Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) Movie Script
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds
that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day
I think I can make it now...
One thousand
rounds,.357 Magnum, steel core.
One thousand rounds,.380 soft points.
Good. Account number 65934752.
Please transfer to account 619718
- You got it.
- Thank you.
- What?
- wanna read you something.
- 'm working, Marcella.
- think you should hear this.
All right.
"Dear Pointes High Alumni.
"Can you believe it's been 10 years
since you left Grosse Pointe?
"Where are you now?
"Are you on an Outward Bound
canoe trip, like Brook Stinson?
"Or perhaps in charge of
public appearances for the NFL,
"like Leslie Gunther.
"Sandy Glasser owns a cheese shop.
"Looking at yearbooks and pictures
evokes so many memories.
"Some good, some bad,
but all interesting.
"Whenever news of you filters back,
"the school is excited and proud
of your accomplishments."
Hold on a sec.
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
"As a graduate
of the class of 1986,
"you are someone special.
"Remember, there's nowhere you can go
"that you haven't learned
how to go in time."
- Whatever the hell that means.
- Shred it.
I thought it might be good for you.
Open some new accounts, network,
you know?
Don't tease me.
You know what I do for a living.
Here is that rainbow I've been
praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day
Ljust got offthe phone
with a very unsatisfied customer.
Well, ask them how that could
possibly be my problem.
I was paid for one job, the cyclist.
Not two.
And, you know, why don't you find out
what the hell Grocer was doing there,
- And maybe we can talk.
- have Mr. Grocer for you. Ask him.
Patch him through.
Martin, where are you?
- Budapest.
- City of Cathedrals.
Yeah, I see you right there
on the bridge of the Danube, kid.
- 'd kind of like to talk to you.
- Why don't you e-mail me?
I'd kind of like a one-on-one,
face-to-face type of thing.
- You wanna do it personally?
- Yeah, I'd love to see you, kid.
- Okay, let's do it. How you doing, kid?
- How are you?
- Good.
- Good.
Hey, mental telepathy,
astral projection, you know?
Here you are. Right.
What do you want?
Kid, I'm putting together a little concern
which would enable those of us
in our "rarefied" profession to avoid
embarrassing overlaps.
- What? Like a union?
- No. More like a club.
- Work less, make more.
- That's a great idea, but thank you, no.
- Remember Burma?
- Yeah, I do.
That nut, General Kwang?
You were, like, a colonel in that army.
Yeah. He sold you all those tanks.
- Shipped them to Alabama.
- T-34s. I took a bath on that.
- That was fun.
- That's what I'm talking about, kid.
We could be working together again.
You know, making big money,
killing important people.
I wanna structure an arrangement
where you get, like, shares,
original shares on the ground floor.
And you would be the president
of this organization,
or maybe just a father figure to me.
You want a father,
I'll give you a spanking.
Forget about it.
The employers are getting us cheaper.
- There's so many more of us.
- After Berlin, what can you do?
- Soviet bloc collapse.
- Market's flooded.
Okay, that's what I'm looking at.
I'm looking at consolidated bargaining.
Look, I don't wanna play against you.
- This thing is real.
- How real?
Morango brothers.
Them East German ex-Stasi guys.
- don't like those guys.
- Them butch Filipino ladies.
- The little... The dwarf, maid...
- The stabbers.
- Queens of the hotel hit.
- You got a great crew.
- Everybody's in.
- Yeah, well, not me.
So don't paw at me
with your dirty little guild.
All right, well, you know,
life's full of second chances.
And here's chance two for you.
You think about coming in with me.
- You ponder, okay?
- 'll think about it.
- Either way I'm gonna get you, kid.
- Yeah, get what? Get back.
- Hey, bing-bing-bing. Bang. Popcorn.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Nice to see you again.
- Yeah. Good to see you, too, buddy.
You like that Pacific Northwest country,
all the mist and that up there?
Haven't been there in years.
- Catch you.
- Yeah. You look great.
Nice to see you again. Drive safe.
- Yeah.
"So come on back
"to the old oak tree, acorns.
"Signed, Pointes High School
Reunion Committee."
You're fired.
Don't ever read that again, ever.
Don't hang up.
Wait, did you read yesterday's offer?
Hold on a minute.
It's in French.
It's a Greenpeace boat. It'd be so easy.
No way.
I have scruples.
Listen, is everything set
for my arrival in Mia mi?
It's covered, sir.
Good, good. Good.
Sir? Are you all right?
You don't seem like, well,
your old self lately.
If you don't mind my asking, sir,
is it the job?
Is it getting to you?
You know,
when you start getting invited to
your 10-year high school reunion,
time is catching up.
Are you talking about a sense
of my own mortality or a fear of death?
Well, I never really thought about it
quite like that.
- Did you go to yours?
- Yes, I did.
It was just as if everyone had swelled.
Why are you so interested in me
going to my reunion?
I just find it amusing
that you came from somewhere.
Whatever it is I'm doing
that you don't like,
I'll stop doing it.
It's not me.
- Morning.
- Hi.
Sir, may I come in?
Give me a second.
- Sir, they're very unhappy.
- 'm very unhappy.
It was to look like a heart attack.
He was to die in his sleep.
Well, he moved.
His sleep-research pattern suggested
deep sleep at that hour.
- There's nothing to be done about it.
- Sir, this is a very valuable firm.
- Come here.
- We've done a lot of business with them
over the years,
and they blame you for the snafu.
They say you've gotta make amends.
- When?
- A canary decided to sing.
They scheduled his deposition
for early Monday morning.
- You've gotta do it this weekend.
- This weekend?
No, impossible.
Tell them I need my normal lead time.
I'm getting a black-cat, Friday-the-13th
kind of feeling about this one.
It's in Detroit.
You can take care of business and
stop by Grosse Pointe for your reunion.
Look, Sergeant Pepper.
I really need you to shut up about that.
Sir, it's out of my hands.
The gods want you to go back home,
and they want you to delete someone
while you're there.
Would you describe their position
on this matter as inflexible?
Intractable, sir.
I've booked you on an early flight
tomorrow morning.
All right, listen.
I'm gonna call you from Detroit,
and just make sure that you pick up
the dry cleaning and feed the cat, okay?
- Don't forget your identity.
- All right, thank you.
Could you tell Dr. Oatman
that I'm on my way?
- Oh, yes, of course.
- All right?
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
I got invited to
my 10-year high school reunion.
I'm conflicted.
I mean, I don't know if I really wanna go.
It's in Detroit. You know, I grew up there,
but I just honestly
don't know what I have
in common with those people anymore.
I mean with anyone, really.
I mean,
they all have husbands and wives
and children and houses and dogs.
They've all made themselves
a part of something.
And they can talk about what they do.
And what am I gonna say?
"I killed the president of Paraguay
with a fork.
"How have you been?"
I'm just thinking it would be depressing.
It would be depressing.
Shouldn't you be taking notes
or something?
I'm not taking notes, Martin,
because I'm not your doctor.
Please don't start with that stuff again.
Martin, I'm emotionally involved
with you.
How are you
emotionally involved with me?
- 'm afraid of you.
- Afraid.
That constitutes emotional involvement.
It would be unethical to work
with you under those circumstances.
Think you're upset
because I told you what I do for a living,
you got upset, and you're letting it
interfere with our dynamic?
Martin, you didn't tell me
what you did for a living.
- Yes, I did.
- You didn't tell me what you did
for a living for four sessions.
Then you told me and I said,
"I don't wanna work with you."
And yet you come back every week
at the same time.
That's a difficulty for me.
On top of that,
if you have committed a crime
or if you're thinking about
committing a crime,
- have to tell the authorities.
- know the law, okay?
But I don't wanna be withholding.
I'm very serious about this process.
- And I know where you live.
- Oh, now, see?
That wasn't a nice thing to say. That
wasn't designed to make me feel good.
That's a kind of a
not-too-subtle intimidation,
and I get filled with anxiety when
you talk about something like that.
- mean, that's...
- was just kidding.
- The thought never crossed my mind.
- You did think of it.
You thought of it and then you said it.
And now I'm left with
the aftermath of that,
thinking, "I gotta be creative
in a really interesting way now
"or Martin's gonna blow my brains out."
You're holding me hostage here.
- That's not right.
- just wanna work.
There's some issues that I need to
work on in my life.
I've read your books.
Your bestsellers on the top 20.
They were both ghost-written, Martin.
- What, Annihilation of Death?
- Yeah.
Kill Who? A Warrior's Dilemma?
I read it.
- New York Times top 20.
- Well, I don't know what to say.
What do you say to other patients?
How does it work?
Ask me how I'm feeling.
- How do you feel?
- 'm feeling uneasy, man.
I'm just dispassionate, I'm bored, I'm...
It's hard to stay in a good mood.
I have problems at work.
You know, concept-execution stuff.
And I'm just ill at ease.
I don't wanna suggest anything
that might be uncomfortable for you,
but you might consider, just consider
the possibility that part of your problem,
part of the thing
that's making you so miserable,
is the angst of killing a lot of people.
Maybe I'll just
put it in the background there.
Come on. If I show up at your door,
chances are you did something
to bring me there, okay?
- don't care about that stuff.
- You don't care about what stuff?
You know, the morality.
I don't want to talk about work.
Because I don't think necessarily
what a person does for a living
reflects who he is.
So what do we do?
Do we talk about dreams?
What's next? What's the score?
We'll talk about dreams. It's your nickel.
Sure. I had another one about Debi.
That girl you're obsessed with?
Don't you think "obsessed"
is a strong word?
Recurring dreams of loss and pain
for 10 years featuring the same person?
Yeah, maybe it's a bit obsessive.
I had one where I was
that television mechanical rabbit.
- You know, with the...
- The battery bunny.
Yeah. I was the bunny.
That sounds like a very,
very depressed dream.
- Really? Why?
- Yes.
Martin, it's a terrible dream.
It's depressing to
dream about that rabbit.
It's got no brain, it's got no blood.
It's got no anima.
It just keeps banging on those
meaningless cymbals endlessly,
and going and going and going.
- Time is up.
- Time's up already?
You really wanna do half a session?
Can we just pretend like we have
a normal doctor-patient relationship?
I'll ask you a piece of advice,
you give me an answer.
You know, advice.
Should I go to the reunion?
- Yes, yes, get out of town.
- Thank you.
Go see some old friends,
have some punch.
- Visit with what's-her-name.
- Debi.
Debi. Don't kill anybody for a few days.
- See what it feels like.
- Give it a shot.
No, no, don't give it a shot.
Don't shoot anything.
"Services for Detroit contract
"Contract being serviced
by alternate vendor for original quote."
What fucking alternate vendor?
No, no, no.
"Preparations have begun
in good faith."
Fucking Martin Blank.
Snaked the Detroit job from under me.
Agent Farrell.
Yes, extension 1715, please.
- Yeah.
- Lardner?
- Yeah.
- 've got your pigeon for you.
Arriving Detroit Airport
He's supposed to hit
a star federal witness.
Now, my advice is, you wait till he gets
the witness, and then you guys do him.
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Let me go on like I blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands, I know
you're the one
Remember to kick it over
No one will guide you, Armagideon time
You've never met
Martin Blank.
Grocer pointed him
out to me.
I'm telling you
that you never met Martin Blank, okay?
No, 17 months ago, I was posting
a walk in Lisbon, and he was there.
He hasn't been in Lisbon since 1990.
You know how I know that?
I read the file.
- Read the file.
- No, actually, as a matter of fact,
I actually talked to him in Bonn.
You always...
You always have to know everybody.
Tell you what.
Why don't I take the weekend off
and you kill him,
since you two are so close?
All right, I'll do that.
The battle is getting hotter
In this iration, Armagideon time
Hi, I'm Debi Newberry.
This is WGPM FM, Grosse Pointe,
Window on the Pointes.
You heard from Massive Attack,
Public Enemy, Morphine,
that's my personal favorite,
and Duane Eddy's twangy guitar.
Good to hear
Toots and the Maytals, huh?
And as you know, this weekend is
Pointes High class of'86 reunion.
So in honor of this momentous event,
I'm making this an all-'80s,
all-vinyl weekend.
Stay tuned to Window on the Pointes,
and I'll keep you posted
on all this reunion-related nonsense.
Hey, I know everybody's coming back
to take stock of their lives.
You know what I say?
Leave your livestock alone.
Kick back and relax, and ponder this.
Where are all the good men dead?
In the heart or in the head?
So here's another cold cup of coffee
from The Clash.
Sing, Michael, sing
on the route of the 19 bus
Welcome back, Pointers.
Hear them sayin'
How you get a rude and a reckless?
Don't you be so crude and a feckless
You been drinking brew for breakfast
Rudie can't fail
I went to the market to realize
my soul
What I need, I just don't have
First they curse, then they press me
till I hurt
We say Rudie can't fail
Mrs. K. Mrs. Kinetta, it's Martin.
Martin, my God.
- t's you.
- Hey.
Oh, God.
You've been Detroit's most famous
disappearing act since white flight.
You look exactly the same, Mrs. K.
- You look great is what I mean. Great.
- Thank you very much, Martin.
You have always been
very good at saying that
and not sounding like a kiss-ass.
So what happened?
I mean, we thought Princeton, Harvard.
You fooled us all
in the teachers' pool and went nowhere.
I guess you could say I went west,
you know?
The way of Horatio Alger,
Davy Crockett, the Donner party.
Thank you, thank you.
That's a barrage of imagery.
Are you still, you know, inflicting
all that horrible Ethan Frome damage?
- s that off the curriculum?
- t's off.
- That's a horrible book.
- That's a very nice tie you have on.
You look like a mortician. I mean...
- You like it?
- Yeah, thanks.
You still got that
Mary Tyler Moore thing.
Thank you, thank you. That's enough.
- Good to see you again.
- Good to see you.
- Where are you off to?
- 'm going home.
Are you?
- Gosh, well, they're playing my song.
- All right.
- Take care, Martin.
- t was nice to see you again.
Mrs. K.
When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say, "Live and let live"
You know you did, you know you did,
you know you did
But if this ever-changing world
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
- Here's your receipt.
- Thanks.
- Have a nice day.
- You, too.
What are you doing here?
I'm doing a double shift.
What's it look like?
How long have you worked here?
- Couple of months.
- Yeah?
Is there a manager here?
Do you have a supervisor?
- No, but...
- How long have they worked here?
- 'm not telling you.
- Yeah? Where do you live?
- 'm not telling you that either.
- Where does your manager live?
I used to... What...
What are you doing here?
- What are... What are you doing here?
- work here. I work here.
And how long have you worked here?
- Only a couple of months.
- All right. What's done is done.
Just forget about the whole thing.
- You all right, man?
- Sure.
Hello, this is Dr. Oatman.
If you'd like to leave a message,
I will get back to you shortly.
Dr. Oatman, please pick up.
Pick up. It's Martin Blank.
I'm standing where my living room was,
and it's not here because the house
is gone, and it's an Ultimart.
You can never go home again, Oatman.
But I guess you can shop there.
Pick up! know you're there, Oatman.
You got any ideas
how you want to wax this guy?
Can't you just say kill?
You always gotta romanticize it...
