Grudge 2, The (2006) Movie Script
You're gonna burn them.
You gonna go shopping for
three hours again today?
Leave your cellphone off?
You think I don't know what you're doing?
You think I'm stupid?
And yet you can't make
me a simple... damn breakfast.
Vanessa! Miyuki! Wait up!
Sorry. I dropped my phone.
God, Allison, you're such a klutz.
I saw you in the cafeteria today.
Do you always eat alone?
Um, well, I had to, uh...
She's only been in Tokyo for like,
three weeks or something.
No, actually, I've been at
your school for six months.
Oh, you have? Huh.
Well, no wonder you wear
your uniform like that.
Like what?
Roll it up. You'd look cooler.
No, no.
That's better.
You should show off your legs more.
They're not bad.
You know, you should eat
with us sometime.
Really? Oh, that'd be great!
Let us check our calendar
and get back to you.
So, where are we going, anyway?
What is this place?
Come on, Allison.
This is it.
Can you feel it?
What do you mean?
They say this is one of
the most haunted houses...
in all of Japan.
Yeah. And that anyone who
goes inside gets the curse.
Come on.
Come on.
This is where the girl from
the International College...
killed her boyfriend two years ago.
She was the one who started
the fire that killed him.
Maybe they came here to,
you know...
Well, maybe you should bring
Michael down here,
since you two are so adventurous.
Come on, let's go upstairs.
It's in there.
The way up to the attic.
Where she lives.
What are you talking about?
The woman who was murdered here.
He killed her.
He snapped her neck and
drowned their son in the tub.
He was so sick
he even killed the kid's cat...
before he hung himself.
But before he offed himself,
he wrapped up his wife's body
in plastic...
and stuffed her in the attic.
No way! I'm not going in there.
You don't have to go up, just inside.
If you close your eyes
and count to ten...
when you open them again
you'll see her.
All the other girls have
been too afraid to try.
Only me and Miyuki
have been able to do it so far.
One, two, three...
You have to go further in.
You have to close your eyes
before you start counting.
One, two, three, four...
Hey! C'mon, you guys,
open the door!
- Sorry, Allison.
- Open the door. Please!
Wait, wait, I gotta take a picture.
C'mon, you guys! This isn't funny!
I can't open it!
Okay, scaredy-cat.
Come on out.
Please! Please!
You guys! Please!
Let me out! Please open the door!
I can't open it.
Okay, Allison. Very funny.
We're not holding the door.
You should be able to open it.
Please! Please!
Hi, Mom. How are you feeling?
What took you so long?
What's going on?
Your sister's in the hospital.
There's been an accident.
What, in Tokyo?
What kind of accident? Is she? Is she...
There was a fire.
They think she started it.
And Doug's, Doug is dead.
Oh, no.
I booked a flight.
It leaves early tomorrow morning.
No... No, Mom, you can't fly.
You're too sick.
I'm not going.
You are.
I... I can't.
You see, you see, that's the difference
between you and Karen.
She knows how to face life.
I don't care that you girls
aren't speaking. She's your sister.
Believe me, I wish there was
someone else, but there isn't.
Bring her back.
Do you speak English?
Uh, Im, Im looking for my sister,
Karen Davis.
- Bring someone who can speak English.
- OK.
Just wait
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
I think this is
Karen Davis' sister.
- Follow me.
- OK, thanks.
- I'll do it.
- OK, thanks.
She's here. They'll take you to her.
- Thank you.
- Come here
This way.
She might be Karen's sister.
You're here.
You're really here.
Thank god, you're here.
What did you do?
You need to help me.
You need to get me out of here now!
Okay, whoa, slow down.
Just stop for a second.
Tell me what happened.
Did you start that fire?
Aubrey, you have to get me out of here.
Karen, okay, You're scaring me. Stop.
Please, listen to me.
I'm the only person that can stop her.
- Who? Stop who?
- I have to go back there! I have to!
Please. It's my only chance.
