God's Not Dead: We the People (2021) Movie Script
You and I've lived too long
with this miracle to properly
be appreciative.
Freedom is a fragile thing
and it's never more
than one generation
away from extinction.
It is not ours
by way of inheritance.
It must be fought for
and defended constantly
by each generation...
For it comes only
once to a people.
And those in world history
who have known freedom
and then lost it...
Have never known it again.
"For it will not
be you speaking,
but the spirit of your father
speaking through you."
- Mike, breakfast.
- Sorry, honey.
No time. Love you, guys.
Why can't my pancakes
come out round?
This one looks like Australia.
They'll taste the same as
any other continent, sweetie.
- I promise.
- Hey, hey dad.
- What about this car?
- How much have you saved?
Okay, well if I sell my guitar
I can, you know,
probably get couple
hundred extra bucks.
Yeah, it's too expensive.
- Just keep lookin', alright?
- Alright.
You're the best.
I love you guys.
I'll see you at 6:00.
- Love you.
- Love you.
- They're all yours.
- Reading and theology today.
Pick up at 5:00. Okay.
Hey, Jackson.
Honey, I'll be home as
soon as work is over, okay?
I think Shannon has a new
puzzle she wants to show you.
- Okay.
- Hey, Jackson's here.
Have you had breakfast yet?
Someone at the restaurant
called in sick,
so I'm gonna have to pull
a double tonight.
- I'm sorry.
- It doesn't happen often.
Anyway, uh, Jackson's babysitter
will pick him up tonight.
Do you remember miss Meredith,
the church secretary?
Taylor, it's gonna be fine.
Right. Thanks.
This means more to us
than you know.
This coffee is wonderful.
So tell me about your
mission trip. Was it amazing?
Oh, you would love China.
She's my native country,
but I don't think I can return.
The persecution
of people of faith
is much worse now
than when I left.
And not just of christians but
of uyghur muslims and others.
Yeah, I heard they're
tryin' to take millions
in re-education camps.
Now they're trying
to contextualize the Bible
to make it more
culturally appropriate.
Freedom is fragile, ayisha.
Did you see your family?
I traveled to the other
side of the world.
They still won't speak to me
now that I'm a Christian.
My family lives down the street
and my father won't talk to me.
I didn't think that
christianity could be so...
Okay, this is North America.
Put it where it
belongs on the map.
Sorry, I'm late.
Jail ministry went long.
No worries.
- Hey, Brandon.
- Hey, Mr. Hill.
- Ooh, nice.
- Hey calc now, cars later.
- I like the truck.
- Yeah, me too.
17, buyin' my first car.
I remember that.
It's amazing you can get him
to think about anything else.
Yeah, I guess.
How's Jackson doin'?
He's comin' out of
his shell a little bit.
He relaxes around
Shannon, so that's good.
Yeah. That is good.
How about Taylor?
She's been at the church
for like six months
and I just realized that
I don't know anything about her.
I guess it's my fault.
No, don't beat yourself up.
She keeps to herself.
Usually works nights so she can
be with Jackson during the day.
Didn't know that.
Still it's my job
to let people know
they have a home at St. Jude's.
Alright, everyone.
Let's get our bibles out
and get ready
for some reading time.
Yeah, guys. Let's get to work.
Today is, drum roll please.
We're talkin' about Noah.
Open your bibles
to Genesis seven.
That's really good, Shannon.
Okay, let's talk about
what we just heard.
It's about to get really wet.
Well, I think there's more
to this story than just rain.
How do you think
people reacted to Noah
when he suddenly started
to build a big boat?
They probably thought
he was nuts.
I think you may be right.
And that's the point.
Sometimes trusting god means
believing and doing things
that the world won't understand,
but we know that god honors
our obedience to him.
I'm Ms. Dowd
with social services.
I'm here to review your
homeschooling environment.
Uh, no one called
to let me know.
We've switched
to unannounced visitations.
May I come in?
Good afternoon, children.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I'm Ms. Dowd.
Since you don't have
a board-certified instructor
I'm here to make sure you
aren't missing anything.
Is Ms. Short for miss or missus?
It's not short for anything.
- It's complete by itself.
- Oh, she meant no disrespect.
She's just asking
if you're single or married
so she might address
you properly.
I identify as self-partnered.
Might I ask what
subject we're studying?
It's a combined unit
of reading and theology.
- And you are?
- Oh.
I'm reverend David hill
from St. Jude's.
Our church, uh, helped
found the co-op.
My interest is
only with the parents
and with the children.
And the lesson
plan is "the Bible."
Well for theology,
I'd be hard-pressed
to find a more appropriate book.
Why don't you continue
as if I'm not even here?
Wanna pick up where
we left off, Shannon?
"You are to bring into the ark
two of all living creatures
male and female to keep
them alive with you."
"Noah did everything
as god commanded him."
So the takeaway,
they're teachable moment
from the Noah myth
is obey god or die?
I mean, that's one way
to look at it.
And the animals,
what exactly was the sin
that required their destruction?
These are my recommendations
to the state.
That's not up to me.
I heard you pullin' up.
- Long day, huh?
- Very. How was Jackson?
You know I love your boy
like he's my own,
but he needs help, Taylor.
- Mommy.
- It's okay, honey. I'm here.
- You came back.
- Of course.
Mommy always comes back.
I was just at work.
What if you had to go to
heaven to be with daddy?
Oh, honey,
that's not gonna happen.
The country is just
now beginning to realize
that unity means
winning under our terms.
Frankly, everybody's
tired of this stalemate.
The very idea of unity
in this country
we've now considered
to be a myth.
Everybody's ready to move
on from this gridlock
which is why my staff and I
have drafted new legislation.
Legislation that's
gonna guarantee
that every child in this country
gets the kind of education
that they deserve.
Now mind you,
we're gonna get this done
with or without the help of our
friends from across the aisle.
We know what
the American people need.
They need progress
and we're gonna give it to 'em.
Thank you.
Remember the visit we got from
social services the other day
and we thought it wasn't
gonna be a big deal?
- Yeah?
- It is a big deal.
I know, Mike.
Phone's been ringin'
off the hook here.
Look, I'll come by later, okay?
We'll figure this out together.
Oh, hey you two.
I'm here to pick
up those study guides
for seminary school,
but we can come back
if this is a bad time.
No, no, no, no, no.
Please come on in, have a seat.
- Meredith, can you find those?
- Yeah.
Martin, you're gonna
be a great pastor.
What's the latest on
the homeschooling co-op?
Well, every family in the co-op
has just received
a court summons.
- How is that possible?
- I don't know.
I always thought
the law gave parents
the freedom to homeschool
as they see fit.
Growing up, we always
heard that in america
you could say
whatever you please,
wear whatever you like
and worship whomever you will.
And that's still true, ayisha.
This is just a misunderstanding,
it has to be.
Yes, the supreme court said
we can worship god
according to the dictates
of our own conscience.
It's how the court
defines Liberty.
How do you know so much
about the constitution?
I studied for the civics
test to get my citizenship.
American history is
a hobby for me now.
The constitution is
an amazing document.
Yup, I suppose it is.
Uh, hi, excuse me.
Are you selling your car?
Sure am. You buyin'?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Uh, well, maybe.
- I'm Brandon.
- Kayla.
So, like what you see?
The car.
Yes. Yeah. She's very beautiful.
- It's beautiful. The... the car.
- Uh-huh.
I was talkin' about. This is
just a temporary right now.
May I ask why you're selling it?
I start college in the fall.
It's too expensive
to have a car on campus.
Totally, college. Yeah.
Well, it'd be great if I could,
uh, get some pictures.
Uh, yeah. Brandon.
- Kayla.
- Yeah. I already asked you.
It all seems so extreme.
Dave, I want you to know
that we will not
be cooperating at all, 'Kay?
Not giving in is more like it.
Yeah, I've spoken to the board.
We could certainly
adjust the curriculum
to be more accommodating.
Don't you mean
compromise the curriculum?
We already told them
we're not conforming.
Religion has been removed
from our schools.
They're teaching kids
that they don't need god.
Their faith is irrelevant to
their personal choices, Dave.
I hear you.
I mean these are some of the
reasons we started the co-op
in the first place. It's just...
I need you to understand
what you're getting
yourself into
when you fight city hall.
Church really should've
moved off-campus
50 years ago when...
Court costs, attorney fees.
Communities become divided.
A beacon of violence
and controversy
and it has no place here
at Hadley university campus.
It's a time-consuming
draining experience
that rarely ends
the way that you had hoped.
We understand.
Lemme know if there's
anything else I can do.
Sorry I couldn't
be of more help.
During our observed instruction,
a number of
deficiencies were noted.
These include one, lack of
instructional effectiveness.
Two, an environment inferior
to a group-learning experience.
Three, the parents' inability
to cover all intellectual areas.
And four, the absence
of sufficient equipment
especially in the sciences.
We are concerned
that these children
may not acquire
the essential skills
for good citizenship
and for their learning.
Has there been some attempt
at upgrading the curriculum?
There has, your honor.
But the parents
in the St. Jude co-op
have refused to conform
their curriculum
with district norms.
- Is this true?
- Yes, your honor.
But you need to understand...
A simple yes or no
would answer the question.
If you say yes,
that's a problem.
Does the district
have a recommendation?
We recommend
the children be returned
to an accredited learning
program immediately.
Your honor,
the district is complaining
about the lack of socialization.
But our children are
being denied the chance
to participate in any kind of
extracurricular activities.
State law is clear.
Homeschoolers have no right
to exploit
extracurricular activities
at a school they don't
see fit to attend.
It's an either/or
situation, Mr. McKinnon.
The children in your co-op
cannot ask for dessert
without eating
their dinner first.
Their parents pay
taxes though, right?
- Excuse me?
- I mean their property taxes.
That would cover the dessert
and the dinner too, correct?
And you are?
Reverend David hill, your honor.
It was our church
that organized the co-op.
I remember you well, pastor.
I do not pretend to be
an educational professional
and I also note however
that neither are any of you.
This case could
take years to settle
and your children simply
can't wait that long.
In the interim,
I am going to sign an order
giving you 10 days
to either conform
to the district
supervisor's recommendation
or enroll your children
in accredited schools.
And if we refuse?
Parents have the freedom
to raise their children
in line with their moral
and religious beliefs.
Your children, however, enjoy
the right to an education.
Your freedoms as parents
do not supersede
your children's rights.
Your beliefs do not exempt
you from the law, Mr. McKinnon.
Therefore, if your children
do not show up at school
a week from Monday,
you will be fined $1,000 a day
for the first two weeks.
Thereafter, you will be
charged with contempt of court,
meaning you will be
During which time,
the court will appoint
temporary custody
of your children
to someone who will abide
by the court's decision.
Perhaps the good reverend
can explain further
the ramifications of contempt
in this courtroom.
So ordered.
Just tell me, lord.
Is my family's
isolation the price
that you're asking me to pay?
Of course, they'll abide by your
will, whatever that may be.
If there's any other way,
just please show me.
I'll do anything...
If I could just see
my family again.
Uh, excuse me, pastor hill?
I told you,
you can just call me David.
- Oh, right.
- Hey, you know what?
Maybe you can help me
with this sermon.
- Certainly, pastor David.
- Ah!
- Okay.
- What's the topic?
Topic is "what does
faith look like?"
It's so hard to nail it down.
Because it's relative.
In Nigeria, many of the people
that we minister to
are only ever a moment
away from death.
Death from hunger,
disease, bad water.
Villagers walk to church,
many for hours.
They don't say, "oh, I have
to go to church today."
They say, "yes, it's Sunday.
I get to go to church."
In the backcountry,
people don't have money.
They bring carrots, eggs, milk.
It's all they have.
It's their widow's mite.
They're happy to give
the lord thanks
for one more week of life.
So, when somebody puts
a gun on their heads and say,
"denounce Jesus and die,"
they say, "Jesus, I'm coming
home to you."
That's what faith looks like
for those who have nothing,
who are so close
to death every day
and still have that
fire and love for god.
- You humble me, Jude.
- No.
We all have our cross to bear.
America is a country so blessed
with prosperity,
it only makes sense that much
will be asked of her in return.
To whom much is given,
much will be required.
Much will be required.
I miss you, old friend.
Ah, St. Jude's church.
Yeah, this is he.
Oh, okay.
Wait, what?
Who is this again?
I don't have the money
to pay for those kinds of fines.
- None of us do.
- Well that's it.
We're gonna enroll our kids
into oakwood on Monday.
Look at this.
You know the Andersons, right?
Okay, all their
kids go to oakwood.
Matty Anderson brought
that home from school.
This is an advertisement
for birth control.
Yeah. They passed
it out in class.
Matty's in the second grade.
He's 7.
How long 'til
they bring that here?
I mean we're not
subjecting Shannon to that
and none of you should have to.
