Guglhupfgeschwader (2022) Movie Script

(slow ufftata singing with music)
Rudi, don't make it so exciting.
(imitates a flourish) Da-da-da-da!
(lonely whistling sounds)
(soft barking)
Is a gift for you.
I rescued from the animal shelter.
His name is Hinkelotta.
Hinkelotta is a bloody stupid name
for a dog.
Such rubbish!
Right, Hinkelotta?
He's really insanely cute.
We'll keep it, Pauli, right?
(Susi) Yes, fine.
You give away
an animal doesn't like chocolates.
Who comes up with such an idea?
Me, Franz. I get an idea.
Rudi, that was a bloody stupid idea.
I had a dog, Ludwig.
And Ludwig is dead.
And I don't like dogs anymore.
Your best friend gives you
a cute three-legged dog,
which is really incredibly touching
and you show
not a little scrap of gratitude?
Thank you, Rudy. can you him
please take it back with you?
But that is...
- What an idiot!
Franz, so...
- Come.
You are amazing.
(Dad) Unbelievable.
Stay away from the Gugelhupf!
These are for your service anniversary.
service anniversary?
Ten years village gendarme
in Niederkaltenkirchen.
There even comes
the Secretary of State himself.
Mr. Eberhofer gets
a service anniversary with State Secretary?
- Then he can be celebrated, huh?
For all the cases he solved?
All alone!
are you pissed off
- No. I'm not upset.
I am deeply disappointed
human and moral.
(Rudi muffled) What's that for
a friendship where you don't admit...
you forgot the dog
(Rudi) Kiss my ass!
(door slams)
(spaghetti western music,
rooster crows)
Respect, Mr. Eberhofer,
that doesn't happen every day
that one with the excavator
crashes into his own shell.
(clerk laughs)
Moment. In fact, I'm halfway through
driven in by Mrs. Gmeinwieser.
From which side one thunders in there,
is actuarially irrelevant,
especially in the case of intentional damage.
Willful damage?
- Mmm.
I'm not driving
deliberately into my little house.
I just wanted to move the caterpillar.
As far as I know,
were you heavily intoxicated? Hm?
I? drunk?
Who says something like that?
I don't have a point in Flensburg
not even one.
Deliberately and heavily intoxicated,
that's ruled out, isn't it?
If the Leopold
would have been drunk
he hasn't
had the mental capacity
to do something on purpose.
Let's not waste any more
Your and my valuable time.
we don't pay Goodbye!
Now I stand with my insurance
still there as an alcoholic.
You don't have to look at me like that.
I am not your master.
look, the Hinkelotta,
she likes that from you.
(Grandma) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Franz, why didn't you say anything?
Yes, I didn't drive into the house.
- Yes / Yes.
You would have him a bit
can threaten. What are you a cop for?
You could have said:
"Look here, you also want
that I'm your friend."
Yes, but I don't like
to be his friend.
Tear off.
I said so from the start.
Another saying
and I'm running amok.
Granny? Is there also something for people?
Franz, your family
threatened with impoverishment.
And you think about the food? Serious?
- Starvation won't get us anywhere either.
Be the first
filled out the lottery ticket.
(sighs) Grandma, the odds
for a six is practically zero.
This is superstition.
A sane person doesn't play the lottery.
A reasonable person
doesn't make a hole in the wall of your house either.
- There's 17 million in the pot.
We can build ten houses with it.
mmm Or 1000 shithouses.
You shut up. You old fool.
Mark with a cross! All.
(sighs) What should I tick now?
Well look here.
For example birthdays.
they are easy
because they are easy to remember.
(Leopold sighs) Very well.
30, five, twelve.
Little Franz:
two, nine,
Out the mouse.
(slow music)
(Salesperson) Bam! Ms. Eberhofer!
But they give luck many chances.
Have you got the lottery fever?
- We've got to crack the pot.
(Grandma) There's no other way.
Yeah is not it? 17 million.
bam! But who does not dare
who doesn't win.
(machine rattles)
And you, Franzen?
As always, right?
- Hmm.
Tell me, why are you buying your tobacco
actually always with us?
Do you like it here?
Yes mei, you are the only tobacco shop
within a radius of 17 km.
Is there anything else?
- Is that how you wear it today?
Absolutely dude!
So, Ms. Eberhofer,
that makes 503.50 euros please.
I've already counted it.
(Grandma) One, two, three, four, five.
(gunshot and scream)
Grandma, are you okay?
- What was that?
There's someone
shot at your store.
That was if, then a rockfall.
The race
like the madmen through here.
Are you kidding me?
Who I? You? Why then?
I know exactly how
sounds like a shot, and it was one.
I do not think so.
- Are you that stupid or are you just pretending?
He's so stupid.
Have a look at him.
Not even high school
he did it.
It's fine mom.
What is that?
That's a projectile.
Is that from WW2?
Yes. And the hole in the window
is probably also from the 2nd World War.
