Grease (1978) Movie Script
# Love
# Is a many splendoured thing
I'm going back to Australia,
I won't see you again.
Don't talk that way, Sandy.
But it's true.
I've had the best summer of my life.
Now I have to go away. It isn't fair.
- Danny, don't spoil it.
- Sandy, it's only making it better.
Danny, is this the end?
Of course not.
It's only the beginning.
This is the main brain,
Vince Fontaine,
beginning your day the only way.
Music, music.
Get out of bed, first day of school.
Don't be a slob, don't get a job,
go back to class, you can pass.
To start the day off nice and fine,
here's a new old favourite of mine.
# I solve my problems
and I see the light
# We got a lovin' thing
# We got to feed it right
# There ain't no danger
we can go too far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# They think our love
is just a growin' pain
# Why don't they understand?
# It's just a cryin' shame
# Their lips are lying,
only real is real
# We stop the fight right now
# We got to be what we feel
# Grease is the word
# Is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# We take the pressure
and we throw away
# Conventionality
# Belongs to yesterday
# There is a chance
that we can make it so far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# Is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Now grease is the way
we are feelin'
# This is a life of illusion
# Wrapped up in troubles
# Laced in confusion
# What are we doing here?
# We take the pressure
and we throw away
# Conventionality
# Belongs to yesterday
# There is a chance
that we can make it so far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# Is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# Grease is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# Grease is the word,
is the word, is the word
- You don't eat this, you bury it.
- That's a home-made lunch.
Your old lady drag her carcass
out of bed for you?
- She does it first day of school.
- Big deal.
- Kenickie. Over here.
- Where you at?
We're right here.
- Where were you all summer?
- Are you my mother?
- Just askin'.
- Working. More than you can say.
- Working?
- Yes, lugging boxes at Bargain City.
- Nice job.
- Eat me.
I'm saving up to get me some wheels.
- Wanna hear what I did?
- No.
Hey, there's Danny.
Danny! Danny!
You seen any new broads there?
Nah, same old chicks,
everybody's made them.
So what'd you do all summer?
I was hanging around at the beach.
You know.
It's tough with all those chicks
hanging around you.
The only thing
that hangs around you are the flies.
How was the action
at the beach, man?
Whew. It was flipping.
Yeah? Crazy?
I did meet this one chick.
She was sorta cool.
You mean she puts out?
Come on, Sonny,
is that all you think about?
- Freakin' A.
- (bell)
Hey, guys, wait up.
- Do I look OK, Frenchy?
- Sure, you look good.
- I'm really nervous.
- You look terrific.
- So, this is Rydell?
- Yep. You'll love it.
I loved the last school I was at.
I wish I was there right now.
Still, I'm no stranger to heartbreak.
Why? You got psoriasis?
(car backfires)
Well, here we are again.
- But this time we're seniors.
- We're gonna rule the school.
(all laugh)
Jan, that is so adolescent.
- We are adolescent.
- We don't have to flaunt it.
OK, girls.
Let's go get 'em.
Blanche, do you have
the new schedules?
Yes, Miss McGee,
I just had my hands on them.
Oh, good, they'll be
nice and smudged.
Here we are. If it had been a snake,
it would've bitten me.
These are the schedules
we couldn't find last semester.
Next year,
you might find this semester's.
- I've got Kenickie again.
- He's been here longer than I have.
First day of school and already
my castor oil is missing.
How many days
till Christmas vacation?
- 86?
- And counting.
- Can I help you?
- Yes, it's my first day.
- I'm not sure where I should be.
- Welcome to Rydell.
You'll have to fill out
these forms, but...
Excuse me a minute.
I'll be right back.
- Do you have a pencil, please?
- Yes, dear. There you are.
Jeez. Every teacher I got this year
has flunked me at least once.
You'll spend your time
in McGee's office.
- She'll wish she'd never seen me.
- Yeah? And what are you gonna do?
I just ain't gonna take her crap.
I don't take no crap from nobody.
- Sonny?
- Oh, hello, ma'am.
- Shouldn't you be in home room?
- I was going for a walk.
- You were dawdling.
- Yes, ma'am.
That is no way to start
a new semester, Mr LaTierri.
(mutters in Italian)
Perhaps a session of banging erasers
after school would put you on track.
Yes, ma'am.
- Do you plan to stand there all day?
- No, ma'am. I mean, yes.
- Well, which is it?
- No, ma'am.
- Good. Then move.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm glad you didn't take
any of her crap, Sonny.
You would have told her off, huh?
Mr LaTierri.
Yes, ma'am, no, ma'am...
Hey, Eugene.
How you doin'?
- Shake, buddy.
- (buzzing)
What's wrong?
You're wearing glasses.
- I got an astigmatism.
- Too bad.
(students) # As I go travelling down
life's highway
# Whatever course my fortunes
may foretell...
Good morning, boys and girls.
Welcome to what we're sure will be
our greatest year at Rydell.
Saturday night will be
our first pep rally and bonfire.
I want to see all of you students
out there,
with plenty of support for Coach
Calhoun and the Rydell Rangers.
If you can't be an athlete,
be an athletic supporter.
And now for the really good news.
One of the most exciting things
to ever happen at Rydell High.
National Bandstand television show
has selected Rydell as
a representative American high school
and will do a live broadcast
from our very own gym.
It is our chance
to show the entire nation
what fine, bright, clean-cut,
wholesome students
we have here at Rydell.
# Ba, ba, bamba
# Ba, ba, bamba
# La, la, la, la, la bamba
Did you guys get a look
at Zuko this mornin'?
Lookin' pretty good this year,
huh, Rizz?
- That's ancient history.
- History sometimes repeats itself.
- Hey, you guys.
- Hi, Frenchy.
Go sit down.
This here is Sandy Olsen.
And that's Jan and Marty,
and this is Rizzo.
She just moved here
from Sydney, Australia.
- How are things down under?
- Oh, fine, thanks.
Marty, are those new glasses?
Yeah, just for school.
Do they make me look smarter?
Nah, you can still see your face.
- How d'you like school, Sandy?
- It's different.
- Hi, kids.
- (all groan)
Patty Simcox,
the bad seed of Rydell. Hi.
- I love the first day of school.
- The biggest thrill of my life.
- You won't guess what's happened.
- Probably not.
The nominees for Student Council
are out.
- Guess who's up for Vice President?
- Who?
Me. Isn't that the most?
- To say the least.
- The very least.
I hope I don't make a poor showing.
We wish you the best of luck,
don't we, girls?
I've got my fingers crossed.
Oh, you must think I'm a clod
for not introducing myself.
Hi, I'm Patty Simcox.
Welcome to Rydell. (squeals)
Will you be at cheerleader tryouts?
We'll be lifelong friends.
You guys, how do you like Sandy?
Do you think we can
let her in the Pink Ladies?
- She looks too pure to be pink.
- Ohh, double do-do!
What's up, doc?
One of my diamonds
just fell in the macaroni.
Kenickie, want a piece of salami?
Are you kidding?
If I eat that, I'll smell like you.
What a stink!
Hey, guys, look.
Ladies and gentlemen,
dingleberries on parade.
Look! You really put
your foot into it this time.
Try hopscotch, you hot dog.
What a gavone! Gumdrops, man.
Any of you guys see
that new chick in registration?
Sure beats
the foam domes round here.
Jugs bigger than Annette's?
Nobody's jugs
are bigger than Annette's.
Hey, guys. Hey!
Hi, girls.
You're a sick man, Putz.
Hey, I wanna hear about
what Danny did at the beach.
- It was nothing.
- Sure, nothing, Zuko. Right?
- You got in her drawers, right?
- Come on, tell us.
What did you do this summer?
I spent most of it at the beach.
I met a boy there.
You hauled your cookies
to the beach for a guy?
- He was sorta special.
- There ain't no such thing.
It was really romantic.
Everything about it.
You don't want to hear
the horny details.
Alright, I'll tell you.
# Summer lovin', had me a blast
# Summer lovin', happened so fast
# I met a girl, crazy for me
# Met a boy, cute as can be
# Summer days, drifting away
# To uh, oh, those summer nights
# Wella, wella, wella, huh
# Tell me more, tell me more
Did you get very far?
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Like does he have a car?
- # Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
- # Do-do, do-do, do-do-do-do
# She swam by me, she got a cramp
# He ran by me, got my suit damp
# I saved her life,
she nearly drowned
# He showed off, splashing around
# Summer sun, something's begun
# But uh, oh, those summer nights
# Wella, wella, wella, huh
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Was it love at first sight?
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Did she put up a fight?
# Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
# Doobie-doo, doobie-doo, doobie-dum
# Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
# Doobie-doo, doobie-doo, doobie-dum
# Took her bowling in the arcade
# We went strolling, drank lemonade
# We made out, under the dock
# We stayed out till ten o'clock
# Summer fling, don't mean a thing
# But uh, oh, those summer nights
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # But you don't gotta brag
# Tell me more, tell me more
# Cos he sounds like a drag
# Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop
Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop
# Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop
Shuda-bop-bop, yeah!
# He got friendly, holding my hand
# She got friendly, down in sand
# He was sweet, just turned 1 8
# Well, she was good,
you know what I mean
# Summer heat, boy and girl meet
# But uh, oh, those summer nights
# Whoa, whoa, whoa
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # How much dough did he spend?
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Could she get me a friend?
# It turned colder,
that's where it ends
# So I told her we'd still be friends
# Then we made our true love vow
# Wonder what she's doing now
# Summer dreams
# Ripped at the seams
# But
# Oh
# Those summer
# Nights
# Tell me more, tell me more
He sounds real nice.
True love and he didn't lay
a hand on you? Sounds like a creep.
He wasn't. He was a gentleman.
What was his name?
Danny. Danny Zuko.
(all giggle)
Well, I think he sounds peachy keen.
Maybe, if you believe in miracles,
Prince Charming will show up again
Somewhere unexpected.
See you later. Come on, girls.
- Do you really think so, Frenchy?
- Sure.
Erm, ... Sandy, I think
we oughta get to class.
(all) Do the splits, give a yell
Show a little spirit for old Rydell
Way to go, red and white
Go Rydell, fight, fight, fight!
And now...
Quiet, please.
Quiet, everyone. Now, boys and girls,
the man of the hour.
The coach we're all depending on
to pull Rydell out of
a seven-season slump,
our very own Coach Calhoun.
- Who's the best?
- (all) Rydell!
Give 'em hell, Rydell!
I just wanna tell you students
that we have a banner year coming up.
Because my boys are primed,
really primed,
because I primed 'em.
Not only primed, they're honed.
Honed to a sharp razor-edge.
We're not just going out there
to win.
We're going out there for glory.
And when we get out there,
we're gonna yank 'em and tear 'em
and rip 'em.
We'll take 'em and roll 'em around
and rip 'em up to pieces!
Then we're gonna slaughter 'em.
And after the slaughter is over,
we're gonna come back here
and ring that victory bell.
Like we always wanted to.
Watch this.
Nyik-nyak, nyik-nyak
Brrr, nyik-nyak
Do a split, give a yell
Shake a tit for old Rydell!
Be cool, huh?
Hey, watch out, pinhead!
Well, what do you think?
What a hunk of junk.
Wait till I give it a paint job,
soup up the engine.
She'll run like a champ.
I'm racing her at Thunder Road.
- Thunder Road?
- Yeah. Wanna make something of it?
I wanna see you
make something of this heap.
You're cruisin' for a bruisin'.
What are Scorpions doing here?
It ain't their turf.
- Think they wanna rumble?
- If they do, we'll be ready.
Alright, gang. Let's go get 'em!
- Hey, chicken.
- Whoo-hoo!
What you doing?
- Thanks, Frenchy.
- That's alright.
- You were great out there.
- I messed up, I was so nervous.
- Your split was divoon.
- Hi, Sandy.
- Hi, Rizz. Hi, girls.
- We got a surprise for you.
- What is it?
- You'll see.
Right, Rizz?
Let me comb your hair down.
Where are we going?
Want a little lipstick?
If you fix up this car,
it could be make-out city.
A chick is gonna have to put out
before she even gets in.
You'd better believe it.
Hey, Zuko. I got a surprise for you.
Oh, yeah?
- Sandy!
- Danny?
What are you doing here?
I thought you were back in Australia.
We had a change of plan.
I can't...
That's cool, baby. You know how it
is. Rockin' and rollin' and whatnot.
- Danny?
