Golden Voices (2019) Movie Script
At the end of the 1980's,
following the fall of the Iron Curtain,
the Jews of the USSR
were officially allowed to migrate.
Most of them immigrated to Israel.
Come, please,
stand here and wait.
Don't go anywhere, wait here.
Wait here, please.
Vitya, maybe later?
Wait for the rest.
Stop, please.
Stop, please.
Welcome to the capital...
To the right.
One step forward.
One step down.
That's it.
Excuse me.
Everyone's waiting for you.
A real smile.
Israel will not hesitate to act
when it sees fit
in order to eliminate
or weaken the Iraqi threat,
says Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir...
Baruch, Baruch.
I haven't been Boris for a long time.
Welcome to...
How much is the rent?
$500 a month.
Including utilities?
No, just the rent.
Not cheap.
Central location, good neighborhood.
Those are the prices.
I'm sorry, but I've got to run.
Kids, work...
Yes, of course.
- Of course.
I left you some food in the fridge
and a bottle of wine.
You probably want to celebrate.
Get settled in
and we'll be in touch.
Thank you.
- Thank you, Baruch.
Raya, go to the kitchen
for a second.
Just go.
Can you see anything?
say something.
Let's make a toast
and you'll say a few words.
What should I say?
We are finally here,
in the Holy Land.
Making a fresh start.
Good luck to us.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Let's drink to a fresh start.
Good to see you,
you haven't changed a bit.
And you only get more good-looking.
Yes, that's true.
Please, come in.
- Thank you. -Thank you.
You know what's
the first movie I saw
after coming to Israel?
In January '78...
"Are you afraid to die, Spartacus?"
"No more than I was to be born."
My favorite movie.
I knew it by heart.
But when I watched it here,
you know what I realized?
It's a crappy movie.
You turned it into a masterpiece,
you turned Kirk Douglas
into a great actor.
Of course you were wonderful, too,
Raya, as always,
but you, Victor...
I could've done better.
So all these years
you've been dubbing movies?
Yes, up until June this year.
The studio was privatized
and they brought in some youngsters,
they said the audience wants
new voices.
And you decided...
- Yes.
Everyone's leaving,
we always remembered who we are.
We spoke Yiddish at home,
we ate matzos at Passover.
You did the right thing,
you belong here.
Although with your profession
here in Israel...
That's exactly why we came to you.
How can I help?
Radio plays.
We could even do radio plays
based on movies we've dubbed,
well-known and well-loved movies.
We thought twice a week,
but we could do three, too.
Victor, Raya,
I think it's a great idea,
but unfortunately,
now is not the right time.
Why not? -Hundreds of thousands
are immigrating to Israel
and they have no idea
what's going on here.
They want to know
how to get a mortgage,
what National Insurance is,
what's going on
with the Gulf War...
They need something for the soul.
You're absolutely right.
If it was up to me...
what about theater?
They just opened
a Russian theater.
Go there.
I know the manager.
Vitya, it's a great idea.
- I'll give him a call.
Not now.
I need to think it over.
Not now.
Give it a try.
What do you have to lose?
You used to dream of being on stage.
Used to...
Just imagine...
The curtain goes up,
you're standing in the spotlights
and you say...
Dinner's ready.
You recite...
King Lear's monologue.
"Blow, winds..."
"Rage, blow!"
Good night.
Good morning, students.
Good morning, ma'am.
How are you?
Today we'll start as always
by you telling me what you did today.
I got up in morning.
I got up in the morning.
I went on work.
I went to work.
Today I do...
I got my hair cut.
I got my hair cut.
Good job, Nadia.
It's a nice haircut, isn't it?
tell us what you did today.
I eat grapes.
I ate grapes.
I ate grapes.
I sit sun.
I sat in the sun.
Good job, Raya,
Tell us what you did today.
You must have done something.
You woke up in the morning,
brushed your teeth.
- Newspaper?
What did it say in the newspaper?
Saddam Hussein...
Not good.
Victor, try telling us
about something good.
Something good
that happened to you recently.
The best.
"Looking for women with a pleasant voice.
High paying."
Hello, I'm calling about the ad.
I don't speak Russian.
About the job? "Rabota"?
Yes, "rabota."
What's your name?
- I'm Raya.
Raya. Talk a little,
I want to hear you in Russian.
What, talk?
I don't know, anything.
Tell me something.
Yes, something,
whatever you want.
Come on, Raya,
I don't have all day.
With you...
I forget the whole world
Love swallows me up like the sea
But you remain as cold
as an iceberg floating in the ocean
And all your troubles drown
in the murky water...
Come by tonight after six.
11 Shmotkin Street.
One-one Shmotkin.
Door number three-one.
Okay. -Bye.
- Thank you.
Are they looking for a singer?
They didn't tell me
what the job is.
Then why did you start singing?
I just felt like it.
Good luck.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Oh, yes,
your cock is so strong.
I can't...
Keep going, don't stop.
Yes, a little more.
I'm close.
I'm getting closer.
Help me.
No, keep going.
- That feels so good.
More, more.
Talk on phone.
You're Raya?
- Yes, I'm Raya.
How old are you?
- Yes.
You had the voice
of a young girl on the phone.
You, voice.
Oh, I have many voice.
I can talk like this...
or like this.
Have a seat.
- Thank you.
Do you know what we do here?
Work here?
Erotic calls.
Erotica, sex.
Lots of Russians are coming,
lots of horny Russians,
they want sex on the phone.
You understand?
Igor, Sasha, Sergei...
They call, Raya answers.
You do...
You understand?
I not...
- Why not?
I have a good feeling about you.
No sex.
Good money.
15 shekels an hour.
One hour, 15 shekels.
Good money.
It's not my thing.
What kind of work is it?
They sell perfume.
Yes, that's not your thing.
- That's what I told them.
The food is very good,
really delicious.
My wife says it's delicious.
Thank you.
Baruchi, tell him about the job.
Victor, at Heli's work they're looking
for an employee,
it's right up your alley.
Don't you need to know Hebrew
to work for the municipality?
All you need are comfortable shoes.
For walking.
He's breathing.
Let him nap a little longer.
We'll go get the washing machine first.
Come on.
You can't walk around all day
in the heat.
It's all because of the shoes.
I told you I should buy a size 45.
I'll find a job.
- I won't let you wash floors.
Okay, I'll sell perfume on the phone.
- You won't sell anything.
We'll wait and see.
Do an orgasm.
Good, good...
Good, good...
I don't know, Raya.
Please, I learn.
I learn strong, I do good.
I'll give you a two-day trial.
Two days, test.
You need a name.
I name Raya.
No, no, no.
A different name, not Raya.
Natasha, Masha, Nina.
- No, I don't know,
it sounds like margarine.
be Margarita.
Just don't tell anyone
how old you are.
You are not six-two.
You are three...
How old are you, Margarita?
Hello, can you hear me?
