Greatest Days (2023) Movie Script

[trumpet fanfare]
[chorus sings]
[radio presenter]
London! Buenos Aires!
Tokyo! New York!
Wherever in the world
you're listening,
this is Radio Clitheroe,
coming to you direct from the
Ribble Valley in Lancashire.
Solid-gold hits
from the heart of the North!
We've come so far
and we've reached so high
And we've looked each day
and night in the eye
And we're still so young
And we hope for more
[radio presenter]
It's Dave in the afternoon,
and it's finally here.
The greatest competition
ever held on Radio Clitheroe.
I mean, how do we pull this
off? Mate, I mean, seriously!
Tickets to the boys'
grand reunion tour.
I mean, literally, I'm shaking
here. Are you ready?
Oh, Dave, I am ready.
I... Oh, bollocks.
-[Dave] Drumroll, please.
-I am ready.
[Dave] For a chance to see the
boys live on tour in Europe,
complete the lyric, "All I do
each night is..." what?
Oh, come on. Something
a bit harder than that.
[Dave] Cos I'm nice,
I'll give you a clue.
It's something
you might do in a church.
Oh, for God's sake.
Right. OK. OK. Let's do this.
-[song playing on radio]
-OK, whoo!
We're dancing, come on.
Who's dancing with me?
-My ward, my music!
-[girl] I'm calling Childline!
Excuse me,
why are you not at home
eating crisps already
instead of being in here
annoying me?
Present from Paediatrics.
Going home tomorrow so I'm gonna
annoy you for another 24 hours.
Ooh, sorry!
I just can't hear you!
[girl] Turn it off, Rachel!
Oh, Connor. D'you know
why you're still in here?
-Cos I support Chelsea.
Oh, new admission in D3. Maisie.
She's a little bit... teary.
Oh, OK. Thanks, love.
[hums] Whoo!
This is why I wear a hoodie!
Has this one eaten yet?
-Oh, Freya. Now, I warned ya.
-It's disgusting, Rachel.
Well, I'm gonna stick this
to the back of your wheelchair
where you can't reach it.
How's about that?
This music's making
everyone sicker.
Why don't you put on
something decent?
Er, excuse me. For your
information, music died in 1996.
And if you don't believe me,
then why don't we ask...
[gasps] ...Maisie!
Now, whose music do you think
is better? Hers or mine?
If you say mine, I get a prize.
If you say hers,
you both get a prize.
Oh, come on! Come on!
You both win double pudding!
Oh, wow! Magic!
All right, Rachel. You win.
Yes, OK, Lisa. I am on it.
OK, yeah, thank you.
[Dave] Alex in Stockport,
you were wrong with,
"All I do each night
is take communion,"
but if you texted "pray",
you and your friends
could be flying to Athens,
courtesy of EasyJet,
staying in a city-centre hotel
with VIP passes to the gig!
Are you ready?
[groans] Oh, my God, is it me?
Am I finally a winner, DJ Dave?
[Dave] Calling you now.
[sighs] Call me, Dave.
I'm just waiting.
[phone rings]
Yes, Lisa?
[Dave] Are you screaming yet,
Rachel O'Flynn?!
[gasps] No bloody way!
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit!
Whoa! No cursing, please.
Sorry, yes, D...
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Apologies to the listeners,
but I get it!
You're a big fan,
are you, Rachel?
Rachel, are you still...?
I'm their biggest fan
in the whole entire world, Dave.
Good! That's lucky.
And d'you know who you're gonna
take with you to see the boys?
Er... [mumbles]
There's a couple of weeks.
Time to make a few friends.
In the meantime, let's play you
a song that'll get you ready
for what's to come by taking
you all the way back to 1993!
I won! Holy fuck!
-Come on!
-[man] Where you going?
-Oh, my God!
-What's going on?
-Look out, please!
-What's the rush?
An emergency!
Look out! Emergency! Emergency!
Whoa! Whoa!
So sorry!
Come on.
Ryan, stop trying
to dig up the garden!
I bloody wasn't!
Don't curse at me.
I'll rip your head off!
-Did they give you your tea?
-Bloody starving.
OK, 40 minutes.
Spaghetti hoops in 40 minutes!
[Ryan] OK, Rachel!
[man] That's grand!
Great! Right, great.
I'll be happy
to stay away from here, OK?
I'm busting my arse all day,
coming home to your shit!
[woman] If it's so hard
for you here with me...
[argument continues]
[music playing]
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[announcer] And now on BBC One,
it's "Top of the Pops".
Yes! Get in!
[presenter] First, it's the boys
with their new video
for "Pray".
All I do each night is pray
[door opens]
Why the bloody hell
is this in here?
No, wait, Dad, please!
It's important.
A million bloody times
I have told you.
It's important!
It's important?
That's very good.
with a bunch of lads
who can't sing without one hand
on their bollocks.
Yeah, to me, it's important!
[door slams]
And I'm not infatuated!
I'm not infatuated.
Am I?
When the time grew near
For me to show my love
The longer I stayed away for
Hiding from a word
I need to hear now
I know, I know.
Don't think I'll hear it
But the nights
were always warm with you
In Acapulco.
Holding you right by my side
In Acapulco.
But the morning
always comes too soon
Before I even close my eyes
All I do each night is pray
Hoping that I'll be a part
of you again someday
All I do each night is think
Of all the times I closed
the door to keep my love within
Whoa... boring little life!
I wish I was lying!
Louder, boys.
If you can't forget the past
I'll understand that
Can't understand
why I did this to you
And all of the days
and the nights
Oh, I'll regret it
I never showed you my love
I never showed you my love
But nights
were always warm with you
Holding you right by my side
Louder, boys.
But the morning
always comes too soon
Before I even close my eyes
[shouts] Do I look stupid?
All I do each night is pray
Hoping that I'll be
a part of you again someday
All I do each night is think
Of all the times I close
the door to keep my love within
Surely we must be in sight
Of that dream we long to live
If you stop
and close your eyes
You'll picture me inside
I'm so cold and all alone
Let's do this!
All I do each night is pray
Hoping that I'll be
a part of you again someday
All I do each night is think
Of all the times I closed
the door to keep my love within
All I do each night is pray
All I do each night is pray
Hoping that I'll be
a part of you again someday!
Down on my knees!
-All I do each night is think
-Crap, I'm gonna be late.
[man groans] I'm gonna be late!
Oh, look at the time!
Rach! You're back. Why didn't
you call me out the shower?
I just got in, love.
Come here. Look at you.
I know.
D'you not wake up some mornings
and think how did I end up
in bed with a sex god?
Oh, I do. But I always
come home to you in the end.
-Oh, no. Don't tickle me.
-I've laid the table.
Oh! Jeff! Oh, you actually
have laid the table.
[Jeff] Your dinner,
my breakfast.
Oh. Even though
you've done this,
I am still the better person
because I'm a nurse, so...
