Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969) Movie Script
As always, we will start
with the school song.
For what we are about to receive,
may the Lord make us truly thankful.
- Abbot.
- Sir.
- Ackerman.
- Sir.
- Adams.
- Sir.
- Adams. Adams.
- Sir.
- Alloy.
- Sir.
- Anderson.
- Sir.
- Appleby.
- Sir.
- Armitage Major.
- Sir.
- Armitage Minor.
- Sir.
- Arrowsmith.
- Sir.
- Atkins.
- Sir.
- Austen. Bailey.
- Sir.
- Baites.
- Sir.
Baker Major.
- Baker Minor.
- Sir.
- Balfor-Ellis.
- Sir.
- Banning.
- Sir.
- Barclay.
- Sir.
- Barrington.
- Sir.
- Bartholomew.
- Sir.
- Bascom.
- Sir.
- Bennett.
- Sir.
- Beresford.
- Sir.
- Bettington.
- Sir.
- Biddicomb.
- Sir.
- Billing.
- Sir.
- Billingham.
- Sir.
Birch. Blankenship.
- Bonn.
- Sir.
- Bonner-Harris.
- Sir.
- Bridges.
- Sir.
- Broderick.
- Sir.
- Brown Major.
- Sir.
- Brown Minor.
- Sir.
- Brown Minimus.
- Sir.
- Bruce.
- Sir.
- Burgess.
- Sir.
- Butler.
- Sir.
- Caldwell.
- Sir.
- Campbell.
- Sir.
- Canning. Carrington.
- Sir.
- Carstairs.
- Sir.
- Cartwright.
- Sir.
- Cherry. Chilton.
- Sir.
- Clark.
- Sir.
- Clay.
- Sir.
- Coates. Cole.
- Sir.
- Coleridge.
- Sir.
- Colley Minor.
- Sir.
- Cook. Craft.
- Sir.
- Crew.
- Sir.
- Cunningham. Curry.
- Sir.
- Dalton.
- Sir.
- Deeds.
- Sir.
- Dickinson-Brown.
- Sir.
- Douglas.
- Sir.
- Duncan.
- Sir.
- Edgeworth. Edwards.
- Sir.
- Elliot-Smythe.
- Sir.
- Ellis.
- Sir.
- Every.
- Sir.
- Fairhulst.
- Sir.
- Fernley.
- Sir.
- Fitch. Fisher.
- Sir.
- Forbes.
- Sir.
Isn't this a rather unusual action
for you to take, Chipping?
I suppose it is, headmaster...
...but my class's examination results
this term were also rather unusual.
I've looked at them.
They were only a little below average.
Yes, that, for a class of mine,
is rather unusual.
- It's a punishment?
- Oh, no.
I trust nobody thinks that.
- Baxter does.
- Well, he's wrong.
I want to take my boys over their exam in
some detail and show them their mistakes.
It should be a very helpful session.
Quite so.
Unhappily, there's this tennis match.
Sutterwick's results
are among the worst.
Even if they weren't, I should
still think it wrong to make an exception.
Don't know what
Sutterwick's father's going to say.
I do. Something very smooth,
very offensive and quite beside the point.
- You know him?
- I taught him.
You know that he is the generous donor
of our new playing fields.
Most generous.
I know he has a great deal of money
to be generous with.
- You won't let me persuade you to...
- No, but you can older me to.
Oh, well.
I'll be seeing you tonight for dinner?
Yes, headmaster.
I'm very much looking forward to it.
Do people think
I really want to be disliked?
Who thinks that?
Baxter, for one.
He plainly thinks I'm a bloody sadist.
My dear fellow, that's the first time
I ever heard you swear.
There has to be a first time
for everything.
I don't think the boys do dislike you.
Yes, they do.
I can't blame them.
If I were one of them,
I'd dislike myself, I think.
- You must not exaggerate, my dear fellow.
- I don't.
- The boys are quite right to dislike failures.
- Now you do exaggerate.
A man whose textbook on Pindar...
What is worse than a teacher...
...who can't make his pupils grasp
the importance of what he has to teach?
- Can you answer me that?
- Yes.
A teacher who doesn't try to, like Baxter.
Rather true, Max.
Thank you.
Look out, it's Old Blood and Iron.
That's just their humour.
- What do they call you?
- "Ditchie."
Ditchie? That's not too bad.
It's short for "ditchwater,"
and that is a simile for "dull."
Good morning.
Sit down.
You seem to have chosen
rather an eccentric costume for class.
I'm playing in the final
of the junior tennis competition.
At what time?
Twelve-thirty, sir.
At 12:30, you will still be in class,
- I thought I told you.
- Mr. Baxter said I could play.
Did I tell you?
The period is supposed to end at 12.
It ends when I say it ends, Sutterwick,
and that is 1.
When the bell rings at 12, I'm going, sir.
You've no light
to keep the others in either.
I have two kinds of right, Sutterwick.
The right which would be translated
into Latin by the word fas...
...meaning a sacred duty...
...and the light
which is given me by power.
The first
I don't expect you to understand.
The second, I do.
Sit down, please.
Your Homer, page 56, line 17.
Simpson, will you begin?
"Yea, I will tell thee clearly
and say but the truth.
Mentes, I boast to be Anchialus' son.
And among the Taphians.
men of the oar, I am king.
I came hither..."
They think I do nut understand
They think I do not hear or see
I only wish they knew I do understand
I only wish they understood me
"In the haven of Rheithlon."
That is remarkably fluent, Simpson...
...but I think I would prefer the words
to be your own...
...rather than those of Professor Jacobs'
Easy Guide to the Classics.
Would you be good to detach the page from
that work that you've glued to your book?
Hand it to me.
Take 25 punishment lines and proceed.
My dear Baxter,
what an absurd fuss over a game of tennis.
A game of tennis?
It is the final of the junior cup.
It's still a game of pat-ball
with a piece of framed catgut... unworthy subject
for a quarrel between housemasters.
When you make jokes to Baxter
against tennis, better duck.
He didn't only get a tennis blue at Oxford,
he got a boxing blue.
- Also first-class honours in physics.
- Biology.
And we don't say honours in this country.
just degree.
I'm sorry.
Fenwick, I disagree with you profoundly
upon the importance of this issue.
To deprive Sutterwick of the chance,
just because that pernickety old idiot...
...has taken it into his head
to give his form an hour's extra tuition.
On the last day of term? Heh, heh.
Chipping's a brave man.
"Wine-dark sea" is a perfectly
acceptable description of the Aegean Sea.
I agree Homer does use it lather a lot...
...but then there are some epithets
we all use lather a lot, don't we?
I believe your favourite is "stinky."
Isn't it?
Forgive me if I prefer Homer's
more colourful imagery.
Twelve o'clock, I see, Sutterwick.
- Sir?
- Come here, would you?
Just distribute these around the class.
would you?
To each boy.
I think you'll find them
all clearly marked.
I won. I won.
I'm the champion.
I'm the junior tennis champion.
The Lex Canuleia... not, as Colley Minor seems to think,
a law regulating canals...
...but a law that permitted Roman
patricians to marry plebeians.
An easy way to remember it... to imagine a Miss Plebeian
wishing to many a Mr. Patrician...
...and Mr. Patrician saying he can't.
She could then reply.
"Oh, yes, you can, you liar."
Well, boys, I've finished.
You've all hated me for this, I know,
but I am paid to teach you...
...and your parents pay Brookfield
for you to learn.
We have a mutual duty, in fact...
...and it's not a duty that I, for one,
am prepared to betray.
This is goodbye for 10 weeks.
May I wish you all a happy holiday.
You may go.
Yesterday, I was their age
Tomorrow, they'll be my age
Sooner, much sooner than they know
And suddenly they will ask
What every child must ask
Where did my childhood go?
Where did my childhood go?
When did my youth, sweet and free
Suddenly slip away from me?
Was it so long ago?
Where did my childhood go?
When did the magic end?
When did the future meet the past?
Ending a dream too good to last
Taking away our friend
When did my childhood end?
Was it that day in early spring
That lingers on
When somehow I knew
This precious time would soon be gone?
What does the future show?
Spring will return again next year
And when she does
She'll find me here
Wondering still
I know
Where did my childhood go?
Yesterday, I was their age
Tomorrow, they'll be my age
Sooner, much sooner than they know
And suddenly they will ask
What every child must ask
Where did my childhood
Over by the new playing fields.
That is, if you ever get them.
Especially as this year.
I've been invited to shoot at Dumlochspey.
Where are you going for your holiday,
Mr. Chipping?
To the new excavations at Pompeii.
- But won't that be hot at this time of year?
- Yes.
He must be in the late 30s by now.
but I always think of him as a boy.
Oh, no, headmaster.
I'm sure you're a very good shot.
- You're staying in London, aren't you?
- Yes, with Johnnie Longbridge.
Lord Longbridge? But I...
You're very lucky to have so rich
and hospitable an ex-pupil.
Oh, I don't know, Max.
Charlie was a very nice boy.
Quite a good scholar too.
We always got on.
- Is he taking you to the Old Vic as usual?
- Wasn't Lord Longbridge married?
- No.
- No.
- I ask...
- That was the father.
Present Lord Longbridge is unmarried.
- It's the Medea which I wanted to see.
- He's quite young.
He's got tickets for something
he wants to see for some reason...
...called, apparently.
Flossie from Fulham.
But you're very lucky, Mr. Chipping.
My dear fellow, that is most shocking.
Am I, indeed, Mrs. Summersthwaite?
It's a divine show, quite divine.
and a very big hit.
- That means a success.
- Does it?
Flossie from Fulham is a divine show,
and you'll adore it.
Oh, splendid.
But Medea, Max, isn't it a shame?
I wonder if I could get Johnnie
to change his mind.
I'm looking forward like mad
to seeing this extravaganza.
I'm sorry, Chips. I know very well
what you'd rather be seeing...
...but I had to bring you
to meet the gill I intend to many.
You're not serious, surely.
- You did say marry?
- Oh, yes, if she'll have me.
I'm standing, at the moment.
lather low on her list.
I'm sure she's utterly delightful,
but think of your name, your position...
...those Shakespeare first folios
in the library at Charworth.
Dear Chips, I'm awfully fond of you.
- Why?
- I say, a treasure hunt in Fulham.
- What a capital idea.
- Why what?
- Blimey, Ben, look at them...
- Why are you awfully fond of me?
Where is the owner of this fish stole?
- Yeah, where's Flossie?
- Flossie?
I say, what an absolute corker you are,
dear Miss Fish Stall Owner.
Plainly, the femme fatale of Fulham.
Oh, wherever did you come from,
all dressed up so la-di-da?
Oh, the West End of London.
Well, as long as it's London.
it's all light with me.
Ems stands in Piccadilly Circus
Nelson stands in Trafalgar Square
Big Ben stands by the River Thames
And will as long as the Thames is there
London is a strange, unchanging town
And take my word
Whatever you've heard
London Bridge has no intention
Of falling down
Oh, London is London
Is anyone in doubt about it?
London is London
It's easy to find out about it
London is springtime
Cockney champagne
London is summer
Lots of rain
but who's complaining?
London is lovely
Let no one change his mind about it
Lovely and lively
Yes, that's the thing I find about it
You can have Paris
And Venice and Rome
But London is London
Is London is England
Is home
London is London
Forgive me if I shout about it
Nowhere's like London
So mighty roundabout about it
London is history
Future and past
London is mystery
Flabbergasting, everlasting
London is a charmer
I could go on for days about it
Dripping with drama
There just ain't no two ways about it
You can have Cairo and Cannes
And Capri
- But London is London
CHORUS 'l: London is
Landon is Landon
Is England
Is me
- London London is London
There's such a lovely style about it
- London London is London
You can't resist
Just smile about it
London is history
Future and past
London is mystery
Flabbergasting, everlasting
London is London
Random people rave about it
London, my London
There's something people crave about it
Others may pine
For a trip up the Rhine
Or follow the sun
Where it happens to shine
The tip of the parties
The home where the heart is
And Landon is Landon
Is England
Is mine
Why the hell do we come here?
Because we always come here.
What's the matter with you tonight?
Good evening.
But she's got young Calbury with her.
Some idiot in the Horse Guards.
Damn it, Chips, we've been stood up.
Stood UP?
She's forgotten.
Oh, dear. I am sorry.
Oh, Johnnie Longbridge.
Oh, my God. I've stood him up.
I must get him over.
Not to stay.
Come on, Chips.
What will you think of me?
Nothing. Except that
you're a terrible muddler of dates.
And I've known that for ages.
Bill Calbury you know, of course.
He was suddenly in town again, and...
Oh, no, no, don't apologize, darling.
Oh, but you came
to see the show especially tonight.
My fifth time.
This is Chips.
I told you about him, remember?
Of course.
Hasn't he any other name?
Well, if he has, I can't remember it.
Then I'd better call you Mr. Chips.
That's a nice name.
How do you do, Mr. Chips?
How do you do, Miss Bridges?
This is Bill Calbury.
Do join us.
Oh, Chips absolutely adored the show.
I'm so glad.
Oh, yes, I loved it.
It's a great hit, isn't it?
We've been running for over a year.
Over a year?
Every night?
Well, we get Sundays off.
But don't you get most awfully bored?
I mean, isn't it an awful strain for you,
all that leaping?
Oh, yes, I loved it.
The plot I found a shade tortuous...
...but the exposition of it,
remarkably adroit.
Did you like anything else?
Well, the denouement...
...I found quite remarkable
when you turned out... be the real Lady Lettie all along.
No, that's Edna Lovelace.
I tum out
to be William C. Belfrage's ward.
Ah, yes, the multimillionaire shop owner.
Of course, how stupid of me.
But then, you and the other lady
do look alike.
Yes, I suppose we do.
She's 53 next birthday.
You astound me, and sing so well.
I think we should go back to our table.
Goodbye, Katie. Marvelous seeing you.
Goodbye, Miss Bridges.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips.
What an idiotic bore.
Bill, you were asking me
something important.
You were asking me
whether I seriously believed something.
They tell me they make
a delicious oyster stew here.
By the way.
how do you know she's not here?
The gill tonight's evening news
said you're going to many.
Oh, yes, I saw that.
Me and Penelope Fitzdouglas.
Huh. Wasn't it ridiculous?
I'll have the same as last Tuesday.
Yeah, so will I.
The same wine?
The same wine.
Hey, mister.
Hey, mister, please.
I'll be your guide to Pompeii, okay?
Okay, on your right, is the Greek forum...
...which was partially destroyed
in the earthquake of AD 61.
Behind you is the statue of Clio.
one of the Muses.
- She had...
- No.
That is Terpsichore...
...the Muse of choral dance and song.
and the earthquake was in AD 62.
Okay, mister, you know best.
Actually, dear fellow, I think I do.
Hello, can you hear me up there?
Yes, of course I can.
The acoustics here are famous.
Can you hear me?
Yes, but you're shouting.
I'm not shouting.
Sound travels upwards
better than downwards.
Could you hear that?
What are you eating?
An egg sandwich.
When was the earthquake
that destroyed all this?
It wasn't an earthquake.
It was an eruption of Vesuvius...
...behind me.
and it happened in the year 79 AD...
...toward the end of the ides of June.
Ha. I thought only March had ides.
All Roman months had ides.
Calends too.
Ale you a guide?
Do I look like a guide?
I don't know.
I haven't got my field glasses with me.
What are you?
A schoolmaster.
Ah, that's cheating.
- What are you?
- A tourist.
An ignorant one, as you implied,
who doesn't know her ide from her calend.
There is no singular to either word.
Oh, you can't win, can you?
You eating another sandwich?
You wouldn't have anything left,
would you?
One egg sandwich and some cheese.
I'm coming up. I'm starving.
How do you do?
My name is Chipping.
Mine is Bridges.
Golly. Well, one thing's fairly certain.
We'd never be cast opposite each other.
Forgive me, I didn't quite follow that.
It doesn't matter.
Oh, thank you, you're an angel of mercy.
Haven't we met before?
I don't think so. Some of this?
Thank you.
Of course, you're Mr. Chips.
I beg your pardon?
Oh, we met at the Savoy one night,
with Johnnie Longbridge, remember?
I was with somebody called Bill Calbury.
and you said all the wrong things.
Good gracious,
you're not the girl in that awfully...
...jolly musical comedy?
Oh, thank you for making me laugh. It's
the first time I have for over a month.
Cheers. I didn't mean it as funny.
Well, no, if you had,
I wouldn't have laughed.
This is nice.
I ought to tell you, it's lather strong.
But of course.
You were the gal who turned out
to be the real Lady Lettie all along.
- You've done it again.
- Oh, dear. I'm so sorry.
You are William C. Belfrage's ward.
Miss Katherine Bridges.
Ah, that's wrong too.
My real name is not Bridges.
My real name is...
Now you won't laugh, will you?
It's Brisket.
Charmingly Anglo-Saxon.
What are you doing in Pompeii?
I wasn't feeling very well
and they gave me a month off... I booked myself
on this Mediterranean cruise.
My boat stopped at Naples and, uh...
Well, they organized a tour of this place.
Only I hate being conducted.
When I heard there was a theatre,
I slipped off. I'm glad I did.
- It's beautiful.
- The other is even better.
Greek theatre.
You mean they did plays here
like the one that's on at the Old Vic now?
The Medea? Yes, they did.
I'd like to see that.
I hear it's marvellous.
I do too.
So we'll do it together sometime, huh?
Is there lots more to see at Pompeii?
Oh, there's a full 10 days
of exhaustive sightseeing...
...and many, many more,
if you include the Herculaneum and...
Well, I've got the lest of the day.
Would you be my guide, Mr. Chips?
Look, doesn't this bore you terribly?
Please, please say if it does,
...I know there's nothing more awful
than being bothered by somebody...
...when you really want
is to be on your own.
Nobody knows that better than me.
Sorry. Than I?
It doesn't bore me at all.
In fact, very much the reverse.
Truth to say, I was feeling
a little lonely myself this afternoon.
This is the temple of Jupiter.
Ale you quite alone on the ship?
I mean, you're not
with any particular friend?
No, no particular friend.
At the moment,
I'm rather between particular friends.
Of course,
you met him that night, didn't you?
Mr. Calbury. Yes, I did.
I'm sorry.
That's all light.
No doubt the sea ail...
Yes. The sea ail has done marvels.
Sorry, am I going too fast for you?
My dear young lady,
I could go as fast as you...
...if I cared to risk a broken ankle
and be carried on a stretcher.
It's extremely foolish to leap around
in a ruined circus like a mountain goat.
Especially in those shoes.
These stones are treacherous.
