Gremo mi po svoje (Going Our Way) (2010) Movie Script
A film by Miha Hoevar
This is crazy!
He beat the last year's record
by whole 20 seconds!
Alex Hribar is the camp's winner.
Can anyone beat this record?
Who dares to challenge him?
Too bad I don't have
an underwater camera.
What a great shot it would be.
- Yes, Alex!
Will you try? - Are you nuts?
Lf this cold water
gets into my ears,
I'll get a swollen eardrum.
You get ill at a mere sight
of cold water.
- OK, let's move!
Two by two, to the camp!
- Nooo!
The first one to reach the camp
gets a prize.
You cheated and took a shortcut.
So did you,
but who said we shouldn't?
OK... Now, everybody get ready
for a line-up!
Sorry... Sorry.
Hurry up, nobody's watching us.
Is he for real,
right over the tent like that.
Move on... good, good,
keep on running. Good...
Where are you heading?
- We're racing to the flagpole.
And you are last,
like always.
I'm short of breath.
I think I have asthma.
Come on,
short of breath... asthma...
You're just like your mother.
Get going.
- Where's Grega?
Grega! Grega!
Oh, scout-leader Grega,
so where have you been?
Sorry, I didn't hear the call.
- In spite of our shouts?
We were knocking down the tents
and screaming like psychos!
I was listening to the news.
- And what's new?
Same old crap going on
in Palestine,
our team didn't make it
to the finals,
and global warming signals
an inevitable cataclysm.
I see, that's why you're so 'hot'.
It's really hot in the tent.
- You're not in the tent,
we're lining up in the fresh air,
so we're supposed to be
in uniform and look?
- Orderly!
I'll go change...
Oh, Marko Nahtigal, welcome!
Where have you been?
Dad gave me a lift and
dropped me off at the store.
I see. And what's that?
Pets are not allowed here.
Esmeralda isn't just a pet.
She's from South America.
I thought she's was a local.
Anyway, she doesn't belong here.
That's not fair!
- Wait!
OK, those in favour of the bird
staying here, raise your hands!
Everybody, just like I thought.
- I could have brought Max. - Max?
My Doberman. - OK, the bird stays.
- Say thank you. Thank y'a.
But if some crap happens...
- We'll clean it up.
You'll do a double shift
on watch tonight
because you knocked down
the tent. - I can't.
I need more sleep
than other people.
Are you a scout or what? Scouts
sleep as circumstances require.
My needs are great and
they get greater every day.
- Dismissed.
They call that food? Lt's nothing
but grease. Luckily, I've brought
some supplements. - It's quite
tasty, actually. Why did you join
the scouts, if you're so sensitive?
- Dad says it'll make me stronger.
He says I'm too spoiled. - Go tell
him that it's either his or your
mom's fault. They spoil you too
much, so why put the blame on you?
I'll tell him, if I make it home
alive. Mom goes completely nuts
if I just mention dad. Completely
nuts. - How do you like it, boys?
Is it too salty? - No, it's
delicious. - Better than at home.
Really. My grandpa would
say that she's worthy of sin.
A woman with curves.
- Man, what I would do with her.
What would you do with her?
Nothing. - You've got one thing
right for a change.
'Nothing' is the right answer.
It'll take you a few more years
of eating grits, before
you can do anything with her.
And now - action!
He'll ruin my appetite
with that music.
You call that music?
Culture... Yuk!
Culture... Yuk!
You're a miserable bunch
with no ear for music.
It was all right...
Band of demons!
What is this, Star wars
or what? Silence!
Ozbolt, stop it!
He's nasty as ever this year.
- Well, discipline is in order.
You'd do nothing but mess around.
We're scouts, man.
Jake says that his dad
has problems at work,
and that at home
he's even worse. - At home?
They don't live together.
Jake's mom divorced him.
Don't fall asleep!
We're supposed to keep watch!
You're here to watch over me.
I feel completely safe.
Alex, it's your turn
to keep watch. Wake up!
Oh, man, I was flying.
You're still dreaming, wake up!
Is it time to get up already?
- No, not for you.
Lucky you, I'm keeping watch
for two more hours.
Keep on sleeping, Esmeralda.
I have to go.
"Does anyone know
who they really are
and where they're going?
Which came first,
the big bang, God,
the chicken or the egg?
Lt's doesn't matter,
let it be!
Forget about wings,
let's just fly...
Young or old, a bird
or a mouse,
just go your own way!
Who knows it, knows it,
and we simply know it...
We fly without wings... "
Look, it's only girls
in that camp over there.
Interesting, isn't it?
- Yes. Very interesting.
"You are what you are,
You go where you go.
Everybody take their own way,
Some on foot, others lying down,
and some hand in hand... "
Mom forgot to pack
my toothbrush.
Mom? Don't you pack
your own things?
I do, but she wouldn't let me.
She says that I forget.
I'll have to get to the store
and buy a new one.
I need to buy some things, too.
- What more could you really need?
You've brought a trunk full of
stuff. - Sunscreen, factor 30.
Here, the chance of sunburn
is even higher than at the beach.
Mountains or beach,
it's the same sun, you know.
But here, we're closer to it
and I don't want to risk
developing skin cancer.
- Skin protection is essential.
They keep saying it on TV.
- A trip to the store is a must.
We're young,
but we have needs, too.
OK, OK...
I'll talk to the camp-leader.
We don't want any sunburns.
- Hi. - Hi.
Does she also
brush her teeth?
She sharpens her beak, actually.
- Go sharpen your beak, girl.
She's cute. Can she talk?
- Surrre I can talk
and you can't stop me once
I starrrt. - What would she do
if you let her out?
- Most likely, she'd get scared
and fly away. This is not
her terrain. - Can I carry her?
Why not? But she's pretty heavy
with that cage. Get lost.
Say Marko. Marrrko.
- Marrrko.
Flames rise from our fire,
In the middle of our camp,
Guarded by a mighty mountain,
Sheltered neatly in the woods...
Tents shine in the sun,
As we proudly raise our flag...
I'm too old to sing anthems.
Last year, I thought it was fun.
Now I think it's stupid.
And you're tone deaf, too.
- Who is chattering?
I just explained to Alex
why I can't sing. - Really?
Share it with us.
- My voice cracks.
It's called voice mutation.
"Flames are rising from our fire... "
That's enough, thank you.
We get the picture...
Why are you lurking around
with that camera
instead of singing the anthem?
- I'm shooting a documentary
about scout life. I need to take
shots of a line-up
from different angles...
to make it more interesting.
You look great from this angle...
What a profile!
What's the title of this film
you're making?
'The Clever Groundhog In Action'.
It'll be a hit! - I see. Good.
Did you hear?
We'll be in his movie. Attention!
After the meeting,
report to your leaders
and apply for skill training.
For the end of our stay here
we'll do some bivouacking.
What's bivouacking?
- Survival in nature,
and in groups of three.
But that's not for you, kiddo.
Why not? - Because you'd crap
your pants from fear, that's why!
Lt's a task that only the most
prepared and responsible scouts
can accomplish.
Who needs to go to the store?
Did you all forget
your toothbrushes?
No, I need sun lotion.
The first thing on their mind
is shopping. How nice.
You two stay,
because you were talking
during the flag raising.
Good job, scout Mohor.
Don't worry, I can get you
whatever you need from the store.
Batteries for my flashlight. I'll
be on watch more often this year.
Trading cards. Xavi is
the only one I'm still missing.
Girls, here! A great spot!
Here. Unpack your things.
Just look at them.
Their eyes will drop out.
Like they never saw
a woman in a bathing suit.
Their camp is right above ours.
- Yeah, scouts. Good guys.
They gather wood, light fires,
carve whistles
and feed on wild carrots.
Wake up, sleepy.
Wake up!
I am awake.
The world is strange.
If you can't change it,
who will?
You, grandpa. You will.
No, no. I won't be around
much longer.
You will soon be left
on your own.
If you don't help yourself,
no other person will help you,
remember that.
- But I am still a kid.
Ha! Stop looking
for excuses, boy!
Look, you're already growing
a moustache!
Gosh, have I grown up that fast?
Time flies, boy. Relentlessly.
It's not good to waste it
on sleep.
I had a really sexy dream.
- Tell us about it.
I was lying here on the shore,
alone. Suddenly,
I heard some voices.
I looked around and saw,
that I was surrounded by girls.
- Naked girls?
No, not completely naked.
In their swimsuits. - So?
Nothing because you two idiots
woke me up. End of dream.
But it came true, look.
- Wow, girls... Cool!
Let's hope
they're not contagious.
Oh, baby, you're so pale...
All you think about is diseases.
You don't know them.
Maybe they came here to treat
some weird skin disease,
like psoriasis.
You don't know how many forms
of skin diseases there are...
Come on, give us a break.
- My skin feels itchy already.
Hey, dorks,
have you never seen
a woman in a swimsuit before?
Boys... All they do is wrestle
and make a lot of noise.
They just want us to see
how strong they are.
Don't encourage them, girls.
- What do you mean, Miss Irene?
I'm sure you know what I mean,
Miss Carmen.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hi girls, can I get you
anything from the store?
- Chili chips. - Trading cards.
- OK, you'll get it.
Why don't you take
rice cakes?
They're much healthier
than chocolate wafers.
I like wafers better.
- Have you tried these?
No, I don't like them.
- But you haven't tried them.
They look weird - that colour,
not to mention the shape.
I'll taste one of yours, and
maybe I'll buy them next time.
Hi there, how are you doing?
- Fine, thanks.
Here, trading cards.
They cost a bit more here,
I guess
it's because of shipping.
This is for Esmeralda.
I hope she likes it.
Gee, thanks. She'll like it.
Look what we have here,
Check this other package
I brought for some girl...
Marrko... - Say it.
Here, give her an extra one,
from me.
I got to go.
Don't tell anybody.
Why do you still collect them?
The championship is over.
It's the champions' league.
Xavi is the last one missing,
he's really hard to get.
If you're lucky, you could win
a season ticket.
Dad said he'd try to get me one,
but he couldn't.
He always promises.
- Same here,
mine promised to take me
to Gardaland, and kayaking.
Well, there was
no Gardaland and no kayaking.
