Groundhog Day (1993) Movie Script
Somebody asked me.:
''Phil, if you could be anywhere,
where would you be?''
I said to him,
'' ProbabIy right here...
...EIko, Nevada.''
Our nation's high at 7 9 today.
In CaIifornia, they'II have
warm weather tomorrow...
...gang wars and some
overpriced reaI estate.
In the Pacific Northwest,
they'II have some...
...very, very taII trees.
CIear across the Rockies
and Great PIains.
But Iook out, here comes troubIe.
Oh, boy!
Front coming our way!
Look out!
What wiII that mean to us?
One of these big bIue things!
This coId, frigid arctic air,
this big mass out of the north.
It'II meet up with aII this
moisture out of the GuIf.
They'II mix at high aItitudes
and cause snow.
It won't hit us here in Pittsburgh.
It'II push off and hit AItoona.
CIose caII!
Let's Iook at the five-day.
As you can see, nothing to be
too scared about.
BundIe up warm, but you can
Ieave your gaIoshes at home.
I won't be here at 1 0:00.
Tomorrow's Groundhog Day.
I'II be in Punxsutawney for our
country's oIdest Groundhog FestivaI.
According to the Iegend,
tomorrow, February 2nd...
...if the groundhog wakes
and sees his shadow...
...we've got six more weeks
of winter.
Sounds Iike fun.
You must reaIIy enjoy it.
This is your third year in a row.
Four, Nan.
Thanks, PhiI.
Next, our entertainment editor
Iooks at sex and vioIence in movies.
Stay with us.
We're cIear.
Have fun in Punxsutawney.
For your information, Hairdo,
a major network is interested in me.
That wouId be the
Home Shopping Network.
Thanks, Larry.
Go wait in the van.
That was nice, PhiI.
'' Big trees'' !
Stop, Kenny.
Look, can you handIe
the 1 0:00 or not?
If you don't want to rush back,
I can do the 5:00 tomorrow.
Stay an extra second in Punxsutawney?
Rita thinks it'd be
a great idea... stay for other events.
You'II get incredibIe footage.
The peopIe and the fun.
The excitement!
You haven't worked with her yet.
She's reaIIy nice.
I think she'II be
a reaIIy good producer.
You guys are going to have fun.
She's fun. But not my kind of fun.
I'II be here for the 5:00.
Can you keep a secret, Larry?
I'm probabIy Ieaving PBH.
So this wiII be the Iast time...
...we do the Groundhog together.
What's wrong with
the Groundhog FestivaI?
In San Diego...
...I covered the swaIIows returning
to Capistrano for six years.
Someone wiII see me interview
a groundhog and think I have no future.
I think it's a nice story.
He comes out.
He Iooks around.
He wrinkIes up his nose.
He sees his shadow or not.
It's nice! PeopIe Iike it!
You are new, aren't you?
PeopIe Iike bIood sausage too.
PeopIe are morons!
Nice attitude.
Look in the mirror and see how you
Iook when you do that groundhog thing.
For me? Once?
He comes out, and there he
Iooks at his IittIe shadow.
Want some bIood sausage?
I have some--
I Iike bIood sausage.
Rita, I can't stay here.
Prima donna.
-What's the matter?
-I hate this pIace.
I stayed here two years ago.
I was miserabIe.
-I won't stay here.
-You're not staying here.
I'm not?
Larry's dropping me off.
I booked you in
a nice bed and breakfast.
I think this is one of the traits
of a good producer.
Keep the taIent happy.
Anything I can do.
WouId you heIp me
with my peIvic tiIt?
Within reason. Want to come
to dinner with Larry and me?
No, thank you.
I've seen Larry eat.
You get your sIeep.
See you in the morning.
Don't be Iate.
Did he actuaIIy caII himseIf
''the taIent''?
Campers, rise and shine!
Don't forget your booties.
-It's cold out there!
-It's cold every day!
-Is this Miami Beach?
-Not hardly!
Expect hazardous travel
later today with...
... that blizzard thing.
That blizzard thing.
Here's the report.
The National Weather Service
is calling for a big blizzard thing.
There's another reason
today's especially ex citing--
Especially cold.
The big question
on everybody's lips--
-Their chapped lips.
-On their chapped lips.
Will Phil come out
and see his shadow?
-Punxsutawney Phil!
-That's right, woodchuck chuckers!
It's Groundhog Day!
Get up and chuck me a hog!
-Off to see the groundhog?
-I am.
Think it'II be an earIy spring?
I'm predicting March 21 st.
Good guess!
I think that actuaIIy is
the first day of spring.
-Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?
-I sIept aIone, Mrs. Lancaster.
Like some coffee?
Is there any possibiIity of getting
an espresso or cappuccino?
I reaIIy don't know....
How to speII espresso or cappuccino.
This Iooks fine.
I hope you enjoy the festivities.
-I'm sure I wiII.
-There's taIk of a bIizzard.
We may catch a break and
it wiII bIow right by.
The moisture coming
out of the south... midday wiII
push on to the east.
At high aItitudes it'II crystaIIize
and give us what we caII snow.
Our high wiII get to
about 30 today, teens tonight.
Chance of precipitation,
about 20%/% today, 20%/% tomorrow.
Did you want to taIk about
the weather or just chitchat?
See you Iater.
WiII you be checking out today?
Chance of departure today, 1 00%/%.
PhiI Connors!
I thought that was you!
How you doing?
Thanks for watching.
Don't teII me you don't remember me.
I sure as heckfire remember you.
Not a chance.
NeedIenose Ned.
Ned the Head.
Come on, buddy,
Case Western High!
I did the whistIing beIIybutton
trick at the taIent show.
Bing! Got the shingIes reaI bad
senior year. AImost didn't graduate.
Bing again!
I dated your sister a coupIe times
tiII you toId me not to anymore.
Ned Ryerson?
Did you turn pro with
that beIIybutton thing?
I seII insurance.
-What a shock.
-Do you have insurance?
If you do, you couId
aIways use more.
Am I right or am I right
or am I right?
I wouId Iove to stand here
and taIk with you.
But I'm not going to.
See you.
That's aII right!
I'II waIk with you.
I see an opportunity,
I charge it Iike a buII.
Ned the BuII, that's me now.
I got friends who Iive and die
by the actuariaI tabIes.
I say it's aII one big
crapshoot anyhoo.
Ever heard of singIe-premium Iife?
That couId be the ticket for you.
Oh, God!
It is so good to see you!
What are you doing for dinner?
Something eIse.
It's been great seeing you,
NeedIehead. Take care.
Watch out for that first step.
It's a doozy!
PhiI, over here!
Where have you been?
It was horribIe.
A giant Ieech got me.
You're missing aII the fun.
These peopIe are great!
Some of them partied aII night.
They sing tiII they get coId.
Then they go sit by the fire
and get warm.
Then they come back
and sing some more!
They're hicks, Rita.
So did you sIeep okay without me?
You tossed and turned, didn't you?
You're incredibIe.
Who toId you?
It's groundhog time.
On me in three...
...two, one.
Once a year, the eyes of the nation
turn to this tiny hamIet... watch a master at work.
The master?
Punxsutawney PhiI...
...the worId's most famous weatherman.
The groundhog.
Who, as Iegend has it,
can predict an earIy spring.
The question we have
to ask ourseIves is:
'' Does PhiI feeI Iucky?''
Every year, the guy comes with
a big stick and raps on the door.
They puII the IittIe rat out,
taIk to him.
The rat taIks back.
Then they teII us when it'II end.
Isn't he cute?
Do you Iike the guys
with the prominent upper teeth?
This February 2nd, at 7:20
and 30 seconds...
...Punxsutawney PhiI...
...the seer of seers...
...prognosticator of prognosticators...
...emerged reIuctantIy...
...but aIertIy... Punxsutawney, PA...
...and stated in groundhog-ese...
...'' I definiteIy see a shadow.''
Sorry, foIks.
Six more weeks of winter.
On me in three...
...two, one.
This is one time where
teIevision faiIs... capture the excitement
of a Iarge squirreI...
...predicting the weather.
I'm gratefuI to have been here.
From Punxsutawney...
...this is PhiI Connors.
So Iong.
Want to try it again
without the sarcasm?
We got it.
I'm out of here.
Prima donnas.
Oh, boy.
Take a Iook at this.
What is going on?
I don't know. Perhaps that
bIizzard we're not supposed to get.
This is impossibIe.
Nobody honks this horn but me,
okay, paI?
Take it out of here.
Commander, what's going on?
We're cIosing the road.
-Big bIizzard moving in.
-It's a coupIe of fIakes.
Don't you Iisten to the weather?
I make the weather.
AII this moisture from the GuIf
wiII push off to the east in AItoona.
You got that moisture on your head.
You can go back to Punxsutawney...
...or you can freeze to death.
It's your choice.
So, what's it going to be?
I'm thinking.
Come on, aII the Iong-distance
Iines are down?
What about the sateIIite?
Is it snowing in space?
Don't you keep a Iine open
for emergencies or ceIebrities?
I'm both.
I'm a ceIebrity in an emergency.
Can you patch me through
on that Iine?
CouId I have one more of these
with some booze in it?
I Iike it here.
Going to the groundhog dinner?
No, I had groundhog for Iunch.
Wasn't bad.
Tastes Iike chicken.
You two run aIong.
Looking foxy tonight, man.
Is your troop seIIing
cookies again this year?
That's so funny.
So, what are you doing?
I think I'II go back to my room...
...take a hot shower
and maybe read Hustler.
Suit yourseIf.
Yo, mom.
Isn't there any hot water?
Oh, no, there wouIdn't be today.
Of course not.
SiIIy me.
Sweet dreams.
Campers, rise and shine!
Don't forget your booties.
-It's cold out there!
-It's cold every day!
-Is this Miami Beach?
-Not hardly!
Nice going, boys.
You're pIaying yesterday's tape.
--with that blizzard thing.
That blizzard thing?
Here's the report.
The National Weather Service
is calling for a big blizzard thing.
There's another reason
today's especially ex citing--
Especially cold.
The big question
on everybody's lips--
-Chapped Iips.
-Their chapped lips.
Will Phil come out
and see his shadow?
-Punxsutawney Phil!
-That's right, woodchuck chuckers!
It's Groundhog Day!
Get up and chuck me a hog!
What the heII?
Off to see the groundhog?
Think it'II be an earIy spring?
Didn't we do this yesterday?
I don't know what you mean.
Don't mess with me, Pork Chop!
-What day is this?
-It's February 2nd.
Groundhog Day.
I'm sorry.
I thought it was yesterday.
Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?
Did I sIeep weII?
Like some coffee?
Yes, pIease.
I think I'II have a doubIe.
I hope you enjoy the festivities.
There's taIk of a bIizzard.
Ever have deja vu,
Mrs. Lancaster?
I'II check with the kitchen.
That's okay.
Thank you.
WiII you be checking out today?
I'd say the chance
of departure is 80 percent.
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
Where's everybody going?
To GobbIer's Knob.
It's Groundhog Day.
It's stiII just once a year,
isn't it?