No, you shouldn't...
Which is why
I think we should fight this.
We need to.
With all due respect, Dave,
you're not the one
on the hook for fines.
Not to mention,
the contempt of court.
The church will stand
with you on this.
We'll organize a plan
and help with any
court costs
and attorney fees if need be.
Dave, the church doesn't
have those kinds of funds.
We have eight days
to figure it out
and I... I will personally
cover the cost of any fines
if we have to.
David, unless you
won the lottery,
there's no way you'll be
able to pay for all this.
Unless you're betting,
you won't have to.
I have faith
that I won't have to.
And if I do,
I'll deal with it then.
This is important.
Why the change of heart?
An old friend reminded me that
our freedoms came with a price.
China banned homeschooling
because homeschool
students are not exposed
to state-sponsored
If any parents chooses
to homeschool,
they must do so underground
and at great risk.
Once a freedom is taken away...
It is very difficult
to get it back.
And to that end,
I think we might
have a little help.
Earlier, I got a phone
call from Daryl Smith.
- A congressman from Texas.
- Congressman?
Mr. Smith told me congress
is meeting next week
and they're having
hearings on education.
They asked if any of us
would go to Washington
and describe our situation.
Washington, DC?
Washington, DC.
Hey, son, make sure
to help grandma.
It's only gonna be a
couple of nights. Promise.
Yeah, sure.
Hey so dad, I know with
everything going on,
money might be tight
especially if you guys have
to pay fines.
Everything's gonna be fine.
We're gonna work this out.
What's this?
Well, just in case. I want you
to take the money for the car.
It's not gonna kill me to ride
a bike a little while longer.
You're gonna make me
cry now, okay? No.
Me and your mother are gonna
work this thing out, I promise.
But you know, I want you
to know somethin', okay?
I couldn't be any more proud
than I am of you right now, son.
- I love you, man.
- Yeah, I love you.
Alright, don't cry. Don't cry.
Be good for grandma,
do whatever she says
and no arguing
over bedtime, okay?
Mom, really?
I got this.
Too big to give your mom a hug?
You guys heard from Taylor?
- We need to get goin'.
- There she is.
- I hope I haven't made us late.
- What's wrong, honey?
- Is it Jackson?
- He's with miss Meredith.
Okay. It's worth it, right?
Our kids?
'Course it is. Taylor,
what's the matter?
We should go.
We can't miss our plane.
I really appreciate you comin'
along and keepin' me company.
Did you know that two presidents
kept alligators
at the white house?
It's just sometimes
I feel a little out of place
being the only
non-parent in the group.
- No way.
- I know, it's silly, but...
There's a statue
of Darth Vader's head
on top of
the national cathedral.
- What?
- What?
Thanks for letting me come
along. It means a lot to me.
Ah, don't mention it.
Hey, what do you think
of this car?
That's freedom right there.
It's a chance to hang
with people my own age.
What car? I see some girl.
And, oh wait, there it is.
- Are those the wheels?
- You're so funny. Yeah.
But what do you know?
You're just a fifth grader.
I know mom and dad would be mad
if you waste your money
on the wrong car.
What? It's a great car.
- Yeah.
- All in one piece.
Okay, got it.
Thanks for this.
I know you're gonna be
very happy with the car.
No, um, thank you.
I can finally give
the bike to my sister
and travel in style.
So, um, can I, uh...
Ask you a question?
- Okay.
- I just gotta be real with you.
I mean this is
my first car and all.
I look a little
older than my age.
You know,
it's a big step of my life
and well I was just
kinda wondering...
If it's a good car?
It's actually an awesome car.
I'd take her with me if I could.
That's great.
Yeah, that's, um,
really good to know.
Well, so, um, I guess you'll be
leaving for state in the fall.
Yeah, last little hurrah
before I have to start adulting.
Yeah. Well, um, I was just...
I was thinking.
Hey, sorry. This is my mom.
- I kinda have to take it.
- Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Hey, mom.
Um, yeah, I'm here with
the boy who bought my car.
It's fine.
I can fend for myself.
Yeah, I'll just throw something
in the microwave I guess.
Yeah. Okay, mom. Got it.
Hi, baba, it's me.
I just wanted to call
to tell you that
I love you and I miss you.
I really wish that
you would talk to me.
Please call me.
It's still early.
You guys wanna grab a bite?
How about touring the city?
Guys, I don't think Taylor's
gonna wanna do any sightseeing.
On the flight over here,
she told us that she was
released from her job.
I guess she's been takin' too
much time off
and the trip to DC
certainly didn't help.
Mike, you, uh,
you mind checkin' us in?
I wanna go see
if she needs anything.
Martin, you always
wanted to be a pastor.
C'mon, this is
what it looks like.
Taylor, um, I'm so sorry
to hear about your job.
Thanks. I can get another one.
This one just worked
'cause I could be
with Jackson during the day.
Is there somethin' else?
I'm fine. Really.
You guys don't have to sit here
and hold my hand.
I'm your pastor, Taylor.
We're here for you.
You guys, it's...
Look, if you don't wanna
talk about it, that's okay.
But sometimes it's better
if you do.
Everyone is feeling
the stress, I think.
Yeah, Shannon said last night
she doesn't
want her parents going to jail.
Children shouldn't have to worry
about things like that.
I know, she even asked to sleep
in our bed.
I mean, she hasn't
done that in years.
Jackson hasn't slept
without me in over a year.
My husband left for
an air force training mission
and that was the last time
we saw him.
Equipment malfunction.
But I've worked for
the government long enough
to read between the lines.
How he died isn't
important anyway
because I know why he did.
It's just...
Jackson isn't dealing
with it very well, you know?
We moved to hope Springs
in the fall for a fresh start.
- It's where my mom grew up.
- I'm so sorry, Taylor.
I didn't know.
You guys, the church,
the co-op...
You've all been lifesavers.
I don't know what my son
and I would do without you.
Jackson wouldn't last 10 minutes
in a public school.
They'd classify him
as special education
and label him
emotionally disturbed.
They'd give him
an individual education plan
which might not even
challenge him at all
until eventually Jackson
becomes the label
the state pins on him
and why his father died
I feel like would
all be for nothing.
Defending our freedoms.
I feel like
such a fool. I had no idea.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I
assumed that she was divorced.
I mean, but would it
have mattered if she was?
We failed her, Mike,
as christians, as just
decent human beings.
What's wrong with you?
Nothin', I got a date.
"Four score and seven years ago,"
our fathers brought forth on
this continent a new nation...
Conceived in Liberty
and dedicated
"to the proposition that all men
are created equal."
"Now we are engaged
in a great civil war"
testing whether that
nation or any nation
"so conceived and so dedicated
could long endure."
"It is for us the living,
rather, to be dedicated
here to the unfinished work
which they have fought here."
"That from these honored dead,"
we take increased devotion
to that cause
"for which they gave the last
full measure of devotion."
"That we here highly resolve
that these dead"
shall not have died in vain,
that this nation under god
"shall have a new birth
of freedom."
"And that government
of the people,"
by the people, for the people
"shall not perish
from the earth."
I guess I just assumed
that you went to oakwood.
No, um...
No, my sister and I have been
homeschooled since the start.
What's that like?
Well, uh, the lunches
are better.
Don't need a hall pass
to go to the bathroom.
Uh, teachers don't have
No, there's no pressure
to be popular, I guess.
No bullies, no school lockdowns.
But I don't know,
I guess the best part is I just
get to be myself, you know?
My thoughts are my own,
not what I memorized.
Yeah, I learn stuff
and make it matter to me.
- Wow.
- I mean, it's not all that.
I don't get to do
you know, this.
No school sports,
no homecoming, no prom.
I really don't get to meet
a lot of people outside church,
so you know.
You're not really missing much.
Nobody goes
to the homecoming dances
'cause everyone
thinks they're lame.
Still, uh, prom sounds cool.
Get to wear like a tux and all.
So what about you? What are
your plans after college?
- Pre-law.
- Okay.
It's kind of a family tradition.
I've been holding mock trials
with my mom since I was a kid.
Your honor, the plaintiff
petitions the court
for an increase
in weekly allowance
and suspended bedtime
during the summer months.
- How'd that work out?
- You win some, you lose some.
No, but my mom's fair.
She knows her stuff.
Speaking of which,
I should probably go.
It's getting late
and my mom tends to worry.
Um, can I give you a ride?
The pillars represent
the states and territories
that sent men and women
to serve under the us flag
during world war ii.
See how they're linked
with that rope?
It symbolizes
the country's unified effort.
The freedom wall bears a field
of 4,000 golden stars,
each of which stands for
100 American military deaths
in the war.
"Here we Mark
the price of freedom."
You didn't
have to walk me to the door.
No, it's cool.
I, um... I wanted to.
Such a gentleman.
Thank you for bringing
that earring back.
My mother would've killed me.
Belonged to my grandmother.
Oh, man. Ah, my grandma.
She's staying with us while
my parents are out of town.
I totally forgot. I'm...
I'm so sorry. I really gotta go.
I, I mean like you know,
she's not babysitting me
or anything.
I'm... I'm way old enough
for that.
It's, uh, it's my sister.
I will see you later.
I will call you. Yeah.
Maybe I shouldn't,
but I feel confident.
I need to go over these
homeschool statistics.
So much to learn.
The Washington monument
is 55 feet at the base
and 555 feet high.
At the very top,
there's an aluminum cap
where there's
an inscription, "laus deo."
Two words, seven letters
overlooking the most
powerful city in the world.
It means praise be to god.
I thought maybe
you needed to hear that.
I, uh, I need to take this.
I'll see you at the hotel.
Thank you, Martin.
Oh, hi.
Jimmy's pizza.
Uh, no, but I'm sure
I can find it.
Reverend hill.
Ah! Congressman Smith.
Hey, glad to see you
made it safe and sound.
Thanks for coming.
Thank you.
Thank you, Jimmy.
I just wanna make
sure you understand
what you're fighting here.
I was able to do some fact
finding on St. Jude's co-op
before I left home
and I think the commission's
gonna be pleased
on how well our students
do on standardized tests.
Yeah, well right now
there's an effort on the way
demanding universal
educational guidelines.
- Sounds reasonable.
- Oh, it's meant to.
But make no mistake,
those guidelines
are increasingly at odds
with the Christian worldview.
There won't be any opt-out
for homeschoolers.
Homeschooling is like
a weed to these folks
and they just wanna yank it out.
- But why?
- Why?
In the common core agenda...
Oh, excuse me, curriculum,
everything's relative.
And I mean everything
from kindergarten on.
Even basic facts are
seen as subjective.
Common core deliberately
creates the illusion
there's no such thing as truth.
Because if truth doesn't exist,
then there's no moral absolutes.
And by middle school,
there's a discernible
political agenda
behind the classroom
reading lessons.
Ask your average millennial
about our founding fathers
and they'll tell you that
they were all a bunch of old
and rich oppressive
slave owners.
That perspective
came from somewhere.
But weren't they?
Most of 'em were just kids.
Edward Rutledge
and Thomas lynch,
both were just 26 years old
when they signed
the declaration of independence.
And Thomas Jefferson
was the ripe-old age of 33,
when he helped write it.
And, as far as owning slaves,
some did...
But many did not.
But they all get tarred
with the same brush.
But why, to what end?
If you discredit them,
then you discredit
what they gave us.
Instead of the people
havin' their natural rights
derived from god,
we can convince
the students that...
We only have those rights,
which the government
allows us...
Replacing our liberties
with control.
Gotta admit the pizza
isn't sitting well with me.
Oh, it's me. I'm heavy.
It's a lot to digest, man.
Jimmy, this was
fantastic as usual.
Thank you so much. No, no, no.
Your money's no good here.
It's no good here.
Thank you congressman Smith,
for everything you're tryin'
to do for us.
Yeah, absolutely.
And, uh, just so you know,
I think we caught a break
for tomorrow.
Oh, yeah? How?
Congressman Jason Abercrombie,
the sitting chair
on the committee.
- Is he on our side?
- He's smart and he is fair.
That's as much
as we can ask for.
It'll have to do.
Believe me, it could've
gone a lot worse.
Kayla, have you
found grammy's earring?
Brandon brought it to me.
Who's Brandon?
I want this over quickly,
- There's real work to be done.
- Baby steps, Murray.
We win incrementally and stay
on the right side of history.
I know we can count on you.
- Yeah, I'm a team player.
- Good.
- Morning, Denise.
- Smith.
Shame about Abercrombie.
So sudden.
Heart attack.
Oh, he was a dinosaur.
Time for the old centrist
to be put out to pasture.
Well, who's, uh, who's sitting
chair in his place?
Lots of surprises
for you today, Smith.
My deepest condolences, sir.
Jason, Jason was a friend
to us all.
I'm sure his family
will be pleased to hear.
Thoughts and prayers, sir.
