Goodbye, Mr. Chips (2002) Movie Script
Thank you.
(Man) Howzat!
(Second man) Well fielded!
(Man) Keep the pace up!
(Man) No running!
Good Lord. Where do you imagine
this one's from?
By Jove. Those ears!
You think his mama used them
to hoist him out of his crib?
- Sir? Follow me to the Headmaster.
- Thank you.
We've never had
a Chipping here.
Indeed, Headmaster?
It's Chipping as in Chipping Norton.
Or if you prefer, Chipping Camden.
I've never been to Chipping Norton
or to Chipping Camden.
Which, as you say, I may well prefer.
Now, the agency says
you're worth a second chance.
And here at Brookfield we believe
in giving the second chance.
The boys are, I warn you,
most energetic.
And if in your previous school
discipline proved a problem...?
- If I might explain...
- The fact is, Chipping,
our Latin master's gone,
came into a huge inheritance,
but there's still a month of term.
Ideal trial period!
We can always think again,
I mean, after that.
Can you take the Lower Fifth now?
Declensions, conjugations -
- no striving necessary.
- Yes. Thank you, Headmaster.
Thank you, Chipping,
we are rather desperate.
(Headmaster) Ah, Rivers. Good man.
Mr Chipping is taking the Lower
Fifth. Would you show him there?
- Yes, Headmaster.
- (Door opens)
We'll get you accustomed
to Brookfield's language
or you shan't know
what we're talking about.
A boy shan't ask for a glass of milk,
it's "a tot of dolly."
He mustn't wear "gutties" in dorm,
"gutties" are for cricket.
Nor can a boy wear his "pigs" in dorm
either - "pigs" are his boots.
- (Chattering)
- (Rivers) Walk!
The Upper Third. Like all
young beasts they need restraint.
Henshaw, you burnt
my toast again today.
Sorry, Rivers! I won't do it again!
That suggests you did it
You should say,
"I shan't let it happen again."
I shan't let it happen again,
Rivers! Ow!
The standard of fagging this year
is deplorable.
This is Mr Chipping.
He will take you for Latin.
All the books you shall need -
in the drawer. Sir.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
(Boys) Good afternoon, sir.
(Chipping) Possum - I can.
Potes - you can.
- Potest...
- (Thud)
May I enquire as to the nature
of your unannounced recreation?
(Boy) Please, sir,
he's playing possum.
- "Playing possum"?
- Like opossum - the animal, sir.
He's pretending to be dead, sir.
Take 100 lines and resume your desk.
Sir, I can't,
I hurt my arm when I fell.
200 lines, and sit, please.
Oh, I think... I feel ill
(Imitates vomiting)
(Boys groan)
300 lines, after school,
in this classroom.
(Pretending to cry)
(Boys) Ohh...
500 lines and sit!
- Oh, no, sir...
- Right!
- Get back here!
- (Boys cheering and banging)
(Muffled shouting and banging)
Get back here, boy!
Go on, Colley, run!
Where is your honour?!
Is this the spirit of Brookfield?
From two o'clock tomorrow every boy
will come to my office for caning.
Alphabetical order,
one boy every five minutes.
Resume your books.
Er, the staff room, I think.
- Good afternoon.
- Afternoon.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Burnley, Geography.
- Chipping, Latin.
- Glass of brandy?
- Thank you, no.
(German accent) What was that row?
Hello! I'm Staefel. I do German.
Chipping. I do Latin, I hope.
Was that your baptism of fire?
I say, if you're Latin
it's your night for Prep.
Ah, Metcalf, a change of plan.
- Could you possibly take Prep?
- Headmaster, please!
In the light of the scene
I just witnessed...
Headmaster, you've only just put
my name down. I should dearly hope...
A second chance, I believe you said,
Headmaster? That at Brookfield, er...
- Forgive me, I've already asked...
- Headmaster,
if the boys hear their behaviour
proved coercive...
Oh, very well. As you were.
- Metcalf.
- How do you do?
Hm. (Chuckles)
They put a pigeon in my desk
on my first day.
Said it was a homing pigeon.
Called it Friedrich.
I do know how to teach.
You have some hours before Prep.
Go out, out there under the sky.
Look around.
What is the saying? "Distance lends
enchantment to the view."
Go out, come back refreshed.
(Boy) Bravo!
- Bravo!
- Hard luck.
Seeking inspiration?
No, sir!
Henshaw, isn't it?
What are you doing?
Sir, a prefect gave me a ha'penny
to pay for an errand
and I've lost it, sir.
If I don't find it he'll thrash me.
Well, you should be more careful,
shouldn't you?
Be more careful with that, hm?
Thank you, sir!
- Howzat!
- (Scattered applause)
- Chater. Cherry.
- Yes, sir.
- Clarke. Cochrane.
- Yes, sir.
- Colley. Copeland.
- Yes, sir.
- Deverill. Dexter.
- Yes, sir.
Would the boy at the head of
the table behind me please stand up?
- Do you mean me, sir?
- I do, yes.
- What is your name?
- Colley, sir.
Is not a "Colley" a dog?
(Boys sniggering)
When I was a boy
I had a dog of that breed.
His name was Rover.
Very well...Rover,
for slamming down your book twice
and denying other boys
their right to study,
you will stay behind, and in your
detention you will write 100 times,
"A dog will never behave like a boy
"but a boy
will sometimes behave like a dog."
- (Laughter)
- In Latin.
I shall be interested
in your translation.
Well now, Rover... Sit!
(Man) Get a move on, you chaps!
(Man) Go to it, hounds!
Bailey. Eastham. Bell. Watson.
Hope you're getting them all!
When you consider that
Metcalf is a housemaster
does one want to be a housemaster?
Pick those feet up, Brookfield men!
- Pick those feet up!
- Still, I should like to be asked.
So should I. Good, keep going!
Collins, well done.
But I shan't get it, I have become
philosophical about my ambition.
It makes me avoid disappointment.
Have we done?
Er, yes, I think so...
Oh, no, Alderdyce.
(Gasping and coughing)
(Chipping) Oh!
That's enough.
Let's get you back, Alderdyce.
Please, sir, I want to run. (Coughs)
- Don't talk nonsense.
- Watch out.
Get back on the trail at once!
Chipping, what are you doing?
Oh, come on, he's been in
the sanatorium since Term Day.
Do not mollycoddle him!
Do you want him to be ill again?
No, this is not good.
Very well.
Alderdyce, be a milksop.
See how that will profit you.
Really, Metcalf!
- Come on, Alderdyce.
- (Metcalf) Come on, boys!
Alderdyce is on holiday!
Fifteen minutes
to full change, everyone!
Well done, Hounds.
Very well done.
Well done, Hare - where are you?
Jolly good trail. Well done.
- So well done everyone.
- Thanks.
Or nearly everyone.
And expect Cicero. They're obsessed
with Cicero at Cambridge.
Yes, sir.
You should feel very confident,
I've not had a student
who prepared so thoroughly.
Come on, Hawthorne, what is it?
Sir, I've been a scholarship boy
at Brookfield
and been made to feel pretty low
on account of it.
Hawthorne, scholarships
honour the intellect.
Our bursaries here make Brookfield
very, very special to me.
But sir, everyone here knows
they only go the unwealthy.
And everyone at Cambridge
will know that too.
Doesn't the quality of the mind
outweigh all social considerations?
When you graduate from Cambridge,
and you shall gain entry,
then I am certain you shall graduate
with distinction,
help whom you can
to use their minds well.
That will level the score, hm?
(Floor creaks)
Ow! Get off!
Get off! Ow!
(Banging from outside)
Cease this!
Now would be a good time
to feel ashamed, gentlemen.
Sir, this is our house initiation.
It's barbaric, Rinehart. Barbaric!
I've said so before
and I shall go on saying it
- until good behaviour supervenes.
- But, sir, I was barrelled.
Precisely! And it made you
a barbarian! Now get to your house!
- Alderdyce.
- Sir...
Come along.
(Metcalf) Come on, come on!
Straight to bed.
What is this?
Chipping, what have you done now?
- Alderdyce, were you barrelled?
- Yes, sir.
You have to stay there until fetched.
Now you have to do it again.
Please, sir, it wasn't my fault, sir.
Alderdyce is innocent in this.
Alderdyce, go to bed.
Put some dry clothes on, Alderdyce.
Did you halt the barrelling?
- Interest omnium recte facere.
- Speak English!
It is for the good of all
to do right.
I am Alderdyce's housemaster,
not you!
(Whispers) Good luck, Hawthorne.
Ah, Chipping.
Beastly this waiting, isn't it?
The housemaster thing.
Not for me.
I've no wish to spend every day
of every week, month, year, decade
mollycoddling the little beasts.
Can you imagine?
Runny noses, stomach aches - urgh!
Not for me,
I've told the headmaster as much.
- Oh?
- Oh, no, I didn't mean...
- It'd be quite the thing for you.
- Oh, no. Yes.
Hey! Give it back!
- Give it back!
- Over here!
It's not funny!
(Excited laughter and shouting)
- Oh, no!
- We've lost that.
(Boy) What's going on?
(2nd boy) Someone's on the roof!
(3rd boy) Come on,
you're nearly there!
(Boy) Oh, well done!
- Hang on, Sexton!
- Be careful!
- Sexton!
- (Screams)
- He's safe, sir.
- Well, fetch a ladder! Quickly!
Sexton! Are you all right?
- Yes!
- Hold still! Do not move a muscle!
(Boy) Sexton, hold on!
(Excited chatter)
Here! What is going on?
A patch of misdemeanour, Headmaster.
A boater, a roof
and a boy who ought to know better.
Address it, would you, Mr Chipping?
I shall want to know.
Main prep room, Sexton. Ten minutes.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
(Knock at door)
Close the door, Sexton.
Come and stand in front of me.
Put your boater down.
Raise both arms and hold them out
with the palm upward.
Now, it is a distinct contravention
of Brookfield rubric to climb a roof.
Why, Sexton?
Because danger lies inherent.
Therefore I must address
this wilful misdemeanour of yours.
You heard the Headmaster, hm?
Very well.
(Whispers) Get out, Sexton.
Thank you, sir.
(Door opens, closes)
I'm in! Cambridge has accepted me.
- I'm in.
- Oh, well done, Hawthorne.
- That's wonderful news. Well done!
- No, sir, well done to you.
In life there are matters of
character and matters of behaviour.
Passing that examination
was a matter of good character.
Highest praise, Hawthorne.
- (Knock at door)
- Er, come in!
- You sent for me, Headmaster?
- Ah, yes, Chipping.
Do sit down.
I sent for you regarding the position
of the new housemaster.
- Yes, Headmaster.
- It's a position of some gravity.
The position requires
an egregious range of values.
Duties in a house extend
far beyond those of a classroom.
A different dedication,
a redirected perception and so forth.
You do not, I feel sure,
require a recital.
Indeed, I find myself so in agreement
that a recital would be superfluous.
Good, I'm grateful.
So, bearing in mind all things,
I've offered the position to Staefel.
Yes, Headmaster. An excellent choice.
Thank you, Chipping.
That will be all, Chipping.
Headmaster, may I enquire
as to why...?