- Good evening.
I'm Margarita.
What's your name?
Oh, Serge.
What a nice name,
are you French?
actually it's Sergei, but I didn't
want to tell you my real...
Damn it.
- What's wrong?
I told you my real name.
I can call you Serge
if you want.
It doesn't matter anymore.
Where do you work, Serge?
Margarita, maybe I'll call back
some other time.
Serge, I want to tell you
about myself.
Actually, I'm in a hurry.
I'm 22 and I'm a virgin.
- Yes, really.
I'm a brunette
with green eyes.
I'm tall, slim
and I have big, firm breasts and...
juicy thighs.
I'm very beautiful,
all the men tell me so.
I've had lots of chances, but...
I've been waiting for the right man.
I think...
it's you, Serge.
Why me?
I feel that...
you have experience,
that you know how to please a woman.
Do you want to touch me, Serge?
Yes, I do.
Where would you like to start?
Where can I start?
Anywhere you want.
You can touch me
wherever you want, Serge.
It's all in your hands.
Can I start with your breasts?
Oh, yes,
I was hoping you'd start with them.
My brown nipples
are hard and anxious...
for someone to touch them.
I'm taking my top off slowly,
I'm taking off my bra
and here they are...
waiting for you to touch them, Serge.
I'm touching them.
Oh, yes, yes,
I can feel your fingers.
Strong fingers
massaging my breasts,
caressing my nipples.
Are you okay, Serge?
Yes, yes.
Thank you, Margarita,
I'll call back soon.
Thank you.
Thank you, Serge.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Bon appetit.
- Thank you.
What are we celebrating?
I got the job.
Can't you be happy for me
just once?
I'm happy for you.
But what could you possibly
sell at this hour?
Many immigrants work in the evenings
and come home late.
My homeland
My precious
I cannot forget you
Many a time, weary from wandering
From my miserable life
My thoughts drift back to you...
Vitya, let's go dance.
Why not?
I don't feel like it.
Pass the butter, please.
I see before my eyes
My beloved land
A small flowing spring...
Just drop it.
Actually, I have some good news, too.
Guess who called me?
"Viper Snake, Viper Snake.
"Attention, listeners.
"Due to a missile attack on Israel
air raid sirens are being sounded.
"All residents must immediately
put on their gas masks
"and close themselves off
in their sealed rooms".
Thank you for coming
at such short notice.
Don't be silly, thank you.
If you need anything else...
Of course.
Thank you.
It was good seeing you.
Thank you, Victor, and say hello
to your lovely wife.
I will.
what about...
It's for the country.
We each help however we can.
The country needed your voice, Victor.
I thought you'd be happy.
Of course, thank you very much.
I'll tell you what,
if a war breaks out
and we do use your recording,
I'll make sure
you get a token fee.
Thank you very much.
Okay, I've got to run.
"You was my brother, Charley,
"you should've looked out for me
a little bit,
"so I wouldn't have to take them dives
for the short-end money."
"You don't understand!
"I could've had class,
"I could've been a contender,
"I could've been somebody.
"Instead of a bum,
"which is what I am".
"It was you, Charley."
Marlon Brando,
"On the Waterfront," 1954.
Yes, yes, I...
I know that, Victor Semyonovich.
Let's try again.
But don't do it like Brando.
Then like who?
Like you.
Like me? -Yes, you understand?
Like you see it.
Vitya, you promised me.
You said if I did well with the perfume
you'd quit.
Does that seem right to you?
- That you work
and I sit on the sofa all day.
Can I help you?
Want a membership?
We have a huge selection of movies,
old, new, all dubbed in Russian.
We have a special opening price.
Listen, this isn't a movie theater here.
You can rent a movie
and watch it at home.
It took me time to crack him.
Dustin Hoffman.
It was the first time
I ever worked with him.
He's a unique actor.
thin, but with incredible
inner strength.
I watched the movie four times
before finding the right voice for him.
There were a lot of things
I didn't understand.
Yes, a lot of things
I only understand now,
a lot of things
I'd do different if I could,
but we can't.
Some things, once they're done
can't be undone.
My wife, my ex-wife,
says that she loves Billy
and I believe she does,
but I don't think that's the issue here.
I'd like to know
what law is it that says
that a woman is a better parent
simply by virtue of her sex?
I've had a lot of time to think about
what is it that makes somebody
a good parent.
At first I didn't think I could do it.
It has to do with constancy,
with patience...
- It has to do with listening...
Shura, come here.
- You won't believe who's here.
Good evening, I'm Margarita.
What's your name?
Nice to meet you, Gera.
I'm s-s-sorry.
About what, Gera?
About th-th-the...
Poor thing.
The stutter?
It's okay, Gera.
Don't be shy.
It h-h-happens only
when I g-g-get excited.
Actually, it turns me on.
I'm all wet.
I want to touch your puss...
Puss... puss... puss...
Puss... puss... puss...
Gera, I wasn't laughing at you.
Don't lie.
It just came out,
I thought of something funny.
You're ly... ly...
I want to tell you about myself.
- You're a model with huge tits.
Not at all.
You're a v-v-virgin.
You wish.
Actually, Gera, I'm...
a bored, married woman
looking for wild adventures.
Have you...
been married for a long time?
And your husband
doesn't suspect anything?
He has no idea.
He thinks I have
a completely normal job.
What did you tell him?
That I sell perfume.
On the phone.
My wife said she found a job,
in shawarma.
Now I'm afraid to think
what she's really doing.
Why are you so quiet?
Hang up!
Hello? -Gera, I have to hang up,
but please call me back,
promise you'll call me.
Yes, can I help you?
Wait here.
Raya, for you.
Sorry, sorry.
What are you doing here?
What's wrong?
A tiny step back,
That's it!
A tiny bit to the left,
That's it.
Lift your chin up.
Not that high.
This movie is being screened
in cinemas all over Israel
and many new immigrants
are dying to see it.
They see the posters on the streets.
In the USSR they couldn't go to the cinema
and watch new American movies.
Now they have the chance,
but they still can't go.
First of all, it's not cheap,
and second...
The language.
- Exactly.
Shurik and I couldn't find
anyone to do it.
We tried doing it ourselves...
My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father.
Prepare to die.
You'll get 1,600 shekels a month.
- Together.
It's not enough.
How long will it take you
to dub a movie?
No more than two hours.
Are you kidding?
One movie takes a whole workday,
and that's only if it goes smoothly.
No, no, that's no good for me.
I get new movies
every Sunday morning
and I want to rent them out
by Tuesday morning.
That's impossible.
We have to sit and watch the movies.
Fine, sit and watch them.
Then dub them.
Each movie shouldn't take
more than 4 hours of work.
No, we have to go over
the translation...
you don't translate it yourselves?
Professional translators.
I can't afford translators.
If you can't translate it yourselves,
Shurik will do it,
he's good with languages,
but then I definitely won't pay
more than 1,600.
