Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017) Movie Script
ALAN: Daphne?
Do excuse me.
Poor Blue.
Are you feeling odd?
Come on.
I'll let you dance with me.
Come on.
You're the man.
Take the lead.
Damn it. I'm sorry.
Well, I should
think so too!
You laddered my stockings.
Don't mind them.
They're all just jealous
because my husband is the
only one clever enough...
...not to get himself killed.
I say, do you mind
if I cut in?
Hello, Blue.
You'll just have to
find another partner, Daph.
All right.
I was at the Somme.
That was a bad show.
They were all bad shows.
Where were you?
Milne! You're back.
How splendid you look.
And Shepard! Punch's funniest
writer and best illustrator.
Ready to put a smile back
on our faces?
Oh, yes. In fact, I wrote
a brilliant little farce
while I was at the front.
Did you really?
I sat there with my
typewriter, glass of sherry...
...knocked it out while
the whizz bangs
popped all around us.
Sometimes the gas would
steam my glasses up,
you know,
but apart from that...
Well, this is wonderful news.
I can't wait to read it.
Where to start?
A few years ago in Sarajevo,
one Archduke was shot.
And the next thing we know,
ten million
non-archdukes are shot.
And for what?
What a jolly little farce.
But I know that
the final curtain... surely coming
for archdukes
and top hats and the like...
...and for all
the other fools...
...who led ordinary decent
folk to the slaughter.
So, what can one say but...
...Tinketty Tonk.
Tinketty Tonk.
ALAN: We were
always exhausted.
Never quite knew if we
were awake or dreaming.
And the flies.
Big bloated blue bottles.
Not just the flies
...but the thought
they used to be maggots.
And when they were maggots,
they were eating...
That's quite enough of that.
I'm sorry,
I thought you were asleep.
You know, if you don't
think about a thing,
then it ceases to exist.
It's true. I read about it.
It's all in Plato.
It's called philosophy.
Oh, philosophy.
Well, I hope you know
you're laughing at Plato.
Blue, life is full of
frightful things.
The great thing
is to find something
to be happy about
and stick to that.
DAPHNE: Oh, my G...
Get it out!
It's quite all right.
It's all going swimmingly.
It's not all right!
Where is he? Blue!
That's me.
Perhaps I should...
She's a silly girl.
Here he is, sir.
Perfect birth, sir.
Mrs. Milne was unaware of
the mechanics of the thing.
Get him out.
I will not have him
see me blubbing.
Probably best, sir.
ALAN: Latest Milne
production debuted
at 20 past 6:00
this morning...
...weighing in at
a startling nine pounds.
Good heavens.
At least the midwife
says nine pounds.
I have the distinct
impression that
midwives are a little
like anglers, you know?
Prone to exaggerate
the size of the catch.
Shall I propose a toast?
A double toast!
There's to be a revival
of Alan's play
Mr. Pim Passes By
at the Kingsway.
You all right?
I'm the same
when my motorbike backfires.
I've been thinking
of moving down
to the countryside where
it's peaceful and quiet.
Don't tell Daphne,
for God's sake.
Up here. That's what
we need to sort out.
LADY: A toast.
C. R. Milne.
ALL: C.R. Milne.
Not completely sure
which way up he should go.
Still alive. (CHUCKLES)
You know, Daph, boys
can be fun too, you know.
I'm a boy.
I just keep thinking.
It's such a terrible feeling.
He's a boy.
He'll grow up.
He'll put on a uniform
and he'll go off to war.
And I will be waiting again
like I waited for you.
Never knowing.
You listen to me.
I just fought in the War
to End All Wars.
There won't be another one.
I couldn't stand
to love someone
who was going
away again, Blue.
Not like that.
His name
is Christopher Robin,
but we generally
call him Billy.
You thought he was a girl.
So did we
until he was born.
Please, take a seat.
She was going
to be called Rosemary
and I bought her all these
delicious dresses.
I see.
Just seems a pity to
waste them, don't you think?
Of course.
Well, you have had
an interesting life.
Looking after the Chilean
ambassador's children.
What fun!
And terrific parties,
I should think.
It was very enjoyable.
We traveled a lot.
Why would you
want to look after him
when you've had
such fun, then?
My mother is quite ill.
She'll be needing
some attention from me.
So staying in one place
will be useful.
Well, we're
going on holiday.
Just to Italy.
For a month or so.
OLIVE: Oh, very wise.
By the time you come home,
I shall have your little man
settled into a nice,
steady routine.
That's very reassuring.
You know, the one good thing
about the war is...
...there are lots of marvelous
women around like you...
...who are never
going to get married
because there are no men.
So you can take on
work like this.
Yes? But it's true,
isn't it?
OLIVE: Mummy and Daddy
are going to a ball!
ALAN: Your majesty.
Don't they look lovely?
Look, Billy, Mummy and Daddy
are off again on holiday.
Thank you.
It's Daddy's first night.
how can it be his first night?
Blue is about
100 years old.
OLIVE: It's the first night
of his new play, silly.
Well, for all you cricket
enthusiasts here in the audience...
...I'm sorry
to report that rain
has stopped play at the Oval.
Here in the West End,
of course,
nothing stops the play.
Um, this, this play...
I-I wrote this play...
This, this play was...
I wrote this...
I wrote this...
The play was, um...
You're supposed
to make a speech.
You're supposed to say
something sweet about...
DAPHNE: You missed
the most enchanting party.
ERNEST: And the play
was pretty good.
It's in all the papers,
if you want the details.
"The Princess Royal
accompanied by
Princess Maud was in a box.
"Sir James Barrie and...
"...the elegant Mrs. Milne."
Alan, if you
hadn't deserted me,
people wouldn't
take the liberty
of making
remarks like that.
Remarks? What remarks?
"Elegant" is not a remark.
DAPHNE: "Elegant" means
over 30. Everyone knows that.
ERNEST: You'll never
be elegant in my eyes.
What did we fight
that war for?
Why doesn't anyone
talk about it?
Why does everyone act
as though nothing happened?
Well, it is over.
And what am I doing about it?
You're doing what you're
good at. Writing plays.
Nothing has changed.
Don't you see?
If nothing changes,
then the same thing
will happen all over again.
I need to
get out of London.
A nice day out would
do us all the world of good.
Ernest, you must come too.
I don't think Blue
is talking about a picnic.
I'm talking about
leaving for good.
I'm talking about
going somewhere quiet
and decent and trying
to think for once.
Do something worthwhile.
Surely a West End playwright
needs to be in the West End.
I've had enough of
making people laugh.
I want to make them see.
Well, I think it's
a perfectly horrid idea.
Horrid and ridiculous.
Daphne, don't you see...
For heaven's sake,
don't plead.
If you're going to do it,
get on with it.
Not in the mud! Don't
let them fall into the mud!
Now where's the desk?
Up here. Up here.
Over there. Actually...
I know you like a view
when you're writing, Alan,
but might that be
a distraction?
Deeper and deeper into
the dark wood they went.
Oh, they're here.
Oh, where is it?
It's here somewhere.
Alan, where is it?
Where's what?
Mummy's here!
Of course Mummy's here.
You're going to live here.
This is your new home.
Yes. But I didn't know
they were going
to live in it too.
Well, I say, Billy Moon,
this is an unexpected
Have you come
to see my woods?
Are they really your woods?
Oh, yes. As far as
the eye can see.
Well, a bear does
feel more at home
in the woods amongst
the wild animals.
Are there really
wild animals?
I can't continue
this conversation
till we've been
properly introduced.
I'm Billy Moon
and you're Teddy Bear.
Edward Bear,
if you don't mind.
I don't like that name.
Mummy will help us
think of a new one.
You do know it was me talking,
not the bear?
I was just playing, you see.
Yes. I was just joining in.
DAPHNE: Of course.
Silly of me.
Do you have room
for one very small piglet?
I have some
very quiet friends.
They'll be no trouble.
Do you have
any objection to tigers?
Say goodnight to Teddy.
Edward. Remember?
Edward. Of course.
God bless Mummy.
God bless Daddy.
God bless Nou.
Forgotten someone.
Keep thinking.
I've made
the study my priority
so that you can
get back to work...
...while the rest
of us unpack
and choose curtain fabrics
and so on.
Your files and notebook...
I'll unpack them.
There's really no need.
I can...
Me! I forgot to bless me.
God bless me. Amen.
MRS. PENN: Madam.
Thank you, Mrs. Penn.
Shh. Daddy's working.
OLIVE: Can't get you.
Over here!
That was awfully good.
Bit higher!
Come on, higher!
ALAN: Hello there!
Mummy said we mustn't talk
to you when you're working.
This isn't that sort of work.
This is proper work.
Come here.
Hold this.
Push down hard.
What is it for?
We're going to have chickens.
We'll need a chicken run.
Somewhere they can move about
and not be eaten by foxes.
Are there real foxes?
All sorts of wild animals
here, I shouldn't wonder.
The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy read
Anytime he holds my hand
And tells me that he's mine
ALAN: Oh, Billy.
Okay. All right. Right.
Go, go! You put that back.
OLIVE: Over here!
ALAN: Oh! That's it.
ALAN: All right,
come on! Come on!
Okay, we've got him.
We've got him.
In you go. That's it.
Wait for me!
What are you doing here?
Sorry. I just...
Nou will be wondering
where you are.
Shall I go back?
No, come along.
Sorry, Father.
Sorry, Father. Sorry.
ALAN: Quickly.
I won't talk to you.
Nou says you're writing
a very important book,
so I'm not to talk to you.
ALAN: You do realize
you're talking now, don't you?
Yes, but I've stopped now.
While I'm not talking,
could you think of
a good name for a donkey?
ALAN: Eeyore.
Eeyore! Excellent. Thank you.
Where are you going?
Watching out
for wild animals.
You said
there'd be wild animals.
Well, take care.
What? What can you hear?
Is it a tiger?
Not here.
Just stay calm.
Just stand still.
Couldn't we just...
Just stand still, I said.
You listen to me.
They'll be gone in a minute.
Just stay calm.
Bees are good,
aren't they?
Even though
they can sting...
...they hardly ever do,
so long as you leave them
to get on with things.
They just want
to make honey.
That's what
Nou says, anyway.
I completely forgot
about bees.
And honey.
I forgot about honey.
Billy, you're an
entomological genius.
What's that?
It's an insect scientist.
You're the best
there ever was.
Well done.
How silly. (SCOFFS)
Thank you, Billy Moon.
That's all right.
I've chosen the material.
All you have to do
is run a few up.
More smocks.
Isn't he going to look
such a chicken? Where is he?
He seems to have gone
for a walk with Mr. Milne.
Mr. Milne needs time and quiet
to write his blasted book.
He can't have the boy trailing
everywhere after him.
Oh, Billy Moon,
where on Earth have you been?
We've all been so worried.
I was with Blue.
And if you
keep on like this,
you're going to get
Nanny the sack.
Daph, it was good that he was
there, in fact. In the end.
how are you going to get
any writing done if you're
doing her job for her?
I mean, really, we might well
as not have a nanny if she...
Now see,
you've made the boy cry.
No, she hasn't. She hasn't.
You have. Leave her alone!
Billy! Don't talk
to your mother like that.
I only went
because of you.
You said there were
wild animals
and there weren't
any wild animals.
We saw squirrels.
Squirrels aren't
wild animals!
And anyway, it's lucky
there weren't any wild animals
because he's scared of bees!
Just take him away,
would you?
he was expecting bears.
In Sussex?
I don't see
what's funny about it.
The boy has
ridiculous expectations...
...because you have made him
ridiculous promises.
Just as you did with me.
First, I had a baby
just to cheer you up.
Nearly killed me.
And it didn't cheer you up.
Then we move
to the countryside,
surrounded by wild animals.
The whole point was that
there are no wild animals.
And the only response you have
is to be facetious. Really.
Nothing is enough for you.
Oh, Alan!
How lovely to see you.
Welcome to your study.
Look, here's a desk.
Do you remember "desks"?
What are you talking about?
You said you were bringing us
here to write something.
So write something!
You are a writer
who doesn't write!
I'm thinking.
Well, let's hear
your great thoughts.
