Grace of the Father (2023) Movie Script

Son, I'm done talking.
Well, I'm not.
We've got plenty of
land for a few horses.
This is a cattle ranch.
Your brother knew that.
And cattle's what
got him killed.
That was an accident.
You've always wished it was
me instead of him on that rig.
Now you're just talking crazy.
This will always
be a cattle ranch
as long as I have
anything to say about it,
I should have some say.
Isn't being your only son and
a Longhorn worth something?
It's worth respect
and obedience.
I'm a grown man.
Then act like it.
I am. I bought those
horses with my own money.
And I ought to be
able to keep them here
on our family's land.
Land that you never worked.
You inherited this ranch.
You didn't earn it.
At least I earned my own money.
You got it gambling.
I earned it in the stock market.
Legalized gambling for
people who don't wanna work.
That's what the stock market is.
Call it what you will.
I still made my own money.
And wasted it on
them stupid horses.
North Dakota will never
be race horse country.
My father-
And I'm not your father either.
He didn't have a clue
about race horses. I do.
I'm not gonna blow it.
Well, you're just gonna
have to not blow
it someplace else.
I want them horses gone
by the end of the month.
I'll not have it.
It's just not right.
Well, you're always welcome
to help us here on the
Longhorn Cattle Ranch.
And now I am done talking
for the second time.
You ain't gonna be
around forever old man.
Boeding law office.
Hey, darling. Is he in?
Yes, Mr. Longhorn. One moment.
I told you, call me J.C.
Yes sir, Mr. J.C.
Yes, Janet.
Mr. J.C. is on line one.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, you old troublemaker.
What are you up to?
Finally doing something
you've been wanting me to do
to get you off my case.
Oh, really? Well
that'll be a first.
What are you doing that's
gonna get me off your case?
Well, I'm gonna take
care of that will thing
you've been nagging me about.
Listen, make sure you
sign all three copies and-
Well, Tom, that's the thing.
I still got one more
little change, buddy.
I'm gonna be over your
way tomorrow afternoon.
That's fine.
Hey, I'll see you tomorrow
and don't die before
you sign that will.
I'll try not to.
All right.
Don't worry about
those that hurt you
Don't think about
those who do you wrong
God has a plan just for you
Evil will soon be gone
Put your trust
in a higher power
Live your life in
safety and peace
Get all that
God has to offer
His life will
surely never cease
Will you be ready
On the day your father comes
Will you be ready
Will you be a chosen one
The end is near
for all the kingdom
No one knows the hour
Not even the son
What are you doing?
I should ask you the same thing.
You're cutting me out
of my inheritance.
I'm ensuring that this
ranch stays a cattle ranch.
You're giving it to a stranger.
I'm giving to
someone I can trust.
Someone who will take
care of your mother.
You can't do this.
I'll fight it.
Son. My pills.
Son my...
Give me my pills. Please, Son.
How's it looking, Princess?
Daddy, she's spectacular.
I'm lucky to have a dad
that knows all about horses.
I don't see how she can lose.
Now you're just saying that
because you know it's true.
Hey Mac, you gotta keep
that nag away from WSD.
I can't afford to have
any spotted thoroughbreds.
- Hey, Colonel's not-
- Easy, Princess.
Mr. Longhorn here doesn't
recognize prize stock.
Colonel's a gelding, sir,
so there's no worry there.
- He couldn't
even- - Whatever.
How's she look?
Fine, Mr. Longhorn.
Looks real fine.
We'll be ready for Belmont.
Better be is all I can say.
We need a good showing outta her
so she can start generating
some breeding fees.
No breeding fees means
no need for a breeder.
Well, it's a good thing for you
that I'm a cattleman too, sir.
Yeah, well the cattle
will be gone soon.
So I just need
you to concentrate
on being a good horse breeder.
Yes, sir. I know that.
Wall Street Dandy will place.
I'd bet my paycheck on it.
You are.
What? Laughing's against
your religion too?
No, sir.
It's just my Jesus is not
a real laughing matter-
Wait, hold on.
It's not Sunday is it?
No, I don't think so.
So save your preaching.
Boss, we er, we moved all the
cattle up to the north barn.
Could be a Blue Norther coming.
Got plenty of here up yonder.
Well that doesn't really
mean a thing to me, Angus,
because as soon as Wall
Street Dandy hits at Belmont,
I'm gonna sell off
all those cattle.
Hey, Sunshine. You
broke that stallion yet?
Mr. Duke, you know I can ride.
And you know Colonel's
my best friend.
He came broke.
Hey, you want me and the
boys to bring your horses in?
Glad to do it
before we head out.
No thanks, Duke.
They've been cooped up last
two, three days with the rain.
So I'm gonna let 'em run.
Well suit yourself.
Pretty strange
weather we having.
Could get nasty at any time.
Could be a Blue Norther coming.
Think so? In September?
Kinda early, don't you think?
This is North Dakota, Luke,
it's never too early for snow.
Of course you uh, Florida folks
don't know anything
about snow, would you?
Well, remember it's
Kelly that's from Florida.
I lived there a year,
18 years ago, so.
Mm hmm. Well your horses
are not like my cows.
They've been pretty
comfy in that Hilton inn
you've been running.
They'll get disoriented
if that snow
come up on 'em suddenly.
I gotta tell you, Duke, I've
seen a lot of snow skies
and this don't look like
any snow sky I've ever seen.
Well, sometimes the Norther
don't give you the courtesy
of a snow sky, especially
when it's coming in at night.
Well, I appreciate that.
I'll tell you what,
I don't think there's anything
to worry about personally.
If it makes you feel
better, I'll have my boys
sit up tonight
and watch the sky.
I'll see you later then.
I'll see you later, Sunshine.
Yeah, we're all
good up there, boss.
Y'all take care.
We'll be fine.
Gotta get a smaller hat, Daddy.
Yes you do, darling.
Say, what's a Blue Northern?
Mr. Duke said one was coming.
Well, it's actually Norther,
and it's kind of like a myth.
It's like when cold
weather sneaks up on people
and then it dumps a
bunch of snow on 'em
and then sits back
and laughs at 'em.
Like Santa?
Yeah, kinda like Santa. Yeah.
But a Norther's presence
means a whole bunch of snow.
I'll tell you what,
let's wrap this up. Okay?
Mom's in there cooking dinner
and she needs all
the help she can get.
She's gotta work tonight. Okay?
I'm gonna put Colonel
in the stable.
I wouldn't want him to get
caught in that Blue Norther.
I think you're just trying
to get outta cleaning
the chicken, little girl.
And peeling the potatoes.
God at least you're
keeping her honest.
I've got things pretty
much under control
Now I wanted to get in here
and help you with those, I did.
Sure you did. And I don't
have to work tonight either.
As real as you wanting
to peel these potatoes.
