Griff the Invisible (2010) Movie Script

Night mode.
Get out of my neighbourhood.
Hello, I need to speak
to the police, please.
Shipping. Griff speaking.
There you go.
How's lunch? Oh, sorry. Sorry.
What did you have?
A sandwich.
What was in the sandwich?
Cheese. Egg.
Aw. Love mayonnaise.
Was it whole-egg?
Um, yeah. I think so. I don't know.
It's for Gary. Tax time!
He wants them sorted into
categories, dates and then added up.
I know. Sorry!
The short straw.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Don't fight it, Griff.
Just wanna...
S-Stop it!
"Just stop it!" Hm-hm!
How'd you go?
All done.
Great. Just...
They weren't really
for Gary, were they?
Uh, no.
Stay out of my neighbourhood.
It's OK. You're safe.
Go away. I got Mace!
"It's OK. You're safe. "
"You're safe now. "
"Never fear. "
"Griff, the Protector, is here. "
Griff the...
Who is it?
It's Tim, Griff.
For a minute,
I thought it was you.
It better not be, Griff.
Because I moved back here for you
and you promised me
that you'd stopped.
It's not. I promise.
It better not be.
It's not.
Better not be.
How's work, anyway?
It's... really good.
Good. It's good you have that job.
Keeps you out of trouble.
It does.
Good. Well.
Oh, um, you know how before
I said I was in the neighbourhood?
Well, the reason is because
I was on a date.
Her name is Melody.
Melody. Like music.
Yes, it is like... It's like music.
Anyway, I think she could be it.
Melly? Are you back already?
Did you bump your head again?
So! How was the date?
He is adorable!
Yeah, he's lovely.
Oh, he's very right for you, Mel!
Well done!
Tim and Melody. Mel and...
OK, Mum, look, we've been
on one date, OK?
Just figuring out if I like him.
Have there been
any, um... you know...
Goodnight, Mum.
Goodnight, darling.
Sorry, Tim.
I made a promise... rid this city of evil... the name of justice.
It's not a choice.
It's a responsibility.
No problem, sir.
Call again if it hasn't turned up.
...twice your age.
Oh, like you can talk.
So, Tammy's out of town tonight.
Do you want to come over?
I don't know, Tony.
How are you, Cecilia?
Settling in OK?
Everything's great.
I really love it.
Don't enjoy it too much. It's still work!
Ahem. Shipping. Griff speaking.
It's Tony.
Oh. Hi, Tony.
Just wondering what
you're doing for lunch.
I'm going to this little
Chinese restaurant
and they do great pork balls.
I know that you love balls.
No. Thanks.
Hey! Here it is.
I really... really like you.
A lot.
And I love balls too.
We're two ball lovers.
State championships.
I got three perfect 10s.
But even then,
Heather 'Twinkletoes' won.
Well, you look like a champ to me.
We met at a Chinese restaurant.
I was paying for the bill
for my table and it was $19.
And we'd all had a banquet!
$19?! What?!
Oh, dear.
And I said to myself, "Mmm,
that's pretty good value!"
Aw! It's not so bad.
I'm OK.
Oh, anyway, uh...
And she was looking
at HER bill. And...
How much was it, Mel?
Why were you
eating alone, Melly?
She does funny things!
Oh, she's fine though. Ha ha!
Yes, sir. There definitely seems to
be more activity in recent weeks.
The press
are calling it a crime wave.
What do you think?
Crime wave? I'm not sure, sir.
...running out of men.
Uh, yes, Commissioner.
Promise me you will help.
Yes, sir, I will.
Thank you, sir.
Who is it?
It's Tim, Griff. Who else?
No, no! No!
Griff. This is, uh, Melody.
My new girlfriend.
I didn't say that would be OK, Tim.
No, I know. But...
I'm sorry. She really
wanted to meet you.
WANTS to meet you.
Don't you?
Should we go?
No, no, no. Ha.
Thought I'd bring Melody over
so you could actually meet her
instead of me just talking
about her all the time.
I got Griff his new job.
Through a friend. Platonic.
Female platonic friend.
Yeah, got bullied
at the last job. Didn't ya?