I'm sure you're very active for your age.
Since you cannot know what my age is...
...your flattering conviction, Miss Bridges,
must be based on a conjectural premise.
You've done it again.
Now that's three times
you've made me laugh.
And only this morning.
I really did think I'd never laugh again.
I suppose it's your being a schoolmaster.
I tail to see
what's so laughable about that.
Well, no, it's not laughable.
One doesn't laugh at people
only because they're funny.
Not some people, anyway.
Come on. There's so much left to see
before the sun goes down on us.
A million planets
Were swimming in the sky
I only saw the sun
A million faces drifted by
Suddenly, there was one
Filling my mind
Like the day was filled with sun
Telling my heart
My life had just begun
Although it is so many years away
I remember that moment
As though it were yesterday
He smiled
I smiled
We smiled
And the sky
Smiled too
We walked, he talked
I talked
And the sky was blue
And before the walk was over
I just knew
He smiled
I smiled
We smiled
And the sky
Smiled too
It was love
What does that mean?
"Know yourself."
The watchword of Apollo.
The god of prophecy.
Amongst other things.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Have I tired you out?
No, you have not tiled me out.
I have a large piece of ancient Greece
in my shoe, that's all.
Well, it's been really thrilling
to be shown around Paestum... the world's greatest authority
on ancient Greece.
I am not the world's greatest authority
on ancient Greece, just one of them.
I'm going to ask Apollo a question.
You mustn't ask a personal question.
Well, not a specific one, like...
Like, "Will Bill Calbury come back to me?"
No, I wouldn't bore Apollo with that,
I promise you.
No, just something general, like,
"What's going to happen to my life?"
Ah. Even that is too specific.
Besides, I could answer that.
A series of, what is it, hits,
a dazzling career?
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
I mean, no.
Look, Mr. Chips.
Seems to me
you've learned just about everything...
...but you haven't learned
the first thing about me.
Ever heard of a captain
who hates the sea? That's me... I.
Only with I, me, it's the theatre.
You tell me the show must go on.
and what do I answer?
Now, come on, Apollo, just speak to me.
I'm going to bleak all the rules
and ask you something specific.
Did he speak?
Very clearly.
What did he say?
- If I tell, it won't happen.
- That is the new moon, not Apollo.
You won't get me to tell.
Know yourself.
That's quite a watchword.
You're most retentive.
Give me a good line
and I can remember it.
You smiled
I smiled
We smiled
And the sky
Smiled too
It was love
They call me Ditchie,
short for "ditchwater, dull as."
They think I'm a bore
and they're probably light.
No, no.
Oh, yes.
But I wouldn't mind them
thinking me a bore...
...if I could only get them to see
how much I really do like them...
...and care for them.
What's the matter?
I was blowing my nose.
There isn't any law against that, is there?
- But I thought you were cry...
- Well, I was.
And there isn't any law
against that either.
- But in heaven's name, why?
- Doesn't matter.
Give me some more of that.
Look, this Epomeo
really is most awfully strong.
But if it's gonna make you start
squirting tears all over the table...
just because my pupils
find me a dull teacher...
Oh, heavens.
I really am most awfully sorry.
What 101?
I've been talking so much
about myself...
...I'd completely forgotten
what your problems were...
...and what good reasons
you have to cry.
You must forgive me.
Well done, Mr. Chips.
Quite up to form.
I think you're the nicest man
I've ever met in my life.
Now, faced with that challenge,
what do you think of me?
Or do I really want to know?
Yes, I do. Go ahead.
Well, I think Mr. Calbury
is a very foolish man.
Thank you. Go on.
There are plenty of other men
besides Mr. Calbury.
You're very young.
you're very attractive...
...and you're bound to find
someone else.
Someone who'll realise how lucky he is
and won't ever let you go.
Go on.
Someone who'll give you that escape
from the stage that you imply you want.
Someone from quite a different background
than your present one.
Someone who happens
to love you very much at this moment.
And when he gets to know you better...
...can, I'm sure, only love you more
and more and more.
Someone, in fact,
like Johnnie Longbridge.
Oh, I've been wanting to do this all
evening. and now I'm going to do it.
Nobody and nothing's going to stop me.
- What?
- This.
Really, Miss Bridges, I hate to say it, but
I think just a touch too much of the wine.
Not a touch too much, a lot too much,
and I feel wonderful.
Oh, Mr. Chips.
You really are...
...Mr. Chips.
Oh, what a wonderful day it's been.
Yes, indeed. Quite wonderful.
Can't we make it a wonderful night too?
Ah. Well, as it happens, Miss Bridges...
...for tomorrow,
I have a rather tight curriculum.
Well, loosen it.
Tonight, Mr. Chips,
you and I are going to make whoopee.
The term is new to me.
What does it mean?
Almost anything, really.
I really must go.
It's been a very, very great pleasure.
It really has.
And may I wish you a very safe
and a very happy journey home.
Apollo, Apollo
You're the god of song
That's what Mr. Chips has told me
He is never wrong
He also says you're the god of prophecy
Cassandra's gift was a gift from you
Sn any dream you may care to offer me
Will, I know, come true
Is it love?
Brookfield Station.
Seven weeks
Of home sweet home are over
They're over
Seven weeks of Mother's cooking
Mother's love
And Mother's looking after
And laughter
And living in clover
Are over
Moreover, '14 weeks of Michaelmas term
Stretch endlessly ahead
Fourteen weeks of nameless horror
Wait to be unfurled
Fourteen weeks of Latin verbs
I wish that I were dead
Fourteen weeks of school cap-tipping
Filthy food and Mr. Chipping
Fourteen weeks in the dungeon
Of a schoolboy's world
But one day
One day
When I am older
I'll be the president of Peru
I'll own an emerald mine or two
I'll swim for England
In the next Olympic games
When I am older
I'm going to be a playboy farmer
I'm going to be a lady-charmer
I'm gonna be a knight in armour
Find a damsel and disarm her
When I am older
I'll be the multi-est millionaire
I'll be the fellow beyond compare
I'll be the hero
That the populace acclaims
- I'm going to carve the world in pieces
- I'm going to be as rich as Croesus
Think of the mighty empire I shall rule
When I am older
When I am older
Wiser and bolder
On the day that I get out of school
I'm gonna be a fine musician
I'm gonna be a rich physician
I'm going to be a politician
I shall be an obstetrician
I'll achieve my great ambition
When I am older
I'll be the fellow who makes the rules
I will abolish public schools
I'll be the chairman
Of at least a hundred boards
When I am older
I'll run a fleet of ocean tankers
I'll buy a street of merchant bankers
I'll be the greatest man you've ever seen
When I am older
Wiser and bolder
Just as soon as I am 17
Are you for Brookfield?
If I knew where it was.
The other boys didn't tell you?
Well, that happens.
I'm afraid pets aren't allowed.
Oh, no.
If they take Delilah from me,
I won't want to live.
Yes, you will.
She's very beautiful, Delilah.
Who's your housemaster?
Mr. Fenwick.
Oh, good. He's not an animal hater.
In fact, he's already looking after quite
a large menagerie for his boys already.
White mice, canaries,
a couple of rabbits and a snake.
He can certainly cope with Delilah.
Ale you a master?
- Sir, I shouldn't have sat...
- Yes, you should.
I was a new boy here myself once,
a long time ago.
I had a myna bird, I remember...
...which I taught to say,
"Brookfield forever."
They took that away from me,
and they were quite right.
Its sense of timing was peccable.
Peccable, sir?
I should have said faulty,
it's a better word.
Well, I'll show you the way.
It's not very far.
Would you take Delilah?
I can see why you love her,
she's quite delightful.
And better let me take these.
Absolutely blind drunk, my dear fellow.
It was most embarrassing.
I mean, I'm known in Naples.
and can you imagine?
I was almost raped.
- Oh, man, you exaggerate so.
- No, I don't.
And I don't flatter myself
about the incident either.
It was all rather a pity.
Until that moment, I'd found her really,
rather surprisingly civilized.
Tiny little thing, very pretty hair.
Why pick on me?
An old stick in the mud.
It's a very accurate description of you.
Don't rub it in, Max.
But then, musical-comedy actresses
can't be quite normal...
...with all that dressing up
and skipping around.
But even so.
Oh, why, hello.
Medea at the Old Vic?
No, I hadn't forgotten.
It's just that it would be impossible
to get tickets for this Friday.
You've got them.
223 Riverwalk, Chiswick.
Yes, yes. I've got that down.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I'm sure
I would enjoy meeting them very much.
Looking forward to it enormously.
And how nice to hear from you
out of the blue.
I suppose a telegram at the last minute
saying I'm ill.
But, um, you didn't write
the address down.
What 101?
To send a telegram to, uh...
Oh, I can't. I've forgotten it.
223 Riverwalk, Chiswick.
- Two?
- Two.
...3 Riverwalk, Chiswick.
Oh, but could...?
Oh, but, darling, what, I ask you,
but what's going to happen to Chloe?
I mean, it's all too devastating for words
to be left by Eloise...
...for, of all people,
Freddie Franklin-Finch.
Freddie Franklin-Finch,
who doesn't even come up to her navel.
- Ale you going in?
- Yes.
Oh, don't, it's hell.
What is poor Chloe going to do?
You're in that wonderful play
at the Criterion...
...where you drink in the last act.
- Actually...
- You do it beautifully.
It made me believe every other word.
- Where do you wear that orchid?
- Well, I...
- Dear heart.
- Not at all.
But Eloise and Freddie.
I mean, you know me, darling.
I don't care what people do...
...provided they do it in bed,
but it's too much.
I mean he's so small, it's impractical...
I don't think I do know you.
You must be mad.
- What's your name?
- Arthur Chipping.
That's right. You take to drink.
I do not take to drink, madam.
Excuse me.
Madam, I like. Madam, I adore.
Chipping, I know.
The guest of honour at some party...
...I've been asked to
at Augustus John's or Tallulah's.
Mr. Chips.
I was so scaled you wouldn't tum up.
My guest of honour, Arthur Chipping.
How do you do?
Oh, it was here. I knew it was somewhere.
Oh, but what a beautiful man, Katie.
What's your next play, darling?
I'm not an actor, madam.
I'm a schoolmaster.
He could call me madam all night.
Well, come along, children, time to go.
- Night is young, say bye-bye.
- Bye.
- Oh, Katie, darling, absolutely wonderful.
- Thank you.
Wear that orchid behind your ear.
you know.
Oh, a beautiful man.
Where Katie finds them, I don't know.
Change from that last one,
that abysmal Bill Calbury, or the one...
Come on, Ursula.
I told Penelope we'd be there ages ago.
Bobbie, my dear, don't rush me.
Can't you see I'm running away?
I'm so glad you came.
So am I. Very glad indeed.
Come in.
You won't know anybody.
but they're all mad to meet you.
- They are?
- Mm-hm.
Who was that lady
I just had the pleasure of meeting?
- She's just Ursula.
- Indeed?
Very famous actress, Ursula Mossbank,
but, well, she's just Ursula.
She seemed just Ursula.
Oh, this is for you.
How very sweet.
Dear Mr. Chips.
Up to form.
Very up to form.
I didn't know who to ask,
so I just got together a few of my friends.
I'd be delighted to meet them.
I adore Ramsay MacDonald.
He's got such a beautiful face.
And if you took off his moustache...
...people would stand up in Hyde Park
to see him go by.
- I wouldn't.
- Never mind, darling.
- Tilly, Arthur Chipping.
- Hello. How do you do?
Eloise, Arthur Chipping.
my guest of honour.
How do you do?
Yes, I know...
Oh, hello, you remember me? Algie.
- You're, um...?
- Chipping.
Oh, yes, yes.
Well, come and have green tea, eh?
Green tea. Come along, old chap.
Now, what would you like?
My dear, you weren't coming.
Amiably done. Kevin had the
divine Captain Carville, oh...
Look what you've done, you silly gill.
You've spilt my white lady
all over your dress.
Allow me, dear.
Well, you must...
Oh, you're a friend of Maynard Keynes.
and you write for that paper, Monsieur?
- Actually, no, I...
- Oh, I swore it.
Mind you, didn't think
I'd be back so soon.
Johnnie, how sweet of you to come.
Absolute hell.
all the gate-washers in the world.
My dear, isn't it a shame
I'd never heard of you?
You just hold my hand and I'll...
But I daren't in public.
Go rescue your friend.
He's stuck with Tilly.
- What friend?
- There.
I'm so sorry.
It's not Chips?
Yes, poor darling.
One moment.
Bye-bye, darling. Thank you so much.
I mean that with all men...
- Chips.
- Johnnie.
Let's go over there, Longbridge.
- Let's sit down somewhere.
- Move along.
Move along.
Now, dear, who in the devil
would want to see a museum?
Oh, frankly, I never have sleep.
but you have to take your...
- What's the matter with you?
- Oh, bless you.
But why are you guest of honour?
Along story, Johnnie, but look,
in Naples, I did my best for you...
...because she's nice,
and I'm doing my best for you...
Oh, gosh.
- You're raving, aren't you?
- Well, of course.
An hour of this, and who wouldn't?
But there's Medea after this.
You love this minuscule creature.
and I don't altogether blame you... I'm doing my very best for you.
Oh, I do apologize
for this nightmare of a party.
Oh, it's not a nightmare at all.
It's splendid.
Hello, Katie, darling.
Haven't you got the wrong address?
That's a good one.
I helped furnish this house, remember?
Yes, I do...
...but I have a private party in it
to which you were not invited.
- So would you please go?
- Now, Katie, old gill, really.
Bygones and things.
Wouldn't be so unkind to an old friend
as to throw him out"?
Did you not hear Miss Bridges
ask you to go?
- Who are you?
- It doesn't matter who I am.
All that matters is that Miss Bridges
wishes you to leave her house...
...and you are therefore leaving.
I've met you somewhere before.
I remember that voice.
Now, here are your hat and stick,
and that is the front door.
- Do tell this idiotic man...
- Straight ahead, please.
That voice. There's something about it.
I don't know who you are.
but I can guess what you are.
- You're a schoolteacher.
- Correct.
- I'll bet you give your boys hell.
- Only the bad ones.
Now I know.
Not that I needed to,
but now I know for sure.
Well, If that's how you do
your best for me...
...I'd be interested to see how
you do your worst.
My dear old fellow, you really mustn't
leap to insane conclusions.
It wasn't a very long leap, was it?
Anyway, it's not insane.
It she won't have me, and she won't.
you're much the next best thing.
It's very sane, I think, for both of you.
Go away, Johnnie.
You're putting a large foot in it.
Let me handle things.
And, Johnnie, darling,
take care of the party for me.
Walk through the world with me
And you will see how happy life can be
How fresh and new
When you're with me
This is a fascinating stretch of London.
The Georgian archite...
Don't talk. Do you mind?
- I only observed...
- I know.
But don't.
Let's fly away and find another day
To call our own
Where we can be in love alone
Where we can live the life
We dream of living
Live the dream of giving all we have
To give
Welcoming the day
There's one question I have to ask.
If you must.
When you said just now,
"Now I know for sure"...
...what exactly was it
that you knew for sure?
That I loved you, of course.
I can't think how you'd do.
considering you can choose...
When you love, you don't choose.
do you?
Look, let's be hank.
I'm not part of your world.
I'm afraid it's not a world
that I would wish to be part of.
Not even for you.
I like even for you.
We may find each other attractive
for different reasons.
- But how you could ever find...
- You've been into all that.
Don't go on all night.
It's wrong to start something
one can't finish.
Can't you?
Damn it, of course I can.
And I long to, what's more.
but we have nothing in common.
Nothing in the world.
And I refuse utterly to become
the secret lover of a well-known actress.
- Who said lover?
- Well, friend, I would like to be.
Who said friend?
What is there between lover and friend?
Don't make stupid jokes, please.
This is serious.
Even if you still meant that tomorrow
when the drink has worn off... you imagine that I would give up
my profession, my true vocation... you know it is, to come to London
to live in your house... your money
amongst all those awful Ursulas...
...and blight young things?
Dear Miss Bridges,
I'm sorry to turn down a suggestion...
...which most men
would give up everything for...
...but I'm a schoolmaster...
...and a schoolmaster
is all I ever want to be.
Well, now, isn't that convenient?
Because all I ever want to be
is a schoolmaster's wife.
There's a certain tendency to tastelessness
in your jokes.
Humour ceases to be humour.
I will be warm
Hello, Mr. Chips.
And yours to hold
And we will stroll along the sand together
Hand in hand together for eternity
Aren't you glad to be
Walking through the world
With me?
Married? Married?
I don't believe it, you're lying.
I'm not, really, I'm not.
It was in the Times-
- Well, did it say who to?
- Oh, yes, a Miss Katherine Brisket.
- Brisket?
- Mm.
But you're making it up.
I'm not, honestly, I'm not.
And can you imagine
what she must be like?
Anyone who'd many Ditchie?
It's very good of you to honour us
with your presence at our weekly assembly.
Are they all in, dear?
Mr. Chipping and Herr Staefel aren't.
Ah, yes, Chipping is
waiting for his wife, I believe.
- Chipping's what?
- His wife.
- Surprising, isn't it?
- Flabbergasting.
- Who on earth?
- Who, indeed, huh?
That's the question we've all been asking
ever since we heard the news.
She's had a little difficulty
choosing the right dress.
We're very late.
Well, I can't help it, Max.
Don't look so solemn.
- No one's ever late for assembly.
- I'm fully aware of it.
It's someone he met
on one of his excursions... the ancient ruins of Pompeii.
Something of an ancient ruin herself.
no doubt.
No, not necessarily, dear.
Oh, God, he looked at his watch.
In 20 years at Brookfield, I've never once
been late for weekly assembly, Max.
If this is going to be
the future pattern of my life...
Oh, dear fellow.
I do hope you've been wise.
Of course I've been wise, you old idiot.
A pretty face is not everything, you know,
dearest old fellow.
There are so many questions
of temperament and suitability.
That's a horrible word.
It isn't even in the dictionary.
- It's in Webster.
- Oh, Webster.
Are you implying
she isn't suitable for me?
No. I'm simply wondering
if she's suitable as your wife.
Here she is.
Oh, I'm so sorry, darling.
- Is this all light?
- Yes.
We must hurry,
the headmaster's waiting.
This is Max Staefel, my closest friend.
Oh, Chips has told me
so much about you...
...but, well, I expected someone far older
and much less handsome.
We must go.
An ancient ruin, did you say, my dear?
This isn't a joke, is it?
Chipping's plainly lost
all sense of proportion.
Some people might think he'd found it.
This gill is Chipping's wife?
We must assume so.