Go. Go, go, go.
Never mind that.
Find out where my mother is.
I want my mom.
Pardon me, do you know
where I might find Mary Blank?
She's over there.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
There he is, Martin.
Come have a seat over here.
That's not very nice, but sit down. Yeah.
They're fun.
Hi, Martin.
Why are you wearing black?
So like a gangster.
So I spoke to your father the other day.
- imagine that'd be rather difficult.
- No, no, it wasn't. It wasn't.
- No?
- No.
They told me
you have been taking lithium.
Yes. Those blabbermouths.
We've had some laughs,
haven't we, Martin?
It's good to see you again.
Mom, what happened to the house,
and all the money I sent?
They stole. I don't do money.
You know, time allows miracles.
- And you need time, that's all.
- Sir?
Excuse me. It's time for her medication.
Nurse Scott is my best friend.
We met.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Oh, God. There's just so much here.
You're gonna be okay, honey.
What's happening?
You are a handsome devil.
What's your name?
Martin, right.
"So the colonel's lady like Judy O'Grady.
"Are twins under the skin"
Oh, silly.
I say somebody
Will find a way out of here
Here's hopin' somebody
Can find a way out of here
Martin's back.
Hey, I'm Debi Newberry,
and stand by your phones, because
any time now, I'll be giving away tickets
to see Palace this Saturday night
in concert at Cobo Hall.
You can call in for tickets
or just show up at Cobo Hall
and say my name.
No, I'm just kidding.
And here's The Specials,
doing one of their songs.
It's Martin.
I know who you are.
You're not dead.
- Hi.
- Hi. Shake my hand.
How are you?
How... How are you?
It's good to see you.
You look great. How long has it been?
Ten years?
How long has it been?
Since you stood me up on prom night
and vanished without a word?
Yeah, 10 years I think.
You tell me about yourself.
In California, travel a lot
around on business.
- That's it?
- Yeah.
That's 10 years?
I would hope for a great abduction story
or something.
I've had a few thrilling moments
here and there,
but, you know, it flew by.
So, what's your business?
Professional killer.
- Do you get dental with that?
- No.
I gotta go. So you're working?
It's a great... I mean, it's a great show.
I've been listening.
I mean, since I got back into town.
- But I'll come back.
- What are the odds?
Very funny. I'll see you.
Someone has
come to me out of the past
reviving a feeling long since forgotten.
I know I should be mad, and I am.
- What's he doing?
- No clue.
He says cryptic things
and is gone abruptly again.
Oh, boy. What...
What is this I'm feeling here?
Is this pain? s this panic?
Is it pleasure?
- Am I hungry? Who's hungry?
- Seventy-nine point five.
Okay, the first five callers will receive
a sentimental breakfast
from CuppaJoe's,
courtesy of the long-lost love of my life.
The man who vanished.
The man who is walking
right back into the station
and into my booth.
Okay, let's take a random day.
Spring of'86.
Two young lovers
with natural chemistry.
- 'm on the air?
- Yeah.
A girl sits in a $700 prom dress
on the steps of her house,
waiting for the most
romantic night of her young life.
The boy never shows up, not until now.
So, what's the question?
Where have I been?
More like,
"What happened, Mr. Blank?"
I don't know. I could venture a guess,
but it would sound like
a rationalization, a cop-out.
I thought coming home,
seeing some friends,
and I thought maybe seeing you,
of course,
would be the most important
part of that equation.
That didn't... That didn't come out right.
This... This isn't even my idea.
This whole thing
is my therapist's idea, really.
Is this bothering...
Okay, so you're back a decade late,
and you're on some sort of
therapeutic assignment,
and you wanna sort things out with me.
So the question now becomes
do I allow you access to me,
- Or do I call security?
- don't think that'd be a good idea.
Grosse Pointe, I need your help,
Do you think maybe we could
get a cup of coffee,
and I could try to explain or apologize?
Come on, Marty, this segues
so nicely into my'80s weekend.
Should a once-brokenhearted girl
give a guy a second chance?
Let's go to the phones.
You're on the air.
- Hi, Debi, it's Gail.
- Oh, hi, Gail.
You know, I wouldn't take him back yet.
I'd make him jump through some hoops
for a while, walk over hot coals.
- Make him beg for it.
- Harsh. That's very harsh, Gail.
Do you think maybe we could
discuss this in a more discreet setting?
...beg like a beggar.
You know, come on.
Next caller, you're on the air.
Debi, man, it's Nathaniel.
I don't hear any real remorse.
I mean, I don't think I'd let
this guy back in your life.
And, dude, I'd make him
wear that prom dress.
DEBl: Does anybody else
have a question for Marty?
- do, but he's a shifty one.
- Put that down.
I have a question for Marty.
- Next caller, you're on the air.
- Yeah, Debi, hi.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I love the show.
So, Martin, what, no yellow ribbons?
Didn't anybody miss you?
Don't you think you should tell her
why you're really in town, tough guy?
You know what we love?
We love tough guys like you.
Thanks. That was our own Michigan
Militia, with their latest chart topper.
Come on, people,
do I give this guy the time of day?
Marty, do you have any
deeply personal responses
- You wanna share with our listeners?
- No.
Okay, he's shaking his head no.
In radio, that usually signals
the end of the interview.
Grosse Pointe, Michigan,
I hear you loud and clear.
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back to you, it's, well,
Damn it. Never trust my instincts.
- Don't leave me hanging, baby.
- Hey, man.
How the hell you doing?
Hey. Look at you.
- Walk with me, man.
- Sure.
- got my car parked around the corner.
- Okay.
Yeah. Goddamn, I worried
you joined a cult or something, man.
Half expected you to
come back into town
in a fennel wreath and paper pants.
- No money in it.
- Says you.
- Look at you. You've gone respectable.
- stopped pouting on the sidelines.
I got in the game,
joined the working week.
So why don't you valet park
your high horse, slick,
- And take it easy on your buddy?
- t was a cheap shot.
Yeah, it was.
- Man, let's catch up, huh?
- Yeah, let's catch up.
I got a real estate deal. I'm taking them
through a final walkthrough, you know.
- This your Beemer?
- Yeah.
In Detroit? That's sacrilege.
Well, you know, guess who I got it from?
- have no idea.
- Bob Destepello.
- Bob Destepello sold you a car?
- Yeah, he did.
Didn't he break your collarbone
and steal your woman?
So you're in real estate, huh?
Yeah, I got a couple of newlyweds
with a decision-making disorder.
I'll just hold their hands
and reinforce their clarity.
Isn't there some sort of Frank Lloyd
Wright connection with this?
You know what? There is indeed.
For the life of me, I can't...
Hey, Blank.
I was driving by, I saw you on the lawn.
I thought there was gonna be a problem
at first, before I recognized you.
Terry Rostand. How you doing? PHS.
Terry Rostand. Oh, yeah,
you were always the guy who was...
- Yeah, I remember you.
- Yeah,'86.
How you doing, man? You look good.
You became a cop.
- Nice badge.
- No, no, no. I'm not a peace officer.
This badge isn't
a meaningful symbol or anything.
It's a badge of my company.
We don't enforce the law, we execute
company policy for homeowners.
- get it. Cool. Cool.
- Yeah.
- You mind talking a little shop?
- Sure.
When are you authorized
to use deadly force?
Well, you know, of course,
taxes provide your basic service,
police and whatnot,
but our customers
need a bit more than that.
So if we find you on the property,
you know, we do what we have to do.
So if I just look suspicious
on your customer's property
under those, you know,
heightened circumstances,
you have the authority to shoot me?
Wow. All right, all right.
How'd you get the gig?
You know, they were hiring.
- t was only a two-week course.
- Yeah, that's good.
- You look good.
- Yeah, thanks.
It's a beauty. What more can I say?
You know, you'll be raising your family
in a work of art.
A work of art in a work of art.
I've always felt very temporary
about myself,
and looking at the two of you
in this house,
when my time comes, if it ever does,
I want a house like this,
I want a wife like you.
- And you'll be safe here.
- We really gotta go.
Okay, give me a call, you guys.
You're not gonna go through
another broker, are you?
Definitely not.
Cute couple.
I don't think they're buyers though.
I don't know if you're qualified
to make that statement.
From 11:00 to 3:00
I show the house, Terry.
They don't look like people
who'd use the, you know...
Did you get a call, Terry?
No, I was just driving by,
and, you know,
I saw some people milling
around the lawn here.
No, there was just me. I was right there.
Okay, that's what I thought.
I just came by.
I show people houses here,
and I'd appreciate if you don't show up.
I know, but you're coming around
in the neighborhood unannounced...
- Did you get a call?
- No, but you don't know the alarm code.
- Did you get a call?
- No, they go off.
Okay, you're gonna have to go.
I'm more a part of this
neighborhood than you are.
And besides, a lot of times
you don't know the alarm codes
when you're checking,
- And the alarm goes off.
- Wow.
Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Well, I'm sorry about
the temporary thing...
No, don't worry about it, I don't even...
Listen, I don't usually pimp my friends,
but I got an excellent piece of property
you might want to look at.
- got a few minutes.
- gotta get something off my chest.
- Have you been to see the old house?
- Yeah. They tore it down
- n the name of convenience.
- Yeah, I brokered the deal.
I tried to get a family in there,
but Ultimart made the best offer.
Well, thank you for profiting
on my childhood.
Stop your fooling around
Time you straighten right out
Take a look at this new listing.
- Debi's house.
- Yeah, kind of crept up on you, didn't it?
No, you drove us here.
So how's the family, man?
You don't know?
Of course you don't know.
- Yeah, my parents are divorced.
- They got divorced?
Yeah, my dad's shacking up
with this woman.
She's 20 years younger than him.
She's like a biscuit older than me.
It's ugly.
My mom's making ceramic night-lights.
Takes, like, the plain shells
and paints them...
How's your sister?
Did she ever marry that guy, Kenny?
- Kenny?
- Yeah, did that ever work out?
Come on, man,
he did three years at Joliet.
They put one of those bracelets on him,
like a LoJack, you know?
They know where he is at all times.
I think he's at Pizza Hut now.
- So let's not go there.
- No.
Yeah, yeah.
So you look good, you seem good.
Thank you. You may have...
Ten years, man! Ten!
Where have you been for 10 years?
I freaked out,
joined the Army,
went into business for myself.
I'm a professional killer.
Does that... Do you have to do
postgraduate work for that,
or can you jump right in?
I'm curious about that.
- No, it's not. It's an open market.
- Open market? That's good.
Ten years, man! Ten... Ten years!
Ten years! Ten!
Ten years! Ten years!
I freaked out, I joined the Army,
I worked for the government,
I went into business with myself,
I'm a professional killer.
That's what I did!
- Okay, well, can I join up?
- Yes!
Come on.
What about... How's your mom, man?
Is she still a little bit loopy?
She's uncorked, man.
All right, see you at
the I've-peaked-and-I'm-kidding-myself
Pacific Trident Global.
- need some data.
- Hey, there.
How'd the assignment go?
I'll do it tomorrow.
What's it look like?
Looks fine.
Like it always does,
nothing remarkable about it.
Nothing remarkable at all.
You're taking your time?
Just being a professional?
Something like that.
Look, I got a job to do,
I'm gonna do it, right?
The reason I called. Could you
find out who else is in town and why?
I've made two spooks
and a ghoul so far.
So if they've double-booked the job
and/or they're gonna kill me,
I'd like to know about it.
That'd be great if you could find out.
- Okay, got it.
- Bye-bye.
Amelia? Wait, hold on a second.
Pacific Trident Global.
Yeah, no, where the fuck is it?
I ordered it three days ago.
No, that doesn't work.
That's... That's not right.
Let me go over it again, all right?
Let's see, 3,000 rounds
of 9-mm subsonic.
You had that.
I gave that to you on the fucking list.
Well, I don't give a goddamn where it is,
you get it here now.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, no.
No, I'm... It's not gonna be
a boring soup. That's just the base.
You put the chicken in,
you've got to add other flavors.
Carrots and celery
are just a base of a soup.
What the fuck, man?
What'd you do that for?
It's not me.
You all right?
No, I'm not all right.
Take it easy.
I'm hurt and pissed.
Gotta find a new job.
- Deborah, it's Martin.
Hi, Martin.
Listen, that thing didn't go as I planned.
- Seeing you, it didn't go as I planned.
- t was just as I planned.
I'm wondering how you are
and I'd like to catch up with you.
I don't know if it's possible.
Well, okay, let's catch up.
Well, I thought maybe we could go
someplace and talk, and...
- Well, I talk all day.
- Well, then just listen. Maybe...
Maybe we could go
to the Hippo Club in 30 minutes?
- Yeah, okay.
- By the way, is this live, or, you know,
- Are we being broadcast again?
- Not right now,
but I tend to record everything
because you never know.
Right, right. That's a good point.
- 'll see you there.
- Okay.
I'd like to explain some things to you
and have a good...
Martin Blank.
- You seem very nervous.
- No, no, I'm not. It's just...
Why do you keep looking over
your shoulder?
No, I just don't like having my back,
you know... It's a habit.
Let's not talk about that.
I want to talk to you.
- Okay.
- Put the spotlight on you.
- Sure.
- You got married.
That's hard to imagine.
It's just unbelievable.
No, it's pretty normal, Martin.
It happens all the time.
It's not like you went away
for the weekend.
Can I ask you a question?
I mean, if it's too personal,
you don't have to answer it.
What happened?
I think...
I think I married him to get away.
Didn't like where I ended up.
What was the guy like?
It doesn't matter.
Just forget about that question.
Same thing happened to me
when I joined the Army.
- t's a marriage of sorts.
- On prom night. That's psychotic.
How could you possibly
join the Army?
It's something I felt I had to do.
I know it doesn't make any sense.
No, it doesn't make any sense.
Do you know how much time I spent on
this masochistic cycle just trying
- To figure out what I'd done?
- Nothing.
Yeah, well, you tell me that now.
A little late.
And I thought you'd been murdered
or brainwashed or...
At least I'd hoped that's what happened.
Sorry to disappoint you.
So, you know, come on, spill.
What you been doing the last 10 years?
Well, you must have experiences
you wanna tell me about.
- Bad experiences.
- You've met people?
- Bad people.
- You're pathetic. Know what you need?
- What?
- Shockabuku.
You wanna tell me what that means?
It's a swift, spiritual kick to the head
that alters your reality forever.
That'd be good.
I think.
Listen, I could pick you
up for the reunion around 7:00.
Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.
You are asking me
- To go as your date to the reunion?
- Yes.
- t's unbelievable.
- Well, you know, what the hell?
- 'm not even planning on going.
- Really?
Really. I'm... I was just gonna be mean
about them on the radio. You know?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Besides, it's gonna be depressing.
Maybe. But listen, if you wanna go,
I can't think of any reason
- why we wouldn't go together.
- can.
I think you can open up, forgive a little.
I think it'd be good for you.
I'll be on time.
Showing up would be a big step.
- Well, I'll think about it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God. It's Marvin and Debi.
It's me, Amy.
- Amy.
- Yes.
You're still together?
Oh, God, you were the coolest couple.
Still are. I am so sorry.
