Graduation (2007) Movie Script
By your Senior
year in High School,
you either know what you want
to do in life or you don't.
But first comes
Ours was today.
I probably would have gone,
except for one thing...
The police
had us surrounded.
# let's go #
# I wanna take you
for a ride... #
I want...
to get
into Harvard.
Okay, I want
a date to prom.
But she's gotta
like Iggy, yeah,
and have long legs
and-- oh, shit!
I want...
a 10-inch penis.
I want...
Get out.
Oh, hey, this isn't the last
one before graduation, right?
No. No, dude,
we definitely got time.
- Don't work too late, Carl.
Good night, Jackson.
- Sleep tight.
- I would sleep so much tighter
If I had something
to hold on to.
- Hold on to this.
- Hey hey!
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, mama.
- Hey hey, Polly.
- Hey.
Going back to work?
Yeah yeah, I gotta crunch
some numbers with Barbara.
This new loan
program's a mess.
- You hear anything?
- I'm not getting in.
- Go to work, please.
- Okay, all right.
Come in through the front.
Your mom's gonna go nuts
If she sees you
all wet like that.
The cheetah has
accelerated from a standstill...
- How you feeling, ma?
- Hey.
The dry scrub brush
of the African plain
Provides a perfect
launching pad...
Legs again, huh?
It's nothing.
So you think
he'll be awake?
Carl? No way.
Carl! Carl!
Get up, man.
Ow! Ow!
Carl needs sleep.
Carl needs coffee.
Carl needs coffee.
- Better?
- Oh yes.
Thanks, hon.
- Hello.
- Good morning, sleepyhead.
Oh, Jesus, I knew you were
in here. I could smell you
from all the way down the hall.
- Ha ha ha.
- Hey, who needs a bowl?
- Hey, I'll take care of that.
No no no, not so fast,
you flash, you.
- Yep, we're making breakfast.
- It's all us.
Do you want the Cap'n
or cornflakes?
Since you're asking,
Thank you.
Hey, Mare, guess what.
Me and Polly got our dorm
assignments for state.
- We're in the same one.
- Oooh!
- They let you in?
- Hey, eat me.
Come on, boys.
Is she not the
cutest girl in the world?
What about you,
Surely you've heard
from a few schools by now.
I didn't have
the scores, Mrs. J.
You don't do something with yourself,
you're gonna have to answer to me.
Good morning.
Hey, Dad!
Hi, Dad.
- You know what I mean.
- Watch out, Chauncey!
Wow, man,
You really suck
at driving, don't you?
Excuse me.
Two weeks to graduation
means two weeks
to my final.
Earth to Mr. Boyd.
Can you name me two families
in the Basidiomycota Phylum?
Mr. Jackson,
can you help Mr. Boyd?
No, sir.
Why should we care
about fungi at all?
Yes, Polly.
- Without it, we wouldn't have penicillin.
- Yeah, or beer.
Precisely, Mr. Boyd.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
Hey, you thought any more about
your speech you're gonna give?
- I'm not valedictorian.
- Maybe it's a matter of time.
Just do me a favor:
When you do give a speech,
don't talk about the journey
or the future being
wide open.
Or how we're all
the leaders of tomorrow.
- Diamonds in the rough.
- Raw clay.
- I hate raw clay. That's so dumb.
- Okay, I get the idea.
This is so stupid.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Hey, it's late.
What are you doing here?
I told your mom
I had to drop off
Some homework.
She's still home.
She's downstairs.
Yeah, I know. It's
never stopped us before.
Oh, my god!
- Come here.
- No no no.
I just-- I-- I--
No, I--
I just don't feel
like it, okay?
What's wrong?
I got into Harvard.
Oh my god. It's
amazing. I mean--
It's not S.U.
No no, I know
it's not, but--
There's still Thanksgiving
And winter break
And spring break
And summer.
We can make it work,
you know?
- You really think so?
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm proud of you.
- Mom!
What are you
doing home?
I got drunk last night celebrating
the day your mom left us
For the carpet salesman.
Company shipped without me.
After last night,
I gotta drive 15 in a row
just to make the mortgage.
And that means
missing graduation.
I'm sorry as hell.
I don't even know
if I'm going.
- Hey, mike.
- Yeah.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.
When did you know
that you wanted
to be a truck driver?
I didn't.
You ready for this?
I wanted to dance.
What do you wanna be?
I don't know.
"Your account has exceeded
its maximum annual...
We regret to..."
Whoa, Mom. Mom, Mom!
- Carl, it hurts!
- Mom Mom Mom!
Your mother's got a lot of
fans here pulling for her,
- But I have to be honest.
- Don't.
There is one alternative
with this kind of cancer--
- A bone marrow transplant.
- Okay, let's do it.
The hospital received a call from
your insurance carrier yesterday.
You're not even covered
for this visit.
How much
for everything?
I can sell my car.
That's nice.
Would you really
sell your car?
Yeah, I mean, your mom
taught me how to drive.
Excuse me.
Come on.
My dad will loan you
the money easy.
- You just gotta ask him.
- Yeah, I know.
No, I'm sorry, Carl.
There's absolutely
nothing the bank can do.
- Hey, Polly.
- Hey, where were you?
You missed dinner.
- What's the matter?
- Where's Dad?
Where do you think?
Hey, how's my little
Harvard girl?
Why is the alarm on?
Well, Mom made me promise
to keep it on.
Why, is everything okay?
If Mrs. J doesn't get
this money, Dad--
Honey, honey,
there's no way
That Carl could
repay that loan,
which makes it a gift. And
it's not my money to give.
Yeah, but it's insured,
Come on, can't you
just do it this once?
The FDIC covers the
bank in case it's robbed
or burns down,
not if I start
giving money away.
You know that, sweetie.
You're right.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Oh, honey.
Is everything all right, Mr. Deeley?
- Yeah.
- Hey, Polly.
- Hi.
- Congratulations. Your dad told me--
- Harvard.
- Thanks, Barbara.
It's funny seeing you
here at this hour.
Funny, yeah.
Um, I--
I should get going.
Since the auditorium
asbestos clean up
Has gone slower
than expected,
We're going to cut
today's rehearsal short.
Just a reminder:
Graduation will be next
Monday, 9:00 A.M. Sharp.
Be sure your parents are in
their seats 15 minutes early.
I have a way
to help your mom.
Graduation is at 9:00
on Monday, right?
My dad's vault
is time-locked to open
every Monday morning
at 8:45.
We're gonna rob
my dad's bank.
No, I--
Okay, my dad's bank
swaps old bills
For new ones
every Monday.
There is gonna be $200,000
in there, at least.
We take as much
as we need.
And then go to jail, right?
That's what I need?
No no, every business in town
knows when the money is there.
Nobody is gonna
suspect us.
I spent four summers
behind that counter.
I know how it works.
With my dad at graduation,
The place is gonna be
running on a skeleton crew.
We can be in and out
in 10 minutes.
The money's Forge Hills'.
No, it's insured.
No. No.
We'll get summer jobs.
We'll work overtime.
We'll clean yards, okay?
There's no other way to get the
money we need as fast as we need it.
So we're just gonna
walk in
and we're just gonna take
the money just like that?
gonna walk into the hospital
and lay it down?
No, he's right. We have to find
someway to launder it somehow.
Yeah, right.
Right, launder it.
Guys, come on.
When did I become
the voice of reason here, huh?
You feel better?
Now all we need
are my dad's keys.
- Hey, it's the Harvard girl.
- Hey, Leroy.
Hey, oh, did you see
the news last night?
Someone spotted Elvis
at the game.
I'm telling you, baby,
he's everywhere.
- Hi. Is my dad in?
- Hi.
- When isn't he?
- Right.
You know, just between
you and me,
that eyeliner makes you
look like a hooker.
Thought you might
want to know.
Hey, Polly,
what's up?
I was just worrying
last night
about my moving
to Boston.
Honey, you're gonna have a great
time there. Absolutely great.
Didn't you live there
once before you met Mom?
When I met Mom, yeah.
Yeah, at this--
This strange
little skating rink
that some friends
talked me into going to.
I fell right on my--
- Excuse me.
- Oh.
Yes, what can I do
for you?
I have some change
that needs counting.
I'll be right back.
It's heavy.
Oh, crap!
Well, next thing
I remember
there was this beautiful
hand reaching out to me.
This beautiful face.
I was a terrible skater.
Can you hold that
thought? Bathroom.
Excuse me.
Where's your bathroom?
Hey, man, hell of a way
to spend a Saturday.
- Your pop still at lunch?
- Yeah, man, all day.