Just like at school. Always bullied
at school. Lucky I was there.
Won't happen anymore, though.
Right, Griff?
Is that your cat downstairs, Griff?
I don't have time for a cat.
Or a dog.
You know they reckon
cats can see spirits?
Did you know that?
I don't think they're spirits.
I don't think that ghosts exist.
I think they are real people
but in parallel places.
And... and maybe there are
nine parallel universes
and cats live in
all of them at once.
That's why they can see everyone.
But we only live in one at a time
and then when we die,
we branch off
into this other parallel existence
where we DIDN'T die.
And meanwhile, where we DID die,
everyone is sad and going,
"Oh, no. She died. "
From, you know, whatever
happened to you -
accident or cancer.
So, they're here now?
I... DON'T think so!
What's under
the sheet, Griff?
It's just a mannequin,
I think, babe.
Are you OK, love?
- Are you OK?
- It's OK. I got it.
Didn't hurt yourself?
No. I'm fine.
Oh, good!
Stupid chair!
Anyhoo! We better goo!
Hey, we should all have
dinner next week.
Get you out of the house.
Shame Melody doesn't have a sister.
DO you have a sister?
Sorry, mate. Oops! Sorry!
Oh, there he is!
Gary! Griff's here.
Call off the search party, everyone.
Where have you BEEN?
We've been worried SICK.
No! Aargh!
Sorry, Gary.
Hi, Griff.
How's your brother?
That's good.
Has, um... has he got a girlfriend?
Can you pop in for a word?
Do you want to tell me
what's going on?
It's nothing, Gary. Sorry.
Doesn't look like nothing.
Are you on drugs?
What? No.
Girl trouble?
Do you owe someone money?
No, it's nothing like that, Gary.
What happened, Griff?
You started out so strong.
I know.
You've dropped the ball.
Have you dropped the ball?
No, I haven't.
Know what I think?
You're making yourself a target.
I think you're making yourself
MORE visible
when you should be
trying to be INvisible.
How? How do you mean?
Well, Griff.
I see how people look at you.
And... Well, this is hard to say.
But when you hide
and you don't interact,
well, you come across a bit odd.
People notice you
even more, ironically.
You gotta chat to people. Like I do.
I mean, I'm a bit odd too.
But I just go around...
I'm chatting to people all the time.
And the amazing thing is
after a while of acting normal,
you BECOME normal.
It's like an accent. I mean...
If I was
to start talking
in an American accent all the time,
I'd become an American - right?
Just don't give that goose... fuel.
The only way to make him back off
is to beat him at his own game.
Act normal!
And then you can
get on with becoming
the best client liaison we've got.
And you could be.
Invisible Man.
Hello, Griff.
Doing some painting?
Of course. Sorry.
So, that it?
Do you know anything
about... invisible ink?
No. Nup.
I... I think you can use
baking soda, though.
Do you have any?
Put it on the tab.
Can I have that receipt, please?
You didn't see me.
Mmm! This is nice, Mel. What is it?
Um, shark.
Which is shark.
Uh, so, Tim... uh, Melody
tells me you have a brother.
Griff. That's right.
I know a Griff. Comes into the shop.
Came in today, actually. Odd chap.
Um, that's probably him.
Always leaves with
"You didn't see me. "
That's definitely him.
Hope he's no trouble?
No, no, not at all.
Is he older or younger?
Huh! Younger. In every sense.
Ugh! Oop!
Actually, um,
he's the reason Melody and I met.
Well, indirectly, I suppose.
Um, I was living in Adelaide.
And I had to come back
because Griff lost his job
and was in need of
a big brother again.
So, um, I got a transfer.
And now he's OK again.
And then I went to
that Chinese restaurant.
You know what happened there.
You're not going back
to Adelaide, are you?
Um, maybe. We'll see.
You'd want to stay here,
though, if, say...
Oop! Ha. and Melody got married.
Uh, who knows?!
Did you know that 40% of people
don't believe statistics
when they read them?
No! No, I didn't.
So that means that 40%
of responses should be ignored
because the people giving them,
they don't believe them anyway.
So they can't be trusted.
Thanks for another lovely evening.
Thanks, Tim.