My dad always complains
that I am just a spoiled kid.
Hi girls, I brought your
supplies: Chocolate? 2.50,
chili chips
two packs,? 4.80...
Shit, I forgot your cookies.
I'm sorry.
What about my trading carcds?
- Here they are.
Why is the pack open?
I want a discount.
A friend of mine is missing
one, so we checked yours.
He gave you one of his doubles.
- You're smart. Is your family poor?
No, but we all have a knack
of business.
Then I demand a discount. Welfare
services paid for my stay here.
What about Teen Scene? - Here,
the latest issue,? 2.50.
My grandpa is the manager
of a superstore. - No kidding?
Listen, your prices
are really high.
I have to earn something, too.
For carrying the risk.
Did you see that?
She fainted just like that.
She has some strange disease,
I don't know how it's called...
Gee, that must be
something serious...
Princesses are very delicate.
They hardly eat because
they're afraid to gain weight.
No wonder that they faint.
- An empty sack doesn't stand
on its own.
- One of your grandpa's sayings?
Lf I don't eat soon,
I'll faint, too. Let's go see
if we can find some apples.
- I hope they're not sprayed
with pesticides, otherwise
I'll start sneezing right away.
Mmm, tripe stew.
- Aha.
I love the way you cook it.
- It's hot. - I'll blow on it.
It's even better than last year.
And so are you.
Am I?
What makes you think so?
You've developed some curves,
nice, firm curves...
What are you doing?
I don't want you
to stick to the surface...
Mayda, we're alone...
Somebody having fun spying, ha?
They're not spying. They were
probably just stealing apples,
like they always do. - How come
I don't know they steal apples?
You should have told me... We're
scouts and scouts don't steal!
Oh dear, don't be so serious
about everything.
We're on vacation, remember?
And it's not really stealing.
We all stole fruit
when we were kids.
Yes, but from a tree,
not from a pantry.
This is a scout camp,
not just a vacation.
I am responsible
for everything here
and it's no joke!
Red sneakers...
Ah, I could have guessed.
A fan of red sneakers
and red apples - stolen apples,
to be precise.
We were hungry,
we just took a few apples.
We are growing fast. - WE...
Plural. There were more of you.
It was me and him,
just the two of us.
OK, smart guy. I've noticed
that you two spend
a lot of time together.
You obviously like each other
very much, don't you?
Since you like
each other's company so much,
I'll let you spend
the night together, too.
Double watch, tonight,
from midnight to 4 a. m. Why?
Because scouts don't steal!
Scouts don't steal!
- Again...
Scouts don't steal!
- That's right.
Another double watch?
I'll drop dead
from lack of sleep.
I protest. - Until 5 a. m. Then.
Got it - until 4 a. m.
I see you all noticed our new
neighbours. It's a girls' camp,
if I am not mistaken. - A sports
and arts rehabilitation camp.
Whatever. You can tell
they're not scouts.
So, why not surprise them
with some scout welcome prank?
Four hours - you two will have
loads of time tonight, so...
to kill time and avoid boredom,
you'll sneak into their camp
and steal their flag.
- Scouts don't steal!
They know nothing about
scout games and pranks.
We should warn them. - No,
it'll be more fun if we don't.
Come on, it's just a prank.
- I know.
Four hours! - That's torture.
I wonder what the ombudsman
would say, if he heard
of our case. What time is it?
One. Let's wait a little longer,
to make sure they're all asleep.
How many are missing?
- A lot,
but I don't care.
I only collect the cute ones.
It was nice today, interesting.
- Yeah, as soon as there are
boys around, it gets interesting.
- Scouts, they're funny.
Which of them did you think
was really funny?
I'm not telling you.
- Doesn't matter, I already know.
No, you don't. - I do.
- I'll show you which one. - OK.
Shit, what time is it?
- 3 a. m. Let's go.
We'd better turn off
our flashlights. - OK.
Where do they keep their flag?
- Looks as if they don't have one.
What shall we do now?
- Let's take something else.
Yes. Otherwise the camp leader
will give us hard time again.
The flag is sacred,
same as the eternal flame.
If the fire dies out,
we go home, right? - Yes.
I didn't hear you.
Is that correct? - Yes!
Lf there's no flag?
- We don't exist. - Excellent!
The Groundhog unit
becomes a thing of the past.
Fortunately, we've managed
to retrieve the flag,
but only because it was stolen
by our own.
It doesn't count if we steal
our own flag.
And without an announcement.
And where is the girls' flag?
- They don't have one,
so we brought something else.
- And what would that be?
Let me think...
- A pot?
A pot!
That's some trophy, isn't it?
That's some loot, really.
The king of pots!
Hey, cook!
We have a new pot for you!
Are you happy? Are you?
Magnificent loot,
the pot of all pots...
Good morning, neighbours.
Who's in charge here?
I believe that pot is ours.
What kind of a joke is this?
An innocent one.
Just a traditional scout game,
like stealing the flag.
No harm meant.
True. A scout's word of honour.
And what does it have to do
with the flag?
Well, you don't have a flag,
so we took your pot.
I mean the boys did...
We're giving it back to you.
No harm meant.
Here, girls, take it.
We expect an apology.
We apologize.
Not that kind of apology.
So long...
One more time!
Crazy chicks,
flashing their mirrors like that...
They could set us on fire. - Shall
we go down? - Some hero you are.
What if we held a dance?
- A dance?
With some games.
It would be our way
of apologizing
for having stolen their pot.
- A bonfire, not a dance,
a real scout event
with a contest and a bonfire... build friendship between
our camps... - No!
A competition comes first,
then the friendship.
I don't think it's a good idea
to challenge a sports camp
in sports, let's rather compete
in knowledge or intelligence...
I don't care about
intelligence, I want action!
Besides, they don't look
much like athletes,
just look at them. Let's race!
He doesn't care about a dance,
he already has a girlfriend.
That the scout team will loose.
No wonder,
the girls are
much, much better...
Boys are poor, girls are cool,
hey, hey hey!
They'll blow it,
they're not serious.
A real catastrophe
for the scouts...
They really look pathetic...
They have no rhythm.
They're letting them win.
The last meters of the race...
Well, look at them.
Move it, move it, boy!
The girls are determined to win...
against such opponents...
Substitution! - What substitution?
- A flying one, like in hockey.
That's right, show them!
Right, left, right, left...
An expected and well deserved
victory for the girls!
Does it hurt?
- No!
Despite the intervention
of their leader!
Unbelievable, what a defeat
for the scouts!
And in a race that's primarily
a boy's domain!
Not any more,
the girls won fairly.
Because they were
much, much better!
Shame on you guys!
- Yeah,
if I fell like that...
- That's a shame,
you were swinging
like a bunch of old ladies!
Lt was tactics; we planned
to outrun them in the finish.
Some tactics! I told you
to use dry branches
but you just grabbed the first
rotten branch you could find.
It held my weight,
but you're too heavy.
Too much tripe stew. - I guess
they like washing dishes.
Well, they were better.
- No, they weren't!
You just had to interfere.
Of course I had to.
We were loosing.
It was just a game.
- Against girls.
You can't stand any fun.
Oh, really? Do you know what
they used to call me at school?
Joker! Because I was always
making jokes!
Your Jake knows about us.
- So what?
He can't expect of me to never
get laid again. - Hey!
You're a good cook.
You can sew.
These things really turn me on.
If you like him, just wink
at him. - I'd rather die.
You know what boys are like.
You have to encourage them.
If he's to dumb or too shy
you have to encourage him
several times before he dares
to make a move. - Yeah.
It's all in there:
'How to spark his interest. '
I'm sweating here
because of you, losers.
Do some chopping yourselves!
- Be quiet, Muscles,
we're trying to think of a good
skit. Any ideas coming from you?
Muscles? That's a good name
for him. OK, Muscles,
suggest something. - Come on,
skits are for kids!
What if Cutie did a striptease?
- That would be hilarious!
He needs heavy make-up, girls.
Don't spare the lipstick.
Good job, girls!
You'll be a star, I swear.
- Stop shooting, please.
More lip-gloss!
She's fainted again.
That's some kind of lepsy,
nobody knows which one.
It's going to rain. - Great,
no need to wash the dishes.
Our automatic dishwasher.
Big White Butt... I like it,
sounds like an Apache name.
And I like the rhymes,
they could make up a nice song.
Let's sing!
All together now...
"Oh, Big White Butt... "
Come on, everybody sing!
"Oh, Big White Butt,
You're fat, indeed...
Fat like a pig!
Whoever has to carry you... "
This is so funny, isn't it?
"Really suffers too!
'Cause you're fat like a pig... "
OK, we've had some fun,
but from now on
I don't want to hear that song
even again! Is that clear?
There... I'd really like to know
which Apache wrote this crap.
Jake? Who wrote it?
I assumed it was you.
It's written all over your face.
Listen, you poet,
insults will not be tolerated.
I was only joking. - You'll be
washing dishes every day
for the rest of our stay here.
Ha, ha, how funny is that?
Leader Greg, what's new?
Down in the south,
a bomb killed 17 people,
- Dismissed!
Don't report such shocking news
in front of the kids.
They should learn
what the world is like.
They can't understand
such things, don't you get it?
I don't understand them either.
How about sticking to weather
forecasts? Any more showers coming?
No, the pressure front
is slightly dropping,
but the next front won't reach us
for at least a couple of days.
Young ladies,
you're about to witness
the lighting of a miraculous
bonfire - an invention
of a legendary scouts' unit.
We, groundhogs, are proud
to carry on the tradition.
This fire will last for hours
without having to add any
extra wood to it.
It'll burn till morning.
In the old scouts' tradition
the most beautiful girl gets
the honor to light the fire.
Therefore, our main engineer
of the pile will select a belle
that will have the honor
to light the fire.
Those are juniper twigs,
for special effects.
Wow, like pyrotechnics. Cool.
So, how about you?
Any hobbies? - Nothing special,
just rhythmic gymnastics.
- I see. You work with ribbons,
clubs and... - Hoops.
That's it, yes. Do you like it?
Sure, I think it's really cool.
- What about you?
I'm with the scouts,
I play soccer, and I collect
trading cards -
Xavi is the only one missing.
