GTA.IV.The.Trashmaster (2010) Movie Script
koko 2009
My grandfather always told me
Respect the trash man
He is as human as you are
Even if you live in the trash
You don't have to think
like a trash
If one day
he stop working
The city will disappear under
a mountains of trash
So respect
The Trash Man
And for me
I prefer to call him
"The Trashmaster"
We almost finish
And they send your sight
City Bank
Must escape
Damn you, "Nico," Where are you?
Do not wait for trash
Oh sorry Rhys
I am coming
More units to
I want more of the units
Officers to support the City of Liberty
Street 21 Moore St.
I want more of the units
Officers to support the City of Liberty
Street 21 Moore St.
For the average person
I am the trash man
And for others
Such dead
I am from do not have to Igilloni
When the police fail in their work
New York
Nine million in the city
And 18 million
Succeeding each other every day 35 tons
Of trash
But there are things that do not
Remember statistics
Thieves and drug dealers
And murderers and rapists
And this is
My field
When in possession of the Millennium
I fight against small to large
I lower my performance
Crime rates
This body
Rubbish received here
Then go to the Centre
Pfdili remain grass
Green in Central Park
The hardest part about working
Is that when you return to headquarters
Likes to explain to your boss
Why are you late
And how to interpret the holes
Which penetrated
And how do you explain the damage
That hit the car
Wrong place
At the wrong time
New York, when you sleep
I wake up
When you close Newark Oaenaha
Kept my eyes wide open
Because behind the image
And postcards
Upscale advertising
And lights in Times Square
Rules and
Are nothing
Totally different
These I and I
Waiting for more than an hour
Where you will
Leave a Restaurant
So when you receive
Of this letter call me
I reiterated this
Sostql my car
Do not try to contact me
Again, you fool
And I kid you dream of
To be a policeman
But not
But such
Sweeper, which works
Often win a lot
Get well
For night work
Healthy and well
And risk premium of work
As I am poor because
Little to win it
To give a key to
Repair truck
Trash collection is
Special work
The Tokhozk
Injected contaminated
Or you may find
Paper lottery profitable
Long ago found a friend
Me a bomb
And, unfortunately, is no longer
Here to tell us about it
And love of his guards
Not an easy job, also
One day
I lost my mind
On the car of a person who was
Annoying girls in the club
The result is that I spent
Weeks in the hospital
Because the dreaded hole
Tires car
And a month after we settled the matter
In the same hospital
Villain was drunk to the point
In a coma
The objective of
Easy to me
In the ideal life
May go out of my car
Before shooting
And in the world
I hope
Wake up early
Got into the car and seven o'clock
And go through the bridge
To Otvady Hustle
In and out of
Half past seven
And I will have time
To drink coffee
And was eight
Out of the station
Smiling, the secretary
Ready to hear them say
Hello in your police
"Sir," Belek
Ideal world is
Who I am by police officers
Police entered the Tests
Three times
And deposited
Three times
And for this I
So now
Nicole "this man"
Can I call you Mr. Inspector?
Both O Reyes
Has failed
Well you must bring
At nine am
There are a lot of
Work today
Every day we collect
Tons of trash
And sometimes I wish not to find
Trash in the streets
But waste
Always come back
And with repetition
Get used to it
Korean full of trash
Purpose computers
Chinese and full of
Fish Koreandr
Star Pak and trash have
The smell of chocolate and coffee
Rubbish bins poor
I always find it full of
While the rich own
Be almost empty
And matrix
And Stomach
The best smell
Trash prostitutes
And may tell you
And unexpectedly for the day
I gather there will not be rubbish
Good truck
Please eat drink
At the expense of the shop
What the police did not tell him
I know the victim is
It is a dancer
Strip predecessor
As to how you know her?
