Goemon (2009) Movie Script

In the year 1582...
When Oda Nobunaga got close to his dream of unifying the governmental power,
he got assassinated because of a treason of his vassal Akechi Mitsuhide.
But Nobunaga's right-hand man, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, suppressed Mitsuhide.
As Nobunaga's successor, he established the Toyotomi Administration.
While the sparks were still glowing,
he already glorified that temporary peace.
You Idiot!
Open the gate!
You're Kinokuniya Bunzaemon, right?
As Taiko Hideyoshi has ordered...
we've come to confiscate the thing the traitor
Akechi Mitsuhide had entrusted you with.
Give it to us right now!
it would be better to ask Akechi himself.
We don't remember that he had
entrusted us with something.
Lead me to the depository!
I want to see for myself whether it's there or not.
A thief...
We have been stolen!
Is it this way round or the other way round?
And if I pass through here, I'll find a loophole...
There he is!
Capture him!
Didn't that Sasuke guy tell me something completely different?
Take this!
Take this!
Just kidding!
You want to steal something from a government official like me?
That's not a good idea, or is it?
It's Goemon!
What? Where?
There, there, look!
What a superb view!
The great master thief...
Ishikawa Goemon, ally of the poor!
Hey, hey!
Out of the way!
What? It's empty!
We'll have a party tonight!
You there, come down! We need to arrest you!
If you tell me that, I won't come down for sure, you idiots!
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Good bye!
I'm Goemon.
Japan's number one!
Hey, Ishikawa...
Shall I accompany you tonight, too?
What? That would be nice, but...
I don't have any money left.
I don't care at all!
If you'd like, I'll pay for everything here.
You're saying such nice things to me.
Oh, I wanted to meet you!
Hey, Goemon, it's my turn tonight, right?
You don't like that piss-smelling girl, or do you?
It's obvious that he likes me more than someone like you!
You're both good!
What are you looking at?
Shall we dance?
It's gone.
That thief really...
Who is that guy?
The one who caused that disturbance
in the town was just a normal thief.
That guy has taken the box.
Bring it back, no matter what it takes!
Kill all members of his family!
You understand, don't you?
Women, children, don't let even a single person alive.
Tomorrow morning I'll to to Hideyoshi.
He absolutely must not get to know
what happened to the box.
When did you realize that?
Just now.
Hey, come on, just give it to me!
Ah, yes, yes.
You're treating people really rough...
Hey, what are you doing, master?
Isn't it obvious, fool?
What do you mean?
Don't give me that!
This drawing...
Isn't it totally wrong?
Because of that, I was in real trouble yesterday!
It's your share from yesterday.
Thank you very much!
By the way:
Are you still after me?
No way...!
I thought, you were just a simple ronin back then, master...
And I would just hurt myself if I'd do that.
Being close to you, master...
is much more profitable...
Profitable, huh?
By the way, about that mansion yesterday...
It seems it wasn't a normal mansion.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi's magistrate, Mitsunari,...
went there to confiscate something, it seems.
Something like a... box of the southern barbarians...
But it wasn't there anymore...
Those guys are searching for it all around the city!
That box of the southern barbarians...
Is it this tall?
Is it indigo blue?
I've stolen it.
After all!
By the way, why didn't you tell me earlier?
I didn't know that it was there, too.
So... where's the box now?
I've thrown it away.
Thank goodness...
Anyway, they've killed all employers, family members...
and even all servants of that mansion!
How cruel!
Sounds interesting.
OK, I go.
I'm going to find that box.
That's a bad idea, master.
It seems, that Mitsunari has sent out Saizou.
The mysterious Saizou...
I haven't heard that name before!
He's the most famous shinobi in this world!
He's extremely talented...
So we shouldn't get involved with this!
I go.
How is it?
We've received some presents from the Christians...
This seems to be a box that can play music.
They keep producing...
one interesting thing after another.
You seem to be quite busy lately.
It's all for your sake, Taiko.
For my sake?
You... what are you searching for?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't play dumb!
It's the box, right?
The southern barbarian's...
Ah, yes, yes, Ishikawa?
That person was here yesterday.
Hey, Yashichi.