Why, do you know her?
Oh, do forgive us.
My wife had a little difficulty
choosing her dress.
Well, it's not my fault, it's Chips.
I put on six dresses before he approved.
And he approved of that one, hm?
I'm so terribly sorry about being late.
Chips tells me it's as bad
as being off your big number.
I don't quite understand
that allusion, Mrs. Chipping.
Oh, Mrs. Chipping.
Oh, I just love it when I'm called that.
But, um, you are that, yes?
Oh, yes, well and truly.
Well, unless Chips is a bigamist.
which I rather suspect.
How else would he have escaped
until now?
No, the allusion, headmaster.
was to the stage...
...which used to be my profession.
- Indeed?
- You're an actress, Mrs. Chipping?
Well, not even my best friends
would call me that.
Ah. And what would they call you?
A soubrette.
That's the gill in musical comedies
who usually sings the big number...
...and then loses the man.
In real life, they nearly always wind up
as wives of earls.
I nearly did, but luckily, I met Chips.
Regarding the derivation
of the word soubrette...
...there was an interesting discussion
in the Times recently...
Quite so, quite so.
I really think we ought to go in.
Urn, you don't know Lord Sutterwick,
I believe.
Oh, but I do, I think.
- I don't think so.
- But surely...
We must go in, dear.
the headmaster always goes in last...
...and the boys receive him standing
and in silence.
Sounds like a dream entrance.
The headmaster's a darling.
His wife's a bitch.
That's not a word we use at Brookfield.
You should, I think.
Oh, I'm so nervous
you may have to carry me.
Do you see what I see?
I simply refuse to believe what I see.
Oh, good, I thought for a moment
these new glasses had let me down.
Goodness, what a commotion.
How the boys seem
to appreciate a pretty face.
Did you intend to say anything
about the gift of the new playing fields?
- It seemed a good occasion.
- I must ask you not to.
- Why ever not?
- Because there may not be one.
I'll explain later. Shall we?
All right.
so the curtsy made you look ridiculous.
- I didn't say that.
- Yes, you did.
What the hell have you got
against this bloody hat, anyway?
Look around.
see what the others are wearing.
Stand up and keep quiet.
Look at that old bag.
- She's put the baby's pot on.
- Shh.
Not the baby's pot either.
Her own.
As always.
we will start with the school song.
In the morning of my life
I shall look to the sunrise
At a moment in my life
When the world is new
And the blessing I shall ask
Is that God will grant me
To be brave and strong and true
And to fill the world with love
My whole life through
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love
My whole life through
In the noontime of my life
I shall look to the sunshine
At a moment in my life
When the sky is blue
And the blessing I shall ask
Will remain unchanging
To be brave and strong and true
And to fill the world with love
My whole life through
Did I fill the world with love?
Did I fill the world with love
Did I fill the world with love
My whole life through?
- I'll take you around.
- Not now.
I have time before my class.
No, please, darling, not now.
You go and tell them about the interesting
derivation of the word "soubrette."
I'm just not feeling up to it.
Forgive me, darling, please forgive me.
Of course.
Just give me a few days to learn
and I won't disgrace you, I promise.
I'll never do that.
Never, never, never.
Of course you won't.
Congratulations, Chipping.
Thank you, Fenwick. How's Delilah?
Dreadful, I wish I could report
a snake had eaten her.
She's the most repulsive animal
in my menagerie.
I hesitate to put it
more bluntly in front of your wife.
What you mean, Lord Sutterwick,
is the girl's a tart.
I didn't say that.
I merely said that I happen to know
she's had numerous love affairs...
...with several well-known young men.
and her moral reputation in London stinks.
Dear me.
Then why has she married Chipping?
As I heard the story, Calbury's the one
she's determined to get to the altar.
This marriage
with a figure like Chipping... her last attempt
to bring Bill Calbury to heel.
That's quite beside the point, of course.
My own point is quite simple.
As Mrs. Chipping, this person will be.
until she sees fit to leave her husband... charge of my son's welfare.
And that, headmaster, I won't have.
That I won't buy at any price.
Chipping either loses his house
or you don't get those playing fields.
And that's quite that.
Then that is your ultimatum,
Lord Sutterwick?
Ultimatum is hardly a word
I would have chosen myself.
Indeed, then what word
would you have chosen yourself?
Excuse me.
Caesar, heel, Heel.
Katherine! Katherine!
My dear fellow.
My dear old fellow.
- My dear old fellow, I must ask...
- That's a bloody silly word, suitability.
- I didn't invent it.
- How do I know?
It's in Webster.
Well, I'm not gonna let it happen, Max.
Apollo has willed it.
Today is mine
What shall I do with it?
Throw it away
That's what I do with it
Nine times out of 10
The sun will shine
Am I a friend of it?
You wouldn't say I was a friend of it
Nine times out of 10
The day is fine
What will I see in it?
Not very much
That's what I see in it
Nine times out of 10
What shall I do
With today?
Captain Calbury, could you tell me
where I could find Katherine?
Perhaps you don't remember me...
...but we once had the pleasure
of meeting at a party of hers.
- Please, tell me. Please, where is she now?
- Troops, forward march.
Try Ursula.
I'll get it, my pet.
Who is making that dreadful noise?
Darling, how divine of you to come.
Party would have been hell
without you.
Not that it isn't hell.
even with you, but you mustn't mind.
- Still taking to drink in that third act?
- No, in the second act now.
Yes, that would be much better.
Glass of bubbly for you, I think.
Come along, darling.
No, no, darling.
urgent business to attend to.
We're playing the acting game.
which I know you absolutely adore, darling.
And I'm doing "the part is greater
than the whole" in that loom in there.
And I think I've found a way of doing it
so they can guess it quite quickly.
- Is my wife here?
- Wife?
- Which wile, darling?
- She was called Katherine Bridges.
Katie? Of course she's here.
- Did you say "wife"?
- Yes.
- But that would make you her husband.
- Yes.
Then she's not here, darling.
she's nowhere near the place.
That's what I was told to say
if you came in.
She's in the kitchen, darling.
making scrambled eggs.
- There's the kitchen.
- Ursula, you're on.
What was my phrase?
"The part is greater than the whole."
Oh, yes.
I can do that.
Come along, darling.
Too early. Whoever you are.
you'll have to wait your tum.
I don't intend to.
You would catch me scrambling eggs.
It's no way to play this scene.
I do not understand
what you mean by that.
I've only come to tell you that I love you.
that I cannot live without you.
Your grammar is too perfect,
and your prose style too impeccable.
You can't qualify superlatives.
- Can't you?
- Well, you can, if you want to.
You can do anything if you want to.
You'll still remain, for me, the only
person in the world that I've ever loved...
...or ever will love.
Why did you run away?
I said it all outside that assembly hall.
I told you then
I wouldn't ever disgrace you.
Ever, ever, ever.
That might just, but only just, explain
why some gills in your position...
...might have deserted their duty
through sheer, paralysing, bloody funk.
It didn't explain why you did.
Well, I did desert it.
- Isn't that proof enough?
- No.
- I think those eggs are burning.
- Then let them.
Mr. Chips.
I love you very much.
- You know that, don't you?
- Yes.
You think I ran away from you...
- ...because of sheer, paralysing funk?
- Yes.
Don't think it might have been
because I love you?
Yes, but it was still funk.
- Chips, you don't know...
- Oh, yes, I do know.
I know all about Sutterwick, his threats
to tell the governors about your past.
I know all about your unsuitability...
Horrible word.
Both our unsuitabilities...
The plural is even worse.
But how you'd ever imagine
that a word like suitability...
Which is only in Webster, mind you,
not in the Oxford, or is it?
...Could ever prevail over a word like love.
- which is in all the dictionaries.
There's no earthly reason to cry.
you know.
Of course there isn't.
You must have been all over the place
looking for me.
Here and there.
I demanded and took a fortnight's leave.
You, who never cut a class
in your whole life...
...took off a fortnight?
I'd have taken a lifetime.
Oh, Chips.
You'll lose everything you hold dear.
Everything I hold dear, I'm holding now.
Anyway, I mean to fight
and beat Sutterwick.
Don't tell me that dreadful man is here
or I'll have to get the police.
- How are the eggs?
- Scrambled.
So I see.
The part is greater than the whole.
With me acting.
wouldn't you think they'd guess?
All they kept saying was
"The Brothers Karamazov."
I'll get Freddie
Franklin-Finch to fix these.
He adores doing eggs for some reason.
He's very Freudian, our Freddie.
Ursula, you know Lord Sutterwick?
That's light, darling, the police.
There's a rather divine sergeant
at Vine Street.
I'll get him.
How that Sutterwick
has the gall to come here...
...when I'd thrown him out
bag and baggage last July.
I kept a little of the baggage...
...just a few ratty pieces of sable
and the odd chandelier.
Oh, but so mean.
with all those millions.
Darling, connect me
with Vine Street Police Station.
Sergeant Higgins.
Ursula, Lord Sutterwick is not here.
I only asked you if you knew him.
Forget it, darling.
Know Soapy Sutterwick?
I did, like the back of my hand.
only rather better...
...because I never have got to know
the back of my hand.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Was I? Oh, it must have been
a little thought I had.
- Ursula, we must go.
- We? You're not taking him?
Of course, you two are married
or something, aren't you?
Married, madam.
and quite definitely not something.
I adore this man.
When you've finished with him, Katie.
lend him to me.
Bye-bye, my darlings.
See you tomorrow or next year.
or in heaven or somewhere.
In heaven, certainly.
What a lot of flowers.
What a lot of sunshine.
What a lot of beauty
In the world today
What a world of colour
Just beyond my window
Flowers every color
Of the rainbow
Red roses, orange marigolds
Yellow buttercups, green leaves
Blue cornflowers, indigo lilacs
And violets, violets
My happy eye perceives
And among the people
There are two who'll never be apart
What a lot of happiness of heart
Is ours
What a lot of flowers
What a lot of lovely
Pretty flowers
Your Caesar.
Sutterwick, would you begin?
Not a bit.
Nor I.
I usually am on Parents' Day.
Good morning.
- Oh, Mr. Dickinson-Brown.
- Dickinson-Brown.
I hear you build
the most marvellous model aeroplanes.
You must let me see them sometime.
I simply love them.
I'd be frightfully pleased to,
Mrs. Chipping.
- Anytime.
- Well, how about after prep tomorrow?
Thank you.
You shouldn't call them mister.
Oh, the older boys love it.
It makes them feel grown up.
Hello, Freddie. Better news from home?
Yes, she's much better, thank you.
- Good.
- Sir.
And you shouldn't have called him
Well, nothing on earth is going to get me
to call him Robinson Minimus.
What an idiotic thing to call a little boy.
Oh, worship the king
All glorious above
Oh, gratefully sing
His power and his love
Our shield and defender
The Ancient of Days
Pavilioned in splendour
And girded with praise
Sutterwick, this must be a nervous
moment for you, but I shouldn't worry.
Your boy is a sound little player
off his back foot.
I was rather disappointed.
- My son tells me that his orders are...
- Lord Sutterwick.
Could I have a word with you?
Excuse me.
Would you mind, Baxter?
- Mr. Chipping.
- You will not win this battle.
- I've no idea to what you refer.
- Don't play it that way.
Excuse me, that is an expression
I've lately picked up from my wife.
It means you are playing theatre
instead of speaking the truth.
You are a businessman, and businessmen
are usually described as blunt.
If you won't be blunt, then I shall be.
You disapprove of me.
and you disapprove of my wife.
You are blackmailing the headmaster
into depriving me of my house.
Blackmailing is not a word
I am accustomed to hear.
I am surprised.
It is a word that is in all the
dictionaries and describes an activity...
...that is also known in the criminal code
as getting money with menaces.
What money am I getting, dear Mr.
...and what are my menaces?
Your menaces are to reveal
my Wire's rather troubled past.
Troubled is good.
Troubled, indeed, is good.
It is a good word.
I could have chosen other words.
but I will stick to troubled.
To reveal my Wire's troubled past
to the governors of this school.
The money you will get is the money
you will withhold from this school...
...unless I am sacked from my house,
is that blunt?
No reason why I should stand here
and be insulted.
Except that you are standing here
and are being insulted.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Why do you fight?
It puzzles me.
You can't possibly win.
In fact, you have already lost.
No, sir.
I've demanded a meeting
of the governors...
...and I intend to put my case to them
with all the facts.
I wouldn't say anything
against you behind your back... I trust you will attend the meeting.
Very happily-
Darling, all.
It's absolutely divine to be here.
Katie, Katie, darling.
Oh, my God, it couldn't be.
Oh, I'm so grateful to you for coming.
Oh, darling, it's divine of you to ask me.
Parents' Day, my dear.
what could be more riveting?
And there are the boys.
I hope there are lots more.
Where's, uh, Soapy?
He's talking to Chips, I think.
Well, I never thought
I'd hate myself in the morning.
All I could find, darling.
At least three years old.
must make me look like Queen Victoria.
Take me up, darling.
Aren't we lucky with the day?
So far.
Oh, headmaster.
You might like to meet
a close friend of mine...
...a very famous actress,
Miss Ursula Mossbank.
Darling headmaster.
how simply divine to meet you.
How do you do?
- Would you excuse me?
- Yes, certainly, darling.
How gorgeous you look
in that divine white silk stole.
It's far chicer than mine, darling.
Can you get lid of her?
I don't quite understand.
Heavens, she's wearing that stole.
Look, you're a woman of the world...
...and once, a long time ago.
mind you, I was...
Well, you know the situation, I'm sure.
Please, because if my wife sees her
with me, I'm lost.
Ursula has no tact at all.
Well, I'll do my best for you,
Lord Sutterwick.
Only for you.
Oh, but I adore English public schools.
I simply worship them all,
even that idiotic Westchester.
You can't ask a boy out to tea...
...without everyone
asking the most extraordinary questions.
Ursula, darling, you must see the
bell tower. And here's your guide.
A bell towel?
Oh, yes, of course, the bell towel.
Oh, headmaster, darling.
It's been wonderful.
You must come
to one of my little parties sometime.
Very informal.
Just come as you are, whatever that is.
Yes, I should be delighted.
And bring your dear wife,
if she is your dear wife.
Bring her anyway, darling. Goodbye.
Goodbye, all.
I hope
you like early English perpendicular.
Darling, I level
in early English perpendicular.
You know.
it's the most extraordinary thing.
All I did today was simply stand up... that dreadful bounder Sutterwick,
and now he's completely caved in.
- Has he, dear?
- But completely.
He's called off the governors' meeting.
- Has he?
- Mm.
Rather a triumph for me, on the whole.
There's a lesson in it all somewhere.
I suppose.
If only I knew what it was.
Oh, God.
You're so beautiful.
So are you.
Don't be absurd.
Not being absurd.
Being accurate.
Will we love each other like this forever?
And among the people
Can you see any reason why not?
There are two who'll never be apart
What a lot of happiness of heart is ours
What a lot of flowers
What a lot of lovely
Pretty flowers
- Douglas.
- Sir.
- Duncan.
- Sir.
- Dunson.
- Sir.
- Edgeworth.
- Sir.
That's Dickinson-Brown.
His fighter squadron's based at Dover.
- He always shoots us up when he's flying.
- Quiet, please.
- Elliot.
- Sir.
- Finch.
- Sir.
- Fisher.
- Sir.
- Forbes.
- Sir.
- Foster.
- Sir.
- Gaye.
- Sir.
- Gibbs.
- Sir.
- Glanville.
- Sir.
It's Dickinson-Brown again.
It's disgraceful.
He'll scale the boys.
I'm afraid they may have worse things
to scare them soon.
Do you think so, dear?
I prefer to believe in Mr. Chamberlain
and peace in our time.
- I wish I did.
- Really?
Steven, how many times have I told you?
I do beg your pardon.
Come on, Kennedy, it's the last of them.
- It's a lovely flower.
- Thank you, dear.
Oh, thank you, David.
It's a pleasure, Katherine.
Mrs. Chipping, David.
You know it's the rule.
In a week's time, I'll
have left Brookfield.
The next time we meet.
there won't be any rules.
When you're in the Horse Guards,
there'll be some.
Allow me.
See you at lunch.
Oh, God, you're so beautiful.
- Chilton.
- Sir.
- Fan.
- Sir.
- Faye.
- Sir.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I had to come in person and tell you
how very sorry I was to hear your news.
How very kind of you, Katherine.
Yes, leaving here after 20 years
is going to be rather a wrench, I admit.
But of course, it has to be.
Anno Domini.
It doesn't seem fair, does it,
that as we get older...
...they stay the same age.
No, it doesn't.
Oh, well.
I realise that delicacy
may prevent you asking this...
...but I have recommended your husband
to the governor as my successor.
Not that that may count for much.
Oh, you know it will.
I'm terribly grateful.
Well, there's no need.
- Miller.
- Sir.
I recommended the man
that I thought would be the best.
I haven't always thought that.
I suppose, but, uh...
How long have you been married?
- It's our 15th anniversary today.
- Ah.
- Vincent.
- Sir.
- Wedlake.
- Sir.
- Wenham.
- Sir.
- Whitely.
- Sir.
- William.
- Sir.
- Wordsley.
- Sir.
- Wright.
- Sir.
- Yates.
- Sir.
Thank you.
Thank you for my anniversary present.
Your own you'll find on the table
in front of you at lunch.
Meaning you'd totally forgotten.
No wonder the boys call you Ditchie.
Short for "ditchwater, dull as."
I don't think they do any longer.
- What do they call you?
- I don't know.
Chips, I think. Chips.
- Ah, now, that's much better.
- Oh, no, Max, they still don't like me.
I don't expect them to any longer.
unfeeling little monsters.
Let them unfeel. Who cares?
In the last 35 years.
I've become just as unfeeling as they are.
Hey, boy-
Where's the file?
- I'm late for class, sir.
- Why?
Sir, I was down at the
swimming pool, sir...
...practicing my diving and my watch
stopped, because it got water in it.
Not very convincing. I suggest this.
You were on your way to class
when I called you over...
...and gave you a lecture
on your slovenly appearance.
If asked,
you will bear that out, Mr. Staefel?
All right, boy? Cut along.
Yes, sir.
Thanks awfully.
Just as unfeeling.
No matter.
Dear fellow, this will be the last time
we shall take this little walk together.
Tomorrow is Founder's Day...
...and the day after, I leave for Germany.
Is that your choice?
Dear fellow,
how can you possibly think it is my choice?
So it will be goodbye.
Do you have to go?
All German citizens
have been ordered home by the Fhrer.
- Disobey.
- I have a mother in Dresden.
- They wouldn't do anything...
