Gomorra (2008) Movie Script
How long you gonna be?
Be right out,
you're a pain!
Hey, American.
I'm still here, gettin' a manicure.
Things okay?
Gettin' tanned? Don't get burned!
Bruno's here too.
You got a crap body!
Is Bruno here?
He's over there.
You doin' a lamp?
It's 2,000.
How much are you
supposed to get this week?
Sure? It was less last week.
Yes, Don Ciro 9,200.
Another 2,000 euro and we're even.
Don Ciro, don't take all day.
He's slow.
Hurry, so we can go home.
Things okay out there?
Keep your eyes open.
That's it.
Put paper cups in.
Toilet paper.
- Then, Mom?
- Some shampoo.
A mozzarella...
Shampoo, not bath oil!
You're rushin' me!
And you're drivin' me crazy!
Hurry up, there are
more groceries to deliver.
- Nothing else?
- No.
- Be back later.
- Don't get yourself lost.
- Simone.
- Toto, what's up?
- What's happening?
- I'm workin'.
Know what happened?
They arrested Vitale and Bon Bon.
- Got somethin' to eat?
- Yeah, but it's not mine.
Bye, see you.
Carmela, ma'am!
Hi, Boxer.
Two doses, two doses!
Please, give me a dose!
Gaetano, check it!
One, two, three...
Don Ciro, be more punctual.
I'll pass it on.
Eleven and twelve.
See if he wants coffee.
No, but thank you anyway....
I'll show you out.
Have a good day.
Four hundred...
Five hundred.
The same amount again?
I've said a hundred times
I can't manage like this.
Don Carlo...
Did you tell them I can't manage
on this chickenfeed?
I have to pay rent, lights, water.
I can't survive,
I'm strapped with debts.
- I'll pass it on.
- You always say that!
Are you mockin' me?
I don't get it!
I've got a son to support,
for forty years
I've kept him off the streets,
he's unemployed.
What can I do,
go over to the other side?
They know, I served you honestly
for forty years.
My wife's in jail,
is this the thanks we get?
Are we crazy?
Do I have to raise hell?
May I?
Come on in!
The bill?
Talk to Mom.
Put this in your pocket.
Thank you.
Carabinieri on the street!
He's comin' out!
I'm the best, number one!
Go, Marco!
- I'll blast these roaches!
- Who do you think you're fighting?
I'm number one! Tony Montana!
The world is ours!
You don't know
who you're up against!
I'm Tony Montana!
- I'm the powerhouse!
- Yeah!
Come here.
Shit Colombians,
they're everywhere.
See, Colombians everywhere.
You really looked like Scarface.
You were good.
Now it all has to be ours,
the whole world.
Miami, all of it.
My friend, got stuff?
You got stuff?
- Got good stuff?
- You got money?
- Sure, you got coke?
- What do you want to pay?
Me? 50.
- 55, can you do it?
- No, 55 is too much, 50.
You sure?
Wait here for me.
Where's Smarty?
Hey, kid!
Give him the money.
- Is it all here?
- Yeah.
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Want to see it?
- I want to try it.
I gave you the money!
Open your hand.
It's good.
Give me all of it!
Grab the money!
Giovanni, I brought the kids.
Come in.
You know very well why you're here.
Too much ruckus going on in my area,
because I'm the boss here.
That's just you sayin'.
If I had you come here, I know.
No back-talk
or I'll smash your face!
- What happened?
- For the moment, nothing.
Get me?
I can't be made to look bad
because of two kids like you.
The next time
I hear anything about you,
I'll blow your heads off.
- If it's like you say...
- Shut up when I'm talking.
Then if I come to realize
you're worth something,
which I'll determine and I'll decide,
you can work for me.
Is that clear?
Show them out.
"I'll smash your face!"
And I'll tear your beard!
Without a T-shirt.
"Sweet Pea", looked like a bum.
A real bum.
He is a bum! Did you see
who he sent to get us?
If that guy's the boss here,
then here we can be the bosses.
If a guy like him is boss here,
this area is ours!
I'll live for 30 years
if he's boss here.
Sure, because he's a retard!
Get it? I'll live for 30 years.
But he could at least shave!
"I'll smash your face!"
Let's go have a snort to spite him.
We've got everything,
we can do like we want.
Anyway, he's a fat shit-ass.
He bugged you?
He showers once a week!
"I'll blow your heads off! "
Let's go, it's too small.
- But the methane one's big.
- No, it's small.
- Can I finish measuring?
- No, we're wasting time.
- I have to take some shots.
- What a bore with these pictures!
Let's go!
Just look at this.
It's disgusting down there.
Here is perfect.
It's perfect.
We're near the highway,
the trucks can get really close,
they dump the earth
and cover all the water.
Franco, it's 85 meters.
Get the length too.
Come here.
Hello, everything okay?
This is Roberto.
- It's time we made room for youth.
- We need new energy.
Take a few more shots.
Did you hear?
They bombed me,
at the cement plant.
A whole wall came down,
Be careful.
Zio resolved it.
I'd forgotten to pay
for some land I'd bought.
- An injunction against payment?
- Yeah!
- What do you think?
- It's fine.
- Can we fill this quarry?
- Sure can.
Tell Zio it's fine.
Remember, everything clean:
terracing, solid stuff...
Or the redevelopment agency
will break our balls.
Don't worry,
you emptied it and I'll fill it.
All the pieces have to be cut
and the sizes worked out.
They want 120 of these.
Six and seven are identical.
Here the satin is cut on the bias.
It's all hand-hemmed.
Is it tough?
The models aren't hard,
I can do it.
Eight hundred items in two months,
is our request.
Keep in mind
we start at 50 euros per item.
You've seen the models,
the price is good,
estimate and make your offers.
Thirty euro, 30 days?
Don't go any lower.
This is high fashion,
it's not pret-a-porter.
Forty-five, in two months.
- Ms. Zamarion!
- Yes?
Thirty-eight, forty.
That's a very interesting proposal.
Thirty-five, thirty-five,
excellent workmanship
and delivery times respected.
Thirty, thirty!
we're not imposing anything!
Did we say thirty, thirty?
At this point
twenty-eight, thirty!
Thirty, twenty-five!
I can't lose this bid.
Come here, there's some bubbly!
Are they coming?
- I don't think so.
- Why not?
Five days less for delivery,
we'll have to work overtime,
and I'll do nights...
What's odd about that?
They're talking overtime pay.
They'll get it!
Am I scared of a little overtime?
Like the last time?
Don't worry,
this time it's a sure thing.
- They've lost their trust.
- I know.
- I asked you to talk to them.
- You do it, please.
You're on closer terms,
they respect you.
Do me this favor.
Don't say no, go talk to them.
You know I'm fond of you,
I'll have to make
a gold statue to you!
I'll go down and see the accountant
for the money.
Sorry, how much is this?
Ten thousand.
It's not enough, I need more.
Twice that at least.
Mr. Enzo,
you're already "complicated".
Yes, but for personal affairs.
I need this for work.
I'll give it back in three months.
But this isn't enough.
If you don't need it
and it's not enough,
I'll take it back.
It's best for you.
Don't be like that, listen,
I need at least double!
It's no risk,
you'll earn from it, right?
What can I say?
I'll pass it on,
can you make-do for now?
Yes, I'll take it.
Congratulations, Mr. Pasquale.
Thank you.
We met yesterday.
I need your help.
I am having trouble with work.
I have to get into
haute couture right away,
but for me
it is very difficult.
I need help.
You are
a great master,
you are very important for me.
You teach ten lessons
to workers in my factory.
I pay you in cash,
for ten lessons.
We work together,
but no one knows it,
just the two of us.
I need your help.
Think it over.
- What's the cloth like?
- Come and see.
I've got nothin'!
Don't move!
They must have gone over to his side,
or they'd have arrested
me first and then those other guys.
Believe me? All of them were there
when I called you.
I said: Check out this car,
it's suspect.
This stuff here is ours.
My gun!
Check this stuff out,
there should be fifty-six.
Good, Toto, this is for you.