[laughs] Yeah, but I'm a man.
Less is expected of me.
So every nice thing I do
deserves a big fat...
-Punch in the face.
-Look, I'm late now,
so tragically,
you're gonna have to eat alone.
Oh, well,
I'm never truly alone, Jeff,
cos, you know, even when
you're not here, I still have...
-Fred, yeah.
-Fred! Hi, Fred!
Come here, Fred.
Come on, Fred. Come on.
OK, I'll come to you, Fred.
Rachel O'Flynn.
The only woman
to adopt a rescue dog
who was physically begging
to be put down.
-I love you. Bye.
-I love you. Get some sleep.
-Oh, Fred.
-[door closes]
Something really weird
has happened.
-[answerphone beeps]
-[woman] Hello, Rachel!
This is Callie Halton
from Radio Clitheroe.
Just calling about
the competition you won today.
To start off, you can
just give us the names
of the people
you're gonna be taking with you
and their contact info.
We can get the ball rolling.
Did you see it?
Oh, my God, Rach.
-Hiya, Deb.
-[groans] Oh, my God.
Did you see Top of the Pops?
-What happened?
Can't you turn it up
and drown them out?
He took the telly.
Forget the telly.
You see this? This is how
you get to university.
She thinks you're an idiot.
[boy 2] You tell her,
can an idiot do this?
-[both laugh]
-Bye, Mum!
-Bye, love!
Did you see it?
Did you not see them
on the beach
wearing just the bits of cloth
and shell necklaces
and think Lord of the Flies?
That wasn't the first thing
I thought, to be honest.
Oh, Deb!
I was not thinking
about Lord of the Flies.
No, but the imagery!
Did you not think
there was a whole undercurrent
about boys becoming men
and achieving a kind
of independence and masculinity?
OK, so I'm watching
Top of the Pops at hers, right?
-Er, talking!
-I can't watch it at ours
cos me mam thinks if
I watch boys on the television,
I'll get pregnant.
Oh, my God. I would love
to get pregnant by one of them.
-Trap them into marrying us.
Er, I'm mid-sentence here,
Oh, my God,
you're such a hypocrite.
The song starts.
I turn around.
Because I was moved, Heather,
because I'm true fan.
-Too far!
True fan!
-Claire! The girls are here!
Morning, Mrs Proctor.
[Zoe] It wasn't crying.
It was a cathartic reaction.
-[Heather] A what?
-[Zoe] Are you actually dense?
Did you not learn anything
when we read Shakespeare?
-Bye, Mum.
Cos like everyone in the class,
well, apart from you,
-I was reading Smash Hits.
Oh, my God!
Heather doesn't think I'm cool!
Oh, shut up.
I'm so sorry
for hanging round with you!
Shut up!
["Could It Be Magic"]
Spirits move me
Every time I'm near you
I can't believe how brilliant
they were last night.
Whirling like a cyclone
in my mind
All right, girls!
Still looking good.
All right, Pete.
Still looking single.
-You're my lifeline
-Oh, my bag!
-Angel of my lifetime
Answer to all answers
I can find
Come on, boys.
Baby, I want you, come
-She didn't see it last night.
-Wait, you didn't see it?
-Don't worry about it.
I wangled it. Not proud.
Told Coach I had period pains
and could only do
a hundred lengths.
Could it be magic now?
It was like Lord of the Flies
D'you have
to make everything about sex?
Says the one with the folder
covered in naked men's arses!
Oh, my! Zo!
Don't worry, anyway.
I recorded it.
-What, how?
-Honey, this is 1993.
We live in the modern age.
All you gotta do is hold this
against the telly.
I got them all.
Could it magic now?
Now and hold on fast
Could this be the magic
at last?
OK, think of something
right here,
right now in your life,
and turn it into a move.
Don't plan it.
A-one, two, three,
and go, Rachel!
Separate the parents!
Obliterate the competition!
Er, A plus
on my history assignment!
Jesus Christ.
All right.
Dean of Cambridge University.
Like it! Play that cornet!
[all] Whoa!
-[car horn blares]
-[man] Oi!
Are you lot gone in the head?
Get out of the bloody road!
[cassette player clicks]
Could it be magic now?
Now? Now?
Now and hold on fast
Could this be the magic
at last?
Could it be magic
Could it be magic
Could it be magic now?
Just saying, unusually
for this model of caravan,
the toilet has
a built-in grinder,
which helps break up waste
for easy disposal.
Oh! Wow, like a coffee grinder.
Like an espresso machine.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Just for faeces.
That's... wonderful.
Erm, would you mind
if I got my partner in?
Just cos he works
in transport. Jeff!
You know, tends to love
that sort of intimate detail.
-OK, just to warn you.
There are a lot of other people
looking at this little beauty.
Oh! Indeed there are. [chuckles]
Oi, doofus! Am I doing this
on my own or what?
-You've said no six times.
Surely this is the moment?
How about instead
of buying a caravan...
Sorry, he-he's being funny.
-He's joking, by the way.
-...we have a wedding?
Can you put your phone down?
It's not what it looks...
No, Jeff.
You do realise everyone in that
showroom thinks you're a cow?
Have you got anything
to say for yourself?
-The look on your face!
Oh, yeah, it was hilarious.
Could have killed you.
Although, on the subject
of unexpected news...
You might want
to sit down for this.
Or lean. Lean, lean down.
Well, it turns out that this,
this might actually be...
a special year after all.
Oh, my God. It's a leap year.
You've been saying no
all this time
because you were waiting
to ask me.
-[both laugh]
I feel like an idiot!
Reunion tour? That's...
I didn't realise, but then,
why would I? I don't like 'em.
Well, it's a reunion tour
but it's also a special concert,
which just...
[chuckles] I mean, yeah.
But it's good, isn't it?
[Jeff chuckles]
Good? It's bloody fantastic.
We don't have to do
the actual concert bit but...
Athens! I mean, can you imagine?
-You, me, Rob and Jen.
When did you start
entering competitions?
So... Oh, so, you, erm...
You would want to come?
Because I wasn't sure if...
I officially forgive you
for turning me down,
but I'll probably end up
getting, you know, drunk
and soft and asking you again
in Athens, so... [chuckles]
Get ready to get annoyed again.
We're gonna celebrate
by going on a really short walk!
Come on.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[knocking at door]
Heather Carter! You are
not going to school in that.
I spend good money
on clothes for you.
OK. Firstly, thanks, and I know,
but that's why I make my own.
Secondly, I'm not going
into school today,
which is why I'm wearing this.
I'm on a sports field trip.
Morning, Mrs Carter.
Twenty-three, Claire Proctor.
[girl] Go, Claire, go!
[exhales deeply]
First time bunking off.
Zo, don't pretend you haven't
brought some revision.
[Rachel] I'd pay
to see you dive off that thing.
[Heather] People don't pay
to see me dive, Rach.