Someone shot at your shop
with me and grandma in it.
And I like to know now who that was.
- I don't know that.
Why are you wearing a glove?
- My hands are always cold.
Now leave the boy alone.
He has to work.
In what shit
are you stuck now
That was a household accident
with the bread machine.
He's just too stupid for everything
even to cut bread.
It's just a cross.
I'm going to get forensics now.
And until then, nothing will be touched.
(reggae music)
Now it's getting higher at the back than at the front.
Sodom and Gomorrah
in broad daylight or what?
Are we in Niederschieichstan now?
Who does something like that?
Dad, I don't know.
Yes, are you a good dog? Yes.
Granny? When is it with us?
something to eat for the people again?
If you are hungry,
do something yourself.
Or ask your Susi.
- She's just putting Pauli to bed.
And why don't you?
- I do that all the time.
(disdainful laughter)
I'm allowed to laugh, right?
- Really, just the other day...
(hard rock ringtone)
wolf i?
Franz, where are you?
- Well, stay at home.
The Floetzinger
it's his birthday today.
Oh shit!
Right. He has half Niederkaltenkirchen
invited and no one came.
So please come here
and take the Simmerl' with you.
And a present.
- What gift?
A nice birthday present
from all of us.
Yes, and what is that supposed to be...?
wolf i?
(Franz sighs)
Yes, you are a dear Hunderle, you.
(Grandma laughs) Yes.
Uh, grandma?
- Yes?
I think I'll do it
a walk with the dog.
Hey, dog?
shall we go for a walk
Franzl? What's wrong with you?
with the dog before, ha?
You know what?
It's too late for a walk anyway.
Someday he will like you.
You will see. But until then
you have to be very careful, don't you?
- Hey!
All the best! Congratulations!
Well, you old man!
(they laugh)
you have my birthday
do not forget. - Yes of course.
Do you think we forget your special day?
- In the meantime yes.
We would never do that.
- You're our favorite Ignatz.
And we even have a present for you.
- Or?
Here's to you, Floetzinger!
- Cheers!
Oh! phew!
But now I'm excited
what a surprise you have.
There you will look.
- That's pretty cool, isn't it?
Ah yes, whoa, where do I have it?
Ah yes, look here.
There look.
It's just a lottery ticket.
Are you kidding me?
No, this is your chance
on the jackpot.
(stammers) There are
even 17 million in it.
My chance of hitting the jackpot is zero.
You only filled out one field.
Oh, Fltzinger, chance is chance.
My luck is worth exactly one euro to you,
and 25 cent fees.
Yes, and right there
let's drink now, shall we?
There. Wolf i, leave it
the air out of the glasses.
But without me.
Because you can do me.
(door closes)
Ungrateful sack.
One euro.
And 25 cent fees.
Oh well. And?
You can all kiss my ass.
Stupid heins!
(thunderous crack)
Yes / Yes. Fireworks. Insanely funny.
Wolf i, can I have a beer, please?
No way. I could
don't throw away the good stuff.
(sirens approach)
I guarantee nothing.
I think something happened there.
- Otto!
where is mom Is it still in?
- Is Nicole still in there?
(coughs) The fire brigade is at it right now.
It's not easy.
- You can't go in there.
I have to go in there.
- This is too dangerous.
But my mom is in there.
(firefighters shout to each other)
- But now! Do you have?
(Fireman) One, two, three!
(groaning) Is it heavy!
I'm sorry for that.
Me too.
(sighs) Yes.
If your mom isn't quite so...
obese, i.e. obese...
so if you still a bit
would have been more mobile
then she would have it
maybe made it out.
(Otto sobs)
She probably has
didn't feel so much anymore
when she scorched
because they are there from the smoke
was already in a daze.
but if not
it sure wasn't fun.
Now that was very compassionate.
Um, Dr. Brunnermeier,
I believe you can
do nothing now.
Good night.
- Yes.
Say, is the mafia after you?
And now don't say
you have no idea.
Otto, what have you done?
Nicole is dead, do you get that?
I'm afraid.
(sniffs) Where should I go now?
(Otto cries)
Ah, the fucking smoke, it's terrible.
(Door bell)
Servus, Rudi. Surprise!
I never want to see you again.
(door closes)
Are you sure this is your friend?
- He doesn't mean it like that.
(continuous ringing)
Eberhofer, are you crazy?
You wake up the neighbors.
I have to take the Lotto Otto
hide with you
Lotto Otto? What's that name?
- Just "Otto" would be okay too.
And why does he only have one glove?
- You have the guest room.
you have in my life
nothing lost.
Oh, go on, Rudi.
We're the dream team.
There is no "we" anymore.
- Ah, come on now, Rudi.
The apartment is freshly cleaned.
- Otto, shoes off!
The apartment is spiritually cleansed.
Who is she?
Dear Franz, why do you have something
against physically disabled dogs?
Do you also feel injured deep inside
but don't you want to let that happen?