How can I get working with you?
We'll let you know.
- Did you turn off the water?
- Of course!
- Can I help out?
- No, you'll get wet.
Doesn't matter!
Come and see.
Careful not to slip.
- Is it coming from the well?
- No, I think it's from the pipe.
Careful, water's coming in.
See if you can close it.
It's closed,
but it's the pipe that...
I'd give you a hand, but...
What a great day!
Push it all in one direction.
I thought I'd be having coffee!
- Nice coffee, huh?
- I'll have some next time.
Totore, things okay?
- Can I say hi?
- No, you gotta leave.
Go down with these bags!
You have to move!
Ma'am, go around the other way.
- What's going on?
- Everything's fine, leave.
Come closer.
- What's your name?
- Luigi.
- Are you scared?
- No.
- Sure?
- No.
We'll see.
- Are you strong?
- Yeah!
Let's see how strong you are.
Why are you shaking?
- See how strong this kid is.
- Come closer!
- Are you scared?
- Yes.
Now you're a man.
Nothin'! Everything's okay!
When I did my piercing,
I got an infection.
Let's see.
You went and did it there?
- I'd like to have it on my eyebrow.
- Stinks.
It's nicer there, you're right.
It's gonna rain.
Everything's okay!
A car's coming!
It went in!
It's going in!
Check out this other one!
Everything's okay!
Sorry I'm late, the Councilman,
City Hall, the traffic...
- My father.
- How do you do.
I'm glad he's with you
you're a good person.
He's in your care.
He's a clever guy.
I don't doubt that but...
- Having work is important to him.
- Of course.
I tried so hard
to find him work in Naples...
- Where do you work?
- In the hospital, intensive care.
A bad division.
I tried to get him in,
but I have no connections.
He's all set now.
You did something no one else did.
I thank you, you raised him well.
Have you always worked in Naples?
No, also in Trieste, Udine,
- Venice...
- That's where we're going.
I told him about Venice.
He's excited, it's his first time.
Dad, we have a plane.
Did you bring some things?
What's that, your gym bag?
- Goodbye.
- He's in your care.
- What do you pay for disposal?
- Today I'm paying 50.
Your offer?
We can halve your costs,
That's good,
but is it all "clean",
like they say in the United States?
Since it's toxic waste,
storage and transportation.
- Is there a contract to look over?
- Of course.
In case you're wondering,
the disposal cycle
goes to the disposal area
in Marcianise.
I'm telling you in fairness.
Thank you for the information,
but my only concern
is that it's "clean".
You can rest assured of that.
We can dispose of all the waste
that you produce in a year.
Eight hundred tons.
It's not a problem.
That's a lot.
My concern is disposal.
We serve various companies,
you can check.
I already have!
Don't worry.
As far as I can see,
there's maximum transparency.
- The warehouses at Teverola?
- We use them for tires.
Will we put the tannery waste
in the quarry?
- Don't talk foolishness.
- Where then?
Check the European catalogue.
Here they are, 04.
The ones in red,
are among the most dangerous.
"Exhausted degreasing baths
with solvents, no liquid phase."
No, no good.
Then 4-11:
"Waste containing halogenated
compounds from operations
of manufacturing and finishing."
These are good.
It's stuff the earth absorbs,
we'll mix it with compost.
All that leaves is
Milan's sweeping refuse,
that's 60 trucks.
- The quarries at San Felice?
- They're too small.
I don't think so, look.
Let me see.
They're too small
and they're shallow,
they're no good.
Yes... I've got
ten contracts out of ten.
Is he near you?
Put him on.
I'll talk to him.
I told him, everything's okay.
- Do you like traveling?
- Sure!
We'll take more trips.
Everyone here works in boats?
Everyone, firemen, ambulances...
- Funerals.
- I've already seen two.
Even the dead go by boat!
Wow, they've got so many!
Steady me.
There's nothing here.
Are you sure?
Oh God!
Look what's here!
See? It's like you said!
Look here!
A Beretta 93!
A Kalashnikov!
See if they're loaded.
- Check.
- It's unloaded.
Look, an M12!
This is the 921.
That bearded bum!
We'll see how
he blows my head off!
Enough for Casale di Principe!
Won't blow my head off now, eh?
Should I put two in?
And Nikita's?
And the 38?
- Want to see how I can shoot?
- Show me!
Show me!
Aim there!
I hit it!
We'll blow
the Colombians' heads off!
That's good.
Everything okay?
With love and feeling.
- What is it?
- Your wife's on the phone.
Tell her not to wait up.
Don't get tired out, need anything?
No, thanks.
- You'll lock up?
- Yes.
I have been waiting for you.
- I got lost.
- I am happy you came.
Please sit down.
We are cooking fish.
I've already eaten.
Try a typical Chinese dish.
Just cooked, it is good.
Meat with bell peppers.
I've already eaten.
We use chopsticks.
- I don't know how to use them.
- Try!
I am pleased,
we have a little toast.
We go to the factory.
Why not?
I put a pillow in here.
It's dangerous.
I already told you,
no one can know, just us.
It's better for both of us.
- Won't I need air?
- No, there's an opening.
I'll open the front window,
so air will come in.
Forgive me.
Are we sure?
It is best for both of us,
because it is dangerous.
- Does air come through here?
- Yes.
And I'll open the window too.
Please come in, Mr. Pasquale.
All are waiting for you.
All are very happy.
I told them who you are
and all are happy.
What a nice factory!
More than 80 people.
I'm moved.
What can I say?
To do this work
you need lots of patience...
...and lots of love.
For the first lesson...
...I'll cut out a bodice.
Let's begin.
You must place patterns carefully.
Spread the cloth well...
Maria, are you asleep?
Where have I been, in China?
They were all bowing to me.
They called me "master"!
- Did you know the Chinese can cook?
- The Chinese?
Darn right!
They cooked a delicious bass!
There were boxes everywhere
and they put me in the trunk!
Both coming and going.
I need some sleep.
I have to sleep a few hours.
What's this money?
Where did you get it?
I have to sleep.
Help me understand.
I talked to my son this morning,
he said: "Mom I'm leaving,
I'm going to be a secessionist."
What did you say?
He's convinced,
he said: "We're great,
we'll win the war,
the others are nobodies".
War? A bunch of morons
warring against us?
You have to stop him.
This side is the right side.
Have you seen what's happening?
There are killings every day.
Don't say anything to anybody,
not even your husband.
Who'd ever tell him!
When he gets out, what'll he do?
Father and son will kill each other?
No, because your son
will stay right here.
They'll all come to a bad end.
Do you feel so sure about that?
I don't.
I do.
When will we see each other again?
When you change sides.
Want to stay faithful? Go ahead!
You go your way and I go another.
But we can still have
a pizza together with friends.
I'm telling you again,
friend, enemy.
We've known each other for so long,
why go with them?
Remember when we were brothers?
Now we're enemies.
I'm telling you, if you don't
change sides, we might kill you
or you might kill us.
Because we're at war,
people are dying every day.
- You could have stayed with us...
- What for?
I'm best on the other side.
Bye, Simone.
Want a little Sambuca?
You'll be right off, don't worry.
Takes time.
Careful when you go out.
Thank you.
Gaetano, show him.
- It's big.
- You're right.
- Enzo!
- What?
Do I have to tell you?
It's awesome.
I like it.
Like it?
You look great.
Toto, show it off.
It's really nice.
- How many so far?
- 45 doses.
It's good stuff.
How many so far?
plus four that guy's still got.
- Understand?
- Yeah.
I'll get back to you later.
- How many?
- Fifty-two and that guy's got four.
Then we'll total it.
Nice, eh?
Hi, gorgeous!
What are you doing here? Get out.
I don't want to see you around here.
We have to go crying
at the prison gates?
What I went through with your father
was enough for me.
Good morning, Jacob.
- Are you alright?
- Fine, thank you, and you?
Have a good trip?
A very nice trip.
- Do you have documents?
- It's humanitarian aid.
Yes, it's humanitarian aid.
- Everything okay?