On a hill far away
Stood an old rugged cross
The emblem of
suffering and shame
And I love that old cross
Where the dearest and best
For a world of lost
sinners was slain
So I'll cherish the
old rugged cross
Till my trophies
at last I lay down
I will cling to the
old rugged cross
And exchange it
some day for a crown
So I'll cherish the
old rugged cross
Till my trophies
at last I lay down
I will cling to the
old rugged cross
And exchange it
some day for a crown
And exchange it
some day for a crown
Well, don't just stand
there, set the table.
I've gotta be at the
hospital in a little while.
My shift starts at 9:00.
The 9:00 to 3:00 shift?
Six hours and get
paid for eight.
It's a neat trick.
Son, I'm gonna need you
and your brother tomorrow.
All right?
I wanna run some time
trials of Wall Street Dandy.
And it's my turn to ride.
It may be your turn, but
Dad needs the best rider
for the best horse.
I'll tell you what,
we're almost ready here.
Why don't you go
hurry your sister up.
She's out in the
barn with Colonel.
All right.
She'll be ready to come in now
that everything's
finished in here.
I didn't notice you reporting
for duty till we were all done.
Work smart, not
hard. Right, Dad?
You ought to get a smaller hat.
I know. I know.
You know you can come
in for dinner now?
Everything's done.
Hey! I was working
with Colonel.
Do you think he'd be warm
enough in here tonight?
Don't ask me. I'm
not a horse person.
Hey, that's Dad and your
other brother. Not me.
In two months I'm 18
and I'm outta here.
What? You can't leave.
I like to ride.
Other than that, I don't
really care much for horses.
Maybe to bet on 'em.
That's about it.
Does Dad know?
Hey, I'm gonna make some
real money out there.
You'll see.
This family's making
it only because Mom
has a great job at the hospital.
This family's making it
because of the grace of God.
- He provides all- - God
looks down and smiles.
That's about it.
You gotta make your own way.
You know there's more to life
than horses and church and.
Right, Sunshine?
Hey, only Mr. Duke
calls me that.
And God does take care of us.
Well, I'll hedge my
bet if you don't mind.
You kids all right?
Oh yes, Mr. Peabo...
Sure, Mr. Duke.
We're just finishing up,
getting ready for dinner.
Sure thing, kid.
You might wanna leave
that heat on though.
Could snow, you know.
Night, Mr. Duke.
Goodnight, Sunshine.
See you tomorrow.
Goodnight, Mr. Mackenzie.
Snow? What's he talking about?
A myth.
A miss. Miss what?
No. A myth.
It's like a fairytale
or something.
I know
what a myth is.
What's it gotta do with snow?
Oh, Mr. Duke told daddy a
Blue Northern is coming.
That's a big cold snow storm.
It's a Norther. And I
know what a Norther is.
So does your Mr. Duke.
You know he's been around here
a lot longer than Dad has.
He doesn't know more than
Daddy, besides, God wouldn't-
God would.
Now come on. It's dinner time.
Night, boy, you keep warm.
Gonna turn the heater off.
Mr. Duke said leave
the heater on.
Yeah, well,
Mr. Duke doesn't pay
the electrical
bills around here.
Just come on.
You better hurry up, Sunshine.
God will let you freeze.
Stop it. Stop talking
to God that way.
And stop calling me Sunshine.
You don't even know why
Angus calls you that.
You just need to stop.
And stop calling
Mr. Duke by that name.
He doesn't like it.
Now where are you going?
I forgot my hat.
That stupid hat.
Don't worry, boy, I didn't
really forget my hat.
And I do so know why
Mr. Duke calls me Sunshine.
It's because my real
name means morning light.
I'll see you in
the morning light.
Dear heavenly Father, thank
you for all the favor,
blessings, and victories
you've brought into our lives.
Please bless this food.
In Jesus name. Amen.
She was eight
before she knew amen
and dig in wasn't one word!
Well dig in.
Dad, I saw The Duke earlier
as he was getting
ready to head out.
You mean Angus?
Son, he likes to be
called The Duke. Okay?
Why because he doesn't like
his real name, Angus Peabody?
He was a singer. Right, Dad?
In that group, the Kings Own.
It was The Dukes.
The Dukes of Earl.
And we're gonna give
our elders the respect
they deserve around here, okay?
For some reason he
prefers The Duke
and we're gonna
respect his wishes.
Probably because his real name
sounds more like an accountant
than it does a cowboy.
Daddy, Mr. Duke
stopped in the stable
before he left and said
about that Northern again.
He told me to leave the
heater on for Colonel.
Well, you know that's
probably not a bad idea.
I turned it off.
No sense of wasting money.
Northern? It's Norther, right?
What exactly defines one?
It's a sudden burst of cold
weather and sometimes snow.
It can't be predicted
and moves swiftly
and dumps a ton of snow
on you before you know it.
I don't remember ever seeing
snow when I was little.
I was only four when my dad
moved us to Florida though.
To help build Disney
World, right, Mom?
Yes, that's right, dear.
We never had snow of
any kind in Florida.
I remember the storm here.
Oh yes, you would.
Wait a minute, you were only
seven or eight years old.
I remember stuff from
when I was three.
Next thing he'll be saying
he remembers living in Florida.
That would be impossible.
Mom and dad moved up to Kentucky
right after we were born.
Well, what do you think, hun?
Could there be one
tonight or not?
They never come before
November at the earliest.
Don't you remember the big
storm when we first moved here?
Nope. I blocked
it outta my mind.
I imagined I was on
the beach at Vero.
Oh, you were ready to run
back to Vero for sure.
You had white stuff there
too. They call it sand.
I've been around lots of snow.
When we were in Bowling
Green, it snowed plenty.
Of course not like that
first one here though.
Yes, I remember it.
So is there going to
be one tonight or not?
Hmm. It was pretty
cold outside.
No, no, no.
Now y'all quit calling
it down on us, okay?
God watches out for the
Mackenzies and remember that.
We ought to at
least keep a watch.
Just till Mom gets home.
Well, I'm gonna stay
up and watch a movie.
I can check the sky
every once in a while.
Well, I did tell The Duke
that you boys would
keep a watch tonight.
So probably not a
bad idea to peek
outside while
you're watching TV.
What's all the fuss?
I'll take the truck and
put it in four wheel drive
if it gets bad.
I'll be safe.
You all will be safe and warm
and the horses will be safe
and warm in the stable.
Colonel's the only-
Oh, you know what?
Don't worry about that, hun.
If you just take the truck,
everything is gonna
be fine here, okay?
Well, amen.
I'm gonna watch this one.
Think Dad should have
brought Wall Street
and the other horses in?
I try to think of
horses as little as I can,
except maybe to bet on one.
- Gambling is
against- - Please!
Don't quote the Bible on me.
You gonna come
watch this or not?
