Girls Dormitory (1936) Movie Script
[ Whistle ]
[ Whistle ]
[ Whistle ]
Who did that?
Good morning, Herr Direktor.
- Good morning.
Good morning, Herr Direktor.
Good morning. Good morning.
Good morning, Herr Direktor.
You're looking very fit.
- I've been for a walk in the mountains.
That's what I should do but I don't
seem to get up early enough.
You're working too hard.
Every night. And so late.
It's finished.
- No. How wonderful.
At three o'clock this morning
I laid down my pen.
At last, the great work
on ancient history...
That the world has been waiting for.
Is ready for the publishers.
Oh, Stefan, I'm so happy for you.
Oh, I... I couldn't have
done it without your help.
Oh, the stupid little research I did.
No, no. I'm grateful
for all you contributed.
You, uh, walking over?
No, my first class isn't until nine.
- Alright. I'll see you at recess.
Oh, there you are, Toni.
Thank you.
Some men are so stupid.
Meaning anyone in particular?
- Meaning the Herr Direktor.
Herr Direktor is a very brilliant man.
Hmm. He's blind.
Toni... that's not very nice of you.
Here he is, year after year.
With his nose in the clouds.
Running the school, teaching
history and writing books.
And he don't even see
what goes on around him.
What is going on around him?
Oh, all sorts of things.
For example... you.
- Me?
Every morning you come
here and tidy up this room.
Well, it needs a woman's touch.
Yes, but who gets the credit for it?
Me. He thinks I bring
him spring flowers.
Flowers... ha.
I wonder what kind of
a man he thinks I am.
The thing that makes history
interesting is the human element.
It isn't so important to know that the
Battle of Philippi was fought in 42 B.C.
As it is to know why it was fought.
We have seen how, after
the Battle of Philippi...
Antony and Octavius... might have
divided the world between them.
But Mark Antony felt that
his portion of the world...
Was well lost for love.
At which point history becomes
very human indeed.
But unfortunately, the great
romantics are seldom practical men.
And in the end, Caesar
defeated Mark Antony.
Both on land and on sea.
As we shall see in our next lecture.
But before I close... I must read you...
One of Antony's dying speeches.
From Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
I am dying, Egypt. Dying.
Only I here importune death awhile.
Until of many thousand
kisses the poor last...??
I lay upon my lips.
You see, Antony had
fallen upon his sword...
So he should not be taken prisoner.
And now he begs Cleopatra
to remember him...
As he had once been in her thoughts.
That's all for today.
Dr Dominik?
Could you tell me a good
book about Mark Antony?
So you're interested in Mark Antony?
- Yes.
I loved your lecture.
You make everything seem so...
So exciting.
That's very kind of you.
Yes, let me see. There's...
There's Hinckel's Life of Mark Antony.
- How do you spell it, please?
I'll write it down for you.
There you are.
You'll find it rather a complete work.
Three volumes.
- They have it in the library?
No. But I'll lend it to you.
I have it at home.
Thank you.
I could stop by your
cottage and pick it up.
No, no, no. I'll bring
it to class tomorrow.
Am I being an awful bother?
- Not at all.
It will seem strange not to come
for your lectures anymore.
After next week.
There's always something
sad about graduation.
I've been here so long I'm getting to be
an old sentimentalist about the school.
Oh, but you're not old.
Hmm. It's nice of you to say so.
No, but it makes me
feel old when I think...
When you first came
to us... four years ago.
A little girl.
I wasn't a little girl. I was fifteen.
Think of it... an old woman of fifteen.
I remember you as you looked then.
You had a little what
do you call it, there.
A spit curl.
- Yes.
I was so proud of that spit curl.
I thought it made me
look... sophisticated.
Oh, funny.
They all want to be grown-up.
When there's so much time.
But I am grown-up now.
And after next week.
Will you miss me?
What? Why yes of course, I'll miss...
I mean to say, I always miss
the graduating classes.
Heavens. I have a faculty meeting.
What's the matter with you? All you've
been doing is walking around in a daze.
I'm sleepy.
She's sleepy.
Hey get off, you horse.
Climb off, will you?
What is that, Marie? What is it?
Show it to us. Come on.
It's a picture of a man.
Oh... my glasses.
I can't see a thing without
my glasses, girls.
My glasses... my glasses.
Where are my glasses, young ladies?
I can't see without my glasses.
Here are your glasses, Frau Wimmer.
- Oh.
Who did that?
Shush... who did...
I shall report this entire dormitory.
To the Herr Direktor.
Hello, Anna.
- Hello, Stefan.
I was for you.
- Really?
And I've been thinking about you.
- Have you, Stefan?
I was selfish about this book business.
There's as much of you
in it as there is of me.
Oh, you needn't thank me, Stefan. I've
been so terribly happy working with you.
Well, now the book is finished I'm not
letting the partnership finish too.
We've got to go on, Anna.
There are other fields
to explore together.
Meaning just what, Stefan?
I mean that we should make our
partnership known to the world... now.
Will you let me put your
name with mine as co-author?
I'm very grateful to you, Stefan.
'Dominik and Mathe's World
History for Advanced Classes'.
How does it sound?
- It sounds very generous.
But after all, what I've done
is of so little importance.
Nonsense, Anna. It was you who
pushed me on and inspired me.
I want you to share
in any glory there may be.
Thank you, Stefan.
You're uncommonly silent, Stefan.
No, I was thinking.
Next week's commencement.
Some of these girls
won't be coming back.
And I shall miss them.
I'm always very sad at
commencement myself.
A boy when he graduates,
is still just a boy.
But a girl... she shakes
herself and stands before you.
As a full-fledged woman.
And you, my learned colleague?
What are you thinking about?
Oh... my mind was... far away.
Dreaming of... other spring.
It is better that old men
should dream of spring...
Will we draw lots?
- Not me. I wouldn't dare.
Oh, scary. Just the four of us then.
And the one who loses has to ask him.
Come on, Marie.
Oh, Marie's it.
- You have to go and ask him.
Oh, but I can't.
- But you've got to.
You took the dare.
- Go on. Be a sport.
You said you would.
Go on, now.
I tell you, schoolgirls
are fiendishly clever.
They'll take every advantage
of a poor, defenceless professor.
And twist him round their fingers.
I'm sorry to interrupt, gentlemen.
Doctor Dominik, will you dance with me?
I don't understand.
Will you dance with me?
I'm afraid it's not customary.
Not customary at all.
You should know that.
I'm sorry.
My dear fellow.
Weren't you a trifle priggish just then?
She shouldn't have done such a thing.
You've hurt the poor child's feelings.
After all... I am the
director of the school.
You might have waited for me.
Marie isn't here.
- No, I don't think so.
Oh, here she is.
- Alright, Marie?
Yes, sir.
What happened to her?
Salute. One, two, three.
Guard. One, two, three, four, five.
Lunge. One, hold, recover. One.
Two calls. One. Assemble.
One, two, three, four.
Salute. One, two, three, four, five.
Guard. One, two, three, four, five.
An advance. Lunge, recover, retreat.
Hop, lunge, one, two. Redouble, escape.
One, lunge, recover.
Two calls. One. Assemble.
One, two, three, four.
Guard. One, two, three, four, five.
Lunge. One, hold, recover. One.
Two calls. One. Assemble. One.
What is it this time, Stefan?
It's my fountain pen. I have
three, and I can never find one.
- In Classroom 'B'.
Oh... I shouldn't like to lose this.
It's the one you gave me
at Christmas. I'm very fond of it.