- Yes.
They've already called an ambulance.
Get back to work!
Go back to work!
What happened?
As they were dumping,
two drums opened
and spilled on a truck driver.
- Have you already called zio?
- No!
- They wanted to call an ambulance!
- I'll take care of this.
Pay the truckers
and tell them to fuck off.
- Who'll drive the trucks?
- Don't the blacks know how?
Can you drive?
They can't even ride bikes!
I'll handle this.
Don't let them touch the trucks,
they're ours.
Roberto, wait here.
Calm down!
You made a mistake, you had us doing
a job we shouldn't have!
It just happened!
- I'm taking the red one.
- No, that's mine!
- Take that one.
- I'll take this one!
- I'm not tall enough!
- Climb up there!
Wake up, get some cushions!
- The keys?
- Look under the seat!
Come on! Are you sleeping?
Can't you see there's work to do?
Put this under your butt!
Put it under your butt.
Go slowly
and drive the truck down there.
Then I'll pay you.
Catch this cushion.
Come on!
Go slow!
Move forward
and make space for that one!
Roberto, tell him what to do!
All the way down there!
- What is it?
- It's the new list.
Have you already paid
the Mellone family?
And the redhead's family too?
Of course.
Wasted money.
Let's make not make these mistakes
Are these the only ones?
More money and less work.
But more risk.
What risk?
Just don't go into certain areas,
the Seven Buildings, the Smurf Houses
and the Blue Houses.
As for the rest, you can go anywhere.
Maria's not here, I already paid her.
- Isn't her husband with us?
- Yes, but her son betrayed.
They mustn't get a cent.
These things are none of your affair,
respect the list.
Who is it?
What is it?
- Not letting me in?
- Tell me.
No one's home.
The week's pay.
- Sure, but no one's home.
- I'll leave it with you.
Just a minute and I'll let you in.
- Are you alone?
- Yes.
- You came by yourself?
- I'm alone!
I'm alone.
You can give this pittance
to your cronies, hear me?
Where's the list?
Don't move!
Put your hands on the floor.
You put our names
together with your cronies'?
We hate those people.
Tell your friends that we'll come
get them in their homes
and we'll shoot them
in the head like you!
- How did you get here?
- On my motorbike.
- Now I'll shoot him.
- Not in here.
Go get your bike.
Is anyone here?
Leave now!
Don Ciro!
What an idiot.
Don Ciro!
Where in hell are you going?
He's nuts.
You're acting like a skittish horse,
where are you running to?
You made me take the steps
four at a time.
What can we do with you?
Why are you running?
A wild horse is what you seem.
When will we talk a little?
Not even answering?
I've got to see
what to do with this guy,
I have to blast him.
What did you give me?
The same money again?
Is this guy an idiot?
Or are they making him
be an asshole?
Waiting for me to lose my head?
What can I do?
Let's do a stick-up?
A stick-up.
- What?
- A stick-up.
- No way!
- Let's do it!
- Stick-up a video games room?
- Our money's run out.
- What can this place have?
- Money!
Listen to me for once.
Cut the bullshit!
- A hold-up, no way!
- Listen to me.
Let's play one more euro and go home.
We're out of money!
They must have about 50 cents.
Do we do it or not?
You get that one and
I'll take these guys down.
- See all the people.
- It'll work!
Something fast.
Are you ready?
Yes or no?
This is a hold-up!
On the floor!
Get out of there!
- She's hot!
- She sucks.
- You like her?
- What's not to like!
You like one thing, I like another.
Right now!
- The blonde in the side room?
- Yeah.
Right away!
I can't even stand still.
I'll let you back in later.
- What's your name?
- Kristal.
- What do you want to do?
- Everything.
Have you ever stripped a girl?
I'll teach you.
- You're the first.
- You go really slow.
- I'm too horny.
- Sure, but you have to go slow.
You have to strip right away.
What do we do?
Want to have sex?
Such a hurry!
Did I hurt you?
- Why not?
- Don't bite, it hurts.
Hey, zip up!
Zip up!
- Look, I'll call...
- Call who you want.
Zip up!
Come here!
- Now!
- You do it.
- Like this?
- It's not allowed.
Or I'll leave.
Come here, I zipped.
I'm gonna hurt you.
No, I'm doing the hurting to you.
- Really?
- What do you think?
Don't do anything to me!
Where are the weapons?
I'll give you one day
to put them back!
Get the message?
- Do I shoot them in the head?
- Let them live a little more.
Get back in the car.
Get the message?
Sweet Pea, get up!
Don't be scared, I'm here,
we're at war!
Get lost!
Get up!
Come here, don't worry!
- I'm getting out of here.
- No!
We'll beat these guys!
Listen to me!
You're making me waste time,
you said you made a mark,
but where is it?
Oh, what is it?
- Remember I made a mark!
- Yeah, but you can't find it!
You're as dumb as they come.
Took you half an hour!
Let's move, I have to shoot,
I can't stand not shooting!
- Want to shoot?
- Right away!
- Did you load it?
- You'd better shut up.
Sweet Pea, do like I tell you.
I don't give a fuck what you think.
We break everyone's balls,
but who've we killed?
Do like I say and get moving!
Where are we going?
Do I have to beat you up?
Do we have to war with each other?
I'm not warring with you,
all we have to do is shoot!
- We're going to shoot alone?
- Yeah, just you and me!
- Not thinking about later?
- I don't want to think a thing!
Want to take the wrong steps,
we'll never grow that way.
Listening to you, we'll die sooner.
Can I say something?
Those kids don't know how to behave,
they're just raising Cain.
- Why?
- They didn't give the weapons back.
They don't want to listen.
I'll make them listen my way.
I'll take these guys and kill them.
If you kill two kids,
what shits will we look like
in the territory
when people find out?
Are we joking?
Then the cops come,
we have to lay low for a month
and all the traffic ends.
Zio Vittorio, they can't be
lording it around in my area,
they've already done so much,
I've warned them more than once.
I can't consider them kids anymore.
They have to die, that's final!
You're right,
but first let's tell the families.
I don't know who they are.
Will you take care of it?
I'll handle it!
Toto, is that you?
- What happened to Silvana?
- In the storeroom.
How come it's so dark?
Why are you in the dark?
It's okay like this.
Your change.
- The bread?
- There wasn't any.
- What'll we eat?
- There's pasta.
- Take your change.
- It's for you.
Why did you put her
in the storeroom?
She's fine where she is.
She's just an animal!
Come here a minute,
I have to talk to you.
Don't come out, it's dangerous.
Come on, no one can see you.
What are you doing, you're going?
Listen to me!
They said I have to leave.
I have to leave my house.
I can't do anything.
I'm not leaving!
Come here a minute!
Tell those friends of yours,
I'm not leaving!
Tell those nice people!
I won't betray my son
and I'm not moving from here!
Not coming in for coffee?
Run off, run away!
Hello, accountant.
Please come in.
Why this sudden call?
You're worrying me.
The designers pay me after 60 days,
I have a little money,
but this wasn't the agreement.
Money isn't the problem.
What is it then?
It seems
the problem is in your own house.
In my house?
What problem is it?
One of your associates,
Pasquale Del Prete,
has sold out to the Chinese.
We're done.
The finishing touches...
I never doubted.
Everything okay?
Remember the first time
I put you to work in the factory?
You were just a kid.
- Everything alright?
- Yes.
Tell him to go slower, not too fast.
Well done, Giulia.
She's good.
In the morning I do Tai Chi.
- It's nice.
- It is good for your health.
It is like in China.
When you go to the park
in the morning, it is full of people
old people too.
All doing Tai Chi.
Iikes the culture of Tai Chi.
It's a tradition of Chinese culture.
When will you do egg rolls for me?
Wait up.
I spoke to the doctors,
you'll soon be released.
Damn you,
you really goofed up.
They loved the models,
they've asked for more...
You knew everything.
That's how I saved your life.
Those people don't kid around.
Leave me alone.
You should thank me,
those guys will kill you.
You and I pulled through.
- Find another tailor.