You're really lovely.
Hey, Melody!
$218? What?!
Oh, hi.
What are you doing?
Uh, dunno. What are YOU doing?
I'm at home.
Are you OK?
Is Tim with you?
Uh, no.
Maybe I should come in or something.
Well, I'm kind of in the middle
of some things.
And... sleeping.
Oh. Sorry.
Sorry. I was just, you know,
in the neighbourhood.
But I'll go.
Do you...
...want some water, before you leave?
Isn't it funny to think
that I just poured
hydrogen and oxygen
into this hole in my face
and now it's merging with
all the other atoms in my body
to become part of me?
That is, until my body decides to
use it to flush out toxic waste.
Could I use your toilet?
Um... no.
Hang on.
Oh! Um...
It's just through there.
So I should go.
Thanks for the water.
Oh! It's alright.
It's just tap water. So...
I just wanted to say that
I think you're really nice.
Not nice, but, um...
Invisible Man.
You in there, Melly?
You working?
What's the drawing? A dot painting?
No, it's just an idea.
OK, so say these are the atoms
that make up the wall.
And these are the atoms
that make up me.
Look at all the space
between those atoms.
I mean, we don't know what it is.
It could be vacuum, dead space, dark
matter, but it's definitely space.
In fact, the whole world
is 99% space.
Right, so it's just
a matter of probability.
If I happen to hit the wall
at exactly the right moment,
when all the spaces are aligned,
then theoretically I should pass
right through the wall.
Well, that's great, hon. Mmm!
Yeah. Anyway...
You know, we just want
you to be happy, Melly.
Find love and happiness. You know.
I will.
Love you.
I love you.
Hi, Tony!
Hi... Griff. Maestro.
What do you keep in that case?
I don't know. Stuff.
You don't know stuff.
Give it back, Tony.
Is it comic books?
Seriously. Give it back.
"Seriously. Give it back. "
Chill, Griff.
Just wanted to borrow your stapler.
Operation Boobytrap underway.
Can't see the face.
Earth to Griff.
Not even listening to me.
Do you want a raffle ticket or not?
Win a trip to Magnetic Island.
Win a trip
to Magnetic Island.
Magnetic Island.
Oh. Hi, Griff.
What are you doing?
Uh, just waiting for you.
What do you do?
I can't say.
I'm an experimentalist.
I test things.
Theories and facts.
Can't tell you about them, though.
They're secret too.
Sometimes I do street surveys
about surveys.
And I go up to people on the street
and I say, "Excuse me. "
"What do you think
about street surveys?"
"And what is your favourite
street survey subject?"
Once I went to a protest
and I protested the protest.
I had a placard that said,
"Stop protests now"
and I yelled, "What do we want?
No more protests. "
"When do we want it? Now. "
You ever googled the word 'Google'?
Where's Tim?
I don't know.
Did he send you?
No, I came by myself.
I'm not good with relationships.
Sorry. Shouldn't have said that.
I don't think you should be here.
Yeah, I actually have to go.
Oh, shit. Shit! Shit!
Who is it?
Griff. It's Tim.
Shit! I knew it.
Shit! Why did you come here?
Do you want me to hide?
I can hide!
Uh... don't go in the wardrobe!
Hi, Tim.
How are you?
Great. Good.
Not great, actually. Shit.
I haven't heard from her
for two days.
Melody, Griff!
Oh. Yeah.
How's work?
Oh, great.
No mischief?
No mischief!
Where are you going?
It's blocked. The toilet.
I won't flush.
I really need to go.
Well, go after me.
Code nine, code nine.
We have a serious situation.
"I know who you are. "
"You are me, and the opposite of me. "
"You are the question,
I am the answer. "
"You are the proton,
I am the neutron. "
"You are a magnetic field
and I am light,"
"forever drawn to you. "
And over the fence.
And down the alleyway.
The alleyway around the back?
Yeah, around the back.
Did you get a look at him?
Have you got metal sheets and some...
Hi, Griff.
Benson's my dad.
Who's Benson?
The guy who owns here.
Tim didn't see me last night.
I hid in the wardrobe.
And he only waited
half an hour and then he left.