They pay to see me
slowly come out of the water.
So lovely of school
to give you all the day off.
[all] Yeah.
Can you believe
I gave birth to that?
[camera clicks]
[exhales deeply]
God, she looks petrified.
Come on, boys.
Hey! Get out of the water now!
I'm so sorry! I have no idea
who these people are.
Oh, yeah.
[engine idles]
[camera clicks]
Looks good.
For your birthday,
I'm gonna get you some film
to go in that.
Ryan, the thing is...
Mam and Daddy,
just cos they stopped
loving each other
doesn't mean they stopped
loving us, you know?
That all?
[Rachel sniffles]
Gonna make you laugh now.
No tickling.
Deb! Serious, don't tickle me!
[laughter on TV]
-[Rachel] Oh, not this.
-Shut up.
-No, but...
-Shut up!
My God, we were cute.
Rach, if you get married
to one of the boys...
-Bridesmaid, right?
-Of course.
No, but, like, lead bridesmaid.
Just don't tell the others.
Wanna know
what's in this balloon?
Rach will meet the boys.
Don't make promises
you can't keep.
It's already gone.
You'll be right with me
at my wedding.
[knocking on glass]
-One hour.
-Ten minutes!
-Oh, ten...!
I'm getting out this radio!
I'm serious, Connor!
You won't even make
Sunday League
if you don't do your physio!
-What is she running for?
-Quickly. Oh, quickly.
-Come on.
-Oh, no!
-Move up!
-We're not gonna fit! Deb!
Are you ready?
Oh, what are you doing
with that?
Oh, who let her get that out?
I want a photographic record
of the moment your lives
changed forever. Face up.
Oh, my God.
Girls, she's pregnant!
Oh, my God! Congratulations!
No, you dumbarses!
You know how we couldn't afford
tickets to see the boys on tour?
You know my dad asked me
what I wanted for my 16th?
And where are we going
tomorrow night?
-[camera clicks]
-["Could It Be Magic"]
Twenty p.
-Twenty p.
Heather, it's 30p.
What are you doing?
-All right.
And that, girls,
is how we jumble.
OK, girls. Let's see ya!
Heather Carter,
Spring-Summer Collection 1993!
Dad, ready!
[camera clicks]
Amazing! I'll get the chemist
to print one for each of you.
Have a great night, girls!
Deb, is it wrong
that I fancy your dad?
Go on, Rach!
Let's go! Let's go! Go!
Down it, down it!
-Sorry. What's in it?
-Doesn't matter.
All right, Deb! All right!
Come on, Zoe.
Come on, come on, come on!
Yes, Zoe! Heather,
Heather, Heather, Heather!
-Come on, Claire!
-Down it, down it, down it!
-[answerphone beeps]
-Hello, Rachel O'Flynn here.
Er, the competition winner
who swore on your radio show.
I've got the names
of the people
I want to bring to Athens.
Thing is, I haven't spoken
to them in a very long time,
so I was wondering if maybe you
could call them instead of me.
OK, are we doing this?
It only takes a minute, girl
To fall in love,
to fall in love
It only takes a minute, girl
To fall in love
To fall in love
Your promises have never been
Anything you made them seem
So what you gonna
promise me this time?
You're telling lies
so plain to see
You're trying
to make a fool of...
Once you've tasted love,
it's just the beginning
Of a new world
Once you've tasted love
Get it out! Get it out!
-Get it out!
-Sorry, I'm trying!
-Right, Zoe, stand still.
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God! Ugh!
I come to your door
To see you again
But where you once stood
Was an old man instead
I asked where you'd be
He said
she's moved on, you see
All I have is her number
You'd better ask her, not me
I'm here again
I'm here again
I tell you, I'm here again
-Where have you been?
Where have you been?
I'm back again
I'm back again
I tell you I'm here again
-Where have you been?
-It's not finished, Deb!
-That's the point.
-Come on!
-[Heather] Debbie!
It's worth missing the encore to
get them as they come off stage.
Well, it would be.
Except there is no encore
and they're already
on the back of that coach.
For God's sake, Deb!
What the hell
is she doing in that toilet?
disrupting your schedule.
I haven't got a schedule.
Don't pretend that you
haven't got a schedule.
She has got one. I've seen it.
-I went to check.
They were definitely in that
coach. It wasn't just a decoy.
Deb, enough! It doesn't matter.
Except it does
cos it's now 11 o'clock
and the last train
was at ten to!
So we're stuck in Manchester!
Oh, my God.
We're gonna get kidnapped.
-Oh, God.
-Phone box.
We're gonna get kidnapped
for huge amounts of money.
There's no phone box.
Can anyone see a phone box?
-Deb! What are you doing?
-Getting us home.
I haven't got any money.
None of us have any money.
We're gonna have to walk
and I hate walking.
We don't need money.
All you need to remember
is we are girls.
We are 16. We are fantastic!
[shouts] Stop!
-[horn blares, tyres screech]
-[all] Debbie!
What the bloody hell
are you playing at?
Driver, I'm really sorry
to bother you,
but Zoe here is
at Manchester University
actually doing a survey
on local transport and...
You've hung around
waiting to meet the band.
-And you missed the train home.
-How'd you know that?
Cos it happened all the time
when I were in Spandau Ballet.
Cos I drive this bloody bus
and it happens every week!
You realise, girls,
we just had sex without contact.
As my mother keeps telling me,
that's what happened
to the Virgin Mary.
His sweat landed on me.
I'm gonna have his sweat baby.
-I'm pretty sure I was spotted.
-Oh, please!
They'd have spotted me
if were wearing that.
Er, clothes only stand out
if the girl wearing them
stands out.
-Like Deb, just then.
It doesn't matter what you wear
Hold it right there, boys!
Absolutely. In here,
you're giving it... ta-da!
Stop that bus!
Stop that bus, honey! [laughs]
Sit down, get ready,
cos I'm coming aboard!
Help me escape
this feeling of insecurity
I need you so much
But I don't think
you really need me
But if we all stand up
in the name of love
And state the case
of what we're dreaming of
Will you bloody sit down?
I've got to say
I only dream of you
But like a thief in the night
You took away the love
that I knew
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Come on, Deb.
[laughs] Will you sit down?
What are you doing?
Turn back the times
till the days
When our love was new
Do you remember?
No matter what was happening
I was there with you
Oh, oh
But if we all stand up
for what we believe
And maybe live
within our possibilities
The world would be wild
for the dream
So, baby, don't turn away
Listen to what I've gotta say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Relight my fire
Your love is my only desire
Relight my fire
Cos I need
Your love
You got to be strong enough
to walk on through the night
There's a new day
on the other side
You got to have hope
in your soul
Just keep on walking
Oh, yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa
Strong enough
to walk on through the night
There's a new day
on the other side
On the other side
We got to have hope
in our soul
Keep on walking
Relight my fire
-Your love is my only desire
-My only desire
-Relight my fire
Cos I need your love
Your love!