- That's my name, don't wear it out.
- What's the matter with you?
- What's the matter with me?
What's the matter with you?
What happened to the Danny Zuko
I met at the beach?
Well, I do not know.
Maybe there's two of us, right?
Why don't you take out
a missing-persons ad or...
...try the Yellow Pages?
I don't know.
You're a fake and a phoney.
I wish I'd never laid eyes on you.
(all) Ooohhh...
I wonder if she carries
silver bullets!
So she laid her eyes on you,
huh, Zuko?
I bet that's not all
she's laid on him.
- Hey, Zuke! I got a car, remember?
- Come on, Danny.
- Who's got beer money?
- I swiped my brother's ID.
He was so nice to me this summer.
Listen, Sandy, men are rats.
Listen to me.
They're fleas on rats.
Worse than that,
they're amoebas on fleas on rats.
I mean, they're too low
for even the dogs to bite.
The only man a girl can depend on
is her daddy.
You know what you need?
A night out with the girls.
We're having a sleep-over
at my house tonight. Wanna come?
Good. You'll love it. Come on.
Hey, look at Jan.
# Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a
Get the new Ipana
# With the brand-new flavour
It's dandy for your teeth
# Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a,
New Ipana toothpaste
# Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a
Knocks out decay germs fast
# Fast, fast, you sure are right
Turn it off.
- Hand me a ciggie butt.
- Yeah, me, too.
- Want one, Sandy?
- I don't smoke.
- You don't?
- Go ahead, try it. It won't kill ya.
Oh, I forgot to say, you shouldn't
inhale unless you're used to it.
Sandy, let me teach you how to
French inhale. It's really cool.
God. That is
the ugliest-Iooking thing I ever saw.
The guys really go for it.
It's how I got my nickname.
Sure it is.
OK, how about a little Sneaky Pete
to get the party goin'?
Italian Swiss Colony?
Wow, it's imported.
I brought Twinkies.
Anybody want one?
Twinkies and wine?
That's real class, Jan.
It says right here
it is a dessert wine.
Hey, Sandy didn't get any wine.
- Oh, that's OK.
- I bet you never had a drink before.
I had champagne
at my cousin's wedding once.
What's wrong? We don't got cooties.
Hey, Sandy. Would you like me
to pierce your ears for ya?
- (jeering)
- Shut up!
Isn't it awfully dangerous?
I know what I'm doing.
I'm going to be a beautician.
- What's the matter? You afraid?
- No, I'm not.
- Here, Frenchy, use my virgin pin.
- It's good for somethin'.
- It's not a good idea.
- It's OK.
My father won't like it. (screams)
Sandy, let's go into the bathroom.
My mother'll kill me
if I get blood on the carpet.
- It only bleeds for a second.
- I don't feel very well.
Don't worry. If she screws up,
she can fix your hair
so your ears don't show.
Sandy, Sandy, beauty is pain.
Could you get some ice
to numb her ears?
Let the cold water run
and stick her ear under the faucet.
I'm getting rather chilly.
- Hey, what's that?
- From Bobby in Korea.
- Are you going with a Korean?
- Dummy, he's a marine.
A marine? Whooo!
Wanna see a picture?
God. You're turning into
a one-woman USO.
Hey, you guys, Sandy's sick.
I just did one ear.
She saw the blood and... bleurgh!
You won't get your hands on my ears.
Yeah? You'll be sorry. I have been
accepted to La Cafury Beauty School.
You're dropping out of Rydell?
I don't see it as dropping out. I see
it as a very strategic career move.
- Why's it torn in half?
- His old girlfriend was in it.
Er, ... Sandy,
here's your toothbrush.
Thanks, Frenchy.
I'm sorry to be so much trouble.
It's OK.
Miss Goody Two-Shoes
makes me wanna barf.
# Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee
# Lousy with virginity
# Won't go to bed
Till I'm legally wed
# I can't, I'm Sandra Dee
Watch it.
# Hey, I'm Doris Day
# I was not brought up that way
# Won't come across
Even Rock Hudson lost
# His heart to Doris Day
- # I don't drink
- No!
- # Or swear
- Oh!
- # I don't rat my hair
- Yeurgh!
# I get ill from one cigarette
# Keep your filthy paws
Off my silky drawers
# Would you pull that crap
with Annette?
# As for you, Troy Donahue
# I know what you wanna do
# You've got your crust
I'm no object of lust
# I'm just plain Sandra Dee
# Elvis! Elvis!
# Let me be
# Keep that pelvis far from me
# Just keep your cool
Now you're starting to drool
# Hey, fongool
# I'm Sandra Dee
Making fun of me, Rizz?
Some people are so touchy.
- # Later on they start to scratch...
- Shut up, you vultures.
I changed my mind. Let's go.
- What do you mean?
- What do I mean?
- They can't come. My folks'll flip.
- Putzie, you call her.
Oh, Sandy.
Wherefore art thou, Sandy?
Shut up! Sit down.
You goody-goodies are too much.
I'm gonna get my kicks while
I'm still young enough to get 'em.
Is she gonna
shinny down the drainpipe?
Hey, look. There's Rizzo.
You're doing that without a net.
Swell bunch, rushing to help a lady.
- Lady? I don't see a lady.
- Shut up. Shut up!
- What's up, Kenick?
- One guess.
- You got a lot to offer a girl.
- Yeah, you know it.
- What say you, Zuke?
- You're lookin' good, Rizz.
- Eat your heart out.
- Sloppy seconds ain't my style.
You going to flog your log?
It's better than hanging around
with you dorks.
Your chariot, my lady.
I don't know what I saw
in Danny Zuko.
Don't sweat it, honey.
Have one of mine.
- There's so many of them.
- I know.
- How do you keep up with them?
- I'm a terrific pen pal.
Hopelessly devoted to every one.
What are you doing?
OK. What do you think this is?
A gangbang?
- You wish.
- (all laugh)
Hit the pavement.
You gotta be kidding.
- I said now.
- Alright.
Remember us in your will.
When a guy picks a chick
over his buddies, something's wrong.
Come on, guys,
let's go for a slice of pizza.
Can I have some of that?
- Thanks.
- Wait.
(door closes)
# Guess mine is not
the first heart broken
# My eyes are not the first
to cry
# I'm not the first to know
# There's just no getting over you
# You know,
I'm just a fool who's willing
# To sit around and wait for you
# But, baby, can't you see?
# There's nothing else for me to do
# I'm hopelessly devoted to you
# But now there's nowhere to hide
# Since you pushed my love aside
# I'm out of my head
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# My head is saying
# Fool, forget him
# My heart is saying
# Don't let go
# Hold on to the end
# And that's what I intend to do
# I'm hopelessly devoted to you
# But now there's nowhere to hide
# Since you pushed my love aside
# I'm out of my head
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
(radio) Is acne ruining your life?
Do you close your eyes when you
look in the mirror? Fear no more.
Face up to Face-Off, for deep
penetration into infected pores.
Help dry up unsightly pimples
and blemishes...
- Rizz. Rizz.
- Could you call me by my first name?
Oh, erm...
Betty. Betty.
- Have you got something?
- Are you kidding?
My 25-cent insurance policy.
Big spender.
- What?
- It broke.
How could it break?
I bought it
when I was in seventh grade.
What the hell?
- What the hell are you doin'?
- It's a no-parking zone, creep.
The whole place is a no-parking zone,
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!
You're gonna pay for that.
I'll give you 75 cents for
the whole car, including your chick.
We just have to bang out the dent.
The problem's not in the dent,
it's this rubber-band engine.
- The problem's your mouth.
- Where you gonna get a carburettor?
- Ever heard of borrowing?
- Kenickie, you got any Scotch tape?
Hey, big stuff.
What do you drive, huh?
- I drive.
- Yeah? How about you?
- Who, me?
- Yeah.
What about Doody?
- Well, I...
- That's what I thought.
C'mon, guys. This car could be
a major piece of machinery. Look.
This car could be systematic.
It could be Greased Lightning.
# You get some overhead lifters
and four-barrel quads, oh, yeah
# Keep talking, whoa, keep talking
# With fuel-injection cut-off
and chrome-plated rods, oh, yeah
# We'll get her ready
We'll get her ready
# With a four-speed on the floor
They'll be waiting at the door
# You know that ain't no shit
We'll be getting lots of tit
- # In Greased Lightning
- # Go, go, go
# Go-go-go-go
# Go, Greased Lightning,
you're burning up the quarter mile
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning, you're
coasting through the heat lap trials
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# You are supreme
The chicks'll cream
# For Greased Lightning
# Go, go, go, go-go-go-go
# With purple French taillights
and 30-inch fins, oh, yeah
# A palomino dashboard
and dual-muffler twins, oh, yeah
# With new pistons, plugs and shocks
I can get off my rocks
# You know that I ain't braggin'
She's a real pussy wagon
# Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning,
you're burning up the quarter mile
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning, you're
coasting through the heat lap trials
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# You are supreme
The chicks'll cream
- # For Greased Lightning
- # Go, go, go, go-go-go-go-go
# Go, Greased Lightning,
you're burning up the quarter mile
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning, you're
coasting through the heat lap trials
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# You are supreme
The chicks'll cream
# For Greased Lightning
Come on, guys. Let's get to work.
Those Scorpions,
they're asking for it.
Danny, what's up?
You still thinking about that chick?
- You nuts?
- No, I was just thinking.
- Don't think so much.
- That's cool.
Hey, guys.
- Kenickie, Zuko.
- How's it hangin'?
OK, the meeting is in session.
Know what I heard? Last year the fuzz
had Thunder Road staked out.
- Everyone got hauled to the clink.
- No one'll catch Greased Lightning.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Somebody snaking you, Danny?
- Bite the weenie, Rizz.
With relish.
- I don't know about these chicks.
- They're only good for one thing.
What do you do with 'em
the other 23 hours 45 minutes a day?
Does it only take 1 5 minutes?
Want some new music?
- Yeah.
- I'll need some money.
(wolf whistles)
I'll be right back.
Hi, Danny!
- I can't talk.
- What are you doing later?
- I can't talk, alright?
- Call me.
- Hi, Sandy.
- Oh, hi.
- How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
That's good.
Sandy, I've been wanting
to talk to you for a long time.
- What about?
- About the night at the bonfire.
The way I acted, that was terrible.
It wasn't me, you gotta know that.
It was me, of course,
but it wasn't me.
You see, Sandy,
I got this image, right? And...
That's why I'm so glad
that Tom's such a simple person.
Simple's right.
Too bad his brains are in his biceps.
Jealous, are you?
Jealous? Oh, come on, Sandy,
don't make me laugh.
What have you ever done?
Come on! I can run circles
around those jerks.
I'll believe that when I see it.
Let's start with the first rule. Cut
it down to two packs a day. There.
What sort of athletics
are you interested in?
You like the rings?
Yeah, I installed a set
just a couple of weeks ago.
The first thing we have to do
is you have to change.
That's why I'm here, to change.
- No, I mean your clothes.
- Oh.
Alright. Let's knock it off.
Fellas, I wanna introduce a new man.
Danny. Let's give him a tryout.
- Better watch it.
- Come on. A little fire, here we go.
You have to dribble.
- Here you go, Coach.
- Thanks, son.
Dribble the ball,
put it in the basket.
- Think you can do that?
- Can I do that!
- OK.
- Danny, over here. Danny!
Let's go.
That's it. Go, go, go.
Get him, Danny.
- (whistle)
- What'd I do?
- Is he kidding?
- Boy, oh, boy.
I want you to meet
your wrestling partner. Danny, Andy.
Are you crazy?
Come on, come on.
Let's start. Get in first position.
Danny, you get down.
OK, Andy, get down. Ready?
Hold it, hold it.
Danny, you gotta try. Come on.
Alright, Andy, let's change
positions. You get down. Come on.
Alright. Ready?
- Give?
- Yeah, give.
He's a hitter.
You'll like baseball. It's not
that much of a contact sport.
Get in there and let's see
what you can do.
Throw the ball. Let's play.
Let's pitch this guy out.
- He can't hit.
- This boy can't even bat.
- Strike.
- I told you. He doesn't even swing.
What kind of ball player are you?
Put it in here.
Come on. A little fire in there.
Let's see you hit it.
Foul ball.
- Easy, easy.
- Now! Come on.
Put the bat down. Put the bat down.
There's a lot of other sports
that don't have any contact.
- Yeah, like what?