No. I'm gonna get some sleep.
Dad said he's got a
workday plan tomorrow.
What? In all this snow?
Wake me if you see anything.
I'm gonna see the movie.
That's what I'm gonna see.
Hey, Kell.
You're welcome to
stay here tonight
instead of driving all the
way back out to your ranch.
We've got some empty beds.
Thanks. But no thanks.
This is too much
like a hospital.
I'll be fine.
I've got the truck and
it's got four wheel drive.
It's not like driving
on the beach at Vero.
Why does everyone think
I'm from Vero Beach?
I'm from Mound City and
that's in Central Florida.
The last time I was
there was 18 years ago.
I know how to drive in snow.
Well, the white stuff we
have here is a lot different
than the white
stuff on the beach.
Besides, it's not you
I'm thinking about
being on the beach,
it's me.
Thank you, Lord and Jesus.
Sweet Lord.
Dad. Dad, get up!
I just didn't. God.
We should have
listened to you, Duke.
This is the time for your
faith. God's with you.
He's with you all.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
It's just so hard. I, er...
I went looking for
the horses, you know.
I didn't even
think about Kelley.
This is God's plan.
Whether you know it or not.
It was some plan.
I'm ruined!
You. You killed all my horses!
Stop right there.
Who are you to tell me anything?
I'm the guy that's
gonna beat your butt
if you don't get outta here.
This man lost more than horses.
Well, I'm sorry about that.
But my future froze to
death in that storm.
I'm warning you. Not now.
Give it a rest.
Well you're fired.
And so are you!
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentleman, this...
And don't you worry about
that blow hard Longhorn.
He can't do a thing to you.
Well, I
don't know about that.
He is now threatening to sue me.
He's gotta prove damages
and he's gonna get an
insurance settlement
for way more than
those horses are worth.
What the...
heck are we worrying
about the horses for?
What are we going
to do without Mom?
Son, there's no reason to curse.
I didn't curse.
Look, we're walking out what God
has planned for us right now.
It might not be what we
like, but it's our destiny.
Well, my destiny
sure has changed.
What am I going to do?
Well right now,
we're all supposed
to be praying
together as a family.
This is no time to push.
Let's just get
mom's funeral over
and figure everything else out.
And you'll get outta
the snow for a while.
I don't know, Duke, we, er...
We ain't got much here anymore.
I'm not sure we even
really should come back.
The Lord has a plan for us.
You just gotta trust him. Okay?
The Lord? The Lord?
I'm having a hard time even
believing there is a God.
Why would he even
let this happen?
There is no way for us to know
what God's got
planned for us, Son.
Well, I would still
like to know why.
God doesn't answer why's.
People who ask why are just
looking for an argument.
And you're totally
okay with this.
She was your birth mom and
it seems like I care more.
That's ridiculous.
But why is he selling
Colonel Sellers?
Well, I guess just to hurt you.
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
This is a boarding
call for.
What's this?
It's for you.
Excuse me, folks.
The flight is getting
ready to board.
Thank you, Ma'am.
Mr. Duke, you made it so
I can take Colonel with me
and when I get back,
it will be like...
I love him.
welcome, Sunshine.
Final boarding
All right, guys, it's
time to go. Let's go.
I'll get your bag, baby.
Please now board
at gate 21.
Duke. Brother.
Brother, thanks for everything
you've done for us, man.
Any time.
So what time's our flight?
I gotta get outta here.
We've got time.
There's some things I
wanna show you guys.
Beside you being born here and
your momma growing up here,
I, I remember some
pretty cool things
about this little town.
I remember mom said she always
loved the little downtown.
Where is that?
Well, if I remember right,
it's a couple
blocks up that way.
But then again, everything here
is a couple blocks up that way.
Yeah, and when we leave,
the population here
decreases by 50%.
It says here Mound City's
population is 11,212.
Well, Fargo's half
million is fine for me.
Son, let's give
this a chance. Okay?
A chance?
Chance for what?
Let's get changed.
I'm starved. Can we
eat before we go?
I don't know if
it's still there,
but I remember your mom
telling me about a place
she used to go when
she was a little girl.
Her mom and dad took her there.
And I think it's a
couple blocks that way.
Wanna check it out?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Let's get changed.
What's all this chance stuff?
Don't ask me.
I'm a stranger here
A stranger here
You prepare a place
I came away to be there
You prepare a place
I came away to come home
Let me not be phased
Enchanted, amazed
by this world
For soon all this will fade
All pass away forever
Hold me, I pray
Don't let me stray
from your love
Keep me in your arms
Keep my eyes on your kingdom
This makes me scared
I won't be prepared
on that day
Keep my focus on
that you are strong
You have me
I just want to go home
I want to come
home to your love
You are on the throne
Goodness alone
Howdy folks. I'm
Annabel Krause.
I own this place.
- Ma'am.
- Thanks for coming in.
How long have you been here?
Longer than you
are old, let me tell you.
Daddy, do you think Mom
could have sat at this table
when she was a little girl?
You can read here,
it, it says that this place
was originally located
in the basement in the Argyle
building across the street.
Mom couldn't have been
here. Not this spot.
Well son, technically
that's correct.
There was a cafe here
before we took over.
The Mound City Cafe.
So Mom could have sat here.
That's right, Princess.
Mama could have sat right
where you're sitting right now.
Just not that chair.
We did change the
furniture up 10 years ago.
Let's give it
a chance. Okay son?
There's that word
again. What's up?
Let's just have a nice
lunch and get on the road.
'Cause there's one more place
I want to take you guys.
Then we can go?
Our specials are
on the board back there.
Daddy. We can get
dessert, right?
Sure, Princess.
Ma'am, could we get
four desserts please?
Good, 'cause it says
they kept the famous
carrot cake recipe
from Mount City Cafe.
Maybe Mom had some
carrot cake right here.
We just took two
out of the oven.
I'm sure she had them.
We'll take
four pieces please.
Then we can go?
What's this?
Kids, this is the exact spot
where your mother grew up.
She was a little girl here?
That's right, Princess.
Your mama played and
ran and rode horses
all over this place.
Well you better slow down.
It looks like this
place has an owner.
See that moving
truck over there?
Yeah. I see it.
Looks like they got some
sucker to buy this dump.
Come on, let's take a look.
Hey Isaac! This is private
property, I'm sure.
You can't just go looking
through people's windows.
Daddy, daddy come quick.
You won't believe it.
Oh, I'm sure he will.
I'm gonna
get back in the car.
Come on. Come with.
You guys should too.
Come check it out.
- See, see Daddy?
- Hey.
It's really Mr. Duke.
Yes, Sunshine.
It really is me.
Go on. You can go on up.
Now you know the first
thing she's gonna ask me
is if I brought old Colonel.
I think I'll let
you handle that one.
What in the heck?
Hey, hold on right there now.