Good good.
I need your expertise.
What makes you think
I'll cut these?
All those times you
kicked my ass wrestling.
Dude, what happened
to your eye?
The tournament
didn't go so well.
Come on, Dean.
What exactly are these
barrel keys for?
I was just using those
for a new lock
on my trunk
to protect the woofers.
We don't have blanks
for these, man.
You gotta have something.
I'll try and machine
something at the back.
Polly, hey,
I was saying Mom is gonna
wanna take you shopping.
You know, the mall,
free clothes.
Yeah yeah,
that'd be great, Dad.
As a matter of fact,
I actually--
I need some pants.
God knows they got plenty
of them at the mall.
Thanks, dude.
Thank you for coming to Forge Hills
bank & Trust. Please come again.
- Carl.
- What?
No way.
Suzy Winters.
What the hell
happened to you?
You know, after graduation,
parents gave me the boot.
But I worked retail
for a while. It sucked.
So I yanked the studs,
threw out the leather
And started here.
And Suzy Winters
goes suit.
Not quite.
Remember that thing we
talked about a long time ago?
I wanna do some
furniture shopping with you.
- Okay, sounds good.
- Like organizational things,
little boxes
to put your Cd's.
Iggy pop!
That's so cool.
You know, you are the first
person to guess it.
Yeah, well, the face
is kinda messed up.
I need you to go to the back and
finish putting those files away.
Barbara, I am helping
a customer.
Is that what you call it?
What a vagina!
That's strange.
Where did I put my keys?
I thought I left 'em
right here.
- Did you see them when you came in?
- No, not at all.
You know...
I haven't been
back to--
Yeah, me neither.
Well, maybe we should
give it a whirl,
See if that tree
is still there.
We can follow it up
with, like, a harmless,
Like, non-sexual- vibe power
lunch at steak and shake.
- I'm vegan now.
- No, you're vegan?
I'm vegan, too.
Better not, okay?
It's nothing personal.
It's just things are different
now that I'm out of school.
- You know?
- Yeah.
What about
behind your computer?
Can I use your bathroom?
Hey, Dad.
- Oh.
- Nice.
Oh my god.
- Sweetheart, thank you.
- Of course.
What am I gonna do
without you?
Okay okay,
so we got the keys.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, what about the guards, the tellers?
- Don't worry. I've got it covered.
- How?
Hey, would you just untwist your
panties before your balls fall off?
Don't dick with me,
Carl, all right?
I'm in a really
unique mood.
is a perfect alibi.
Do you have
anything vegan?
Got peas and corn medley.
Fill 'er up.
- Good!
- Yeah.
- Good, here you go.
- Thank you.
Chauncey's right
to be nervous.
You see, Jackson's hearing
me. When we do this,
if we get caught
we can't help Mrs. J.
You're not gonna go to Harvard
and we're all gonna go to jail.
Okay, so who wants out?
you're obviously in.
If you want me in,
then just say you do.
Of course
I want you in.
I'm in.
The lobby alarm
takes a four-digit code.
I used to know it, but my dad
changes it every couple months, so...
Okay, see, that's it?
Whoa whoa whoa, man,
we're here, okay?
Carl, your shirt.
- My shirt?
- Yes.
You want my-- this is an original
Iggy and the Stooges Tour shirt.
I'll give you my jacket.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Never rob a bank
without hairspray.
We'll see every button
he presses.
But we still
won't know the order,
So what good does
that do us?
We'll figure it out. How many
possibilities can there be?
You know, factorials.
- Right.
- All right, come on, boys.
Now there are no
cameras back here,
But there are two that are
always taping the lobby.
One of us is gonna have to go in
during the day and scope them out.
I'll take care
of the damn cameras.
Now every morning
my dad and Barbara
Are at the vault room door
five minutes early.
Now that door
is gonna be easy
'cause it takes the same code
as the lobby door.
The vault, however,
is a top-of-the-line claymore.
My dad hands Barbara one
of the two barrel keys,
They insert into the vault
at the same time.
so then what happens?
Small talk
until 8:45.
Has anyone ever tried
to rob this bank before?
Yeah, once,
a couple summers ago.
This guy came in drunk,
just laid off.
He had a knife.
You can rob a bank
with a knife?
Well, not this one.
Holy shit!
- Jesus!
- Whoa!
After the guy dropped
the knife,
My dad set him up with
a job at Associated.
My dad the hero.
Okay, let's go.
Oh, actually, if you could
just sign right there.
Thank you for coming to
Forge Hills Bank & Trust.
Who'd have thought
corporate could be so hot?
You are so darn cute when
you're relentless. You know that?
But you are also 18,
I am 19.
That one year, it's dog
years. It's light-years.
- You're still in High School.
- Doesn't matter.
To you.
But I've moved on now.
I have my own place,
My own car, bills.
I even have my own cat.
What are you
doing tonight?
I'm spaying my cat.
Carl, if you wanna spend
any more time with me,
You are gonna have to
open an account.
Okay, it takes $100 down,
Your driver's license.
I'll provide the paperwork.
Wow, can I do anything
for free?
Safe deposit box.
Here you go.
Are you sure this isn't
too much commitment for you?
- 3.
- Yep.
- 0.
- Mm-hmm.
- 4.
- Okay.
- 3-0-9-4.
- I got it.
- 7.
- Wait a second. 7?
You said this was
a four-digit code.
If it's five
numbers, it means it's gonna be
a lot more than 24 possibilities.
- How many's a lot?
And if we enter
the wrong code,
we have to wait three
minutes before trying again.
- This is great.
- We're wasting time.
- Just keep score, all right?
- Yeah.
So let's try it.
- 30947.
- 947.
Okay, didn't work.
We've done the 7s
already, Chauncey.
Oh, no no no.
Don't-- don't-- don't look
at me like that right now.
- Hey, we get it yet?
- No. Like what, Chauncey?
- How was I looking?
- Like I'm an idiot. Just--
- Try another code or something.
- We have to wait.
Let's try to figure out
the tellers and the guard.
Well, Leroy won't
be a problem.
I can take care
of one of the tellers.
Suzy-- we were in students
of anarchy together.
We hit it off
a couple of times.
Wait a second. You've
been in the bank twice.
- Did she see you?
- Back off.
No no no no,
it matters, Carl.
Did she see you?
Sort of.
Okay, from now on, you gotta stay
as far away from her as possible.
- Carl!
- Okay!
All right, good,
it's settled.
Just let's get back
to the list.
You're not even looking
at the list, Chauncey.
Your list doesn't
make any sense.
Listen, we've done the 3s,
Okay, so it has to start
with 0.
In fact, it's...
How you feeling, Mom?
Just tired.
The insurance
is being
really great, okay?
So don't worry. We're
gonna get you all fixed up.
# I'm just a memory
in your heart #
# I'm just
a terrifying thing #
# in the memories
of the people #
# all the people
you betrayed #
# and the people
that you failed #
# because you were not
brave enough #
# or you panicked
and you ran #
# or you were not
brave enough #
# and it's funny
how it breaks... #
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You missed fifth hour.
- I was just doing a little research
for the...
You mind
if I ask you
a stupid question?
- Shoot.
You didn't think twice
about any of this.
Why not?
Mrs. J.
Same as all of us.
- Uh, yeah.
- I need a good name.
- For what?
- Any name.
I don't know.
What about
my old cat?
The great Manfredi?
- It's perfect.
- Okay.
Come in.
- Hey, Polly.
- Hey.
I wanted to give you
a little something.
It's always brought me
nothing but the best.
I wanted you
to have it.
I love you very much.
Can't tell you how
proud I am of you.
Thank you.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm great.
- I need you to sign and date these.
- What are they?
They say you accept the trust left to
you by your late great-uncle Manfredi.
I don't have
a great-uncle Manfredi.
You do now.
Yo, Seniors, lunchtime!
Oh, I-- sorry.
- The front door was open.
- That's fine.
Chauncey's running late,
so I thought I'd drop by.
- Want some turkey loaf?
- I think I'll pass.
- This is amazing.
- Yeah, it's cool, huh?
They're blueprints
of the bank
from when it used
to be the fire station.
I tried to mark everything
we need to know.
You see this?
It's in the station's blueprints,
but it's not in the bank's.
It's a drainpipe.
It drips all the way
to the lake.
It's still there?
And a million other
secrets like it,
Just little wrinkles
in the building.
See, there's a crawlspace
behind your dad's office.
It was used
for storing hoses.
I used to play in it
all the time.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I just-- my--
my dad, he's--
he's sleeping
with Barbara.
It's fine.