Thoughts and prayers.
I would like to call
this hearing
of the house subcommittee
on elementary
and secondary education
to order.
At this time, I wish to thank
both members and their staff
for their participation.
Would the first witness
state her name and position?
Donna Chesney, United States
secretary of education.
Ms. Chesney, we're in
receipt of your report.
Would you care to summarize
your findings on the practice
generally known
as homeschooling?
Ah, yes, Mr. Chairman.
Our department
considers homeschooling
an unusual, unnecessary
and borderline antisocial
And your further
recommendations are?
It's in the state's opinion,
we should be following
Europe's lead.
A number of European countries
have already outlawed
Germany, Spain, the Netherlands
and that's just to name a few.
And in places
where it is allowed like Sweden,
it's tightly regulated
and closely monitored.
Thank you for your
expert testimony.
Did you get any sleep?
Ah, none. You?
Good morning. Daryl Smith.
Mrs. Hays.
- Mrs. McKinnon.
- Hi.
- Mike McKinnon.
- Yes, sir.
Reverend, I trust
that Jimmy's pizza
didn't give you nightmares.
Ah, that's not what
kept me up last night.
I can't thank you all
enough for makin' the trip,
especially since I know
how difficult things are
for you at home.
We felt that we didn't
have much of a choice really.
That's just it, you did.
As believers, we've abandoned
the mountain
of politics for far too long.
We've decided that it's just
too dangerous of an arena
for christians
to be walking into.
So, we just left it to anyone
who wanted to go there
for their own selfish
and worldly reasons
and hope that everything
will work out fine.
Only it didn't,
and now we're in a mess.
What's happening in there?
They're still running testimony
for the other side.
They should be finished
in about a half hour...
And then it's your turn.
If god is for us,
who can be against us?
What? Around here?
Just about everyone else.
Now, maybe I've been
in Washington, DC too long.
You guys relax. I'll come and
get you later, okay?
Thank you.
What color corsage do I get?
Depends on what color dress
she's wearing.
Well, how am I
supposed to know that?
It's kind of like a coral.
- Coral?
- I got you.
Everything okay
with your grandmother?
Huh? Oh, yeah.
I'm... I'm so sorry about that.
My, uh, my parents are in
- As in DC?
- Yeah.
They're actually, uh, testifying
at a congressional
subcommittee on homeschooling.
Wow. I bet they must be pumped.
No, no, no, no, not really.
They actually had to go
because a judge here in town
threatened to fine them
if they didn't
send us to public school.
Does that look good with coral?
- Yes.
- A judge in hope Springs?
- Which one?
- Uh, I don't know.
Some, uh, some family judge.
Hey, I gotta run.
Okay, I'll, I'll call you later.
Strange place to cram
for a test, reverend.
Yeah, this is not
really my thing.
I'm afraid I'm gonna
make things worse
for everyone out there.
Matthew 10:19,
"do not worry about
what you will say."
"At that time, you will
be given what to say."
"For it will not
be you speaking,
but the spirit of your father,
speaking through you."
There's been a development.
We have a... new chairman,
a Robert Benson.
I'm guessing he's not
as friendly as Abercrombie.
and the direction out there,
the narrative is going
to change considerably.
They are going to insist
that religious beliefs
are antirational,
antiscience and antisocial.
Show them that religious beliefs
are supported through
rational thought
with a basis under
us law and tradition.
I think I have a card for that.
And also,
I need you to make them
that if they insist on
trampling believers' rights,
well, sir, they are
in for a fight.
You got this.
Mr. Willoughby, you have
a strong attachment to the idea
of developing a nationalized
curriculum, do you not?
Yes, because it's in the
best interest of our children.
I'm just concerned that
we're working awfully hard here
to violate one of our
own existing laws,
the elementary and secondary
education act of 1965,
which prevents us
from nationalizing
any school curriculum.
I mean, we passed the law,
that said we wouldn't do that.
We've achieved a way
to avoid violating
the spirit of that law
with common core.
We merely propose the guidelines
and the states adopt
the measures on their own.
On their own without any
pressure from the government.
None whatsoever.
Mr. Willoughby, if you
succeed in gaining approval
for your curriculum,
would parents be able to opt out
or be allowed to opt out
of their program?
I'd encourage the states
to require
full participation...
Without exception.
But what gives them
the right to do that?
Well, once we determine
what every child needs to know,
it becomes imperative
that every child know it.
After all...
The children belong
to all of us.
Interesting perspective.
There are parents
waiting in the wings,
waiting to testify,
that their children in fact
belong to them...
And not to all of us.
But thank you for your candor.
They're ready for you.
Okay, come on.
Would the witnesses
state their names
for the record?
Yes, sir.
Michael and Rebecca McKinnon.
Taylor hays, your honor.
Well, this is not
a courtroom, Ms. Hays,
and I most certainly
am not a judge.
Please refer to me
as Mr. Chairman.
And I'm David hill.
Reverend David hill.
Yes, sir, the preacher.
We'd like to thank the
subcommittee for having us,
um, well now that,
who we all are has been
Mr. Chairman, my husband
and I have our two children
in the St. Jude
homeschooling co-op
and they continue to perform
better on standardized testing,
than their public
and private school peers.
Givin' us a good
reason to believe
that we're doing
somethin' right.
Well, I should begin
by letting you know
that we've had a series
of experts pass through here,
all of them assuring us
that we have nothing to fear
from a standardized education.
With all due respect, um,
in this particular case,
we believe that the
experts are wrong.
Lemme give you an example.
So, in our district,
they teach a revisionist
version of history,
which is both progressive and
antifaith in equal measure.
And, so if our children are
forced onto
its common core track,
they will never learn about
the faith based underpinnings
of the us constitution
or its bill of rights.
They'll never hear about
George Washington's plea
for the blessing of almighty god
at his inauguration.
They're not taught
anything that reflects
positively on america's
Christian heritage,
despite the fact
that america's history
and its faith traditions
are so deeply intertwined.
Well, that is not
what our experts
have testified to here today.
What about Thanksgiving?
- Excuse me?
- Thanksgiving.
You know, pilgrims, turkeys,
native Americans...
- I'm familiar with the holiday.
- Well, sure you are.
I mean, from kindergarten
onward, every child
learns about it,
but, well, what do they learn?
This is the nea's own statement
regarding Thanksgiving.
"The national education
believes that Thanksgiving
is the recognition of unity
and the rich American diversity
that was embodied in the
settlement of america."
Well, that sounds
completely reasonable.
Well, that would've
come as a big surprise
to the pilgrims
that were actually there.
They came together to thank
god for the bountiful harvest.
Now, the native Americans
were fellow guests.
Yes, absolutely.
But god was the reason
for the feast.
And to indicate
that the purpose of
the first Thanksgiving was
primarily a multicultural event
is a fabrication.
And if we don't teach
the common core myth,
then social services and a...
A judge in hope Springs
has decided that
we risk going
to jail for contempt.
It's your babysitter.
She said it's urgent.
Thank you.
Hello, Meredith?
Taylor, Jackson's not hurt.
It's just he's been
cryin' all day.
And, now, he's refusing to eat.
I thought maybe you
would talk to him.
Of course. Can you put him
on the phone please?
It's your mama, Jackson.
Hi, honey, are you
having a bad day?
Are you coming back?
Yes, sweetheart.
Mommy always comes back.
I'll be home as soon as I can.
Hey, did you know that this
is where the president lives?
Come back. Don't go to
heaven. Stay with me.
Mommy always comes back.
You'll feel better
if you eat your lunch.
Please eat something, honey.
Love you, sweetheart.
Jackson, let's go get
something to eat, okay?
2 P.M.?
Where is ayisha moradi?
Relation to the patient?
I'm her father.
She'll be in 302.
You know that, don't you,
that I love you?
Yes, father.
He's the one god
who is not begotten.
I command you to say it.
I'm sorry.
You see, my concern is
that our children
will not live up to
their full potential
by being subject
to a faith based education
which is antirational
and antiscience.
May I say something?
That's why you're here,
Ms. Hays.
Belief in the Bible
isn't antiscience.
What is your occupation?
It says here you're an assistant
manager in a restaurant.
Recently unemployed.
What else do your notes say?
Well, there doesn't really
appear to be too much here.
Let me fill in
the blanks for you.
I'm a widow.
After my husband passed away,
I took a less demanding job,
to spend more time with our son.
You have my condolences.
But before he died,
I completed an advanced degree
in aerospace engineering
and worked as a systems
engineer in Houston
at the national aeronautics
and space administration.
NASA has a long history
with men and women of faith.
Do you know what the first
food and beverage
ever consumed on the surface
of the moon was?
I have no idea. Tang, I suppose.
Consecrated bread and wine.
It happened when astronaut
buzz aldrin took holy communion
just after setting down
the lunar module
in the sea of tranquility.
You see, aldrin was an elder
at Webster presbyterian church
and he got special permission
to take the bread
and wine with him
and give himself communion.
A few months earlier
on Christmas Eve,
the crew of Apollo 8 read
from the book of Genesis
while they orbited the moon.
An Israeli astronaut ilan Ramon
recited the Jewish
shabbat kiddush
and Russian cosmonaut
sergey ryzhikov...
What is your point, Ms. Hays?
There's a common misconception
of homeschool parents,
particularly those of faith,
that we're some kind
of flat earthers.
My 7-year-old knows
that the earth is round
and that the sunrise
is an illusion
caused by the earth's rotation.
And when tested in physics
or chemistry
about the rate of acceleration
of a falling object
or the atomic mass of cesium,
acceptable answers
do not include Jesus
or whatever god wants it to be.
And lastly,
my husband was a United States
air force pilot
who fought for our freedoms
and died in service
to this country.
So, if it's all the same to you,
I would prefer you
call me Mrs. Hays
out of respect of my marriage
and to my husband's memory.
Your nation thanks your husband
for his service
and you and your family
for your sacrifice.
I'm afraid that's all the time
we have here today.
This hearing is now adjourned
till tomorrow morning.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
No, I just got home.
Hold on.
The parents of St. Jude co-op
are only asking social services
and judge neely
to allow us to supervise
the education of our children
as best as we know how.
And they continue to perform
higher on standardized tests
than their public
and private school peers.
I'll call you back.
She has no bone fractures,
no internal injuries
or bleeding.
Then, why won't she wake up?
Head trauma.
But she's young
and in good health.
I'm hopeful
she'll recover without
any serious repercussions.
Are you a religious man,
Mr. Moradi?
Yes, of course.
Why do you ask?
I thought you might
be comforted in prayer.
It can't hurt.
May I be excused?
You have something to say,
say it.
Okay, it's kinda weird to find
out that your mom is the one
who's sending your
friend's parents to jail.
You know I don't
send people to jail.
They put themselves in jail
by refusing to follow the law.
And since when do you
have homeschooled friends?
Since when is
homeschooling illegal?
Watch your tone.
The state has set universal
standards for education.
Homeschoolers can't
pick and choose
the ones that they wanna follow.
But don't they have to take
the same tests that we do?
Who cares what road they take if
we all end up in the same place?
That's just the point.
We don't end up
in the same place
because the roads that they
take are paved with privilege.
Why does every conversation
have to go back to...
Homeschooling is separatist,
elitist and racist, Kayla.
And I didn't raise you
to challenge me this way
in my own home.
Actually, you kinda did.
So where did Martin run off to?
He's off on a fact-finding
with some tourists that he met.
Oh, bless his heart.
He's so happy to be here.
I was too, but,
I'm not so sure now.
I just have no idea
how we're doing in there.
Have we heard anything
from congressman Smith?
Not yet.
- We should call the kids.
- Alright.
Excuse us. Let's go in the back.
Food's here.
I'm gonna run down and get it.
Hey, uh...
Maybe it'll help to know that...
We're here for you.
You have a family in St. Jude's.
Where did Smith
dig up a dead soldier's wife?
Benson needs to vet
the witness list better.
And anyone buying
the holy-roller story
that she used to work at NASA?
Hey, someone has to empty out
the garbage cans, am I right?
How much longer do we have
to suffer through this?
I got better places to be.
- Uh, no, you can keep it.
- Thank you.
Reverend hill,
how do you answer the comment
by former us commission
on civil rights
chairman Martin Castro
and here I quote
"the phrases religious
Liberty and religious freedom
will stand for nothing
except hypocrisy,
as long as they
remain code words
for discrimination,
intolerance, racism,
sexism, homophobia, islamophobia
"or any form of intolerance."
I think it says
more about the bias
of the former civil rights
than it does about the
supposed biases of believers.
But surely you recognize
how offensively patriarchal
and sexist the Bible is.
Is that a legitimate question
or is that just your
chance at a soundbite?
Excuse me?
Um, considering the time
when it was written,
the Bible is one of the most
pro-feminist documents
in history, in an era where
women were treated as property
to be bought and sold...
