Guest House, the (2012) Movie Script

the guest house
Look ... You know that this is the best.
I love you ... But ... I enjoy
My experience at the University.
I'll be away from my
parents for the first time.
I'll make new friends ... And I will have the
opportunity to grow as a person.
And you can do the same.
Hey ... We had a good.
We were together almost
throughout the past year.
And most of the summer.
Do not be sad, just focus on
the good times we had.
There it is!
That's my angel face.
You know, I never
meant to hurt you.
Fucking idiot.
You're an idiot.
You could not say that for 9 hours
before you to fuck me with
that tiny penis yours?
Small? Really?! Only
think that because you're a whore!
- And you're a little bitch.
- I am not!
- Are you crazy, bitch.
- Yes, of course, is you crazy bitch.
Oh, look who decided to come home!
How nice, I thought
would leave you a note.
- No big deal, I was with Jason.
- Whenever you're with Jason.
Frankly I think raisins
too much time with Jason.
I do not like you're in
the street all night.
- Come on Dad, I have 18 years.
- I do not care! It's my house, my rules!
I guess since no
is well within one week.
I suppose it will.
So we're at
The 9, you can not
be serious.
Do not test me, Rachel.
- I'm trying to do ...
- That's it!
- You're grounded!
- Punished? I am an adult!
I mean it can not come and Jason.
Do not worry, we're done.
Glad you finally
let that idiot!
You're too good for him.
You'd have better grades,
if not for Jason.
I graduated almost as
the best in my class.
You would have been the best ever!
What if I just want to be happy?
Do not you see? I just want the best
for you, if your mother lived ...
... She would do the same.
- I bet you just wanted to be happy.
I have no time for debates.
No exit and no boys allowed,
will speak on Tuesday when I return.
What if I have
to buy food?
Or go to the pharmacy?
I can not be imprisoned.
I love you, Rachel, I
this is going well.
So, yes, you can
go buy your stuff.
But during the day, to be
Sun, I love you back here.
Or else ...
- Anything else major?
- Yes!
I have a new employee starting
company in the next week,
will stay in the guest house.
Until I can settle,
so please try to be nice.
Y. .. may want
consider changing their look
before school starts.
You look like you've been
begging coins, in Melrose.
Hello ... I'm Amy.
Mr. Richman said he was supposed to
I would stay at the guest house.
Yeah, someone mentioned that
come, I'm his daughter Rachel.
- Sorry, it happens.
- Thanks.
This place is nice.
Yes thanks, but I think it is too
great for my dad and me.
I keep telling you to buy
a department somewhere.
Definitely if cut
a little artwork.
Yeah right, if I could.
I guess you do not like
much to be here right?
I feel there too, is not necessary.
- Water?
- Thanks.
Follow Me.
A jacuzzi.
- Cute! - If it is private, if you want
enter, the neighbors can not see you.
Good to know!
Although anyone can
if you are looking at.
Well, we arrived.
This is nice, do you play something?
I can not play, so give me
envy anyone who can.
Well, since I am a
very good hostess ...
You are kidding me, touch me something serious.
That was very good.
I had never heard before.
It's something I've been working.
Can you touch me a little more?
Maybe when it's finished.
All right.
You know, this house is beautiful.
If ... was the art studio of my mom.
After he died, my dad renewed.
What happened?
In March, he was so
happy and with many plans.
But ... was diagnosed in April
and was consumed immediately.
And I was all ready to fight.
But then, in June had died.
I'm sorry.
Anyway ... This was my first
attempt, as an interior designer.
Well, it's very chic, you have great talent.
- Really?
- If.
It's cozy.
Cozy is good, I accept that.
Let me show you the room.
- If.
- The kitchen and here, the room.
The bed in the corner
is the tub and shower.
I'll leave you here, so you settle,
and if you need anything, I'm at home.
Thank you!
I guess that's in the box.
Whoever guess,
you can open it first.
- Oh shit!
- That was great!
That's good is not it
think he deserved it?
- Hello.
- Hey.
Sorry to bother you,
You wanted to know if ...
Prestabas me something ...
shampoo and a towel?
Ok, well, happens.
So far as the appreciation.
Here you go.
Thanks, after a day of travel
I really could use a shower.
I know what you mean, after traveling,
like you're covered
Mud problems.
Fango problems. I like that.
Well where do you go?
Over there ... besides the
school trips.
New York, Park City,
Hawaii, Florida, Moscow.
Paris, Monte Carlo ...