Thank you, Stefan.
I don't know what I'd
do without you, Anna.
I should never have a fountain pen.
Or a handkerchief.
- Or remember to eat a meal.
No... or ever publish a book.
Herr Direktor... Herr Direktor.
Something terrible has happened.
- Well, what is it?
Well, wait just a moment
until I get my breath. I...
I ran all the way upstairs.
Hadn't you better sit down?
- Oh, thank you. I...
I'm better now.
It has to do with your class.
- Well, what is it?
After the examination,
when the girls went out.
I carried on a little
investigation of my own.
In my classroom? How strange.
Please forgive me. It's a
weakness, you must understand.
During the examination I noticed the
girls were drawing cartoons of me.
And passing them around under the desks.
They always show me
with teeth like a horse.
Did you find it in the wastebasket?
I found something else
in the wastebasket.
A love letter.
Oh, well after all, that's nothing.
Yes, but what a love letter.
It fairly scorched my fingers.
Gussie, are you crazy?
One of my girls?
Yes, one of your girls.
Read it. It's disgraceful.
'My one and only love'.
Hmm... starts well.
Perhaps I shouldn't read any further.
Perhaps it would be better if the
Herr Direktor... read the rest himself.
Oh, really. I don't see why I...
It's your duty as head of the school.
'I close my eyes to dream of our meeting
that afternoon on Castle Mountain'.
Castle Mountain?
Last week. The day of the school outing.
But I don't understand it.
While the girls and the
faculty were in the village.
This charming creature slipped
away from the others...
To meet some boy with whom
she had a rendezvous.
Could that be true?
Unfortunately, it looks that way.
Any signature?
- No.
The girl who wrote that letter...
Must be brought before
the faculty and punished.
Have you a pin?
- No.
Very well. I must manage like this.
It is your responsibility.
To the trustees of our school
and the parents of our girls.
I presume you'll let me know.
When the faculty meeting will be.
Yes. Your handkerchief.
- Thank you.
Last night I congratulated myself we had
reached the end of the year without...
Now this thing pops in our faces.
If it's as serious as the letter shows,
do you think we can keep it quiet?
With Gussie on the trail?
And our delightful humanitarian,
the mathematics professor?
No. They'll demand we make
an example of the girl.
Do you recognize the writing?
- Let me see.
Hmm, I'm not sure.
I've just been going over some
of the examination papers.
But I don't think that...
I hate to do it, but I suppose we must.
No. It's like it.
But it isn't the same.
Wait... I think we have it.
Marie Claudel? Oh, no.
Oh, no. She couldn't have done it.
Marie Claudel? Are you sure?
Yes. Yes, it's the same writing.
Please send for her.
One, two, three, four, five.
Seek, lunge, recover.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Guard. One, two, three, four.
And advance, double.
One and two, three and four.
One and two, three and four. Two calls.
One. Assemble. One, two, three, four.
[ Whistle ]
Marie Claudel?
Report to the Herr Direktor's
office at once.
Herr Direktor sent for me?
Do you know why I sent for you?
No, Herr Direktor.
Think for a moment.
Well, I've been thinking.
Have you done nothing during the past
few days that is... unworthy of you?
What excuse have you to offer?
We drew lots... we meant no harm.
Who drew lots?
- The girls.
And the one who lost
had to ask you to dance.
I... I wanted to apologize.
Oh, that? That incident's forgotten.
Then why did you send
for me, Herr Direktor?
Do you recognize this writing?
- Look at it carefully.
Where did you get it?
- Never mind that.
Did you write it, yes or no?
No, I did not.
I want the truth.
- I did not write it.
This writing checks, letter for letter,
with your examination paper.
But I did not write it.
Sit down.
I'm going to dictate something to you.
'My one and only love'.
Oh, please.
'I think of nothing but that beautiful
moment when you held me in your arms'.
I order you to write, Marie.
Oh, I can't.
Oh, please don't make me.
Then you did write this?
Oh, I'm so ashamed.
How could it have happened?
Surely you don't believe that
anything like that really happened?
Then why did you write this?
Well, it isn't a real letter.
What is it then?
How can I explain it to you?
Well, here inside these walls.
I'm still a schoolgirl.
But the moment I step outside.
I feel life around me.
I'm with the world.
I feel like other people.
Dream like other people.
Then, I am not a schoolgirl.
I'm a human being.
But this... this isn't something
out of your imagination.
It's real.
Well, the letter is real.
But what it says is not.
The only true thing about it.
Is that I am in love.
And in my dreams.
I've been in the embrace of the
man I love. Yes, that's the truth.
But what you accuse me of...
I'm not guilty.
And who is the man?
Don't ask me that.
You must tell me.
Who is the man?
But I can't answer.
- Very well.
I shall take your refusal
to answer as a confession.
You will appear before a
faculty meeting at... 5:30.
We all know why this
conference has been called.
By the rules, any member of the faculty
can demand investigation of a student...
Accused of a serious irregularity.
Frau Professor Wimmer
has made that demand.
And I agree entirely
with Professor Wimmer.
Too bad you two didn't
meet 20 years ago.
I beg your pardon?
- Gentlemen, please.
I prefer not to take any
part of this investigation.
I'm only here to see
that justice is done.
First I shall ask for a
report on Marie Claudel.
For the years 1935 and 1936.
Marie Claudel has stood
very high in her classes.
We are not here to judge
Marie Claudel's education.
It's her morals.
Shall we hang the girl,
or just have her beheaded?
We all know you've never been much
of a success in maintaining discipline.
Your wife must treat you very badly.
I've observed that teachers
who are browbeaten at home...
Are inclined to take
their revenge in school.
Please. Let's not make
this a personal thing.
Thank you for your protection,
Herr Direktor, but I don't need it.
Attacks like that can't hurt me.
I'll admit that my wife
is severe with me.
But I am also severe with her.
We are a severe family.
Our severity towards the world springs
from our own strong convictions.
I thought it sprang from
the... gallbladder.
I don't care to answer that.
Go on, please.
Well after all, we
only have this letter.
We have no actual proof that Marie
Claudel is guilty of any wrongdoing.
I object to the way you are
beating around the bush.
Will Herr Doctor Spindler
kindly tell us exactly...
How you would like this
investigation conducted?
Have you sent for her parents?
- No.
And why not, may I ask?
- The girl has no father.
Her mother is a hopeless invalid
I suppose that is intended
to prey upon our sympathies.
I don't believe the girl is guilty of
anything but writing a silly love note.
And it was her own private possession.
If anyone is guilty, it's the person who
fished the letter from the wastebasket.
If that is intended...
Anyone who pokes around
in the garbage can...
Shouldn't be surprised
when he finds garbage.
So I am the one to be insulted?
Instead of throwing out the girl
who has contaminated our school.
She could scarcely contaminate anyone.
In two days she's graduating.
Apparently the Herr Direktor is more
interested in the girl than the school.
It will be a reflection on the school
if she's expelled before graduating.
If I have anything to say to it,
she will not be allowed to graduate.
Well, you talk about this girl
as if she were a criminal.
The letter admits she had a rendezvous
with a man on... Castle Mountain.
What more do you want?
A photograph?
Well after all, she's 19 years old.
At that age, my mother
already had two children.
Not in school.
Nature doesn't care anything
about the location.
You're just trying to keep us
from questioning the girl.
We won't hinder you any further.
Since you insist, you can begin
the inquisition yourself.
Please ask Marie Claudel to come in.
Just a moment.
Have you ever noticed any boys hanging
around outside, waiting for the girls?