Oh, god.
Never mind.
I shouldn't have told you.
I read somewhere that people who
cry a lot live five years longer
than people who don't.
I get Chauncey
and Carl.
I get most people,
I don't get you.
I don't really
get me, either.
Wish I did.
Then you wouldn't
be so interesting.
Who you taking
to prom?
Yeah, we haven't figured out
who's gonna wear the dress yet.
Just wondering
who the lucky girl was.
All the lucky girls
are taken.
I should go.
Hey hey. Hope you
weren't waiting too long.
- What were you doing at Jackson's house?
- I was waiting for you.
- Oh, is that it?
- No, we had hot sex on his desk.
Yeah, wouldn't doubt it, the
way you've been looking at him.
I didn't mean that,
Just ever since you got
into Harvard,
It's like you've
already left.
- There's a lot going on, Chauncey.
- Yeah, I know.
- I know.
- Hey.
Come here.
Let's go, next three.
You want me
to do what?
You have to bomb
the biology final.
Look look,
I did the math.
You're beating Jillian
for valedictorian.
What? I am?
Oh my god.
Oh my god!
No no no no no,
If you're
You have to
give a speech, okay?
We're not gonna be there for
the beginning of the show.
But it's my best subject. If
I fail, people are gonna think
that I cheated.
- No, they're gonna think that
You spent way too much
time with Chauncey.
Next three!
Fine fine, I'll do it.
- It's just a test.
- No, nothing is just a test.
Dear Leroy,
as a token of appreciation
For your loyal service, I've
enclosed a little something
- that you might enjoy.
- Graceland!
I know, it's short notice, but
I'm also giving you Monday off.
- Paid.
- Right.
- So enjoy.
- And...
my regards to the King.
- Respectfully--
- Oh, and please don't thank me.
"Respectfully yours,
Dean Deeley."
Guess who's
going to Graceland?
going to Graceland!
Thank you.
- Suzy: - Where are we?
- Carl: - Shh, be careful.
You're so gonna get us
in trouble.
Wait wait wait.
I swear,
if I sprain my ankle...
just go straight.
- Okay, right--
- Carl.
I'll be right back,
okay? Don't move.
Don't take
the blindfold off.
Holy shit, Carl,
You're a bad boy.
# the passenger #
# he rides
and he rides #
# he looks through
his window #
# what does he see? #
# he sees a sign... #
I hope you like
Frito chili casserole.
I used tofu crumble--
# this is the winding
ocean drive #
# and everything
was made... #
What's the matter?
You just kissed me.
Yeah, I did.
You want me
to do it again?
Mr. Jackson,
Am I to assume you
finished my final
in half an hour?
Yes, Mr. Ryerson.
# all right #
# oh-oh-oh-oh,
babyface #
# all right #
# give in
to temptation #
# I've been dreaming
about you, yeah #
# only you #
# make me feel good... #
Hi, Mom.
Yeah, I got this out
of Dad's closet.
I hope you don't mind.
Oh, Jesus, Mom,
What are they giving you?
I forget.
This is--
I wanted you
to meet somebody.
This is my friend Suzy.
So beautiful.
Thank you.
Give me one second.
Two more days, Mom.
I've been thinking about
what you said.
About Thanksgiving break,
winter break,
spring break, summer.
Did you really
mean that?
- You okay?
- Me?
Yeah, your hand's
a little clammy.
I should warn you,
My friends may freak.
And it's--
It's just because they're
not used to me dating, so...
- Okay. Let's go.
- Okay.
May I just say
you two are the cutest
couple on the dance floor?
I take that back.
Hi, this is Suzy.
She graduated
a year before us.
Hi. I work
for your dad now.
I'm Tom Jackson.
I wouldn't know my hole
from a head in the ground.
All right.
- Let's dance.
- Let's.
He's so dead.
Okay, let's just talk
about something else.
Yeah, what did
"sure" mean?
It means okay,
Does Jackson got you
giving me that look too?
What look?
That look.
The look that says
I think you're an idiot.
# trying to get
the boom-boom-boom #
# looking
for the boom-boom-boom #
# trying to get it, everybody
came looking for something #
# boom-boom-boom... #
- Your friends...
- Yeah.
Yeah, they don't really
seem like your type.
No offense.
We grew up together.
Yeah, I have friends
like that too.
But, you know,
all of a sudden
We just stopped
hanging out.
What happened?
# why did you not
come to me? #
# why did you not
come to me? #
# why did you not
come to me? #
# I am never
brave enough... #
You go to north hills?
all four years.
Before that, St. Pat's?
"K" through eighth.
Get out.
So you're saying we've gone
to school together for 13 years
And we've never--
Never once danced.
Can I ask you
a personal question?
Try me.
What did you get
on your S.A.T.?
I don't remember.
- Well, try.
- I don't know.
Don't bullshit me.
You missed a perfect score
by 20 points.
- You looked at my score?
- You can yell at me when I'm finished.
I've had to slave to do what
you can do in your sleep.
- If you just tried...
- You're smarter than you think.
This isn't about me.
Why try if I don't
know what I want?
I don't get you.
Isn't that why you're
dancing with me?
Well, I'll take it
from here, thanks.
- No, just let me have this--
- No, now.
Good evening,
North Hillers.
It is my pleasure
To present your Booster
Club President Mrs. Poole.
You kids look like
you're having fun.
Now I am here to announce
this year's Valedictorian.
Polly Ann Deeley!
How hard could it be
to fail one test, Polly?
- You should know, runner up.
- Shut up, Romeo, I'll get to you next.
It's not my fault.
It was an essay test.
- I wrote a bad essay.
- Stop the goddamn presses.
It's okay, all right?
The vault opens at 8:45.
I speak at 9:00. I just have
to be there when they call me.
We put our asses
on the line for this
and now you're screwing
it up. Are you happy?
Oh my god. You have
been against this
from the start.
I vote it's okay.
It'll be tight.
It's possible.
I'm with Jackson.
Okay, so robbery is now a
democratic thing, is that it?
Well, then I vote
you can bite me.
Hey, you know what?
If you don't wanna go,
I really don't want
you there.
- Can we just go inside?
- No no no no.
I vote we stay here now 'cause I'd
like to hear about your girlfriend.
Suzy is not up
for discussion.
That's funny, because she's
between us and the money,
So that pretty much
makes her a hot topic.
You're staying home!
- Remember?
- Screw you.
Carl, I've been looking
all over for you.
Am I interrupting
As a matter of fact,
We were just talking about jumping
off of a bridge, weren't we, Carl?
So when do I jump?
After us.
I want...
Carl's mom
to get better.
I wanna help Mrs. J.
Pull through, Mrs. J.
I want the stooges
to tour again!
# looking back right now
I should have realized #
# I should have
left you all behind #
# to go on
to claim the prize #
# I wish I'd known then
what I know now #
# just like
everybody does #
# when they're
left wondering #
# why what they are
and what they was #
# then I take
a closer look #
# at where I am
right now #
# with all I've done,
what I've become #
# is something anyhow #
# and if there's anything
I missed out on #
# there's something else
that's surely bound #
# to come around #
# just what the world
is waiting for #
# so don't let it #
# get you down #
# get up off the ground
and move on #
# 'cause yesterday
has been gone for a while #
# it's a million
miles away #
# from where
you are today #
# where you
are today... #
Shit! Damn it!
# 'cause yesterday
has been gone for a while #
# it's a million... #
# from where
you are today #
# where you
are today #
Shit, god damn it!
All right, camera's out.
Alarm's off.
All right, five minutes.
We're making good time.
Okay, remember you're
counter, I'm clockwise.
Nice watch.
Graduation present.
Okay, 8:45 in
Two, one.
Turn it.
You didn't tell us there
was a gate behind this.
It, uh...
It wasn't here
last summer.
How thick do you
think that bolt is?
Quarter of an inch.
That's nothing
a blowtorch can't handle.
Okay, I'm on it.
Chauncey, give Carl
your keys.
- Give me the keys, man.
- Yeah.
Look, I don't care if you have
to give the Gettysburg Address.
Just don't let them hand
out diplomas without us.
Wait wait
wait wait.
Are you sure
about this?
In a moment,
we will hand out diplomas.
But first,
it is my pleasure
to introduce
our Valedictorian--
Polly Ann Deeley.
All right, whoo!
Thank you.
Good morning,
and whew!
Welcome to the big day.
you're wasting your time.
You know, it's bad enough
I gotta lose her to you,
But now you got her giving
me that look, you know?
- No, you're wrong.
- I saw you two...
Just now.
It's Carl.