Jacob, look, I tried to show you
how great this place is, okay?
But you were just bound and
determined not to like it here.
Now I'm just gonna say
it. I'm just gonna say it.
This is our home now.
This is our new home.
Say, any problems
getting down here or?
No, no. None at all.
Driving this here
truck is no different
than driving my pickup itself.
Speaking of that,
what about our trucks?
They will be here tomorrow
afternoon. Yours and mine.
Well I had to look
through six boxes
but found my video game system.
What's that junk for?
It's for our horses.
You knew we were staying here?
This is incredible.
He's not in here. I knew
he wouldn't be in here.
Colonel's not in
here. Where is he?
Why do we have his
saddle but not him?
Sunshine. Come here.
Now, you know if
there was any way
I could've brought
Colonel, I would've, right?
Yeah. I guess so.
Sometimes things
in our lives don't,
they don't go to way we want,
but God still has a lot
of good planned for us.
So if that's true,
God has something
pretty special planned for you.
I hope so. I just
really miss Colonel.
Hey, you want to help me?
Why don't you go get
some of them boxes
with your name on it.
It's got your stuff in it
and I made 'em small
so you can carry 'em.
Alright honey, you
take 'em in the house.
Find what bedroom's
gonna be yours, okay?
You mean to tell me J.P wouldn't
take five grand for a horse
he's not getting 200
bucks for at an auction.
I think you coulda offered
him your entire insurance
settlement and he'd
have turned you down.
Since he can't sue you and
you're not coming back to Nodak,
he wants to hurt you and
yours any way you can.
Yeah, but a little girl?
I mean if this is God's
way of testing me,
I, I, I hope he stops
testing me pretty soon.
Not till he has you
the way he wants you.
Yeah, I know.
Say, did the papers come
from Logan Insurance?
Yeah, stopped by on
my way outta town
and the secretary was getting
ready to mail 'em out.
There you go. I hope
it's what you need.
Well, I've got no secrets
about that. It's $200,000.
Kelley's the one who insisted
that we take out term
policies on both of us
and it's actually what made
me decide to come here.
The boys were
actually born here,
but we moved to Bowling
Green right afterwards.
Wait a minute, you got
relatives here too, right?
Yeah, I spent some summers
here before my mom died.
But I never never met
Ms. Kelley though.
Well her relatives are all gone,
but I think because this
land is where she grew up,
I'm pretty sure that's why
God called me back here.
Yeah. Been meaning
to tell you.
I, I have an old aunt here.
She's not really my aunt,
it's just what
everyone called her.
And she lives about about
three or four miles,
I'm gonna say that
way, pretty close.
I haven't seen her since
I was about 10 or 11,
but from what I hear, she's
still alive and kicking.
You know, I still can't
believe you excluded me.
I didn't include
or exclude anybody,
except Duke because
I needed help.
You all know you are family.
Isaac knew.
No he didn't. Not really.
He figured it out
after he heard me say,
"Give this place a chance."
Funny how the adopted
son always gets left out.
Where is this from? Really?
You're all my children and
you know I love all of you.
Well I'm not a child.
So what's the plan down here?
You're gonna go back to training
other people's horses again?
Don't you think
they'll want a resume?
I'm gonna train our
horses, horse, this time.
With the money that
your mother left,
we have enough to buy back her
family ranch, a thoroughbred.
Have a little money
left over to live on
for a while while we
build up this business.
If we get this place fixed
up, we can bring on boarders.
And we can be the
ranch hands, Dad.
I'm counting on that, Son.
We're getting a
new horse, Daddy?
We are, Princess.
And Mr. Duke, you can
stay with us, right?
Oh no, Sunshine. I
gotta get back to Nodak.
There's too much heat
down here for me.
And besides I'm starting
to feel a little naked
without my coat and gloves.
Mr. Duke!
So what? I'm just
an indentured slave.
You're gonna force
me to work in a place
that I don't even wanna be in.
Jacob, you're still
under my roof.
Well you know what?
I'm 18 in two weeks.
Then I won't be under your roof.
And Mom left that money for
all of us, not just you.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't
have said that.
No, he needed to hear it.
Sunshine, would you
like to go somewhere
special with me in the morning?
Well, I got an old
aunt named Judith
who lives not too far from here
and I know she'd
love to meet you,
and she's from across
the ocean in Europe.
Daddy, can I? Go see
Mr. Duke's old Aunt Judith?
Sure, Princess.
Make sure to leave the
old out of her name. Okay?
- Yeah.
- All right.
My little man, all grown up!
My! Did you get big!
It's good to see
you Miss Judith.
Let me introduce you to
Miss Aurora Mackenzie.
It appears y'all are neighbors.
I heard somebody
bought that place.
Horse people are you?
Yes ma'am. Well, kinda.
They don't have any horses
on the farm just yet.
Ah. Something will turn up.
The Lord will see to it.
- Amen to that.
- Have a seat.
You know Angus, I think you
were about this child's age
the last time you were here.
Yes ma'am. About 10 or 11.
Thank you, ma'am.
Now you call me Miss
Judy, everybody does.
You working the
Mer place with her?
No, ma'am.
I've got a new job that starts
back up in North Dakota.
That's where I've been
at for the last 20 years.
I just came down to
bring their belongings.
They all flew down.
I know. You told
me on the phone.
Sometimes I am
getting forgetful.
Oh sweetie, I am so sorry
to hear about your mama.
You doing okay?
Well, yes, ma'am.
I mean, Miss Judy.
I miss her terribly, but
I know she's with God.
Wow. Praise the Lord.
That's a wonderful outlook.
How do you get like that?
I just try to be
grateful for everything
that God does in my life.
And she keeps a journal too.
That's what helps me remember
everything I do have,
not to think about
what I don't have.
And she's always happy.
Oh, I can see that.
Sweetie, I know your mama's
walking with Jesus right now.
That's a fact.
It's good to see a young
lady knowing about our Lord.
And she even sings in
the choir back home.
Really? You gotta
sing for me sometime.
Yes ma'am. I mean, Miss Judy.
Do you like horses?
Yes ma'am. I have
my own back home.
I mean our other home.
Where's your horse now?
Well, the owner of the
farm where my dad worked,
he wouldn't let us take him.
He's a mean old man.
Sorry, Jesus.
Well, some people
are just plain mean.
And that's for sure.
Tell me about your horse.
He was beautiful.
He's bright red with white
spots on his back end.
Mr. Duke said he was an
Indian pony, but he was-
Mr. Duke. Who's Mr. Duke?
That's what everyone
calls me, The Duke.
It's um, 'cause I was in a
singing group back in college.
The Duke. That's
Tell me more about your horse.
You were saying he
was an Appaloosa?
Yes, that's it.
He was beautiful.
You've got plenty of room
at your place, right?