I'm thirsty, so bring me some water!
Ah, yes, I'll come...
A warning?
Trading of goods from the southern
barbarians is strictly prohibited.
If we ignore it, I'm afraid that your
authority might get soiled.
I will proceed on my own.
I've acted selfish.
You're one of my personally nominated magistrates.
And you've acted too selfish.
If you carry this too far...
All hail! Miss Chacha has arrived from the north.
Ah, she's already here?
You've really helped me, Ishida.
What do you mean by that?
I had an audience with Chacha earlier.
I haven't seen her for a long time,
but she has become very beautiful.
It's understandable that Hideyoshi wants her.
Chacha is Nobunaga's niece.
His best vassal, Hideyoshi,...
treats her like his own daughter.
But is that...
really all?
How many years have passed...
since Nobunaga has died...
and I've become your foster parent?
It's been 15 years ago.
I don't know how I should thank you
for all you've done for me.
What are you saying?
I'm just doing what I have to do.
If he wouldn't have employed me...
I would've died as a wretched peasant.
That's why I've become...
the one with the governmental power...
as a Taiko.
The world has changed.
You need to change, too, Chacha.
Become my concubine!
And after you've become my concubine,
will you give birth to my child?
A child who's descended from Nobunaga...
Who is it?
It's me, Rikyu.
Ah, you are here... Hideyoshi.
I'll come back later.
It's fine, I was about to leave.
Chacha will be staying in this castle for a while.
I'm waiting for your answer.
Long time no see, Chacha.
You must be exhausted from the long journey.
Shall we hold a tea ceremony?
Will I...
be able to see the fireflies even from here?
Please wait, master.
How are we supposed to find that thing here?
Intuition, I guess.
I was expecting that answer.
Here, mother, eat.
Koheita, this...
What? Do you think I've stolen it?
Goemon came out yesterday.
I've already eaten, so it's OK.
Here, eat.
Mother, are you all right?
Wait here, I'll buy some medicine.
Ugh, it stinks here.
These are the worst slums I've ever seen!
Because of the free Market, free Guild policy,
new markets have been opened...
Good for the people who were successful with them.
But all the weak guys ended up like this.
And the disparity between the rich
and the poor became even wider.
They just think about the survival of the fittest, I guess.
I don't know whether this is good or bad.
Hey, master...
Fine, fine, fine...
Hey, hey, hey...
You don't feel like searching anymore, do you, master?
That's not true!
Is this all right?
Those guys are rotten to the bone, right?
What do you want?
If you don't want your head to be cut off
by this proud sword, you should leave immediately.
Aniki! Aniki!
My arm!
That was too much, master!
Mother, why...
It's because you're weak.
That's what you're thinking, right?
"I couldn't beat them, so she got killed".
"If I had been stronger than they are,
all of that wouldn't have happened".
Am I wrong?
Become strong, boy!
If you do that, they won't be able to
take away anything from you ever again.
I'll take this box.
Since we've got the box, let's go back, master!
It's already too late.
Who's that?
Give me that box.
And what if I say that I don't want to?
You really shouldn't try that.
Master! Master!
It was just a joke, a joke!
Here, take it!
Follow them!
That's dangerous!
Here I am!
Hey, let me through, let me through!
You haven't gotten rusty yet, have you?
You're quite motivated, huh?
Just what's so special about that box?
It's called Pandora's Box.
What's that?
There's a legend about it in the west.
You mustn't open it.
It's a box that summons many different
calamities when you open it.
Do it!
Do you still want the box?
The circumstances have changed.
You've just barely escaped being killed.
Master... are you all right?
If you don't wanna eat that, I'll take it.
Wait a second...
Do you really want to take him with you?
Is there a problem with it?
Isn't he just a burden for us?!
Is god...
testing our abilities with this task?
Just what the hell can that damned brat do for us?
Nothing, but...
I don't care whether I have one or two burdens to carry.
Even if you say that...
You see me as a burden, too?
I've had enough.
What's that box?
It's called something with pan.
I see...
By the way, master...
Do you know Saizou?
I'm just wondering.
We're just both famous.
Don't lie to me!
Do you want to know?