Karen, I'm sorry.
- Take her outside.
- OK.
don't go in that house.
Is she okay?
I don't really know.
Look, I really need to talk to her.
Are you a friend of hers or something?
No. I don't know her.
I'm a journalist. My name's Eason.
I don't think she can
talk to you right now.
The doctors told me
they're going to sedate her.
She can't have any
visitors until tomorrow.
Open it.
Don't go there!
Excuse me. I just want to
talk to you about...
Wait! I just wanna talk to you about
your sister and the house that she?
- Alright.
- I can carry something else.
- Yeah? One more?
- Sure. No problem.
You sure? Alright.
- Can you carry this one?
- No.
- I could, actually, if you wanted me to.
- And you could. I know you could.
- Thanks, sweetie.
- There you go.
Alright. The kids are upstairs.
- I'm nervous.
- I know. It's going to be great.
- Yeah?
- Gonna be great. I swear.
C'mon, Jake.
- Welcome to your new home.
- Hey.
Okay, well, That's everything.
Why don't you help me take this
stuff back to the bedroom, okay?
Okay. Sally's coming to help
and I promised her pizza.
Pizza! Pizza Alright.
Jake, come here, please.
I want you to get some of
this stuff out of the closet, all right?
Put it under your bed.
Make some room for Trish's coats. All right?
Here you go.
Take this, and this,
and how about this?
There you go. Very good.
Go, go... Thank you.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm just not sure that he is.
He's gonna be okay.
Just give him time.
- Trish, this is Sally.
- Hi, Trish.
- Thanks for helping.
- No sweat.
I hope you're hungry.
I'm gonna be ordering from Tufano's.
Tell them to send Billy.
He's totally hot.
- Nice meeting you.
- Yeah, nice meeting you.
I'm really glad you're
finally moving in.
Now it'll be easier for me
to borrow your clothes.
Could you knock first?
Oh. Sorry.
Um, I'm sorry about the closet.
I know this must be really hard
for you, Jake.
I mean, it's a really big change.
And I just,
I just want you to know that
if you ever want to talk about anything
I would really like that.
I'm not going to call you 'Mom.' Okay?
Because I don't really want you to.
'Trish' works just fine for me. Deal?
Hi, Mr. Fleming.
You can see how the shape of these
characters reflect their meanings.
This is the character 'ki.'
In English, it's 'tree.'
If you add another tree to it,
it becomes 'hayashi.'
In English it means 'woods.'
If you add another ki to it,
it becomes 'forest.'
Does anybody know how
to read this two Kanzi?
Now what does this look like?
Okay, I'll give you a clue.
Now, even with my awful righting,
I'm not a drawer.
But, as you can see, that it's a gate.
And, it's structured by two doors.
And the interesting thing...
Hey, Allison.
Are you feeling okay, sweetie?
Because I've been
really worried about you.
I heard you went to see
the school shrink this morning.
Poor thing.
I'm sorry.
- You're late.
- I know. I had to close up.
Let's go.
Pick anyone you like.
Let's go with this one.
Welcome, this is 8,900 Yen.
- I like it.
- Good.
Get comfortable. I'll be back.
Stop, Michael!
It tickles.
Let's begin with the first
incident three years ago.
Your colleagues were the primary
investigators on that case?
That is correct.
It's my understanding that
these colleagues have since disappeared.
They have.
A mother and the child were
killed in that house.
The husband murdered them.
I have questions about?
The incident happened as
reported in the local papers.
Recently an American
family died in that house...
also under suspicious circumstances.
I cannot get into those details.
So, two incidents?
Two families died in one house?
So, two incidents?
Two families died in one house.
I cannot get into those details.
So, two incidents?
Two families died in one house.
The cops said you were the one
that pulled my sister out of the fire.
I'm sorry about your sister.
I know why your sister did what she did.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Karen found all this stuff online.
Terrible things happened in that house.
I've been covering this story since
I moved to Tokyo three years ago.
