Grand amour, Le (1969) Movie Script
The hours pass
And I wait for you
With a beating heart
The hours pass
And I wait for you
With a beating heart
It's just a long journey
To the land of infidelity
Go on, you'll come back wiser
With more maturity
I wait for you, while others
Can enjoy tender days
Love is a countdown
I love you and always will
I wait for you
It had all started badly.
Oh, yes...
very badly indeed.
In those days, I remember -
this was four or five years back -
I'd just finished
my military service,
and when I came home,
I met Irne...
waiting for me at the station,
right where she'd seen me off
18 months earlier.
Sweet Irne!
So I'd just finished
my military service,
and when I came home,
I met Irne
waiting for me at the station,
right where she'd seen me off
18 months earlier...
with Martine.
Charming Martine!
Irne, Martine, and I
had known each other a long time.
We were inseparable
childhood friends.
We lived in the provinces,
in the same city...
all three of us.
Depending on the days
and their moods,
I'd go out with Martine,
or I'd go out with Irne.
Sometimes I'd even go out with both,
especially on Sundays.
We'd go dancing together.
We'd take walks
when the weather was nice.
I remember...
there was also -
what was her name again?
She was nice, Thrse.
She was very sweet,
and from a good family.
Her father was a notary
and regional councillor.
Her mother did watercolors.
They'd given her
an excellent education -
Latin, piano, sewing.
They'd taught her everything.
In those days,
when I knew her,
she'd just finished
her schooling at the convent.
But quickly,
too quickly, she went bad.
But when I think about it,
I could just as well
have married Martine.
Why not?
Martine... or Irne.
And even lots of others.
who would become my wife,
I first met on the terrace
of the Caf de Paris.
No, that's not right.
It wasn't on the terrace,
but inside
the Caf de Paris.
Not so.
I know what I'm saying.
It was on the terrace.
What am I talking about!
It wasn't the terrace...
Make up your mind!
The terrace is the terrace.
Inside is inside.
I'm starting to get -
It's hot.
Let's go sit on the terrace.
Yes, on the terrace.
After that, obviously,
Florence and I
saw each other again.
We'd meet as if by chance...
as chance would have it.
So, without realizing it,
we began going out together.
More and more often,
almost on a daily basis.
It easily becomes a habit.
Then one thing
leads to another, like it or not.
You never know
how these things happen...
but they happen.
For Florence and me,
it all happened so fast.
I didn't even realize.
One fine day in spring,
Florence suddenly decided
to invite me to her home.
She got it into her head
to have me meet her parents.
An obsession.
And I said all right, of course...
totally unsuspecting.
Go in.
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard
were utterly charming people.
I should have known.
My grandmother.
Florence adored her parents,
especially her mother.
And her parents adored her.
There were pictures of her
all over the house.
Is that you?
You studied dance?
- A little.
- I like dance.
Will you have a drink?
I declined all drink and smoke,
as if I had no faults.
This might amuse you, children.
Shall we?
You'd think I was trying hard
to make a good impression.
I succeeded only too well.
- Who's this little girl?
- That's Papa.
That's cousin Elisa.
Your grandmother's goddaughter.
And that's her husband...
who's up there in the frame.
He was killed in World War I.
That's Uncle Firmin.
I didn't know him,
but they say I look like him.
I don't know who that is.
That's Uncle Albert.
Papa says he was funny
around company.
Do you recognize her?
That's me, at Florence's age.
So there.
In just a few moments
I'd met the entire family.
A fine family.
From that moment on,
events snowballed.
The very next day,
Mr. Girard invited me
to visit his plant.
Quite a fine plant, of course.
A tannery,
and a successful one at that.
It had been founded
by his grandfather in 1894.
He told me the whole story.
He was very proud of his plant,
and with good reason.
He showed me around
the buildings and workshops,
as well as the offices,
of course.
He introduced me
to the secretary.
Madame Louise, our secretary.