Well, yes.
There's one good-looking young fellow
that waits every day at the corner.
Uhuh... and do you know
for whom he waits?
For Frau Professor Wimmer.
You idiot.
That's my nephew.
Well, I didn't say he
was your sweetheart.
Now, now. Gentlemen, please.
They want you, Mademoiselle.
Don't worry. They can't eat you.
Will you come over here, please?
Certain members of the faculty
wish to ask you some questions.
Dr Spindler?
Come here.
You're 19 years old?
- Yes, sir.
French, aren't you?
- Yes, sir.
Fond of the company of
young men, I presume?
Do you enjoy dancing?
- Just as any girl.
Are you wearing perfume?
- No, sir.
Don't lie. I can smell it.
You are aware that perfume
is not allowed in this school.
It's not perfume.
- What is it then?
So... you washed with perfumed soap?
I can't see that that
question belongs here.
It belongs in the analysis
of the girl's character.
Give me your handkerchief.
Frau Professor, will you...?
- I'm here.
Wet your lips.
If you please, I...
- Wet your lips.
Ah... lip rouge.
I think we have a rule about that.
Please get on with your questioning.
Do you remember the
school outing last week?
- What day was it?
I'm not...
You do recall being in the
village with the others?
Did you once leave the other girls?
- Well, I...
Tell the truth.
- Then give me a chance.
Don't dare address me
in that tone of voice.
Were you or were you not absent
at any time from the others?
Well, yes... I took a walk.
Ah... she took a walk.
On Castle Mountain, wasn't it?
- Yes.
And you were with a man there?
- No.
You did not meet a man
on Castle Mountain?
Herr Doctor Spindler,
your attitude isn't helping any.
Since you refuse to answer, I shall tell
you what happened on Castle Mountain.
I shall reconstruct
your little adventure.
You slipped away from the rest of the
girls because you had a rendezvous.
That's untrue.
You met him in the forest.
In the shadows.
Where you felt safe from prying eyes.
You were alone in the forest.
Alone with a man.
And all about you the soft,
sweet smell of spring.
He held you in his arms. He kissed you.
Stop! I won't listen to you.
- I hate you.
Every girl in this school hates you.
You've always picked on me.
You, you filthy old pig.
I don't blame her.
- Now, here, here.
I demand she apologize.
- You brought it on yourself.
So that's it. Taking her side, eh?
Aren't you making yourself ridiculous?
- I intend to see this case through.
I'll break down your impudent
defiance, young woman.
I'm going to send for your mother.
My mother?
They're sending for her mother.
- They're going to send for her mother.
Perhaps you'd like
her to read this letter?
Oh, but you can't.
Not my mother.
- Hmm.
But I couldn't have her know.
But my mother is very ill,
and... and she loves me.
She believes in me.
I'm all she has.
Oh, please don't let him tell my mother.
She graduated from this
school, and she loved it.
And ever since I was born, she dreamed
of the day I should graduate too.
She's dreaming of that now,
this minute, while I stand here.
And if you turn me out
in disgrace, it would...
It will kill her, I know it will.
- Rubbish.
I'll resign from the school. I'll go
away if you won't tell her why.
Oh, please, Dr Dominik. Let me do that.
You think we'd let you resign now?
Oh, no.
We'll make an example of you.
This case is going before the trustees.
Your mother will be there to hear it.
All right... I'll explain.
But not in the front of...
Of all of you.
She'll understand.
Well, it is a little... irregular.
Irregular? It's impossible.
Don't you see?
This in itself is an admission.
What is it that cannot be said
in the presence of everyone?
Why should one teacher be told?
Perhaps because that teacher's
a woman, Herr Dr Spindler.
And am I not a woman too?
Why not do as she asks?
What harm will it do?
Who is in authority here,
the teachers or the pupils?
I am in authority, Herr Spindler.
Very well.
We shall await your recommendation of...
Expulsion... or exoneration.
Come along, Marie.
Your reason for this?
Oh, sit down, Spindler. Be quiet.
I'm not your teacher now, Marie.
I'm your friend.
Oh, it's so hard to say, even to you.
Whatever it is, you mustn't
be afraid to tell me.
It was wrong to write what I did, but...
Is it wrong to love him?
But you're so young, Marie.
That letter was something
I wished were true.
And in writing it.
I seemed to make it come true.
When you hope for something.
And even though it seems impossible,
you keep on hoping... and hoping.
And that hope keeps you alive.
I know.
I can't tell him, don't you see?
But I knew that you would understand.
It seems silly to you?
Maybe you want to laugh?
Just as he probably would.
If he knew.
No, darling. I don't want to laugh.
And you'll help me?
My mother mustn't know.
She won't know.
You wait here.
We understand so well.
Everything's going to be alright.
You and I have got a secret between us.
You're not angry with
For loving Stefan Dominik?
No, Marie.
Five minutes, eh?
- Five minutes and 43 seconds.
The child is no more to blame than I am.
And the letter?
- Yes, the letter.
How does she account for that?
It was merely a literary composition.
You ask us to believe that?
There is no moral wrong
here, Herr Direktor.
Marie merely wrote a poetic
letter to an imaginary friend.
Is that her explanation?
I mean, is that what she told you?
I don't believe it.
- Nor I.
Either she has hoodwinked
you into accepting her lie.
Or you're her confederate.
I still demand that this
case go before the trustees.
And that the girl's mother be sent for.
The child has done nothing
wrong Herr Direktor, believe me.
I believe you.
You refuse to back me up?
I refuse.
Then I'll go over your head.
I'll go to the trustees myself. Let them
decide who is right and who is wrong.
The girl's mother will be sent for.
Meeting adjourned.
What did you hear?
- They sent for Marie Claudel's mother.
Oh. They sent for
Marie Claudel's mother.
Oh, it's a shame.
Is there anything we can do to help?
- The pigs.
They're sending for my mother.
Oh, that's terrible. Your mother
graduated from here too, didn't she?
Let's go down to supper, darling.
You'll feel better.
Oh, I couldn't.
What are you going to do?
I don't know.
Hurry, ladies. Hurry.
We'd better go.
We'll see you later.
- Oh, I haven't any appetite.
Who did that?
I shall report this matter
to the Herr Direktor.
Dr Dominik.
[ Door knocks ]
I'm worried about Marie.
- Why?
[ Lightning ]
She wasn't at supper.
Look, Stefan, I'm afraid.
In the state of mind she
was in, she might...
Now think. When did any
of you see Marie last?
Since when?
Not since she heard they were
going to send for her mother.
Herr Direktor. Herr Direktor.
I just saw Marie going through
the gate. She was crying.
Why didn't you stop her?
- What am I, a policeman?
Anyhow, there's enough people
picking on the poor child.
Oh, that lightning.
She was always afraid of lightning.
It's too late to think
of that now, isn't it.
The child's out there,
and we drove her out.
There's no necessity for
You talk like that after the
way you've behaved?
We're supposed to train young
girls to prepare them for life.
And what have we done?
We've suspected her of something
the child doesn't even know about.
We've sown a sense of guilt
where there is no guilt.
And now she's running away from us.
She's running away from the people
that she should be running to.
She's cold and wet and
frightened and in danger.
And Stefan.
- Stefan?
Oh... now I see the cause of
For whose safety are you
concerned? Hers or his?
You will apologize for that.
- I will not.
You're a cruel, vindictive beast,
and you deserve much more.
[ Door knocks ]
Brandy, Mein Herr.
- Thanks.
I'm Dr Dominik from the school.
Have you a telephone?
