Guetteur, Le (The Lookout) (2012) Movie Script

- I'm Mattei,
I am in charge...
of the biggest criminal case
of my career.
And we suspect you of being
the sniper who targeted...
my men...
while your accomplices
were getting away.
It's just that we haven't been able to find
any ID on you
to identify you.
And your weapon can't be found.
Nobody knows you.
You do not exist.
That's just it...
That proves to me
that you're the man
I'm looking for.
Nicolas Ricci, Italian, age: 35.
Several convictions
for armed robbery.
We've been on his tail
for 3 weeks.
This morning he made contact
with three individuals
we haven't identified.
If my intuition's correct, at 10 am
they're going to knock off a bank.
The fifteenth in two years.
We'll have 5 minutes
to lock down the area.
- What about the civilians?
Won't it be dangerous?
In two years, they haven't
run into a cop
or fired a shot.
- They're not stupid.
- How do you know?
You've never been there
to test their stupidity.
Why've you left it so late?
It hasn't been my decision...
Captain Meyer.
So get yourselves ready,
including bullet-proof vests.
I've been asked to help you...
That's all I'm doing.
Just do what I say.
Police... please get your
customers out of the way.
Police... please get your
customers out of the way.
Federal police...
we're conducting an operation
in this area.
All ready...
just waiting for them to come out.
- Olivier?
D'you see?
Everybody down!
- Nobody move!
- Waiting.
Police, drop your weapons!
What the fuck's going on?
It'll be right!
Go, go, go!
- What is...
...this mess?
- Hands up!
- You! Drop your weapon!
- Get out!
- Get out of the car!
- Come on, it's over! Give up!
- Don't move!
- Take it easy!
Gotta get outta here!
- Sniper!
- Take cover!
- Sniper!
Get under cover!
Stop!... cops!
Cut them off!
Smash through them!
Ryan! Ryan!
Get him out!
Eric! Shit!
Take cover!
- If you shoot again, you're dead.
Can't take any more!
Deep breath Nico!
On your knees.
- Do not move!
Drop your gun.
Hurry up, dammit!
Nico will die!
- What happened, Vincent?
- How come the cops were there?
- Cool it!
Nobody screwed up...
- I'm going to die.
- You're not gonna die.
- We'll get a doctor.
All our contacts are screwed.
He's right.
- I got someone who can fix him.
- Who?
A doc out in the sticks.
- We'll switch cars and go there.
Come on!
We're at the doc's...
don't you worry.
Local cop.
He's missing a round.
He wounded one of the gang.
That got them mad.
He's lost a lot of blood.
You did right by bringing him.
The artery's affected,
but it's superficial.
The vital organs were missed.
You not practising anymore?
- Yes, for some time.
- Why did you stop?
What's it matter?
I don't want my friend
operated on by some butcher..
if I do nothing, he'll die.
Then?... I stop now...?
You take over?
So either shut up
or get out.
- What did you want me to do?
The fucker was gonna shoot me...
I had to plug him!
- So we wait.
- Wait for what... a total fuck-up?
- 2-3 weeks then try again?
- With the cops up our ass?
You're really giving me
the shits!
Sit down.
We'll see...
...what happens.
Somebody squealed.
Nobody squealed...
they were doing their job.
Inspector Mattei.
Where is he?...
where's your husband?
Where's he hiding?...
Why would he be?
You know what that is?
The magazine isn't full.
One round's gone.
It was Nico who copped it.
In the stomach.
If he doesn't get to a doctor,
he's finished.
I don't know anything.
- You know what I think?
You know where they are...
you know everything.
I'm asking you to think about him.
If he's not found,
he'll die.
You'll never see him again.
This is what you want?
He never tells me anything... Ever!
What about my money?
Don't worry, you'll get paid.
The money the YOU
already owe me!
Your job paid off didn't it?
t's still not my money.
I can't give it to you.
- When do you divvy up?
- I dunno.
Vincent decides.
Vincent? What Vincent?
We got millions... and you're
breaking my balls about 10,000?
And you've shown this guy to Vincent?
He knows about him?
Answer me!
When the migraines
burst your brain,
when you crawl, snivelling
on the ground,
is he the one you call?
Or is it me?
You've only got one friend.
That is me.
