Godfather: Part III, The (1990) Movie Script
My dear children.
lt is now better than several years
since l moved to New York
and l haven't seen you
as much as l would like to.
l hope you will come to this ceremony
ofPapal honours,
given for my charitable work.
The only wealth in this world is children.
More than all the money and power
on earth.
You are my treasure.
Anthony and Mary,
although l entrusted your education to
your mother for your own best interest,
l look forward to seeing you, and to
a new period ofharmony in our lives.
Perhaps you might prevail upon your
mother to come to this celebration,
and that from time to time, we can all
see each other at family functions.
Anyway, l remain your loving father.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
...blessed art Thou amongst women...
...and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners...
Almighty God, bless the insignia
of Saint Sebastian the Martyr,
that it may contribute to the sacredness
of him to whom it is given.
Do you, Michael, promise to be faithful
to the noble purposes of this Order,
to have a special care for the poor,
the needy and those who are ill?
l do so promise.
May the blessing of Almighty God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
descend upon you
and remain with you forever.
Vincent, our name is not on the list.
Write it in. Mancini. M-A-N-C-l-N-l.
- Problem?
- My name isn't on the list.
- Then you have to leave immediately.
- You want to dance with me?
Joe, it's Vinnie. These are our guests.
l'm sorry. l'm sorry, sir.
Welcome to the party.
- lt's good to see you.
- Good to see you. This is my husband.
- Sit down.
- My son, Anthony.
The Order of Saint Sebastian is one of
the highest honours the Church awards.
lt was first granted by Pope...
What about Mr Corleone's connections
with gambling?
The press kits have...
- And involvement with the underworld?
- Cut the crap.
The Pope, the Holy Father himself,
has today blessed Michael Corleone.
Do you know better than the Pope?
Vincent! She loves you.
l love you too.
Hi, Vincent. l remember you.
- From where?
- The last party we were at together.
- Did you come to the club?
- No, it was a wedding.
l was eight and you were 1 5.
l had many girlfriends when l was 1 5.
- 8 year olds?
- Especially them.
Where's Mary?
Would somebody please hail Mary?
Excuse me, Your Excellency.
You haven't kissed me hello yet.
Relatives always kiss.
- Now we're related?
- l'm your little cousin.
- Who's your father?
- l'll give you a hint.
He's ltalian.
Mary, we've been waiting for you.
Remember to keep your voice low.
And smile. Don't forget to smile.
The honorary chairman of
the Vito Corleone Foundation:
my daughter, Mary Corleone.
l think l inherited my father's love
for speechmaking. Here it goes.
The Vito Corleone Foundation helps
the poor in every country,
gives grants to artists,
funds medical research,
and is particularly dedicated
to the resurrection of Sicily.
Archbishop Gilday,
here is 1 00 million dollars for the poor
of Sicily, in the name of Vito Corleone.
Don't spend it all in one place.
Mary, l'm so proud of you.
You've done a wonderful thing for Sicily.
Let's hope that the money gets
to the people who need it.
...the most important part:
Johnny Fontane!
Thank you very much.
l'm happy to be here.
l would like you to join me in honouring
Commendatore Michael Corleone.
l have something special
for our godfather.
l happen to know his favourite song.
Michael, where are you going?
l'm off to the kitchen
to hear some Tony Bennett records.
Your favourite song: ''Salsiccia's Own''.
l'm having a salsiccia sandwich.
l'll be back.
Hello, Kay.
Congratulations, Michael.
That's quite an honour.
But a little expensive, wouldn't you say?
- Cake?
- No, thank you.
- lt's been a long time, hasn't it?
- Yeah.
- Eight years.
- Yeah.
You look wonderful.
Your son has something he wants to
talk to you about. l came here for him.
- What's wrong with being a lawyer?
- He wants his life to be in music.
Music is great, l love music.
But he should finish what he started.
- l'm going my own way.
- Your own way?
- Professional singer?
- Yes.
What happens if you fail?
- l won't fail.
- Men always believe that.
A law degree is like taking
out insurance.
- After that you can work for me...
- l will never work for you.
l have bad memories.
Every family has bad memories.
l'll always be your son, but won't have
anything to do with your business.
Anthony... finish the law degree.
Well, that he got from you. That ''no''.
- You could've helped me convince him.
- Convince him of what?
Of what?
He throws his life away.
He throws greatness away.
This is greatness?
Now that you're so respectable,
you're more dangerous than ever.
l preferred you when you were
just a common Mafia hood.
- Can we talk common sense here?
- All right.
Tony knows that you killed Fredo.
- What did you come here for?
- To protect my son.
Not to see you disguised by your
church. That was a shameful ceremony.
l spent my life protecting my son.
l spent my life protecting my family!
Let's be reasonable, okay?
That's your big thing, isn't it, Michael?
- Backed up by murder.
- Oh, God.
- You hate me. You hate me.
- No.
l don't hate you.
l dread you.
l did what l could, Kay, to protect all
of you from the horrors of this world.
But you became my horror.
The children still love you, though.
Especially Mary.
That's something.
We can build on that. For their sake.
Let's try.
Only if you let Tony go free to have
his own life, away from you.
l'll let Tony go.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You could hurt somebody with those.
Let me show you around.
Can you get me an interview
with Corleone?
No. l'm a relative, but l can't do that.
What else can l do for you?
- Handsome, but useless.
- Oh, yeah?
- That's okay, l'll gamble.
- Do you like to gamble?
Let's go to Atlantic City.
l'll show you how to gamble.
- How do l know what numbers to bet?
- Do l look like a loser?
Spooky-looking guy there.
- What's a guy like that doing here?
- That's Joey Zasa's bulldog.
- You know him?
- Yeah, l do.
His name is Anthony Squigilaro.
They call him ''The Ant''.
He dips his bullets in cyanide.
Don Altobello.
- l've come to pay my respects.
- Grazie.
You honour my father's friendship.
Where is my goddaughter?
- Constanza!
- Don Altobello.
lt was not so long ago
that l held you in these old hands.
Michael, l've lost all the venom,
all the juice of youth.
l've lost the lust for women,
and now my mind is clear.
My duty to God is clear.
l have a special favour to ask of you.
Can l attach my name
to the Vito Corleone Foundation,
so that you and l can be joined
in name and spirit?
- One million dollars.
- Oh, my!
- Godfather.
- Don Altobello, you have such a heart.
Come, let's go and sample
some of that old vino.
The Vatican knows nothing
about these shareholders.
l have a tendency to worry. We've
increased our position substantially.
- Naturally, l worry.
- Stop worrying, we have an agreement.
Good. How do you think
l got this grey hair?
Two seconds... Thank you for your
contribution to the swimming-pool.
We need your help on Sam Wallace's
candidacy for judgeship.
- We can always use a good judge.
- Thanks.
My godson Andrew Hagen.
My brother Tom's eldest boy.
He's been assistant to Bishop Breelan
for three years.
- Hopes to be assigned to the Vatican.
- Rome needs fine young priests.
His mother Theresa Hagen,
Bishop Gilday.
Honoured to meet you.
Mr Corleone. Hi. Grace Hamilton.
Vincent Mancini promised to tell you
about me. That maybe you'd see me.
- Did Vincent Mancini call about her?
- No.
- You promised to stay out there, twice.
- l know.
Joey Zasa showed up.
He's waiting in the lobby.
He wants to personally
congratulate you. Show his respect.
- Do l have to see him?
- He says you're his patron.
Hey, Vinnie!
- Who's your favourite aunt?
- You are.
Today l'll talk to Michael
about your little problem.
lf you'd warned me, l would have
worn a better suit.
The Meucci Association
has elected you
ltalian-American Man of the Year.
Who's Meucci?
The ltalian-American who invented
the telephone, one year before Bell.
And this is the reason
you've come today?
l've got a stone in my shoe.
A two-bit punk who works for me.
The one who thinks he's related to you.
A bastard.
He's here. Vincent Mancini.
He's at the party.
Bring him in.
l think it's good that we talk.
No, grazie.
l have a problem...
...and l want to find out if it is
my problem or your problem.
Your business is your business. l have
no interests or percentages from it.
Good. Then it's my problem.
Michael, you know Vincent Mancini.
Sonny's boy.
- How are you, Mr Corleone?
- How are you?
- Good. How are you? Good party.
- You like it?
- Yes, l had to sneak in.
- You're dressed for it.
So, what's the trouble
between you and Mr Joe Zasa?
- Just trouble. l'll take care of it.
- That's foolish of you.
Foolish of me? lt's a little foolish
of this guy, don't you think? Right?
- Right?!
- Temper like his father...
Mr Joe Zasa now owns what used to
be the Corleone business in New York.
Out of kindness, he gave you
a job in his family.
You took it against my advice.
l offered you something better in the
legitimate world. You turned me down.
Now you both come to me with this bad
blood. What do you expect me to do?
- Am l a gangster?
- No...
That was Papa's neighbourhood.
Zasa runs it like a disgrace!
- That's the past, Connie.
- l earned that territory.
The Commission gave it to me
and you approved.
l came for the party, not to ask for help.
l could kill this bastard.
So kill him.
What does all this have to do with me?
Well, he goes behind your back,
saying ''Fuck Michael Corleone''.
Say it to his face, one time!
Mr Corleone, all bastards are liars.
Shakespeare wrote poems about it.
What am l going to do with this guy?!
Joey, if there's some guy
running around this city,
saying ''Fuck Michael Corleone''...
...what do we do
with a piece of shit like that?
He's a fucking dog.
Yes, it's true. lf anyone would say
such a thing,
they would not be a friend,
they would be a dog.
- My interests don't conflict with his.
- You don't know how much they do.
Quiet, Vincent.
He needs your support!
Don't let me work for this guy,
let me work for you.
As what? Tough guy? l don't need
tough guys. l need more lawyers.
Since we have no conflicts or debts,
l accept your tribute. l wish you well.
Vincent, make your peace
with Mr Joe Zasa. Go on.
Vinnie, what's the matter with you?!
Get him out of here.
Jesus Christ...
- l told Connie this wasn't the right time.
- Close it.
l know you're into Wall Street,
but you're still the final word.
l want to protect you from these guys.
Your lawyers can't.
- But you can?
- Yeah, l can do that.
Why should l be afraid of Zasa?
You stop him from rising
in the Commission.
l say we make him dead.
Give me the order, l'll do it.
- You'll do it?
- Yeah.
Maybe you should come with me
for a few weeks. See what happens.
- Okay.
- See if you learn.
And we'll talk about your future.
l won't let you down.
lt's about ready.
What happened?
lf l'm in a room with Zasa,
what happens? l bit his ear off.
Here we go. Watch the card.
Hold it!
- Vincent...
- Yeah.
Take the picture with us.
Nice jacket.
Closer to the centre, sir.
Godfather, this is the cake for you
and your family from Enzo the baker.
Do you want to do it?
Cent'anni! Cent'anni!
- Vincent?
- What do you want, sweetheart?
Do you love me?
- Come on, go to bed.
- Come on, say it.
l love you.
l love you, too.
You've got a cat?
Go get us some water, l'm thirsty.
Come on.
Come on.
Well, l guess l know my place.
l can't believe l'm actually doing this.
''Get me water, bake me a cake''...
What happened to ''please''?
Good boy, Sackface. Go for a walk.
- Let her go.
- Cut her throat, man.
- What did you say?
- Cut her fucking throat.
- Okay, chief...
- Drop your gun or he'll cut her throat.
l hardly know her, so cut her.
What the fuck do l care?
You've got no choice. She'll be dead.
lf you do, l'll kill you both.
Give up that knife, l'll let you go.
Cut her throat! Right now!
l'll do something that'll convince you.
Don't get frightened. Just watch me.
Oh, shit!
Drop the knife. Drop it!
Good boy. Sit down, l want to talk
to you. lt was a wise choice. Sit down.
Lose the mask.
Relax, have a smoke. You smoke?
Whose idea was this? Who sent you?
Tell me who sent you.
- No one.