- Like track.
- What do you mean, running?
- Just like running?
I mean something
that needs endurance.
Something that needs stamina.
Like, long-distance running.
Cross-country running.
- That could be cool.
- Good.
Danny, are you alright?
Danny, talk to me.
The least you can do is talk to me
after the way you treated me.
The way I... ?
Sandy, I told you I was sorry.
Got you talking.
- You sure you're OK?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- So, still dating that jockstrap?
- Well...
- Is he taking you to the dance?
- Well, that all depends.
- On what?
- On you.
- On me?
- Yeah.
He can stag it.
Come on.
(music plays in background)
- Sandy, let's go someplace else.
- Why?
We can't be alone here, that's why.
You nearly pulled my arm out.
I didn't want to miss this table.
It's the best one.
- What are you doing?
- I just want privacy.
- What'll it be, kids?
- Cherry soda, please.
- Danny?
- I'm not very hungry.
Give me a double polar burger with
everything and a soda with ice cream.
Sounds good. I'll have the same.
The same? You can eat a lot.
- You're funny.
- No, you are.
- How ya doing, Zuke? Nice!
- Hiya, Rizzo. How are you?
Peachy keen, jelly bean.
You got any quarters?
We could split an Eskimo Pie.
- My Dutch treat days are over.
- You plan on staying home a lot.
Greetings, pals and gals.
Anybody got 23 cents?
Wanna chip in for a Dog-Sled Delight?
I don't know where my money goes.
A dime here, 1 5 cents there.
In a couple of months
Frenchy can take us all out.
A working girl with income.
Y'know, they don't pay
that much to start with.
It's more than we make. Ante up,
I don't get my allowance till Friday.
- You get an allowance?
- When I'm a good boy.
Viola, a Dog-Sled Delight
with four spoons.
- And an Eskimo Pie with a knife.
- Hi, gang.
Here you are. Grab it and growl.
I got so many hickeys
I look like a leper.
Cheer up. A hickey from Kenickie
is like a Hallmark card.
You care enough
to send the very best.
- You pig.
- I love it when you talk dirty.
My parents want to invite you
to tea on Sunday. Will you come?
- I don't like tea.
- You don't have to drink tea.
Well, I don't like parents.
- Want some?
- Erm, uh-uh.
You sure are a cheap date.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- I understand.
- I always found you understanding.
- I am.
I also think
there's more to you than just fat.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Got a date for the dance-off?
- No.
- Wanna go?
- Yeah.
I'll be a senior forever if
I don't study for that algebra test.
You're in luck.
You got an armed escort home.
It's not the arms I'm worried about,
Sonny. It's the hands.
She loves me.
- You coming, French?
- I don't think so.
- I think I'll hang out a bit longer.
- Alright.
I have been dieting all day long. My
mom's apple pie's better than this.
- Do you want a piece?
- Yeah, sure.
- Putzie.
- Yeah?
I'm worried about this dance-off. Do
they dance differently to back home?
Don't worry.
Maybe we'll invent the Kangaroo Bop.
Let's get out of here, Sandy.
See you later.
- Bye, Frenchy.
- See ya, Sandy.
Great. I'm stuck with the check.
Give me money.
OK, what's with you tonight?
You got the personality of a wet mop.
- Don't start with me.
- Fine. How about I finish with ya?
Finish this!
To you from me, Pinky Lee.
Sorry, French.
(distant) Hey, Rizzo.
I want to talk to you!
No use crying over spilt milk shake.
Oh, I'll be OK.
You know it's near closing time?
Do you mind if I stay a bit longer?
No, suit yourself.
- Wow.
- What?
I hate to tell you, but your
hair looks like an Easter egg.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I had a little trouble
in tinting class.
In fact, I had a little trouble
in all my classes.
Beauty school sure wasn't
what I thought it'd be.
Nothing ever is.
Vi? Erm, ... I dropped out.
What do you think of waitressing?
You're too young to know.
Maybe I could be
a telephone operator.
No, I don't think I'd like to wear
those little things over my ears.
God, if only I could have a guardian
angel to tell me what to do.
Like Debbie Reynolds had in Tammy.
What do you think?
If you find him,
give him my phone number.
# Your story's sad to tell
# A teenage ne'er-do-well
# Most mixed-up non-delinquent
on the block
# Your future's so unclear now
# What's left of your career now?
# Can't even get a trade-in
on your smock
# Beauty school dropout
# No graduation day for you
# Beauty school dropout
# Missed your midterms
and flunked shampoo
# Well, at least
you could have taken time
# To wash and clean your clothes up
# After spending all that dough
# To have the doctor fix your nose up
# Baby, get movin'
# Why keep your feeble hopes alive?
- # What are you provin'?
- # What are you provin'?
# You've got the dream
but not the drive
# If you go for your diploma
# You could join a steno-pool
# Turn in your teasing-comb
# And go back to high school
# Beauty school dropout
# Hangin' around the corner store
# Beauty school dropout
# It's about time you knew the score
# Well, they couldn't
teach you anything
# You think you're such a looker
# But no customer would go to you
# Unless she was a hooker
- # Baby, don't sweat it
- # Don't sweat it
# You're not cut out to hold a job
- # Better forget it
- # Forget it
# Who wants their hair done
by a slob?
# Now your bangs are curled,
your lashes twirled
# But still the world is cruel
# Wipe off that angel face
# And go back to high school
# Baby, don't blow it
# Don't put my good advice to shame
# Baby, you know it
# Even Dear Abby would say the same
# Now, I've called the shot,
get off the pot
# I've really got to fly
# Gotta be going to that malt shop
# In the sky
# Beauty school dropout
# Go back to high school
# Beauty school dropout
# Go back to high school
# Beauty school dropout
# Go back to high school
- Lower your head, Kenickie.
- What are you doing?
- Give him a break.
- Oh, I will!
No, we'll work on the brakes later.
Move over, slick.
Fruitcake, you got it on backwards.
- What car did you swipe it from?
- Your mother's.
Can you believe it?
Nationwide television!
- How you doing?
- Still gonna go to the dance?
Man, I'm gonna have
the hottest date there.
Biggest thing to happen to Rydell
and we don't have dates.
- Maybe Rudi from the Capri Lounge?
- Get serious.
- It's a suggestion.
- I already called him.
Relax. I think our luck is changing.
Do you know what you're doing?
What we're doing. Come on.
Hey, Marty. Lookin' good.
Would you just excuse me one second?
Feelin' good, too, huh?
Sonny. There he is. Vince Fontaine.
I seen better heads on a mug of beer.
- Grow up. He's the living end.
- Yeah, if you like older guys.
Danny, this is so exciting.
You gotta make friends
with the cameraman.
- You know him?
- His name's Ted.
Doody, how do I look?
Like a beautiful blonde pineapple.
You're late, fellas. Where you been?
- The gym never looked so good.
- You bring the provisions?
Alright, kids. I want a big circle.
Come on, boys and girls,
we are going on the air very shortly.
But first, some warm-up numbers
with Johnny Casino and the Gamblers.
# Oh, baby, rock'n'roll
is here to stay, it will never die
# It was meant to be that way,
though I don't know why
# I don't care what people say
Rock'n'roll is here to stay
# We don't care what people say
Rock'n'roll is here to stay
# Everybody rock, everybody rock
# Everybody rock, everybody rock
# Come on
# Everybody rock
# If you don't like rock'n'roll,
think what you'd be missin'
# If you like to bop and stroll,
come on down and listen
# Let's all start to have a ball
# Everybody rock'n'roll
- What are their names?
- Fred and Ginger.
Fred and Ginger.
- I hope I don't get camera fright.
- Don't worry, we'll be cool.
- Yeah?
- Don't worry?
Good. Come on, let's go.
# What's that playing on the radio?
# Why do I start swaying to and fro?
# I have never heard
that song before
# But if I don't hear it any more...
Why not let me lead for a change?
I can't help it. I'm used to leadin'.
Doody, can't you
turn me around or something?
Don't talk, Frenchy.
I'm trying to count.
# A melody
# That's never the same
# A melody
that's calling your name...
Have you thought
of singing professionally?
# (off key) Come back to me-e-e
- # Please...
- Hey, Zuko! Zuke!
I want you
to meet Cha Cha di Gregorio.
- How you doing, baby?
- Fine.
Who is she?
They call me Cha Cha, cos I'm
the best dancer at St Bernadette's.
With the worst reputation.
Let's go, Sandy.
- Who's that girl?
- Just a girl I know, that's all.
I'm Vince Fontaine.
Do your folks know
I come into your room every night?
Over KZAZ, that is.
I'm judging the dance contest.
I don't think I'm entered.
A knockout like you?
What's your name?
- Marty.
- Marty what?
Maraschino. You know, like in cherry.
- What are you doing?
- Washing my hands.
# You don't remember me
# But I remember you
# It was not so long ago
# You broke my heart in two
# Tears on my pillow
# Pain in my heart
# Caused by you,
you, you, you, you...
How do you know her?
Erm, she's an old friend
of the family, that's all.
# Love is not a toy
# When you find the one you love...
- Aren't you glad to be back?
- Oh, yeah.
Besides, blondes do have more fun.
# If we could start anew
# I wouldn't hesitate...
When I hear music,
I can't make my feet behave.
- Thinks she's Tinker Bell.
- Hush, Sonny.
# Pain in my heart
# Caused by you
# You-ou-ou-ou
The Rydell fight song!
When you are finished...
You will be happy to know that
I am not judging the dance contest.
I think we all owe
a round of applause
to Patty Simcox and Eugene Felznik
and committee
for their beautiful decorations.
Let's hear it for the toilet paper.
In a few moments, the entire nation
will be watching Rydell High,
God help us, and I want you all
to be on your best behaviour.
No heinie-biting.
And now, here he is,
the Prince of the Platters,
Mr Vince Fontaine.
Mr Vince Fontaine?
(drum rolls)
Hey, it's great being here
at Rydell High.
What's your name, sweetheart?
And now, for the rules.
Game rule one.
All couples must be boy-girl.
Too bad, Eugene.
Alright, alright. Come on.
Game rule two.
During the dance contest,
if you're tapped on the shoulder,
leave the floor, or else. I mean it.
And rule three,
anyone doing tasteless
or vulgar movements
will be disqualified.
That leaves us out.
Keep it clean, please. Keep it clean.
Thank you, fans and friends.
Now a few words to the wise.
You are my best pals.
To look your best for the contest,
just have a ball, that's all.
Forget the camera, keep on the beat,
give the folks at home a treat.
Keep dancin', that's showbiz.
If I tap you, step aside.
Let the others ride.
Ten seconds. Nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one. On the air.
Welcome to National Bandstand,
live from Rydell High School.
This is what you're waiting for,
the dance-off.
Away we go with
Johnny Casino and the Gamblers.
# You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
# Cryin' all the time
# You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
# Cryin' all the time
# You ain't never caught a rabbit
and you ain't no friend of mine
Look. There's the camera!
That's Putzie and Jan.
# Said you was high class,
that was just a lie
# Call yourself high class,
that was just a lie
# Well, you ain't never
caught a rabbit...
Oh, there's Danny and Sandy.
# You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
# Cryin' all the time
# Cryin' all the time
# You ain't never caught a rabbit
and you ain't no friend of mine
(song ends)
Now the event you've all been
waiting for, the national dance-off.
Some guy and gal will get
some fantabulous prizes.
Don't feel bad if I tap you out.
It don't matter if you win or lose,
it's what you do
with your dancin' shoes.
Does everybody here know Marty?
OK, cats, throw your mittens
round your kittens. Away we go!
That wasn't supposed to happen!
Let's go, let's hand-jive!
# Before I was born late one night
# My papa said everything's alright
# The doctor made my ma lay down...
Guy with the girl in red,
throw 'em out.
# Cos the bebop stork
was about to arrive
# Mama gave birth to the hand-jive
# I could barely walk
when I milked a cow
# When I was three I pushed a plough
# While choppin' wood
I'd move my legs
# And I started dancin'
while I gathered eggs
# Townsfolk clapped, I was only five
# I'd outdance 'em all,
I was born to hand-jive
Yes, split 'em, buddy.
Go, go, go, go.
Shake it. Shake it.
Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
# Born to hand-jive, baby
# Born to hand-jive, baby
Here we go.
Hey, break it up! What is that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
C'mon now, shake it!
Twist it!
Alright, get it!