Karen would've never done this.
It doesn't make any sense.
Ever since your sister
went inside that house...
she felt like
someone was there with her...
something watching her...
threatening her.
How do you know that?
Ever since I've been in the house
I've been experiencing the same things.
Your sister burned down
that house because...
she thought it would stop.
But the fire changed something.
I think it's getting worse.
Where are you going?
I was hoping you could tell me
something I don't already know.
But you can't.
I'm not even sure what I'm looking for anyways.
I've got no choice
but to go back to the house.
Well, I'll go with you.
- I don't want you to go.
- I'm going with you.
I am not leaving here until
I find out why my sister is dead.
So what's it gonna be,
PB & J or chicken salad?
Last night... did you hear it?
Okay, PB & J it is
Lacey, didn't you hear it?
There were sounds.
From next door.
What could you hear?
I heard the Flemings coming home.
They looked really... weird.
Weird? How?
Well, yesterday I...
I'm sorry, you guys.
Why didn't you get me up?
Good morning.
Tonight's final cut.
I'm pretty sure I'll make it.
You're totally gonna make it.
- Are you nervous?
- Not really.
- You should've tried out.
- Oh, please.
C'mon, hurry up!
Hello? Hey, Nate.
No, he never said that to me.
I don't know, maybe he left a message
on the cell, I'm not sure.
See, he wouldn't say that to me.
He would just say that to you.
Because he likes you, that's why.
You don't have to be coy.
I know, It's important to be professional
but you have to have a life.
Who are you talking to?
It's just Nate.
Are you okay?
I forgot my keys.
I'll go check the bedroom.
Come in.
Vanessa, please have a seat.
Allison has been telling me an
interesting story that I'd like you to verify.
A story about what?
About a visit you made with her
and Miyuki Nazawa to a certain house.
I'm sorry, Miss Dale,
but I don't know what she told you.
Please, Vanessa,
no one is in trouble here.
I just need to find out exactly
what happened in that house.
Miyuki is missing.
We just got the call.
Apparently she never came home
last night.
She said she was going to be
with her boyfriend, Michael.
Yes, we've spoken with him.
He said she disappeared.
Now you can understand, Vanessa,
how important it is that we hear the truth.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you take me to that place?
You wanted to come.
What did I ever do to you?
Allison, wait!
Wait here.
Miyuki... is that you?
- Wait here.
- No, I... want...
Please. Just stay here.
please don't go in that house.
Aubrey! What are you doing in here?
Something pulled me in.
- I told you to stay outside.
- I didn't know...
We have to go. Now.
Kayako kept this journal her whole life.
She was only eight
when she wrote this part.
I don't understand it,
but it looks creepy as hell.
It's not creepy. It's sad.
Apparently, her mother was an Itako.
Itako? What is that?
It's a kind of channeler.
People believe they can talk with
deceased loved ones through them.
But... I don't understand this part.
I have a friend. He's really into folklore.
I think he can help us.
This is not Itako.
This person who is written in diary
did channeler, but...
I can't say
this is channeler exactly.
I mean, something...
He says what Kayako wrote was about
the rituals her mother performed...
and how they were somewhat abnormal.
I can't explain it in English.
It must be named Exorcist.
There's no real word to
describe it in English, but...
the closest thing would be 'exorcist'.
She did this to her daughter.
Take demon away from
people's mind or body.
- What is it?
- She let daughter eat
- Eason?
- Demon everyday.
I've never heard about it.
It... it sounds like her mother
was able to cure people
through extracting evil spirits...
out of their bodies...
and feeding them to her daughter.
First thing tomorrow
morning we have to go see her.
See who?
Kayako's mother.
I've tried everything.
I even went back to the house. I...
if she can really take evil spirits
out of people, maybe she can help us.
I don't know what to believe any more.
We don't have a choice.
It's our only hope.
This is the research
I was doing for the story.
I've got her childhood address...
right here.
It's a small village.