I extracted the bullet
and stitched up the wound...
but he needs to be
closely monitored.
There might be complications.
It's best... keep him here
for at least 24 hours.
We can not stay.
I'll stay here
until he can be moved.
And then?
I'll take him
somewhere safe.
My friends will know
what to do.
How long will it take?
At least 2 months.
I go to prepare...
...something to eat.
We'll do the split
in two months.
In the usual place.
- This is too long, Vincent.
Nothing happens
without Nico.
I'll hide the money.
Police emergency...
The shooter you're looking for is hiding... 33 Rue des Archives in Ivry.
You aren't the usual type
of armed robber.
How many top-class shooters
like you are there? 100, 200?
It doesn't matter...
...whatever time it takes,
but your photo will be circulated
to every station in France...
...and to agencies world-wide.
And I'll end up
finding out who you are.
That'll lead me
to your accomplices.
- Catherine Baumont.
She's my lawyer.
- Ah...
How did you know
that I was in Paris?
You've got some cheek though.
Two years since you disappeared.
Not a word.
I've made a new life.
- I know.
Why am I here?
- I need you.
Where are they?
You've got no alibi.
You have no legal address.
And Mattei...
...believes you're the one.
Given the seriousness of the case,
you won't get bail.
You'll have to do a deal.
Out of the question.
So what do you expect
from me?
I wanted to see you again,
but not like this.
Just get me out.
You're sniper's name
is Vincent Kaminsky.
some gunmen did a warehouse.
The law arrived,
but took a sniper bullet.
He wasn't killed.
Your suspect is a precision shooter.
He uses another name,
but he's Kaminsky... one and the same.
No weapon, no evidence.
Catherine Baumont had him out
in a few days.
He disappeared without trace.
Here he is in Paris
using just the same method.
- A marksman?
Anyone in your squad?
I've found nothing
in army records.
Need to look... the areas of 'black ops'.
It's top-secret.
Same for me.
So that's the way it is?
You cover for this cunt?
You protect one of your own
I want that fucking file.
Otherwise all the press will know
you let a crack shot... exactly what he wanted.
- Who are you?
Eric, a friend of Vincent's.
- What do you want?
You're more than just his lawyer.
- So what?
We need to get him
a message.
- This depends on the message.
- A plan to help him escape.
They want to blast open
the front wall...
...and charge the prison.
Totally insane.
What else
did Eric tell you?
That it would cost a lot.
I'm going to tell you
where to find the money.
But great care
will be required.
- Remember my friend David?
- You've spoken of him...
If you hadn't had his help,
nothing would have happened.
We wouldn't have met, either.
Listen to me. Kathy...
Look at me.
I need
for you to contact him.
So he'll know the plan.
- I can not.
- Okay.
- OK, Nico?
- OK, thanks.
How much a purebred
like this worth?
- Very expensive.
That where
all your dough goes?
For sure.
I saw Theo loading the car.
You going some place?
Eh? So?
To Paris.
- I'm not with you.
- No... you're wounded
- Need talk with Anne.
- Nico...
You know very well
that the cops are at her place.
- This is very important.
I'm sure it is,
but there are more urgent matters.
- What?
- You remember Kathy?
Vincent's ex... the lawyer.
She got in touch...
she wants to see me.
Eric contacted her...
Vincent's gonna get sprung?
First we gotta figure out
how he got there.
Nico! Listen to me.
Don't move!
Turn around.
Anything from David?
- I can not stop to call him.
- This is Angelo!
Arnaud! Arnaud!
- Yeah?
- Nico?
- Yes.
I was thinking
you'd kicked the bucket.
I'm OK thanks.
- The cops are holding Anna.
- Listen to me..
I got a friend who's disappeared.
You're gonna follow a guy.
- No problem.
What do I do then?
You'll let me know...
I'll take it from there.
You're Vincent Kaminsky?
You're a real star... I read everything
the press wrote about you.
I'm Marco... Marco Frazetti.
I've done a few jobs,
but nothing compared with yours
Nobody here is in your class.
This happened because of you.
My acquaintances don't include
people who enjoy
a woman's agony.
And I've got...
I've got some news
about your arrest.
Police emergency...
The shooter you're looking for
is hiding... 33 Rue des Archives in Ivry.
Wake up, Kaminsky!