I'd like to go over
the technical details with you.
Discuss that with Shurik,
I know nothing about it.
Is this legal?
You film the movie
from the cinema screen, right?
Let's say we do.
Is that legal?
I haven't read
the entire Israeli penal code.
Don't play stupid,
you know what I'm talking about.
You can do whatever you want,
We will not be a part of this,
right, Vitya?
Let's talk outside.
Give us a minute.
What's wrong with you?
I don't intend on going to jail.
What are you talking about?
I don't know, Vitya,
I don't know.
What don't you know?
I don't like this.
You don't want to do this?
No, I don't.
Are you kidding me?
You said yourself, a fresh start.
So what?
We did dubbing our whole life.
It's time to try something new.
Like what?
Selling perfume to people on the phone?
Why not?
- Why not?
It's humiliating and pathetic.
And repeating lines like a parrot
isn't humiliating and pathetic?
I'm a parrot?
I'm sorry.
Fine, we'll do the dubbing,
but I'm not quitting the perfume job.
- No.
It'll get in the way of the dubbing.
I refuse to compromise on quality.
I make more there
than both of us will make here.
if that's what you want.
That's what I want.
And where did you work
in the USSR?
I was a singer.
Could I have heard of you?
No, I wasn't famous.
I worked at a restaurant,
I sang songs by famous pop stars,
like Pugacheva.
Margarita, can I...
tell you a little secret?
I'm crazy about Pugacheva.
I don't believe you!
Why not?
I don't know a single man
who likes her songs.
You don't know a single man
who admits to it.
Perhaps your husband
secretly admires her?
No, he can't stand her,
believe me.
Sing me something by Pugacheva.
You called an erotic call center,
not a singing telegram service.
You know
what I'd do if I saw you
singing a song by Pugacheva?
- I'd walk over to you
and ask you what you're doing
after the show.
I'd tell you that after the show
I'm going home.
I'd of-of-offer to drive you home.
I think...
I'd agree.
And then we'd fuck in the car
like two teenagers.
On the side of the road.
Cars would drive past us...
Margarita, I'm...
I'm begging you, sing for me.
No one ever sang a song
just for me.
There once was a painter
He had a house and canvases
But he fell in love with an actress
And she loved flowers
He sold his house
Sold all his paintings
And with the money he got
he bought
A sea of flowers.
Give it to me between my legs!
A million red roses
You see from the window
If he's really and truly in love with you
Honey, I'm home!
- I'm sorry,
I have to go...
That guy...
What's his name?
He calls a lot, huh?
Almost every day?
Good for business.
- Yes, business.
This is only business.
I don't like this, Victor.
Let's sit in the back row.
No one will be behind...
From now on
we're doing this properly.
Come on.
Good, I told you this would work.
Let's hope we don't get caught.
You promised to buy us
another microphone two weeks ago.
You're managing
just fine with one.
And what about the translation?
"Shurik is good with languages."
He can barely speak Russian,
he looks up every other word
in the dictionary
and he can't hear most of it
because he's half deaf.
No one's complained so far.
- I'm complaining.
Victor, I don't have time for this,
people are waiting for the movies.
Get back to work,
we'll talk later.
One moment.
Here, this is yours.
- Thank you.
What do you have?
I'm returning "Die Hard 2"
and taking "RoboCop."
One moment.
Thank you.
I want the newest movies you have.
Here no Hebrew.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know.
I'm curious,
how much does it cost
to rent a movie?
One video?
How much money?
You not here.
Go "Blockbuster,"
Jabotinsky Street.
I never thought I'd be saying this,
but I miss the Soviet censorship.
Hide the camera, quick.
Wait, wait.
I know him,
he's okay, let him go.
They were together.
- No, no, I know him, he's okay.
How are you, Victor?
Let him go, he's my friend,
I know him.
Come on, let him go.
Let's go.
I'm not a racist, Victor.
I'm not a racist, Victor.
That is, he isn't.
No one deserves to watch a movie
in crappy quality
just because
he was born in Russia.
He deserves to sit
in a movie theater
with air-conditioning,
with good sound,
like every human being.
You and your wife
deserve better, too.
Your voices...
are worth much more
and I know what
I'm talking about, I have a good ear.
Believe me, I have a good ear.
He has.
I'm willing to give one theater
only to Russians.
Because they deserve it.
I don't want you and Raya to work
at all kinds of "Sputniks"
with all those little criminals.
I want you to work with me.
How much will you pay him?
I saved your uncle from jail and
you're asking me about money?
To start off, we'll do a test.
I'll screen a movie
dubbed into Russian,
for a week or two,
we'll see how it goes.
- Fellini.
What do you mean, Fellini?
It has to be Fellini's new movie,
"The Voice of the Moon."
I was thinking more along
the lines of "Home Alone."
No. Fellini,
that's what we need.
We're intelligent people.
We're intelligent people.
That is, they are.
Good evening, my name is Margarita,
what's your name?
I'm Margarita
and I'm here to make
all your fantasies come true.
Don't be shy.
I'll do anything you want tonight.
Why aren't you asleep?
What's wrong?
Remember the movie "Nights of Cabiria"
with Giuletta Masina?
Of course.
It was your first big job, wasn't it?
I fell in love with you
when I heard you in that movie.
Even before we'd met
and started working together,
I heard your voice in
"Nights of Cabiria."
You never told me that.
- Strange.
But it doesn't matter now.
The voice I fell in love with...
turned into the voice
of a whore.
Yes, Giuletta Masina
played a prostitute.
I don't understand.
- You understand just fine.
"Roman Holiday,"
our first job together.
At the end of the shift
I asked you out for a first date,
but you said no.
"Nice Old Piano," a Yugoslav movie,
not that great.
At the end of the shift
I asked you out again
and this time you said yes.
This isn't Russia here!
On the wall there was
a black and white photo.
This one?
Thank you.
Who's that guy with you?
You don't recognize him?
- No.
the Moscow International Film Festival.
The Culture Ministry officials
ban the screening of a film
of a genius Italian director,
for ideological reasons.
A young dubber who saw the film
convinces them
that the film is a masterpiece
and that Soviet viewers
must see it.
The officials approve the screening.
The young dubber and his wife
dub the film into Russian,
the director comes to Moscow.
The film wins
the grand prize at the festival
and the Soviet audience is exposed to one
of the greatest films of the 20th century,
So who is that?
Put it here.
Thank you.
Would you like some water?
Come in.
Thank you.
My son Omer.
He's all grown up now.
In Boston, at university.
Do you have children?
You didn't want any?
No luck...
Well, this is the living room.
Sofa, you can sleep here.
It opens up,
you'll be comfortable.
The bathroom is over there.
I'll get you
a towel in a minute.
was Omer's room.
Now it's the sealed room.
That's it.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you, Devorah.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Margarita, where do you live?