- That's okay. No, God.
- Here. Want my drink?
- Don't worry about a thing.
- Debi, I love your show.
- t's so timeless.
- Yeah, it does run a little long.
- Marvin, are you here for the reunion?
- Sure.
- Where you been these last 10 years?
- Yeah, Marv, where you been?
You look great.
- work at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
- You do not.
I do. I sell biscuits and gravy
all over the southland.
You're so funny. He's a funny guy.
You know Tim, my husband?
Why don't I get you another
drink and you can catch up?
Could I have a Stoli with three olives
and an onion?
- Yeah.
- 'll have what she's having.
Girl down there,
she doesn't trust me anymore.
I don't know why.
I'm trying to earn back her trust.
I'm gonna go finish my drink,
walk her to the car,
I'll be at the hotel in a half hour.
I'll see you there?
- That's him.
- Yeah, we know, thank you.
We've been following him around.
What's the problem here?
You guys on an hourly rate?
If we observe the subject
in an illegal act,
only then can we intervene
and terminate.
Why don't you just go
and shoot the fucker, huh?
Because we are not assassins,
Mr. Grocer.
- We work for the American government.
- Hey, he's coming back.
He's not coming back.
Fuck you guys.
Hey, I don't appreciate being hosed.
You're exactly the same.
So are you.
- am? How so?
- Just like I remembered you.
Yeah? Troubled?
I'm troubled? Yeah. I got...
I got a few problems. Don't you?
- Sure.
- Yeah? What'd you do?
I tried everything, you know.
I went to the nutritionist, the herbalist,
the psychiatrist.
- That's quite a list. Any of it work?
- can't tell, but you gotta try, you know?
- t's your duty.
- Yeah, patriot, sure, sure.
- Yeah.
- So tell me more about your problems.
And I'll tell you about mine
and then we'll solve them tonight.
Not so fast.
- You're still in the penalty box.
- Right, right, right.
Well, thanks for coming to see me.
- So is there a Mrs. Mysterio?
- No, but I have a very nice cat.
- Not the same.
- You don't know my cat.
It's very demanding.
- t? You don't know if it's a boy or a girl?
- respect its privacy.
- Are you happy?
- Kind of.
- Really?
- Sort of.
We'll talk soon?
That's a nice ride.
Nobody buys American anymore, huh?
- Hello.
- Marcella, what do you got?
Hey, that town is hot.
I got the stink from
an assistant over at Rothschild's.
We prepped together.
I downloaded everything,
so just call it up.
I'm online.
We've got Steven Lardner, a.k.a. Steve,
and Kenneth McCullers,
no pseudonym.
Steve was a red-shirt tailback
from Ohio State.
McCullers, all-American wrestler
from Northwestern,
- MBA from the same.
- What are they doing here?
Well, they're domestic
covert operatives for the NSA,
up there as part of
a new get-tough-on-terror campaign.
They're looking for an Oswald,
a patsy to take the fall.
- Grocer fed them you.
- Grocer set me up?
- Surprised?
- No.
They were supposed to
catch you in the act,
but I guess they weren't
quick enough, right?
- Who's the ghoul?
- Well, this guy is a badass.
Felix La Poubelle.
An accomplished amateur
with the Basque Nationalists.
A few odd jobs
with the Algerian separatists.
Went pro with a stunning debut
aboard an elite Caribbean cruise liner.
That's where I know him from.
He's an asshole.
Did loan-outs for LikkenBakken.
Enjoys Native American art,
ballroom dancing, pornography...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What is he here for?
It's part of that Oregon snafu
with that dog, Budro.
You're gonna get out of there, right?
That's not right. You gotta get out.
- You're on a flight tonight, right?
- t isn't done.
This is not good.
I'll do it tomorrow, it's fine.
Sir, I'm beginning to
worry about your safety.
Look, I have to go.
Yeah, we all have to go sometime, sir,
but we can choose when.
No one chooses when.
You can't come in.
Well, I was in the neighborhood,
so I just stopped by.
Wanted to say hi. Can I come in?
You can come in, but only for a second.
It's exactly the same.
It's a shrine. It's only temporary.
My apartment burned down
on Devil's Night.
So you never gave me an answer.
- said we'd talk later.
- Well, this is later.
See, I figure if we go together,
we have a better chance
of getting out alive.
You know, we can partner up,
watch for traps, you know, go tandem.
I think it'd be a lot safer
than if we lone-wolfed it.
I have to say I'm curious
as to what 10 years has done to you.
You, too.
Is that the same bed?
Uh huh.
The magic bed.
The magic carpet. Wow.
I'll tell you what. I'll give you an answer
if you give me an airplane.
- Okay.
- Cool.
- Ready?
- Okay.
- Keep your feet low.
- remember.
It's been 10 years.
- Fly, be free, be free.
- 'm flying.
- Are you free?
- Of course. Okay.
- What if your dad comes in?
- You can give him one, too.
Okay. You can pick me up at 7:00.
Put me down. You can pick me up.
Okay, you can go now.
You want me to leave right now.
You don't wanna, maybe, watch CNN,
Crossfire, something romantic?
- No, airplane was quite enough.
- Okay, I'll go. That's fine, I'll go.
But this night, tomorrow night,
the reunion is gonna be
an important step
in our, you know,
burgeoning relationship.
You're a fucking psycho.
Don't rush to judgment
on something like that
until all the facts are in.
- 'll just let myself out.
- Go.
And, you can, you know,
lock the door behind me,
because, you know,
a lot of undesirables around.
I'll call you. I'll go.
Oh, shit, there he is.
Man, why don't we just do his job
so we can do our job
and get the fuck out of here?
What do you mean do his job?
What am I, a cold-blooded killer?
I'm not a cold-blooded killer.
- Now, wait a minute...
- No, you wait a minute.
You wanna kill the good guy,
but not be the bad guy.
Doesn't work like that. You gotta wait
until the bad guy kills the good guy,
then when you kill the bad guy,
you're the good guy.
So just to clarify,
if we do his job, we're the bad guys.
And if we do our job,
we're the good guys?
- Yes.
- That's great.
Hey, hey.
Hi, Mr. Grocer.
He's brown-bagging it today.
Easy there, chief.
I don't see "Hollow-point wound care"
on the menu.
Up, up, up.
What are you in Detroit for?
The Red Wings need a new goon?
Hi, my name is Melanie. Let me
tell you about some of our specials.
Today there's the Alfalfa on My Mind.
That's our featured omelet.
Or there's Gatsby's West Egg Omelet.
If in the mood for something different,
there's the
I Left My Heart in San Francheezie.
- What'll you have?
- Two poached eggs.
Scrape off the milky white stuff.
Hash browns well done.
English muffin for the bread,
and a coffee.
Wholegrain pancakes
and an egg-white omelet, please.
What would you like in your omelet?
- Nothing in the omelet.
- That's not technically an omelet.
I don't wanna get in
a semantic argument.
I just want the protein, all right?
Come on there, ice man, live a little.
Let Chef put a little cilantro
for your liver.
- don't want that.
- Little onions for the blood.
- What are those?
- Nutrients.
Here's the new stuff, kid. Durazac 15.
Makes Prozac feel like a decaf latte.
- You want a couple? got jars.
- don't do that stuff anymore.
No wonder you got the shakes.
Don't say "do it," because I don't "do it."
I ingest it on orders
from my neurophysiologist.
It's legal. In five years,
they'll be putting it in the water
- For the citizens, like fluoride.
- Fascinating.
Is there anything
you wanted to talk about?
I was gonna have breakfast.
I heard about
that little blow-up at the Ultimart.
- t was a wicked, ripping shame.
- One of your fraternal brothers?
Hey, listen, I wanna work with you.
That was some indie frog.
Some Basque whacker
from the Pyrenees.
You sure Oregon doesn't ring a bell?
Pacific Northwest,
a couple of months ago?
Something about you doing
some wonder dog named Cujo?
- Budro. Yes, Budro. Jesus Christ.
- Those dogs.
Yeah, I was out there trying to whack
these three junk-bond fuckos.
And these idiots were flushing game
with sticks of dynamite.
And the dog that they borrowed,
little Budro, was a retriever. Get it?
Budro was never a target.
Budro was acting on instinct.
I would never hurt an animal.
I'm offended at the accusation.
Whoa, Chatty Cathy, clip your string.
I don't need to know.
But just for the record,
here's what I heard.
The marks borrowed
your client's prized hunting pup.
So bad luck for Budro,
and bad luck for Blank.
Poodle pumper. Hound hitter.
- Pooch puncher.
- Let's not talk about Budro, huh?
What about those two guys
in a Caprice Classic outside?
The word is you turned
two governments on me, you turncoat.
- Me?
- You.
- Go G? On you? Never.
- Yes. Yes.
Listen. Why don't we
get our relationship straight?
I didn't get into this business
to have any relationships.
I don't wanna join your goddamn union,
all right?
Loner. Lone gunman. Get it?
That's the whole point.
I like the lifestyle, the image.
Look at the way I dress.
Become a cop or something.
Have coffee in the morning with friends.
Look, this is a one-on-one business.
The minute you start relationships,
bad things start happening.
If it'll make you feel any better,
I think this is my last job.
- believe that.
- What do you say we put away our guns
and forget the whole goddamn thing
and have some breakfast, all right?
No scabs. From now on,
all arrangements, all contracts,
- All engagements are regulated. Got it?
- Meet the new boss.
- Yes.
- No deal.
Okay. But we're not gonna let you
do your little job here.
- No?
- No,
- Because we're gonna do it for you.
- s that right?
After we do your job, we do another job.
Tell me about it.
I'm gonna put a bullet hole in your head.
- 'm gonna fuck the brain hole.
- Nice talk, sugar mouth.
- Hi.
- You had the not-a-omelet.
Pacific Trident Global.
Marcella, Oatman's
not returning my calls.
I need you to find him right now.
Try his office, try the car, try his club,
but I need you to find him.
I'm already late for the reunion. Okay?
- Okay.
- Patch him through the landline.
- This thing's low on batteries.
- All right.
Hi, how are you? Yeah.
I'm a pet psychiatrist. Yeah, yeah.
I sell couch insurance.
And I test-market positive thinking.
And I lead a weekend men's group.
We specialize in ritual killings.
Yeah, you look great. God, yeah.
Yeah, hi, how are you?
Yeah, how are you doing?
How are you? Good, hi.
Hi, I'm Martin Blank, you remember me?
I'm not married, I don't have any kids,
and I'd blow your head off
if someone paid me enough.
Oatman, listen, don't hang up.
I didn't kill anyone.
Except some guy tried to kill me.
If I see that guy again,
I'm gonna kill him, but not anyone else.
Except the guy I was sent here to kill.
Anyway, I saw Debi.
I'm on my way to the reunion with Debi.
I'm anxious, I wanna do a phoner.
Okay. Repeat after me.
"I am at home with the me.
"I am rooted in the me
who is on this adventure."
I am at home with the me. I am rooted
in the me who is on this adventure.
Good. Now take a deep breath
and realize that this is me breathing.
I'm sorry, I'm confused.
I don't understand.
You want me to say it, or to realize it?
- What?
- That I'm breathing.
- Say it.
- This is me breathing.
Good. Now go do that
for about 20 minutes.
- All right, I gotta go.
- Okay.
Keep it up. Don't kill anybody.
This is me breathing.
You're a handsome devil.
What's your name?
This is not happening again.
- That's funny.
- As long as I get the laugh.
Debi, you look beautiful.
Yeah? Thanks. Okay.
Hold on.
My dad's down the hall.
He's dying to say hi to you.
I'll go put these in
some rubbing alcohol.
Mr. Newberry, it's Martin Blank.
Good evening. How are you?
- Good evening, Mr. Blank.
- Sir.
You've beaten the millennia.
I lose my bet.
Yeah, it was completely
unavoidable, sir, so...
Just wanted to say hello, and,
you know, ask you how you are.
- Martin.
- How's business, tricks?
I don't know where you've been
since you abandoned my daughter
and I don't care. It's good that you left.
I'm glad that you did.
You've grown up a bit.
Did I have you figured wrong?
Well, I don't know. I mean, I hope so.
I visualized you in a haze,
as one of those slackster,
coffee-house misanthropes
I've been seeing in Newsweek.
No, no, no, I went the other road.
Six figures.
Doing business with lead-pipe cruelty.
Mercenary sensibility, you know?
Sports, sex,
no real relationships with anybody.
How have the years been treating you?
Well, you know me, Martin, the same
old sellout. Exploiting the oppressed.
"What a piece of work is man
How noble..."
Fuck it.
Let's have a drink
and forget the whole thing.
I'd love to, but we're a little bit late.
So I just wanted to say hello
and wish you the best.
What have you been doing
with your life?
Professional killer.
Good for you. It's a growth industry.
Okay, good seeing you again.
Neutralize. Did I say neutralize?
I'll give you 20 bucks for that.
Okay, he's definitely fallen
for her.
- Look at him.
- Her hair looks really nice.
Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
No, he's using her.
What a cruel bastard.
I'm gonna enjoy killing
that son of a bitch.
Me, too.
- should've worn a skirt.
- should've brought my gun.
- What?
- Should be fun.
- 'm not going.
- 'll go.
Welcome back, Pointers.
It's Arlene Oslott-Joseph.
- Hi. How are you?
- Hi. I'm good.
- Martin. Blank.
- Martin Blank.
Yes, why, you haven't changed a bit.
- Don't say that.
- Hi, Debi.
- Just love your show.
- Thanks. Well, you're our demographic.
- You gone and got married, Arlene.
- Yes, I did, and three children.
- t's really neat.
- Yeah.
I had the yearbook pictures put on,
so everybody knows
who everybody was.
A special torture.
- Yeah. Hi, it's Arlene Oslott-Joseph.
- Oh, well.
Bye-bye now, kids. Hi. Now, let's see.
- Who needs hard liquor?
- Me. How are you holding up?
- A little shaky.
- Straight to the bar for us.
- 'm starting to remember these faces.
- What can I get you?
- Vodka rocks, double. Two.
- You bet.
When do we start relating to anybody?
I would say, any moment now.
Ken Alderosh.
- Hey, hello, Martin.
- Hi, Ken.
- Hi, yeah, sper. Hi, Debi, how are you?
- Hey, Ken. How are you?
- sn't this great?
- Yeah. What's been happening?
- Moss, Bryce and Fromeyer.
- Yeah?
In divorce mainly, some property,
some personal injury, you know.
Those all seem kind of related.
Hey, I'm gonna use that.
- 'll take that line.
- Sure.
Hey, let me give you a card here.
Wait a second.
Actually, I've got a special one here
for top-shelf clients.
- Don't forget to read the cap.
- Thanks a lot.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Sure, sure.
Martin Blank...
- Sorry, man, you slipped. Sorry.
- Take it easy, man.
- Sorry, sorry.
- Hey, Martin, what's happening, man?
- t's Nathaniel.
- Hi, yeah, sure.
How's it going, man?
Hi, Debi. How you doing?
- Yeah, still very Newberry, I see.
- Oldberry, I think.
- How's it going, man?
- Good.
Come and say hey to Eckhart.
He's right over here.
- Hey, thanks for the pen.