- Chauncey, I don't--
- Just forget about it.
Go answer the door.
Oh, hello.
Hello, you there?
Carl get the torch?
It's not Carl.
Oh, shit!
What are we gonna do,
I don't think
we have a choice.
Yeah, we gotta go out
the back door.
- No no.
- What?
We have to open
the bank.
she saw me.
You're nuts.
- Morning, ma'am.
- Mm-hmm.
I'll be right
with you.
And so to all my classmates,
I wish you good luck
And a great life.
Just one more thing--
I just wanted
to say that...
You know,
we're all these-- these--
We're all these diamonds
in the rough.
I need $400 in savings
and the rest in checking.
And I need $75 back
in cash.
- Is everything okay?
- Fine.
This'll just
take me a minute.
Okay, that's $20,
$40, $60,
$70 and $75.
Here you go.
Don't I need
a receipt?
Have a good day.
How'd you do that?
Hey, did that lady--
God damn it!
Why do you have
a gun, man?
Checking or savings,
Cash back. I know,
you need a loan!
And, um...
Oh, god.
You know-- you know,
The future is wide open,
guys, and...
Chauncey, out!
Yeah, I did it.
Oh, god damn it.
Damn it!
Thought you said you were
gonna take care of her, Carl.
You were supposed
to take care of me?
It's not what you think.
Fuck you.
Tie her up.
Look, Chaunce, let's
just talk about it, okay?
Let's talk about the fact that I
told you guys this would happen.
Hey! What?
Did I not tell you? And
nobody listened to me.
Now tie her up.
Carl, she's your
Why don't you
tie her up?
Now, Carl.
Carl, don't do this.
Don't do this.
Carl, what part of
her walking to the cops
Do you not
She walks, we go to jail,
and your mom still dies.
Why don't you guys
get that, huh?
She's not gonna
say anything, okay?
You understand?
She's not gonna talk.
Right, Suzy? You're not gonna
say anything, right, Suzy?
You wanna take
that chance, Carl?
You're not gonna
say anything, right?
No, I'm not gonna
say anything.
She's gonna
walk out of here.
She's gonna pretend like none
of this ever happened, okay?
- Okay?
- No, Carl, please.
Hey, Chauncey,
put the gun down.
- No.
- I'm backing up. Back up.
- Chauncey, I'm turning around.
- No, Carl, don't do this.
- I'm sorry.
- Carl!
Really helped
shape us into--
--people from these
raw lumps of clay.
And-- and--
And we're gonna be...
...the leaders of tomorrow...
Today, thank you.
We got E.M.S.
Standing by?
What the hell?
- They're in position, sir.
- Wave to me, boys.
This is Captain Hale.
You'll do what I ask
when I ask it.
I don't know if you've tried
these stunts anywhere else,
but you're
in Forge Hills now
and we do things a little
different in Forge Hills.
We do 'em my way.
What did they say,
Talk to me like that again and I'll
shoot a hostage in the gut, okay?
I'll give him the phone and I'll
let him tell you how he likes
The way you run things
in Forge Hills.
Do you understand me?
Yeah, I understand.
I want a helicopter.
I want pizzas--
Delivered to the door.
In return,
I'll give you two hostages.
Give me half an hour.
I want someone
from the crowd--
The redhead in the robe.
What does he want?
Wrigley, call Johnny's.
Get me five pizzas.
What would you like
on them, Sir?
Do I look like
I give a good goddamn?
- Dean, I need to talk to you.
- Okay.
Polly, the gunman's asked for food,
but he won't let my men deliver it.
- He asked for you.
- What? No!
- You don't have to go inside--
- Send somebody else.
You don't have to go inside.
You go up to the door.
- Drop the pizzas and step away.
- Absolutely not, no.
Dean, I wouldn't have asked
this if he didn't have hostages.
He can have whatever's in the
vault. He cannot have my daughter.
No, Dad, I can help.
It's just up to the door, right?
Look, I wanna help.
Remember, drop the pizzas
and step away.
We're ready
when you are, Polly.
Don't put the pizzas down.
Who's she talking to?
Chauncey, is that you?
It's Jackson.
Be careful.
There are snipers everywhere.
Who's blood is that?
Look at the police, okay?
Look like you're scared.
I am scared.
Good good.
Okay, now come inside.
Watch your step.
What's it like outside?
They're ready to cut
the power and come in.
How did this happen?
We gotta get you out
of here, buddy.
No, wait wait wait.
Where is my necklace
and my shirt?
It's right here.
Hey hey, our friends outside
are expecting two hostages, okay?
I have to send him.
I need you to go
with him.
- He used me.
- No no no no.
He did this for his mom, all right?
Believe me, what happened between
the two of you was an accident.
This is one of my tellers.
Suzy, Suzy, are you okay?
Suzy, how many hostages
are still in there?
I don't know.
I guess two plus Polly.
And is she okay?
Yeah yeah, she's fine.
And how many gunmen?
There's just one gunman,
and he's wearing a mask.
Tell me you didn't bring me in here
just to help you think of a plan.
I didn't bring you in here
to help me think of a plan.
I'm serious, Jackson.
Well, aren't you
gonna answer that?
Come on, come on,
come on.
What is that?
It's a secret.
Where's my helicopter?
It's on its way.
Give me 10 more minutes.
No no, you've had
half an hour.
I just can't pull a
helicopter out of my ass.
- We need more time.
- No, no time.
Okay, get her out.
Get her out!
We'd better hurry.
Cut power to the bank.
All units, we're going in!
Polly, come on.
Set the charges.
Everybody back around the side.
Where is he?
- Polly!
- Polly!
- How are you, honey?
- Good.
Smart bastard.
Took what he could
and torched the rest.
Aren't you coming in?
No, you and Jackson go.
I don't think Carl
wants to see me.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
And tell Mary
I said I'm sorry.
- I can come by later--
- No no.
No, it's cool.
I'm gonna be okay
on my own.
How is she?
Carl, I have to go.
I was hoping maybe I could
say goodbye to her.
Yeah yeah. She'd be
pissed if you didn't.
You left this
at the bank.
From your
great uncle Manfredi.
Jackson, you look...
I do?
You're all grown up.
I don't understand.
Why do you have to leave?
You know how many times
I've jumped off that bridge?
And I've never made
a wish for myself
'cause I never knew
what I wanted.
You don't have to leave
to figure it out, Jackson.
I'm not.
# you're in the moon,
but your head's #
# in the stars #
# now you can run #
# but you can't hide #
# who you are... #
- Dad.
- Polly.
I'd like to see my safety
deposit box, Mr. Deeley.
Mr. Deeley, I finished
transferring Barbara's files.
Thank you, Charlie.
Watch the counter for me
till I'm finished, will you?
Where's Barbara?
A management job opened up
in Iron City, so...
Polly, I want you
to know--
Okay, let's go.
He didn't-- he--
He didn't suspect
You want a ride?
I think I'll walk.
Thank you.
Everything changes
the day you graduate.
Look at the four
of us.
Carl inherits the money
to help his mom
And lands the girl
of his dreams.
Chauncey's heading
for State,
ready for a new life
on his own.
Polly will go to Harvard
And probably
never look back.
As for me,
I'm doing more than anyone
expects of a kid
With bad grades
and no prospects.
I'm pursing a career.
Of all things.
Sorry, ma'am, we're just
running a little late today.
- Where's Mr. Connelly?
- He has the flu.
Everyone has it. So anyway,
he called this morning
To see if I would come in
and hold up the fort.
Hold up the fort?
What can I do
for you today?
I'd like
to make a deposit.
I just get so nervous
keeping all this cash
around the house.
Think you can take that
off my hands?
That's what I do,
# 12 miles to nowhere
and you're out of gas #
# but you're keeping
your head #
# laugh out loud in the
mystical crowd with no laughs #
# but you're keeping
your head #
# see the sky's gonna
dot your eyes, but damn #
# keeping your head #
# get me down 'cause
you can't hear a sound #
# 'cause I know,
I know your hands are #
# keeping your head #
# I know you are keeping
your head from falling down #
# 12 miles to nowhere,
you're out of gas #
# keeping your head #
# laugh out loud in the
mystical crowd with no legs #
# but I know you
keep your head #
# see the sky's gonna
dot your eyes, but damn #
# keeping your head #
# don't get me down 'cause
you can't hear a sound #
# 'cause I know,
I know your hands are #
# they're keeping
your head #
# keeping your head #
# keeping your head
from falling down #
# you're keeping your head,
I know you are #
# keeping your head,
I know that you are #
# keeping your head
from falling down #
# keep your head
from falling down. #
year in High School,
you either know what you want
to do in life or you don't.