We don't give out
personal information.
In the central region?
We're not allowed.
I'll be at the Bat Yam promenade
at 4 o'clock.
Do you like the beach?
I hate the beach.
There's a sculpture there,
three dolphins.
In the middle of the promenade.
You can't miss it.
What will you be doing there?
Waiting for you.
For me?
I want to meet you.
I can't.
Can't or...
don't want to?
I understand, but...
I can't call anymore, Margarita,
this is the last time.
I got the phone bill.
My wife hasn't seen it yet,
but when she does,
I'll have to tell her where...
where I was calling
and promise not to call anymore.
You don't even know
what I look like.
You don't even know who I am.
Age, name, looks,
that's all nonsense,
it's... insignificant.
When I talk to you,
I feel alive,
I've never felt like this before.
I'll be waiting for you
by the three dolphins.
Don't waste your time.
Excuse me.
I n-n-need...
toilet, I need.
I'm sorry, sir, the restroom
is only for our customers.
I need... little.
It's only for customers.
He is with me.
He is customers, he is with me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Can I p-p-put them here?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're a lifesaver.
Thank you.
She didn't show up.
I've been sitting here
and couldn't help but notice you
standing and waiting...
There aren't many men here
with red roses.
So while you...
I peeked at the window.
Although I don't know
who you're waiting for...
I myself don't know.
We only spoke on the phone.
I guess she's not coming, so...
She told me she wouldn't come,
but I was still hoping.
It's her loss.
She didn't get
her beautiful bouquet.
"A million red roses,"
like in the song, yes?
I know she likes that song.
I'll go wait a little while longer.
Would you like to wait for her here?
In the cafe?
- Yes.
You have a great view from here.
You must be tired
from standing for so long. Sit.
For a whole month I ran around
all the markets in Moscow
and what didn't I buy.
Chrysanthemums, asters,
carnations, violets,
- Gladioluses...
We were told that in Israel the seeds
are worth a fortune... -You know...
- You know what I brought...
to Israel?
- Socks?
Socks. Socks.
Angora socks.
50 pairs.
I was told that if I sold
50 pairs of angora socks here
I could buy...
a house.
it was nice meeting you, but...
I have to go,
I don't want to be late for work.
Do you work h-h...
here in Bat Yam?
No, in Rishon.
In the industrial zone.
What do you d-d-do there?
I clean offices.
At night?
After everyone goes home.
Okay, I have to go,
otherwise I'll miss my bus.
I can t-t-take you,
I have a car.
No, it's okay.
By car it's a 20-minute drive
and by bus
it'll take you an hour.
No, no, no.
- Why not?
I don't want to bother you.
It's no... no bother.
You won't have to get
on a crowded bus
and you won't be late for work.
And what about your lady friend?
Everyone told me, are you crazy?
What'll you do with a Lada in Israel?
But I insisted, I refused to sell it.
It took me 7 years to get this car,
now I have to sell it?
Only the radio doesn't work well,
something must've gone wrong
with the frequencies.
May I?
The moon falls, too drunk
Up in the sky, like an innocent baby
What is the s-s-song about?
I have no idea.
Aren't you sad all alone?
How delightful it is,
how delightful
The fear inside of me
is crumbling away
How delightful it is,
how delightful...
That's it.
As I said, we made it on time.
Thank you.
It was...
very nice of you to take me.
It's okay.
Goodbye, have a good evening
and a nice time at work.
Thank you.
So what will you tell her?
What will y-y-you tell her?
Tell who?
I understand everything.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Margarita sent you.
Margarita sent you to meet me.
She was afraid she wouldn't like me
so she sent you
to check me out
and tell her what you think.
I'm sorry,
I didn't want to embarrass you.
It's okay.
I'm just curious what you'll tell her,
I don't want you to be late
for work because of me.
Here, this is for you.
I had a wonderful evening,
thank you.
Take it, please.
tell her
that you're wonderful
and that everything
she told me about you
is 100 percent true.
You're funny,
full of life,
I'll also tell her that...
when you look at a woman
her heart starts beating
a little faster.
Have you lost your mind?
I'm sorry, Raya, I...
I just wasn't expecting that.
I really didn't w-w-want to,
I'm Margarita.
Good evening, I'm Margarita.
I'll make
all your fantasies come true.
What would you like...
to do today?
Don't you get it?
Are you a little slow?
you listen to me,
you lousy pervert.
If you ever
call here again
I swear, I'll come to your house
and cut your stinky dick off.
I know your number,
I know who you are,
I know where you live.
You understand?
You understand?!
Your husband brought that.
You're the best.
You're the best, Rafi.
You're an animal.
You forgot that.
I didn't forget,
I didn't want to take it.
What do you mean?
I won't put on
that disgusting thing.
Are you crazy?
What if Saddam
bombs us with chemical weapons?
Do you remember
what you told me
on our first date?
Why our work is so important?
Do you remember?
Each movie
is like an entire world
and we enable people
to enter those worlds.
I wanted my life
to be an entire world
but it's nothing.
I wanted to be
the main character, but...
I'm not even a supporting one.
I'm just...
a voice in the background.
And our life together...
Is it also nothing?
You're a good man, Vitya,
but I'm so tired of you
after all these years.
You have no idea.
Everything has to be
the way you want it,
the way you like it.
We had a chance
to have a real family,
but you didn't want that.
"A child will harm our career."
"Let's wait another few years."
You agreed.
For you.
What's so funny?
The biggest thing
you ever did for me was...
bring that stinking mask here.
You must've been so proud
of yourself on the way here.
At least...
I never lied to you
and never hid anything from you.
I spent a fortune on all of this.
Intelligent people, my ass.
Come on, let's go!
Put on the Russian radio channel!
Hurry, Victor!
Viper Snake!
Viper Snake!
Attention, listeners.
Due to a missile attack on Israel...
Sit down! Who are you calling?
- Air raid sirens are being sounded.
All residents...
must immediately close themselves off
in their sealed rooms.
What are you doing?
Saddam fired chemicals!
It's the end of the world!
Victor, what are you doing here?
Raya, I need Raya.
Raya isn't here today.
She took the day off.
Not here? Where?
She said she was going to the movies.
Put on the mask.
- Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
- Put it on.
Leave me alone!
- I said, put it on.
I don't want to!
What are you doing?
I don't want this stupid mask!
Calm down, sit still!
You'll die without a mask!
I'm sorry, I forgot
you have to take it off.
I didn't expect to see you here.
I don't understand.
- I said...
that I came for Fellini,
not for you.
The landlord said we have to leave
by the end of the month.
Because of what happened
with the hammer.
I hated that apartment.
You probably prefer to move to...
so you'll be closer to...
I don't want to work there.
And you must prefer...
I'm through with dubbing.
Enough already.
I've had it.
What about Bat Yam?
What about it?
What about Bat Yam?
You always dreamed
of living by the sea.