Carmen collects them, too.
- It's bedtime, girls. - No, not yet...
See you tomorrow
at the lake.
Sorry, girls.
The skit will have to wait.
Carmen? Carmen!
Hi there,
we had a great time today.
Alex built a huge bonfire,
and I had the honour to light it.
Tomorrow, he's taking me
on a boat ride
in an Indian canoe.
I hope Irene lets me go.
And I wish mom and dad
would stop fighting all the time.
OK, good night now.
Due to the weather forecast
we've decided to reschedule
the bivouacking project.
You'll be leaving today...
Today? We've promised the girls
a ride in a canoe!
Are you starting
a tourist agency or what?
In a few days we can expect
heavy rains and storms.
You don't want to get
soaking wet, do you?
You know what you need to pack.
Don't forget your flashlights,
you don't want to crap your
pants out there in the darkness.
Mayda will distribute DFR's,
dry food rations.
You have ten minutes
to pack up and get ready.
Dismissed. Hurry up!
Move it, move it!
The sun is much stronger
up there, take my sun lotion.
Gee, thanks.
What factor...
Bye, guys. Take care!
Switch places...
Kekec! - Kekec!
Kekec! - Kekec!
What's wrong with those idiots?
- It looks the weather will change,
we'd better return to the camp.
- No, there's no need to go back.
There is - we'll give the girls
a ride in a canoe
instead of those dorks.
- Only if I get to do the rowing.
Sure, you're the strongest.
Look, a waterfall.
Let's go there. - Cool.
You've saved my life...
- Don't exaggerate.
Let's go...
Either they freaked out,
or their fat camp leader
doesn't let them go.
- No, they're coming.
Here we are, ladies.
Shall we go? - Where's Alex?
They've chosen
to go bivouacking,
but we didn't want to disappoint
you, so here we are.
Nature is screwed up.
I got stung by a mosquito.
I might get malaria and die.
- This is Slovenia, not Africa.
Here, mosquitoes don't carry
malaria. At least for now.
But ticks transmit borreliosis and
meningitis, which is even worse.
At this altitude,
there are no ticks.
Come on, cut the crap.
- What do you know?
Look, this is a good spot.
Lies, deceit, cowardice.
- What cowardice?
You came back here running.
- The storm is coming.
Yes, and the best scouts freak
out and run back to the camp.
I don't know but...
- What?
We wanted to give the girls
a ride in a canoe.
So, you lied. - Lied?
The storm did not freak you out...
- No.
That's deceit. - Why?
Wasn't it Alex who had promised
the girls a ride in a canoe?
I see... Your plan was
to catch the girls' attention.
It was just a trick.
Did it work for you? Did it?
- It worked.
Good. True scouts are crazy
about chicks, that's a fact.
But what were you thinking
when you left my son out there
with those two idiots? I put him
in your custody, Emile,
and I expected of you
to look after him.
They wanted to get rid
of Cutie, who's been getting
on their nerves. - So, you took
Cutie instead of my son.
Go to bed.
Go to bed!
Don't roll your eyes!
We had a great time
with the girls, didn't we?
Do you think they liked us?
Sure they did! We are cool
and fun, we took them
on a ride in our boat...
- Yeah, super.
Those guys up there
are about to do some hard time.
Great, the next thing I'll catch
will be a nice cold.
Some scouts we are, this damn
thing is leaking everywhere.
We were a bit sloppy, and now
we'll get a little wet, so what?
Keep quiet and
try to get some sleep.
But how?
- With your eyes shut!
There's no soup
like beef soup.
It's good, really good.
Let's go, new adventures
await us out there!
Let me sleep just a little
longer, then we'll go.
Grandpa, where are you?
I'll go slowly
to the other side.
Where are you?
On the other side,
in the void...
I like it here!
I don't know...
What if it is spoiled?
Are you nuts? I caught it alive.
- Then it must have been sick.
It'll be delicious,
when it is grilled, you'll see.
Provided that I manage
to light this damn fire!
We can always eat it raw.
- Yuk.
The Japanese eat raw fish
all the time. Sushi.
There's nothing healthier
than raw fish.
Have you ever seen a Japanese
with any kind of allergy?
I've never seen any Japanese
except on TV.
And some tourists downtown.
I brought a cigarette lighter.
Just in case...
Look at Cutie.
That bandana on his arm means
that he's taking on a challenge,
the vow of silence.
Watch this!
Cutie, argh! Cutie!
Lf you call me Cutie
just one more time...
Boy, the rain was pouring
like hell, and thunderbolts
were crashing all around us.
- How was it boys?
Did you crap your pants?
- You said it would be fine!
Even meteorologists
can go wrong sometimes.
It's not an easy job.
- Storms can be very dangerous.
- Women always panic.
Who ran back to the camp first?
- The girl's right. In the mountains,
thunderbolts kill on average...
- Would you shut up, please?
OK... - Spare us your statistics.
Look over there!
The boys are missing
the whole afternoon.
Were they injured or worse?
Should I keep looking
into the camera?
You can keep looking
at whatever you like.
Has anyone seen Esmeralda?
Why should we go back?
That camp is worse than school.
Let's stay up here
for a couple of days,
take a look around...
- Yeah, let's follow our noses.
My dad will go nuts.
- So what? What on earth
can he do to you, to us?
He's a real pain in the ass,
I've had enough of him!
- We'll say that we got lost.
My grandpa says
that freedom should be cherished.
With Alex and his gang missing
life here became a lot nicer.
But they should have
returned to the camp by now.
By 6 p. m. Today at the latest,
to be exact.
Has anyone seen them?
- No.
But we heard them screaming
yesterday. What?
What were they screaming?
OK, OK, we get the picture.
Any other observations
or comments?
Esmeralda is missing, too.
- Who?
The parrot.
That nasty bird.
I knew that bird would bring
nothing but trouble.
But don't you think that
three boys gone missing
is a more serious problem
than a bird gone missing?
Lt probably just decided
to stretch its wings a little.
All living creatures
deserve equal treatment.
They said that there would be
no more storms.
What if they had been struck
by a thunderbolt
and their charred bodies lie
somewhere out there?
We'd better go find them
right away. - It's too late now.
My ankle hurts like hell,
and you two are such jerks
that you'll never find them.
All you'll do is loose your way,
like you did on Little Peak.
No, no.
We were kids
when that happened.
You're still kids.
Get your butt off the table.
They've probably lost
their sense of direction.
Let's wait until morning.
Or, we can call 112,
Mountain Rescue.
Are you nuts? They'll turn
this place into a crazy house,
with helicopters, reporters,
and everything.
But what do we tell
their parents
if something actually
did go wrong?
Don't even mention the parents.
As if I don't have
enough of my own problems. My
son is out there with those two...
OK, fools tend to get away
with anything, that's true.
They usually are lucky.
Thank God I've brought extra
supplies - energy bars,
vitamins, water cleaning pills,
chocolate bar, tuna can,
rice waffles... - You're equipped
like an astronaut. - We have bows,
perhaps we can shoot a rabbit
if we get really hungry.
They must be worried
where we are. - They should be!
Isn't that our parrot?
Most likely, parrots
are not indigenous to Slovenia.
She must have escaped...
We have to save her.
Now we really can't go back.
We'll spend the night here.
Hi Jake, where are you?
- Haven't I told you to put away
all your electronic toys?
- Jake called. - Jake?
Where are they? Has anything
happened, are they OK?
I don't know, because you
barged in and I hung up.
I know you hung up.
Call him!
Did you just make a call?
- I called Birdman.
Just to let him know
where we are. What if anything
happened to us? I'm allergic
to a lot of things, remember?
Phones are off limits, especially
while we're bivouacking.
I took it just in case, you know.
- Some scouts we are,
we brought just about
everything along - just in case.
It's Birdman.
Lt's my dad,
he wants to speak to you.
Why? - I don't know, ask him.
What's up? - Listen, you brat,
when I get my hands on you...
No need to worry, Sir.
We're doing fine,
we're all in good shape,
Jake too.
When I catch you, you'll see
what shape you'll be in...
Hello? Hello?
I can't hear you!
He hung up on me.
I won't listen to your threats!
- Call him back. Come on, do it!
And what are you doing here
in a boy's tent?
I'm keeping Marko company.
Don't you see
he's sad and depressed because
Esmeralda and Alex are missing?
The number is unavailable.
- How come? Lt was available
just a few seconds ago!
The battery could be dead,
there's no electricity up there.
We have no electricity either,
but you're all fully charged.
Do you have solar cells
or what?
They will wash all dishes
when they come back.
They deserve to be punished.
Silence, you greedy bunch!
Keep stuffing yourselves,
you'll end up fat!
You pack of demons!
She'll fall, Alex!
She'll fall!
Alex... Alex...
Why did you wake me up?
- I was bored.
So wake him up!
- He get nasty, you know him.
Do you want an energy drink?
- Oh, all right.
You ruined my dream anyway.
- Sorry. What did you dream about?
I scored a goal
at a world championship.
Aha, and I woke you up
just when Maya was going
to give you a medal, right?
Watch this now!
Do you have any
of that phooey left?
Lt's called tofu.
- To-phooey.
Just one energy bar left
and that's it.
Crap, we're almost
out of water, too.
We'd better go find some.
- Or, go back to the camp.
What about the parrot?
- Leave it to Mountain Rescue.
They're experts.
- You're afraid of your dad.
Damn it, the little brat
ripped off my binoculars!
There they are!
- Can you see them?
No, but I see smoke.
- Give it to me!
Let's go get them.
If we blew it by returning
to the camp too soon,
we can now make up for it!
That's exactly what
you'll do to make up!
Lt's far and uphill all the way...
We'll need some money
for travel expenses.
What travel expenses?
- For a cable car
to take us on top. It's easier
to search going downhill.
That was a good one,
I give you that.
Give me a hand...
closer, closer...
I can manage now, thanks.
Good morning. - Good morning.
You're still limping.
Have you seen a doctor?
No need, it's just a bump.
It'll heal in a day or two.
I don't think so.
Anyway, we're having
a farewell party tomorrrow,
and you are all invited.