You haven't told me anything about
your past at all, master.
I had my first time at 15.
That's not what I wanted to know!
I'm just a normal thief...
The great master thief, Ishikawa Goemon.
That's all to know...
What's this?
Looks like a map...
What's wrong with you? Why are you so loud?
Thanks for the food!
Hey, let's go!
Thanks for the food...
The payment.
It's here, right?
It's inside of his ear.
There's something.
Ah! It hurts, it hurts!
I'm stuck!
Ah, ouch, ouch!
Master, please help me, master.
Master, please look here!
What's that?
Hey, master!
It hurts...
A jointly sealed covenant?
I've seen these family crests somewhere before...
Come out!
You keep following us since that inn...
I knew the whole time you were there!
Who the hell are you?
Hattori Hanzou...
Well... oh... Hattori Hanzou?
I give that back to you.
Who's that?
No one knows...
There's no one who's seen him and survived it.
Damn, it's the legendary shinobi!
What do you want?
I want to buy that jointly sealed covenant.
If that's not enough, I'll give you more.
You... you can't buy it with that small amount of money!
Understood, I'll sell it to you.
Right, right...
You really want to sell it?
If you don't have an employment,
I know a good employer!
I've got enough money to survive.
Is this thing real?
What? Hanzou?
Perhaps... Ieyasu ordered it...
That damned cunning old man!
He knew about the jointly sealed covenant?
If Goemon gave him the box... then...
That thing was our special trump card...
Just who the hell is that Goemon guy?!
Oh, why that grim face?
Can't you wait just a little bit longer?
Till we get our hands on that jointly sealed covenant...
And when we finally have it...
Just where have I seen those family crests before...?
Where was it?
Hey, brat!
Have you seen my Kodachi?
I don't know where that dirty thing is...
It's not dirty.
Hey, where's Goemon?
Oh? Well...
He's sleeping, strangely.
You should also sleep, brat.
Damned brat.
Do you have it?
Kneel down!
I've remembered!
Those were...
the family crests of the Akechi and Hashiba families!
Those family crests on that jointly sealed covenant!
Akechi? Hashi?
Yes, Akechi is...
Akechi Mitsuhide...
he got close to Nobunaga and then betrayed him...
He's the man who assassinated
him in the Honno temple.
And Hashiba?
Hashiba stands for Hashiba Hideyoshi...
It's Toyotomi Hideyoshi's former name.
No way...
So Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide had a secret
connection after all...
What does that mean?
That means...
It was Taiko Hideyoshi himself...
who planned Nobunaga's assassination.
This jointly sealed covenant is...
the absolute proof of it.
So... has he made a move?
Master! Master!
It's not the time for sleeping!
Wh... who are you?
This is my revenge...
for Nobunaga!
What happened?
Who are you?
Old lady.
It's dangerous to walk around in this area late at night.
Rumors say that bandits might come out.
I'm begging you!
Just spare this child, please, just spare this child!
I'm begging you!
This isn't a path an old hag like you should take!
On the other hand...
You have quite a cute face, huh?
I'll sell you at a high price.
You brat...
Become strong!
If you do that, they won't be able to take
away anything from you ever again.
Do you want to come with me?
I'll make you strong!
Welcome back, Nobunaga.
Nobunaga, who's that brat?
I'll look after him from today on.
We have a new shinobi.
What's his name?
Goemon, Saizou...
The winner is allowed to drink.
A shinobi is like a shadow.
A shadow doesn't need it's self.
Kill your self and become your master's blade.
Never show yourself and hide from this world.
That... is the destiny of a shinobi.
That's enough, stop!
These two are now excellent adepts.
So, my eyes weren't deceived?
You mustn't get up yet!
Ah, delicious.
Here's today's tile block print.
It says, someone killed Taiko Hideyoshi's double.
It happened in that night, when you...
disappeared together with my Kodachi
and came back injured.
Just who the hell are you?
The great master thief...
Do you still call yourself this way?!
Oda Nobunaga's first shinobi...
is now a thief?
He has brought you here.
That wasn't necessary.
Whose job is it to defend the castle?
It's my job!
Because I had entrusted this castle to
you good-for-nothing...