The train will only take us halfway.
We'll have to switch to a bus.
Last time I saw Karen,
we got into this huge fight.
It was really stupid.
She took me out to lunch and she
dropped this college application on me...
and I... I was just...
I was so pissed.
I thought she was trying to be
just like my mother.
I screamed at her to stop trying
to change my life and leave me alone.
She did.
We never spoke again until last night.
I always, I always blamed Karen for
my mother's indifference towards me.
But I know that wasn't true,
and I really...
I really regret...
Well, you know, it's strange.
Back in Hong Kong, my brother lived
a few blocks away from me for four years.
We never even tried to see each other.
I'll make some tea.
Yeah, thanks.
Eason? Are you in here?
Eason... Eason!
Jeez, you sick or something?
So... what do you think?
Sally, are you okay?
No, it's okay.
I'll be right there.
I have to go.
Jake. What are you doing in here?
I... I was scared.
What were you scared of?
And Dad.
They were fighting, Lacey.
Where are they?
I... I don't know...
But I wish Mom was here.
Mr. Fleming?
What's wrong, Jake?
I went next door and I...
- You went where?
- Next door.
I saw something in the window... eyes.
It's all right, Jake. It's okay.
Something is really wrong, Lacey.
Tomorrow I promise
I'll go there with you. Okay?
Just try and get some sleep now.
You got home late last night.
Where were you?
Come in.
Allison, are you all right?
Maybe we should go see the nurse.
I want to go home.
Take a breath.
Tell me what's going on.
You can talk to me.
It was that house.
There was something there
when I was there.
I just want to go home.
Allison, Listen...
I've been to that house with the police.
There's nothing there.
It's just an abandoned house.
You... went there?
Yes, I did.
She's going to come for you.
She got Miyuki and Vanessa...
and now she's after me.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- What?
- They are right here.
I need to speak to you about
your daughter Kayako.
I saw the journal.
I know you can get rid of evil spirits.
She is dead.
You did this.
You made her what she was.
Now, I need you to help me
help me end this.
People came looking for me.
Full of pain and suffering...
I took the dark spirits from them.
And so did my daughter.
You poisoned her.
Look what she has become.
I did not create this evil.
Kayako was killed by her
husband because she was foolish.
That is where the curse started.
I did not make her what she is now.
My sister tried to burn down
the house where Kayako was killed.
She thought if she burned down
the house that it would stop?
This is not about a house.
You are just making things worse.
This is rage.
She wants us to suffer the way
she has suffered.
- No. We have to make it stop.
- No, it will not stop.
It will grow
and destroy everything it touches.
It will spread beyond the house.
There can be no end to what has started.
You brought her here.
Are you okay?
Something bad.
Something bad lives there.
That is what's making
everything else bad here.
Come on, Jake.
Let's go.
Just wait here.
Dad? Trish?
Hi, Mom, it's me.
I've been waiting for you.
Where have you been?
How is Karen?
She's gone, mom.
- I'm sorry.
- She's gone?
I know how much you loved her. I...
I know she was everything to you.
Why have you done this? You were...
You were supposed to bring her back!
You could never do anything
on your own.
I love you so much...
but you can't talk to me
like this anymore.
This has to end.
- Aubrey!
- I love you, Mom. Goodbye.
My sister is dead.
You killed her...
just like you killed the others.
You won't stop. Why?
What do you want?
Wait... Karen!
Karen, no!
Lacey! Lacey!
Lacey! Lacey!
No. No
- No!
- Jake.
It's time for your bath.
They say this is one of the most
haunted houses...
in all of Japan.
And that anyone who goes
inside gets the curse.
All the other girls
have been too afraid to try.
Only me and Miyuki
have been able to do it so far.
Help me!
Please, you have to help me!
He killed her.
He snapped her neck.
If you close your eyes
and count to ten...
when you open them again,
you'll see her.
It's all your fault!
What did you do?
What did you bring here?
It followed me here.