I'm thinking about
where we go next.
No, not us. England.
Where does England go next?
The country
is wounded, Daph.
It's lost men, yes.
But it's lost more than that.
We need a sense of purpose.
Don't you see?
The nations of the world,
they got together
and banned slavery.
What if we did
the same with war?
What if we all, all nations,
got together and decided...
...that when there was
a conflict,
when there was a dispute,
war was no way to settle it.
War would go the way
of the slave trade.
Yes, that proves
my point exactly.
No, you weren't
making a point.
My point is
I have to go to London
to look at Whiteleys'
new wallpaper collection.
ALAN: Right. Fine.
DAPHNE: Yes, it is fine.
Because do you know what writing
a book against war is like?
No. Tell me.
It's like writing a book
against Wednesdays.
Wednesdays, Blue,
are a fact of life...
...and if you don't like them, you could
stay in bed but you can't stop them...
...because Wednesdays
are coming
and if today isn't actually
a Wednesday it soon will be.
Fine. When will you be back?
I'm not coming back.
You're not coming back. Fine.
I know you, Blue,
you're a writer.
If you don't start writing properly soon,
you'll be unbearable.
Write and I'll come back.
If you don't, then I shan't.
ALAN: What about Billy?
DAPHNE: What about Billy?
ALAN: You'll have to
take him with you.
Boys are not interested
in wallpaper.
They're not interested
in being quiet either.
Perhaps if Ma'am
is going to London...
...we could both come
and I could take him
to the zoo?
Christopher Robin, allow me to
introduce you
to my older brother, um...
Winnie, apparently.
That's a girl's name.
Well, our mother would have
preferred a girl.
I should think
if you look like that,
you can call yourself
whatever you like.
So fierce.
Edward Bear
is not really going to
grow up like that, is he?
Goodness no. He's going
to stay little forever.
Like my boy.
RUPERT: The thing
about war is, Alan,
who wants
to read about it?
ALAN: I should have
thought that was obvious.
Anyone who doesn't want it
to happen again.
Everyone in England
seems to be cross.
Strikes. Protests.
Even you seem cross.
Would you mind
if we got back?
This path is rather wearing
on the old footwear.
You didn't ask me
when the book would be ready.
Get it out of your system
and then come back
to your senses, will you?
Daddy may be asleep.
We are very, very late.
Wait here.
Get back.
Get back!
I'm sorry.
It's only us, sir.
Get away from me!
It was just a balloon.
Just don't come near me.
Stay there.
(WHISPERS) Come on.
Quick. Quick, quick.
I'm sorry
we woke you, sir.
Would you like one too?
Just a balloon. As you say.
Can't be helped.
Olive? Um...
Mrs. Milne?
I'm afraid
she was delayed, sir.
She said
she'd telephone to you
just as soon as
she had a moment.
No, Nou, don't go! Stay!
It's just for a little while.
Edward Bear will be here
to keep an eye on you.
That's not even his name!
Please, Nou, don't go.
You're being very unkind.
Look, you've got
all these creatures.
I don't want them!
I hate them!
That's enough!
I'm walking out
of this room...
...and I won't
come back in again
until you have recovered
all of your nice ways.
No! Don't go!
I'm trying to write.
The noise, it's...
Yes, sir. Sorry.
I'll do my best
to calm him down, sir.
He's a little upset about my going away.
Of course.
You're going away?
I thought Mrs. Milne
had said...
Mrs. Milne
is always saying things.
I don't expect them to happen.
All the same, I shall be gone
for at least three nights.
Thank you.
Your mother.
I'm so sorry.
I completely forgot.
You must go.
Of course you must.
I hope she gets better.
Billy is not happy
about my going.
She's all the family
I have, sir,
and she is very unwell.
Mrs. Penn
will look after us.
Mrs. Penn
is away too, sir.
I did the cooking today.
Never mind.
Old soldier, you know.
See to myself.
So what do we like
for breakfast?
Don't know.
You don't know
what you like?
I've forgotten.
Why has she gone anyway?
To buy new wallpaper
and so on.
To make our house look nice.
Not Mummy. Nou.
She's gone to see her mother
who is very ill,
as you well know.
You must remember her
in your prayers.
What about porridge?
Yes, please.
I don't think
I do like porridge after all.
You said that you liked...
I know, but I've never had it.
I just like the sound.
You've had
had eggs before.
Usually they're in shells.
Boiled eggs.
When is she coming back?
She'll be back
in three days.
But of course
her mother is very ill,
so it could be
longer than that.
I hate her! Sack her and
tell her never to come back!
You ought not to hold
your knife and fork like that.
Why shouldn't I?
...if someone were to
fall through the ceiling...
...they'd come down
right there
and be impaled
on your fork...
...and then
they would bleed out
all over your eggs...
...and ruin your breakfast.
Do you see?
Nou says you're writing a book
to stop people going to war.
War is rotten.
I know. I was there.
So I think your book
is a jolly good idea.
Thank you.
You're the only one that does.
I'd really like if you wrote
a book for me.
I'd definitely read it.
Shall we go for a walk?
Aren't you working?
It doesn't seem likely.
Come on.
A soldier shot
his mother by mistake.
And that's how Winnie
ended up in the zoo
with everyone
staring at him.
I'm going to call
my bear Winnie.
It's Winnie. Short for where
he comes from. Winnipeg.
It's just bees.
Maybe there's a hive.
Let's stake it out.
There! Up there.
In the tree. Uh-huh.
You any good at climbing?
Not bad.
All right.
Well, give it a go.
Only be careful.
Where there are bees,
there is honey
and where there is honey,
there are bears.
There are
no bears in Sussex.
Then what's...
What's that?
Oh, no.
I think he's seen us.
We'd better capture it.
Yes? Yes.
Got him!
You put him up there,
didn't you?
You overestimate me
if you think I can
wrestle a bear into a tree.
Stay alert.
Where there's one bear,
there might be
a whole flock of them.
ALAN: Good.
Mummy says
they have to have names.
Well, the tiger
should be called Tiger.
Tigger is better than Tiger.
ALAN: Better how?
It's more tiggerish.
Fair enough.
Make sure it's tight.
You take that bit.
Can you get it through there?
That's what we like!
I remember now.
I say there seems to be
rather a lot here
for just the two of us.
I'm missing Daph.
You're missing Nou.
Shall we ask
the others in?
Just this once.
Some of us
don't like pie, you know.
Don't like it at all.
But don't let that
spoil your enjoyment.
Don't worry, Eeyore.
We've made special
provision for you.
I'm sure the pie is wonderful
could one but see it!
Piglet, I do apologize.
That's quite all right.
It's not the same
when you do the voices.
It's better
when Mummy does them.
I see.
Now, uh...
Lord, make us able to shift
the grub upon the table.
Why on Earth
are you still up?
I wasn't sure if I was
supposed to go to bed or not.
It's nearly midnight.
No one put me to bed.
I brushed my teeth.
Have you said
your prayers?
Have you
done your writing?
Go to bed.
Just written a poem.
Will I like it?
I should hope so.
It's got lots of rhymes in it.
Is it about
what tiggers eat?
Why would it be
about that?
Just seem like
a very interesting topic.
It's about a boy who tries
to look after his mother
even though
he's only three.
Three is very little.
But it rhymes
with lots of things.
Why does she need
looking after?
She goes to town
without telling anyone.
She goes to town
without telling anyone.
She goes to town
in a golden gown...
...and no one can find out
where she's gone.
ALAN: King John
puts up a notice
offering a reward
if anyone can find her.
How much reward,
do you think?
It needs to be a lot of money,
I suppose. 40 shillings.
Forty shillings?
That's quite difficult to
rhyme with though, isn't it?
What about pounds?
Well, there are
clowns now.
Why King John, though?
Why not King Richard?
The Lionheart.
He's a terrible fellow.
Always off crusading,
biffing people,
getting himself
taken prisoner...
...and making the common people
stump up for his ransom.
he was practically French.
King John stayed at home.
He also took a bath
every year.
That's impressive.
Good shot.
Knees bent.
Robin Hood was on
King Richard's side, though.
And Robin Hood was good.
Robin Hood was good
but he was a very poor
judge of character.
I'm Robin Hood.
Robin Hood the ace batsman
gets ready to face
this ball from the
demon bowler Little John.
Are you ready?
Four immediately, I think.
That's gone.
How's this one
for a quarterstaff?
Let's find out.
En garde!
En garde.
I'm winning.
Don't think so.
Test of strength. Come on.
That's too hot!
I knew you were
going to say that.
Put that on.
There we are.
How about some ice?
One lump or two?
Dear God, can you hear me?
Why did you make
the bath water so hot?
I nearly was boiled alive.
And can you bless
Nou especially?
And bring her back.
Which one
would you like?
This one.
Yeah. Same height, please.
Mine's winning.
No. Mine's winning.
Come on.
Me! I won!
This one, please.
ALAN: Sir Billy.
A swan's not really
a wild animal.
Of course he is.
He could break your arm.
Well, what's his name?
He doesn't have a name.
He's wild.
But I want
to call him to me.
You should
call him Pooh, then.
So if he ignores you,
you can pretend you were
just saying, "Pooh."
Who's your favorite?
I'd have to go for
the little one.
Has to be Piglet.
What have you got?
A frog.
Careful it's
not poisonous.
He's tiny, isn't he?
Let's be hunters
in the snow.
Excellent notion.
Come on! Don't get frostbite.
And don't get lost.
I'll help you.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Watch out.
ALAN: Look here!
Whatever made
this was huge.
We should follow it.
You sure? You sure
we shouldn't just run away?
All right then.
No, we're all right.
It's not very good
at hiding its tracks.
ALAN: Maybe
it doesn't need to.
Maybe it's scarier
than any other beast.
If the snow keeps falling,
we'll lose the trail.
We're back
where we started.
We've been following our
own footprints, haven't we?
Sorry, Blue.
I think it's about time
for summer now, don't you?
Owl lives up there, you know.
Does he?
If you look ever so carefully,
you can see his front door.
ALAN: Come on, then.
Where to?
ALAN: Home,
I should think.
ERNEST: Milne?
I think I've got
something for us.
Tigger is in a cage?
He doesn't really
belong here
and there's no one
quite like him... he gets confused
and a bit scary.
A cage is a bit
harsh, though.
ALAN: Fantastic cage
though, eh?
Billy made it.
Blue is
teaching me woodwork.
He's the best at it.
He should do woodwork
instead of books.
There it is. Up there!
That's where Owl lives.
How you gonna
get it up there?
I don't know.
Blow these up.
When we have enough,
we'll float you up
to the branch.
One, two, three!
I think we probably need
more floaty breath.
Floaty breath. Milne, what
are you gonna do about it?
Maybe if we brushed our teeth
more thoroughly. Eh?
Is this really...
ALAN: Is he home?
This is paradise.
Owl? Are you home?
Just get everything you can.
We'll pick
and choose later.
Can I come in for tea?
do a little shading.
You see, that's better with
the light, how it comes down.
What is the name
of this chap?
ERNEST: Now as you see,
he's looking a little bit glum there.
This one is scary.
Well, it's not meant to be.
It's you and Winnie Bear.
But that's
not Winnie Bear,
that's Winnie,
short for Winnipeg.
I've only seen him
in the zoo.
Yes. Good point.
Good point.
The creatures
in the story are toys.
They're toys
but the woods are real.
And the size is wrong.
The bear should be smaller.
Size of a little brother.
ALAN: Yes, that's it.
Blue, are we
writing a book?
I thought
we were just having fun.
We are writing a book
and we're having fun.
I didn't know you could
do both at the same time.
You don't usually look like
you're having fun
while you're writing.
It's not your turn, Tigger.
This is more
than a few poems.
Mmm. It's a little world.
Like you said,
a hundred-acre paradise.
Be very, very quiet.
ALAN: "Vespers."
This one is for Daphne.
Look, Blue. Smoke!
ALAN: Intruders!
To arms, gentlemen!
It's not intruders. It's Nou!
It must be. Nou!
ALAN: Might not be.
DAPHNE: Billy Moon.
Oh, Mrs. Milne,
we've missed you terribly.