Paul ordered women
to cover up their hair,
to wear a veil in the assembly.
Do you think I need
to wear a veil for you?
Single women in the Roman empire
were required by law,
to unveil their hair,
for the visual pleasure of men.
It would be like today
if we forced a young woman
to dress immodestly
and it was totally exploitative.
To get around that, you either
had to be married or widowed.
So, when Paul told women
to wear a veil in the assembly,
he was adding to the dignity of
women basically saying,
"you are every bit as good
as a married woman or a widow
and you don't have to put
yourself on display,
at least not in here."
I'd like to make an argument.
Um, I'm already late.
It's important.
Five minutes.
In the matter of
the state versus the St. Jude's
homeschooling cooperative.
That case has been decided.
Is the court's decision
not subject to appeal?
- Grounds?
- New evidence.
- Conflicting evidence.
- Four minutes.
Point of clarification.
How is homeschooling
socially selfish
and misaligned with
liberal progressive values?
Because it ignores the needs
of the community at large.
We're divided enough
as it is, Kayla.
We shouldn't be teaching our
children to be suspicious
of public institutions
and civic obligations.
Well, what if Christian
homeschoolers are
more likely to donate
to charities
or be first in line to volunteer
in third world countries?
There's no evidence of that.
Mom, they're literally
Who do you think does most of
the donating and volunteering?
You've always told me that
there's value in dissent
and challenging
prevailing norms.
Isn't that the foundation
for liberal activism?
What about
institutional diversity?
Look, all I'm saying is
shouldn't there be
options for education,
choices for the individual
instead of lumping everyone
together in a single
one-size-fits-all model?
How is that diversity?
The public school system is
there for us as a society.
The people are not there for it.
As soon as it stops
working for the kids,
parents are obligated to leave.
The parents of the
homeschooling co-op
take seriously our duty
to instruct our children,
to teach them, to educate them,
to decide what is best for them.
It's really, it's a natural
extension of our beliefs.
Beliefs that I consider
to be divisive and intolerant.
Only because
you label intolerant
anyone who you don't agree with.
And you label divisive as anyone
who doesn't agree with you.
The gospels describe Jesus'
teaching his followers
to forgive each other...
To love their enemies...
Show generosity to those in need
and embrace those outside
their ethnic circles.
Would you call that divisive?
Christ commanded his followers
to advance his message
with the irresistible force of
love and the power of truth.
Would you call that intolerant?
No one has a monopoly
on the truth, Mr. Hill.
Not even you.
No, but if god exists,
then he has the monopoly on it
and we hold that he does
exist and has spoken.
Your truth, sir, not mine.
Except that's not
the way that truth works.
Truth is truth
for everyone and everywhere.
Even if over time,
it loses its popularity
or becomes
politically incorrect.
That's what the parents
of these children understand
that in a society where
suddenly everything is relative,
truth is absolute,
a transcendent thing
not of this world.
Something that they
have no power to change.
America was founded
on these principles.
And if we just
throw them away...
I think we're done here.
I would like to thank
the witnesses for their input.
They're free to go. This hearing
is now adjourned for one hour.
After which,
we will vote on this issue.
Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, you haven't
ruled on our situation.
I'm sorry, sir,
that you have misunderstood
the purpose of this hearing.
Thank you.
Wait, what does he mean
the purpose of this hearing?
I'm not sure. I mean is any of
this going to matter?
It has to.
I mean even when it turns out
we're still under a court order
and facing all kinds of
fines when we get home?
Are you sure?
I see.
Have a safe flight.
Is mommy coming home?
Mommy's comin' home.
I'm impressed. Mr. Hill.
You really should've had
yourself a career in politics.
I'll pass.
Do you really think
anything you said in there
is gonna have any effect
on what we do?
You see, we do these things
because we're supposed to.
Because supposedly
somebody's watching.
But other than
a few c-span junkies,
is anybody really
paying attention?
Don't you get it?
We've already decided
what we're gonna do.
Or you wouldn't be having these
hearings in the first place.
Look, I understand
your position.
You feel that you're makin' a
last-ditch stand for your faith
and you've chosen this as a hill
that you're willing to die on.
Our whole faith started
because one man
chose a hill
he was willing to die on.
Yes, but that
was a long time ago.
And now nobody really cares.
Let's face it.
Your god, your book,
they're in the way.
They're in the way
of moral relativism.
They're in the way of calling
good evil and evil good.
What did you plan
to accomplish here today?
To defend the rights of parents,
to educate their
children as they see fit.
And to make congress promise
that they will never
threaten those rights again.
- Yes.
- Sir, that is not gonna happen.
In a few minutes,
we're gonna go back in there,
we're gonna take
a quick straw vote,
which is gonna find in favor
of the experts' recommendations.
And, then we're gonna
push this through,
just like we planned.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
I'd be careful about goin'
to war against god's church.
Scripture promises
the gates of hell
will not prevail against him.
This is not hell, Mr. Hill.
- This is Washington.
- Close enough.
For 2,000 years, men have tried
to get rid of christianity.
Diocletian, Napoleon,
Stalin, mao zedong.
What makes you think
that you can accomplish
what they couldn't?
They didn't have
an 83 percent approval rating.
I really thought the lord
had intervened on our behalf.
Before you say anything else,
I wanna show you all something.
Follow me.
You want to talk?
Let's talk!
Did you say something?
I can't hear you.
They say you're a man,
then come down
and face me like one.
You're more than a man, no?
You see all.
You know all.
Then tell me, son of god,
why did you take ayisha from me?
She's my daughter.
Are you punishing her?
Did she displease you?
Are you punishing me?
I beg of you,
she must have blood.
Take mine instead.
Let ayisha live.
I'll do anything.
Everybody knows her big sister,
lady Liberty who stands
in New York harbor.
But this one?
She's my girl.
She's a replica.
Do you know her story?
The bronze was cast in 1861
outside of Washington.
Her name is freedom.
And in one of those ironies
that god seems to delight in,
Philip Reid, the foundry foreman
in charge
of casting her was a slave.
A gifted artisan,
but a slave nonetheless.
But by the time the capitol dome
was ready to receive her
in 1863,
the emancipation proclamation
was in full effect.
Meaning that Philip Reid,
most likely stood
outside of this building
and watched her go aloft
as a free man.
And all the hands that
strained at the hoisting ropes,
all belonged to former slaves.
In my mind,
any country that can do that,
is worth fighting for.
For that is exactly
what we need to do.
Keep fighting.
You at home and me...
Right here.
They're gonna be
taking the vote soon.
Uh, I need to get back in and
prepare my closing statements.
They only gave me five minutes,
but I'll take it.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
My pleasure.
You all did wonderful.
Thanks, Martin.
And it felt like the fight
was rigged though.
Founding fathers didn't account
for the likes of
chairman Benson.
Governor Morris was a
founding father and he wrote,
"religion is the only
solid basis of good morals."
"Therefore, education should
teach the precepts of religion
and the duties of
man towards god."
Those days are past.
Mr. Morris didn't
stand the test of time.
But he did.
Maybe this other thing he wrote,
will be more familiar to you.
"We the people of
the United States
in order to form
a more perfect union..."
"Establish justice."
"Ensure domestic tranquility."
"Provide for the common defense
and promote general welfare."
"And secure the blessings
of Liberty."
- Liberty.
- Liberty.
"Do ordain and establish
this constitution."
"For the
United States of America."
I'm sorry, I...
I saw you all inside, but I...
We're the other 75 percent.
Three quarters of parents
who homeschool
for other than primarily
religious reasons.
Three quarters,
I mean I thought that...
That's what most people think
that at all homeschools are
conservative christians.
That's not true.
- Robert Williams from nbhe.
- Nice to meet you.
We homeschool because
most of the schools in my area
are chronically underfunded.
Hmm, not to mention
institutionalized racism.
- Hmm.
- My son has special needs.
Public schools just
aren't equipped.
Medical freedom.
I want to be able to choose
which immunizations
my children receive.
Bullying, violence,
school shootings.
There are many reasons.
Low student-teacher ratio.
Parents can choose the pace
and approach of the classroom.
Yeah, we have time
for community service,
and entrepreneurship.
Not to mention the arts,
outdoor play
and real experiments.
First things public
schools cut to save money.
Our reasons might be different,
but we all want the same thing.
As long as government
overreach goes unchecked,
Liberty is threatened.
- All of ours.
- We can't stop.
We're stronger together.
I am we the people.
We all are.
We all are.
I can't believe
how I missed this.
Wait, where are you goin'?
We got a plane to catch.
I'll be back in five minutes.
My daddy used to fly airplanes.
He wore the same as you.
He's in heaven now.
I see.
You must miss him terribly.
If he could be with you,
he would.
This I know.
How do you know?
Because every father
will always choose
his child over.
I would go to heaven so daddy
could come back for mommy.
No, child.
You mustn't say such a thing.
That is an evil
and pointless wish.
But mommy's always so sad.
That's because she's
forgotten that our lives...
Belong to god.
We must trust
that god knows best.
Do you really think your mom
would be less sad without you?
She loves you.
She needs you.
Time to go home.
Almost your bedtime.
You feel that you're
makin' a last-ditch stand
to protect your faith.
Don't you get it?
We've already decided
what we're gonna do.
"Laus deo,"
it means praise be to god.
America is a country
so blessed with prosperity.
Religion has been removed
from our schools.
"We the people
of the United States."
"And secure
the blessings of Liberty."
- We're stronger together.
- I am we the people.
We all are.
"Don't worry about
what you will say.
At the time, you will
be given what to say."
"For it will not
be you speaking,
but the spirit of your father...
Speaking through you."
Mr. Chairman, I would like to
yield my time to the witness...
Reverend David hill.
That's fine,
but I remind the witness
he's limited to five minutes.
Thank you, congressman Smith,
Mr. Chairman...
For allowing me these
last five minutes.
You ever been on one of
those sightseeing tours
they have here in Washington?
You know the kind where they
take you to see
all the monuments?
Yes, I believe most
of us have visited
the city's major attractions.
Maybe you oughta think
about goin' again.
'Cause those...
How did you put that?
Are here for a reason...
And I almost missed it.
I don't know how because you
can't throw a rock in this city
without hitting a statue
or a monument of some kind.
I mean, every street,
every building in this city,
all the marble and the granite,
the brick
and the stone is tryin'
to tell us somethin'.
They're sayin',
"don't forget about us."
"Don't forget about the,
the battles that we fought
and the price
that we paid for freedom."
"Don't let our
sacrifice be in vain."
You wanna hear something
interesting, Mr. Chairman?
I have three friends that have
a pretty good understanding
of what's at stake here today.
And the funny thing is... is
they're not even from america.
They're from faraway
places like China,
But they get it.
They know what's at stake here.
And maybe in order to understand
how precious and fragile
freedom really is, maybe...
Maybe you have to lose it.
But you already know that.
I mean, all of this, it's...
Oh, it's just a distraction.
And I made it easy
for you, didn't I?
I bet your face just lit up
when you realized
that there was a pastor
on the witness list.
You knew that if you
challenged scriptures,
I would rise to defend them.
It's kind of in my
job description.
You figured you'd run out the
clock while we debated how,
how women wore their
hair 2,000 years ago.
All in hopes that
no one would realize
that it's really their
freedoms that are on the line.
Not at all, sir.
The issue here today
is homeschooling.
I wish it was, Mr. Chairman.
I truly do.
No, today...
Today was about turning
neighbor against neighbor.
That's part of
your plan, isn't it?
Keep us all divided.
So bit by bit, we don't realize
you're chipping away
at our freedoms and liberties.
You got us all talking about
how Noah
got all the animals on the ark.
Meanwhile, you're
crafting legislation
that will allow the government
to barge into our homes
because it's all
about power for you.
And the only way
that you can get more power
is by taking it
from someone else.
And that would be all well
and good if it wasn't for that
pesky thing called
the constitution
that keeps getting in your way.
Now you hold on a second.
No, I'm done talkin' to you!
I'm talking to the people
who elected you.
Because as inconvenient
as it is, sir,
this is where your power
comes from!
You see those statues
and those monuments out there?
They say, "you work for us!"
You are out of order, Mr. Hill.
"A government of the people,
by the people, for the people."
You are out of order, Mr. Hill.
So stay out of our homes
and churches.
And yes, stay out of our
children's education.
Because what you call teaching,
Mr. Chairman,
is really social engineering.
You are out of order, Mr. Hill!
Your history is being rewritten
biology is redefined
and right and wrong are erased.
Our children don't belong
to the government
and neither does our country.
America belongs to it's
citizens, to each and all.
To the farmers in Texas to the
window cleaners in New York,
to the cabinet makers in Maine
and the teachers in Oklahoma,
to every man, woman, and child.
It belongs to the people!
We the people.
Freedom is a fragile thing.