What did you see?
You're making an invisibility suit.
If you tell anyone...
I won't, I won't tell anyone.
I promise.
Do you need my help?
I know what I'm doing, OK?
Just forget anything you saw.
It's for your own...
...s- safety.
So you'll find the pipes
in the third row
and metal sheets at the back.
Can I help you
with anything, sir?
Uh, just this, thanks.
Do you need anything else?
I HAVE wire.
Contact me when you need my help.
I'm not
who you think I am.
I'm not who you think I am.
Thank you. Glad we could help.
Is anyone else's... things got...
Whoa! Hey.
Is anyone...
Is your key...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Um, no!
Oh, fuck off!
My thing is... Is Steve around?
My computer's complete...
What the fuck? WHAT the fuck?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Well, that's not true.
I'm not typing anything.
It's some virus or something.
Tony. See me now.
Gary, I've just got to send...
I'll be there...
Yeah. Shit.
I think it's over with her.
Melody, Griff!
And I really tried.
I sent funny texts and silly ones.
And serious ones.
She said she needed time,
but it doesn't mean she has to
not call me at all, does it?
I dunno. Um...
At all?
Should call him. He's pretty upset.
We've been on three dates.
I'll call him.
What were you like as a kid?
I bet you were popular.
I was.
Really... popular.
We're not the same person as we
were when we were kids, you know.
No, obviously.
I mean literally.
I mean every cell that made you up
when you were a kid
doesn't exist anymore.
They're long dead.
So that all the cells that
make you up as you are now
are new.
It's this complete reinvention.
Let's walk.
Before I tell you this,
you have to commit to a vow of
secrecy unlike any other.
You won't believe it at first.
You'll probably laugh.
I won't laugh.
And I'm only telling you because
you saw things you shouldn't.
I'm not who I seem to be.
I have powers.
And with these powers
comes a responsibility... fight... protect... uphold justice
and defend the innocent...
My life is too dangerous
to have... friends...
...or more than.
I don't hate you. I like you.
I like you too, Griff.
But nothing can happen between us.
It's not just because of Tim.
It's for your own safety.
It's because...
You should call Tim.
'Bye, Griff.
Pause there.
Just because you're fired
doesn't mean you're safe.
Oh, shit! Shit, shit, shit!
Griff, can I have a word?
Where are you going?
Hi, Gary.
Listen, Griff.
We're going to have to let you go.
You're late all the time, you
don't fit into the work environment.
...have you been sneaking
into the office at night?
Because that's not
generally on, Griff.
And now Tony's talking charges.
Anyway, that's the...
I'll pay you till
the end of the week.
I'm sorry, Griff.
Hi, Griff.
Hi. There's someone...
I know. I'm sorry.
So, Griff.
I don't like weird, fucked-up freaks
making me look like a dick
in front of my friends.
You wouldn't understand that because
you don't have any friends.
But to me it's important.
I don't enjoy hurting people.
But if it happens again...
Do you comprendo?
Identity compromised. Abort!
Come on, get down.
Don't be stupid.
You won't make it.
Guess who's here.
Thank you for coming over.
That's OK.
Did you want to talk?
About us?
Yeah, sort of.
Tim, the thing is that
Griff seems to think that you and I
had something really
serious going on.
But, I mean, we...
You know, we only, uh, really...
You know.
And so he doesn't
want... to, or he, uh...
He doesn't want me to hurt you.
Sorry. Sorry, what, sorry?
Tim, I think you'll be
really good to go out with...
...with someone who is right.
But I'm...
Not. Not right.
So hang on.
So, Griff, where does he...
You and Griff?!
Yeah, I think so. He's like me.
Uh, I don't need to
know details. I'm fine.
That's good.
I'm glad.
Really glad.
Why did you run?
Did you think we were
there to arrest you?
What have you done
that warrants arrest?
We've had reports
of someone stalking residents
in your neighbourhood.
You wouldn't happen to know
anything about that, would you?
Stalking is an offence, Griff.
As is prowling.
And voyeurism.
Were we to inspect your home,
do you think we'd find anything
that might incriminate you?
No, you got the wrong man, sir. OK?