Life in the countryside
is so limited.
Yes, well, I did notice that.
So I brought some friends back
from the city with me to stay.
(AS KANGA) Have you seen
my little Jimmy anywhere?
Joey! Baby kangaroos
are called Joey.
Not this one.
His name is Roo.
I'm Kanga
and this is Roo.
Where's Nanny?
I don't understand.
You mean to say
it was just the two of you
this whole time?
How absurd.
Are we to know
where you've been?
Oh, good heavens no.
I mean,
what would be the point?
The great thing is
I'm back now.
Don't you think?
Yes. As a matter of fact,
I do.
You see?
Yes, I think I do see.
I sent you
a poem I wrote.
About the boy.
DAPHNE: Yes, I read it.
It was very sweet.
Just a bit of a lark.
I sent it off
to be published.
Well, it made me happy.
Thought it might make
lots of people happy.
Published by whom?
Vanity Fair.
They were
very pleased with it.
Isn't it rather wonderful?
That is rather wonderful.
It's their biggest
selling issue
for simply ages, apparently.
People are buying extra copies
to give to their friends.
Perhaps I should ask
Ernest back down.
ALAN: Ernest and I are
putting your bear in a book.
He'll like that.
We're putting you in it too.
Will you like that?
I'm not sure.
If I'm in a book,
people might think
I'm not real.
Well, then
it will be a surprise
when they find out
you are real.
And when they find out
Winnie is real?
We can't call him
Winnie in the book,
because Winnie
is a girl's name.
No. It's a bear's name.
It's different for bears.
Nou says.
I like names with "the."
William the Conqueror,
Richard the Lionheart,
Joanna the Mad.
You made her up.
I certainly did not.
She was the queen of Spain.
Winnie the Bear.
Everyone knows
he's a bear already.
He wasn't called
Richard the King, was he?
Or Billy the Moon.
But you're not the moon.
Christopher the Robin.
I'm not a robin either.
What will you call me
in the book?
Not Billy Moon because
that's what we call you.
It'll be confusing.
But if I'm
really in the book.
Christopher Robin, then...
...because it's
your real name,
but it's not
who you really are.
You all right, old man?
Those fields in France...
...they'll look like this now,
won't they?
As though
it never happened.
...when I'm grown up,
how old will you be?
About 100, I should think.
There's an echo!
Come and hear.
My name is Blue!
Who are you?
I'm Billy Moon!
And I'll be back soon!
Does he need a hat?
ALAN: Certainly not.
Winnie the Pooh is
a creature of bedtime.
He's either just got up
or just going off.
He's reverie in bear form.
Winnie the Pooh.
That's rather...
Which is a good thing.
Is it a good thing?
Winnie the Pooh.
She's here! She's here!
She's here!
Good heavens, who is it?
Queen Mary?
It's only been two weeks.
Have you missed me?
OLIVE: Sorry it was a bit longer than I said.
We put a door in a tree
using balloons.
I was terribly sorry to hear
the news about your mother.
Thank you, sir.
She's gone to a better place.
I saw the "Vespers" poem.
About his prayers.
Hanging on the wall
of a friend's living room.
They'd ripped it out of
the magazine and framed it.
Apparently, a lot of people
are doing that.
Well, that is just
the beginning.
He has been terribly,
brilliantly busy.
"And he helped
to get the others...
"His huge big waterproof...
Who's this?
WOMAN: Thank you, Mr. Milne.
Thank you very much.
I say! You're most awfully
good at climbing trees.
Who are you?
Stay exactly like that.
Like a wood spirit.
Excuse me!
Oh, Brown. Mary Brown.
The Times.
Good heavens, you must be
Nanny. As in "Vespers."
The nanny with
the blue dressing gown.
The one that God blesses!
I'd just as soon not,
if you don't mind.
Billy, come down.
If you'd like to
speak to Mr. Milne,
please be so good as to telephone
to him and make an appointment.
But I don't want to speak
to Mr. Milne, you see.
I want to speak
to Christopher Robin.
I'm afraid that won't
be possible today.
Billy, let's go.
Why do you call him Billy?
My proper name is Milne
but when I was small,
it came out Moon.
I'm good at coming down
trees too. Did you notice?
MARY BROWN: Oh, I did.
I also noticed that you have
cardboard tied to your legs.
In case of dragons.
You don't know where
I can get some of
that dragon-proof
cardboard, do you?
That's enough, dear.
It's such a bother when the dragons
set fire to my stockings.
Good day to you.
Did you get it?
DAPHNE: From The Times?
Well, that's rather good.
Don't you think that's good?
OLIVE: No, ma'am.
I can't say I do.
The boy is happy here and...
Sorry, ma'am.
Sorry, sir.
Yes, The Times
is very good.
DAPHNE: Hello?
The Evening News wants to put
Winnie on the front page.
Yes, that'd be fine.
MAN: Are you sure?
Yes, I think so.
That's marvelous.
Thank you so much.
BETTY: They're
not for you, sir.
They're nearly all for
Master Christopher.
I see that.
I wonder if I might ask,
sir, if in future... couldn't come to the
post office and collect them?
Only there being so many,
it's hard to keep my balance.
Of course.
Oh, thank you, sir.
WOMAN: For Christopher Robin.
But I'm not really
Christopher Robin.
For the animals then.
But they
don't eat chocolate.
I do, though.
And so does Nou.
Who is Nou?
She's Nanny.
Nanny is real too?
Of course she's real.
I tried ever so hard
to save some for you.
You saved three.
That's very good.
Why does everyone like
Winnie the Pooh so much?
He's my bear.
Why don't they get
their own bears?
You see, after the war
there was so much sadness...
...that hardly anyone
could remember
what happiness was like.
Then Winnie the Pooh
came along
and he was like a tap.
You just turned it on
and happiness came out.
But I'm not Christopher Robin,
really. I'm Billy Moon.
That's right.
And you don't have to
share me with anybody.
Except Mummy.
Yes, but that's only
a little bit.
Come on, Christopher Robin.
Give him a cuddle.
He is your daddy after all.
Oh, come on, Mr. Milne.
A little affection, please.
Surely he can't be expected
to answer all of these.
It's a lovely day outside
and I thought that we could...
Could we go to the woods?
I've got heaps of
writing to do, I'm afraid.
Perhaps later.
People of Ashdown...
...I give you
Queen Elizabeth the First.
King Henry the Eighth.
Lord Nelson.
And now, a little boy
and his bear...
...who will be forever playing
somewhere in our hearts.
I give you some of the
most important people...
...who ever visited
this magnificent forest.
ALFRED: I can assure you,
Druckers Tea Rooms
do an excellent fruitcake.
OLIVE: I don't quite approve of
fruitcake except at weddings.
Nou, was I good?
Oh. Ever so ever so.
Shall we all go for tea?
No, thanks.
That was a bit rude.
NEWSCASTER: Once upon a time,
a boy might want to be
Huckleberry Finn
rafting down the Mississippi.
Now, he wants to be
Christopher Robin
playing in the
Hundred Acre Wood.
One little boy though really
is Christopher Robin.
And here he is.
In England's
Ashdown Forest itself,
the home of the real
Winnie the Pooh.
Surely, this is the happiest
young man on Earth.
And here's his
mother and father.
They're here in America
to promote
the latest adventures...
...of the most fashionable
bear in the world.
REPORTER: Mrs. Milne,
what's the first thing
you want to do in America?
Well, I should love to
go to a speakeasy.
MAN: Mrs. Milne is joking,
of course.
She knows that
speakeasies are illegal.
Of course I know
they're illegal.
That's what makes them fun.
Oh. No, thank you.
MAN: I can't believe
I'm talking to the father
of the real Christopher Robin.
Well, you know, the boy in the
book isn't exactly my son.
But his name
is Christopher Robin
and he does like
to climb trees?
Yes, that's true,
but we don't...
I imagine you making up all
those stories at his bedside...
That's wonderful. Excuse me,
I must find my wife.
a lovely evening.
Isn't it all marvelous.
It's just like London
but with more money.
I thought when
people liked a book,
it was the author
they sucked up to.
All anyone wants to talk about
is Christopher Robin. Watch.
I know you'll be
talking to the real
Christopher Robin tomorrow...
...and I wondered
if you could wish him
a happy birthday
from all his American fans?
OLIVE: One arm.
What's that?
Downstairs and answer
the door, young man.
You're master of the house.
Who is it?
Mummy and Daddy!
Well now, it might not be
Mummy and Daddy.
Oh, my jolly golly.
Did you like that,
Christopher Robin?
Should you like them
to play again?
Do I, Nou?
Do I want them to play again?
I should think you do.
They're a present
from Mummy and Daddy.
Happy Birthday,
Billy Moon.
We had a wonderful day.
I'm working on the tree house.
It's nearly done.
So you had
a Happy Birthday?
The best ever.
We had sausages in the woods.
But it's been raining.
Raining and raining.
Nou says we might
have to build an ark.
Well, don't go
messing up my toolshed.
Oh, no, I think
she was making a joke.
When will you be home?
I'll be back before you can
say Jack Robinson.
Jack Robinson.
I already said it
and you're not back.
You know Nou is
terribly bad at bowling.
And I'm afraid I'm not getting
enough practice in the nets.
Sadly, we're
running out of time.
Happy Birthday,
Christopher Robin.
You've been listening
to Mr. A.A. Milne,
author of Winnie the Pooh...
...and father of the actual
Christopher Robin.
Imagine that.
Gentlemen, do you want
that barbershop shave from
the comfort of your own home?
I don't understand.
Why was there
someone else talking?
And why did he call me
Christopher Robin?
He never calls me
Christopher Robin.
Get your great big
waterproof boots.
But it's the middle
of the night.
Two, three,
four, five, six.
OLIVE: I think it's time
Little Billy Moon
got better acquainted
with Big Moon himself.
Pooh Sticks?
Noises. There are
nighttime noises.
That's because
it's nighttime.
Don't worry.
A person should do
the things a person loves
with the people
a person loves...
...because you never know
what happens next.
What a very agile wolf.
Do you think a giraffe
would be happy
with a wolf on his back?
Oh, look who's here!
Hello! How are you,
old chap?
I'm good.
DAPHNE: Oh, you look
such a duck!
Didn't I say
he'd look a duck?
We're going to have
such times, Moon.
Shall we
go to the woods?
The woods will have to wait.
What do you think of this?
It's very shiny.
It's been sent to take us
somewhere special in London.
You're not staying?
No, we're just here
to collect Billy.
Go get changed. Quick.
MAN: How do you do,
Mr. Christopher Robin?
My name is Mr. Elliot
and I am the manager
of this fine toy shop.
What's a manager?
Well, I suppose I make
all the decisions.
I said let's have
a grand competition... win tea with
the real Christopher Robin...
...and the real
Winnie the Pooh.
No. It's not real.
It's a lie!
Excuse us.
You're the luckiest boy
in the world
because you know
the real Winnie the Pooh.
Most people have to make do
with a pretend one.
You can make do
just this once, can't you?
Are you my manager then?
Whatever gave you such
a notion? I'm your mother.
I have an idea.
Why don't we do something
ever so ever so now?
Don't do Winnie's voice
when it's not Winnie.
It's nothing like Winnie.
It's not even real.
Why is he called
Winnie the Pooh?
Well, there was a swan
and I wanted to call it,
and Blue...
I mean, A.A. Milne.
I mean, Daddy said if you call
it Pooh and it doesn't come... can just pretend
you were saying "pooh."
GIRL: So it's
not a real name?
My bear has a different name
in real life.
And I've got a different name
in real life.
And there's no good asking
because we shan't tell.
They're our names
and we're keeping them.
OLIVE: This one
is from Samoa.
Is there anywhere
in the world
where they haven't heard
of Winnie the Pooh?
OLIVE: Perhaps the Highveld.
Can I go to the Highveld?
Don't you just
look perfect.
Ah, Nanny.
A quick word.
I thought
you might wear this.
It has panache,
don't you think?
Like the one the Nanny wears
in Mr. Milne's poem.
Yes, exactly.
We don't want people
to be disappointed
because you don't look the way
you do in the book.