Yes, Herr Doctor.
Call the school. Ask them to send a car.
- Yes, Herr Doctor.
The line... I think she's down.
Go to the village. Call from there.
Yes, Herr Doctor.
Dry things in the other room.
- Thanks.
No, don't try to talk.
The car should be here any moment now.
I'll be sorry when they come for us.
I don't want to go back.
Don't worry, Marie.
It's going to be alright.
I don't mean that.
I mean.
Here we seem so far away from the world.
And it's so perfect.
Just being with you.
Who is the man?
Who is the man you wrote the letter to?
You wrote that letter to me?
Oh, I've been in love with
you for such a long time.
Oh, Stefan.
Tell me you love me.
I must have loved you all the time.
But I always thought of you as a child.
Oh, Stefan.
I do love you so terribly.
Oh, it's you.
It's me, Herr Direktor.
I brought the car.
Don't forget to bring me my
bathrobe and slippers in the morning.
How about... a little Schnapps?
Stefan, your clothes.
You must be drenched to the skin.
I'm all right.
Look after Marie.
Yes, of course.
But, you know.
You have to be looked after too.
A hot bath.
- Ho-ho.
Please see she is put to bed at once.
Come along, Marie.
Good night, Stefan.
Good night, Marie.
Marie called him 'Stefan'.
Run along to Room 'C'.
It's warmer. I'll be up in a minute.
So you knew it before I did?
That she loved you?
- Yes.
I can't understand why she should
tell you and yet be afraid to tell me.
Huh... huh...
Women in love are amazing.
But me?
I just can't believe it.
She's the loveliest child
I've ever known, Stefan.
Yes, and yet somehow, she's...
She's not a child. She's...
I don't know. I can't explain it.
Why should you try?
Some things need no explanation.
They just are.
Nobody can do anything about it.
Yes, isn't that so.
Good night, Stefan.
Good night, Anna.
One more, huh?
Oh, yes.
Will it always be like this?
That I'll never be hungry again
as long as I am in love?
Well, I think you may get your
appetite back in a year or two.
Now, you go to sleep.
I want to sleep.
Because then...
I can dream it all over again.
The way he looked at me.
That's enough, Marie.
Now go to sleep.
- I'm sorry.
I talk too much, don't I?
Oh, darling... forgive me.
I shouldn't have spoken
to you like that.
It's only natural that you
should want to talk about it.
You are tired too, aren't you?
More tired than I am,
because you were waiting.
And waiting is always the hardest part.
Go to sleep.
The storm's over.
Tomorrow will be beautiful.
- Yes.
Tomorrow will be...
So beautiful.
Would they be surprised if they
knew that letter was written to you?
I still can't believe it.
In a few moments, Marie...
I'm going to ask you to marry me.
But first of all... I must
remind you of something.
There are 18 years between us,
and that's a great many, my dear.
We must be honest with
ourselves about that difference.
Have you thought about it at all?
- Very much.
Girls of my age think
very clearly, Stefan.
What have you thought?
That a few years are nothing.
When people love as much as we do.
Then you will marry me?
Of course.
Goodbye, Stefan.
For a little while.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Well, Stefan... graduation tomorrow.
Out go the girls to begin
life, and you and I?
Are just one year older.
I have something to tell you,
in the strictest confidence.
But, of course.
I'm going to be married.
- Married?
My dear fellow, hearty congratulations.
- Thanks.
I knew you'd be surprised.
An old bachelor like me.
Thank goodness you didn't
wait too long, like me.
Well, wedding bells instead of
school bells for a change, huh?
Well, when is it to be?
- I don't know yet.
You don't know yet?
I want to ask for advice.
- Uhuh.
Do you think a man my age is
foolish to marry a girl much younger?
She isn't so much younger, is she?
Why, yes.
Well after all, what
do a few years matter?
Anna is a fine woman.
- Hmm. Yes.
I guessed your secret, didn't I? Huh?
Toni, would you see that my trunks
are taken to the station tomorrow.
But... you said you were staying here
this summer to work with Dr Dominik.
No... no, I'm going away.
But you will come back next fall?
Hmm. I don't think so, Toni.
I think I'll probably spend
the winter in Vienna.
You see...
- Yes, I see.
But it is Marie Claudel that has come
between you and Dr Dominik.
Ah, Toni, you mustn't talk like that.
- But it's true.
And after all the years
you wasted, loving him.
Please, Toni.
- You don't think I have seen...
could have happened to make him see...
Because he loves you,
only he was so blind.
He loves Marie Claudel.
Loves her? Ha.
It's only the spring. Just infatuation.
But that will pass... I know.
The Herr Doctor needs you.
But I must, Toni.
After all the years of working with him.
Loving him.
I couldn't stay here, Toni.
I couldn't stay here and
face all those memories.
Thank you Toni, for being so kind to me.
You'll keep my secret, won't you?
Yes. Thanks, Toni.
The Herr Direktor wants to see you.
Thank you, Toni.
[ Door knocks ]
Oh, it seems years since I've seen you.
Why have you been avoiding me?
All last evening and today?
I've been frightfully busy.
Let me look at you.
- No, please.
What's the matter?
Oh, you'll hate me for it.
I hate myself.
But I've got to tell you the truth.
I don't love you.
I lied when I said that.
I lied to save myself.
Because I was afraid you were
going to have me expelled.
I did not know you'd
take it so seriously.
I'm sorry.
Just a schoolgirl's joke.
A schoolgirl joke?
Oh, I can see how funny it is.
I'd give anything if it hadn't happened.
But why?
The trick worked.
You're going to graduate.
I congratulate you, mademoiselle.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Oh, Marie.
They told me I'd find you here.
Oh, I beg your pardon.
Dr Dominik, Jacques Vallais.
- How do you do.
How do you do.
I was just saying goodbye to
one of our... cleverest pupils.
Jacques, we must hurry.
You'll excuse us, please.
But why did you introduce
A fine way to treat a poor cousin...
Who drove all the way from Paris
just to see you graduate.
Pardon me, Herr Direktor.
They're waiting for you.
Very well, Toni. Thank you.
Well, it's a long story.
Perhaps one day... I'll tell it.
Graduation is a milestone.
Which marks a definite stage
in your journey through life.
It marks the end of a certain
cycle in your existence.
And the beginning of another cycle.
For your friends on the
faculty it marks a cycle too.
We must stay in our smaller world.
While you go out to a larger world.
And a wider opportunity.
For these four years...
We have guarded you... worked with you.
Watched you grow from childhood...
To young womanhood.
And now that you are leaving us.
Each of you will carry away,
something of ourselves.
And will leave behind a vacancy...
Small or large, according
to our interest in you.
All hail Alma Mater.
Proudly we sing.
Of sorrows... and glories.
Which thy learning bring.
Forever in our memories.
Our hallowed love will burn.
For thee... Alma Mater.
Ever we will yearn.
That is very funny.
Shall we dance?
- Yes.
What will it take to cheer you up?
A diamond bracelet?
A million francs?
Or a dance with me?
I don't feel like dancing.
Have a drink of Champagne.
Or, maybe I could entertain
you with a few... card tricks?
Will you dance with me?
I went to your house.
Your mother told me I
should find you here.
You ran away from me once before.
But what you told me that
day was not the truth.
Look at me.
- No, please.
Why did you come here?
- I had to.
It wouldn't work out any other way.
I knew it.
And Anna knew it.
Isn't it strange how professors
can be so pitifully stupid?
It's taken me all these weeks to find
out that the only answer to the problem.