- They would.
Dear fellow, they would.
and well we both know it.
She's an old lady, I know,
but, uh, I still love her very much, and...
The world has grown a little unlovely.
don't you think?
No, of course you don't.
How lucky you English are.
And how little you always appreciate it.
What on earth's this?
Anniversary, I'd forgotten.
Have you gone out of your mind?
It's Apollo, isn't it?
Of course it's Apollo.
- It comes from quite near Paestum.
- It also comes from Pinkerton's.
- Mole soup, Maxwell?
- Thank you, Mrs. Chipping.
I happened to be passing Pinkerton's...
Everyone passes Pinkerton's.
No one who isn't called Rothschild
or Rockefeller ever goes in.
This, madam.
must have cost you well over three figures.
I'm not that well-off.
Well, don't you think it's beautiful?
I think the Taj Mahal is beautiful.
I don't expect it
as an anniversary present.
I've never known anyone more wickedly
or wantonly extravagant than my wife.
What's more.
- Those curtains over there are new.
- Yes, sir.
- As it so happens...
- You thought I wouldn't notice.
Now, how much did they cost?
No, don't tell me. I'll have a stroke.
I beg you to remember... are no longer earning hundreds
of pounds a week in Phyllis from Finchley.
Flossie from Fulham. Finished, Benson?
You are the wife
of an impoverished schoolmaster.
One thing's very certain.
I can't, unhappily, send the
curtains back, but this I can.
And will.
Directly after lunch.
You will then go down
to Woolworth's and buy me something...
...I really want.
It's no laughing matter, I assure you.
You must learn your lesson
or take the consequences.
Yes, dear.
Does this have to be here?
No, dear. Anywhere you like it.
What is it, anyway?
It's the parasol I had
in Phyllis from Finchley.
Yes, well, this wouldn't look right there.
Well, maybe the whatnot.
Come in.
I just had to come and talk to you.
Oh, Katherine. I heard every word
that old brute said to you at lunch...
...and I knew how you'd be feeling...
Did that boy call you Katherine?
Do you allow boys to call you
by your Christian name?
Not all boys, no.
But this boy?
Most outrageous.
How shall I put it?
This boy, I take it, is in love with you.
Don't blame him.
No, I do not blame him, I blame you
for encouraging him.
- Flirting with him, no doubt.
- Ha, ha, ha.
And who, play, is the old brute?
I thought as much.
A fine conspiracy you've been having,
you two, behind my unsuspecting back.
It's unlucky for you, isn't it,
that I've nipped your pranks in the bud?
Yes, Mrs. Chipping?
And what precisely
do you have to say to that?
How do you nip a plank in the bud?
What have I married?
That's what I ask myself.
We'll speak of this later.
You smiled
I smiled
We smiled
It was love
This is quite definitely the place for it.
I can't think why we ever argued.
Thank you for your message.
I meant it.
You were quite light
to laugh at me just now.
But you see.
I resent you looking so young.
If you looked older,
boys wouldn't fall in love with you...
...and you'd look
like a headmaster's wife.
You said " headmaster."
I meant "housemaster."
- But you said "headmaster."
- It was a slip of the tongue.
You've heard something.
Now, come on, tell me.
Tell me what you've heard.
Just that I had a word
with the chairman of governors yesterday...
...and he gave me to understand
that a certain matter...
...may be what you would call
"in the bag."
Oh, Chips, and you never told me.
That boy is quite light.
You are an old brute.
Well, I thought it might bring bad luck.
There's no such thing.
Oh, darling, darling, Chips,
I'm so happy for you.
I'm rather happy for myself.
School days, so they tell us
Are the most sublime of our lives
We'll have the time of our lives
It's the absolute prime of our lives
Yes, there are school days
That are golden
In the olden days,
it might have been true
But in the olden days they liked torture
And slavery too
What are you going to do?
School days, so we gather
Are the sweetest days that we'll know
And if that really is so
Well, it comes as a bit of a blow
I mean
If school days are the best of our lives
Imagine the rest of our lives
School days, school days
Never let me go
Come on.
- School days
- When I think of them
Are sublime
And you're sick of them
You can take your pick of them
- School days
- Work for scholarship
- What a time
- Lovable Mr. Chips
Talk about dictatorships
School days, they're the best
Oh, it's plain they are
It's plain they are
Cruel and inhumane they are
- School days
- Slightly insane they are
- That's the test
- It's just plain they are
Have you missed them?
I'll miss sunny high school days
- Sunny high
- Tap brass
- Sunny high
- School days
- Holidays
- School days, school days
Never let me
School days, school days
School days, school days
Never ever let me go
Oh, you were marvellous.
Don't worry.
I would like to congratulate...
...on your behalf, all those concerned... this year's Founder's Night concert,
especially Mrs. Chipping.
And congratulations also
to her sprightly and dashing chorus.
I'm only sad that it will be my last
as headmaster.
And now, before I take my leave,
I must give you the news...
...for which, I have no doubt,
many of you are eagerly waiting...
...and which the governors have asked me
to convey to you tonight.
The name of the man whom,
after prolonged deliberations...
...they have chosen to succeed me
as headmaster of Brookfield.
Their choice has fallen
on Mr. William Stanley Baxter, M.A..
I'm so very sorry.
How very kind of you.
Thank you very much.
You have
my most sincere congratulations.
My dear Chipping.
how very good of you.
- Excuse me, my dear.
- Of course.
You can understand
my embarrassment, I'm sure...
...but I have it on excellent authority
that the governors intended no slight...
...whatsoever to you as senior master.
It was simply a question of age.
I understand perfectly.
Ale you still there?
Just coming up.
Dear Mr. Baxter, I'm so very glad for you.
It must have been a wonderful surprise.
Yes, it was.
Where will you be watching
the fireworks from, the river?
Very likely.
I'll see you there.
Excuse me.
Come along.
Those mean,
ungrateful old swine of governors.
What I wouldn't do to them
if I had the chance.
Quiet, dear.
The milk is spilt. Don't let's cry.
Go and change.
I won't cry.
I wouldn't dream of crying.
You could have imagined my feelings.
I had no chance to warn you.
Sutterwick, I suppose.
He turned the screws very hard.
There's been some question
of the school being evacuated... the event of war.
since we're so close to London.
Sutterwick said he was prepared to fight
at cabinet level...
...for our exemption, provided that...
A valuable concession.
...will you be seeing the chairman
of governors down at the river?
I would like you to tender him
my resignation.
You're not serious.
I can't work under Baxter...
...and I don't intend to try.
Dear man, you must think this over.
I don't need to.
My mind is entirely made up.
I won't back down.
Do you think I shouldn't have resigned?
Oh, I didn't say that.
I said you were light to do
whatever you thought was light.
Must seem rather petty, I suppose.
but you see...
...I wanted it so much for you.
It wasn't much to offer you
for all I took away from your life...
...when we married.
but at least it was something.
What did you take away from me?
Oh, success and money, gaiety.
A hundred, hundred things...
...for which I've never been able
to give you anything in return.
Not even children.
Now, don't be absurd, Chips.
That's far more likely to be my fault
than yours.
Anyway, who wants children?
You do.
I know you do.
You've always wanted them desperately.
But darling, I have hundreds of children.
All boys.
Oh, Katherine.
Forgive this intrusion so late, Chips.
I've seen the chairman of governors,
and he feels that with war so imminent...
...Brookfield cannot spare
any master at all...
...especially one of your qualities
and experience...
...and your immense value to the school.
Did he use those words?
And many more.
He wants me to say that he begs you
on his knees to reconsider your verdict.
What may I tell him?
That I'll consider it.
Ah, good.
Good for you
and good for Brookfield.
- Good night, Katherine.
- Good night.
On his knees, eh?
Well, that's just where he should be
to my husband.
This deserves something.
You and I
Have travelled far together
We've pursued our little star together
We are happy as we are together
We may never get to heaven
But it's heaven at least to try
You and I are going on together
Till the time we have is gone together
Watch the evening drawing on together
Growing older, growing closer
Making memories that light the sky
That only time can make
That only love can make
That only we can make
You and I!
I'd love cocoa.
I couldn't find any... I felt that champagne
would be an adequate substitute.
Well, all right, then.
- Cheers to that.
- Cheers.
- Dean.
- Sir.
- Douglas.
- Sir.
- Edwich.
- Sir.
- Edwards.
- Sir.
Cover, boys!
Oh, get off.
You're worse than a flying bomb.
Those flying bombs
seem to be leaching a climax today.
I've counted 23 since 7 a.m.
Don't you think
you should send the boys to shelter?
But if I did.
they might well be in there all day.
Far better than to have them out in the
open running the risk of a direct hit.
You must do as you see right,
...but as it is Mr. Hitler's declared
intention since the D-day landings... paralyse all normal life
in southern England... seems to me our plain duty
is to carry on our normal life... at Brookfield.
Carry on.
- Gaye.
- Sir.
Breathe in. Heh, heh, heh.
- Yes. Yes.
- Oh.
Oh, I can still get into it.
Chips, isn't it wonderful?
Do you know my accompanist
Miss Honeybun?
How do you do?
Well, another concert?
Yes, for the RAF.
And the CO, believe it or not,
especially asked for "London is London."
Oh, well, that should be extremely....
Extremely what?
Oh, Chips, do you think I dare?
Of course you dare.
It is a charming song.
Liar. I'm awfully old for it.
Well, you're not looking awfully old.
Frankly, you look 18
and remarkably beautiful.
Mind you, I've never seen you
lying under the piano before.
You qualify all your compliments,
don't you?
Uh, it's gone "bang", Mr. Chipping.
Oh, I'm extremely sorry.
I was kissing my wife.
Oh, heh, heh. Why?
I don't know, really.
It somehow seemed a good idea
at the time.
Oh, yes, well...
Well, gentlemen, I think we're all agreed.
It only remains tor me
to congratulate Mr. Baxter...
...on his appointment
to the National Education Commission.
Mr. Chipping's here, sir.
- Send him in, Jenkins, please.
- Very good, sir.
Ah, Mr. Chipping, do come in.
Take a seat.
I think you know everybody here.
I don't expect you've heard that Baxter
is leaving us at the end of the term...
...for an important state appointment.
No, I haven't.
Nor had we, till yesterday.
Well, Chipping, I'm happy to tell you
that I am in a position... full agreement with my colleagues...
In fairly full agreement
with my colleagues.
...To offer you, at long last, the position
which I and some of my colleagues...
...regretted we could not offer you
in 1939.
- Katherine!
- Wish me luck.
- I've something to tell you.
- What?
I've been made headmaster!
I can't hear you, tell me later.
Look out, Chips.
Sit, boys.
I am extremely sorry
for having kept you waiting.
No doubt you all found
many useful ways of employing the time.
You in particular, Farley.
Yes, sir.
I've done my prep all over again.
I've no doubt at all.
Well, that being the case, you can begin.
Page 38, line 12.
Don't you think Hitler seems to be aiming
at us particularly today, sir?
You fancy a special order
has been sent out to the Luftwaffe?
"Get Farley at all costs"?
What's the principle
of a flying bomb, sir?
Ah, Farley, you don't divert me
quite so easily from Caesar's Gallic Wars.
If you'll turn to page 40...
...and begin at the bottom line.
you will have your answer.
I don't understand it, sir.
Gresham, would you do it?
This was the kind of fighting... which the Germans
busied themselves.
- Oh, very good, sir.
- Yes, sir. very good.
- Pretty good.
- Very good.
You can see how these dead languages
can sometimes come to life again.
Now, Farley, back to page 38. Begin.
Please, sir, may we ask
a question, sir, first?
- We're all longing to know...
- What?
Well, if the rumor's true, sir.
that you've been made headmaster.
It's not really a question
you should ask or I answer.
But, yes, Farley.
it does happen to be true.
Quiet, please. Quiet.
I can only say I am very surprised.
very surprised, indeed.
Thank you all very much.
Now, Farley, your kindly interruption...
...has not saved you from translating
Caesar to me for the next five minutes.
Begin, please.
Our men attacked the enemy... fiercely when...
When the signal was given.
Altogether now, one more time.
Oh, London is London
Come on, now.
London is London
There was a boy who.
when asked to translate into Latin...
...Tennyson's beautiful lines:
Break, break, break
On thy cold grey stones, O sea!
Came up with:
Oh, fluctus, fluctus
rumperty, rumperty, jam
He's now a bishop.
- Hitler's shut up shop for the night.
- Yes, Farley, but we haven't.
This is a double hour.
and we still have another 20 minutes.
Excuse me, sir.
Would you be Mr. Chipping?
- Yes.
- Could I see you alone for a moment, sir?
Certainly, officer.
Look, chaps. I've got a marvellous idea.
Let's play a joke on him.
Let's write him letters of congratulation
and put them on his desk.
- We haven't time.
- We don't need to write anything.
Folded up bits of paper with
"headmaster of Brookfield" on them.
Well, come on.
I've put something in mine.
Wanna hear it?
- No.
- I put:
"Gosh, they must be hard up
for headmasters these days."
There are some letters on your desk.
- Letters?
- Yes, you've got your elbow on them.
But there's nothing inside.
Look at the other side, sir.
"Headmaster of Brookfield."
Mrs. Chips. She's been killed.
Could I have mine back, please, sir?
Yours back, why?
I'd just like it back, sir.
That's the one.
You've got it in your hand.
Don't lead it, sir.
Why not?
"Gosh, they must be hard up...
...for headmasters these days."
I didn't mean it, sir.
But it's perfectly true.
It was a...
...joke, sir.
Yes, a joke.
Wouldn't you like to go home, sir?
We, uh...
We still have another 10 minutes
to the bell.
Would one of you be good enough... translate?
Such things being so...
...hostages were...
Hostages having been exchanged.
And now, before passing to the events
of the corning school week...
...I hope you will forgive me if I make
an announcement regarding myself.
This is the last time
I will be addressing you as headmaster.
Like so many others, my services
have come to an end with the war...
...and next term.
you'll have another headmaster.
Well, I thank the boy who said, "Shame."
But if it was the boy
I think it was, Farley, T.F...
...I must tell you, he is by nature
a little prone to exaggerate.
I may remind him I once had occasion
to reprimand him for exaggeration.
I gave him one mark for an exercise,
and he exaggerated it into seven.
- We all know Farley.
- I'm giving him too.
Well, now. I thank you all, then.
but I beg to remind you...
...that I haven't really been
headmaster at all.
Just acting, temporary, on probation.
Oh, yes, I know my portrait's up there
with all the others...
...but it's an awful fraud
and quite a puzzle for posterity.
"How did he ever get up there?"
they'll ask themselves.
Well... jolly well needed a world
war to do it. I could tell them.
Anyway, that war is over.
And now we face the future, you and I.
I know mine, but I don't know yours.
You're growing up into a new world.
a very exciting world, perhaps...
...but for sure a very changed world.
It may even be a world
that has no place for Brookfield.
At least, not for the Brookfield
I have known for so many years...
...and you still know now.
Well, if such changes
do come to our school... must accept them...
...without lancer or bitterness.
As for me, I won't have
to accept any changes at all, will I?
Because Brookfield for me
will be only memories.
And they can't change
an old chap's memories...
...however hard they try.
They are memories
that I will always cherish...
...and for which I am now
most truly and deeply grateful.
Oh, uh, just one thing more.
I'm not leaving Brookfield altogether.
I'm taking looms in the town.
Thank you.
When you come to see me in after years,
as I hope some of you will...
...and you're all very gland and grown-up.
I may well not recognize you...
...and you'll say.
"Poor old boy, his memory's gone."
But you see,
I will remember you all perfectly well...
...because I will remember you
as you are now.
That's the point.
In my mind, you'll never grow up at all.
I get older, and so do all of them...
...but you always stay the same...
...and you always will.
And in that, I shall find...
...great comfort in the days to come.
So you see... won't really be goodbye at all.
And now I come to the week's events...
- Three cheers for Chips. Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
Boys. Boys.
What is it?
They said you wanted to see me, sir.
You're Sutterwick.
Yes, sir.
It gave me no pleasure... stop you playing tennis
that day, you know.
Sir, that wasn't me.
Of course it was you.
I've only arrived this morning.
I'm a new boy.
Yes, I see.
That was all a long time ago, wasn't it?
It must have been your father.
My father wasn't at Brookfield, sir.
My grandfather was.
Yes, of course, your grandfather.
And that other one.
the one who gave us the playing fields...
...he'd be your great grandfather.
Yes, sir.
What's happened to him?
Oh, he's dead, sir.
He would be.
Just remind me, Sutterwick,
what am I supposed to see you about?
I don't know, sir.
Oh, I see.
It's the old leg-pull.
They're always sending
new boys in to me.
I suppose they think
they'll take one look at me...
...and run screaming back home
to their mothers.
Put that back, would you?
Very carefully.
I don't want it broken.
It's Apollo, isn't it, sir?
Yes, how do you know?
Oh, I know about Greek things.
Do you now? Good.
Taking classics, then?
Oh, no, sir, physics.
Yes, that's the thing now, isn't it?
Quite the rage.
Where did you get that Apollo, sir?
It was a present from my wife.
You were married.
Why do you find that so surprising?
Oh, no, sir. I didn't mean that.
I only meant, I mean...
Do you have any children, sir?
Yes, hundreds of children.
All boys.
- Goodbye, boy.
- Goodbye, Mr. Chips.
- What did you call me?
- Mr. Chips.
Mr. Chipping or just Chips.
Only one person in the world
is allowed to call me Mr. Chips.
Was allowed to.
Still, that's all light, boy.
Have a good life at Brookfield.
I wonder if we were any use at all.
I mean.
what did we ever teach the boys?
How to parse a sentence in ancient Greek?
Was that going to help them today?
Was it?
Well, I suppose
we did teach them one thing:
How to behave to each other.
Yes, we did try to teach them that.
And is there anything more important
to teach people than that, is there?
In the evening of my life
I shall look to the sunset
At a moment in my life
When the night is due
And the question I shall ask
Only you can answer
Was I brave
And strong and true?
Like you?
Like you?
- Elpert.
- Sir.
- Edgeworth.
- Sir.
- Edwards.
- Sir.
- Ellis-Smythe.
- Sir.
- Ellis.
- Sir.
- Everly.
- Sir.
- Fairbum.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Fisher. Forbes.
- Good morning, sir.
- Gardner.
- Sir.
- Garnet.
- Sir.
- Gaye.
- Sir.
- Gates.
- Sir.
- Hanson.
- Sir.
- Harper.
- Sir.
- Harrison.
- Sir.
- Hewitt.
- Sir.
- Hill.
- Sir.
- Hope.