But first comes
Ours was today.
I probably would have gone,
except for one thing...
The police
had us surrounded.
# let's go #
# I wanna take you
for a ride... #
I want...
to get
into Harvard.
Okay, I want
a date to prom.
But she's gotta
like Iggy, yeah,
and have long legs
and-- oh, shit!
I want...
a 10-inch penis.
I want...
Get out.
Oh, hey, this isn't the last
one before graduation, right?
No. No, dude,
we definitely got time.
- Don't work too late, Carl.
Good night, Jackson.
- Sleep tight.
- I would sleep so much tighter
If I had something
to hold on to.
- Hold on to this.
- Hey hey!
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, mama.
- Hey hey, Polly.
- Hey.
Going back to work?
Yeah yeah, I gotta crunch
some numbers with Barbara.
This new loan
program's a mess.
- You hear anything?
- I'm not getting in.
- Go to work, please.
- Okay, all right.
Come in through the front.
Your mom's gonna go nuts
If she sees you
all wet like that.
The cheetah has
accelerated from a standstill...
- How you feeling, ma?
- Hey.
The dry scrub brush
of the African plain
Provides a perfect
launching pad...
Legs again, huh?
It's nothing.
So you think
he'll be awake?
Carl? No way.
Carl! Carl!
Get up, man.
Ow! Ow!
Carl needs sleep.
Carl needs coffee.
Carl needs coffee.
- Better?
- Oh yes.
Thanks, hon.
- Hello.
- Good morning, sleepyhead.
Oh, Jesus, I knew you were
in here. I could smell you
from all the way down the hall.
- Ha ha ha.
- Hey, who needs a bowl?
- Hey, I'll take care of that.
No no no, not so fast,
you flash, you.
- Yep, we're making breakfast.
- It's all us.
Do you want the Cap'n
or cornflakes?
Since you're asking,
Thank you.
Hey, Mare, guess what.
Me and Polly got our dorm
assignments for state.
- We're in the same one.
- Oooh!
- They let you in?
- Hey, eat me.
Come on, boys.
Is she not the
cutest girl in the world?
What about you,
Surely you've heard
from a few schools by now.
I didn't have
the scores, Mrs. J.
You don't do something with yourself,
you're gonna have to answer to me.
Good morning.
Hey, Dad!
Hi, Dad.
- You know what I mean.
- Watch out, Chauncey!
Wow, man,
You really suck
at driving, don't you?
Excuse me.
Two weeks to graduation
means two weeks
to my final.
Earth to Mr. Boyd.
Can you name me two families
in the Basidiomycota Phylum?
Mr. Jackson,
can you help Mr. Boyd?
No, sir.
Why should we care
about fungi at all?
Yes, Polly.
- Without it, we wouldn't have penicillin.
- Yeah, or beer.
Precisely, Mr. Boyd.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
Hey, you thought any more about
your speech you're gonna give?
- I'm not valedictorian.
- Maybe it's a matter of time.
Just do me a favor:
When you do give a speech,
don't talk about the journey
or the future being
wide open.
Or how we're all
the leaders of tomorrow.
- Diamonds in the rough.
- Raw clay.
- I hate raw clay. That's so dumb.
- Okay, I get the idea.
This is so stupid.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Hey, it's late.
What are you doing here?
I told your mom
I had to drop off
Some homework.
She's still home.
She's downstairs.
Yeah, I know. It's
never stopped us before.
Oh, my god!
- Come here.
- No no no.
I just-- I-- I--
No, I--
I just don't feel
like it, okay?
What's wrong?
I got into Harvard.
Oh my god. It's
amazing. I mean--
It's not S.U.
No no, I know
it's not, but--
There's still Thanksgiving
And winter break
And spring break
And summer.
We can make it work,
you know?
- You really think so?
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm proud of you.
- Mom!
What are you
doing home?
I got drunk last night celebrating
the day your mom left us
For the carpet salesman.
Company shipped without me.
After last night,
I gotta drive 15 in a row
just to make the mortgage.
And that means
missing graduation.
I'm sorry as hell.
I don't even know
if I'm going.
- Hey, mike.
- Yeah.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.
When did you know
that you wanted
to be a truck driver?
I didn't.
You ready for this?
I wanted to dance.
What do you wanna be?
I don't know.
"Your account has exceeded
its maximum annual...
We regret to..."
Whoa, Mom. Mom, Mom!
- Carl, it hurts!
- Mom Mom Mom!
Your mother's got a lot of
fans here pulling for her,
- But I have to be honest.
- Don't.
There is one alternative
with this kind of cancer--
- A bone marrow transplant.
- Okay, let's do it.
The hospital received a call from
your insurance carrier yesterday.
You're not even covered
for this visit.
How much
for everything?
I can sell my car.
That's nice.
Would you really
sell your car?
Yeah, I mean, your mom
taught me how to drive.
Excuse me.
Come on.
My dad will loan you
the money easy.
- You just gotta ask him.
- Yeah, I know.
No, I'm sorry, Carl.
There's absolutely
nothing the bank can do.
- Hey, Polly.
- Hey, where were you?
You missed dinner.
- What's the matter?
- Where's Dad?
Where do you think?
Hey, how's my little
Harvard girl?
Why is the alarm on?
Well, Mom made me promise
to keep it on.
Why, is everything okay?
If Mrs. J doesn't get
this money, Dad--
Honey, honey,
there's no way
That Carl could
repay that loan,
which makes it a gift. And
it's not my money to give.
Yeah, but it's insured,
Come on, can't you
just do it this once?
The FDIC covers the
bank in case it's robbed
or burns down,
not if I start
giving money away.
You know that, sweetie.
You're right.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Oh, honey.
Is everything all right, Mr. Deeley?
- Yeah.
- Hey, Polly.
- Hi.
- Congratulations. Your dad told me--
- Harvard.
- Thanks, Barbara.
It's funny seeing you
here at this hour.
Funny, yeah.
Um, I--
I should get going.
Since the auditorium
asbestos clean up
Has gone slower
than expected,
We're going to cut
today's rehearsal short.
Just a reminder:
Graduation will be next
Monday, 9:00 A.M. Sharp.
Be sure your parents are in
their seats 15 minutes early.
I have a way
to help your mom.
Graduation is at 9:00
on Monday, right?
My dad's vault
is time-locked to open
every Monday morning
at 8:45.
We're gonna rob
my dad's bank.
No, I--
Okay, my dad's bank
swaps old bills
For new ones
every Monday.
There is gonna be $200,000
in there, at least.
We take as much
as we need.
And then go to jail, right?
That's what I need?
No no, every business in town
knows when the money is there.
Nobody is gonna
suspect us.
I spent four summers
behind that counter.
I know how it works.
With my dad at graduation,
The place is gonna be
running on a skeleton crew.
We can be in and out
in 10 minutes.
The money's Forge Hills'.
No, it's insured.
No. No.
We'll get summer jobs.
We'll work overtime.
We'll clean yards, okay?
There's no other way to get the
money we need as fast as we need it.
So we're just gonna
walk in
and we're just gonna take
the money just like that?
gonna walk into the hospital
and lay it down?
No, he's right. We have to find
someway to launder it somehow.
Yeah, right.
Right, launder it.
Guys, come on.
When did I become
the voice of reason here, huh?
You feel better?
Now all we need
are my dad's keys.
- Hey, it's the Harvard girl.
- Hey, Leroy.
Hey, oh, did you see
the news last night?
Someone spotted Elvis
at the game.
I'm telling you, baby,
he's everywhere.
- Hi. Is my dad in?
- Hi.
- When isn't he?
- Right.
You know, just between
you and me,
that eyeliner makes you
look like a hooker.
Thought you might
want to know.
Hey, Polly,
what's up?
I was just worrying
last night
about my moving
to Boston.
Honey, you're gonna have a great
time there. Absolutely great.
Didn't you live there
once before you met Mom?
When I met Mom, yeah.
Yeah, at this--
This strange
little skating rink
that some friends
talked me into going to.
I fell right on my--
- Excuse me.
- Oh.
Yes, what can I do
for you?
I have some change
that needs counting.
I'll be right back.
It's heavy.
Oh, crap!
Well, next thing
I remember
there was this beautiful
hand reaching out to me.
This beautiful face.
I was a terrible skater.
Can you hold that
thought? Bathroom.
Excuse me.
Where's your bathroom?
Hey, man, hell of a way
to spend a Saturday.
- Your pop still at lunch?
- Yeah, man, all day.
Good good.