Is you.
I could have told you that.
[ Whistle ]
[ Whistle ]
Who did that?
Good morning, Herr Direktor.
- Good morning.
Good morning, Herr Direktor.
Good morning. Good morning.
Good morning, Herr Direktor.
You're looking very fit.
- I've been for a walk in the mountains.
That's what I should do but I don't
seem to get up early enough.
You're working too hard.
Every night. And so late.
It's finished.
- No. How wonderful.
At three o'clock this morning
I laid down my pen.
At last, the great work
on ancient history...
That the world has been waiting for.
Is ready for the publishers.
Oh, Stefan, I'm so happy for you.
Oh, I... I couldn't have
done it without your help.
Oh, the stupid little research I did.
No, no. I'm grateful
for all you contributed.
You, uh, walking over?
No, my first class isn't until nine.
- Alright. I'll see you at recess.
Oh, there you are, Toni.
Thank you.
Some men are so stupid.
Meaning anyone in particular?
- Meaning the Herr Direktor.
Herr Direktor is a very brilliant man.
Hmm. He's blind.
Toni... that's not very nice of you.
Here he is, year after year.
With his nose in the clouds.
Running the school, teaching
history and writing books.
And he don't even see
what goes on around him.
What is going on around him?
Oh, all sorts of things.
For example... you.
- Me?
Every morning you come
here and tidy up this room.
Well, it needs a woman's touch.
Yes, but who gets the credit for it?
Me. He thinks I bring
him spring flowers.
Flowers... ha.
I wonder what kind of
a man he thinks I am.
The thing that makes history
interesting is the human element.
It isn't so important to know that the
Battle of Philippi was fought in 42 B.C.
As it is to know why it was fought.
We have seen how, after
the Battle of Philippi...
Antony and Octavius... might have
divided the world between them.
But Mark Antony felt that
his portion of the world...
Was well lost for love.
At which point history becomes
very human indeed.
But unfortunately, the great
romantics are seldom practical men.
And in the end, Caesar
defeated Mark Antony.
Both on land and on sea.
As we shall see in our next lecture.
But before I close... I must read you...
One of Antony's dying speeches.
From Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
I am dying, Egypt. Dying.
Only I here importune death awhile.
Until of many thousand
kisses the poor last...??
I lay upon my lips.
You see, Antony had
fallen upon his sword...
So he should not be taken prisoner.
And now he begs Cleopatra
to remember him...
As he had once been in her thoughts.
That's all for today.
Dr Dominik?
Could you tell me a good
book about Mark Antony?
So you're interested in Mark Antony?
- Yes.
I loved your lecture.
You make everything seem so...
So exciting.
That's very kind of you.
Yes, let me see. There's...
There's Hinckel's Life of Mark Antony.
- How do you spell it, please?
I'll write it down for you.
There you are.
You'll find it rather a complete work.
Three volumes.
- They have it in the library?
No. But I'll lend it to you.
I have it at home.
Thank you.
I could stop by your
cottage and pick it up.
No, no, no. I'll bring
it to class tomorrow.
Am I being an awful bother?
- Not at all.
It will seem strange not to come
for your lectures anymore.
After next week.
There's always something
sad about graduation.
I've been here so long I'm getting to be
an old sentimentalist about the school.
Oh, but you're not old.
Hmm. It's nice of you to say so.
No, but it makes me
feel old when I think...
When you first came
to us... four years ago.
A little girl.
I wasn't a little girl. I was fifteen.
Think of it... an old woman of fifteen.
I remember you as you looked then.
You had a little what
do you call it, there.
A spit curl.
- Yes.
I was so proud of that spit curl.
I thought it made me
look... sophisticated.
Oh, funny.
They all want to be grown-up.
When there's so much time.
But I am grown-up now.
And after next week.
Will you miss me?
What? Why yes of course, I'll miss...
I mean to say, I always miss
the graduating classes.
Heavens. I have a faculty meeting.
What's the matter with you? All you've
been doing is walking around in a daze.
I'm sleepy.
She's sleepy.
Hey get off, you horse.
Climb off, will you?
What is that, Marie? What is it?
Show it to us. Come on.
It's a picture of a man.
Oh... my glasses.
I can't see a thing without
my glasses, girls.
My glasses... my glasses.
Where are my glasses, young ladies?
I can't see without my glasses.
Here are your glasses, Frau Wimmer.
- Oh.
Who did that?
Shush... who did...
I shall report this entire dormitory.
To the Herr Direktor.
Hello, Anna.
- Hello, Stefan.
I was for you.
- Really?
And I've been thinking about you.
- Have you, Stefan?
I was selfish about this book business.
There's as much of you
in it as there is of me.
Oh, you needn't thank me, Stefan. I've
been so terribly happy working with you.
Well, now the book is finished I'm not
letting the partnership finish too.
We've got to go on, Anna.
There are other fields
to explore together.
Meaning just what, Stefan?
I mean that we should make our
partnership known to the world... now.
Will you let me put your
name with mine as co-author?
I'm very grateful to you, Stefan.
'Dominik and Mathe's World
History for Advanced Classes'.
How does it sound?
- It sounds very generous.
But after all, what I've done
is of so little importance.
Nonsense, Anna. It was you who
pushed me on and inspired me.
I want you to share
in any glory there may be.
Thank you, Stefan.
You're uncommonly silent, Stefan.
No, I was thinking.
Next week's commencement.
Some of these girls
won't be coming back.
And I shall miss them.
I'm always very sad at
commencement myself.
A boy when he graduates,
is still just a boy.
But a girl... she shakes
herself and stands before you.
As a full-fledged woman.
And you, my learned colleague?
What are you thinking about?
Oh... my mind was... far away.
Dreaming of... other spring.
It is better that old men
should dream of spring...
Will we draw lots?
- Not me. I wouldn't dare.
Oh, scary. Just the four of us then.
And the one who loses has to ask him.
Come on, Marie.
Oh, Marie's it.
- You have to go and ask him.
Oh, but I can't.
- But you've got to.
You took the dare.
- Go on. Be a sport.
You said you would.
Go on, now.
I tell you, schoolgirls
are fiendishly clever.
They'll take every advantage
of a poor, defenceless professor.
And twist him round their fingers.
I'm sorry to interrupt, gentlemen.
Doctor Dominik, will you dance with me?
I don't understand.
Will you dance with me?
I'm afraid it's not customary.
Not customary at all.
You should know that.
I'm sorry.
My dear fellow.
Weren't you a trifle priggish just then?
She shouldn't have done such a thing.
You've hurt the poor child's feelings.
After all... I am the
director of the school.
You might have waited for me.
Marie isn't here.
- No, I don't think so.
Oh, here she is.
- Alright, Marie?
Yes, sir.
What happened to her?
Salute. One, two, three.
Guard. One, two, three, four, five.
Lunge. One, hold, recover. One.
Two calls. One. Assemble.
One, two, three, four.
Salute. One, two, three, four, five.
Guard. One, two, three, four, five.
An advance. Lunge, recover, retreat.
Hop, lunge, one, two. Redouble, escape.
One, lunge, recover.
Two calls. One. Assemble.
One, two, three, four.
Guard. One, two, three, four, five.
Lunge. One, hold, recover. One.
Two calls. One. Assemble. One.
What is it this time, Stefan?
It's my fountain pen. I have
three, and I can never find one.
- In Classroom 'B'.
Oh... I shouldn't like to lose this.
It's the one you gave me
at Christmas. I'm very fond of it.
Thank you, Stefan.