# How low can you go?
# How low can you go?
# How low can you go?
There you go!
C'mon now, hand-jive!
That's the stuff!
Do it, baby!
Do it!
That's the hand-jive grand-jive!
Yeah, let's bring it up now!
Bring it on up!
Higher and higher!
# Now can you hand-jive, baby?
# Oh, can you hand-jive, baby?
# Oh, yeah
# Born to hand-jive, oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Here they are, the new champs.
Come on up here.
- Can I have your names, please?
- Cha Cha di Gregorio and Danny Zuko.
- We'll do it now.
- Where's Marty?
- Don't worry, she's in good hands.
- Whose?
Now let's see our champs
in a spotlight dance.
- # Blue moon
- # Blue, blue, blue, blue moon
# You saw me standing alone
# Without a dream in my heart
# Without a love of my own...
Ready? One, one, two, three, go.
# Blue moon...
Who's that on the right?
We have pictures
of you so-called mooners.
Just because it's not your faces
doesn't mean we can't identify you.
At this very moment, those pictures
are on the way to Washington,
where the FBI has experts
in this type of identification.
If you turn yourselves in now,
you may escape a federal charge.
C'mon, Doody. Watch your hands.
Move it out.
I feel like a meatball in here.
Let's go find the chicks.
Marty. Marty.
Hold my money. Don't let me
go near the refreshment stand.
- I'm not hungry.
- Hey. What's happening?
There's nobody here.
Come on, Sandy.
I told you on the phone I was sorry.
- I know you did.
- You believe me, don't you?
Yes, but I still think
you and Cha Cha went together.
We did not go together.
We just went together.
- It's the same thing.
- No. No.
- (screams)
- Ohh!
Sandy, I'm sorry.
Would you wear my ring?
Danny. I don't know what to say.
- Say, yes.
- Yes.
Danny, this means so much to me.
Cos I know now that you respect me.
Hey, Rizz?
Watch it.
- What's with you tonight?
- I feel like a defective typewriter.
- I skipped a period.
- You think you're PG?
I don't know. Big deal.
- Was it Kenickie?
- Nah, you don't know the guy.
Rizz, look, it's OK.
I caught Vince Fontaine putting
aspirin in my Coke at the dance.
- Marty, you won't tell no one?
- Sure, I'll take it to the grave.
Coming through, coming through.
Come on, lady with a baby.
Hey, Marty, what's up?
Rizzo's pregnant.
Rizzo's got a bun in the oven.
Rizzo's knocked up.
Rizzo, I hear you're knocked up.
You do?
Boy, good news really travels fast.
Why didn't ya tell me about it?
What's it to ya?
- I might be able to do something.
- You did enough.
I don't run away from my mistakes.
Don't worry about it, Kenickie.
It was somebody else's mistake.
Thanks a lot, kid.
Any time.
- (sneezes)
- Are you getting a cold?
No. It's probably
a little drive-in dust, that's all.
- Danny!
- Sandy! Oh, Sandy...
Danny, what are you doing?
Don't worry, nobody's watchin'.
- Get off me.
- Sandy, what's the matter with you?
I thought I meant something to you.
Think I'm gonna stay with you in this
sin-wagon? Take this piece of tin!
Sandy, you can't walk out
of a drive-in!
# Stranded at the drive-in
# Branded a fool
# What will they say
# Monday at school?
# Sandy
# Can't you see
# I'm in misery?
# We made a start
# Now we're apart
# There's nothing left for me
# Love has flown
# All alone
# I sit and wonder why-aye-aye
# Why you left me
# Oh, Sandy
# Oh, Sandy
# Maybe
# Someday
# When high school is done
# Somehow, some way
# Our two worlds will be one
# In heaven
# Forever
# And ever we will be
# Please, say you'll stay
# Oh, Sandy
Sandy, my darling,
you hurt me real bad.
You know it's true.
But, baby, you gotta believe me
when I say...
...I'm helpless without you.
# Love has flown
# All alone
# I sit, I wonder why-aye-aye
# Why you left me
# Oh, Sandy
# Sandy
# Sandy
# Why-aye-aye-aye?
Oh, Sandy!
Head it out. Come on, guys.
Well, the crate shaped up.
- It's as hot as the parts on it.
- We didn't steal all of it.
- Some of it was donated.
- Just wait till Thunder Road.
Right. You could still
change your mind.
- The flag is in three hours.
- And Greased Lightning strikes.
- You coming?
- My boys won't let me down,
and I won't let them down.
I wanna talk to you.
Those guys at Thunder Road
don't fool around, you know.
You want me to punk out?
No, I'm not saying punking out,
I'm just...
You know what I mean.
Hey, Danny, erm...
We been friends a long time, right?
You remember the drive-in
the other night?
The movie with the duel,
the guy's best friend went with him
as his lieutenant, his second?
Yeah. So?
Well, I thought that... you could
maybe be my second at Thunder Road.
What, you want me
to drive with you or what?
Listen, I'll pick you up at three,
Open up the door.
What are you sitting around for?
Take the can off
the front of the car, you putz.
Hello, Rizz.
Are you going to Thunder Road?
Not a chance.
I have to go.
I have to talk to Danny.
Without wheels and a motor,
he won't know you're alive.
We haven't been friends,
but if there's anything I can do...
I can take care of myself.
And anybody else who comes along.
You think I don't know
what people are saying about me?
That's the one
I was telling you about.
# There are worse things I could do
# Than go with a boy or two
# Even though the neighbourhood
# Thinks I'm trashy and no good
# I suppose it could be true
# But there are worse things
I could do
# I could flirt with all the guys
# Smile at them and bat my eyes
# Press against them when we dance
# Make them think they stand a chance
# Then refuse to see it through
# That's a thing I'd never do
# I could stay home every night
# Wait around for Mr Right
# Take cold showers every day
# And throw my life away
# On a dream that won't come true
# I could hurt someone like me
# Out of spite or jealousy
# I don't steal and I don't lie
# But I can feel and I can cry
# A fact I'll bet you never knew
# But to cry in front of you
# That's the worst thing
# I could do
- You guys think you got a winner?
- That's right.
Takes more than a coat of paint
on Thunder Road.
- Oh, yeah?
- Not thinking of changing your mind?
- No way.
- Good. Cos we're racing for pinks.
Pinks, punk.
Pink slips. Ownership papers.
Stop. Don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
Hey, get the dude, man.
- What did she give him?
- A lock of hair. From her chest.
Poor Kenickie.
See a penny, pick it up,
all day long you'll have good luck.
Gimme that.
If it were in any better condition,
it would fly.
- She's gonna.
- I brought you this for good luck.
Gee, thanks.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll get it.
You putz!
Put this under his head.
- Zuko, he's out cold.
- What are we gonna do?
Kenickie. Talk to me, buddy.
You OK?
Yeah. I'm OK.
I'm fine. (groans)
- You can't drive.
- No, really, I'm alright.
I'm just seeing two of you, man.
- Hey, you want me to drive for you?
- Huh?
Yeah. Yeah.
Alright. Help him up.
Marty, give me a hand.
(car engines start)
The rules are, there ain't no rules.
To the second bridge and back.
First one back wins.
Haul ass, kid.
You ain't gonna see me
for dust, Zuko.
Come on, baby.
# For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
# For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
# Look at me
# There has to be
# Something more
# Than what they see
# Wholesome and pure
# Oh, so scared and unsure
# A poor man's Sandra Dee
Danny won.
- Isn't that great?
- Yeah.
What's the matter? Aren't you happy?
Not really. But I think I know a way
I could be. Could you help me?
- Of course.
- Can I come to your place?
Sure. Come on.
# Sandy, you must start anew
# Don't you know what you must do?
# Hold your head high
- # Take a deep breath and sigh...
- Come on, Sandy.
# Goodbye
# To Sandra Dee
Attention, seniors.
Before the merriment
of commencement commences,
I hope your years with us here
at Rydell High
have prepared you
for the challenges you face.
Who knows, among you, there may be
a future Eleanor Roosevelt,
or a Rosemary Clooney.
And among you young men,
there may be
a Joe DiMaggio,
a President Eisenhower
or even a Vice President Nixon.
But always you will have
the glorious memories of Rydell High.
Rydell forever. Bon voyage.
Oh, Blanche, stop blubbering.
- How many?
- One.
(bell rings)
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
How did I flunk phys ed?
Did I take phys ed?
Step right up here!
It's for a wonderful cause.
The Teachers' Retirement Fund.
Give 'em a pie in the puss.
Coach, how could you flunk
the T-Birds?
Don't worry. You'll get diplomas.
Just come back to summer school.
- Summer school?
- Look out!
If you'd come to class,
you wouldn't have missed me.
Wise guy, huh? Take that, Coach!
Why, you couldn't pitch one inning.
- What's your name? I want you.
- Eugene.
- You're a great pitcher.
- Thank you.
Rizzo! Rizzo!
Get off of that. You got a condition.
Forget it. It was a false alarm.
I'm not pregnant.
I'Il, erm,
make an honest woman of you.
Listen, fella, if this is a line,
I ain't biting.
That's a bona fide offer.
Well, it ain't moonlight and roses,
- Hey, there's Zuko.
- You gotta be kidding, man!
- What is this? Halloween?
- Where did you swipe the sweater?
While you tools were out stealing
hubcaps, I lettered in track.
I can't believe it.
Danny Zuko turned jock?
- That's right, I did.
- What you doing? Deserting us?
You guys can't follow a leader
all your lives.
Come on, you know you mean
a lot to me, but Sandy does, too.
I'm gonna do anything I can
to get her.
(wolf whistles)
Tell me about it, stud.
# I got chills
# They're multiplyin'
# And I'm losing control
# Cos the power
# You're supplyin'
# It's electrifyin'
# You better shape up
# Cos I need a man
# And my heart is set on you
# You better shape up
# You better understand
# To my heart I must be true
# Nothin' left,
nothin' left for me to do
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
# If you're filled with affection
# You're too shy to convey
# Meditate in my direction
- # Feel your way
- Wow!
# I better shape up
- # Cos you need a man
- # I need a man
# Who can keep me satisfied
# I better shape up
- # If I'm gonna prove
- # You better prove
# That my faith is justified
- # Are you sure?
- # Yes, I'm sure down deep inside
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
(bell rings)
Hey, everybody.
Rizzo and Kenickie made up.
Look! The gang's together.
What will we do after graduation?
Maybe we'll never see each other.
- That won't happen.
- How do you know?
What do you mean?
(bell rings)
- A wop ba ba lu mop
- And wop bam boom
# We go together like rama lama lama
ka dinga da ding-dong
# Remembered forever as
# Shoobop shawadda wadda
yippity boom de boom
# Chang chang
changity chang shoo bop
# That's the way it should be
# Whaa-ooh, yeah
# We're one of a kind
# Like dip a dip da dip
doo wop a doobee doo
# Our names are signed
# Boogedy boogedy
shooby doo wop she bop
# Chang chang
changity chang shoo bop
# We'll always be like one
# Whaa-whaa, whaa-whaaaa
# When we go out at night
# And stars are shining bright
# Up in the skies above
# Or at the high-school dance
# Where you can find romance
# Maybe it might be love
# Rama lama lama
ka dinga da ding-dong...
- # A wop ba ba lu mop
- # And wop bam boom
# Made for each other
# Like a wop ba ba lu bop
And wop bam boom
# Just like my brother is
Sha na na na yippity dip de doom
# Chang chang
changity chang shoo bop
# We'll always be together
# Whaa-ooh, yeah
# We'll always be together
(engine roars)
# I solve my problems
and I see the light
# We got a lovin' thing
# We got to feed it right
# There ain't no danger
we can go too far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# They think our love
is just a growin' pain
# Why don't they understand?
# It's just a cryin' shame
# Their lips are lying
# Only real is real
# We stop the fight right now
# We got to be what we feel
# Grease is the word
# Is the word
# Is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# We take the pressure
and we throw away
# Conventionality
# Belongs to yesterday
# There is a chance
that we can make it so far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# Is the word
# Is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time
# Is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# This is a life of illusion
# Wrapped up in troubles
# Laced in confusion
# What are we doing here?
# Grease is the word
# Is the word, is the word...
# Is a many splendoured thing
I'm going back to Australia,
I won't see you again.
Don't talk that way, Sandy.
But it's true.
I've had the best summer of my life.
Now I have to go away. It isn't fair.