Because I spend all
Night in the club
With three years
Past the
Last night was found
Another girl dead in the street
Near Times Square
And was stabbed to death
Such as the girl the previous night
And has put Policemen
Potential responsibility of a serial killer
"The first victim," Mary
Challenged in a garage nearby
And thrown like trash
In the street
In the morning the same day
Police found her car
The car has no bad
Place in this garage
Only cars
And powerful cars and luxury
Allowed to enter
Mary "left her home and"
Received its independence a car to a nightclub
And did not find a place awaited
The usual empty
I called her his friend
To learn that it will be delayed
And found the place too
The price for her car
And ran a returning
The nightclub across places
Would prefer not to go through
Beautiful girl like her
He then entered the club
To dance six hours
To win a few dollars
Exhausted, she returned to her car is
Aware that there is a strange followed
Met guard
Unfortunately he did not
Sees nothing
"When killed," Mary
Was waiting for his dinner
I called him and his client
Away to an old car
And rejection of the guard
To do so
And for a few dollars he gave me
Phone and address that the customer
And is the master live
In the neighborhood of the Hamptons
I asked her if it finds something
In the garage the previous night
Regretted, but did not see
Or hear anything
Girl stabbed two o'clock
So that the knife left
Effects on the ground
Killer strong and loves
To see them suffer
It is a time reference
At the club
Hello you
In hell
Entry of workers
Office of the nightclub Triangle
List of dancers, and titles
The dumping of trash
After that I got
Addresses dancers
I end up with enough
To create a monitoring team
I asked my colleagues to
Watch houses girls
During their tours
Collect rubbish
And watching the house
And protect the girl
"Building" E
Some dancers are entering
And hard to find them
But in general viewing
Gone well
I will not again become
For trucks
So I make sure that girls
Amanat in their homes
As if the killer
Know that we are watching
It may not target
And killed a whore
And the next day
Vacated her room
And thrown their needs
To the street
Ready because
We collect
The girl worked in
Porn to
University expenditure
And is a common point
With striptease dancers
They are ingratiating bodies
For money
The girl breaks my truck
"Is" Gracie Adams
I remember
She asked me what I'm doing here
They think I'm killer
Her eyes a flood of liquefaction
While threatening me with a bat
I said that here to protect
Kalhars Profile
And I know that there are
Girls were killed
And I hesitate to nightclub
And I told her I formed
Monitoring Group
But it seems that the murderer
Instead of the pattern of its objectives
She told me that a bitch
Former dancer
And that it had gathered enough
Money to leave nightclub
And complete the study are
Wanted to become a doctor
I know Okgelni
Each dancer and how they move
And apologized
Is not interested in
Has stopped dancing
And became director of the club
Wanted to change her life
And leave the old life
Trash is not in
Streets only
You can find
In the club also
And may be fatal
Between these bastards
This will not only killed
Baggage carried by
This thief
Cars miserable
This fierce Russian
But it's not fatal
May be
This person
I've saved two people
Of incident
, Killing three
A month later, both
Perhaps this humble
In the uniform
But after clarification
Can not be
Is the killer
Motorbike driver
Who entertain the same
In front of girls is
Suspect the best
AUDITED eye will notice
Jacket person
Such a person abroad
Or the rear
One shot and may result in
For the murder of dancer
You villain
Thank you
Good day
Spoke you bastard
Tell me what you know
Otherwise, smashed bones
After several Tahnth
Minutes told me what I want
One executive
Gave him a lot of money
In exchange for
About dancers
Can access information
By virtue of her work in the Security
This works in the Executive Ron
The largest oil companies in the country
And was interested in girls
Women with problems
Addicts or girls
I know times
This person
Seems to be working in
The task of cleaning
"I" Nico
I want service
Can you go to Control
"House," Cynthia
I will not attend but
After an hour
No problem my friend came across
There within minutes
This morning, you should watch
Entrants to the company, Ron
Director or executive or secretary
A strong person and not an elderly
Was shown pictures
"To" Jersey
But did not see
Which one will never
Ramon "Are you okay?"
RSVP please pick up the phone
Come on
Get out, get out
Called the police
Turned away from the road
Move, move, move
They have taken cover behind
Come on
Turned away
Turned away
Call the police
Come Ichtbii
He has an
City Police
Took place yesterday in New York
Chasing bloody
Resulted in several dead before
To be completed in the metro
Killing of homeless in the tunnels
When run over by train
Police are searching for
"A person named" Niko Bellic
Trash collector works
In Brooklyn
Required for the act committed
Cleanliness Is Lord
Had the dreams of a happy
Have you seen the news?