My future son-in-law.
Madame Louise welcomed me
with her most gracious smile.
I had the distinct impression
things were going badly for me.
Everything was getting
worse and worse.
Florence was an only child,
and Mr. Girard made it clear
there was a place for me
in his business...
in his tannery.
I'd have so liked
to be a musician!
A musician or a pilot...
or even...
So one fine day
I found myself engaged.
I chose a ring for Florence.
Of course.
This is the one you chose?
So naturally I had
to break up with Martine.
And break up with Irne.
And I so hate hurting people.
Ah, Florence.
What can I say about Florence?
She was exquisite.
As her mother
kept telling me day after day:
"She's so well-behaved.
She's so gentle, so charming.
And she can do everything.
And she loves you so much.
What more can you ask for?
She has so many fine qualities."
Yes, Florence had
so many fine qualities
that one day I decided
to go see her mother and say:
Madame Girard,
I've thought it over.
I don't think
I'm ready for marriage.
I'm fond of Florence,
but I've decided not to marry her.
their marriage doesn't seem
to be doing too well.
No, it doesn't.
Just because they're always
arm in arm doesn't mean -
But they don't need our pity.
No, the factory
seems to be doing well.
With a business like that,
you bet they're doing well.
I don't know if they're doing well,
but I can tell you she's worn
the same coat the last 10 years.
And she's quite the fussy one!
At the plant,
they say he's vile to the staff.
Well, I'm not surprised.
You haven't noticed the way
he looks at you?
He must have quite a temper!
It can't be a picnic
for her every day.
You know,
she must have a temper too.
If everybody only spoke
their mind!
Simple enough:
It seems that at home,
morning and night, they never let up.
It's hell!
I know all about it.
who knows them told me.
- Who told you?
- I can't say.
But believe you me, it's hell!
It's a crying shame!
People who have
all they need to be happy.
that's how things are.
Everyone has their woes.
As you say...
everyone has their woes.
I have to run.
So soon?
I have a long day ahead.
- Eat enough, honey?
- Fine. Excellent.
Suzanne, you may clear.
All right?
See you tonight.
Don't forget dinner at my parents'.
It's Wednesday.
You know what I just saw?
You don't say!
Thanks so much.
Bye, and thanks again.
Hello, my dear.
How are you?
- You know what I just heard?
- Heavens, no!
I'll let you go.
See you soon, my dear.
I learned something
you won't like hearing.
I asked myself,
"Do I tell her, or don't I?
After all, we're old friends.
As a good Christian,
it's my duty
to tell her."
It's like this...
I'm home.
Where are you going?
Home to Mother.
Where are you going?
My darling.
At what age did you get married?
And your wife?
A year younger than me.
Let me tell you something:
Never marry a woman your age.
Always marry a woman
much younger than you.
I don't see the connection.
Really I don't.
Florence and I are very happy.
I assure you.
- We were very happy.
- Then I'm sorry...
but you've committed
a monumental error.
I don't understand.
Don't worry.
She'll come back.
Believe me.
Good evening.
It's your mother.
Yes, I assure you.
Yes, I assure you. Really.
Yes, dear.
Be quiet, you!
No, listen.
This is what you're to do -
Come in.
This is Miss Agns.
She'll be replacing me.
Mr. Girard must have told you.
He did, in fact.
Mr. Girard says we can take her on
for a month before I leave.
Yes, I know.
Madame Louise,
I'm counting on you to train her
as quickly as possible.
Of course, sir.
Agns, please.
Yes, sir?
No, nothing, thank you.
Later, please.
Very well, sir.
How's the new secretary?
Just fine.
Are you asleep?
Where are you going?
- Why, to the office.
- On a Saturday?
It's Saturday?
Of course.
Then tomorrow...
is Sunday?
Pass me your plate, Mama.
No, you have the leg, Papa.
But let Florence have the wing.
Who wants peas?