Well my ranch hand
Robert's been wanting
to move his family
over to Sarasota.
He's only been staying here to
look after my horses for me.
What are you
thinking, Miss Judith?
Well why not move my
horses over to your place?
I'll pay you to board them
and I'll be saving
Robert's salary.
I'm sure Luke would
love the extra income
and he's one of the best
horseman you'll ever find.
Lemme just call him.
I'll let your father
take care of my quarter horses.
I've got one more, and I
want you to take care of him.
Come on.
Yeah, how would you like to
get yourself some new horses
and get paid for keeping them?
It's just like a mini version
of my Colonel Sellers.
Colonel Sellers?
Oh, your horse from up north.
A good friend of
mine passed away
and left her to me to raise.
Never gave her no name though.
She's beautiful.
Here's what I'm gonna do.
If you promise to take
the best care of her
and raise her up right,
I'll give her to you.
Oh, I promise. I promise!
Look what Miss Judy gave me,
she looks exactly like a
little Colonel Sellers.
Yes she does.
Well I just spoke with Luke
and he's about as
excited as Sunshine here.
Said he'd be right
over with the trailer.
You've got a hitch on
that truck of yours?
Yes ma'am.
Well, hook up my trailer
now and haul 'em over.
I've got a four horse trailer
and I've got four
quarter horses.
Yes, ma'am.
But what
about the appaloosa?
Take it around to the
back of the pasture
and you can lead him there.
When you get to the gate,
you're in the Mer place then.
You mean the Mackenzie place?
Oh, I guess you're right
there, the Mackenzie place now.
Oh, Miss Judy. Thank you.
Oh man!
Oh man!
Oh, Duke. They're beautiful.
Now we got a horse ranch.
Huh? They got papers too.
And Miss Judith said
we could breed them.
Is that an appy?
Now I see what you
meant about a surprise.
Spitting image of a
small Colonel Sellers.
Daddy! Daddy!
She gave him to me. Ms.
Judith gave him to me.
I heard, baby.
What's his name?
Miss Judith said he
doesn't have one.
Then you're gonna
have to name him.
How about something that reminds
us where we used to live?
Dakota. I'm calling him Dakota.
That's a great name, baby.
Tell you what, then we
have Colonel Sellers
with us all the time.
Come here. Oh!
Not in that first stall son.
That's for our horse.
Dad, when are we
gonna get our horse?
Any day, Son. Any day.
So tell you what, you
boys take those horses
and put 'em in any of those
stalls that look halfway decent.
All right?
Then tomorrow morning I
want you to get those stalls
looking better than any
of the ones Longhorn had.
Sure thing, Dad.
Hey, we're not finished
with the fence painting yet.
We don't need any more jobs.
There's quite a bit of
daylight till dinner, Son.
- But- - You know what?
Tom Sawyer got a
bunch of his buddies
to help him whitewash a fence.
You know what I'm saying?
We're not Tom Sawyer
and we don't have any friends
in this place, remember?
Well, I have faith you'll
think of something.
I gotta get going, brother.
Now that's what I like to see.
A young man who doesn't let
anything distract
him from his work.
You drive
safe, brother. Okay?
- I will.
- I'll miss you.
- Oh.
- Oh!
Good thing I used
to play football.
Do you have to go?
Well, Sunshine, somebody's
gotta get back up to Nodak
and go and herd on
all those horses.
And I've been saving
the best news for last.
What? What's the best news?
Well, the best
news is my new job
is right next to the
Longhorn's Ranch.
So I get to keep an eye
on your Colonel Sellers.
- He didn't sell him?
- He did not.
This is wonderful.
When I'm down here
working with Dakota,
I'll think of you up
there with Colonel.
Yeah, well you make sure
you do that around Christmas
when I'm, I'm about knee
deep in two feet of snow.
- You be careful my brother.
- All right, brother.
Look who came
to say goodbye to you?
You take care young man.
- You too, sir.
- All right.
Bye, Sunshine.
- Okay, brother.
- Alright.
Aw, it's okay.
What's wrong with you?
We gotta clean that up too.
What's the use of
cleaning the stall,
then cleaning out here too?
Tomorrow's my 18th birthday.
Uh, did you forget?
It's my birthday too.
Just reminding you.
What's all this other
important stuff you gotta do?
Packing? For what?
Brother, come tomorrow, I quit.
I'm 18 and I'm
getting outta here.
What are you talking
about? You quit.
Quit what? The family?
Get the man a cigar.
Yes, the family. And this place.
I'm 18 and I'm going home.
Home? This is our home.
This might be your home, Isaac.
But this isn't mine.
Mom's will said that we all
get a share in the estate
and he takes it all.
I'm getting mine.
Are you on drugs?
Look, we're walking around here
acting like indentured slaves.
And for what? A tiny
bedroom in a rundown house.
Sponging off the
old lady next door.
You're drunk. That's it.
You snuck into town
and got some beer.
Beer? In this religious house.
Hah. I'm as sober
as a church mouse.
I'm 18 tomorrow and I'm
getting what's coming to me.
But we need that money
to run the stables.
Dad hasn't paid for
the thoroughbred yet.
We're getting him this weekend.
Not my problem.
- But- - Look.
I called a lawyer in town and
told him the whole situation.
He said I can sue Dad
for my share of the
money if I have to.
Say what now?
You ought
to do the same.
But you heard Dad, he's only
got about 60 grand left.
And I'm betting a
thoroughbred ain't cheap.
Not my problem either.
The way I figured, is mom's
insurance was 200 grand
divided four ways, that's
you, me, Dad and the squirt,
50 grand each.
Well even if that was so.
What gives you the right
to go ahead and take it
ahead of the rest of us?
The old principle.
You snooze, you lose.
No, seriously.
If you wanna get downright
technical, I'm the oldest.
By four or five hours.
There you have it.
You snooze an extra four hours
and it turns out you lose.
What? You gonna go tell on me?
No, I'm gonna let you weasel
through this one on your own.
I gotta get some fresh
air. It smells in here.
It's probably the horse dung.
No, I don't think so.
So cake and ice cream, Princess,
Did you peek at the ice cream?
Now I told you I wouldn't.
You didn't get just
bubble gum did you?
No. Bubble gum wouldn't
go with red velvet cake.
Well then hurry up. The
suspense is killing me.
So what's up with you guys?
You haven't said
two words all night.
Well, you're both 18 now.
Think you're men.
Have the weight of the
world on your shoulders.
We are men. At least
in the eyes of the law.
The eyes of the law.
What kind of talk is that?
Well, my brother's a
junior lawyer nowadays.
Did you just get plain vanilla?
No, it's cream cheese.
Like the icing on the cake.
Where are you going,
Son? It's just ice cream.
It's, it's not the ice cream.
Well what then?
It's this place.
It's mom's estate.
Just everything.