I've seen what
you're looking for. I have.
And it's out there.
And, well, no-one's doing
anything about it. So...
Taking the law into your own hands
is also an offence, Griff.
Is that what you are? A vigilante?
No, I'm not a vigilante.
Right, Griff.
Having seen you, we've
decided not to press charges.
Lucky for you.
Lucky I'm in a good mood.
I don't want to hear
any more reports of stalking.
I'll do my best
to help, Commissioner.
Don't push me, freak.
I've had it, Griff.
I'm going back to Adelaide.
You need help.
Did Tony do that to you, Griff?
Something's happened.
What are you doing?
What's happened to your face?
Do you have antiseptic?
What the hell are you doing here?
Oh, just... I didn't know
how to say I'm here.
Who did this?
How did you get in?
You got your key cut at the hardware
store. Dad keeps a copy.
Griff, I have to show you something.
Melody, stop.
Look, we can't see each other
I don't WANT to see you.
Griff, something has come for you.
A package.
Melody, I can't.
Look, I don't know what it is,
but it is marked 'top secret'.
Top secret?
You didn't see who brought it?
Be careful.
I think there's a note.
"Dear Griff,"
"I work for a government agency
that no-one has heard of. "
"Let's just leave it at that. "
"We have been watching you, Griff. "
"We suspected you were the one"
"when we first became
aware of your activities"?!
"This is the universe suit. "
"And it's for you. "
"By studying the lens of a cat's eye"
"we have harnessed the ability
to enter the other dimensions. "
"This suit allows you to hide
in a fourth dimension,"
"to become unseen to
the human eye, to become... "
"... invisible. "
We need you, Griff.
The city needs you.
You're different.
It's what I've been
trying to tell you.
Do you want to put the suit on?
Are you stuck?
Do you want a hand?
I'm IN it.
You're in it.
Well, come out. I can't see you.
I AM out. I'm standing right here.
Are you lying?
You can't see me?
I cannot see you.
Hi, Dad.
You working today?
Is that Griff down there?
Um, there's no-one there, Dad.
Oh. Right.
Silly me.
This is me.
When are you leaving?
End of the month.
Does it have to
keep happening, Griff?
I know you're normal underneath.
I'll be OK, Tim.
You don't have to leave.
You're not good for my health.
And maybe I'm not good for you.
Maybe if I just let you do what
you want, YOU'LL sort it out.
I just worry.
Griff! Griff, did you see it...
Oh, hi, Tim.
...up in the sky?!
Look, right there.
A 'G'.
Oh, yeah!
- For 'Griff'.
- Shit!
Listen. You're being called.
The chief!
They have taken
the police chief hostage.
The Commissioner?
The Commissioner.
They need you to save him.
I better put on the suit.
Whoa. What are we talking about?
What's going on?
There's an emergency.
There's nothing there.
Griff! Griff. You just got
arrested and lost your job.
We just talked about this.
OK, can we just stop for a minute?
Tim, we have to go.
Can you hurry up, Griff?
I'm ready.
Oh, God! Stop doing that.
Look - here, so I know
where you are.
Let's go,
Let's go, let's go.
A disused warehouse.
How original.
Can you hear me? Over.
Copy that. Over.
Roger that. Over.
We're on.
Oh, wait.
What are you doing?
I'm just keeping watch.
I mean, WHAT are you DOING?
I'm going in.
Keep watch.
I'll report on the situation. Over.
Copy that. Be careful. Over.
Look, it really isn't
a good idea to, you know,
play along with his delusions
like this.
They're not delusions.
Well, he's not a superhero, Melody.
And he's obviously not invisible.
Well, maybe he is. He says he is.
So... he is.
But I can SEE him.
Targets identified.
Roger that. Over.
He's a 28-year-old man
and he's living in a fantasy world.
He's always lived
in a fantasy world.
I got him out of it.
Now you've put him back.
OK, firstly, I don't think
you ever got him out of it.
And secondly, this may be
fake or delusional to you,
but it is real to him
and it is real to me...
Targets engaged.
Do you read? Over.
How is it real?
He's a customer liaison officer
who thinks he's
an invisible superhero.