- You remember Jimbo and Peanut?
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
- How's it going?
- They're good. They're big, real big.
I'm supervising their training, man.
They're going pro.
Strictly Greco-Roman, man, all torso.
I'm taking them on the wrestling circuit.
Yeah. Hey, I got something
for you guys.
I don't hear any real remorse here.
I don't think you should
get back together with this guy.
- Real, man. You were real, man.
- That was cold, man.
I don't mean any offense.
I was speaking from the heart.
- All right.
- What are you doing later?
We're gonna go outside
and blow a fat one.
Get charred and toasted,
just like in high school.
We gotta go see somebody over there.
- We'll come back and get toasted.
- Come back, have a drink. Later, man.
- How are you?
- Great.
- What happened?
- was just telling him.
It was like I was
sucked up into the cosmos,
all the while surrounded by
these yowling, nebulous forms.
- Pardon me?
- And then, I got to the threshold.
Mozart, music,
flowers and poetry.
- You died?
- And came back.
See, that's the beautiful part.
How did you die?
I lost it on some ice
and ended up in Lake Saint Clair. Yeah.
- Wanna go somewhere else?
- Sure.
- Maybe we can dance later.
- Okay, sure.
Okay, bye.
Hey, you know, I'm gonna go
say hello to Amy over there.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Governor. How you holding up, baby?
- don't know. How are you?
Can't believe you haven't
cracked like a piata.
- Almost.
- You look good.
- You look Tony Robbins good.
- So do you, man.
- How's that possible?
- know, I know.
Excuse me.
- Martin Blank.
- Hi.
- You look great. It's Jenny Slater.
- Jenny Slater, yeah. How are you?
- This 10 years has been good for you.
- t's been good for you, too.
Hey, Jenny Slater. Hey, Jenny Slater.
Paul. Paul Spericki.
- Paul?
- Yeah.
Had 11 classes with you.
Did the precious metals paper for you.
Okay. Well, I was looking
for some validation of my life,
but apparently it came up short.
- thought that went well.
- t was good for you.
- They said...
- How's the rest of the night been?
It's been great. It's a festival of pain.
The idea that they think
that you can't evolve.
- But I'm saying that I...
- Excuse me.
Hey, Jenny. Jenny.
- Blank, Blank, Blank.
- Yeah.
These people are driving me crazy,
acting like it was all great.
The National Honor Society,
blue stars on their nametags.
Like it matters that they were
in the club years ago.
I don't wanna talk about the old days.
What did we have?
- Archery.
- couldn't stand that class.
I appreciate you helping me...
Helping me hit my targets.
- Sure.
- Check this out.
- That's not right for this place.
- Listen, I gotta go, I gotta go, man.
- Tracy, how you doing?
- Yeah, good.
- How are you?
- 'm all right.
So sit.
So how you been?
Great, I'm... I'm married.
- And...
- Robbie.
- Yeah.
- And how is it all?
It's not like it was supposed to be, right?
No, no, that's not true.
- No?
- t's great.
- Really?
- 'm so great.
People think that when you get married
you lose your freedom.
- Not true?
- No, it gets better and better.
So how are you?
How's your life?
- n progress.
- Yeah?
- Will you hold Robbie for a sec?
- No, I...
I'm gonna get his bottle. It's okay.
Go ahead.
You won't break him.
You spend the first year just trying
to keep these little guys alive.
Yeah, I imagine they'd be
very vulnerable to the elements.
'Cause love's such
an old-fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change
our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
Hey. Last time I saw him he was in here.
I know.
- Look at him.
- Hey, what's your name?
Hey, will it disturb him if I hold him?
No, no, he'd love it.
Such a good little munchkin.
Hey, bunny. Are you tired?
- Are you tired, little one?
- Here, wait a minute.
Let me get a picture.
- Let me get a picture.
- Look, look up.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
- Nice to see you. Hey, Martin.
- How you doing?
- saw you over there.
- didn't get a chance to talk.
- Did you get a pen from Ken?
- Yes, I did.
- Still look very nice.
- Well, we're having a good time.
- Computer guy.
- Right, Bob, how you doing?
Dan Koretzky.
I saw you over at your dad's dealership.
Yeah, I sell BMWs.
You guys remember Bob Destepello.
- Sure.
- Sure.
Debi Radio.
Bobby Beemer.
You wanna do some blow?
What an incredibly sweet gesture,
but I think I'll pass.
Hi, Bob.
It's me, Martin, from high school.
I'm drawing a complete blank.
- Hate to see it.
- hate that.
Bobby, get away from me.
You know I had recurring dreams
about you? Did I tell you that?
Like five nights a week for like six years.
Did I tell you that?
You know, yesterday on the radio...
When you publicly humiliated me?
Yeah, well, you know,
no less than you deserve.
I think... I think I was overly harsh
when I said that you were broken.
Really? How so?
I don't think you're broken.
- think you're mildly sprained.
- What?
- Nothing that can't be mended.
- Wow.
I think... I think that's a compliment.
Yeah, well...
What was I gonna say?
That you're glad you came back
and you're real happy to see me.
Yeah, I am.
I definitely am.
I'm sorry if I fucked up your life.
It's not over yet.
- Do you have a wife in Arkansas?
- No.
Do you wanna dance?
When people keep repeating
That you'll never fall in love
When everybody keeps retreating
But you can't seem to get enough
Let my love open the door
To your heart
The nurse's office.
Health station.
I don't feel well and neither do you.
You know,
there's this big, black cloud
that's following you around,
that you're gonna have to come out
from under before I'd even consider...
That's just like you. A little rain follows
me to town and you just fall to pieces.
God, it's been so long,
I've forgotten who gets tied up.
- Wait.
- What?
- No, stop.
- Stop?
- What's wrong? Too fast?
- No, I'm sorry.
- Too fast?
- No...
Something's missing.
- Something.
- What?
I know.
Welcome home.
I missed you.
Welcome back, Pointer.
It's Arlene Oslott-Joseph.
And who might you be?
It is I, Sidney Feldman.
Oh. Been overseas?
My, you have changed.
Save a dance for me, now.
I think the best thing
would be to go away
someplace quiet for a few weeks
and work this whole thing out.
Where are you going?
Well, you know, there's a few people
I should say goodbye to.
I'm gonna go cruise by my old locker
and then I'll meet you in front.
I'll find you.
- Hi, Bob.
- Debi Newberry, huh?
You gonna hit that shit again?
Fine, Bob, how are you?
Real smart.
Come on.
Let's see how smart you are
with my foot up your ass.
Do you really believe
that there's some stored-up conflict
that exists between us?
There is no "us."
"We" don't exist.
So who do you wanna hit, man?
It's not me.
What do you wanna do here, man?
I don't know what that is.
These are my words.
It's a poem?
See, that's the prob...
Express yourself, Bob.
Go for it.
"When I feel quiet
"When I feel blue..."
You know, I think that is terrific,
what you have right there.
Really, I like that a lot.
I wouldn't sell the...
I wouldn't sell
the dealership or anything,
but I'm telling you, it's intense.
- There's more.
- Okay.
- Why don't you just skip to the end?
- To the very end?
"For a while"
That's good, man.
- "For a while"
- That's excellent.
- You wanna do some blow?
- No, I don't.
There you go.
- missed you.
- Okay. I missed you, too.
It's not me.
It wasn't me.
Hey, what's going on?
What's going on?
- Where's our boy?
- No.
Hey, is that, is that his...
That guy's blood?
A thousand innocent people
get killed every day.
Is this guy dead?
But a millionaire's pet gets detonated
and you're marked for life.
Help me out here.
Pull that down.
How did he die?
He's a notorious terrorist.
There's a contract out on my life.
- He's dead?
- He's dead.
- He's dead?
- Yeah.
Are his feet covered?
Here we go.
Come on. Grab his feet.
- All right. You ready?
- Yeah.
Put it here. Put it here.
Get in.
Nobody's gonna
come looking for this guy.
Come on.
- What can I get you?
- Whiskey.
Club soda.
- Eckhart, have you seen Debi?
- No, man.
Ken, you haven't seen Debi, have you?
- No.
- Okay.
Paul Spericki, I'm in real estate.
What do you do, Martin?
What now? Chase the girl?
If you see Debi, tell her I'm sorry.
How you doing?
Take care of yourself, Ken.
Thank you for the pen.
Yeah, sure.
... latest series
of threats.
Ofthe WNA...
I am confident.
- didn't touch nobody.
- Chihuahua city.
Walk away.
Roger. Sounds good...
How many political...
have more information...
And I am working...
In the green building.
this is Dr. Oatman.
I am not available right now,
but if you'd like to leave a message,
I will get back to you shortly.
Dr. Oatman, it's Martin Blank.
I want to tell you
I don't wanna work with you anymore.
Things are going well here,
better than expected,
and I just don't really feel
like you're helpful in any way.
I don't think you're serious
about the therapy.
And so I want you to take a deep breath
and realize that this is me firing you.
He was gonna kill you, right?
It wasn't the other way around?
No, no.
That wasn't my intention.
Is it something you've done?
It's something I do
for about five years now.
You were joking.
People joke about the horrible things
that they don't do.
They don't do them. It's absurd.
When I left, I joined the Army.
And when I took the service exam,
my psych profile fit a certain...
Moral flexibility would be
the only way to describe it.
I was loaned out
to a CIA-sponsored program.
And we sort of found each other.
That's the way it works.
- So, you... You're a government spook?
- Yes... I mean no.
I was before, but I'm not now.
But that's all irrelevant really.
The idea of governments, nations,
is public-relations theory.
I don't want the theories.
I wanna hear about the dead people.
Explain the dead people.
Who do you kill?
Well, that's very complicated,
but in the beginning, you know,
it matters,
of course, that you have something
to hang onto,
you know, a specific ideology
to defend, right?
I mean, taming unchecked aggression,
that was my personal favorite.
Others liked "live free or die."
But you get the idea.
But that's all bullshit
and I know that now.
You do it
because you were trained to do it,
you were encouraged to do it,
and ultimately, you know,
you get to like it.
I know that sounds bad.
You're a psychopath.
No, no, no.
A psychopath kills for no reason.
I kill for money.
It's a job. That didn't sound right.
Let me see if I can put it another way.
If I show up at your door, chances are
you did something to bring me there.
Everybody's doing it.
It's like the natural order.
I mean, the states do it.
Sometimes there's due process
and sometimes pilots
carpet-bomb cities, you know?
Riot cops shoot demonstrators.
That's indiscriminate. I don't do that.
You should read the files
on some of these fuckers.
I mean, it reads like a demon's rsum.
Look, I bottomed out here.
I've lost my taste for it completely.
That's why I came back.
And I wanted to see you.
I wanted to start over, leave that behind.
So I'm part of... I'm part of
your romantic new beginning, right?
How come you never learned
that it was wrong?
That there are certain things
you do not do,
you do not do in a civilized society?
What civilizations are we talking about?
- Shut up.
- mean, history...
Shut up.
Everything about you is a lie.
Stay away from me.
Debi, don't go.
You don't get to have me.
Don't you get it?
- You're overreacting.
- Yeah.
- Hello?
- Are we out of business yet?
- 'm taking down the office now.
- Good.
I'll put things right and then I'll find you.
It's not like that, Marcella.
Look under your desk.
I left a little something for you.
All the way under.
You shouldn't have.
That's profit sharing. You deserve it.
All right!
You're a handsome devil.
What's your name?
Dumb fucking luck.
Ignacio lay dying in the sand
Okay. Good, good, good.
Here he comes.
To see their hero die
And the big black birds gathered
in the sky
- What the hell is the matter with you?
- Get in the car.
Keep your head down.
Shit. Blank.
Go. Go, Johno, go.
You must have done
some naughty shit there, Bart,
because there's a contract out
on your life.
Believe me, I was hired to kill you.
But I'm not gonna do it.
Either because I'm in love with your
daughter or I have a new respect for life.
That punk is either in love with
that guy's daughter,
or he has a new respect for life.
My whole life.
Hopefully not.
Design Division wants me dead
over a leaky sunroof?
- You wanna kill me because of that?
- t's not me.
Why does everybody think
it's personal?
Get in here.
Dad? What's going on?
What is he doing here?
They're trying... They're trying to kill me.
My testimony. Martin saved my life.
I was sitting there alone on prom night
in that goddamn rented tuxedo
and the whole night flashed
before my eyes.
And I realized,
finally and for the first time,
that I wanted to kill somebody.
So I figured since I loved you,
it'd be good if I didn't see you anymore.
They're right behind us.
I was in the Gulf last year,
I was doing this thing. Anyway.
I came up over this dune
and I saw the ocean and it was on fire.
I mean, the whole thing, it was beautiful.
I sat down and I watched it burn.
Then I got this dark suspicion
that there was meaning to life.
You know?
Like a connection between all things.
I don't know, God, Yahweh, a higher
power, whatever you wanna call it.
Don't move.
Debi, I'm in love with you.
And I know we can make
this relationship work.
Come on, come on, come on.
Wait, wait.
I was always afraid
to commit to a relationship.
- What?
- But now I'm ready to make it happen.
We need to go upstairs now.
It's not easy for me. I always
control my emotions, my feelings.
You know, and I just need time
to change.
Go in there. Lock the door.
I mean, I wasn't exactly raised
in a loving environment.
It's not an excuse, it's a reason. My soul
was empty and it's up to me to fill it.
I'll be coming
around the mountain when I come
I'll be blowing your fucking head off
I'll be blowing your fucking head off
I'll be whacking your fucking mind out
When I come
"And I saw a beast rise
up out of the sea,
"having seven heads and 10 horns.
"And they worshipped the beast,
saying,'Who is like the beast?
"'Who is able to make war with him?"'
- t's okay. It's Martin.
Are you picky?
I know what I do isn't, you know,
moral per se...
- Make this gun work.
- Sure.
But I think if you can just look past that,
you can find a man worth loving.
I'm working on
the redemption thing, but...
Don't you listen to him.
He's a professional.
Hold on a minute.
Smells like a wedding.
You're breaking my heart
down here, Blank.
I can't aim through the tears.
Budro's coming for you.
- Comrade. Hey, comrade.
- What?
Why don't you just join the union?
We'll go upstairs and cap Daddy.
This union, is there gonna be meetings?
Of course.
No meetings.
National Security.
Workers of the world, unite.
Look at that. Empty.
Solidarity, baby.
- You out?
- Yeah.
- So you gonna throw that gun at me?
- No.
How about I sell you
a piece for 100 G's?
- Okay. Front me?
- Deal.
I want you to think about this
and you don't have to answer it now.
But, Debi, will you marry me?
You got my blessing.
This is WGPM FM Radio Free
Newberry, Grosse Pointe, Michigan,
winding down our all-vinyl reunion
weekend, Pointes High class of'86.
Some people say, "Forgive and forget."
I don't know.
I say forget about forgive
and just accept.
And get the hell out of town.
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Let me go on like I blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands, I know
you're the one
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Body and beats, I stain my sheets
I don't even know why
My girlfriend, she's at the end
she is starting to cry
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Let me go on like I blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands, I know
you're the one
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds
that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day
I think I can make it now...