I need your love!
[all exhale]
[brakes squeal]
Get off my bloody bus!
Cheers, mate!
Did you never do daft stuff
when you were our age?
Yeah, I left Spandau Ballet.
-[Heather] This way, come on.
-[Deb] Oh, no.
-Oh, sorry.
-[Heather] Oh, Zoe.
-[answerphone beeps]
-[adult Rachel] Hi, Jeff, lovey.
Er, I've decided to take
the caravan up North. Erm...
I'm actually having
second thoughts
about this whole Athens
and, and concert thing,
and I think, erm,
maybe I shouldn't go at all.
I'll call ya.
This is the life
you've been given
So you're all back then?
Out, please.
No. No, no, no.
[phone rings]
This is the life
you've been given
[birds cry]
[phone vibrates]
This is the life you've been
[Rachel] Oh, God.
There we are. And that
is what I call a short cut.
And here's the girl
who took the piss out of me
-for doing Duke of Edinburgh.
-You know what?
I'd actually rather be lost
than get directions from you.
Just stop a sec, girls.
Take in where we are.
The rocks behind town? [laughs]
That are covered in graffiti
about Heather.
[Heather] Er, which paint a very
unfair picture, by the way!
I have to say, your name
does come up a lot, Heath.
You might not get
a Duke of Edinburgh,
but you might be up
for a Grand Old Duke of York.
What d'you have to do for that?
-Have 10,000 men.
-Ha, ha, ha.
-[Heather] Oh, God.
All here... is where we are.
All five of us.
Hands out.
-Oh, Deb!
-They're so cool!
I know, I know. I'm gorgeous.
From this point, we're never
allowed to take these off.
Even if you're in the Olympics.
Er, when.
After doing possibly the
greatest dive known to mankind.
Which we'll all have
watched on telly.
Me in my dressing room.
Obviously, when I'm a dancer
on Top of the Pops.
Me snuggled up with five kids
and a gorgeous husband.
Rach! Bigger ambition, please,
than being a mother.
Having kids
with one of the boys.
And we'll never fight,
and our Ryan
will come round all the time.
Are you gonna have kids, Heath?
I'd say it's quite likely.
[chuckles] Are you not?
-It's not what I'm aiming at.
-What is?
[shouts] Oxford University!
Oh, mathematics!
Isn't that what your mam said
when she pushed you out, Zo?
Stop it.
Er, excuse me.
You're talking like
we're all gonna lose touch.
And we're never gonna do that.
Swear on the bands.
Make 'em touch.
They've all gotta be touching.
All right, Deb, all right!
One, two, three!
[all cheer]
[indistinct chatter]
[all] Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Huh, uh, uh, uh.
Huh, huh, huh.
Yes! Look at us go!
Deb. Walk me to the junction?
-Like that.
-[car engine revs]
Love you sooo much.
Hey, it was
a five-minute detour.
Don't get too obsessed.
Oh, yeah!
We are fan-tastic! [chuckles]
We are fan-tastic! [chuckles]
[tyres screech, engine stops]
[car door closes]
[knocking at door]
[knocking at door]
Oh, my God, Jeff!
What are you doing here?
Oh, my God! Is it Fred?
-Did he get run over?
-No, Fred's fine. Fred's fine!
-It's you I'm worried about!
Your voicemail! And then you
weren't picking up your phone!
I was asleep, you madman.
You were weird
about the concert.
-And then I got worried.
-Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have rang you
like an idiot. No, I...
[sighs] Oh, God.
I was just trying to, to...
Well, the thing is that you
and me can do Athens any time.
But this concert...
I was wondering if... [sighs]
If it was OK, if I do go,
if I went...
maybe not with you.
You don't even know
those girls anymore.
You literally
never mention them.
-I know, but...
-Do you know how worried...?
I actually thought
you were having an affair!
- What?
- Yeah! Hiding things,
giving shifty little looks
at your phone.
Oh, an affair! Jeff, with who?
And where?
Where would I find the time?
What, in the two minutes I have
in between eating
and having a shower?
People find time, Rachel.
Believe me, people find time.
Jeff, please.
This is a big deal for me.
I wanted to share it
with the people who...
Who love you?
Who love the boys.
And who know me.
Well, who knew me.
And, and, and yes,
who did love me.
Well, I love you, Rach.
And I want you to be happy,
so... go.
Look, it's probably best
if we talk when you get back.
Ah, Jeff.
Oh, no, Jeff, come on. Jeff!
[speaks Italian]
[man speaks Italian]
[speaks Italian]
You love this bloody top.
I love this top!
[in Italian] Heather,
there's a woman.
She says
she's from Radio Clitheroe.
[pounding music]
Faculty building?
-Oh, yeah. Hi.
-To the end and left.
-Thank you.
[phone trills]
We've come so far
Oh, fuck.
And we've reached so high
And we've looked each day
and night in the eye
And we're still so young
And we hope for more
Oh, fuck.
EasyJet flight EZY1941
is now boarding at gate ten.
Please proceed to gate ten
as soon as possible.
Any passengers
travelling to Athens,
EasyJet flight EZY1941
is now boarding at gate ten.
-Please make your way...
-[Claire] Uh-oh!
Double trouble!
Claire Proctor. She's in here
somewhere. [chuckles]
Zoe Claymoore. Two Os and an E.
Christ, sounds like
my GCSE results.
-What did Heather Carter become?
-She stayed Heather Carter.
-I like to keep a check.
What with us both being
in the fashion business.
I didn't think anyone else
would actually turn up.
-Me neither.
I thought, "I don't want Rachel
turning up on her own."
Where is Rachel?
They might tell us.
Ask the guy at the gate
if a passenger
called O'Flynn's checked in.
Oh, she probably won't still be
an O'Flynn, will she?
She will. She never married.
I see her auntie in t'shop.
-Rachel's auntie lives near you?
-It's the same shop.
The ironing shop, right.
Can you have your passports open
and your boarding cards
ready for inspection, please?
Do we?
Is it still free
if she doesn't show up?
I bloody hope so!
I need this break.
-Hold on. Cover me.
-Wait, what's she do...
Oh, shit. No! Heath!
Ladies and gentlemen,
and all in between.
If there is a woman
in this airport
called, we think,
Rachel O'Flynn,
who once lived in Tanner's Lane
next to the chemical plant...
Oh! Sorry, sir. Sorry.
...and who once snogged
Kevin Tottley
for a bet
at the Christmas disco...
you can't go behind that...
...and then went out with him
for a month
because she didn't want
to hurt his feelings,
even though his braces
cut her top lip,
could she please
make herself known?
Wait! I'm here!
[pants] Hi.
Here I am!
[Heather] So great to see you.
Thank God you made it, Rach!
I can't believe we're gonna see
the boys again!
Rach! We didn't know
where you were!