- Did you take a look at this guy?
- Yeah.
- Who sent you?
lt was Joey Zasa.
Are you okay?
- You were going to let them kill me!
- No, l wasn't...
You pig! You sick fuck!
You wanted gambling. That's gambling.
Call the police.
- You killed the other guy too?
- He went for my gun.
lt was self-defence.
Go ahead, call the police.
- No, no...
- l'm taking pictures.
No pictures.
You had a gun!
They only had a knife. You could have
handed them over to the police.
Zasa sent them.
l just sent him a message.
- Now he has to send you one back.
- ls Zasa going to send me one back?
He did the right thing.
He got Zasa's name!
What has Joey Zasa to do
with anything? Joey Zasa is a pazzo.
All right. You are what you are.
lt's your nature. Stay close to me.
Don't do anything. Keep your mouth
shut and your eyes open.
- And you do what l tell you.
- l understand.
- l have problems with the Commission.
- l know.
- You don't make them easier.
- lt wasn't my idea that this happened.
- Get out of here.
- Michael...
- Now they'll fear you.
- Maybe they should fear you.
- B.J., what's up?
- The Archbishop just called back.
We've arranged some amazing things.
The publicity is phenomenal. You're the
new Rockefeller. A philanthropist.
- Sign here, please.
- Times do change, don't they?
My father hated foundations.
He loved doing it by himself.
Man to man. But we're different.
No different than any large corporation.
We control a lot of money with little.
Minimise taxes.
With no government control.
- Godfather.
- Andrew.
- Off to Rome...
- l wanted to thank you for everything.
- Do you want some breakfast?
- Thanks, l can't.
- How's your ltalian?
- Devo fare un po' di pratica.
- His father was a great lawyer.
- l know.
Didn't live to see him ordained. l did.
Did you ever see one of those?
Beautiful. l was so proud.
Let me walk you out.
lf you hear any rumours in the Vatican,
let me know.
No, Andrew has the true faith.
Don Corleone,
l need your help. And not just
to light a little candle.
My gift was to be able to persuade
people to give to the Holy Church.
Then Rome decides to put me
in charge of the Vatican Bank...
...but l was never a true banker.
Mea culpa. l trusted my friends.
Friendship and money...
Oil and water...
But these ''friends'' used the good name
of the Church to feed their greed.
lf money was lost...
...then l am to blame.
lf only prayer could pay off
our 700 million dollar deficit.
The Church owns 25 percent
of a large corporation: lmmobiliare.
You know the one l mean?
Largest landlord on Earth.
Real estate worth six billion dollars.
That's true.
And the Vatican vote
is necessary for control.
No, you're mistaken.
This isn't a question of one person
deciding. One deciding vote.
This is like any other company.
We have directors and very old rules.
The Pope himself
would have to approve you.
We've sold the casinos.
All businesses having to do
with gambling.
We have no interests or investments
in anything illegitimate.
The Corleones are prepared to deposit
when Mr Corleone receives majority
control of lmmobiliare.
lmmobiliare could be something new.
A European conglomerate.
Few families have control
of such a company.
lt seems that, in today's world,
the power to absolve debt is greater
than the power of forgiveness.
Don't overestimate
the power of forgiveness.
Don Corleone,
this deal with lmmobiliare can make you
one of the richest men in the world.
Your whole past history, and the history
of your family, would be washed away.
The motion under discussion
relates to Corleone Group's proposal
to acquire 100,000,000 newly issued
Class A voting shares.
... Corleone capital invested directly
into lnternational lmmobiliare,
an old and respected
European company.
Mr Corleone's ambitious programme
to expand this real estate company
into an international conglomerate...
...by Eastern techniques of efficiency
and focus and unlimited...
Mr Corleone, excuse me.
Didn't you recently deposit 200 million
in the Vatican Bank,
which is affiliated with lmmobiliare?
True. Why not?
Wasn't there any questioning about
the timing on this particular deposit?
Mr Chairman, if l may?
The Vito Andolini Corleone Foundation,
of which Mary Corleone is chairman,
has made an endowment
of 1 00 million dollars.
The money comes from his own family
and will be administered by the Vatican.
Does that answer your question?
l have always believed that helping your
fellow man is profitable in every sense,
personally and bottom line.
My fellow shareholders, if Europe
and America can learn to co-operate,
if we can learn to pool our wealth,
share our markets,
we can defeat any competition
anywhere in the world.
Thank you for your time.
l hope that you will look favourably
on my proposal. Thank you.
Let me have this microphone here.
Will we let a criminal run our company?
He's got the map of Sicily on his face!
He's either a Catholic or a mafioso...
The Hamilton lnvestors Group
cannot support this proposal.
Your excellency...
Mr Chairman...
...the Vatican Bank feels
that lnternational lmmobiliare...
...will be safe in Mr Corleone's hands.
...subject to audit and final ratification,
which must take place in Rome.
Please join me in welcoming
Mr Michael Corleone.
Tony says that l'm a front
for the foundation.
That you're using me to pull the strings.
- To get the money where you want it.
- Please!
- To shine up your public image.
- Mary!
Mary, this is real.
This foundation is real.
l wanted Anthony to be part of it.
l thought you would be together on this.
l won't interfere.
l'll help, but only if you ask.
What is this really for?
Why are you doing this?
Why am l doing this?
l'm doing this for my children.
You're doing it for your children too.
This foundation is supposed to
help all people?
That's the purpose.
This is legitimate.
Mary, l swear, this is legitimate.
Dad, l want this to bring me
closer to you.
l would burn in hell to keep you safe.
Go in the other car. l'll ride with Michael.
Go, go, go.
As your family's oldest friend, l'm
always chosen to bring you messages.
Tell me, Don Altobello.
Your old partners are grateful for
the money you made them.
They worship you...
...but their hearts are broken, because
they think you abandoned them.
They want to share your deal
on lmmobiliare, to be a family again.
lt can purify their money.
This l cannot do.
lmmobiliare must be legitimate.
l know.
But they're unhappy.
And you?
l ask nothing for myself.
Only peace in my old age.
But l must please the world around me.
Michael, your father was a
reasonable man. Learn from him.
l learned many things from my father.
Call a meeting, my friend,
so there are no debts or grudges.
We will make the peace, you and l.
The Vatican announced today...
that Pope Paul Vl has canceled
his Sunday blessing...
due to ill health.
His physician has ordered
total bedrest...
and cessation of all activities.
They've had a press conference. The
Pope's condition is grave. ''Gravissimo. ''
The purpose of this meeting
is to ratify...
the motion passed by our
shareholders in New York.
Our group represents a consortium
of Catholic businessmen
against the Corleone control.
The Vatican has cast its vote. Corleone
Group already controls the Board.
According to the Lateran Treaty,
the Vatican vote must be ratified here.
Here in Rome, by the Pope.
The Pope is gravely ill.
Until he recovers, l am powerless.
- What if he dies?
- Then...
...as you Americans say,
all bets are off.
Gentlemen, please.
This is a brief delay. Nothing more.
Your Excellency, gentlemen...
l advise you to join us in our prayers
for the Holy Father's recovery.
We had an agreement!
This meeting was to be
merely a formality.
- Please sit down.
- l'd rather stand. Give me an answer.
The lmmobiliare has its roots in the
European tradition. Please understand.
l understand.
Your tactics are despicable.
That's quite an indictment,
coming from a Corleone.
- Gentlemen, gentlemen!
- Remember you are in the Vatican.
- What is it that you want?
- Yes, you will take control.
We'll gladly put you at the helm
of our little fleet,
but our ships must all sail
in the same direction.
Otherwise, who can say how long
your stay with us will last?
lt's not personal. lt's only business.
You should know, Godfather.
Very well.
You want to do business with me?
l will do business with you.
Vipers, all of them.
- We're back with the Borgias!
- Uncle Michael...
- Andrew!
- l heard you were here.
lt's so nice to see you.
Vincent, it's so nice.
What is this about the Borgias?
Those days are over.
- Recognise it?
- Yeah.
Genco Olive Oil. That's where our
grandfather started as a delivery boy.
Three years later he owned it.
- Only in America.
- That's it.
Vincenzo, where have you been hiding?
We need your help so badly.
- What can l do for you?
- Get rid of Joe Zasa. He sells drugs...
Now that l'm an older woman,
l'm afraid to go out at night.
Where should they be now?
- Lou, what's going on?
- We're late.
- Have l ever let you down?
- l trust you.
- Don't worry.
- Thank you.
Enjoy yourselves.
- What was that?
- The neighbourhood's in trouble.
- Do you keep an eye out for them?
- Yes.
- And for me?
- From now on.
- l've missed you all this time.
- l missed you too, cousin.
l missed growing up with my cousins.
l didn't even know you, but missed you.
Do you remember stories
about our fathers? The old days?
Yeah, what do you want to know?
- What was Sonny like?
- Well, he was the Prince of the City.
He died before l was born,
but l've heard a lot about him.
- What about my father?
- He's a great man.
He's a hero. He saved the family.
- Vincent?
- What?
Did he kill his own brother?
So, it's all lies?
Just stories, sweetheart. Okay?
l believe you.
- l'm glad you're around.
- l'm glad you're here too.
l'd like to take Joey Zasa for a ride
in this and drop him.
Joey Zasa is nothing.
He's a small time enforcer.
He bluffs and threatens.
He's nothing. You can see him coming
a mile away.
- We should kill him before he...
- No!
Never hate your enemies.
lt affects your judgement.
Nice to see you again, Mr Corleone.
Hey, girls. Let's go.
We trusted you to manage
our money in the casinos.
lt's not even 20 years. You've sold the
casinos and made fortunes for all of us.
Bravo, Don Corleone!
Thank you.
Friends, l have come here
because our business together is done.
We have prospered,
and now it is time for us to dissolve
the business relationship between us.
That's it.
But l do have a little surprise. Al?
Your shares in the casinos.
l've cut the red tape, so you could
get your money right away.
- Not everybody gets the same.
- Nothing for you...
- lt depends on your investment.
- Michael, this is really generous!
- Parisi, how much did you invest?
- l don't remember.
You're blessed.
My family has done much of
the hard work, taken many risks.
All to make money
for the rest of the families.
You all know Joey Zasa.
He is, l admit, an important man.
His picture is on the cover
of the New York Times magazine.
He gets the Esquire Magazine award
for the best dressed gangster.
The newspapers praise him
because he hires Blacks,
which shows he has a good heart.
He is famous.
Who knows? Maybe one day
he'll make all of you popular.
lt's true.
l make more of a bella figura.
That is my nature.
But l also want to make a move
into legitimate enterprises.
l'd like a little pin from the Pope.
Sure, l take the Blacks and the Spanish
into my family,
because that's America.
And you guarantee
that they don't deal drugs?
l don't guarantee that. l guarantee
that l'll kill anybody who does.
- Let me talk to him.
- Who can refuse Don Altobello?
- Joey, are you...
- No!
l say to all of you: l have been
treated this day with no respect.
l've earned you all money. l've made
you rich and l asked for little.
Good. You will not give, so l'll take!
As for Don Corleone,
he makes it very clear to me today
that he is my enemy.
You must choose between us.
No, Joey!
Michael, we could reason together.
Michael, please... let's agree.
He doesn't know what he's...
No, no.
Michael, the news is everywhere.
Everyone says that you
control lmmobiliare.
lmmobiliare is already laundering
money in Peru and Nassau.
We've worked with you for 40 years.
We should wet our beaks a little.
- We want to do business with you.
- That's right, we've been together...
- lt's a hit! Let's go!
- Let's get out of here! Move!
My coat! lt's my lucky coat!
lt's my lucky coat!
Stay behind me!
Mikey, this way!
Zasa, you son-of-a-bitch...
Come on. We're out of here.
- You did good, Vincent.
- Grazie.
The old Dons were pretty much
wiped out.
The survivors made deals with Zasa.
- Altobello?
- He survived.
He's with his daughters in Staten lsland.
He says he's going to retire in Sicily.