It must be fought for
and defended constantly
by each generation.
with this miracle to properly
be appreciative.
Freedom is a fragile thing
and it's never more
than one generation
away from extinction.
It is not ours
by way of inheritance.
It must be fought for
and defended constantly
by each generation...
For it comes only
once to a people.
And those in world history
who have known freedom
and then lost it...
Have never known it again.
"For it will not
be you speaking,
but the spirit of your father
speaking through you."
- Mike, breakfast.
- Sorry, honey.
No time. Love you, guys.
Why can't my pancakes
come out round?
This one looks like Australia.
They'll taste the same as
any other continent, sweetie.
- I promise.
- Hey, hey dad.
- What about this car?
- How much have you saved?
Okay, well if I sell my guitar
I can, you know,
probably get couple
hundred extra bucks.
Yeah, it's too expensive.
- Just keep lookin', alright?
- Alright.
You're the best.
I love you guys.
I'll see you at 6:00.
- Love you.
- Love you.
- They're all yours.
- Reading and theology today.
Pick up at 5:00. Okay.
Hey, Jackson.
Honey, I'll be home as
soon as work is over, okay?
I think Shannon has a new
puzzle she wants to show you.
- Okay.
- Hey, Jackson's here.
Have you had breakfast yet?
Someone at the restaurant
called in sick,
so I'm gonna have to pull
a double tonight.
- I'm sorry.
- It doesn't happen often.
Anyway, uh, Jackson's babysitter
will pick him up tonight.
Do you remember miss Meredith,
the church secretary?
Taylor, it's gonna be fine.
Right. Thanks.
This means more to us
than you know.
This coffee is wonderful.
So tell me about your
mission trip. Was it amazing?
Oh, you would love China.
She's my native country,
but I don't think I can return.
The persecution
of people of faith
is much worse now
than when I left.
And not just of christians but
of uyghur muslims and others.
Yeah, I heard they're
tryin' to take millions
in re-education camps.
Now they're trying
to contextualize the Bible
to make it more
culturally appropriate.
Freedom is fragile, ayisha.
Did you see your family?
I traveled to the other
side of the world.
They still won't speak to me
now that I'm a Christian.
My family lives down the street
and my father won't talk to me.
I didn't think that
christianity could be so...
Okay, this is North America.
Put it where it
belongs on the map.
Sorry, I'm late.
Jail ministry went long.
No worries.
- Hey, Brandon.
- Hey, Mr. Hill.
- Ooh, nice.
- Hey calc now, cars later.
- I like the truck.
- Yeah, me too.
17, buyin' my first car.
I remember that.
It's amazing you can get him
to think about anything else.
Yeah, I guess.
How's Jackson doin'?
He's comin' out of
his shell a little bit.
He relaxes around
Shannon, so that's good.
Yeah. That is good.
How about Taylor?
She's been at the church
for like six months
and I just realized that
I don't know anything about her.
I guess it's my fault.
No, don't beat yourself up.
She keeps to herself.
Usually works nights so she can
be with Jackson during the day.
Didn't know that.
Still it's my job
to let people know
they have a home at St. Jude's.
Alright, everyone.
Let's get our bibles out
and get ready
for some reading time.
Yeah, guys. Let's get to work.
Today is, drum roll please.
We're talkin' about Noah.
Open your bibles
to Genesis seven.
That's really good, Shannon.
Okay, let's talk about
what we just heard.
It's about to get really wet.
Well, I think there's more
to this story than just rain.
How do you think
people reacted to Noah
when he suddenly started
to build a big boat?
They probably thought
he was nuts.
I think you may be right.
And that's the point.
Sometimes trusting god means
believing and doing things
that the world won't understand,
but we know that god honors
our obedience to him.
I'm Ms. Dowd
with social services.
I'm here to review your
homeschooling environment.
Uh, no one called
to let me know.
We've switched
to unannounced visitations.
May I come in?
Good afternoon, children.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I'm Ms. Dowd.
Since you don't have
a board-certified instructor
I'm here to make sure you
aren't missing anything.
Is Ms. Short for miss or missus?
It's not short for anything.
- It's complete by itself.
- Oh, she meant no disrespect.
She's just asking
if you're single or married
so she might address
you properly.
I identify as self-partnered.
Might I ask what
subject we're studying?
It's a combined unit
of reading and theology.
- And you are?
- Oh.
I'm reverend David hill
from St. Jude's.
Our church, uh, helped
found the co-op.
My interest is
only with the parents
and with the children.
And the lesson
plan is "the Bible."
Well for theology,
I'd be hard-pressed
to find a more appropriate book.
Why don't you continue
as if I'm not even here?
Wanna pick up where
we left off, Shannon?
"You are to bring into the ark
two of all living creatures
male and female to keep
them alive with you."
"Noah did everything
as god commanded him."
So the takeaway,
they're teachable moment
from the Noah myth
is obey god or die?
I mean, that's one way
to look at it.
And the animals,
what exactly was the sin
that required their destruction?
These are my recommendations
to the state.
That's not up to me.
I heard you pullin' up.
- Long day, huh?
- Very. How was Jackson?
You know I love your boy
like he's my own,
but he needs help, Taylor.
- Mommy.
- It's okay, honey. I'm here.
- You came back.
- Of course.
Mommy always comes back.
I was just at work.
What if you had to go to
heaven to be with daddy?
Oh, honey,
that's not gonna happen.
The country is just
now beginning to realize
that unity means
winning under our terms.
Frankly, everybody's
tired of this stalemate.
The very idea of unity
in this country
we've now considered
to be a myth.
Everybody's ready to move
on from this gridlock
which is why my staff and I
have drafted new legislation.
Legislation that's
gonna guarantee
that every child in this country
gets the kind of education
that they deserve.
Now mind you,
we're gonna get this done
with or without the help of our
friends from across the aisle.
We know what
the American people need.
They need progress
and we're gonna give it to 'em.
Thank you.
Remember the visit we got from
social services the other day
and we thought it wasn't
gonna be a big deal?
- Yeah?
- It is a big deal.
I know, Mike.
Phone's been ringin'
off the hook here.
Look, I'll come by later, okay?
We'll figure this out together.
Oh, hey you two.
I'm here to pick
up those study guides
for seminary school,
but we can come back
if this is a bad time.
No, no, no, no, no.
Please come on in, have a seat.
- Meredith, can you find those?
- Yeah.
Martin, you're gonna
be a great pastor.
What's the latest on
the homeschooling co-op?
Well, every family in the co-op
has just received
a court summons.
- How is that possible?
- I don't know.
I always thought
the law gave parents
the freedom to homeschool
as they see fit.
Growing up, we always
heard that in america
you could say
whatever you please,
wear whatever you like
and worship whomever you will.
And that's still true, ayisha.
This is just a misunderstanding,
it has to be.
Yes, the supreme court said
we can worship god
according to the dictates
of our own conscience.
It's how the court
defines Liberty.
How do you know so much
about the constitution?
I studied for the civics
test to get my citizenship.
American history is
a hobby for me now.
The constitution is
an amazing document.
Yup, I suppose it is.
Uh, hi, excuse me.
Are you selling your car?
Sure am. You buyin'?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Uh, well, maybe.
- I'm Brandon.
- Kayla.
So, like what you see?
The car.
Yes. Yeah. She's very beautiful.
- It's beautiful. The... the car.
- Uh-huh.
I was talkin' about. This is
just a temporary right now.
May I ask why you're selling it?
I start college in the fall.
It's too expensive
to have a car on campus.
Totally, college. Yeah.
Well, it'd be great if I could,
uh, get some pictures.
Uh, yeah. Brandon.
- Kayla.
- Yeah. I already asked you.
It all seems so extreme.
Dave, I want you to know
that we will not
be cooperating at all, 'Kay?
Not giving in is more like it.
Yeah, I've spoken to the board.
We could certainly
adjust the curriculum
to be more accommodating.
Don't you mean
compromise the curriculum?
We already told them
we're not conforming.
Religion has been removed
from our schools.
They're teaching kids
that they don't need god.
Their faith is irrelevant to
their personal choices, Dave.
I hear you.
I mean these are some of the
reasons we started the co-op
in the first place. It's just...
I need you to understand
what you're getting
yourself into
when you fight city hall.
Church really should've
moved off-campus
50 years ago when...
Court costs, attorney fees.
Communities become divided.
A beacon of violence
and controversy
and it has no place here
at Hadley university campus.
It's a time-consuming
draining experience
that rarely ends
the way that you had hoped.
We understand.
Lemme know if there's
anything else I can do.
Sorry I couldn't
be of more help.
During our observed instruction,
a number of
deficiencies were noted.
These include one, lack of
instructional effectiveness.
Two, an environment inferior
to a group-learning experience.
Three, the parents' inability
to cover all intellectual areas.
And four, the absence
of sufficient equipment
especially in the sciences.
We are concerned
that these children
may not acquire
the essential skills
for good citizenship
and for their learning.
Has there been some attempt
at upgrading the curriculum?
There has, your honor.
But the parents
in the St. Jude co-op
have refused to conform
their curriculum
with district norms.
- Is this true?
- Yes, your honor.
But you need to understand...
A simple yes or no
would answer the question.
If you say yes,
that's a problem.
Does the district
have a recommendation?
We recommend
the children be returned
to an accredited learning
program immediately.
Your honor,
the district is complaining
about the lack of socialization.
But our children are
being denied the chance
to participate in any kind of
extracurricular activities.
State law is clear.
Homeschoolers have no right
to exploit
extracurricular activities
at a school they don't
see fit to attend.
It's an either/or
situation, Mr. McKinnon.
The children in your co-op
cannot ask for dessert
without eating
their dinner first.
Their parents pay
taxes though, right?
- Excuse me?
- I mean their property taxes.
That would cover the dessert
and the dinner too, correct?
And you are?
Reverend David hill, your honor.
It was our church
that organized the co-op.
I remember you well, pastor.
I do not pretend to be
an educational professional
and I also note however
that neither are any of you.
This case could
take years to settle
and your children simply
can't wait that long.
In the interim,
I am going to sign an order
giving you 10 days
to either conform
to the district
supervisor's recommendation
or enroll your children
in accredited schools.
And if we refuse?
Parents have the freedom
to raise their children
in line with their moral
and religious beliefs.
Your children, however, enjoy
the right to an education.
Your freedoms as parents
do not supersede
your children's rights.
Your beliefs do not exempt
you from the law, Mr. McKinnon.
Therefore, if your children
do not show up at school
a week from Monday,
you will be fined $1,000 a day
for the first two weeks.
Thereafter, you will be
charged with contempt of court,
meaning you will be
During which time,
the court will appoint
temporary custody
of your children
to someone who will abide
by the court's decision.
Perhaps the good reverend
can explain further
the ramifications of contempt
in this courtroom.
So ordered.
Just tell me, lord.
Is my family's
isolation the price
that you're asking me to pay?
Of course, they'll abide by your
will, whatever that may be.
If there's any other way,
just please show me.
I'll do anything...
If I could just see
my family again.
Uh, excuse me, pastor hill?
I told you,
you can just call me David.
- Oh, right.
- Hey, you know what?
Maybe you can help me
with this sermon.
- Certainly, pastor David.
- Ah!
- Okay.
- What's the topic?
Topic is "what does
faith look like?"
It's so hard to nail it down.
Because it's relative.
In Nigeria, many of the people
that we minister to
are only ever a moment
away from death.
Death from hunger,
disease, bad water.
Villagers walk to church,
many for hours.
They don't say, "oh, I have
to go to church today."
They say, "yes, it's Sunday.
I get to go to church."
In the backcountry,
people don't have money.
They bring carrots, eggs, milk.
It's all they have.
It's their widow's mite.
They're happy to give
the lord thanks
for one more week of life.
So, when somebody puts
a gun on their heads and say,
"denounce Jesus and die,"
they say, "Jesus, I'm coming
home to you."
That's what faith looks like
for those who have nothing,
who are so close
to death every day
and still have that
fire and love for god.
- You humble me, Jude.
- No.
We all have our cross to bear.
America is a country so blessed
with prosperity,
it only makes sense that much
will be asked of her in return.
To whom much is given,
much will be required.
Much will be required.
I miss you, old friend.
Ah, St. Jude's church.
Yeah, this is he.
Oh, okay.
Wait, what?
Who is this again?
I don't have the money
to pay for those kinds of fines.
- None of us do.
- Well that's it.
We're gonna enroll our kids
into oakwood on Monday.
Look at this.
You know the Andersons, right?
Okay, all their
kids go to oakwood.
Matty Anderson brought
that home from school.
This is an advertisement
for birth control.
Yeah. They passed
it out in class.
Matty's in the second grade.
He's 7.
How long 'til
they bring that here?
I mean we're not
subjecting Shannon to that
and none of you should have to.
No, you shouldn't...