It's no more costly
than anything else.
What are you thinking of?
You're sweet.
Come in.
Mr. Bourget is here.
Shall I show him in?
Say that again?
Please sit down.
I'll be right with you.
So that's how it stands.
I thought things were fine
with your wife.
Oh, my wife...
For some time now,
I haven't been able to stand her.
Why not?
She looks so much like her mother
that I feel I'm living with her.
It's Mama.
Poor guy.
Look, I don't want
to preach to you,
but if I were in your shoes,
I'd tell her the truth.
I have something
very important to tell you.
What's that?
I love another woman.
What's her name again, your...?
Your new secretary?
She's charming...
and so young.
Honey, I love you so much.
The only thing that matters to me
is your happiness.
My poor fellow,
she would never react like that.
- She wouldn't?
- Waiter!
I'm sure of it.
I know her well.
Okay, let's say she wouldn't.
Then in that case -
The same.
In that case, what?
Then I'd take
a totally different tack.
Look, Florence,
this can't go on.
- What can't go on?
- Everything.
Everything what?
You and me.
Is there another woman?
In that case,
I wouldn't even discuss it.
Where are you going?
To buy matches.
Any other brilliant ideas?
Are you crazy?
Okay, okay.
But if I were you, I'd divorce.
I'd divorce.
I would tell her...
What would you tell her?
I'd tell her...
We were married under
a communal estate settlement.
You want half the property?
You want half of everything?
I'm all for it.
Half? Here it is.
Here you go!
And here's the other half.
And take that! And that!
Half of everything? There!
With me, it's quite simple.
Want half of everything?
- What's got into you?
- Fine with me!
Madame, look.
Half of everything?
There you go!
You want half of everything?
Are you crazy?
You don't want me
to leave Florence for Agns!
You know me.
Anyway, with Agns
there wouldn't be a problem.
Jacques, your wife!
Oh, honey!
How are you?
Hello, honey. How are you?
- Fine.
- Finished shopping?
I went to the bank. Here.
What will you have?
- What would you like?
- Champagne.
- What was I saying?
- You were telling me -
You committed a big blunder
marrying a woman your age.
You think so?
Look at Franoise.
Want to know something?
Young men don't even interest her.
Did you ever consider
I could be her father?
No "oh's" about it.
I could be her father.
Hi, Daddy!
I don't have much gas left.
We'll take care of that.
You're sweet.
Don't think about that.
Consider this:
How old are you?
- Thirty-eight.
- And Agns?
- Eighteen.
- And you in ten years?
- Forty-eight.
- And Agns?
- Twenty-eight.
Are you sure you won't find her
a bit too old for you then?
This shade suits me fine.
Anything paler...
makes me look sickly.
What do you use?
- I don't use any.
It's Mr. Bourget.
Monsieur isn't here.
Yes, tomorrow morning.
Good-bye, sir.
Did you see the boss?
Not very amiable today.
If only I were ten years younger.
If only I weren't married.
Or if only Florence was gone.
You're in good spirits tonight.
I want to ask you something,
but I'm afraid you'll -
If I went to the seaside
for two weeks...
would you mind very much?
- You can have this.
- Thanks, Madame Louise.
Are the glasses ready?
It's Bourget.
No, he's still not in.
Very well.
did you see the boss?
He looks happy.
Maybe because I'm leaving.
Let me go...
for my last day.
Come in.
Close the door.
It's very simple.
I've wanted to tell you this
for a long time,
but I -
I'm in love with you.
I didn't have the courage to tell you,
but you must have felt it.
So I thought it better to tell you.
It's a fact.
I love you.
That's all I wanted to -
Excuse me.
So Madame Louise has left us...
after 25 years.
She must have had tears
in her eyes.
Oh, yes.
I'll miss her.
She had her quirks...
but she was competent...
and hardworking.
I got a postcard from Florence.
Still raining?
No, the weather's fine.