Dubai, Rio, Sydney, Amsterdam.
Frankfurt, Rome, Greece.
And the last time we went
a safari in Africa.
I have a great video of a
Hyena eating an animal.
- And how old are you?
- I just turned 18.
- You really are lucky.
- I guess so.
You guess? You've traveled all over the world.
No, this weekend
no, I'm grounded.
By staying out so late.
What is it so late?
Does reaching in time for breakfast?
And you're surprised the
I got you into trouble?
It is as if
been doing something wrong.
You know, my grandmother had an old saying,
that nothing good happens,
after midnight.
What if you're like
a spy and tell ...
My dad ... everything
I'm saying?
I'm not a spy, but
everything I say,
remain between us, I promise.
Are not you a cop or anything?
Sure you are using a microphone.
'm Not a cop, you see?
No microphone.
Okay ... Really nothing happened.
I was out with my boyfriend, ex-boyfriend.
Y. .. I do not know, only the
had fun all night.
So why is "ex"?
Ended, he goes to college
in San Diego and I will go to New York.
And he thinks we should
go every man for himself.
You know he's right.
How so?
Long Relationships
distance, do not work.
Sometimes if.
In the history of the
long distance relationships ...
There is always one person ... committed, that is true.
And a person who simply
uses it as a convenience.
- What convenience?
- To go out with someone else in another city.
I do not know ... The desirability
of not having a real relationship.
For 30 days in a month.
A long-distance relationship is
low maintenance relationship.
So what you're saying, is that the
long distance relationships are a sham?
- Most if.
- What if Uncle Sam recruits you or something?
And you're out for six months or a year.
- That's true ...
- I mean, if you really love someone ...
Should not matter ...
time or distance.
In a perfect world yes, but for
some people being alone sucks.
Do you know? If you're going to be with someone,
you better be with that person.
And if there is any other place
where they are not ...
You're wrong ... I do not know.
When you love someone,
no matter where you are.
Never leave your heart.
This ... is my favorite.
- Are you sure this is okay?
- It's more than good, it's great.
I was not referring to the wine.
- Oh! You mean
I should not drink legally ...
My mom used to say, that if you
tell someone not to do something ...
Going to do it ... well
that since I have 14,
I could drink a
glass of wine at dinner.
Well, I heard that wine
is good for the heart.
I agree with that.
So are you sure
that this is okay?
You insisted that you open a bottle of wine,
then this is for you,
Girl Scout honor.
- Did you go girl scout?
- No.
But ... if one,
not lie right?
So therefore I have some of that.
So, I swear by the honor
of the scouts.
- I can tell you mean
problems. - Everyone keeps saying that.
- But I really am a good person.
- Good!
Most of the time.
Your turn.
Okay ... Health for new beginnings.
- And new friends.
- Cheers!
This really is very rich.
Is that good?
- Yes, but ...
- Oh my God!
Sorry, is calling
to see if I'm home.
- Hello?
- Hey Rachel, how is everything at home?
- Who is this?
- QQuin think, your dad!
Hello, Daddy, how is your trip?
The trip is well, just wanted to know
and were you as our guest.
If, as is established.
- Good, be sure to open
the cellar and give him what he wants.
Ok, open the wine cellar, give the
girl in the guest house, whatever.
- Understood.
- I left some money on the side of the bed.
Money on the side of the bed, ready.
No car, let her use mine,
the keys are in my desk.
Letting your car handle anything else?
Yes, do not be heavy,
let me talk to her.
All yours.
- Hello, Frank.
- Amy, good thing you got right.
If you need anything,
just ask Him to Rachel.
- Yes, all is well.
- Do you need anything?
No! Thanks for everything,
really appreciate it.
Enjoy the weekend,
back on Monday night ...
... And you'll get to work
on Tuesday morning.
If Rachel gives you problems,
I want to warn me.
No, it was a great hostess.
- Thanks.
- I have to go.
- Okay, just make sure ...
- Goodbye.
Come with me.
If you'll be working with him,
'd better get used to that.
I guess he's busy.
- Always busy.
- Ok.
But ... Do I know my dad or what?
- Do not worry.
- No, no, and back.
No, not that ...
Here, you can clean that up and here
There is a blouse that you wear.
- Thanks. - And I'll buy a new,
as soon as you can.
- Really do not worry so much,
okay. - I insist.
I'm just going to get you out of the
home, for a couple of hours.
All right.
- But let's drink another drink, right?
- All right!
- You first.
- You first.
No, you go first, you're the guest.