I'm not in the book, ma'am.
The nanny in the book
is called Alice.
Only because
it rhymes with palace.
Unlike "Nanny" which rhymes
with nothing polite.
Are people going
to look at us, Nou?
Like they look at
Winnie the Bear in the zoo?
No, Moon,
I don't think they are...
...because we are
going to go in disguise.
Thank you very much for
this interesting conversation.
MAN: Thank you,
Master Christopher.
Well done. That's the last
interview for today.
Read me a story.
I just read you
your story.
And we said prayers, so...
Where are you going?
You look different.
Why do you look different?
Give me a cuddle.
We've already had
a perfectly lovely cuddle.
Now it's my night off.
The laborer
has earned her rest.
ALFRED: Good evening.
OLIVE: Good evening to you!
So where are you
taking me?
ALFRED: I thought
we'd go to an Italian place.
Thank you God
for another bright day,
and now it's time to get up.
I'm not getting up.
I'm not going to school.
Oh, now. Come along.
Where's my brave knight
who fights dragons
and climbs trees?
There are no dragons.
There are no trees.
Nobody loves me!
You don't love me!
That's simply not true.
You know I love you.
(PANTING) You love Alfred!
I love you both.
Don't marry him, Nou.
Marry me!
Please marry me.
Now, let's get dressed.
Come along.
Quicker, come on!
DAPHNE: Well, are you
going to tell us?
Olive is getting married.
She didn't inform me.
Billy did.
I don't think
Billy needs to hear this.
Why not? You've betrayed him
as much as you've betrayed us.
Billy, go to your room, dear.
DAPHNE: When is the happy
event, by the way?
There's no date set
as yet, ma'am.
But there is a gentleman?
There is an understanding.
There's a gentleman,
but no understanding
as such as yet.
I see.
Well, may we be the first
to congratulate you.
What's his name?
He's a good man.
I never imagined...
Now we know why
Billy has been so unhappy.
It seems the person
we've been paying
to keep him happy...
...has been rather preoccupied
with her own happiness.
Daphne. I feel it's
time we start doing
what's best
for Billy Moon.
I couldn't agree
more, ma'am.
Because if I could
speak frankly, sir...
You most certainly may not.
That would be
highly unprofessional.
Then I'll retire
from my profession
with immediate notice.
I'm sure that won't
be necessary.
Sir, I don't think you've been
doing what's right for Billy.
Not at all.
You've been
touting him around
like a show pony,
hawking your books.
Now, just a minute.
He has to be
allowed to grow up.
He has to know he's
important to someone.
That someone
cares about him.
DAPHNE: Cares?
I gave birth to him.
He nearly killed me.
With respect, ma'am,
a cow can give birth.
I think you know all this,
sir, but you let it go.
And that's not right.
A father should
stand up for his son.
That's quite enough.
I think I've seen you catch his eye...
...and turn away.
You can't turn away anymore.
Still awake?
Want a story?
Once upon a time,
there was a nanny...
...who looked after
a little boy.
A very special little boy.
She loved him so much...
...that she carried him
in her heart...
...and in her prayers.
And she hoped and prayed...
...and prayed and hoped that
he would always remember...
Be happy, Billy Moon.
Keep your memories
and I'll keep mine.
And that way
we'll always be together.
ALAN: Olive.
His appointments
for the week.
You're going
to be quite busy.
DAPHNE: Don't blub,
You know we don't blub
in this house.
ALAN: Have you seen this?
Radio interview.
Newspaper interview,
House of Lords
to meet the Lords and Ladies,
He can't do all this.
He can. He's rather good
at it, apparently.
He's a little boy.
How have we
let this happen?
He should be running around
in the woods.
ALAN: What's your favorite,
favorite animal
in the whole wide zoo?
You astound me.
Why wildebeest?
Because they live
on the Highveld.
And that's where
I'd like to live.
Mr. Milne,
so good to see you.
And Christopher Robin
is such a good friend
of the zoo.
We've had an idea.
It really will be
a superb picture.
Quite safe.
So long as you don't make
any sudden moves,
young man.
So good for the zoo.
Is it good for Billy?
It's all right, Blue.
Smile, Christopher Robin.
That's enough, I think.
Bring him out.
Could we go
for ice cream now?
I normally get ice cream
after a photograph.
WOMAN: Excuse me,
are you...
No. No, he's not.
Yes, he is.
He was.
He's not anymore.
I don't understand.
Excuse us, please.
Come on, Billy.
ALAN: Come in, Billy.
Close the door.
I've made a decision and I'd like
you to be the first to know.
I'm not going to write
about Christopher Robin again.
Or Winnie the Pooh, or Tigger,
or any of them.
Not another word.
Does this mean
Winnie the Pooh
will be just us again?
Winnie the Pooh
is in the world now.
I can't take him out of it.
But I promise I'll never write
another line about him.
And you will never
have to dress up
as Christopher Robin...
...or hold a fake teddy bear
or have your photograph taken
for the papers...
...or have tea with Lords
and Ladies ever again.
And the day will come,
it won't be long...
...when everyone will have
forgotten all about Winnie.
There's sure to be some other
craze along any minute.
We won't forget him, though?
Not likely.
You don't even have to stay in
London, come to think of it.
ALAN: Plenty of trees
to climb out here.
It's a castle.
ALAN: And no
Christopher Robin...
...and no Winnie the Pooh.
It's very good of you
to let us fetch up
in the middle
of term like this.
No explanation required.
First things first.
How's your cricket?
I'm not sure.
I've only really played
with Blue. I like woodwork.
Let me introduce you
to Douglas Minor.
This is Milne.
Douglas Minor will keep
an eye on you
until you've settled in.
That's really kind of you,
Douglas Minor.
DOUGLAS: This is him.
Looks like a girl, doesn't he?
"Christopher Robin",
if we offer to throttle you,
will you say your prayers?
Leave me alone.
Shut up.
(SINGSONG) Nobody cares,
nobody cares
Christopher Robin
got shoved down the stairs
Nobody cares, nobody cares
Christopher Robin
got shoved down the stairs
Nobody cares, nobody cares
Christopher Robin
got shoved down the stairs
DOUGLAS: Watch out,
Christopher Robin.
BOY: Owen, Alexander.
Strip, cough, over there.
Milne. Christopher.
Strip, cough. Over there.
MAN: Strip there.
Look rather splendid,
don't they?
I was in the last war.
The War to End All Wars.
Yes. Well, that didn't work,
it seems.
Thank God.
Rotten luck.
I'm sure you'll find another
way to do your bid.
Oh, what nonsense.
Let's all go home,
shall we?
ALAN: Town council's orders.
Take down all road signs
to confuse potential invaders.
Hitler won't be able
to ransack Uckfield
if he can't find it.
All right. There we are.
ALAN: Excellent.
Winnie does his bit.
He always hated the fascists,
you know.
Do stop talking
about that blasted bear.
I want to join up, Blue.
I want the chance
to be Private Milne.
607841 or whatever.
A real person.
You failed the medical.
You can get me in.
You're one of the best
loved men in the country.
I helped you become that.
Now it's your turn
to help me.
DAPHNE: I don't see
what good this is going to do
when the Nazis come.
The Nazis are not
coming to Cotchford.
They might drop a bomb
on it accidentally.
Well, let's hope
you're right.
And let's hope you're ready
to defend my honor
when they lay siege
to East Grinstead.
Well, I think it's time for me
to pot my geraniums.
Daph not coming?
She couldn't. She...
Can't stand to see me
in my uniform.
I wanted to talk to you
about something.
Me first. They say you
should get everything
straight before
you go away, in case.
You're going to
get through this.
That bear
made my life a misery.
I know it was difficult.
Basic training
was the same as school.
No matter what I do,
someone finds out
and then... hell.
As soon as I understood,
I stopped writing it.
What else could I do?
I just want to be
clear before...
Right. Well.
When I w...
When I was Billy Moon...
...we played in the woods...
...and then you wrote that
book and it all stopped.
As if it had all been
a piece of research.
You never came back.
That's not true.
We played cricket,
didn't we?
Lots of cricket.
I was rubbish at it.
You were mostly cross.
What about the time you bowled
out their captain for a duck?
That was the one time.
They gave me the ball.
Here. It's for you.
Those days,
just the two of us...
...they were the happiest
I've ever known.
After the worst
I've ever known.
Yes. I know.
But you sold them.
You know, you did ask me
to write a book for you.
A book for me,
not about me.
Don't go.
No, don't.
Please, Blue, don't! Not yet.
Until you open it,
it hasn't happened.
DAPHNE: Don't you dare blub.
He didn't have to go.
You fixed it for him.
How could you do that?
What kind of father
would do that?!
ALAN: About the money.
The money
we earn from "that bear".
There's mountains of it.
I was thinking...
I don't want
any of it. Ever.
It's a fortune.
You helped make it.
It was just as much
your doing as mine.
No, it wasn't.
I was just playing
with my father.
If I take the money for it,
then I have to be
Christopher Robin...
...and I'm not
Christopher Robin.
ALAN: You're Billy Moon.
I'm Private Milne.
Never been happier.
You know,
I never wanted fame
or the brass band
on my birthday.
ALAN: What did you want?
I wanted you, Blue.
Mr. Milne.
Alfred. Good to see you, sir.
Come in.
I brought it here for her.
She thought you wouldn't mind.
I'll get her.
OLIVE: Mr. Milne!
How lovely to see you.
Oh, dear God.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
So sorry, sir.
He's not even mine.
He's yours.
Hello, Blue.
Well, if it
isn't Billy Moon.
Kettle on?
They told us
you were dead.
Did they?
Missing presumed...
I'm afraid we rather
jumped to conclusions.
Mother not too worried,
I hope.
Billy Moon.
How very...
I mean to say...
...are you really here?
I believe so.
For heaven's sake, Blue,
take his bag.
He must be exhausted.
All that fighting.
Straight away.
OLIVE: Hello.
There it all is.
Just as I left it.
As if nothing had happened.
ALAN: When I came back,
everything seemed wrong.
I didn't fit anywhere.
Until I came here.
Those days with you...
...I wanted
to keep them all.
Put them in a box.
The things that I said
before I left...
They were all true.
You're here.
That's all that matters.
In the desert,
we were under fire...
...and one of the men
started singing
one of the hums of Pooh.
He changed
the words a bit, but...
You know.
And I thought, "How on Earth
do you know that song?"
And then I remembered...
...everyone on Earth
knows that song.
Everyone on Earth
knows that song.
But I knew it first.
It was mine before
it was anyone else's.
Then I gave it away.
When they were singing,
they were remembering.
It was like a magic charm... took them home to
a fireside and a storybook.
You did that.
(INHALES) Thank you.
I'm sorry you paid
the price for it.
If I'd known, perhaps I...
What? Not written it? No.
You reminded people
what happiness was...
...what childhood could be
when everything else
was broken.
But your own childhood.
Was wonderful.
It was growing up
that was hard.
Who would have guessed
that bear would swallow us up?
This was all ours,
wasn't it?
Before it was anyone else's.
And it always will be.
Come on, then.
Home, I should think.
Blue, when I'm grown up,
how old will you be?
About a hundred.
There's an echo. Listen.
I'm Billy Moon! (ECHOING)
I'm Billy Moon! (ECHOING)
And I'll be back soon!
There's not actually an echo,
though, is there?
I don't think
there isn't.
I think it was
better up there.
ALAN: Maybe if
it's more percussive.
Maybe if it's more...
Ooh, there you go!
Like a train going off track.
ALAN: Yes.
We've lost him.
Ah, there it is.
That was quite good.
People are getting...
There's something wrong.
MAN: (SINGING) You always
stir my imagination
it borders on fantasy
And sometimes
I find visions flash
Through my mind
close to reality
Night, a soft guitar
a hidden lane
A moon
and here and there a star
For a man and his dream
Night a cricket's cry
a whispered word
A kiss and now and then a sigh
For a man and his dream
And their eyes when they meet
Seem to say it's sublime
And their hearts proudly beat
To a tune
that is older than time
Night must fade away
and yet it leaves a love
So all the world will say
There's a man and his dream
ALAN: Daphne?