How about we talk after we
celebrate your birthday, okay?
There's no time.
'Cause I'll be gone.
Gone? Where you going?
You going out?
You could say that.
I'm going home.
Catching a flight tomorrow
and I'll be back in
Fargo by tomorrow night.
Going home? Son, this is home.
This is it now.
I told him,
and I'm telling you,
that this might be your
home, but this isn't mine.
Just get my part of mom's estate
and I'll be outta your hair.
Jacob, what do you mean?
Give you your part?
I don't want to do this,
but I can get a lawyer
and make you give
me the $50,000.
Mom left it to me and
I'm not a minor anymore.
So you have no control over it.
Son, that's about all
the money we have left.
I mean we need that
money for the horse
and to run the stables.
It wasn't your
money to begin with.
Son, this is yours.
It's all of yours.
And it's gonna be worth
a lot more than $50,000.
Like I said, I want my money.
I want my inheritance
from my mother.
I want it now. Not later.
I want my own life.
Not yours all over again.
- Son, sit- - Dad.
Dad just get to the bank in the
morning and get me my money.
It's okay, baby.
Here, guys. Let's
pray for your brother.
Dear Lord God, please
bless this family.
Bless Jacob.
Whatever that way is, help
him find his way, Father.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
We're getting a bargain
on a phenomenal race horse
that could make this ranch
and now we can't get him.
I'm sorry, Son.
I have tried everybody
and everything I know.
I just cannot raise that money.
Well we had the money
and you gave it away.
Well, the Bible clearly
directs us on inheritance
and we're not gonna turn
away from that Bible
just because something makes
us a little uncomfortable.
I'm just saying
that Prince Fairfax
should have cost at
least twice the 50,000
that Mr. Meyers agreed to.
That's a blessing
in and of itself.
Well, it's not
our last blessing.
I know that there's something
better in store for us.
God has something
better planned for us.
So now we're sitting here
with no money to spend
and we're waiting on
a horse we can't buy.
Well, it's the least we can do.
Talk to the man face to face.
I mean, I tried to reach him
all morning on the phone.
I couldn't get him.
Hey Miss Aurora, how you doing?
Hi, Mr. Robert.
Do you know where
Miss Judith is?
Yep. She went into town.
She'll be back in
just a little bit.
I'm waiting for her myself
to tell her goodbye.
Are you going someplace?
I thought y'all knew.
I'm moving up to Sarasota.
Well, since we put
all our quarter horses
over at your stable,
there's not a whole lot
for me to do around here.
Oh, I'm sorry.
We're taking good
care of them though.
Oh, I knew you would.
Don't you worry about it.
How's that little appy of yours?
You mean Dakota? He's
growing bigger every day.
Dakota. That's a good
name for that horse.
What'd you name
your thoroughbred?
We don't have one. My daddy
says we don't have the money.
I think we don't
have enough money
because my dad gave a lot of it
to my brother when he left home.
He did?
Well let me pray about that.
See if we can't
work something out.
Well, I'm going to check
on Miss Judith again.
- Goodbye, Mr. Robert.
- Okay.
Oh, thank you.
Hope you enjoy your soda.
So, my soda?
You know, like
It's Sarasota.
Alright, we'll see ya.
And tell her I'll
be along directly.
Dad, there's
Mr. Meyers now.
Mr. Meyers.
Call me Phil, I'll
call you Luke. Okay?
This is my son Isaac.
Look Mr. Meyers, I er,
I've been trying to
reach you this morning.
Had some things to talk
to you about and er...
Darnedest thing,
put my cell phone up on the
stall fence this morning.
And after I loaded
Prince of Fairfax,
it crashed on the stall floor.
He must have stepped on it.
Oh well. Yes sir.
I um, well I, I called
because I wanted to
explain something to you.
Truth is er, we don't have the
money to pay for the horse.
- Really?
- Yes, sir.
What happened?
Well, my other son,
Jacob, he turned 18.
Well, both my sons turned 18
and er, well, he had
other plans for his life
and so he just pulled
out the business.
He had the money?
Well, no, not exactly.
You see my, my late wife left
us an insurance settlement
that was supposed to be
split between the four of us,
myself, my two sons
and my daughter.
And er, I guess Jacob
decided he was ready
for his inheritance right now.
And you gave him the money.
The last of the money you had.
Pretty much.
You do all this yourself?
Yes sir. Me and my brother.
You paint half of it, you think?
Probably more than half.
Sure looks nice from the road.
First thing I noticed.
He'll be back. Mark my words.
My brother?
Can see it in your daddy's face.
Son, grab that lead.
Bring him on out here.
Oh. Oh, it would've been nice.
To build our stable around him.
He, he's magnificent.
Isaac, load him back up.
Luke, er...
What you did with
your other son.
That's straight
out of the Bible.
I gotta respect
Well, thank you, sir.
You know I live that
way and I've tried
to teach my children
to live that way.
I gotta tell you, it
hasn't been easy, you know,
seeing God's plan in all of
this, all of this.
Well, God's plan includes
this horse staying right here.
Um, I'm not sure
I understand, sir.
I told you I can't pay, I
can't pay for the horse.
You ever hear of an
attitude of gratitude?
Oh yes, sir. We live that way.
And I'll tell you my, my little
girl does it best.
Well, sir, I've done a
lot of things in my life
and one thing I'm grateful for
is losing everything
when I was young.
I'm not sure
I understand, Mister-
When I was about 20 years old.
I took what money I
had and went to Vegas.
I went big too.
I wasn't satisfied.
I wasn't grateful to
just win. I wanted more.
I ended up losing it all.
How can you
be grateful for that?
Well, look at having nothing
forced me to come back home.
Made it the easiest
decision I ever made.
Wasn't nothing else to do.
Started working on my
daddy's ranch here.
You want to know with what?
Yes, sir.
A gift horse and a tiny
house with a small pasture.
Since then I've raised up
dozens of prize-winning horses.
The bloodline from
that first horse
is in Prince Fairfax here.
Mist, Phil, what exactly
are you saying here?
Dad, he's saying that
he's giving us the horse.
It's that blessing you
were just talking about.
You treated Jacob like
it said in the Bible.
And now Mr. Meyers is
just doing the same thing.
2 Corinthians 1:4. Right?
You did raise your children
up right. That's exactly it.
I can tell you having
an attitude of gratitude
is better than
hitting the lottery,
'cause what you get lasts.
Mister. Phil, thank you.
Thank you very much.
This life is tough
when we go it alone
Looking for the easy way
Check these out.
Quick to be on our own
Jake my man, this town
will never be the same.
So your old man was
okay with you leaving.
Well I wouldn't say okay,
when I told him I was going
into business with you,
he wasn't happy.
Called me all types of names.
Told me I was a jerk for
partnering with the son of the man
who caused him to
lose his prize horses.