Joey Zasa would never pull something
like this without the backing.
He's just muscle. He doesn't have
the wit for that helicopter attack.
He doesn't even have the ambition
to wipe out the whole Commission.
l say we hit back and take Zasa out!
Never let anyone know
what you're thinking.
Let's get a message to Joey Zasa.
l respect what he's done.
The new overthrows the old. lt's natural.
How can you do business
with this guy?
l'm a businessman, first and foremost.
l want no further conflict.
- Tell him that he can live or he can die.
- Vincent, will you shut up!
That's it.
Joey Zasa...
He can't be doing this alone.
Just when l thought l was out,
they pull me back in.
Our true enemy has not yet
shown his face.
- Has he had his medicine?
- l don't know what he took.
- l've got my wind back.
- Call a doctor.
- Run, run, run!
- Vincent!
Run at thunder, girl! Thunder can't hurt!
Harmless noise!
Bullshit! You deceitful old fuck!
Altobello, you fuck!
Oh, God! Dad!
Excuse me.
l'll call Kay.
- Good evening, sir.
- Can we wait here? We'll be back soon.
Mr Harrison, you said it was urgent.
Have you come to confess your sins?
Michael Corleone has had a diabetic
stroke. l wanted you to know about it.
He's in a coma. l'm here to insist
the deal goes through in any event.
The Pope has not much time left.
So, as you, l am in a difficult position.
We have to ratify this deal
as soon as possible.
- We have an understanding.
- Good.
- l'm going to the hospital.
- l'll pray for Mr Corleone.
- Our thoughts are with Mr Corleone.
- Thank you, Father Jim.
Everything would be out in the open
if Corleone dies.
Play for time, Keinszig.
A habit born of a long contemplation
of eternity.
- Forget about it, Vinnie.
- Why? lt's a simple hit.
l'd love to smack Joey Zasa and then
whack the fag. But it's impossible.
He's always with people, in front of TV
cameras in his own neighbourhood.
- lt's not impossible. lt'll work for us.
- How?
Do you think he's going to let
Uncle Michael survive? Would you?
He may not survive anyway.
- How would you do it?
- l'd do it myself.
Do it!
- What would you need?
- A couple of guys.
Hello, Michael.
lt's Kay.
l never expected you.
No, l know.
But l'm here.
- l'm glad.
- You know...
l've never seen you looking so helpless.
lt's not so bad, really.
l feel... l'm getting wiser now.
- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah.
- The sicker you get, the wiser you get?
- When l'm dead, l'll be really smart.
Michael... l want to thank you for Tony.
He's doing really well.
He's gotten some very good notices,
and he'll make his operatic debut
in Sicily, in Palermo this Easter, so...
So, thank you.
That's a real honour. ln Sicily.
l will be there. l won't miss that.
l won't miss that.
Mary, Tony...
Go see Dad.
- Sweetheart!
- Everything's going to be all right.
- Tony!
- How are you doing, Pop?
Your mother told me what happened.
- About Palermo? l hope you'll be there.
- Of course. Kiss me.
- Cousin Vinnie?
- He's not here. Call his apartment.
- lt's your cousin Mary.
- Let her in.
Hi, cous. l thought l'd drop by.
ls that okay?
l'll get the guys.
No, it's not okay.
You shouldn't have come, Mary.
Only a couple of minutes, okay?
- You look beautiful, cous.
- Thanks.
So this is your club, your hideout?
- Yeah.
- l came here to check it out.
lt's so strange, just me
and Aunt Connie in the house.
- l feel better when l'm with you.
- What's wrong, sweetheart?
- l'm scared about my father.
- Don't be.
When they took him out of
the ambulance, l thought he was dead.
Everybody says he's going to be better.
Don't worry.
l remember a shooting when l was little.
And one time Al Neri and other
bodyguards took me and Tony away.
ls it all happening again?
Not like that, sweetie.
Then why are you hiding here?
ls something going to happen to you?
Nothing's going to happen
to me, cugina. We'll take care of you.
- Can l stay here and hide out with you?
- Can you help me cook for the boys?
You know that l don't know
how to cook, but l'll help.
What do l do?
- l love you, cous.
- l love you, too, cous.
Let us cook.
Hold me.
You in the press and the police
use words like ''Mafia'', ''Cosa Nostra''.
This is a fantasy. We ltalian-Americans
laid the bricks that built this city.
We have Meucci,
who invented the telephone.
We have Don Ameche,
who played the guy who invented it.
Buy yourself a raffle ticket,
maybe you'll win a Cadillac.
The salsiccia is wonderful!
Here, have a sandwich.
- Nice to see you, Mr Zasa.
- Have a nice time.
Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets.
- What are you doing?
- He didn't mean it.
- Tell him you're sorry.
- Okay, let's go.
Joey! How are you?
How are you, Buddy boy?
Hey, Joey Zasa! Joey, up your ass!
- Who is this? Do you know him?
- lgnore him.
Who's going to win the car? The Ant?
This is what gives ltalian-Americans
a bad name. A cappone like this.
Joey, up your ass!
Get off the car!
Do you have a raffle ticket?
Joey, take a look at my raffle ticket!
Here's what l think of you...
and your raffle ticket.
Get the fuck off this car.
l'll break your fucking balls.
Get out of here!
Run, Joey! You piece of shit!
Open the door!
How are you, Joe?
Don't ever again give that kind of order.
Not while l'm alive.
You were too sick to make a decision.
l got a go-ahead from Neri and Connie.
lt was the right decision, Uncle Mike.
lt was the wrong decision.
l command this family!
Right or wrong...
...it was not what l wanted!
Do you understand?
Come on, Michael.
Good. Vincent, help me to my bed.
l want to talk to you alone for a minute.
You know, l always felt
responsible for you.
You know that.
Your father...
...my brother, we were opposites.
We would fight and argue.
But l never doubted his love.
He would do anything for me.
But his temper...
Too much. lt clouded his reason.
l don't want you to make that mistake.
...he, too, had a way with women.
- Vincent...
- So l hear.
What are you doing with my daughter?
What are you doing with her?
lt's too dangerous.
Do you hear me?
When they come,
they'll come at what you love.
Michael, you must lead another life.
You have everything a man could
desire. lt's time for you to retire.
l have too much responsibility.
lmmobiliare? lt's too difficult now.
You should really get out.
What do you know
about those pezzi da novanta in ltaly?
l'm too old to know anything
about those new people.
l must accept my age
and grow my olives and tomatoes.
- We're not that old.
- But you're very ill.
Michael... Let me see
what can be done.
Let me work to make your path
a little easier.
- Your friendship does that always.
- That makes me happy.
Joey Zasa... You were wrong
about him.
l trust too much.
That's always been my fault.
Michael... treachery is everywhere.
You still have your fingers
on the strings, even now.
Let's see more of each other.
- Michael, in Sicily?
- ln Sicily.
ln Sicilia.
ln Sicilia.
How are you?
Don Bendino, my old friend.
l brought you here, so that my old friend
and protector, Don Tommasino,
could advise us.
What do you think about Altobello?
A very talented man.
He has kept the peace between our
Sicilian and American friends.
The saint of reason.
A blood bath in Atlantic City
left New York a mess.
Joey Zasa at least was running
a tight ship,
but with him out of the picture
we must step in.
- Step back in...
- Or the Chinese and Colombians will.
The Corleones left drugs, so New York
is weak, and Palermo is strong.
Your enemies always get strong
on what you leave behind.
Who could give the order
for that massacre...
and still pressure the Vatican deal?
Only Lucchesi can reach
between these two worlds.
''Our ships must all sail
in the same direction''...
ltalian politics have had these men
for centuries. They are the true Mafia.
The Archbishop and the Vatican Bank,
that's the big problem.
They're the same problem.
B.J., they're connected.
The Archbishop has powerful friends.
They totally protect him.
ls there someone in the
Church we can turn to?
Someone we can tell
our problem to?
Cardinal Lamberto.
A wise and good man...
very influential.
He will see you.
l will see this Cardinal Lamberto
and see if we can work things out.
You honour your agreements,
but you are dealing with crooks.
They have no honour.
My word is final.
Politics and crime,
they're the same thing.
l've invited you all here to celebrate
my son's debut in an opera house...
We'll play ''Philadelphia''.
Seven cards. Two down, four up.
Deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild.
...in the opera ''Cavallaria Rusticana''.
- lt's ''Cavalleria Rusticana'', Dad.
- ''Cavalleria''.
l think l have tickets to the wrong opera.
l've been in New York too long.
You will all receive tickets,
so come on time.
Dad, l've got a present for you.
lt comes from the town of Corleone
and it's authentic Sicilian.
And... l learned it for you.
She was wonderful, beautiful.
l loved her. And then she died.
My trusted bodyguard
planted a bomb in my car.
She drove it before l did.
Why is such a beautiful country
so violent?
Mom was telling me about when your
biggest worry was passing your exams.
- Yes, it was then.
- l worry about you now.
Oh, Mary, you're such a
warm-hearted girl. You always were.
- l love my family.
- Even your cousin Vincent?
l really love him.
- He's your first cousin.
- Then l love him first.
Mary, you can't see him.
Just don't see him anymore.
He's right. lt's too dangerous.
Mary, you can't see him anymore.
- Not in that fashion.
- No.
- Please, promise me.
- No!
- Obey me on this.
- No, Dad!
Mary is smart, Dad.
She'll understand eventually.
Bella cugina... Tesoro mio.
- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah.
l want you to do something for me.
lt's dangerous.
Good. l'm in. What do you need?
l want you to sell your soul
to Don Altobello.
To betray me.
He'd never believe me.
- That depends.
- Sit down.
l have an idea.
See if you can learn
how high Altobello is connected.
Arrange a meeting.
You say how devoted you are to me.
Tell him your problems.
- Ask for his help.
- What problems?
That you want to run away
with my daughter.
But you know that if you do,
l will become your enemy.
- You know that l would never do that.
- l know.
Ask Altobello to speak to me.
To further the marriage.
But you're cousins, after all. Michael
was always a little old-fashioned.
Say you can't belong to my legitimate
world. That you want your own family.
l could straighten out
what Joey Zasa left behind.
l could use your friendship
to persuade him.
l would be indebted to you forever.
A Corleone knows the value
of such a friend.
Then you would work for me?
Bacio la mano, Don Altobello.
lf he hints that he wants you
to betray me, get insulted,
because that's his trap.
You're not telling me
the whole truth, Vincenzo.
lsn't it true, that with Michael gone,
the girl controls everything?
- Leave the girl out of this.
- Of course, you love her.
And she loves you.
l guessed it, didn't l?
You're a wise man, Don Altobello.
l'll be learning a lot from you.
The richest man is the one
with the most powerful friends.
lt's my duty to make the introductions.
Don Lucchesi.
Don Altobello tells me that you have
a strong character. A man of respect.
This is the hero who put Joey Zasa
in his grave.
lf we'd known of his existence,
we wouldn't have backed Joey.
No one wants another Joe.
Let me be your friend.
- Even the strongest man needs friends.
- l'm flattered.
You're a man of finance and politics.
Things l don't understand.
You understand guns.
Finance is a gun.
Politics is knowing
when to pull the trigger.
How can l help?
Blessed is the peacemaker,
for he can be called the child of God.
- Tu parli ltaliano un poco?
- S.
The wheelchair, for Don Tommasino.
l trusted this business arrangement
with the Archbishop. l trusted him.
l was sure his honesty
was beyond a doubt.
But, as you see, l'm now
the victim of a swindle.
He's stalling me. Vast monies have
gone to people in high political places
and the Vatican Bank is the guarantor.
lf what you say is true,
there will be a great scandal.
Look at this stone. lt has been
in the water for a very long time,
but the water has not penetrated it.
Perfectly dry. The same thing
has happened to men in Europe.
For centuries they have been
surrounded by Christianity,
but Christ has not penetrated.
Christ doesn't live within them.
- What's happening?
- Could you get me something sweet?
Some orange juice, candy...
l have trouble with diabetes.