I don't know what I'd
do without you, Anna.
I should never have a fountain pen.
Or a handkerchief.
- Or remember to eat a meal.
No... or ever publish a book.
Herr Direktor... Herr Direktor.
Something terrible has happened.
- Well, what is it?
Well, wait just a moment
until I get my breath. I...
I ran all the way upstairs.
Hadn't you better sit down?
- Oh, thank you. I...
I'm better now.
It has to do with your class.
- Well, what is it?
After the examination,
when the girls went out.
I carried on a little
investigation of my own.
In my classroom? How strange.
Please forgive me. It's a
weakness, you must understand.
During the examination I noticed the
girls were drawing cartoons of me.
And passing them around under the desks.
They always show me
with teeth like a horse.
Did you find it in the wastebasket?
I found something else
in the wastebasket.
A love letter.
Oh, well after all, that's nothing.
Yes, but what a love letter.
It fairly scorched my fingers.
Gussie, are you crazy?
One of my girls?
Yes, one of your girls.
Read it. It's disgraceful.
'My one and only love'.
Hmm... starts well.
Perhaps I shouldn't read any further.
Perhaps it would be better if the
Herr Direktor... read the rest himself.
Oh, really. I don't see why I...
It's your duty as head of the school.
'I close my eyes to dream of our meeting
that afternoon on Castle Mountain'.
Castle Mountain?
Last week. The day of the school outing.
But I don't understand it.
While the girls and the
faculty were in the village.
This charming creature slipped
away from the others...
To meet some boy with whom
she had a rendezvous.
Could that be true?
Unfortunately, it looks that way.
Any signature?
- No.
The girl who wrote that letter...
Must be brought before
the faculty and punished.
Have you a pin?
- No.
Very well. I must manage like this.
It is your responsibility.
To the trustees of our school
and the parents of our girls.
I presume you'll let me know.
When the faculty meeting will be.
Yes. Your handkerchief.
- Thank you.
Last night I congratulated myself we had
reached the end of the year without...
Now this thing pops in our faces.
If it's as serious as the letter shows,
do you think we can keep it quiet?
With Gussie on the trail?
And our delightful humanitarian,
the mathematics professor?
No. They'll demand we make
an example of the girl.
Do you recognize the writing?
- Let me see.
Hmm, I'm not sure.
I've just been going over some
of the examination papers.
But I don't think that...
I hate to do it, but I suppose we must.
No. It's like it.
But it isn't the same.
Wait... I think we have it.
Marie Claudel? Oh, no.
Oh, no. She couldn't have done it.
Marie Claudel? Are you sure?
Yes. Yes, it's the same writing.
Please send for her.
One, two, three, four, five.
Seek, lunge, recover.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Guard. One, two, three, four.
And advance, double.
One and two, three and four.
One and two, three and four. Two calls.
One. Assemble. One, two, three, four.
[ Whistle ]
Marie Claudel?
Report to the Herr Direktor's
office at once.
Herr Direktor sent for me?
Do you know why I sent for you?
No, Herr Direktor.
Think for a moment.
Well, I've been thinking.
Have you done nothing during the past
few days that is... unworthy of you?
What excuse have you to offer?
We drew lots... we meant no harm.
Who drew lots?
- The girls.
And the one who lost
had to ask you to dance.
I... I wanted to apologize.
Oh, that? That incident's forgotten.
Then why did you send
for me, Herr Direktor?
Do you recognize this writing?
- Look at it carefully.
Where did you get it?
- Never mind that.
Did you write it, yes or no?
No, I did not.
I want the truth.
- I did not write it.
This writing checks, letter for letter,
with your examination paper.
But I did not write it.
Sit down.
I'm going to dictate something to you.
'My one and only love'.
Oh, please.
'I think of nothing but that beautiful
moment when you held me in your arms'.
I order you to write, Marie.
Oh, I can't.
Oh, please don't make me.
Then you did write this?
Oh, I'm so ashamed.
How could it have happened?
Surely you don't believe that
anything like that really happened?
Then why did you write this?
Well, it isn't a real letter.
What is it then?
How can I explain it to you?
Well, here inside these walls.
I'm still a schoolgirl.
But the moment I step outside.
I feel life around me.
I'm with the world.
I feel like other people.
Dream like other people.
Then, I am not a schoolgirl.
I'm a human being.
But this... this isn't something
out of your imagination.
It's real.
Well, the letter is real.
But what it says is not.
The only true thing about it.
Is that I am in love.
And in my dreams.
I've been in the embrace of the
man I love. Yes, that's the truth.
But what you accuse me of...
I'm not guilty.
And who is the man?
Don't ask me that.
You must tell me.
Who is the man?
But I can't answer.
- Very well.
I shall take your refusal
to answer as a confession.
You will appear before a
faculty meeting at... 5:30.
We all know why this
conference has been called.
By the rules, any member of the faculty
can demand investigation of a student...
Accused of a serious irregularity.
Frau Professor Wimmer
has made that demand.
And I agree entirely
with Professor Wimmer.
Too bad you two didn't
meet 20 years ago.
I beg your pardon?
- Gentlemen, please.
I prefer not to take any
part of this investigation.
I'm only here to see
that justice is done.
First I shall ask for a
report on Marie Claudel.
For the years 1935 and 1936.
Marie Claudel has stood
very high in her classes.
We are not here to judge
Marie Claudel's education.
It's her morals.
Shall we hang the girl,
or just have her beheaded?
We all know you've never been much
of a success in maintaining discipline.
Your wife must treat you very badly.
I've observed that teachers
who are browbeaten at home...
Are inclined to take
their revenge in school.
Please. Let's not make
this a personal thing.
Thank you for your protection,
Herr Direktor, but I don't need it.
Attacks like that can't hurt me.
I'll admit that my wife
is severe with me.
But I am also severe with her.
We are a severe family.
Our severity towards the world springs
from our own strong convictions.
I thought it sprang from
the... gallbladder.
I don't care to answer that.
Go on, please.
Well after all, we
only have this letter.
We have no actual proof that Marie
Claudel is guilty of any wrongdoing.
I object to the way you are
beating around the bush.
Will Herr Doctor Spindler
kindly tell us exactly...
How you would like this
investigation conducted?
Have you sent for her parents?
- No.
And why not, may I ask?
- The girl has no father.
Her mother is a hopeless invalid
I suppose that is intended
to prey upon our sympathies.
I don't believe the girl is guilty of
anything but writing a silly love note.
And it was her own private possession.
If anyone is guilty, it's the person who
fished the letter from the wastebasket.
If that is intended...
Anyone who pokes around
in the garbage can...
Shouldn't be surprised
when he finds garbage.
So I am the one to be insulted?
Instead of throwing out the girl
who has contaminated our school.
She could scarcely contaminate anyone.
In two days she's graduating.
Apparently the Herr Direktor is more
interested in the girl than the school.
It will be a reflection on the school
if she's expelled before graduating.
If I have anything to say to it,
she will not be allowed to graduate.
Well, you talk about this girl
as if she were a criminal.
The letter admits she had a rendezvous
with a man on... Castle Mountain.
What more do you want?
A photograph?
Well after all, she's 19 years old.
At that age, my mother
already had two children.
Not in school.
Nature doesn't care anything
about the location.
You're just trying to keep us
from questioning the girl.
We won't hinder you any further.
Since you insist, you can begin
the inquisition yourself.
Please ask Marie Claudel to come in.
Just a moment.
Have you ever noticed any boys hanging
around outside, waiting for the girls?
Well, yes.