Make sure you didn't forget anything.
At the end of the 1980's,
following the fall of the Iron Curtain,
the Jews of the USSR
were officially allowed to migrate.
Most of them immigrated to Israel.
Come, please,
stand here and wait.
Don't go anywhere, wait here.
Wait here, please.
Vitya, maybe later?
Wait for the rest.
Stop, please.
Stop, please.
Welcome to the capital...
To the right.
One step forward.
One step down.
That's it.
Excuse me.
Everyone's waiting for you.
A real smile.
Israel will not hesitate to act
when it sees fit
in order to eliminate
or weaken the Iraqi threat,
says Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir...
Baruch, Baruch.
I haven't been Boris for a long time.
Welcome to...
How much is the rent?
$500 a month.
Including utilities?
No, just the rent.
Not cheap.
Central location, good neighborhood.
Those are the prices.
I'm sorry, but I've got to run.
Kids, work...
Yes, of course.
- Of course.
I left you some food in the fridge
and a bottle of wine.
You probably want to celebrate.
Get settled in
and we'll be in touch.
Thank you.
- Thank you, Baruch.
Raya, go to the kitchen
for a second.
Just go.
Can you see anything?
say something.
Let's make a toast
and you'll say a few words.
What should I say?
We are finally here,
in the Holy Land.
Making a fresh start.
Good luck to us.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Let's drink to a fresh start.
Good to see you,
you haven't changed a bit.
And you only get more good-looking.
Yes, that's true.
Please, come in.
- Thank you. -Thank you.
You know what's
the first movie I saw
after coming to Israel?
In January '78...
"Are you afraid to die, Spartacus?"
"No more than I was to be born."
My favorite movie.
I knew it by heart.
But when I watched it here,
you know what I realized?
It's a crappy movie.
You turned it into a masterpiece,
you turned Kirk Douglas
into a great actor.
Of course you were wonderful, too,
Raya, as always,
but you, Victor...
I could've done better.
So all these years
you've been dubbing movies?
Yes, up until June this year.
The studio was privatized
and they brought in some youngsters,
they said the audience wants
new voices.
And you decided...
- Yes.
Everyone's leaving,
we always remembered who we are.
We spoke Yiddish at home,
we ate matzos at Passover.
You did the right thing,
you belong here.
Although with your profession
here in Israel...
That's exactly why we came to you.
How can I help?
Radio plays.
We could even do radio plays
based on movies we've dubbed,
well-known and well-loved movies.
We thought twice a week,
but we could do three, too.
Victor, Raya,
I think it's a great idea,
but unfortunately,
now is not the right time.
Why not? -Hundreds of thousands
are immigrating to Israel
and they have no idea
what's going on here.
They want to know
how to get a mortgage,
what National Insurance is,
what's going on
with the Gulf War...
They need something for the soul.
You're absolutely right.
If it was up to me...
what about theater?
They just opened
a Russian theater.
Go there.
I know the manager.
Vitya, it's a great idea.
- I'll give him a call.
Not now.
I need to think it over.
Not now.
Give it a try.
What do you have to lose?
You used to dream of being on stage.
Used to...
Just imagine...
The curtain goes up,
you're standing in the spotlights
and you say...
Dinner's ready.
You recite...
King Lear's monologue.
"Blow, winds..."
"Rage, blow!"
Good night.
Good morning, students.
Good morning, ma'am.
How are you?
Today we'll start as always
by you telling me what you did today.
I got up in morning.
I got up in the morning.
I went on work.
I went to work.
Today I do...
I got my hair cut.
I got my hair cut.
Good job, Nadia.
It's a nice haircut, isn't it?
tell us what you did today.
I eat grapes.
I ate grapes.
I ate grapes.
I sit sun.
I sat in the sun.
Good job, Raya,
Tell us what you did today.
You must have done something.
You woke up in the morning,
brushed your teeth.
- Newspaper?
What did it say in the newspaper?
Saddam Hussein...
Not good.
Victor, try telling us
about something good.
Something good
that happened to you recently.
The best.
"Looking for women with a pleasant voice.
High paying."
Hello, I'm calling about the ad.
I don't speak Russian.
About the job? "Rabota"?
Yes, "rabota."
What's your name?
- I'm Raya.
Raya. Talk a little,
I want to hear you in Russian.
What, talk?
I don't know, anything.
Tell me something.
Yes, something,
whatever you want.
Come on, Raya,
I don't have all day.
With you...
I forget the whole world
Love swallows me up like the sea
But you remain as cold
as an iceberg floating in the ocean
And all your troubles drown
in the murky water...
Come by tonight after six.
11 Shmotkin Street.
One-one Shmotkin.
Door number three-one.
Okay. -Bye.
- Thank you.
Are they looking for a singer?
They didn't tell me
what the job is.
Then why did you start singing?
I just felt like it.
Good luck.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Oh, yes,
your cock is so strong.
I can't...
Keep going, don't stop.
Yes, a little more.
I'm close.
I'm getting closer.
Help me.
No, keep going.
- That feels so good.
More, more.
Talk on phone.
You're Raya?
- Yes, I'm Raya.
How old are you?
- Yes.
You had the voice
of a young girl on the phone.
You, voice.
Oh, I have many voice.
I can talk like this...
or like this.
Have a seat.
- Thank you.
Do you know what we do here?
Work here?
Erotic calls.
Erotica, sex.
Lots of Russians are coming,
lots of horny Russians,
they want sex on the phone.
You understand?
Igor, Sasha, Sergei...
They call, Raya answers.
You do...
You understand?
I not...
- Why not?
I have a good feeling about you.
No sex.
Good money.
15 shekels an hour.
One hour, 15 shekels.
Good money.
It's not my thing.
What kind of work is it?
They sell perfume.
Yes, that's not your thing.
- That's what I told them.
The food is very good,
really delicious.
My wife says it's delicious.
Thank you.
Baruchi, tell him about the job.
Victor, at Heli's work they're looking
for an employee,
it's right up your alley.
Don't you need to know Hebrew
to work for the municipality?
All you need are comfortable shoes.
For walking.
He's breathing.
Let him nap a little longer.
We'll go get the washing machine first.
Come on.
You can't walk around all day
in the heat.
It's all because of the shoes.
I told you I should buy a size 45.
I'll find a job.
- I won't let you wash floors.
Okay, I'll sell perfume on the phone.
- You won't sell anything.
We'll wait and see.
Do an orgasm.
Good, good...
Good, good...
I don't know, Raya.
Please, I learn.
I learn strong, I do good.
I'll give you a two-day trial.
Two days, test.
You need a name.
I name Raya.
No, no, no.
A different name, not Raya.
Natasha, Masha, Nina.
- No, I don't know,
it sounds like margarine.
be Margarita.
Just don't tell anyone
how old you are.
You are not six-two.
You are three...
How old are you, Margarita?
Hello, can you hear me?
- Good evening.