- Sir.
with the school song.
For what we are about to receive,
may the Lord make us truly thankful.
- Abbot.
- Sir.
- Ackerman.
- Sir.
- Adams.
- Sir.
- Adams. Adams.
- Sir.
- Alloy.
- Sir.
- Anderson.
- Sir.
- Appleby.
- Sir.
- Armitage Major.
- Sir.
- Armitage Minor.
- Sir.
- Arrowsmith.
- Sir.
- Atkins.
- Sir.
- Austen. Bailey.
- Sir.
- Baites.
- Sir.
Baker Major.
- Baker Minor.
- Sir.
- Balfor-Ellis.
- Sir.
- Banning.
- Sir.
- Barclay.
- Sir.
- Barrington.
- Sir.
- Bartholomew.
- Sir.
- Bascom.
- Sir.
- Bennett.
- Sir.
- Beresford.
- Sir.
- Bettington.
- Sir.
- Biddicomb.
- Sir.
- Billing.
- Sir.
- Billingham.
- Sir.
Birch. Blankenship.
- Bonn.
- Sir.
- Bonner-Harris.
- Sir.
- Bridges.
- Sir.
- Broderick.
- Sir.
- Brown Major.
- Sir.
- Brown Minor.
- Sir.
- Brown Minimus.
- Sir.
- Bruce.
- Sir.
- Burgess.
- Sir.
- Butler.
- Sir.
- Caldwell.
- Sir.
- Campbell.
- Sir.
- Canning. Carrington.
- Sir.
- Carstairs.
- Sir.
- Cartwright.
- Sir.
- Cherry. Chilton.
- Sir.
- Clark.
- Sir.
- Clay.
- Sir.
- Coates. Cole.
- Sir.
- Coleridge.
- Sir.
- Colley Minor.
- Sir.
- Cook. Craft.
- Sir.
- Crew.
- Sir.
- Cunningham. Curry.
- Sir.
- Dalton.
- Sir.
- Deeds.
- Sir.
- Dickinson-Brown.
- Sir.
- Douglas.
- Sir.
- Duncan.
- Sir.
- Edgeworth. Edwards.
- Sir.
- Elliot-Smythe.
- Sir.
- Ellis.
- Sir.
- Every.
- Sir.
- Fairhulst.
- Sir.
- Fernley.
- Sir.
- Fitch. Fisher.
- Sir.
- Forbes.
- Sir.
Isn't this a rather unusual action
for you to take, Chipping?
I suppose it is, headmaster...
...but my class's examination results
this term were also rather unusual.
I've looked at them.
They were only a little below average.
Yes, that, for a class of mine,
is rather unusual.
- It's a punishment?
- Oh, no.
I trust nobody thinks that.
- Baxter does.
- Well, he's wrong.
I want to take my boys over their exam in
some detail and show them their mistakes.
It should be a very helpful session.
Quite so.
Unhappily, there's this tennis match.
Sutterwick's results
are among the worst.
Even if they weren't, I should
still think it wrong to make an exception.
Don't know what
Sutterwick's father's going to say.
I do. Something very smooth,
very offensive and quite beside the point.
- You know him?
- I taught him.
You know that he is the generous donor
of our new playing fields.
Most generous.
I know he has a great deal of money
to be generous with.
- You won't let me persuade you to...
- No, but you can older me to.
Oh, well.
I'll be seeing you tonight for dinner?
Yes, headmaster.
I'm very much looking forward to it.
Do people think
I really want to be disliked?
Who thinks that?
Baxter, for one.
He plainly thinks I'm a bloody sadist.
My dear fellow, that's the first time
I ever heard you swear.
There has to be a first time
for everything.
I don't think the boys do dislike you.
Yes, they do.
I can't blame them.
If I were one of them,
I'd dislike myself, I think.
- You must not exaggerate, my dear fellow.
- I don't.
- The boys are quite right to dislike failures.
- Now you do exaggerate.
A man whose textbook on Pindar...
What is worse than a teacher...
...who can't make his pupils grasp
the importance of what he has to teach?
- Can you answer me that?
- Yes.
A teacher who doesn't try to, like Baxter.
Rather true, Max.
Thank you.
Look out, it's Old Blood and Iron.
That's just their humour.
- What do they call you?
- "Ditchie."
Ditchie? That's not too bad.
It's short for "ditchwater,"
and that is a simile for "dull."
Good morning.
Sit down.
You seem to have chosen
rather an eccentric costume for class.
I'm playing in the final
of the junior tennis competition.
At what time?
Twelve-thirty, sir.
At 12:30, you will still be in class,
- I thought I told you.
- Mr. Baxter said I could play.
Did I tell you?
The period is supposed to end at 12.
It ends when I say it ends, Sutterwick,
and that is 1.
When the bell rings at 12, I'm going, sir.
You've no light
to keep the others in either.
I have two kinds of right, Sutterwick.
The right which would be translated
into Latin by the word fas...
...meaning a sacred duty...
...and the light
which is given me by power.
The first
I don't expect you to understand.
The second, I do.
Sit down, please.
Your Homer, page 56, line 17.
Simpson, will you begin?
"Yea, I will tell thee clearly
and say but the truth.
Mentes, I boast to be Anchialus' son.
And among the Taphians.
men of the oar, I am king.
I came hither..."
They think I do nut understand
They think I do not hear or see
I only wish they knew I do understand
I only wish they understood me
"In the haven of Rheithlon."
That is remarkably fluent, Simpson...
...but I think I would prefer the words
to be your own...
...rather than those of Professor Jacobs'
Easy Guide to the Classics.
Would you be good to detach the page from
that work that you've glued to your book?
Hand it to me.
Take 25 punishment lines and proceed.
My dear Baxter,
what an absurd fuss over a game of tennis.
A game of tennis?
It is the final of the junior cup.
It's still a game of pat-ball
with a piece of framed catgut... unworthy subject
for a quarrel between housemasters.
When you make jokes to Baxter
against tennis, better duck.
He didn't only get a tennis blue at Oxford,
he got a boxing blue.
- Also first-class honours in physics.
- Biology.
And we don't say honours in this country.
just degree.
I'm sorry.
Fenwick, I disagree with you profoundly
upon the importance of this issue.
To deprive Sutterwick of the chance,
just because that pernickety old idiot...
...has taken it into his head
to give his form an hour's extra tuition.
On the last day of term? Heh, heh.
Chipping's a brave man.
"Wine-dark sea" is a perfectly
acceptable description of the Aegean Sea.
I agree Homer does use it lather a lot...
...but then there are some epithets
we all use lather a lot, don't we?
I believe your favourite is "stinky."
Isn't it?
Forgive me if I prefer Homer's
more colourful imagery.
Twelve o'clock, I see, Sutterwick.
- Sir?
- Come here, would you?
Just distribute these around the class.
would you?
To each boy.
I think you'll find them
all clearly marked.
I won. I won.
I'm the champion.
I'm the junior tennis champion.
The Lex Canuleia... not, as Colley Minor seems to think,
a law regulating canals...
...but a law that permitted Roman
patricians to marry plebeians.
An easy way to remember it... to imagine a Miss Plebeian
wishing to many a Mr. Patrician...
...and Mr. Patrician saying he can't.
She could then reply.
"Oh, yes, you can, you liar."
Well, boys, I've finished.
You've all hated me for this, I know,
but I am paid to teach you...
...and your parents pay Brookfield
for you to learn.
We have a mutual duty, in fact...
...and it's not a duty that I, for one,
am prepared to betray.
This is goodbye for 10 weeks.
May I wish you all a happy holiday.
You may go.
Yesterday, I was their age
Tomorrow, they'll be my age
Sooner, much sooner than they know
And suddenly they will ask
What every child must ask
Where did my childhood go?
Where did my childhood go?
When did my youth, sweet and free
Suddenly slip away from me?
Was it so long ago?
Where did my childhood go?
When did the magic end?
When did the future meet the past?
Ending a dream too good to last
Taking away our friend
When did my childhood end?
Was it that day in early spring
That lingers on
When somehow I knew
This precious time would soon be gone?
What does the future show?
Spring will return again next year
And when she does
She'll find me here
Wondering still
I know
Where did my childhood go?
Yesterday, I was their age
Tomorrow, they'll be my age
Sooner, much sooner than they know
And suddenly they will ask
What every child must ask
Where did my childhood
Over by the new playing fields.
That is, if you ever get them.
Especially as this year.
I've been invited to shoot at Dumlochspey.
Where are you going for your holiday,
Mr. Chipping?
To the new excavations at Pompeii.
- But won't that be hot at this time of year?
- Yes.
He must be in the late 30s by now.
but I always think of him as a boy.
Oh, no, headmaster.
I'm sure you're a very good shot.
- You're staying in London, aren't you?
- Yes, with Johnnie Longbridge.
Lord Longbridge? But I...
You're very lucky to have so rich
and hospitable an ex-pupil.
Oh, I don't know, Max.
Charlie was a very nice boy.
Quite a good scholar too.
We always got on.
- Is he taking you to the Old Vic as usual?
- Wasn't Lord Longbridge married?
- No.
- No.
- I ask...
- That was the father.
Present Lord Longbridge is unmarried.
- It's the Medea which I wanted to see.
- He's quite young.
He's got tickets for something
he wants to see for some reason...
...called, apparently.
Flossie from Fulham.
But you're very lucky, Mr. Chipping.
My dear fellow, that is most shocking.
Am I, indeed, Mrs. Summersthwaite?
It's a divine show, quite divine.
and a very big hit.
- That means a success.
- Does it?
Flossie from Fulham is a divine show,
and you'll adore it.
Oh, splendid.
But Medea, Max, isn't it a shame?
I wonder if I could get Johnnie
to change his mind.
I'm looking forward like mad
to seeing this extravaganza.
I'm sorry, Chips. I know very well
what you'd rather be seeing...
...but I had to bring you
to meet the gill I intend to many.
You're not serious, surely.
- You did say marry?
- Oh, yes, if she'll have me.
I'm standing, at the moment.
lather low on her list.
I'm sure she's utterly delightful,
but think of your name, your position...
...those Shakespeare first folios
in the library at Charworth.
Dear Chips, I'm awfully fond of you.
- Why?
- I say, a treasure hunt in Fulham.
- What a capital idea.
- Why what?
- Blimey, Ben, look at them...
- Why are you awfully fond of me?
Where is the owner of this fish stole?
- Yeah, where's Flossie?
- Flossie?
I say, what an absolute corker you are,
dear Miss Fish Stall Owner.
Plainly, the femme fatale of Fulham.
Oh, wherever did you come from,
all dressed up so la-di-da?
Oh, the West End of London.
Well, as long as it's London.
it's all light with me.
Ems stands in Piccadilly Circus
Nelson stands in Trafalgar Square
Big Ben stands by the River Thames
And will as long as the Thames is there
London is a strange, unchanging town
And take my word
Whatever you've heard
London Bridge has no intention
Of falling down
Oh, London is London
Is anyone in doubt about it?
London is London
It's easy to find out about it
London is springtime
Cockney champagne
London is summer
Lots of rain
but who's complaining?
London is lovely
Let no one change his mind about it
Lovely and lively
Yes, that's the thing I find about it
You can have Paris
And Venice and Rome
But London is London
Is London is England
Is home
London is London
Forgive me if I shout about it
Nowhere's like London
So mighty roundabout about it
London is history
Future and past
London is mystery
Flabbergasting, everlasting
London is a charmer
I could go on for days about it
Dripping with drama
There just ain't no two ways about it
You can have Cairo and Cannes
And Capri
- But London is London
CHORUS 'l: London is
Landon is Landon
Is England
Is me
- London London is London
There's such a lovely style about it
- London London is London
You can't resist
Just smile about it
London is history
Future and past
London is mystery
Flabbergasting, everlasting
London is London
Random people rave about it
London, my London
There's something people crave about it
Others may pine
For a trip up the Rhine
Or follow the sun
Where it happens to shine
The tip of the parties
The home where the heart is
And Landon is Landon
Is England
Is mine
Why the hell do we come here?
Because we always come here.
What's the matter with you tonight?
Good evening.
But she's got young Calbury with her.
Some idiot in the Horse Guards.
Damn it, Chips, we've been stood up.
Stood UP?
She's forgotten.
Oh, dear. I am sorry.
Oh, Johnnie Longbridge.
Oh, my God. I've stood him up.
I must get him over.
Not to stay.
Come on, Chips.
What will you think of me?
Nothing. Except that
you're a terrible muddler of dates.
And I've known that for ages.
Bill Calbury you know, of course.
He was suddenly in town again, and...
Oh, no, no, don't apologize, darling.
Oh, but you came
to see the show especially tonight.
My fifth time.
This is Chips.
I told you about him, remember?
Of course.
Hasn't he any other name?
Well, if he has, I can't remember it.
Then I'd better call you Mr. Chips.
That's a nice name.
How do you do, Mr. Chips?
How do you do, Miss Bridges?
This is Bill Calbury.
Do join us.
Oh, Chips absolutely adored the show.
I'm so glad.
Oh, yes, I loved it.
It's a great hit, isn't it?
We've been running for over a year.
Over a year?
Every night?
Well, we get Sundays off.
But don't you get most awfully bored?
I mean, isn't it an awful strain for you,
all that leaping?
Oh, yes, I loved it.
The plot I found a shade tortuous...
...but the exposition of it,
remarkably adroit.
Did you like anything else?
Well, the denouement...
...I found quite remarkable
when you turned out... be the real Lady Lettie all along.
No, that's Edna Lovelace.
I tum out
to be William C. Belfrage's ward.
Ah, yes, the multimillionaire shop owner.
Of course, how stupid of me.
But then, you and the other lady
do look alike.
Yes, I suppose we do.
She's 53 next birthday.
You astound me, and sing so well.
I think we should go back to our table.
Goodbye, Katie. Marvelous seeing you.
Goodbye, Miss Bridges.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips.
What an idiotic bore.
Bill, you were asking me
something important.
You were asking me
whether I seriously believed something.
They tell me they make
a delicious oyster stew here.
By the way.
how do you know she's not here?
The gill tonight's evening news
said you're going to many.
Oh, yes, I saw that.
Me and Penelope Fitzdouglas.
Huh. Wasn't it ridiculous?
I'll have the same as last Tuesday.
Yeah, so will I.
The same wine?
The same wine.
Hey, mister.
Hey, mister, please.
I'll be your guide to Pompeii, okay?
Okay, on your right, is the Greek forum...
...which was partially destroyed
in the earthquake of AD 61.
Behind you is the statue of Clio.
one of the Muses.
- She had...
- No.
That is Terpsichore...
...the Muse of choral dance and song.
and the earthquake was in AD 62.
Okay, mister, you know best.
Actually, dear fellow, I think I do.
Hello, can you hear me up there?
Yes, of course I can.
The acoustics here are famous.
Can you hear me?
Yes, but you're shouting.
I'm not shouting.
Sound travels upwards
better than downwards.
Could you hear that?
What are you eating?
An egg sandwich.
When was the earthquake
that destroyed all this?
It wasn't an earthquake.
It was an eruption of Vesuvius...
...behind me.
and it happened in the year 79 AD...
...toward the end of the ides of June.
Ha. I thought only March had ides.
All Roman months had ides.
Calends too.
Ale you a guide?
Do I look like a guide?
I don't know.
I haven't got my field glasses with me.
What are you?
A schoolmaster.
Ah, that's cheating.
- What are you?
- A tourist.
An ignorant one, as you implied,
who doesn't know her ide from her calend.
There is no singular to either word.
Oh, you can't win, can you?
You eating another sandwich?
You wouldn't have anything left,
would you?
One egg sandwich and some cheese.
I'm coming up. I'm starving.
How do you do?
My name is Chipping.
Mine is Bridges.
Golly. Well, one thing's fairly certain.
We'd never be cast opposite each other.
Forgive me, I didn't quite follow that.
It doesn't matter.
Oh, thank you, you're an angel of mercy.
Haven't we met before?
I don't think so. Some of this?
Thank you.
Of course, you're Mr. Chips.
I beg your pardon?
Oh, we met at the Savoy one night,
with Johnnie Longbridge, remember?
I was with somebody called Bill Calbury.
and you said all the wrong things.
Good gracious,
you're not the girl in that awfully...
...jolly musical comedy?
Oh, thank you for making me laugh. It's
the first time I have for over a month.
Cheers. I didn't mean it as funny.
Well, no, if you had,
I wouldn't have laughed.
This is nice.
I ought to tell you, it's lather strong.
But of course.
You were the gal who turned out
to be the real Lady Lettie all along.
- You've done it again.
- Oh, dear. I'm so sorry.
You are William C. Belfrage's ward.
Miss Katherine Bridges.
Ah, that's wrong too.
My real name is not Bridges.
My real name is...
Now you won't laugh, will you?
It's Brisket.
Charmingly Anglo-Saxon.
What are you doing in Pompeii?
I wasn't feeling very well
and they gave me a month off... I booked myself
on this Mediterranean cruise.
My boat stopped at Naples and, uh...
Well, they organized a tour of this place.
Only I hate being conducted.
When I heard there was a theatre,
I slipped off. I'm glad I did.
- It's beautiful.
- The other is even better.
Greek theatre.
You mean they did plays here
like the one that's on at the Old Vic now?
The Medea? Yes, they did.
I'd like to see that.
I hear it's marvellous.
I do too.
So we'll do it together sometime, huh?
Is there lots more to see at Pompeii?
Oh, there's a full 10 days
of exhaustive sightseeing...
...and many, many more,
if you include the Herculaneum and...
Well, I've got the lest of the day.
Would you be my guide, Mr. Chips?
Look, doesn't this bore you terribly?
Please, please say if it does,
...I know there's nothing more awful
than being bothered by somebody...
...when you really want
is to be on your own.
Nobody knows that better than me.
Sorry. Than I?
It doesn't bore me at all.
In fact, very much the reverse.
Truth to say, I was feeling
a little lonely myself this afternoon.
This is the temple of Jupiter.
Ale you quite alone on the ship?
I mean, you're not
with any particular friend?
No, no particular friend.
At the moment,
I'm rather between particular friends.
Of course,
you met him that night, didn't you?
Mr. Calbury. Yes, I did.
I'm sorry.
That's all light.
No doubt the sea ail...
Yes. The sea ail has done marvels.
Sorry, am I going too fast for you?
My dear young lady,
I could go as fast as you...
...if I cared to risk a broken ankle
and be carried on a stretcher.
It's extremely foolish to leap around
in a ruined circus like a mountain goat.
Especially in those shoes.
These stones are treacherous.
I'm sure you're very active for your age.