- Danny, don't spoil it.
- Sandy, it's only making it better.
Danny, is this the end?
Of course not.
It's only the beginning.
This is the main brain,
Vince Fontaine,
beginning your day the only way.
Music, music.
Get out of bed, first day of school.
Don't be a slob, don't get a job,
go back to class, you can pass.
To start the day off nice and fine,
here's a new old favourite of mine.
# I solve my problems
and I see the light
# We got a lovin' thing
# We got to feed it right
# There ain't no danger
we can go too far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# They think our love
is just a growin' pain
# Why don't they understand?
# It's just a cryin' shame
# Their lips are lying,
only real is real
# We stop the fight right now
# We got to be what we feel
# Grease is the word
# Is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# We take the pressure
and we throw away
# Conventionality
# Belongs to yesterday
# There is a chance
that we can make it so far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# Is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Now grease is the way
we are feelin'
# This is a life of illusion
# Wrapped up in troubles
# Laced in confusion
# What are we doing here?
# We take the pressure
and we throw away
# Conventionality
# Belongs to yesterday
# There is a chance
that we can make it so far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# Is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# Grease is the word,
is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# Grease is the word,
is the word, is the word
- You don't eat this, you bury it.
- That's a home-made lunch.
Your old lady drag her carcass
out of bed for you?
- She does it first day of school.
- Big deal.
- Kenickie. Over here.
- Where you at?
We're right here.
- Where were you all summer?
- Are you my mother?
- Just askin'.
- Working. More than you can say.
- Working?
- Yes, lugging boxes at Bargain City.
- Nice job.
- Eat me.
I'm saving up to get me some wheels.
- Wanna hear what I did?
- No.
Hey, there's Danny.
Danny! Danny!
You seen any new broads there?
Nah, same old chicks,
everybody's made them.
So what'd you do all summer?
I was hanging around at the beach.
You know.
It's tough with all those chicks
hanging around you.
The only thing
that hangs around you are the flies.
How was the action
at the beach, man?
Whew. It was flipping.
Yeah? Crazy?
I did meet this one chick.
She was sorta cool.
You mean she puts out?
Come on, Sonny,
is that all you think about?
- Freakin' A.
- (bell)
Hey, guys, wait up.
- Do I look OK, Frenchy?
- Sure, you look good.
- I'm really nervous.
- You look terrific.
- So, this is Rydell?
- Yep. You'll love it.
I loved the last school I was at.
I wish I was there right now.
Still, I'm no stranger to heartbreak.
Why? You got psoriasis?
(car backfires)
Well, here we are again.
- But this time we're seniors.
- We're gonna rule the school.
(all laugh)
Jan, that is so adolescent.
- We are adolescent.
- We don't have to flaunt it.
OK, girls.
Let's go get 'em.
Blanche, do you have
the new schedules?
Yes, Miss McGee,
I just had my hands on them.
Oh, good, they'll be
nice and smudged.
Here we are. If it had been a snake,
it would've bitten me.
These are the schedules
we couldn't find last semester.
Next year,
you might find this semester's.
- I've got Kenickie again.
- He's been here longer than I have.
First day of school and already
my castor oil is missing.
How many days
till Christmas vacation?
- 86?
- And counting.
- Can I help you?
- Yes, it's my first day.
- I'm not sure where I should be.
- Welcome to Rydell.
You'll have to fill out
these forms, but...
Excuse me a minute.
I'll be right back.
- Do you have a pencil, please?
- Yes, dear. There you are.
Jeez. Every teacher I got this year
has flunked me at least once.
You'll spend your time
in McGee's office.
- She'll wish she'd never seen me.
- Yeah? And what are you gonna do?
I just ain't gonna take her crap.
I don't take no crap from nobody.
- Sonny?
- Oh, hello, ma'am.
- Shouldn't you be in home room?
- I was going for a walk.
- You were dawdling.
- Yes, ma'am.
That is no way to start
a new semester, Mr LaTierri.
(mutters in Italian)
Perhaps a session of banging erasers
after school would put you on track.
Yes, ma'am.
- Do you plan to stand there all day?
- No, ma'am. I mean, yes.
- Well, which is it?
- No, ma'am.
- Good. Then move.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm glad you didn't take
any of her crap, Sonny.
You would have told her off, huh?
Mr LaTierri.
Yes, ma'am, no, ma'am...
Hey, Eugene.
How you doin'?
- Shake, buddy.
- (buzzing)
What's wrong?
You're wearing glasses.
- I got an astigmatism.
- Too bad.
(students) # As I go travelling down
life's highway
# Whatever course my fortunes
may foretell...
Good morning, boys and girls.
Welcome to what we're sure will be
our greatest year at Rydell.
Saturday night will be
our first pep rally and bonfire.
I want to see all of you students
out there,
with plenty of support for Coach
Calhoun and the Rydell Rangers.
If you can't be an athlete,
be an athletic supporter.
And now for the really good news.
One of the most exciting things
to ever happen at Rydell High.
National Bandstand television show
has selected Rydell as
a representative American high school
and will do a live broadcast
from our very own gym.
It is our chance
to show the entire nation
what fine, bright, clean-cut,
wholesome students
we have here at Rydell.
# Ba, ba, bamba
# Ba, ba, bamba
# La, la, la, la, la bamba
Did you guys get a look
at Zuko this mornin'?
Lookin' pretty good this year,
huh, Rizz?
- That's ancient history.
- History sometimes repeats itself.
- Hey, you guys.
- Hi, Frenchy.
Go sit down.
This here is Sandy Olsen.
And that's Jan and Marty,
and this is Rizzo.
She just moved here
from Sydney, Australia.
- How are things down under?
- Oh, fine, thanks.
Marty, are those new glasses?
Yeah, just for school.
Do they make me look smarter?
Nah, you can still see your face.
- How d'you like school, Sandy?
- It's different.
- Hi, kids.
- (all groan)
Patty Simcox,
the bad seed of Rydell. Hi.
- I love the first day of school.
- The biggest thrill of my life.
- You won't guess what's happened.
- Probably not.
The nominees for Student Council
are out.
- Guess who's up for Vice President?
- Who?
Me. Isn't that the most?
- To say the least.
- The very least.
I hope I don't make a poor showing.
We wish you the best of luck,
don't we, girls?
I've got my fingers crossed.
Oh, you must think I'm a clod
for not introducing myself.
Hi, I'm Patty Simcox.
Welcome to Rydell. (squeals)
Will you be at cheerleader tryouts?
We'll be lifelong friends.
You guys, how do you like Sandy?
Do you think we can
let her in the Pink Ladies?
- She looks too pure to be pink.
- Ohh, double do-do!
What's up, doc?
One of my diamonds
just fell in the macaroni.
Kenickie, want a piece of salami?
Are you kidding?
If I eat that, I'll smell like you.
What a stink!
Hey, guys, look.
Ladies and gentlemen,
dingleberries on parade.
Look! You really put
your foot into it this time.
Try hopscotch, you hot dog.
What a gavone! Gumdrops, man.
Any of you guys see
that new chick in registration?
Sure beats
the foam domes round here.
Jugs bigger than Annette's?
Nobody's jugs
are bigger than Annette's.
Hey, guys. Hey!
Hi, girls.
You're a sick man, Putz.
Hey, I wanna hear about
what Danny did at the beach.
- It was nothing.
- Sure, nothing, Zuko. Right?
- You got in her drawers, right?
- Come on, tell us.
What did you do this summer?
I spent most of it at the beach.
I met a boy there.
You hauled your cookies
to the beach for a guy?
- He was sorta special.
- There ain't no such thing.
It was really romantic.
Everything about it.
You don't want to hear
the horny details.
Alright, I'll tell you.
# Summer lovin', had me a blast
# Summer lovin', happened so fast
# I met a girl, crazy for me
# Met a boy, cute as can be
# Summer days, drifting away
# To uh, oh, those summer nights
# Wella, wella, wella, huh
# Tell me more, tell me more
Did you get very far?
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Like does he have a car?
- # Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
- # Do-do, do-do, do-do-do-do
# She swam by me, she got a cramp
# He ran by me, got my suit damp
# I saved her life,
she nearly drowned
# He showed off, splashing around
# Summer sun, something's begun
# But uh, oh, those summer nights
# Wella, wella, wella, huh
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Was it love at first sight?
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Did she put up a fight?
# Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
# Doobie-doo, doobie-doo, doobie-dum
# Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
# Doobie-doo, doobie-doo, doobie-dum
# Took her bowling in the arcade
# We went strolling, drank lemonade
# We made out, under the dock
# We stayed out till ten o'clock
# Summer fling, don't mean a thing
# But uh, oh, those summer nights
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # But you don't gotta brag
# Tell me more, tell me more
# Cos he sounds like a drag
# Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop
Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop
# Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop
Shuda-bop-bop, yeah!
# He got friendly, holding my hand
# She got friendly, down in sand
# He was sweet, just turned 1 8
# Well, she was good,
you know what I mean
# Summer heat, boy and girl meet
# But uh, oh, those summer nights
# Whoa, whoa, whoa
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # How much dough did he spend?
- # Tell me more, tell me more
- # Could she get me a friend?
# It turned colder,
that's where it ends
# So I told her we'd still be friends
# Then we made our true love vow
# Wonder what she's doing now
# Summer dreams
# Ripped at the seams
# But
# Oh
# Those summer
# Nights
# Tell me more, tell me more
He sounds real nice.
True love and he didn't lay
a hand on you? Sounds like a creep.
He wasn't. He was a gentleman.
What was his name?
Danny. Danny Zuko.
(all giggle)
Well, I think he sounds peachy keen.
Maybe, if you believe in miracles,
Prince Charming will show up again
Somewhere unexpected.
See you later. Come on, girls.
- Do you really think so, Frenchy?
- Sure.
Erm, ... Sandy, I think
we oughta get to class.
(all) Do the splits, give a yell
Show a little spirit for old Rydell
Way to go, red and white
Go Rydell, fight, fight, fight!
And now...
Quiet, please.
Quiet, everyone. Now, boys and girls,
the man of the hour.
The coach we're all depending on
to pull Rydell out of
a seven-season slump,
our very own Coach Calhoun.
- Who's the best?
- (all) Rydell!
Give 'em hell, Rydell!
I just wanna tell you students
that we have a banner year coming up.
Because my boys are primed,
really primed,
because I primed 'em.
Not only primed, they're honed.
Honed to a sharp razor-edge.
We're not just going out there
to win.
We're going out there for glory.
And when we get out there,
we're gonna yank 'em and tear 'em
and rip 'em.
We'll take 'em and roll 'em around
and rip 'em up to pieces!
Then we're gonna slaughter 'em.
And after the slaughter is over,
we're gonna come back here
and ring that victory bell.
Like we always wanted to.
Watch this.
Nyik-nyak, nyik-nyak
Brrr, nyik-nyak
Do a split, give a yell
Shake a tit for old Rydell!
Be cool, huh?
Hey, watch out, pinhead!
Well, what do you think?
What a hunk of junk.
Wait till I give it a paint job,
soup up the engine.
She'll run like a champ.
I'm racing her at Thunder Road.
- Thunder Road?
- Yeah. Wanna make something of it?
I wanna see you
make something of this heap.
You're cruisin' for a bruisin'.
What are Scorpions doing here?
It ain't their turf.
- Think they wanna rumble?
- If they do, we'll be ready.
Alright, gang. Let's go get 'em!
- Hey, chicken.
- Whoo-hoo!
What you doing?
- Thanks, Frenchy.
- That's alright.
- You were great out there.
- I messed up, I was so nervous.
- Your split was divoon.
- Hi, Sandy.
- Hi, Rizz. Hi, girls.
- We got a surprise for you.
- What is it?
- You'll see.
Right, Rizz?
Let me comb your hair down.
Where are we going?
Want a little lipstick?
If you fix up this car,
it could be make-out city.
A chick is gonna have to put out
before she even gets in.
You'd better believe it.
Hey, Zuko. I got a surprise for you.
Oh, yeah?
- Sandy!
- Danny?
What are you doing here?
I thought you were back in Australia.
We had a change of plan.
I can't...
That's cool, baby. You know how it
is. Rockin' and rollin' and whatnot.
- Danny?
- That's my name, don't wear it out.
- What's the matter with you?
- What's the matter with me?
What's the matter with you?
What happened to the Danny Zuko
I met at the beach?
Well, I do not know.
Maybe there's two of us, right?