- Why do you say that?
- I want to be alone.
- How can I do this without you?
I really don't care.
- After all I've done for you.
- What have you done for me?
I took you off the streets,
I fed you for years.
-You've used me since I was a kid.
- Don't say that!
When you're better,
come see me, I'll give you a raise.
Rosa, give me that bike,
I have to go.
No admittance here,
that's it.
Want to give up?
Are we meat for the slaughter house?
Let's shoot,
we'll rack up corpses too.
- I'm not moving without orders.
- What orders?
We don't know how to move.
We don't know anything.
Do we have to keep taking it?
Do we have to wait for orders?
Let's rack up corpses.
What are we waiting for,
to be put down one by one?
If we don't move, nothing will change
No use feeling depressed.
We all have to be convinced.
But without orders, I'm not moving.
This is open war,
you mustn't think about anyone.
- Who do we kill?
- Let's begin in our area.
From our own stronghold.
We don't know who's with us
and who's against us,
who do we make pay?
Where do you think
the order to kill came from?
Where did it come from?
- From there of course.
- From our own area.
She betrayed us.
We don't touch women.
Don't yell!
What are you saying?
Don't take it out on someone
no part of this, but the son.
- How do we find him?
- His mother's in our district.
It was her son who killed Gaetano.
Let's think what we'll do.
We could use the kid.
He's the only one who can get to her.
He brings her shopping,
he's in good with the woman...
So, if we have to do it
we'll need his help.
Toto, what do you think you'll do?
Are you with us or against us?
What do you say?
Are you with us or not?
- We'll see what we can do.
- No, "we'll see".
Either you're with us
or you're against us,
one or the other.
If you're against us you can't leave,
we can't trust you.
It can't have been her.
This is our decision,
you have to be with us.
That's what we say,
you don't need to think.
What are you going to do?
- We'll see.
- I said no "we'll see".
Come on down.
I have to tell you something!
No, come down!
Hurry, I have to leave!
Sit down!
You've known me for years,
you know what I've always done.
I brought the money.
I brought it to your family too.
I did it because I was ordered to.
War isn't for me.
But you're in it, know that?
You tell me.
What can I tell you?
What did you come here for?
To talk to you.
About what?
I want to save myself.
You'll have to buy your life,
I won't give it to you.
What I did there,
I can do for you here.
We don't need money-carriers,
we have to score,
kill people, and we need money.
You're wasting your time.
You're more dead than alive.
But we were brothers before.
Then they started
messing around with shit.
Our relatives were good people...
so they killed them!
So, don't come asking
to pass to the other side.
We have to score, kill,
and we need money.
If not, you die,
because you're part of the war.
You bring money and I kill people,
we're the same, you and me,
in this war.
- I understand.
- You understand.
Wait a moment.
Everything okay?
And you?
That's four.
Face on the table!
Let's go!
Come on out!
Lucky, eh?
That's poison.
What'd he say?
My father wants to say the dumping
you're doing on our land
isn't garbage.
It's poison.
It's not garbage?
You heard right.
Don't worry.
A year's gone by with this dumping?
So far,
all we've done is pay our debts.
Just barely.
- Euro.
- I understand, Don Raffaele.
Everything costs double in euro.
And so?
We need something more.
These are the prices,
explain it to your kids,
if I do it for you,
I have to do it for everyone.
Don't put me
in a difficult situation.
Okay, if you give us more,
everyone has to get more.
So, little can be done.
But, we barely make ends meet,
we can't go on like this.
We were thinking,
is it possible to do more dumping?
More dumping?
We have another piece of land
for other dumping sites.
Near here?
Around here.
More dumping we do,
faster the ground gets filled.
You have another piece of land?
- Near here?
- Further on.
This other land
would be more convenient,
it's bigger and trucks
can get in easier.
Still 100 euros per dumping.
What do you mean 100 euros!
Don't speak out of turn.
- He can't increase!
- Who said so?
We'll increase the trucks.
You have to increase
the price of each dumping.
Want to lose everything?
They have nowhere else to turn.
Excuse me.
Don't worry.
Alright, now we'll reach...
an agreement.
Give him a glass of water.
I'll do it, don't worry.
You have to clean up this field!
I'm not Luca.
Do a little work.
My name's Roberto.
This field is such a mess.
All such a mess.
Ma'am, it's raining.
Should I stop?
Come out of there.
I'll take you inside.
I'll be right along.
They've made ditches here,
someone should come
to fill them.
Let's go!
What beautiful peaches, thank you!
I'll take them to the kids.
See how beautiful they are!
Let's go.
Put them in the car.
Come on!
Toss that stuff.
- What?
- The peaches.
Can't you smell how they stink?
I've been thinking.
Maybe I'm not cut out for this work.
I mean it.
I'm not up to it.
We're doing so well!
I don't want to work anymore,
I'm sorry.
Think this job sucks?
You know that guys like me
put this shit country in Europe?
Know how many workers I've helped
by saving their companies money?
Stop and look!
What do you see?
All these people have been saved
only thanks to us.
I saw how you help them live.
You save a worker in Mestre
and kill a family in Mondragone.
That's how it works,
but I didn't decide it.
We solve problems created by others.
I didn't create
chromium and asbestos,
I didn't dig up the mountain.
That's how it works?
I don't work that way.
I'm not like you.
- What are you like?
- I'm different.
Go make pizzas!
He's different.
Don't think you're better than me!
I gave you a chance!
Go fuck yourself!
I think Scarlett Johansson's here!
Splendid, magnificent,
all dressed in white,
In style with the film.
Right colors,
right choice of dress.
It would be nice to know
why it took so long to get ready...
Because it's chic
yet so sophisticated.
An apparent simplicity,
but in reality, very elaborate...
Allow me to say...
Maybe to be awaited as a true star.
She's a star, and so beautiful.
The photographers are going crazy.
And the people too...
May I sit at your table?
- Can I offer you a cigarette?
- We don't smoke.
Everyone here talks about you.
You kids have balls, I can use you.
Why don't you join my guys?
You'll have money, motorbikes,
anything you want.
I already saved you once,
because here
they don't like you guys.
You're causing too much trouble.
It's wise to be with me,
that way you don't have to worry,
you're covered.
We want to stay alone,
we don't want to be under anyone.
We don't like to be under people.
We're just for us, that's all.
May I confide in you?
It's obvious you're courageous.
You're not talking to cops.
What is it?
I have a good job for you
and you'll earn a barrel of money.
- Money?
- Money's the first thing.
We know.
- May I come closer?
- Sure.
It's something not to be overheard,
just between us.
I need a big favor,
you could do a "job" for me.
I see you've got balls,
but this guy's a hot one, he's big.
We really like these things.
I'm crazy for them.
You have to kill Peppe the Horseman.
He's a traitor, he took my woman.
You have to shoot him in the balls
and then in the mouth.
I go crazy for these things.
But you have to do me a favor.
They told me you
stole some weapons from around here.
You have to give them back,
we gotta make them disappear.
- I'll give you the weapons.
- You will?
Weapons, motorbikes,
anything you want.
Let's talk about the money.
Tell me what you want
for this job.
A really good amount.
Is 10,000 euro enough?
I'll give you an advance,
the rest when the job's done.
Put it in your pocket.
- Is it right?
- Fine.
- Not there.
- Then where?
- Where the fuck do we go?
- Who knows where he went!
- We lost him.
- Are you sure?
- Look over there.
- There's nothin'.
Then where?
There he is!
Get off.
Come on!
For two kids such a waste of time.
Guys, it had to be done.
Everything's okay.
In Europe the Camorra has killed more
than all other criminal organizations
One every three days.
Scampia is the biggest
drug-pushing locality in the world.
Daily sales per clan
run about 500,000 euro.
If clan-managed waste were piled
it would reach 14,600 meters.
Everest is 8,850 meters.
There is a 20/ increase in cancer
in the poisoned areas.
Gains from illegal activities are
reinvested in legal ones worldwide.
The Camorra has also invested in the
reconstruction of the Twin Towers.