They followed me here.
Translated By Freakracer03
You gonna go shopping for
three hours again today?
Leave your cellphone off?
You think I don't know what you're doing?
You think I'm stupid?
And yet you can't make
me a simple... damn breakfast.
Vanessa! Miyuki! Wait up!
Sorry. I dropped my phone.
God, Allison, you're such a klutz.
I saw you in the cafeteria today.
Do you always eat alone?
Um, well, I had to, uh...
She's only been in Tokyo for like,
three weeks or something.
No, actually, I've been at
your school for six months.
Oh, you have? Huh.
Well, no wonder you wear
your uniform like that.
Like what?
Roll it up. You'd look cooler.
No, no.
That's better.
You should show off your legs more.
They're not bad.
You know, you should eat
with us sometime.
Really? Oh, that'd be great!
Let us check our calendar
and get back to you.
So, where are we going, anyway?
What is this place?
Come on, Allison.
This is it.
Can you feel it?
What do you mean?
They say this is one of
the most haunted houses...
in all of Japan.
Yeah. And that anyone who
goes inside gets the curse.
Come on.
Come on.
This is where the girl from
the International College...
killed her boyfriend two years ago.
She was the one who started
the fire that killed him.
Maybe they came here to,
you know...
Well, maybe you should bring
Michael down here,
since you two are so adventurous.
Come on, let's go upstairs.
It's in there.
The way up to the attic.
Where she lives.
What are you talking about?
The woman who was murdered here.
He killed her.
He snapped her neck and
drowned their son in the tub.
He was so sick
he even killed the kid's cat...
before he hung himself.
But before he offed himself,
he wrapped up his wife's body
in plastic...
and stuffed her in the attic.
No way! I'm not going in there.
You don't have to go up, just inside.
If you close your eyes
and count to ten...
when you open them again
you'll see her.
All the other girls have
been too afraid to try.
Only me and Miyuki
have been able to do it so far.
One, two, three...
You have to go further in.
You have to close your eyes
before you start counting.
One, two, three, four...
Hey! C'mon, you guys,
open the door!
- Sorry, Allison.
- Open the door. Please!
Wait, wait, I gotta take a picture.
C'mon, you guys! This isn't funny!
I can't open it!
Okay, scaredy-cat.
Come on out.
Please! Please!
You guys! Please!
Let me out! Please open the door!
I can't open it.
Okay, Allison. Very funny.
We're not holding the door.
You should be able to open it.
Please! Please!
Hi, Mom. How are you feeling?
What took you so long?
What's going on?
Your sister's in the hospital.
There's been an accident.
What, in Tokyo?
What kind of accident? Is she? Is she...
There was a fire.
They think she started it.
And Doug's, Doug is dead.
Oh, no.
I booked a flight.
It leaves early tomorrow morning.
No... No, Mom, you can't fly.
You're too sick.
I'm not going.
You are.
I... I can't.
You see, you see, that's the difference
between you and Karen.
She knows how to face life.
I don't care that you girls
aren't speaking. She's your sister.
Believe me, I wish there was
someone else, but there isn't.
Bring her back.
Do you speak English?
Uh, Im, Im looking for my sister,
Karen Davis.
- Bring someone who can speak English.
- OK.
Just wait
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
I think this is
Karen Davis' sister.
- Follow me.
- OK, thanks.
- I'll do it.
- OK, thanks.
She's here. They'll take you to her.
- Thank you.
- Come here
This way.
She might be Karen's sister.
You're here.
You're really here.
Thank god, you're here.
What did you do?
You need to help me.
You need to get me out of here now!
Okay, whoa, slow down.
Just stop for a second.
Tell me what happened.
Did you start that fire?
Aubrey, you have to get me out of here.
Karen, okay, You're scaring me. Stop.
Please, listen to me.
I'm the only person that can stop her.
- Who? Stop who?
- I have to go back there! I have to!
Please. It's my only chance.
Karen, I'm sorry.