Yada, yada yada.
Well The Duke told
my dad that your dad
made out like a bandit on the
insurance on those horses.
He did.
But he's spending
a ton on lawyers.
Something about grandpa's
will on the ranch.
I don't know.
I think you and me
both got out just time.
And do just what we please
Things of the world
don't seem so grand
When they break
you to your knees
How easy it is
to find the one
If you just slow
down and stop the run
But he's okay with it?
Us starting a ranch out here.
Well I wouldn't say that.
He kind of kicked me out.
You said he would give you money
to buy a place out
here and stock it.
Stuff happens.
You told me
you were gonna demand
what was rightfully yours.
Wasn't that what you said?
You made me take the last
money that my dad had.
And you got it, right? 50 Gs.
Yes, I got it.
But what about the rest?
My money was supposed
to pay the expenses
until the cash flow
for the ranch came in.
Jake, buddy, I wouldn't leave
you hanging without a plan.
Well my plan was
to prove to my dad
that I can make it out here.
And you will, dude.
Look around you.
You're in the money
capital of the world.
Vegas baby!
So what are we doing here?
This is home.
Until we get enough
for the ranch.
Are you talking about
trying to make enough
to make our own ranch out here?
I got a system.
I'll parlay the 50 Gs
into a half a million
by the end of the week.
You watch.
You're crazy.
Crazy like Howard Hughes.
He lived in that hotel
right over there.
The richest man in the
world lived in this town
right here, until
he died, you know.
He had to know a thing or two.
Come on. Let's get
started on the JMB Ranch.
Took a fast plane
from the country
To a city I've never known
Never looking back I
feel the loneliness
So far from home
And now my life
is in a new phase
And now I'm basically alone
I see the faces
of the family
That I've loved
so far from home
Oh home
I think of all the times
I thought just of myself
Took for granted what I had
I think of all the times
my father tried to help me
And my reaction was so sad
Because I'm a
long way from home
And farther from heaven
But I've got such
a long way to go
I throw in those dice
and hoping for a seven
Oh God take me home
You ready for
a couple cold drinks?
You want to take a break?
- Just in time.
- Thanks, Dad.
Oh, so you getting
along okay out here?
We're doing just fine.
Well um, we got
that other horse.
You're kidding?
Just from our winnings.
Well not totally, but
it's still a good deal.
The Burns Kentucky Ranch is
gonna sell us Midnight Stand
and we're gonna make
up the difference
by boarding the other three
horses they run down here.
Wow. We're gonna have to
build some more stalls.
As a matter of fact,
they're gonna pay
us something extra
to train those three horses.
See, it's a good deal for them.
They don't have to haul 'em back
and forth from Kentucky anymore.
If you run outta stalls.
You're not gonna kick
Dakota out, are you?
No. He's the boss
of these stables.
I heard him earlier this
morning telling the horses
to go to sleep and be quiet
and that kind of thing.
Kinda like you do, huh?
Kind of.
And I er, I got
some other news too.
I was talking to
Duke earlier today
and it seems they've
figured out your brother
is with Mr. Longhorn's
son B.J. in Las Vegas.
How'd they figure that?
You remember
Mr. Longhorn's son B.J?
I think he only came
around the ranch once.
He wasn't much interested
in horses, was he?
Well, funny thing is,
he and your brother
were gonna start
their own horse ranch
up in North Dakota.
I guess Longhorn was gonna
give B.J. a bunch of money
and he got into
some legal trouble
and then he sent him
out with nothing.
Serves him right.
Wait, they still have the
money that you gave Jacob?
Well, you know that
really was his money, Son. So.
You know what? I'm
glad he took that.
Now me and Sis here are gonna
be wealthy horse breeders
and we're gonna make way
more than a 50 grand,
like you said.
Well, hold on.
Your brother's gonna
come home one day
and he might bring
his wealth with him.
You never know.
I know. He won't.
But just the same,
he's still part of
our family, okay?
He's my son, he's your brother
and he's always welcome here
and I'll always be here for him.
He sure didn't act like he
wanted any part of this family
and he shouldn't get
anything from the ranch.
We built all of
that. Me and you.
Hey. Me too.
And you.
And I tried to call him again
but he's still not picking up.
How do you know he even
has the same phone still?
Why don't you just
go find him, Daddy?
That just wouldn't
be right, Princess.
He knows where we are.
God will direct him home
when he's supposed to be here.
And when he does, it's our
job to welcome him here.
Yeah, maybe we'll have an
opening for a ranch hand.
When the sun
rises this morning
And its rays
touch the ground
Just like thunder
with no warning
I hear the echo of his voice
Across the world
we hear his story
Sea to sea we hear his word
Offering only him the glory
You feel his love
then you've heard
We're all searching
for the answer
The final step
is always love
And it's written
right before us
In the sacrifice
of the blood
He is the hope,
he is the light
He is the answer
to all our prayers
We can join hands
the world around
And all will become
one in the sound
Of his voice
The world will
not be separated
If we join hands in his love
The ground we walk
is consecrated
We're forgiven in
his son's blood
Our souls are searching
for the answers
And doubts can
form at any turn
Faith my brothers
and my sisters
Comes from
understanding his worth
He is the dream
that becomes life
We lift up our hearts
to touch his light
We can join hands
the world around
And all become
one in the sound
Of his voice
The sound of his voice
He is the hope
He is the light
He is the answer
to all our prayers
We can join hands
the world around
And all become one
He is the dream
that becomes life
Hey kid, how's your luck?
Lady, the only luck
I'm having is bad luck.
Why? What are you down to?
You're looking at it.
I've seen worse.
No, really.
If my luck doesn't change
I'll be sleeping in an alley
over off Fremont tonight.
Fremont. What's
wrong with Fremont?
I've got a place
right over there.
Seven. shooter throws a seven.
Well. There we go.
God, if you're really there,
I can use you right now.
God? You believe in
God and you're here.
Do you believe in God?
Of course. He's my savior.
And you're here.
Well, I'm doing his work.
I'm collecting tithes
off the winnings
from some of his best sinners.
Any way you look,
shouldn't he have
delivered you by now?
Oh he has.
I used to be what you're
thinking, but not anymore.
I still have to dress the
part though to do my work.
I help run a mission
over here in Vegas
and these tithes
help support that.
Seven. Shooter rolls a seven.
See those last four chips
that just slid away.
Cost me 50 grand. It
wasn't too long ago either.
Okay. God's got something
more planned for you.
He's not hearing me.
Please. Leave me alone.
That's not a problem. I'm
done for the evening anyway.
I just have to go
cash in my winnings.