You, you're such
a big star to me
You're everything I wanna be
But you're stuck in a hole
And I want you to get out
I don't know
what there is to see
But I know
it's time for you to leave
We're all just pushing along
Trying to figure it
out, out, out
All your anticipation
pulls you down
But you can have it all
Seriously, you can have it all.
Knock yourself out.
So come on, so come on,
get it on
Don't know
what you're waiting for
Your time is coming,
don't be late
Hey, hey, so come on
See the light on your face
Let it shine,
just let it shine
Let it shine
- Stop
- Stop
Being so hard on yourself
It's not good for your health
Know that you can change
So clear your head
and come round, round, round
So don't you let your demons
pull you down
Everyone else, rear steps.
You ladies are up front.
So come on, so come on,
get it on
Don't know
what you're waiting for
Your time is coming,
don't be late
So come on
See the light on your face
Let it shine,
just let it shine
Let it shine
Let me know ya
Let me know ya
You're all that matters to me
You're all that matters to
Let me show ya
Let me show ya
You're all that matters to me
You're all that matters to me
So come on, come on, come on
So come on, come on, come on
So come on, come on, come on
So come on!
So come on, get it on
Don't know
what you're waiting for
Your time is coming,
don't be late
So come on
See the light on your face
Let it shine,
just let it shine
And it's just
the four of you, yeah?
Are you all right?
This is the life
you've been given
You getting on this plane
or what?
Oh, I am. I am getting
on this plane and...
Totally getting on this plane.
So come on,
see the light on your face
Let it shine,
just let it shine
This is the life
we've been given
Let it shine
[Dave] London, Kuala Lumpur,
Venice, Milan,
wherever in the world
you're listening,
this is Radio Clitheroe.
Shouting out especially today
to Athens
because somewhere in Athens,
our lucky competition winners
are getting ready
to see the boys'
reunion tour live tonight!
[Zoe] Ready in how long?
Oh, erm,
well, the show isn't until eight
and it'd be nice
to make the most
out of the whole day,
so... five?
Fifteen minutes.
Hello, love. How are you?
Well, well, mother ship.
Hey, darling.
I've seen the swimsuit and
I'm not wearing it. [chuckles]
Oh, my God.
They are all so, so...
Northern. I mean, I know I am.
But you know what I mean.
Same as they ever were,
but all so...
-Confident. And really...
-Totally different.
Twenty-five years.
Claire never left Clitheroe.
She works at her mum's shop.
But we talked about...
Taking lifts on his motorbike
and she had sex with him
with his helmet still on
and when he took it off...
It was a different bloke and
she confessed she made it up.
I made it up.
Oh! Oh, hi.
Ah! Aww.
Yeah. [chuckles]
So, what does everyone
fancy doing?
Well, I'm not sure
if you remember,
but, er, our cocktails...
You probably don't even drink
this stuff anymore...
Oh, I remember, all right.
Oh, God.
Why did we do this?
[glasses clink]
[coughs] There's why.
[Claire] What do you think
the odds are
of them doing that thing
where they pull me up on stage
and do a whole song around me?
-Oh, my God.
-So high.
Very high.
God, I hope one of them doesn't
lock eyes with me from the crowd
because I will not be
responsible for my actions.
Oi, you. You've got a partner.
I heard three of them
were on t'brink of divorce.
They're not, are they?
They will be
when I get up there.
-Are you with anyone?
-Not currently.
I mean, I have had a spectacular
number of wild affairs,
but my policy with men
is to sleep with them once
and then eat them.
Today this could be
The greatest day of our lives
Before it all ends
Before we run out of time
You are not serious.
These shoes are meant to stand
still on something still.
-"I'm the king of the world."
-Oh, Rach, you never said.
Stay close to me
Oh, my God!
It's like being back
on a diving board,
but I'm less wet!
Enough about your love life!
If it's too dangerous for you,
then absolutely don't.
I mean,
we could just walk around!
Tighten your bra straps, girls.
Back on the bike.
Today this could be
The greatest day of our lives
[jogger speaks Greek]
Yeah, we do look great!
Is this not the friendliest city
in the world?
[all] Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Tonight this could be
The greatest night
of our lives
Let's make a new start
The future is ours to find
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Stay close to me
Stay close to me
Watch the world
come alive tonight
-[horn blares]
-[shouts in Greek]
-[speaks Greek]
Oh, my God. Did you hear that?
Was that Greek? Thought it was
Italian that you were fluent in.
Italian for business.
Greek for love.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
[speaks Greek]
This way, ladies!
Girls, five guys, one each!
One and a spare.
Tonight this could be
The greatest night
of our lives
Quick, girls.
Get a photo with the gods.
[camera clicks]
OK, right.
In the bloody fountain.
-Right, yes.
-Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
-Let's do it!
-Come on, come on!
-Oh, oh, oh!
-Oh, come on.
-I'll pose here by the edge.
We can shower in the hotel
before the gig. Come on!
She's fine where she is, Rach.
The future is ours to find
[camera clicks]
OK, bit of passion!
[camera clicks]
Can you see it?
Can you get me, Heath?
Can you see it in my eyes?
Can you feel it now?
Oh, I'm feeling it, girls!
Can you hold me
in your arms tonight?
Come on, Claire,
grab hold of that sea god
and pretend to be a mermaid.
-Oh, is he a sea god?
-I presume so.
He looks like the one
from the Disney book
I used to read to my daughter.
-Oh, yeah! Actually...
-W-W-Wait! W-W-Wait!
Daughter? Why did you not
say something on the plane?
Photos! Now! Show!
-Oh, my God.
Being a flower girl
at our wedding.
Elia. Oh, she's beautiful!
Oh, Claire. Come on.
Come and see the photo.
Get in.
Nice flowers.
Shame the marriage wilted.
Someone needs
to be with the bags.
I know what'll get her in.
[clears throat]
Contestant number seven,
Claire Proctor...
I mean, we are going
for gold here today in Athens.
She is about to attempt
possibly the greatest dive
ever known to mankind.
Tonight this could be
The greatest night
of our lives
-[Rachel] Claire.
-Bollocks to it!
Go on, Claire! Come on!
Let's make a new start
The future is ours to find
-Stay close to me
Hold on
-Stay close to me
-Hold on
Watch the world
come alive tonight
Heath, I can't help but notice
your husband's a woman.
Do I win biggest news?
[camera clicks]
Stay close to me
Oh, my God!
You so win biggest news!
-[speaks Greek]
What? Oh, sorry, pal.
I'd... er, Heather?
-What time is it?
-Oh, my God.
[all squeal]
And the world comes alive
And the world comes alive
Watch the world come alive
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Today this could be
The greatest day of our lives
Today this could be
The greatest day of our lives
Oh, God. Girls, girls! Girls!
I'm not...
I have no idea
who these people are.
-[Heather] Get it out.
-[Zoe] Sit still.
So much for sweet-talking
the bloody policeman, Claire.