You still owe us a skit,
Isn't it so, girls? - Yesss!
- We are always up for fun!
We got to get organised.
You got loudspeakers?
You already ripped us off...
- I can give you a discount.
You definitely need snacks
like chips, cokes...
OK, go get some.
We'll collect the money.
Now you're talking.
Now I'm glad I took
dance lessons. - Why?
So that we can dance tonight.
How come you're leaving so soon?
We were at the sea side before,
now we're going home.
Do you know that those idiots
still haven't returned?
Maybe someone got injured.
Anyway, we've located them
and we're bringing them back.
I'm leading the rescue. - Cool.
Let's go there
and ask for some food.
It smells good...
Wow, first time I hear you say
something good about normal food.
Would that be a theft,
or wouldn't it?
That's a philosophical question.
We're hungry.
- And there's nobody around.
It's like stealing fruit
off a tree.
Cool, then it's not a crime.
You're such a pig. - Don't worry,
it's purely organic.
I feel stuffed. I'm not going
anywhere today.
It's Sunday,
so it's OK to take a rest.
What do you have in that bottle?
- Schnapps. Dad will kill me.
Let me take a sip...
It's disgusting.
Those mountain babes were hot.
What I'd give for those girls
to be mine!
Do you know what more
is out there,
waiting for us? - What?
- Adventures, man.
Do you know that
Chihuahuas' saliva is sterile?
You may like Chihuahuas,
but I like... Mountain babes,
a bit older and experienced.
And those girls like...
What do they like?
- Young boys.
Boy, what I would do with them!
Hey, dude,
your foot has totally swollen!
Hey, it's all right,
you've been dreaming.
Nothing is all right.
I need a hit of schnapps...
Unbelievable, he not only
snatched my binoculars,
he took my schnapps, too!
He's a kleptomaniac!
You always take a flask along
when you go hiking.
Yes, just in case, you know.
I'm going for a smoke.
Sure, smoking really helps.
Damn it! Little creep.
What's up?
Did you see that?
He's smoking.
He's nervous...
because of that bear.
Once a bear tastes human blood,
nothing can stop it.
It can come right into our camp.
I'm not scared.
If it comes here,
I'll just lie down and play dead.
Right. If a bear comes,
you'll die of fright.
Don't be so nervous.
- I am not nervous, you are.
Just imagine
that some parents show up,
asking how their kids are doing?
'Well, they were supposed
to return yesterday,
but they got lost in the woods. '
No big deal, we already sent
some boys up there
to rescue them. Great!
Let me give you a massage.
Or, if my ex showed up!
She's mental!
Where is Jake?
I want to see my son!
She totally spoiled him,
that crazy broad.
Your neck is so stiff.
My neck is stiff because of her,
but you get me stiff
a different way.
- Parents are here.
What is it?
- Someone's dad is here.
Tell him to come back
some other time.
You can't just send him away.
Hello. - Hello.
How can I help you?
I came to see my son.
- And your son's name is?
Alex. - Alex!
Lt's Alex's dad...
Alex, let me think
where Alex is... Alex!
He's not here. He's on a trip.
- Right. Alex is not here...
He went on a... on a trip...
with scout-leader Peter.
- I don't mind waiting...
No, don't even think
about waiting.
I wanted to surprise him,
I didn't tell him I was coming.
So... I guess I'd better be going.
Now, now, now!
Oh, can I ask you
to give him something?
Lt's the last one
missing in his set.
Xavi, wicked! Barca, Barca!
- The ball...
Have you seen a doctor?
- No! Yes!
Here all injuries
are checked by a physician,
even if it's just a bump.
- It doesn't look like a bump.
Bye! - Bye!
We just started out and
you're already getting tanked.
I need to release
the pressure in my ears,
because of altitude.
Brandy helps, because
it raises blood pressure.
Where are you going, boys?
- A few scouts went missing and
we have to bring them back.
- Oh, some action, great!
Those are real men, see?
While you barely keep
your eyes open. Ten squats, now!
- Come on, leave him alone.
We, Fekonjas, were always
mountain folk.
- Bravo, Mayda.
We need this for strength.
- How come you're not eating?
I'm not hungry.
I don't feel like eating.
John doesn't feel like eating?
Are you sick?
I feel kind of dizzy. A little.
- From the height?
No. I think I'm in love.
Damn Mother Nature!
I itch all over.
You miss your folks, that's all.
- Psychosomatic.
You're right. Where the hell
are we going, anyway?
He's on the verge
of a nervous break.
Maybe we should head back?
I don't know...
What about the parrot?
We said that we would head
up Little Peak.
It's a hawk! Damn!
Go away!
Do you put a cross
on an animal's grave?
I don't know, I guess not.
I could make a speech.
I made a cross, just in case.
- You're nuts. For the parrot!
We are gathered here
in the wilderness
to burry our beloved parrot,
who was captured
and stolen from her family,
then sold as a house pet
across the ocean.
What are they doing?
They buried something...
Life is cruel,
and all good things
must soon come to en end.
Esmeralda, rest in peace.
Now they're leaving. Just you
wait, you buch of idiots.
You can't shoot a hawk with
a homemade bow and arrows.
Yeah, too bad.
Ha, we got you!
- What now?
Back to the camp, now! - Who
do you think you are, my mother?
The troop-leader sent me after
you! - And if I say no, then what?
I can kick your butt.
- You can kick my butt...
Well, I'd love to see that.
- Oh, yeah? - I can hardly wait.
I'm still waiting for you
to kick my butt.
Just leave me alone, will you?
- OK. You're on your own now,
but I would like to know
how these two dorks
will carry you all the way
to the camp.
The girls are having a dance
tonight. - What dance?
Are you brain-dead?
"Oh, Big White Butt
You're fat indeed,
Fat Like a pig...
Whoever has to carry you,
Really suffers too!"
How come you're singing, too?
- To forget about the pain.
I didn't know that a bird
of prey could devour a parrot.
They must be hard to chew.
Maybe Aborigines eat parrots.
They're kind of weird.
Why are we making a detour?
Lt's the long way...
Bastards, you're carrying me
past the girls' camp.
Look: I took your babe
canoeing, and she said
she would dance with me!
They're coming, and they're
carrying someone on a stretcher!
Thank God!
What were you thinking?
Why didn't you come back?
Just as long as nobody's hurt!
What's wrong with your leg?
Lt's nothing, just a bump.
I bet it was your idea,
you Apache! Pack of demons!
Where were you?
Didn't I tell to return
to the camp the next day?
Go to bed, all of you.
Lt's five p. m. Calm down,
everything ended well,
don't take everything
so seriously.
I take everything seriously?
No way, I am just joking
for the mere fun of it, ha, ha!
And you two, you two
will keep watch all night
for the rest of the week!
And what shall we be doing
during the day? - Washing dishes!
There's a whole pile of it
waiting for you, smart ass!
Come here, son. It's OK,
they tricked you into this...
Go hug your cook,
and leave me alone.
They didn't trick me
into anything,
I'm just as guilty as they are.
I'm not such a kid.
If they have to wash the dishes,
then I'll wash them too!
I've had enough of you, get it?
Real nice, how pathetic.
All for one, and one for all.
So be it, you'll regret it!
From now on: No more store,
no more swimming, and yes,
about the dance tonight -
consider it cancelled!
You need to calm down.
Go smoke a cigarette,
if it helps you.
Smoke two, if you have to.
There's no ambulance!
Take a bus?
There's no bus service!
So, take a taxi.
I don't have that much money!
What country we live in!
- That's not fair.
Martin should bring
the best stuff,
snacks, balloons. Like that.
- And condoms, just in case.
We haven't got any money left.
- Right, but he doesn't know that.
All he wants is make a profit.
Marko, we have some bad news.
I thought so. Go on, tell me.
Your parrot is dead.
A hawk killed her.
We shot arrows at the hawk
to scare it away,
but it was too late.
But Esmeralda was very brave,
she fought back.
She was still alive
when we got there...
She just lay there,
but raised her head slightly
and said with her last ounce
of strength: Marrrko!
Thanks, man.
You'd like to go to parties, but
you're ashamed of your braces?
Don't worry,
with these new add-ons,
you'll be the life
of the party.
These add-ons are tested
for all possible allergies.
Don't hesitate, call now!
Make the call, it's worth it to us.
I love it! I never go to parties,
but now I'm the star!
As a physician, I assure you
that it's worth every cent!
Maybe you broke some bones
in an accident
but you hate your crutches?
Why not fold them away
into this smart case,
when you don't need them.
It's available
in every fashion shade.
Your cast looks dull
and boring?
Here's the solution -
our cast-tattoos,
the latest fashion trend in
emergency rooms around the world!
Aha, what's going on here?
Didn't I say
you can't go to the party?
Band of demons!
Two cast-tattoos, right away!
What about your medical
condition, son? Better?
Let's party, all night long!
You were great, Joker.
- Alex!
Your dad left this for you...
I'm sorry that I was
in such a bad mood before.
I'm sorry that I was
in such a bad mood before.
No problem, really.
You're a good sport,
let's shake hands.
You're a good sport, too,
most of the time.
Hey, what did you mean
by 'most of the time'?
Oh, a whistle. - It's hand
crafted. - Thanks, Muscles.
You're stuffing yourselves
and you haven't paid!
I don't get sleepy,
I fall asleep without a warning.
It's not dangerous, but I'll
never be able to drive a car.
What's it called again?
- Narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy, I have it, too. I am
sure I do. - Come on, Sleepyhead.
Europe faces devastating changes,
almost the entire continent
will be in the arctic belt,
with floods in the south,
a major catastrophe...
- Jake!
But such problems
could have been avoided easily,
like malaria in Africa, and yet
it kills thousands of children
there every year
because of our ignorance...
I'll visit you.
- You promise?
Scout's honor.
"Does anyone know
who they really are
and where they're going?
Which came first,
the Big Bang, God
the chicken or the egg?
It doesn't matter,
let it be!
Forget about wings,
let's just fly...
To your own cloud,
To your own castle...
Young or old, a bird or a mouse,
It doesn't matter,
Just go your own way!
Who knows it, knows it,
And we simply know it...
We fly without wings
To our own castle...