I mean, so to speak,
why I was not chosen?
Do you know, Chipping,
I sometimes think
that giving reasons for one's actions
is a rather futile gesture.
You do understand
what I mean, don't you?
Yes, Headmaster. Thank you.
(Boy) Come on!
(Indistinct chatter)
Alderdyce! Alderdyce, come here!
I haven't seen you since your ordeal.
How are you?
- You going home for the hols?
- Please, sir...
Come on, Alderdyce - race you!
I wish I were going with you.
You will be careful?
I must avoid being careful, Max,
it has availed me little.
Nor, if I'm truthful,
has being careless proven useful.
If you were my housemaster,
how would you now advise me?
Goodbye, sir.
When I stopped judging myself harshly
the world was kinder to me.
Remember I told you once,
go out, look around the world?
Do that now, only this time
let the world look at you.
My friend, I assure you,
the world will like what it sees.
Cheerio, Max.
(Lark singing)
Madam? Is everything in order?
You appear to be in a position
of possible peril.
Um, no peril, thank you.
- Do you know why I'm up here?
- I don't.
It's my vantage point.
You see, from up here
I can see the fish perfectly.
Fish are so much more visible
when viewed from above.
Indeed, there have been murmurs
to this effect.
Oh! Oh!
Hold on!
Keep quite still.
Now, steady. That's it,
I've got you. Just fall.
Thank you.
- Are you all right?
- I am now.
Thank you.
Who are you?
Oh, just...someone on holiday.
Nobody really.
Nobody's nobody.
Or is nobody actually your name?
Richard Nobody? David Nobody?
Actually my name is Chipping.
I was with a walking party
but...I escaped.
They didn't want
to look at the fish, I did.
What are you, Mr Chipping?
A solicitor?
- No.
- Are you a stockbroker?
- A dentist?
- No, not a stockbroker.
Nor a dentist.
Not a stockbroker, not a dentist.
Are you a man with a cotton business
in Manchester?
No, er...I'm a teacher, I hope.
Oh, how wonderful!
(Chipping) Shelter, perhaps?
- Here, in here.
- Oh! (Giggles)
Good heavens!
- (Sighs)
- Oh, here. I have a cape.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
Do you know, a teacher is
the very best thing to be!
Well, I used to think so.
Oh, yes.
Think of
the wonderful gifts you give.
Think of the gift you gave when you
told someone where Mesopotamia is.
Or you taught someone
the length of the Nile.
- I am Latin, not geography.
- Well...
Think of the gift you give
when you teach someone Cicero.
Or Lucretius.
Do you truly think
teaching's like this?
It's terribly important.
It is the most
important thing there is.
- Madam...
- I'm not madam,
I'm Katherine Bridges and everyone
calls me Kathie, Mr Chipping.
"Mr Chipping". I expect
your pupils call you "Chips".
No, I don't believe
they call me that.
Well, I shall. How do you, Mr Chips?
- ..quite categorically.
- (Laughs)
- Is that your walking party?
- Oh.
(Man) Come along now!
There they are.
(Man) Good evening! I hope
you've something tasty for dinner.
We've a hearty set of appetites,
I promise you.
(Man) You're very lucky,
most of our rooms are booked
well in advance at this time of year.
Room 22. And do not
smoke your pipe in the bath.
(Indistinct chatter)
Ah, the celebrated Maud - that's
very convenient. I wonder if...?
Ah, the pianist!
(Woman) I'm sorry,
nobody wants to play.
They're having a soiree, they say.
We can't play with three.
Excuse me.
Forgive my intrusion but...
could you bear to make up a four?
How kind. I'd be delighted.
- I'm not very good, I'm afraid.
- Neither are we so that's splendid.
(# "Come Into The Garden, Maud")
Um... Would you mind most awfully
if I sat in that chair?
- Oh... No.
- Thank you. Thank you.
(Man, singing badly)
# Come into the garden, Maud
# For the black bat, Night, has flown
# Come into the garden, Maud
# I am here at the gate alone
(Grandly) # I am here
# At the gate alone... #
- He deserves to be there alone.
- # ..spices are wafted abroad
# And the musk of the... #
Play, young man?
No, I don't, but I am quite musical.
No, play your hand - we're waiting.
# And the planet of Love is on high #
# Beginning to faint
in the light that she loves
# On a bed of daffodil sky... #
- Your lead.
- Mm? Oh, so sorry.
# For I am here... #
- Yes?
- # the gate
# Alone #
They're grateful he's finished.
My husband was a much worse singer.
Shh! Listen.
(# Schumann: About Strange Lands
And People )
- Morning.
- Morning, sir.
Oh, good morning.
- Hello!
- I didn't know...
- Are you staying...?
- Yes, I am. It's very pleasant.
Well, you are up early.
- Much to do, Miss Bridges.
- Kathie.
- Kathie.
- Yes?
No, I was just repeating your name.
What is your "much to do", Mr Chips?
Oh, I'd heard there were
some ruins nearby.
You mean my walking party?
Well, I wondered if...
Is it possible... Could you join me?
It's not very interesting and I'm
dull company - dry as dust, I fear.
I shall join you. I shall sweep off!
Do you bicycle?
Careful. (Laughs)
- Don't look down.
- Don't look down?
I'm looking straight ahead,
does that help?
- (Kathie laughs)
- (Chipping) Oh! It's almost fun.
- Watch that...
- Whoa!
Take care!
Yes, don't you think
if you had a wife
you would respect her enough
to believe she could vote?
But women have never voted.
I fear we're too late for supper.
- I'm most awfully sorry.
- Women have a right to be doctors.
- I hope you're not too hungry.
- Oh, do stop changing the subject!
Women would make good doctors.
We're wonderful healers.
And we civilise matters.
Well, yes, I suppose,
if you put it like that, yes.
Do you like Mr George Bernard Shaw?
I have never asked myself that
question but the answer is no.
But he says wonderful things.
He says very unsettling things.
Like women should be allowed to vote?
(Both laughing)
Thank you for a wonderful day.
Oh, to the contrary, thank you for
making such a wonderful companion.
Good night.
If we were to, um...
Well, I mean, were we to meet...
Let us shake hands.
Like we did before.
You know I leave tomorrow?
Katherine, the train leaves
at twenty past seven, remember.
(Laughter indoors)
I'd no idea.
Do come and bid me goodbye.
(Horse and carriage outside)
- Morning, my dear.
- Morning.
Come along, time to be off!
(Bearded man) Katherine?
(Church bells tolling)
(Hotelier) Mr Chipping!
Miss Bridges has just left.
She asked me to give you this.
Would you mind? Thank you.
- (Horses neigh)
- (Driver) Whoa!
(Man) Good heavens!
(Second man) Gracious!
Good morning!
(Bearded man) Extraordinary!
What is the fellow doing?
(Woman) Good heavens.
I hope you're not going to
forget yourself?
I believe I already have.
(Man) Well, I never.
(Driver) Walk on.
Your bag!
Have you heard?
Chipping's got married!
That must be her.
(Man) Did he tell you, Staefel?
No, but I'd say, "Well done."
Imagine what she must look like.
I mean, marrying Chipping?
Oh, good!
Gentlemen, may I introduce
my wife, Katherine?
- Welcome, Mrs Chipping.
- Max Staefel.
- Well done, old boy.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Metcalf.
Hold that - carefully.
Wonderful, wonderful.
Now, you must be
the photography club, hello.
What is the Latin term
for "dark horse"?
I told you, my friend,
the world would like what it saw.
She is adorable.
- (Thunder rolls)
- Oh, Mrs Chipping, come.
You must all come to tea. All of you.
And you, Herr Staefel.
Now one of me.
(Chipping) The chronicles
of the Romans in Britain
were written by a scribe
with first-hand experience.
To whom do I refer?
- Yes, Colley.
- Sir, it was Tacitus.
Indeed, it was.
Who was Tacitus's father-in-law?
And Colley, please do not say,
"Well, sir, it wasn't me."
(Colley) It was Agricola, sir.
Very gratifying, Colley.
I hope you will impart this
to your brother - I failed to do so.
Good morning, Headmaster.
- (Boys) Morning, Headmaster.
- Morning, gentlemen.
Letting some fresh air
into the classroom?
- Yes, it was my wife's idea.
- Jolly good idea.
- Is she settling in?
- Very much so, sir. Still exploring.
I'd like to find something
for her to do here.
You'll find her most receptive, sir.
(Bell rings)
Gentlemen, dismissed!
Quietly, please. Festina lente.
Colley, translate, please.
- Er, hasten slowly, sir.
- As words to deeds, Colley!
(Indistinct muttering)
(Boy) I'll give you something
to really blub about.
- Come on.
- Stop it, Wallingford!
- What are you doing?
- Chipping's coming!
What is the meaning of this?
(Wheezing and coughing)
Gordon, Cooper, Park.
(Clicks fingers)
Be ashamed!
Wallingford. Fifth form prep room,
this instant!
Yes, sir.
Come here, Rushton.
Here you are, Rushton. Good boy.
Now, Anthony, I shall be very gentle.
Rushton, is there anything
you might have done
to make Wallingford think
you had provoked him in this action?
Please, sir, my mother has died
and I was blubbing, sir.
Thank you.
(Whispers) Chips, this is frightful!
Why does this boy Wallingford
do this sort of thing?
Are you going to cane him?
I don't know.
(Door opens)
(Sighs) Sit down.
What is your model in all this?
What - or who - convinces you
that this is
the behaviour of a gentleman?
Wallingford, I shall be seeing
the Headmaster this evening.
He may wish to expel you.
(Staefel humming happily)
The Headmaster likes to sit
with his elbows on the table.
So we allow him room to do so?
No, Mrs Wetherby doesn't like him
to have his elbows on the table.
So as ever you have to judge
how far he wishes to take the matter.
Therefore...we leave him room enough
to take the decision should he wish.
(Knock at door)
(Chipping clears throat)
- Soup is the most natural food.
- Oh, Max!
I believe it. It returns us
to the point whence we sprang.
- Mr Darwin says...
- Not him again.
Mr Darwin says we all rose
from a kind of primitive soup,
with all the ingredients
that make Man what he is.
- Not too much salt, I trust?
- (Laughter)
Mrs Chipping, I hope you did not
encounter Mr Darwin's soup
in your education,
which I gather was a private one?
Two governesses, Headmaster.
- Miss Flint and Miss Steel.
- Most promising names.
Thank you.
As life,
I find some of it
quite surprising, Headmaster.
My husband and I...
we loathe bullying.
(Humming, gently)
Some theorists suggest
that a great school like this
should mirror the world
the boys will encounter outside.
But...bullying is uncivilised
is it not, Headmaster?
Mrs Chipping, I find the idea
of private education intriguing.
Your governesses, were they
generalists teaching all subjects
or did they specialise?
Headmaster, forgive me,
I saw poor Rushton.
I saw him this afternoon.
Rushton? Enlighten me.
He had been most horribly bullied.
A great school like Brookfield
needs a number of hierarchies,
it helps keep order.
It's why we have prefects.
Max, he was in a dreadful state
and all because his bullies
found him weeping.
Rushton's mother had just died
and the poor boy
was being bullied for grieving.