Yeah, I thought you were gonna
turn on the charm, Claire.
I did. None came out.
[snorts] It's not funny.
It's really not funny.
Right, it is funny!
Why did we stop doing all this?
I haven't laughed like that
in, God, I don't know how long.
-Twenty-five years, almost.
-A long time.
Guys, they've got a probe.
My mouth tastes disgusting.
I need to brush my teeth.
I can't meet the boys like this.
Oh, Rach. We've been arrested
in a foreign country.
I think we've got slightly
bigger problems right now.
Oh, God.
Does anyone have any mints?
I'm in a bloody detention room!
What the hell?
-I've got a reputation.
-You always did.
-You mean like we haven't?
-I mean professionally.
I get an alert every time
I'm mentioned in the press.
Seriously. It happens.
I know, I saw.
The Paris...
The, the thing you did in Paris.
Oh! Yeah, I saw that.
That was cool.
It was good. You do good stuff.
-Yeah. Stuff you do. Good stuff.
-Good stuff.
[speaks Greek]
Heath, translate.
What's he saying?
OK, he says he's referring it
to his boss.
[speaks Greek]
He said normally this is
the sort thing done by students.
[Claire chuckles]
Oh, well, that is not fair.
I'm a medical professional,
thank you.
-[phone rings]
-He's probably right.
It's the kind of thing
your kids do at uni, not you.
Did your lad go? It was a lad,
wasn't it, that you had at...?
The one I had at uni?
Yeah. It was a lad.
-They all are.
[all] What?
Four in four years.
Do I win second-biggest news?
Oh, oh, my God!
Can anyone else tell me if they
have any more massive secrets
cos I can't cope!
God, they're gorgeous!
They look like a boy band!
Is it weird
that we fancy your sons?
-Obviously Heather not as much.
-Stop it!
Heath... did... did you,
did you know, you know, then?
[sighs] Who knows shit
at that age, Rach?
I mean,
we all kissed a few frogs.
Oh, I married the first frog
I met.
One thing I know for sure,
at that age,
they would have been
phenomenally attracted to me.
[all] Slowly out of the water!
[laughs] D'you remember
the competitions?
Like, what was it? The swimming?
Oh, the diving competitions!
God, Claire. We all went.
[Zoe] Claire? D'you remember?
-When the tears fall away
-The competitions?
I bunked off school!
And there's no conversation
The only time ever.
There's nothing left to break
And you won, right?
That's not already broken
Yes, she won.
-She got to the national finals.
-You're staring into space
-[Zoe] How did you do?
-And every inch of silence
I timed out.
Said it all
Nothing to say at all
Is that good?
Nothing to say that matters
Haven't we heard enough?
No. No, it's...
-Said it all
-I didn't dive.
Nothing to say at all
I walked back down.
Nothing to say that matters
Doesn't matter
First time I've been in the
water since was that fountain.
-In the sudden light of day
But why?
The weight of expectation
You walked down?
Hurt begins to fade
-You lost your nerve?
-As you find a new direction
Been talking here for days
And days
I didn't have the Debbie Thomas
gang of dickheads
shouting, "Just bloody jump."
All of the miles of words
we've spoken
All of the lines
that got away
Found a load of new friends
that told me it was OK not to.
[Heather] Who?
Doritos, Heath. Mainly.
Doritos and Monster Munch. Beef.
Didn't we take the time
To say them all?
[door opens]
Oh, stop!
Please! Er, er, please!
[Heather speaks Greek]
-Yeah, er, parakaloor.
Parak... Parakalo.
Er, Heather, would you
j-just translate for me?
Can you just tell him
that we're really sorry?
We did not mean
to desecrate the statues.
I would never do that!
I mean, seriously I am a...
massive fan of, of statues.
-[speaks Greek]
[Rachel] And I just...
it's just we were overexcited
because we're on our way to a
concert to see the actual boys.
So... Also I'm very sorry
that I vomited on your shoes.
That is disgusting.
[Heather speaks Greek]
Er, and, er, yes, is there
any way we could come back later
and be doubly punished then,
but just right now,
er, go to the concert?
[Speaking Greek]: We beg you,
please let us go.
My friend is a crazy woman.
on the edge of a river
Oh, my God!
-On the edge of whatever
-He's a fan! He's a bloody fan!
-It's not "edge of a river".
-Rachel, shut up.
-It's "forever".
Get your VIP passes on!
We will meet you
where the lights are
We might make this.
Are we gonna make a bit of this?
We're totally gonna make it.
Well, the end of it.
Look for cabs. They're yellow.
This app's giving 40 minutes
in a cab, 20 on the train.
You're the one
with the orienteering badge.
-We look a state!
-We're just gonna go to the gig
looking like how we used to look
when we came out.
Oh, platform? Platform?
D'you know which platform?
I'm getting it. Hang on.
Although no one understood
We were
holding back the flood
how to dance the rain
-Leave it! It's going, Zoe!
-We need tickets, Heath!
[Rachel] Oh, I'm nervous
and a bit sweaty!
[exhales] Have we missed much?
[groans] Depends
how long the support was.
Is your mum proud?
Elia, is it, sorry?
-She must be. Proud gran.
-She's never met her.
Burned her bridges on that front
when she never came
to our wedding.
Christ, Heath.
[conductor] Tickets, please.
-[train announcement]
-Nice and easy.
[softly] Nice and easy.
Your time is coming,
don't be late
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh
-Let's get off!
-Go, go, go!
Let it shine
Come on!
No, we should!
They're doing their best!
Come on!
[Zoe] It's just up this hill.
Sure you're OK?
-She's good. She's got this.
-I got this.
Don't think about the hill.
Think about the next step.
-Oh, I like that.
-Come on, Rach.
There's progress now
Where there once was none
Then everything came along
Getting closer, girls!
-Although no one understood
-I've got that feeling.
We were holding
back the flood
how to dance the rain
Sorry. Shit at walking.
Don't be daft. Shallow breaths.
Yeah, no, it's fine.
Might make the encore.
I've got Rach. You two, leg it.
Make sure there's no coach
leaving with the boys in!
[Rachel laughs]
[Rachel] Tell 'em I'm coming!
[sighs] Oh, go, go, Claire.
Keep going, girls!
You're doing great, Zoe!
Oh, no, no one understood
We were holding back the...
I can't walk and sing.
[both breathe heavily]
Come on. We are doing this.
Thanks, Coach.
What, so...
she just didn't turn up?
-Does it say right?
-To your wedding?
Or left?
Your daughter
must want to meet her.
We didn't all turn out
like our mothers wanted, OK?
Yours must be thrilled having
a professor for a daughter.
Saw a photo. Some university.
I can't remember which.
Bath. Would have been Bath.
It's my husband
who's the professor.
Not me.
We made it! Concert entrance!
-Let's go! Go, go, go!
-We are doing this, girls!
[Claire] Oh, no.