Which is why
I think we should fight this.
We need to.
With all due respect, Dave,
you're not the one
on the hook for fines.
Not to mention,
the contempt of court.
The church will stand
with you on this.
We'll organize a plan
and help with any
court costs
and attorney fees if need be.
Dave, the church doesn't
have those kinds of funds.
We have eight days
to figure it out
and I... I will personally
cover the cost of any fines
if we have to.
David, unless you
won the lottery,
there's no way you'll be
able to pay for all this.
Unless you're betting,
you won't have to.
I have faith
that I won't have to.
And if I do,
I'll deal with it then.
This is important.
Why the change of heart?
An old friend reminded me that
our freedoms came with a price.
China banned homeschooling
because homeschool
students are not exposed
to state-sponsored
If any parents chooses
to homeschool,
they must do so underground
and at great risk.
Once a freedom is taken away...
It is very difficult
to get it back.
And to that end,
I think we might
have a little help.
Earlier, I got a phone
call from Daryl Smith.
- A congressman from Texas.
- Congressman?
Mr. Smith told me congress
is meeting next week
and they're having
hearings on education.
They asked if any of us
would go to Washington
and describe our situation.
Washington, DC?
Washington, DC.
Hey, son, make sure
to help grandma.
It's only gonna be a
couple of nights. Promise.
Yeah, sure.
Hey so dad, I know with
everything going on,
money might be tight
especially if you guys have
to pay fines.
Everything's gonna be fine.
We're gonna work this out.
What's this?
Well, just in case. I want you
to take the money for the car.
It's not gonna kill me to ride
a bike a little while longer.
You're gonna make me
cry now, okay? No.
Me and your mother are gonna
work this thing out, I promise.
But you know, I want you
to know somethin', okay?
I couldn't be any more proud
than I am of you right now, son.
- I love you, man.
- Yeah, I love you.
Alright, don't cry. Don't cry.
Be good for grandma,
do whatever she says
and no arguing
over bedtime, okay?
Mom, really?
I got this.
Too big to give your mom a hug?
You guys heard from Taylor?
- We need to get goin'.
- There she is.
- I hope I haven't made us late.
- What's wrong, honey?
- Is it Jackson?
- He's with miss Meredith.
Okay. It's worth it, right?
Our kids?
'Course it is. Taylor,
what's the matter?
We should go.
We can't miss our plane.
I really appreciate you comin'
along and keepin' me company.
Did you know that two presidents
kept alligators
at the white house?
It's just sometimes
I feel a little out of place
being the only
non-parent in the group.
- No way.
- I know, it's silly, but...
There's a statue
of Darth Vader's head
on top of
the national cathedral.
- What?
- What?
Thanks for letting me come
along. It means a lot to me.
Ah, don't mention it.
Hey, what do you think
of this car?
That's freedom right there.
It's a chance to hang
with people my own age.
What car? I see some girl.
And, oh wait, there it is.
- Are those the wheels?
- You're so funny. Yeah.
But what do you know?
You're just a fifth grader.
I know mom and dad would be mad
if you waste your money
on the wrong car.
What? It's a great car.
- Yeah.
- All in one piece.
Okay, got it.
Thanks for this.
I know you're gonna be
very happy with the car.
No, um, thank you.
I can finally give
the bike to my sister
and travel in style.
So, um, can I, uh...
Ask you a question?
- Okay.
- I just gotta be real with you.
I mean this is
my first car and all.
I look a little
older than my age.
You know,
it's a big step of my life
and well I was just
kinda wondering...
If it's a good car?
It's actually an awesome car.
I'd take her with me if I could.
That's great.
Yeah, that's, um,
really good to know.
Well, so, um, I guess you'll be
leaving for state in the fall.
Yeah, last little hurrah
before I have to start adulting.
Yeah. Well, um, I was just...
I was thinking.
Hey, sorry. This is my mom.
- I kinda have to take it.
- Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Hey, mom.
Um, yeah, I'm here with
the boy who bought my car.
It's fine.
I can fend for myself.
Yeah, I'll just throw something
in the microwave I guess.
Yeah. Okay, mom. Got it.
Hi, baba, it's me.
I just wanted to call
to tell you that
I love you and I miss you.
I really wish that
you would talk to me.
Please call me.
It's still early.
You guys wanna grab a bite?
How about touring the city?
Guys, I don't think Taylor's
gonna wanna do any sightseeing.
On the flight over here,
she told us that she was
released from her job.
I guess she's been takin' too
much time off
and the trip to DC
certainly didn't help.
Mike, you, uh,
you mind checkin' us in?
I wanna go see
if she needs anything.
Martin, you always
wanted to be a pastor.
C'mon, this is
what it looks like.
Taylor, um, I'm so sorry
to hear about your job.
Thanks. I can get another one.
This one just worked
'cause I could be
with Jackson during the day.
Is there somethin' else?
I'm fine. Really.
You guys don't have to sit here
and hold my hand.
I'm your pastor, Taylor.
We're here for you.
You guys, it's...
Look, if you don't wanna
talk about it, that's okay.
But sometimes it's better
if you do.
Everyone is feeling
the stress, I think.
Yeah, Shannon said last night
she doesn't
want her parents going to jail.
Children shouldn't have to worry
about things like that.
I know, she even asked to sleep
in our bed.
I mean, she hasn't
done that in years.
Jackson hasn't slept
without me in over a year.
My husband left for
an air force training mission
and that was the last time
we saw him.
Equipment malfunction.
But I've worked for
the government long enough
to read between the lines.
How he died isn't
important anyway
because I know why he did.
It's just...
Jackson isn't dealing
with it very well, you know?
We moved to hope Springs
in the fall for a fresh start.
- It's where my mom grew up.
- I'm so sorry, Taylor.
I didn't know.
You guys, the church,
the co-op...
You've all been lifesavers.
I don't know what my son
and I would do without you.
Jackson wouldn't last 10 minutes
in a public school.
They'd classify him
as special education
and label him
emotionally disturbed.
They'd give him
an individual education plan
which might not even
challenge him at all
until eventually Jackson
becomes the label
the state pins on him
and why his father died
I feel like would
all be for nothing.
Defending our freedoms.
I feel like
such a fool. I had no idea.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I
assumed that she was divorced.
I mean, but would it
have mattered if she was?
We failed her, Mike,
as christians, as just
decent human beings.
What's wrong with you?
Nothin', I got a date.
"Four score and seven years ago,"
our fathers brought forth on
this continent a new nation...
Conceived in Liberty
and dedicated
"to the proposition that all men
are created equal."
"Now we are engaged
in a great civil war"
testing whether that
nation or any nation
"so conceived and so dedicated
could long endure."
"It is for us the living,
rather, to be dedicated
here to the unfinished work
which they have fought here."
"That from these honored dead,"
we take increased devotion
to that cause
"for which they gave the last
full measure of devotion."
"That we here highly resolve
that these dead"
shall not have died in vain,
that this nation under god
"shall have a new birth
of freedom."
"And that government
of the people,"
by the people, for the people
"shall not perish
from the earth."
I guess I just assumed
that you went to oakwood.
No, um...
No, my sister and I have been
homeschooled since the start.
What's that like?
Well, uh, the lunches
are better.
Don't need a hall pass
to go to the bathroom.
Uh, teachers don't have
No, there's no pressure
to be popular, I guess.
No bullies, no school lockdowns.
But I don't know,
I guess the best part is I just
get to be myself, you know?
My thoughts are my own,
not what I memorized.
Yeah, I learn stuff
and make it matter to me.
- Wow.
- I mean, it's not all that.
I don't get to do
you know, this.
No school sports,
no homecoming, no prom.
I really don't get to meet
a lot of people outside church,
so you know.
You're not really missing much.
Nobody goes
to the homecoming dances
'cause everyone
thinks they're lame.
Still, uh, prom sounds cool.
Get to wear like a tux and all.
So what about you? What are
your plans after college?
- Pre-law.
- Okay.
It's kind of a family tradition.
I've been holding mock trials
with my mom since I was a kid.
Your honor, the plaintiff
petitions the court
for an increase
in weekly allowance
and suspended bedtime
during the summer months.
- How'd that work out?
- You win some, you lose some.
No, but my mom's fair.
She knows her stuff.
Speaking of which,
I should probably go.
It's getting late
and my mom tends to worry.
Um, can I give you a ride?
The pillars represent
the states and territories
that sent men and women
to serve under the us flag
during world war ii.
See how they're linked
with that rope?
It symbolizes
the country's unified effort.
The freedom wall bears a field
of 4,000 golden stars,
each of which stands for
100 American military deaths
in the war.
"Here we Mark
the price of freedom."
You didn't
have to walk me to the door.
No, it's cool.
I, um... I wanted to.
Such a gentleman.
Thank you for bringing
that earring back.
My mother would've killed me.
Belonged to my grandmother.
Oh, man. Ah, my grandma.
She's staying with us while
my parents are out of town.
I totally forgot. I'm...
I'm so sorry. I really gotta go.
I, I mean like you know,
she's not babysitting me
or anything.
I'm... I'm way old enough
for that.
It's, uh, it's my sister.
I will see you later.
I will call you. Yeah.
Maybe I shouldn't,
but I feel confident.
I need to go over these
homeschool statistics.
So much to learn.
The Washington monument
is 55 feet at the base
and 555 feet high.
At the very top,
there's an aluminum cap
where there's
an inscription, "laus deo."
Two words, seven letters
overlooking the most
powerful city in the world.
It means praise be to god.
I thought maybe
you needed to hear that.
I, uh, I need to take this.
I'll see you at the hotel.
Thank you, Martin.
Oh, hi.
Jimmy's pizza.
Uh, no, but I'm sure
I can find it.
Reverend hill.
Ah! Congressman Smith.
Hey, glad to see you
made it safe and sound.
Thanks for coming.
Thank you.
Thank you, Jimmy.
I just wanna make
sure you understand
what you're fighting here.
I was able to do some fact
finding on St. Jude's co-op
before I left home
and I think the commission's
gonna be pleased
on how well our students
do on standardized tests.
Yeah, well right now
there's an effort on the way
demanding universal
educational guidelines.
- Sounds reasonable.
- Oh, it's meant to.
But make no mistake,
those guidelines
are increasingly at odds
with the Christian worldview.
There won't be any opt-out
for homeschoolers.
Homeschooling is like
a weed to these folks
and they just wanna yank it out.
- But why?
- Why?
In the common core agenda...
Oh, excuse me, curriculum,
everything's relative.
And I mean everything
from kindergarten on.
Even basic facts are
seen as subjective.
Common core deliberately
creates the illusion
there's no such thing as truth.
Because if truth doesn't exist,
then there's no moral absolutes.
And by middle school,
there's a discernible
political agenda
behind the classroom
reading lessons.
Ask your average millennial
about our founding fathers
and they'll tell you that
they were all a bunch of old
and rich oppressive
slave owners.
That perspective
came from somewhere.
But weren't they?
Most of 'em were just kids.
Edward Rutledge
and Thomas lynch,
both were just 26 years old
when they signed
the declaration of independence.
And Thomas Jefferson
was the ripe-old age of 33,
when he helped write it.
And, as far as owning slaves,
some did...
But many did not.
But they all get tarred
with the same brush.
But why, to what end?
If you discredit them,
then you discredit
what they gave us.
Instead of the people
havin' their natural rights
derived from god,
we can convince
the students that...
We only have those rights,
which the government
allows us...
Replacing our liberties
with control.
Gotta admit the pizza
isn't sitting well with me.
Oh, it's me. I'm heavy.
It's a lot to digest, man.
Jimmy, this was
fantastic as usual.
Thank you so much. No, no, no.
Your money's no good here.
It's no good here.
Thank you congressman Smith,
for everything you're tryin'
to do for us.
Yeah, absolutely.
And, uh, just so you know,
I think we caught a break
for tomorrow.
Oh, yeah? How?
Congressman Jason Abercrombie,
the sitting chair
on the committee.
- Is he on our side?
- He's smart and he is fair.
That's as much
as we can ask for.
It'll have to do.
Believe me, it could've
gone a lot worse.
Kayla, have you
found grammy's earring?
Brandon brought it to me.
Who's Brandon?
I want this over quickly,
- There's real work to be done.
- Baby steps, Murray.
We win incrementally and stay
on the right side of history.
I know we can count on you.
- Yeah, I'm a team player.
- Good.
- Morning, Denise.
- Smith.
Shame about Abercrombie.
So sudden.
Heart attack.
Oh, he was a dinosaur.
Time for the old centrist
to be put out to pasture.
Well, who's, uh, who's sitting
chair in his place?
Lots of surprises
for you today, Smith.
My deepest condolences, sir.
Jason, Jason was a friend
to us all.
I'm sure his family
will be pleased to hear.
Thoughts and prayers, sir.
Thoughts and prayers.