I'm Margarita.
What's your name?
Oh, Serge.
What a nice name,
are you French?
actually it's Sergei, but I didn't
want to tell you my real...
Damn it.
- What's wrong?
I told you my real name.
I can call you Serge
if you want.
It doesn't matter anymore.
Where do you work, Serge?
Margarita, maybe I'll call back
some other time.
Serge, I want to tell you
about myself.
Actually, I'm in a hurry.
I'm 22 and I'm a virgin.
- Yes, really.
I'm a brunette
with green eyes.
I'm tall, slim
and I have big, firm breasts and...
juicy thighs.
I'm very beautiful,
all the men tell me so.
I've had lots of chances, but...
I've been waiting for the right man.
I think...
it's you, Serge.
Why me?
I feel that...
you have experience,
that you know how to please a woman.
Do you want to touch me, Serge?
Yes, I do.
Where would you like to start?
Where can I start?
Anywhere you want.
You can touch me
wherever you want, Serge.
It's all in your hands.
Can I start with your breasts?
Oh, yes,
I was hoping you'd start with them.
My brown nipples
are hard and anxious...
for someone to touch them.
I'm taking my top off slowly,
I'm taking off my bra
and here they are...
waiting for you to touch them, Serge.
I'm touching them.
Oh, yes, yes,
I can feel your fingers.
Strong fingers
massaging my breasts,
caressing my nipples.
Are you okay, Serge?
Yes, yes.
Thank you, Margarita,
I'll call back soon.
Thank you.
Thank you, Serge.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Bon appetit.
- Thank you.
What are we celebrating?
I got the job.
Can't you be happy for me
just once?
I'm happy for you.
But what could you possibly
sell at this hour?
Many immigrants work in the evenings
and come home late.
My homeland
My precious
I cannot forget you
Many a time, weary from wandering
From my miserable life
My thoughts drift back to you...
Vitya, let's go dance.
Why not?
I don't feel like it.
Pass the butter, please.
I see before my eyes
My beloved land
A small flowing spring...
Just drop it.
Actually, I have some good news, too.
Guess who called me?
"Viper Snake, Viper Snake.
"Attention, listeners.
"Due to a missile attack on Israel
air raid sirens are being sounded.
"All residents must immediately
put on their gas masks
"and close themselves off
in their sealed rooms".
Thank you for coming
at such short notice.
Don't be silly, thank you.
If you need anything else...
Of course.
Thank you.
It was good seeing you.
Thank you, Victor, and say hello
to your lovely wife.
I will.
what about...
It's for the country.
We each help however we can.
The country needed your voice, Victor.
I thought you'd be happy.
Of course, thank you very much.
I'll tell you what,
if a war breaks out
and we do use your recording,
I'll make sure
you get a token fee.
Thank you very much.
Okay, I've got to run.
"You was my brother, Charley,
"you should've looked out for me
a little bit,
"so I wouldn't have to take them dives
for the short-end money."
"You don't understand!
"I could've had class,
"I could've been a contender,
"I could've been somebody.
"Instead of a bum,
"which is what I am".
"It was you, Charley."
Marlon Brando,
"On the Waterfront," 1954.
Yes, yes, I...
I know that, Victor Semyonovich.
Let's try again.
But don't do it like Brando.
Then like who?
Like you.
Like me? -Yes, you understand?
Like you see it.
Vitya, you promised me.
You said if I did well with the perfume
you'd quit.
Does that seem right to you?
- That you work
and I sit on the sofa all day.
Can I help you?
Want a membership?
We have a huge selection of movies,
old, new, all dubbed in Russian.
We have a special opening price.
Listen, this isn't a movie theater here.
You can rent a movie
and watch it at home.
It took me time to crack him.
Dustin Hoffman.
It was the first time
I ever worked with him.
He's a unique actor.
thin, but with incredible
inner strength.
I watched the movie four times
before finding the right voice for him.
There were a lot of things
I didn't understand.
Yes, a lot of things
I only understand now,
a lot of things
I'd do different if I could,
but we can't.
Some things, once they're done
can't be undone.
My wife, my ex-wife,
says that she loves Billy
and I believe she does,
but I don't think that's the issue here.
I'd like to know
what law is it that says
that a woman is a better parent
simply by virtue of her sex?
I've had a lot of time to think about
what is it that makes somebody
a good parent.
At first I didn't think I could do it.
It has to do with constancy,
with patience...
- It has to do with listening...
Shura, come here.
- You won't believe who's here.
Good evening, I'm Margarita.
What's your name?
Nice to meet you, Gera.
I'm s-s-sorry.
About what, Gera?
About th-th-the...
Poor thing.
The stutter?
It's okay, Gera.
Don't be shy.
It h-h-happens only
when I g-g-get excited.
Actually, it turns me on.
I'm all wet.
I want to touch your puss...
Puss... puss... puss...
Puss... puss... puss...
Gera, I wasn't laughing at you.
Don't lie.
It just came out,
I thought of something funny.
You're ly... ly...
I want to tell you about myself.
- You're a model with huge tits.
Not at all.
You're a v-v-virgin.
You wish.
Actually, Gera, I'm...
a bored, married woman
looking for wild adventures.
Have you...
been married for a long time?
And your husband
doesn't suspect anything?
He has no idea.
He thinks I have
a completely normal job.
What did you tell him?
That I sell perfume.
On the phone.
My wife said she found a job,
in shawarma.
Now I'm afraid to think
what she's really doing.
Why are you so quiet?
Hang up!
Hello? -Gera, I have to hang up,
but please call me back,
promise you'll call me.
Yes, can I help you?
Wait here.
Raya, for you.
Sorry, sorry.
What are you doing here?
What's wrong?
A tiny step back,
That's it!
A tiny bit to the left,
That's it.
Lift your chin up.
Not that high.
This movie is being screened
in cinemas all over Israel
and many new immigrants
are dying to see it.
They see the posters on the streets.
In the USSR they couldn't go to the cinema
and watch new American movies.
Now they have the chance,
but they still can't go.
First of all, it's not cheap,
and second...
The language.
- Exactly.
Shurik and I couldn't find
anyone to do it.
We tried doing it ourselves...
My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father.
Prepare to die.
You'll get 1,600 shekels a month.
- Together.
It's not enough.
How long will it take you
to dub a movie?
No more than two hours.
Are you kidding?
One movie takes a whole workday,
and that's only if it goes smoothly.
No, no, that's no good for me.
I get new movies
every Sunday morning
and I want to rent them out
by Tuesday morning.
That's impossible.
We have to sit and watch the movies.
Fine, sit and watch them.
Then dub them.
Each movie shouldn't take
more than 4 hours of work.
No, we have to go over
the translation...
you don't translate it yourselves?
Professional translators.
I can't afford translators.
If you can't translate it yourselves,
Shurik will do it,
he's good with languages,
but then I definitely won't pay
more than 1,600.