Dear unknown woman in Rudi's apartment,
Thanks for asking.
I feel inside
and externally undamaged.
But he there, he has half a finger
and lost his mom.
his mom? Lost?
That's horrible.
Yes, Mama dead, the apartment
also burned down.
That's why he's not like that now
the mood cannon, right?
My god, you poor boy.
Then you're all alone now
in the big wide world.
(woman sobs)
you have such a big, big heart.
I know.
you are such a good person
- I know.
Dude, they're insane.
- Mmm.
I pick up the Otto. for his sake.
you are such a good person
- I know.
Franz, let's go. Really now.
- M-m.
My tears become a river.
He carries me when I have to cry.
In my little, little boat.
(both) To the great ocean.
(both sobbing)
That's Rudi, he's quite harmless.
Otto is in trouble
with some guys.
But I can't get anything out of him.
- You want me to sound him out?
No, just be careful.
why are you bringing him
not to his father?
There is no.
- What? Everyone has a father.
Yes, yes
but with Otto you don't know.
Just Nicole, and she's dead.
(Theresa talks soothingly)
(whispers) Where are you
met them there?
Where I met Theresa
is none of your business.
Come on.
- I know your stupid jokes.
(Happy music)
(Rudi) In the station mission.
(loud) In the station mission?
Exactly, that's what I mean.
Have you zipped in yet?
Parked the Benz?
Smoked the beaver?
Marinated the herring? The Kasperl
hop in the ravine?
Given milk to the cat?
Beat the schnitzel? Hm?
Franz, it's okay
not always just about sex.
Tell me, is this serious?
Would you like to make them Mother Theresa
in your age?
Do you know what bothers you?
That I'm happy with Theresa.
Because an unhappy Rudi
jumps immediately when Franz calls.
You're not happy with her.
From one day to another.
don't kid yourself
If I want to know how happiness works
I'm sure not asking
a relationship loser like you.
(strong German accent)
The most important thing is
that i continue to learn
and grow in my career.
I'm the kind of person who needs
new challenges in life to focus.
What is he doing there?
in Ludwig's basket?
Can the stupid dog
not sleep somewhere else?
I'm based in Germany, Bavaria.
Did you wait for me?
Do I look like that?
So I would be there. The boy is sleeping.
If only we could
make a little nice?
What time is it?
- I should look there.
It was parents' night.
Susi, I had to win the Lotto Otto
bring to Rudi in Munich.
Yes, and I have to
study for my exam.
Somebody torched the lottery shop
including Nicole.
Every day is something.
Let's say:
you are the zebra
and I am the hungry lion.
A sharp antelope.
(lively music and comforting moans)
I have a first appointment
made for couples therapy.
couples therapy?
- Mmm.
Really now?
Do you like to muddle along like this?
you, I would have
a much better suggestion.
How's it looking?
with a second child?
Are you crazy? do you like kidding me
No why?
I've been talking to you forever
because of a child
and now we have Pauli,
that you don't care about
and now you come to me like that?
'Tea homage was just a suggestion.
(Pauli) Mom?
Your son is calling you.
Yes, but he's definitely calling "Mama".
Attention, warning!
Well, I'll do it.
(Franz) Pauli?
Had a rough night, huh?
You, um, I have
a special order for you.
You ask around because someone
must have noticed something.
hahaha! Why do I always have to
do the boring shit?
yes my
- Franz, I'm 20 plus.
I'm full of juice.
I need action, adventure, thrill!
No boring witness questioning,
where nothing comes of it anyway.
Why is he still standing there?
- Yes, why?
Forensics says
that was a Molotov cocktail.
First the severed finger
then the shot
through the pane, now this.
Who has such hatred
against a lottery shop
or Lotto-Otto and his mom?
you know
the criminal record of Lotto-Otto?
you don't believe
that it was Otto? I know him.
He doesn't drop mail in a shop
WHERE his mom is.
So I don't know Lotto-Otto
but that stinks of insurance fraud,
100 meters against the wind.
Yes, that's what my stomach tells me
completely different.
Your Lotto Otto
has overdrawn his checking account.
He has three credit cards
15,000 euros in debt.
And two weeks ago
he wanted from his bank
a loan of 35,000 euros.
Really now?
- Yes, what is your stomach saying now?
How can he escape? I thought,
you are not yet distracted with birds.
I don't think that's okay
how you pick at the Rudolf.
He did you a favor.
That was all morning
in his room.
Dear Rudolf, thank you very much
you let Otto get lost.
I would never have done it alone.
Rudi, are you looking for something?
- The car keys.
I'm looking for my car key.
Argh! No! The bastard!
Your little fruit stole my car.
- Crap.
You got me a criminal
placed in the apartment.
Otto is a petty criminal at best.
Why does this petty criminal get
such a special treatment from you?
Because big criminals want to kill him
and I want to prevent that.
If I catch him!
- Rudi, your karma.
(mumbles) Karma, karma, karma.
