Golden Kingdom (2015) Movie Script
Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Go to the Buddha as my refuge.
Go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
Go to the Sangha as my refuge.
For the second time,
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the second time,
I go to the Dhamma, as my refuge.
For the second time,
I go to the Sangha, as my refuge.
For the third time,
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the third time,
I go to the Dhamma, as my refuge.
I've got some rice for you.
Hand me the plates.
Here. Over here.
And the others.
Muse of the robe
to ward off contact with gadflies,
the heat of the sun,
and creeping things.
And also,
I use...
the robe as...
a constant...
for my...
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Give me your pillow!
I need it for my castle.
Move your stuff over there.
Move yourself over there!
Stop joking. I'm tired!
Watch this!
I can do it better.
I can...
- Sayadaw's coming!
- Sayadaw!
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Ho! Venerable master, how are you?
I'm well! Come in.
I brought a letter for you.
Food I brought for you.
Where's your cat?
- Mr. Black? He's inside playing.
- Ah, fine.
Ko Yin, come. Let's bring it in.
Sayadaw, you wished to see me?
Please come in.
Ko Yin Witazara,
I must leave.
I have been called to the state capital
to attend to some affairs.
I do not know
how long it will be before I return.
You will be alone, as you were
before you were brought here.
All the Ko Yin are good,
but, you are the best.
You must take care of the others.
Have you understood
what I'm asking of you?
Yes, I understand.
Pull faster!
Come over and help pull!
We have to go and pray soon.
Awadadema, wake up!
Awadadema, wake up!
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Go to the Buddha as my refuge.
Go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
Go to the Sangha as my refuge.
It's okay. I'll bring it in.
Wisely reflecting,
I use this food not for fun,
not for pleasure,
not for fattening,
not for beautification,
but only for the maintenance
and nourishment of this body,
for keeping it healthy,
for helping with the Spiritual Life.
Thinking thus, I will allay hunger
without overeating,
so that I may continue
to live blamelessly and at ease.
Now we're tied. One more round!
I undertake the precept to refrain
from destroying living creatures.
I undertake the precept
to refrain from stealing.
I undertake the precept
to refrain from lying.
I undertake the precept to refrain from
intoxicants, which leads to carelessness.
I undertake the precept to
refrain from eating after noon.
I undertake the precept to
refrain from entertainments.
When do you think he will return?
He will return when he can.
Why did he have to leave?
He had something to do.
Why couldn't we go with him?
Because we couldn't! Stop bugging me.
Tell us a story. You know so many.
Let's see.
Once upon a time,
many monkeys lived in Himalaya.
They all lived under a monkey chief.
The chief told them to eat up
all the fruits from the trees
and not to drop any into the river.
One mango, covered by a leaf,
was not seen by the monkeys.
It fell down in the river
and was caught by a laundry man.
The man presented the fruit
to the king of the ancient city.
It was so delicious, the king
wanted to eat more fruits
and sent men to search for the tree.
The king and his men went up
the Ganges River and found the tree.
In the night,
he saw the monkeys eating the fruits.
The king ordered his archers
to shoot the monkeys.
The monkey chief
noticed the archers around their tree.
The monkey chief took a rope in his hand,
tied it around his belly and
jumped to the other side of the river.
The monkeys gave respect to their chief
and walked on his body
as they crossed to safety.
The last monkey was the chiefs rival.
He jumped intentionally
on the backbone of the chief.
He cowardly wanted to kill the chief.
The monkey chief vomited blood.
He fell to the ground.
The king took the monkey chief
to his palace.
The monkey chief said: lam dying.
But I am not afraid.
I am not afraid,
your majesty!
The way I saved my monkeys,
you should also be kind
to your own people.
This is the end of the story.
Hey, where's Wezananda?
I don't know. He's probably outside.
Where could he have gone?
He was here last night.
Is he playing some trick?
I see him!
- Where?
- Where?
I swear I saw him.
Just your imagination.
Come and look here!
That is his footprint.
I'm sorry I hit you so hard the other day!
I promise I won't do it again!
What happened?
It was so delicious.
It smells so sweet.
Some jungle spirit tricked Wezananda
into coming here and drinking.
They've done it forever.
We need to watch him to make sure
he doesn't turn into a tiger.