PhiI Connors!
I thought that was you!
My, oh my, PhiI Connors!
Don't say you don't remember me.
I sure as heckfire remember you.
-Ned Ryerson?
Bing! First shot
right out of the box!
So how's it going, oId buddy?
I'm not feeIing weII.
WouId you excuse me?
It's funny you shouId mention
your heaIth. Guess what I do now.
Do you seII insurance?
Bing again!
You are sharp as a tack today!
Do you have Iife insurance?
If you do, you couId
aIways use more.
Right! I mean, who couIdn't?
But you want to know something?
I gots a feeIing... ain't got any.
Am I right or am I right
or am I right?
I got to go.
Watch out for that first step.
It's a doozy!
PhiI! Over here!
-Where have you been?
-Rita. Do me a favour.
I need someone to give me a
good, hard sIap in the face.
How's that?
If you need heIp with the other cheek,
I'm right here.
Something's going on.
-Are you drunk or something?
-Drunk's more fun.
Can I be serious with you
for a minute?
Can you?
I'm being serious!
I'm having a probIem.
I may be having a probIem.
It's groundhog time.
See? I knew you'd say that!
I reaIIy feeI...
Let's just do this.
Then we'II taIk.
AII right, on me in three...
...two, one.
WeII, it's Groundhog Day...
...and that must mean we're
up here at GobbIer's Knob...
...waiting for the worId's most famous
...Punxsutawney PhiI...
...who's about to teII us how much more
winter to expect.
This is a riot!
Isn't he cute?
This February 2nd, at 7:20
and 30 seconds...
...Punxsutawney PhiI,
the seer of seers...
...prognosticator of prognosticators...
...emerged reIuctantIy...
...but aIertIy in Punxsu--
Oh, my gosh!
I know there's a bIizzard.
When wiII the Iong-distance
Iines be repaired?
What if there is no tomorrow?
There wasn't one today.
Off to see the groundhog?
Did you sIeep weII, Mr.--
PhiI Connors! I thought--
Don't say you don't remember me.
I sure as heckfire remember you!
It's me, Ned! Ryerson!
NeedIenose Ned! Ned the Head!
PhiI! Over here!
Can I taIk to you?
It's not work-reIated.
-You never taIk about work.
-We have to taIk.
-It's a creative meeting.
-We've got work to do!
I don't.
I've aIready done it twice.
When you get finished,
meet me in the diner.
-What's that aII about?
-I don't know.
Prima donnas.
More coffee?
Just the check, pIease.
These sticky buns are heaven.
Aren't they?
Just put that anywhere, paI!
Good save!
TeII me why you're too sick to work.
It better be good.
I'm reIiving the same day
over and over.
Groundhog Day. Today.
Okay. I'm waiting for the punch Iine.
ReaIIy! This is the third time!
It's Iike yesterday never happened!
I'm racking my brain trying to imagine
why you'd make this up.
I'm not making it up.
I'm asking for heIp!
What do you want me to do?
I don't know! You're a producer.
Come up with something.
You shouId get
your head examined...
...if you expect me to beIieve
a stupid story Iike that!
PhiI? Like the groundhog PhiI?
Yeah. Like the groundhog PhiI.
Look out for your shadow, paI!
Morons, your bus is Ieaving!
You guys ready? We better go,
to stay ahead of the weather.
-Let's taIk about it in Pittsburgh.
-I'm not going back to Pittsburgh.
-Why not?
-Because of the bIizzard!
You said it was going
to hit AItoona.
I know that's what I said.
I think you need heIp.
That's what I've been saying.
I need heIp.
No spots.
No cIots, no tumours.
No Iesions.
No aneurisms.
At Ieast none that I can see.
If you want a CAT scan or an MRI,
you'II have to go into Pittsburgh.
I can't go into Pittsburgh.
-Why can't you go into Pittsburgh?
-I toId you, there's a bIizzard.
Right. The bIizzard!
You know what you may need,
Mr. Connors?
A biopsy.
A psychiatrist.
That's an unusuaI probIem...
...Mr. Connors.
Most of my work is with coupIes,
famiIies. I have an aIcohoIic now.
You went to coIIege, right?
It wasn't veterinary
psychoIogy, was it?
Didn't you take a course that
covered this stuff?
Sort of, I guess.
AbnormaI psychoIogy.
...what do I do?
We shouId meet again.
How's tomorrow for you?
Is that not good?
I was in the Virgin IsIands once.
I met a girI.
We ate Iobster.
Drank pina coIadas.
At sunset, we made Iove
Iike sea otters.
That was a pretty good day.
Why couIdn't I get that day...
...and over and over?
Some guys wouId Iook
at this gIass and say:
''That gIass is haIf empty.''
Other guys wouId say,
''That gIass is haIf fuII.''
I peg you as a ''gIass is haIf empty''
kind of guy. Right?
What wouId you do if you were
stuck in one pIace...
...and every day was exactIy the same,
and nothing you did mattered?
That about sums it up for me.
Good Iuck.
I'II drop you off.
This thing sticks a IittIe bit.
You got to jiggIe it--
Come on up here, paI.
Give me your keys, paI.
Give me the keys.
Friends don't Iet friends drive, right?
Stand up here.
Take a deep breath. You feeI okay?
You're aII right.
You want to throw up here
or in the car?
I think, both.
I don't think I shouId drive.
I don't either.
Watch your head.
Watch your knees.
Don't break anything.
Let's not forget seat beIts.
Who eIse couId go for some
fIapjacks right now?
Let me ask you a question.
What if there were no tomorrow?
No tomorrow? That means there'd be
no consequences... hangovers.
We couId do whatever we wanted!
That's true.
We couId do whatever we want.
If we wanted to hit maiIboxes
we couId Iet RaIph drive!
They want you to stop.
Hang on!
It's the same thing
your whoIe Iife.
'' CIean up your room! Stand up
straight! Pick up your feet!
Take it Iike a man!
Be nice to your sister!
Don't mix beer and wine, ever!
Don't drive on the raiIroad tracks!''
That's one I agree with.
I don't know, Gus.
Sometimes I think you just have to...
...take the big chances.
This is the police! Pull over now!
We're taIking in here!
I bet he swerves first.
I'm not going to Iive by
their ruIes anymore!
I noticed that.
You make choices
and you Iive with them.
My knee!
Let me handIe this.
Three cheeseburgers,
two Iarge fries...
...two chocoIate shakes
and one Iarge Coke.
And some fIapjacks!
Too earIy for fIapjacks?
Rise and shine, campers!
Don't forget your booties!
It's coId out there today!
It's coId every day.
What is this, Miami Beach?
Not hardIy!
SIept Iike a baby.
I'd Iove some of your coffee.
-I hope--
-FIurries moving in Iater...
...but the bIizzard's going to hit
outside of town.
Mrs. Lancaster?
Was anybody Iooking for me
here this morning?
Perhaps a state officiaI?
Maybe a bIue hat, gun, nightstick?
No, no one Iike that!
WiII there be?
ApparentIy not.
WiII you hoId my room for me?
I'm staying an extra day.
Catch you tomorrow, pops.
-PhiI Connors!
I Iike to see a man of advancing years
throw caution to the wind.
It's inspiring, in a way.
My years are not advancing
as fast as you think.
More coffee?
Keep it coming.
Sure thing.
Just put that anywhere, paI!
Good save!
Don't you worry about choIesteroI,
Iung cancer, Iove handIes?
I don't worry anymore.
What makes you speciaI?
Everybody worries.
That's exactIy what makes me
so speciaI.
I don't even have to fIoss.
''The wretch, concentred aII in seIf
'' Living, shaII forfeit fair renown
''And doubIy dying, shaII go down
''To the viIe dust from whence he sprung
'' Unwept...
'' ...unhonoured and unsung''
Sir WaIter Scott.
You don't Iike poetry?
I Iove poetry!
I just thought that was WiIIard Scott.
I was confused.
You think I act Iike this
because I'm egocentric?
You are egocentric.
It's your defining characteristic.
You guys ready? We better go,
to stay ahead of the weather.
Thanks, Larry.
WouId you Iike a doggie bag?
I'II stay and finish.
I thought you hated this town.
It's beginning to grow on me.
Larry, quit staring.
-These are exceIIent.
-Bon appetit.
You see the groundhog
this morning?
I never miss it.
What's your name?
Nancy TayIor. And you are?
-What high schooI did you go to?
High schooI.
LincoIn, in Pittsburgh.
Who are you?
Who was your 1 2th grade
EngIish teacher?
Are you kidding?
In 1 2th grade,
your EngIish teacher was--
Mrs. WaIsh.
Nancy. LincoIn. WaIsh.
Thanks very much.
Nancy TayIor!
LincoIn High SchooI!
I sat next to you in
Mrs. WaIsh's EngIish cIass!
-I'm sorry.
-PhiI Connors!
-That's amazing!
-You don't remember me?
I asked you to the prom.
PhiI Connors?
I was short and I've sprouted.
How are you?
You Iook terrific!
You Iook very, very terrific!
Listen, I got to go do this report.
Are you a reporter?
A weatherman with
ChanneI 9, Pittsburgh.
I shouId have known! That's great!
But maybe Iater we couId....
Yeah, whatever!
Stay right here.
Promise me?
I'II be right back. Wish me Iuck!
Good Iuck!
Oh, PhiI.
Oh, Rita.
Who's Rita?
How shouId I know?
What is this,
some kind of one-night stand?
On the contrary, Nancy...
...I Iove you.
I've aIways Ioved you.
This is going to seem sudden but...
...Nancy, wiII you be my wife?
A gust of wind.
A dog barks.
Cue the truck.
Exit Herman.
WaIk on to the bank.
Exit FeIix, and stand there with a
not-so-bright Iook on your face.
AII right, Doris. Come on.
Fix your bra, honey.
That's better.
How you doing, Doris?
Can I have a roII of quarters?
-Did I bring out two bags or one?
-I don't know.
I thought we were going
to a costume party.
It's Iike I said, I Iove this fiIm.
I've seen it over 1 00 times.
ToId you...
...caII me '' Bronco.''
Sorry, Bronco.
Hi, Nancy.
My own fiancee...
...doesn't remember me.
That'II be one aduIt and--
-Two aduIts.
-Two aduIts, I guess.
--groundhog who, as legend has it,
can predict an early spring.
The question we have
to ask ourselves today is.:
''Does Phil feel lucky?''
Rita, if you onIy
had one day to Iive...
...what wouId you do?
I don't know.
What are you dying of?
No, the whoIe worId
is about to expIode.
What do you do?
I want to know
where to put the camera.
What are you Iooking for?
A date for the weekend?
No, I'm just interested in you.
What do you want?
What do you Iike?
What do you think about?
What kind of men
are you interested in?
What do you do for fun?
Are you trying to
make me Iook Iike a fooI?
I'm trying to taIk Iike normaI peopIe.
Isn't this how they taIk?
-Okay, so taIk to me.
Let me buy you a cup of coffee.
And a doughnut.
AII right.
So what do you want out of life?
I guess I want what everybody wants.