Did not kill the person sought
And lack of grace, displaced persons and one
In that city fucking
After I finish killing
May kill some of them
This is an idea
We must work together this is
Time, my friend
Shut up, what you want
Will give you 15 minutes to reach
Of the old nightclub
And not a minute later
I have a surprise for you
O beware of the eye
That touch
You do not know who I am
I want to talk to immediately
Jersey "with me, but"
Can not talk now
I am waiting for my friend
And by the way
This may be important
Easy for a man like you
I was informed of this
If not arrive during the
This time I'll kill her
Reyes O, O Reyes
"I" Nico
I need your help
I'm the worst in your work, but I
Problem and need you now
I am not a murderer
Believe me, this plot
Thy help, not me
But to a girl
I did not do that
Something kill her
This is the last time I need help
And then I swear Ill
I swear will not see me
Then never
John "Do you remember the last"
Meeting at Guild
When we decided to
I think the time
Men need a
To help
It is a difficult problem in
But we must help him
Tell him to win some time
And withstand
You can rely on
Men from the Bronx
Yes I am, "Frank," We
Men Brooklyn
And we need men of Harlem Is
Busakm Help?
Yes came across during the
Ten minutes
Nico "This is I"
You should take the same path
Which is used on Tuesdays
We will go behind the
Johnny, "behind"
Please theater
Why did you?
Take your precautions
No escape for you, the police surrounded
Each side of your
Come on -
Yes -
Strike announced
In New York
Cripple the suburbs
Trash piling up and the situation
Health is deteriorating day after day
City Council request
Association of Trash Men
Hunger strike since his arrest
And condemn many of them
After the events of
The last few weeks
Which saw the killing of
Killer dancers
And which resulted in the
Many injuries
There are confrontations with the police
For release
And increased tension after beating
Sweeper by the Conditional
koko 2009
My grandfather always told me
Respect the trash man
He is as human as you are
Even if you live in the trash
You don't have to think
like a trash
If one day
he stop working
The city will disappear under
a mountains of trash
So respect
The Trash Man
And for me
I prefer to call him
"The Trashmaster"
We almost finish
And they send your sight
City Bank
Must escape
Damn you, "Nico," Where are you?
Do not wait for trash
Oh sorry Rhys
I am coming
More units to
I want more of the units
Officers to support the City of Liberty
Street 21 Moore St.
I want more of the units
Officers to support the City of Liberty
Street 21 Moore St.
For the average person
I am the trash man
And for others
Such dead
I am from do not have to Igilloni
When the police fail in their work
New York
Nine million in the city
And 18 million
Succeeding each other every day 35 tons
Of trash
But there are things that do not
Remember statistics
Thieves and drug dealers
And murderers and rapists
And this is
My field
When in possession of the Millennium
I fight against small to large
I lower my performance
Crime rates
This body
Rubbish received here
Then go to the Centre
Pfdili remain grass
Green in Central Park
The hardest part about working
Is that when you return to headquarters
Likes to explain to your boss
Why are you late
And how to interpret the holes
Which penetrated
And how do you explain the damage
That hit the car
Wrong place
At the wrong time
New York, when you sleep
I wake up
When you close Newark Oaenaha
Kept my eyes wide open
Because behind the image
And postcards
Upscale advertising
And lights in Times Square
Rules and
Are nothing
Totally different
These I and I
Waiting for more than an hour
Where you will
Leave a Restaurant
So when you receive
Of this letter call me
I reiterated this
Sostql my car
Do not try to contact me
Again, you fool
And I kid you dream of
To be a policeman
But not
But such
Sweeper, which works
Often win a lot
Get well
For night work
Healthy and well
And risk premium of work
As I am poor because
Little to win it
To give a key to
Repair truck
Trash collection is
Special work
The Tokhozk
Injected contaminated
Or you may find
Paper lottery profitable
Long ago found a friend
Me a bomb
And, unfortunately, is no longer
Here to tell us about it
And love of his guards
Not an easy job, also
One day
I lost my mind
On the car of a person who was
Annoying girls in the club
The result is that I spent
Weeks in the hospital
Because the dreaded hole
Tires car
And a month after we settled the matter
In the same hospital
Villain was drunk to the point
In a coma
The objective of
Easy to me
In the ideal life
May go out of my car
Before shooting
And in the world
I hope
Wake up early
Got into the car and seven o'clock
And go through the bridge
To Otvady Hustle
In and out of
Half past seven
And I will have time
To drink coffee
And was eight
Out of the station
Smiling, the secretary
Ready to hear them say
Hello in your police
"Sir," Belek
Ideal world is
Who I am by police officers
Police entered the Tests
Three times
And deposited
Three times
And for this I
So now
Nicole "this man"
Can I call you Mr. Inspector?