She's thinking
of staying another week.
No reason she shouldn't.
Are you happy with the new girl?
She seems to have
found her way fairly quickly.
What's her name?
I always forget her name.
What's her name?
Is she nice-looking?
She's still a kid.
Beige doesn't suit you.
- Your mail.
- Thank you.
Look, I absolutely must -
Your mail.
You in already?
Yes, I have
tons of work right now.
Tons, tons, tons.
Good luck.
You know that -
One moment, please.
It's Mr. Bourget.
He hasn't come in yet.
All right, sir.
Look, it's very simple.
I want to tell you -
Hold the line.
It's your mother-in-law.
- I'll take it in my office.
- One moment.
Tonight... hold on.
Hold on.
I'm sorry. No, I can't.
I've already tried
on several occasions...
to tell you...
" tell you..."
No, nothing. Later.
What are you doing tonight?
- Tonight?
- Shall we have dinner together?
Yes, I'd like that.
Would you? You'd like to?
With pleasure, sir.
Hold the line.
- It's Bourget.
- Let me have that.
Hello, Mr. Bourget.
How are you, Mr. Bourget?
Fine, thank you, Mr. Bourget.
I'll buy your entire stock
at your price.
You understand?
He says yes.
No, I'm still here.
I'm telling you, he says yes.
We can prepare the contract?
Right away, if you want.
My respects, monsieur.
The entire stock?
At the agreed price?
So it's all set.
Dinner tonight?
The Mill - would that do?
- She said yes.
- You don't say!
You got a second?
For instance, take her hand...
gently, like this.
And you read her palm.
- I don't know how.
It's simple.
Here's the life line...
the head line...
and, naturally, the heart line.
I can't read her palm
for two hours.
- You know how to dance?
- Not the modern dances.
It's not hard. I'll show you.
No, sit her down next to you.
Make the most of it.
You put your arm
around her shoulder.
- Then you talk -
- And if she gets up?
"Rising like a dream,
to sparkle in the air.
And my voice, yet tender
and gently plaintive,
stroking as it flees
your ear so attentive."
Believe me, my friend:
Follow my advice and do as I say,
and it's in the bag.
What can I say?
We lack qualified management
and our payroll taxes are so high,
in the European context,
that we soon
won't have enough volume.
We're no longer competitive.
That's a fact.
Forget about self-management
or the investments
we have to make for retraining.
And if you add to that
the fact taxes go up every year
and that the majority of our
personnel has to be replaced,
that we have to modernize
our equipment...
incorporate new technology...
and maintain
a research division...
you can understand...
that at some point in time...
we're bound to disappear.
- Agns.
- Yes?
What are you thinking about?
Come on.
I'll take you home.
Well, I'll just say good night
and thank-you.
It was nothing at all.
I have one last thing to tell you.
I don't love you anymore.
This mine?
One beer for you.
- Waiter!
- Coming.
You thought it over?
You sure this isn't
some new blunder?
Work okay?
- Yes.
So everything's fine.
Everything's fine.
You sure you won't regret this?
I'm not going to preach to you -
Look, I have to go.
Will you excuse me?
Hello there! Things okay?
It doesn't look like it.
I didn't recognize you either.
Forgive me.
I kept you waiting.
This is my husband.
Here's your suitcase.
Really kind of you. Thanks.
It was nothing.
Well, good-bye.
Look, Florence,
I wanted to tell you -
Who was that fellow?
- Who?
- That fellow?
- I don't know.
- You don't know him?
I met him on the train.
He carried my bag, that's all.
- That's all?
- That's all.
So you give your bag
to just anyone?
Not just anyone.
He's a charming boy.
I had no reason to be rude.
- So now he's charming too?
- Yes, he is.
- Oh, great!
- What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter.
My suitcase! I'm leaving.
Out of the question!
And it's my suitcase.
- What? It's mine.
- Get in.
- What's this?
- My car.