- Take her outside.
- OK.
don't go in that house.
Is she okay?
I don't really know.
Look, I really need to talk to her.
Are you a friend of hers or something?
No. I don't know her.
I'm a journalist. My name's Eason.
I don't think she can
talk to you right now.
The doctors told me
they're going to sedate her.
She can't have any
visitors until tomorrow.
Open it.
Don't go there!
Excuse me. I just want to
talk to you about...
Wait! I just wanna talk to you about
your sister and the house that she?
- Alright.
- I can carry something else.
- Yeah? One more?
- Sure. No problem.
You sure? Alright.
- Can you carry this one?
- No.
- I could, actually, if you wanted me to.
- And you could. I know you could.
- Thanks, sweetie.
- There you go.
Alright. The kids are upstairs.
- I'm nervous.
- I know. It's going to be great.
- Yeah?
- Gonna be great. I swear.
C'mon, Jake.
- Welcome to your new home.
- Hey.
Okay, well, That's everything.
Why don't you help me take this
stuff back to the bedroom, okay?
Okay. Sally's coming to help
and I promised her pizza.
Pizza! Pizza Alright.
Jake, come here, please.
I want you to get some of
this stuff out of the closet, all right?
Put it under your bed.
Make some room for Trish's coats. All right?
Here you go.
Take this, and this,
and how about this?
There you go. Very good.
Go, go... Thank you.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm just not sure that he is.
He's gonna be okay.
Just give him time.
- Trish, this is Sally.
- Hi, Trish.
- Thanks for helping.
- No sweat.
I hope you're hungry.
I'm gonna be ordering from Tufano's.
Tell them to send Billy.
He's totally hot.
- Nice meeting you.
- Yeah, nice meeting you.
I'm really glad you're
finally moving in.
Now it'll be easier for me
to borrow your clothes.
Could you knock first?
Oh. Sorry.
Um, I'm sorry about the closet.
I know this must be really hard
for you, Jake.
I mean, it's a really big change.
And I just,
I just want you to know that
if you ever want to talk about anything
I would really like that.
I'm not going to call you 'Mom.' Okay?
Because I don't really want you to.
'Trish' works just fine for me. Deal?
Hi, Mr. Fleming.
You can see how the shape of these
characters reflect their meanings.
This is the character 'ki.'
In English, it's 'tree.'
If you add another tree to it,
it becomes 'hayashi.'
In English it means 'woods.'
If you add another ki to it,
it becomes 'forest.'
Does anybody know how
to read this two Kanzi?
Now what does this look like?
Okay, I'll give you a clue.
Now, even with my awful righting,
I'm not a drawer.
But, as you can see, that it's a gate.
And, it's structured by two doors.
And the interesting thing...
Hey, Allison.
Are you feeling okay, sweetie?
Because I've been
really worried about you.
I heard you went to see
the school shrink this morning.
Poor thing.
I'm sorry.
- You're late.
- I know. I had to close up.
Let's go.
Pick anyone you like.
Let's go with this one.
Welcome, this is 8,900 Yen.
- I like it.
- Good.
Get comfortable. I'll be back.
Stop, Michael!
It tickles.
Let's begin with the first
incident three years ago.
Your colleagues were the primary
investigators on that case?
That is correct.
It's my understanding that
these colleagues have since disappeared.
They have.
A mother and the child were
killed in that house.
The husband murdered them.
I have questions about?
The incident happened as
reported in the local papers.
Recently an American
family died in that house...
also under suspicious circumstances.
I cannot get into those details.
So, two incidents?
Two families died in one house?
So, two incidents?
Two families died in one house.
I cannot get into those details.
So, two incidents?
Two families died in one house.
The cops said you were the one
that pulled my sister out of the fire.
I'm sorry about your sister.
I know why your sister did what she did.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Karen found all this stuff online.
Terrible things happened in that house.
I've been covering this story since
I moved to Tokyo three years ago.
Karen would've never done this.