My blood sugar goes low.
l understand.
lt happens sometimes
when l'm under stress.
l understand.
To come to you
on such a delicate matter...
Accusations against your Archbishop.
lt was difficult for me.
The mind suffers
and the body cries out.
That's true.
Would you like to make
your confession?
Your Eminence, l'm...
lt's been so long. l wouldn't...
l wouldn't know where to...
lt's been 30 years.
l'd use up too much of your time, l think.
l always have time to save souls.
- Well, l'm beyond redemption.
- No, no...
l hear the confessions
of my own priests here.
Sometimes the desire to confess
is overwhelming,
and we must seize the moment.
What is the point of confessing
if l don't repent?
l hear you are a practical man.
What have you got to lose?
Go on.
...betrayed my wife.
Go on, my son.
l betrayed myself.
l killed men.
And l ordered men to be killed.
Go on, my son. Go on.
lt's useless.
Go on, my son.
l killed...
l ordered the death of my brother.
He injured me.
l killed my mother's son.
l killed my father's son.
Your sins are terrible,
and it is just that you suffer.
Your life could be redeemed,
but l know that you don't believe that.
You will not change.
Pope Paul Vl, the Supreme Pontiff
of the Roman Catholic Church,...
died last night at 9:40 p.m.
The Pope was 81 years old,...
and had been in poor health
for the last several months.
All my life l've kept trying
to go up in society.
To where everything higher up
was legal, straight...
But the higher l go,
the more crooked it becomes.
Where the hell does it end?
They've been killing each other
for centuries here.
For money, for pride, for family.
To keep from becoming the slaves
of the rich pezzi da novanta.
l made confession, Connie.
l confessed my sins.
Why? That's not like you. You don't
have to confess your sins to a stranger.
lt was the man.
He's a good man. A true priest.
He can change things.
You know, sometimes l think
of poor Fredo.
Drowned. lt was God's will.
lt was a terrible accident.
But it's finished.
Michael, l love you.
l'll always help you.
Oh, Connie...
l am honored, Don Altobello, that
you've come from Palermo to visit me.
Hey, the little kid! He's grown.
Do the donkey for me.
lt's been some time since we
did business together.
You are my ''ace in the hole,''
as we say in America.
l have a stone in my shoe.
You can remove it.
Only one stone?
lt's dangerous. A famous man.
You will have to take precautions.
Tell me what to do.
Then l will tell you my price.
Ah, what bread!
Olive oil...
Virgin... only in Sicily.
Alla salute!
To death.
- Connie!
- How are you?
Mary, l've missed you.
- Hello, Michael.
- Mom, look at this.
- lt's too bad Douglas couldn't come.
- l know. He had a very important trial.
l know he wanted to come.
- The car is...
- Okay.
- Well, your son is an artist.
- Oh, yes. Thanks to you.
- What for?
- For making me let him go.
Well, after all these years,
here l am in Sicily for the first time.
- l want to get a picture of you together.
- Okay.
Hey, Dad. Smile!
l see you still have Al Neri. Why?
l need him. He helps me
get in and out of the car.
- He carries my briefcase.
- You're still a liar, Michael.
Let me show you Sicily, the real Sicily.
So you'll understand the family history.
l think l understand it more than enough.
Anthony, l have something you made
for me a very long time ago.
- Might bring you luck.
- Thanks.
You saved it... l remember.
Thank you, Dad.
l'm proud of you.
Thank you.
- Are they as good as they look?
- Better.
They're the best. As long as they are
around, Uncle Michael is safe.
- Tell your father l'll be back for dinner.
- Okay.
- Have fun.
- Tell Tony to wait for me.
l will.
Buongiorno, signora. At your service.
lf l see Dad, l'll tell him you left.
You're the only one left
with my father's strength.
lf anything happens to Michael,
l want you to strike back.
l'll have everything ready.
Do you swear?
l swear to you.
Here it is.
The house where my father was born.
This is where they came to take him
when he was a boy. To kill him.
Listen to that.
You know Mary's in love.
Yes, l know.
With a handsome young ltalian man
with dark eyes...
l won't allow it.
lt's wrong. lt's wrong and it's dangerous.
''Oh father, my father!''
''Give me some time to pray
to the Lord.''
The Baroness of Carini had
betrayed her husband...
and fallen in love with her cousin.
''There will be no forgiveness!''
Her father stabbed her through
the heart.
Honour, huh?
l remember the time you came
to my parents' house
and told me about the family business.
How you'd never have anything
to do with it. You sounded like Tony.
l was a lot like Tony.
- l can barely see him... Kay?
- What?
- Do you mind driving?
- What's wrong?
My eyes. Sometimes
they're all right, but...
l have to see Don Tommasino...
- There are no bodyguards today.
- l really snuck away.
Father, where are you going?
Would you like a ride?
l know you. You're Mosca
of Montelepre.
You were an assassin then,
and you're an assassin now.
l know Michael Corleone
is at your house.
l will pass through the gates
with you.
How are you?
This is Calo, one of my bodyguards
in the old days.
- We can wait here.
- You want a drink?
l spent a lot of time in this room...
...thinking of you.
And then you got married.
- l still thought of you.
- What's in that room?
This is dangerous for you. This is Sicily.
- l love this country.
- Why?
Well, all through history, terrible things
have happened to these people.
Terrible injustices.
But they still expect good,
rather than bad, will happen to them.
Sort of like me and you?
- How so?
- l'm still here, right?
We do have a bad history,
but l'm still here.
Yes, you are, but with dread.
Give me the order!
ls that supposed to make me
not dread you?
We're in Sicily. lt's opera.
What do we do now?
Be reasonable.
Let's try not to hurt each other.
l want you to forgive me.
- For what?
- Everything.
Oh, like God?
No, l need something a little closer.
You couldn't understand,
back in those days.
l loved my father. l swore l would
never be a man like him,
but l loved him and he was in danger.
What could l do?
And then later, you were in danger.
Our children were in danger.
What could l do?
You were all that l... loved and valued
most in the world.
Now l'm losing you. l lost you.
You're gone.
And it was all for nothing. So...
You have to understand,
l had a whole different destiny planned.
All right, l'll stop.
l really don't know what you
want from me, Michael.
- l mean...
- l'm not the man that you think l am.
- l don't know.
- l love you, Kay.
Don't dread me anymore.
You know, every night here in Sicily...
...l dream about my wife
and my children...
...and how l lost them.
l guess that if it's any consolation,
l want you to know that...
...l always loved you, Michael.
And you know...
...always, l always will.
What is it? What's wrong?
They found Don Tommasino shot.
ls he dead?
My master is dead.
Blood calls for blood.
l must have revenge!
Some day, you may have to do
a difficult service for me.
Command me.
lt never ends.
l will avenge him!
Lorscheider, 1 vote.
Siri, 1 1 votes.
Lamberto, 99 votes.
Do you accept your election
as supreme pontiff?
Oh God, shed light on the decision
they have taken on my behalf.
l accept.
By what name do you
wish to be called?
John Paul the First.
l will do things ''right away,''
rather than in ''a little while''...
Frederick Keinszig, known as ''God's
Banker'', has been reported missing.
He was last seen leaving the Rome
offices of Vatican owned lmmobiliare.
Also missing was a large sum
ofmoney and several documents.
Keinszig, you fool.
His absence casts further suspicion
on the dealings of the Vatican Bank.
For several years,
the bank and its companies
have been the object of allegations
of disreputable business practices.
Lucchesi, will you please
try to understand?
l have phoned him.
l have waited here by the phone.
You would do well to remember,
Mr Lucchesi,
that this Pope has very different ideas
from the last one.
Goodbye, my old friend.
You could have lived a little longer.
l could be closer to my dream.
You were so loved, Don Tommasino.
Why was l so feared,
and you so loved?
What was it?
l was no less honourable.
l wanted to do good.
What betrayed me?
My mind? My heart?
Why do l condemn myself so?
l swear,
on the lives of my children...
Give me a chance to redeem myself...
...and l will sin no more.
You look pale. Bad news?
Tell me right away.
lt's not just a bad banking deal.
These guys are butchers.
- What guys?
- Lucchesi.
He controls all of them:
Altobello, the Archbishop...
...others higher up, P2 maybe.
Secret unknown.
They're running things.
- l'm in their way.
- He's hired an assassin to kill you.
A Sicilian. l don't know his name.
But they say he never fails.
Then no one is safe.
Even the new Pope is in danger.
We still have time. We can prevent this.
l tried, Vincent.
l tried...
...to keep everything from coming
to this. But it's not possible.
Not in this world.
Give me the order.
You won't be able to go back.
- You'll be like me.
- Good.
All my life l wanted out.
l wanted the family out.
l don't want out.
l want the power to preserve the family.
l'm asking for the order.
lt's done.
Because l can't do it anymore.
Well, it doesn't matter.
Vincent knows what to do.
Come on outside.
Take a rest and don't think about it.
- All l do is think about it.
- l'm your son.
Command me in all things.
Give up my daughter.
That's the price you pay...
...for the life you choose.
...from this moment on...
...call yourself Vincent Corleone.
Don Vincenzo...
Don Corleone...
Don Vincenzo Corleone...
E tu, Vincenzo...
l know how you feel about Michael,
but you can't save him.
He's lost.
Think of yourself.
What's your answer, Vincent?
Enjoy the opera.
lt's all taken care of.
Check the bar. l'll check the top floor.
''Here's hoping Tony sings better at the
Teatro Massimo than in the shower.''
''Love, Douglas.''
- My darling Constanza!
- Don Altobello.
- This is a great occasion.
- Come, sit down.
Happy birthday.
You're 80, but don't look more than 60.
You're the only one who remembered.
We've just got the word. The Pope has
ratified the lmmobiliare deal. We've won.
Strange how things work.
The Pope is doing what you said
he'd do. He's cleaning house.
He should be careful.
lt's dangerous to be an honest man.
l want to put more muscle backstage
with Tony.
On your birthday you used to
shower me with treats.
Tootsie Rolls!
The nuns who made this cannoli took a
vow of silence. They're the very finest.
- Hey.
- Hey, cous.
Hi. Where's your leather?
Stop it.
You're so thin. You eat it.
lt's over. There are things l have to do
that you can't be part of.
lt's not your father's decision, it's mine.
Don't hate your father.
There are things l'll be part of
that you can't be around.
After tonight,
you won't see me anymore.
You've got to understand, Mary.
You've got to understand.
l'll always love you.
Love somebody else.
- They won't try anything.
- Everything's fine. lt's all clear.
l've already sent Al Neri to the Vatican.
Mr. Lucchesi's house?
l bring a message from
Michael Corleone.
Let him in.
Buona sera.
Good. You got him.
Tonight the Corleone family
settles its accounts.
That little Swiss banker fuck.
He's been swindling everyone
from the beginning. Fuck him.
Don Lucchesi, my friend.
Calo will pay him a visit at his home.
Neri, take a train to Rome.
Light a candle for the Archbishop.
Tea, Your Holiness? lt will help
you sleep.
This is from Vincent Corleone.
lt's serious. Our man inside the Vatican
says there's a plot against the Pope.
He'll have a heart attack?
This Pope has powerful enemies.
We may not be in time to save him.
Let's go back.
The Holy Father is dead!
Sleep, Godfather.
Speak...tell me.
You have lost the
faith of the people.
He who builds on the people
builds on mud.
And Michael Corleone's message?
lt's very important.
l must whisper it in your ear.
He's clean.
Power wears out those
who don't have it.
- l like this outfit.
- l figured you would.
Say hello.
- Can l talk to you now?
- No, it's not a good time.
- You're just like my father.
- Stay with the family. Go on.
- Talk to me.
- The twins are dead.
ln about one minute, there will be
carabinieri all over this place.
Get everybody to the cars, quietly.
- Got it.
- Quiet.
The name Corleone
will be associated with a voice.
Dad... Why are you doing this to me?
Move back, move back.
- You don't have to do this to me.
- Do what? What do you mean?
No! Mary!