We fly in our dreams... "
This is going to be
a great movie!
This is crazy!
He beat the last year's record
by whole 20 seconds!
Alex Hribar is the camp's winner.
Can anyone beat this record?
Who dares to challenge him?
Too bad I don't have
an underwater camera.
What a great shot it would be.
- Yes, Alex!
Will you try? - Are you nuts?
Lf this cold water
gets into my ears,
I'll get a swollen eardrum.
You get ill at a mere sight
of cold water.
- OK, let's move!
Two by two, to the camp!
- Nooo!
The first one to reach the camp
gets a prize.
You cheated and took a shortcut.
So did you,
but who said we shouldn't?
OK... Now, everybody get ready
for a line-up!
Sorry... Sorry.
Hurry up, nobody's watching us.
Is he for real,
right over the tent like that.
Move on... good, good,
keep on running. Good...
Where are you heading?
- We're racing to the flagpole.
And you are last,
like always.
I'm short of breath.
I think I have asthma.
Come on,
short of breath... asthma...
You're just like your mother.
Get going.
- Where's Grega?
Grega! Grega!
Oh, scout-leader Grega,
so where have you been?
Sorry, I didn't hear the call.
- In spite of our shouts?
We were knocking down the tents
and screaming like psychos!
I was listening to the news.
- And what's new?
Same old crap going on
in Palestine,
our team didn't make it
to the finals,
and global warming signals
an inevitable cataclysm.
I see, that's why you're so 'hot'.
It's really hot in the tent.
- You're not in the tent,
we're lining up in the fresh air,
so we're supposed to be
in uniform and look?
- Orderly!
I'll go change...
Oh, Marko Nahtigal, welcome!
Where have you been?
Dad gave me a lift and
dropped me off at the store.
I see. And what's that?
Pets are not allowed here.
Esmeralda isn't just a pet.
She's from South America.
I thought she's was a local.
Anyway, she doesn't belong here.
That's not fair!
- Wait!
OK, those in favour of the bird
staying here, raise your hands!
Everybody, just like I thought.
- I could have brought Max. - Max?
My Doberman. - OK, the bird stays.
- Say thank you. Thank y'a.
But if some crap happens...
- We'll clean it up.
You'll do a double shift
on watch tonight
because you knocked down
the tent. - I can't.
I need more sleep
than other people.
Are you a scout or what? Scouts
sleep as circumstances require.
My needs are great and
they get greater every day.
- Dismissed.
They call that food? Lt's nothing
but grease. Luckily, I've brought
some supplements. - It's quite
tasty, actually. Why did you join
the scouts, if you're so sensitive?
- Dad says it'll make me stronger.
He says I'm too spoiled. - Go tell
him that it's either his or your
mom's fault. They spoil you too
much, so why put the blame on you?
I'll tell him, if I make it home
alive. Mom goes completely nuts
if I just mention dad. Completely
nuts. - How do you like it, boys?
Is it too salty? - No, it's
delicious. - Better than at home.
Really. My grandpa would
say that she's worthy of sin.
A woman with curves.
- Man, what I would do with her.
What would you do with her?
Nothing. - You've got one thing
right for a change.
'Nothing' is the right answer.
It'll take you a few more years
of eating grits, before
you can do anything with her.
And now - action!
He'll ruin my appetite
with that music.
You call that music?
Culture... Yuk!
Culture... Yuk!
You're a miserable bunch
with no ear for music.
It was all right...
Band of demons!
What is this, Star wars
or what? Silence!
Ozbolt, stop it!
He's nasty as ever this year.
- Well, discipline is in order.
You'd do nothing but mess around.
We're scouts, man.
Jake says that his dad
has problems at work,
and that at home
he's even worse. - At home?
They don't live together.
Jake's mom divorced him.
Don't fall asleep!
We're supposed to keep watch!
You're here to watch over me.
I feel completely safe.
Alex, it's your turn
to keep watch. Wake up!
Oh, man, I was flying.
You're still dreaming, wake up!
Is it time to get up already?
- No, not for you.
Lucky you, I'm keeping watch
for two more hours.
Keep on sleeping, Esmeralda.
I have to go.
"Does anyone know
who they really are
and where they're going?
Which came first,
the big bang, God,
the chicken or the egg?
Lt's doesn't matter,
let it be!
Forget about wings,
let's just fly...
Young or old, a bird
or a mouse,
just go your own way!
Who knows it, knows it,
and we simply know it...
We fly without wings... "
Look, it's only girls
in that camp over there.
Interesting, isn't it?
- Yes. Very interesting.
"You are what you are,
You go where you go.
Everybody take their own way,
Some on foot, others lying down,
and some hand in hand... "
Mom forgot to pack
my toothbrush.
Mom? Don't you pack
your own things?
I do, but she wouldn't let me.
She says that I forget.
I'll have to get to the store
and buy a new one.
I need to buy some things, too.
- What more could you really need?
You've brought a trunk full of
stuff. - Sunscreen, factor 30.
Here, the chance of sunburn
is even higher than at the beach.
Mountains or beach,
it's the same sun, you know.
But here, we're closer to it
and I don't want to risk
developing skin cancer.
- Skin protection is essential.
They keep saying it on TV.
- A trip to the store is a must.
We're young,
but we have needs, too.
OK, OK...
I'll talk to the camp-leader.
We don't want any sunburns.
- Hi. - Hi.
Does she also
brush her teeth?
She sharpens her beak, actually.
- Go sharpen your beak, girl.
She's cute. Can she talk?
- Surrre I can talk
and you can't stop me once
I starrrt. - What would she do
if you let her out?
- Most likely, she'd get scared
and fly away. This is not
her terrain. - Can I carry her?
Why not? But she's pretty heavy
with that cage. Get lost.
Say Marko. Marrrko.
- Marrrko.
Flames rise from our fire,
In the middle of our camp,
Guarded by a mighty mountain,
Sheltered neatly in the woods...
Tents shine in the sun,
As we proudly raise our flag...
I'm too old to sing anthems.
Last year, I thought it was fun.
Now I think it's stupid.
And you're tone deaf, too.
- Who is chattering?
I just explained to Alex
why I can't sing. - Really?
Share it with us.
- My voice cracks.
It's called voice mutation.
"Flames are rising from our fire... "
That's enough, thank you.
We get the picture...
Why are you lurking around
with that camera
instead of singing the anthem?
- I'm shooting a documentary
about scout life. I need to take
shots of a line-up
from different angles...
to make it more interesting.
You look great from this angle...
What a profile!
What's the title of this film
you're making?
'The Clever Groundhog In Action'.
It'll be a hit! - I see. Good.
Did you hear?
We'll be in his movie. Attention!
After the meeting,
report to your leaders
and apply for skill training.
For the end of our stay here
we'll do some bivouacking.
What's bivouacking?
- Survival in nature,
and in groups of three.
But that's not for you, kiddo.
Why not? - Because you'd crap
your pants from fear, that's why!
Lt's a task that only the most
prepared and responsible scouts
can accomplish.
Who needs to go to the store?
Did you all forget
your toothbrushes?
No, I need sun lotion.
The first thing on their mind
is shopping. How nice.
You two stay,
because you were talking
during the flag raising.
Good job, scout Mohor.
Don't worry, I can get you
whatever you need from the store.
Batteries for my flashlight. I'll
be on watch more often this year.
Trading cards. Xavi is
the only one I'm still missing.
Girls, here! A great spot!
Here. Unpack your things.
Just look at them.
Their eyes will drop out.
Like they never saw
a woman in a bathing suit.
Their camp is right above ours.
- Yeah, scouts. Good guys.
They gather wood, light fires,
carve whistles
and feed on wild carrots.
Wake up, sleepy.
Wake up!
I am awake.
The world is strange.
If you can't change it,
who will?
You, grandpa. You will.
No, no. I won't be around
much longer.
You will soon be left
on your own.
If you don't help yourself,
no other person will help you,
remember that.
- But I am still a kid.
Ha! Stop looking
for excuses, boy!
Look, you're already growing
a moustache!
Gosh, have I grown up that fast?
Time flies, boy. Relentlessly.
It's not good to waste it
on sleep.
I had a really sexy dream.
- Tell us about it.
I was lying here on the shore,
alone. Suddenly,
I heard some voices.
I looked around and saw,
that I was surrounded by girls.
- Naked girls?
No, not completely naked.
In their swimsuits. - So?
Nothing because you two idiots
woke me up. End of dream.
But it came true, look.
- Wow, girls... Cool!
Let's hope
they're not contagious.
Oh, baby, you're so pale...
All you think about is diseases.
You don't know them.
Maybe they came here to treat
some weird skin disease,
like psoriasis.
You don't know how many forms
of skin diseases there are...
Come on, give us a break.
- My skin feels itchy already.
Hey, dorks,
have you never seen
a woman in a swimsuit before?
Boys... All they do is wrestle
and make a lot of noise.
They just want us to see
how strong they are.
Don't encourage them, girls.
- What do you mean, Miss Irene?
I'm sure you know what I mean,
Miss Carmen.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hi girls, can I get you
anything from the store?
- Chili chips. - Trading cards.
- OK, you'll get it.
Why don't you take
rice cakes?
They're much healthier
than chocolate wafers.
I like wafers better.
- Have you tried these?
No, I don't like them.
- But you haven't tried them.
They look weird - that colour,
not to mention the shape.
I'll taste one of yours, and
maybe I'll buy them next time.
Hi there, how are you doing?
- Fine, thanks.
Here, trading cards.
They cost a bit more here,
I guess
it's because of shipping.
This is for Esmeralda.
I hope she likes it.
Gee, thanks. She'll like it.
Look what we have here,
Check this other package
I brought for some girl...
Marrko... - Say it.
Here, give her an extra one,
from me.
I got to go.
Don't tell anybody.
Why do you still collect them?
The championship is over.
It's the champions' league.
Xavi is the last one missing,
he's really hard to get.
If you're lucky, you could win
a season ticket.
Dad said he'd try to get me one,
but he couldn't.
He always promises.
- Same here,
mine promised to take me
to Gardaland, and kayaking.
Well, there was
no Gardaland and no kayaking.
My dad always complains
that I am just a spoiled kid.