Your car? Unbelievable!
And I wait for you
With a beating heart
The hours pass
And I wait for you
With a beating heart
It's just a long journey
To the land of infidelity
Go on, you'll come back wiser
With more maturity
I wait for you, while others
Can enjoy tender days
Love is a countdown
I love you and always will
I wait for you
It had all started badly.
Oh, yes...
very badly indeed.
In those days, I remember -
this was four or five years back -
I'd just finished
my military service,
and when I came home,
I met Irne...
waiting for me at the station,
right where she'd seen me off
18 months earlier.
Sweet Irne!
So I'd just finished
my military service,
and when I came home,
I met Irne
waiting for me at the station,
right where she'd seen me off
18 months earlier...
with Martine.
Charming Martine!
Irne, Martine, and I
had known each other a long time.
We were inseparable
childhood friends.
We lived in the provinces,
in the same city...
all three of us.
Depending on the days
and their moods,
I'd go out with Martine,
or I'd go out with Irne.
Sometimes I'd even go out with both,
especially on Sundays.
We'd go dancing together.
We'd take walks
when the weather was nice.
I remember...
there was also -
what was her name again?
She was nice, Thrse.
She was very sweet,
and from a good family.
Her father was a notary
and regional councillor.
Her mother did watercolors.
They'd given her
an excellent education -
Latin, piano, sewing.
They'd taught her everything.
In those days,
when I knew her,
she'd just finished
her schooling at the convent.
But quickly,
too quickly, she went bad.
But when I think about it,
I could just as well
have married Martine.
Why not?
Martine... or Irne.
And even lots of others.
who would become my wife,
I first met on the terrace
of the Caf de Paris.
No, that's not right.
It wasn't on the terrace,
but inside
the Caf de Paris.
Not so.
I know what I'm saying.
It was on the terrace.
What am I talking about!
It wasn't the terrace...
Make up your mind!
The terrace is the terrace.
Inside is inside.
I'm starting to get -
It's hot.
Let's go sit on the terrace.
Yes, on the terrace.
After that, obviously,
Florence and I
saw each other again.
We'd meet as if by chance...
as chance would have it.
So, without realizing it,
we began going out together.
More and more often,
almost on a daily basis.
It easily becomes a habit.
Then one thing
leads to another, like it or not.
You never know
how these things happen...
but they happen.
For Florence and me,
it all happened so fast.
I didn't even realize.
One fine day in spring,
Florence suddenly decided
to invite me to her home.
She got it into her head
to have me meet her parents.
An obsession.
And I said all right, of course...
totally unsuspecting.
Go in.
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard
were utterly charming people.
I should have known.
My grandmother.
Florence adored her parents,
especially her mother.
And her parents adored her.
There were pictures of her
all over the house.
Is that you?
You studied dance?
- A little.
- I like dance.
Will you have a drink?
I declined all drink and smoke,
as if I had no faults.
This might amuse you, children.
Shall we?
You'd think I was trying hard
to make a good impression.
I succeeded only too well.
- Who's this little girl?
- That's Papa.
That's cousin Elisa.
Your grandmother's goddaughter.
And that's her husband...
who's up there in the frame.
He was killed in World War I.
That's Uncle Firmin.
I didn't know him,
but they say I look like him.
I don't know who that is.
That's Uncle Albert.
Papa says he was funny
around company.
Do you recognize her?
That's me, at Florence's age.
So there.
In just a few moments
I'd met the entire family.
A fine family.
From that moment on,
events snowballed.
The very next day,
Mr. Girard invited me
to visit his plant.
Quite a fine plant, of course.
A tannery,
and a successful one at that.
It had been founded
by his grandfather in 1894.
He told me the whole story.
He was very proud of his plant,
and with good reason.
He showed me around
the buildings and workshops,
as well as the offices,
of course.
He introduced me
to the secretary.
Madame Louise, our secretary.
My future son-in-law.