God, no!
lt is now better than several years
since l moved to New York
and l haven't seen you
as much as l would like to.
l hope you will come to this ceremony
ofPapal honours,
given for my charitable work.
The only wealth in this world is children.
More than all the money and power
on earth.
You are my treasure.
Anthony and Mary,
although l entrusted your education to
your mother for your own best interest,
l look forward to seeing you, and to
a new period ofharmony in our lives.
Perhaps you might prevail upon your
mother to come to this celebration,
and that from time to time, we can all
see each other at family functions.
Anyway, l remain your loving father.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
...blessed art Thou amongst women...
...and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners...
Almighty God, bless the insignia
of Saint Sebastian the Martyr,
that it may contribute to the sacredness
of him to whom it is given.
Do you, Michael, promise to be faithful
to the noble purposes of this Order,
to have a special care for the poor,
the needy and those who are ill?
l do so promise.
May the blessing of Almighty God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
descend upon you
and remain with you forever.
Vincent, our name is not on the list.
Write it in. Mancini. M-A-N-C-l-N-l.
- Problem?
- My name isn't on the list.
- Then you have to leave immediately.
- You want to dance with me?
Joe, it's Vinnie. These are our guests.
l'm sorry. l'm sorry, sir.
Welcome to the party.
- lt's good to see you.
- Good to see you. This is my husband.
- Sit down.
- My son, Anthony.
The Order of Saint Sebastian is one of
the highest honours the Church awards.
lt was first granted by Pope...
What about Mr Corleone's connections
with gambling?
The press kits have...
- And involvement with the underworld?
- Cut the crap.
The Pope, the Holy Father himself,
has today blessed Michael Corleone.
Do you know better than the Pope?
Vincent! She loves you.
l love you too.
Hi, Vincent. l remember you.
- From where?
- The last party we were at together.
- Did you come to the club?
- No, it was a wedding.
l was eight and you were 1 5.
l had many girlfriends when l was 1 5.
- 8 year olds?
- Especially them.
Where's Mary?
Would somebody please hail Mary?
Excuse me, Your Excellency.
You haven't kissed me hello yet.
Relatives always kiss.
- Now we're related?
- l'm your little cousin.
- Who's your father?
- l'll give you a hint.
He's ltalian.
Mary, we've been waiting for you.
Remember to keep your voice low.
And smile. Don't forget to smile.
The honorary chairman of
the Vito Corleone Foundation:
my daughter, Mary Corleone.
l think l inherited my father's love
for speechmaking. Here it goes.
The Vito Corleone Foundation helps
the poor in every country,
gives grants to artists,
funds medical research,
and is particularly dedicated
to the resurrection of Sicily.
Archbishop Gilday,
here is 1 00 million dollars for the poor
of Sicily, in the name of Vito Corleone.
Don't spend it all in one place.
Mary, l'm so proud of you.
You've done a wonderful thing for Sicily.
Let's hope that the money gets
to the people who need it.
...the most important part:
Johnny Fontane!
Thank you very much.
l'm happy to be here.
l would like you to join me in honouring
Commendatore Michael Corleone.
l have something special
for our godfather.
l happen to know his favourite song.
Michael, where are you going?
l'm off to the kitchen
to hear some Tony Bennett records.
Your favourite song: ''Salsiccia's Own''.
l'm having a salsiccia sandwich.
l'll be back.
Hello, Kay.
Congratulations, Michael.
That's quite an honour.
But a little expensive, wouldn't you say?
- Cake?
- No, thank you.
- lt's been a long time, hasn't it?
- Yeah.
- Eight years.
- Yeah.
You look wonderful.
Your son has something he wants to
talk to you about. l came here for him.
- What's wrong with being a lawyer?
- He wants his life to be in music.
Music is great, l love music.
But he should finish what he started.
- l'm going my own way.
- Your own way?
- Professional singer?
- Yes.
What happens if you fail?
- l won't fail.
- Men always believe that.
A law degree is like taking
out insurance.
- After that you can work for me...
- l will never work for you.
l have bad memories.
Every family has bad memories.
l'll always be your son, but won't have
anything to do with your business.
Anthony... finish the law degree.
Well, that he got from you. That ''no''.
- You could've helped me convince him.
- Convince him of what?
Of what?
He throws his life away.
He throws greatness away.
This is greatness?
Now that you're so respectable,
you're more dangerous than ever.
l preferred you when you were
just a common Mafia hood.
- Can we talk common sense here?
- All right.
Tony knows that you killed Fredo.
- What did you come here for?
- To protect my son.
Not to see you disguised by your
church. That was a shameful ceremony.
l spent my life protecting my son.
l spent my life protecting my family!
Let's be reasonable, okay?
That's your big thing, isn't it, Michael?
- Backed up by murder.
- Oh, God.
- You hate me. You hate me.
- No.
l don't hate you.
l dread you.
l did what l could, Kay, to protect all
of you from the horrors of this world.
But you became my horror.
The children still love you, though.
Especially Mary.
That's something.
We can build on that. For their sake.
Let's try.
Only if you let Tony go free to have
his own life, away from you.
l'll let Tony go.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You could hurt somebody with those.
Let me show you around.
Can you get me an interview
with Corleone?
No. l'm a relative, but l can't do that.
What else can l do for you?
- Handsome, but useless.
- Oh, yeah?
- That's okay, l'll gamble.
- Do you like to gamble?
Let's go to Atlantic City.
l'll show you how to gamble.
- How do l know what numbers to bet?
- Do l look like a loser?
Spooky-looking guy there.
- What's a guy like that doing here?
- That's Joey Zasa's bulldog.
- You know him?
- Yeah, l do.
His name is Anthony Squigilaro.
They call him ''The Ant''.
He dips his bullets in cyanide.
Don Altobello.
- l've come to pay my respects.
- Grazie.
You honour my father's friendship.
Where is my goddaughter?
- Constanza!
- Don Altobello.
lt was not so long ago
that l held you in these old hands.
Michael, l've lost all the venom,
all the juice of youth.
l've lost the lust for women,
and now my mind is clear.
My duty to God is clear.
l have a special favour to ask of you.
Can l attach my name
to the Vito Corleone Foundation,
so that you and l can be joined
in name and spirit?
- One million dollars.
- Oh, my!
- Godfather.
- Don Altobello, you have such a heart.
Come, let's go and sample
some of that old vino.
The Vatican knows nothing
about these shareholders.
l have a tendency to worry. We've
increased our position substantially.
- Naturally, l worry.
- Stop worrying, we have an agreement.
Good. How do you think
l got this grey hair?
Two seconds... Thank you for your
contribution to the swimming-pool.
We need your help on Sam Wallace's
candidacy for judgeship.
- We can always use a good judge.
- Thanks.
My godson Andrew Hagen.
My brother Tom's eldest boy.
He's been assistant to Bishop Breelan
for three years.
- Hopes to be assigned to the Vatican.
- Rome needs fine young priests.
His mother Theresa Hagen,
Bishop Gilday.
Honoured to meet you.
Mr Corleone. Hi. Grace Hamilton.
Vincent Mancini promised to tell you
about me. That maybe you'd see me.
- Did Vincent Mancini call about her?
- No.
- You promised to stay out there, twice.
- l know.
Joey Zasa showed up.
He's waiting in the lobby.
He wants to personally
congratulate you. Show his respect.
- Do l have to see him?
- He says you're his patron.
Hey, Vinnie!
- Who's your favourite aunt?
- You are.
Today l'll talk to Michael
about your little problem.
lf you'd warned me, l would have
worn a better suit.
The Meucci Association
has elected you
ltalian-American Man of the Year.
Who's Meucci?
The ltalian-American who invented
the telephone, one year before Bell.
And this is the reason
you've come today?
l've got a stone in my shoe.
A two-bit punk who works for me.
The one who thinks he's related to you.
A bastard.
He's here. Vincent Mancini.
He's at the party.
Bring him in.
l think it's good that we talk.
No, grazie.
l have a problem...
...and l want to find out if it is
my problem or your problem.
Your business is your business. l have
no interests or percentages from it.
Good. Then it's my problem.
Michael, you know Vincent Mancini.
Sonny's boy.
- How are you, Mr Corleone?
- How are you?
- Good. How are you? Good party.
- You like it?
- Yes, l had to sneak in.
- You're dressed for it.
So, what's the trouble
between you and Mr Joe Zasa?
- Just trouble. l'll take care of it.
- That's foolish of you.
Foolish of me? lt's a little foolish
of this guy, don't you think? Right?
- Right?!
- Temper like his father...
Mr Joe Zasa now owns what used to
be the Corleone business in New York.
Out of kindness, he gave you
a job in his family.
You took it against my advice.
l offered you something better in the
legitimate world. You turned me down.
Now you both come to me with this bad
blood. What do you expect me to do?
- Am l a gangster?
- No...
That was Papa's neighbourhood.
Zasa runs it like a disgrace!
- That's the past, Connie.
- l earned that territory.
The Commission gave it to me
and you approved.
l came for the party, not to ask for help.
l could kill this bastard.
So kill him.
What does all this have to do with me?
Well, he goes behind your back,
saying ''Fuck Michael Corleone''.
Say it to his face, one time!
Mr Corleone, all bastards are liars.
Shakespeare wrote poems about it.
What am l going to do with this guy?!
Joey, if there's some guy
running around this city,
saying ''Fuck Michael Corleone''...
...what do we do
with a piece of shit like that?
He's a fucking dog.
Yes, it's true. lf anyone would say
such a thing,
they would not be a friend,
they would be a dog.
- My interests don't conflict with his.
- You don't know how much they do.
Quiet, Vincent.
He needs your support!
Don't let me work for this guy,
let me work for you.
As what? Tough guy? l don't need
tough guys. l need more lawyers.
Since we have no conflicts or debts,
l accept your tribute. l wish you well.
Vincent, make your peace
with Mr Joe Zasa. Go on.
Vinnie, what's the matter with you?!
Get him out of here.
Jesus Christ...
- l told Connie this wasn't the right time.
- Close it.
l know you're into Wall Street,
but you're still the final word.
l want to protect you from these guys.
Your lawyers can't.
- But you can?
- Yeah, l can do that.
Why should l be afraid of Zasa?
You stop him from rising
in the Commission.
l say we make him dead.
Give me the order, l'll do it.
- You'll do it?
- Yeah.
Maybe you should come with me
for a few weeks. See what happens.
- Okay.
- See if you learn.
And we'll talk about your future.
l won't let you down.
lt's about ready.
What happened?
lf l'm in a room with Zasa,
what happens? l bit his ear off.
Here we go. Watch the card.
Hold it!
- Vincent...
- Yeah.
Take the picture with us.
Nice jacket.
Closer to the centre, sir.
Godfather, this is the cake for you
and your family from Enzo the baker.
Do you want to do it?
Cent'anni! Cent'anni!
- Vincent?
- What do you want, sweetheart?
Do you love me?
- Come on, go to bed.
- Come on, say it.
l love you.
l love you, too.
You've got a cat?
Go get us some water, l'm thirsty.
Come on.
Come on.
Well, l guess l know my place.
l can't believe l'm actually doing this.
''Get me water, bake me a cake''...
What happened to ''please''?
Good boy, Sackface. Go for a walk.
- Let her go.
- Cut her throat, man.
- What did you say?
- Cut her fucking throat.
- Okay, chief...
- Drop your gun or he'll cut her throat.
l hardly know her, so cut her.
What the fuck do l care?
You've got no choice. She'll be dead.
lf you do, l'll kill you both.
Give up that knife, l'll let you go.
Cut her throat! Right now!
l'll do something that'll convince you.
Don't get frightened. Just watch me.
Oh, shit!
Drop the knife. Drop it!
Good boy. Sit down, l want to talk
to you. lt was a wise choice. Sit down.
Lose the mask.
Relax, have a smoke. You smoke?
Whose idea was this? Who sent you?
Tell me who sent you.
- No one.
- Did you take a look at this guy?
- Yeah.