- At the same time?
- Ok.
Okay, a glass
more, but that's all.
C'mon, it's Friday
night and nothing is going to handle.
Yes but ... this is something weird you know?
Here I am drinking,
the daughter of my boss.
Do not say anything right?
Two months from now,
you will be working ...
And you will remember this weekend
and you wish to have enjoyed.
Yes, but if I enjoy it
too, will not have a job.
My dad is lucky to have a
someone like you, working for him.
I mean, you're smart and beautiful.
And pretty cool.
You're my new best friend.
I'm so sorry.
It's .. Jason.
- Hi, Jason.
- Where is my phone shit, bitch!
- I know you do.
- I have your phone.
Obviously you have one, does it
as I'd be calling?
- I'll call my mom's cell phone.
- Stop messing around with this shit!
- Fuck you!
- Look, I'm packing right? I'm going.
- You're not going anywhere, bitch.
- Goodbye, Jason.
Goodbye, Jason!
He thinks I took his cell.
What did you do?
He left me and ... I do not know ... Yes?
You could just leave.
If I left, only the cell
decided to come with me.
Look, I had to do something to fuck
his day, never said I was perfect.
I know how it is.
Have you ever been in love?
If you've ever been in love ...
You know ... I'm not sure
you know what that means.
I do not understand.
I mean ...
I've always been sexual you know?
And sexy ... I learned how to excite
guys, to get what they want.
Do you know?
But I've never felt
comfortable with men or with anyone.
Never let into my heart to anyone.
I mean, you know ...
It was just getting what he wanted.
So ... screw maybe days
someone might be a necessity for me.
Because I have never fallen in love.
- But the day never fucked,
sleeping with that person?
I try not to be so personal.
Not even once? 'Not
even your first kiss?
Have you ever had that
small chip time?
Well ... There was a
boy I grew up.
Do you know? He was the one who was there,
when all other
thought it was ... you know ...
A fox or a feminist.
Y. .. we were best friends and ...
Lovers ... but ... else
felt like my younger brother.
Nothing more.
That's weird.
No. .. Tell me how
was your first kiss?
I do not know.
It was soft.
I like to feel powerful.
- Do you know?
- If.
But ... Love ...
That's when you feel weak right?
If ... As with knees to jelly.
I do not know.
I have to go to bed.
Want to take the bottle with you?
I probably should not,
I've had enough.
Okay, so more for me.
think, they want us to kiss.
I think.
bad girl!
- Good morning, sunshine!
- What time is it?
- As the 10, you have to prepare.
- What for?
Let's see the city.
- With cream or sugar?
- I like black.
Give me 20 minutes.
Melrose Avenue!
Where are the best shops.
- I love Prague.
- Prague?
- It's amazing, have
very detailed things.
Well, it's quite modern, right?
- What? We buy more scarves??
- I have scarves billion.
They are amazing.
- Is this sexy?
- Yes, it's sexy.
I have to see me.
Oh yeah!
Oh, great.
- Hello.
- Hello!
- How are you?
- Well.
$ 53.78.
- Okay. For you.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome!
- Here you go!
- Thanks.
- How do I look?
- Sexy!
Hey, it's my first time
And I'm living here now.
Well Do you bring all your friends here?
- Only those who are great.
- Cool!
- Am I cool? - Perhaps you have some
great detail.
Do you miss living in Ohio?
Are you kidding?
- Not the truth, it seems
it's something boring.
If ... It's completely boring.
Then why Los Angeles?
Why this crazy city?
I do not know ... It seems like
anything is possible here.
Anything is possible, is
where your dreams come true.
- O. .. Are destroyed.
- Oh, yeah, right.
Do you know? I'm here on my own.
Here on your own.
No, it's ... is something
liberating to be honest.
No I have to be this
girl, I've always been.
What is the girl you've always been?
- I like this story.
- I do not know ...
Studious?, Vanilla?
Vanilla?? Like an Oreo cookie?
- No!
- No?
I'm like a vanilla,
well, at least I was home, I say ...
Whatever has
been happening at home.
Always looks good.
So if you can be
whatever you want ....
What serious?
I think it would be an animal or something.
- Powerful you know?
- Ok.
I want ...
Make it happen.
Like what? What do you
make it happen?
I do not know ...
I just feel that ... could ...
Help make something
important ... I do not know.
- It's stupid. - Nothing is ever
stupid, why do you get shy?
What I look elsewhere? Look
to you, has not been on camera!
Let's talk about you, Miss Rachel.