Charlotte Lantery
Be right out,
you're a pain!
Hey, American.
I'm still here, gettin' a manicure.
Things okay?
Gettin' tanned? Don't get burned!
Bruno's here too.
You got a crap body!
Is Bruno here?
He's over there.
You doin' a lamp?
It's 2,000.
How much are you
supposed to get this week?
Sure? It was less last week.
Yes, Don Ciro 9,200.
Another 2,000 euro and we're even.
Don Ciro, don't take all day.
He's slow.
Hurry, so we can go home.
Things okay out there?
Keep your eyes open.
That's it.
Put paper cups in.
Toilet paper.
- Then, Mom?
- Some shampoo.
A mozzarella...
Shampoo, not bath oil!
You're rushin' me!
And you're drivin' me crazy!
Hurry up, there are
more groceries to deliver.
- Nothing else?
- No.
- Be back later.
- Don't get yourself lost.
- Simone.
- Toto, what's up?
- What's happening?
- I'm workin'.
Know what happened?
They arrested Vitale and Bon Bon.
- Got somethin' to eat?
- Yeah, but it's not mine.
Bye, see you.
Carmela, ma'am!
Hi, Boxer.
Two doses, two doses!
Please, give me a dose!
Gaetano, check it!
One, two, three...
Don Ciro, be more punctual.
I'll pass it on.
Eleven and twelve.
See if he wants coffee.
No, but thank you anyway....
I'll show you out.
Have a good day.
Four hundred...
Five hundred.
The same amount again?
I've said a hundred times
I can't manage like this.
Don Carlo...
Did you tell them I can't manage
on this chickenfeed?
I have to pay rent, lights, water.
I can't survive,
I'm strapped with debts.
- I'll pass it on.
- You always say that!
Are you mockin' me?
I don't get it!
I've got a son to support,
for forty years
I've kept him off the streets,
he's unemployed.
What can I do,
go over to the other side?
They know, I served you honestly
for forty years.
My wife's in jail,
is this the thanks we get?
Are we crazy?
Do I have to raise hell?
May I?
Come on in!
The bill?
Talk to Mom.
Put this in your pocket.
Thank you.
Carabinieri on the street!
He's comin' out!
I'm the best, number one!
Go, Marco!
- I'll blast these roaches!
- Who do you think you're fighting?
I'm number one! Tony Montana!
The world is ours!
You don't know
who you're up against!
I'm Tony Montana!
- I'm the powerhouse!
- Yeah!
Come here.
Shit Colombians,
they're everywhere.
See, Colombians everywhere.
You really looked like Scarface.
You were good.
Now it all has to be ours,
the whole world.
Miami, all of it.
My friend, got stuff?
You got stuff?
- Got good stuff?
- You got money?
- Sure, you got coke?
- What do you want to pay?
Me? 50.
- 55, can you do it?
- No, 55 is too much, 50.
You sure?
Wait here for me.
Where's Smarty?
Hey, kid!
Give him the money.
- Is it all here?
- Yeah.
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Want to see it?
- I want to try it.
I gave you the money!
Open your hand.
It's good.
Give me all of it!
Grab the money!
Giovanni, I brought the kids.
Come in.
You know very well why you're here.
Too much ruckus going on in my area,
because I'm the boss here.
That's just you sayin'.
If I had you come here, I know.
No back-talk
or I'll smash your face!
- What happened?
- For the moment, nothing.
Get me?
I can't be made to look bad
because of two kids like you.
The next time
I hear anything about you,
I'll blow your heads off.
- If it's like you say...
- Shut up when I'm talking.
Then if I come to realize
you're worth something,
which I'll determine and I'll decide,
you can work for me.
Is that clear?
Show them out.
"I'll smash your face!"
And I'll tear your beard!
Without a T-shirt.
"Sweet Pea", looked like a bum.
A real bum.
He is a bum! Did you see
who he sent to get us?
If that guy's the boss here,
then here we can be the bosses.
If a guy like him is boss here,
this area is ours!
I'll live for 30 years
if he's boss here.
Sure, because he's a retard!
Get it? I'll live for 30 years.
But he could at least shave!
"I'll smash your face!"
Let's go have a snort to spite him.
We've got everything,
we can do like we want.
Anyway, he's a fat shit-ass.
He bugged you?
He showers once a week!
"I'll blow your heads off! "
Let's go, it's too small.
- But the methane one's big.
- No, it's small.
- Can I finish measuring?
- No, we're wasting time.
- I have to take some shots.
- What a bore with these pictures!
Let's go!
Just look at this.
It's disgusting down there.
Here is perfect.
It's perfect.
We're near the highway,
the trucks can get really close,
they dump the earth
and cover all the water.
Franco, it's 85 meters.
Get the length too.
Come here.
Hello, everything okay?
This is Roberto.
- It's time we made room for youth.
- We need new energy.
Take a few more shots.
Did you hear?
They bombed me,
at the cement plant.
A whole wall came down,
Be careful.
Zio resolved it.
I'd forgotten to pay
for some land I'd bought.
- An injunction against payment?
- Yeah!
- What do you think?
- It's fine.
- Can we fill this quarry?
- Sure can.
Tell Zio it's fine.
Remember, everything clean:
terracing, solid stuff...
Or the redevelopment agency
will break our balls.
Don't worry,
you emptied it and I'll fill it.
All the pieces have to be cut
and the sizes worked out.
They want 120 of these.
Six and seven are identical.
Here the satin is cut on the bias.
It's all hand-hemmed.
Is it tough?
The models aren't hard,
I can do it.
Eight hundred items in two months,
is our request.
Keep in mind
we start at 50 euros per item.
You've seen the models,
the price is good,
estimate and make your offers.
Thirty euro, 30 days?
Don't go any lower.
This is high fashion,
it's not pret-a-porter.
Forty-five, in two months.
- Ms. Zamarion!
- Yes?
Thirty-eight, forty.
That's a very interesting proposal.
Thirty-five, thirty-five,
excellent workmanship
and delivery times respected.
Thirty, thirty!
we're not imposing anything!
Did we say thirty, thirty?
At this point
twenty-eight, thirty!
Thirty, twenty-five!
I can't lose this bid.
Come here, there's some bubbly!
Are they coming?
- I don't think so.
- Why not?
Five days less for delivery,
we'll have to work overtime,
and I'll do nights...
What's odd about that?
They're talking overtime pay.
They'll get it!
Am I scared of a little overtime?
Like the last time?
Don't worry,
this time it's a sure thing.
- They've lost their trust.
- I know.
- I asked you to talk to them.
- You do it, please.
You're on closer terms,
they respect you.
Do me this favor.
Don't say no, go talk to them.
You know I'm fond of you,
I'll have to make
a gold statue to you!
I'll go down and see the accountant
for the money.
Sorry, how much is this?
Ten thousand.
It's not enough, I need more.
Twice that at least.
Mr. Enzo,
you're already "complicated".
Yes, but for personal affairs.
I need this for work.
I'll give it back in three months.
But this isn't enough.
If you don't need it
and it's not enough,
I'll take it back.
It's best for you.
Don't be like that, listen,
I need at least double!
It's no risk,
you'll earn from it, right?
What can I say?
I'll pass it on,
can you make-do for now?
Yes, I'll take it.
Congratulations, Mr. Pasquale.
Thank you.
We met yesterday.
I need your help.
I am having trouble with work.
I have to get into
haute couture right away,
but for me
it is very difficult.
I need help.
You are
a great master,
you are very important for me.
You teach ten lessons
to workers in my factory.
I pay you in cash,
for ten lessons.
We work together,
but no one knows it,
just the two of us.
I need your help.
Think it over.
- What's the cloth like?
- Come and see.
I've got nothin'!
Don't move!
They must have gone over to his side,
or they'd have arrested
me first and then those other guys.
Believe me? All of them were there
when I called you.
I said: Check out this car,
it's suspect.
This stuff here is ours.
My gun!
Check this stuff out,
there should be fifty-six.
Good, Toto, this is for you.
How can I get working with you?