- Who sent you?
lt was Joey Zasa.
Are you okay?
- You were going to let them kill me!
- No, l wasn't...
You pig! You sick fuck!
You wanted gambling. That's gambling.
Call the police.
- You killed the other guy too?
- He went for my gun.
lt was self-defence.
Go ahead, call the police.
- No, no...
- l'm taking pictures.
No pictures.
You had a gun!
They only had a knife. You could have
handed them over to the police.
Zasa sent them.
l just sent him a message.
- Now he has to send you one back.
- ls Zasa going to send me one back?
He did the right thing.
He got Zasa's name!
What has Joey Zasa to do
with anything? Joey Zasa is a pazzo.
All right. You are what you are.
lt's your nature. Stay close to me.
Don't do anything. Keep your mouth
shut and your eyes open.
- And you do what l tell you.
- l understand.
- l have problems with the Commission.
- l know.
- You don't make them easier.
- lt wasn't my idea that this happened.
- Get out of here.
- Michael...
- Now they'll fear you.
- Maybe they should fear you.
- B.J., what's up?
- The Archbishop just called back.
We've arranged some amazing things.
The publicity is phenomenal. You're the
new Rockefeller. A philanthropist.
- Sign here, please.
- Times do change, don't they?
My father hated foundations.
He loved doing it by himself.
Man to man. But we're different.
No different than any large corporation.
We control a lot of money with little.
Minimise taxes.
With no government control.
- Godfather.
- Andrew.
- Off to Rome...
- l wanted to thank you for everything.
- Do you want some breakfast?
- Thanks, l can't.
- How's your ltalian?
- Devo fare un po' di pratica.
- His father was a great lawyer.
- l know.
Didn't live to see him ordained. l did.
Did you ever see one of those?
Beautiful. l was so proud.
Let me walk you out.
lf you hear any rumours in the Vatican,
let me know.
No, Andrew has the true faith.
Don Corleone,
l need your help. And not just
to light a little candle.
My gift was to be able to persuade
people to give to the Holy Church.
Then Rome decides to put me
in charge of the Vatican Bank...
...but l was never a true banker.
Mea culpa. l trusted my friends.
Friendship and money...
Oil and water...
But these ''friends'' used the good name
of the Church to feed their greed.
lf money was lost...
...then l am to blame.
lf only prayer could pay off
our 700 million dollar deficit.
The Church owns 25 percent
of a large corporation: lmmobiliare.
You know the one l mean?
Largest landlord on Earth.
Real estate worth six billion dollars.
That's true.
And the Vatican vote
is necessary for control.
No, you're mistaken.
This isn't a question of one person
deciding. One deciding vote.
This is like any other company.
We have directors and very old rules.
The Pope himself
would have to approve you.
We've sold the casinos.
All businesses having to do
with gambling.
We have no interests or investments
in anything illegitimate.
The Corleones are prepared to deposit
when Mr Corleone receives majority
control of lmmobiliare.
lmmobiliare could be something new.
A European conglomerate.
Few families have control
of such a company.
lt seems that, in today's world,
the power to absolve debt is greater
than the power of forgiveness.
Don't overestimate
the power of forgiveness.
Don Corleone,
this deal with lmmobiliare can make you
one of the richest men in the world.
Your whole past history, and the history
of your family, would be washed away.
The motion under discussion
relates to Corleone Group's proposal
to acquire 100,000,000 newly issued
Class A voting shares.
... Corleone capital invested directly
into lnternational lmmobiliare,
an old and respected
European company.
Mr Corleone's ambitious programme
to expand this real estate company
into an international conglomerate...
...by Eastern techniques of efficiency
and focus and unlimited...
Mr Corleone, excuse me.
Didn't you recently deposit 200 million
in the Vatican Bank,
which is affiliated with lmmobiliare?
True. Why not?
Wasn't there any questioning about
the timing on this particular deposit?
Mr Chairman, if l may?
The Vito Andolini Corleone Foundation,
of which Mary Corleone is chairman,
has made an endowment
of 1 00 million dollars.
The money comes from his own family
and will be administered by the Vatican.
Does that answer your question?
l have always believed that helping your
fellow man is profitable in every sense,
personally and bottom line.
My fellow shareholders, if Europe
and America can learn to co-operate,
if we can learn to pool our wealth,
share our markets,
we can defeat any competition
anywhere in the world.
Thank you for your time.
l hope that you will look favourably
on my proposal. Thank you.
Let me have this microphone here.
Will we let a criminal run our company?
He's got the map of Sicily on his face!
He's either a Catholic or a mafioso...
The Hamilton lnvestors Group
cannot support this proposal.
Your excellency...
Mr Chairman...
...the Vatican Bank feels
that lnternational lmmobiliare...
...will be safe in Mr Corleone's hands.
...subject to audit and final ratification,
which must take place in Rome.
Please join me in welcoming
Mr Michael Corleone.
Tony says that l'm a front
for the foundation.
That you're using me to pull the strings.
- To get the money where you want it.
- Please!
- To shine up your public image.
- Mary!
Mary, this is real.
This foundation is real.
l wanted Anthony to be part of it.
l thought you would be together on this.
l won't interfere.
l'll help, but only if you ask.
What is this really for?
Why are you doing this?
Why am l doing this?
l'm doing this for my children.
You're doing it for your children too.
This foundation is supposed to
help all people?
That's the purpose.
This is legitimate.
Mary, l swear, this is legitimate.
Dad, l want this to bring me
closer to you.
l would burn in hell to keep you safe.
Go in the other car. l'll ride with Michael.
Go, go, go.
As your family's oldest friend, l'm
always chosen to bring you messages.
Tell me, Don Altobello.
Your old partners are grateful for
the money you made them.
They worship you...
...but their hearts are broken, because
they think you abandoned them.
They want to share your deal
on lmmobiliare, to be a family again.
lt can purify their money.
This l cannot do.
lmmobiliare must be legitimate.
l know.
But they're unhappy.
And you?
l ask nothing for myself.
Only peace in my old age.
But l must please the world around me.
Michael, your father was a
reasonable man. Learn from him.
l learned many things from my father.
Call a meeting, my friend,
so there are no debts or grudges.
We will make the peace, you and l.
The Vatican announced today...
that Pope Paul Vl has canceled
his Sunday blessing...
due to ill health.
His physician has ordered
total bedrest...
and cessation of all activities.
They've had a press conference. The
Pope's condition is grave. ''Gravissimo. ''
The purpose of this meeting
is to ratify...
the motion passed by our
shareholders in New York.
Our group represents a consortium
of Catholic businessmen
against the Corleone control.
The Vatican has cast its vote. Corleone
Group already controls the Board.
According to the Lateran Treaty,
the Vatican vote must be ratified here.
Here in Rome, by the Pope.
The Pope is gravely ill.
Until he recovers, l am powerless.
- What if he dies?
- Then...
...as you Americans say,
all bets are off.
Gentlemen, please.
This is a brief delay. Nothing more.
Your Excellency, gentlemen...
l advise you to join us in our prayers
for the Holy Father's recovery.
We had an agreement!
This meeting was to be
merely a formality.
- Please sit down.
- l'd rather stand. Give me an answer.
The lmmobiliare has its roots in the
European tradition. Please understand.
l understand.
Your tactics are despicable.
That's quite an indictment,
coming from a Corleone.
- Gentlemen, gentlemen!
- Remember you are in the Vatican.
- What is it that you want?
- Yes, you will take control.
We'll gladly put you at the helm
of our little fleet,
but our ships must all sail
in the same direction.
Otherwise, who can say how long
your stay with us will last?
lt's not personal. lt's only business.
You should know, Godfather.
Very well.
You want to do business with me?
l will do business with you.
Vipers, all of them.
- We're back with the Borgias!
- Uncle Michael...
- Andrew!
- l heard you were here.
lt's so nice to see you.
Vincent, it's so nice.
What is this about the Borgias?
Those days are over.
- Recognise it?
- Yeah.
Genco Olive Oil. That's where our
grandfather started as a delivery boy.
Three years later he owned it.
- Only in America.
- That's it.
Vincenzo, where have you been hiding?
We need your help so badly.
- What can l do for you?
- Get rid of Joe Zasa. He sells drugs...
Now that l'm an older woman,
l'm afraid to go out at night.
Where should they be now?
- Lou, what's going on?
- We're late.
- Have l ever let you down?
- l trust you.
- Don't worry.
- Thank you.
Enjoy yourselves.
- What was that?
- The neighbourhood's in trouble.
- Do you keep an eye out for them?
- Yes.
- And for me?
- From now on.
- l've missed you all this time.
- l missed you too, cousin.
l missed growing up with my cousins.
l didn't even know you, but missed you.
Do you remember stories
about our fathers? The old days?
Yeah, what do you want to know?
- What was Sonny like?
- Well, he was the Prince of the City.
He died before l was born,
but l've heard a lot about him.
- What about my father?
- He's a great man.
He's a hero. He saved the family.
- Vincent?
- What?
Did he kill his own brother?
So, it's all lies?
Just stories, sweetheart. Okay?
l believe you.
- l'm glad you're around.
- l'm glad you're here too.
l'd like to take Joey Zasa for a ride
in this and drop him.
Joey Zasa is nothing.
He's a small time enforcer.
He bluffs and threatens.
He's nothing. You can see him coming
a mile away.
- We should kill him before he...
- No!
Never hate your enemies.
lt affects your judgement.
Nice to see you again, Mr Corleone.
Hey, girls. Let's go.
We trusted you to manage
our money in the casinos.
lt's not even 20 years. You've sold the
casinos and made fortunes for all of us.
Bravo, Don Corleone!
Thank you.
Friends, l have come here
because our business together is done.
We have prospered,
and now it is time for us to dissolve
the business relationship between us.
That's it.
But l do have a little surprise. Al?
Your shares in the casinos.
l've cut the red tape, so you could
get your money right away.
- Not everybody gets the same.
- Nothing for you...
- lt depends on your investment.
- Michael, this is really generous!
- Parisi, how much did you invest?
- l don't remember.
You're blessed.
My family has done much of
the hard work, taken many risks.
All to make money
for the rest of the families.
You all know Joey Zasa.
He is, l admit, an important man.
His picture is on the cover
of the New York Times magazine.
He gets the Esquire Magazine award
for the best dressed gangster.
The newspapers praise him
because he hires Blacks,
which shows he has a good heart.
He is famous.
Who knows? Maybe one day
he'll make all of you popular.
lt's true.
l make more of a bella figura.
That is my nature.
But l also want to make a move
into legitimate enterprises.
l'd like a little pin from the Pope.
Sure, l take the Blacks and the Spanish
into my family,
because that's America.
And you guarantee
that they don't deal drugs?
l don't guarantee that. l guarantee
that l'll kill anybody who does.
- Let me talk to him.
- Who can refuse Don Altobello?
- Joey, are you...
- No!
l say to all of you: l have been
treated this day with no respect.
l've earned you all money. l've made
you rich and l asked for little.
Good. You will not give, so l'll take!
As for Don Corleone,
he makes it very clear to me today
that he is my enemy.
You must choose between us.
No, Joey!
Michael, we could reason together.
Michael, please... let's agree.
He doesn't know what he's...
No, no.
Michael, the news is everywhere.
Everyone says that you
control lmmobiliare.
lmmobiliare is already laundering
money in Peru and Nassau.
We've worked with you for 40 years.
We should wet our beaks a little.
- We want to do business with you.
- That's right, we've been together...
- lt's a hit! Let's go!
- Let's get out of here! Move!
My coat! lt's my lucky coat!
lt's my lucky coat!
Stay behind me!
Mikey, this way!
Zasa, you son-of-a-bitch...
Come on. We're out of here.
- You did good, Vincent.
- Grazie.
The old Dons were pretty much
wiped out.
The survivors made deals with Zasa.
- Altobello?
- He survived.
He's with his daughters in Staten lsland.
He says he's going to retire in Sicily.
Joey Zasa would never pull something
like this without the backing.