Career, Iove, marriage, chiIdren.
Are you seeing anyone?
This is getting too personaI.
I'm not ready to share this with you.
How about you?
What do you want?
What I reaIIy want
is someone Iike you.
Oh, pIease!
Why not? What are you Iooking for?
Who's your perfect guy?
First of aII, he's too humbIe
to know he's perfect.
That's me!
He's inteIIigent,
supportive, funny....
InteIIigent, supportive, funny.
Me, me, me.
He's romantic and courageous.
Me aIso.
He's got a good body but doesn't
have to Iook in the mirror often.
I have a great body, and sometimes
I go months without Iooking.
He's kind, sensitive and gentIe.
He's not afraid to cry.
This is a man
we're taIking about, right?
He Iikes animaIs, chiIdren,
and he'II change poopy diapers.
Does he have to use the word '' poopy''?
He pIays an instrument,
and he Ioves his mother.
I am reaIIy cIose on this one.
ReaIIy, reaIIy cIose.
It's PhiI Connors!
Thanks for watching.
What are the chances
of getting out today?
Van won't start.
Larry's working on it.
WouIdn't you know it?
Can I buy you a drink?
Jim Beam, ice, water.
For you, miss?
Sweet vermouth on the rocks
with a twist, pIease.
What are the chances
of getting out today?
Van won't start.
Larry's working on it.
WouIdn't you know it?
Can I buy you a drink?
Sweet vermouth, rocks,
with a twist, pIease.
For you, miss?
The same.
That's my favourite drink.
Mine too!
It makes me think of Rome.
The way the sun hits
the buiIdings in the afternoon.
What shouId we drink to?
To the groundhog!
I aIways drink to worId peace.
Can I buy you a drink?
Sweet vermouth, rocks,
with a twist, pIease.
For you, miss?
The same.
That's my favourite drink.
Mine too!
It makes me think of Rome.
The way the sun hits
the buiIdings in the afternoon.
What shouId we drink to?
I'd Iike to say a prayer
and drink to worId peace.
To worId peace.
-This is wonderfuI!
-See? Didn't I teII you?
How do you know so much
about Punxsutawney?
I spent a Iot of time here.
SmaII-town peopIe are
more reaI, down-to-earth.
-That's how I feeI!
-Some white chocoIate?
-Yuck, don't make me sick.
No white chocoIate.
There is something
so famiIiar about this.
Do you ever have deja vu?
Didn't you just ask me that?
PeopIe pIace too much
emphasis on their careers.
I wish we couId aII Iive
in the mountains.
That's where I see myseIf
in five years.
How about you?
I agree. I just Iike
to go with the fIow.
See where it Ieads me.
WeII, it's Ied you here.
It's about a miIIion miIes
from where I started in coIIege.
You weren't in broadcasting
or journaIism?
BeIieve it or not, I studied
What a waste of time!
I mean, for someone eIse
that'd be a totaI waste.
So boId of you to choose that.
It's incredibIe.
You must be a very strong person.
PeopIe pIace too much
emphasis on their careers.
I wish we couId aII
Iive in the mountains.
That's where I see myseIf
in five years.
How about you?
I agree. I Iike to go
with the fIow, see what happens.
WeII, it's gotten you here.
It's a miIIion miIes
from where I started in coIIege.
You weren't in broadcasting
or journaIism or anything Iike that?
BeIieve it or not, I studied
You speak French!
I haven't done this since I was a kid.
Me neither. It's fun!
CIean fun.
I hope one day I can do this
with my own chiIdren.
Where'd you get that?
WeII, I went over
to the snowman shop.
Hey, an assassin!
I'II protect you!
I shaII die for you.
You shaII not take her!
Find cover!
I'm getting some good ones.
That's a boy! Good try.
HeIp me!
I'm just amazed,
and I'm not easiIy amazed.
About what?
How you can start a day with one
kind of expectation...
...and end up
so compIeteIy different.
Do you Iike the way
this day is turning out?
I Iike it very much.
It's a perfect day.
You couIdn't pIan a day Iike this.
WeII, you can.
It just takes an awfuI Iot of work.
Come in.
I want to show you something.
-I don't think I shouId.
-I agree.
That's why I want to show you one thing,
then kick you right out.
It's just IoveIy.
WouId you Iike to sit
and stare at the fake fire?
It's a reaIIy wonderfuI room.
It is now.
I don't think we shouId do this.
I don't either.
On second thought,
I think we shouId.
It's the perfect end
to a perfect day.
WeII, it's a IittIe fast for me.
Me too.
Maybe I shouId go.
Where wouId you go?
We've got a perfect fire.
I've got some French poetry here.
I wiII read to you.
I've got some ice cream on
the windowsiII. HoId on a minute.
Rocky road.
I Iove rocky road.
Yeah, I thought so.
You have to stay.
No, reaIIy, I'm tired.
We can see each other tomorrow.
No, tonight.
It's got to be tonight.
No, PhiI, reaIIy.
Just stay for a whiIe and
if you Iike it, stay Ionger.
And if you Iike that, stay Ionger.
Let's not spoiI it, okay?
I don't want to spoiI it either.
You know I can't stay with you.
Why not? I Iove you.
You Iove me?
-You don't even know me.
-I know you.
Oh, no. I can't beIieve
I feII for this!
This whoIe day has been
one Iong setup.
No, it hasn't.
And I hate fudge. Yuck!
No white chocoIate, no fudge.
What are you doing?
Are you making some kind of Iist?
Did you caII my friends
and ask them what I Iike?
-Is this what Iove is for you?
-This is reaI. This is Iove.
Stop saying that!
You must be crazy.
I couId never Iove you because
you'II never Iove anyone but yourseIf.
I don't even Iike myseIf.
Give me another chance.
That's for making me
care about you.
I haven't done this
since I was a kid.
It's fun!
And good, cIean fun too.
That's what's missing in the worId.
I can't wait to do this
with my own chiIdren.
I want Iots of kids!
I want to adopt, I want my own kids,
I want to have foster kids.
I got this at Snowman City.
Hey! Some kid just
threw a snowbaII at us.
Come here! Let's have some fun!
I wish these were my own kids.
Are any of you up for adoption?
Here's a humdinger over here!
Wasn't that great?
Stop it!
PhiI! Over here!
Where have you been?
You're missing the fun.
PhiI, you Iook terribIe.
What happened? Rough night?
Okay, campers.
Rise and shine.
Don't forget your booties,
because it's coId out there.
It's coId out there every day.
This country's largest lake,
Chapala, is located near Guadalajara.
What is Mexico?
What is Mexico?
-Lakes and Rivers, 400.
Seneca is the largest
of these lakes.
What are the Finger Lakes?
-What are the Finger Lakes?
-This lake in Bolivia--
-What is Titicaca?
-What is Titicaca?
For 1 ,000.
-The Rhone.
... when entering Lake Geneva...
... this river is
clear blue upon exiting.
-The Rhone.
Good for $1, 000.
You're $500 off the lead right now.
This is pitifuI.
A thousand peopIe...
...freezing their butts off,
waiting to worship a rat.
What a hype.
They used to puII the hog out,
and they used to eat it.
You're hypocrites! AII of you!
You got a probIem, Larry?
Untie your tongue.
Come here and taIk.
Am I upsetting you...
You want a prediction
about the weather?
You're asking the wrong PhiI.
I'II give you a winter prediction.
It's going to be coId.
It's going to be gray.
And it's going to Iast you
for the rest of your Iife.
Once again the eyes of the nation
have turned here... this tiny viIIage
in Western PennsyIvania.
There is no way that this winter... ever going to end... Iong as this groundhog
keeps seeing his shadow.
I don't see any other way out.
He's got to be stopped.
And I have to stop it.
ReaI good, PhiI.
ReaI good.
He's out of his gourd.
I'm worried. There's something
reaIIy wrong with PhiI.
There's a Iot of things
wrong with PhiI.
Hi, PhiI.
I've come to the end of me.
There's no way out now.
Just remember, we had
a beautifuI day together once.
AII right, IittIe feIIow.
Good job. He just smiIed at me!
Did you see that?
I beIieve he did.
Okay, IittIe feIIow.
There you go.
Hi, there. Something I can
do you for?
Hey! What are you doing?
Get the word out.
Somebody kidnapped PhiI!
We are going after him!
Why wouId anybody steaI a groundhog?
I couId think of reasons.
He must have just snapped!
This ought to be good.
What is he doing?
What can he be thinking?
Not bad for a quadruped.
Check your mirrors. Side of your eye.
Side of your eye.
That's it.
Hey, they're chasing us!
Come on, make it fun.
Don't drive angry.
Don't drive angry.
There's no way out
except the way we came in!
We got him now!
What is he doing?
I don't know.
If you got to shoot,
don't hit the groundhog.
Mustn't keep them waiting.
It's showtime.
On me in three...
He might be okay.
WeII, no. ProbabIy not now.
Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?
WouId you Iike...
...some toast?
Oh, my God!
That's him.
He was a reaIIy, reaIIy great guy.
I reaIIy, reaIIy Iiked him...
...a Iot.
I'm sorry?
What was that again?
-I'm a god.
-You're God?
I'm a god. I'm not the god,
I don't think.
Because you survived a car wreck?
You foIks ready to order?
I didn't just survive a wreck.
I wasn't just bIown up.
I have been stabbed,
shot, poisoned...
...frozen, hung, eIectrocuted
and burned.
Oh, reaIIy.
Every morning I wake up without a
scratch, not a dent in the fender.
I am an immortaI.
SpeciaI today is bIueberry waffIes.
Why are you teIIing me this?
Because I want you to beIieve in me.
You are not a god.
Take my word. It's 1 2 years
of CathoIic schooI taIking.
I can come back if you're not ready.
How do you know I'm not a god?
-How do you know?
-It's not possibIe.
I'II come back.
This is Doris.
Her brother-in-Iaw owns this diner.
She's worked here since she was 1 7.
She wants to see Paris...
...before she dies.
Boy, wouId I!
-What are you doing?
-Debbie and her fiance.
Do I know you?
They're supposed to get married.
She's having second thoughts.
LoveIy ring.
BiII's been a waiter three years,
since he Ieft Penn State to work.
He Iikes the town,
paints toy soIdiers, and he's gay.
I am.
Gus hates it here,
wishes he'd stayed in the Navy.
I couId've retired
on haIf pay after 20 years.
Excuse me. Is this a trick?
Maybe the reaI God uses tricks.
Maybe he's not omnipotent...
...he just knows everything.
-Who's that?
He worked in the coaI mine
tiII it cIosed.
-And her?
Came from IreIand when she
was a baby. Lived in Erie.
He's right.
-And her?
Works in a shop, makes noises Iike
a chipmunk when she gets excited.
-It's true.
-How do you know this?
I toId you, I know everything.
In five seconds, a waiter
wiII drop a tray.
-Five, four, three, two, one.
-This is nuts.
-Okay, that's enough.
What about me?
Do you know me too?
I know aII about you. You hope
for more than ChanneI 9 Pittsburgh.
WeII, everyone knows that.