One thousand
rounds,.357 Magnum, steel core.
One thousand rounds,.380 soft points.
Good. Account number 65934752.
Please transfer to account 619718
- You got it.
- Thank you.
- What?
- wanna read you something.
- 'm working, Marcella.
- think you should hear this.
All right.
"Dear Pointes High Alumni.
"Can you believe it's been 10 years
since you left Grosse Pointe?
"Where are you now?
"Are you on an Outward Bound
canoe trip, like Brook Stinson?
"Or perhaps in charge of
public appearances for the NFL,
"like Leslie Gunther.
"Sandy Glasser owns a cheese shop.
"Looking at yearbooks and pictures
evokes so many memories.
"Some good, some bad,
but all interesting.
"Whenever news of you filters back,
"the school is excited and proud
of your accomplishments."
Hold on a sec.
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
"As a graduate
of the class of 1986,
"you are someone special.
"Remember, there's nowhere you can go
"that you haven't learned
how to go in time."
- Whatever the hell that means.
- Shred it.
I thought it might be good for you.
Open some new accounts, network,
you know?
Don't tease me.
You know what I do for a living.
Here is that rainbow I've been
praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day
Ljust got offthe phone
with a very unsatisfied customer.
Well, ask them how that could
possibly be my problem.
I was paid for one job, the cyclist.
Not two.
And, you know, why don't you find out
what the hell Grocer was doing there,
- And maybe we can talk.
- have Mr. Grocer for you. Ask him.
Patch him through.
Martin, where are you?
- Budapest.
- City of Cathedrals.
Yeah, I see you right there
on the bridge of the Danube, kid.
- 'd kind of like to talk to you.
- Why don't you e-mail me?
I'd kind of like a one-on-one,
face-to-face type of thing.
- You wanna do it personally?
- Yeah, I'd love to see you, kid.
- Okay, let's do it. How you doing, kid?
- How are you?
- Good.
- Good.
Hey, mental telepathy,
astral projection, you know?
Here you are. Right.
What do you want?
Kid, I'm putting together a little concern
which would enable those of us
in our "rarefied" profession to avoid
embarrassing overlaps.
- What? Like a union?
- No. More like a club.
- Work less, make more.
- That's a great idea, but thank you, no.
- Remember Burma?
- Yeah, I do.
That nut, General Kwang?
You were, like, a colonel in that army.
Yeah. He sold you all those tanks.
- Shipped them to Alabama.
- T-34s. I took a bath on that.
- That was fun.
- That's what I'm talking about, kid.
We could be working together again.
You know, making big money,
killing important people.
I wanna structure an arrangement
where you get, like, shares,
original shares on the ground floor.
And you would be the president
of this organization,
or maybe just a father figure to me.
You want a father,
I'll give you a spanking.
Forget about it.
The employers are getting us cheaper.
- There's so many more of us.
- After Berlin, what can you do?
- Soviet bloc collapse.
- Market's flooded.
Okay, that's what I'm looking at.
I'm looking at consolidated bargaining.
Look, I don't wanna play against you.
- This thing is real.
- How real?
Morango brothers.
Them East German ex-Stasi guys.
- don't like those guys.
- Them butch Filipino ladies.
- The little... The dwarf, maid...
- The stabbers.
- Queens of the hotel hit.
- You got a great crew.
- Everybody's in.
- Yeah, well, not me.
So don't paw at me
with your dirty little guild.
All right, well, you know,
life's full of second chances.
And here's chance two for you.
You think about coming in with me.
- You ponder, okay?
- 'll think about it.
- Either way I'm gonna get you, kid.
- Yeah, get what? Get back.
- Hey, bing-bing-bing. Bang. Popcorn.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Nice to see you again.
- Yeah. Good to see you, too, buddy.
You like that Pacific Northwest country,
all the mist and that up there?
Haven't been there in years.
- Catch you.
- Yeah. You look great.
Nice to see you again. Drive safe.
- Yeah.
"So come on back
"to the old oak tree, acorns.
"Signed, Pointes High School
Reunion Committee."
You're fired.
Don't ever read that again, ever.
Don't hang up.
Wait, did you read yesterday's offer?
Hold on a minute.
It's in French.
It's a Greenpeace boat. It'd be so easy.
No way.
I have scruples.
Listen, is everything set
for my arrival in Mia mi?
It's covered, sir.
Good, good. Good.
Sir? Are you all right?
You don't seem like, well,
your old self lately.
If you don't mind my asking, sir,
is it the job?
Is it getting to you?
You know,
when you start getting invited to
your 10-year high school reunion,
time is catching up.
Are you talking about a sense
of my own mortality or a fear of death?
Well, I never really thought about it
quite like that.
- Did you go to yours?
- Yes, I did.
It was just as if everyone had swelled.
Why are you so interested in me
going to my reunion?
I just find it amusing
that you came from somewhere.
Whatever it is I'm doing
that you don't like,
I'll stop doing it.
It's not me.
- Morning.
- Hi.
Sir, may I come in?
Give me a second.
- Sir, they're very unhappy.
- 'm very unhappy.
It was to look like a heart attack.
He was to die in his sleep.
Well, he moved.
His sleep-research pattern suggested
deep sleep at that hour.
- There's nothing to be done about it.
- Sir, this is a very valuable firm.
- Come here.
- We've done a lot of business with them
over the years,
and they blame you for the snafu.
They say you've gotta make amends.
- When?
- A canary decided to sing.
They scheduled his deposition
for early Monday morning.
- You've gotta do it this weekend.
- This weekend?
No, impossible.
Tell them I need my normal lead time.
I'm getting a black-cat, Friday-the-13th
kind of feeling about this one.
It's in Detroit.
You can take care of business and
stop by Grosse Pointe for your reunion.
Look, Sergeant Pepper.
I really need you to shut up about that.
Sir, it's out of my hands.
The gods want you to go back home,
and they want you to delete someone
while you're there.
Would you describe their position
on this matter as inflexible?
Intractable, sir.
I've booked you on an early flight
tomorrow morning.
All right, listen.
I'm gonna call you from Detroit,
and just make sure that you pick up
the dry cleaning and feed the cat, okay?
- Don't forget your identity.
- All right, thank you.
Could you tell Dr. Oatman
that I'm on my way?
- Oh, yes, of course.
- All right?
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
I got invited to
my 10-year high school reunion.
I'm conflicted.
I mean, I don't know if I really wanna go.
It's in Detroit. You know, I grew up there,
but I just honestly
don't know what I have
in common with those people anymore.
I mean with anyone, really.
I mean,
they all have husbands and wives
and children and houses and dogs.
They've all made themselves
a part of something.
And they can talk about what they do.
And what am I gonna say?
"I killed the president of Paraguay
with a fork.
"How have you been?"
I'm just thinking it would be depressing.
It would be depressing.
Shouldn't you be taking notes
or something?
I'm not taking notes, Martin,
because I'm not your doctor.
Please don't start with that stuff again.
Martin, I'm emotionally involved
with you.
How are you
emotionally involved with me?
- 'm afraid of you.
- Afraid.
That constitutes emotional involvement.
It would be unethical to work
with you under those circumstances.
Think you're upset
because I told you what I do for a living,
you got upset, and you're letting it
interfere with our dynamic?
Martin, you didn't tell me
what you did for a living.
- Yes, I did.
- You didn't tell me what you did
for a living for four sessions.
Then you told me and I said,
"I don't wanna work with you."
And yet you come back every week
at the same time.
That's a difficulty for me.
On top of that,
if you have committed a crime
or if you're thinking about
committing a crime,
- have to tell the authorities.
- know the law, okay?
But I don't wanna be withholding.
I'm very serious about this process.
- And I know where you live.
- Oh, now, see?
That wasn't a nice thing to say. That
wasn't designed to make me feel good.
That's a kind of a
not-too-subtle intimidation,
and I get filled with anxiety when
you talk about something like that.
- mean, that's...
- was just kidding.
- The thought never crossed my mind.
- You did think of it.
You thought of it and then you said it.
And now I'm left with
the aftermath of that,
thinking, "I gotta be creative
in a really interesting way now
"or Martin's gonna blow my brains out."
You're holding me hostage here.
- That's not right.
- just wanna work.
There's some issues that I need to
work on in my life.
I've read your books.
Your bestsellers on the top 20.
They were both ghost-written, Martin.
- What, Annihilation of Death?
- Yeah.
Kill Who? A Warrior's Dilemma?
I read it.
- New York Times top 20.
- Well, I don't know what to say.
What do you say to other patients?
How does it work?
Ask me how I'm feeling.
- How do you feel?
- 'm feeling uneasy, man.
I'm just dispassionate, I'm bored, I'm...
It's hard to stay in a good mood.
I have problems at work.
You know, concept-execution stuff.
And I'm just ill at ease.
I don't wanna suggest anything
that might be uncomfortable for you,
but you might consider, just consider
the possibility that part of your problem,
part of the thing
that's making you so miserable,
is the angst of killing a lot of people.
Maybe I'll just
put it in the background there.
Come on. If I show up at your door,
chances are you did something
to bring me there, okay?
- don't care about that stuff.
- You don't care about what stuff?
You know, the morality.
I don't want to talk about work.
Because I don't think necessarily
what a person does for a living
reflects who he is.
So what do we do?
Do we talk about dreams?
What's next? What's the score?
We'll talk about dreams. It's your nickel.
Sure. I had another one about Debi.
That girl you're obsessed with?
Don't you think "obsessed"
is a strong word?
Recurring dreams of loss and pain
for 10 years featuring the same person?
Yeah, maybe it's a bit obsessive.
I had one where I was
that television mechanical rabbit.
- You know, with the...
- The battery bunny.
Yeah. I was the bunny.
That sounds like a very,
very depressed dream.
- Really? Why?
- Yes.
Martin, it's a terrible dream.
It's depressing to
dream about that rabbit.
It's got no brain, it's got no blood.
It's got no anima.
It just keeps banging on those
meaningless cymbals endlessly,
and going and going and going.
- Time is up.
- Time's up already?
You really wanna do half a session?
Can we just pretend like we have
a normal doctor-patient relationship?
I'll ask you a piece of advice,
you give me an answer.
You know, advice.
Should I go to the reunion?
- Yes, yes, get out of town.
- Thank you.
Go see some old friends,
have some punch.
- Visit with what's-her-name.
- Debi.
Debi. Don't kill anybody for a few days.
- See what it feels like.
- Give it a shot.
No, no, don't give it a shot.
Don't shoot anything.
"Services for Detroit contract
"Contract being serviced
by alternate vendor for original quote."
What fucking alternate vendor?
No, no, no.
"Preparations have begun
in good faith."
Fucking Martin Blank.
Snaked the Detroit job from under me.
Agent Farrell.
Yes, extension 1715, please.
- Yeah.
- Lardner?
- Yeah.
- 've got your pigeon for you.
Arriving Detroit Airport
He's supposed to hit
a star federal witness.
Now, my advice is, you wait till he gets
the witness, and then you guys do him.
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Let me go on like I blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands, I know
you're the one
Remember to kick it over
No one will guide you, Armagideon time
You've never met
Martin Blank.
Grocer pointed him
out to me.
I'm telling you
that you never met Martin Blank, okay?
No, 17 months ago, I was posting
a walk in Lisbon, and he was there.
He hasn't been in Lisbon since 1990.
You know how I know that?
I read the file.
- Read the file.
- No, actually, as a matter of fact,
I actually talked to him in Bonn.
You always...
You always have to know everybody.
Tell you what.
Why don't I take the weekend off
and you kill him,
since you two are so close?
All right, I'll do that.
The battle is getting hotter
In this iration, Armagideon time
Hi, I'm Debi Newberry.
This is WGPM FM, Grosse Pointe,
Window on the Pointes.
You heard from Massive Attack,
Public Enemy, Morphine,
that's my personal favorite,
and Duane Eddy's twangy guitar.
Good to hear
Toots and the Maytals, huh?
And as you know, this weekend is
Pointes High class of'86 reunion.
So in honor of this momentous event,
I'm making this an all-'80s,
all-vinyl weekend.
Stay tuned to Window on the Pointes,
and I'll keep you posted
on all this reunion-related nonsense.
Hey, I know everybody's coming back
to take stock of their lives.
You know what I say?
Leave your livestock alone.
Kick back and relax, and ponder this.
Where are all the good men dead?
In the heart or in the head?
So here's another cold cup of coffee
from The Clash.
Sing, Michael, sing
on the route of the 19 bus
Welcome back, Pointers.
Hear them sayin'
How you get a rude and a reckless?
Don't you be so crude and a feckless
You been drinking brew for breakfast
Rudie can't fail
I went to the market to realize
my soul
What I need, I just don't have
First they curse, then they press me
till I hurt
We say Rudie can't fail
Mrs. K. Mrs. Kinetta, it's Martin.
Martin, my God.
- t's you.
- Hey.
Oh, God.
You've been Detroit's most famous
disappearing act since white flight.
You look exactly the same, Mrs. K.
- You look great is what I mean. Great.
- Thank you very much, Martin.
You have always been
very good at saying that
and not sounding like a kiss-ass.
So what happened?
I mean, we thought Princeton, Harvard.
You fooled us all
in the teachers' pool and went nowhere.
I guess you could say I went west,
you know?
The way of Horatio Alger,
Davy Crockett, the Donner party.
Thank you, thank you.
That's a barrage of imagery.
Are you still, you know, inflicting
all that horrible Ethan Frome damage?
- s that off the curriculum?
- t's off.
- That's a horrible book.
- That's a very nice tie you have on.
You look like a mortician. I mean...
- You like it?
- Yeah, thanks.
You still got that
Mary Tyler Moore thing.
Thank you, thank you. That's enough.
- Good to see you again.
- Good to see you.
- Where are you off to?
- 'm going home.
Are you?
- Gosh, well, they're playing my song.
- All right.
- Take care, Martin.
- t was nice to see you again.
Mrs. K.
When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say, "Live and let live"
You know you did, you know you did,
you know you did
But if this ever-changing world
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
- Here's your receipt.
- Thanks.
- Have a nice day.
- You, too.
What are you doing here?
I'm doing a double shift.
What's it look like?
How long have you worked here?
- Couple of months.
- Yeah?
Is there a manager here?
Do you have a supervisor?
- No, but...
- How long have they worked here?
- 'm not telling you.
- Yeah? Where do you live?
- 'm not telling you that either.
- Where does your manager live?
I used to... What...
What are you doing here?
- What are... What are you doing here?
- work here. I work here.
And how long have you worked here?
- Only a couple of months.
- All right. What's done is done.
Just forget about the whole thing.
- You all right, man?
- Sure.
Hello, this is Dr. Oatman.
If you'd like to leave a message,
I will get back to you shortly.
Dr. Oatman, please pick up.
Pick up. It's Martin Blank.
I'm standing where my living room was,
and it's not here because the house
is gone, and it's an Ultimart.
You can never go home again, Oatman.
But I guess you can shop there.
Pick up! know you're there, Oatman.
You got any ideas
how you want to wax this guy?
Can't you just say kill?
You always gotta romanticize it...
Go. Go, go, go.
Never mind that.