He's just muscle. He doesn't have
the wit for that helicopter attack.
He doesn't even have the ambition
to wipe out the whole Commission.
l say we hit back and take Zasa out!
Never let anyone know
what you're thinking.
Let's get a message to Joey Zasa.
l respect what he's done.
The new overthrows the old. lt's natural.
How can you do business
with this guy?
l'm a businessman, first and foremost.
l want no further conflict.
- Tell him that he can live or he can die.
- Vincent, will you shut up!
That's it.
Joey Zasa...
He can't be doing this alone.
Just when l thought l was out,
they pull me back in.
Our true enemy has not yet
shown his face.
- Has he had his medicine?
- l don't know what he took.
- l've got my wind back.
- Call a doctor.
- Run, run, run!
- Vincent!
Run at thunder, girl! Thunder can't hurt!
Harmless noise!
Bullshit! You deceitful old fuck!
Altobello, you fuck!
Oh, God! Dad!
Excuse me.
l'll call Kay.
- Good evening, sir.
- Can we wait here? We'll be back soon.
Mr Harrison, you said it was urgent.
Have you come to confess your sins?
Michael Corleone has had a diabetic
stroke. l wanted you to know about it.
He's in a coma. l'm here to insist
the deal goes through in any event.
The Pope has not much time left.
So, as you, l am in a difficult position.
We have to ratify this deal
as soon as possible.
- We have an understanding.
- Good.
- l'm going to the hospital.
- l'll pray for Mr Corleone.
- Our thoughts are with Mr Corleone.
- Thank you, Father Jim.
Everything would be out in the open
if Corleone dies.
Play for time, Keinszig.
A habit born of a long contemplation
of eternity.
- Forget about it, Vinnie.
- Why? lt's a simple hit.
l'd love to smack Joey Zasa and then
whack the fag. But it's impossible.
He's always with people, in front of TV
cameras in his own neighbourhood.
- lt's not impossible. lt'll work for us.
- How?
Do you think he's going to let
Uncle Michael survive? Would you?
He may not survive anyway.
- How would you do it?
- l'd do it myself.
Do it!
- What would you need?
- A couple of guys.
Hello, Michael.
lt's Kay.
l never expected you.
No, l know.
But l'm here.
- l'm glad.
- You know...
l've never seen you looking so helpless.
lt's not so bad, really.
l feel... l'm getting wiser now.
- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah.
- The sicker you get, the wiser you get?
- When l'm dead, l'll be really smart.
Michael... l want to thank you for Tony.
He's doing really well.
He's gotten some very good notices,
and he'll make his operatic debut
in Sicily, in Palermo this Easter, so...
So, thank you.
That's a real honour. ln Sicily.
l will be there. l won't miss that.
l won't miss that.
Mary, Tony...
Go see Dad.
- Sweetheart!
- Everything's going to be all right.
- Tony!
- How are you doing, Pop?
Your mother told me what happened.
- About Palermo? l hope you'll be there.
- Of course. Kiss me.
- Cousin Vinnie?
- He's not here. Call his apartment.
- lt's your cousin Mary.
- Let her in.
Hi, cous. l thought l'd drop by.
ls that okay?
l'll get the guys.
No, it's not okay.
You shouldn't have come, Mary.
Only a couple of minutes, okay?
- You look beautiful, cous.
- Thanks.
So this is your club, your hideout?
- Yeah.
- l came here to check it out.
lt's so strange, just me
and Aunt Connie in the house.
- l feel better when l'm with you.
- What's wrong, sweetheart?
- l'm scared about my father.
- Don't be.
When they took him out of
the ambulance, l thought he was dead.
Everybody says he's going to be better.
Don't worry.
l remember a shooting when l was little.
And one time Al Neri and other
bodyguards took me and Tony away.
ls it all happening again?
Not like that, sweetie.
Then why are you hiding here?
ls something going to happen to you?
Nothing's going to happen
to me, cugina. We'll take care of you.
- Can l stay here and hide out with you?
- Can you help me cook for the boys?
You know that l don't know
how to cook, but l'll help.
What do l do?
- l love you, cous.
- l love you, too, cous.
Let us cook.
Hold me.
You in the press and the police
use words like ''Mafia'', ''Cosa Nostra''.
This is a fantasy. We ltalian-Americans
laid the bricks that built this city.
We have Meucci,
who invented the telephone.
We have Don Ameche,
who played the guy who invented it.
Buy yourself a raffle ticket,
maybe you'll win a Cadillac.
The salsiccia is wonderful!
Here, have a sandwich.
- Nice to see you, Mr Zasa.
- Have a nice time.
Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets.
- What are you doing?
- He didn't mean it.
- Tell him you're sorry.
- Okay, let's go.
Joey! How are you?
How are you, Buddy boy?
Hey, Joey Zasa! Joey, up your ass!
- Who is this? Do you know him?
- lgnore him.
Who's going to win the car? The Ant?
This is what gives ltalian-Americans
a bad name. A cappone like this.
Joey, up your ass!
Get off the car!
Do you have a raffle ticket?
Joey, take a look at my raffle ticket!
Here's what l think of you...
and your raffle ticket.
Get the fuck off this car.
l'll break your fucking balls.
Get out of here!
Run, Joey! You piece of shit!
Open the door!
How are you, Joe?
Don't ever again give that kind of order.
Not while l'm alive.
You were too sick to make a decision.
l got a go-ahead from Neri and Connie.
lt was the right decision, Uncle Mike.
lt was the wrong decision.
l command this family!
Right or wrong...
...it was not what l wanted!
Do you understand?
Come on, Michael.
Good. Vincent, help me to my bed.
l want to talk to you alone for a minute.
You know, l always felt
responsible for you.
You know that.
Your father...
...my brother, we were opposites.
We would fight and argue.
But l never doubted his love.
He would do anything for me.
But his temper...
Too much. lt clouded his reason.
l don't want you to make that mistake.
...he, too, had a way with women.
- Vincent...
- So l hear.
What are you doing with my daughter?
What are you doing with her?
lt's too dangerous.
Do you hear me?
When they come,
they'll come at what you love.
Michael, you must lead another life.
You have everything a man could
desire. lt's time for you to retire.
l have too much responsibility.
lmmobiliare? lt's too difficult now.
You should really get out.
What do you know
about those pezzi da novanta in ltaly?
l'm too old to know anything
about those new people.
l must accept my age
and grow my olives and tomatoes.
- We're not that old.
- But you're very ill.
Michael... Let me see
what can be done.
Let me work to make your path
a little easier.
- Your friendship does that always.
- That makes me happy.
Joey Zasa... You were wrong
about him.
l trust too much.
That's always been my fault.
Michael... treachery is everywhere.
You still have your fingers
on the strings, even now.
Let's see more of each other.
- Michael, in Sicily?
- ln Sicily.
ln Sicilia.
ln Sicilia.
How are you?
Don Bendino, my old friend.
l brought you here, so that my old friend
and protector, Don Tommasino,
could advise us.
What do you think about Altobello?
A very talented man.
He has kept the peace between our
Sicilian and American friends.
The saint of reason.
A blood bath in Atlantic City
left New York a mess.
Joey Zasa at least was running
a tight ship,
but with him out of the picture
we must step in.
- Step back in...
- Or the Chinese and Colombians will.
The Corleones left drugs, so New York
is weak, and Palermo is strong.
Your enemies always get strong
on what you leave behind.
Who could give the order
for that massacre...
and still pressure the Vatican deal?
Only Lucchesi can reach
between these two worlds.
''Our ships must all sail
in the same direction''...
ltalian politics have had these men
for centuries. They are the true Mafia.
The Archbishop and the Vatican Bank,
that's the big problem.
They're the same problem.
B.J., they're connected.
The Archbishop has powerful friends.
They totally protect him.
ls there someone in the
Church we can turn to?
Someone we can tell
our problem to?
Cardinal Lamberto.
A wise and good man...
very influential.
He will see you.
l will see this Cardinal Lamberto
and see if we can work things out.
You honour your agreements,
but you are dealing with crooks.
They have no honour.
My word is final.
Politics and crime,
they're the same thing.
l've invited you all here to celebrate
my son's debut in an opera house...
We'll play ''Philadelphia''.
Seven cards. Two down, four up.
Deuces and one-eyed jacks are wild.
...in the opera ''Cavallaria Rusticana''.
- lt's ''Cavalleria Rusticana'', Dad.
- ''Cavalleria''.
l think l have tickets to the wrong opera.
l've been in New York too long.
You will all receive tickets,
so come on time.
Dad, l've got a present for you.
lt comes from the town of Corleone
and it's authentic Sicilian.
And... l learned it for you.
She was wonderful, beautiful.
l loved her. And then she died.
My trusted bodyguard
planted a bomb in my car.
She drove it before l did.
Why is such a beautiful country
so violent?
Mom was telling me about when your
biggest worry was passing your exams.
- Yes, it was then.
- l worry about you now.
Oh, Mary, you're such a
warm-hearted girl. You always were.
- l love my family.
- Even your cousin Vincent?
l really love him.
- He's your first cousin.
- Then l love him first.
Mary, you can't see him.
Just don't see him anymore.
He's right. lt's too dangerous.
Mary, you can't see him anymore.
- Not in that fashion.
- No.
- Please, promise me.
- No!
- Obey me on this.
- No, Dad!
Mary is smart, Dad.
She'll understand eventually.
Bella cugina... Tesoro mio.
- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah.
l want you to do something for me.
lt's dangerous.
Good. l'm in. What do you need?
l want you to sell your soul
to Don Altobello.
To betray me.
He'd never believe me.
- That depends.
- Sit down.
l have an idea.
See if you can learn
how high Altobello is connected.
Arrange a meeting.
You say how devoted you are to me.
Tell him your problems.
- Ask for his help.
- What problems?
That you want to run away
with my daughter.
But you know that if you do,
l will become your enemy.
- You know that l would never do that.
- l know.
Ask Altobello to speak to me.
To further the marriage.
But you're cousins, after all. Michael
was always a little old-fashioned.
Say you can't belong to my legitimate
world. That you want your own family.
l could straighten out
what Joey Zasa left behind.
l could use your friendship
to persuade him.
l would be indebted to you forever.
A Corleone knows the value
of such a friend.
Then you would work for me?
Bacio la mano, Don Altobello.
lf he hints that he wants you
to betray me, get insulted,
because that's his trap.
You're not telling me
the whole truth, Vincenzo.
lsn't it true, that with Michael gone,
the girl controls everything?
- Leave the girl out of this.
- Of course, you love her.
And she loves you.
l guessed it, didn't l?
You're a wise man, Don Altobello.
l'll be learning a lot from you.
The richest man is the one
with the most powerful friends.
lt's my duty to make the introductions.
Don Lucchesi.
Don Altobello tells me that you have
a strong character. A man of respect.
This is the hero who put Joey Zasa
in his grave.
lf we'd known of his existence,
we wouldn't have backed Joey.
No one wants another Joe.
Let me be your friend.
- Even the strongest man needs friends.
- l'm flattered.
You're a man of finance and politics.
Things l don't understand.
You understand guns.
Finance is a gun.
Politics is knowing
when to pull the trigger.
How can l help?
Blessed is the peacemaker,
for he can be called the child of God.
- Tu parli ltaliano un poco?
- S.
The wheelchair, for Don Tommasino.
l trusted this business arrangement
with the Archbishop. l trusted him.
l was sure his honesty
was beyond a doubt.
But, as you see, l'm now
the victim of a swindle.
He's stalling me. Vast monies have
gone to people in high political places
and the Vatican Bank is the guarantor.
lf what you say is true,
there will be a great scandal.
Look at this stone. lt has been
in the water for a very long time,
but the water has not penetrated it.
Perfectly dry. The same thing
has happened to men in Europe.
For centuries they have been
surrounded by Christianity,
but Christ has not penetrated.
Christ doesn't live within them.
- What's happening?
- Could you get me something sweet?
Some orange juice, candy...
l have trouble with diabetes.