Why don't you take out
a missing-persons ad or...
...try the Yellow Pages?
I don't know.
You're a fake and a phoney.
I wish I'd never laid eyes on you.
(all) Ooohhh...
I wonder if she carries
silver bullets!
So she laid her eyes on you,
huh, Zuko?
I bet that's not all
she's laid on him.
- Hey, Zuke! I got a car, remember?
- Come on, Danny.
- Who's got beer money?
- I swiped my brother's ID.
He was so nice to me this summer.
Listen, Sandy, men are rats.
Listen to me.
They're fleas on rats.
Worse than that,
they're amoebas on fleas on rats.
I mean, they're too low
for even the dogs to bite.
The only man a girl can depend on
is her daddy.
You know what you need?
A night out with the girls.
We're having a sleep-over
at my house tonight. Wanna come?
Good. You'll love it. Come on.
Hey, look at Jan.
# Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a
Get the new Ipana
# With the brand-new flavour
It's dandy for your teeth
# Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a,
New Ipana toothpaste
# Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a
Knocks out decay germs fast
# Fast, fast, you sure are right
Turn it off.
- Hand me a ciggie butt.
- Yeah, me, too.
- Want one, Sandy?
- I don't smoke.
- You don't?
- Go ahead, try it. It won't kill ya.
Oh, I forgot to say, you shouldn't
inhale unless you're used to it.
Sandy, let me teach you how to
French inhale. It's really cool.
God. That is
the ugliest-Iooking thing I ever saw.
The guys really go for it.
It's how I got my nickname.
Sure it is.
OK, how about a little Sneaky Pete
to get the party goin'?
Italian Swiss Colony?
Wow, it's imported.
I brought Twinkies.
Anybody want one?
Twinkies and wine?
That's real class, Jan.
It says right here
it is a dessert wine.
Hey, Sandy didn't get any wine.
- Oh, that's OK.
- I bet you never had a drink before.
I had champagne
at my cousin's wedding once.
What's wrong? We don't got cooties.
Hey, Sandy. Would you like me
to pierce your ears for ya?
- (jeering)
- Shut up!
Isn't it awfully dangerous?
I know what I'm doing.
I'm going to be a beautician.
- What's the matter? You afraid?
- No, I'm not.
- Here, Frenchy, use my virgin pin.
- It's good for somethin'.
- It's not a good idea.
- It's OK.
My father won't like it. (screams)
Sandy, let's go into the bathroom.
My mother'll kill me
if I get blood on the carpet.
- It only bleeds for a second.
- I don't feel very well.
Don't worry. If she screws up,
she can fix your hair
so your ears don't show.
Sandy, Sandy, beauty is pain.
Could you get some ice
to numb her ears?
Let the cold water run
and stick her ear under the faucet.
I'm getting rather chilly.
- Hey, what's that?
- From Bobby in Korea.
- Are you going with a Korean?
- Dummy, he's a marine.
A marine? Whooo!
Wanna see a picture?
God. You're turning into
a one-woman USO.
Hey, you guys, Sandy's sick.
I just did one ear.
She saw the blood and... bleurgh!
You won't get your hands on my ears.
Yeah? You'll be sorry. I have been
accepted to La Cafury Beauty School.
You're dropping out of Rydell?
I don't see it as dropping out. I see
it as a very strategic career move.
- Why's it torn in half?
- His old girlfriend was in it.
Er, ... Sandy,
here's your toothbrush.
Thanks, Frenchy.
I'm sorry to be so much trouble.
It's OK.
Miss Goody Two-Shoes
makes me wanna barf.
# Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee
# Lousy with virginity
# Won't go to bed
Till I'm legally wed
# I can't, I'm Sandra Dee
Watch it.
# Hey, I'm Doris Day
# I was not brought up that way
# Won't come across
Even Rock Hudson lost
# His heart to Doris Day
- # I don't drink
- No!
- # Or swear
- Oh!
- # I don't rat my hair
- Yeurgh!
# I get ill from one cigarette
# Keep your filthy paws
Off my silky drawers
# Would you pull that crap
with Annette?
# As for you, Troy Donahue
# I know what you wanna do
# You've got your crust
I'm no object of lust
# I'm just plain Sandra Dee
# Elvis! Elvis!
# Let me be
# Keep that pelvis far from me
# Just keep your cool
Now you're starting to drool
# Hey, fongool
# I'm Sandra Dee
Making fun of me, Rizz?
Some people are so touchy.
- # Later on they start to scratch...
- Shut up, you vultures.
I changed my mind. Let's go.
- What do you mean?
- What do I mean?
- They can't come. My folks'll flip.
- Putzie, you call her.
Oh, Sandy.
Wherefore art thou, Sandy?
Shut up! Sit down.
You goody-goodies are too much.
I'm gonna get my kicks while
I'm still young enough to get 'em.
Is she gonna
shinny down the drainpipe?
Hey, look. There's Rizzo.
You're doing that without a net.
Swell bunch, rushing to help a lady.
- Lady? I don't see a lady.
- Shut up. Shut up!
- What's up, Kenick?
- One guess.
- You got a lot to offer a girl.
- Yeah, you know it.
- What say you, Zuke?
- You're lookin' good, Rizz.
- Eat your heart out.
- Sloppy seconds ain't my style.
You going to flog your log?
It's better than hanging around
with you dorks.
Your chariot, my lady.
I don't know what I saw
in Danny Zuko.
Don't sweat it, honey.
Have one of mine.
- There's so many of them.
- I know.
- How do you keep up with them?
- I'm a terrific pen pal.
Hopelessly devoted to every one.
What are you doing?
OK. What do you think this is?
A gangbang?
- You wish.
- (all laugh)
Hit the pavement.
You gotta be kidding.
- I said now.
- Alright.
Remember us in your will.
When a guy picks a chick
over his buddies, something's wrong.
Come on, guys,
let's go for a slice of pizza.
Can I have some of that?
- Thanks.
- Wait.
(door closes)
# Guess mine is not
the first heart broken
# My eyes are not the first
to cry
# I'm not the first to know
# There's just no getting over you
# You know,
I'm just a fool who's willing
# To sit around and wait for you
# But, baby, can't you see?
# There's nothing else for me to do
# I'm hopelessly devoted to you
# But now there's nowhere to hide
# Since you pushed my love aside
# I'm out of my head
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# My head is saying
# Fool, forget him
# My heart is saying
# Don't let go
# Hold on to the end
# And that's what I intend to do
# I'm hopelessly devoted to you
# But now there's nowhere to hide
# Since you pushed my love aside
# I'm out of my head
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
# Hopelessly devoted to you
(radio) Is acne ruining your life?
Do you close your eyes when you
look in the mirror? Fear no more.
Face up to Face-Off, for deep
penetration into infected pores.
Help dry up unsightly pimples
and blemishes...
- Rizz. Rizz.
- Could you call me by my first name?
Oh, erm...
Betty. Betty.
- Have you got something?
- Are you kidding?
My 25-cent insurance policy.
Big spender.
- What?
- It broke.
How could it break?
I bought it
when I was in seventh grade.
What the hell?
- What the hell are you doin'?
- It's a no-parking zone, creep.
The whole place is a no-parking zone,
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!
You're gonna pay for that.
I'll give you 75 cents for
the whole car, including your chick.
We just have to bang out the dent.
The problem's not in the dent,
it's this rubber-band engine.
- The problem's your mouth.
- Where you gonna get a carburettor?
- Ever heard of borrowing?
- Kenickie, you got any Scotch tape?
Hey, big stuff.
What do you drive, huh?
- I drive.
- Yeah? How about you?
- Who, me?
- Yeah.
What about Doody?
- Well, I...
- That's what I thought.
C'mon, guys. This car could be
a major piece of machinery. Look.
This car could be systematic.
It could be Greased Lightning.
# You get some overhead lifters
and four-barrel quads, oh, yeah
# Keep talking, whoa, keep talking
# With fuel-injection cut-off
and chrome-plated rods, oh, yeah
# We'll get her ready
We'll get her ready
# With a four-speed on the floor
They'll be waiting at the door
# You know that ain't no shit
We'll be getting lots of tit
- # In Greased Lightning
- # Go, go, go
# Go-go-go-go
# Go, Greased Lightning,
you're burning up the quarter mile
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning, you're
coasting through the heat lap trials
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# You are supreme
The chicks'll cream
# For Greased Lightning
# Go, go, go, go-go-go-go
# With purple French taillights
and 30-inch fins, oh, yeah
# A palomino dashboard
and dual-muffler twins, oh, yeah
# With new pistons, plugs and shocks
I can get off my rocks
# You know that I ain't braggin'
She's a real pussy wagon
# Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning,
you're burning up the quarter mile
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning, you're
coasting through the heat lap trials
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# You are supreme
The chicks'll cream
- # For Greased Lightning
- # Go, go, go, go-go-go-go-go
# Go, Greased Lightning,
you're burning up the quarter mile
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# Go, Greased Lightning, you're
coasting through the heat lap trials
# Greased Lightning
Go, Greased Lightning
# You are supreme
The chicks'll cream
# For Greased Lightning
Come on, guys. Let's get to work.
Those Scorpions,
they're asking for it.
Danny, what's up?
You still thinking about that chick?
- You nuts?
- No, I was just thinking.
- Don't think so much.
- That's cool.
Hey, guys.
- Kenickie, Zuko.
- How's it hangin'?
OK, the meeting is in session.
Know what I heard? Last year the fuzz
had Thunder Road staked out.
- Everyone got hauled to the clink.
- No one'll catch Greased Lightning.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Somebody snaking you, Danny?
- Bite the weenie, Rizz.
With relish.
- I don't know about these chicks.
- They're only good for one thing.
What do you do with 'em
the other 23 hours 45 minutes a day?
Does it only take 1 5 minutes?
Want some new music?
- Yeah.
- I'll need some money.
(wolf whistles)
I'll be right back.
Hi, Danny!
- I can't talk.
- What are you doing later?
- I can't talk, alright?
- Call me.
- Hi, Sandy.
- Oh, hi.
- How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
That's good.
Sandy, I've been wanting
to talk to you for a long time.
- What about?
- About the night at the bonfire.
The way I acted, that was terrible.
It wasn't me, you gotta know that.
It was me, of course,
but it wasn't me.
You see, Sandy,
I got this image, right? And...
That's why I'm so glad
that Tom's such a simple person.
Simple's right.
Too bad his brains are in his biceps.
Jealous, are you?
Jealous? Oh, come on, Sandy,
don't make me laugh.
What have you ever done?
Come on! I can run circles
around those jerks.
I'll believe that when I see it.
Let's start with the first rule. Cut
it down to two packs a day. There.
What sort of athletics
are you interested in?
You like the rings?
Yeah, I installed a set
just a couple of weeks ago.
The first thing we have to do
is you have to change.
That's why I'm here, to change.
- No, I mean your clothes.
- Oh.
Alright. Let's knock it off.
Fellas, I wanna introduce a new man.
Danny. Let's give him a tryout.
- Better watch it.
- Come on. A little fire, here we go.
You have to dribble.
- Here you go, Coach.
- Thanks, son.
Dribble the ball,
put it in the basket.
- Think you can do that?
- Can I do that!
- OK.
- Danny, over here. Danny!
Let's go.
That's it. Go, go, go.
Get him, Danny.
- (whistle)
- What'd I do?
- Is he kidding?
- Boy, oh, boy.
I want you to meet
your wrestling partner. Danny, Andy.
Are you crazy?
Come on, come on.
Let's start. Get in first position.
Danny, you get down.
OK, Andy, get down. Ready?
Hold it, hold it.
Danny, you gotta try. Come on.
Alright, Andy, let's change
positions. You get down. Come on.
Alright. Ready?
- Give?
- Yeah, give.
He's a hitter.
You'll like baseball. It's not
that much of a contact sport.
Get in there and let's see
what you can do.
Throw the ball. Let's play.
Let's pitch this guy out.
- He can't hit.
- This boy can't even bat.
- Strike.
- I told you. He doesn't even swing.
What kind of ball player are you?
Put it in here.
Come on. A little fire in there.
Let's see you hit it.
Foul ball.
- Easy, easy.
- Now! Come on.
Put the bat down. Put the bat down.
There's a lot of other sports
that don't have any contact.
- Yeah, like what?
- Like track.
- What do you mean, running?
- Just like running?
I mean something
that needs endurance.