(aggressive) Not with me, bro.
Not with me.
Not with me.
Franz, we'll take your car.
- Where are we going?
You will see. Teresa, come!
Why her?
Can she telekinese?
and feel where Otto is?
(Theresa laughs)
- Ha?
no I have a tracking device on the car.
Hammer, Rudy.
Otto is behind Landshut.
We should go.
All I hear is "we".
Does she come with me?
By the way, she has a name.
But Rudy
we two are the dream team.
The dream team is now three.
(Rudi) Straight ahead
and the next right onto the B388.
Franz, please! That is not how it works.
There's oncoming traffic out there.
A meatloaf roll without mustard
does not work either.
Dead animal.
Theresa, that's a meat loaf.
Leberkse is mainly used
made of fat, cartilage and tendons.
Otherwise it would be thrown away.
And that would be a shame.
(sighs) Thanks, Rudi.
Franz, I have the feeling
you do not like me.
Is it me?
and my personality?
Or do you feel
that I want to take your Rudi away from you?
Or do you generally not like women?
- Yes, I like women.
some anyway
but not in pursuit.
But is that because
that this is such a man thing
and women there always disturb?
Women often have to pee
and this is impractical in pursuits.
Great, Franz. Really great.
(truck horn)
(truck horn)
(Franz) And? Where is he?
He drives through the Bavarian Forest
towards the Czech Republic. - Czech Republic?
What does he want in the Czech Republic?
Do you have Otto's mom?
knew better?
Yeah, um, not really.
And before?
- So so.
That's forever ago.
Do you have the Audi?
parked in the lottery shop?
Rudi, I don't want to talk about it.
- Choke the eel?
The sausage
stuck in the sauerkraut?
played doctor?
Spit in the shell?
Rudy, ugh!
So so.
Franz and Otto's mom.
That explains everything.
That's why you're so committed to Otto.
I'm not Otto's father!
- Did you take a test?
- Well then.
But no dying word to Susi, right?
There's a hole in the fun.
(Engine starts)
Theresa isn't here yet.
Otto will soon be in the Czech Republic.
(upbeat music)
And Rudy? What is Otto looking for?
in such a Czech border town?
Probably drugs or sex.
Or both.
(Rudy) It doesn't matter. We'll have him soon.
Your little scumbag
sold my car.
Now what was that?
- Well what? Czech.
Can she speak Czech?
I think he doesn't want to understand you.
- Then let me go.
There, look.
Did he sell you a car?
I think he doesn't understand.
(loud) police. police.
That car out there is mine.
And now you're going to tell me.
Someone just wants to understand
what he wants to understand.
And thinks he's particularly smart.
- But we can do it differently.
- You're making a big mistake.
Think carefully about what you are doing.
That will have consequences.
I am an EU citizen!
You can only ever threaten
but that doesn't achieve anything
her super investigator.
Should I massage his feet?
until he gives me my car?
We might have Otto there.
I hope they hack him
the other fingers off. - Rudy!
You know what?
You two have such a full shot!
(Franz grumbles to himself)
(subdued music)
(electronic dance music)
(Franz) Do you know that one?
Franz, you horny pig!
(he cheers)
This is my friend! Comes!
Yes, Franz, what are you doing here?
(Max laughs)
Max? did you take anything
Yes. All.
Mei, Franz. I love you so much.
Max, let it be, okay?
This is Ivanka
and this is Melania.
Or vice versa. I forgot.
Good day.
- You can choose one.
Because you are my very best friend.
And then the four of us go to a room.
And then we are
Lochschwager. Cool!
That will not do. I'm there for work.
I'm also there full-time for work.
security guard!
Why do you have a photo?
from Lotto-Otto?
Because me again
love the Lotto Otto.
And whenever I'm feeling bad
I look at his photo.
No! Otto took off
and somewhere around here.
Just ask me.
(ironic) Thanks for letting me know.
- With pleasure.
(powerful funky music)
There you are.
- It's you.
what did you do to my car
you shit
I really didn't know that
that this is your car.
- All on red.
Don't fuss, take your chips with you
and come out with us
It does not work. I'm playing.
- Are you crazy?
Everything on red?
What if red doesn't come?
(Czech, then German)
Last missions.
(Rudi) This is madness!
(Theresa) Trust him.
(Franz) Now be quiet!
(Czech, then German)
21, red.
(whispers) Otto plays system.
Mike, we have a problem.
A policeman showed up
a German.
He is also interested in Otto.
That's 60,000 euros!
Where did you get so much money?
- Otto won all that.
Be quiet.
I have to concentrate
Otto plays system.
you let yourself
pay now and come with me.
Franz, that's not possible.
Otto is on a lucky streak.
Can it be that you
have a gambling problem
and the guys
so get money from you?
take your arm away
I have to bet.
(loud) Nothing there. Out of. finite!
- Let him! He's winning.
Franz, I can't stop now.
- No! You've got a bang, Otto!