If you want to be his friend,
or more, or whatever,
then you need to help him to stop,
not tell him it's real.
He's not hurting anyone.
He may even be saving them.
Who? Invisible people?
Yes, maybe.
OK, so in the real world,
where the rest of us live,
what do you do with a boyfriend
who's a superhero?
What if you're having
dinner with your parents
and he suddenly stands up and starts
talking about saving the planet
and having to leave
on a secret mission?
You know what, he's not
coming over to dinner, Tim.
I would never ask him over because
he's Griff,
and he needs to grow up.
He would not fit in with them or
anyone else in the real world
because he's a freak.
And so am I and that is
exactly why I love him. Becau...
We see the world one way
and you see it this other way
and because you don't understand,
you want to change it.
But I don't want to change it.
Maybe the rest of you
need to grow up instead.
Turn the lights on.
You've called Griff.
Leave a message,
or if it's an emergency...
It's like we're
living in the country!
But we're still within
the metro area.
It's perfect for us.
Thank you. Come in.
Melly, dinner's on.
Do you think that this... life,
our existence...
Do you think it's an accident?
Or do you think
it's planned for a reason?
Oh. Um... Oh, I think...
And try and ignore religion.
Ignore religion. Um...
Well, I think it's like gymnastics.
I think that life was inevitable.
I mean, however it was created,
whatever happened, you know,
whoever did it...
I mean, you look at the stars
and you see infinity
and you look into a microscope
and you see infinity.
And... smack bang in the middle
of those two extremities...
...perched on
a balance beam... is us.
In the middle.
Hi. Where have you been?
Oh, yeah. A bit busy.
Just had some stuff
to... had to fix. Some things.
Yum, yum, chook's bum.
Thank you, sir.
Oh! Benson - please!
Uh, Griff just got a new job, darl.
Oh! What is it?
I'm a customer liaison officer
at DHL Transport.
Oh! Not really sure
what that is.
Melody and I, we met through Tim.
And Tim and Melody met
at a Chinese restaurant.
And now Tim and I are
taking cooking classes.
And guess what we cooked last week.
Sweet-and-sour pork.
Which is Chinese.
So funny!
Well, that's a good idea!
Cooking classes for men.
Oh, whoever's responsible
for this meal
is in no need of cooking classes!
Well, I don't know about THAT.
I must have the recipe.
Oh, of course!
I've always had a flair with food.
Are you sure you won't stay?
I should get back.
Early start at the office.
But, um...
But thank you.
I had a lovely evening.
Well! We'll let you two say goodbye.
Well, um...
Goodnight... my love.
He's nice.
Griff! Open up.
What's happening?
What's happening?
What's happening...
Uh, let me see.
I can't do this.
Do what?
Us. I cannot do this us, Griff.
You're ending it already?
But I thought this was...
Griff, please.
You are either punishing me,
Laughing at me,
or you are seriously convinced
that this is what I want.
I don't understand, Melody.
What about the missions?
What about your duty
to defend the innocent and uphold...
It's not real, Melody!
I'm not a superhero.
Yes. Yes you are.
What do you miss?
Did you enjoy laughing at me?
Was I a dancing monkey or something?
It's not real, Melody.
This is real.
Everything you see here is real.
This pantry...
Griff, please don't do this. real. Rice.
You WERE real. Griff!
Stop it. Listen. Griff.
I live in a bubble
that no-one - no-one - gets into.
I feel like an alien.
I live in a completely
different world
to the one everyone else is in.
I can't communicate with anyone.
I can talk to them,
but I cannot communicate.
But you...
Griff... get into my bubble.
Everybody has to grow up.
No, they don't.
I would have loved you...
Oh! Oh, my God!
My God!
You just... you just
went through a door.
How did you... how did... You just...
How did you...
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
You can believe it.
You can.
What is it?
It's a package.
For you.
What were you doing?
Um... I can't say.
I'm going to put the suit on.
There's probably
a note with it.
"Use these
to be the only one"
"who can see Griff
when he's invisible. "
"So he doesn't have to
wear the hat. "
Tell me when you're in it.
I'm in it.
Does it work? Can you see me?
Yeah, I can see you.
I can see you.