I would like to call
this hearing
of the house subcommittee
on elementary
and secondary education
to order.
At this time, I wish to thank
both members and their staff
for their participation.
Would the first witness
state her name and position?
Donna Chesney, United States
secretary of education.
Ms. Chesney, we're in
receipt of your report.
Would you care to summarize
your findings on the practice
generally known
as homeschooling?
Ah, yes, Mr. Chairman.
Our department
considers homeschooling
an unusual, unnecessary
and borderline antisocial
And your further
recommendations are?
It's in the state's opinion,
we should be following
Europe's lead.
A number of European countries
have already outlawed
Germany, Spain, the Netherlands
and that's just to name a few.
And in places
where it is allowed like Sweden,
it's tightly regulated
and closely monitored.
Thank you for your
expert testimony.
Did you get any sleep?
Ah, none. You?
Good morning. Daryl Smith.
Mrs. Hays.
- Mrs. McKinnon.
- Hi.
- Mike McKinnon.
- Yes, sir.
Reverend, I trust
that Jimmy's pizza
didn't give you nightmares.
Ah, that's not what
kept me up last night.
I can't thank you all
enough for makin' the trip,
especially since I know
how difficult things are
for you at home.
We felt that we didn't
have much of a choice really.
That's just it, you did.
As believers, we've abandoned
the mountain
of politics for far too long.
We've decided that it's just
too dangerous of an arena
for christians
to be walking into.
So, we just left it to anyone
who wanted to go there
for their own selfish
and worldly reasons
and hope that everything
will work out fine.
Only it didn't,
and now we're in a mess.
What's happening in there?
They're still running testimony
for the other side.
They should be finished
in about a half hour...
And then it's your turn.
If god is for us,
who can be against us?
What? Around here?
Just about everyone else.
Now, maybe I've been
in Washington, DC too long.
You guys relax. I'll come and
get you later, okay?
Thank you.
What color corsage do I get?
Depends on what color dress
she's wearing.
Well, how am I
supposed to know that?
It's kind of like a coral.
- Coral?
- I got you.
Everything okay
with your grandmother?
Huh? Oh, yeah.
I'm... I'm so sorry about that.
My, uh, my parents are in
- As in DC?
- Yeah.
They're actually, uh, testifying
at a congressional
subcommittee on homeschooling.
Wow. I bet they must be pumped.
No, no, no, no, not really.
They actually had to go
because a judge here in town
threatened to fine them
if they didn't
send us to public school.
Does that look good with coral?
- Yes.
- A judge in hope Springs?
- Which one?
- Uh, I don't know.
Some, uh, some family judge.
Hey, I gotta run.
Okay, I'll, I'll call you later.
Strange place to cram
for a test, reverend.
Yeah, this is not
really my thing.
I'm afraid I'm gonna
make things worse
for everyone out there.
Matthew 10:19,
"do not worry about
what you will say."
"At that time, you will
be given what to say."
"For it will not
be you speaking,
but the spirit of your father,
speaking through you."
There's been a development.
We have a... new chairman,
a Robert Benson.
I'm guessing he's not
as friendly as Abercrombie.
and the direction out there,
the narrative is going
to change considerably.
They are going to insist
that religious beliefs
are antirational,
antiscience and antisocial.
Show them that religious beliefs
are supported through
rational thought
with a basis under
us law and tradition.
I think I have a card for that.
And also,
I need you to make them
that if they insist on
trampling believers' rights,
well, sir, they are
in for a fight.
You got this.
Mr. Willoughby, you have
a strong attachment to the idea
of developing a nationalized
curriculum, do you not?
Yes, because it's in the
best interest of our children.
I'm just concerned that
we're working awfully hard here
to violate one of our
own existing laws,
the elementary and secondary
education act of 1965,
which prevents us
from nationalizing
any school curriculum.
I mean, we passed the law,
that said we wouldn't do that.
We've achieved a way
to avoid violating
the spirit of that law
with common core.
We merely propose the guidelines
and the states adopt
the measures on their own.
On their own without any
pressure from the government.
None whatsoever.
Mr. Willoughby, if you
succeed in gaining approval
for your curriculum,
would parents be able to opt out
or be allowed to opt out
of their program?
I'd encourage the states
to require
full participation...
Without exception.
But what gives them
the right to do that?
Well, once we determine
what every child needs to know,
it becomes imperative
that every child know it.
After all...
The children belong
to all of us.
Interesting perspective.
There are parents
waiting in the wings,
waiting to testify,
that their children in fact
belong to them...
And not to all of us.
But thank you for your candor.
They're ready for you.
Okay, come on.
Would the witnesses
state their names
for the record?
Yes, sir.
Michael and Rebecca McKinnon.
Taylor hays, your honor.
Well, this is not
a courtroom, Ms. Hays,
and I most certainly
am not a judge.
Please refer to me
as Mr. Chairman.
And I'm David hill.
Reverend David hill.
Yes, sir, the preacher.
We'd like to thank the
subcommittee for having us,
um, well now that,
who we all are has been
Mr. Chairman, my husband
and I have our two children
in the St. Jude
homeschooling co-op
and they continue to perform
better on standardized testing,
than their public
and private school peers.
Givin' us a good
reason to believe
that we're doing
somethin' right.
Well, I should begin
by letting you know
that we've had a series
of experts pass through here,
all of them assuring us
that we have nothing to fear
from a standardized education.
With all due respect, um,
in this particular case,
we believe that the
experts are wrong.
Lemme give you an example.
So, in our district,
they teach a revisionist
version of history,
which is both progressive and
antifaith in equal measure.
And, so if our children are
forced onto
its common core track,
they will never learn about
the faith based underpinnings
of the us constitution
or its bill of rights.
They'll never hear about
George Washington's plea
for the blessing of almighty god
at his inauguration.
They're not taught
anything that reflects
positively on america's
Christian heritage,
despite the fact
that america's history
and its faith traditions
are so deeply intertwined.
Well, that is not
what our experts
have testified to here today.
What about Thanksgiving?
- Excuse me?
- Thanksgiving.
You know, pilgrims, turkeys,
native Americans...
- I'm familiar with the holiday.
- Well, sure you are.
I mean, from kindergarten
onward, every child
learns about it,
but, well, what do they learn?
This is the nea's own statement
regarding Thanksgiving.
"The national education
believes that Thanksgiving
is the recognition of unity
and the rich American diversity
that was embodied in the
settlement of america."
Well, that sounds
completely reasonable.
Well, that would've
come as a big surprise
to the pilgrims
that were actually there.
They came together to thank
god for the bountiful harvest.
Now, the native Americans
were fellow guests.
Yes, absolutely.
But god was the reason
for the feast.
And to indicate
that the purpose of
the first Thanksgiving was
primarily a multicultural event
is a fabrication.
And if we don't teach
the common core myth,
then social services and a...
A judge in hope Springs
has decided that
we risk going
to jail for contempt.
It's your babysitter.
She said it's urgent.
Thank you.
Hello, Meredith?
Taylor, Jackson's not hurt.
It's just he's been
cryin' all day.
And, now, he's refusing to eat.
I thought maybe you
would talk to him.
Of course. Can you put him
on the phone please?
It's your mama, Jackson.
Hi, honey, are you
having a bad day?
Are you coming back?
Yes, sweetheart.
Mommy always comes back.
I'll be home as soon as I can.
Hey, did you know that this
is where the president lives?
Come back. Don't go to
heaven. Stay with me.
Mommy always comes back.
You'll feel better
if you eat your lunch.
Please eat something, honey.
Love you, sweetheart.
Jackson, let's go get
something to eat, okay?
2 P.M.?
Where is ayisha moradi?
Relation to the patient?
I'm her father.
She'll be in 302.
You know that, don't you,
that I love you?
Yes, father.
He's the one god
who is not begotten.
I command you to say it.
I'm sorry.
You see, my concern is
that our children
will not live up to
their full potential
by being subject
to a faith based education
which is antirational
and antiscience.
May I say something?
That's why you're here,
Ms. Hays.
Belief in the Bible
isn't antiscience.
What is your occupation?
It says here you're an assistant
manager in a restaurant.
Recently unemployed.
What else do your notes say?
Well, there doesn't really
appear to be too much here.
Let me fill in
the blanks for you.
I'm a widow.
After my husband passed away,
I took a less demanding job,
to spend more time with our son.
You have my condolences.
But before he died,
I completed an advanced degree
in aerospace engineering
and worked as a systems
engineer in Houston
at the national aeronautics
and space administration.
NASA has a long history
with men and women of faith.
Do you know what the first
food and beverage
ever consumed on the surface
of the moon was?
I have no idea. Tang, I suppose.
Consecrated bread and wine.
It happened when astronaut
buzz aldrin took holy communion
just after setting down
the lunar module
in the sea of tranquility.
You see, aldrin was an elder
at Webster presbyterian church
and he got special permission
to take the bread
and wine with him
and give himself communion.
A few months earlier
on Christmas Eve,
the crew of Apollo 8 read
from the book of Genesis
while they orbited the moon.
An Israeli astronaut ilan Ramon
recited the Jewish
shabbat kiddush
and Russian cosmonaut
sergey ryzhikov...
What is your point, Ms. Hays?
There's a common misconception
of homeschool parents,
particularly those of faith,
that we're some kind
of flat earthers.
My 7-year-old knows
that the earth is round
and that the sunrise
is an illusion
caused by the earth's rotation.
And when tested in physics
or chemistry
about the rate of acceleration
of a falling object
or the atomic mass of cesium,
acceptable answers
do not include Jesus
or whatever god wants it to be.
And lastly,
my husband was a United States
air force pilot
who fought for our freedoms
and died in service
to this country.
So, if it's all the same to you,
I would prefer you
call me Mrs. Hays
out of respect of my marriage
and to my husband's memory.
Your nation thanks your husband
for his service
and you and your family
for your sacrifice.
I'm afraid that's all the time
we have here today.
This hearing is now adjourned
till tomorrow morning.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
No, I just got home.
Hold on.
The parents of St. Jude co-op
are only asking social services
and judge neely
to allow us to supervise
the education of our children
as best as we know how.
And they continue to perform
higher on standardized tests
than their public
and private school peers.
I'll call you back.
She has no bone fractures,
no internal injuries
or bleeding.
Then, why won't she wake up?
Head trauma.
But she's young
and in good health.
I'm hopeful
she'll recover without
any serious repercussions.
Are you a religious man,
Mr. Moradi?
Yes, of course.
Why do you ask?
I thought you might
be comforted in prayer.
It can't hurt.
May I be excused?
You have something to say,
say it.
Okay, it's kinda weird to find
out that your mom is the one
who's sending your
friend's parents to jail.
You know I don't
send people to jail.
They put themselves in jail
by refusing to follow the law.
And since when do you
have homeschooled friends?
Since when is
homeschooling illegal?
Watch your tone.
The state has set universal
standards for education.
Homeschoolers can't
pick and choose
the ones that they wanna follow.
But don't they have to take
the same tests that we do?
Who cares what road they take if
we all end up in the same place?
That's just the point.
We don't end up
in the same place
because the roads that they
take are paved with privilege.
Why does every conversation
have to go back to...
Homeschooling is separatist,
elitist and racist, Kayla.
And I didn't raise you
to challenge me this way
in my own home.
Actually, you kinda did.
So where did Martin run off to?
He's off on a fact-finding
with some tourists that he met.
Oh, bless his heart.
He's so happy to be here.
I was too, but,
I'm not so sure now.
I just have no idea
how we're doing in there.
Have we heard anything
from congressman Smith?
Not yet.
- We should call the kids.
- Alright.
Excuse us. Let's go in the back.
Food's here.
I'm gonna run down and get it.
Hey, uh...
Maybe it'll help to know that...
We're here for you.
You have a family in St. Jude's.
Where did Smith
dig up a dead soldier's wife?
Benson needs to vet
the witness list better.
And anyone buying
the holy-roller story
that she used to work at NASA?
Hey, someone has to empty out
the garbage cans, am I right?
How much longer do we have
to suffer through this?
I got better places to be.
- Uh, no, you can keep it.
- Thank you.
Reverend hill,
how do you answer the comment
by former us commission
on civil rights
chairman Martin Castro
and here I quote
"the phrases religious
Liberty and religious freedom
will stand for nothing
except hypocrisy,
as long as they
remain code words
for discrimination,
intolerance, racism,
sexism, homophobia, islamophobia
"or any form of intolerance."
I think it says
more about the bias
of the former civil rights
than it does about the
supposed biases of believers.
But surely you recognize
how offensively patriarchal
and sexist the Bible is.
Is that a legitimate question
or is that just your
chance at a soundbite?
Excuse me?
Um, considering the time
when it was written,
the Bible is one of the most
pro-feminist documents
in history, in an era where
women were treated as property
to be bought and sold...