Your friends've put you in the nick.
They've killed the only person...
the woman who could have helped you.
What are you waiting for
to put those motherfuckers away?
Whadda you want done
with this Karim filth?
Can't stand seeing us
stuck in here...
...gotta get out!
My pals outside
are ready to help us.
You work out a plan
and it'll be done.
Know him?
He's tough.
No family, no future, nothing to lose.
While you...
We've got the boss, you've nothing to lose.
So talk.
I don't know who
you're talking about.
Don't treat me like an idiot.
Where's Nico?
- I'm not leaving without an answer.
- So hit me!
Hit me!
Go fuck yourself!
Brawl in the exercise yard.
Five inmates on the ground,
please send...
Inspector Mattei?
I'm Marc Grantier.
Warden at de Liancourt
detention centre.
I'm calling you on the matter
of Vincent Kaminsky.
There's been a brawl here
this morning.
An altercation between Kaminsky
and some violent inmates. s.
Kaminsky was wounded
and I've sent him to hospital.
you're an idiot!.
They're Frazetti's men.
The inmate who started a brawl
with Kaminsky.
They attacked the convoy.
They fired at everything.
It's a wonder there are
any survivors.
It's Marco Frazetti.
Kaminsky made
good use of him.
- And Kaminsky?
Already far away.
Where's Eric?
Don't know anything
about him.
I haven't found him...
where is he?
So how would I know?
You're not helping me.
I don't know where he is.
I swear...
But I know some people,
friends of his,
who'd be worth trying.
Take me to them.
Get your car keys...
move it!
When Eric's hiding,
I bring him his stuff here.
Morphine... he can take it
or leave it.
You did not know?
It doesn't matter anymore.
Go see if he's there.
- Why me?
The police aren't
looking for you.
Make sure you come back...
I'll always find you
- I'll be back.
- Huh?
It's the doc.
Can't you see I'm busy?
What's going on?
As soon as I mentioned Eric's name
they went crazy.
- Wait for me.
- Do not move.
Where's Eric?
- Do not know.
You fucking with me?
Why'd you beat up the doctor?
If I beat up the doctor
it's because he paid me to do it.
I never would've believed
you'd come here
Come on, move.
What are you waiting for?
You'd rather I did it?
Shut up!
I know what I have to do.
Is that what you said
when you were torturing Kathy?
And when you cut David's throat?
- David?
- Why're you talking to me about David?
- Your best friend...
- David's dead?
- How could you do it?
You going to
put one in me...
and then take care of Nico?
I'd never hurt Nico.
- You gonna kill him?
Do it.
It's Franck
who planned everything.
I told him if he wanted to kill her,
he had to ask you.
I did not think he would call the cops.
- And Kathy?
I was fixed
to make her talk...
Some one
beat me to it.
You know
I'd never kill her.
You know
I'd never kill her.
Lower your window!
Lower your window!
- What you gonna do?
At the hospital
they talked about... inoperable brain tumour.
I thought I was going to die.
The migraines became terrible.
It was the morphine
that helped me hang on.
- Why didn't you say anything?
- So you could look after me?
Let me go!
- What are you doing here?
- Where's Nico?
- Where's Nico?
- I should be asking you.
Let me go!
I should be asking you!
Stop it!
Has he been in touch
with you?
- Has he been in touch?
- No... there are cops everywhere!
- Shut up.
- What have you done with Nick?
Eh?... What've you done
with him?
- Stop it!
- Don't touch me!
That's enough!
Let me go!
- Shut up.
I'm pregnant...
You'll be seeing him!
You'll be seeing him!
You'll be seeing him!
You'll be seeing him!
- Shut up!
Tell me something!...
anything!... a name!
if you want to see him again.
- Arnaud.
- Who's he?
- A gypsy.
Where can I find him?
- Yeah.
Your guy showed up
at his old hideout.
Angelo and I tailed him.
- We know where he crashes.
- Don't touch him.
- I'm coming.
- OK.
Nico, listen to me carefully.
Kathy Vernon leaves home.
'Woman lawyer murdered
in central Paris'
- Hallo?
Lo so che mi stai aspettando.
Pero devo fare ancora una cosa.
Troppo lungo da spiegare
Ti stanno ascoltando.
I love you.
Out of ammo!...