Do excuse me.
Poor Blue.
Are you feeling odd?
Come on.
I'll let you dance with me.
Come on.
You're the man.
Take the lead.
Damn it. I'm sorry.
Well, I should
think so too!
You laddered my stockings.
Don't mind them.
They're all just jealous
because my husband is the
only one clever enough...
...not to get himself killed.
I say, do you mind
if I cut in?
Hello, Blue.
You'll just have to
find another partner, Daph.
All right.
I was at the Somme.
That was a bad show.
They were all bad shows.
Where were you?
Milne! You're back.
How splendid you look.
And Shepard! Punch's funniest
writer and best illustrator.
Ready to put a smile back
on our faces?
Oh, yes. In fact, I wrote
a brilliant little farce
while I was at the front.
Did you really?
I sat there with my
typewriter, glass of sherry...
...knocked it out while
the whizz bangs
popped all around us.
Sometimes the gas would
steam my glasses up,
you know,
but apart from that...
Well, this is wonderful news.
I can't wait to read it.
Where to start?
A few years ago in Sarajevo,
one Archduke was shot.
And the next thing we know,
ten million
non-archdukes are shot.
And for what?
What a jolly little farce.
But I know that
the final curtain... surely coming
for archdukes
and top hats and the like...
...and for all
the other fools...
...who led ordinary decent
folk to the slaughter.
So, what can one say but...
...Tinketty Tonk.
Tinketty Tonk.
ALAN: We were
always exhausted.
Never quite knew if we
were awake or dreaming.
And the flies.
Big bloated blue bottles.
Not just the flies
...but the thought
they used to be maggots.
And when they were maggots,
they were eating...
That's quite enough of that.
I'm sorry,
I thought you were asleep.
You know, if you don't
think about a thing,
then it ceases to exist.
It's true. I read about it.
It's all in Plato.
It's called philosophy.
Oh, philosophy.
Well, I hope you know
you're laughing at Plato.
Blue, life is full of
frightful things.
The great thing
is to find something
to be happy about
and stick to that.
DAPHNE: Oh, my G...
Get it out!
It's quite all right.
It's all going swimmingly.
It's not all right!
Where is he? Blue!
That's me.
Perhaps I should...
She's a silly girl.
Here he is, sir.
Perfect birth, sir.
Mrs. Milne was unaware of
the mechanics of the thing.
Get him out.
I will not have him
see me blubbing.
Probably best, sir.
ALAN: Latest Milne
production debuted
at 20 past 6:00
this morning...
...weighing in at
a startling nine pounds.
Good heavens.
At least the midwife
says nine pounds.
I have the distinct
impression that
midwives are a little
like anglers, you know?
Prone to exaggerate
the size of the catch.
Shall I propose a toast?
A double toast!
There's to be a revival
of Alan's play
Mr. Pim Passes By
at the Kingsway.
You all right?
I'm the same
when my motorbike backfires.
I've been thinking
of moving down
to the countryside where
it's peaceful and quiet.
Don't tell Daphne,
for God's sake.
Up here. That's what
we need to sort out.
LADY: A toast.
C. R. Milne.
ALL: C.R. Milne.
Not completely sure
which way up he should go.
Still alive. (CHUCKLES)
You know, Daph, boys
can be fun too, you know.
I'm a boy.
I just keep thinking.
It's such a terrible feeling.
He's a boy.
He'll grow up.
He'll put on a uniform
and he'll go off to war.
And I will be waiting again
like I waited for you.
Never knowing.
You listen to me.
I just fought in the War
to End All Wars.
There won't be another one.
I couldn't stand
to love someone
who was going
away again, Blue.
Not like that.
His name
is Christopher Robin,
but we generally
call him Billy.
You thought he was a girl.
So did we
until he was born.
Please, take a seat.
She was going
to be called Rosemary
and I bought her all these
delicious dresses.
I see.
Just seems a pity to
waste them, don't you think?
Of course.
Well, you have had
an interesting life.
Looking after the Chilean
ambassador's children.
What fun!
And terrific parties,
I should think.
It was very enjoyable.
We traveled a lot.
Why would you
want to look after him
when you've had
such fun, then?
My mother is quite ill.
She'll be needing
some attention from me.
So staying in one place
will be useful.
Well, we're
going on holiday.
Just to Italy.
For a month or so.
OLIVE: Oh, very wise.
By the time you come home,
I shall have your little man
settled into a nice,
steady routine.
That's very reassuring.
You know, the one good thing
about the war is...
...there are lots of marvelous
women around like you...
...who are never
going to get married
because there are no men.
So you can take on
work like this.
Yes? But it's true,
isn't it?
OLIVE: Mummy and Daddy
are going to a ball!
ALAN: Your majesty.
Don't they look lovely?
Look, Billy, Mummy and Daddy
are off again on holiday.
Thank you.
It's Daddy's first night.
how can it be his first night?
Blue is about
100 years old.
OLIVE: It's the first night
of his new play, silly.
Well, for all you cricket
enthusiasts here in the audience...
...I'm sorry
to report that rain
has stopped play at the Oval.
Here in the West End,
of course,
nothing stops the play.
Um, this, this play...
I-I wrote this play...
This, this play was...
I wrote this...
I wrote this...
The play was, um...
You're supposed
to make a speech.
You're supposed to say
something sweet about...
DAPHNE: You missed
the most enchanting party.
ERNEST: And the play
was pretty good.
It's in all the papers,
if you want the details.
"The Princess Royal
accompanied by
Princess Maud was in a box.
"Sir James Barrie and...
"...the elegant Mrs. Milne."
Alan, if you
hadn't deserted me,
people wouldn't
take the liberty
of making
remarks like that.
Remarks? What remarks?
"Elegant" is not a remark.
DAPHNE: "Elegant" means
over 30. Everyone knows that.
ERNEST: You'll never
be elegant in my eyes.
What did we fight
that war for?
Why doesn't anyone
talk about it?
Why does everyone act
as though nothing happened?
Well, it is over.
And what am I doing about it?
You're doing what you're
good at. Writing plays.
Nothing has changed.
Don't you see?
If nothing changes,
then the same thing
will happen all over again.
I need to
get out of London.
A nice day out would
do us all the world of good.
Ernest, you must come too.
I don't think Blue
is talking about a picnic.
I'm talking about
leaving for good.
I'm talking about
going somewhere quiet
and decent and trying
to think for once.
Do something worthwhile.
Surely a West End playwright
needs to be in the West End.
I've had enough of
making people laugh.
I want to make them see.
Well, I think it's
a perfectly horrid idea.
Horrid and ridiculous.
Daphne, don't you see...
For heaven's sake,
don't plead.
If you're going to do it,
get on with it.
Not in the mud! Don't
let them fall into the mud!
Now where's the desk?
Up here. Up here.
Over there. Actually...
I know you like a view
when you're writing, Alan,
but might that be
a distraction?
Deeper and deeper into
the dark wood they went.
Oh, they're here.
Oh, where is it?
It's here somewhere.
Alan, where is it?
Where's what?
Mummy's here!
Of course Mummy's here.
You're going to live here.
This is your new home.
Yes. But I didn't know
they were going
to live in it too.
Well, I say, Billy Moon,
this is an unexpected
Have you come
to see my woods?
Are they really your woods?
Oh, yes. As far as
the eye can see.
Well, a bear does
feel more at home
in the woods amongst
the wild animals.
Are there really
wild animals?
I can't continue
this conversation
till we've been
properly introduced.
I'm Billy Moon
and you're Teddy Bear.
Edward Bear,
if you don't mind.
I don't like that name.
Mummy will help us
think of a new one.
You do know it was me talking,
not the bear?
I was just playing, you see.
Yes. I was just joining in.
DAPHNE: Of course.
Silly of me.
Do you have room
for one very small piglet?
I have some
very quiet friends.
They'll be no trouble.
Do you have
any objection to tigers?
Say goodnight to Teddy.
Edward. Remember?
Edward. Of course.
God bless Mummy.
God bless Daddy.
God bless Nou.
Forgotten someone.
Keep thinking.
I've made
the study my priority
so that you can
get back to work...
...while the rest
of us unpack
and choose curtain fabrics
and so on.
Your files and notebook...
I'll unpack them.
There's really no need.
I can...
Me! I forgot to bless me.
God bless me. Amen.
MRS. PENN: Madam.
Thank you, Mrs. Penn.
Shh. Daddy's working.
OLIVE: Can't get you.
Over here!
That was awfully good.
Bit higher!
Come on, higher!
ALAN: Hello there!
Mummy said we mustn't talk
to you when you're working.
This isn't that sort of work.
This is proper work.
Come here.
Hold this.
Push down hard.
What is it for?
We're going to have chickens.
We'll need a chicken run.
Somewhere they can move about
and not be eaten by foxes.
Are there real foxes?
All sorts of wild animals
here, I shouldn't wonder.
The object of my affection
Can change my complexion
From white to a rosy read
Anytime he holds my hand
And tells me that he's mine
ALAN: Oh, Billy.
Okay. All right. Right.
Go, go! You put that back.
OLIVE: Over here!
ALAN: Oh! That's it.
ALAN: All right,
come on! Come on!
Okay, we've got him.
We've got him.
In you go. That's it.
Wait for me!
What are you doing here?
Sorry. I just...
Nou will be wondering
where you are.
Shall I go back?
No, come along.
Sorry, Father.
Sorry, Father. Sorry.
ALAN: Quickly.
I won't talk to you.
Nou says you're writing
a very important book,
so I'm not to talk to you.
ALAN: You do realize
you're talking now, don't you?
Yes, but I've stopped now.
While I'm not talking,
could you think of
a good name for a donkey?
ALAN: Eeyore.
Eeyore! Excellent. Thank you.
Where are you going?
Watching out
for wild animals.
You said
there'd be wild animals.
Well, take care.
What? What can you hear?
Is it a tiger?
Not here.
Just stay calm.
Just stand still.
Couldn't we just...
Just stand still, I said.
You listen to me.
They'll be gone in a minute.
Just stay calm.
Bees are good,
aren't they?
Even though
they can sting...
...they hardly ever do,
so long as you leave them
to get on with things.
They just want
to make honey.
That's what
Nou says, anyway.
I completely forgot
about bees.
And honey.
I forgot about honey.
Billy, you're an
entomological genius.
What's that?
It's an insect scientist.
You're the best
there ever was.
Well done.
How silly. (SCOFFS)
Thank you, Billy Moon.
That's all right.
I've chosen the material.
All you have to do
is run a few up.
More smocks.
Isn't he going to look
such a chicken? Where is he?
He seems to have gone
for a walk with Mr. Milne.
Mr. Milne needs time and quiet
to write his blasted book.
He can't have the boy trailing
everywhere after him.
Oh, Billy Moon,
where on Earth have you been?
We've all been so worried.
I was with Blue.
And if you
keep on like this,
you're going to get
Nanny the sack.
Daph, it was good that he was
there, in fact. In the end.
how are you going to get
any writing done if you're
doing her job for her?
I mean, really, we might well
as not have a nanny if she...
Now see,
you've made the boy cry.
No, she hasn't. She hasn't.
You have. Leave her alone!
Billy! Don't talk
to your mother like that.
I only went
because of you.
You said there were
wild animals
and there weren't
any wild animals.
We saw squirrels.
Squirrels aren't
wild animals!
And anyway, it's lucky
there weren't any wild animals
because he's scared of bees!
Just take him away,
would you?
he was expecting bears.
In Sussex?
I don't see
what's funny about it.
The boy has
ridiculous expectations...
...because you have made him
ridiculous promises.
Just as you did with me.
First, I had a baby
just to cheer you up.
Nearly killed me.
And it didn't cheer you up.
Then we move
to the countryside,
surrounded by wild animals.
The whole point was that
there are no wild animals.
And the only response you have
is to be facetious. Really.
Nothing is enough for you.
Oh, Alan!
How lovely to see you.
Welcome to your study.
Look, here's a desk.
Do you remember "desks"?
What are you talking about?
You said you were bringing us
here to write something.
So write something!
You are a writer
who doesn't write!
I'm thinking.