Tell me a little about yourself.
- And what do you know?
- Where are your friends your age, really ...
I have no friends my age.
- Why not? - Well, when
go from one group to another ...
You end ... like being alone.
Do not always been well
of dark and mysterious?
Do not think so, but no.
So now that you know your history ...
What do you do?
I want to do ...
- Sing?
- Sing worldwide and going crazy.
I can see you as a good singer.
- Well, maybe someday I will.
- Do you write songs?
No more.
Well, if you wrote one
song, what would it be?
About love, about happiness.
I do not know, when I write seems to
is about my mom, I write about it.
That is very cool.
Grab and look at the stars.
The stars.
I always wanted to, I dunno ... View
world in a sense a bit bigger.
- As in the planetarium.
- And go wherever you want to go.
Besides going to the stars.
Venus was going to say.
Will you go to Mars?
No. .. Not to Mars.
You do not like men?
No, I did not say that, they are great, but
only good for certain things you know?
- And that's ... Why they are useful?
- I will not talk about it now.
- No?
- No!
You're embarrassing,
You're turning red!
- A little.
- A little? Stories! I can hear them??
I'm not going to say.
But all men
know how to get drunk.
Show me the Hollywood sign.
Oh my God, look at him!
How are you feeling?
Driving in Beverly Hills.
I feel like the girl who never was.
- Rodeo Drive!
- Are you excited?
I'm so excited!
Well what should we do then?
What do you do next?
I do not know, what do you do?
Well ... We could go to the beach.
Oh my God, how beautiful!
I can not believe it is finally here.
My first time in a
Ferris wheel.
- Really?
- In one like this.
My God, this is beautiful.
Do not have to you, in your hometown?
It's the best day in California.
Well, I'm glad
that may have told you since.
- Look at that beautiful.
- If.
- It's amazing.
- Yes, it's wonderful.
- You're getting a little more personal.
- I do not know, what do you know?
Kiss, what's your perfect kiss?
My perfect kiss ...
Do not look so sad!
- No! Is that ... I have not
had even, I guess ...
Why not?
I do not know if I want.
Wanted it to be more
only a kiss you know?
- More than something physical.
- Like with feelings?
No, like ... have a connection you know?
- Yeah, I know.
- I have not felt that yet.
So how was your first kiss?
The traditional in
back seat of a car.
- But it was fun.
- There is nothing clich about you.
- Seriously.
- No? Why nothing?
- When did you lose your virginity?
- Oh!
- To get more personal.
- If we're getting personal.
When I lost my virginity ...
I think it's ...
I should not tell ...
the clerk of my daddy.
- Never tell you, I promise.
- Promise?
- I swear by the little fingers.
- For the pinkies.
It was like when I was about 16 years.
Let's talk about the camera.
- A confession.
- Is our confession?
- My confession ...
- If.
It just seems odd,
but I think you're something beautiful.
You think I'm cute?
You also are something beautiful.
I think the light is doing you justice.
If good, the light is great, that's why.
Seriously, we had a great day, is
like you're my best friend or something.
Well ... I'm glad to be.
- I like your smile.
- Thanks.
I think it's over.
I think we have to say goodbye.
- Goodbye!
- Goodbye!
That was too funny, thanks!
My pleasure is
it has been great ...
... See it all again,
before going to school.
Yes, I guess so.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, just a little stiff.
Come here.
I'm all sweaty, I smell safe beach.
You are very stiff here.
I have not driven bicycle for years.
It was good that you did then.
Let me get closer to your skin.
All right.
It was fun.
We should do it again.
It's a date.
Yeah, you liked it?
If, particularly if
keep doing this.
Oh, I can do much more than this.
- Oh yeah? Got skills?
- Yes, I have skills.
If, indeed they could.
He showed everybody.
But only special people!
- What am I special?
- Do not know, find out.
What are we doing?
Good morning!
Good morning!
For you.
You're so sweet.
Last night was great.
I'm in trouble!
Because ...
You're so fucking awesome!
Y. .. because ...
Working for your dad!
And do not think it should happen again.
My dad should have nothing
to do with your personal life.
But ... is my boss and you're
her sweet, innocent daughter.
Now ... He risked his neck
for me, I can not just ...
Out with you you know?
Does that make you feel dirty?
A little, yes.
- Do you feel bad?
- Definitely dirty.
I think you should come with me.
- Where do we go?
- A wash our sins.
At least I'm happy right?
Thanks for the coffee.
You do the same as my mom.