That is unconscionable.
- Do we know the culprit?
- Wallingford, Headmaster.
I trust you caned him,
and jolly severely.
- No, Headmaster.
- Why ever not?!
It...hasn't worked in the past,
not with Wallingford, anyway.
Nor anyone else, really.
I feel he must be
a deeply unhappy child.
No, Wallingford has behaved
appallingly since he came here.
If you can't punish him,
Chipping, I can.
Headmaster, may I suggest
this is the wrong action?
- The point is...
- There must be
some means of...well,
altering Wallingford's behaviour?
I do think, Mrs Chipping,
that the running of the school
ought to be undertaken
by the teaching staff.
Headmaster, do you know the fable
of the Sun and the North Wind?
The Sun and North Wind were arguing
as to who had
the greatest powers.
"Observe that man,"
said the North Wind,
"I shall blow his coat
from his shoulders."
So the North Wind blew
but the man simply wrapped his coat
even tighter round his shoulders.
And then the Sun, gently, said,
"You've had your opportunity,
"please, allow me."
And the Sun shone,
warmer and warmer...
and the man took off his coat.
(All) Good night!
(Door closes)
Oh, Chips, have I ruined everything?
Oh, now, none of that,
of course you haven't.
I had something so good to tell you.
You're going to become...
something else.
Something new.
Oh, well...what more do I want to be?
I'm a Latin teacher and a husband...
- No!
- (Laughs)
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
- Are you certain?
- Mm-hm.
Oh, my word!
Oh, well done!
- Good morning, Mrs Chipping.
- Good morning.
- Wallingford?
- Good morning, Mrs Chipping.
Could I have a word with you?
(Kathie) It's ready!
Would you take some of this
round to Chips?
(Wallingford) Like this?
(Chipping) That's it. Very good.
Why, thank you.
- Let me give you a hand.
- Thanks.
Gentlemen, I shan't
keep you a moment.
Er, Mrs Chipping has proposed
that we invite some...girls
from Meadowland Academy
er, for a social evening.
I find the idea
rather progressive for my taste
- but perhaps it has aspects...
- Headmaster...
I don't want to stand in the way of
progress but this is a boys' school.
And furthermore,
the school is run by teachers...
- under your guidance.
- (Teachers muttering)
Headmaster, in France,
boys at a school like this
are encouraged towards social skills.
They're even taught to dance.
Well, happily we are not in France.
- (Kathie) One, two, three, four.
- (# A Wandering Minstrel)
And turn -
imagine Jonathan's a young lady.
- Chips, will you help demonstrate?
- By all means.
Always turn inwards,
in towards your partner.
Thank you, Max.
- (# A Wandering Minstrel)
- Chins up!
One, two, three, four, turn in.
Now, remember,
you are young gentlemen.
You must uphold
the reputation of this house.
- (Giggles)
- Miss Robbins.
Good evening.
Come along, girls!
(Staefel) # the river
a little tom-tit
# Sang, "Willow,
titwillow, titwillow"
# And I said to him,
"Dicky-bird..." #
(Burnley) Chips, I think I know what
you and your lady wife are up to.
(Chipping) Up to?
(Burnley) Yes.
You want to get everyone married,
just like yourselves.
Well, not me, old chap.
Not me. (Laughs)
Do you know Miss Robbins
from Meadowlands?
This is our Mr Burnley of Geography.
Excuse me.
- Miss Robbins, how do you do?
- Delighted.
# " your little inside?"
# With a shake
of his poor little head
# He replied,
# "Oh, willow, titwillow,
# "Titwillow!"
Boys! Boys, return to
your dormitory at once!
Mr Metcalf, do you dance?
Dance? Mrs Chipping...
# A wandering minstrel I
# A thing of shreds and patches
# Of ballads, songs and snatches
# And dreamy lullaby... #
Headmaster, Mrs Wetherby, welcome.
This seems to have been
most successful, Chipping.
Well, everyone seems
to be enjoying themselves.
Thank you. Good man.
# I tune my supple song... #
Mrs Chipping.
I'm also called Kathie.
Kathie...Mrs Chipping, I feel I...
I feel I do owe you an apology.
No apology is needed
when you dance so beautifully.
Chipping, a word.
# On maiden's coldness do you brood?
# I'll do so, too... #
Now, look here, Chipping,
I'm making some changes.
I want you to run Wellington House -
with Mrs Chipping, of course.
An essential cog
in the Brookfield machine now.
- Thank you, Headmaster.
- My congratulations, Mrs Chipping.
The Sun again has triumphed
over the North Wind.
Oh, thank you, Headmaster.
And you'll find Wellington House
very special.
Wellington? Oh, Chips!
- Miss Johnson.
- Thank you, Headmaster,
for allowing us the pleasure
of meeting such well-mannered boys.
The Headmaster has charged us
with Wellington House!
Congratulations, Chips!
Congratulations, Kathie!
You will also observe how Latin
informs you in other disciplines.
For example, who has not yet heard of
the geometry theorem
we call Pons Asinorum -
"the bridge...of donkeys"?
We call it this...because it is...
a bridge of learning
at which so many donkeys falter.
Second door on the left, please.
Would you both like tea?
(Boys) Yes, please, ma'am.
- Oh, my dear, let me...
- I'm all right.
I had no idea you had so many books.
You gave me that one.
We could call him Albert.
Yes, or Victoria.
- Or Edward.
- Or Edwina.
(Kathie) Alice!
(Chipping) I rather like Leopold.
(Both laugh)
(Kathie) We shall be fine.
Don't worry,
I'll tell you the good news.
Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Doctor.
(Clock chiming)
(Footsteps approaching)
- Victoria or Albert?
- My dear fellow...
- Boy or a girl?
- There were complications.
My wife is very straightforward.
- No?
- I'm sorry.
Mrs Chipping did not survive.
We tried to save both,
we saved neither.
My wife is a very heavy sleeper,
we joke...
My dear fellow! Not just yet.
And...the child, hm?
It would have been Albert.
(Door opens, closes)
He's coming! Hurry!
When he looks up
show the April Fool sign.
(Boy) Quick, hide it!
- (Boys) Good morning, sir.
- (Softly) Morning.
Er, today, gentlemen, we will return
to the familiar territory
- of the Gallic Wars.
- Please, sir...
- We shall...
- Please, sir.
You've received rather a lot
of letters, sir.
Er, book two, from the beginning.
Who shall volunteer?
"When Caesar was in yonder Gaul..."
Hither. Hither Gaul.
(Boy) "In Hither Gaul,
in winter quarters..."
Sorry I'm late, sir.
- (Inaudible)
- "..were brought to him
"and he was also informed
by letters from Labienus
"that all the Belgae,
who have said..."
- (Whispers) Mrs Chipping's dead.
- "..are a third..."
(Boy whispers)
- "..part..."
- (Boy) Dead?
(Honks horn)
Mr Ralston?! Welcome, welcome. We
were not expecting you until later.
- And you are?
- Chipping. I...
- Latin.
- Indeed, Headmaster.
Long-serving, I believe?
Therefore an excellent guide
for my tour of the school.
(Mumbles) Ah... Oh, yes.
(Staefel, indoors)
Don't look so depressed!
(Boys laugh)
(Staefel continues, indistinct)
This must be Herr...Steefel...Stifle?
Staefel. Max Staefel.
- How long has he been here?
- A wonderful teacher.
Came here straight from Oxford.
Never taught anywhere else.
Am I right that Brookfield does not
field an Officer Training Corps?
We're trying to keep violence
out of the school, not bring it in.
I would remind our Latin master
that German is a living language.
Which, of course, to many of us
remains its chief problem.
Is our esteemed chairman
in this debate
aligning himself too closely
with the traditions he teaches?
After all, the Romans
believed in dictatorship
and in the opposing
of belief and opinion
under the guise of impartiality!
Gentlemen, I shall be brief.
I've spent the last few days touching
the very fabric of Brookfield.
I regret to have to tell you
I find the fabric somewhat frayed.
We shall have some economies.
Stringent economies.
Perhaps merge a house or two.
We must all understand
that Brookfield is a school,
not a charity.
As of next term our fees will rise -
And we need to go out and persuade
people of, dare I say it,
newly substantial means
that their boys will profit
from attending Brookfield.
With this in mind
the curriculum will be modernised
to meet the needs of such,
shall we say, practical parents.
Therefore, gentlemen, change
all round. That's all for the moment.
Er, Headmaster, Brookfield has
an honourable tradition
of bursaries for boys
of humbler means...
Indeed it does. Thank you, gentlemen.
My report will be circulated.
In the meantime,
my door is always open.
Wetherby visited
the staff room often.
Mr Ralston has been once
in two months!
What on earth? (Tuts)
We shall deflect
previous forms of expenditure
into buildings for new disciplines -
science, sport - the future.
(Man) That's all very well,
Mr Ralston...
(Boy) Fix bayonets!
The target will not
be sitting, waiting,
he will run at you or away from you.
Troop! Bayonets at the ready!
By the right, quick march!
On stride! Charge!
Highcroft! Discipline this idiot!
Sorry, sir. Evans, fall in!
(Chipping) That was
beyond impertinence!
(Evans) Yes, sir.
Slowly, boys, slowly.
- (Laughing)
- One moment, please!
(Ralston) Come!
Headmaster, I wish, if possible,
to have a word.
Actually, I was wishing
a word with you.
- Do come in.
- Certainly.
He said he had Brookfield's
best interests at heart.
"Must look around to see what is
happening in the wider world.
"Climate of opinion."
he more or less asked me to resign.
- And did you?
- Of course.
I'm alarmed - dismayed -
but I'm not surprised.
What do you mean?
You must have divined
that I and the subject I teach
- have fallen from grace in England.
- You mustn't think like that!
And Brookfield must not be like that.
The King himself
is of German descent!
There's going to be a war.
None of us can help such things.
(Door opens)
Morning, Chipping.
Max Staefel must not
be allowed to leave.
- Is this your concern?
- This is monstrous!
You dismiss a fine teacher
on the grounds of prejudice!
Herr Staefel offered
his resignation.
Under appalling moral pressure!
You admit his position is difficult -
boys will be boys.
An English public school
has a duty to foster patriotism.
- Would you not agree?
- This school is above...
Herr Staefel at least realises
that if there is a war with Germany
his position will be intolerable.
Anything else?
For those of us...
like Max Staefel and myself, who have
devoted our lives to Brookfield,
your record thus far is disgraceful.
Do enlighten me, Chipping.
I have asked you more than once
how many scholarship students
we may expect this year,
I have received no answer. I suspect
you mean to cancel the bursaries.
I can tell you myself, I'm obliged
by the governors to make economies.
At Brookfield boys of lesser means
are given a wonderful chance!
Why are you destroying this?!
This is monstrous!
How old are you, Chipping?
I have no wish
nor any need to retire.
- I may not see it that way.
- I beg your pardon?
It seems to me, Headmaster,
that you do not possess the capacity
to understand or respect
the qualities inherent
in a school such as Brookfield!
Are you trying to provoke me,
I am charged
with modernising Brookfield.
We cannot adhere to styles
of education from the last century!
You do not understand them.
I find them most effective.