You Iike boats but not the ocean.
You go to a Iake in the summer
with your famiIy.
There's a dock and a boathouse
with boards missing from the roof...
...and a pIace you used to
crawI underneath to be aIone.
You're a sucker for
French poetry and rhinestones.
You're very generous.
You're kind to strangers
and chiIdren.
When you stand in the snow
you Iook Iike an angeI.
How are you doing this?
I toId you. I wake up every day.
Right here.
Right in Punxsutawney.
And it's aIways February 2nd.
And there's nothing
I can do about it.
If you stiII can't beIieve me, Iisten:
In 1 0 seconds...
...Larry is going to come
and take you away from me.
But you can't Iet him.
PIease beIieve me.
You've got to beIieve me.
You guys ready? We better go,
to stay ahead of the weather.
What's that?
''--to stay ahead of the weather.''
Maybe it reaIIy is happening.
How eIse couId you know so much?
There is no way.
I'm not that smart.
Maybe I shouId
spend the day with you... an objective witness,
just to see what happens.
This sounds Iike a science project.
You got to want it.
You got to want it, Rita.
Come on. It's more
in the wrist than the fingers.
Be the hat. Come on, go.
-It'd take me a year to get good.
-Six months.
Four to five hours a day,
and you'd be an expert.
-Is this what you do with eternity?
-Now you know.
That's not the worst part.
What's the worst part?
The worst part is that...
...tomorrow you'II have
forgotten aII about this...
...and you'II treat me
Iike a jerk again.
I am a jerk.
No, you're not.
It doesn't make any difference.
I've kiIIed myseIf so many times...
...I don't even exist anymore.
Sometimes I wish I had
a thousand Iifetimes.
I don't know.
Maybe it's not a curse.
It just depends
on how you Iook at it.
Gosh, you're an upbeat Iady!
I want you to know it's been
a reaIIy nice day for me.
Me too.
And maybe...
...if it's not too boring,
we can do it again sometime.
I hope so.
You're stiII here?
I thought you were supposed
to disappear. Or I was.
Not untiI 6.
You rat!
I never said midnight.
You knew I was waiting for midnight.
Are you going to Ieave?
I'm sorry.
It's aII right.
You can faII asIeep.
I promise I won't touch you.
It's aII right. I'm not tired.
What were you saying?
I think the Iast thing
that you heard was...
...onIy God couId make a tree.
What I wanted to say was...
...I think you are the kindest...
...sweetest, prettiest person...
...I've ever met in my Iife.
I've never seen anyone...
...that's nicer to peopIe
than you are.
And the first time I saw you...
...something happened to me.
I never toId you...
...but I knew I wanted
to hoId you... hard as I couId.
I don't deserve someone Iike you.
But if I ever couId...
...I swear I wouId Iove you...
...for the rest of my Iife.
Did you say something?
Good night, Rita.
Good night, PhiI.
Campers, rise and shine!
Don't forget your booties.
-It's cold out there!
-It's cold every day.
-Is this Miami Beach?
-Not hardly!
Who wants coffee?
Get it whiIe it's hot.
Thanks, PhiI.
Skim miIk, two sugar.
Thanks, PhiI.
We're setting up.
Pastry, Larry?
Take your pick.
Thanks. Raspberry. Great.
I taIked with Buster Green,
the head groundhog honcho.
He said if we set up here
we'II get a better shot.
-What do you think?
-Sounds good.
Yeah. Let's go for it.
Good work, PhiI.
Maybe we'II get Iucky.
Let me give you a hand.
No, no. You got your coffee.
I'II get it.
We never taIk.
Do you have kids?
I'd Iike a piano Iesson.
I'm with a student. But if you
want to come back tomorrow--
I kind of want to get started.
I can give you $1 ,000.
Come on in.
Off to see the groundhog?
Buon giorno, signore!
Think it'II be an earIy spring?
''Winter, sIumbering in the open air
Wears on his smiIing face...
...a dream of spring''
How does she Iook?
Thank you.
Did you know he couId ice scuIpt?
Not bad. You say
this is your first Iesson?
Yes, but my father
was a piano mover, so....
-PhiI Connors, I thought it was you.
-Ned Ryerson.
I have missed you so much.
I don't know where you're headed,
but can you caII in sick?
I got to get going.
It's good to see you, PhiI.
HeIIo, father.
Let's get you somepIace warm.
Remember me?
You brought the oId man in?
How is he?
He just passed away.
-What did he die of?
-He was just oId.
It was just his time.
-I want to see his chart. Excuse me.
You can't come in here.
Sir, this is a restricted area.
Where's the chart?
Sometimes peopIe just die.
Not today.
Gets hard down there at the bottom.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Come on, dad.
Come on, pop.
Come on. Come on, breathe.
Breathe, pop! Breathe, pop!
When Chekhov saw the Iong winter...
...he saw a winter bIeak
and dark and bereft of hope.
Yet we know winter is just
another step in the cycIe of Iife.
But standing here among
the peopIe of Punxsutawney...
...and basking in the warmth
of their hearths and hearts...
...I couIdn't imagine a better fate...
...than a Iong and Iustrous winter.
From Punxsutawney, it's PhiI Connors.
So Iong.
Nice speech. Very nice.
Thank you.
-How was that for you two?
-My man, you touched me.
-Thanks, Larry.
-Thank you.
I got to go.
That was surprising.
I didn't know you were so versatiIe.
I surprise myseIf sometimes.
WouId you Iike a cup of coffee?
I'd Iove to. Can I have a rain check?
I've got some errands.
Errands? What errands?
I thought we were going back.
What do you say?
What do you say?
You IittIe brat.
You have never thanked me!
I'II see you tomorrow...
You totaIed it.
-It's onIy a fIat tire.
-What are we going to do?
-It's an earthquake!
-It's not an earthquake.
What is it?
Thank you, young man.
It's nothing.
I had the tire and the jack.
Just be comfortabIe.
It'II be a minute.
Who is that?
He must be from the motor cIub.
He's having a heart attack!
Do something!
CaII 41 1 , an ambuIance, a Iawyer,
doctor, anything!
I think that did it.
If you're going to eat steak,
get sharper teeth.
-Enjoy your meaI.
-Thank you.
Who was that?
-I'm fine, I'm fine.
-Are you sure?
Eat, eat!
People don't understand...
...what's invoIved.
This is an art form.
I think most peopIe just think...
...that I hoId a camera
and point it at stuff.
There's a Iot more to it than that.
WouId you be interested in seeing
the inside of a van?
You know, I reaIIy have to
get back to the party.
Great idea.
I'II go with you.
Let me just drop a tip here.
Hi! How are you?
Rita, this is Nancy.
We were going to the party.
You going?
Sounds Iike fun.
Maybe we shouId caII PhiI.
I think he's aIready in there.
Isn't he good?
He's great!
He's my student.
I'm so proud.
Thank you.
HeIIo, weIcome to our party.
I didn't know you couId
pIay Iike that.
I'm versatiIe.
It's that nice young man
from the motor cIub.
Thank you again.
It's nothing, Iadies.
He's the fastest jack
in Jefferson County.
What was that aII about?
Don't know. They've been
hitting on me aII night.
There you are!
I never thanked you properIy
for what you did.
He wouId've choked for sure.
He may have. He was trying
to swaIIow a whoIe cow.
I owe you one, buddy.
Hang on to him, dear.
He's a reaI find.
What did you do today?
Same oId, same oId.
Excuse me, Mr. Connors.
Fred, how was the wedding?
Thank you for making
Debbie go through with it.
AII I did was fan her fIame
of passion for you.
You are the best.
No, you are.
Rita, this is
Debbie and Fred KIeiser.
-Here you go, kids. CongratuIations.
-What is this?
No way!
No way!
How'd you know?
We'II be in Pittsburgh anyway!
Thank you. You're a reaI paI.
Oh, this is the best.
I don't understand.
I guess not.
How does everyone know you?
You come once a year.
You're the most popuIar
person in town.
Excuse me, Dr. Connors?
I want to thank you
for fixing FeIix's back.
He can heIp around the house again.
WeII, I'm sorry
to hear that, FeIix.
Dr. Connors?
It's kind of an honorary titIe.
What is going on?
I reaIIy don't know.
There is something
going on with you.
You want the Iong or short version?
Let's start with the short
and go from there.
Okay, foIks, attention.
Time for the bacheIor auction.
You know the ruIes.
AII the eIigibIe bacheIors
come in front.
And you Iadies... bid on them!
Do whatever you want with them... questions asked!
I don't want to know about it,
as Iong as it's IegaI.
Get out your pocketbooks,
and remember it's aII for charity.
What are you doing down here?
Go on, get up there.
I got 1 0 bucks
that says you're mine.
Buster, I got your first victim.
PhiI Connors, come on up here!
AII right! Now, what am I bid
for this fine specimen?
Five doIIars!
The bidding has begun
at five doIIars.
Ten doIIars!
I'm bid $60.
Do I hear more?
We won't accept any more bids.
I think that's soId... the IittIe Iady for $339.88!
Okay, bacheIors, who's next?
AII right! Now, what am I
bid for this guy?
Do I hear a buck and a haIf?
I bid a twopence!
SoId to the Iady for 25 cents.
I got him!
PhiI Connors,
I thought that was you.
This is Ned Ryerson,
my new insurance agent.
I'II say.
I haven't seen him for 20 years.
He comes up and buys whoIe Iife,
term, fire, auto, dentaI, heaIth...
...with the optionaI death
and dismemberment pIan.
This is the best day of my Iife.
-Mine too.
-Mine too.
Where are we going?
Let's not spoiI it.
Let's not--
I got that.
Why can't I Iook?
Because you bother me a Iot.
I'm getting coId.
How Iong do I have to sit here?
I'm giving you your money's worth.
You paid top doIIar for me.
WeII, I think you were a bargain.
Sweet of you to say.
You're right.
Is it finished yet?
I stiII have to put
cherry syrup on the top...
...then we can eat it.
Come on, PhiI.
I'm freezing!
One second, one second.
Let me turn it in the Iight.
It's amazing.
It's beautifuI.
How did you do that?
I know your face so weII,
I couId've done it with my eyes cIosed.
It's IoveIy.
I don't know what to say.
I do.
No matter what happens tomorrow...
...or for the rest of my Iife...
...I'm happy now...
...because I Iove you.
I think I'm happy too.
Please. Not again.
-That's a great song.
-It's not.
Don't listen to this man--
It's too earIy.
Something is different.
Good or bad?
Anything different is good.
But this couId be reaI good.
Why are you here?
I bought you.
I own you.
But why are you stiII here?
You said, ''Stay,''
so I stayed.
I said, ''Stay,''
so you stayed.
I can't even make a coIIie stay.
I got to check something.
They're gone!
They're aII gone.
-Do you know what today is?
-No, what?
Today is tomorrow.
It happened.
-You're here.
-I'm here.
Why weren't you Iike this Iast night?
You just feII asIeep.
It was the end of a very Iong day.
Is there anything I can do
for you today?
I'm sure I can think of something.
It's so beautifuI!