We'll let you know.
- Did you turn off the water?
- Of course!
- Can I help out?
- No, you'll get wet.
Doesn't matter!
Come and see.
Careful not to slip.
- Is it coming from the well?
- No, I think it's from the pipe.
Careful, water's coming in.
See if you can close it.
It's closed,
but it's the pipe that...
I'd give you a hand, but...
What a great day!
Push it all in one direction.
I thought I'd be having coffee!
- Nice coffee, huh?
- I'll have some next time.
Totore, things okay?
- Can I say hi?
- No, you gotta leave.
Go down with these bags!
You have to move!
Ma'am, go around the other way.
- What's going on?
- Everything's fine, leave.
Come closer.
- What's your name?
- Luigi.
- Are you scared?
- No.
- Sure?
- No.
We'll see.
- Are you strong?
- Yeah!
Let's see how strong you are.
Why are you shaking?
- See how strong this kid is.
- Come closer!
- Are you scared?
- Yes.
Now you're a man.
Nothin'! Everything's okay!
When I did my piercing,
I got an infection.
Let's see.
You went and did it there?
- I'd like to have it on my eyebrow.
- Stinks.
It's nicer there, you're right.
It's gonna rain.
Everything's okay!
A car's coming!
It went in!
It's going in!
Check out this other one!
Everything's okay!
Sorry I'm late, the Councilman,
City Hall, the traffic...
- My father.
- How do you do.
I'm glad he's with you
you're a good person.
He's in your care.
He's a clever guy.
I don't doubt that but...
- Having work is important to him.
- Of course.
I tried so hard
to find him work in Naples...
- Where do you work?
- In the hospital, intensive care.
A bad division.
I tried to get him in,
but I have no connections.
He's all set now.
You did something no one else did.
I thank you, you raised him well.
Have you always worked in Naples?
No, also in Trieste, Udine,
- Venice...
- That's where we're going.
I told him about Venice.
He's excited, it's his first time.
Dad, we have a plane.
Did you bring some things?
What's that, your gym bag?
- Goodbye.
- He's in your care.
- What do you pay for disposal?
- Today I'm paying 50.
Your offer?
We can halve your costs,
That's good,
but is it all "clean",
like they say in the United States?
Since it's toxic waste,
storage and transportation.
- Is there a contract to look over?
- Of course.
In case you're wondering,
the disposal cycle
goes to the disposal area
in Marcianise.
I'm telling you in fairness.
Thank you for the information,
but my only concern
is that it's "clean".
You can rest assured of that.
We can dispose of all the waste
that you produce in a year.
Eight hundred tons.
It's not a problem.
That's a lot.
My concern is disposal.
We serve various companies,
you can check.
I already have!
Don't worry.
As far as I can see,
there's maximum transparency.
- The warehouses at Teverola?
- We use them for tires.
Will we put the tannery waste
in the quarry?
- Don't talk foolishness.
- Where then?
Check the European catalogue.
Here they are, 04.
The ones in red,
are among the most dangerous.
"Exhausted degreasing baths
with solvents, no liquid phase."
No, no good.
Then 4-11:
"Waste containing halogenated
compounds from operations
of manufacturing and finishing."
These are good.
It's stuff the earth absorbs,
we'll mix it with compost.
All that leaves is
Milan's sweeping refuse,
that's 60 trucks.
- The quarries at San Felice?
- They're too small.
I don't think so, look.
Let me see.
They're too small
and they're shallow,
they're no good.
Yes... I've got
ten contracts out of ten.
Is he near you?
Put him on.
I'll talk to him.
I told him, everything's okay.
- Do you like traveling?
- Sure!
We'll take more trips.
Everyone here works in boats?
Everyone, firemen, ambulances...
- Funerals.
- I've already seen two.
Even the dead go by boat!
Wow, they've got so many!
Steady me.
There's nothing here.
Are you sure?
Oh God!
Look what's here!
See? It's like you said!
Look here!
A Beretta 93!
A Kalashnikov!
See if they're loaded.
- Check.
- It's unloaded.
Look, an M12!
This is the 921.
That bearded bum!
We'll see how
he blows my head off!
Enough for Casale di Principe!
Won't blow my head off now, eh?
Should I put two in?
And Nikita's?
And the 38?
- Want to see how I can shoot?
- Show me!
Show me!
Aim there!
I hit it!
We'll blow
the Colombians' heads off!
That's good.
Everything okay?
With love and feeling.
- What is it?
- Your wife's on the phone.
Tell her not to wait up.
Don't get tired out, need anything?
No, thanks.
- You'll lock up?
- Yes.
I have been waiting for you.
- I got lost.
- I am happy you came.
Please sit down.
We are cooking fish.
I've already eaten.
Try a typical Chinese dish.
Just cooked, it is good.
Meat with bell peppers.
I've already eaten.
We use chopsticks.
- I don't know how to use them.
- Try!
I am pleased,
we have a little toast.
We go to the factory.
Why not?
I put a pillow in here.
It's dangerous.
I already told you,
no one can know, just us.
It's better for both of us.
- Won't I need air?
- No, there's an opening.
I'll open the front window,
so air will come in.
Forgive me.
Are we sure?
It is best for both of us,
because it is dangerous.
- Does air come through here?
- Yes.
And I'll open the window too.
Please come in, Mr. Pasquale.
All are waiting for you.
All are very happy.
I told them who you are
and all are happy.
What a nice factory!
More than 80 people.
I'm moved.
What can I say?
To do this work
you need lots of patience...
...and lots of love.
For the first lesson...
...I'll cut out a bodice.
Let's begin.
You must place patterns carefully.
Spread the cloth well...
Maria, are you asleep?
Where have I been, in China?
They were all bowing to me.
They called me "master"!
- Did you know the Chinese can cook?
- The Chinese?
Darn right!
They cooked a delicious bass!
There were boxes everywhere
and they put me in the trunk!
Both coming and going.
I need some sleep.
I have to sleep a few hours.
What's this money?
Where did you get it?
I have to sleep.
Help me understand.
I talked to my son this morning,
he said: "Mom I'm leaving,
I'm going to be a secessionist."
What did you say?
He's convinced,
he said: "We're great,
we'll win the war,
the others are nobodies".
War? A bunch of morons
warring against us?
You have to stop him.
This side is the right side.
Have you seen what's happening?
There are killings every day.
Don't say anything to anybody,
not even your husband.
Who'd ever tell him!
When he gets out, what'll he do?
Father and son will kill each other?
No, because your son
will stay right here.
They'll all come to a bad end.
Do you feel so sure about that?
I don't.
I do.
When will we see each other again?
When you change sides.
Want to stay faithful? Go ahead!
You go your way and I go another.
But we can still have
a pizza together with friends.
I'm telling you again,
friend, enemy.
We've known each other for so long,
why go with them?
Remember when we were brothers?
Now we're enemies.
I'm telling you, if you don't
change sides, we might kill you
or you might kill us.
Because we're at war,
people are dying every day.
- You could have stayed with us...
- What for?
I'm best on the other side.
Bye, Simone.
Want a little Sambuca?
You'll be right off, don't worry.
Takes time.
Careful when you go out.
Thank you.
Gaetano, show him.
- It's big.
- You're right.
- Enzo!
- What?
Do I have to tell you?
It's awesome.
I like it.
Like it?
You look great.
Toto, show it off.
It's really nice.
- How many so far?
- 45 doses.
It's good stuff.
How many so far?
plus four that guy's still got.
- Understand?
- Yeah.
I'll get back to you later.
- How many?
- Fifty-two and that guy's got four.
Then we'll total it.
Nice, eh?
Hi, gorgeous!
What are you doing here? Get out.
I don't want to see you around here.
We have to go crying
at the prison gates?
What I went through with your father
was enough for me.
Good morning, Jacob.
- Are you alright?
- Fine, thank you, and you?
Have a good trip?
A very nice trip.
- Do you have documents?
- It's humanitarian aid.
Yes, it's humanitarian aid.
- Everything okay?
- Yes.