Not in the new Brookfield.
Sir, must all your movement be
towards the lowering of standards?!
This is intolerable!
I disagree with you profoundly
and I do not see that
I can continue to serve under you.
In that alone, Chipping,
we are of one mind.
(Boy ) Yes, boys,
I'm as upset as you are!
But we've got to think of a plan.
We must have a plan!
Do we want Chips?
(General agreement)
- Do we rally?!
- Yes, we rally!
(All) Yes, we rally! Yes, we rally!
(Boy) Are we ready?!
(All) Yes, we're ready!
Yes, we're ready! Yes, we're ready!
Yes, we're ready!
- Do we fight?!
- Yes, we fight!
- Yes, we fight!
- Gentlemen, please!
Is there not enough talk
of fighting in the world?
Sir, we're having a convocation
to prevent your departure.
Oh...really, Atkins.
All of you...
That is...most kind.
But I fear you mustn't.
- But, sir...
- No! The Headmaster has spoken.
He is charged with running
and improving the school.
His authority cannot be questioned.
We must have hierarchies.
We must have...points of reference.
I thank you but you must dismiss.
Go on.
(Staefel) Here it is now.
Shall I accompany you to the station?
No, thank you. No.
(Boy) Drill in five minutes!
Does your cousin have need of a...
slightly experienced Latin master?
My dearest Chipping,
I greatly appreciate
the sacrifice you have made
but you must retract your position.
I beg of you, reconsider, please.
Do it for me.
Too late, I fear.
(Ralston) Sir John.
Max, you're a marvellous friend.
Please...take good care of yourself.
(Ralston) He has become
a focus of discontent.
The boys are openly rebellious.
I've known him eccentric
but never dramatic.
Suppose we allowed
a limited number of bursaries?
- You mean I should back down?!
- No. No, my dear fellow.
The governors wish me
to surrender to insubordination?
No, of course not,
the governors do understand.
It's just... I just worry.
Chips has taught
generations of some families.
I showed him round on his first day.
Sir John, the boys and the masters
are all aware of this confrontation.
Were Chipping to be reinstated,
my authority...
No leader governs by ultimatum,
as you know,
but in this case,
I fear it has come to a choice.
Morning, school.
(Boys, mumbling)
Good morning, Headmaster.
Good morning, school.
(Boys, slightly clearer)
Good morning, Headmaster.
In the few weeks I've been here
we've achieved a great deal.
But there's more to do. Some of you
may recognise our guest today.
A pleasant surprise,
the chairman of our governors,
Sir John Rivers.
I'm sure he will have a few words
to say to us
about the necessary changes
which Brookfield must now embrace.
Sir John.
Good morning, gentlemen.
My time at Brookfield shaped my life
and I'm pleased and proud to be
here today to acknowledge that.
The headmaster has spoken of change
and we must all embrace change,
however unpleasant.
But we at Brookfield must also
be aware of that sense of continuity
and tradition
that has made us what we are -
As you are aware, one of the pillars
of the school has been your -
and my - Latin teacher, Mr Chipping.
You are also aware that
we have been in danger of losing him.
I now invite him
to change his decision.
And to confirm that he will
stay with us by leading us all
in the school prayer.
(Boys whispering excitedly)
You have placed me
in an impossible position.
You've done that for yourself.
(Boy) Come on, sir!
(2nd boy) Yes, sir!
(Boy) Chips!
(Boys begin chanting) Chips! Chips!
(All boys chanting and stamping feet)
Chips! Chips! Chips!
(Chanting stops)
O Lord,
shine your light
on Brookfield school...
(All) ..on her teachers
and on her students.
Grant us the enlightenment
of eternal knowledge
that we may proceed
along a path of learning
that has been illuminated
with your grace.
- Amen.
- (All) Amen.
Colley, isn't it?
Yes, yes,
I always recognise a Colley.
How are you, sir?
Oh, my dear fellow.
The mud is grey...
not brown like ours.
It makes sucking noises...
It sucks men down.
You're not supposed to drown in mud,
you're supposed to drown in water.
(Machine guns)
(Colley) 'Lost a boot, sir.
'Stepped on something.
'His body, sir.'
(Chipping) 'School, we have informed
the War Ministry in London
'that we have ploughed
our playing fields
'and we now await their directions
'as to which crops
we shall be required to grow.'
(Rivers) Come in!
Oh! Gentlemen. Heavens. Sir John.
- Hello, sir.
- Oh, it's young Sexton, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
More down to earth than I remember.
Yes. I avoid roofs, sir.
So good to see you.
Shall we all sit down?
Mr Chipping, we want to thank you.
Since Mr Ralston decided
to rejoin his regiment,
you've accepted extra
responsibilities at a difficult time
- and we appreciate your efforts.
- (All agree)
We know that retirement
could and should be your reward...
but my fellow governors and I
would like formally to offer you
the position of
Headmaster of Brookfield.
It's an appointment
that's long overdue.
I shall be honoured.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- (Knock at door)
- Come in.
(Boy) Good morning, Headmaster.
(Chipping) Yes, it is rather, it is.
Pet centipede, Callender?
- Sir?
- All these pigs.
- Sir, I fag for Beccles.
- Oh-oh, please,
don't tell me, Callender.
(Humming happily)
(Man) And do you know why?
The quartermaster had a wooden leg!
Beccles, make me some toast.
Lancaster, see if you can't
put a shine on these pigs.
Sir...we don't fag.
- We're not...
- Precisely.
Nobody fags for me
and I'm more senior than you.
Pass it on.
(Drill Sergeant
yelling indistinctly outside)
You wanted to see me, Headmaster?
Yes, come in, Morgan.
This wretched war has taken
such a heavy toll on everyone.
There isn't an easy way
to say this, Morgan.
I've received news that your father
has been killed in action.
I'm so sorry.
I feel certain
that he made a fine soldier.
He was a fine student.
Brilliant linguist.
He spoke perfect German.
He had a good teacher.
I hate Germans! I hate them all!
I'm so sorry.
'It is a matter of pride,
but also sad,
'I fear I must announce
the death of more Brookfeldians
'who died fighting
for King and country.
'Captain Robert Mitchell Rivers,
'a previous head boy of this school
'and the eldest son of Sir John
Rivers, our chairman of governors.'
Subaltern Andrew Anthony Grenville
of the Suffolk Regiment,
killed in action at the Somme.
'Edward Charles Peter Hawthorne,
'captain in the 1st Somerset Light
Infantry, commendation for bravery,
'mortally wounded at the Somme.
'Lieutenant Michael Jeremy Atkins,
'missing in action with
the Grenadier Guards, presumed dead.
'Lieutenant Colonel
Stephen Charles Alderdyce,
'119th Battalion
of the Royal Field Artillery,
'special commendation for bravery,
killed in action.
'Captain James Asquith Highcroft,
Oxford and Buckingham Light Infantry,
'missing in action, presumed dead.
'Lieutenant Colonel George Arthur
Wallingford, Lancashire Fusiliers,
'missing in action.
'Captain Robert William Willis,
Royal Engineers, missing in action.
'Lieutenant Colonel John Henry
Rinehart, Royal Horse Artillery,
'killed in action. Second
Lieutenant Graham Sidney Evans...'
(Man ) 'Ebbersley, Ferguson...'
And finally I regret
that I have to announce
the sad death of a beloved colleague
and a fine teacher.
Those of us who knew him
will be sorry to hear
that Maximillian Friedmann Staefel
- was killed two weeks ago.
- (Muttering) Filthy Hun.
This school...owes him much.
Such capacities as a teacher -
and human being -
must not be clouded
by issues of nationality
even in such crucial times.
Individuals are not nations.
Let us remember Max Staefel.
Let us remember them all
in our thoughts.
Today we will call upon Mr Gibbon
and his Decline And Fall
Of The Roman Empire
to show us
that history repeats itself.
Will you turn, please,
to chapter nine of volume two.
(Aeroplane engine)
Wars and the administration
of public affairs
are the principal subjects
of history.
Thank you, Warburton.
Who will continue? Mr Lancaster.
"But the number of persons interested
in these scenes is different..."
(Machine-gun fire)
"..according to the different
condition of mankind."
(Bomb explodes)
Now what Mr Gibbon is saying here,
or is about to say...
(Aeroplane passing, explosion)
..and Mr Gibbon would hope for
fewer lightnings from the gods
when saying so,
is that people who are calm
and occupied in peaceful countries
never make war.
Continue please, Mr Lancaster.
"But the state
of freedom and barbarism,
- "the season of civil commotions..."
- (Machine-gun fire)
"raises almost every member
of the community into action
"and consequently into notice."
(Bullets ricochet)
Gentlemen, take cover
under your desks!
(Machine-gun fire)
(Aeroplanes fade)
Now, gentlemen, this next passage
I count important enough
to have you repeat after me.
"The irregular division
and restless motions"
(Boys) "The irregular division
and restless motions"
- "of the people of Germany"
- (Boys) "of the people of Germany"
"dazzle our imaginations
and seem to multiply their numbers."
(Boys) "Dazzle our imaginations
and seem to multiply their numbers."
(Chipping) "The profuse
enumeration of kings"
- (Crash)
- (Boys yelling)
Stay put, boys!
Nobody get out from the desks!
Stay there! Nobody move!
(Boy) It's one of theirs!
(All yelling excitedly)
(Bells ringing, whistles blowing)
- Hier sind Sie in Sicherheit.
- Danke...sagte...
(Distant cheering)
(Chipping) The German boy sent me
a letter when the war was over.
I recall thinking at the time
that he was a sixth former somewhere.
- They lost their young men too.
- We all lost someone.
(Doctor) Is it true you gave him
walnut cake with pink icing?
Mm. My late wife, Katherine,
believed it improved people.
I think she was right.
Wonderful to have
the photography club.
Do you remember Staefel?
I'm certain he would have been here
for today's celebrations.
Beautiful singing voice.
I think that's why old Wetherby
was so fond of him.
Chips, how are you feeling today?
I'm hale again, thank you.
I, er... I do feel, sir, that
you ought not to overdo it today.
Let us...celebrate our history.
- My dear Sexton.
- Sir, you haven't met my wife.
Darling, this is...
Well, you know who this is.
I've heard so much about you!
Thank you.
- Hello, Chips.
- Sir. It's Callender. How are you?
Callender is single-handedly
responsible for the end of fagging.
My dear...Colley!
I'm so very pleased to see you.
It's so good to see you, sir.
Why don't you have a seat, sir?
Yes. (Breathing heavily)
I think I will, thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
And now, Mr Chipping -
Chips -
the very first copy of
the new history of Brookfield School
with all our best wishes.
(Man) - Well done, sir.
- Thank you.
Sir. Sir, I hope you remember me,
I'm Rushton.
Of course I do! Rushton.
How very nice to see you.
How are you?
I'm awfully well, sir.
I'd love you to meet my daughter.
She knows all about you
and, er, Mrs Chipping.
I've called her Kathie.
You see, Chips, everyone loves you.
(Doctor) My father attended his wife.
(Rivers) They were very happy
by all accounts.
So sad, they never had any children.
Oh? But I do have children.
Hundreds of them.
All boys.
Come along!