Madame Louise welcomed me
with her most gracious smile.
I had the distinct impression
things were going badly for me.
Everything was getting
worse and worse.
Florence was an only child,
and Mr. Girard made it clear
there was a place for me
in his business...
in his tannery.
I'd have so liked
to be a musician!
A musician or a pilot...
or even...
So one fine day
I found myself engaged.
I chose a ring for Florence.
Of course.
This is the one you chose?
So naturally I had
to break up with Martine.
And break up with Irne.
And I so hate hurting people.
Ah, Florence.
What can I say about Florence?
She was exquisite.
As her mother
kept telling me day after day:
"She's so well-behaved.
She's so gentle, so charming.
And she can do everything.
And she loves you so much.
What more can you ask for?
She has so many fine qualities."
Yes, Florence had
so many fine qualities
that one day I decided
to go see her mother and say:
Madame Girard,
I've thought it over.
I don't think
I'm ready for marriage.
I'm fond of Florence,
but I've decided not to marry her.
their marriage doesn't seem
to be doing too well.
No, it doesn't.
Just because they're always
arm in arm doesn't mean -
But they don't need our pity.
No, the factory
seems to be doing well.
With a business like that,
you bet they're doing well.
I don't know if they're doing well,
but I can tell you she's worn
the same coat the last 10 years.
And she's quite the fussy one!
At the plant,
they say he's vile to the staff.
Well, I'm not surprised.
You haven't noticed the way
he looks at you?
He must have quite a temper!
It can't be a picnic
for her every day.
You know,
she must have a temper too.
If everybody only spoke
their mind!
Simple enough:
It seems that at home,
morning and night, they never let up.
It's hell!
I know all about it.
who knows them told me.
- Who told you?
- I can't say.
But believe you me, it's hell!
It's a crying shame!
People who have
all they need to be happy.
that's how things are.
Everyone has their woes.
As you say...
everyone has their woes.
I have to run.
So soon?
I have a long day ahead.
- Eat enough, honey?
- Fine. Excellent.
Suzanne, you may clear.
All right?
See you tonight.
Don't forget dinner at my parents'.
It's Wednesday.
You know what I just saw?
You don't say!
Thanks so much.
Bye, and thanks again.
Hello, my dear.
How are you?
- You know what I just heard?
- Heavens, no!
I'll let you go.
See you soon, my dear.
I learned something
you won't like hearing.
I asked myself,
"Do I tell her, or don't I?
After all, we're old friends.
As a good Christian,
it's my duty
to tell her."
It's like this...
I'm home.
Where are you going?
Home to Mother.
Where are you going?
My darling.
At what age did you get married?
And your wife?
A year younger than me.
Let me tell you something:
Never marry a woman your age.
Always marry a woman
much younger than you.
I don't see the connection.
Really I don't.
Florence and I are very happy.
I assure you.
- We were very happy.
- Then I'm sorry...
but you've committed
a monumental error.
I don't understand.
Don't worry.
She'll come back.
Believe me.
Good evening.
It's your mother.
Yes, I assure you.
Yes, I assure you. Really.
Yes, dear.
Be quiet, you!
No, listen.
This is what you're to do -
Come in.
This is Miss Agns.
She'll be replacing me.
Mr. Girard must have told you.
He did, in fact.
Mr. Girard says we can take her on
for a month before I leave.
Yes, I know.
Madame Louise,
I'm counting on you to train her
as quickly as possible.
Of course, sir.
Agns, please.
Yes, sir?
No, nothing, thank you.
Later, please.
Very well, sir.
How's the new secretary?
Just fine.
Are you asleep?
Where are you going?
- Why, to the office.
- On a Saturday?
It's Saturday?
Of course.
Then tomorrow...
is Sunday?
Pass me your plate, Mama.
No, you have the leg, Papa.
But let Florence have the wing.
Who wants peas?
It's no more costly
than anything else.