Both O Reyes
Has failed
Well you must bring
At nine am
There are a lot of
Work today
Every day we collect
Tons of trash
And sometimes I wish not to find
Trash in the streets
But waste
Always come back
And with repetition
Get used to it
Korean full of trash
Purpose computers
Chinese and full of
Fish Koreandr
Star Pak and trash have
The smell of chocolate and coffee
Rubbish bins poor
I always find it full of
While the rich own
Be almost empty
And matrix
And Stomach
The best smell
Trash prostitutes
And may tell you
And unexpectedly for the day
I gather there will not be rubbish
Good truck
Please eat drink
At the expense of the shop
What the police did not tell him
I know the victim is
It is a dancer
Strip predecessor
As to how you know her?
Because I spend all
Night in the club
With three years
Past the
Last night was found
Another girl dead in the street
Near Times Square
And was stabbed to death
Such as the girl the previous night
And has put Policemen
Potential responsibility of a serial killer
"The first victim," Mary
Challenged in a garage nearby
And thrown like trash
In the street
In the morning the same day
Police found her car
The car has no bad
Place in this garage
Only cars
And powerful cars and luxury
Allowed to enter
Mary "left her home and"
Received its independence a car to a nightclub
And did not find a place awaited
The usual empty
I called her his friend
To learn that it will be delayed
And found the place too
The price for her car
And ran a returning
The nightclub across places
Would prefer not to go through
Beautiful girl like her
He then entered the club
To dance six hours
To win a few dollars
Exhausted, she returned to her car is
Aware that there is a strange followed
Met guard
Unfortunately he did not
Sees nothing
"When killed," Mary
Was waiting for his dinner
I called him and his client
Away to an old car
And rejection of the guard
To do so
And for a few dollars he gave me
Phone and address that the customer
And is the master live
In the neighborhood of the Hamptons
I asked her if it finds something
In the garage the previous night
Regretted, but did not see
Or hear anything
Girl stabbed two o'clock
So that the knife left
Effects on the ground
Killer strong and loves
To see them suffer
It is a time reference
At the club
Hello you
In hell
Entry of workers
Office of the nightclub Triangle
List of dancers, and titles
The dumping of trash
After that I got
Addresses dancers
I end up with enough
To create a monitoring team
I asked my colleagues to
Watch houses girls
During their tours
Collect rubbish
And watching the house
And protect the girl
"Building" E
Some dancers are entering
And hard to find them
But in general viewing
Gone well
I will not again become
For trucks
So I make sure that girls
Amanat in their homes
As if the killer
Know that we are watching
It may not target
And killed a whore
And the next day
Vacated her room
And thrown their needs
To the street
Ready because
We collect
The girl worked in
Porn to
University expenditure
And is a common point
With striptease dancers
They are ingratiating bodies
For money
The girl breaks my truck
"Is" Gracie Adams
I remember
She asked me what I'm doing here
They think I'm killer
Her eyes a flood of liquefaction
While threatening me with a bat
I said that here to protect
Kalhars Profile
And I know that there are
Girls were killed
And I hesitate to nightclub
And I told her I formed
Monitoring Group
But it seems that the murderer
Instead of the pattern of its objectives
She told me that a bitch
Former dancer
And that it had gathered enough
Money to leave nightclub
And complete the study are
Wanted to become a doctor
I know Okgelni
Each dancer and how they move
And apologized
Is not interested in
Has stopped dancing
And became director of the club
Wanted to change her life
And leave the old life
Trash is not in
Streets only
You can find
In the club also
And may be fatal