In before the bell!
(Hand bell ringing)
(Man) Howzat!
(Second man) Well fielded!
(Man) Keep the pace up!
(Man) No running!
Good Lord. Where do you imagine
this one's from?
By Jove. Those ears!
You think his mama used them
to hoist him out of his crib?
- Sir? Follow me to the Headmaster.
- Thank you.
We've never had
a Chipping here.
Indeed, Headmaster?
It's Chipping as in Chipping Norton.
Or if you prefer, Chipping Camden.
I've never been to Chipping Norton
or to Chipping Camden.
Which, as you say, I may well prefer.
Now, the agency says
you're worth a second chance.
And here at Brookfield we believe
in giving the second chance.
The boys are, I warn you,
most energetic.
And if in your previous school
discipline proved a problem...?
- If I might explain...
- The fact is, Chipping,
our Latin master's gone,
came into a huge inheritance,
but there's still a month of term.
Ideal trial period!
We can always think again,
I mean, after that.
Can you take the Lower Fifth now?
Declensions, conjugations -
- no striving necessary.
- Yes. Thank you, Headmaster.
Thank you, Chipping,
we are rather desperate.
(Headmaster) Ah, Rivers. Good man.
Mr Chipping is taking the Lower
Fifth. Would you show him there?
- Yes, Headmaster.
- (Door opens)
We'll get you accustomed
to Brookfield's language
or you shan't know
what we're talking about.
A boy shan't ask for a glass of milk,
it's "a tot of dolly."
He mustn't wear "gutties" in dorm,
"gutties" are for cricket.
Nor can a boy wear his "pigs" in dorm
either - "pigs" are his boots.
- (Chattering)
- (Rivers) Walk!
The Upper Third. Like all
young beasts they need restraint.
Henshaw, you burnt
my toast again today.
Sorry, Rivers! I won't do it again!
That suggests you did it
You should say,
"I shan't let it happen again."
I shan't let it happen again,
Rivers! Ow!
The standard of fagging this year
is deplorable.
This is Mr Chipping.
He will take you for Latin.
All the books you shall need -
in the drawer. Sir.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
(Boys) Good afternoon, sir.
(Chipping) Possum - I can.
Potes - you can.
- Potest...
- (Thud)
May I enquire as to the nature
of your unannounced recreation?
(Boy) Please, sir,
he's playing possum.
- "Playing possum"?
- Like opossum - the animal, sir.
He's pretending to be dead, sir.
Take 100 lines and resume your desk.
Sir, I can't,
I hurt my arm when I fell.
200 lines, and sit, please.
Oh, I think... I feel ill
(Imitates vomiting)
(Boys groan)
300 lines, after school,
in this classroom.
(Pretending to cry)
(Boys) Ohh...
500 lines and sit!
- Oh, no, sir...
- Right!
- Get back here!
- (Boys cheering and banging)
(Muffled shouting and banging)
Get back here, boy!
Go on, Colley, run!
Where is your honour?!
Is this the spirit of Brookfield?
From two o'clock tomorrow every boy
will come to my office for caning.
Alphabetical order,
one boy every five minutes.
Resume your books.
Er, the staff room, I think.
- Good afternoon.
- Afternoon.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Burnley, Geography.
- Chipping, Latin.
- Glass of brandy?
- Thank you, no.
(German accent) What was that row?
Hello! I'm Staefel. I do German.
Chipping. I do Latin, I hope.
Was that your baptism of fire?
I say, if you're Latin
it's your night for Prep.
Ah, Metcalf, a change of plan.
- Could you possibly take Prep?
- Headmaster, please!
In the light of the scene
I just witnessed...
Headmaster, you've only just put
my name down. I should dearly hope...
A second chance, I believe you said,
Headmaster? That at Brookfield, er...
- Forgive me, I've already asked...
- Headmaster,
if the boys hear their behaviour
proved coercive...
Oh, very well. As you were.
- Metcalf.
- How do you do?
Hm. (Chuckles)
They put a pigeon in my desk
on my first day.
Said it was a homing pigeon.
Called it Friedrich.
I do know how to teach.
You have some hours before Prep.
Go out, out there under the sky.
Look around.
What is the saying? "Distance lends
enchantment to the view."
Go out, come back refreshed.
(Boy) Bravo!
- Bravo!
- Hard luck.
Seeking inspiration?
No, sir!
Henshaw, isn't it?
What are you doing?
Sir, a prefect gave me a ha'penny
to pay for an errand
and I've lost it, sir.
If I don't find it he'll thrash me.
Well, you should be more careful,
shouldn't you?
Be more careful with that, hm?
Thank you, sir!
- Howzat!
- (Scattered applause)
- Chater. Cherry.
- Yes, sir.
- Clarke. Cochrane.
- Yes, sir.
- Colley. Copeland.
- Yes, sir.
- Deverill. Dexter.
- Yes, sir.
Would the boy at the head of
the table behind me please stand up?
- Do you mean me, sir?
- I do, yes.
- What is your name?
- Colley, sir.
Is not a "Colley" a dog?
(Boys sniggering)
When I was a boy
I had a dog of that breed.
His name was Rover.
Very well...Rover,
for slamming down your book twice
and denying other boys
their right to study,
you will stay behind, and in your
detention you will write 100 times,
"A dog will never behave like a boy
"but a boy
will sometimes behave like a dog."
- (Laughter)
- In Latin.
I shall be interested
in your translation.
Well now, Rover... Sit!
(Man) Get a move on, you chaps!
(Man) Go to it, hounds!
Bailey. Eastham. Bell. Watson.
Hope you're getting them all!
When you consider that
Metcalf is a housemaster
does one want to be a housemaster?
Pick those feet up, Brookfield men!
- Pick those feet up!
- Still, I should like to be asked.
So should I. Good, keep going!
Collins, well done.
But I shan't get it, I have become
philosophical about my ambition.
It makes me avoid disappointment.
Have we done?
Er, yes, I think so...
Oh, no, Alderdyce.
(Gasping and coughing)
(Chipping) Oh!
That's enough.
Let's get you back, Alderdyce.
Please, sir, I want to run. (Coughs)
- Don't talk nonsense.
- Watch out.
Get back on the trail at once!
Chipping, what are you doing?
Oh, come on, he's been in
the sanatorium since Term Day.
Do not mollycoddle him!
Do you want him to be ill again?
No, this is not good.
Very well.
Alderdyce, be a milksop.
See how that will profit you.
Really, Metcalf!
- Come on, Alderdyce.
- (Metcalf) Come on, boys!
Alderdyce is on holiday!
Fifteen minutes
to full change, everyone!
Well done, Hounds.
Very well done.
Well done, Hare - where are you?
Jolly good trail. Well done.
- So well done everyone.
- Thanks.
Or nearly everyone.
And expect Cicero. They're obsessed
with Cicero at Cambridge.
Yes, sir.
You should feel very confident,
I've not had a student
who prepared so thoroughly.
Come on, Hawthorne, what is it?
Sir, I've been a scholarship boy
at Brookfield
and been made to feel pretty low
on account of it.
Hawthorne, scholarships
honour the intellect.
Our bursaries here make Brookfield
very, very special to me.
But sir, everyone here knows
they only go the unwealthy.
And everyone at Cambridge
will know that too.
Doesn't the quality of the mind
outweigh all social considerations?
When you graduate from Cambridge,
and you shall gain entry,
then I am certain you shall graduate
with distinction,
help whom you can
to use their minds well.
That will level the score, hm?
(Floor creaks)
Ow! Get off!
Get off! Ow!
(Banging from outside)
Cease this!
Now would be a good time
to feel ashamed, gentlemen.
Sir, this is our house initiation.
It's barbaric, Rinehart. Barbaric!
I've said so before
and I shall go on saying it
- until good behaviour supervenes.
- But, sir, I was barrelled.
Precisely! And it made you
a barbarian! Now get to your house!
- Alderdyce.
- Sir...
Come along.
(Metcalf) Come on, come on!
Straight to bed.
What is this?
Chipping, what have you done now?
- Alderdyce, were you barrelled?
- Yes, sir.
You have to stay there until fetched.
Now you have to do it again.
Please, sir, it wasn't my fault, sir.
Alderdyce is innocent in this.
Alderdyce, go to bed.
Put some dry clothes on, Alderdyce.
Did you halt the barrelling?
- Interest omnium recte facere.
- Speak English!
It is for the good of all
to do right.
I am Alderdyce's housemaster,
not you!
(Whispers) Good luck, Hawthorne.
Ah, Chipping.
Beastly this waiting, isn't it?
The housemaster thing.
Not for me.
I've no wish to spend every day
of every week, month, year, decade
mollycoddling the little beasts.
Can you imagine?
Runny noses, stomach aches - urgh!
Not for me,
I've told the headmaster as much.
- Oh?
- Oh, no, I didn't mean...
- It'd be quite the thing for you.
- Oh, no. Yes.
Hey! Give it back!
- Give it back!
- Over here!
It's not funny!
(Excited laughter and shouting)
- Oh, no!
- We've lost that.
(Boy) What's going on?
(2nd boy) Someone's on the roof!
(3rd boy) Come on,
you're nearly there!
(Boy) Oh, well done!
- Hang on, Sexton!
- Be careful!
- Sexton!
- (Screams)
- He's safe, sir.
- Well, fetch a ladder! Quickly!
Sexton! Are you all right?
- Yes!
- Hold still! Do not move a muscle!
(Boy) Sexton, hold on!
(Excited chatter)
Here! What is going on?
A patch of misdemeanour, Headmaster.
A boater, a roof
and a boy who ought to know better.
Address it, would you, Mr Chipping?
I shall want to know.
Main prep room, Sexton. Ten minutes.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
(Knock at door)
Close the door, Sexton.
Come and stand in front of me.
Put your boater down.
Raise both arms and hold them out
with the palm upward.
Now, it is a distinct contravention
of Brookfield rubric to climb a roof.
Why, Sexton?
Because danger lies inherent.
Therefore I must address
this wilful misdemeanour of yours.
You heard the Headmaster, hm?
Very well.
(Whispers) Get out, Sexton.
Thank you, sir.
(Door opens, closes)
I'm in! Cambridge has accepted me.
- I'm in.
- Oh, well done, Hawthorne.
- That's wonderful news. Well done!
- No, sir, well done to you.
In life there are matters of
character and matters of behaviour.
Passing that examination
was a matter of good character.
Highest praise, Hawthorne.
- (Knock at door)
- Er, come in!
- You sent for me, Headmaster?
- Ah, yes, Chipping.
Do sit down.
I sent for you regarding the position
of the new housemaster.
- Yes, Headmaster.
- It's a position of some gravity.
The position requires
an egregious range of values.
Duties in a house extend
far beyond those of a classroom.
A different dedication,
a redirected perception and so forth.
You do not, I feel sure,
require a recital.
Indeed, I find myself so in agreement
that a recital would be superfluous.
Good, I'm grateful.
So, bearing in mind all things,
I've offered the position to Staefel.
Yes, Headmaster. An excellent choice.
Thank you, Chipping.
That will be all, Chipping.
Headmaster, may I enquire
as to why...?
I mean, so to speak,
why I was not chosen?