Hi girls, I brought your
supplies: Chocolate? 2.50,
chili chips
two packs,? 4.80...
Shit, I forgot your cookies.
I'm sorry.
What about my trading carcds?
- Here they are.
Why is the pack open?
I want a discount.
A friend of mine is missing
one, so we checked yours.
He gave you one of his doubles.
- You're smart. Is your family poor?
No, but we all have a knack
of business.
Then I demand a discount. Welfare
services paid for my stay here.
What about Teen Scene? - Here,
the latest issue,? 2.50.
My grandpa is the manager
of a superstore. - No kidding?
Listen, your prices
are really high.
I have to earn something, too.
For carrying the risk.
Did you see that?
She fainted just like that.
She has some strange disease,
I don't know how it's called...
Gee, that must be
something serious...
Princesses are very delicate.
They hardly eat because
they're afraid to gain weight.
No wonder that they faint.
- An empty sack doesn't stand
on its own.
- One of your grandpa's sayings?
Lf I don't eat soon,
I'll faint, too. Let's go see
if we can find some apples.
- I hope they're not sprayed
with pesticides, otherwise
I'll start sneezing right away.
Mmm, tripe stew.
- Aha.
I love the way you cook it.
- It's hot. - I'll blow on it.
It's even better than last year.
And so are you.
Am I?
What makes you think so?
You've developed some curves,
nice, firm curves...
What are you doing?
I don't want you
to stick to the surface...
Mayda, we're alone...
Somebody having fun spying, ha?
They're not spying. They were
probably just stealing apples,
like they always do. - How come
I don't know they steal apples?
You should have told me... We're
scouts and scouts don't steal!
Oh dear, don't be so serious
about everything.
We're on vacation, remember?
And it's not really stealing.
We all stole fruit
when we were kids.
Yes, but from a tree,
not from a pantry.
This is a scout camp,
not just a vacation.
I am responsible
for everything here
and it's no joke!
Red sneakers...
Ah, I could have guessed.
A fan of red sneakers
and red apples - stolen apples,
to be precise.
We were hungry,
we just took a few apples.
We are growing fast. - WE...
Plural. There were more of you.
It was me and him,
just the two of us.
OK, smart guy. I've noticed
that you two spend
a lot of time together.
You obviously like each other
very much, don't you?
Since you like
each other's company so much,
I'll let you spend
the night together, too.
Double watch, tonight,
from midnight to 4 a. m. Why?
Because scouts don't steal!
Scouts don't steal!
- Again...
Scouts don't steal!
- That's right.
Another double watch?
I'll drop dead
from lack of sleep.
I protest. - Until 5 a. m. Then.
Got it - until 4 a. m.
I see you all noticed our new
neighbours. It's a girls' camp,
if I am not mistaken. - A sports
and arts rehabilitation camp.
Whatever. You can tell
they're not scouts.
So, why not surprise them
with some scout welcome prank?
Four hours - you two will have
loads of time tonight, so...
to kill time and avoid boredom,
you'll sneak into their camp
and steal their flag.
- Scouts don't steal!
They know nothing about
scout games and pranks.
We should warn them. - No,
it'll be more fun if we don't.
Come on, it's just a prank.
- I know.
Four hours! - That's torture.
I wonder what the ombudsman
would say, if he heard
of our case. What time is it?
One. Let's wait a little longer,
to make sure they're all asleep.
How many are missing?
- A lot,
but I don't care.
I only collect the cute ones.
It was nice today, interesting.
- Yeah, as soon as there are
boys around, it gets interesting.
- Scouts, they're funny.
Which of them did you think
was really funny?
I'm not telling you.
- Doesn't matter, I already know.
No, you don't. - I do.
- I'll show you which one. - OK.
Shit, what time is it?
- 3 a. m. Let's go.
We'd better turn off
our flashlights. - OK.
Where do they keep their flag?
- Looks as if they don't have one.
What shall we do now?
- Let's take something else.
Yes. Otherwise the camp leader
will give us hard time again.
The flag is sacred,
same as the eternal flame.
If the fire dies out,
we go home, right? - Yes.
I didn't hear you.
Is that correct? - Yes!
Lf there's no flag?
- We don't exist. - Excellent!
The Groundhog unit
becomes a thing of the past.
Fortunately, we've managed
to retrieve the flag,
but only because it was stolen
by our own.
It doesn't count if we steal
our own flag.
And without an announcement.
And where is the girls' flag?
- They don't have one,
so we brought something else.
- And what would that be?
Let me think...
- A pot?
A pot!
That's some trophy, isn't it?
That's some loot, really.
The king of pots!
Hey, cook!
We have a new pot for you!
Are you happy? Are you?
Magnificent loot,
the pot of all pots...
Good morning, neighbours.
Who's in charge here?
I believe that pot is ours.
What kind of a joke is this?
An innocent one.
Just a traditional scout game,
like stealing the flag.
No harm meant.
True. A scout's word of honour.
And what does it have to do
with the flag?
Well, you don't have a flag,
so we took your pot.
I mean the boys did...
We're giving it back to you.
No harm meant.
Here, girls, take it.
We expect an apology.
We apologize.
Not that kind of apology.
So long...
One more time!
Crazy chicks,
flashing their mirrors like that...
They could set us on fire. - Shall
we go down? - Some hero you are.
What if we held a dance?
- A dance?
With some games.
It would be our way
of apologizing
for having stolen their pot.
- A bonfire, not a dance,
a real scout event
with a contest and a bonfire... build friendship between
our camps... - No!
A competition comes first,
then the friendship.
I don't think it's a good idea
to challenge a sports camp
in sports, let's rather compete
in knowledge or intelligence...
I don't care about
intelligence, I want action!
Besides, they don't look
much like athletes,
just look at them. Let's race!
He doesn't care about a dance,
he already has a girlfriend.
That the scout team will loose.
No wonder,
the girls are
much, much better...
Boys are poor, girls are cool,
hey, hey hey!
They'll blow it,
they're not serious.
A real catastrophe
for the scouts...
They really look pathetic...
They have no rhythm.
They're letting them win.
The last meters of the race...
Well, look at them.
Move it, move it, boy!
The girls are determined to win...
against such opponents...
Substitution! - What substitution?
- A flying one, like in hockey.
That's right, show them!
Right, left, right, left...
An expected and well deserved
victory for the girls!
Does it hurt?
- No!
Despite the intervention
of their leader!
Unbelievable, what a defeat
for the scouts!
And in a race that's primarily
a boy's domain!
Not any more,
the girls won fairly.
Because they were
much, much better!
Shame on you guys!
- Yeah,
if I fell like that...
- That's a shame,
you were swinging
like a bunch of old ladies!
Lt was tactics; we planned
to outrun them in the finish.
Some tactics! I told you
to use dry branches
but you just grabbed the first
rotten branch you could find.
It held my weight,
but you're too heavy.
Too much tripe stew. - I guess
they like washing dishes.
Well, they were better.
- No, they weren't!
You just had to interfere.
Of course I had to.
We were loosing.
It was just a game.
- Against girls.
You can't stand any fun.
Oh, really? Do you know what
they used to call me at school?
Joker! Because I was always
making jokes!
Your Jake knows about us.
- So what?
He can't expect of me to never
get laid again. - Hey!
You're a good cook.
You can sew.
These things really turn me on.
If you like him, just wink
at him. - I'd rather die.
You know what boys are like.
You have to encourage them.
If he's to dumb or too shy
you have to encourage him
several times before he dares
to make a move. - Yeah.
It's all in there:
'How to spark his interest. '
I'm sweating here
because of you, losers.
Do some chopping yourselves!
- Be quiet, Muscles,
we're trying to think of a good
skit. Any ideas coming from you?
Muscles? That's a good name
for him. OK, Muscles,
suggest something. - Come on,
skits are for kids!
What if Cutie did a striptease?
- That would be hilarious!
He needs heavy make-up, girls.
Don't spare the lipstick.
Good job, girls!
You'll be a star, I swear.
- Stop shooting, please.
More lip-gloss!
She's fainted again.
That's some kind of lepsy,
nobody knows which one.
It's going to rain. - Great,
no need to wash the dishes.
Our automatic dishwasher.
Big White Butt... I like it,
sounds like an Apache name.
And I like the rhymes,
they could make up a nice song.
Let's sing!
All together now...
"Oh, Big White Butt... "
Come on, everybody sing!
"Oh, Big White Butt,
You're fat, indeed...
Fat like a pig!
Whoever has to carry you... "
This is so funny, isn't it?
"Really suffers too!
'Cause you're fat like a pig... "
OK, we've had some fun,
but from now on
I don't want to hear that song
even again! Is that clear?
There... I'd really like to know
which Apache wrote this crap.
Jake? Who wrote it?
I assumed it was you.
It's written all over your face.
Listen, you poet,
insults will not be tolerated.
I was only joking. - You'll be
washing dishes every day
for the rest of our stay here.
Ha, ha, how funny is that?
Leader Greg, what's new?
Down in the south,
a bomb killed 17 people,
- Dismissed!
Don't report such shocking news
in front of the kids.
They should learn
what the world is like.
They can't understand
such things, don't you get it?
I don't understand them either.
How about sticking to weather
forecasts? Any more showers coming?
No, the pressure front
is slightly dropping,
but the next front won't reach us
for at least a couple of days.
Young ladies,
you're about to witness
the lighting of a miraculous
bonfire - an invention
of a legendary scouts' unit.
We, groundhogs, are proud
to carry on the tradition.
This fire will last for hours
without having to add any
extra wood to it.
It'll burn till morning.
In the old scouts' tradition
the most beautiful girl gets
the honor to light the fire.
Therefore, our main engineer
of the pile will select a belle
that will have the honor
to light the fire.
Those are juniper twigs,
for special effects.
Wow, like pyrotechnics. Cool.
So, how about you?
Any hobbies? - Nothing special,
just rhythmic gymnastics.
- I see. You work with ribbons,
clubs and... - Hoops.
That's it, yes. Do you like it?
Sure, I think it's really cool.
- What about you?
I'm with the scouts,
I play soccer, and I collect
trading cards -
Xavi is the only one missing.