Since you cannot know what my age is...
...your flattering conviction, Miss Bridges,
must be based on a conjectural premise.
You've done it again.
Now that's three times
you've made me laugh.
And only this morning.
I really did think I'd never laugh again.
I suppose it's your being a schoolmaster.
I tail to see
what's so laughable about that.
Well, no, it's not laughable.
One doesn't laugh at people
only because they're funny.
Not some people, anyway.
Come on. There's so much left to see
before the sun goes down on us.
A million planets
Were swimming in the sky
I only saw the sun
A million faces drifted by
Suddenly, there was one
Filling my mind
Like the day was filled with sun
Telling my heart
My life had just begun
Although it is so many years away
I remember that moment
As though it were yesterday
He smiled
I smiled
We smiled
And the sky
Smiled too
We walked, he talked
I talked
And the sky was blue
And before the walk was over
I just knew
He smiled
I smiled
We smiled
And the sky
Smiled too
It was love
What does that mean?
"Know yourself."
The watchword of Apollo.
The god of prophecy.
Amongst other things.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Have I tired you out?
No, you have not tiled me out.
I have a large piece of ancient Greece
in my shoe, that's all.
Well, it's been really thrilling
to be shown around Paestum... the world's greatest authority
on ancient Greece.
I am not the world's greatest authority
on ancient Greece, just one of them.
I'm going to ask Apollo a question.
You mustn't ask a personal question.
Well, not a specific one, like...
Like, "Will Bill Calbury come back to me?"
No, I wouldn't bore Apollo with that,
I promise you.
No, just something general, like,
"What's going to happen to my life?"
Ah. Even that is too specific.
Besides, I could answer that.
A series of, what is it, hits,
a dazzling career?
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
I mean, no.
Look, Mr. Chips.
Seems to me
you've learned just about everything...
...but you haven't learned
the first thing about me.
Ever heard of a captain
who hates the sea? That's me... I.
Only with I, me, it's the theatre.
You tell me the show must go on.
and what do I answer?
Now, come on, Apollo, just speak to me.
I'm going to bleak all the rules
and ask you something specific.
Did he speak?
Very clearly.
What did he say?
- If I tell, it won't happen.
- That is the new moon, not Apollo.
You won't get me to tell.
Know yourself.
That's quite a watchword.
You're most retentive.
Give me a good line
and I can remember it.
You smiled
I smiled
We smiled
And the sky
Smiled too
It was love
They call me Ditchie,
short for "ditchwater, dull as."
They think I'm a bore
and they're probably light.
No, no.
Oh, yes.
But I wouldn't mind them
thinking me a bore...
...if I could only get them to see
how much I really do like them...
...and care for them.
What's the matter?
I was blowing my nose.
There isn't any law against that, is there?
- But I thought you were cry...
- Well, I was.
And there isn't any law
against that either.
- But in heaven's name, why?
- Doesn't matter.
Give me some more of that.
Look, this Epomeo
really is most awfully strong.
But if it's gonna make you start
squirting tears all over the table...
just because my pupils
find me a dull teacher...
Oh, heavens.
I really am most awfully sorry.
What 101?
I've been talking so much
about myself...
...I'd completely forgotten
what your problems were...
...and what good reasons
you have to cry.
You must forgive me.
Well done, Mr. Chips.
Quite up to form.
I think you're the nicest man
I've ever met in my life.
Now, faced with that challenge,
what do you think of me?
Or do I really want to know?
Yes, I do. Go ahead.
Well, I think Mr. Calbury
is a very foolish man.
Thank you. Go on.
There are plenty of other men
besides Mr. Calbury.
You're very young.
you're very attractive...
...and you're bound to find
someone else.
Someone who'll realise how lucky he is
and won't ever let you go.
Go on.
Someone who'll give you that escape
from the stage that you imply you want.
Someone from quite a different background
than your present one.
Someone who happens
to love you very much at this moment.
And when he gets to know you better...
...can, I'm sure, only love you more
and more and more.
Someone, in fact,
like Johnnie Longbridge.
Oh, I've been wanting to do this all
evening. and now I'm going to do it.
Nobody and nothing's going to stop me.
- What?
- This.
Really, Miss Bridges, I hate to say it, but
I think just a touch too much of the wine.
Not a touch too much, a lot too much,
and I feel wonderful.
Oh, Mr. Chips.
You really are...
...Mr. Chips.
Oh, what a wonderful day it's been.
Yes, indeed. Quite wonderful.
Can't we make it a wonderful night too?
Ah. Well, as it happens, Miss Bridges...
...for tomorrow,
I have a rather tight curriculum.
Well, loosen it.
Tonight, Mr. Chips,
you and I are going to make whoopee.
The term is new to me.
What does it mean?
Almost anything, really.
I really must go.
It's been a very, very great pleasure.
It really has.
And may I wish you a very safe
and a very happy journey home.
Apollo, Apollo
You're the god of song
That's what Mr. Chips has told me
He is never wrong
He also says you're the god of prophecy
Cassandra's gift was a gift from you
Sn any dream you may care to offer me
Will, I know, come true
Is it love?
Brookfield Station.
Seven weeks
Of home sweet home are over
They're over
Seven weeks of Mother's cooking
Mother's love
And Mother's looking after
And laughter
And living in clover
Are over
Moreover, '14 weeks of Michaelmas term
Stretch endlessly ahead
Fourteen weeks of nameless horror
Wait to be unfurled
Fourteen weeks of Latin verbs
I wish that I were dead
Fourteen weeks of school cap-tipping
Filthy food and Mr. Chipping
Fourteen weeks in the dungeon
Of a schoolboy's world
But one day
One day
When I am older
I'll be the president of Peru
I'll own an emerald mine or two
I'll swim for England
In the next Olympic games
When I am older
I'm going to be a playboy farmer
I'm going to be a lady-charmer
I'm gonna be a knight in armour
Find a damsel and disarm her
When I am older
I'll be the multi-est millionaire
I'll be the fellow beyond compare
I'll be the hero
That the populace acclaims
- I'm going to carve the world in pieces
- I'm going to be as rich as Croesus
Think of the mighty empire I shall rule
When I am older
When I am older
Wiser and bolder
On the day that I get out of school
I'm gonna be a fine musician
I'm gonna be a rich physician
I'm going to be a politician
I shall be an obstetrician
I'll achieve my great ambition
When I am older
I'll be the fellow who makes the rules
I will abolish public schools
I'll be the chairman
Of at least a hundred boards
When I am older
I'll run a fleet of ocean tankers
I'll buy a street of merchant bankers
I'll be the greatest man you've ever seen
When I am older
Wiser and bolder
Just as soon as I am 17
Are you for Brookfield?
If I knew where it was.
The other boys didn't tell you?
Well, that happens.
I'm afraid pets aren't allowed.
Oh, no.
If they take Delilah from me,
I won't want to live.
Yes, you will.
She's very beautiful, Delilah.
Who's your housemaster?
Mr. Fenwick.
Oh, good. He's not an animal hater.
In fact, he's already looking after quite
a large menagerie for his boys already.
White mice, canaries,
a couple of rabbits and a snake.
He can certainly cope with Delilah.
Ale you a master?
- Sir, I shouldn't have sat...
- Yes, you should.
I was a new boy here myself once,
a long time ago.
I had a myna bird, I remember...
...which I taught to say,
"Brookfield forever."
They took that away from me,
and they were quite right.
Its sense of timing was peccable.
Peccable, sir?
I should have said faulty,
it's a better word.
Well, I'll show you the way.
It's not very far.
Would you take Delilah?
I can see why you love her,
she's quite delightful.
And better let me take these.
Absolutely blind drunk, my dear fellow.
It was most embarrassing.
I mean, I'm known in Naples.
and can you imagine?
I was almost raped.
- Oh, man, you exaggerate so.
- No, I don't.
And I don't flatter myself
about the incident either.
It was all rather a pity.
Until that moment, I'd found her really,
rather surprisingly civilized.
Tiny little thing, very pretty hair.
Why pick on me?
An old stick in the mud.
It's a very accurate description of you.
Don't rub it in, Max.
But then, musical-comedy actresses
can't be quite normal...
...with all that dressing up
and skipping around.
But even so.
Oh, why, hello.
Medea at the Old Vic?
No, I hadn't forgotten.
It's just that it would be impossible
to get tickets for this Friday.
You've got them.
223 Riverwalk, Chiswick.
Yes, yes. I've got that down.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I'm sure
I would enjoy meeting them very much.
Looking forward to it enormously.
And how nice to hear from you
out of the blue.
I suppose a telegram at the last minute
saying I'm ill.
But, um, you didn't write
the address down.
What 101?
To send a telegram to, uh...
Oh, I can't. I've forgotten it.
223 Riverwalk, Chiswick.
- Two?
- Two.
...3 Riverwalk, Chiswick.
Oh, but could...?
Oh, but, darling, what, I ask you,
but what's going to happen to Chloe?
I mean, it's all too devastating for words
to be left by Eloise...
...for, of all people,
Freddie Franklin-Finch.
Freddie Franklin-Finch,
who doesn't even come up to her navel.
- Ale you going in?
- Yes.
Oh, don't, it's hell.
What is poor Chloe going to do?
You're in that wonderful play
at the Criterion...
...where you drink in the last act.
- Actually...
- You do it beautifully.
It made me believe every other word.
- Where do you wear that orchid?
- Well, I...
- Dear heart.
- Not at all.
But Eloise and Freddie.
I mean, you know me, darling.
I don't care what people do...
...provided they do it in bed,
but it's too much.
I mean he's so small, it's impractical...
I don't think I do know you.
You must be mad.
- What's your name?
- Arthur Chipping.
That's right. You take to drink.
I do not take to drink, madam.
Excuse me.
Madam, I like. Madam, I adore.
Chipping, I know.
The guest of honour at some party...
...I've been asked to
at Augustus John's or Tallulah's.
Mr. Chips.
I was so scaled you wouldn't tum up.
My guest of honour, Arthur Chipping.
How do you do?
Oh, it was here. I knew it was somewhere.
Oh, but what a beautiful man, Katie.
What's your next play, darling?
I'm not an actor, madam.
I'm a schoolmaster.
He could call me madam all night.
Well, come along, children, time to go.
- Night is young, say bye-bye.
- Bye.
- Oh, Katie, darling, absolutely wonderful.
- Thank you.
Wear that orchid behind your ear.
you know.
Oh, a beautiful man.
Where Katie finds them, I don't know.
Change from that last one,
that abysmal Bill Calbury, or the one...
Come on, Ursula.
I told Penelope we'd be there ages ago.
Bobbie, my dear, don't rush me.
Can't you see I'm running away?
I'm so glad you came.
So am I. Very glad indeed.
Come in.
You won't know anybody.
but they're all mad to meet you.
- They are?
- Mm-hm.
Who was that lady
I just had the pleasure of meeting?
- She's just Ursula.
- Indeed?
Very famous actress, Ursula Mossbank,
but, well, she's just Ursula.
She seemed just Ursula.
Oh, this is for you.
How very sweet.
Dear Mr. Chips.
Up to form.
Very up to form.
I didn't know who to ask,
so I just got together a few of my friends.
I'd be delighted to meet them.
I adore Ramsay MacDonald.
He's got such a beautiful face.
And if you took off his moustache...
...people would stand up in Hyde Park
to see him go by.
- I wouldn't.
- Never mind, darling.
- Tilly, Arthur Chipping.
- Hello. How do you do?
Eloise, Arthur Chipping.
my guest of honour.
How do you do?
Yes, I know...
Oh, hello, you remember me? Algie.
- You're, um...?
- Chipping.
Oh, yes, yes.
Well, come and have green tea, eh?
Green tea. Come along, old chap.
Now, what would you like?
My dear, you weren't coming.
Amiably done. Kevin had the
divine Captain Carville, oh...
Look what you've done, you silly gill.
You've spilt my white lady
all over your dress.
Allow me, dear.
Well, you must...
Oh, you're a friend of Maynard Keynes.
and you write for that paper, Monsieur?
- Actually, no, I...
- Oh, I swore it.
Mind you, didn't think
I'd be back so soon.
Johnnie, how sweet of you to come.
Absolute hell.
all the gate-washers in the world.
My dear, isn't it a shame
I'd never heard of you?
You just hold my hand and I'll...
But I daren't in public.
Go rescue your friend.
He's stuck with Tilly.
- What friend?
- There.
I'm so sorry.
It's not Chips?
Yes, poor darling.
One moment.
Bye-bye, darling. Thank you so much.
I mean that with all men...
- Chips.
- Johnnie.
Let's go over there, Longbridge.
- Let's sit down somewhere.
- Move along.
Move along.
Now, dear, who in the devil
would want to see a museum?
Oh, frankly, I never have sleep.
but you have to take your...
- What's the matter with you?
- Oh, bless you.
But why are you guest of honour?
Along story, Johnnie, but look,
in Naples, I did my best for you...
...because she's nice,
and I'm doing my best for you...
Oh, gosh.
- You're raving, aren't you?
- Well, of course.
An hour of this, and who wouldn't?
But there's Medea after this.
You love this minuscule creature.
and I don't altogether blame you... I'm doing my very best for you.
Oh, I do apologize
for this nightmare of a party.
Oh, it's not a nightmare at all.
It's splendid.
Hello, Katie, darling.
Haven't you got the wrong address?
That's a good one.
I helped furnish this house, remember?
Yes, I do...
...but I have a private party in it
to which you were not invited.
- So would you please go?
- Now, Katie, old gill, really.
Bygones and things.
Wouldn't be so unkind to an old friend
as to throw him out"?
Did you not hear Miss Bridges
ask you to go?
- Who are you?
- It doesn't matter who I am.
All that matters is that Miss Bridges
wishes you to leave her house...
...and you are therefore leaving.
I've met you somewhere before.
I remember that voice.
Now, here are your hat and stick,
and that is the front door.
- Do tell this idiotic man...
- Straight ahead, please.
That voice. There's something about it.
I don't know who you are.
but I can guess what you are.
- You're a schoolteacher.
- Correct.
- I'll bet you give your boys hell.
- Only the bad ones.
Now I know.
Not that I needed to,
but now I know for sure.
Well, If that's how you do
your best for me...
...I'd be interested to see how
you do your worst.
My dear old fellow, you really mustn't
leap to insane conclusions.
It wasn't a very long leap, was it?
Anyway, it's not insane.
It she won't have me, and she won't.
you're much the next best thing.
It's very sane, I think, for both of you.
Go away, Johnnie.
You're putting a large foot in it.
Let me handle things.
And, Johnnie, darling,
take care of the party for me.
Walk through the world with me
And you will see how happy life can be
How fresh and new
When you're with me
This is a fascinating stretch of London.
The Georgian archite...
Don't talk. Do you mind?
- I only observed...
- I know.
But don't.
Let's fly away and find another day
To call our own
Where we can be in love alone
Where we can live the life
We dream of living
Live the dream of giving all we have
To give
Welcoming the day
There's one question I have to ask.
If you must.
When you said just now,
"Now I know for sure"...
...what exactly was it
that you knew for sure?
That I loved you, of course.
I can't think how you'd do.
considering you can choose...
When you love, you don't choose.
do you?
Look, let's be hank.
I'm not part of your world.
I'm afraid it's not a world
that I would wish to be part of.
Not even for you.
I like even for you.
We may find each other attractive
for different reasons.
- But how you could ever find...
- You've been into all that.
Don't go on all night.
It's wrong to start something
one can't finish.
Can't you?
Damn it, of course I can.
And I long to, what's more.
but we have nothing in common.
Nothing in the world.
And I refuse utterly to become
the secret lover of a well-known actress.
- Who said lover?
- Well, friend, I would like to be.
Who said friend?
What is there between lover and friend?
Don't make stupid jokes, please.
This is serious.
Even if you still meant that tomorrow
when the drink has worn off... you imagine that I would give up
my profession, my true vocation... you know it is, to come to London
to live in your house... your money
amongst all those awful Ursulas...
...and blight young things?
Dear Miss Bridges,
I'm sorry to turn down a suggestion...
...which most men
would give up everything for...
...but I'm a schoolmaster...
...and a schoolmaster
is all I ever want to be.
Well, now, isn't that convenient?
Because all I ever want to be
is a schoolmaster's wife.
There's a certain tendency to tastelessness
in your jokes.
Humour ceases to be humour.
I will be warm
Hello, Mr. Chips.
And yours to hold
And we will stroll along the sand together
Hand in hand together for eternity
Aren't you glad to be
Walking through the world
With me?
Married? Married?
I don't believe it, you're lying.
I'm not, really, I'm not.
It was in the Times-
- Well, did it say who to?
- Oh, yes, a Miss Katherine Brisket.
- Brisket?
- Mm.
But you're making it up.
I'm not, honestly, I'm not.
And can you imagine
what she must be like?
Anyone who'd many Ditchie?
It's very good of you to honour us
with your presence at our weekly assembly.
Are they all in, dear?
Mr. Chipping and Herr Staefel aren't.
Ah, yes, Chipping is
waiting for his wife, I believe.
- Chipping's what?
- His wife.
- Surprising, isn't it?
- Flabbergasting.
- Who on earth?
- Who, indeed, huh?
That's the question we've all been asking
ever since we heard the news.
She's had a little difficulty
choosing the right dress.
We're very late.
Well, I can't help it, Max.
Don't look so solemn.
- No one's ever late for assembly.
- I'm fully aware of it.
It's someone he met
on one of his excursions... the ancient ruins of Pompeii.
Something of an ancient ruin herself.
no doubt.
No, not necessarily, dear.
Oh, God, he looked at his watch.
In 20 years at Brookfield, I've never once
been late for weekly assembly, Max.
If this is going to be
the future pattern of my life...
Oh, dear fellow.
I do hope you've been wise.
Of course I've been wise, you old idiot.
A pretty face is not everything, you know,
dearest old fellow.
There are so many questions
of temperament and suitability.
That's a horrible word.
It isn't even in the dictionary.
- It's in Webster.
- Oh, Webster.
Are you implying
she isn't suitable for me?
No. I'm simply wondering
if she's suitable as your wife.
Here she is.
Oh, I'm so sorry, darling.
- Is this all light?
- Yes.
We must hurry,
the headmaster's waiting.
This is Max Staefel, my closest friend.
Oh, Chips has told me
so much about you...
...but, well, I expected someone far older
and much less handsome.
We must go.
An ancient ruin, did you say, my dear?
This isn't a joke, is it?
Chipping's plainly lost
all sense of proportion.
Some people might think he'd found it.
This gill is Chipping's wife?
We must assume so.
Why, do you know her?
Oh, do forgive us.