Paul ordered women
to cover up their hair,
to wear a veil in the assembly.
Do you think I need
to wear a veil for you?
Single women in the Roman empire
were required by law,
to unveil their hair,
for the visual pleasure of men.
It would be like today
if we forced a young woman
to dress immodestly
and it was totally exploitative.
To get around that, you either
had to be married or widowed.
So, when Paul told women
to wear a veil in the assembly,
he was adding to the dignity of
women basically saying,
"you are every bit as good
as a married woman or a widow
and you don't have to put
yourself on display,
at least not in here."
I'd like to make an argument.
Um, I'm already late.
It's important.
Five minutes.
In the matter of
the state versus the St. Jude's
homeschooling cooperative.
That case has been decided.
Is the court's decision
not subject to appeal?
- Grounds?
- New evidence.
- Conflicting evidence.
- Four minutes.
Point of clarification.
How is homeschooling
socially selfish
and misaligned with
liberal progressive values?
Because it ignores the needs
of the community at large.
We're divided enough
as it is, Kayla.
We shouldn't be teaching our
children to be suspicious
of public institutions
and civic obligations.
Well, what if Christian
homeschoolers are
more likely to donate
to charities
or be first in line to volunteer
in third world countries?
There's no evidence of that.
Mom, they're literally
Who do you think does most of
the donating and volunteering?
You've always told me that
there's value in dissent
and challenging
prevailing norms.
Isn't that the foundation
for liberal activism?
What about
institutional diversity?
Look, all I'm saying is
shouldn't there be
options for education,
choices for the individual
instead of lumping everyone
together in a single
one-size-fits-all model?
How is that diversity?
The public school system is
there for us as a society.
The people are not there for it.
As soon as it stops
working for the kids,
parents are obligated to leave.
The parents of the
homeschooling co-op
take seriously our duty
to instruct our children,
to teach them, to educate them,
to decide what is best for them.
It's really, it's a natural
extension of our beliefs.
Beliefs that I consider
to be divisive and intolerant.
Only because
you label intolerant
anyone who you don't agree with.
And you label divisive as anyone
who doesn't agree with you.
The gospels describe Jesus'
teaching his followers
to forgive each other...
To love their enemies...
Show generosity to those in need
and embrace those outside
their ethnic circles.
Would you call that divisive?
Christ commanded his followers
to advance his message
with the irresistible force of
love and the power of truth.
Would you call that intolerant?
No one has a monopoly
on the truth, Mr. Hill.
Not even you.
No, but if god exists,
then he has the monopoly on it
and we hold that he does
exist and has spoken.
Your truth, sir, not mine.
Except that's not
the way that truth works.
Truth is truth
for everyone and everywhere.
Even if over time,
it loses its popularity
or becomes
politically incorrect.
That's what the parents
of these children understand
that in a society where
suddenly everything is relative,
truth is absolute,
a transcendent thing
not of this world.
Something that they
have no power to change.
America was founded
on these principles.
And if we just
throw them away...
I think we're done here.
I would like to thank
the witnesses for their input.
They're free to go. This hearing
is now adjourned for one hour.
After which,
we will vote on this issue.
Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, you haven't
ruled on our situation.
I'm sorry, sir,
that you have misunderstood
the purpose of this hearing.
Thank you.
Wait, what does he mean
the purpose of this hearing?
I'm not sure. I mean is any of
this going to matter?
It has to.
I mean even when it turns out
we're still under a court order
and facing all kinds of
fines when we get home?
Are you sure?
I see.
Have a safe flight.
Is mommy coming home?
Mommy's comin' home.
I'm impressed. Mr. Hill.
You really should've had
yourself a career in politics.
I'll pass.
Do you really think
anything you said in there
is gonna have any effect
on what we do?
You see, we do these things
because we're supposed to.
Because supposedly
somebody's watching.
But other than
a few c-span junkies,
is anybody really
paying attention?
Don't you get it?
We've already decided
what we're gonna do.
Or you wouldn't be having these
hearings in the first place.
Look, I understand
your position.
You feel that you're makin' a
last-ditch stand for your faith
and you've chosen this as a hill
that you're willing to die on.
Our whole faith started
because one man
chose a hill
he was willing to die on.
Yes, but that
was a long time ago.
And now nobody really cares.
Let's face it.
Your god, your book,
they're in the way.
They're in the way
of moral relativism.
They're in the way of calling
good evil and evil good.
What did you plan
to accomplish here today?
To defend the rights of parents,
to educate their
children as they see fit.
And to make congress promise
that they will never
threaten those rights again.
- Yes.
- Sir, that is not gonna happen.
In a few minutes,
we're gonna go back in there,
we're gonna take
a quick straw vote,
which is gonna find in favor
of the experts' recommendations.
And, then we're gonna
push this through,
just like we planned.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
I'd be careful about goin'
to war against god's church.
Scripture promises
the gates of hell
will not prevail against him.
This is not hell, Mr. Hill.
- This is Washington.
- Close enough.
For 2,000 years, men have tried
to get rid of christianity.
Diocletian, Napoleon,
Stalin, mao zedong.
What makes you think
that you can accomplish
what they couldn't?
They didn't have
an 83 percent approval rating.
I really thought the lord
had intervened on our behalf.
Before you say anything else,
I wanna show you all something.
Follow me.
You want to talk?
Let's talk!
Did you say something?
I can't hear you.
They say you're a man,
then come down
and face me like one.
You're more than a man, no?
You see all.
You know all.
Then tell me, son of god,
why did you take ayisha from me?
She's my daughter.
Are you punishing her?
Did she displease you?
Are you punishing me?
I beg of you,
she must have blood.
Take mine instead.
Let ayisha live.
I'll do anything.
Everybody knows her big sister,
lady Liberty who stands
in New York harbor.
But this one?
She's my girl.
She's a replica.
Do you know her story?
The bronze was cast in 1861
outside of Washington.
Her name is freedom.
And in one of those ironies
that god seems to delight in,
Philip Reid, the foundry foreman
in charge
of casting her was a slave.
A gifted artisan,
but a slave nonetheless.
But by the time the capitol dome
was ready to receive her
in 1863,
the emancipation proclamation
was in full effect.
Meaning that Philip Reid,
most likely stood
outside of this building
and watched her go aloft
as a free man.
And all the hands that
strained at the hoisting ropes,
all belonged to former slaves.
In my mind,
any country that can do that,
is worth fighting for.
For that is exactly
what we need to do.
Keep fighting.
You at home and me...
Right here.
They're gonna be
taking the vote soon.
Uh, I need to get back in and
prepare my closing statements.
They only gave me five minutes,
but I'll take it.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
My pleasure.
You all did wonderful.
Thanks, Martin.
And it felt like the fight
was rigged though.
Founding fathers didn't account
for the likes of
chairman Benson.
Governor Morris was a
founding father and he wrote,
"religion is the only
solid basis of good morals."
"Therefore, education should
teach the precepts of religion
and the duties of
man towards god."
Those days are past.
Mr. Morris didn't
stand the test of time.
But he did.
Maybe this other thing he wrote,
will be more familiar to you.
"We the people of
the United States
in order to form
a more perfect union..."
"Establish justice."
"Ensure domestic tranquility."
"Provide for the common defense
and promote general welfare."
"And secure the blessings
of Liberty."
- Liberty.
- Liberty.
"Do ordain and establish
this constitution."
"For the
United States of America."
I'm sorry, I...
I saw you all inside, but I...
We're the other 75 percent.
Three quarters of parents
who homeschool
for other than primarily
religious reasons.
Three quarters,
I mean I thought that...
That's what most people think
that at all homeschools are
conservative christians.
That's not true.
- Robert Williams from nbhe.
- Nice to meet you.
We homeschool because
most of the schools in my area
are chronically underfunded.
Hmm, not to mention
institutionalized racism.
- Hmm.
- My son has special needs.
Public schools just
aren't equipped.
Medical freedom.
I want to be able to choose
which immunizations
my children receive.
Bullying, violence,
school shootings.
There are many reasons.
Low student-teacher ratio.
Parents can choose the pace
and approach of the classroom.
Yeah, we have time
for community service,
and entrepreneurship.
Not to mention the arts,
outdoor play
and real experiments.
First things public
schools cut to save money.
Our reasons might be different,
but we all want the same thing.
As long as government
overreach goes unchecked,
Liberty is threatened.
- All of ours.
- We can't stop.
We're stronger together.
I am we the people.
We all are.
We all are.
I can't believe
how I missed this.
Wait, where are you goin'?
We got a plane to catch.
I'll be back in five minutes.
My daddy used to fly airplanes.
He wore the same as you.
He's in heaven now.
I see.
You must miss him terribly.
If he could be with you,
he would.
This I know.
How do you know?
Because every father
will always choose
his child over.
I would go to heaven so daddy
could come back for mommy.
No, child.
You mustn't say such a thing.
That is an evil
and pointless wish.
But mommy's always so sad.
That's because she's
forgotten that our lives...
Belong to god.
We must trust
that god knows best.
Do you really think your mom
would be less sad without you?
She loves you.
She needs you.
Time to go home.
Almost your bedtime.
You feel that you're
makin' a last-ditch stand
to protect your faith.
Don't you get it?
We've already decided
what we're gonna do.
"Laus deo,"
it means praise be to god.
America is a country
so blessed with prosperity.
Religion has been removed
from our schools.
"We the people
of the United States."
"And secure
the blessings of Liberty."
- We're stronger together.
- I am we the people.
We all are.
"Don't worry about
what you will say.
At the time, you will
be given what to say."
"For it will not
be you speaking,
but the spirit of your father...
Speaking through you."
Mr. Chairman, I would like to
yield my time to the witness...
Reverend David hill.
That's fine,
but I remind the witness
he's limited to five minutes.
Thank you, congressman Smith,
Mr. Chairman...
For allowing me these
last five minutes.
You ever been on one of
those sightseeing tours
they have here in Washington?
You know the kind where they
take you to see
all the monuments?
Yes, I believe most
of us have visited
the city's major attractions.
Maybe you oughta think
about goin' again.
'Cause those...
How did you put that?
Are here for a reason...
And I almost missed it.
I don't know how because you
can't throw a rock in this city
without hitting a statue
or a monument of some kind.
I mean, every street,
every building in this city,
all the marble and the granite,
the brick
and the stone is tryin'
to tell us somethin'.
They're sayin',
"don't forget about us."
"Don't forget about the,
the battles that we fought
and the price
that we paid for freedom."
"Don't let our
sacrifice be in vain."
You wanna hear something
interesting, Mr. Chairman?
I have three friends that have
a pretty good understanding
of what's at stake here today.
And the funny thing is... is
they're not even from america.
They're from faraway
places like China,
But they get it.
They know what's at stake here.
And maybe in order to understand
how precious and fragile
freedom really is, maybe...
Maybe you have to lose it.
But you already know that.
I mean, all of this, it's...
Oh, it's just a distraction.
And I made it easy
for you, didn't I?
I bet your face just lit up
when you realized
that there was a pastor
on the witness list.
You knew that if you
challenged scriptures,
I would rise to defend them.
It's kind of in my
job description.
You figured you'd run out the
clock while we debated how,
how women wore their
hair 2,000 years ago.
All in hopes that
no one would realize
that it's really their
freedoms that are on the line.
Not at all, sir.
The issue here today
is homeschooling.
I wish it was, Mr. Chairman.
I truly do.
No, today...
Today was about turning
neighbor against neighbor.
That's part of
your plan, isn't it?
Keep us all divided.
So bit by bit, we don't realize
you're chipping away
at our freedoms and liberties.
You got us all talking about
how Noah
got all the animals on the ark.
Meanwhile, you're
crafting legislation
that will allow the government
to barge into our homes
because it's all
about power for you.
And the only way
that you can get more power
is by taking it
from someone else.
And that would be all well
and good if it wasn't for that
pesky thing called
the constitution
that keeps getting in your way.
Now you hold on a second.
No, I'm done talkin' to you!
I'm talking to the people
who elected you.
Because as inconvenient
as it is, sir,
this is where your power
comes from!
You see those statues
and those monuments out there?
They say, "you work for us!"
You are out of order, Mr. Hill.
"A government of the people,
by the people, for the people."
You are out of order, Mr. Hill.
So stay out of our homes
and churches.
And yes, stay out of our
children's education.
Because what you call teaching,
Mr. Chairman,
is really social engineering.
You are out of order, Mr. Hill!
Your history is being rewritten
biology is redefined
and right and wrong are erased.
Our children don't belong
to the government
and neither does our country.
America belongs to it's
citizens, to each and all.
To the farmers in Texas to the
window cleaners in New York,
to the cabinet makers in Maine
and the teachers in Oklahoma,
to every man, woman, and child.
It belongs to the people!
We the people.
Freedom is a fragile thing.
It must be fought for
and defended constantly
by each generation.