Carmen collects them, too.
- It's bedtime, girls. - No, not yet...
See you tomorrow
at the lake.
Sorry, girls.
The skit will have to wait.
Carmen? Carmen!
Hi there,
we had a great time today.
Alex built a huge bonfire,
and I had the honour to light it.
Tomorrow, he's taking me
on a boat ride
in an Indian canoe.
I hope Irene lets me go.
And I wish mom and dad
would stop fighting all the time.
OK, good night now.
Due to the weather forecast
we've decided to reschedule
the bivouacking project.
You'll be leaving today...
Today? We've promised the girls
a ride in a canoe!
Are you starting
a tourist agency or what?
In a few days we can expect
heavy rains and storms.
You don't want to get
soaking wet, do you?
You know what you need to pack.
Don't forget your flashlights,
you don't want to crap your
pants out there in the darkness.
Mayda will distribute DFR's,
dry food rations.
You have ten minutes
to pack up and get ready.
Dismissed. Hurry up!
Move it, move it!
The sun is much stronger
up there, take my sun lotion.
Gee, thanks.
What factor...
Bye, guys. Take care!
Switch places...
Kekec! - Kekec!
Kekec! - Kekec!
What's wrong with those idiots?
- It looks the weather will change,
we'd better return to the camp.
- No, there's no need to go back.
There is - we'll give the girls
a ride in a canoe
instead of those dorks.
- Only if I get to do the rowing.
Sure, you're the strongest.
Look, a waterfall.
Let's go there. - Cool.
You've saved my life...
- Don't exaggerate.
Let's go...
Either they freaked out,
or their fat camp leader
doesn't let them go.
- No, they're coming.
Here we are, ladies.
Shall we go? - Where's Alex?
They've chosen
to go bivouacking,
but we didn't want to disappoint
you, so here we are.
Nature is screwed up.
I got stung by a mosquito.
I might get malaria and die.
- This is Slovenia, not Africa.
Here, mosquitoes don't carry
malaria. At least for now.
But ticks transmit borreliosis and
meningitis, which is even worse.
At this altitude,
there are no ticks.
Come on, cut the crap.
- What do you know?
Look, this is a good spot.
Lies, deceit, cowardice.
- What cowardice?
You came back here running.
- The storm is coming.
Yes, and the best scouts freak
out and run back to the camp.
I don't know but...
- What?
We wanted to give the girls
a ride in a canoe.
So, you lied. - Lied?
The storm did not freak you out...
- No.
That's deceit. - Why?
Wasn't it Alex who had promised
the girls a ride in a canoe?
I see... Your plan was
to catch the girls' attention.
It was just a trick.
Did it work for you? Did it?
- It worked.
Good. True scouts are crazy
about chicks, that's a fact.
But what were you thinking
when you left my son out there
with those two idiots? I put him
in your custody, Emile,
and I expected of you
to look after him.
They wanted to get rid
of Cutie, who's been getting
on their nerves. - So, you took
Cutie instead of my son.
Go to bed.
Go to bed!
Don't roll your eyes!
We had a great time
with the girls, didn't we?
Do you think they liked us?
Sure they did! We are cool
and fun, we took them
on a ride in our boat...
- Yeah, super.
Those guys up there
are about to do some hard time.
Great, the next thing I'll catch
will be a nice cold.
Some scouts we are, this damn
thing is leaking everywhere.
We were a bit sloppy, and now
we'll get a little wet, so what?
Keep quiet and
try to get some sleep.
But how?
- With your eyes shut!
There's no soup
like beef soup.
It's good, really good.
Let's go, new adventures
await us out there!
Let me sleep just a little
longer, then we'll go.
Grandpa, where are you?
I'll go slowly
to the other side.
Where are you?
On the other side,
in the void...
I like it here!
I don't know...
What if it is spoiled?
Are you nuts? I caught it alive.
- Then it must have been sick.
It'll be delicious,
when it is grilled, you'll see.
Provided that I manage
to light this damn fire!
We can always eat it raw.
- Yuk.
The Japanese eat raw fish
all the time. Sushi.
There's nothing healthier
than raw fish.
Have you ever seen a Japanese
with any kind of allergy?
I've never seen any Japanese
except on TV.
And some tourists downtown.
I brought a cigarette lighter.
Just in case...
Look at Cutie.
That bandana on his arm means
that he's taking on a challenge,
the vow of silence.
Watch this!
Cutie, argh! Cutie!
Lf you call me Cutie
just one more time...
Boy, the rain was pouring
like hell, and thunderbolts
were crashing all around us.
- How was it boys?
Did you crap your pants?
- You said it would be fine!
Even meteorologists
can go wrong sometimes.
It's not an easy job.
- Storms can be very dangerous.
- Women always panic.
Who ran back to the camp first?
- The girl's right. In the mountains,
thunderbolts kill on average...
- Would you shut up, please?
OK... - Spare us your statistics.
Look over there!
The boys are missing
the whole afternoon.
Were they injured or worse?
Should I keep looking
into the camera?
You can keep looking
at whatever you like.
Has anyone seen Esmeralda?
Why should we go back?
That camp is worse than school.
Let's stay up here
for a couple of days,
take a look around...
- Yeah, let's follow our noses.
My dad will go nuts.
- So what? What on earth
can he do to you, to us?
He's a real pain in the ass,
I've had enough of him!
- We'll say that we got lost.
My grandpa says
that freedom should be cherished.
With Alex and his gang missing
life here became a lot nicer.
But they should have
returned to the camp by now.
By 6 p. m. Today at the latest,
to be exact.
Has anyone seen them?
- No.
But we heard them screaming
yesterday. What?
What were they screaming?
OK, OK, we get the picture.
Any other observations
or comments?
Esmeralda is missing, too.
- Who?
The parrot.
That nasty bird.
I knew that bird would bring
nothing but trouble.
But don't you think that
three boys gone missing
is a more serious problem
than a bird gone missing?
Lt probably just decided
to stretch its wings a little.
All living creatures
deserve equal treatment.
They said that there would be
no more storms.
What if they had been struck
by a thunderbolt
and their charred bodies lie
somewhere out there?
We'd better go find them
right away. - It's too late now.
My ankle hurts like hell,
and you two are such jerks
that you'll never find them.
All you'll do is loose your way,
like you did on Little Peak.
No, no.
We were kids
when that happened.
You're still kids.
Get your butt off the table.
They've probably lost
their sense of direction.
Let's wait until morning.
Or, we can call 112,
Mountain Rescue.
Are you nuts? They'll turn
this place into a crazy house,
with helicopters, reporters,
and everything.
But what do we tell
their parents
if something actually
did go wrong?
Don't even mention the parents.
As if I don't have
enough of my own problems. My
son is out there with those two...
OK, fools tend to get away
with anything, that's true.
They usually are lucky.
Thank God I've brought extra
supplies - energy bars,
vitamins, water cleaning pills,
chocolate bar, tuna can,
rice waffles... - You're equipped
like an astronaut. - We have bows,
perhaps we can shoot a rabbit
if we get really hungry.
They must be worried
where we are. - They should be!
Isn't that our parrot?
Most likely, parrots
are not indigenous to Slovenia.
She must have escaped...
We have to save her.
Now we really can't go back.
We'll spend the night here.
Hi Jake, where are you?
- Haven't I told you to put away
all your electronic toys?
- Jake called. - Jake?
Where are they? Has anything
happened, are they OK?
I don't know, because you
barged in and I hung up.
I know you hung up.
Call him!
Did you just make a call?
- I called Birdman.
Just to let him know
where we are. What if anything
happened to us? I'm allergic
to a lot of things, remember?
Phones are off limits, especially
while we're bivouacking.
I took it just in case, you know.
- Some scouts we are,
we brought just about
everything along - just in case.
It's Birdman.
Lt's my dad,
he wants to speak to you.
Why? - I don't know, ask him.
What's up? - Listen, you brat,
when I get my hands on you...
No need to worry, Sir.
We're doing fine,
we're all in good shape,
Jake too.
When I catch you, you'll see
what shape you'll be in...
Hello? Hello?
I can't hear you!
He hung up on me.
I won't listen to your threats!
- Call him back. Come on, do it!
And what are you doing here
in a boy's tent?
I'm keeping Marko company.
Don't you see
he's sad and depressed because
Esmeralda and Alex are missing?
The number is unavailable.
- How come? Lt was available
just a few seconds ago!
The battery could be dead,
there's no electricity up there.
We have no electricity either,
but you're all fully charged.
Do you have solar cells
or what?
They will wash all dishes
when they come back.
They deserve to be punished.
Silence, you greedy bunch!
Keep stuffing yourselves,
you'll end up fat!
You pack of demons!
She'll fall, Alex!
She'll fall!
Alex... Alex...
Why did you wake me up?
- I was bored.
So wake him up!
- He get nasty, you know him.
Do you want an energy drink?
- Oh, all right.
You ruined my dream anyway.
- Sorry. What did you dream about?
I scored a goal
at a world championship.
Aha, and I woke you up
just when Maya was going
to give you a medal, right?
Watch this now!
Do you have any
of that phooey left?
Lt's called tofu.
- To-phooey.
Just one energy bar left
and that's it.
Crap, we're almost
out of water, too.
We'd better go find some.
- Or, go back to the camp.
What about the parrot?
- Leave it to Mountain Rescue.
They're experts.
- You're afraid of your dad.
Damn it, the little brat
ripped off my binoculars!
There they are!
- Can you see them?
No, but I see smoke.
- Give it to me!
Let's go get them.
If we blew it by returning
to the camp too soon,
we can now make up for it!
That's exactly what
you'll do to make up!
Lt's far and uphill all the way...
We'll need some money
for travel expenses.
What travel expenses?
- For a cable car
to take us on top. It's easier
to search going downhill.
That was a good one,
I give you that.
Give me a hand...
closer, closer...
I can manage now, thanks.
Good morning. - Good morning.
You're still limping.
Have you seen a doctor?
No need, it's just a bump.
It'll heal in a day or two.
I don't think so.
Anyway, we're having
a farewell party tomorrrow,
and you are all invited.
You still owe us a skit,
Isn't it so, girls? - Yesss!