[Rachel] OK. So, erm...
The good news is
that we've got these passes...
Maybe, actually,
what we need to do is...
Talking. Rachel
was actually talking then.
Well, I was just gonna say that
they might let us meet the boys
if we show them the...
It's OK, Zoe.
We're not your kids.
-D'you think that's a good idea?
- I'm sorry?
-God, those cocktails.
-[Zoe] No, Rachel.
Sorry, what?
Zoe, you're a wonderful mother,
but you don't need
to keep proving it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Back in your corners, please.
I don't have to prove anything.
[Claire] Stop it!
I think this is my fault. Those
cocktails were like rocket fuel.
They had so much sugar in them.
You think I'm trying
to prove myself?
I don't know what you think.
I'm not that clever.
Stop! Stop! We're meant
to be here having fun.
I think we're really worn out.
Like you said,
I just "make stuff".
Oh, Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry
I didn't get the words right.
Can I just say
that she's brought us here
and I'm standing here now and
I don't know why she bothered.
I know why she asked her.
She has a travel app.
-Piss off, Heather.
-Just go! The pair of you!
If this is what you're gonna do,
go do it somewhere else!
I will.
I will go back to the hotel.
Can I borrow your app?
Oh, God! You asked why we
haven't done this in so long.
-No, you asked that!
-Time out! Time out!
We all know why we haven't
done this in 25 years.
-No, please don't.
-Say it, Zoe! Say it!
Debbie wouldn't want this!
None of us knows
what Debbie would want
because Debbie isn't here.
And it's my fault.
It's no one's fault, Rach.
She walked me home.
I asked her to walk me home.
Walk me to the junction?
Come on!
To fall in love
Only takes a minute, girl,
only takes a minute
Love you sooo much!
Hey, it's a five-minute detour.
Don't get too obsessed.
-[bell tolls]
We are fan-tastic! [laughs]
We are fan-tastic! [laughs]
We are fan-tastic! [laughs]
[tyres screech]
Put your head against my life
What do you hear?
A million words
just trying to make
The love song of the year
Close your eyes
but don't forget
What you have heard
A man who's trying
to say three words
The words that make me scared
A million love songs later
Here I am trying to tell you
That I care
[Rachel] When I was six,
I was invited to the birthday
party of a girl in my class.
Her name was Debbie Thomas.
From that moment on,
we were always dancing
and I always thought...
I always thought that Debbie
would be my bridesmaid.
Why are we doing this?
Doesn't have
to be anything clever.
No, I mean...
It's not about that, Zo.
I know we're not all as good
with words as you.
-Let's just do...
-Sod off, Heather. Just do this.
I mean, here.
It's the last place
we went with Deb.
Yeah, we know.
On your amazing short cut.
It wasn't me
who got us kicked off the bus.
-[Claire] Stop it.
-Where are you, boys?
Sorry, Deb. There.
D'you wanna send that up?
Cos I tell you what...
-[balloon pops]
-Oh, here we go.
"Notice me, everyone. Ta-da!"
-[balloon pops]
I didn't mean to pop mine.
It's just...
Louder, boys.
Take me back, take me back
To where I used to be
Hide away from all my truths
Through the light I see
A million love songs later
And here I am
trying to tell you
That I care
A million love songs later
And here I am
[indistinct chatter]
I guess now it's time
For me to give up
I feel it's time
Got a picture of you
beside me
Got your lipstick mark
still on your coffee cup
Oh, yeah
Got a fist of pure emotion
Got a head
of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it,
gotta leave it all behind now
Whatever I said, whatever
I did, I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back,
want you back
Want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song
and I'll sing it
You'll be right and
I want you back
-Want you back
-I want you back for good
And we'll be together
This time is for ever
We'll be fighting
and forever we will be
So complete in our love
We will never
be uncovered again
Whatever I said, whatever
I did, I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back
Want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song
and I'll sing it
You'll be right and
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whatever I said, whatever
I did, I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
I want you back
Want you back
I want you back for good
I guess now it's time
That you came back for good
Hi. Wait, how did you know
I was coming back early?
You texted me, you daft cow.
Did I? I must've been more drunk
than I thought.
Oh, Jeff. It was such a flop.
You've no idea.
Would you mind just...? Please.
"Whatever I said, whatever
I did, I didn't mean it."
-"I just want..."
-Jeff, what are you doing?
"Put your head against my life."
What do you hear?
"A million words
just trying to make..."
-Oh, my God, Jeff. Stop.
-"All I do each night is pray."
-Jeff, give me those.
-"Babe, I'm here again."
How many of these
do you have?
-About 30.
They've got
an impressive back catalogue.
Yes, I know they do.
I tried to tell ya.
I always wondered why
you didn't want to get married.
Over the years.
"Time's not right.
Save the money."
"Caravan instead."
And I always knew
that they weren't real reasons.
And you panic a bit, Rach,
to be frank. Dark of the night.
And you start entering
competitions for old bands.
Looking up old friends.
I mean,
I work in transport, Rach.
If you don't wanna go forwards,
you go backwards.
[sighs] You know, my, my life
was an eight out of ten,
which, generally,
is pretty great.
You know,
like, if you're in school,
that's a good mark.
But not if you know
that the other two is out there.
Where is it?
It's with those girls.
And who I am with them,
or I was.
And a girl called Debbie.
[Jeff] Well...
Pleased for you.
But I've...
This is it.
This is all I've got.
-This is maximum Jeff.
I don't go any higher
on the dial.
But I can promise you
something right now.
I hereby swear I will
never propose to you again.
[sighs] Oh, come here, Jeff.
Oh... [chuckles]
Who needs marriage?
Outdated bloody institution.
Anyway, Fred swallowed the ring.
Hasn't come out
the other end yet.
-I am not fishing it out!
Here she is,
back from the Continent.
Leaving me here, incontinent.
You been working on that one
for a while, have you?
Come here!
[door buzzer]
Hey, Mum!
-Bye, Mum.
-[mouths] Bye.
[Dave] OK, drumroll, please.
This week's competition winner,
a family pass to Water Splash
World in Rawtenstall.
Are you screaming yet,
Colin Tunnock?
Oh! Who's this wearing
an Arsenal scarf?
Get him out.
[gasps] Oh, look.
Now, you know I'm supposed
to have a lid on this,
in case I scald ya,
but I thought,
"Well, you're already
in a hospital, so who cares?"
Look at this one!
Oh, you'll be ready
to escape soon.
What's all this?
Oh, Maisie. Come here.
[phone pings]
[indistinct chatter]
[woman] Faculty building?
Do you have someone
enrolling today?
I do, yeah.
Classical studies.
Zoe Claymoore.
Two Os and an E.
Kirsty... just jump in.
That's how it starts.
Don't think about the hill.
Think about the first step.
Go on!
I know it's not Milan,
but, erm, prove yourself here
and I'll take you to Italy.
But be prepared.