My blood sugar goes low.
l understand.
lt happens sometimes
when l'm under stress.
l understand.
To come to you
on such a delicate matter...
Accusations against your Archbishop.
lt was difficult for me.
The mind suffers
and the body cries out.
That's true.
Would you like to make
your confession?
Your Eminence, l'm...
lt's been so long. l wouldn't...
l wouldn't know where to...
lt's been 30 years.
l'd use up too much of your time, l think.
l always have time to save souls.
- Well, l'm beyond redemption.
- No, no...
l hear the confessions
of my own priests here.
Sometimes the desire to confess
is overwhelming,
and we must seize the moment.
What is the point of confessing
if l don't repent?
l hear you are a practical man.
What have you got to lose?
Go on.
...betrayed my wife.
Go on, my son.
l betrayed myself.
l killed men.
And l ordered men to be killed.
Go on, my son. Go on.
lt's useless.
Go on, my son.
l killed...
l ordered the death of my brother.
He injured me.
l killed my mother's son.
l killed my father's son.
Your sins are terrible,
and it is just that you suffer.
Your life could be redeemed,
but l know that you don't believe that.
You will not change.
Pope Paul Vl, the Supreme Pontiff
of the Roman Catholic Church,...
died last night at 9:40 p.m.
The Pope was 81 years old,...
and had been in poor health
for the last several months.
All my life l've kept trying
to go up in society.
To where everything higher up
was legal, straight...
But the higher l go,
the more crooked it becomes.
Where the hell does it end?
They've been killing each other
for centuries here.
For money, for pride, for family.
To keep from becoming the slaves
of the rich pezzi da novanta.
l made confession, Connie.
l confessed my sins.
Why? That's not like you. You don't
have to confess your sins to a stranger.
lt was the man.
He's a good man. A true priest.
He can change things.
You know, sometimes l think
of poor Fredo.
Drowned. lt was God's will.
lt was a terrible accident.
But it's finished.
Michael, l love you.
l'll always help you.
Oh, Connie...
l am honored, Don Altobello, that
you've come from Palermo to visit me.
Hey, the little kid! He's grown.
Do the donkey for me.
lt's been some time since we
did business together.
You are my ''ace in the hole,''
as we say in America.
l have a stone in my shoe.
You can remove it.
Only one stone?
lt's dangerous. A famous man.
You will have to take precautions.
Tell me what to do.
Then l will tell you my price.
Ah, what bread!
Olive oil...
Virgin... only in Sicily.
Alla salute!
To death.
- Connie!
- How are you?
Mary, l've missed you.
- Hello, Michael.
- Mom, look at this.
- lt's too bad Douglas couldn't come.
- l know. He had a very important trial.
l know he wanted to come.
- The car is...
- Okay.
- Well, your son is an artist.
- Oh, yes. Thanks to you.
- What for?
- For making me let him go.
Well, after all these years,
here l am in Sicily for the first time.
- l want to get a picture of you together.
- Okay.
Hey, Dad. Smile!
l see you still have Al Neri. Why?
l need him. He helps me
get in and out of the car.
- He carries my briefcase.
- You're still a liar, Michael.
Let me show you Sicily, the real Sicily.
So you'll understand the family history.
l think l understand it more than enough.
Anthony, l have something you made
for me a very long time ago.
- Might bring you luck.
- Thanks.
You saved it... l remember.
Thank you, Dad.
l'm proud of you.
Thank you.
- Are they as good as they look?
- Better.
They're the best. As long as they are
around, Uncle Michael is safe.
- Tell your father l'll be back for dinner.
- Okay.
- Have fun.
- Tell Tony to wait for me.
l will.
Buongiorno, signora. At your service.
lf l see Dad, l'll tell him you left.
You're the only one left
with my father's strength.
lf anything happens to Michael,
l want you to strike back.
l'll have everything ready.
Do you swear?
l swear to you.
Here it is.
The house where my father was born.
This is where they came to take him
when he was a boy. To kill him.
Listen to that.
You know Mary's in love.
Yes, l know.
With a handsome young ltalian man
with dark eyes...
l won't allow it.
lt's wrong. lt's wrong and it's dangerous.
''Oh father, my father!''
''Give me some time to pray
to the Lord.''
The Baroness of Carini had
betrayed her husband...
and fallen in love with her cousin.
''There will be no forgiveness!''
Her father stabbed her through
the heart.
Honour, huh?
l remember the time you came
to my parents' house
and told me about the family business.
How you'd never have anything
to do with it. You sounded like Tony.
l was a lot like Tony.
- l can barely see him... Kay?
- What?
- Do you mind driving?
- What's wrong?
My eyes. Sometimes
they're all right, but...
l have to see Don Tommasino...
- There are no bodyguards today.
- l really snuck away.
Father, where are you going?
Would you like a ride?
l know you. You're Mosca
of Montelepre.
You were an assassin then,
and you're an assassin now.
l know Michael Corleone
is at your house.
l will pass through the gates
with you.
How are you?
This is Calo, one of my bodyguards
in the old days.
- We can wait here.
- You want a drink?
l spent a lot of time in this room...
...thinking of you.
And then you got married.
- l still thought of you.
- What's in that room?
This is dangerous for you. This is Sicily.
- l love this country.
- Why?
Well, all through history, terrible things
have happened to these people.
Terrible injustices.
But they still expect good,
rather than bad, will happen to them.
Sort of like me and you?
- How so?
- l'm still here, right?
We do have a bad history,
but l'm still here.
Yes, you are, but with dread.
Give me the order!
ls that supposed to make me
not dread you?
We're in Sicily. lt's opera.
What do we do now?
Be reasonable.
Let's try not to hurt each other.
l want you to forgive me.
- For what?
- Everything.
Oh, like God?
No, l need something a little closer.
You couldn't understand,
back in those days.
l loved my father. l swore l would
never be a man like him,
but l loved him and he was in danger.
What could l do?
And then later, you were in danger.
Our children were in danger.
What could l do?
You were all that l... loved and valued
most in the world.
Now l'm losing you. l lost you.
You're gone.
And it was all for nothing. So...
You have to understand,
l had a whole different destiny planned.
All right, l'll stop.
l really don't know what you
want from me, Michael.
- l mean...
- l'm not the man that you think l am.
- l don't know.
- l love you, Kay.
Don't dread me anymore.
You know, every night here in Sicily...
...l dream about my wife
and my children...
...and how l lost them.
l guess that if it's any consolation,
l want you to know that...
...l always loved you, Michael.
And you know...
...always, l always will.
What is it? What's wrong?
They found Don Tommasino shot.
ls he dead?
My master is dead.
Blood calls for blood.
l must have revenge!
Some day, you may have to do
a difficult service for me.
Command me.
lt never ends.
l will avenge him!
Lorscheider, 1 vote.
Siri, 1 1 votes.
Lamberto, 99 votes.
Do you accept your election
as supreme pontiff?
Oh God, shed light on the decision
they have taken on my behalf.
l accept.
By what name do you
wish to be called?
John Paul the First.
l will do things ''right away,''
rather than in ''a little while''...
Frederick Keinszig, known as ''God's
Banker'', has been reported missing.
He was last seen leaving the Rome
offices of Vatican owned lmmobiliare.
Also missing was a large sum
ofmoney and several documents.
Keinszig, you fool.
His absence casts further suspicion
on the dealings of the Vatican Bank.
For several years,
the bank and its companies
have been the object of allegations
of disreputable business practices.
Lucchesi, will you please
try to understand?
l have phoned him.
l have waited here by the phone.
You would do well to remember,
Mr Lucchesi,
that this Pope has very different ideas
from the last one.
Goodbye, my old friend.
You could have lived a little longer.
l could be closer to my dream.
You were so loved, Don Tommasino.
Why was l so feared,
and you so loved?
What was it?
l was no less honourable.
l wanted to do good.
What betrayed me?
My mind? My heart?
Why do l condemn myself so?
l swear,
on the lives of my children...
Give me a chance to redeem myself...
...and l will sin no more.
You look pale. Bad news?
Tell me right away.
lt's not just a bad banking deal.
These guys are butchers.
- What guys?
- Lucchesi.
He controls all of them:
Altobello, the Archbishop...
...others higher up, P2 maybe.
Secret unknown.
They're running things.
- l'm in their way.
- He's hired an assassin to kill you.
A Sicilian. l don't know his name.
But they say he never fails.
Then no one is safe.
Even the new Pope is in danger.
We still have time. We can prevent this.
l tried, Vincent.
l tried...
...to keep everything from coming
to this. But it's not possible.
Not in this world.
Give me the order.
You won't be able to go back.
- You'll be like me.
- Good.
All my life l wanted out.
l wanted the family out.
l don't want out.
l want the power to preserve the family.
l'm asking for the order.
lt's done.
Because l can't do it anymore.
Well, it doesn't matter.
Vincent knows what to do.
Come on outside.
Take a rest and don't think about it.
- All l do is think about it.
- l'm your son.
Command me in all things.
Give up my daughter.
That's the price you pay...
...for the life you choose.
...from this moment on...
...call yourself Vincent Corleone.
Don Vincenzo...
Don Corleone...
Don Vincenzo Corleone...
E tu, Vincenzo...
l know how you feel about Michael,
but you can't save him.
He's lost.
Think of yourself.
What's your answer, Vincent?
Enjoy the opera.
lt's all taken care of.
Check the bar. l'll check the top floor.
''Here's hoping Tony sings better at the
Teatro Massimo than in the shower.''
''Love, Douglas.''
- My darling Constanza!
- Don Altobello.
- This is a great occasion.
- Come, sit down.
Happy birthday.
You're 80, but don't look more than 60.
You're the only one who remembered.
We've just got the word. The Pope has
ratified the lmmobiliare deal. We've won.
Strange how things work.
The Pope is doing what you said
he'd do. He's cleaning house.
He should be careful.
lt's dangerous to be an honest man.
l want to put more muscle backstage
with Tony.
On your birthday you used to
shower me with treats.
Tootsie Rolls!
The nuns who made this cannoli took a
vow of silence. They're the very finest.
- Hey.
- Hey, cous.
Hi. Where's your leather?
Stop it.
You're so thin. You eat it.
lt's over. There are things l have to do
that you can't be part of.
lt's not your father's decision, it's mine.
Don't hate your father.
There are things l'll be part of
that you can't be around.
After tonight,
you won't see me anymore.
You've got to understand, Mary.
You've got to understand.
l'll always love you.
Love somebody else.
- They won't try anything.
- Everything's fine. lt's all clear.
l've already sent Al Neri to the Vatican.
Mr. Lucchesi's house?
l bring a message from
Michael Corleone.
Let him in.
Buona sera.
Good. You got him.
Tonight the Corleone family
settles its accounts.
That little Swiss banker fuck.
He's been swindling everyone
from the beginning. Fuck him.
Don Lucchesi, my friend.
Calo will pay him a visit at his home.
Neri, take a train to Rome.
Light a candle for the Archbishop.
Tea, Your Holiness? lt will help
you sleep.
This is from Vincent Corleone.
lt's serious. Our man inside the Vatican
says there's a plot against the Pope.
He'll have a heart attack?
This Pope has powerful enemies.
We may not be in time to save him.
Let's go back.
The Holy Father is dead!
Sleep, Godfather.
Speak...tell me.
You have lost the
faith of the people.
He who builds on the people
builds on mud.
And Michael Corleone's message?
lt's very important.
l must whisper it in your ear.
He's clean.
Power wears out those
who don't have it.
- l like this outfit.
- l figured you would.
Say hello.
- Can l talk to you now?
- No, it's not a good time.
- You're just like my father.
- Stay with the family. Go on.
- Talk to me.
- The twins are dead.
ln about one minute, there will be
carabinieri all over this place.
Get everybody to the cars, quietly.
- Got it.
- Quiet.
The name Corleone
will be associated with a voice.
Dad... Why are you doing this to me?
Move back, move back.
- You don't have to do this to me.
- Do what? What do you mean?
No! Mary!
God, no!