- We are always up for fun!
We got to get organised.
You got loudspeakers?
You already ripped us off...
- I can give you a discount.
You definitely need snacks
like chips, cokes...
OK, go get some.
We'll collect the money.
Now you're talking.
Now I'm glad I took
dance lessons. - Why?
So that we can dance tonight.
How come you're leaving so soon?
We were at the sea side before,
now we're going home.
Do you know that those idiots
still haven't returned?
Maybe someone got injured.
Anyway, we've located them
and we're bringing them back.
I'm leading the rescue. - Cool.
Let's go there
and ask for some food.
It smells good...
Wow, first time I hear you say
something good about normal food.
Would that be a theft,
or wouldn't it?
That's a philosophical question.
We're hungry.
- And there's nobody around.
It's like stealing fruit
off a tree.
Cool, then it's not a crime.
You're such a pig. - Don't worry,
it's purely organic.
I feel stuffed. I'm not going
anywhere today.
It's Sunday,
so it's OK to take a rest.
What do you have in that bottle?
- Schnapps. Dad will kill me.
Let me take a sip...
It's disgusting.
Those mountain babes were hot.
What I'd give for those girls
to be mine!
Do you know what more
is out there,
waiting for us? - What?
- Adventures, man.
Do you know that
Chihuahuas' saliva is sterile?
You may like Chihuahuas,
but I like... Mountain babes,
a bit older and experienced.
And those girls like...
What do they like?
- Young boys.
Boy, what I would do with them!
Hey, dude,
your foot has totally swollen!
Hey, it's all right,
you've been dreaming.
Nothing is all right.
I need a hit of schnapps...
Unbelievable, he not only
snatched my binoculars,
he took my schnapps, too!
He's a kleptomaniac!
You always take a flask along
when you go hiking.
Yes, just in case, you know.
I'm going for a smoke.
Sure, smoking really helps.
Damn it! Little creep.
What's up?
Did you see that?
He's smoking.
He's nervous...
because of that bear.
Once a bear tastes human blood,
nothing can stop it.
It can come right into our camp.
I'm not scared.
If it comes here,
I'll just lie down and play dead.
Right. If a bear comes,
you'll die of fright.
Don't be so nervous.
- I am not nervous, you are.
Just imagine
that some parents show up,
asking how their kids are doing?
'Well, they were supposed
to return yesterday,
but they got lost in the woods. '
No big deal, we already sent
some boys up there
to rescue them. Great!
Let me give you a massage.
Or, if my ex showed up!
She's mental!
Where is Jake?
I want to see my son!
She totally spoiled him,
that crazy broad.
Your neck is so stiff.
My neck is stiff because of her,
but you get me stiff
a different way.
- Parents are here.
What is it?
- Someone's dad is here.
Tell him to come back
some other time.
You can't just send him away.
Hello. - Hello.
How can I help you?
I came to see my son.
- And your son's name is?
Alex. - Alex!
Lt's Alex's dad...
Alex, let me think
where Alex is... Alex!
He's not here. He's on a trip.
- Right. Alex is not here...
He went on a... on a trip...
with scout-leader Peter.
- I don't mind waiting...
No, don't even think
about waiting.
I wanted to surprise him,
I didn't tell him I was coming.
So... I guess I'd better be going.
Now, now, now!
Oh, can I ask you
to give him something?
Lt's the last one
missing in his set.
Xavi, wicked! Barca, Barca!
- The ball...
Have you seen a doctor?
- No! Yes!
Here all injuries
are checked by a physician,
even if it's just a bump.
- It doesn't look like a bump.
Bye! - Bye!
We just started out and
you're already getting tanked.
I need to release
the pressure in my ears,
because of altitude.
Brandy helps, because
it raises blood pressure.
Where are you going, boys?
- A few scouts went missing and
we have to bring them back.
- Oh, some action, great!
Those are real men, see?
While you barely keep
your eyes open. Ten squats, now!
- Come on, leave him alone.
We, Fekonjas, were always
mountain folk.
- Bravo, Mayda.
We need this for strength.
- How come you're not eating?
I'm not hungry.
I don't feel like eating.
John doesn't feel like eating?
Are you sick?
I feel kind of dizzy. A little.
- From the height?
No. I think I'm in love.
Damn Mother Nature!
I itch all over.
You miss your folks, that's all.
- Psychosomatic.
You're right. Where the hell
are we going, anyway?
He's on the verge
of a nervous break.
Maybe we should head back?
I don't know...
What about the parrot?
We said that we would head
up Little Peak.
It's a hawk! Damn!
Go away!
Do you put a cross
on an animal's grave?
I don't know, I guess not.
I could make a speech.
I made a cross, just in case.
- You're nuts. For the parrot!
We are gathered here
in the wilderness
to burry our beloved parrot,
who was captured
and stolen from her family,
then sold as a house pet
across the ocean.
What are they doing?
They buried something...
Life is cruel,
and all good things
must soon come to en end.
Esmeralda, rest in peace.
Now they're leaving. Just you
wait, you buch of idiots.
You can't shoot a hawk with
a homemade bow and arrows.
Yeah, too bad.
Ha, we got you!
- What now?
Back to the camp, now! - Who
do you think you are, my mother?
The troop-leader sent me after
you! - And if I say no, then what?
I can kick your butt.
- You can kick my butt...
Well, I'd love to see that.
- Oh, yeah? - I can hardly wait.
I'm still waiting for you
to kick my butt.
Just leave me alone, will you?
- OK. You're on your own now,
but I would like to know
how these two dorks
will carry you all the way
to the camp.
The girls are having a dance
tonight. - What dance?
Are you brain-dead?
"Oh, Big White Butt
You're fat indeed,
Fat Like a pig...
Whoever has to carry you,
Really suffers too!"
How come you're singing, too?
- To forget about the pain.
I didn't know that a bird
of prey could devour a parrot.
They must be hard to chew.
Maybe Aborigines eat parrots.
They're kind of weird.
Why are we making a detour?
Lt's the long way...
Bastards, you're carrying me
past the girls' camp.
Look: I took your babe
canoeing, and she said
she would dance with me!
They're coming, and they're
carrying someone on a stretcher!
Thank God!
What were you thinking?
Why didn't you come back?
Just as long as nobody's hurt!
What's wrong with your leg?
Lt's nothing, just a bump.
I bet it was your idea,
you Apache! Pack of demons!
Where were you?
Didn't I tell to return
to the camp the next day?
Go to bed, all of you.
Lt's five p. m. Calm down,
everything ended well,
don't take everything
so seriously.
I take everything seriously?
No way, I am just joking
for the mere fun of it, ha, ha!
And you two, you two
will keep watch all night
for the rest of the week!
And what shall we be doing
during the day? - Washing dishes!
There's a whole pile of it
waiting for you, smart ass!
Come here, son. It's OK,
they tricked you into this...
Go hug your cook,
and leave me alone.
They didn't trick me
into anything,
I'm just as guilty as they are.
I'm not such a kid.
If they have to wash the dishes,
then I'll wash them too!
I've had enough of you, get it?
Real nice, how pathetic.
All for one, and one for all.
So be it, you'll regret it!
From now on: No more store,
no more swimming, and yes,
about the dance tonight -
consider it cancelled!
You need to calm down.
Go smoke a cigarette,
if it helps you.
Smoke two, if you have to.
There's no ambulance!
Take a bus?
There's no bus service!
So, take a taxi.
I don't have that much money!
What country we live in!
- That's not fair.
Martin should bring
the best stuff,
snacks, balloons. Like that.
- And condoms, just in case.
We haven't got any money left.
- Right, but he doesn't know that.
All he wants is make a profit.
Marko, we have some bad news.
I thought so. Go on, tell me.
Your parrot is dead.
A hawk killed her.
We shot arrows at the hawk
to scare it away,
but it was too late.
But Esmeralda was very brave,
she fought back.
She was still alive
when we got there...
She just lay there,
but raised her head slightly
and said with her last ounce
of strength: Marrrko!
Thanks, man.
You'd like to go to parties, but
you're ashamed of your braces?
Don't worry,
with these new add-ons,
you'll be the life
of the party.
These add-ons are tested
for all possible allergies.
Don't hesitate, call now!
Make the call, it's worth it to us.
I love it! I never go to parties,
but now I'm the star!
As a physician, I assure you
that it's worth every cent!
Maybe you broke some bones
in an accident
but you hate your crutches?
Why not fold them away
into this smart case,
when you don't need them.
It's available
in every fashion shade.
Your cast looks dull
and boring?
Here's the solution -
our cast-tattoos,
the latest fashion trend in
emergency rooms around the world!
Aha, what's going on here?
Didn't I say
you can't go to the party?
Band of demons!
Two cast-tattoos, right away!
What about your medical
condition, son? Better?
Let's party, all night long!
You were great, Joker.
- Alex!
Your dad left this for you...
I'm sorry that I was
in such a bad mood before.
I'm sorry that I was
in such a bad mood before.
No problem, really.
You're a good sport,
let's shake hands.
You're a good sport, too,
most of the time.
Hey, what did you mean
by 'most of the time'?
Oh, a whistle. - It's hand
crafted. - Thanks, Muscles.
You're stuffing yourselves
and you haven't paid!
I don't get sleepy,
I fall asleep without a warning.
It's not dangerous, but I'll
never be able to drive a car.
What's it called again?
- Narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy, I have it, too. I am
sure I do. - Come on, Sleepyhead.
Europe faces devastating changes,
almost the entire continent
will be in the arctic belt,
with floods in the south,
a major catastrophe...
- Jake!
But such problems
could have been avoided easily,
like malaria in Africa, and yet
it kills thousands of children
there every year
because of our ignorance...
I'll visit you.
- You promise?
Scout's honor.
"Does anyone know
who they really are
and where they're going?
Which came first,
the Big Bang, God
the chicken or the egg?
It doesn't matter,
let it be!
Forget about wings,
let's just fly...
To your own cloud,
To your own castle...
Young or old, a bird or a mouse,
It doesn't matter,
Just go your own way!
Who knows it, knows it,
And we simply know it...
We fly without wings
To our own castle...
We fly in our dreams... "
This is going to be
a great movie!