You are addicted to gambling. Come on now.
Do not take it personally.
You know I like you. - No, nothing!
Franz, what are you doing?
Let him. That's not possible.
Please follow me outside.
Yes, we'll come with you.
- Not "we", only you.
(gagging sound)
Leave me, you tip-slapper! Rudi!
Last bets please.
- Yes, stop!
Rudi, I have a problem!
(Franz groans)
Hey friends, I have to go in there.
i am a cop
Here you're not police.
Yes. Yes.
And now I wish you the best of luck
in our "6 out of 49" draw.
(Bubbling and lotto melody)
Grandma, the probability
is equal to zero.
wait and see
We have good numbers this week.
- 30
(Lotto presenter) 5.
And the 9
So the winning numbers are:
5, 9
- Thirtieth!
- Fifth, 12th
We congratulate all winners
and winners. - 2.9.20.
These are the children's birthdays.
Remember the saying:
"You can't win
if you haven't learned to lose."
These are my numbers.
Father, these are my numbers!
I'm a millionaire! I am...
(resounding) Millionaire!
(raps) # In Niederkaltenkirchen
I am now the cinema
# The Fltzinger,
more adorable than that Jeannie
# I'm swimming in money
and hot babes in bikinis
# drink champagne with me
or a martini
# Fltzinger, you were an idiot,
who doesn't check anything
# Your purpose in life:
Gas, water, shit
# Ha-ha-ha!
# Bitches!
'm rich now!
Fuck you!
# My tub is full of money, honey
# And I treat myself
Tortellini with zucchini
# I don't screw on any heating anymore,
i go to the tv
# From now on I push the calm ball,
as with the Zivi
#17 Mille and starting tomorrow
we drive Lamborghini
# I only chat to women
-# In XXL
# I have the biggest envy
- # In XXL
# The bros and I go drinking
-# In XXL
# And I only shit heaps
-# In XXL
Where is the...
I only have one field?
Where's the bill?
You, Franz, you can us
borrow some money? Like 2000?
What can I do about it? Theresa has
said, Otto is on a lucky streak.
That's so mean of you.
- I did not want.
(Theresa) I'm really disappointed in you.
- No.
(Rudy) I'm sorry.
What have I done?
I lost everything.
(Rudi) Are we good?
(Otto) All my money.
My life,
my mom's life
i am such a
pathetic asshole.
Do you have your gun with you?
Shoot me. Please.
No! Otto!
you are a gift
Ah, he is a gift?
It's all his fault.
Please shoot me, Franz.
- Quiet!
(sighs) If I don't have any money to gamble with
then I won't play either.
if you are addicted to gambling
can't you stop
'Cause if you can
are you not addicted to gambling
If I go drinking, tastes good
I haven't had the beer for two days either.
They killed mom
and now it's my turn.
Otto might be
not at all addicted to gambling
when his father
would have taken care of him.
(Franz) Rudi?
what did you tell her
we let you
and Otto now alone.
So that you can
can pronounce it correctly.
I'm sure that's good for you.
(car door closes)
What do the two psychos mean?
I don't know.
So, and now you're finally telling me
who's after you
I owe some guys
quite a lot of money.
Were those the ones with your finger?
and your shop?
Don't take every word
pull out of your nose!
Who is this?
- I dont know.
How did you meet them?
- They approached me.
- At the casino.
Yes, how do they look?
- Yes, quite normal.
Otto, not a human
just looks normal.
Good lord, they want to kill you!
Yes, that's the type of guy.
The boss's name is Mike.
- Mike?
Is that all you know?
- Yes.
Franz, why do the two psychos say
should we chatter away?
Get in!
Franz, I'm not going anymore
to the spinner.
Du Otto, even as a key witness
you are a total failure
Can't I go with you?
(engine starts)
I'm totally scared now.
(Rudi) Pack it up.
Let's get out of the Czech Republic.
(thumping electronic music
and exuberant cheering)
(bus engine running)
Mommy loves you very, very much, yes?
(screams) Mom!
(Susi) And dad too!
(Woman 1) Bon voyage!
(Woman 2) Ciao!
(Pauli sobbing) Mom! Father!
(woman) Finally a week off.
Ah go, Susie. That's for sure
what came in between.
(Susie sobs)
This is the first ride from the Pauli
with his kindergarten
and Franz gave me
highly promised
to be back from the Czech Republic in time.
What is he doing in the Czech Republic?
- Because of the Lotto Otto.
Oh I see.
- Yes, that's what Franz said.
Because of the Lotto Otto.
Why are you saying that so funny?
Yes, that's probably rubbish.
jessie Say it.
well, you know
like me my 18th birthday
celebrated in my parents' party room.
Where someone the Franz with the Nicole
caught in the bedroom.
you remember that
I mean Nicole
was quite a savage at the time.
I wasn't even there on your 18th.
I was in Italy then.
That's right, you weren't even there.
you were in italy
(door slams)
Greetings from your son.