I almost got killed!
Do you...
want me...
to die?
Not at all!
Is it too bitter?
This is... a very beautiful folding fan.
Have you...
met someone, whom you...
missed for a long time?
Why do you...
stay at Hideyoshi's side?
When I was holding...
a tea ceremony for Hideyoshi and all the other feudal lords...
I could hear his voice.
His voice?
The voice of the person who will change this world.
The one who taught me that...
was Nobunaga.
This is my niece Chacha.
She will live in this castle from today on.
Protect her!
Don't go...
I'm here.
I had a scary dream.
I'm right here, so...
Don't worry. Sleep on.
Where are your parents, Goemon?
I don't have any.
I see...
Well, just like me.
My father also died during the war.
Even now...
I'm having dreams of that time.
Over and over again.
And friends?
Do you have any friends?
But only one.
What's his name?
His name is Saizou.
want to have a friend, too, sometime.
I thought you might get bored if you just
stayed inside the castle the whole time.
But if we get caught in this place by Nobunaga,
we will be in real trouble...
Have we... become friends?
Thanks to you, Goemon...
I don't see those scary dreams anymore.
Thanks for everything until today.
Good bye.
I'm here.
It's a present for taking care of Chacha.
Have you become strong?
don't know yet.
That's all right.
This is Akemichi's treason.
In the Honno temple...
So you've finally done it.
Well done...
Sorry, but... I'll take the governmental power.
Ishida Mitsunari?
Will he become his henchman?
Both Hideyoshi and Mitsunari were born as peasants.
But they...
climbed to the top until they got the governmental power.
So, we, too...
will become samurai one day.
I don't need that.
want to become free.
It's a farewell gift.
What happened to the sword?
I've thrown it away.
I won't thank you for it.
Not necessary.
I don't want to hear that from you anyway.
If you'd kill Hideyoshi now...
This world would return to war again.
Wars would break out everywhere...
And lots of innocent people would get killed.
Who cares.
I'm free to do whatever I want.
If you hadn't stolen that box...
that child's mother wouldn't have died.
Don't get your surroundings involved...
while you're glorifying your freedom.
Freedom doesn't mean living from
day to day without a goal.
You should understand at least that much.
And what about you?
Your stupid boss made you work hard...
So you went and dyed your hands in blood.
"Just a little bit more, and...
I'll become a samurai soon."
And then...
That was all.
Preaching an impious man can be a difficult task.
I have a wife and children...
That poor lady.
You're right.
I think we won't ever meet again.
Next time we meet...
I'll kill you.
That attitude doesn't suit you very well.
You should change your occupation.
You're too flashy.
For a thief.
I'm a master thief!
Don't call yourself that way.
Is it true that a war is going to start?
Why do you...
I can hear it, too...
That voice...
The war...
We must absolutely stop the war...
I understand.
We must obstruct his plans at any cost.
It's way too reckless.
So, I'll go to Hideyoshi...
You can't do that!
If you do that...
you would accept that you become Hideyoshi's concubine.
Please leave this to me.
Above all...
If this world crumbles, there won't be
any tea ceremonies anymore.
If this happens, there will be nothing left for me to do.
It's nice to see that all of you have gathered here.
There's something I want to show you.
I don't like the Christians!
But they want to stop their religious mission...
And the weapons they were hiding behind
their backs are quite fascinating, too.
Well, they were quite expensive, but...
they'll produce them in masses in no time...
We'll attack Korea and...
the Ming-Dynasty!
There's one more thing I want to show you.
Be good...
Maybe you should have sticked with
holding tea ceremonies.
Do you want to...
ruin my dreams?
I'll send the soldiers out!
Let me do this!
You get the military, Kato.
And you get the food, Konishi!
And I?
You were here, too?
Well, everyone...
We're at war!
Ah, master is treating us really rough...
Do you want to become a government official, too, Sasuke?
A government official... do you want to become a respected person?
You know, people like us...
can't just only do rice planting or trade business.
If I don't become a government official, that day-to-day
existence will continue for the rest of my life.
So, in this condition, everyone would do that!
Let's see... maybe I should move to the
place where Sanada Yukimura lives?