Something that needs stamina.
Like, long-distance running.
Cross-country running.
- That could be cool.
- Good.
Danny, are you alright?
Danny, talk to me.
The least you can do is talk to me
after the way you treated me.
The way I... ?
Sandy, I told you I was sorry.
Got you talking.
- You sure you're OK?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- So, still dating that jockstrap?
- Well...
- Is he taking you to the dance?
- Well, that all depends.
- On what?
- On you.
- On me?
- Yeah.
He can stag it.
Come on.
(music plays in background)
- Sandy, let's go someplace else.
- Why?
We can't be alone here, that's why.
You nearly pulled my arm out.
I didn't want to miss this table.
It's the best one.
- What are you doing?
- I just want privacy.
- What'll it be, kids?
- Cherry soda, please.
- Danny?
- I'm not very hungry.
Give me a double polar burger with
everything and a soda with ice cream.
Sounds good. I'll have the same.
The same? You can eat a lot.
- You're funny.
- No, you are.
- How ya doing, Zuke? Nice!
- Hiya, Rizzo. How are you?
Peachy keen, jelly bean.
You got any quarters?
We could split an Eskimo Pie.
- My Dutch treat days are over.
- You plan on staying home a lot.
Greetings, pals and gals.
Anybody got 23 cents?
Wanna chip in for a Dog-Sled Delight?
I don't know where my money goes.
A dime here, 1 5 cents there.
In a couple of months
Frenchy can take us all out.
A working girl with income.
Y'know, they don't pay
that much to start with.
It's more than we make. Ante up,
I don't get my allowance till Friday.
- You get an allowance?
- When I'm a good boy.
Viola, a Dog-Sled Delight
with four spoons.
- And an Eskimo Pie with a knife.
- Hi, gang.
Here you are. Grab it and growl.
I got so many hickeys
I look like a leper.
Cheer up. A hickey from Kenickie
is like a Hallmark card.
You care enough
to send the very best.
- You pig.
- I love it when you talk dirty.
My parents want to invite you
to tea on Sunday. Will you come?
- I don't like tea.
- You don't have to drink tea.
Well, I don't like parents.
- Want some?
- Erm, uh-uh.
You sure are a cheap date.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- I understand.
- I always found you understanding.
- I am.
I also think
there's more to you than just fat.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Got a date for the dance-off?
- No.
- Wanna go?
- Yeah.
I'll be a senior forever if
I don't study for that algebra test.
You're in luck.
You got an armed escort home.
It's not the arms I'm worried about,
Sonny. It's the hands.
She loves me.
- You coming, French?
- I don't think so.
- I think I'll hang out a bit longer.
- Alright.
I have been dieting all day long. My
mom's apple pie's better than this.
- Do you want a piece?
- Yeah, sure.
- Putzie.
- Yeah?
I'm worried about this dance-off. Do
they dance differently to back home?
Don't worry.
Maybe we'll invent the Kangaroo Bop.
Let's get out of here, Sandy.
See you later.
- Bye, Frenchy.
- See ya, Sandy.
Great. I'm stuck with the check.
Give me money.
OK, what's with you tonight?
You got the personality of a wet mop.
- Don't start with me.
- Fine. How about I finish with ya?
Finish this!
To you from me, Pinky Lee.
Sorry, French.
(distant) Hey, Rizzo.
I want to talk to you!
No use crying over spilt milk shake.
Oh, I'll be OK.
You know it's near closing time?
Do you mind if I stay a bit longer?
No, suit yourself.
- Wow.
- What?
I hate to tell you, but your
hair looks like an Easter egg.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I had a little trouble
in tinting class.
In fact, I had a little trouble
in all my classes.
Beauty school sure wasn't
what I thought it'd be.
Nothing ever is.
Vi? Erm, ... I dropped out.
What do you think of waitressing?
You're too young to know.
Maybe I could be
a telephone operator.
No, I don't think I'd like to wear
those little things over my ears.
God, if only I could have a guardian
angel to tell me what to do.
Like Debbie Reynolds had in Tammy.
What do you think?
If you find him,
give him my phone number.
# Your story's sad to tell
# A teenage ne'er-do-well
# Most mixed-up non-delinquent
on the block
# Your future's so unclear now
# What's left of your career now?
# Can't even get a trade-in
on your smock
# Beauty school dropout
# No graduation day for you
# Beauty school dropout
# Missed your midterms
and flunked shampoo
# Well, at least
you could have taken time
# To wash and clean your clothes up
# After spending all that dough
# To have the doctor fix your nose up
# Baby, get movin'
# Why keep your feeble hopes alive?
- # What are you provin'?
- # What are you provin'?
# You've got the dream
but not the drive
# If you go for your diploma
# You could join a steno-pool
# Turn in your teasing-comb
# And go back to high school
# Beauty school dropout
# Hangin' around the corner store
# Beauty school dropout
# It's about time you knew the score
# Well, they couldn't
teach you anything
# You think you're such a looker
# But no customer would go to you
# Unless she was a hooker
- # Baby, don't sweat it
- # Don't sweat it
# You're not cut out to hold a job
- # Better forget it
- # Forget it
# Who wants their hair done
by a slob?
# Now your bangs are curled,
your lashes twirled
# But still the world is cruel
# Wipe off that angel face
# And go back to high school
# Baby, don't blow it
# Don't put my good advice to shame
# Baby, you know it
# Even Dear Abby would say the same
# Now, I've called the shot,
get off the pot
# I've really got to fly
# Gotta be going to that malt shop
# In the sky
# Beauty school dropout
# Go back to high school
# Beauty school dropout
# Go back to high school
# Beauty school dropout
# Go back to high school
- Lower your head, Kenickie.
- What are you doing?
- Give him a break.
- Oh, I will!
No, we'll work on the brakes later.
Move over, slick.
Fruitcake, you got it on backwards.
- What car did you swipe it from?
- Your mother's.
Can you believe it?
Nationwide television!
- How you doing?
- Still gonna go to the dance?
Man, I'm gonna have
the hottest date there.
Biggest thing to happen to Rydell
and we don't have dates.
- Maybe Rudi from the Capri Lounge?
- Get serious.
- It's a suggestion.
- I already called him.
Relax. I think our luck is changing.
Do you know what you're doing?
What we're doing. Come on.
Hey, Marty. Lookin' good.
Would you just excuse me one second?
Feelin' good, too, huh?
Sonny. There he is. Vince Fontaine.
I seen better heads on a mug of beer.
- Grow up. He's the living end.
- Yeah, if you like older guys.
Danny, this is so exciting.
You gotta make friends
with the cameraman.
- You know him?
- His name's Ted.
Doody, how do I look?
Like a beautiful blonde pineapple.
You're late, fellas. Where you been?
- The gym never looked so good.
- You bring the provisions?
Alright, kids. I want a big circle.
Come on, boys and girls,
we are going on the air very shortly.
But first, some warm-up numbers
with Johnny Casino and the Gamblers.
# Oh, baby, rock'n'roll
is here to stay, it will never die
# It was meant to be that way,
though I don't know why
# I don't care what people say
Rock'n'roll is here to stay
# We don't care what people say
Rock'n'roll is here to stay
# Everybody rock, everybody rock
# Everybody rock, everybody rock
# Come on
# Everybody rock
# If you don't like rock'n'roll,
think what you'd be missin'
# If you like to bop and stroll,
come on down and listen
# Let's all start to have a ball
# Everybody rock'n'roll
- What are their names?
- Fred and Ginger.
Fred and Ginger.
- I hope I don't get camera fright.
- Don't worry, we'll be cool.
- Yeah?
- Don't worry?
Good. Come on, let's go.
# What's that playing on the radio?
# Why do I start swaying to and fro?
# I have never heard
that song before
# But if I don't hear it any more...
Why not let me lead for a change?
I can't help it. I'm used to leadin'.
Doody, can't you
turn me around or something?
Don't talk, Frenchy.
I'm trying to count.
# A melody
# That's never the same
# A melody
that's calling your name...
Have you thought
of singing professionally?
# (off key) Come back to me-e-e
- # Please...
- Hey, Zuko! Zuke!
I want you
to meet Cha Cha di Gregorio.
- How you doing, baby?
- Fine.
Who is she?
They call me Cha Cha, cos I'm
the best dancer at St Bernadette's.
With the worst reputation.
Let's go, Sandy.
- Who's that girl?
- Just a girl I know, that's all.
I'm Vince Fontaine.
Do your folks know
I come into your room every night?
Over KZAZ, that is.
I'm judging the dance contest.
I don't think I'm entered.
A knockout like you?
What's your name?
- Marty.
- Marty what?
Maraschino. You know, like in cherry.
- What are you doing?
- Washing my hands.
# You don't remember me
# But I remember you
# It was not so long ago
# You broke my heart in two
# Tears on my pillow
# Pain in my heart
# Caused by you,
you, you, you, you...
How do you know her?
Erm, she's an old friend
of the family, that's all.
# Love is not a toy
# When you find the one you love...
- Aren't you glad to be back?
- Oh, yeah.
Besides, blondes do have more fun.
# If we could start anew
# I wouldn't hesitate...
When I hear music,
I can't make my feet behave.
- Thinks she's Tinker Bell.
- Hush, Sonny.
# Pain in my heart
# Caused by you
# You-ou-ou-ou
The Rydell fight song!
When you are finished...
You will be happy to know that
I am not judging the dance contest.
I think we all owe
a round of applause
to Patty Simcox and Eugene Felznik
and committee
for their beautiful decorations.
Let's hear it for the toilet paper.
In a few moments, the entire nation
will be watching Rydell High,
God help us, and I want you all
to be on your best behaviour.
No heinie-biting.
And now, here he is,
the Prince of the Platters,
Mr Vince Fontaine.
Mr Vince Fontaine?
(drum rolls)
Hey, it's great being here
at Rydell High.
What's your name, sweetheart?
And now, for the rules.
Game rule one.
All couples must be boy-girl.
Too bad, Eugene.
Alright, alright. Come on.
Game rule two.
During the dance contest,
if you're tapped on the shoulder,
leave the floor, or else. I mean it.
And rule three,
anyone doing tasteless
or vulgar movements
will be disqualified.
That leaves us out.
Keep it clean, please. Keep it clean.
Thank you, fans and friends.
Now a few words to the wise.
You are my best pals.
To look your best for the contest,
just have a ball, that's all.
Forget the camera, keep on the beat,
give the folks at home a treat.
Keep dancin', that's showbiz.
If I tap you, step aside.
Let the others ride.
Ten seconds. Nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one. On the air.
Welcome to National Bandstand,
live from Rydell High School.
This is what you're waiting for,
the dance-off.
Away we go with
Johnny Casino and the Gamblers.
# You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
# Cryin' all the time
# You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
# Cryin' all the time
# You ain't never caught a rabbit
and you ain't no friend of mine
Look. There's the camera!
That's Putzie and Jan.
# Said you was high class,
that was just a lie
# Call yourself high class,
that was just a lie
# Well, you ain't never
caught a rabbit...
Oh, there's Danny and Sandy.
# You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
# Cryin' all the time
# Cryin' all the time
# You ain't never caught a rabbit
and you ain't no friend of mine
(song ends)
Now the event you've all been
waiting for, the national dance-off.
Some guy and gal will get
some fantabulous prizes.
Don't feel bad if I tap you out.
It don't matter if you win or lose,
it's what you do
with your dancin' shoes.
Does everybody here know Marty?
OK, cats, throw your mittens
round your kittens. Away we go!
That wasn't supposed to happen!
Let's go, let's hand-jive!
# Before I was born late one night
# My papa said everything's alright
# The doctor made my ma lay down...
Guy with the girl in red,
throw 'em out.
# Cos the bebop stork
was about to arrive
# Mama gave birth to the hand-jive
# I could barely walk
when I milked a cow
# When I was three I pushed a plough
# While choppin' wood
I'd move my legs
# And I started dancin'
while I gathered eggs
# Townsfolk clapped, I was only five
# I'd outdance 'em all,
I was born to hand-jive
Yes, split 'em, buddy.
Go, go, go, go.
Shake it. Shake it.
Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
# Born to hand-jive, baby
# Born to hand-jive, baby
Here we go.
Hey, break it up! What is that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
C'mon now, shake it!
Twist it!
Alright, get it!
# How low can you go?
# How low can you go?
# How low can you go?
There you go!
C'mon now, hand-jive!
That's the stuff!