I need your expertise.
What makes you think
I'll cut these?
All those times you
kicked my ass wrestling.
Dude, what happened
to your eye?
The tournament
didn't go so well.
Come on, Dean.
What exactly are these
barrel keys for?
I was just using those
for a new lock
on my trunk
to protect the woofers.
We don't have blanks
for these, man.
You gotta have something.
I'll try and machine
something at the back.
Polly, hey,
I was saying Mom is gonna
wanna take you shopping.
You know, the mall,
free clothes.
Yeah yeah,
that'd be great, Dad.
As a matter of fact,
I actually--
I need some pants.
God knows they got plenty
of them at the mall.
Thanks, dude.
Thank you for coming to Forge Hills
bank & Trust. Please come again.
- Carl.
- What?
No way.
Suzy Winters.
What the hell
happened to you?
You know, after graduation,
parents gave me the boot.
But I worked retail
for a while. It sucked.
So I yanked the studs,
threw out the leather
And started here.
And Suzy Winters
goes suit.
Not quite.
Remember that thing we
talked about a long time ago?
I wanna do some
furniture shopping with you.
- Okay, sounds good.
- Like organizational things,
little boxes
to put your Cd's.
Iggy pop!
That's so cool.
You know, you are the first
person to guess it.
Yeah, well, the face
is kinda messed up.
I need you to go to the back and
finish putting those files away.
Barbara, I am helping
a customer.
Is that what you call it?
What a vagina!
That's strange.
Where did I put my keys?
I thought I left 'em
right here.
- Did you see them when you came in?
- No, not at all.
You know...
I haven't been
back to--
Yeah, me neither.
Well, maybe we should
give it a whirl,
See if that tree
is still there.
We can follow it up
with, like, a harmless,
Like, non-sexual- vibe power
lunch at steak and shake.
- I'm vegan now.
- No, you're vegan?
I'm vegan, too.
Better not, okay?
It's nothing personal.
It's just things are different
now that I'm out of school.
- You know?
- Yeah.
What about
behind your computer?
Can I use your bathroom?
Hey, Dad.
- Oh.
- Nice.
Oh my god.
- Sweetheart, thank you.
- Of course.
What am I gonna do
without you?
Okay okay,
so we got the keys.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, what about the guards, the tellers?
- Don't worry. I've got it covered.
- How?
Hey, would you just untwist your
panties before your balls fall off?
Don't dick with me,
Carl, all right?
I'm in a really
unique mood.
is a perfect alibi.
Do you have
anything vegan?
Got peas and corn medley.
Fill 'er up.
- Good!
- Yeah.
- Good, here you go.
- Thank you.
Chauncey's right
to be nervous.
You see, Jackson's hearing
me. When we do this,
if we get caught
we can't help Mrs. J.
You're not gonna go to Harvard
and we're all gonna go to jail.
Okay, so who wants out?
you're obviously in.
If you want me in,
then just say you do.
Of course
I want you in.
I'm in.
The lobby alarm
takes a four-digit code.
I used to know it, but my dad
changes it every couple months, so...
Okay, see, that's it?
Whoa whoa whoa, man,
we're here, okay?
Carl, your shirt.
- My shirt?
- Yes.
You want my-- this is an original
Iggy and the Stooges Tour shirt.
I'll give you my jacket.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Never rob a bank
without hairspray.
We'll see every button
he presses.
But we still
won't know the order,
So what good does
that do us?
We'll figure it out. How many
possibilities can there be?
You know, factorials.
- Right.
- All right, come on, boys.
Now there are no
cameras back here,
But there are two that are
always taping the lobby.
One of us is gonna have to go in
during the day and scope them out.
I'll take care
of the damn cameras.
Now every morning
my dad and Barbara
Are at the vault room door
five minutes early.
Now that door
is gonna be easy
'cause it takes the same code
as the lobby door.
The vault, however,
is a top-of-the-line claymore.
My dad hands Barbara one
of the two barrel keys,
They insert into the vault
at the same time.
so then what happens?
Small talk
until 8:45.
Has anyone ever tried
to rob this bank before?
Yeah, once,
a couple summers ago.
This guy came in drunk,
just laid off.
He had a knife.
You can rob a bank
with a knife?
Well, not this one.
Holy shit!
- Jesus!
- Whoa!
After the guy dropped
the knife,
My dad set him up with
a job at Associated.
My dad the hero.
Okay, let's go.
Oh, actually, if you could
just sign right there.
Thank you for coming to
Forge Hills Bank & Trust.
Who'd have thought
corporate could be so hot?
You are so darn cute when
you're relentless. You know that?
But you are also 18,
I am 19.
That one year, it's dog
years. It's light-years.
- You're still in High School.
- Doesn't matter.
To you.
But I've moved on now.
I have my own place,
My own car, bills.
I even have my own cat.
What are you
doing tonight?
I'm spaying my cat.
Carl, if you wanna spend
any more time with me,
You are gonna have to
open an account.
Okay, it takes $100 down,
Your driver's license.
I'll provide the paperwork.
Wow, can I do anything
for free?
Safe deposit box.
Here you go.
Are you sure this isn't
too much commitment for you?
- 3.
- Yep.
- 0.
- Mm-hmm.
- 4.
- Okay.
- 3-0-9-4.
- I got it.
- 7.
- Wait a second. 7?
You said this was
a four-digit code.
If it's five
numbers, it means it's gonna be
a lot more than 24 possibilities.
- How many's a lot?
And if we enter
the wrong code,
we have to wait three
minutes before trying again.
- This is great.
- We're wasting time.
- Just keep score, all right?
- Yeah.
So let's try it.
- 30947.
- 947.
Okay, didn't work.
We've done the 7s
already, Chauncey.
Oh, no no no.
Don't-- don't-- don't look
at me like that right now.
- Hey, we get it yet?
- No. Like what, Chauncey?
- How was I looking?
- Like I'm an idiot. Just--
- Try another code or something.
- We have to wait.
Let's try to figure out
the tellers and the guard.
Well, Leroy won't
be a problem.
I can take care
of one of the tellers.
Suzy-- we were in students
of anarchy together.
We hit it off
a couple of times.
Wait a second. You've
been in the bank twice.
- Did she see you?
- Back off.
No no no no,
it matters, Carl.
Did she see you?
Sort of.
Okay, from now on, you gotta stay
as far away from her as possible.
- Carl!
- Okay!
All right, good,
it's settled.
Just let's get back
to the list.
You're not even looking
at the list, Chauncey.
Your list doesn't
make any sense.
Listen, we've done the 3s,
Okay, so it has to start
with 0.
In fact, it's...
How you feeling, Mom?
Just tired.
The insurance
is being
really great, okay?
So don't worry. We're
gonna get you all fixed up.
# I'm just a memory
in your heart #
# I'm just
a terrifying thing #
# in the memories
of the people #
# all the people
you betrayed #
# and the people
that you failed #
# because you were not
brave enough #
# or you panicked
and you ran #
# or you were not
brave enough #
# and it's funny
how it breaks... #
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You missed fifth hour.
- I was just doing a little research
for the...
You mind
if I ask you
a stupid question?
- Shoot.
You didn't think twice
about any of this.
Why not?
Mrs. J.
Same as all of us.
- Uh, yeah.
- I need a good name.
- For what?
- Any name.
I don't know.
What about
my old cat?
The great Manfredi?
- It's perfect.
- Okay.
Come in.
- Hey, Polly.
- Hey.
I wanted to give you
a little something.
It's always brought me
nothing but the best.
I wanted you
to have it.
I love you very much.
Can't tell you how
proud I am of you.
Thank you.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm great.
- I need you to sign and date these.
- What are they?
They say you accept the trust left to
you by your late great-uncle Manfredi.
I don't have
a great-uncle Manfredi.
You do now.
Yo, Seniors, lunchtime!
Oh, I-- sorry.
- The front door was open.
- That's fine.
Chauncey's running late,
so I thought I'd drop by.
- Want some turkey loaf?
- I think I'll pass.
- This is amazing.
- Yeah, it's cool, huh?
They're blueprints
of the bank
from when it used
to be the fire station.
I tried to mark everything
we need to know.
You see this?
It's in the station's blueprints,
but it's not in the bank's.
It's a drainpipe.
It drips all the way
to the lake.
It's still there?
And a million other
secrets like it,
Just little wrinkles
in the building.
See, there's a crawlspace
behind your dad's office.
It was used
for storing hoses.
I used to play in it
all the time.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I just-- my--
my dad, he's--
he's sleeping
with Barbara.
It's fine.
Oh, god.