There's one good-looking young fellow
that waits every day at the corner.
Uhuh... and do you know
for whom he waits?
For Frau Professor Wimmer.
You idiot.
That's my nephew.
Well, I didn't say he
was your sweetheart.
Now, now. Gentlemen, please.
They want you, Mademoiselle.
Don't worry. They can't eat you.
Will you come over here, please?
Certain members of the faculty
wish to ask you some questions.
Dr Spindler?
Come here.
You're 19 years old?
- Yes, sir.
French, aren't you?
- Yes, sir.
Fond of the company of
young men, I presume?
Do you enjoy dancing?
- Just as any girl.
Are you wearing perfume?
- No, sir.
Don't lie. I can smell it.
You are aware that perfume
is not allowed in this school.
It's not perfume.
- What is it then?
So... you washed with perfumed soap?
I can't see that that
question belongs here.
It belongs in the analysis
of the girl's character.
Give me your handkerchief.
Frau Professor, will you...?
- I'm here.
Wet your lips.
If you please, I...
- Wet your lips.
Ah... lip rouge.
I think we have a rule about that.
Please get on with your questioning.
Do you remember the
school outing last week?
- What day was it?
I'm not...
You do recall being in the
village with the others?
Did you once leave the other girls?
- Well, I...
Tell the truth.
- Then give me a chance.
Don't dare address me
in that tone of voice.
Were you or were you not absent
at any time from the others?
Well, yes... I took a walk.
Ah... she took a walk.
On Castle Mountain, wasn't it?
- Yes.
And you were with a man there?
- No.
You did not meet a man
on Castle Mountain?
Herr Doctor Spindler,
your attitude isn't helping any.
Since you refuse to answer, I shall tell
you what happened on Castle Mountain.
I shall reconstruct
your little adventure.
You slipped away from the rest of the
girls because you had a rendezvous.
That's untrue.
You met him in the forest.
In the shadows.
Where you felt safe from prying eyes.
You were alone in the forest.
Alone with a man.
And all about you the soft,
sweet smell of spring.
He held you in his arms. He kissed you.
Stop! I won't listen to you.
- I hate you.
Every girl in this school hates you.
You've always picked on me.
You, you filthy old pig.
I don't blame her.
- Now, here, here.
I demand she apologize.
- You brought it on yourself.
So that's it. Taking her side, eh?
Aren't you making yourself ridiculous?
- I intend to see this case through.
I'll break down your impudent
defiance, young woman.
I'm going to send for your mother.
My mother?
They're sending for her mother.
- They're going to send for her mother.
Perhaps you'd like
her to read this letter?
Oh, but you can't.
Not my mother.
- Hmm.
But I couldn't have her know.
But my mother is very ill,
and... and she loves me.
She believes in me.
I'm all she has.
Oh, please don't let him tell my mother.
She graduated from this
school, and she loved it.
And ever since I was born, she dreamed
of the day I should graduate too.
She's dreaming of that now,
this minute, while I stand here.
And if you turn me out
in disgrace, it would...
It will kill her, I know it will.
- Rubbish.
I'll resign from the school. I'll go
away if you won't tell her why.
Oh, please, Dr Dominik. Let me do that.
You think we'd let you resign now?
Oh, no.
We'll make an example of you.
This case is going before the trustees.
Your mother will be there to hear it.
All right... I'll explain.
But not in the front of...
Of all of you.
She'll understand.
Well, it is a little... irregular.
Irregular? It's impossible.
Don't you see?
This in itself is an admission.
What is it that cannot be said
in the presence of everyone?
Why should one teacher be told?
Perhaps because that teacher's
a woman, Herr Dr Spindler.
And am I not a woman too?
Why not do as she asks?
What harm will it do?
Who is in authority here,
the teachers or the pupils?
I am in authority, Herr Spindler.
Very well.
We shall await your recommendation of...
Expulsion... or exoneration.
Come along, Marie.
Your reason for this?
Oh, sit down, Spindler. Be quiet.
I'm not your teacher now, Marie.
I'm your friend.
Oh, it's so hard to say, even to you.
Whatever it is, you mustn't
be afraid to tell me.
It was wrong to write what I did, but...
Is it wrong to love him?
But you're so young, Marie.
That letter was something
I wished were true.
And in writing it.
I seemed to make it come true.
When you hope for something.
And even though it seems impossible,
you keep on hoping... and hoping.
And that hope keeps you alive.
I know.
I can't tell him, don't you see?
But I knew that you would understand.
It seems silly to you?
Maybe you want to laugh?
Just as he probably would.
If he knew.
No, darling. I don't want to laugh.
And you'll help me?
My mother mustn't know.
She won't know.
You wait here.
We understand so well.
Everything's going to be alright.
You and I have got a secret between us.
You're not angry with
For loving Stefan Dominik?
No, Marie.
Five minutes, eh?
- Five minutes and 43 seconds.
The child is no more to blame than I am.
And the letter?
- Yes, the letter.
How does she account for that?
It was merely a literary composition.
You ask us to believe that?
There is no moral wrong
here, Herr Direktor.
Marie merely wrote a poetic
letter to an imaginary friend.
Is that her explanation?
I mean, is that what she told you?
I don't believe it.
- Nor I.
Either she has hoodwinked
you into accepting her lie.
Or you're her confederate.
I still demand that this
case go before the trustees.
And that the girl's mother be sent for.
The child has done nothing
wrong Herr Direktor, believe me.
I believe you.
You refuse to back me up?
I refuse.
Then I'll go over your head.
I'll go to the trustees myself. Let them
decide who is right and who is wrong.
The girl's mother will be sent for.
Meeting adjourned.
What did you hear?
- They sent for Marie Claudel's mother.
Oh. They sent for
Marie Claudel's mother.
Oh, it's a shame.
Is there anything we can do to help?
- The pigs.
They're sending for my mother.
Oh, that's terrible. Your mother
graduated from here too, didn't she?
Let's go down to supper, darling.
You'll feel better.
Oh, I couldn't.
What are you going to do?
I don't know.
Hurry, ladies. Hurry.
We'd better go.
We'll see you later.
- Oh, I haven't any appetite.
Who did that?
I shall report this matter
to the Herr Direktor.
Dr Dominik.
[ Door knocks ]
I'm worried about Marie.
- Why?
[ Lightning ]
She wasn't at supper.
Look, Stefan, I'm afraid.
In the state of mind she
was in, she might...
Now think. When did any
of you see Marie last?
Since when?
Not since she heard they were
going to send for her mother.
Herr Direktor. Herr Direktor.
I just saw Marie going through
the gate. She was crying.
Why didn't you stop her?
- What am I, a policeman?
Anyhow, there's enough people
picking on the poor child.
Oh, that lightning.
She was always afraid of lightning.
It's too late to think
of that now, isn't it.
The child's out there,
and we drove her out.
There's no necessity for
You talk like that after the
way you've behaved?
We're supposed to train young
girls to prepare them for life.
And what have we done?
We've suspected her of something
the child doesn't even know about.
We've sown a sense of guilt
where there is no guilt.
And now she's running away from us.
She's running away from the people
that she should be running to.
She's cold and wet and
frightened and in danger.
And Stefan.
- Stefan?
Oh... now I see the cause of
For whose safety are you
concerned? Hers or his?
You will apologize for that.
- I will not.
You're a cruel, vindictive beast,
and you deserve much more.
[ Door knocks ]
Brandy, Mein Herr.
- Thanks.
I'm Dr Dominik from the school.
Have you a telephone?
Yes, Herr Doctor.