It doesn't make any sense.
Ever since your sister
went inside that house...
she felt like
someone was there with her...
something watching her...
threatening her.
How do you know that?
Ever since I've been in the house
I've been experiencing the same things.
Your sister burned down
that house because...
she thought it would stop.
But the fire changed something.
I think it's getting worse.
Where are you going?
I was hoping you could tell me
something I don't already know.
But you can't.
I'm not even sure what I'm looking for anyways.
I've got no choice
but to go back to the house.
Well, I'll go with you.
- I don't want you to go.
- I'm going with you.
I am not leaving here until
I find out why my sister is dead.
So what's it gonna be,
PB & J or chicken salad?
Last night... did you hear it?
Okay, PB & J it is
Lacey, didn't you hear it?
There were sounds.
From next door.
What could you hear?
I heard the Flemings coming home.
They looked really... weird.
Weird? How?
Well, yesterday I...
I'm sorry, you guys.
Why didn't you get me up?
Good morning.
Tonight's final cut.
I'm pretty sure I'll make it.
You're totally gonna make it.
- Are you nervous?
- Not really.
- You should've tried out.
- Oh, please.
C'mon, hurry up!
Hello? Hey, Nate.
No, he never said that to me.
I don't know, maybe he left a message
on the cell, I'm not sure.
See, he wouldn't say that to me.
He would just say that to you.
Because he likes you, that's why.
You don't have to be coy.
I know, It's important to be professional
but you have to have a life.
Who are you talking to?
It's just Nate.
Are you okay?
I forgot my keys.
I'll go check the bedroom.
Come in.
Vanessa, please have a seat.
Allison has been telling me an
interesting story that I'd like you to verify.
A story about what?
About a visit you made with her
and Miyuki Nazawa to a certain house.
I'm sorry, Miss Dale,
but I don't know what she told you.
Please, Vanessa,
no one is in trouble here.
I just need to find out exactly
what happened in that house.
Miyuki is missing.
We just got the call.
Apparently she never came home
last night.
She said she was going to be
with her boyfriend, Michael.
Yes, we've spoken with him.
He said she disappeared.
Now you can understand, Vanessa,
how important it is that we hear the truth.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you take me to that place?
You wanted to come.
What did I ever do to you?
Allison, wait!
Wait here.
Miyuki... is that you?
- Wait here.
- No, I... want...
Please. Just stay here.
please don't go in that house.
Aubrey! What are you doing in here?
Something pulled me in.
- I told you to stay outside.
- I didn't know...
We have to go. Now.
Kayako kept this journal her whole life.
She was only eight
when she wrote this part.
I don't understand it,
but it looks creepy as hell.
It's not creepy. It's sad.
Apparently, her mother was an Itako.
Itako? What is that?
It's a kind of channeler.
People believe they can talk with
deceased loved ones through them.
But... I don't understand this part.
I have a friend. He's really into folklore.
I think he can help us.
This is not Itako.
This person who is written in diary
did channeler, but...
I can't say
this is channeler exactly.
I mean, something...
He says what Kayako wrote was about
the rituals her mother performed...
and how they were somewhat abnormal.
I can't explain it in English.
It must be named Exorcist.
There's no real word to
describe it in English, but...
the closest thing would be 'exorcist'.
She did this to her daughter.
Take demon away from
people's mind or body.
- What is it?
- She let daughter eat
- Eason?
- Demon everyday.
I've never heard about it.
It... it sounds like her mother
was able to cure people
through extracting evil spirits...
out of their bodies...
and feeding them to her daughter.
First thing tomorrow
morning we have to go see her.
See who?
Kayako's mother.
I've tried everything.
I even went back to the house. I...
if she can really take evil spirits
out of people, maybe she can help us.
I don't know what to believe any more.
We don't have a choice.
It's our only hope.
This is the research
I was doing for the story.
I've got her childhood address...
right here.
It's a small village.
The train will only take us halfway.