- Cream and sugar?
- If.
All the time.
What was she like?
Well, a happy woman.
Or something like that.
What is your paint
favorite? Your mom.
The blue.
I do not know, I like to think
that his heart is in the Sun
As appears a person.
And there are two different views.
It ... sunlight, but then
see the other, that look like stars.
And as they are separated.
Do you miss her?
As they are here in their
paintings in this room.
Always with me.
- What? - I wonder how you were,
before she died.
Not unlike what I am now.
Only I do not know ... A cheerleader.
- You were a cheerleader?
- We Panthers!
If I like this side
me, is fun.
Me too I like.
So ... What do you do today?
I do not know, you're new in town,
're the one who decides what.
I just want to spend the day with you.
Okay, let's do it.
Good morning.
So what do you
be when you grow up?
A dancer.
- Really?
- No!
My dad pushes me to go to the
School of Business and all that.
To do the same race he did.
The Business School, sounds ...
If I do, I say ...
Do what you gotta do right?
A tremendous hook
Franco falls
Do you really want to do, what
your dad wants you to do?
I want to make him happy.
Am I the only person she has left.
I mean you no harm.
I do what he wants me to do.
I do not know, maybe one day
I will stop and care.
He does not mind the art.
Well, I'll tell you my experience,
that does not make you feel
best, pleasing others.
I do not know, you always have options.
So what will you do?
- Do not know, do I have to lose?
Well ... You know, your dad
could stop and keep ...
lend or something.
- Yes, but I do not put much
attention, when I'm here.
The only reason that
know I'm out ...
All night ... is
because I get to breakfast.
I've never smoked marijuana.
How is that possible?
- Do not know.
- Never tried it even once?
- No!
- Not even a little?
- Nothing at all?
- Not in a party?
- No!
- Not once? Never?
Seriously is this the first time you do it?
Do I're lying?
No? So really
do not know how to do?
- That deserves applause.
- If, applause.
It feels strange to be younger
you and I will teach you to smoke marijuana.
It's weird.
- You have taught me many things.
- Yes? And you.
It's crazy ...
You gave back to my world.
I'll try.
Dirty Girl.
That sounded dirty.
So besides
this, what do you do?
All I ever wanted to do is ...
I want to be rich.
- I have money.
- You'll get your money.
Well ... No I have to talk
numbers, but your dad ...
My dad ...
What's with my dad?
What is your dream?
I do not know, art.
Affect people.
And the music.
You and only reaches the soul ... person
may be affected with your song.
And a person can
go through anything.
I do not know ... I want to be that person.
It's fucking beautiful.
Where is my phone shit?!
- Where is he?
- No I have your phone, you idiot!
You were the last, the last
Once I had it, I was with you!
- I left off!
- Who the fuck is this?
- My girlfriend.
- I'm his girlfriend, so get out of here.
- Fuck you!
- You are trespassing!
Just what I'm doing,
because they do not want me here.
- Do not want you here.
- Do not want to see here.
And yes, she has you
cell so get over!
Because unless
be enough ...
Man ... to enter
hit here and now ...
You better
hell out of this property!
- This is my pipe.
- Marica!
Who the fuck was that?
- Sorry, sorry.
- I know.
- That was Jason.
- Jesus!
God! I did not know I was
the kind that are jealous.
We are now.
Although to be the first
time, was very good.
I like that you're jealous.
Ok this is the place.
Let's see who is going to play.
- Let's see ...
- Come on!
- Have you ever played?
- No!
Thank you all! Have
a good night! Thank you!
- Let us know. Come!
- Really? Okay, let's go.
- Hi, Mara?
- Mara as marijuana.
Oh! Mara, hello! A
Nice to see you, you look great.
- I come to all your shows, I'm you
biggest fan. - If you have ever seen!
- Are you coming back to Faro?
- Yes, I'll be there in two weeks.
- I really like to see you there,
is very great. - Good!
- I love your bracelet!
- Thanks!
- We gotta go, nice to meet you!
- Good to see you!
- Goodbye!
- Goodbye!
- Hello!
- Hello!
- You did great tonight!
- Thanks!
I am a songwriter
aspirant, got anything for me?
I mean, thank you very much, make sure
your songs are copyrighted.
Y. .. if you record something, sure
to have someone so professional.
Have a nice sound and playing live.
- What about the lock to compose?
- The lock to compose ...
Do you know? What works for me is
you're in a dark room ...
Lest you think
things in your day.
Maybe turn on some candles.
