currently in
my home uninvited.
This is recorded evidence.
Okay, let's try it like this.
Four people died last week
and they're all in
connection to me.
Now let's say they investigate
me and find nothing
and they will find nothing.
Do you want me to be
the person against you
when all this is said and done?
You aren't in the
right, you know.
I hope you have your tracks
covered for your own sake.
You should leave Blair.
Don't put yourself
in a worse situation
than you're already in.
[door closes]
[car door opens, closes]
[car engine starts]
[tense ambient music]
Do need to cover my tracks.
[tense ambient music]
Hey Fiona, I just found you.
[tense ambient music]
In a very short amount of
time, a reckoning is coming.
Be it by law and order,
or out on the streets.
In one way or
another, it's coming.
I did something
horrible last week.
It wasn't Les, it was Lexi.
I realized I've tolerated her
abuse of you for too long.
We didn't live in a world
where I was able to see this,
but I will make
sure that everyone
who ever made your life a pain
will never be able
to feel pain again.
I love you Amanda.
Rest well,
I'm here for you.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]