Well, let's hear
your great thoughts.
I'm thinking about
where we go next.
No, not us. England.
Where does England go next?
The country
is wounded, Daph.
It's lost men, yes.
But it's lost more than that.
We need a sense of purpose.
Don't you see?
The nations of the world,
they got together
and banned slavery.
What if we did
the same with war?
What if we all, all nations,
got together and decided...
...that when there was
a conflict,
when there was a dispute,
war was no way to settle it.
War would go the way
of the slave trade.
Yes, that proves
my point exactly.
No, you weren't
making a point.
My point is
I have to go to London
to look at Whiteleys'
new wallpaper collection.
ALAN: Right. Fine.
DAPHNE: Yes, it is fine.
Because do you know what writing
a book against war is like?
No. Tell me.
It's like writing a book
against Wednesdays.
Wednesdays, Blue,
are a fact of life...
...and if you don't like them, you could
stay in bed but you can't stop them...
...because Wednesdays
are coming
and if today isn't actually
a Wednesday it soon will be.
Fine. When will you be back?
I'm not coming back.
You're not coming back. Fine.
I know you, Blue,
you're a writer.
If you don't start writing properly soon,
you'll be unbearable.
Write and I'll come back.
If you don't, then I shan't.
ALAN: What about Billy?
DAPHNE: What about Billy?
ALAN: You'll have to
take him with you.
Boys are not interested
in wallpaper.
They're not interested
in being quiet either.
Perhaps if Ma'am
is going to London...
...we could both come
and I could take him
to the zoo?
Christopher Robin, allow me to
introduce you
to my older brother, um...
Winnie, apparently.
That's a girl's name.
Well, our mother would have
preferred a girl.
I should think
if you look like that,
you can call yourself
whatever you like.
So fierce.
Edward Bear
is not really going to
grow up like that, is he?
Goodness no. He's going
to stay little forever.
Like my boy.
RUPERT: The thing
about war is, Alan,
who wants
to read about it?
ALAN: I should have
thought that was obvious.
Anyone who doesn't want it
to happen again.
Everyone in England
seems to be cross.
Strikes. Protests.
Even you seem cross.
Would you mind
if we got back?
This path is rather wearing
on the old footwear.
You didn't ask me
when the book would be ready.
Get it out of your system
and then come back
to your senses, will you?
Daddy may be asleep.
We are very, very late.
Wait here.
Get back.
Get back!
I'm sorry.
It's only us, sir.
Get away from me!
It was just a balloon.
Just don't come near me.
Stay there.
(WHISPERS) Come on.
Quick. Quick, quick.
I'm sorry
we woke you, sir.
Would you like one too?
Just a balloon. As you say.
Can't be helped.
Olive? Um...
Mrs. Milne?
I'm afraid
she was delayed, sir.
She said
she'd telephone to you
just as soon as
she had a moment.
No, Nou, don't go! Stay!
It's just for a little while.
Edward Bear will be here
to keep an eye on you.
That's not even his name!
Please, Nou, don't go.
You're being very unkind.
Look, you've got
all these creatures.
I don't want them!
I hate them!
That's enough!
I'm walking out
of this room...
...and I won't
come back in again
until you have recovered
all of your nice ways.
No! Don't go!
I'm trying to write.
The noise, it's...
Yes, sir. Sorry.
I'll do my best
to calm him down, sir.
He's a little upset about my going away.
Of course.
You're going away?
I thought Mrs. Milne
had said...
Mrs. Milne
is always saying things.
I don't expect them to happen.
All the same, I shall be gone
for at least three nights.
Thank you.
Your mother.
I'm so sorry.
I completely forgot.
You must go.
Of course you must.
I hope she gets better.
Billy is not happy
about my going.
She's all the family
I have, sir,
and she is very unwell.
Mrs. Penn
will look after us.
Mrs. Penn
is away too, sir.
I did the cooking today.
Never mind.
Old soldier, you know.
See to myself.
So what do we like
for breakfast?
Don't know.
You don't know
what you like?
I've forgotten.
Why has she gone anyway?
To buy new wallpaper
and so on.
To make our house look nice.
Not Mummy. Nou.
She's gone to see her mother
who is very ill,
as you well know.
You must remember her
in your prayers.
What about porridge?
Yes, please.
I don't think
I do like porridge after all.
You said that you liked...
I know, but I've never had it.
I just like the sound.
You've had
had eggs before.
Usually they're in shells.
Boiled eggs.
When is she coming back?
She'll be back
in three days.
But of course
her mother is very ill,
so it could be
longer than that.
I hate her! Sack her and
tell her never to come back!
You ought not to hold
your knife and fork like that.
Why shouldn't I?
...if someone were to
fall through the ceiling...
...they'd come down
right there
and be impaled
on your fork...
...and then
they would bleed out
all over your eggs...
...and ruin your breakfast.
Do you see?
Nou says you're writing a book
to stop people going to war.
War is rotten.
I know. I was there.
So I think your book
is a jolly good idea.
Thank you.
You're the only one that does.
I'd really like if you wrote
a book for me.
I'd definitely read it.
Shall we go for a walk?
Aren't you working?
It doesn't seem likely.
Come on.
A soldier shot
his mother by mistake.
And that's how Winnie
ended up in the zoo
with everyone
staring at him.
I'm going to call
my bear Winnie.
It's Winnie. Short for where
he comes from. Winnipeg.
It's just bees.
Maybe there's a hive.
Let's stake it out.
There! Up there.
In the tree. Uh-huh.
You any good at climbing?
Not bad.
All right.
Well, give it a go.
Only be careful.
Where there are bees,
there is honey
and where there is honey,
there are bears.
There are
no bears in Sussex.
Then what's...
What's that?
Oh, no.
I think he's seen us.
We'd better capture it.
Yes? Yes.
Got him!
You put him up there,
didn't you?
You overestimate me
if you think I can
wrestle a bear into a tree.
Stay alert.
Where there's one bear,
there might be
a whole flock of them.
ALAN: Good.
Mummy says
they have to have names.
Well, the tiger
should be called Tiger.
Tigger is better than Tiger.
ALAN: Better how?
It's more tiggerish.
Fair enough.
Make sure it's tight.
You take that bit.
Can you get it through there?
That's what we like!
I remember now.
I say there seems to be
rather a lot here
for just the two of us.
I'm missing Daph.
You're missing Nou.
Shall we ask
the others in?
Just this once.
Some of us
don't like pie, you know.
Don't like it at all.
But don't let that
spoil your enjoyment.
Don't worry, Eeyore.
We've made special
provision for you.
I'm sure the pie is wonderful
could one but see it!
Piglet, I do apologize.
That's quite all right.
It's not the same
when you do the voices.
It's better
when Mummy does them.
I see.
Now, uh...
Lord, make us able to shift
the grub upon the table.
Why on Earth
are you still up?
I wasn't sure if I was
supposed to go to bed or not.
It's nearly midnight.
No one put me to bed.
I brushed my teeth.
Have you said
your prayers?
Have you
done your writing?
Go to bed.
Just written a poem.
Will I like it?
I should hope so.
It's got lots of rhymes in it.
Is it about
what tiggers eat?
Why would it be
about that?
Just seem like
a very interesting topic.
It's about a boy who tries
to look after his mother
even though
he's only three.
Three is very little.
But it rhymes
with lots of things.
Why does she need
looking after?
She goes to town
without telling anyone.
She goes to town
without telling anyone.
She goes to town
in a golden gown...
...and no one can find out
where she's gone.
ALAN: King John
puts up a notice
offering a reward
if anyone can find her.
How much reward,
do you think?
It needs to be a lot of money,
I suppose. 40 shillings.
Forty shillings?
That's quite difficult to
rhyme with though, isn't it?
What about pounds?
Well, there are
clowns now.
Why King John, though?
Why not King Richard?
The Lionheart.
He's a terrible fellow.
Always off crusading,
biffing people,
getting himself
taken prisoner...
...and making the common people
stump up for his ransom.
he was practically French.
King John stayed at home.
He also took a bath
every year.
That's impressive.
Good shot.
Knees bent.
Robin Hood was on
King Richard's side, though.
And Robin Hood was good.
Robin Hood was good
but he was a very poor
judge of character.
I'm Robin Hood.
Robin Hood the ace batsman
gets ready to face
this ball from the
demon bowler Little John.
Are you ready?
Four immediately, I think.
That's gone.
How's this one
for a quarterstaff?
Let's find out.
En garde!
En garde.
I'm winning.
Don't think so.
Test of strength. Come on.
That's too hot!
I knew you were
going to say that.
Put that on.
There we are.
How about some ice?
One lump or two?
Dear God, can you hear me?
Why did you make
the bath water so hot?
I nearly was boiled alive.
And can you bless
Nou especially?
And bring her back.
Which one
would you like?
This one.
Yeah. Same height, please.
Mine's winning.
No. Mine's winning.
Come on.
Me! I won!
This one, please.
ALAN: Sir Billy.
A swan's not really
a wild animal.
Of course he is.
He could break your arm.
Well, what's his name?
He doesn't have a name.
He's wild.
But I want
to call him to me.
You should
call him Pooh, then.
So if he ignores you,
you can pretend you were
just saying, "Pooh."
Who's your favorite?
I'd have to go for
the little one.
Has to be Piglet.
What have you got?
A frog.
Careful it's
not poisonous.
He's tiny, isn't he?
Let's be hunters
in the snow.
Excellent notion.
Come on! Don't get frostbite.
And don't get lost.
I'll help you.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Watch out.
ALAN: Look here!
Whatever made
this was huge.
We should follow it.
You sure? You sure
we shouldn't just run away?
All right then.
No, we're all right.
It's not very good
at hiding its tracks.
ALAN: Maybe
it doesn't need to.
Maybe it's scarier
than any other beast.
If the snow keeps falling,
we'll lose the trail.
We're back
where we started.
We've been following our
own footprints, haven't we?
Sorry, Blue.
I think it's about time
for summer now, don't you?
Owl lives up there, you know.
Does he?
If you look ever so carefully,
you can see his front door.
ALAN: Come on, then.
Where to?
ALAN: Home,
I should think.
ERNEST: Milne?
I think I've got
something for us.
Tigger is in a cage?
He doesn't really
belong here
and there's no one
quite like him... he gets confused
and a bit scary.
A cage is a bit
harsh, though.
ALAN: Fantastic cage
though, eh?
Billy made it.
Blue is
teaching me woodwork.
He's the best at it.
He should do woodwork
instead of books.
There it is. Up there!
That's where Owl lives.
How you gonna
get it up there?
I don't know.
Blow these up.
When we have enough,
we'll float you up
to the branch.
One, two, three!
I think we probably need
more floaty breath.
Floaty breath. Milne, what
are you gonna do about it?
Maybe if we brushed our teeth
more thoroughly. Eh?
Is this really...
ALAN: Is he home?
This is paradise.
Owl? Are you home?
Just get everything you can.
We'll pick
and choose later.
Can I come in for tea?
do a little shading.
You see, that's better with
the light, how it comes down.
What is the name
of this chap?
ERNEST: Now as you see,
he's looking a little bit glum there.
This one is scary.
Well, it's not meant to be.
It's you and Winnie Bear.
But that's
not Winnie Bear,
that's Winnie,
short for Winnipeg.
I've only seen him
in the zoo.
Yes. Good point.
Good point.
The creatures
in the story are toys.
They're toys
but the woods are real.
And the size is wrong.
The bear should be smaller.
Size of a little brother.
ALAN: Yes, that's it.
Blue, are we
writing a book?
I thought
we were just having fun.
We are writing a book
and we're having fun.
I didn't know you could
do both at the same time.
You don't usually look like
you're having fun
while you're writing.
It's not your turn, Tigger.
This is more
than a few poems.
Mmm. It's a little world.
Like you said,
a hundred-acre paradise.
Be very, very quiet.
ALAN: "Vespers."
This one is for Daphne.
Look, Blue. Smoke!
ALAN: Intruders!
To arms, gentlemen!
It's not intruders. It's Nou!
It must be. Nou!
ALAN: Might not be.
DAPHNE: Billy Moon.