They've already called an ambulance.
Get back to work!
Go back to work!
What happened?
As they were dumping,
two drums opened
and spilled on a truck driver.
- Have you already called zio?
- No!
- They wanted to call an ambulance!
- I'll take care of this.
Pay the truckers
and tell them to fuck off.
- Who'll drive the trucks?
- Don't the blacks know how?
Can you drive?
They can't even ride bikes!
I'll handle this.
Don't let them touch the trucks,
they're ours.
Roberto, wait here.
Calm down!
You made a mistake, you had us doing
a job we shouldn't have!
It just happened!
- I'm taking the red one.
- No, that's mine!
- Take that one.
- I'll take this one!
- I'm not tall enough!
- Climb up there!
Wake up, get some cushions!
- The keys?
- Look under the seat!
Come on! Are you sleeping?
Can't you see there's work to do?
Put this under your butt!
Put it under your butt.
Go slowly
and drive the truck down there.
Then I'll pay you.
Catch this cushion.
Come on!
Go slow!
Move forward
and make space for that one!
Roberto, tell him what to do!
All the way down there!
- What is it?
- It's the new list.
Have you already paid
the Mellone family?
And the redhead's family too?
Of course.
Wasted money.
Let's make not make these mistakes
Are these the only ones?
More money and less work.
But more risk.
What risk?
Just don't go into certain areas,
the Seven Buildings, the Smurf Houses
and the Blue Houses.
As for the rest, you can go anywhere.
Maria's not here, I already paid her.
- Isn't her husband with us?
- Yes, but her son betrayed.
They mustn't get a cent.
These things are none of your affair,
respect the list.
Who is it?
What is it?
- Not letting me in?
- Tell me.
No one's home.
The week's pay.
- Sure, but no one's home.
- I'll leave it with you.
Just a minute and I'll let you in.
- Are you alone?
- Yes.
- You came by yourself?
- I'm alone!
I'm alone.
You can give this pittance
to your cronies, hear me?
Where's the list?
Don't move!
Put your hands on the floor.
You put our names
together with your cronies'?
We hate those people.
Tell your friends that we'll come
get them in their homes
and we'll shoot them
in the head like you!
- How did you get here?
- On my motorbike.
- Now I'll shoot him.
- Not in here.
Go get your bike.
Is anyone here?
Leave now!
Don Ciro!
What an idiot.
Don Ciro!
Where in hell are you going?
He's nuts.
You're acting like a skittish horse,
where are you running to?
You made me take the steps
four at a time.
What can we do with you?
Why are you running?
A wild horse is what you seem.
When will we talk a little?
Not even answering?
I've got to see
what to do with this guy,
I have to blast him.
What did you give me?
The same money again?
Is this guy an idiot?
Or are they making him
be an asshole?
Waiting for me to lose my head?
What can I do?
Let's do a stick-up?
A stick-up.
- What?
- A stick-up.
- No way!
- Let's do it!
- Stick-up a video games room?
- Our money's run out.
- What can this place have?
- Money!
Listen to me for once.
Cut the bullshit!
- A hold-up, no way!
- Listen to me.
Let's play one more euro and go home.
We're out of money!
They must have about 50 cents.
Do we do it or not?
You get that one and
I'll take these guys down.
- See all the people.
- It'll work!
Something fast.
Are you ready?
Yes or no?
This is a hold-up!
On the floor!
Get out of there!
- She's hot!
- She sucks.
- You like her?
- What's not to like!
You like one thing, I like another.
Right now!
- The blonde in the side room?
- Yeah.
Right away!
I can't even stand still.
I'll let you back in later.
- What's your name?
- Kristal.
- What do you want to do?
- Everything.
Have you ever stripped a girl?
I'll teach you.
- You're the first.
- You go really slow.
- I'm too horny.
- Sure, but you have to go slow.
You have to strip right away.
What do we do?
Want to have sex?
Such a hurry!
Did I hurt you?
- Why not?
- Don't bite, it hurts.
Hey, zip up!
Zip up!
- Look, I'll call...
- Call who you want.
Zip up!
Come here!
- Now!
- You do it.
- Like this?
- It's not allowed.
Or I'll leave.
Come here, I zipped.
I'm gonna hurt you.
No, I'm doing the hurting to you.
- Really?
- What do you think?
Don't do anything to me!
Where are the weapons?
I'll give you one day
to put them back!
Get the message?
- Do I shoot them in the head?
- Let them live a little more.
Get back in the car.
Get the message?
Sweet Pea, get up!
Don't be scared, I'm here,
we're at war!
Get lost!
Get up!
Come here, don't worry!
- I'm getting out of here.
- No!
We'll beat these guys!
Listen to me!
You're making me waste time,
you said you made a mark,
but where is it?
Oh, what is it?
- Remember I made a mark!
- Yeah, but you can't find it!
You're as dumb as they come.
Took you half an hour!
Let's move, I have to shoot,
I can't stand not shooting!
- Want to shoot?
- Right away!
- Did you load it?
- You'd better shut up.
Sweet Pea, do like I tell you.
I don't give a fuck what you think.
We break everyone's balls,
but who've we killed?
Do like I say and get moving!
Where are we going?
Do I have to beat you up?
Do we have to war with each other?
I'm not warring with you,
all we have to do is shoot!
- We're going to shoot alone?
- Yeah, just you and me!
- Not thinking about later?
- I don't want to think a thing!
Want to take the wrong steps,
we'll never grow that way.
Listening to you, we'll die sooner.
Can I say something?
Those kids don't know how to behave,
they're just raising Cain.
- Why?
- They didn't give the weapons back.
They don't want to listen.
I'll make them listen my way.
I'll take these guys and kill them.
If you kill two kids,
what shits will we look like
in the territory
when people find out?
Are we joking?
Then the cops come,
we have to lay low for a month
and all the traffic ends.
Zio Vittorio, they can't be
lording it around in my area,
they've already done so much,
I've warned them more than once.
I can't consider them kids anymore.
They have to die, that's final!
You're right,
but first let's tell the families.
I don't know who they are.
Will you take care of it?
I'll handle it!
Toto, is that you?
- What happened to Silvana?
- In the storeroom.
How come it's so dark?
Why are you in the dark?
It's okay like this.
Your change.
- The bread?
- There wasn't any.
- What'll we eat?
- There's pasta.
- Take your change.
- It's for you.
Why did you put her
in the storeroom?
She's fine where she is.
She's just an animal!
Come here a minute,
I have to talk to you.
Don't come out, it's dangerous.
Come on, no one can see you.
What are you doing, you're going?
Listen to me!
They said I have to leave.
I have to leave my house.
I can't do anything.
I'm not leaving!
Come here a minute!
Tell those friends of yours,
I'm not leaving!
Tell those nice people!
I won't betray my son
and I'm not moving from here!
Not coming in for coffee?
Run off, run away!
Hello, accountant.
Please come in.
Why this sudden call?
You're worrying me.
The designers pay me after 60 days,
I have a little money,
but this wasn't the agreement.
Money isn't the problem.
What is it then?
It seems
the problem is in your own house.
In my house?
What problem is it?
One of your associates,
Pasquale Del Prete,
has sold out to the Chinese.
We're done.
The finishing touches...
I never doubted.
Everything okay?
Remember the first time
I put you to work in the factory?
You were just a kid.
- Everything alright?
- Yes.
Tell him to go slower, not too fast.
Well done, Giulia.
She's good.
In the morning I do Tai Chi.
- It's nice.
- It is good for your health.
It is like in China.
When you go to the park
in the morning, it is full of people
old people too.
All doing Tai Chi.
Iikes the culture of Tai Chi.
It's a tradition of Chinese culture.
When will you do egg rolls for me?
Wait up.
I spoke to the doctors,
you'll soon be released.
Damn you,
you really goofed up.
They loved the models,
they've asked for more...
You knew everything.
That's how I saved your life.
Those people don't kid around.
Leave me alone.
You should thank me,
those guys will kill you.
You and I pulled through.
- Find another tailor.
- Why do you say that?