I'd like to go over
the technical details with you.
Discuss that with Shurik,
I know nothing about it.
Is this legal?
You film the movie
from the cinema screen, right?
Let's say we do.
Is that legal?
I haven't read
the entire Israeli penal code.
Don't play stupid,
you know what I'm talking about.
You can do whatever you want,
We will not be a part of this,
right, Vitya?
Let's talk outside.
Give us a minute.
What's wrong with you?
I don't intend on going to jail.
What are you talking about?
I don't know, Vitya,
I don't know.
What don't you know?
I don't like this.
You don't want to do this?
No, I don't.
Are you kidding me?
You said yourself, a fresh start.
So what?
We did dubbing our whole life.
It's time to try something new.
Like what?
Selling perfume to people on the phone?
Why not?
- Why not?
It's humiliating and pathetic.
And repeating lines like a parrot
isn't humiliating and pathetic?
I'm a parrot?
I'm sorry.
Fine, we'll do the dubbing,
but I'm not quitting the perfume job.
- No.
It'll get in the way of the dubbing.
I refuse to compromise on quality.
I make more there
than both of us will make here.
if that's what you want.
That's what I want.
And where did you work
in the USSR?
I was a singer.
Could I have heard of you?
No, I wasn't famous.
I worked at a restaurant,
I sang songs by famous pop stars,
like Pugacheva.
Margarita, can I...
tell you a little secret?
I'm crazy about Pugacheva.
I don't believe you!
Why not?
I don't know a single man
who likes her songs.
You don't know a single man
who admits to it.
Perhaps your husband
secretly admires her?
No, he can't stand her,
believe me.
Sing me something by Pugacheva.
You called an erotic call center,
not a singing telegram service.
You know
what I'd do if I saw you
singing a song by Pugacheva?
- I'd walk over to you
and ask you what you're doing
after the show.
I'd tell you that after the show
I'm going home.
I'd of-of-offer to drive you home.
I think...
I'd agree.
And then we'd fuck in the car
like two teenagers.
On the side of the road.
Cars would drive past us...
Margarita, I'm...
I'm begging you, sing for me.
No one ever sang a song
just for me.
There once was a painter
He had a house and canvases
But he fell in love with an actress
And she loved flowers
He sold his house
Sold all his paintings
And with the money he got
he bought
A sea of flowers.
Give it to me between my legs!
A million red roses
You see from the window
If he's really and truly in love with you
Honey, I'm home!
- I'm sorry,
I have to go...
That guy...
What's his name?
He calls a lot, huh?
Almost every day?
Good for business.
- Yes, business.
This is only business.
I don't like this, Victor.
Let's sit in the back row.
No one will be behind...
From now on
we're doing this properly.
Come on.
Good, I told you this would work.
Let's hope we don't get caught.
You promised to buy us
another microphone two weeks ago.
You're managing
just fine with one.
And what about the translation?
"Shurik is good with languages."
He can barely speak Russian,
he looks up every other word
in the dictionary
and he can't hear most of it
because he's half deaf.
No one's complained so far.
- I'm complaining.
Victor, I don't have time for this,
people are waiting for the movies.
Get back to work,
we'll talk later.
One moment.
Here, this is yours.
- Thank you.
What do you have?
I'm returning "Die Hard 2"
and taking "RoboCop."
One moment.
Thank you.
I want the newest movies you have.
Here no Hebrew.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know.
I'm curious,
how much does it cost
to rent a movie?
One video?
How much money?
You not here.
Go "Blockbuster,"
Jabotinsky Street.
I never thought I'd be saying this,
but I miss the Soviet censorship.
Hide the camera, quick.
Wait, wait.
I know him,
he's okay, let him go.
They were together.
- No, no, I know him, he's okay.
How are you, Victor?
Let him go, he's my friend,
I know him.
Come on, let him go.
Let's go.
I'm not a racist, Victor.
I'm not a racist, Victor.
That is, he isn't.
No one deserves to watch a movie
in crappy quality
just because
he was born in Russia.
He deserves to sit
in a movie theater
with air-conditioning,
with good sound,
like every human being.
You and your wife
deserve better, too.
Your voices...
are worth much more
and I know what
I'm talking about, I have a good ear.
Believe me, I have a good ear.
He has.
I'm willing to give one theater
only to Russians.
Because they deserve it.
I don't want you and Raya to work
at all kinds of "Sputniks"
with all those little criminals.
I want you to work with me.
How much will you pay him?
I saved your uncle from jail and
you're asking me about money?
To start off, we'll do a test.
I'll screen a movie
dubbed into Russian,
for a week or two,
we'll see how it goes.
- Fellini.
What do you mean, Fellini?
It has to be Fellini's new movie,
"The Voice of the Moon."
I was thinking more along
the lines of "Home Alone."
No. Fellini,
that's what we need.
We're intelligent people.
We're intelligent people.
That is, they are.
Good evening, my name is Margarita,
what's your name?
I'm Margarita
and I'm here to make
all your fantasies come true.
Don't be shy.
I'll do anything you want tonight.
Why aren't you asleep?
What's wrong?
Remember the movie "Nights of Cabiria"
with Giuletta Masina?
Of course.
It was your first big job, wasn't it?
I fell in love with you
when I heard you in that movie.
Even before we'd met
and started working together,
I heard your voice in
"Nights of Cabiria."
You never told me that.
- Strange.
But it doesn't matter now.
The voice I fell in love with...
turned into the voice
of a whore.
Yes, Giuletta Masina
played a prostitute.
I don't understand.
- You understand just fine.
"Roman Holiday,"
our first job together.
At the end of the shift
I asked you out for a first date,
but you said no.
"Nice Old Piano," a Yugoslav movie,
not that great.
At the end of the shift
I asked you out again
and this time you said yes.
This isn't Russia here!
On the wall there was
a black and white photo.
This one?
Thank you.
Who's that guy with you?
You don't recognize him?
- No.
the Moscow International Film Festival.
The Culture Ministry officials
ban the screening of a film
of a genius Italian director,
for ideological reasons.
A young dubber who saw the film
convinces them
that the film is a masterpiece
and that Soviet viewers
must see it.
The officials approve the screening.
The young dubber and his wife
dub the film into Russian,
the director comes to Moscow.
The film wins
the grand prize at the festival
and the Soviet audience is exposed to one
of the greatest films of the 20th century,
So who is that?
Put it here.
Thank you.
Would you like some water?
Come in.
Thank you.
My son Omer.
He's all grown up now.
In Boston, at university.
Do you have children?
You didn't want any?
No luck...
Well, this is the living room.
Sofa, you can sleep here.
It opens up,
you'll be comfortable.
The bathroom is over there.
I'll get you
a towel in a minute.
was Omer's room.
Now it's the sealed room.
That's it.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you, Devorah.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Margarita, where do you live?
We don't give out
personal information.