Between these bastards
This will not only killed
Baggage carried by
This thief
Cars miserable
This fierce Russian
But it's not fatal
May be
This person
I've saved two people
Of incident
, Killing three
A month later, both
Perhaps this humble
In the uniform
But after clarification
Can not be
Is the killer
Motorbike driver
Who entertain the same
In front of girls is
Suspect the best
AUDITED eye will notice
Jacket person
Such a person abroad
Or the rear
One shot and may result in
For the murder of dancer
You villain
Thank you
Good day
Spoke you bastard
Tell me what you know
Otherwise, smashed bones
After several Tahnth
Minutes told me what I want
One executive
Gave him a lot of money
In exchange for
About dancers
Can access information
By virtue of her work in the Security
This works in the Executive Ron
The largest oil companies in the country
And was interested in girls
Women with problems
Addicts or girls
I know times
This person
Seems to be working in
The task of cleaning
"I" Nico
I want service
Can you go to Control
"House," Cynthia
I will not attend but
After an hour
No problem my friend came across
There within minutes
This morning, you should watch
Entrants to the company, Ron
Director or executive or secretary
A strong person and not an elderly
Was shown pictures
"To" Jersey
But did not see
Which one will never
Ramon "Are you okay?"
RSVP please pick up the phone
Come on
Get out, get out
Called the police
Turned away from the road
Move, move, move
They have taken cover behind
Come on
Turned away
Turned away
Call the police
Come Ichtbii
He has an
City Police
Took place yesterday in New York
Chasing bloody
Resulted in several dead before
To be completed in the metro
Killing of homeless in the tunnels
When run over by train
Police are searching for
"A person named" Niko Bellic
Trash collector works
In Brooklyn
Required for the act committed
Cleanliness Is Lord
Had the dreams of a happy
Have you seen the news?
Did not kill the person sought
And lack of grace, displaced persons and one
In that city fucking
After I finish killing
May kill some of them
This is an idea
We must work together this is
Time, my friend
Shut up, what you want
Will give you 15 minutes to reach
Of the old nightclub
And not a minute later
I have a surprise for you
O beware of the eye
That touch
You do not know who I am
I want to talk to immediately
Jersey "with me, but"
Can not talk now
I am waiting for my friend
And by the way
This may be important
Easy for a man like you
I was informed of this
If not arrive during the
This time I'll kill her
Reyes O, O Reyes
"I" Nico
I need your help
I'm the worst in your work, but I
Problem and need you now
I am not a murderer
Believe me, this plot
Thy help, not me
But to a girl
I did not do that
Something kill her
This is the last time I need help
And then I swear Ill
I swear will not see me
Then never
John "Do you remember the last"
Meeting at Guild
When we decided to
I think the time
Men need a
To help
It is a difficult problem in
But we must help him
Tell him to win some time
And withstand
You can rely on
Men from the Bronx
Yes I am, "Frank," We
Men Brooklyn
And we need men of Harlem Is
Busakm Help?
Yes came across during the
Ten minutes
Nico "This is I"
You should take the same path
Which is used on Tuesdays
We will go behind the
Johnny, "behind"
Please theater
Why did you?
Take your precautions
No escape for you, the police surrounded
Each side of your
Come on -
Yes -
Strike announced
In New York
Cripple the suburbs
Trash piling up and the situation
Health is deteriorating day after day
City Council request
Association of Trash Men
Hunger strike since his arrest
And condemn many of them
After the events of
The last few weeks
Which saw the killing of
Killer dancers
And which resulted in the
Many injuries
There are confrontations with the police
For release
And increased tension after beating
Sweeper by the Conditional