- I want to be alone.
- How can I do this without you?
I really don't care.
- After all I've done for you.
- What have you done for me?
I took you off the streets,
I fed you for years.
-You've used me since I was a kid.
- Don't say that!
When you're better,
come see me, I'll give you a raise.
Rosa, give me that bike,
I have to go.
No admittance here,
that's it.
Want to give up?
Are we meat for the slaughter house?
Let's shoot,
we'll rack up corpses too.
- I'm not moving without orders.
- What orders?
We don't know how to move.
We don't know anything.
Do we have to keep taking it?
Do we have to wait for orders?
Let's rack up corpses.
What are we waiting for,
to be put down one by one?
If we don't move, nothing will change
No use feeling depressed.
We all have to be convinced.
But without orders, I'm not moving.
This is open war,
you mustn't think about anyone.
- Who do we kill?
- Let's begin in our area.
From our own stronghold.
We don't know who's with us
and who's against us,
who do we make pay?
Where do you think
the order to kill came from?
Where did it come from?
- From there of course.
- From our own area.
She betrayed us.
We don't touch women.
Don't yell!
What are you saying?
Don't take it out on someone
no part of this, but the son.
- How do we find him?
- His mother's in our district.
It was her son who killed Gaetano.
Let's think what we'll do.
We could use the kid.
He's the only one who can get to her.
He brings her shopping,
he's in good with the woman...
So, if we have to do it
we'll need his help.
Toto, what do you think you'll do?
Are you with us or against us?
What do you say?
Are you with us or not?
- We'll see what we can do.
- No, "we'll see".
Either you're with us
or you're against us,
one or the other.
If you're against us you can't leave,
we can't trust you.
It can't have been her.
This is our decision,
you have to be with us.
That's what we say,
you don't need to think.
What are you going to do?
- We'll see.
- I said no "we'll see".
Come on down.
I have to tell you something!
No, come down!
Hurry, I have to leave!
Sit down!
You've known me for years,
you know what I've always done.
I brought the money.
I brought it to your family too.
I did it because I was ordered to.
War isn't for me.
But you're in it, know that?
You tell me.
What can I tell you?
What did you come here for?
To talk to you.
About what?
I want to save myself.
You'll have to buy your life,
I won't give it to you.
What I did there,
I can do for you here.
We don't need money-carriers,
we have to score,
kill people, and we need money.
You're wasting your time.
You're more dead than alive.
But we were brothers before.
Then they started
messing around with shit.
Our relatives were good people...
so they killed them!
So, don't come asking
to pass to the other side.
We have to score, kill,
and we need money.
If not, you die,
because you're part of the war.
You bring money and I kill people,
we're the same, you and me,
in this war.
- I understand.
- You understand.
Wait a moment.
Everything okay?
And you?
That's four.
Face on the table!
Let's go!
Come on out!
Lucky, eh?
That's poison.
What'd he say?
My father wants to say the dumping
you're doing on our land
isn't garbage.
It's poison.
It's not garbage?
You heard right.
Don't worry.
A year's gone by with this dumping?
So far,
all we've done is pay our debts.
Just barely.
- Euro.
- I understand, Don Raffaele.
Everything costs double in euro.
And so?
We need something more.
These are the prices,
explain it to your kids,
if I do it for you,
I have to do it for everyone.
Don't put me
in a difficult situation.
Okay, if you give us more,
everyone has to get more.
So, little can be done.
But, we barely make ends meet,
we can't go on like this.
We were thinking,
is it possible to do more dumping?
More dumping?
We have another piece of land
for other dumping sites.
Near here?
Around here.
More dumping we do,
faster the ground gets filled.
You have another piece of land?
- Near here?
- Further on.
This other land
would be more convenient,
it's bigger and trucks
can get in easier.
Still 100 euros per dumping.
What do you mean 100 euros!
Don't speak out of turn.
- He can't increase!
- Who said so?
We'll increase the trucks.
You have to increase
the price of each dumping.
Want to lose everything?
They have nowhere else to turn.
Excuse me.
Don't worry.
Alright, now we'll reach...
an agreement.
Give him a glass of water.
I'll do it, don't worry.
You have to clean up this field!
I'm not Luca.
Do a little work.
My name's Roberto.
This field is such a mess.
All such a mess.
Ma'am, it's raining.
Should I stop?
Come out of there.
I'll take you inside.
I'll be right along.
They've made ditches here,
someone should come
to fill them.
Let's go!
What beautiful peaches, thank you!
I'll take them to the kids.
See how beautiful they are!
Let's go.
Put them in the car.
Come on!
Toss that stuff.
- What?
- The peaches.
Can't you smell how they stink?
I've been thinking.
Maybe I'm not cut out for this work.
I mean it.
I'm not up to it.
We're doing so well!
I don't want to work anymore,
I'm sorry.
Think this job sucks?
You know that guys like me
put this shit country in Europe?
Know how many workers I've helped
by saving their companies money?
Stop and look!
What do you see?
All these people have been saved
only thanks to us.
I saw how you help them live.
You save a worker in Mestre
and kill a family in Mondragone.
That's how it works,
but I didn't decide it.
We solve problems created by others.
I didn't create
chromium and asbestos,
I didn't dig up the mountain.
That's how it works?
I don't work that way.
I'm not like you.
- What are you like?
- I'm different.
Go make pizzas!
He's different.
Don't think you're better than me!
I gave you a chance!
Go fuck yourself!
I think Scarlett Johansson's here!
Splendid, magnificent,
all dressed in white,
In style with the film.
Right colors,
right choice of dress.
It would be nice to know
why it took so long to get ready...
Because it's chic
yet so sophisticated.
An apparent simplicity,
but in reality, very elaborate...
Allow me to say...
Maybe to be awaited as a true star.
She's a star, and so beautiful.
The photographers are going crazy.
And the people too...
May I sit at your table?
- Can I offer you a cigarette?
- We don't smoke.
Everyone here talks about you.
You kids have balls, I can use you.
Why don't you join my guys?
You'll have money, motorbikes,
anything you want.
I already saved you once,
because here
they don't like you guys.
You're causing too much trouble.
It's wise to be with me,
that way you don't have to worry,
you're covered.
We want to stay alone,
we don't want to be under anyone.
We don't like to be under people.
We're just for us, that's all.
May I confide in you?
It's obvious you're courageous.
You're not talking to cops.
What is it?
I have a good job for you
and you'll earn a barrel of money.
- Money?
- Money's the first thing.
We know.
- May I come closer?
- Sure.
It's something not to be overheard,
just between us.
I need a big favor,
you could do a "job" for me.
I see you've got balls,
but this guy's a hot one, he's big.
We really like these things.
I'm crazy for them.
You have to kill Peppe the Horseman.
He's a traitor, he took my woman.
You have to shoot him in the balls
and then in the mouth.
I go crazy for these things.
But you have to do me a favor.
They told me you
stole some weapons from around here.
You have to give them back,
we gotta make them disappear.
- I'll give you the weapons.
- You will?
Weapons, motorbikes,
anything you want.
Let's talk about the money.
Tell me what you want
for this job.
A really good amount.
Is 10,000 euro enough?
I'll give you an advance,
the rest when the job's done.
Put it in your pocket.
- Is it right?
- Fine.
- Not there.
- Then where?
- Where the fuck do we go?
- Who knows where he went!
- We lost him.
- Are you sure?
- Look over there.
- There's nothin'.
Then where?
There he is!
Get off.
Come on!
For two kids such a waste of time.
Guys, it had to be done.
Everything's okay.
In Europe the Camorra has killed more
than all other criminal organizations
One every three days.
Scampia is the biggest
drug-pushing locality in the world.
Daily sales per clan
run about 500,000 euro.
If clan-managed waste were piled
it would reach 14,600 meters.
Everest is 8,850 meters.
There is a 20/ increase in cancer
in the poisoned areas.
Gains from illegal activities are
reinvested in legal ones worldwide.
The Camorra has also invested in the
reconstruction of the Twin Towers.
Charlotte Lantery