Oh, Mrs. Milne,
we've missed you terribly.
Life in the countryside
is so limited.
Yes, well, I did notice that.
So I brought some friends back
from the city with me to stay.
(AS KANGA) Have you seen
my little Jimmy anywhere?
Joey! Baby kangaroos
are called Joey.
Not this one.
His name is Roo.
I'm Kanga
and this is Roo.
Where's Nanny?
I don't understand.
You mean to say
it was just the two of you
this whole time?
How absurd.
Are we to know
where you've been?
Oh, good heavens no.
I mean,
what would be the point?
The great thing is
I'm back now.
Don't you think?
Yes. As a matter of fact,
I do.
You see?
Yes, I think I do see.
I sent you
a poem I wrote.
About the boy.
DAPHNE: Yes, I read it.
It was very sweet.
Just a bit of a lark.
I sent it off
to be published.
Well, it made me happy.
Thought it might make
lots of people happy.
Published by whom?
Vanity Fair.
They were
very pleased with it.
Isn't it rather wonderful?
That is rather wonderful.
It's their biggest
selling issue
for simply ages, apparently.
People are buying extra copies
to give to their friends.
Perhaps I should ask
Ernest back down.
ALAN: Ernest and I are
putting your bear in a book.
He'll like that.
We're putting you in it too.
Will you like that?
I'm not sure.
If I'm in a book,
people might think
I'm not real.
Well, then
it will be a surprise
when they find out
you are real.
And when they find out
Winnie is real?
We can't call him
Winnie in the book,
because Winnie
is a girl's name.
No. It's a bear's name.
It's different for bears.
Nou says.
I like names with "the."
William the Conqueror,
Richard the Lionheart,
Joanna the Mad.
You made her up.
I certainly did not.
She was the queen of Spain.
Winnie the Bear.
Everyone knows
he's a bear already.
He wasn't called
Richard the King, was he?
Or Billy the Moon.
But you're not the moon.
Christopher the Robin.
I'm not a robin either.
What will you call me
in the book?
Not Billy Moon because
that's what we call you.
It'll be confusing.
But if I'm
really in the book.
Christopher Robin, then...
...because it's
your real name,
but it's not
who you really are.
You all right, old man?
Those fields in France...
...they'll look like this now,
won't they?
As though
it never happened.
...when I'm grown up,
how old will you be?
About 100, I should think.
There's an echo!
Come and hear.
My name is Blue!
Who are you?
I'm Billy Moon!
And I'll be back soon!
Does he need a hat?
ALAN: Certainly not.
Winnie the Pooh is
a creature of bedtime.
He's either just got up
or just going off.
He's reverie in bear form.
Winnie the Pooh.
That's rather...
Which is a good thing.
Is it a good thing?
Winnie the Pooh.
She's here! She's here!
She's here!
Good heavens, who is it?
Queen Mary?
It's only been two weeks.
Have you missed me?
OLIVE: Sorry it was a bit longer than I said.
We put a door in a tree
using balloons.
I was terribly sorry to hear
the news about your mother.
Thank you, sir.
She's gone to a better place.
I saw the "Vespers" poem.
About his prayers.
Hanging on the wall
of a friend's living room.
They'd ripped it out of
the magazine and framed it.
Apparently, a lot of people
are doing that.
Well, that is just
the beginning.
He has been terribly,
brilliantly busy.
"And he helped
to get the others...
"His huge big waterproof...
Who's this?
WOMAN: Thank you, Mr. Milne.
Thank you very much.
I say! You're most awfully
good at climbing trees.
Who are you?
Stay exactly like that.
Like a wood spirit.
Excuse me!
Oh, Brown. Mary Brown.
The Times.
Good heavens, you must be
Nanny. As in "Vespers."
The nanny with
the blue dressing gown.
The one that God blesses!
I'd just as soon not,
if you don't mind.
Billy, come down.
If you'd like to
speak to Mr. Milne,
please be so good as to telephone
to him and make an appointment.
But I don't want to speak
to Mr. Milne, you see.
I want to speak
to Christopher Robin.
I'm afraid that won't
be possible today.
Billy, let's go.
Why do you call him Billy?
My proper name is Milne
but when I was small,
it came out Moon.
I'm good at coming down
trees too. Did you notice?
MARY BROWN: Oh, I did.
I also noticed that you have
cardboard tied to your legs.
In case of dragons.
You don't know where
I can get some of
that dragon-proof
cardboard, do you?
That's enough, dear.
It's such a bother when the dragons
set fire to my stockings.
Good day to you.
Did you get it?
DAPHNE: From The Times?
Well, that's rather good.
Don't you think that's good?
OLIVE: No, ma'am.
I can't say I do.
The boy is happy here and...
Sorry, ma'am.
Sorry, sir.
Yes, The Times
is very good.
DAPHNE: Hello?
The Evening News wants to put
Winnie on the front page.
Yes, that'd be fine.
MAN: Are you sure?
Yes, I think so.
That's marvelous.
Thank you so much.
BETTY: They're
not for you, sir.
They're nearly all for
Master Christopher.
I see that.
I wonder if I might ask,
sir, if in future... couldn't come to the
post office and collect them?
Only there being so many,
it's hard to keep my balance.
Of course.
Oh, thank you, sir.
WOMAN: For Christopher Robin.
But I'm not really
Christopher Robin.
For the animals then.
But they
don't eat chocolate.
I do, though.
And so does Nou.
Who is Nou?
She's Nanny.
Nanny is real too?
Of course she's real.
I tried ever so hard
to save some for you.
You saved three.
That's very good.
Why does everyone like
Winnie the Pooh so much?
He's my bear.
Why don't they get
their own bears?
You see, after the war
there was so much sadness...
...that hardly anyone
could remember
what happiness was like.
Then Winnie the Pooh
came along
and he was like a tap.
You just turned it on
and happiness came out.
But I'm not Christopher Robin,
really. I'm Billy Moon.
That's right.
And you don't have to
share me with anybody.
Except Mummy.
Yes, but that's only
a little bit.
Come on, Christopher Robin.
Give him a cuddle.
He is your daddy after all.
Oh, come on, Mr. Milne.
A little affection, please.
Surely he can't be expected
to answer all of these.
It's a lovely day outside
and I thought that we could...
Could we go to the woods?
I've got heaps of
writing to do, I'm afraid.
Perhaps later.
People of Ashdown...
...I give you
Queen Elizabeth the First.
King Henry the Eighth.
Lord Nelson.
And now, a little boy
and his bear...
...who will be forever playing
somewhere in our hearts.
I give you some of the
most important people...
...who ever visited
this magnificent forest.
ALFRED: I can assure you,
Druckers Tea Rooms
do an excellent fruitcake.
OLIVE: I don't quite approve of
fruitcake except at weddings.
Nou, was I good?
Oh. Ever so ever so.
Shall we all go for tea?
No, thanks.
That was a bit rude.
NEWSCASTER: Once upon a time,
a boy might want to be
Huckleberry Finn
rafting down the Mississippi.
Now, he wants to be
Christopher Robin
playing in the
Hundred Acre Wood.
One little boy though really
is Christopher Robin.
And here he is.
In England's
Ashdown Forest itself,
the home of the real
Winnie the Pooh.
Surely, this is the happiest
young man on Earth.
And here's his
mother and father.
They're here in America
to promote
the latest adventures...
...of the most fashionable
bear in the world.
REPORTER: Mrs. Milne,
what's the first thing
you want to do in America?
Well, I should love to
go to a speakeasy.
MAN: Mrs. Milne is joking,
of course.
She knows that
speakeasies are illegal.
Of course I know
they're illegal.
That's what makes them fun.
Oh. No, thank you.
MAN: I can't believe
I'm talking to the father
of the real Christopher Robin.
Well, you know, the boy in the
book isn't exactly my son.
But his name
is Christopher Robin
and he does like
to climb trees?
Yes, that's true,
but we don't...
I imagine you making up all
those stories at his bedside...
That's wonderful. Excuse me,
I must find my wife.
a lovely evening.
Isn't it all marvelous.
It's just like London
but with more money.
I thought when
people liked a book,
it was the author
they sucked up to.
All anyone wants to talk about
is Christopher Robin. Watch.
I know you'll be
talking to the real
Christopher Robin tomorrow...
...and I wondered
if you could wish him
a happy birthday
from all his American fans?
OLIVE: One arm.
What's that?
Downstairs and answer
the door, young man.
You're master of the house.
Who is it?
Mummy and Daddy!
Well now, it might not be
Mummy and Daddy.
Oh, my jolly golly.
Did you like that,
Christopher Robin?
Should you like them
to play again?
Do I, Nou?
Do I want them to play again?
I should think you do.
They're a present
from Mummy and Daddy.
Happy Birthday,
Billy Moon.
We had a wonderful day.
I'm working on the tree house.
It's nearly done.
So you had
a Happy Birthday?
The best ever.
We had sausages in the woods.
But it's been raining.
Raining and raining.
Nou says we might
have to build an ark.
Well, don't go
messing up my toolshed.
Oh, no, I think
she was making a joke.
When will you be home?
I'll be back before you can
say Jack Robinson.
Jack Robinson.
I already said it
and you're not back.
You know Nou is
terribly bad at bowling.
And I'm afraid I'm not getting
enough practice in the nets.
Sadly, we're
running out of time.
Happy Birthday,
Christopher Robin.
You've been listening
to Mr. A.A. Milne,
author of Winnie the Pooh...
...and father of the actual
Christopher Robin.
Imagine that.
Gentlemen, do you want
that barbershop shave from
the comfort of your own home?
I don't understand.
Why was there
someone else talking?
And why did he call me
Christopher Robin?
He never calls me
Christopher Robin.
Get your great big
waterproof boots.
But it's the middle
of the night.
Two, three,
four, five, six.
OLIVE: I think it's time
Little Billy Moon
got better acquainted
with Big Moon himself.
Pooh Sticks?
Noises. There are
nighttime noises.
That's because
it's nighttime.
Don't worry.
A person should do
the things a person loves
with the people
a person loves...
...because you never know
what happens next.
What a very agile wolf.
Do you think a giraffe
would be happy
with a wolf on his back?
Oh, look who's here!
Hello! How are you,
old chap?
I'm good.
DAPHNE: Oh, you look
such a duck!
Didn't I say
he'd look a duck?
We're going to have
such times, Moon.
Shall we
go to the woods?
The woods will have to wait.
What do you think of this?
It's very shiny.
It's been sent to take us
somewhere special in London.
You're not staying?
No, we're just here
to collect Billy.
Go get changed. Quick.
MAN: How do you do,
Mr. Christopher Robin?
My name is Mr. Elliot
and I am the manager
of this fine toy shop.
What's a manager?
Well, I suppose I make
all the decisions.
I said let's have
a grand competition... win tea with
the real Christopher Robin...
...and the real
Winnie the Pooh.
No. It's not real.
It's a lie!
Excuse us.
You're the luckiest boy
in the world
because you know
the real Winnie the Pooh.
Most people have to make do
with a pretend one.
You can make do
just this once, can't you?
Are you my manager then?
Whatever gave you such
a notion? I'm your mother.
I have an idea.
Why don't we do something
ever so ever so now?
Don't do Winnie's voice
when it's not Winnie.
It's nothing like Winnie.
It's not even real.
Why is he called
Winnie the Pooh?
Well, there was a swan
and I wanted to call it,
and Blue...
I mean, A.A. Milne.
I mean, Daddy said if you call
it Pooh and it doesn't come... can just pretend
you were saying "pooh."
GIRL: So it's
not a real name?
My bear has a different name
in real life.
And I've got a different name
in real life.
And there's no good asking
because we shan't tell.
They're our names
and we're keeping them.
OLIVE: This one
is from Samoa.
Is there anywhere
in the world
where they haven't heard
of Winnie the Pooh?
OLIVE: Perhaps the Highveld.
Can I go to the Highveld?
Don't you just
look perfect.
Ah, Nanny.
A quick word.
I thought
you might wear this.
It has panache,
don't you think?
Like the one the Nanny wears
in Mr. Milne's poem.
Yes, exactly.
We don't want people
to be disappointed
because you don't look the way
you do in the book.