I'll buy a mansion there, get a concubine and marry then...
No, maybe I should marry first?
You're not listening, huh?
Hey, what's wrong?
Idiot! Stop it!
Rikyu has...
We have lost a beloved person.
There's something I want to show to you.
I'm back.
Please, let me in.
What's wrong, Okichi?
I will... kill Hideyoshi.
I can stop the war that way...
Are you really sure?
But... there's one thing I want to ask you.
Sasuke sure is late...
Have you gotten drunk?
You're late to realize that.
This isn't a place where you should go to together with a man.
That is too reckless.
Please reconsider.
Shut up!
I'll give you 200 Koku.
Right. I'll give you more Koku if you to this for me.
Also, if I do that, you'll become a noble samurai.
Isn't that what you want?
Am I wrong?
You have no choice!
You have no choice...
So you were all right?
Thank goodness.
So many years have passed since
the last time we've been here.
But nothing has changed, right?
have come to say good bye to you.
Chacha has decided to officially
become Hideyoshi's concubine.
Take care.
In three days...
the celebration for sending out the troops...
will be held on Taiko Hideyoshi's ship...
he wants to present Chacha as
his concubine for the first time.
Tokugawa Ieyasu.
What do you want?
My song is the signal.
Avenge Nobunaga!
That is the only way to rescue Chacha.
Aren't you late, master?
What's wrong?
... that's how it was.
Then, did he die?
I've become strong.
I've become strong and killed him.
I've slaughtered him!
Please stop it! - Stay there!
Are you listening?
That isn't what your mother was hoping for!
Did your mother...
tell you to take revenge and kill people?
She didn't want you to take revenge!
What do you think? Isn't it beautiful?
Hey... look! So many people have gathered here!
For me... and for you.
Excuse me.
Good work, everyone!
Does anyone need water?
Does anyone need water?
Does nobody want to sing?
I will.
Oh, Tokugawa.
Come, start!
People... fifteen years...
Kill him.
Do it in front of all the people.
Let everyone see that Hideyoshi has died...
And throw this world back into war.
And if you take advantage of the disturbances...
you will be the one...
who gets closest to the governmental power.
Dream... illusion's...
Give me your fan!
People... fifteen years...
People... fifteen years...
Someday I will stop all the fighting.
I will create a world with no fighting.
I'm dancing for the sake of that day.
I'll make you dance!
I'm not searching for revenge, am I?
That's what I've said.
What happened?
This way!
Thank you.
I'm alive!
I can't go.
Please go, Goemon.
That shinobi...
He's still alive.
Please go.
Please go!
Don't kill him!
Spit out the name of... your employer!
If you want to save the life of your family,
you'd better not open your mouth!
How dare you doing that to Hideyoshi!
It seems they've brought him to Sonezaki.
Please stop this.
I'm sure, even Saizou was prepared for this.
Tell us your name, OK?
Spit it out!
If you try to save him there...
You'll get in real trouble.
Think of it as God's will...
Do you really understand that?
I understand!
So we meet again, right?
Don't kill me.
He escaped?
Bring him back, no matter what it takes!
I think you understand,...
that I've just let you live.
We're in trouble, master!
What, have they found us?
They're heading to...
Saizou's house.
What's the problem?
That's what I've meant!
When I said that you'd get in trouble!
This is the freedom you were speaking of!
This is the price of your freedom!
If you want to save your child's life, come to the castle!
Please step aside. Please step aside.
So? Do you want to tell me your name at last?
If you do so, I will at least...
spare that child's life.
Hey, Saizou!
Please step aside! Hey!
My name is...
My name is...
the great master thief...
Ishikawa Goemon!
Stop it!
I've done many terrible things up to now...
I've lived an interesting and amusing life.
But I ran out of luck when I tried to...
slaughter Taiko Hideyoshi and make history that way.
I'm Goemon.
I'm Ishikawa Goemon!
Nice to see that so many of you have gathered here.
What a superb view!
You want to know why I had tried to
slaughter Taiko Hideyoshi?
You wanna know, right?
Just look at this world.
Didn't it get out of order?
One after another appeared...