- Where's Pauli?
On his first kindergarten trip.
And he only cried for an hour
because his father wasn't there.
For such a child
could it be the trauma?
Franz? Do you have
seen my lottery ticket?
lottery ticket?
I? Seen?
What lottery ticket?
The one I filled out.
- He says he won the lottery.
And now the glow is gone. Allegedly.
Like this.
- Like this.
Why do you think you won?
- It was the children's birthdays.
And where is he then? the bill?
- Path!
I say that all the time.
- Leopold, the house doesn't lose anything.
It still drives me crazy
the Leopold.
(Susie sighs)
Ms. Eberhofer, these are
no fried eggs, that's a poem.
(Papa softly) Like Franz.
(silence, clock ticking)
Good day.
Hello, Mr. Eberhofer.
Mrs Gmeinwieser, I greet you.
Doctor, we have
an appointment with your wife.
You will laugh, but my wife
unfortunately has to be represented.
From me.
You're not serious, are you?
- Yet.
My wife has purulent angina.
She has the strictest ban on speaking.
But don't worry.
I have last year
did an online training.
i am scientific
almost up to date.
Excuse me, but I'm not speaking
with our village medicine man
about my relationship.
Franz? Don't you dare!
(Franz clears his throat)
I suggest we start with
that everyone counts once
what he particularly likes about his partner.
I always like to do that
like Ice Breakers.
I'd rather list
what I just don't like about Franz.
This is a protected space.
You can say anything there.
(clears throat) Ah. So, um...
I like Susi
that they do a great job
do in the town hall.
Really strong. Without the Susi runs...
Why did you not tell me,
that you were dating Nicole?
Ms Gmeinwieser,
talk about yourself.
"I have the feeling that..."
I have the feeling,
that you had an affair with Nicole.
- Franz?
How are you feeling?
from Mrs. Gmeinwieser?
I only buy tobacco there.
- Don't play dumb.
No accusations.
You were dating Nicole.
(stammers) With Nicole?
I? No that...
You better not lie to me now.
It is very important
that we the other from...
- ...let them talk.
That's forever ago.
We've been there
three months together.
Yes, but we didn't know yet
how serious this is getting.
You lied to me from the start.
- No charges.
Are you mad about something?
from 24 years ago?
"I have the feeling that..."
It's not about how you feel
but about that one.
Haven't you ever thought about it
who could be the father of Lotto-Otto?
Otto's father? No why?
That's typical. He never makes himself
any thoughts about anything.
do you think
that I am Otto's father?
Then why do you care?
so mad about him?
Everyone in town knows
that he was 24 years ago
what happened to Nicole, just...
All. But me.
She never said anything.
- I see.
Because she didn't say anything, you thought:
"It won't be me"?
Now tell him
what he's doing wrong.
It's not about right or wrong here.
- What kind of therapist are you?
A decent person who stands by
what he did, especially to children.
But I'm never
Otto's father!
Are you sure?
(door slams)
Um, actually
we still have 25 minutes.
(Leopold) Where's the fucking bill, Zefix?
Susie, do you think so?
not a bit exaggerated?
It can't be gone.
- No.
It has to be in the house somewhere...
(Franz sighs)
(sad harmonica melody)
(Franz groans)
Did your girlfriend kick you out?
Thrown out would be saying too much.
Is what?
Did your mom actually
did you say who your father is?
pff! Some kind of asshole.
Who leaves his pregnant girlfriend
just sit and run away?
Maybe he didn't know
because she didn't tell him?
Did not know?
Franz, it'll be fine.
Susi kicked him out.
- No!
Susie and I
practically treat each other
a bit of quality time.
Because of the Lotto Otto, ha?
it's stupid
that Susi is finding out right now
that the lord philanderer
had something to do with Lotto Nicole.
Possibly with consequences.
- I'm not Otto's father.
Franz, that doesn't matter.
Otto is of legal age.
You're alimony-technical
off the hook and you can admit it.
leave me alone!
I'm not Otto's father.
- Yes.
(roaring engine and squeaking tires)
Fltzinger, you look like shit.
Did you win the lottery?
(self-loving laughter)
Gell, there you look.
You won the lottery with the ticket
that we gave you?
17 million.
As? Really now?
Yes. So...
Party time, muchachos!
Wolf i, what is the most expensive thing
on your map?
Don't you have any bubbly?
or a tattooer?
Or a Dom Peringnong?
Or at least
a shitty Veuve Cliquott?
Yes, the best for my friends.
Hey, Fltzinger, we'll let it rip!
- Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!
What do you mean by tomorrow?
Until next year!
Floetzinger, in your place
I would be careful
If you throw the money away like this
soon everyone will know about the win.
So what?
- Yes, then everyone will want something from you.
free beer, holiday trip,
cars, houses.
Franz? Do you really mean now?
It would be best if you
keep your prize very, very secret.
Franz, you're a spoilsport.
No, Franz
I think you're right.