Do you know, Chipping,
I sometimes think
that giving reasons for one's actions
is a rather futile gesture.
You do understand
what I mean, don't you?
Yes, Headmaster. Thank you.
(Boy) Come on!
(Indistinct chatter)
Alderdyce! Alderdyce, come here!
I haven't seen you since your ordeal.
How are you?
- You going home for the hols?
- Please, sir...
Come on, Alderdyce - race you!
I wish I were going with you.
You will be careful?
I must avoid being careful, Max,
it has availed me little.
Nor, if I'm truthful,
has being careless proven useful.
If you were my housemaster,
how would you now advise me?
Goodbye, sir.
When I stopped judging myself harshly
the world was kinder to me.
Remember I told you once,
go out, look around the world?
Do that now, only this time
let the world look at you.
My friend, I assure you,
the world will like what it sees.
Cheerio, Max.
(Lark singing)
Madam? Is everything in order?
You appear to be in a position
of possible peril.
Um, no peril, thank you.
- Do you know why I'm up here?
- I don't.
It's my vantage point.
You see, from up here
I can see the fish perfectly.
Fish are so much more visible
when viewed from above.
Indeed, there have been murmurs
to this effect.
Oh! Oh!
Hold on!
Keep quite still.
Now, steady. That's it,
I've got you. Just fall.
Thank you.
- Are you all right?
- I am now.
Thank you.
Who are you?
Oh, just...someone on holiday.
Nobody really.
Nobody's nobody.
Or is nobody actually your name?
Richard Nobody? David Nobody?
Actually my name is Chipping.
I was with a walking party
but...I escaped.
They didn't want
to look at the fish, I did.
What are you, Mr Chipping?
A solicitor?
- No.
- Are you a stockbroker?
- A dentist?
- No, not a stockbroker.
Nor a dentist.
Not a stockbroker, not a dentist.
Are you a man with a cotton business
in Manchester?
No, er...I'm a teacher, I hope.
Oh, how wonderful!
(Chipping) Shelter, perhaps?
- Here, in here.
- Oh! (Giggles)
Good heavens!
- (Sighs)
- Oh, here. I have a cape.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
Do you know, a teacher is
the very best thing to be!
Well, I used to think so.
Oh, yes.
Think of
the wonderful gifts you give.
Think of the gift you gave when you
told someone where Mesopotamia is.
Or you taught someone
the length of the Nile.
- I am Latin, not geography.
- Well...
Think of the gift you give
when you teach someone Cicero.
Or Lucretius.
Do you truly think
teaching's like this?
It's terribly important.
It is the most
important thing there is.
- Madam...
- I'm not madam,
I'm Katherine Bridges and everyone
calls me Kathie, Mr Chipping.
"Mr Chipping". I expect
your pupils call you "Chips".
No, I don't believe
they call me that.
Well, I shall. How do you, Mr Chips?
- ..quite categorically.
- (Laughs)
- Is that your walking party?
- Oh.
(Man) Come along now!
There they are.
(Man) Good evening! I hope
you've something tasty for dinner.
We've a hearty set of appetites,
I promise you.
(Man) You're very lucky,
most of our rooms are booked
well in advance at this time of year.
Room 22. And do not
smoke your pipe in the bath.
(Indistinct chatter)
Ah, the celebrated Maud - that's
very convenient. I wonder if...?
Ah, the pianist!
(Woman) I'm sorry,
nobody wants to play.
They're having a soiree, they say.
We can't play with three.
Excuse me.
Forgive my intrusion but...
could you bear to make up a four?
How kind. I'd be delighted.
- I'm not very good, I'm afraid.
- Neither are we so that's splendid.
(# "Come Into The Garden, Maud")
Um... Would you mind most awfully
if I sat in that chair?
- Oh... No.
- Thank you. Thank you.
(Man, singing badly)
# Come into the garden, Maud
# For the black bat, Night, has flown
# Come into the garden, Maud
# I am here at the gate alone
(Grandly) # I am here
# At the gate alone... #
- He deserves to be there alone.
- # ..spices are wafted abroad
# And the musk of the... #
Play, young man?
No, I don't, but I am quite musical.
No, play your hand - we're waiting.
# And the planet of Love is on high #
# Beginning to faint
in the light that she loves
# On a bed of daffodil sky... #
- Your lead.
- Mm? Oh, so sorry.
# For I am here... #
- Yes?
- # the gate
# Alone #
They're grateful he's finished.
My husband was a much worse singer.
Shh! Listen.
(# Schumann: About Strange Lands
And People )
- Morning.
- Morning, sir.
Oh, good morning.
- Hello!
- I didn't know...
- Are you staying...?
- Yes, I am. It's very pleasant.
Well, you are up early.
- Much to do, Miss Bridges.
- Kathie.
- Kathie.
- Yes?
No, I was just repeating your name.
What is your "much to do", Mr Chips?
Oh, I'd heard there were
some ruins nearby.
You mean my walking party?
Well, I wondered if...
Is it possible... Could you join me?
It's not very interesting and I'm
dull company - dry as dust, I fear.
I shall join you. I shall sweep off!
Do you bicycle?
Careful. (Laughs)
- Don't look down.
- Don't look down?
I'm looking straight ahead,
does that help?
- (Kathie laughs)
- (Chipping) Oh! It's almost fun.
- Watch that...
- Whoa!
Take care!
Yes, don't you think
if you had a wife
you would respect her enough
to believe she could vote?
But women have never voted.
I fear we're too late for supper.
- I'm most awfully sorry.
- Women have a right to be doctors.
- I hope you're not too hungry.
- Oh, do stop changing the subject!
Women would make good doctors.
We're wonderful healers.
And we civilise matters.
Well, yes, I suppose,
if you put it like that, yes.
Do you like Mr George Bernard Shaw?
I have never asked myself that
question but the answer is no.
But he says wonderful things.
He says very unsettling things.
Like women should be allowed to vote?
(Both laughing)
Thank you for a wonderful day.
Oh, to the contrary, thank you for
making such a wonderful companion.
Good night.
If we were to, um...
Well, I mean, were we to meet...
Let us shake hands.
Like we did before.
You know I leave tomorrow?
Katherine, the train leaves
at twenty past seven, remember.
(Laughter indoors)
I'd no idea.
Do come and bid me goodbye.
(Horse and carriage outside)
- Morning, my dear.
- Morning.
Come along, time to be off!
(Bearded man) Katherine?
(Church bells tolling)
(Hotelier) Mr Chipping!
Miss Bridges has just left.
She asked me to give you this.
Would you mind? Thank you.
- (Horses neigh)
- (Driver) Whoa!
(Man) Good heavens!
(Second man) Gracious!
Good morning!
(Bearded man) Extraordinary!
What is the fellow doing?
(Woman) Good heavens.
I hope you're not going to
forget yourself?
I believe I already have.
(Man) Well, I never.
(Driver) Walk on.
Your bag!
Have you heard?
Chipping's got married!
That must be her.
(Man) Did he tell you, Staefel?
No, but I'd say, "Well done."
Imagine what she must look like.
I mean, marrying Chipping?
Oh, good!
Gentlemen, may I introduce
my wife, Katherine?
- Welcome, Mrs Chipping.
- Max Staefel.
- Well done, old boy.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Metcalf.
Hold that - carefully.
Wonderful, wonderful.
Now, you must be
the photography club, hello.
What is the Latin term
for "dark horse"?
I told you, my friend,
the world would like what it saw.
She is adorable.
- (Thunder rolls)
- Oh, Mrs Chipping, come.
You must all come to tea. All of you.
And you, Herr Staefel.
Now one of me.
(Chipping) The chronicles
of the Romans in Britain
were written by a scribe
with first-hand experience.
To whom do I refer?
- Yes, Colley.
- Sir, it was Tacitus.
Indeed, it was.
Who was Tacitus's father-in-law?
And Colley, please do not say,
"Well, sir, it wasn't me."
(Colley) It was Agricola, sir.
Very gratifying, Colley.
I hope you will impart this
to your brother - I failed to do so.
Good morning, Headmaster.
- (Boys) Morning, Headmaster.
- Morning, gentlemen.
Letting some fresh air
into the classroom?
- Yes, it was my wife's idea.
- Jolly good idea.
- Is she settling in?
- Very much so, sir. Still exploring.
I'd like to find something
for her to do here.
You'll find her most receptive, sir.
(Bell rings)
Gentlemen, dismissed!
Quietly, please. Festina lente.
Colley, translate, please.
- Er, hasten slowly, sir.
- As words to deeds, Colley!
(Indistinct muttering)
(Boy) I'll give you something
to really blub about.
- Come on.
- Stop it, Wallingford!
- What are you doing?
- Chipping's coming!
What is the meaning of this?
(Wheezing and coughing)
Gordon, Cooper, Park.
(Clicks fingers)
Be ashamed!
Wallingford. Fifth form prep room,
this instant!
Yes, sir.
Come here, Rushton.
Here you are, Rushton. Good boy.
Now, Anthony, I shall be very gentle.
Rushton, is there anything
you might have done
to make Wallingford think
you had provoked him in this action?
Please, sir, my mother has died
and I was blubbing, sir.
Thank you.
(Whispers) Chips, this is frightful!
Why does this boy Wallingford
do this sort of thing?
Are you going to cane him?
I don't know.
(Door opens)
(Sighs) Sit down.
What is your model in all this?
What - or who - convinces you
that this is
the behaviour of a gentleman?
Wallingford, I shall be seeing
the Headmaster this evening.
He may wish to expel you.
(Staefel humming happily)
The Headmaster likes to sit
with his elbows on the table.
So we allow him room to do so?
No, Mrs Wetherby doesn't like him
to have his elbows on the table.
So as ever you have to judge
how far he wishes to take the matter.
Therefore...we leave him room enough
to take the decision should he wish.
(Knock at door)
(Chipping clears throat)
- Soup is the most natural food.
- Oh, Max!
I believe it. It returns us
to the point whence we sprang.
- Mr Darwin says...
- Not him again.
Mr Darwin says we all rose
from a kind of primitive soup,
with all the ingredients
that make Man what he is.
- Not too much salt, I trust?
- (Laughter)
Mrs Chipping, I hope you did not
encounter Mr Darwin's soup
in your education,
which I gather was a private one?
Two governesses, Headmaster.
- Miss Flint and Miss Steel.
- Most promising names.
Thank you.
As life,
I find some of it
quite surprising, Headmaster.
My husband and I...
we loathe bullying.
(Humming, gently)
Some theorists suggest
that a great school like this
should mirror the world
the boys will encounter outside.
But...bullying is uncivilised
is it not, Headmaster?
Mrs Chipping, I find the idea
of private education intriguing.
Your governesses, were they
generalists teaching all subjects
or did they specialise?
Headmaster, forgive me,
I saw poor Rushton.
I saw him this afternoon.
Rushton? Enlighten me.
He had been most horribly bullied.
A great school like Brookfield
needs a number of hierarchies,
it helps keep order.
It's why we have prefects.
Max, he was in a dreadful state
and all because his bullies
found him weeping.
Rushton's mother had just died
and the poor boy
was being bullied for grieving.
That is unconscionable.