Obsessed with the idea of obtaining the governmental power.
They killed each other and shed blood.
But everyone was just babbling the same thing...
They just kept saying that it was the last time.
But they haven't kept this promise just once, have they?!
How is it?
Stop it Saizou.
And whose blood was shed the most?
It was your blood, right?
Yes! Yes!
That's enough, Saizou!
Please burn me in front of all these people!
Stop it!
This is Ishikawa Goemon's final drama!
Hm, you're feeling lonesome, don't you?
How many times did I tell you...
to stop?
I've told you countless times that you'll get in trouble!
I cannot follow you any longer.
That shinobi...
He told me, his name was Saizou.
He was your shinobi, right?
Hey... Who are you?
You must... be confusing something.
I don't know him.
Have you come, Goemon?
Please don't try to look cool all alone.
You're not the only one who's sad that we've lost Saizou.
Please leave this to us and go ahead.
Don't die!
Have you started to move, Goemon?
So... will it be Chacha who kills Hideyoshi
or will it be someone else?
Did you really think that I would believe that
you'd become my concubine willingly?
Did you?
How could you do this to Nobunaga...
I still have a score to settle with you!
The same techniques won't work on me this time!
So that jointly sealed covenant did still exist?
So Akechi Mitsuhide was cautious?
What do you try to achieve by killing me?
Do you want to throw this world back into war?
You can't stop the fighting.
Nothing will change, no matter how much time might pass.
So you've finally come, huh?
Long time no see.
Sorry to make you wait.
I've come from hell to pick you up.
What do you think? Shall we...
have a drink before that?
What a nice view...
That's the reason why I let it build here.
How was it...
How was that governmental power?
Quite good.
But not as good as this sake.
Why did you kill Nobunaga?
You were his best vassal...
I was hungry.
As you already know, I was born as a peasant.
Since I was a child...
I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it any longer.
I wanted to fill my stomach just once.
In order to do that...
I even desperately endured Nobunaga's unreasonable demands...
I've worked hard... and succeeded.
But, you know...
now matter how much I ate, I couldn't get enough.
My stomach was always empty...
I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it any longer.
So, in the end...
I've tried to eat the governmental power.
That's all.
Is there anything left you want to say?
How did it feel? That thing you've called freedom?
Fifteen years ago you've run away.
To find that thing called freedom...
You've run away from your own destiny.
And? Have you found it?
Have you become free?
Kill me.
I won't run away anymore!
From my destiny.
Has Mitsunari already raised the army?
Is this going to be a war?
Just a contest.
About the feed called governmental power...
We've got an important announcement!
This jointly sealed covenant shows clearly,
that our Tokugawa Ieyasu...
is the legitimate successor of Nobunaga.
After Taiko Hideyoshi had died...
who else than Ieyasu should...
rule this country?!
I leave the rest to you!
Do you want to avenge your friend?
Or is it your loyalty to a patron?
They don't want that to happen.
Take this...
and please...
please come back, no matter what!
Force them back!
You're having something really dangerous there.
I'll go with you!
Do you know this story?
There once was a woman who opened a box that
mustn't be opened out of curiosity.
What do you mean?
Inside of the box were various calamities.
Incurable diseases, war, hatred...
They all jumped out of it and made
many people suffer.
But there was one thing the woman didn't let out of it.
Because of that, the people weren't
annihilated and could live on.
Do you know what that was?
It's something that I didn't have.
Become strong, Koheita.
Even stronger than me...
I have a message for you!
Nobunaga, Nobunaga... he's coming to the front!
What the hell are you saying...
Don't attack him!
Have you lost your mind?
Out of my way!
If you weren't here...
Because you cling to your political power, this will never stop!
People won't become happy that way!
We too...
We are fighting for the sake of that happiness.
I've heard enough of that crap!
Swear that it will end with this!
Swear that all the fighting will stop with this!
Swear that the day will come when all people will be happy!
I've defeated the guy...
Who tried to kill Ieyasu!
I've done it...
This is my achievement!
I've defeated him!
It's my achievement...
I've done it.
Where's my reward?
Where is my reward?!
The sky is crying?
We must stop this.
What a superb view...