Who's up for a spin
in my new Lamborghini?
(Simmerl and Wolf i) Me!
- Ah, go.
We're just doing a round here
then we drive to Straubing, to Eden.
Nobody gets that. Here we go!
- Straubing!
(roaring engine)
(Engine revs and tires squeal)
Holy Anthony!
Please help me find the ticket.
you have me
never let down.
What about him?
Ah, pfff.
You only need some hair.
One week later
you get the test result
and know if he is your offspring.
some hair? Where do I get that from?
Sperm works too.
(Rudy) Mmm!
Rudy? These are the tripe for the dog.
(mouth full) At least
grandma takes care of them.
Mmm! Right? Yes, fine Hinkelotta.
Yep, that tastes good.
(Franz) Now pay attention, boys.
Otto goes to the funeral
I stay close
and you secure the backcourt.
Then when the guys come
who threaten Otto, then...
Franz, why should I help you?
In the end, YOU officially solved the case.
you are celebrated
the interior minister shakes your hand.
Yes my I'm official
the policeman from both of us.
And you're just a department store detective.
- Only one more?
That's exactly the slant
who has poisoned our relationship so far.
This time I steer the bob
and YOU push.
Are you crazy? - Then get it
we both a gold medal.
I'm definitely not doing the bait.
- You're not bait, Otto.
Well, in a way, Franz.
- Forget it. I'm not stupid.
You go to the funeral, kindly
your mom. - Fuck me, dude!
(Rudy laughs)
Rudi, you want to lead the investigation?
Please! you tell him
Otto, you do nothing
except standing sad at the grave.
You'll still make it.
The rest works.
That's where the professionals take care of it.
Do you want to go to the funeral like this?
Fuck you Psyche!
- Please?
Fuck you!
- Now watch this.
Ouch! Are you crazy?
First class.
Of course we can do a commercial area
for your new installer...
plumbing empire.
- Yeah, fine with me, things...
uh, designate a commercial area.
Although this is a nature reserve
but we can do it.
if I say something
the municipal council sprints.
And the Fltz Tower.
- Fltz Tower?
Yes, of couse. 17 floor.
- Yes, anything else?
We're not allowed the lock
forgotten: Chateau Fltzinger.
Lock? - Yes, who pays from now on
an assful of business tax?
You, uh, Mr. Fltzinger,
I have another idea.
Something very special.
How about this?
What am I supposed to do with a roundabout?
- Not everyone has that.
We call it the Ignatz-Fltzinger Kreisel.
Mei, this melts in your mouth.
A roundabout
naming one after one is offensive.
Now don't be upset.
Maybe a nice plaque?
All right then. Then I'll wear it
my million investment elsewhere.
Should we Niederkaltenkirchen
rename it to Gro Fltzinger?
I thought of Floetzville.
So because of me, Fltzville.
Yes, where are we? Zefix!
Are you completely out of control?
All right then!
In Tittmoning or in Tuntenhausen
don't hang like that
by her name like here.
Then go there with your orange
Flounder, you bloated flange!
(engine roars)
I'll tell you what: Dingolfing
is still called Dingolfing
and not BMW-fing.
(engine roars)
Such an ass!
Such a spread pipe wrench there.
(ringing bells)
(Pastor, accented) We have
bought newspapers from Nicole.
We have
supplied with stationery.
(hard rock ringtone)
And we have all
committed our little sins
when we played with her
lotto, game 77,
Lucky spiral, scratch card.
She always had
a few words of encouragement
when we stock up on her
with tobacco products, sweets
and sometimes too
something high-proof.
Dear community, we sing the song
"Dear God, closer to you".
(Mourners) # Closer, my God...
Rudi, you don't need it all the time
send messages.
I'm there, I see everything.
- # Closer to you
# Sorrow presses me too...
Man Herbert!
(exciting sounds)
'Tea homage, Kugllmayer?
Yes, Franz!
- That's what I thought.
Yes, Servus!
- N / A?
Hello there. What are you doing here?
- Ah yes...
Tell me how long has it been?
- Uh, 20 years?
20 years? Insanity.
That we two
passed police school!
(laughs) Yes, we were the worst
from the whole vintage.
With distance.
- Yes.
And you? What do you do? Where are you?
- In Hinterthann. head of department.
We are the least inspected
offenses in the jurisdiction.
It doesn't get any better.
- Yes.
(Kugllmayer sighs)
And did you know Nicole too?
Uh, yes, from before.
Long time ago. We were young then.
Yes my Time flies.
You, I have to go back now.
It was a pleasure.
- Me too. Fiadi!
- Bye.
(exciting music)
Servus, asshole!
To smile.
(camera triggers)
Franz, I've got her! I have her!
(Rudy screams)
(Rudi) Franz!
Franz! Franz!
Can someone please shake my hand?
- Get off my mom.
I would if someone would help me.
- What are you doing in that hole?
The assholes
pushed me in.