I'm not going to turn into a tiger.
Something must be done before
he turns totally wild and ifs too late.
He'll kill us and won't even be able
to help himself, poor Wezananda.
Well, what do we have here?
he drank from a pool in the jungle,
and we're afraid he'll turn into a tiger.
A tiger, eh'? Well, you better come inside.
I'll put the seeds inside.
My stomach. I feel good.
Are you feeling better?
You're better, yes?
He is out of danger.
I can do it myself.
Where could he be?
He's never been late before.
I'm hungry-
Yesterdays rice.
Have some, brother.
I'll be fine.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
What's happening?!
What is it?
Hungry ghosts. They're starving like us.
Will they come back?
You have to stay here.
In case someone comes.
And someone has to be around
to watch Awadadema.
You can survive!
Don't think of the others!
You will find your own way!
Stop following me!
Leave me alone!
Witazara, what did you
see when you went out there?
What did I see?
Nothing. I didn't see anything.
We need some food.
Come on, Ko Yin Witazara!
Hello! ls anyone there?
Is anyone here?
Everyone has left the village.
Nobody is here.
Please accept my apology
for any mistake I may have made,
physically, verbally or mentally,
and in order to have blessings,
such as long life,
good health and protection,
may I pay homage humbly and respectfully,
to the Triple Gem, the Buddha,
the Dhamma and the Sangha.
For this wholesome deed,
may I be free from four lowly rebirths,
three woeful periods,
the five hindrances...
Ko Yin, what are you doing?
You look after the other boys.
Yes. Sayadaw asked me.
Me, I'm looking for my husband.
His cousin said he is in Taungoo.
I'm going to find him.
He'll want to see his son.
I know ifs a son. I can tell.
Maybe he will be like you.
What happened to your mom and dad?
They died.
Please accept my apology
for any mistake I may have made,
physically, verbally or mentally.
Little brother, how are you?
I'm fine, thank you.
You must visit me in Taungoo, young monk.
Once I reach my husband,
we will have a fine house,
and my son will be growing.
You'll come, yes?
Please accept my apology
for any mistake I may have made,
physically, verbally or mentally...
Thanks for looking after me.
Are we the only ones here?
Yes, we are alone.
Good. I would like to die in peace.
The abbot?
He went to town through the mountain pass.
Mountain pass?
Do you think someone can pass
through the mountain pass?
Did you ever hear the one about the farmer
who became rich at the mountain pass?
Some time ago on the mountain pass,
a poor farmer started gaining riches.
He became richer, day by day.
When he became rich,
his relatives became rich, too.
Some people said he was just lucky.
Others said it was because
of good deeds in his past lives.
The king from the palace
heard about this man's riches.
The king sent some soldiers
to collect taxes.
When the soldiers reached
the mountain pass, they became scared.
However, they could not
disobey the orders of the king.
But when they arrived,
the rich man...
treated them nicely.
He prepared nice foods for them.
He offered them opium.
They fell unconscious,
and he cut out their tongues.
When they arrived back to the palace,
they could not talk anymore.
Because their tongues were cut off there.
Whoever was sent to this village,
his tongue was cut off.
Nobody dares to...
go to the mountain pass.
What happened to the man?
- Good day.
- Good day.
Venerable old sir,
why do you travel this road alone?
Come closer. I can't hear you, Ko Yin.
What brings you to this road
in this time of war?
I am seeking the lord of death.
Have you seen him?
I shall find him.
If I look at what's frightening me,
it will go away!
If I look at what's frightening me,
it will go away!
That's just an old story you've heard!
Look at me!
Little brother, why do you lay here?
Are you a spirit?
No, I'm Ko Yin Witazara.
Here, please.
This is the path.
You will not miss what you seek.
Thank you. Very good.
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
A miracle has happened!
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
They came so fast.
We had to leave before
we even knew what was happening.
We tried to get to you,
but it was too late.
I am sorry that I had to leave you.
It is the way of this life, though.
I am going to the abode of the Taungoo now.
But I remember you.
I wanted to see you to say good-bye.
Come look! Witazara, come look!
Sayadaw has returned!
Hello, young monks.
I am sorry I have been gone so long.
Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Go to the Buddha as my refuge.