Never mind.
I shouldn't have told you.
I read somewhere that people who
cry a lot live five years longer
than people who don't.
I get Chauncey
and Carl.
I get most people,
I don't get you.
I don't really
get me, either.
Wish I did.
Then you wouldn't
be so interesting.
Who you taking
to prom?
Yeah, we haven't figured out
who's gonna wear the dress yet.
Just wondering
who the lucky girl was.
All the lucky girls
are taken.
I should go.
Hey hey. Hope you
weren't waiting too long.
- What were you doing at Jackson's house?
- I was waiting for you.
- Oh, is that it?
- No, we had hot sex on his desk.
Yeah, wouldn't doubt it, the
way you've been looking at him.
I didn't mean that,
Just ever since you got
into Harvard,
It's like you've
already left.
- There's a lot going on, Chauncey.
- Yeah, I know.
- I know.
- Hey.
Come here.
Let's go, next three.
You want me
to do what?
You have to bomb
the biology final.
Look look,
I did the math.
You're beating Jillian
for valedictorian.
What? I am?
Oh my god.
Oh my god!
No no no no no,
If you're
You have to
give a speech, okay?
We're not gonna be there for
the beginning of the show.
But it's my best subject. If
I fail, people are gonna think
that I cheated.
- No, they're gonna think that
You spent way too much
time with Chauncey.
Next three!
Fine fine, I'll do it.
- It's just a test.
- No, nothing is just a test.
Dear Leroy,
as a token of appreciation
For your loyal service, I've
enclosed a little something
- that you might enjoy.
- Graceland!
I know, it's short notice, but
I'm also giving you Monday off.
- Paid.
- Right.
- So enjoy.
- And...
my regards to the King.
- Respectfully--
- Oh, and please don't thank me.
"Respectfully yours,
Dean Deeley."
Guess who's
going to Graceland?
going to Graceland!
Thank you.
- Suzy: - Where are we?
- Carl: - Shh, be careful.
You're so gonna get us
in trouble.
Wait wait wait.
I swear,
if I sprain my ankle...
just go straight.
- Okay, right--
- Carl.
I'll be right back,
okay? Don't move.
Don't take
the blindfold off.
Holy shit, Carl,
You're a bad boy.
# the passenger #
# he rides
and he rides #
# he looks through
his window #
# what does he see? #
# he sees a sign... #
I hope you like
Frito chili casserole.
I used tofu crumble--
# this is the winding
ocean drive #
# and everything
was made... #
What's the matter?
You just kissed me.
Yeah, I did.
You want me
to do it again?
Mr. Jackson,
Am I to assume you
finished my final
in half an hour?
Yes, Mr. Ryerson.
# all right #
# oh-oh-oh-oh,
babyface #
# all right #
# give in
to temptation #
# I've been dreaming
about you, yeah #
# only you #
# make me feel good... #
Hi, Mom.
Yeah, I got this out
of Dad's closet.
I hope you don't mind.
Oh, Jesus, Mom,
What are they giving you?
I forget.
This is--
I wanted you
to meet somebody.
This is my friend Suzy.
So beautiful.
Thank you.
Give me one second.
Two more days, Mom.
I've been thinking about
what you said.
About Thanksgiving break,
winter break,
spring break, summer.
Did you really
mean that?
- You okay?
- Me?
Yeah, your hand's
a little clammy.
I should warn you,
My friends may freak.
And it's--
It's just because they're
not used to me dating, so...
- Okay. Let's go.
- Okay.
May I just say
you two are the cutest
couple on the dance floor?
I take that back.
Hi, this is Suzy.
She graduated
a year before us.
Hi. I work
for your dad now.
I'm Tom Jackson.
I wouldn't know my hole
from a head in the ground.
All right.
- Let's dance.
- Let's.
He's so dead.
Okay, let's just talk
about something else.
Yeah, what did
"sure" mean?
It means okay,
Does Jackson got you
giving me that look too?
What look?
That look.
The look that says
I think you're an idiot.
# trying to get
the boom-boom-boom #
# looking
for the boom-boom-boom #
# trying to get it, everybody
came looking for something #
# boom-boom-boom... #
- Your friends...
- Yeah.
Yeah, they don't really
seem like your type.
No offense.
We grew up together.
Yeah, I have friends
like that too.
But, you know,
all of a sudden
We just stopped
hanging out.
What happened?
# why did you not
come to me? #
# why did you not
come to me? #
# why did you not
come to me? #
# I am never
brave enough... #
You go to north hills?
all four years.
Before that, St. Pat's?
"K" through eighth.
Get out.
So you're saying we've gone
to school together for 13 years
And we've never--
Never once danced.
Can I ask you
a personal question?
Try me.
What did you get
on your S.A.T.?
I don't remember.
- Well, try.
- I don't know.
Don't bullshit me.
You missed a perfect score
by 20 points.
- You looked at my score?
- You can yell at me when I'm finished.
I've had to slave to do what
you can do in your sleep.
- If you just tried...
- You're smarter than you think.
This isn't about me.
Why try if I don't
know what I want?
I don't get you.
Isn't that why you're
dancing with me?
Well, I'll take it
from here, thanks.
- No, just let me have this--
- No, now.
Good evening,
North Hillers.
It is my pleasure
To present your Booster
Club President Mrs. Poole.
You kids look like
you're having fun.
Now I am here to announce
this year's Valedictorian.
Polly Ann Deeley!
How hard could it be
to fail one test, Polly?
- You should know, runner up.
- Shut up, Romeo, I'll get to you next.
It's not my fault.
It was an essay test.
- I wrote a bad essay.
- Stop the goddamn presses.
It's okay, all right?
The vault opens at 8:45.
I speak at 9:00. I just have
to be there when they call me.
We put our asses
on the line for this
and now you're screwing
it up. Are you happy?
Oh my god. You have
been against this
from the start.
I vote it's okay.
It'll be tight.
It's possible.
I'm with Jackson.
Okay, so robbery is now a
democratic thing, is that it?
Well, then I vote
you can bite me.
Hey, you know what?
If you don't wanna go,
I really don't want
you there.
- Can we just go inside?
- No no no no.
I vote we stay here now 'cause I'd
like to hear about your girlfriend.
Suzy is not up
for discussion.
That's funny, because she's
between us and the money,
So that pretty much
makes her a hot topic.
You're staying home!
- Remember?
- Screw you.
Carl, I've been looking
all over for you.
Am I interrupting
As a matter of fact,
We were just talking about jumping
off of a bridge, weren't we, Carl?
So when do I jump?
After us.
I want...
Carl's mom
to get better.
I wanna help Mrs. J.
Pull through, Mrs. J.
I want the stooges
to tour again!
# looking back right now
I should have realized #
# I should have
left you all behind #
# to go on
to claim the prize #
# I wish I'd known then
what I know now #
# just like
everybody does #
# when they're
left wondering #
# why what they are
and what they was #
# then I take
a closer look #
# at where I am
right now #
# with all I've done,
what I've become #
# is something anyhow #
# and if there's anything
I missed out on #
# there's something else
that's surely bound #
# to come around #
# just what the world
is waiting for #
# so don't let it #
# get you down #
# get up off the ground
and move on #
# 'cause yesterday
has been gone for a while #
# it's a million
miles away #
# from where
you are today #
# where you
are today... #
Shit! Damn it!
# 'cause yesterday
has been gone for a while #
# it's a million... #
# from where
you are today #
# where you
are today #
Shit, god damn it!
All right, camera's out.
Alarm's off.
All right, five minutes.
We're making good time.
Okay, remember you're
counter, I'm clockwise.
Nice watch.
Graduation present.
Okay, 8:45 in
Two, one.
Turn it.
You didn't tell us there
was a gate behind this.
It, uh...
It wasn't here
last summer.
How thick do you
think that bolt is?
Quarter of an inch.
That's nothing
a blowtorch can't handle.
Okay, I'm on it.
Chauncey, give Carl
your keys.
- Give me the keys, man.
- Yeah.
Look, I don't care if you have
to give the Gettysburg Address.
Just don't let them hand
out diplomas without us.
Wait wait
wait wait.
Are you sure
about this?
In a moment,
we will hand out diplomas.
But first,
it is my pleasure
to introduce
our Valedictorian--
Polly Ann Deeley.
All right, whoo!
Thank you.
Good morning,
and whew!
Welcome to the big day.
you're wasting your time.
You know, it's bad enough
I gotta lose her to you,
But now you got her giving
me that look, you know?
- No, you're wrong.
- I saw you two...
Just now.
It's Carl.
- Chauncey, I don't--
- Just forget about it.