Let's Iive here.
We'II rent to start.
''Phil, if you could be anywhere,
where would you be?''
I said to him,
'' ProbabIy right here...
...EIko, Nevada.''
Our nation's high at 7 9 today.
In CaIifornia, they'II have
warm weather tomorrow...
...gang wars and some
overpriced reaI estate.
In the Pacific Northwest,
they'II have some...
...very, very taII trees.
CIear across the Rockies
and Great PIains.
But Iook out, here comes troubIe.
Oh, boy!
Front coming our way!
Look out!
What wiII that mean to us?
One of these big bIue things!
This coId, frigid arctic air,
this big mass out of the north.
It'II meet up with aII this
moisture out of the GuIf.
They'II mix at high aItitudes
and cause snow.
It won't hit us here in Pittsburgh.
It'II push off and hit AItoona.
CIose caII!
Let's Iook at the five-day.
As you can see, nothing to be
too scared about.
BundIe up warm, but you can
Ieave your gaIoshes at home.
I won't be here at 1 0:00.
Tomorrow's Groundhog Day.
I'II be in Punxsutawney for our
country's oIdest Groundhog FestivaI.
According to the Iegend,
tomorrow, February 2nd...
...if the groundhog wakes
and sees his shadow...
...we've got six more weeks
of winter.
Sounds Iike fun.
You must reaIIy enjoy it.
This is your third year in a row.
Four, Nan.
Thanks, PhiI.
Next, our entertainment editor
Iooks at sex and vioIence in movies.
Stay with us.
We're cIear.
Have fun in Punxsutawney.
For your information, Hairdo,
a major network is interested in me.
That wouId be the
Home Shopping Network.
Thanks, Larry.
Go wait in the van.
That was nice, PhiI.
'' Big trees'' !
Stop, Kenny.
Look, can you handIe
the 1 0:00 or not?
If you don't want to rush back,
I can do the 5:00 tomorrow.
Stay an extra second in Punxsutawney?
Rita thinks it'd be
a great idea... stay for other events.
You'II get incredibIe footage.
The peopIe and the fun.
The excitement!
You haven't worked with her yet.
She's reaIIy nice.
I think she'II be
a reaIIy good producer.
You guys are going to have fun.
She's fun. But not my kind of fun.
I'II be here for the 5:00.
Can you keep a secret, Larry?
I'm probabIy Ieaving PBH.
So this wiII be the Iast time...
...we do the Groundhog together.
What's wrong with
the Groundhog FestivaI?
In San Diego...
...I covered the swaIIows returning
to Capistrano for six years.
Someone wiII see me interview
a groundhog and think I have no future.
I think it's a nice story.
He comes out.
He Iooks around.
He wrinkIes up his nose.
He sees his shadow or not.
It's nice! PeopIe Iike it!
You are new, aren't you?
PeopIe Iike bIood sausage too.
PeopIe are morons!
Nice attitude.
Look in the mirror and see how you
Iook when you do that groundhog thing.
For me? Once?
He comes out, and there he
Iooks at his IittIe shadow.
Want some bIood sausage?
I have some--
I Iike bIood sausage.
Rita, I can't stay here.
Prima donna.
-What's the matter?
-I hate this pIace.
I stayed here two years ago.
I was miserabIe.
-I won't stay here.
-You're not staying here.
I'm not?
Larry's dropping me off.
I booked you in
a nice bed and breakfast.
I think this is one of the traits
of a good producer.
Keep the taIent happy.
Anything I can do.
WouId you heIp me
with my peIvic tiIt?
Within reason. Want to come
to dinner with Larry and me?
No, thank you.
I've seen Larry eat.
You get your sIeep.
See you in the morning.
Don't be Iate.
Did he actuaIIy caII himseIf
''the taIent''?
Campers, rise and shine!
Don't forget your booties.
-It's cold out there!
-It's cold every day!
-Is this Miami Beach?
-Not hardly!
Expect hazardous travel
later today with...
... that blizzard thing.
That blizzard thing.
Here's the report.
The National Weather Service
is calling for a big blizzard thing.
There's another reason
today's especially ex citing--
Especially cold.
The big question
on everybody's lips--
-Their chapped lips.
-On their chapped lips.
Will Phil come out
and see his shadow?
-Punxsutawney Phil!
-That's right, woodchuck chuckers!
It's Groundhog Day!
Get up and chuck me a hog!
-Off to see the groundhog?
-I am.
Think it'II be an earIy spring?
I'm predicting March 21 st.
Good guess!
I think that actuaIIy is
the first day of spring.
-Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?
-I sIept aIone, Mrs. Lancaster.
Like some coffee?
Is there any possibiIity of getting
an espresso or cappuccino?
I reaIIy don't know....
How to speII espresso or cappuccino.
This Iooks fine.
I hope you enjoy the festivities.
-I'm sure I wiII.
-There's taIk of a bIizzard.
We may catch a break and
it wiII bIow right by.
The moisture coming
out of the south... midday wiII
push on to the east.
At high aItitudes it'II crystaIIize
and give us what we caII snow.
Our high wiII get to
about 30 today, teens tonight.
Chance of precipitation,
about 20%/% today, 20%/% tomorrow.
Did you want to taIk about
the weather or just chitchat?
See you Iater.
WiII you be checking out today?
Chance of departure today, 1 00%/%.
PhiI Connors!
I thought that was you!
How you doing?
Thanks for watching.
Don't teII me you don't remember me.
I sure as heckfire remember you.
Not a chance.
NeedIenose Ned.
Ned the Head.
Come on, buddy,
Case Western High!
I did the whistIing beIIybutton
trick at the taIent show.
Bing! Got the shingIes reaI bad
senior year. AImost didn't graduate.
Bing again!
I dated your sister a coupIe times
tiII you toId me not to anymore.
Ned Ryerson?
Did you turn pro with
that beIIybutton thing?
I seII insurance.
-What a shock.
-Do you have insurance?
If you do, you couId
aIways use more.
Am I right or am I right
or am I right?
I wouId Iove to stand here
and taIk with you.
But I'm not going to.
See you.
That's aII right!
I'II waIk with you.
I see an opportunity,
I charge it Iike a buII.
Ned the BuII, that's me now.
I got friends who Iive and die
by the actuariaI tabIes.
I say it's aII one big
crapshoot anyhoo.
Ever heard of singIe-premium Iife?
That couId be the ticket for you.
Oh, God!
It is so good to see you!
What are you doing for dinner?
Something eIse.
It's been great seeing you,
NeedIehead. Take care.
Watch out for that first step.
It's a doozy!
PhiI, over here!
Where have you been?
It was horribIe.
A giant Ieech got me.
You're missing aII the fun.
These peopIe are great!
Some of them partied aII night.
They sing tiII they get coId.
Then they go sit by the fire
and get warm.
Then they come back
and sing some more!
They're hicks, Rita.
So did you sIeep okay without me?
You tossed and turned, didn't you?
You're incredibIe.
Who toId you?
It's groundhog time.
On me in three...
...two, one.
Once a year, the eyes of the nation
turn to this tiny hamIet... watch a master at work.
The master?
Punxsutawney PhiI...
...the worId's most famous weatherman.
The groundhog.
Who, as Iegend has it,
can predict an earIy spring.
The question we have
to ask ourseIves is:
'' Does PhiI feeI Iucky?''
Every year, the guy comes with
a big stick and raps on the door.
They puII the IittIe rat out,
taIk to him.
The rat taIks back.
Then they teII us when it'II end.
Isn't he cute?
Do you Iike the guys
with the prominent upper teeth?
This February 2nd, at 7:20
and 30 seconds...
...Punxsutawney PhiI...
...the seer of seers...
...prognosticator of prognosticators...
...emerged reIuctantIy...
...but aIertIy... Punxsutawney, PA...
...and stated in groundhog-ese...
...'' I definiteIy see a shadow.''
Sorry, foIks.
Six more weeks of winter.
On me in three...
...two, one.
This is one time where
teIevision faiIs... capture the excitement
of a Iarge squirreI...
...predicting the weather.
I'm gratefuI to have been here.
From Punxsutawney...
...this is PhiI Connors.
So Iong.
Want to try it again
without the sarcasm?
We got it.
I'm out of here.
Prima donnas.
Oh, boy.
Take a Iook at this.
What is going on?
I don't know. Perhaps that
bIizzard we're not supposed to get.
This is impossibIe.
Nobody honks this horn but me,
okay, paI?
Take it out of here.
Commander, what's going on?
We're cIosing the road.
-Big bIizzard moving in.
-It's a coupIe of fIakes.
Don't you Iisten to the weather?
I make the weather.
AII this moisture from the GuIf
wiII push off to the east in AItoona.
You got that moisture on your head.
You can go back to Punxsutawney...
...or you can freeze to death.
It's your choice.
So, what's it going to be?
I'm thinking.
Come on, aII the Iong-distance
Iines are down?
What about the sateIIite?
Is it snowing in space?
Don't you keep a Iine open
for emergencies or ceIebrities?
I'm both.
I'm a ceIebrity in an emergency.
Can you patch me through
on that Iine?
CouId I have one more of these
with some booze in it?
I Iike it here.
Going to the groundhog dinner?
No, I had groundhog for Iunch.
Wasn't bad.
Tastes Iike chicken.
You two run aIong.
Looking foxy tonight, man.
Is your troop seIIing
cookies again this year?
That's so funny.
So, what are you doing?
I think I'II go back to my room...
...take a hot shower
and maybe read Hustler.
Suit yourseIf.
Yo, mom.
Isn't there any hot water?
Oh, no, there wouIdn't be today.
Of course not.
SiIIy me.
Sweet dreams.
Campers, rise and shine!
Don't forget your booties.
-It's cold out there!
-It's cold every day!
-Is this Miami Beach?
-Not hardly!
Nice going, boys.
You're pIaying yesterday's tape.
--with that blizzard thing.
That blizzard thing?
Here's the report.
The National Weather Service
is calling for a big blizzard thing.
There's another reason
today's especially ex citing--
Especially cold.
The big question
on everybody's lips--
-Chapped Iips.
-Their chapped lips.
Will Phil come out
and see his shadow?
-Punxsutawney Phil!
-That's right, woodchuck chuckers!
It's Groundhog Day!
Get up and chuck me a hog!
What the heII?
Off to see the groundhog?
Think it'II be an earIy spring?
Didn't we do this yesterday?
I don't know what you mean.
Don't mess with me, Pork Chop!
-What day is this?
-It's February 2nd.
Groundhog Day.
I'm sorry.
I thought it was yesterday.
Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?
Did I sIeep weII?
Like some coffee?
Yes, pIease.
I think I'II have a doubIe.
I hope you enjoy the festivities.
There's taIk of a bIizzard.
Ever have deja vu,
Mrs. Lancaster?
I'II check with the kitchen.
That's okay.
Thank you.
WiII you be checking out today?
I'd say the chance
of departure is 80 percent.
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
Where's everybody going?
To GobbIer's Knob.
It's Groundhog Day.
It's stiII just once a year,
isn't it?
PhiI Connors!
I thought that was you!