My wife had a little difficulty
choosing her dress.
Well, it's not my fault, it's Chips.
I put on six dresses before he approved.
And he approved of that one, hm?
I'm so terribly sorry about being late.
Chips tells me it's as bad
as being off your big number.
I don't quite understand
that allusion, Mrs. Chipping.
Oh, Mrs. Chipping.
Oh, I just love it when I'm called that.
But, um, you are that, yes?
Oh, yes, well and truly.
Well, unless Chips is a bigamist.
which I rather suspect.
How else would he have escaped
until now?
No, the allusion, headmaster.
was to the stage...
...which used to be my profession.
- Indeed?
- You're an actress, Mrs. Chipping?
Well, not even my best friends
would call me that.
Ah. And what would they call you?
A soubrette.
That's the gill in musical comedies
who usually sings the big number...
...and then loses the man.
In real life, they nearly always wind up
as wives of earls.
I nearly did, but luckily, I met Chips.
Regarding the derivation
of the word soubrette...
...there was an interesting discussion
in the Times recently...
Quite so, quite so.
I really think we ought to go in.
Urn, you don't know Lord Sutterwick,
I believe.
Oh, but I do, I think.
- I don't think so.
- But surely...
We must go in, dear.
the headmaster always goes in last...
...and the boys receive him standing
and in silence.
Sounds like a dream entrance.
The headmaster's a darling.
His wife's a bitch.
That's not a word we use at Brookfield.
You should, I think.
Oh, I'm so nervous
you may have to carry me.
Do you see what I see?
I simply refuse to believe what I see.
Oh, good, I thought for a moment
these new glasses had let me down.
Goodness, what a commotion.
How the boys seem
to appreciate a pretty face.
Did you intend to say anything
about the gift of the new playing fields?
- It seemed a good occasion.
- I must ask you not to.
- Why ever not?
- Because there may not be one.
I'll explain later. Shall we?
All right.
so the curtsy made you look ridiculous.
- I didn't say that.
- Yes, you did.
What the hell have you got
against this bloody hat, anyway?
Look around.
see what the others are wearing.
Stand up and keep quiet.
Look at that old bag.
- She's put the baby's pot on.
- Shh.
Not the baby's pot either.
Her own.
As always.
we will start with the school song.
In the morning of my life
I shall look to the sunrise
At a moment in my life
When the world is new
And the blessing I shall ask
Is that God will grant me
To be brave and strong and true
And to fill the world with love
My whole life through
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love
And to fill the world with love
My whole life through
In the noontime of my life
I shall look to the sunshine
At a moment in my life
When the sky is blue
And the blessing I shall ask
Will remain unchanging
To be brave and strong and true
And to fill the world with love
My whole life through
Did I fill the world with love?
Did I fill the world with love
Did I fill the world with love
My whole life through?
- I'll take you around.
- Not now.
I have time before my class.
No, please, darling, not now.
You go and tell them about the interesting
derivation of the word "soubrette."
I'm just not feeling up to it.
Forgive me, darling, please forgive me.
Of course.
Just give me a few days to learn
and I won't disgrace you, I promise.
I'll never do that.
Never, never, never.
Of course you won't.
Congratulations, Chipping.
Thank you, Fenwick. How's Delilah?
Dreadful, I wish I could report
a snake had eaten her.
She's the most repulsive animal
in my menagerie.
I hesitate to put it
more bluntly in front of your wife.
What you mean, Lord Sutterwick,
is the girl's a tart.
I didn't say that.
I merely said that I happen to know
she's had numerous love affairs...
...with several well-known young men.
and her moral reputation in London stinks.
Dear me.
Then why has she married Chipping?
As I heard the story, Calbury's the one
she's determined to get to the altar.
This marriage
with a figure like Chipping... her last attempt
to bring Bill Calbury to heel.
That's quite beside the point, of course.
My own point is quite simple.
As Mrs. Chipping, this person will be.
until she sees fit to leave her husband... charge of my son's welfare.
And that, headmaster, I won't have.
That I won't buy at any price.
Chipping either loses his house
or you don't get those playing fields.
And that's quite that.
Then that is your ultimatum,
Lord Sutterwick?
Ultimatum is hardly a word
I would have chosen myself.
Indeed, then what word
would you have chosen yourself?
Excuse me.
Caesar, heel, Heel.
Katherine! Katherine!
My dear fellow.
My dear old fellow.
- My dear old fellow, I must ask...
- That's a bloody silly word, suitability.
- I didn't invent it.
- How do I know?
It's in Webster.
Well, I'm not gonna let it happen, Max.
Apollo has willed it.
Today is mine
What shall I do with it?
Throw it away
That's what I do with it
Nine times out of 10
The sun will shine
Am I a friend of it?
You wouldn't say I was a friend of it
Nine times out of 10
The day is fine
What will I see in it?
Not very much
That's what I see in it
Nine times out of 10
What shall I do
With today?
Captain Calbury, could you tell me
where I could find Katherine?
Perhaps you don't remember me...
...but we once had the pleasure
of meeting at a party of hers.
- Please, tell me. Please, where is she now?
- Troops, forward march.
Try Ursula.
I'll get it, my pet.
Who is making that dreadful noise?
Darling, how divine of you to come.
Party would have been hell
without you.
Not that it isn't hell.
even with you, but you mustn't mind.
- Still taking to drink in that third act?
- No, in the second act now.
Yes, that would be much better.
Glass of bubbly for you, I think.
Come along, darling.
No, no, darling.
urgent business to attend to.
We're playing the acting game.
which I know you absolutely adore, darling.
And I'm doing "the part is greater
than the whole" in that loom in there.
And I think I've found a way of doing it
so they can guess it quite quickly.
- Is my wife here?
- Wife?
- Which wile, darling?
- She was called Katherine Bridges.
Katie? Of course she's here.
- Did you say "wife"?
- Yes.
- But that would make you her husband.
- Yes.
Then she's not here, darling.
she's nowhere near the place.
That's what I was told to say
if you came in.
She's in the kitchen, darling.
making scrambled eggs.
- There's the kitchen.
- Ursula, you're on.
What was my phrase?
"The part is greater than the whole."
Oh, yes.
I can do that.
Come along, darling.
Too early. Whoever you are.
you'll have to wait your tum.
I don't intend to.
You would catch me scrambling eggs.
It's no way to play this scene.
I do not understand
what you mean by that.
I've only come to tell you that I love you.
that I cannot live without you.
Your grammar is too perfect,
and your prose style too impeccable.
You can't qualify superlatives.
- Can't you?
- Well, you can, if you want to.
You can do anything if you want to.
You'll still remain, for me, the only
person in the world that I've ever loved...
...or ever will love.
Why did you run away?
I said it all outside that assembly hall.
I told you then
I wouldn't ever disgrace you.
Ever, ever, ever.
That might just, but only just, explain
why some gills in your position...
...might have deserted their duty
through sheer, paralysing, bloody funk.
It didn't explain why you did.
Well, I did desert it.
- Isn't that proof enough?
- No.
- I think those eggs are burning.
- Then let them.
Mr. Chips.
I love you very much.
- You know that, don't you?
- Yes.
You think I ran away from you...
- ...because of sheer, paralysing funk?
- Yes.
Don't think it might have been
because I love you?
Yes, but it was still funk.
- Chips, you don't know...
- Oh, yes, I do know.
I know all about Sutterwick, his threats
to tell the governors about your past.
I know all about your unsuitability...
Horrible word.
Both our unsuitabilities...
The plural is even worse.
But how you'd ever imagine
that a word like suitability...
Which is only in Webster, mind you,
not in the Oxford, or is it?
...Could ever prevail over a word like love.
- which is in all the dictionaries.
There's no earthly reason to cry.
you know.
Of course there isn't.
You must have been all over the place
looking for me.
Here and there.
I demanded and took a fortnight's leave.
You, who never cut a class
in your whole life...
...took off a fortnight?
I'd have taken a lifetime.
Oh, Chips.
You'll lose everything you hold dear.
Everything I hold dear, I'm holding now.
Anyway, I mean to fight
and beat Sutterwick.
Don't tell me that dreadful man is here
or I'll have to get the police.
- How are the eggs?
- Scrambled.
So I see.
The part is greater than the whole.
With me acting.
wouldn't you think they'd guess?
All they kept saying was
"The Brothers Karamazov."
I'll get Freddie
Franklin-Finch to fix these.
He adores doing eggs for some reason.
He's very Freudian, our Freddie.
Ursula, you know Lord Sutterwick?
That's light, darling, the police.
There's a rather divine sergeant
at Vine Street.
I'll get him.
How that Sutterwick
has the gall to come here...
...when I'd thrown him out
bag and baggage last July.
I kept a little of the baggage...
...just a few ratty pieces of sable
and the odd chandelier.
Oh, but so mean.
with all those millions.
Darling, connect me
with Vine Street Police Station.
Sergeant Higgins.
Ursula, Lord Sutterwick is not here.
I only asked you if you knew him.
Forget it, darling.
Know Soapy Sutterwick?
I did, like the back of my hand.
only rather better...
...because I never have got to know
the back of my hand.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Was I? Oh, it must have been
a little thought I had.
- Ursula, we must go.
- We? You're not taking him?
Of course, you two are married
or something, aren't you?
Married, madam.
and quite definitely not something.
I adore this man.
When you've finished with him, Katie.
lend him to me.
Bye-bye, my darlings.
See you tomorrow or next year.
or in heaven or somewhere.
In heaven, certainly.
What a lot of flowers.
What a lot of sunshine.
What a lot of beauty
In the world today
What a world of colour
Just beyond my window
Flowers every color
Of the rainbow
Red roses, orange marigolds
Yellow buttercups, green leaves
Blue cornflowers, indigo lilacs
And violets, violets
My happy eye perceives
And among the people
There are two who'll never be apart
What a lot of happiness of heart
Is ours
What a lot of flowers
What a lot of lovely
Pretty flowers
Your Caesar.
Sutterwick, would you begin?
Not a bit.
Nor I.
I usually am on Parents' Day.
Good morning.
- Oh, Mr. Dickinson-Brown.
- Dickinson-Brown.
I hear you build
the most marvellous model aeroplanes.
You must let me see them sometime.
I simply love them.
I'd be frightfully pleased to,
Mrs. Chipping.
- Anytime.
- Well, how about after prep tomorrow?
Thank you.
You shouldn't call them mister.
Oh, the older boys love it.
It makes them feel grown up.
Hello, Freddie. Better news from home?
Yes, she's much better, thank you.
- Good.
- Sir.
And you shouldn't have called him
Well, nothing on earth is going to get me
to call him Robinson Minimus.
What an idiotic thing to call a little boy.
Oh, worship the king
All glorious above
Oh, gratefully sing
His power and his love
Our shield and defender
The Ancient of Days
Pavilioned in splendour
And girded with praise
Sutterwick, this must be a nervous
moment for you, but I shouldn't worry.
Your boy is a sound little player
off his back foot.
I was rather disappointed.
- My son tells me that his orders are...
- Lord Sutterwick.
Could I have a word with you?
Excuse me.
Would you mind, Baxter?
- Mr. Chipping.
- You will not win this battle.
- I've no idea to what you refer.
- Don't play it that way.
Excuse me, that is an expression
I've lately picked up from my wife.
It means you are playing theatre
instead of speaking the truth.
You are a businessman, and businessmen
are usually described as blunt.
If you won't be blunt, then I shall be.
You disapprove of me.
and you disapprove of my wife.
You are blackmailing the headmaster
into depriving me of my house.
Blackmailing is not a word
I am accustomed to hear.
I am surprised.
It is a word that is in all the
dictionaries and describes an activity...
...that is also known in the criminal code
as getting money with menaces.
What money am I getting, dear Mr.
...and what are my menaces?
Your menaces are to reveal
my Wire's rather troubled past.
Troubled is good.
Troubled, indeed, is good.
It is a good word.
I could have chosen other words.
but I will stick to troubled.
To reveal my Wire's troubled past
to the governors of this school.
The money you will get is the money
you will withhold from this school...
...unless I am sacked from my house,
is that blunt?
No reason why I should stand here
and be insulted.
Except that you are standing here
and are being insulted.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Why do you fight?
It puzzles me.
You can't possibly win.
In fact, you have already lost.
No, sir.
I've demanded a meeting
of the governors...
...and I intend to put my case to them
with all the facts.
I wouldn't say anything
against you behind your back... I trust you will attend the meeting.
Very happily-
Darling, all.
It's absolutely divine to be here.
Katie, Katie, darling.
Oh, my God, it couldn't be.
Oh, I'm so grateful to you for coming.
Oh, darling, it's divine of you to ask me.
Parents' Day, my dear.
what could be more riveting?
And there are the boys.
I hope there are lots more.
Where's, uh, Soapy?
He's talking to Chips, I think.
Well, I never thought
I'd hate myself in the morning.
All I could find, darling.
At least three years old.
must make me look like Queen Victoria.
Take me up, darling.
Aren't we lucky with the day?
So far.
Oh, headmaster.
You might like to meet
a close friend of mine...
...a very famous actress,
Miss Ursula Mossbank.
Darling headmaster.
how simply divine to meet you.
How do you do?
- Would you excuse me?
- Yes, certainly, darling.
How gorgeous you look
in that divine white silk stole.
It's far chicer than mine, darling.
Can you get lid of her?
I don't quite understand.
Heavens, she's wearing that stole.
Look, you're a woman of the world...
...and once, a long time ago.
mind you, I was...
Well, you know the situation, I'm sure.
Please, because if my wife sees her
with me, I'm lost.
Ursula has no tact at all.
Well, I'll do my best for you,
Lord Sutterwick.
Only for you.
Oh, but I adore English public schools.
I simply worship them all,
even that idiotic Westchester.
You can't ask a boy out to tea...
...without everyone
asking the most extraordinary questions.
Ursula, darling, you must see the
bell tower. And here's your guide.
A bell towel?
Oh, yes, of course, the bell towel.
Oh, headmaster, darling.
It's been wonderful.
You must come
to one of my little parties sometime.
Very informal.
Just come as you are, whatever that is.
Yes, I should be delighted.
And bring your dear wife,
if she is your dear wife.
Bring her anyway, darling. Goodbye.
Goodbye, all.
I hope
you like early English perpendicular.
Darling, I level
in early English perpendicular.
You know.
it's the most extraordinary thing.
All I did today was simply stand up... that dreadful bounder Sutterwick,
and now he's completely caved in.
- Has he, dear?
- But completely.
He's called off the governors' meeting.
- Has he?
- Mm.
Rather a triumph for me, on the whole.
There's a lesson in it all somewhere.
I suppose.
If only I knew what it was.
Oh, God.
You're so beautiful.
So are you.
Don't be absurd.
Not being absurd.
Being accurate.
Will we love each other like this forever?
And among the people
Can you see any reason why not?
There are two who'll never be apart
What a lot of happiness of heart is ours
What a lot of flowers
What a lot of lovely
Pretty flowers
- Douglas.
- Sir.
- Duncan.
- Sir.
- Dunson.
- Sir.
- Edgeworth.
- Sir.
That's Dickinson-Brown.
His fighter squadron's based at Dover.
- He always shoots us up when he's flying.
- Quiet, please.
- Elliot.
- Sir.
- Finch.
- Sir.
- Fisher.
- Sir.
- Forbes.
- Sir.
- Foster.
- Sir.
- Gaye.
- Sir.
- Gibbs.
- Sir.
- Glanville.
- Sir.
It's Dickinson-Brown again.
It's disgraceful.
He'll scale the boys.
I'm afraid they may have worse things
to scare them soon.
Do you think so, dear?
I prefer to believe in Mr. Chamberlain
and peace in our time.
- I wish I did.
- Really?
Steven, how many times have I told you?
I do beg your pardon.
Come on, Kennedy, it's the last of them.
- It's a lovely flower.
- Thank you, dear.
Oh, thank you, David.
It's a pleasure, Katherine.
Mrs. Chipping, David.
You know it's the rule.
In a week's time, I'll
have left Brookfield.
The next time we meet.
there won't be any rules.
When you're in the Horse Guards,
there'll be some.
Allow me.
See you at lunch.
Oh, God, you're so beautiful.
- Chilton.
- Sir.
- Fan.
- Sir.
- Faye.
- Sir.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I had to come in person and tell you
how very sorry I was to hear your news.
How very kind of you, Katherine.
Yes, leaving here after 20 years
is going to be rather a wrench, I admit.
But of course, it has to be.
Anno Domini.
It doesn't seem fair, does it,
that as we get older...
...they stay the same age.
No, it doesn't.
Oh, well.
I realise that delicacy
may prevent you asking this...
...but I have recommended your husband
to the governor as my successor.
Not that that may count for much.
Oh, you know it will.
I'm terribly grateful.
Well, there's no need.
- Miller.
- Sir.
I recommended the man
that I thought would be the best.
I haven't always thought that.
I suppose, but, uh...
How long have you been married?
- It's our 15th anniversary today.
- Ah.
- Vincent.
- Sir.
- Wedlake.
- Sir.
- Wenham.
- Sir.
- Whitely.
- Sir.
- William.
- Sir.
- Wordsley.
- Sir.
- Wright.
- Sir.
- Yates.
- Sir.
Thank you.
Thank you for my anniversary present.
Your own you'll find on the table
in front of you at lunch.
Meaning you'd totally forgotten.
No wonder the boys call you Ditchie.
Short for "ditchwater, dull as."
I don't think they do any longer.
- What do they call you?
- I don't know.
Chips, I think. Chips.
- Ah, now, that's much better.
- Oh, no, Max, they still don't like me.
I don't expect them to any longer.
unfeeling little monsters.
Let them unfeel. Who cares?
In the last 35 years.
I've become just as unfeeling as they are.
Hey, boy-
Where's the file?
- I'm late for class, sir.
- Why?
Sir, I was down at the
swimming pool, sir...
...practicing my diving and my watch
stopped, because it got water in it.
Not very convincing. I suggest this.
You were on your way to class
when I called you over...
...and gave you a lecture
on your slovenly appearance.
If asked,
you will bear that out, Mr. Staefel?
All right, boy? Cut along.
Yes, sir.
Thanks awfully.
Just as unfeeling.
No matter.
Dear fellow, this will be the last time
we shall take this little walk together.
Tomorrow is Founder's Day...
...and the day after, I leave for Germany.
Is that your choice?
Dear fellow,
how can you possibly think it is my choice?
So it will be goodbye.
Do you have to go?
All German citizens
have been ordered home by the Fhrer.
- Disobey.
- I have a mother in Dresden.
- They wouldn't do anything...
- They would.