Find out where my mother is.
I want my mom.
Pardon me, do you know
where I might find Mary Blank?
She's over there.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
There he is, Martin.
Come have a seat over here.
That's not very nice, but sit down. Yeah.
They're fun.
Hi, Martin.
Why are you wearing black?
So like a gangster.
So I spoke to your father the other day.
- imagine that'd be rather difficult.
- No, no, it wasn't. It wasn't.
- No?
- No.
They told me
you have been taking lithium.
Yes. Those blabbermouths.
We've had some laughs,
haven't we, Martin?
It's good to see you again.
Mom, what happened to the house,
and all the money I sent?
They stole. I don't do money.
You know, time allows miracles.
- And you need time, that's all.
- Sir?
Excuse me. It's time for her medication.
Nurse Scott is my best friend.
We met.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Oh, God. There's just so much here.
You're gonna be okay, honey.
What's happening?
You are a handsome devil.
What's your name?
Martin, right.
"So the colonel's lady like Judy O'Grady.
"Are twins under the skin"
Oh, silly.
I say somebody
Will find a way out of here
Here's hopin' somebody
Can find a way out of here
Martin's back.
Hey, I'm Debi Newberry,
and stand by your phones, because
any time now, I'll be giving away tickets
to see Palace this Saturday night
in concert at Cobo Hall.
You can call in for tickets
or just show up at Cobo Hall
and say my name.
No, I'm just kidding.
And here's The Specials,
doing one of their songs.
It's Martin.
I know who you are.
You're not dead.
- Hi.
- Hi. Shake my hand.
How are you?
How... How are you?
It's good to see you.
You look great. How long has it been?
Ten years?
How long has it been?
Since you stood me up on prom night
and vanished without a word?
Yeah, 10 years I think.
You tell me about yourself.
In California, travel a lot
around on business.
- That's it?
- Yeah.
That's 10 years?
I would hope for a great abduction story
or something.
I've had a few thrilling moments
here and there,
but, you know, it flew by.
So, what's your business?
Professional killer.
- Do you get dental with that?
- No.
I gotta go. So you're working?
It's a great... I mean, it's a great show.
I've been listening.
I mean, since I got back into town.
- But I'll come back.
- What are the odds?
Very funny. I'll see you.
Someone has
come to me out of the past
reviving a feeling long since forgotten.
I know I should be mad, and I am.
- What's he doing?
- No clue.
He says cryptic things
and is gone abruptly again.
Oh, boy. What...
What is this I'm feeling here?
Is this pain? s this panic?
Is it pleasure?
- Am I hungry? Who's hungry?
- Seventy-nine point five.
Okay, the first five callers will receive
a sentimental breakfast
from CuppaJoe's,
courtesy of the long-lost love of my life.
The man who vanished.
The man who is walking
right back into the station
and into my booth.
Okay, let's take a random day.
Spring of'86.
Two young lovers
with natural chemistry.
- 'm on the air?
- Yeah.
A girl sits in a $700 prom dress
on the steps of her house,
waiting for the most
romantic night of her young life.
The boy never shows up, not until now.
So, what's the question?
Where have I been?
More like,
"What happened, Mr. Blank?"
I don't know. I could venture a guess,
but it would sound like
a rationalization, a cop-out.
I thought coming home,
seeing some friends,
and I thought maybe seeing you,
of course,
would be the most important
part of that equation.
That didn't... That didn't come out right.
This... This isn't even my idea.
This whole thing
is my therapist's idea, really.
Is this bothering...
Okay, so you're back a decade late,
and you're on some sort of
therapeutic assignment,
and you wanna sort things out with me.
So the question now becomes
do I allow you access to me,
- Or do I call security?
- don't think that'd be a good idea.
Grosse Pointe, I need your help,
Do you think maybe we could
get a cup of coffee,
and I could try to explain or apologize?
Come on, Marty, this segues
so nicely into my'80s weekend.
Should a once-brokenhearted girl
give a guy a second chance?
Let's go to the phones.
You're on the air.
- Hi, Debi, it's Gail.
- Oh, hi, Gail.
You know, I wouldn't take him back yet.
I'd make him jump through some hoops
for a while, walk over hot coals.
- Make him beg for it.
- Harsh. That's very harsh, Gail.
Do you think maybe we could
discuss this in a more discreet setting?
...beg like a beggar.
You know, come on.
Next caller, you're on the air.
Debi, man, it's Nathaniel.
I don't hear any real remorse.
I mean, I don't think I'd let
this guy back in your life.
And, dude, I'd make him
wear that prom dress.
DEBl: Does anybody else
have a question for Marty?
- do, but he's a shifty one.
- Put that down.
I have a question for Marty.
- Next caller, you're on the air.
- Yeah, Debi, hi.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I love the show.
So, Martin, what, no yellow ribbons?
Didn't anybody miss you?
Don't you think you should tell her
why you're really in town, tough guy?
You know what we love?
We love tough guys like you.
Thanks. That was our own Michigan
Militia, with their latest chart topper.
Come on, people,
do I give this guy the time of day?
Marty, do you have any
deeply personal responses
- You wanna share with our listeners?
- No.
Okay, he's shaking his head no.
In radio, that usually signals
the end of the interview.
Grosse Pointe, Michigan,
I hear you loud and clear.
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back to you, it's, well,
Damn it. Never trust my instincts.
- Don't leave me hanging, baby.
- Hey, man.
How the hell you doing?
Hey. Look at you.
- Walk with me, man.
- Sure.
- got my car parked around the corner.
- Okay.
Yeah. Goddamn, I worried
you joined a cult or something, man.
Half expected you to
come back into town
in a fennel wreath and paper pants.
- No money in it.
- Says you.
- Look at you. You've gone respectable.
- stopped pouting on the sidelines.
I got in the game,
joined the working week.
So why don't you valet park
your high horse, slick,
- And take it easy on your buddy?
- t was a cheap shot.
Yeah, it was.
- Man, let's catch up, huh?
- Yeah, let's catch up.
I got a real estate deal. I'm taking them
through a final walkthrough, you know.
- This your Beemer?
- Yeah.
In Detroit? That's sacrilege.
Well, you know, guess who I got it from?
- have no idea.
- Bob Destepello.
- Bob Destepello sold you a car?
- Yeah, he did.
Didn't he break your collarbone
and steal your woman?
So you're in real estate, huh?
Yeah, I got a couple of newlyweds
with a decision-making disorder.
I'll just hold their hands
and reinforce their clarity.
Isn't there some sort of Frank Lloyd
Wright connection with this?
You know what? There is indeed.
For the life of me, I can't...
Hey, Blank.
I was driving by, I saw you on the lawn.
I thought there was gonna be a problem
at first, before I recognized you.
Terry Rostand. How you doing? PHS.
Terry Rostand. Oh, yeah,
you were always the guy who was...
- Yeah, I remember you.
- Yeah,'86.
How you doing, man? You look good.
You became a cop.
- Nice badge.
- No, no, no. I'm not a peace officer.
This badge isn't
a meaningful symbol or anything.
It's a badge of my company.
We don't enforce the law, we execute
company policy for homeowners.
- get it. Cool. Cool.
- Yeah.
- You mind talking a little shop?
- Sure.
When are you authorized
to use deadly force?
Well, you know, of course,
taxes provide your basic service,
police and whatnot,
but our customers
need a bit more than that.
So if we find you on the property,
you know, we do what we have to do.
So if I just look suspicious
on your customer's property
under those, you know,
heightened circumstances,
you have the authority to shoot me?
Wow. All right, all right.
How'd you get the gig?
You know, they were hiring.
- t was only a two-week course.
- Yeah, that's good.
- You look good.
- Yeah, thanks.
It's a beauty. What more can I say?
You know, you'll be raising your family
in a work of art.
A work of art in a work of art.
I've always felt very temporary
about myself,
and looking at the two of you
in this house,
when my time comes, if it ever does,
I want a house like this,
I want a wife like you.
- And you'll be safe here.
- We really gotta go.
Okay, give me a call, you guys.
You're not gonna go through
another broker, are you?
Definitely not.
Cute couple.
I don't think they're buyers though.
I don't know if you're qualified
to make that statement.
From 11:00 to 3:00
I show the house, Terry.
They don't look like people
who'd use the, you know...
Did you get a call, Terry?
No, I was just driving by,
and, you know,
I saw some people milling
around the lawn here.
No, there was just me. I was right there.
Okay, that's what I thought.
I just came by.
I show people houses here,
and I'd appreciate if you don't show up.
I know, but you're coming around
in the neighborhood unannounced...
- Did you get a call?
- No, but you don't know the alarm code.
- Did you get a call?
- No, they go off.
Okay, you're gonna have to go.
I'm more a part of this
neighborhood than you are.
And besides, a lot of times
you don't know the alarm codes
when you're checking,
- And the alarm goes off.
- Wow.
Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
Well, I'm sorry about
the temporary thing...
No, don't worry about it, I don't even...
Listen, I don't usually pimp my friends,
but I got an excellent piece of property
you might want to look at.
- got a few minutes.
- gotta get something off my chest.
- Have you been to see the old house?
- Yeah. They tore it down
- n the name of convenience.
- Yeah, I brokered the deal.
I tried to get a family in there,
but Ultimart made the best offer.
Well, thank you for profiting
on my childhood.
Stop your fooling around
Time you straighten right out
Take a look at this new listing.
- Debi's house.
- Yeah, kind of crept up on you, didn't it?
No, you drove us here.
So how's the family, man?
You don't know?
Of course you don't know.
- Yeah, my parents are divorced.
- They got divorced?
Yeah, my dad's shacking up
with this woman.
She's 20 years younger than him.
She's like a biscuit older than me.
It's ugly.
My mom's making ceramic night-lights.
Takes, like, the plain shells
and paints them...
How's your sister?
Did she ever marry that guy, Kenny?
- Kenny?
- Yeah, did that ever work out?
Come on, man,
he did three years at Joliet.
They put one of those bracelets on him,
like a LoJack, you know?
They know where he is at all times.
I think he's at Pizza Hut now.
- So let's not go there.
- No.
Yeah, yeah.
So you look good, you seem good.
Thank you. You may have...
Ten years, man! Ten!
Where have you been for 10 years?
I freaked out,
joined the Army,
went into business for myself.
I'm a professional killer.
Does that... Do you have to do
postgraduate work for that,
or can you jump right in?
I'm curious about that.
- No, it's not. It's an open market.
- Open market? That's good.
Ten years, man! Ten... Ten years!
Ten years! Ten!
Ten years! Ten years!
I freaked out, I joined the Army,
I worked for the government,
I went into business with myself,
I'm a professional killer.
That's what I did!
- Okay, well, can I join up?
- Yes!
Come on.
What about... How's your mom, man?
Is she still a little bit loopy?
She's uncorked, man.
All right, see you at
the I've-peaked-and-I'm-kidding-myself
Pacific Trident Global.
- need some data.
- Hey, there.
How'd the assignment go?
I'll do it tomorrow.
What's it look like?
Looks fine.
Like it always does,
nothing remarkable about it.
Nothing remarkable at all.
You're taking your time?
Just being a professional?
Something like that.
Look, I got a job to do,
I'm gonna do it, right?
The reason I called. Could you
find out who else is in town and why?
I've made two spooks
and a ghoul so far.
So if they've double-booked the job
and/or they're gonna kill me,
I'd like to know about it.
That'd be great if you could find out.
- Okay, got it.
- Bye-bye.
Amelia? Wait, hold on a second.
Pacific Trident Global.
Yeah, no, where the fuck is it?
I ordered it three days ago.
No, that doesn't work.
That's... That's not right.
Let me go over it again, all right?
Let's see, 3,000 rounds
of 9-mm subsonic.
You had that.
I gave that to you on the fucking list.
Well, I don't give a goddamn where it is,
you get it here now.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, no.
No, I'm... It's not gonna be
a boring soup. That's just the base.
You put the chicken in,
you've got to add other flavors.
Carrots and celery
are just a base of a soup.
What the fuck, man?
What'd you do that for?
It's not me.
You all right?
No, I'm not all right.
Take it easy.
I'm hurt and pissed.
Gotta find a new job.
- Deborah, it's Martin.
Hi, Martin.
Listen, that thing didn't go as I planned.
- Seeing you, it didn't go as I planned.
- t was just as I planned.
I'm wondering how you are
and I'd like to catch up with you.
I don't know if it's possible.
Well, okay, let's catch up.
Well, I thought maybe we could go
someplace and talk, and...
- Well, I talk all day.
- Well, then just listen. Maybe...
Maybe we could go
to the Hippo Club in 30 minutes?
- Yeah, okay.
- By the way, is this live, or, you know,
- Are we being broadcast again?
- Not right now,
but I tend to record everything
because you never know.
Right, right. That's a good point.
- 'll see you there.
- Okay.
I'd like to explain some things to you
and have a good...
Martin Blank.
- You seem very nervous.
- No, no, I'm not. It's just...
Why do you keep looking over
your shoulder?
No, I just don't like having my back,
you know... It's a habit.
Let's not talk about that.
I want to talk to you.
- Okay.
- Put the spotlight on you.
- Sure.
- You got married.
That's hard to imagine.
It's just unbelievable.
No, it's pretty normal, Martin.
It happens all the time.
It's not like you went away
for the weekend.
Can I ask you a question?
I mean, if it's too personal,
you don't have to answer it.
What happened?
I think...
I think I married him to get away.
Didn't like where I ended up.
What was the guy like?
It doesn't matter.
Just forget about that question.
Same thing happened to me
when I joined the Army.
- t's a marriage of sorts.
- On prom night. That's psychotic.
How could you possibly
join the Army?
It's something I felt I had to do.
I know it doesn't make any sense.
No, it doesn't make any sense.
Do you know how much time I spent on
this masochistic cycle just trying
- To figure out what I'd done?
- Nothing.
Yeah, well, you tell me that now.
A little late.
And I thought you'd been murdered
or brainwashed or...
At least I'd hoped that's what happened.
Sorry to disappoint you.
So, you know, come on, spill.
What you been doing the last 10 years?
Well, you must have experiences
you wanna tell me about.
- Bad experiences.
- You've met people?
- Bad people.
- You're pathetic. Know what you need?
- What?
- Shockabuku.
You wanna tell me what that means?
It's a swift, spiritual kick to the head
that alters your reality forever.
That'd be good.
I think.
Listen, I could pick you
up for the reunion around 7:00.
Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.
You are asking me
- To go as your date to the reunion?
- Yes.
- t's unbelievable.
- Well, you know, what the hell?
- 'm not even planning on going.
- Really?
Really. I'm... I was just gonna be mean
about them on the radio. You know?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Besides, it's gonna be depressing.
Maybe. But listen, if you wanna go,
I can't think of any reason
- why we wouldn't go together.
- can.
I think you can open up, forgive a little.
I think it'd be good for you.
I'll be on time.
Showing up would be a big step.
- Well, I'll think about it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God. It's Marvin and Debi.
It's me, Amy.
- Amy.
- Yes.
You're still together?
Oh, God, you were the coolest couple.
Still are. I am so sorry.
- That's okay. No, God.
- Here. Want my drink?