My, oh my, PhiI Connors!
Don't say you don't remember me.
I sure as heckfire remember you.
-Ned Ryerson?
Bing! First shot
right out of the box!
So how's it going, oId buddy?
I'm not feeIing weII.
WouId you excuse me?
It's funny you shouId mention
your heaIth. Guess what I do now.
Do you seII insurance?
Bing again!
You are sharp as a tack today!
Do you have Iife insurance?
If you do, you couId
aIways use more.
Right! I mean, who couIdn't?
But you want to know something?
I gots a feeIing... ain't got any.
Am I right or am I right
or am I right?
I got to go.
Watch out for that first step.
It's a doozy!
PhiI! Over here!
-Where have you been?
-Rita. Do me a favour.
I need someone to give me a
good, hard sIap in the face.
How's that?
If you need heIp with the other cheek,
I'm right here.
Something's going on.
-Are you drunk or something?
-Drunk's more fun.
Can I be serious with you
for a minute?
Can you?
I'm being serious!
I'm having a probIem.
I may be having a probIem.
It's groundhog time.
See? I knew you'd say that!
I reaIIy feeI...
Let's just do this.
Then we'II taIk.
AII right, on me in three...
...two, one.
WeII, it's Groundhog Day...
...and that must mean we're
up here at GobbIer's Knob...
...waiting for the worId's most famous
...Punxsutawney PhiI...
...who's about to teII us how much more
winter to expect.
This is a riot!
Isn't he cute?
This February 2nd, at 7:20
and 30 seconds...
...Punxsutawney PhiI,
the seer of seers...
...prognosticator of prognosticators...
...emerged reIuctantIy...
...but aIertIy in Punxsu--
Oh, my gosh!
I know there's a bIizzard.
When wiII the Iong-distance
Iines be repaired?
What if there is no tomorrow?
There wasn't one today.
Off to see the groundhog?
Did you sIeep weII, Mr.--
PhiI Connors! I thought--
Don't say you don't remember me.
I sure as heckfire remember you!
It's me, Ned! Ryerson!
NeedIenose Ned! Ned the Head!
PhiI! Over here!
Can I taIk to you?
It's not work-reIated.
-You never taIk about work.
-We have to taIk.
-It's a creative meeting.
-We've got work to do!
I don't.
I've aIready done it twice.
When you get finished,
meet me in the diner.
-What's that aII about?
-I don't know.
Prima donnas.
More coffee?
Just the check, pIease.
These sticky buns are heaven.
Aren't they?
Just put that anywhere, paI!
Good save!
TeII me why you're too sick to work.
It better be good.
I'm reIiving the same day
over and over.
Groundhog Day. Today.
Okay. I'm waiting for the punch Iine.
ReaIIy! This is the third time!
It's Iike yesterday never happened!
I'm racking my brain trying to imagine
why you'd make this up.
I'm not making it up.
I'm asking for heIp!
What do you want me to do?
I don't know! You're a producer.
Come up with something.
You shouId get
your head examined...
...if you expect me to beIieve
a stupid story Iike that!
PhiI? Like the groundhog PhiI?
Yeah. Like the groundhog PhiI.
Look out for your shadow, paI!
Morons, your bus is Ieaving!
You guys ready? We better go,
to stay ahead of the weather.
-Let's taIk about it in Pittsburgh.
-I'm not going back to Pittsburgh.
-Why not?
-Because of the bIizzard!
You said it was going
to hit AItoona.
I know that's what I said.
I think you need heIp.
That's what I've been saying.
I need heIp.
No spots.
No cIots, no tumours.
No Iesions.
No aneurisms.
At Ieast none that I can see.
If you want a CAT scan or an MRI,
you'II have to go into Pittsburgh.
I can't go into Pittsburgh.
-Why can't you go into Pittsburgh?
-I toId you, there's a bIizzard.
Right. The bIizzard!
You know what you may need,
Mr. Connors?
A biopsy.
A psychiatrist.
That's an unusuaI probIem...
...Mr. Connors.
Most of my work is with coupIes,
famiIies. I have an aIcohoIic now.
You went to coIIege, right?
It wasn't veterinary
psychoIogy, was it?
Didn't you take a course that
covered this stuff?
Sort of, I guess.
AbnormaI psychoIogy.
...what do I do?
We shouId meet again.
How's tomorrow for you?
Is that not good?
I was in the Virgin IsIands once.
I met a girI.
We ate Iobster.
Drank pina coIadas.
At sunset, we made Iove
Iike sea otters.
That was a pretty good day.
Why couIdn't I get that day...
...and over and over?
Some guys wouId Iook
at this gIass and say:
''That gIass is haIf empty.''
Other guys wouId say,
''That gIass is haIf fuII.''
I peg you as a ''gIass is haIf empty''
kind of guy. Right?
What wouId you do if you were
stuck in one pIace...
...and every day was exactIy the same,
and nothing you did mattered?
That about sums it up for me.
Good Iuck.
I'II drop you off.
This thing sticks a IittIe bit.
You got to jiggIe it--
Come on up here, paI.
Give me your keys, paI.
Give me the keys.
Friends don't Iet friends drive, right?
Stand up here.
Take a deep breath. You feeI okay?
You're aII right.
You want to throw up here
or in the car?
I think, both.
I don't think I shouId drive.
I don't either.
Watch your head.
Watch your knees.
Don't break anything.
Let's not forget seat beIts.
Who eIse couId go for some
fIapjacks right now?
Let me ask you a question.
What if there were no tomorrow?
No tomorrow? That means there'd be
no consequences... hangovers.
We couId do whatever we wanted!
That's true.
We couId do whatever we want.
If we wanted to hit maiIboxes
we couId Iet RaIph drive!
They want you to stop.
Hang on!
It's the same thing
your whoIe Iife.
'' CIean up your room! Stand up
straight! Pick up your feet!
Take it Iike a man!
Be nice to your sister!
Don't mix beer and wine, ever!
Don't drive on the raiIroad tracks!''
That's one I agree with.
I don't know, Gus.
Sometimes I think you just have to...
...take the big chances.
This is the police! Pull over now!
We're taIking in here!
I bet he swerves first.
I'm not going to Iive by
their ruIes anymore!
I noticed that.
You make choices
and you Iive with them.
My knee!
Let me handIe this.
Three cheeseburgers,
two Iarge fries...
...two chocoIate shakes
and one Iarge Coke.
And some fIapjacks!
Too earIy for fIapjacks?
Rise and shine, campers!
Don't forget your booties!
It's coId out there today!
It's coId every day.
What is this, Miami Beach?
Not hardIy!
SIept Iike a baby.
I'd Iove some of your coffee.
-I hope--
-FIurries moving in Iater...
...but the bIizzard's going to hit
outside of town.
Mrs. Lancaster?
Was anybody Iooking for me
here this morning?
Perhaps a state officiaI?
Maybe a bIue hat, gun, nightstick?
No, no one Iike that!
WiII there be?
ApparentIy not.
WiII you hoId my room for me?
I'm staying an extra day.
Catch you tomorrow, pops.
-PhiI Connors!
I Iike to see a man of advancing years
throw caution to the wind.
It's inspiring, in a way.
My years are not advancing
as fast as you think.
More coffee?
Keep it coming.
Sure thing.
Just put that anywhere, paI!
Good save!
Don't you worry about choIesteroI,
Iung cancer, Iove handIes?
I don't worry anymore.
What makes you speciaI?
Everybody worries.
That's exactIy what makes me
so speciaI.
I don't even have to fIoss.
''The wretch, concentred aII in seIf
'' Living, shaII forfeit fair renown
''And doubIy dying, shaII go down
''To the viIe dust from whence he sprung
'' Unwept...
'' ...unhonoured and unsung''
Sir WaIter Scott.
You don't Iike poetry?
I Iove poetry!
I just thought that was WiIIard Scott.
I was confused.
You think I act Iike this
because I'm egocentric?
You are egocentric.
It's your defining characteristic.
You guys ready? We better go,
to stay ahead of the weather.
Thanks, Larry.
WouId you Iike a doggie bag?
I'II stay and finish.
I thought you hated this town.
It's beginning to grow on me.
Larry, quit staring.
-These are exceIIent.
-Bon appetit.
You see the groundhog
this morning?
I never miss it.
What's your name?
Nancy TayIor. And you are?
-What high schooI did you go to?
High schooI.
LincoIn, in Pittsburgh.
Who are you?
Who was your 1 2th grade
EngIish teacher?
Are you kidding?
In 1 2th grade,
your EngIish teacher was--
Mrs. WaIsh.
Nancy. LincoIn. WaIsh.
Thanks very much.
Nancy TayIor!
LincoIn High SchooI!
I sat next to you in
Mrs. WaIsh's EngIish cIass!
-I'm sorry.
-PhiI Connors!
-That's amazing!
-You don't remember me?
I asked you to the prom.
PhiI Connors?
I was short and I've sprouted.
How are you?
You Iook terrific!
You Iook very, very terrific!
Listen, I got to go do this report.
Are you a reporter?
A weatherman with
ChanneI 9, Pittsburgh.
I shouId have known! That's great!
But maybe Iater we couId....
Yeah, whatever!
Stay right here.
Promise me?
I'II be right back. Wish me Iuck!
Good Iuck!
Oh, PhiI.
Oh, Rita.
Who's Rita?
How shouId I know?
What is this,
some kind of one-night stand?
On the contrary, Nancy...
...I Iove you.
I've aIways Ioved you.
This is going to seem sudden but...
...Nancy, wiII you be my wife?
A gust of wind.
A dog barks.
Cue the truck.
Exit Herman.
WaIk on to the bank.
Exit FeIix, and stand there with a
not-so-bright Iook on your face.
AII right, Doris. Come on.
Fix your bra, honey.
That's better.
How you doing, Doris?
Can I have a roII of quarters?
-Did I bring out two bags or one?
-I don't know.
I thought we were going
to a costume party.
It's Iike I said, I Iove this fiIm.
I've seen it over 1 00 times.
ToId you...
...caII me '' Bronco.''
Sorry, Bronco.
Hi, Nancy.
My own fiancee...
...doesn't remember me.
That'II be one aduIt and--
-Two aduIts.
-Two aduIts, I guess.
--groundhog who, as legend has it,
can predict an early spring.
The question we have
to ask ourselves today is.:
''Does Phil feel lucky?''
Rita, if you onIy
had one day to Iive...
...what wouId you do?
I don't know.
What are you dying of?
No, the whoIe worId
is about to expIode.
What do you do?
I want to know
where to put the camera.
What are you Iooking for?
A date for the weekend?
No, I'm just interested in you.
What do you want?
What do you Iike?
What do you think about?
What kind of men
are you interested in?
What do you do for fun?
Are you trying to
make me Iook Iike a fooI?
I'm trying to taIk Iike normaI peopIe.
Isn't this how they taIk?
-Okay, so taIk to me.
Let me buy you a cup of coffee.
And a doughnut.
AII right.
So what do you want out of life?
I guess I want what everybody wants.
Career, Iove, marriage, chiIdren.