Call the school. Ask them to send a car.
- Yes, Herr Doctor.
The line... I think she's down.
Go to the village. Call from there.
Yes, Herr Doctor.
Dry things in the other room.
- Thanks.
No, don't try to talk.
The car should be here any moment now.
I'll be sorry when they come for us.
I don't want to go back.
Don't worry, Marie.
It's going to be alright.
I don't mean that.
I mean.
Here we seem so far away from the world.
And it's so perfect.
Just being with you.
Who is the man?
Who is the man you wrote the letter to?
You wrote that letter to me?
Oh, I've been in love with
you for such a long time.
Oh, Stefan.
Tell me you love me.
I must have loved you all the time.
But I always thought of you as a child.
Oh, Stefan.
I do love you so terribly.
Oh, it's you.
It's me, Herr Direktor.
I brought the car.
Don't forget to bring me my
bathrobe and slippers in the morning.
How about... a little Schnapps?
Stefan, your clothes.
You must be drenched to the skin.
I'm all right.
Look after Marie.
Yes, of course.
But, you know.
You have to be looked after too.
A hot bath.
- Ho-ho.
Please see she is put to bed at once.
Come along, Marie.
Good night, Stefan.
Good night, Marie.
Marie called him 'Stefan'.
Run along to Room 'C'.
It's warmer. I'll be up in a minute.
So you knew it before I did?
That she loved you?
- Yes.
I can't understand why she should
tell you and yet be afraid to tell me.
Huh... huh...
Women in love are amazing.
But me?
I just can't believe it.
She's the loveliest child
I've ever known, Stefan.
Yes, and yet somehow, she's...
She's not a child. She's...
I don't know. I can't explain it.
Why should you try?
Some things need no explanation.
They just are.
Nobody can do anything about it.
Yes, isn't that so.
Good night, Stefan.
Good night, Anna.
One more, huh?
Oh, yes.
Will it always be like this?
That I'll never be hungry again
as long as I am in love?
Well, I think you may get your
appetite back in a year or two.
Now, you go to sleep.
I want to sleep.
Because then...
I can dream it all over again.
The way he looked at me.
That's enough, Marie.
Now go to sleep.
- I'm sorry.
I talk too much, don't I?
Oh, darling... forgive me.
I shouldn't have spoken
to you like that.
It's only natural that you
should want to talk about it.
You are tired too, aren't you?
More tired than I am,
because you were waiting.
And waiting is always the hardest part.
Go to sleep.
The storm's over.
Tomorrow will be beautiful.
- Yes.
Tomorrow will be...
So beautiful.
Would they be surprised if they
knew that letter was written to you?
I still can't believe it.
In a few moments, Marie...
I'm going to ask you to marry me.
But first of all... I must
remind you of something.
There are 18 years between us,
and that's a great many, my dear.
We must be honest with
ourselves about that difference.
Have you thought about it at all?
- Very much.
Girls of my age think
very clearly, Stefan.
What have you thought?
That a few years are nothing.
When people love as much as we do.
Then you will marry me?
Of course.
Goodbye, Stefan.
For a little while.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Well, Stefan... graduation tomorrow.
Out go the girls to begin
life, and you and I?
Are just one year older.
I have something to tell you,
in the strictest confidence.
But, of course.
I'm going to be married.
- Married?
My dear fellow, hearty congratulations.
- Thanks.
I knew you'd be surprised.
An old bachelor like me.
Thank goodness you didn't
wait too long, like me.
Well, wedding bells instead of
school bells for a change, huh?
Well, when is it to be?
- I don't know yet.
You don't know yet?
I want to ask for advice.
- Uhuh.
Do you think a man my age is
foolish to marry a girl much younger?
She isn't so much younger, is she?
Why, yes.
Well after all, what
do a few years matter?
Anna is a fine woman.
- Hmm. Yes.
I guessed your secret, didn't I? Huh?
Toni, would you see that my trunks
are taken to the station tomorrow.
But... you said you were staying here
this summer to work with Dr Dominik.
No... no, I'm going away.
But you will come back next fall?
Hmm. I don't think so, Toni.
I think I'll probably spend
the winter in Vienna.
You see...
- Yes, I see.
But it is Marie Claudel that has come
between you and Dr Dominik.
Ah, Toni, you mustn't talk like that.
- But it's true.
And after all the years
you wasted, loving him.
Please, Toni.
- You don't think I have seen...
could have happened to make him see...
Because he loves you,
only he was so blind.
He loves Marie Claudel.
Loves her? Ha.
It's only the spring. Just infatuation.
But that will pass... I know.
The Herr Doctor needs you.
But I must, Toni.
After all the years of working with him.
Loving him.
I couldn't stay here, Toni.
I couldn't stay here and
face all those memories.
Thank you Toni, for being so kind to me.
You'll keep my secret, won't you?
Yes. Thanks, Toni.
The Herr Direktor wants to see you.
Thank you, Toni.
[ Door knocks ]
Oh, it seems years since I've seen you.
Why have you been avoiding me?
All last evening and today?
I've been frightfully busy.
Let me look at you.
- No, please.
What's the matter?
Oh, you'll hate me for it.
I hate myself.
But I've got to tell you the truth.
I don't love you.
I lied when I said that.
I lied to save myself.
Because I was afraid you were
going to have me expelled.
I did not know you'd
take it so seriously.
I'm sorry.
Just a schoolgirl's joke.
A schoolgirl joke?
Oh, I can see how funny it is.
I'd give anything if it hadn't happened.
But why?
The trick worked.
You're going to graduate.
I congratulate you, mademoiselle.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Oh, Marie.
They told me I'd find you here.
Oh, I beg your pardon.
Dr Dominik, Jacques Vallais.
- How do you do.
How do you do.
I was just saying goodbye to
one of our... cleverest pupils.
Jacques, we must hurry.
You'll excuse us, please.
But why did you introduce
A fine way to treat a poor cousin...
Who drove all the way from Paris
just to see you graduate.
Pardon me, Herr Direktor.
They're waiting for you.
Very well, Toni. Thank you.
Well, it's a long story.
Perhaps one day... I'll tell it.
Graduation is a milestone.
Which marks a definite stage
in your journey through life.
It marks the end of a certain
cycle in your existence.
And the beginning of another cycle.
For your friends on the
faculty it marks a cycle too.
We must stay in our smaller world.
While you go out to a larger world.
And a wider opportunity.
For these four years...
We have guarded you... worked with you.
Watched you grow from childhood...
To young womanhood.
And now that you are leaving us.
Each of you will carry away,
something of ourselves.
And will leave behind a vacancy...
Small or large, according
to our interest in you.
All hail Alma Mater.
Proudly we sing.
Of sorrows... and glories.
Which thy learning bring.
Forever in our memories.
Our hallowed love will burn.
For thee... Alma Mater.
Ever we will yearn.
That is very funny.
Shall we dance?
- Yes.
What will it take to cheer you up?
A diamond bracelet?
A million francs?
Or a dance with me?
I don't feel like dancing.
Have a drink of Champagne.
Or, maybe I could entertain
you with a few... card tricks?
Will you dance with me?
I went to your house.
Your mother told me I
should find you here.
You ran away from me once before.
But what you told me that
day was not the truth.
Look at me.
- No, please.
Why did you come here?
- I had to.
It wouldn't work out any other way.
I knew it.
And Anna knew it.
Isn't it strange how professors
can be so pitifully stupid?
It's taken me all these weeks to find
out that the only answer to the problem.
Is you.
I could have told you that.