We'll have to switch to a bus.
Last time I saw Karen,
we got into this huge fight.
It was really stupid.
She took me out to lunch and she
dropped this college application on me...
and I... I was just...
I was so pissed.
I thought she was trying to be
just like my mother.
I screamed at her to stop trying
to change my life and leave me alone.
She did.
We never spoke again until last night.
I always, I always blamed Karen for
my mother's indifference towards me.
But I know that wasn't true,
and I really...
I really regret...
Well, you know, it's strange.
Back in Hong Kong, my brother lived
a few blocks away from me for four years.
We never even tried to see each other.
I'll make some tea.
Yeah, thanks.
Eason? Are you in here?
Eason... Eason!
Jeez, you sick or something?
So... what do you think?
Sally, are you okay?
No, it's okay.
I'll be right there.
I have to go.
Jake. What are you doing in here?
I... I was scared.
What were you scared of?
And Dad.
They were fighting, Lacey.
Where are they?
I... I don't know...
But I wish Mom was here.
Mr. Fleming?
What's wrong, Jake?
I went next door and I...
- You went where?
- Next door.
I saw something in the window... eyes.
It's all right, Jake. It's okay.
Something is really wrong, Lacey.
Tomorrow I promise
I'll go there with you. Okay?
Just try and get some sleep now.
You got home late last night.
Where were you?
Come in.
Allison, are you all right?
Maybe we should go see the nurse.
I want to go home.
Take a breath.
Tell me what's going on.
You can talk to me.
It was that house.
There was something there
when I was there.
I just want to go home.
Allison, Listen...
I've been to that house with the police.
There's nothing there.
It's just an abandoned house.
You... went there?
Yes, I did.
She's going to come for you.
She got Miyuki and Vanessa...
and now she's after me.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- What?
- They are right here.
I need to speak to you about
your daughter Kayako.
I saw the journal.
I know you can get rid of evil spirits.
She is dead.
You did this.
You made her what she was.
Now, I need you to help me
help me end this.
People came looking for me.
Full of pain and suffering...
I took the dark spirits from them.
And so did my daughter.
You poisoned her.
Look what she has become.
I did not create this evil.
Kayako was killed by her
husband because she was foolish.
That is where the curse started.
I did not make her what she is now.
My sister tried to burn down
the house where Kayako was killed.
She thought if she burned down
the house that it would stop?
This is not about a house.
You are just making things worse.
This is rage.
She wants us to suffer the way
she has suffered.
- No. We have to make it stop.
- No, it will not stop.
It will grow
and destroy everything it touches.
It will spread beyond the house.
There can be no end to what has started.
You brought her here.
Are you okay?
Something bad.
Something bad lives there.
That is what's making
everything else bad here.
Come on, Jake.
Let's go.
Just wait here.
Dad? Trish?
Hi, Mom, it's me.
I've been waiting for you.
Where have you been?
How is Karen?
She's gone, mom.
- I'm sorry.
- She's gone?
I know how much you loved her. I...
I know she was everything to you.
Why have you done this? You were...
You were supposed to bring her back!
You could never do anything
on your own.
I love you so much...
but you can't talk to me
like this anymore.
This has to end.
- Aubrey!
- I love you, Mom. Goodbye.
My sister is dead.
You killed her...
just like you killed the others.
You won't stop. Why?
What do you want?
Wait... Karen!
Karen, no!
Lacey! Lacey!
Lacey! Lacey!
No. No
- No!
- Jake.
It's time for your bath.
They say this is one of the most
haunted houses...
in all of Japan.
And that anyone who goes
inside gets the curse.
All the other girls
have been too afraid to try.
Only me and Miyuki
have been able to do it so far.
Help me!
Please, you have to help me!
He killed her.
He snapped her neck.
If you close your eyes
and count to ten...
when you open them again,
you'll see her.
It's all your fault!
What did you do?
What did you bring here?
It followed me here.
They followed me here.
Translated By Freakracer03