I'm not in the book, ma'am.
The nanny in the book
is called Alice.
Only because
it rhymes with palace.
Unlike "Nanny" which rhymes
with nothing polite.
Are people going
to look at us, Nou?
Like they look at
Winnie the Bear in the zoo?
No, Moon,
I don't think they are...
...because we are
going to go in disguise.
Thank you very much for
this interesting conversation.
MAN: Thank you,
Master Christopher.
Well done. That's the last
interview for today.
Read me a story.
I just read you
your story.
And we said prayers, so...
Where are you going?
You look different.
Why do you look different?
Give me a cuddle.
We've already had
a perfectly lovely cuddle.
Now it's my night off.
The laborer
has earned her rest.
ALFRED: Good evening.
OLIVE: Good evening to you!
So where are you
taking me?
ALFRED: I thought
we'd go to an Italian place.
Thank you God
for another bright day,
and now it's time to get up.
I'm not getting up.
I'm not going to school.
Oh, now. Come along.
Where's my brave knight
who fights dragons
and climbs trees?
There are no dragons.
There are no trees.
Nobody loves me!
You don't love me!
That's simply not true.
You know I love you.
(PANTING) You love Alfred!
I love you both.
Don't marry him, Nou.
Marry me!
Please marry me.
Now, let's get dressed.
Come along.
Quicker, come on!
DAPHNE: Well, are you
going to tell us?
Olive is getting married.
She didn't inform me.
Billy did.
I don't think
Billy needs to hear this.
Why not? You've betrayed him
as much as you've betrayed us.
Billy, go to your room, dear.
DAPHNE: When is the happy
event, by the way?
There's no date set
as yet, ma'am.
But there is a gentleman?
There is an understanding.
There's a gentleman,
but no understanding
as such as yet.
I see.
Well, may we be the first
to congratulate you.
What's his name?
He's a good man.
I never imagined...
Now we know why
Billy has been so unhappy.
It seems the person
we've been paying
to keep him happy...
...has been rather preoccupied
with her own happiness.
Daphne. I feel it's
time we start doing
what's best
for Billy Moon.
I couldn't agree
more, ma'am.
Because if I could
speak frankly, sir...
You most certainly may not.
That would be
highly unprofessional.
Then I'll retire
from my profession
with immediate notice.
I'm sure that won't
be necessary.
Sir, I don't think you've been
doing what's right for Billy.
Not at all.
You've been
touting him around
like a show pony,
hawking your books.
Now, just a minute.
He has to be
allowed to grow up.
He has to know he's
important to someone.
That someone
cares about him.
DAPHNE: Cares?
I gave birth to him.
He nearly killed me.
With respect, ma'am,
a cow can give birth.
I think you know all this,
sir, but you let it go.
And that's not right.
A father should
stand up for his son.
That's quite enough.
I think I've seen you catch his eye...
...and turn away.
You can't turn away anymore.
Still awake?
Want a story?
Once upon a time,
there was a nanny...
...who looked after
a little boy.
A very special little boy.
She loved him so much...
...that she carried him
in her heart...
...and in her prayers.
And she hoped and prayed...
...and prayed and hoped that
he would always remember...
Be happy, Billy Moon.
Keep your memories
and I'll keep mine.
And that way
we'll always be together.
ALAN: Olive.
His appointments
for the week.
You're going
to be quite busy.
DAPHNE: Don't blub,
You know we don't blub
in this house.
ALAN: Have you seen this?
Radio interview.
Newspaper interview,
House of Lords
to meet the Lords and Ladies,
He can't do all this.
He can. He's rather good
at it, apparently.
He's a little boy.
How have we
let this happen?
He should be running around
in the woods.
ALAN: What's your favorite,
favorite animal
in the whole wide zoo?
You astound me.
Why wildebeest?
Because they live
on the Highveld.
And that's where
I'd like to live.
Mr. Milne,
so good to see you.
And Christopher Robin
is such a good friend
of the zoo.
We've had an idea.
It really will be
a superb picture.
Quite safe.
So long as you don't make
any sudden moves,
young man.
So good for the zoo.
Is it good for Billy?
It's all right, Blue.
Smile, Christopher Robin.
That's enough, I think.
Bring him out.
Could we go
for ice cream now?
I normally get ice cream
after a photograph.
WOMAN: Excuse me,
are you...
No. No, he's not.
Yes, he is.
He was.
He's not anymore.
I don't understand.
Excuse us, please.
Come on, Billy.
ALAN: Come in, Billy.
Close the door.
I've made a decision and I'd like
you to be the first to know.
I'm not going to write
about Christopher Robin again.
Or Winnie the Pooh, or Tigger,
or any of them.
Not another word.
Does this mean
Winnie the Pooh
will be just us again?
Winnie the Pooh
is in the world now.
I can't take him out of it.
But I promise I'll never write
another line about him.
And you will never
have to dress up
as Christopher Robin...
...or hold a fake teddy bear
or have your photograph taken
for the papers...
...or have tea with Lords
and Ladies ever again.
And the day will come,
it won't be long...
...when everyone will have
forgotten all about Winnie.
There's sure to be some other
craze along any minute.
We won't forget him, though?
Not likely.
You don't even have to stay in
London, come to think of it.
ALAN: Plenty of trees
to climb out here.
It's a castle.
ALAN: And no
Christopher Robin...
...and no Winnie the Pooh.
It's very good of you
to let us fetch up
in the middle
of term like this.
No explanation required.
First things first.
How's your cricket?
I'm not sure.
I've only really played
with Blue. I like woodwork.
Let me introduce you
to Douglas Minor.
This is Milne.
Douglas Minor will keep
an eye on you
until you've settled in.
That's really kind of you,
Douglas Minor.
DOUGLAS: This is him.
Looks like a girl, doesn't he?
"Christopher Robin",
if we offer to throttle you,
will you say your prayers?
Leave me alone.
Shut up.
(SINGSONG) Nobody cares,
nobody cares
Christopher Robin
got shoved down the stairs
Nobody cares, nobody cares
Christopher Robin
got shoved down the stairs
Nobody cares, nobody cares
Christopher Robin
got shoved down the stairs
DOUGLAS: Watch out,
Christopher Robin.
BOY: Owen, Alexander.
Strip, cough, over there.
Milne. Christopher.
Strip, cough. Over there.
MAN: Strip there.
Look rather splendid,
don't they?
I was in the last war.
The War to End All Wars.
Yes. Well, that didn't work,
it seems.
Thank God.
Rotten luck.
I'm sure you'll find another
way to do your bid.
Oh, what nonsense.
Let's all go home,
shall we?
ALAN: Town council's orders.
Take down all road signs
to confuse potential invaders.
Hitler won't be able
to ransack Uckfield
if he can't find it.
All right. There we are.
ALAN: Excellent.
Winnie does his bit.
He always hated the fascists,
you know.
Do stop talking
about that blasted bear.
I want to join up, Blue.
I want the chance
to be Private Milne.
607841 or whatever.
A real person.
You failed the medical.
You can get me in.
You're one of the best
loved men in the country.
I helped you become that.
Now it's your turn
to help me.
DAPHNE: I don't see
what good this is going to do
when the Nazis come.
The Nazis are not
coming to Cotchford.
They might drop a bomb
on it accidentally.
Well, let's hope
you're right.
And let's hope you're ready
to defend my honor
when they lay siege
to East Grinstead.
Well, I think it's time for me
to pot my geraniums.
Daph not coming?
She couldn't. She...
Can't stand to see me
in my uniform.
I wanted to talk to you
about something.
Me first. They say you
should get everything
straight before
you go away, in case.
You're going to
get through this.
That bear
made my life a misery.
I know it was difficult.
Basic training
was the same as school.
No matter what I do,
someone finds out
and then... hell.
As soon as I understood,
I stopped writing it.
What else could I do?
I just want to be
clear before...
Right. Well.
When I w...
When I was Billy Moon...
...we played in the woods...
...and then you wrote that
book and it all stopped.
As if it had all been
a piece of research.
You never came back.
That's not true.
We played cricket,
didn't we?
Lots of cricket.
I was rubbish at it.
You were mostly cross.
What about the time you bowled
out their captain for a duck?
That was the one time.
They gave me the ball.
Here. It's for you.
Those days,
just the two of us...
...they were the happiest
I've ever known.
After the worst
I've ever known.
Yes. I know.
But you sold them.
You know, you did ask me
to write a book for you.
A book for me,
not about me.
Don't go.
No, don't.
Please, Blue, don't! Not yet.
Until you open it,
it hasn't happened.
DAPHNE: Don't you dare blub.
He didn't have to go.
You fixed it for him.
How could you do that?
What kind of father
would do that?!
ALAN: About the money.
The money
we earn from "that bear".
There's mountains of it.
I was thinking...
I don't want
any of it. Ever.
It's a fortune.
You helped make it.
It was just as much
your doing as mine.
No, it wasn't.
I was just playing
with my father.
If I take the money for it,
then I have to be
Christopher Robin...
...and I'm not
Christopher Robin.
ALAN: You're Billy Moon.
I'm Private Milne.
Never been happier.
You know,
I never wanted fame
or the brass band
on my birthday.
ALAN: What did you want?
I wanted you, Blue.
Mr. Milne.
Alfred. Good to see you, sir.
Come in.
I brought it here for her.
She thought you wouldn't mind.
I'll get her.
OLIVE: Mr. Milne!
How lovely to see you.
Oh, dear God.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
So sorry, sir.
He's not even mine.
He's yours.
Hello, Blue.
Well, if it
isn't Billy Moon.
Kettle on?
They told us
you were dead.
Did they?
Missing presumed...
I'm afraid we rather
jumped to conclusions.
Mother not too worried,
I hope.
Billy Moon.
How very...
I mean to say...
...are you really here?
I believe so.
For heaven's sake, Blue,
take his bag.
He must be exhausted.
All that fighting.
Straight away.
OLIVE: Hello.
There it all is.
Just as I left it.
As if nothing had happened.
ALAN: When I came back,
everything seemed wrong.
I didn't fit anywhere.
Until I came here.
Those days with you...
...I wanted
to keep them all.
Put them in a box.
The things that I said
before I left...
They were all true.
You're here.
That's all that matters.
In the desert,
we were under fire...
...and one of the men
started singing
one of the hums of Pooh.
He changed
the words a bit, but...
You know.
And I thought, "How on Earth
do you know that song?"
And then I remembered...
...everyone on Earth
knows that song.
Everyone on Earth
knows that song.
But I knew it first.
It was mine before
it was anyone else's.
Then I gave it away.
When they were singing,
they were remembering.
It was like a magic charm... took them home to
a fireside and a storybook.
You did that.
(INHALES) Thank you.
I'm sorry you paid
the price for it.
If I'd known, perhaps I...
What? Not written it? No.
You reminded people
what happiness was...
...what childhood could be
when everything else
was broken.
But your own childhood.
Was wonderful.
It was growing up
that was hard.
Who would have guessed
that bear would swallow us up?
This was all ours,
wasn't it?
Before it was anyone else's.
And it always will be.
Come on, then.
Home, I should think.
Blue, when I'm grown up,
how old will you be?
About a hundred.
There's an echo. Listen.
I'm Billy Moon! (ECHOING)
I'm Billy Moon! (ECHOING)
And I'll be back soon!
There's not actually an echo,
though, is there?
I don't think
there isn't.
I think it was
better up there.
ALAN: Maybe if
it's more percussive.
Maybe if it's more...
Ooh, there you go!
Like a train going off track.
ALAN: Yes.
We've lost him.
Ah, there it is.
That was quite good.
People are getting...
There's something wrong.
MAN: (SINGING) You always
stir my imagination
it borders on fantasy
And sometimes
I find visions flash
Through my mind
close to reality
Night, a soft guitar
a hidden lane
A moon
and here and there a star
For a man and his dream
Night a cricket's cry
a whispered word
A kiss and now and then a sigh
For a man and his dream
And their eyes when they meet
Seem to say it's sublime
And their hearts proudly beat
To a tune
that is older than time
Night must fade away
and yet it leaves a love
So all the world will say
There's a man and his dream