Go answer the door.
Oh, hello.
Hello, you there?
Carl get the torch?
It's not Carl.
Oh, shit!
What are we gonna do,
I don't think
we have a choice.
Yeah, we gotta go out
the back door.
- No no.
- What?
We have to open
the bank.
she saw me.
You're nuts.
- Morning, ma'am.
- Mm-hmm.
I'll be right
with you.
And so to all my classmates,
I wish you good luck
And a great life.
Just one more thing--
I just wanted
to say that...
You know,
we're all these-- these--
We're all these diamonds
in the rough.
I need $400 in savings
and the rest in checking.
And I need $75 back
in cash.
- Is everything okay?
- Fine.
This'll just
take me a minute.
Okay, that's $20,
$40, $60,
$70 and $75.
Here you go.
Don't I need
a receipt?
Have a good day.
How'd you do that?
Hey, did that lady--
God damn it!
Why do you have
a gun, man?
Checking or savings,
Cash back. I know,
you need a loan!
And, um...
Oh, god.
You know-- you know,
The future is wide open,
guys, and...
Chauncey, out!
Yeah, I did it.
Oh, god damn it.
Damn it!
Thought you said you were
gonna take care of her, Carl.
You were supposed
to take care of me?
It's not what you think.
Fuck you.
Tie her up.
Look, Chaunce, let's
just talk about it, okay?
Let's talk about the fact that I
told you guys this would happen.
Hey! What?
Did I not tell you? And
nobody listened to me.
Now tie her up.
Carl, she's your
Why don't you
tie her up?
Now, Carl.
Carl, don't do this.
Don't do this.
Carl, what part of
her walking to the cops
Do you not
She walks, we go to jail,
and your mom still dies.
Why don't you guys
get that, huh?
She's not gonna
say anything, okay?
You understand?
She's not gonna talk.
Right, Suzy? You're not gonna
say anything, right, Suzy?
You wanna take
that chance, Carl?
You're not gonna
say anything, right?
No, I'm not gonna
say anything.
She's gonna
walk out of here.
She's gonna pretend like none
of this ever happened, okay?
- Okay?
- No, Carl, please.
Hey, Chauncey,
put the gun down.
- No.
- I'm backing up. Back up.
- Chauncey, I'm turning around.
- No, Carl, don't do this.
- I'm sorry.
- Carl!
Really helped
shape us into--
--people from these
raw lumps of clay.
And-- and--
And we're gonna be...
...the leaders of tomorrow...
Today, thank you.
We got E.M.S.
Standing by?
What the hell?
- They're in position, sir.
- Wave to me, boys.
This is Captain Hale.
You'll do what I ask
when I ask it.
I don't know if you've tried
these stunts anywhere else,
but you're
in Forge Hills now
and we do things a little
different in Forge Hills.
We do 'em my way.
What did they say,
Talk to me like that again and I'll
shoot a hostage in the gut, okay?
I'll give him the phone and I'll
let him tell you how he likes
The way you run things
in Forge Hills.
Do you understand me?
Yeah, I understand.
I want a helicopter.
I want pizzas--
Delivered to the door.
In return,
I'll give you two hostages.
Give me half an hour.
I want someone
from the crowd--
The redhead in the robe.
What does he want?
Wrigley, call Johnny's.
Get me five pizzas.
What would you like
on them, Sir?
Do I look like
I give a good goddamn?
- Dean, I need to talk to you.
- Okay.
Polly, the gunman's asked for food,
but he won't let my men deliver it.
- He asked for you.
- What? No!
- You don't have to go inside--
- Send somebody else.
You don't have to go inside.
You go up to the door.
- Drop the pizzas and step away.
- Absolutely not, no.
Dean, I wouldn't have asked
this if he didn't have hostages.
He can have whatever's in the
vault. He cannot have my daughter.
No, Dad, I can help.
It's just up to the door, right?
Look, I wanna help.
Remember, drop the pizzas
and step away.
We're ready
when you are, Polly.
Don't put the pizzas down.
Who's she talking to?
Chauncey, is that you?
It's Jackson.
Be careful.
There are snipers everywhere.
Who's blood is that?
Look at the police, okay?
Look like you're scared.
I am scared.
Good good.
Okay, now come inside.
Watch your step.
What's it like outside?
They're ready to cut
the power and come in.
How did this happen?
We gotta get you out
of here, buddy.
No, wait wait wait.
Where is my necklace
and my shirt?
It's right here.
Hey hey, our friends outside
are expecting two hostages, okay?
I have to send him.
I need you to go
with him.
- He used me.
- No no no no.
He did this for his mom, all right?
Believe me, what happened between
the two of you was an accident.
This is one of my tellers.
Suzy, Suzy, are you okay?
Suzy, how many hostages
are still in there?
I don't know.
I guess two plus Polly.
And is she okay?
Yeah yeah, she's fine.
And how many gunmen?
There's just one gunman,
and he's wearing a mask.
Tell me you didn't bring me in here
just to help you think of a plan.
I didn't bring you in here
to help me think of a plan.
I'm serious, Jackson.
Well, aren't you
gonna answer that?
Come on, come on,
come on.
What is that?
It's a secret.
Where's my helicopter?
It's on its way.
Give me 10 more minutes.
No no, you've had
half an hour.
I just can't pull a
helicopter out of my ass.
- We need more time.
- No, no time.
Okay, get her out.
Get her out!
We'd better hurry.
Cut power to the bank.
All units, we're going in!
Polly, come on.
Set the charges.
Everybody back around the side.
Where is he?
- Polly!
- Polly!
- How are you, honey?
- Good.
Smart bastard.
Took what he could
and torched the rest.
Aren't you coming in?
No, you and Jackson go.
I don't think Carl
wants to see me.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
And tell Mary
I said I'm sorry.
- I can come by later--
- No no.
No, it's cool.
I'm gonna be okay
on my own.
How is she?
Carl, I have to go.
I was hoping maybe I could
say goodbye to her.
Yeah yeah. She'd be
pissed if you didn't.
You left this
at the bank.
From your
great uncle Manfredi.
Jackson, you look...
I do?
You're all grown up.
I don't understand.
Why do you have to leave?
You know how many times
I've jumped off that bridge?
And I've never made
a wish for myself
'cause I never knew
what I wanted.
You don't have to leave
to figure it out, Jackson.
I'm not.
# you're in the moon,
but your head's #
# in the stars #
# now you can run #
# but you can't hide #
# who you are... #
- Dad.
- Polly.
I'd like to see my safety
deposit box, Mr. Deeley.
Mr. Deeley, I finished
transferring Barbara's files.
Thank you, Charlie.
Watch the counter for me
till I'm finished, will you?
Where's Barbara?
A management job opened up
in Iron City, so...
Polly, I want you
to know--
Okay, let's go.
He didn't-- he--
He didn't suspect
You want a ride?
I think I'll walk.
Thank you.
Everything changes
the day you graduate.
Look at the four
of us.
Carl inherits the money
to help his mom
And lands the girl
of his dreams.
Chauncey's heading
for State,
ready for a new life
on his own.
Polly will go to Harvard
And probably
never look back.
As for me,
I'm doing more than anyone
expects of a kid
With bad grades
and no prospects.
I'm pursing a career.
Of all things.
Sorry, ma'am, we're just
running a little late today.
- Where's Mr. Connelly?
- He has the flu.
Everyone has it. So anyway,
he called this morning
To see if I would come in
and hold up the fort.
Hold up the fort?
What can I do
for you today?
I'd like
to make a deposit.
I just get so nervous
keeping all this cash
around the house.
Think you can take that
off my hands?
That's what I do,
# 12 miles to nowhere
and you're out of gas #
# but you're keeping
your head #
# laugh out loud in the
mystical crowd with no laughs #
# but you're keeping
your head #
# see the sky's gonna
dot your eyes, but damn #
# keeping your head #
# get me down 'cause
you can't hear a sound #
# 'cause I know,
I know your hands are #
# keeping your head #
# I know you are keeping
your head from falling down #
# 12 miles to nowhere,
you're out of gas #
# keeping your head #
# laugh out loud in the
mystical crowd with no legs #
# but I know you
keep your head #
# see the sky's gonna
dot your eyes, but damn #
# keeping your head #
# don't get me down 'cause
you can't hear a sound #
# 'cause I know,
I know your hands are #
# they're keeping
your head #
# keeping your head #
# keeping your head
from falling down #
# you're keeping your head,
I know you are #
# keeping your head,
I know that you are #
# keeping your head
from falling down #
# keep your head
from falling down. #