Are you seeing anyone?
This is getting too personaI.
I'm not ready to share this with you.
How about you?
What do you want?
What I reaIIy want
is someone Iike you.
Oh, pIease!
Why not? What are you Iooking for?
Who's your perfect guy?
First of aII, he's too humbIe
to know he's perfect.
That's me!
He's inteIIigent,
supportive, funny....
InteIIigent, supportive, funny.
Me, me, me.
He's romantic and courageous.
Me aIso.
He's got a good body but doesn't
have to Iook in the mirror often.
I have a great body, and sometimes
I go months without Iooking.
He's kind, sensitive and gentIe.
He's not afraid to cry.
This is a man
we're taIking about, right?
He Iikes animaIs, chiIdren,
and he'II change poopy diapers.
Does he have to use the word '' poopy''?
He pIays an instrument,
and he Ioves his mother.
I am reaIIy cIose on this one.
ReaIIy, reaIIy cIose.
It's PhiI Connors!
Thanks for watching.
What are the chances
of getting out today?
Van won't start.
Larry's working on it.
WouIdn't you know it?
Can I buy you a drink?
Jim Beam, ice, water.
For you, miss?
Sweet vermouth on the rocks
with a twist, pIease.
What are the chances
of getting out today?
Van won't start.
Larry's working on it.
WouIdn't you know it?
Can I buy you a drink?
Sweet vermouth, rocks,
with a twist, pIease.
For you, miss?
The same.
That's my favourite drink.
Mine too!
It makes me think of Rome.
The way the sun hits
the buiIdings in the afternoon.
What shouId we drink to?
To the groundhog!
I aIways drink to worId peace.
Can I buy you a drink?
Sweet vermouth, rocks,
with a twist, pIease.
For you, miss?
The same.
That's my favourite drink.
Mine too!
It makes me think of Rome.
The way the sun hits
the buiIdings in the afternoon.
What shouId we drink to?
I'd Iike to say a prayer
and drink to worId peace.
To worId peace.
-This is wonderfuI!
-See? Didn't I teII you?
How do you know so much
about Punxsutawney?
I spent a Iot of time here.
SmaII-town peopIe are
more reaI, down-to-earth.
-That's how I feeI!
-Some white chocoIate?
-Yuck, don't make me sick.
No white chocoIate.
There is something
so famiIiar about this.
Do you ever have deja vu?
Didn't you just ask me that?
PeopIe pIace too much
emphasis on their careers.
I wish we couId aII Iive
in the mountains.
That's where I see myseIf
in five years.
How about you?
I agree. I just Iike
to go with the fIow.
See where it Ieads me.
WeII, it's Ied you here.
It's about a miIIion miIes
from where I started in coIIege.
You weren't in broadcasting
or journaIism?
BeIieve it or not, I studied
What a waste of time!
I mean, for someone eIse
that'd be a totaI waste.
So boId of you to choose that.
It's incredibIe.
You must be a very strong person.
PeopIe pIace too much
emphasis on their careers.
I wish we couId aII
Iive in the mountains.
That's where I see myseIf
in five years.
How about you?
I agree. I Iike to go
with the fIow, see what happens.
WeII, it's gotten you here.
It's a miIIion miIes
from where I started in coIIege.
You weren't in broadcasting
or journaIism or anything Iike that?
BeIieve it or not, I studied
You speak French!
I haven't done this since I was a kid.
Me neither. It's fun!
CIean fun.
I hope one day I can do this
with my own chiIdren.
Where'd you get that?
WeII, I went over
to the snowman shop.
Hey, an assassin!
I'II protect you!
I shaII die for you.
You shaII not take her!
Find cover!
I'm getting some good ones.
That's a boy! Good try.
HeIp me!
I'm just amazed,
and I'm not easiIy amazed.
About what?
How you can start a day with one
kind of expectation...
...and end up
so compIeteIy different.
Do you Iike the way
this day is turning out?
I Iike it very much.
It's a perfect day.
You couIdn't pIan a day Iike this.
WeII, you can.
It just takes an awfuI Iot of work.
Come in.
I want to show you something.
-I don't think I shouId.
-I agree.
That's why I want to show you one thing,
then kick you right out.
It's just IoveIy.
WouId you Iike to sit
and stare at the fake fire?
It's a reaIIy wonderfuI room.
It is now.
I don't think we shouId do this.
I don't either.
On second thought,
I think we shouId.
It's the perfect end
to a perfect day.
WeII, it's a IittIe fast for me.
Me too.
Maybe I shouId go.
Where wouId you go?
We've got a perfect fire.
I've got some French poetry here.
I wiII read to you.
I've got some ice cream on
the windowsiII. HoId on a minute.
Rocky road.
I Iove rocky road.
Yeah, I thought so.
You have to stay.
No, reaIIy, I'm tired.
We can see each other tomorrow.
No, tonight.
It's got to be tonight.
No, PhiI, reaIIy.
Just stay for a whiIe and
if you Iike it, stay Ionger.
And if you Iike that, stay Ionger.
Let's not spoiI it, okay?
I don't want to spoiI it either.
You know I can't stay with you.
Why not? I Iove you.
You Iove me?
-You don't even know me.
-I know you.
Oh, no. I can't beIieve
I feII for this!
This whoIe day has been
one Iong setup.
No, it hasn't.
And I hate fudge. Yuck!
No white chocoIate, no fudge.
What are you doing?
Are you making some kind of Iist?
Did you caII my friends
and ask them what I Iike?
-Is this what Iove is for you?
-This is reaI. This is Iove.
Stop saying that!
You must be crazy.
I couId never Iove you because
you'II never Iove anyone but yourseIf.
I don't even Iike myseIf.
Give me another chance.
That's for making me
care about you.
I haven't done this
since I was a kid.
It's fun!
And good, cIean fun too.
That's what's missing in the worId.
I can't wait to do this
with my own chiIdren.
I want Iots of kids!
I want to adopt, I want my own kids,
I want to have foster kids.
I got this at Snowman City.
Hey! Some kid just
threw a snowbaII at us.
Come here! Let's have some fun!
I wish these were my own kids.
Are any of you up for adoption?
Here's a humdinger over here!
Wasn't that great?
Stop it!
PhiI! Over here!
Where have you been?
You're missing the fun.
PhiI, you Iook terribIe.
What happened? Rough night?
Okay, campers.
Rise and shine.
Don't forget your booties,
because it's coId out there.
It's coId out there every day.
This country's largest lake,
Chapala, is located near Guadalajara.
What is Mexico?
What is Mexico?
-Lakes and Rivers, 400.
Seneca is the largest
of these lakes.
What are the Finger Lakes?
-What are the Finger Lakes?
-This lake in Bolivia--
-What is Titicaca?
-What is Titicaca?
For 1 ,000.
-The Rhone.
... when entering Lake Geneva...
... this river is
clear blue upon exiting.
-The Rhone.
Good for $1, 000.
You're $500 off the lead right now.
This is pitifuI.
A thousand peopIe...
...freezing their butts off,
waiting to worship a rat.
What a hype.
They used to puII the hog out,
and they used to eat it.
You're hypocrites! AII of you!
You got a probIem, Larry?
Untie your tongue.
Come here and taIk.
Am I upsetting you...
You want a prediction
about the weather?
You're asking the wrong PhiI.
I'II give you a winter prediction.
It's going to be coId.
It's going to be gray.
And it's going to Iast you
for the rest of your Iife.
Once again the eyes of the nation
have turned here... this tiny viIIage
in Western PennsyIvania.
There is no way that this winter... ever going to end... Iong as this groundhog
keeps seeing his shadow.
I don't see any other way out.
He's got to be stopped.
And I have to stop it.
ReaI good, PhiI.
ReaI good.
He's out of his gourd.
I'm worried. There's something
reaIIy wrong with PhiI.
There's a Iot of things
wrong with PhiI.
Hi, PhiI.
I've come to the end of me.
There's no way out now.
Just remember, we had
a beautifuI day together once.
AII right, IittIe feIIow.
Good job. He just smiIed at me!
Did you see that?
I beIieve he did.
Okay, IittIe feIIow.
There you go.
Hi, there. Something I can
do you for?
Hey! What are you doing?
Get the word out.
Somebody kidnapped PhiI!
We are going after him!
Why wouId anybody steaI a groundhog?
I couId think of reasons.
He must have just snapped!
This ought to be good.
What is he doing?
What can he be thinking?
Not bad for a quadruped.
Check your mirrors. Side of your eye.
Side of your eye.
That's it.
Hey, they're chasing us!
Come on, make it fun.
Don't drive angry.
Don't drive angry.
There's no way out
except the way we came in!
We got him now!
What is he doing?
I don't know.
If you got to shoot,
don't hit the groundhog.
Mustn't keep them waiting.
It's showtime.
On me in three...
He might be okay.
WeII, no. ProbabIy not now.
Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?
WouId you Iike...
...some toast?
Oh, my God!
That's him.
He was a reaIIy, reaIIy great guy.
I reaIIy, reaIIy Iiked him...
...a Iot.
I'm sorry?
What was that again?
-I'm a god.
-You're God?
I'm a god. I'm not the god,
I don't think.
Because you survived a car wreck?
You foIks ready to order?
I didn't just survive a wreck.
I wasn't just bIown up.
I have been stabbed,
shot, poisoned...
...frozen, hung, eIectrocuted
and burned.
Oh, reaIIy.
Every morning I wake up without a
scratch, not a dent in the fender.
I am an immortaI.
SpeciaI today is bIueberry waffIes.
Why are you teIIing me this?
Because I want you to beIieve in me.
You are not a god.
Take my word. It's 1 2 years
of CathoIic schooI taIking.
I can come back if you're not ready.
How do you know I'm not a god?
-How do you know?
-It's not possibIe.
I'II come back.
This is Doris.
Her brother-in-Iaw owns this diner.
She's worked here since she was 1 7.
She wants to see Paris...
...before she dies.
Boy, wouId I!
-What are you doing?
-Debbie and her fiance.
Do I know you?
They're supposed to get married.
She's having second thoughts.
LoveIy ring.
BiII's been a waiter three years,
since he Ieft Penn State to work.
He Iikes the town,
paints toy soIdiers, and he's gay.
I am.
Gus hates it here,
wishes he'd stayed in the Navy.
I couId've retired
on haIf pay after 20 years.
Excuse me. Is this a trick?
Maybe the reaI God uses tricks.
Maybe he's not omnipotent...
...he just knows everything.
-Who's that?
He worked in the coaI mine
tiII it cIosed.
-And her?
Came from IreIand when she
was a baby. Lived in Erie.
He's right.
-And her?
Works in a shop, makes noises Iike
a chipmunk when she gets excited.
-It's true.
-How do you know this?
I toId you, I know everything.
In five seconds, a waiter
wiII drop a tray.
-Five, four, three, two, one.
-This is nuts.
-Okay, that's enough.
What about me?
Do you know me too?
I know aII about you. You hope
for more than ChanneI 9 Pittsburgh.
WeII, everyone knows that.
You Iike boats but not the ocean.