- Do we know the culprit?
- Wallingford, Headmaster.
I trust you caned him,
and jolly severely.
- No, Headmaster.
- Why ever not?!
It...hasn't worked in the past,
not with Wallingford, anyway.
Nor anyone else, really.
I feel he must be
a deeply unhappy child.
No, Wallingford has behaved
appallingly since he came here.
If you can't punish him,
Chipping, I can.
Headmaster, may I suggest
this is the wrong action?
- The point is...
- There must be
some means of...well,
altering Wallingford's behaviour?
I do think, Mrs Chipping,
that the running of the school
ought to be undertaken
by the teaching staff.
Headmaster, do you know the fable
of the Sun and the North Wind?
The Sun and North Wind were arguing
as to who had
the greatest powers.
"Observe that man,"
said the North Wind,
"I shall blow his coat
from his shoulders."
So the North Wind blew
but the man simply wrapped his coat
even tighter round his shoulders.
And then the Sun, gently, said,
"You've had your opportunity,
"please, allow me."
And the Sun shone,
warmer and warmer...
and the man took off his coat.
(All) Good night!
(Door closes)
Oh, Chips, have I ruined everything?
Oh, now, none of that,
of course you haven't.
I had something so good to tell you.
You're going to become...
something else.
Something new.
Oh, well...what more do I want to be?
I'm a Latin teacher and a husband...
- No!
- (Laughs)
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
- Are you certain?
- Mm-hm.
Oh, my word!
Oh, well done!
- Good morning, Mrs Chipping.
- Good morning.
- Wallingford?
- Good morning, Mrs Chipping.
Could I have a word with you?
(Kathie) It's ready!
Would you take some of this
round to Chips?
(Wallingford) Like this?
(Chipping) That's it. Very good.
Why, thank you.
- Let me give you a hand.
- Thanks.
Gentlemen, I shan't
keep you a moment.
Er, Mrs Chipping has proposed
that we invite some...girls
from Meadowland Academy
er, for a social evening.
I find the idea
rather progressive for my taste
- but perhaps it has aspects...
- Headmaster...
I don't want to stand in the way of
progress but this is a boys' school.
And furthermore,
the school is run by teachers...
- under your guidance.
- (Teachers muttering)
Headmaster, in France,
boys at a school like this
are encouraged towards social skills.
They're even taught to dance.
Well, happily we are not in France.
- (Kathie) One, two, three, four.
- (# A Wandering Minstrel)
And turn -
imagine Jonathan's a young lady.
- Chips, will you help demonstrate?
- By all means.
Always turn inwards,
in towards your partner.
Thank you, Max.
- (# A Wandering Minstrel)
- Chins up!
One, two, three, four, turn in.
Now, remember,
you are young gentlemen.
You must uphold
the reputation of this house.
- (Giggles)
- Miss Robbins.
Good evening.
Come along, girls!
(Staefel) # the river
a little tom-tit
# Sang, "Willow,
titwillow, titwillow"
# And I said to him,
"Dicky-bird..." #
(Burnley) Chips, I think I know what
you and your lady wife are up to.
(Chipping) Up to?
(Burnley) Yes.
You want to get everyone married,
just like yourselves.
Well, not me, old chap.
Not me. (Laughs)
Do you know Miss Robbins
from Meadowlands?
This is our Mr Burnley of Geography.
Excuse me.
- Miss Robbins, how do you do?
- Delighted.
# " your little inside?"
# With a shake
of his poor little head
# He replied,
# "Oh, willow, titwillow,
# "Titwillow!"
Boys! Boys, return to
your dormitory at once!
Mr Metcalf, do you dance?
Dance? Mrs Chipping...
# A wandering minstrel I
# A thing of shreds and patches
# Of ballads, songs and snatches
# And dreamy lullaby... #
Headmaster, Mrs Wetherby, welcome.
This seems to have been
most successful, Chipping.
Well, everyone seems
to be enjoying themselves.
Thank you. Good man.
# I tune my supple song... #
Mrs Chipping.
I'm also called Kathie.
Kathie...Mrs Chipping, I feel I...
I feel I do owe you an apology.
No apology is needed
when you dance so beautifully.
Chipping, a word.
# On maiden's coldness do you brood?
# I'll do so, too... #
Now, look here, Chipping,
I'm making some changes.
I want you to run Wellington House -
with Mrs Chipping, of course.
An essential cog
in the Brookfield machine now.
- Thank you, Headmaster.
- My congratulations, Mrs Chipping.
The Sun again has triumphed
over the North Wind.
Oh, thank you, Headmaster.
And you'll find Wellington House
very special.
Wellington? Oh, Chips!
- Miss Johnson.
- Thank you, Headmaster,
for allowing us the pleasure
of meeting such well-mannered boys.
The Headmaster has charged us
with Wellington House!
Congratulations, Chips!
Congratulations, Kathie!
You will also observe how Latin
informs you in other disciplines.
For example, who has not yet heard of
the geometry theorem
we call Pons Asinorum -
"the bridge...of donkeys"?
We call it this...because it is...
a bridge of learning
at which so many donkeys falter.
Second door on the left, please.
Would you both like tea?
(Boys) Yes, please, ma'am.
- Oh, my dear, let me...
- I'm all right.
I had no idea you had so many books.
You gave me that one.
We could call him Albert.
Yes, or Victoria.
- Or Edward.
- Or Edwina.
(Kathie) Alice!
(Chipping) I rather like Leopold.
(Both laugh)
(Kathie) We shall be fine.
Don't worry,
I'll tell you the good news.
Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Doctor.
(Clock chiming)
(Footsteps approaching)
- Victoria or Albert?
- My dear fellow...
- Boy or a girl?
- There were complications.
My wife is very straightforward.
- No?
- I'm sorry.
Mrs Chipping did not survive.
We tried to save both,
we saved neither.
My wife is a very heavy sleeper,
we joke...
My dear fellow! Not just yet.
And...the child, hm?
It would have been Albert.
(Door opens, closes)
He's coming! Hurry!
When he looks up
show the April Fool sign.
(Boy) Quick, hide it!
- (Boys) Good morning, sir.
- (Softly) Morning.
Er, today, gentlemen, we will return
to the familiar territory
- of the Gallic Wars.
- Please, sir...
- We shall...
- Please, sir.
You've received rather a lot
of letters, sir.
Er, book two, from the beginning.
Who shall volunteer?
"When Caesar was in yonder Gaul..."
Hither. Hither Gaul.
(Boy) "In Hither Gaul,
in winter quarters..."
Sorry I'm late, sir.
- (Inaudible)
- "..were brought to him
"and he was also informed
by letters from Labienus
"that all the Belgae,
who have said..."
- (Whispers) Mrs Chipping's dead.
- "..are a third..."
(Boy whispers)
- "..part..."
- (Boy) Dead?
(Honks horn)
Mr Ralston?! Welcome, welcome. We
were not expecting you until later.
- And you are?
- Chipping. I...
- Latin.
- Indeed, Headmaster.
Long-serving, I believe?
Therefore an excellent guide
for my tour of the school.
(Mumbles) Ah... Oh, yes.
(Staefel, indoors)
Don't look so depressed!
(Boys laugh)
(Staefel continues, indistinct)
This must be Herr...Steefel...Stifle?
Staefel. Max Staefel.
- How long has he been here?
- A wonderful teacher.
Came here straight from Oxford.
Never taught anywhere else.
Am I right that Brookfield does not
field an Officer Training Corps?
We're trying to keep violence
out of the school, not bring it in.
I would remind our Latin master
that German is a living language.
Which, of course, to many of us
remains its chief problem.
Is our esteemed chairman
in this debate
aligning himself too closely
with the traditions he teaches?
After all, the Romans
believed in dictatorship
and in the opposing
of belief and opinion
under the guise of impartiality!
Gentlemen, I shall be brief.
I've spent the last few days touching
the very fabric of Brookfield.
I regret to have to tell you
I find the fabric somewhat frayed.
We shall have some economies.
Stringent economies.
Perhaps merge a house or two.
We must all understand
that Brookfield is a school,
not a charity.
As of next term our fees will rise -
And we need to go out and persuade
people of, dare I say it,
newly substantial means
that their boys will profit
from attending Brookfield.
With this in mind
the curriculum will be modernised
to meet the needs of such,
shall we say, practical parents.
Therefore, gentlemen, change
all round. That's all for the moment.
Er, Headmaster, Brookfield has
an honourable tradition
of bursaries for boys
of humbler means...
Indeed it does. Thank you, gentlemen.
My report will be circulated.
In the meantime,
my door is always open.
Wetherby visited
the staff room often.
Mr Ralston has been once
in two months!
What on earth? (Tuts)
We shall deflect
previous forms of expenditure
into buildings for new disciplines -
science, sport - the future.
(Man) That's all very well,
Mr Ralston...
(Boy) Fix bayonets!
The target will not
be sitting, waiting,
he will run at you or away from you.
Troop! Bayonets at the ready!
By the right, quick march!
On stride! Charge!
Highcroft! Discipline this idiot!
Sorry, sir. Evans, fall in!
(Chipping) That was
beyond impertinence!
(Evans) Yes, sir.
Slowly, boys, slowly.
- (Laughing)
- One moment, please!
(Ralston) Come!
Headmaster, I wish, if possible,
to have a word.
Actually, I was wishing
a word with you.
- Do come in.
- Certainly.
He said he had Brookfield's
best interests at heart.
"Must look around to see what is
happening in the wider world.
"Climate of opinion."
he more or less asked me to resign.
- And did you?
- Of course.
I'm alarmed - dismayed -
but I'm not surprised.
What do you mean?
You must have divined
that I and the subject I teach
- have fallen from grace in England.
- You mustn't think like that!
And Brookfield must not be like that.
The King himself
is of German descent!
There's going to be a war.
None of us can help such things.
(Door opens)
Morning, Chipping.
Max Staefel must not
be allowed to leave.
- Is this your concern?
- This is monstrous!
You dismiss a fine teacher
on the grounds of prejudice!
Herr Staefel offered
his resignation.
Under appalling moral pressure!
You admit his position is difficult -
boys will be boys.
An English public school
has a duty to foster patriotism.
- Would you not agree?
- This school is above...
Herr Staefel at least realises
that if there is a war with Germany
his position will be intolerable.
Anything else?
For those of us...
like Max Staefel and myself, who have
devoted our lives to Brookfield,
your record thus far is disgraceful.
Do enlighten me, Chipping.
I have asked you more than once
how many scholarship students
we may expect this year,
I have received no answer. I suspect
you mean to cancel the bursaries.
I can tell you myself, I'm obliged
by the governors to make economies.
At Brookfield boys of lesser means
are given a wonderful chance!
Why are you destroying this?!
This is monstrous!
How old are you, Chipping?
I have no wish
nor any need to retire.
- I may not see it that way.
- I beg your pardon?
It seems to me, Headmaster,
that you do not possess the capacity
to understand or respect
the qualities inherent
in a school such as Brookfield!
Are you trying to provoke me,
I am charged
with modernising Brookfield.
We cannot adhere to styles
of education from the last century!
You do not understand them.
I find them most effective.
Not in the new Brookfield.