What are you thinking of?
You're sweet.
Come in.
Mr. Bourget is here.
Shall I show him in?
Say that again?
Please sit down.
I'll be right with you.
So that's how it stands.
I thought things were fine
with your wife.
Oh, my wife...
For some time now,
I haven't been able to stand her.
Why not?
She looks so much like her mother
that I feel I'm living with her.
It's Mama.
Poor guy.
Look, I don't want
to preach to you,
but if I were in your shoes,
I'd tell her the truth.
I have something
very important to tell you.
What's that?
I love another woman.
What's her name again, your...?
Your new secretary?
She's charming...
and so young.
Honey, I love you so much.
The only thing that matters to me
is your happiness.
My poor fellow,
she would never react like that.
- She wouldn't?
- Waiter!
I'm sure of it.
I know her well.
Okay, let's say she wouldn't.
Then in that case -
The same.
In that case, what?
Then I'd take
a totally different tack.
Look, Florence,
this can't go on.
- What can't go on?
- Everything.
Everything what?
You and me.
Is there another woman?
In that case,
I wouldn't even discuss it.
Where are you going?
To buy matches.
Any other brilliant ideas?
Are you crazy?
Okay, okay.
But if I were you, I'd divorce.
I'd divorce.
I would tell her...
What would you tell her?
I'd tell her...
We were married under
a communal estate settlement.
You want half the property?
You want half of everything?
I'm all for it.
Half? Here it is.
Here you go!
And here's the other half.
And take that! And that!
Half of everything? There!
With me, it's quite simple.
Want half of everything?
- What's got into you?
- Fine with me!
Madame, look.
Half of everything?
There you go!
You want half of everything?
Are you crazy?
You don't want me
to leave Florence for Agns!
You know me.
Anyway, with Agns
there wouldn't be a problem.
Jacques, your wife!
Oh, honey!
How are you?
Hello, honey. How are you?
- Fine.
- Finished shopping?
I went to the bank. Here.
What will you have?
- What would you like?
- Champagne.
- What was I saying?
- You were telling me -
You committed a big blunder
marrying a woman your age.
You think so?
Look at Franoise.
Want to know something?
Young men don't even interest her.
Did you ever consider
I could be her father?
No "oh's" about it.
I could be her father.
Hi, Daddy!
I don't have much gas left.
We'll take care of that.
You're sweet.
Don't think about that.
Consider this:
How old are you?
- Thirty-eight.
- And Agns?
- Eighteen.
- And you in ten years?
- Forty-eight.
- And Agns?
- Twenty-eight.
Are you sure you won't find her
a bit too old for you then?
This shade suits me fine.
Anything paler...
makes me look sickly.
What do you use?
- I don't use any.
It's Mr. Bourget.
Monsieur isn't here.
Yes, tomorrow morning.
Good-bye, sir.
Did you see the boss?
Not very amiable today.
If only I were ten years younger.
If only I weren't married.
Or if only Florence was gone.
You're in good spirits tonight.
I want to ask you something,
but I'm afraid you'll -
If I went to the seaside
for two weeks...
would you mind very much?
- You can have this.
- Thanks, Madame Louise.
Are the glasses ready?
It's Bourget.
No, he's still not in.
Very well.
did you see the boss?
He looks happy.
Maybe because I'm leaving.
Let me go...
for my last day.
Come in.
Close the door.
It's very simple.
I've wanted to tell you this
for a long time,
but I -
I'm in love with you.
I didn't have the courage to tell you,
but you must have felt it.
So I thought it better to tell you.
It's a fact.
I love you.
That's all I wanted to -
Excuse me.
So Madame Louise has left us...
after 25 years.
She must have had tears
in her eyes.
Oh, yes.
I'll miss her.
She had her quirks...
but she was competent...
and hardworking.
I got a postcard from Florence.
Still raining?
No, the weather's fine.
She's thinking
of staying another week.