Do it, baby!
Do it!
That's the hand-jive grand-jive!
Yeah, let's bring it up now!
Bring it on up!
Higher and higher!
# Now can you hand-jive, baby?
# Oh, can you hand-jive, baby?
# Oh, yeah
# Born to hand-jive, oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Here they are, the new champs.
Come on up here.
- Can I have your names, please?
- Cha Cha di Gregorio and Danny Zuko.
- We'll do it now.
- Where's Marty?
- Don't worry, she's in good hands.
- Whose?
Now let's see our champs
in a spotlight dance.
- # Blue moon
- # Blue, blue, blue, blue moon
# You saw me standing alone
# Without a dream in my heart
# Without a love of my own...
Ready? One, one, two, three, go.
# Blue moon...
Who's that on the right?
We have pictures
of you so-called mooners.
Just because it's not your faces
doesn't mean we can't identify you.
At this very moment, those pictures
are on the way to Washington,
where the FBI has experts
in this type of identification.
If you turn yourselves in now,
you may escape a federal charge.
C'mon, Doody. Watch your hands.
Move it out.
I feel like a meatball in here.
Let's go find the chicks.
Marty. Marty.
Hold my money. Don't let me
go near the refreshment stand.
- I'm not hungry.
- Hey. What's happening?
There's nobody here.
Come on, Sandy.
I told you on the phone I was sorry.
- I know you did.
- You believe me, don't you?
Yes, but I still think
you and Cha Cha went together.
We did not go together.
We just went together.
- It's the same thing.
- No. No.
- (screams)
- Ohh!
Sandy, I'm sorry.
Would you wear my ring?
Danny. I don't know what to say.
- Say, yes.
- Yes.
Danny, this means so much to me.
Cos I know now that you respect me.
Hey, Rizz?
Watch it.
- What's with you tonight?
- I feel like a defective typewriter.
- I skipped a period.
- You think you're PG?
I don't know. Big deal.
- Was it Kenickie?
- Nah, you don't know the guy.
Rizz, look, it's OK.
I caught Vince Fontaine putting
aspirin in my Coke at the dance.
- Marty, you won't tell no one?
- Sure, I'll take it to the grave.
Coming through, coming through.
Come on, lady with a baby.
Hey, Marty, what's up?
Rizzo's pregnant.
Rizzo's got a bun in the oven.
Rizzo's knocked up.
Rizzo, I hear you're knocked up.
You do?
Boy, good news really travels fast.
Why didn't ya tell me about it?
What's it to ya?
- I might be able to do something.
- You did enough.
I don't run away from my mistakes.
Don't worry about it, Kenickie.
It was somebody else's mistake.
Thanks a lot, kid.
Any time.
- (sneezes)
- Are you getting a cold?
No. It's probably
a little drive-in dust, that's all.
- Danny!
- Sandy! Oh, Sandy...
Danny, what are you doing?
Don't worry, nobody's watchin'.
- Get off me.
- Sandy, what's the matter with you?
I thought I meant something to you.
Think I'm gonna stay with you in this
sin-wagon? Take this piece of tin!
Sandy, you can't walk out
of a drive-in!
# Stranded at the drive-in
# Branded a fool
# What will they say
# Monday at school?
# Sandy
# Can't you see
# I'm in misery?
# We made a start
# Now we're apart
# There's nothing left for me
# Love has flown
# All alone
# I sit and wonder why-aye-aye
# Why you left me
# Oh, Sandy
# Oh, Sandy
# Maybe
# Someday
# When high school is done
# Somehow, some way
# Our two worlds will be one
# In heaven
# Forever
# And ever we will be
# Please, say you'll stay
# Oh, Sandy
Sandy, my darling,
you hurt me real bad.
You know it's true.
But, baby, you gotta believe me
when I say...
...I'm helpless without you.
# Love has flown
# All alone
# I sit, I wonder why-aye-aye
# Why you left me
# Oh, Sandy
# Sandy
# Sandy
# Why-aye-aye-aye?
Oh, Sandy!
Head it out. Come on, guys.
Well, the crate shaped up.
- It's as hot as the parts on it.
- We didn't steal all of it.
- Some of it was donated.
- Just wait till Thunder Road.
Right. You could still
change your mind.
- The flag is in three hours.
- And Greased Lightning strikes.
- You coming?
- My boys won't let me down,
and I won't let them down.
I wanna talk to you.
Those guys at Thunder Road
don't fool around, you know.
You want me to punk out?
No, I'm not saying punking out,
I'm just...
You know what I mean.
Hey, Danny, erm...
We been friends a long time, right?
You remember the drive-in
the other night?
The movie with the duel,
the guy's best friend went with him
as his lieutenant, his second?
Yeah. So?
Well, I thought that... you could
maybe be my second at Thunder Road.
What, you want me
to drive with you or what?
Listen, I'll pick you up at three,
Open up the door.
What are you sitting around for?
Take the can off
the front of the car, you putz.
Hello, Rizz.
Are you going to Thunder Road?
Not a chance.
I have to go.
I have to talk to Danny.
Without wheels and a motor,
he won't know you're alive.
We haven't been friends,
but if there's anything I can do...
I can take care of myself.
And anybody else who comes along.
You think I don't know
what people are saying about me?
That's the one
I was telling you about.
# There are worse things I could do
# Than go with a boy or two
# Even though the neighbourhood
# Thinks I'm trashy and no good
# I suppose it could be true
# But there are worse things
I could do
# I could flirt with all the guys
# Smile at them and bat my eyes
# Press against them when we dance
# Make them think they stand a chance
# Then refuse to see it through
# That's a thing I'd never do
# I could stay home every night
# Wait around for Mr Right
# Take cold showers every day
# And throw my life away
# On a dream that won't come true
# I could hurt someone like me
# Out of spite or jealousy
# I don't steal and I don't lie
# But I can feel and I can cry
# A fact I'll bet you never knew
# But to cry in front of you
# That's the worst thing
# I could do
- You guys think you got a winner?
- That's right.
Takes more than a coat of paint
on Thunder Road.
- Oh, yeah?
- Not thinking of changing your mind?
- No way.
- Good. Cos we're racing for pinks.
Pinks, punk.
Pink slips. Ownership papers.
Stop. Don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
Hey, get the dude, man.
- What did she give him?
- A lock of hair. From her chest.
Poor Kenickie.
See a penny, pick it up,
all day long you'll have good luck.
Gimme that.
If it were in any better condition,
it would fly.
- She's gonna.
- I brought you this for good luck.
Gee, thanks.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll get it.
You putz!
Put this under his head.
- Zuko, he's out cold.
- What are we gonna do?
Kenickie. Talk to me, buddy.
You OK?
Yeah. I'm OK.
I'm fine. (groans)
- You can't drive.
- No, really, I'm alright.
I'm just seeing two of you, man.
- Hey, you want me to drive for you?
- Huh?
Yeah. Yeah.
Alright. Help him up.
Marty, give me a hand.
(car engines start)
The rules are, there ain't no rules.
To the second bridge and back.
First one back wins.
Haul ass, kid.
You ain't gonna see me
for dust, Zuko.
Come on, baby.
# For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
# For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
# Look at me
# There has to be
# Something more
# Than what they see
# Wholesome and pure
# Oh, so scared and unsure
# A poor man's Sandra Dee
Danny won.
- Isn't that great?
- Yeah.
What's the matter? Aren't you happy?
Not really. But I think I know a way
I could be. Could you help me?
- Of course.
- Can I come to your place?
Sure. Come on.
# Sandy, you must start anew
# Don't you know what you must do?
# Hold your head high
- # Take a deep breath and sigh...
- Come on, Sandy.
# Goodbye
# To Sandra Dee
Attention, seniors.
Before the merriment
of commencement commences,
I hope your years with us here
at Rydell High
have prepared you
for the challenges you face.
Who knows, among you, there may be
a future Eleanor Roosevelt,
or a Rosemary Clooney.
And among you young men,
there may be
a Joe DiMaggio,
a President Eisenhower
or even a Vice President Nixon.
But always you will have
the glorious memories of Rydell High.
Rydell forever. Bon voyage.
Oh, Blanche, stop blubbering.
- How many?
- One.
(bell rings)
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
How did I flunk phys ed?
Did I take phys ed?
Step right up here!
It's for a wonderful cause.
The Teachers' Retirement Fund.
Give 'em a pie in the puss.
Coach, how could you flunk
the T-Birds?
Don't worry. You'll get diplomas.
Just come back to summer school.
- Summer school?
- Look out!
If you'd come to class,
you wouldn't have missed me.
Wise guy, huh? Take that, Coach!
Why, you couldn't pitch one inning.
- What's your name? I want you.
- Eugene.
- You're a great pitcher.
- Thank you.
Rizzo! Rizzo!
Get off of that. You got a condition.
Forget it. It was a false alarm.
I'm not pregnant.
I'Il, erm,
make an honest woman of you.
Listen, fella, if this is a line,
I ain't biting.
That's a bona fide offer.
Well, it ain't moonlight and roses,
- Hey, there's Zuko.
- You gotta be kidding, man!
- What is this? Halloween?
- Where did you swipe the sweater?
While you tools were out stealing
hubcaps, I lettered in track.
I can't believe it.
Danny Zuko turned jock?
- That's right, I did.
- What you doing? Deserting us?
You guys can't follow a leader
all your lives.
Come on, you know you mean
a lot to me, but Sandy does, too.
I'm gonna do anything I can
to get her.
(wolf whistles)
Tell me about it, stud.
# I got chills
# They're multiplyin'
# And I'm losing control
# Cos the power
# You're supplyin'
# It's electrifyin'
# You better shape up
# Cos I need a man
# And my heart is set on you
# You better shape up
# You better understand
# To my heart I must be true
# Nothin' left,
nothin' left for me to do
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
# If you're filled with affection
# You're too shy to convey
# Meditate in my direction
- # Feel your way
- Wow!
# I better shape up
- # Cos you need a man
- # I need a man
# Who can keep me satisfied
# I better shape up
- # If I'm gonna prove
- # You better prove
# That my faith is justified
- # Are you sure?
- # Yes, I'm sure down deep inside
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
- # You're the one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
- # The one that I want
- # You are the one I want
# Ooh, ooh, ooh
# The one I need
# Oh, yes indeed
(bell rings)
Hey, everybody.
Rizzo and Kenickie made up.
Look! The gang's together.
What will we do after graduation?
Maybe we'll never see each other.
- That won't happen.
- How do you know?
What do you mean?
(bell rings)
- A wop ba ba lu mop
- And wop bam boom
# We go together like rama lama lama
ka dinga da ding-dong
# Remembered forever as
# Shoobop shawadda wadda
yippity boom de boom
# Chang chang
changity chang shoo bop
# That's the way it should be
# Whaa-ooh, yeah
# We're one of a kind
# Like dip a dip da dip
doo wop a doobee doo
# Our names are signed
# Boogedy boogedy
shooby doo wop she bop
# Chang chang
changity chang shoo bop
# We'll always be like one
# Whaa-whaa, whaa-whaaaa
# When we go out at night
# And stars are shining bright
# Up in the skies above
# Or at the high-school dance
# Where you can find romance
# Maybe it might be love
# Rama lama lama
ka dinga da ding-dong...
- # A wop ba ba lu mop
- # And wop bam boom
# Made for each other
# Like a wop ba ba lu bop
And wop bam boom
# Just like my brother is
Sha na na na yippity dip de doom
# Chang chang
changity chang shoo bop
# We'll always be together
# Whaa-ooh, yeah
# We'll always be together
(engine roars)
# I solve my problems
and I see the light
# We got a lovin' thing
# We got to feed it right
# There ain't no danger
we can go too far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# They think our love
is just a growin' pain
# Why don't they understand?
# It's just a cryin' shame
# Their lips are lying
# Only real is real
# We stop the fight right now
# We got to be what we feel
# Grease is the word
# Is the word
# Is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# We take the pressure
and we throw away
# Conventionality
# Belongs to yesterday
# There is a chance
that we can make it so far
# We start believin' now
# That we can be who we are
# Grease is the word
# Is the word
# Is the word that you've heard
# It's got groove, it's got meaning
# Grease is the time
# Is the place, is the motion
# Grease is the way we are feelin'
# This is a life of illusion
# Wrapped up in troubles
# Laced in confusion
# What are we doing here?
# Grease is the word
# Is the word, is the word...