Photographing something
that really inspires you.
Then let your mind flow and
trust to take you wherever.
- Sounds good.
- It's what I do.
- Thank you!
- In all, beware!
- Hey. - I can put your music
a track of 8 mm?
- That was great!
- It was so much fun! God!
- You're great!
- Shut up.
Look for fourth girls!
She has a point.
- Let's go.
- Ok.
It was the best weekend of my life.
- Why?
- For you.
Your passion ... You'll do what
that is best for you.
Even if it's the hard way.
That is so cool.
Let's see what else
can do well.
Are you sure about this?
I'm so nervous.
- Hello.
- Hello.
So here we are.
I never thought about it,
but this girl convinced me.
We want a key with a
heart shaped padlock.
If, as with a key
that opens the lock.
She is the key to my lock.
So ...
Think you can do that?
- Yes, absolutely.
- Well ... Let's do it.
This is not going to hurt you?
No, you'll be fine.
It looks good.
I'm putting my body in your hands.
- Take care of me.
- I'll do my best.
- Please.
- You'll be fine, do not worry.
- Daddy.
- Rachel!
- Frank!
- Amy, what the hell?
What are you doing here? You did not say
you were coming home.
Rachel! Amy ...! Why
are you sleeping with my daughter?
I'm in love with your daughter!
Oh, my God! What the hell?!
Get out of my house!
You get out of here, now.
- This is my daughter! What about us?
- What the fuck are you doing here, Frank?
You know it was a one time thing!
- What about us?
- You told me it was over.
Get out of my house!
Get out of my house right now!
Frank! Did you have the silly idea that
something would happen between us?!
I told you it was a
error. And you said ...
Hire ... had nothing to do
with what happened between the two.
You have 15 minutes to
get out of here and you ...
Go to the room and put on clothes, young lady!
- Baby, let me explain.
- You fucked my dad.
Not as bad as it sounds.
Did you do it or not?
Tell me you did or not?
Please let me explain everything.
Last April ...
He .. Held a conference in
a hotel near the University.
We talked to him and said,
I was hungry ...
... And some interns and I
went to dinner with him.
We took a little and was
quite charismatic.
Charismatic really?
Please do not do more
difficult than it is ok?
- Just listen to me.
- Okay.
Then after dinner, the other
two students went to a party.
I was a little drunk, so
your dad took me ...
... To his hotel room,
to get sober.
I was watching TV., He bathed
and left the bathroom alone in robe.
He sat down beside me.
Colony had a very
rich and me laugh.
And the next thing I know is
we were kissing.
It was something of a
Once, when I got up ...
... In the morning, you
I said it was a mistake.
And that does not happen again.
He said no problem.
Did not even know
nothing of it, until ...
Three weeks ... when
offered me a job.
I was in college.
And I felt like I could
do almost anything.
I did not know where my future.
He had opportunities.
I've been with young boys.
It is what it is.
But do not know how it was, the
be with an older man.
I've never done before.
No you had known before, not
knew there was something like love.
You have to believe me, baby.
Please, I'm sorry.
- Please forgive me.
- Should have told me.
Once out,
at any time.
What I have told you?
I do not know.
Do not you love me?
I love you.
But I can not do this.
Damn! Damn it!
Ok, ok.
Ladies and gentlemen, our
next group from Europe.
They are good friends of mine, I want
all welcome him to Caruso!
Great show.
You should see that of Halloween.
It was much better.
If I saw it.
I did not think you'd want to see me.
Did I scare you?
A little, yes.
- It's the clothes and makeup right?
- Oh yeah.
No. ..
I never thought you'd stay.
You inspired me.
I changed.
I have to be honest with you.
Done with you, was one of the
worst experiences of my life.
I was afraid you'd say that.
But it was also the best.
I think, all this ...
I mudase me here ...
Composing my own
music ... The applause.
None of this would have happened without you.
So maybe we can be friends?
- If.
- Just friends?
I do not think.
How to make that transition.
- What transition?
- From just be friends!
That's it, friends.
Do you want something more than that?
I thought you could not keep
hands off me!
I've missed you so much.
So do I.
Friends, just friends.
Whoo! Get a room, guys!
Probably right.
Where do we go?
Here, on the corner.
Want to follow me?
I'll go where you want.
- So that's it?
- That depends.
I mean, I can not deny, some
of my songs are about you.
Well do you feel better?
If ... is like therapy.
I love you.
I love you too.
Facts to ear and translation
from the Greek, Oscar Perez
the guest house