Some of these guys are tough.
Two quid.
OK. Two.
[reader beeps]
And that is how we jumble.
Isn't it, Mum?
Well, Rach,
you've finally worn me down.
If you'd just told me
that you wanted to get married,
I probably would have
asked you sooner.
[Jeff] Hmm!
[photographer] OK,
everyone, smile. Big smile!
Oh, oh. Looking good!
[camera clicks]
OK, now one
just with your brother.
[Rachel] Oh, Ryan.
[camera clicks]
Better do this before the dog
dies and puts a damper on it.
-Jeff, please. Come on.
Just before we go in, can we get
one with the bridesmaids?
He's messing. There are
no bridesmaids. Obviously.
Except there are.
Aren't there, Rach?
There always were.
Is that a yes?
Do you think she wants us?
Sodding hope so.
I spent eight quid on these.
It's amazing, Heath,
what you do.
Your daughter
must be very proud.
Oh, don't big her up.
All she does is
basically clothing alterations.
Yeah, and in your case...
[chuckles] Say it!
Some pretty
bloody extensive ones.
-[Claire] Thank you.
-[bike bells]
If you can't take the piss
out of me, then I can't use
one of the 3,000 lesbian jokes
I've been working on.
[Heather] Claire!
Oh, I'm going.
I can't stand the suspense!
-[girl 1] Keep up.
-[girl 2] Hurry up!
You are a lying dog,
Jeff Tompkins.
Have you nothing
to say for yourself?
-We got changed in the shops.
OK, so Jeff phoned me
and I phoned the girls.
I said, "I've made outfits.
We can meet in Claire's shop."
She phoned us, OK?
Jeff had phoned her.
Oh, my God.
-No, no, no, no, no!
-Your makeup!
It cost me 60 quid as well!
-You look gorgeous.
-Your eyebrows are amazing.
You go in front of me.
-No, you go first.
-Oh, yeah!
You and me have been together
a long old time.
We've had
some artistic differences.
But now we're stronger
than ever.
This isn't a marriage, Rach.
-This is a comeback.
[Claire] Whoo!
[clears throat] So, erm...
[whispers] I got this.
Just have a little patience
Still hurting
from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
Any minute,
all that pain will stop
Just hold me close
Inside your arms tonight
(JEFF JOINS IN) Don't be
too hard on my emotions
I knew you knew it. [chuckles]
Cos I...
Need time
My heart is numb,
has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try
And have a little patience
Cos I...
Need time
My heart is numb,
has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try
Oh, no, no, no, no.
The restaurant's this way, love.
Rach, just go with it. Come on.
What are you...?
What's going on?
[Jeff] Come on!
[Rachel] Ah! Stop! [chuckles]
Oh, what's going on, Jeff?
I'm a ward sister. I'm no good
at not being in control.
We've got to take
a bit of a short cut.
-[Heather] Dearly beloved.
We are gathered here
for the exchange of rings.
Go, Jeff.
[chuckles] What?
Oh. Di... He's...
So, you probably
won't remember this,
but when we went to that gig,
she bought...
Debbie bought us
all these wristbands
and I have kept mine
for the last 25 years.
You kept your wristband?
Girls, she kept her wristband.
-[sighs] I know.
Bands out.
Make 'em touch.
They've gotta be touching.
The pose?
"Won't ever lose touch."
That's what we said up here.
-Said a lot of things up here.
-[chuckles] Yeah!
-This time, yeah?
Go on, Zo. "Doesn't have to be
anything clever."
You light the skies
Up above me
A star so bright
You blind me
Yeah, yeah
Fully biodegradable
and safe for cows.
Safe for cows?
They get their hooves caught up
in it as they let them go!
No, it's in case
the cows eat them.
-I know!
-She knows.
How d'you spell "cathartic"?
Yeah, you and me,
we can ride on a star
If you stay with me, girl
We can rule the world
Looks like you knew
what you were gonna write.
Probably always did.
Never dared to say it.
We can rule the world
All the stars
are coming out tonight
They're lighting up
the sky tonight
For you
Let's go.
For you
I resisted the urge to get
your name tattooed anywhere.
I spared you that. [chuckles]
Go on.
All the stars
are coming out tonight
They're lighting up
the sky tonight
For you, for you
All the stars
are coming out tonight
They're lighting up
the sky tonight
For you, for you
You and me,
we can ride on a star
Whoo! [chuckles]
Oh, my God.
Whose bloody idea was that?
We've come a long way
But we're not too sure
where we've been
We've had success
We've had good times
But remember this
Been on this path of life
for so long
Feel I've walked
a thousand miles
Sometimes stroll
hand in hand with love
Everybody's been there
With danger on my mind
I will stand
on the line of hope
And I knew I could make it
Once I knew the boundaries
I looked into the clouds
and saw
My face in the moonlight
Just then I realised
what a fool I could be
Just cos I look so high
you don't have to see me
Finding paradise
wasn't easy but still
There's a road going down
the other side of this hill
Never forget
where you've come here from
Get out of the bloody road!
Never pretend
that it's all real
Soon this will all be
someone else's dream
This will be
someone else's dream
We've come so far
And we've reached so high
And we've looked each day
and night in the eye
-And we've come so far
-Today this could be
And we've reached so high
The greatest day
of our lives
And we've looked each day
and night in the eye
And we're still so young
-Today this could be
-And we hope for more
Oh, my babies!
The greatest day
of our lives
Never forget
where you've come here from
Never pretend
that it's all real
Soon this will all be
someone else's dream
[trumpet solo]
Never, never, never forget
Oh, never, never, never
Soon this will all be
someone else's dream
This will be
someone else's dream
God, we're all fantastic.
[laughter, cheering]
Never forget
where you've come here from
Never pretend
that it's all real
Soon this will all be
someone else's dream
[trumpet solo]
Never forget
where you have come here from
Never pretend
that it's all real
Soon this will all be
someone else's dream
["Greatest Day"]
Today this could be
The greatest day of our lives
Before it all ends
Before we run out of time
-Stay close to me
-Hold on, hold on
-Stay close to me
-Hold on
Watch the world
come alive tonight
Stay close to me
Shine a light
on our greatest day
Light up, light up
Shine a light
on our greatest day
Light up, light up
Tonight this could be
the greatest night of our lives
Let's make a new start
The future is ours to find
Can you see it?
Can you see it?
Can you see it in my eyes?
Can you feel it now?
Oh, can you feel it?
Can you hold it
in your arms tonight?
Hold on, hold on, hold on
-Hold on, hold on, hold on
-Hold on, hold on
Shine a light
on our greatest day
Light up, light up, light up
Shine a light
on our greatest day
Light up, light up
-And the world comes alive
-Light up
-And the world comes alive
-Light up
-And the world comes alive
-Light up
Oh, oh, oh!
Stay close to me, hold on
Stay close to me
Watch the world
come alive tonight
Stay close to me