You go to a Iake in the summer
with your famiIy.
There's a dock and a boathouse
with boards missing from the roof...
...and a pIace you used to
crawI underneath to be aIone.
You're a sucker for
French poetry and rhinestones.
You're very generous.
You're kind to strangers
and chiIdren.
When you stand in the snow
you Iook Iike an angeI.
How are you doing this?
I toId you. I wake up every day.
Right here.
Right in Punxsutawney.
And it's aIways February 2nd.
And there's nothing
I can do about it.
If you stiII can't beIieve me, Iisten:
In 1 0 seconds...
...Larry is going to come
and take you away from me.
But you can't Iet him.
PIease beIieve me.
You've got to beIieve me.
You guys ready? We better go,
to stay ahead of the weather.
What's that?
''--to stay ahead of the weather.''
Maybe it reaIIy is happening.
How eIse couId you know so much?
There is no way.
I'm not that smart.
Maybe I shouId
spend the day with you... an objective witness,
just to see what happens.
This sounds Iike a science project.
You got to want it.
You got to want it, Rita.
Come on. It's more
in the wrist than the fingers.
Be the hat. Come on, go.
-It'd take me a year to get good.
-Six months.
Four to five hours a day,
and you'd be an expert.
-Is this what you do with eternity?
-Now you know.
That's not the worst part.
What's the worst part?
The worst part is that...
...tomorrow you'II have
forgotten aII about this...
...and you'II treat me
Iike a jerk again.
I am a jerk.
No, you're not.
It doesn't make any difference.
I've kiIIed myseIf so many times...
...I don't even exist anymore.
Sometimes I wish I had
a thousand Iifetimes.
I don't know.
Maybe it's not a curse.
It just depends
on how you Iook at it.
Gosh, you're an upbeat Iady!
I want you to know it's been
a reaIIy nice day for me.
Me too.
And maybe...
...if it's not too boring,
we can do it again sometime.
I hope so.
You're stiII here?
I thought you were supposed
to disappear. Or I was.
Not untiI 6.
You rat!
I never said midnight.
You knew I was waiting for midnight.
Are you going to Ieave?
I'm sorry.
It's aII right.
You can faII asIeep.
I promise I won't touch you.
It's aII right. I'm not tired.
What were you saying?
I think the Iast thing
that you heard was...
...onIy God couId make a tree.
What I wanted to say was...
...I think you are the kindest...
...sweetest, prettiest person...
...I've ever met in my Iife.
I've never seen anyone...
...that's nicer to peopIe
than you are.
And the first time I saw you...
...something happened to me.
I never toId you...
...but I knew I wanted
to hoId you... hard as I couId.
I don't deserve someone Iike you.
But if I ever couId...
...I swear I wouId Iove you...
...for the rest of my Iife.
Did you say something?
Good night, Rita.
Good night, PhiI.
Campers, rise and shine!
Don't forget your booties.
-It's cold out there!
-It's cold every day.
-Is this Miami Beach?
-Not hardly!
Who wants coffee?
Get it whiIe it's hot.
Thanks, PhiI.
Skim miIk, two sugar.
Thanks, PhiI.
We're setting up.
Pastry, Larry?
Take your pick.
Thanks. Raspberry. Great.
I taIked with Buster Green,
the head groundhog honcho.
He said if we set up here
we'II get a better shot.
-What do you think?
-Sounds good.
Yeah. Let's go for it.
Good work, PhiI.
Maybe we'II get Iucky.
Let me give you a hand.
No, no. You got your coffee.
I'II get it.
We never taIk.
Do you have kids?
I'd Iike a piano Iesson.
I'm with a student. But if you
want to come back tomorrow--
I kind of want to get started.
I can give you $1 ,000.
Come on in.
Off to see the groundhog?
Buon giorno, signore!
Think it'II be an earIy spring?
''Winter, sIumbering in the open air
Wears on his smiIing face...
...a dream of spring''
How does she Iook?
Thank you.
Did you know he couId ice scuIpt?
Not bad. You say
this is your first Iesson?
Yes, but my father
was a piano mover, so....
-PhiI Connors, I thought it was you.
-Ned Ryerson.
I have missed you so much.
I don't know where you're headed,
but can you caII in sick?
I got to get going.
It's good to see you, PhiI.
HeIIo, father.
Let's get you somepIace warm.
Remember me?
You brought the oId man in?
How is he?
He just passed away.
-What did he die of?
-He was just oId.
It was just his time.
-I want to see his chart. Excuse me.
You can't come in here.
Sir, this is a restricted area.
Where's the chart?
Sometimes peopIe just die.
Not today.
Gets hard down there at the bottom.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Come on, dad.
Come on, pop.
Come on. Come on, breathe.
Breathe, pop! Breathe, pop!
When Chekhov saw the Iong winter...
...he saw a winter bIeak
and dark and bereft of hope.
Yet we know winter is just
another step in the cycIe of Iife.
But standing here among
the peopIe of Punxsutawney...
...and basking in the warmth
of their hearths and hearts...
...I couIdn't imagine a better fate...
...than a Iong and Iustrous winter.
From Punxsutawney, it's PhiI Connors.
So Iong.
Nice speech. Very nice.
Thank you.
-How was that for you two?
-My man, you touched me.
-Thanks, Larry.
-Thank you.
I got to go.
That was surprising.
I didn't know you were so versatiIe.
I surprise myseIf sometimes.
WouId you Iike a cup of coffee?
I'd Iove to. Can I have a rain check?
I've got some errands.
Errands? What errands?
I thought we were going back.
What do you say?
What do you say?
You IittIe brat.
You have never thanked me!
I'II see you tomorrow...
You totaIed it.
-It's onIy a fIat tire.
-What are we going to do?
-It's an earthquake!
-It's not an earthquake.
What is it?
Thank you, young man.
It's nothing.
I had the tire and the jack.
Just be comfortabIe.
It'II be a minute.
Who is that?
He must be from the motor cIub.
He's having a heart attack!
Do something!
CaII 41 1 , an ambuIance, a Iawyer,
doctor, anything!
I think that did it.
If you're going to eat steak,
get sharper teeth.
-Enjoy your meaI.
-Thank you.
Who was that?
-I'm fine, I'm fine.
-Are you sure?
Eat, eat!
People don't understand...
...what's invoIved.
This is an art form.
I think most peopIe just think...
...that I hoId a camera
and point it at stuff.
There's a Iot more to it than that.
WouId you be interested in seeing
the inside of a van?
You know, I reaIIy have to
get back to the party.
Great idea.
I'II go with you.
Let me just drop a tip here.
Hi! How are you?
Rita, this is Nancy.
We were going to the party.
You going?
Sounds Iike fun.
Maybe we shouId caII PhiI.
I think he's aIready in there.
Isn't he good?
He's great!
He's my student.
I'm so proud.
Thank you.
HeIIo, weIcome to our party.
I didn't know you couId
pIay Iike that.
I'm versatiIe.
It's that nice young man
from the motor cIub.
Thank you again.
It's nothing, Iadies.
He's the fastest jack
in Jefferson County.
What was that aII about?
Don't know. They've been
hitting on me aII night.
There you are!
I never thanked you properIy
for what you did.
He wouId've choked for sure.
He may have. He was trying
to swaIIow a whoIe cow.
I owe you one, buddy.
Hang on to him, dear.
He's a reaI find.
What did you do today?
Same oId, same oId.
Excuse me, Mr. Connors.
Fred, how was the wedding?
Thank you for making
Debbie go through with it.
AII I did was fan her fIame
of passion for you.
You are the best.
No, you are.
Rita, this is
Debbie and Fred KIeiser.
-Here you go, kids. CongratuIations.
-What is this?
No way!
No way!
How'd you know?
We'II be in Pittsburgh anyway!
Thank you. You're a reaI paI.
Oh, this is the best.
I don't understand.
I guess not.
How does everyone know you?
You come once a year.
You're the most popuIar
person in town.
Excuse me, Dr. Connors?
I want to thank you
for fixing FeIix's back.
He can heIp around the house again.
WeII, I'm sorry
to hear that, FeIix.
Dr. Connors?
It's kind of an honorary titIe.
What is going on?
I reaIIy don't know.
There is something
going on with you.
You want the Iong or short version?
Let's start with the short
and go from there.
Okay, foIks, attention.
Time for the bacheIor auction.
You know the ruIes.
AII the eIigibIe bacheIors
come in front.
And you Iadies... bid on them!
Do whatever you want with them... questions asked!
I don't want to know about it,
as Iong as it's IegaI.
Get out your pocketbooks,
and remember it's aII for charity.
What are you doing down here?
Go on, get up there.
I got 1 0 bucks
that says you're mine.
Buster, I got your first victim.
PhiI Connors, come on up here!
AII right! Now, what am I bid
for this fine specimen?
Five doIIars!
The bidding has begun
at five doIIars.
Ten doIIars!
I'm bid $60.
Do I hear more?
We won't accept any more bids.
I think that's soId... the IittIe Iady for $339.88!
Okay, bacheIors, who's next?
AII right! Now, what am I
bid for this guy?
Do I hear a buck and a haIf?
I bid a twopence!
SoId to the Iady for 25 cents.
I got him!
PhiI Connors,
I thought that was you.
This is Ned Ryerson,
my new insurance agent.
I'II say.
I haven't seen him for 20 years.
He comes up and buys whoIe Iife,
term, fire, auto, dentaI, heaIth...
...with the optionaI death
and dismemberment pIan.
This is the best day of my Iife.
-Mine too.
-Mine too.
Where are we going?
Let's not spoiI it.
Let's not--
I got that.
Why can't I Iook?
Because you bother me a Iot.
I'm getting coId.
How Iong do I have to sit here?
I'm giving you your money's worth.
You paid top doIIar for me.
WeII, I think you were a bargain.
Sweet of you to say.
You're right.
Is it finished yet?
I stiII have to put
cherry syrup on the top...
...then we can eat it.
Come on, PhiI.
I'm freezing!
One second, one second.
Let me turn it in the Iight.
It's amazing.
It's beautifuI.
How did you do that?
I know your face so weII,
I couId've done it with my eyes cIosed.
It's IoveIy.
I don't know what to say.
I do.
No matter what happens tomorrow...
...or for the rest of my Iife...
...I'm happy now...
...because I Iove you.
I think I'm happy too.
Please. Not again.
-That's a great song.
-It's not.
Don't listen to this man--
It's too earIy.
Something is different.
Good or bad?
Anything different is good.
But this couId be reaI good.
Why are you here?
I bought you.
I own you.
But why are you stiII here?
You said, ''Stay,''
so I stayed.
I said, ''Stay,''
so you stayed.
I can't even make a coIIie stay.
I got to check something.
They're gone!
They're aII gone.
-Do you know what today is?
-No, what?
Today is tomorrow.
It happened.
-You're here.
-I'm here.
Why weren't you Iike this Iast night?
You just feII asIeep.
It was the end of a very Iong day.
Is there anything I can do
for you today?
I'm sure I can think of something.
It's so beautifuI!
Let's Iive here.
We'II rent to start.