In the central region?
We're not allowed.
I'll be at the Bat Yam promenade
at 4 o'clock.
Do you like the beach?
I hate the beach.
There's a sculpture there,
three dolphins.
In the middle of the promenade.
You can't miss it.
What will you be doing there?
Waiting for you.
For me?
I want to meet you.
I can't.
Can't or...
don't want to?
I understand, but...
I can't call anymore, Margarita,
this is the last time.
I got the phone bill.
My wife hasn't seen it yet,
but when she does,
I'll have to tell her where...
where I was calling
and promise not to call anymore.
You don't even know
what I look like.
You don't even know who I am.
Age, name, looks,
that's all nonsense,
it's... insignificant.
When I talk to you,
I feel alive,
I've never felt like this before.
I'll be waiting for you
by the three dolphins.
Don't waste your time.
Excuse me.
I n-n-need...
toilet, I need.
I'm sorry, sir, the restroom
is only for our customers.
I need... little.
It's only for customers.
He is with me.
He is customers, he is with me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Can I p-p-put them here?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're a lifesaver.
Thank you.
She didn't show up.
I've been sitting here
and couldn't help but notice you
standing and waiting...
There aren't many men here
with red roses.
So while you...
I peeked at the window.
Although I don't know
who you're waiting for...
I myself don't know.
We only spoke on the phone.
I guess she's not coming, so...
She told me she wouldn't come,
but I was still hoping.
It's her loss.
She didn't get
her beautiful bouquet.
"A million red roses,"
like in the song, yes?
I know she likes that song.
I'll go wait a little while longer.
Would you like to wait for her here?
In the cafe?
- Yes.
You have a great view from here.
You must be tired
from standing for so long. Sit.
For a whole month I ran around
all the markets in Moscow
and what didn't I buy.
Chrysanthemums, asters,
carnations, violets,
- Gladioluses...
We were told that in Israel the seeds
are worth a fortune... -You know...
- You know what I brought...
to Israel?
- Socks?
Socks. Socks.
Angora socks.
50 pairs.
I was told that if I sold
50 pairs of angora socks here
I could buy...
a house.
it was nice meeting you, but...
I have to go,
I don't want to be late for work.
Do you work h-h...
here in Bat Yam?
No, in Rishon.
In the industrial zone.
What do you d-d-do there?
I clean offices.
At night?
After everyone goes home.
Okay, I have to go,
otherwise I'll miss my bus.
I can t-t-take you,
I have a car.
No, it's okay.
By car it's a 20-minute drive
and by bus
it'll take you an hour.
No, no, no.
- Why not?
I don't want to bother you.
It's no... no bother.
You won't have to get
on a crowded bus
and you won't be late for work.
And what about your lady friend?
Everyone told me, are you crazy?
What'll you do with a Lada in Israel?
But I insisted, I refused to sell it.
It took me 7 years to get this car,
now I have to sell it?
Only the radio doesn't work well,
something must've gone wrong
with the frequencies.
May I?
The moon falls, too drunk
Up in the sky, like an innocent baby
What is the s-s-song about?
I have no idea.
Aren't you sad all alone?
How delightful it is,
how delightful
The fear inside of me
is crumbling away
How delightful it is,
how delightful...
That's it.
As I said, we made it on time.
Thank you.
It was...
very nice of you to take me.
It's okay.
Goodbye, have a good evening
and a nice time at work.
Thank you.
So what will you tell her?
What will y-y-you tell her?
Tell who?
I understand everything.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Margarita sent you.
Margarita sent you to meet me.
She was afraid she wouldn't like me
so she sent you
to check me out
and tell her what you think.
I'm sorry,
I didn't want to embarrass you.
It's okay.
I'm just curious what you'll tell her,
I don't want you to be late
for work because of me.
Here, this is for you.
I had a wonderful evening,
thank you.
Take it, please.
tell her
that you're wonderful
and that everything
she told me about you
is 100 percent true.
You're funny,
full of life,
I'll also tell her that...
when you look at a woman
her heart starts beating
a little faster.
Have you lost your mind?
I'm sorry, Raya, I...
I just wasn't expecting that.
I really didn't w-w-want to,
I'm Margarita.
Good evening, I'm Margarita.
I'll make
all your fantasies come true.
What would you like...
to do today?
Don't you get it?
Are you a little slow?
you listen to me,
you lousy pervert.
If you ever
call here again
I swear, I'll come to your house
and cut your stinky dick off.
I know your number,
I know who you are,
I know where you live.
You understand?
You understand?!
Your husband brought that.
You're the best.
You're the best, Rafi.
You're an animal.
You forgot that.
I didn't forget,
I didn't want to take it.
What do you mean?
I won't put on
that disgusting thing.
Are you crazy?
What if Saddam
bombs us with chemical weapons?
Do you remember
what you told me
on our first date?
Why our work is so important?
Do you remember?
Each movie
is like an entire world
and we enable people
to enter those worlds.
I wanted my life
to be an entire world
but it's nothing.
I wanted to be
the main character, but...
I'm not even a supporting one.
I'm just...
a voice in the background.
And our life together...
Is it also nothing?
You're a good man, Vitya,
but I'm so tired of you
after all these years.
You have no idea.
Everything has to be
the way you want it,
the way you like it.
We had a chance
to have a real family,
but you didn't want that.
"A child will harm our career."
"Let's wait another few years."
You agreed.
For you.
What's so funny?
The biggest thing
you ever did for me was...
bring that stinking mask here.
You must've been so proud
of yourself on the way here.
At least...
I never lied to you
and never hid anything from you.
I spent a fortune on all of this.
Intelligent people, my ass.
Come on, let's go!
Put on the Russian radio channel!
Hurry, Victor!
Viper Snake!
Viper Snake!
Attention, listeners.
Due to a missile attack on Israel...
Sit down! Who are you calling?
- Air raid sirens are being sounded.
All residents...
must immediately close themselves off
in their sealed rooms.
What are you doing?
Saddam fired chemicals!
It's the end of the world!
Victor, what are you doing here?
Raya, I need Raya.
Raya isn't here today.
She took the day off.
Not here? Where?
She said she was going to the movies.
Put on the mask.
- Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
- Put it on.
Leave me alone!
- I said, put it on.
I don't want to!
What are you doing?
I don't want this stupid mask!
Calm down, sit still!
You'll die without a mask!
I'm sorry, I forgot
you have to take it off.
I didn't expect to see you here.
I don't understand.
- I said...
that I came for Fellini,
not for you.
The landlord said we have to leave
by the end of the month.
Because of what happened
with the hammer.
I hated that apartment.
You probably prefer to move to...
so you'll be closer to...
I don't want to work there.
And you must prefer...
I'm through with dubbing.
Enough already.
I've had it.
What about Bat Yam?
What about it?
What about Bat Yam?
You always dreamed
of living by the sea.
Make sure you didn't forget anything.