All the secrets
that I'm keeping
Didn't know they
were inside me
Had to sing this
just to empty
All the junk piled
high around me
Last week well
didn't you know that
You were looking
at me sideways
Cut me off while
I was talking
Don't you know
I want it my way
I know there's been some
demons in the saddles
It's time to hand
the reigns on over
I know that only Jesus
Can guide these
two souls home
All the secrets
that I'm keeping
Didn't know they
were inside me
Had to play this
just to empty
All the junk piled
high around me
When I ask you
what's the matter
Why don't you tell me
what you're thinking
You say nothing
and I pay later
The wheels are turning
but you ain't speakin'
I know there's been some
demons in the saddles
It's time to hand
the reins on over
I know that only Jesus can
guide these two souls home
All the secrets
that we're keeping
Didn't know they
were inside us
Had to write this
just to empty
All the junk piled
high around us
No more secrets
no more shadows
No more fear there
left to taunt us
What remains is
love that's growing
And a long road
left before us
I know there's been some
demons in the saddles
And they've been
driving us a little wild
I know it's time to
hand the reins on over
'Cause we've been
at it all night
I know that only Jesus
Can guide these
two souls home
You could have a new
career as a private eye.
You tail a suspect pretty good.
I'm sorry. I wasn't
really following you.
You weren't?
Like, I guess I was.
It's just...
I don't have any
other place to go.
You wanna come in?
Yeah, that'd be great.
Have a seat.
I've put some coffee on.
You want something to eat?
Uh, yes, please.
Sorry I don't
have a television.
I read mostly.
Coffee's ready. Do you
take sugar or cream?
Um, no thank you.
Uh, black's fine.
Oh, sorry.
The book fell out of the purse.
That's a good book.
Hey I, I better get outta here.
Take it easy. You're
fine here for tonight.
And you know, that's the
great thing about God,
he gives us a chance to start
all over again every day.
Tomorrow's gonna be
the same as today.
Same stuff. Different day.
You read much?
Well you're welcome to read
that book you were
so interested in.
Uh, no, I couldn't. I just...
It's by a pastor
right here in Vegas.
And you know what
the funny thing is?
He does two shows a day
and a late show on
Fridays and Saturdays.
humor. That's funny.
But no.
No, no matter what's going on,
whenever I pick up a book,
God always makes sure I
see exactly what I need to.
Good for you.
You try it.
What? Now?
No, finish eating first.
I'll grab you a
blanket and a pillow.
You stay here tonight.
Um, no...
So any idea what you're
gonna do now. Go home?
I doubt that I'm welcome there.
Where is home?
Florida. Mound City.
It's a small town outside of-
I know exactly where
it is.
Well, they probably
don't want to see me.
I'm adopted anyway.
Not the real son.
Edie. My name's Edie.
And you know we're all adopted
into the family of God.
You are too.
Miss Judy
isn't she pretty?
You've certainly kept
your half of the bargain.
That's for sure.
You better tie her
off, sweetheart.
It's time to head back
toward the house, Princess.
Well, Miss Judith.
I don't know how to say thanks
for all you've done for us.
I gotta tell you, that horse,
that's really helped her.
And how did you know
that we had a horse
just like that up north.
I didn't. He did.
He always knows what's needed.
That's right.
Look, those four
quarter horses I have
of mine over at your place.
Yes ma'am.
Well, I don't wanna
board them any longer.
Miss Judith, you
don't have to worry
about the boarding fees.
We're gonna take care of
those horses for free.
That's the least I can-
You younger generation never
listen to what's being said.
I said I don't want,
I didn't say I couldn't
afford to board them.
I'm doing just fine.
I'm sorry. I just
don't understand.
I sold my place here.
Some housing developer is
going to cut the place up
into gentleman's estates.
There's going
to be a lot of city dudes
coming down here,
acting like ranchers.
Well, what are you
gonna do? I mean.
I'm moving into a
condo in Sorento,
right across the highway from
those two large horse farms.
So I'm gonna feel at home
without any of the hassles.
Well, what about your horses?
What you gonna do with them?
I swear you would think
you were getting old
and hard of hearing.
I'm going to give them
to you and your family.
There's one for each of you.
Miss Judith, I, I can't,
I can't accept that.
Daddy, I'm ready.
Okay, Princess.
You've still got those
two young strong sons
of yours helping you, don't you?
Well, yeah, my son
Isaac is still around.
You know he's gonna
own the place one day.
And the other one?
Ah, Jacob.
Well, Jacob took off
as soon as he turned 18
and I haven't seen or heard
from him in about eight months.
And you didn't go
and look for him?
No ma'am, I have not.
Would'n't be right.
Ah. Just like in the Bible.
You stay on the wall, Son.
He'll be back.
I know he will.
And I'm gonna be right
here waiting for him
when he comes back.
Thank you.
Think of all the times
That others followed you
Knock knock.
And walked away and
left you all behind
How far did you get?
Uh. All of it.
I read it all.
Oh great. He'll
do that sometimes.
Um, he?
I, I better get going.
This ought to be enough
to get a train ticket
back to Florida and cab
fare from the station.
And where you thought
your happiness
How do you know I just won't
head back to this strip?
I don't. There's
coffee in the kitchen.
Just lock up when you're done.
Oh, here.
Oh, you hold onto it.
You might wanna
refer to it later.
Well, thanks and
thanks for the mo...
That's a great book.
It sure helped me.
The jury's still out on me.
Son, where are you going?
I'm going home.
Where's that?
Florida. My family's there.
I don't mean to offend you,
but my husband is
just your size.
Well, was your size.
I'd be happy to give you a
clean shirt and pair of pants.
No thanks, ma'am.
My family will take me as I am.
Home is a place where
you can hang your hat
And come in from the rain
Big or small, short or tall
We all need a
place called home
Everybody has a heartbeat
And everybody has a dream
We all need a place
Where we can all feel safe
We just need a
place called home
In the middle of the night
when you're all alone
And you got nowhere to go
Dad, it's a Mr. Boeding.
He worked for Mr. Longhorn,
the one that died.
He said it's important.
It's not this important, Son.
Get your brother a coat.
A place you thought
was just a dream
These four walls
They don't mean a thing
if they don't have you
Like an empty picture frame
A house is not the same
We all need a place
We all want a place
We just need a
place called home
Where we keep our hearts
Where we made a
pact to never part
Always gonna stay
till my last day
Till they take me home
The father loves
his prodigal son
With arms outstretched
he welcomes him home
He welcomes him back home
With kisses, more
kisses he embraces
His son as the tears
begin to stroll
Down his cheeks
into his son's soul
The father puts
sandals on his feet
Gives him a robe
And throws him a feast
They all begin to dance
It's a party with
the fullest of
Laughs till his
brother he comes home
He's indignant and
just won't join in
But the father loves his son
And deals with him gently
In the midst of the fun
He calls him his child
Explains all he
has has been his
All the while
The father loves
both of his sons
He speaks with them gently
No matter what they've done
Now in the next life
This father will
become a husband
To a night