Go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
Go to the Sangha as my refuge.
For the second time,
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the second time,
I go to the Dhamma, as my refuge.
For the second time,
I go to the Sangha, as my refuge.
For the third time,
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the third time,
I go to the Dhamma, as my refuge.
I've got some rice for you.
Hand me the plates.
Here. Over here.
And the others.
Muse of the robe
to ward off contact with gadflies,
the heat of the sun,
and creeping things.
And also,
I use...
the robe as...
a constant...
for my...
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Give me your pillow!
I need it for my castle.
Move your stuff over there.
Move yourself over there!
Stop joking. I'm tired!
Watch this!
I can do it better.
I can...
- Sayadaw's coming!
- Sayadaw!
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Ho! Venerable master, how are you?
I'm well! Come in.
I brought a letter for you.
Food I brought for you.
Where's your cat?
- Mr. Black? He's inside playing.
- Ah, fine.
Ko Yin, come. Let's bring it in.
Sayadaw, you wished to see me?
Please come in.
Ko Yin Witazara,
I must leave.
I have been called to the state capital
to attend to some affairs.
I do not know
how long it will be before I return.
You will be alone, as you were
before you were brought here.
All the Ko Yin are good,
but, you are the best.
You must take care of the others.
Have you understood
what I'm asking of you?
Yes, I understand.
Pull faster!
Come over and help pull!
We have to go and pray soon.
Awadadema, wake up!
Awadadema, wake up!
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
Go to the Buddha as my refuge.
Go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
Go to the Sangha as my refuge.
It's okay. I'll bring it in.
Wisely reflecting,
I use this food not for fun,
not for pleasure,
not for fattening,
not for beautification,
but only for the maintenance
and nourishment of this body,
for keeping it healthy,
for helping with the Spiritual Life.
Thinking thus, I will allay hunger
without overeating,
so that I may continue
to live blamelessly and at ease.
Now we're tied. One more round!
I undertake the precept to refrain
from destroying living creatures.
I undertake the precept
to refrain from stealing.
I undertake the precept
to refrain from lying.
I undertake the precept to refrain from
intoxicants, which leads to carelessness.
I undertake the precept to
refrain from eating after noon.
I undertake the precept to
refrain from entertainments.
When do you think he will return?
He will return when he can.
Why did he have to leave?
He had something to do.
Why couldn't we go with him?
Because we couldn't! Stop bugging me.
Tell us a story. You know so many.
Let's see.
Once upon a time,
many monkeys lived in Himalaya.
They all lived under a monkey chief.
The chief told them to eat up
all the fruits from the trees
and not to drop any into the river.
One mango, covered by a leaf,
was not seen by the monkeys.
It fell down in the river
and was caught by a laundry man.
The man presented the fruit
to the king of the ancient city.
It was so delicious, the king
wanted to eat more fruits
and sent men to search for the tree.
The king and his men went up
the Ganges River and found the tree.
In the night,
he saw the monkeys eating the fruits.
The king ordered his archers
to shoot the monkeys.
The monkey chief
noticed the archers around their tree.
The monkey chief took a rope in his hand,
tied it around his belly and
jumped to the other side of the river.
The monkeys gave respect to their chief
and walked on his body
as they crossed to safety.
The last monkey was the chiefs rival.
He jumped intentionally
on the backbone of the chief.
He cowardly wanted to kill the chief.
The monkey chief vomited blood.
He fell to the ground.
The king took the monkey chief
to his palace.
The monkey chief said: lam dying.
But I am not afraid.
I am not afraid,
your majesty!
The way I saved my monkeys,
you should also be kind
to your own people.
This is the end of the story.
Hey, where's Wezananda?
I don't know. He's probably outside.
Where could he have gone?
He was here last night.
Is he playing some trick?
I see him!
- Where?
- Where?
I swear I saw him.
Just your imagination.
Come and look here!
That is his footprint.
I'm sorry I hit you so hard the other day!
I promise I won't do it again!
What happened?
It was so delicious.
It smells so sweet.
Some jungle spirit tricked Wezananda
into coming here and drinking.
They've done it forever.
We need to watch him to make sure
he doesn't turn into a tiger.
I'm not going to turn into a tiger.