- Don't worry about a thing.
- Debi, I love your show.
- t's so timeless.
- Yeah, it does run a little long.
- Marvin, are you here for the reunion?
- Sure.
- Where you been these last 10 years?
- Yeah, Marv, where you been?
You look great.
- work at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
- You do not.
I do. I sell biscuits and gravy
all over the southland.
You're so funny. He's a funny guy.
You know Tim, my husband?
Why don't I get you another
drink and you can catch up?
Could I have a Stoli with three olives
and an onion?
- Yeah.
- 'll have what she's having.
Girl down there,
she doesn't trust me anymore.
I don't know why.
I'm trying to earn back her trust.
I'm gonna go finish my drink,
walk her to the car,
I'll be at the hotel in a half hour.
I'll see you there?
- That's him.
- Yeah, we know, thank you.
We've been following him around.
What's the problem here?
You guys on an hourly rate?
If we observe the subject
in an illegal act,
only then can we intervene
and terminate.
Why don't you just go
and shoot the fucker, huh?
Because we are not assassins,
Mr. Grocer.
- We work for the American government.
- Hey, he's coming back.
He's not coming back.
Fuck you guys.
Hey, I don't appreciate being hosed.
You're exactly the same.
So are you.
- am? How so?
- Just like I remembered you.
Yeah? Troubled?
I'm troubled? Yeah. I got...
I got a few problems. Don't you?
- Sure.
- Yeah? What'd you do?
I tried everything, you know.
I went to the nutritionist, the herbalist,
the psychiatrist.
- That's quite a list. Any of it work?
- can't tell, but you gotta try, you know?
- t's your duty.
- Yeah, patriot, sure, sure.
- Yeah.
- So tell me more about your problems.
And I'll tell you about mine
and then we'll solve them tonight.
Not so fast.
- You're still in the penalty box.
- Right, right, right.
Well, thanks for coming to see me.
- So is there a Mrs. Mysterio?
- No, but I have a very nice cat.
- Not the same.
- You don't know my cat.
It's very demanding.
- t? You don't know if it's a boy or a girl?
- respect its privacy.
- Are you happy?
- Kind of.
- Really?
- Sort of.
We'll talk soon?
That's a nice ride.
Nobody buys American anymore, huh?
- Hello.
- Marcella, what do you got?
Hey, that town is hot.
I got the stink from
an assistant over at Rothschild's.
We prepped together.
I downloaded everything,
so just call it up.
I'm online.
We've got Steven Lardner, a.k.a. Steve,
and Kenneth McCullers,
no pseudonym.
Steve was a red-shirt tailback
from Ohio State.
McCullers, all-American wrestler
from Northwestern,
- MBA from the same.
- What are they doing here?
Well, they're domestic
covert operatives for the NSA,
up there as part of
a new get-tough-on-terror campaign.
They're looking for an Oswald,
a patsy to take the fall.
- Grocer fed them you.
- Grocer set me up?
- Surprised?
- No.
They were supposed to
catch you in the act,
but I guess they weren't
quick enough, right?
- Who's the ghoul?
- Well, this guy is a badass.
Felix La Poubelle.
An accomplished amateur
with the Basque Nationalists.
A few odd jobs
with the Algerian separatists.
Went pro with a stunning debut
aboard an elite Caribbean cruise liner.
That's where I know him from.
He's an asshole.
Did loan-outs for LikkenBakken.
Enjoys Native American art,
ballroom dancing, pornography...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What is he here for?
It's part of that Oregon snafu
with that dog, Budro.
You're gonna get out of there, right?
That's not right. You gotta get out.
- You're on a flight tonight, right?
- t isn't done.
This is not good.
I'll do it tomorrow, it's fine.
Sir, I'm beginning to
worry about your safety.
Look, I have to go.
Yeah, we all have to go sometime, sir,
but we can choose when.
No one chooses when.
You can't come in.
Well, I was in the neighborhood,
so I just stopped by.
Wanted to say hi. Can I come in?
You can come in, but only for a second.
It's exactly the same.
It's a shrine. It's only temporary.
My apartment burned down
on Devil's Night.
So you never gave me an answer.
- said we'd talk later.
- Well, this is later.
See, I figure if we go together,
we have a better chance
of getting out alive.
You know, we can partner up,
watch for traps, you know, go tandem.
I think it'd be a lot safer
than if we lone-wolfed it.
I have to say I'm curious
as to what 10 years has done to you.
You, too.
Is that the same bed?
Uh huh.
The magic bed.
The magic carpet. Wow.
I'll tell you what. I'll give you an answer
if you give me an airplane.
- Okay.
- Cool.
- Ready?
- Okay.
- Keep your feet low.
- remember.
It's been 10 years.
- Fly, be free, be free.
- 'm flying.
- Are you free?
- Of course. Okay.
- What if your dad comes in?
- You can give him one, too.
Okay. You can pick me up at 7:00.
Put me down. You can pick me up.
Okay, you can go now.
You want me to leave right now.
You don't wanna, maybe, watch CNN,
Crossfire, something romantic?
- No, airplane was quite enough.
- Okay, I'll go. That's fine, I'll go.
But this night, tomorrow night,
the reunion is gonna be
an important step
in our, you know,
burgeoning relationship.
You're a fucking psycho.
Don't rush to judgment
on something like that
until all the facts are in.
- 'll just let myself out.
- Go.
And, you can, you know,
lock the door behind me,
because, you know,
a lot of undesirables around.
I'll call you. I'll go.
Oh, shit, there he is.
Man, why don't we just do his job
so we can do our job
and get the fuck out of here?
What do you mean do his job?
What am I, a cold-blooded killer?
I'm not a cold-blooded killer.
- Now, wait a minute...
- No, you wait a minute.
You wanna kill the good guy,
but not be the bad guy.
Doesn't work like that. You gotta wait
until the bad guy kills the good guy,
then when you kill the bad guy,
you're the good guy.
So just to clarify,
if we do his job, we're the bad guys.
And if we do our job,
we're the good guys?
- Yes.
- That's great.
Hey, hey.
Hi, Mr. Grocer.
He's brown-bagging it today.
Easy there, chief.
I don't see "Hollow-point wound care"
on the menu.
Up, up, up.
What are you in Detroit for?
The Red Wings need a new goon?
Hi, my name is Melanie. Let me
tell you about some of our specials.
Today there's the Alfalfa on My Mind.
That's our featured omelet.
Or there's Gatsby's West Egg Omelet.
If in the mood for something different,
there's the
I Left My Heart in San Francheezie.
- What'll you have?
- Two poached eggs.
Scrape off the milky white stuff.
Hash browns well done.
English muffin for the bread,
and a coffee.
Wholegrain pancakes
and an egg-white omelet, please.
What would you like in your omelet?
- Nothing in the omelet.
- That's not technically an omelet.
I don't wanna get in
a semantic argument.
I just want the protein, all right?
Come on there, ice man, live a little.
Let Chef put a little cilantro
for your liver.
- don't want that.
- Little onions for the blood.
- What are those?
- Nutrients.
Here's the new stuff, kid. Durazac 15.
Makes Prozac feel like a decaf latte.
- You want a couple? got jars.
- don't do that stuff anymore.
No wonder you got the shakes.
Don't say "do it," because I don't "do it."
I ingest it on orders
from my neurophysiologist.
It's legal. In five years,
they'll be putting it in the water
- For the citizens, like fluoride.
- Fascinating.
Is there anything
you wanted to talk about?
I was gonna have breakfast.
I heard about
that little blow-up at the Ultimart.
- t was a wicked, ripping shame.
- One of your fraternal brothers?
Hey, listen, I wanna work with you.
That was some indie frog.
Some Basque whacker
from the Pyrenees.
You sure Oregon doesn't ring a bell?
Pacific Northwest,
a couple of months ago?
Something about you doing
some wonder dog named Cujo?
- Budro. Yes, Budro. Jesus Christ.
- Those dogs.
Yeah, I was out there trying to whack
these three junk-bond fuckos.
And these idiots were flushing game
with sticks of dynamite.
And the dog that they borrowed,
little Budro, was a retriever. Get it?
Budro was never a target.
Budro was acting on instinct.
I would never hurt an animal.
I'm offended at the accusation.
Whoa, Chatty Cathy, clip your string.
I don't need to know.
But just for the record,
here's what I heard.
The marks borrowed
your client's prized hunting pup.
So bad luck for Budro,
and bad luck for Blank.
Poodle pumper. Hound hitter.
- Pooch puncher.
- Let's not talk about Budro, huh?
What about those two guys
in a Caprice Classic outside?
The word is you turned
two governments on me, you turncoat.
- Me?
- You.
- Go G? On you? Never.
- Yes. Yes.
Listen. Why don't we
get our relationship straight?
I didn't get into this business
to have any relationships.
I don't wanna join your goddamn union,
all right?
Loner. Lone gunman. Get it?
That's the whole point.
I like the lifestyle, the image.
Look at the way I dress.
Become a cop or something.
Have coffee in the morning with friends.
Look, this is a one-on-one business.
The minute you start relationships,
bad things start happening.
If it'll make you feel any better,
I think this is my last job.
- believe that.
- What do you say we put away our guns
and forget the whole goddamn thing
and have some breakfast, all right?
No scabs. From now on,
all arrangements, all contracts,
- All engagements are regulated. Got it?
- Meet the new boss.
- Yes.
- No deal.
Okay. But we're not gonna let you
do your little job here.
- No?
- No,
- Because we're gonna do it for you.
- s that right?
After we do your job, we do another job.
Tell me about it.
I'm gonna put a bullet hole in your head.
- 'm gonna fuck the brain hole.
- Nice talk, sugar mouth.
- Hi.
- You had the not-a-omelet.
Pacific Trident Global.
Marcella, Oatman's
not returning my calls.
I need you to find him right now.
Try his office, try the car, try his club,
but I need you to find him.
I'm already late for the reunion. Okay?
- Okay.
- Patch him through the landline.
- This thing's low on batteries.
- All right.
Hi, how are you? Yeah.
I'm a pet psychiatrist. Yeah, yeah.
I sell couch insurance.
And I test-market positive thinking.
And I lead a weekend men's group.
We specialize in ritual killings.
Yeah, you look great. God, yeah.
Yeah, hi, how are you?
Yeah, how are you doing?
How are you? Good, hi.
Hi, I'm Martin Blank, you remember me?
I'm not married, I don't have any kids,
and I'd blow your head off
if someone paid me enough.
Oatman, listen, don't hang up.
I didn't kill anyone.
Except some guy tried to kill me.
If I see that guy again,
I'm gonna kill him, but not anyone else.
Except the guy I was sent here to kill.
Anyway, I saw Debi.
I'm on my way to the reunion with Debi.
I'm anxious, I wanna do a phoner.
Okay. Repeat after me.
"I am at home with the me.
"I am rooted in the me
who is on this adventure."
I am at home with the me. I am rooted
in the me who is on this adventure.
Good. Now take a deep breath
and realize that this is me breathing.
I'm sorry, I'm confused.
I don't understand.
You want me to say it, or to realize it?
- What?
- That I'm breathing.
- Say it.
- This is me breathing.
Good. Now go do that
for about 20 minutes.
- All right, I gotta go.
- Okay.
Keep it up. Don't kill anybody.
This is me breathing.
You're a handsome devil.
What's your name?
This is not happening again.
- That's funny.
- As long as I get the laugh.
Debi, you look beautiful.
Yeah? Thanks. Okay.
Hold on.
My dad's down the hall.
He's dying to say hi to you.
I'll go put these in
some rubbing alcohol.
Mr. Newberry, it's Martin Blank.
Good evening. How are you?
- Good evening, Mr. Blank.
- Sir.
You've beaten the millennia.
I lose my bet.
Yeah, it was completely
unavoidable, sir, so...
Just wanted to say hello, and,
you know, ask you how you are.
- Martin.
- How's business, tricks?
I don't know where you've been
since you abandoned my daughter
and I don't care. It's good that you left.
I'm glad that you did.
You've grown up a bit.
Did I have you figured wrong?
Well, I don't know. I mean, I hope so.
I visualized you in a haze,
as one of those slackster,
coffee-house misanthropes
I've been seeing in Newsweek.
No, no, no, I went the other road.
Six figures.
Doing business with lead-pipe cruelty.
Mercenary sensibility, you know?
Sports, sex,
no real relationships with anybody.
How have the years been treating you?
Well, you know me, Martin, the same
old sellout. Exploiting the oppressed.
"What a piece of work is man
How noble..."
Fuck it.
Let's have a drink
and forget the whole thing.
I'd love to, but we're a little bit late.
So I just wanted to say hello
and wish you the best.
What have you been doing
with your life?
Professional killer.
Good for you. It's a growth industry.
Okay, good seeing you again.
Neutralize. Did I say neutralize?
I'll give you 20 bucks for that.
Okay, he's definitely fallen
for her.
- Look at him.
- Her hair looks really nice.
Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
No, he's using her.
What a cruel bastard.
I'm gonna enjoy killing
that son of a bitch.
Me, too.
- should've worn a skirt.
- should've brought my gun.
- What?
- Should be fun.
- 'm not going.
- 'll go.
Welcome back, Pointers.
It's Arlene Oslott-Joseph.
- Hi. How are you?
- Hi. I'm good.
- Martin. Blank.
- Martin Blank.
Yes, why, you haven't changed a bit.
- Don't say that.
- Hi, Debi.
- Just love your show.
- Thanks. Well, you're our demographic.
- You gone and got married, Arlene.
- Yes, I did, and three children.
- t's really neat.
- Yeah.
I had the yearbook pictures put on,
so everybody knows
who everybody was.
A special torture.
- Yeah. Hi, it's Arlene Oslott-Joseph.
- Oh, well.
Bye-bye now, kids. Hi. Now, let's see.
- Who needs hard liquor?
- Me. How are you holding up?
- A little shaky.
- Straight to the bar for us.
- 'm starting to remember these faces.
- What can I get you?
- Vodka rocks, double. Two.
- You bet.
When do we start relating to anybody?
I would say, any moment now.
Ken Alderosh.
- Hey, hello, Martin.
- Hi, Ken.
- Hi, yeah, sper. Hi, Debi, how are you?
- Hey, Ken. How are you?
- sn't this great?
- Yeah. What's been happening?
- Moss, Bryce and Fromeyer.
- Yeah?
In divorce mainly, some property,
some personal injury, you know.
Those all seem kind of related.
Hey, I'm gonna use that.
- 'll take that line.
- Sure.
Hey, let me give you a card here.
Wait a second.
Actually, I've got a special one here
for top-shelf clients.
- Don't forget to read the cap.
- Thanks a lot.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Sure, sure.
Martin Blank...
- Sorry, man, you slipped. Sorry.
- Take it easy, man.
- Sorry, sorry.
- Hey, Martin, what's happening, man?
- t's Nathaniel.
- Hi, yeah, sure.
How's it going, man?
Hi, Debi. How you doing?
- Yeah, still very Newberry, I see.
- Oldberry, I think.
- How's it going, man?
- Good.
Come and say hey to Eckhart.
He's right over here.
- Hey, thanks for the pen.
- You remember Jimbo and Peanut?