No reason she shouldn't.
Are you happy with the new girl?
She seems to have
found her way fairly quickly.
What's her name?
I always forget her name.
What's her name?
Is she nice-looking?
She's still a kid.
Beige doesn't suit you.
- Your mail.
- Thank you.
Look, I absolutely must -
Your mail.
You in already?
Yes, I have
tons of work right now.
Tons, tons, tons.
Good luck.
You know that -
One moment, please.
It's Mr. Bourget.
He hasn't come in yet.
All right, sir.
Look, it's very simple.
I want to tell you -
Hold the line.
It's your mother-in-law.
- I'll take it in my office.
- One moment.
Tonight... hold on.
Hold on.
I'm sorry. No, I can't.
I've already tried
on several occasions...
to tell you...
" tell you..."
No, nothing. Later.
What are you doing tonight?
- Tonight?
- Shall we have dinner together?
Yes, I'd like that.
Would you? You'd like to?
With pleasure, sir.
Hold the line.
- It's Bourget.
- Let me have that.
Hello, Mr. Bourget.
How are you, Mr. Bourget?
Fine, thank you, Mr. Bourget.
I'll buy your entire stock
at your price.
You understand?
He says yes.
No, I'm still here.
I'm telling you, he says yes.
We can prepare the contract?
Right away, if you want.
My respects, monsieur.
The entire stock?
At the agreed price?
So it's all set.
Dinner tonight?
The Mill - would that do?
- She said yes.
- You don't say!
You got a second?
For instance, take her hand...
gently, like this.
And you read her palm.
- I don't know how.
It's simple.
Here's the life line...
the head line...
and, naturally, the heart line.
I can't read her palm
for two hours.
- You know how to dance?
- Not the modern dances.
It's not hard. I'll show you.
No, sit her down next to you.
Make the most of it.
You put your arm
around her shoulder.
- Then you talk -
- And if she gets up?
"Rising like a dream,
to sparkle in the air.
And my voice, yet tender
and gently plaintive,
stroking as it flees
your ear so attentive."
Believe me, my friend:
Follow my advice and do as I say,
and it's in the bag.
What can I say?
We lack qualified management
and our payroll taxes are so high,
in the European context,
that we soon
won't have enough volume.
We're no longer competitive.
That's a fact.
Forget about self-management
or the investments
we have to make for retraining.
And if you add to that
the fact taxes go up every year
and that the majority of our
personnel has to be replaced,
that we have to modernize
our equipment...
incorporate new technology...
and maintain
a research division...
you can understand...
that at some point in time...
we're bound to disappear.
- Agns.
- Yes?
What are you thinking about?
Come on.
I'll take you home.
Well, I'll just say good night
and thank-you.
It was nothing at all.
I have one last thing to tell you.
I don't love you anymore.
This mine?
One beer for you.
- Waiter!
- Coming.
You thought it over?
You sure this isn't
some new blunder?
Work okay?
- Yes.
So everything's fine.
Everything's fine.
You sure you won't regret this?
I'm not going to preach to you -
Look, I have to go.
Will you excuse me?
Hello there! Things okay?
It doesn't look like it.
I didn't recognize you either.
Forgive me.
I kept you waiting.
This is my husband.
Here's your suitcase.
Really kind of you. Thanks.
It was nothing.
Well, good-bye.
Look, Florence,
I wanted to tell you -
Who was that fellow?
- Who?
- That fellow?
- I don't know.
- You don't know him?
I met him on the train.
He carried my bag, that's all.
- That's all?
- That's all.
So you give your bag
to just anyone?
Not just anyone.
He's a charming boy.
I had no reason to be rude.
- So now he's charming too?
- Yes, he is.
- Oh, great!
- What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter.
My suitcase! I'm leaving.
Out of the question!
And it's my suitcase.
- What? It's mine.
- Get in.
- What's this?
- My car.
Your car? Unbelievable!