Dear fellow, they would.
and well we both know it.
She's an old lady, I know,
but, uh, I still love her very much, and...
The world has grown a little unlovely.
don't you think?
No, of course you don't.
How lucky you English are.
And how little you always appreciate it.
What on earth's this?
Anniversary, I'd forgotten.
Have you gone out of your mind?
It's Apollo, isn't it?
Of course it's Apollo.
- It comes from quite near Paestum.
- It also comes from Pinkerton's.
- Mole soup, Maxwell?
- Thank you, Mrs. Chipping.
I happened to be passing Pinkerton's...
Everyone passes Pinkerton's.
No one who isn't called Rothschild
or Rockefeller ever goes in.
This, madam.
must have cost you well over three figures.
I'm not that well-off.
Well, don't you think it's beautiful?
I think the Taj Mahal is beautiful.
I don't expect it
as an anniversary present.
I've never known anyone more wickedly
or wantonly extravagant than my wife.
What's more.
- Those curtains over there are new.
- Yes, sir.
- As it so happens...
- You thought I wouldn't notice.
Now, how much did they cost?
No, don't tell me. I'll have a stroke.
I beg you to remember... are no longer earning hundreds
of pounds a week in Phyllis from Finchley.
Flossie from Fulham. Finished, Benson?
You are the wife
of an impoverished schoolmaster.
One thing's very certain.
I can't, unhappily, send the
curtains back, but this I can.
And will.
Directly after lunch.
You will then go down
to Woolworth's and buy me something...
...I really want.
It's no laughing matter, I assure you.
You must learn your lesson
or take the consequences.
Yes, dear.
Does this have to be here?
No, dear. Anywhere you like it.
What is it, anyway?
It's the parasol I had
in Phyllis from Finchley.
Yes, well, this wouldn't look right there.
Well, maybe the whatnot.
Come in.
I just had to come and talk to you.
Oh, Katherine. I heard every word
that old brute said to you at lunch...
...and I knew how you'd be feeling...
Did that boy call you Katherine?
Do you allow boys to call you
by your Christian name?
Not all boys, no.
But this boy?
Most outrageous.
How shall I put it?
This boy, I take it, is in love with you.
Don't blame him.
No, I do not blame him, I blame you
for encouraging him.
- Flirting with him, no doubt.
- Ha, ha, ha.
And who, play, is the old brute?
I thought as much.
A fine conspiracy you've been having,
you two, behind my unsuspecting back.
It's unlucky for you, isn't it,
that I've nipped your pranks in the bud?
Yes, Mrs. Chipping?
And what precisely
do you have to say to that?
How do you nip a plank in the bud?
What have I married?
That's what I ask myself.
We'll speak of this later.
You smiled
I smiled
We smiled
It was love
This is quite definitely the place for it.
I can't think why we ever argued.
Thank you for your message.
I meant it.
You were quite light
to laugh at me just now.
But you see.
I resent you looking so young.
If you looked older,
boys wouldn't fall in love with you...
...and you'd look
like a headmaster's wife.
You said " headmaster."
I meant "housemaster."
- But you said "headmaster."
- It was a slip of the tongue.
You've heard something.
Now, come on, tell me.
Tell me what you've heard.
Just that I had a word
with the chairman of governors yesterday...
...and he gave me to understand
that a certain matter...
...may be what you would call
"in the bag."
Oh, Chips, and you never told me.
That boy is quite light.
You are an old brute.
Well, I thought it might bring bad luck.
There's no such thing.
Oh, darling, darling, Chips,
I'm so happy for you.
I'm rather happy for myself.
School days, so they tell us
Are the most sublime of our lives
We'll have the time of our lives
It's the absolute prime of our lives
Yes, there are school days
That are golden
In the olden days,
it might have been true
But in the olden days they liked torture
And slavery too
What are you going to do?
School days, so we gather
Are the sweetest days that we'll know
And if that really is so
Well, it comes as a bit of a blow
I mean
If school days are the best of our lives
Imagine the rest of our lives
School days, school days
Never let me go
Come on.
- School days
- When I think of them
Are sublime
And you're sick of them
You can take your pick of them
- School days
- Work for scholarship
- What a time
- Lovable Mr. Chips
Talk about dictatorships
School days, they're the best
Oh, it's plain they are
It's plain they are
Cruel and inhumane they are
- School days
- Slightly insane they are
- That's the test
- It's just plain they are
Have you missed them?
I'll miss sunny high school days
- Sunny high
- Tap brass
- Sunny high
- School days
- Holidays
- School days, school days
Never let me
School days, school days
School days, school days
Never ever let me go
Oh, you were marvellous.
Don't worry.
I would like to congratulate...
...on your behalf, all those concerned... this year's Founder's Night concert,
especially Mrs. Chipping.
And congratulations also
to her sprightly and dashing chorus.
I'm only sad that it will be my last
as headmaster.
And now, before I take my leave,
I must give you the news...
...for which, I have no doubt,
many of you are eagerly waiting...
...and which the governors have asked me
to convey to you tonight.
The name of the man whom,
after prolonged deliberations...
...they have chosen to succeed me
as headmaster of Brookfield.
Their choice has fallen
on Mr. William Stanley Baxter, M.A..
I'm so very sorry.
How very kind of you.
Thank you very much.
You have
my most sincere congratulations.
My dear Chipping.
how very good of you.
- Excuse me, my dear.
- Of course.
You can understand
my embarrassment, I'm sure...
...but I have it on excellent authority
that the governors intended no slight...
...whatsoever to you as senior master.
It was simply a question of age.
I understand perfectly.
Ale you still there?
Just coming up.
Dear Mr. Baxter, I'm so very glad for you.
It must have been a wonderful surprise.
Yes, it was.
Where will you be watching
the fireworks from, the river?
Very likely.
I'll see you there.
Excuse me.
Come along.
Those mean,
ungrateful old swine of governors.
What I wouldn't do to them
if I had the chance.
Quiet, dear.
The milk is spilt. Don't let's cry.
Go and change.
I won't cry.
I wouldn't dream of crying.
You could have imagined my feelings.
I had no chance to warn you.
Sutterwick, I suppose.
He turned the screws very hard.
There's been some question
of the school being evacuated... the event of war.
since we're so close to London.
Sutterwick said he was prepared to fight
at cabinet level...
...for our exemption, provided that...
A valuable concession.
...will you be seeing the chairman
of governors down at the river?
I would like you to tender him
my resignation.
You're not serious.
I can't work under Baxter...
...and I don't intend to try.
Dear man, you must think this over.
I don't need to.
My mind is entirely made up.
I won't back down.
Do you think I shouldn't have resigned?
Oh, I didn't say that.
I said you were light to do
whatever you thought was light.
Must seem rather petty, I suppose.
but you see...
...I wanted it so much for you.
It wasn't much to offer you
for all I took away from your life...
...when we married.
but at least it was something.
What did you take away from me?
Oh, success and money, gaiety.
A hundred, hundred things...
...for which I've never been able
to give you anything in return.
Not even children.
Now, don't be absurd, Chips.
That's far more likely to be my fault
than yours.
Anyway, who wants children?
You do.
I know you do.
You've always wanted them desperately.
But darling, I have hundreds of children.
All boys.
Oh, Katherine.
Forgive this intrusion so late, Chips.
I've seen the chairman of governors,
and he feels that with war so imminent...
...Brookfield cannot spare
any master at all...
...especially one of your qualities
and experience...
...and your immense value to the school.
Did he use those words?
And many more.
He wants me to say that he begs you
on his knees to reconsider your verdict.
What may I tell him?
That I'll consider it.
Ah, good.
Good for you
and good for Brookfield.
- Good night, Katherine.
- Good night.
On his knees, eh?
Well, that's just where he should be
to my husband.
This deserves something.
You and I
Have travelled far together
We've pursued our little star together
We are happy as we are together
We may never get to heaven
But it's heaven at least to try
You and I are going on together
Till the time we have is gone together
Watch the evening drawing on together
Growing older, growing closer
Making memories that light the sky
That only time can make
That only love can make
That only we can make
You and I!
I'd love cocoa.
I couldn't find any... I felt that champagne
would be an adequate substitute.
Well, all right, then.
- Cheers to that.
- Cheers.
- Dean.
- Sir.
- Douglas.
- Sir.
- Edwich.
- Sir.
- Edwards.
- Sir.
Cover, boys!
Oh, get off.
You're worse than a flying bomb.
Those flying bombs
seem to be leaching a climax today.
I've counted 23 since 7 a.m.
Don't you think
you should send the boys to shelter?
But if I did.
they might well be in there all day.
Far better than to have them out in the
open running the risk of a direct hit.
You must do as you see right,
...but as it is Mr. Hitler's declared
intention since the D-day landings... paralyse all normal life
in southern England... seems to me our plain duty
is to carry on our normal life... at Brookfield.
Carry on.
- Gaye.
- Sir.
Breathe in. Heh, heh, heh.
- Yes. Yes.
- Oh.
Oh, I can still get into it.
Chips, isn't it wonderful?
Do you know my accompanist
Miss Honeybun?
How do you do?
Well, another concert?
Yes, for the RAF.
And the CO, believe it or not,
especially asked for "London is London."
Oh, well, that should be extremely....
Extremely what?
Oh, Chips, do you think I dare?
Of course you dare.
It is a charming song.
Liar. I'm awfully old for it.
Well, you're not looking awfully old.
Frankly, you look 18
and remarkably beautiful.
Mind you, I've never seen you
lying under the piano before.
You qualify all your compliments,
don't you?
Uh, it's gone "bang", Mr. Chipping.
Oh, I'm extremely sorry.
I was kissing my wife.
Oh, heh, heh. Why?
I don't know, really.
It somehow seemed a good idea
at the time.
Oh, yes, well...
Well, gentlemen, I think we're all agreed.
It only remains tor me
to congratulate Mr. Baxter...
...on his appointment
to the National Education Commission.
Mr. Chipping's here, sir.
- Send him in, Jenkins, please.
- Very good, sir.
Ah, Mr. Chipping, do come in.
Take a seat.
I think you know everybody here.
I don't expect you've heard that Baxter
is leaving us at the end of the term...
...for an important state appointment.
No, I haven't.
Nor had we, till yesterday.
Well, Chipping, I'm happy to tell you
that I am in a position... full agreement with my colleagues...
In fairly full agreement
with my colleagues.
...To offer you, at long last, the position
which I and some of my colleagues...
...regretted we could not offer you
in 1939.
- Katherine!
- Wish me luck.
- I've something to tell you.
- What?
I've been made headmaster!
I can't hear you, tell me later.
Look out, Chips.
Sit, boys.
I am extremely sorry
for having kept you waiting.
No doubt you all found
many useful ways of employing the time.
You in particular, Farley.
Yes, sir.
I've done my prep all over again.
I've no doubt at all.
Well, that being the case, you can begin.
Page 38, line 12.
Don't you think Hitler seems to be aiming
at us particularly today, sir?
You fancy a special order
has been sent out to the Luftwaffe?
"Get Farley at all costs"?
What's the principle
of a flying bomb, sir?
Ah, Farley, you don't divert me
quite so easily from Caesar's Gallic Wars.
If you'll turn to page 40...
...and begin at the bottom line.
you will have your answer.
I don't understand it, sir.
Gresham, would you do it?
This was the kind of fighting... which the Germans
busied themselves.
- Oh, very good, sir.
- Yes, sir. very good.
- Pretty good.
- Very good.
You can see how these dead languages
can sometimes come to life again.
Now, Farley, back to page 38. Begin.
Please, sir, may we ask
a question, sir, first?
- We're all longing to know...
- What?
Well, if the rumor's true, sir.
that you've been made headmaster.
It's not really a question
you should ask or I answer.
But, yes, Farley.
it does happen to be true.
Quiet, please. Quiet.
I can only say I am very surprised.
very surprised, indeed.
Thank you all very much.
Now, Farley, your kindly interruption...
...has not saved you from translating
Caesar to me for the next five minutes.
Begin, please.
Our men attacked the enemy... fiercely when...
When the signal was given.
Altogether now, one more time.
Oh, London is London
Come on, now.
London is London
There was a boy who.
when asked to translate into Latin...
...Tennyson's beautiful lines:
Break, break, break
On thy cold grey stones, O sea!
Came up with:
Oh, fluctus, fluctus
rumperty, rumperty, jam
He's now a bishop.
- Hitler's shut up shop for the night.
- Yes, Farley, but we haven't.
This is a double hour.
and we still have another 20 minutes.
Excuse me, sir.
Would you be Mr. Chipping?
- Yes.
- Could I see you alone for a moment, sir?
Certainly, officer.
Look, chaps. I've got a marvellous idea.
Let's play a joke on him.
Let's write him letters of congratulation
and put them on his desk.
- We haven't time.
- We don't need to write anything.
Folded up bits of paper with
"headmaster of Brookfield" on them.
Well, come on.
I've put something in mine.
Wanna hear it?
- No.
- I put:
"Gosh, they must be hard up
for headmasters these days."
There are some letters on your desk.
- Letters?
- Yes, you've got your elbow on them.
But there's nothing inside.
Look at the other side, sir.
"Headmaster of Brookfield."
Mrs. Chips. She's been killed.
Could I have mine back, please, sir?
Yours back, why?
I'd just like it back, sir.
That's the one.
You've got it in your hand.
Don't lead it, sir.
Why not?
"Gosh, they must be hard up...
...for headmasters these days."
I didn't mean it, sir.
But it's perfectly true.
It was a...
...joke, sir.
Yes, a joke.
Wouldn't you like to go home, sir?
We, uh...
We still have another 10 minutes
to the bell.
Would one of you be good enough... translate?
Such things being so...
...hostages were...
Hostages having been exchanged.
And now, before passing to the events
of the corning school week...
...I hope you will forgive me if I make
an announcement regarding myself.
This is the last time
I will be addressing you as headmaster.
Like so many others, my services
have come to an end with the war...
...and next term.
you'll have another headmaster.
Well, I thank the boy who said, "Shame."
But if it was the boy
I think it was, Farley, T.F...
...I must tell you, he is by nature
a little prone to exaggerate.
I may remind him I once had occasion
to reprimand him for exaggeration.
I gave him one mark for an exercise,
and he exaggerated it into seven.
- We all know Farley.
- I'm giving him too.
Well, now. I thank you all, then.
but I beg to remind you...
...that I haven't really been
headmaster at all.
Just acting, temporary, on probation.
Oh, yes, I know my portrait's up there
with all the others...
...but it's an awful fraud
and quite a puzzle for posterity.
"How did he ever get up there?"
they'll ask themselves.
Well... jolly well needed a world
war to do it. I could tell them.
Anyway, that war is over.
And now we face the future, you and I.
I know mine, but I don't know yours.
You're growing up into a new world.
a very exciting world, perhaps...
...but for sure a very changed world.
It may even be a world
that has no place for Brookfield.
At least, not for the Brookfield
I have known for so many years...
...and you still know now.
Well, if such changes
do come to our school... must accept them...
...without lancer or bitterness.
As for me, I won't have
to accept any changes at all, will I?
Because Brookfield for me
will be only memories.
And they can't change
an old chap's memories...
...however hard they try.
They are memories
that I will always cherish...
...and for which I am now
most truly and deeply grateful.
Oh, uh, just one thing more.
I'm not leaving Brookfield altogether.
I'm taking looms in the town.
Thank you.
When you come to see me in after years,
as I hope some of you will...
...and you're all very gland and grown-up.
I may well not recognize you...
...and you'll say.
"Poor old boy, his memory's gone."
But you see,
I will remember you all perfectly well...
...because I will remember you
as you are now.
That's the point.
In my mind, you'll never grow up at all.
I get older, and so do all of them...
...but you always stay the same...
...and you always will.
And in that, I shall find...
...great comfort in the days to come.
So you see... won't really be goodbye at all.
And now I come to the week's events...
- Three cheers for Chips. Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
Boys. Boys.
What is it?
They said you wanted to see me, sir.
You're Sutterwick.
Yes, sir.
It gave me no pleasure... stop you playing tennis
that day, you know.
Sir, that wasn't me.
Of course it was you.
I've only arrived this morning.
I'm a new boy.
Yes, I see.
That was all a long time ago, wasn't it?
It must have been your father.
My father wasn't at Brookfield, sir.
My grandfather was.
Yes, of course, your grandfather.
And that other one.
the one who gave us the playing fields...
...he'd be your great grandfather.
Yes, sir.
What's happened to him?
Oh, he's dead, sir.
He would be.
Just remind me, Sutterwick,
what am I supposed to see you about?
I don't know, sir.
Oh, I see.
It's the old leg-pull.
They're always sending
new boys in to me.
I suppose they think
they'll take one look at me...
...and run screaming back home
to their mothers.
Put that back, would you?
Very carefully.
I don't want it broken.
It's Apollo, isn't it, sir?
Yes, how do you know?
Oh, I know about Greek things.
Do you now? Good.
Taking classics, then?
Oh, no, sir, physics.
Yes, that's the thing now, isn't it?
Quite the rage.
Where did you get that Apollo, sir?
It was a present from my wife.
You were married.
Why do you find that so surprising?
Oh, no, sir. I didn't mean that.
I only meant, I mean...
Do you have any children, sir?
Yes, hundreds of children.
All boys.
- Goodbye, boy.
- Goodbye, Mr. Chips.
- What did you call me?
- Mr. Chips.
Mr. Chipping or just Chips.
Only one person in the world
is allowed to call me Mr. Chips.
Was allowed to.
Still, that's all light, boy.
Have a good life at Brookfield.
I wonder if we were any use at all.
I mean.
what did we ever teach the boys?
How to parse a sentence in ancient Greek?
Was that going to help them today?
Was it?
Well, I suppose
we did teach them one thing:
How to behave to each other.
Yes, we did try to teach them that.
And is there anything more important
to teach people than that, is there?
In the evening of my life
I shall look to the sunset
At a moment in my life
When the night is due
And the question I shall ask
Only you can answer
Was I brave
And strong and true?
Like you?
Like you?
- Elpert.
- Sir.
- Edgeworth.
- Sir.
- Edwards.
- Sir.
- Ellis-Smythe.
- Sir.
- Ellis.
- Sir.
- Everly.
- Sir.
- Fairbum.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Fisher. Forbes.
- Good morning, sir.
- Gardner.
- Sir.
- Garnet.
- Sir.
- Gaye.
- Sir.
- Gates.
- Sir.
- Hanson.
- Sir.
- Harper.
- Sir.
- Harrison.
- Sir.
- Hewitt.
- Sir.
- Hill.
- Sir.
- Hope.
- Sir.