Get going!
- Go!
- No!
Look after her.
- Nico!
Nico! Oh!
Ask for Inspector Mattei.
I don't know her.
- What's your name?
- Sonia.
My name's Mattei...
and I'm a police officer.
Who did this to you?
Franck Vernon.
A body's been found
in the forest.
What happened out there?
I want to know what happened to my son.
Kaminsky killed him.
You want to know why?
for an operation in Afghanistan.
Kaminsky, Darney, and your son.
I know all that.
We lost contact
but information reached us.
Darney transmitted
without the others knowing.
He explained that Damien
had severed a cable.
He was choosing his own targets.
Some of his actions
were those of a crazy person.
He ordered Kaminsky
to execute civilians..
Kaminsky refused.
Your son
pulled out a knife.
But Kaminsky
overpowered him.
We need to check
the levels.
- Yes, Dad.
You here
without an appointment...
to organise new identity papers...
Which should be ready in 48 hours?
-24 Hours.
- And you say...
you'll pay cash on the spot?
- I have the money on me.
- And if I refuse?
- I'll pay you double.
Triple if you want!
Does my money
smell like shit?
Calm down.
I know that you saw
And they sent you packing.
They didn't tell you why?
But I'll tell you why.
It's not that your dough
smells like shit.
It's you, Franck.
What are you talking about,
- Nobody will help you.
No less me than others.
We know what you did.
The cops are circulating
the info.
You're fucked, Vernon.
I don't know what you're talking about...
it's all bullshit!
Giovanni, I swear to you,
it's all bullshit!
- Let me go!
- Giovanni!
Here, take it.
Come on, take it!
Take it...
- Pick up your money and get out!
Franck Vernon's just turned left...
he's here.
- Forward again! Horn
Two seconds!
Go back.
Turn off your engine!
Hands on your head!
Out of the car!
Against the car!
Hands behind!
Operation ended.
- Your interest is in Kaminsky.
- Vernon is not your problem.
He's more of a problem...
with the examiner and judge...
To explain the activities
of this screwball to them
we get him there alive!
What do you mean by that?
I don't know exactly
what's between you and Kaminsky...
but you're a cop.
Fucking shit!...
Those girls were tortured
and killed
by that maniac.
Parents wracked with anxiety,
and all you can think of
is using Vernon as bait for Kaminsky?
we need to talk about
these long hours, you and me...
...under the law.
But it's finished.
I don't want any more of it.
You're wrong there.
I've come to warn you.
- For what?
- Vincent Kaminsky.
You're going to tell me
you've never heard of him...
...but listen to me anyway.
In case you haven't understood...
he fingered you.
He wanted you nicked...
You know why?
Because now he knows
where to find you
It bothers me to say it...
but I just did a bit of work for him.
But all help is welcome.
He waits patiently for 2 weeks.
He's there
behind the door.
He waits for me to bring you
before the judge...
When you're taken
out of the van, onto the steps...
just before you enter
the Palais de Justice...
will put a bullet
between your eyes.
And I'll stare down
at your oozing brains.
And I won't give a damn!
You can't let it happen.
But I can!
Put yourself in my place...
Your death makes one less bit of garbage.
I take advantage of it
to catch Kaminsky,
my bosses think I'm great...
everybody's happy.
Why are you
telling me all this?
Because I'm offering you
an alternative.
Tell the judge the truth...
Give all the details.
The number of victims.
Their names...
Be fully coperative, and you'll live.
But if you prefer
to play games,
don't forget
there's the journey
back to your cell.
Mattei in position 1.
We're there.
In position?
Yes boss,
all quiet here.
Position 2?
Nothing to report.
Position 3?
All quiet.
Have any of you seen something?
Have you seen something?
Fucking hell!
Answer me!
I see him!
He's on the roof
of the Chatelet Theatre.
Chief... do you hear me?
I hit him, chief.
He's wounded.
- Are you sure?
- Affirmative.
Position 2 to position 3.
Mattei's left his car.
Meyer... can you hear me?
Meyer... you OK?
Do you need help?
Are you hit?
Meyer... do you read me?
We're OK...
don't worry about us.
Get these off me!
You've got nowhere to run,
- Kaminsky!
- Kaminsky!
Drop your gun!
Did my son deserve this?