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
- How's it going?
- They're good. They're big, real big.
I'm supervising their training, man.
They're going pro.
Strictly Greco-Roman, man, all torso.
I'm taking them on the wrestling circuit.
Yeah. Hey, I got something
for you guys.
I don't hear any real remorse here.
I don't think you should
get back together with this guy.
- Real, man. You were real, man.
- That was cold, man.
I don't mean any offense.
I was speaking from the heart.
- All right.
- What are you doing later?
We're gonna go outside
and blow a fat one.
Get charred and toasted,
just like in high school.
We gotta go see somebody over there.
- We'll come back and get toasted.
- Come back, have a drink. Later, man.
- How are you?
- Great.
- What happened?
- was just telling him.
It was like I was
sucked up into the cosmos,
all the while surrounded by
these yowling, nebulous forms.
- Pardon me?
- And then, I got to the threshold.
Mozart, music,
flowers and poetry.
- You died?
- And came back.
See, that's the beautiful part.
How did you die?
I lost it on some ice
and ended up in Lake Saint Clair. Yeah.
- Wanna go somewhere else?
- Sure.
- Maybe we can dance later.
- Okay, sure.
Okay, bye.
Hey, you know, I'm gonna go
say hello to Amy over there.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Governor. How you holding up, baby?
- don't know. How are you?
Can't believe you haven't
cracked like a piata.
- Almost.
- You look good.
- You look Tony Robbins good.
- So do you, man.
- How's that possible?
- know, I know.
Excuse me.
- Martin Blank.
- Hi.
- You look great. It's Jenny Slater.
- Jenny Slater, yeah. How are you?
- This 10 years has been good for you.
- t's been good for you, too.
Hey, Jenny Slater. Hey, Jenny Slater.
Paul. Paul Spericki.
- Paul?
- Yeah.
Had 11 classes with you.
Did the precious metals paper for you.
Okay. Well, I was looking
for some validation of my life,
but apparently it came up short.
- thought that went well.
- t was good for you.
- They said...
- How's the rest of the night been?
It's been great. It's a festival of pain.
The idea that they think
that you can't evolve.
- But I'm saying that I...
- Excuse me.
Hey, Jenny. Jenny.
- Blank, Blank, Blank.
- Yeah.
These people are driving me crazy,
acting like it was all great.
The National Honor Society,
blue stars on their nametags.
Like it matters that they were
in the club years ago.
I don't wanna talk about the old days.
What did we have?
- Archery.
- couldn't stand that class.
I appreciate you helping me...
Helping me hit my targets.
- Sure.
- Check this out.
- That's not right for this place.
- Listen, I gotta go, I gotta go, man.
- Tracy, how you doing?
- Yeah, good.
- How are you?
- 'm all right.
So sit.
So how you been?
Great, I'm... I'm married.
- And...
- Robbie.
- Yeah.
- And how is it all?
It's not like it was supposed to be, right?
No, no, that's not true.
- No?
- t's great.
- Really?
- 'm so great.
People think that when you get married
you lose your freedom.
- Not true?
- No, it gets better and better.
So how are you?
How's your life?
- n progress.
- Yeah?
- Will you hold Robbie for a sec?
- No, I...
I'm gonna get his bottle. It's okay.
Go ahead.
You won't break him.
You spend the first year just trying
to keep these little guys alive.
Yeah, I imagine they'd be
very vulnerable to the elements.
'Cause love's such
an old-fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change
our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
Hey. Last time I saw him he was in here.
I know.
- Look at him.
- Hey, what's your name?
Hey, will it disturb him if I hold him?
No, no, he'd love it.
Such a good little munchkin.
Hey, bunny. Are you tired?
- Are you tired, little one?
- Here, wait a minute.
Let me get a picture.
- Let me get a picture.
- Look, look up.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
- Nice to see you. Hey, Martin.
- How you doing?
- saw you over there.
- didn't get a chance to talk.
- Did you get a pen from Ken?
- Yes, I did.
- Still look very nice.
- Well, we're having a good time.
- Computer guy.
- Right, Bob, how you doing?
Dan Koretzky.
I saw you over at your dad's dealership.
Yeah, I sell BMWs.
You guys remember Bob Destepello.
- Sure.
- Sure.
Debi Radio.
Bobby Beemer.
You wanna do some blow?
What an incredibly sweet gesture,
but I think I'll pass.
Hi, Bob.
It's me, Martin, from high school.
I'm drawing a complete blank.
- Hate to see it.
- hate that.
Bobby, get away from me.
You know I had recurring dreams
about you? Did I tell you that?
Like five nights a week for like six years.
Did I tell you that?
You know, yesterday on the radio...
When you publicly humiliated me?
Yeah, well, you know,
no less than you deserve.
I think... I think I was overly harsh
when I said that you were broken.
Really? How so?
I don't think you're broken.
- think you're mildly sprained.
- What?
- Nothing that can't be mended.
- Wow.
I think... I think that's a compliment.
Yeah, well...
What was I gonna say?
That you're glad you came back
and you're real happy to see me.
Yeah, I am.
I definitely am.
I'm sorry if I fucked up your life.
It's not over yet.
- Do you have a wife in Arkansas?
- No.
Do you wanna dance?
When people keep repeating
That you'll never fall in love
When everybody keeps retreating
But you can't seem to get enough
Let my love open the door
To your heart
The nurse's office.
Health station.
I don't feel well and neither do you.
You know,
there's this big, black cloud
that's following you around,
that you're gonna have to come out
from under before I'd even consider...
That's just like you. A little rain follows
me to town and you just fall to pieces.
God, it's been so long,
I've forgotten who gets tied up.
- Wait.
- What?
- No, stop.
- Stop?
- What's wrong? Too fast?
- No, I'm sorry.
- Too fast?
- No...
Something's missing.
- Something.
- What?
I know.
Welcome home.
I missed you.
Welcome back, Pointer.
It's Arlene Oslott-Joseph.
And who might you be?
It is I, Sidney Feldman.
Oh. Been overseas?
My, you have changed.
Save a dance for me, now.
I think the best thing
would be to go away
someplace quiet for a few weeks
and work this whole thing out.
Where are you going?
Well, you know, there's a few people
I should say goodbye to.
I'm gonna go cruise by my old locker
and then I'll meet you in front.
I'll find you.
- Hi, Bob.
- Debi Newberry, huh?
You gonna hit that shit again?
Fine, Bob, how are you?
Real smart.
Come on.
Let's see how smart you are
with my foot up your ass.
Do you really believe
that there's some stored-up conflict
that exists between us?
There is no "us."
"We" don't exist.
So who do you wanna hit, man?
It's not me.
What do you wanna do here, man?
I don't know what that is.
These are my words.
It's a poem?
See, that's the prob...
Express yourself, Bob.
Go for it.
"When I feel quiet
"When I feel blue..."
You know, I think that is terrific,
what you have right there.
Really, I like that a lot.
I wouldn't sell the...
I wouldn't sell
the dealership or anything,
but I'm telling you, it's intense.
- There's more.
- Okay.
- Why don't you just skip to the end?
- To the very end?
"For a while"
That's good, man.
- "For a while"
- That's excellent.
- You wanna do some blow?
- No, I don't.
There you go.
- missed you.
- Okay. I missed you, too.
It's not me.
It wasn't me.
Hey, what's going on?
What's going on?
- Where's our boy?
- No.
Hey, is that, is that his...
That guy's blood?
A thousand innocent people
get killed every day.
Is this guy dead?
But a millionaire's pet gets detonated
and you're marked for life.
Help me out here.
Pull that down.
How did he die?
He's a notorious terrorist.
There's a contract out on my life.
- He's dead?
- He's dead.
- He's dead?
- Yeah.
Are his feet covered?
Here we go.
Come on. Grab his feet.
- All right. You ready?
- Yeah.
Put it here. Put it here.
Get in.
Nobody's gonna
come looking for this guy.
Come on.
- What can I get you?
- Whiskey.
Club soda.
- Eckhart, have you seen Debi?
- No, man.
Ken, you haven't seen Debi, have you?
- No.
- Okay.
Paul Spericki, I'm in real estate.
What do you do, Martin?
What now? Chase the girl?
If you see Debi, tell her I'm sorry.
How you doing?
Take care of yourself, Ken.
Thank you for the pen.
Yeah, sure.
... latest series
of threats.
Ofthe WNA...
I am confident.
- didn't touch nobody.
- Chihuahua city.
Walk away.
Roger. Sounds good...
How many political...
have more information...
And I am working...
In the green building.
this is Dr. Oatman.
I am not available right now,
but if you'd like to leave a message,
I will get back to you shortly.
Dr. Oatman, it's Martin Blank.
I want to tell you
I don't wanna work with you anymore.
Things are going well here,
better than expected,
and I just don't really feel
like you're helpful in any way.
I don't think you're serious
about the therapy.
And so I want you to take a deep breath
and realize that this is me firing you.
He was gonna kill you, right?
It wasn't the other way around?
No, no.
That wasn't my intention.
Is it something you've done?
It's something I do
for about five years now.
You were joking.
People joke about the horrible things
that they don't do.
They don't do them. It's absurd.
When I left, I joined the Army.
And when I took the service exam,
my psych profile fit a certain...
Moral flexibility would be
the only way to describe it.
I was loaned out
to a CIA-sponsored program.
And we sort of found each other.
That's the way it works.
- So, you... You're a government spook?
- Yes... I mean no.
I was before, but I'm not now.
But that's all irrelevant really.
The idea of governments, nations,
is public-relations theory.
I don't want the theories.
I wanna hear about the dead people.
Explain the dead people.
Who do you kill?
Well, that's very complicated,
but in the beginning, you know,
it matters,
of course, that you have something
to hang onto,
you know, a specific ideology
to defend, right?
I mean, taming unchecked aggression,
that was my personal favorite.
Others liked "live free or die."
But you get the idea.
But that's all bullshit
and I know that now.
You do it
because you were trained to do it,
you were encouraged to do it,
and ultimately, you know,
you get to like it.
I know that sounds bad.
You're a psychopath.
No, no, no.
A psychopath kills for no reason.
I kill for money.
It's a job. That didn't sound right.
Let me see if I can put it another way.
If I show up at your door, chances are
you did something to bring me there.
Everybody's doing it.
It's like the natural order.
I mean, the states do it.
Sometimes there's due process
and sometimes pilots
carpet-bomb cities, you know?
Riot cops shoot demonstrators.
That's indiscriminate. I don't do that.
You should read the files
on some of these fuckers.
I mean, it reads like a demon's rsum.
Look, I bottomed out here.
I've lost my taste for it completely.
That's why I came back.
And I wanted to see you.
I wanted to start over, leave that behind.
So I'm part of... I'm part of
your romantic new beginning, right?
How come you never learned
that it was wrong?
That there are certain things
you do not do,
you do not do in a civilized society?
What civilizations are we talking about?
- Shut up.
- mean, history...
Shut up.
Everything about you is a lie.
Stay away from me.
Debi, don't go.
You don't get to have me.
Don't you get it?
- You're overreacting.
- Yeah.
- Hello?
- Are we out of business yet?
- 'm taking down the office now.
- Good.
I'll put things right and then I'll find you.
It's not like that, Marcella.
Look under your desk.
I left a little something for you.
All the way under.
You shouldn't have.
That's profit sharing. You deserve it.
All right!
You're a handsome devil.
What's your name?
Dumb fucking luck.
Ignacio lay dying in the sand
Okay. Good, good, good.
Here he comes.
To see their hero die
And the big black birds gathered
in the sky
- What the hell is the matter with you?
- Get in the car.
Keep your head down.
Shit. Blank.
Go. Go, Johno, go.
You must have done
some naughty shit there, Bart,
because there's a contract out
on your life.
Believe me, I was hired to kill you.
But I'm not gonna do it.
Either because I'm in love with your
daughter or I have a new respect for life.
That punk is either in love with
that guy's daughter,
or he has a new respect for life.
My whole life.
Hopefully not.
Design Division wants me dead
over a leaky sunroof?
- You wanna kill me because of that?
- t's not me.
Why does everybody think
it's personal?
Get in here.
Dad? What's going on?
What is he doing here?
They're trying... They're trying to kill me.
My testimony. Martin saved my life.
I was sitting there alone on prom night
in that goddamn rented tuxedo
and the whole night flashed
before my eyes.
And I realized,
finally and for the first time,
that I wanted to kill somebody.
So I figured since I loved you,
it'd be good if I didn't see you anymore.
They're right behind us.
I was in the Gulf last year,
I was doing this thing. Anyway.
I came up over this dune
and I saw the ocean and it was on fire.
I mean, the whole thing, it was beautiful.
I sat down and I watched it burn.
Then I got this dark suspicion
that there was meaning to life.
You know?
Like a connection between all things.
I don't know, God, Yahweh, a higher
power, whatever you wanna call it.
Don't move.
Debi, I'm in love with you.
And I know we can make
this relationship work.
Come on, come on, come on.
Wait, wait.
I was always afraid
to commit to a relationship.
- What?
- But now I'm ready to make it happen.
We need to go upstairs now.
It's not easy for me. I always
control my emotions, my feelings.
You know, and I just need time
to change.
Go in there. Lock the door.
I mean, I wasn't exactly raised
in a loving environment.
It's not an excuse, it's a reason. My soul
was empty and it's up to me to fill it.
I'll be coming
around the mountain when I come
I'll be blowing your fucking head off
I'll be blowing your fucking head off
I'll be whacking your fucking mind out
When I come
"And I saw a beast rise
up out of the sea,
"having seven heads and 10 horns.
"And they worshipped the beast,
saying,'Who is like the beast?
"'Who is able to make war with him?"'
- t's okay. It's Martin.
Are you picky?
I know what I do isn't, you know,
moral per se...
- Make this gun work.
- Sure.
But I think if you can just look past that,
you can find a man worth loving.
I'm working on
the redemption thing, but...
Don't you listen to him.
He's a professional.
Hold on a minute.
Smells like a wedding.
You're breaking my heart
down here, Blank.
I can't aim through the tears.
Budro's coming for you.
- Comrade. Hey, comrade.
- What?
Why don't you just join the union?
We'll go upstairs and cap Daddy.
This union, is there gonna be meetings?
Of course.
No meetings.
National Security.
Workers of the world, unite.
Look at that. Empty.
Solidarity, baby.
- You out?
- Yeah.
- So you gonna throw that gun at me?
- No.
How about I sell you
a piece for 100 G's?
- Okay. Front me?
- Deal.
I want you to think about this
and you don't have to answer it now.
But, Debi, will you marry me?
You got my blessing.
This is WGPM FM Radio Free
Newberry, Grosse Pointe, Michigan,
winding down our all-vinyl reunion
weekend, Pointes High class of'86.
Some people say, "Forgive and forget."
I don't know.
I say forget about forgive
and just accept.
And get the hell out of town.
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Let me go on like I blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands, I know
you're the one
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Body and beats, I stain my sheets
I don't even know why
My girlfriend, she's at the end
she is starting to cry
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff
and I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite, I just might
stop to check you out
Let me go on like I blister in the sun
Let me go on, big hands, I know
you're the one