Something must be done before
he turns totally wild and ifs too late.
He'll kill us and won't even be able
to help himself, poor Wezananda.
Well, what do we have here?
he drank from a pool in the jungle,
and we're afraid he'll turn into a tiger.
A tiger, eh'? Well, you better come inside.
I'll put the seeds inside.
My stomach. I feel good.
Are you feeling better?
You're better, yes?
He is out of danger.
I can do it myself.
Where could he be?
He's never been late before.
I'm hungry-
Yesterdays rice.
Have some, brother.
I'll be fine.
Homage to the Blessed One,
the Noble One,
the Perfectly Enlightened One.
What's happening?!
What is it?
Hungry ghosts. They're starving like us.
Will they come back?
You have to stay here.
In case someone comes.
And someone has to be around
to watch Awadadema.
You can survive!
Don't think of the others!
You will find your own way!
Stop following me!
Leave me alone!
Witazara, what did you
see when you went out there?
What did I see?
Nothing. I didn't see anything.
We need some food.
Come on, Ko Yin Witazara!
Hello! ls anyone there?
Is anyone here?
Everyone has left the village.
Nobody is here.
Please accept my apology
for any mistake I may have made,
physically, verbally or mentally,
and in order to have blessings,
such as long life,
good health and protection,
may I pay homage humbly and respectfully,
to the Triple Gem, the Buddha,
the Dhamma and the Sangha.
For this wholesome deed,
may I be free from four lowly rebirths,
three woeful periods,
the five hindrances...
Ko Yin, what are you doing?
You look after the other boys.
Yes. Sayadaw asked me.
Me, I'm looking for my husband.
His cousin said he is in Taungoo.
I'm going to find him.
He'll want to see his son.
I know ifs a son. I can tell.
Maybe he will be like you.
What happened to your mom and dad?
They died.
Please accept my apology
for any mistake I may have made,
physically, verbally or mentally.
Little brother, how are you?
I'm fine, thank you.
You must visit me in Taungoo, young monk.
Once I reach my husband,
we will have a fine house,
and my son will be growing.
You'll come, yes?
Please accept my apology
for any mistake I may have made,
physically, verbally or mentally...
Thanks for looking after me.
Are we the only ones here?
Yes, we are alone.
Good. I would like to die in peace.
The abbot?
He went to town through the mountain pass.
Mountain pass?
Do you think someone can pass
through the mountain pass?
Did you ever hear the one about the farmer
who became rich at the mountain pass?
Some time ago on the mountain pass,
a poor farmer started gaining riches.
He became richer, day by day.
When he became rich,
his relatives became rich, too.
Some people said he was just lucky.
Others said it was because
of good deeds in his past lives.
The king from the palace
heard about this man's riches.
The king sent some soldiers
to collect taxes.
When the soldiers reached
the mountain pass, they became scared.
However, they could not
disobey the orders of the king.
But when they arrived,
the rich man...
treated them nicely.
He prepared nice foods for them.
He offered them opium.
They fell unconscious,
and he cut out their tongues.
When they arrived back to the palace,
they could not talk anymore.
Because their tongues were cut off there.
Whoever was sent to this village,
his tongue was cut off.
Nobody dares to...
go to the mountain pass.
What happened to the man?
- Good day.
- Good day.
Venerable old sir,
why do you travel this road alone?
Come closer. I can't hear you, Ko Yin.
What brings you to this road
in this time of war?
I am seeking the lord of death.
Have you seen him?
I shall find him.
If I look at what's frightening me,
it will go away!
If I look at what's frightening me,
it will go away!
That's just an old story you've heard!
Look at me!
Little brother, why do you lay here?
Are you a spirit?
No, I'm Ko Yin Witazara.
Here, please.
This is the path.
You will not miss what you seek.
Thank you. Very good.
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
A miracle has happened!
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
Ko Yin Witazara's back!
They came so fast.
We had to leave before
we even knew what was happening.
We tried to get to you,
but it was too late.
I am sorry that I had to leave you.
It is the way of this life, though.
I am going to the abode of the Taungoo now.
But I remember you.
I wanted to see you to say good-bye.
Come look! Witazara, come look!
Sayadaw has returned!
Hello, young monks.
I am sorry I have been gone so long.