Sir, must all your movement be
towards the lowering of standards?!
This is intolerable!
I disagree with you profoundly
and I do not see that
I can continue to serve under you.
In that alone, Chipping,
we are of one mind.
(Boy ) Yes, boys,
I'm as upset as you are!
But we've got to think of a plan.
We must have a plan!
Do we want Chips?
(General agreement)
- Do we rally?!
- Yes, we rally!
(All) Yes, we rally! Yes, we rally!
(Boy) Are we ready?!
(All) Yes, we're ready!
Yes, we're ready! Yes, we're ready!
Yes, we're ready!
- Do we fight?!
- Yes, we fight!
- Yes, we fight!
- Gentlemen, please!
Is there not enough talk
of fighting in the world?
Sir, we're having a convocation
to prevent your departure.
Oh...really, Atkins.
All of you...
That is...most kind.
But I fear you mustn't.
- But, sir...
- No! The Headmaster has spoken.
He is charged with running
and improving the school.
His authority cannot be questioned.
We must have hierarchies.
We must have...points of reference.
I thank you but you must dismiss.
Go on.
(Staefel) Here it is now.
Shall I accompany you to the station?
No, thank you. No.
(Boy) Drill in five minutes!
Does your cousin have need of a...
slightly experienced Latin master?
My dearest Chipping,
I greatly appreciate
the sacrifice you have made
but you must retract your position.
I beg of you, reconsider, please.
Do it for me.
Too late, I fear.
(Ralston) Sir John.
Max, you're a marvellous friend.
Please...take good care of yourself.
(Ralston) He has become
a focus of discontent.
The boys are openly rebellious.
I've known him eccentric
but never dramatic.
Suppose we allowed
a limited number of bursaries?
- You mean I should back down?!
- No. No, my dear fellow.
The governors wish me
to surrender to insubordination?
No, of course not,
the governors do understand.
It's just... I just worry.
Chips has taught
generations of some families.
I showed him round on his first day.
Sir John, the boys and the masters
are all aware of this confrontation.
Were Chipping to be reinstated,
my authority...
No leader governs by ultimatum,
as you know,
but in this case,
I fear it has come to a choice.
Morning, school.
(Boys, mumbling)
Good morning, Headmaster.
Good morning, school.
(Boys, slightly clearer)
Good morning, Headmaster.
In the few weeks I've been here
we've achieved a great deal.
But there's more to do. Some of you
may recognise our guest today.
A pleasant surprise,
the chairman of our governors,
Sir John Rivers.
I'm sure he will have a few words
to say to us
about the necessary changes
which Brookfield must now embrace.
Sir John.
Good morning, gentlemen.
My time at Brookfield shaped my life
and I'm pleased and proud to be
here today to acknowledge that.
The headmaster has spoken of change
and we must all embrace change,
however unpleasant.
But we at Brookfield must also
be aware of that sense of continuity
and tradition
that has made us what we are -
As you are aware, one of the pillars
of the school has been your -
and my - Latin teacher, Mr Chipping.
You are also aware that
we have been in danger of losing him.
I now invite him
to change his decision.
And to confirm that he will
stay with us by leading us all
in the school prayer.
(Boys whispering excitedly)
You have placed me
in an impossible position.
You've done that for yourself.
(Boy) Come on, sir!
(2nd boy) Yes, sir!
(Boy) Chips!
(Boys begin chanting) Chips! Chips!
(All boys chanting and stamping feet)
Chips! Chips! Chips!
(Chanting stops)
O Lord,
shine your light
on Brookfield school...
(All) ..on her teachers
and on her students.
Grant us the enlightenment
of eternal knowledge
that we may proceed
along a path of learning
that has been illuminated
with your grace.
- Amen.
- (All) Amen.
Colley, isn't it?
Yes, yes,
I always recognise a Colley.
How are you, sir?
Oh, my dear fellow.
The mud is grey...
not brown like ours.
It makes sucking noises...
It sucks men down.
You're not supposed to drown in mud,
you're supposed to drown in water.
(Machine guns)
(Colley) 'Lost a boot, sir.
'Stepped on something.
'His body, sir.'
(Chipping) 'School, we have informed
the War Ministry in London
'that we have ploughed
our playing fields
'and we now await their directions
'as to which crops
we shall be required to grow.'
(Rivers) Come in!
Oh! Gentlemen. Heavens. Sir John.
- Hello, sir.
- Oh, it's young Sexton, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
More down to earth than I remember.
Yes. I avoid roofs, sir.
So good to see you.
Shall we all sit down?
Mr Chipping, we want to thank you.
Since Mr Ralston decided
to rejoin his regiment,
you've accepted extra
responsibilities at a difficult time
- and we appreciate your efforts.
- (All agree)
We know that retirement
could and should be your reward...
but my fellow governors and I
would like formally to offer you
the position of
Headmaster of Brookfield.
It's an appointment
that's long overdue.
I shall be honoured.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- (Knock at door)
- Come in.
(Boy) Good morning, Headmaster.
(Chipping) Yes, it is rather, it is.
Pet centipede, Callender?
- Sir?
- All these pigs.
- Sir, I fag for Beccles.
- Oh-oh, please,
don't tell me, Callender.
(Humming happily)
(Man) And do you know why?
The quartermaster had a wooden leg!
Beccles, make me some toast.
Lancaster, see if you can't
put a shine on these pigs.
Sir...we don't fag.
- We're not...
- Precisely.
Nobody fags for me
and I'm more senior than you.
Pass it on.
(Drill Sergeant
yelling indistinctly outside)
You wanted to see me, Headmaster?
Yes, come in, Morgan.
This wretched war has taken
such a heavy toll on everyone.
There isn't an easy way
to say this, Morgan.
I've received news that your father
has been killed in action.
I'm so sorry.
I feel certain
that he made a fine soldier.
He was a fine student.
Brilliant linguist.
He spoke perfect German.
He had a good teacher.
I hate Germans! I hate them all!
I'm so sorry.
'It is a matter of pride,
but also sad,
'I fear I must announce
the death of more Brookfeldians
'who died fighting
for King and country.
'Captain Robert Mitchell Rivers,
'a previous head boy of this school
'and the eldest son of Sir John
Rivers, our chairman of governors.'
Subaltern Andrew Anthony Grenville
of the Suffolk Regiment,
killed in action at the Somme.
'Edward Charles Peter Hawthorne,
'captain in the 1st Somerset Light
Infantry, commendation for bravery,
'mortally wounded at the Somme.
'Lieutenant Michael Jeremy Atkins,
'missing in action with
the Grenadier Guards, presumed dead.
'Lieutenant Colonel
Stephen Charles Alderdyce,
'119th Battalion
of the Royal Field Artillery,
'special commendation for bravery,
killed in action.
'Captain James Asquith Highcroft,
Oxford and Buckingham Light Infantry,
'missing in action, presumed dead.
'Lieutenant Colonel George Arthur
Wallingford, Lancashire Fusiliers,
'missing in action.
'Captain Robert William Willis,
Royal Engineers, missing in action.
'Lieutenant Colonel John Henry
Rinehart, Royal Horse Artillery,
'killed in action. Second
Lieutenant Graham Sidney Evans...'
(Man ) 'Ebbersley, Ferguson...'
And finally I regret
that I have to announce
the sad death of a beloved colleague
and a fine teacher.
Those of us who knew him
will be sorry to hear
that Maximillian Friedmann Staefel
- was killed two weeks ago.
- (Muttering) Filthy Hun.
This school...owes him much.
Such capacities as a teacher -
and human being -
must not be clouded
by issues of nationality
even in such crucial times.
Individuals are not nations.
Let us remember Max Staefel.
Let us remember them all
in our thoughts.
Today we will call upon Mr Gibbon
and his Decline And Fall
Of The Roman Empire
to show us
that history repeats itself.
Will you turn, please,
to chapter nine of volume two.
(Aeroplane engine)
Wars and the administration
of public affairs
are the principal subjects
of history.
Thank you, Warburton.
Who will continue? Mr Lancaster.
"But the number of persons interested
in these scenes is different..."
(Machine-gun fire)
"..according to the different
condition of mankind."
(Bomb explodes)
Now what Mr Gibbon is saying here,
or is about to say...
(Aeroplane passing, explosion)
..and Mr Gibbon would hope for
fewer lightnings from the gods
when saying so,
is that people who are calm
and occupied in peaceful countries
never make war.
Continue please, Mr Lancaster.
"But the state
of freedom and barbarism,
- "the season of civil commotions..."
- (Machine-gun fire)
"raises almost every member
of the community into action
"and consequently into notice."
(Bullets ricochet)
Gentlemen, take cover
under your desks!
(Machine-gun fire)
(Aeroplanes fade)
Now, gentlemen, this next passage
I count important enough
to have you repeat after me.
"The irregular division
and restless motions"
(Boys) "The irregular division
and restless motions"
- "of the people of Germany"
- (Boys) "of the people of Germany"
"dazzle our imaginations
and seem to multiply their numbers."
(Boys) "Dazzle our imaginations
and seem to multiply their numbers."
(Chipping) "The profuse
enumeration of kings"
- (Crash)
- (Boys yelling)
Stay put, boys!
Nobody get out from the desks!
Stay there! Nobody move!
(Boy) It's one of theirs!
(All yelling excitedly)
(Bells ringing, whistles blowing)
- Hier sind Sie in Sicherheit.
- Danke...sagte...
(Distant cheering)
(Chipping) The German boy sent me
a letter when the war was over.
I recall thinking at the time
that he was a sixth former somewhere.
- They lost their young men too.
- We all lost someone.
(Doctor) Is it true you gave him
walnut cake with pink icing?
Mm. My late wife, Katherine,
believed it improved people.
I think she was right.
Wonderful to have
the photography club.
Do you remember Staefel?
I'm certain he would have been here
for today's celebrations.
Beautiful singing voice.
I think that's why old Wetherby
was so fond of him.
Chips, how are you feeling today?
I'm hale again, thank you.
I, er... I do feel, sir, that
you ought not to overdo it today.
Let us...celebrate our history.
- My dear Sexton.
- Sir, you haven't met my wife.
Darling, this is...
Well, you know who this is.
I've heard so much about you!
Thank you.
- Hello, Chips.
- Sir. It's Callender. How are you?
Callender is single-handedly
responsible for the end of fagging.
My dear...Colley!
I'm so very pleased to see you.
It's so good to see you, sir.
Why don't you have a seat, sir?
Yes. (Breathing heavily)
I think I will, thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
And now, Mr Chipping -
Chips -
the very first copy of
the new history of Brookfield School
with all our best wishes.
(Man) - Well done, sir.
- Thank you.
Sir. Sir, I hope you remember me,
I'm Rushton.
Of course I do! Rushton.
How very nice to see you.
How are you?
I'm awfully well, sir.
I'd love you to meet my daughter.
She knows all about you
and, er, Mrs Chipping.
I've called her Kathie.
You see, Chips, everyone loves you.
(Doctor) My father attended his wife.
(Rivers) They were very happy
by all accounts.
So sad, they never had any children.
Oh? But I do have children.
Hundreds of them.
All boys.
Come along!
In before the bell!
(Hand bell ringing)