It must have been the henchmen
from this one... What's his name?
The Kuglmayer Mike.
- Who is Kuglmayer Mike?
Who is Kuglmayer Mike?
The Kuglmayer Mike?
He was just there.
(Rudy) And? Is the air clear?
(Franz) Yes.
Message to Teresa.
Is a new device
with speech recognition.
Hello darling, period.
I'm still at work, period.
A thousand kisses, your mouse bear.
exclamation mark.
(cellphone voice) Message sent.
With this thing we always know
where the Kuglmayer is.
And if there is a suspicious movement
for his part, boom, we're here.
In one, two, three, four weeks at the latest
let's catch him in the act.
I guarantee you that.
- Otto might already be dead by then.
What else do you want to do?
Do you just want to ask him
whether she threatens Otto
Or torched the lottery shop?
(Franz sighs)
What are you doing wrong right now?
I agree to your plan?
A cigarette glows and smokes.
Two things that give us away.
Do we want that?
(Car door squeaks loudly)
(exciting music)
(door opens)
Goodbye. Colleague.
(policeman) Can I help you?
- Yes.
I recently
met the Kuglmayer-Mike,
and now I happened to be in the area.
You, Mike, he's, uh, in the sauna.
(quiet groan)
How do you know that?
Well, it's my birthday today.
- Ah yes. Sure, logical.
All the best.
Mei beautiful You're celebrating, aren't you?
What now? Here?
- Yes.
It's time we start
to celebrate my birthday.
Birthday. Sure, of course.
And Franz?
What do you like?
I'll try one of those beers, right?
Message to Franz:
We had a deal.
Sent message.
Mike, let it go.
I still have to drive.
Franz, don't worry now.
We are the police!
(men cheer) Yes sir!
(moans) men,
now I think it's about time
for a decent
heartbreaking smelly...
(all) Garlic Soup!
You, Mike, I have to slow down.
(Melody from "Guantanamera")
# A Kuglmayer
# There is only one Kuglmayer!
Message to Franz:
I lead the investigation.
Sent message.
Talk to me you asshole!
do you really want to send this?
- Yes!
(loud Ibiza lounge music)
What does Moratschek say
to your evidence room?
(laughs) He doesn't say anything. It's already
haven't been there for 15 years.
But you are here now.
That's nice, Franz.
Real Czech garlic soup.
From his wife's mike. She is Czech.
you have to try
- Yes.
- Mmm!
She is good.
- Go? Excellent!
The best when you've been drinking.
(Schlager starts)
# You touch my skin
(cops hoot)
# It's so hot and so familiar
# You whisper softly in my ear
# Do you have time today?
(muffled) # I'm pro-life
# ready with you
(policemen sing along to the lyrics)
# Love me, kiss me
# and touch me
# Come and let us both
be one tonight
(to himself) Eberhofer,
you unprofessional asshole.
(policemen roar along)
# Love me, kiss me
# and touch me again
# Because it's so nice with you
# Until the morning wakes up
# Love me, kiss me
# and touch me
# Come and let us both
be one tonight
Message to Franz:
Kiss my ass!
(cellphone voice) I'm not sure
if I understood you correctly.
I am not sure if...
(Rudi) Why is this idiot listening
not easy on me.
(Pop music)
(dark laughter and distorted sounds)
Yes, Franz, tell me
are you okay?
You won't get my Otto.
Who is "your Otto"?
(malicious echoing laughter)
(dazed) Pauli, Otto.
I'm here for both of you.
(squeaks and grunts)
(he screams)
Gschsch! Shh!
Go away, you pig!
(Fltzinger moans with pleasure)
(bell-like doorbell)
Oh. Good lord, what is this now?
I'll be right back, sweethearts.
(Door bell)
(American accent)
Lord hear our prayer.
And leave our words
fall on fertile ground.
- Amen.
We bring you good news.
are you insane
Everyone gets that!
Janine, Chantal, sneak up, right?
I'll call you later.
I was wondering where you guys are.
You could have called.
(laughs) To celebrate the day.
(cork pops)
We are not allowed to drink alcohol.
That's real champagne, right?
- We must not.
Ah, strict women.
Ha, I already know my way around.
(chuckles) There's only one thing:
Everybody out,
off to England, and then Fltztime.
But let's get out now
with the good news.
Strange, right? That 17 million
fit in such a small suitcase.
Excuse me.
- Give me the suitcase.
Excuse me.
- That's mine!
you give me now
You give me the fucking suitcase!
Sneak, Bagage!
Brainy carousel brakes!
About plural marriage
can we still talk
but first,
when i got my millions
(chickens cluck)
(weak) Mr. Head of Department,
I can explain almost everything.
Yes, but I'm curious.
i was together
with Herr Birkenberger
at the Kugllmayer in Hinterthann.
But he didn't
followed my instructions.
With colleague Kugllmayer?
- Yes, because of Kuglmayer
coincidentally at the funeral
from his mum's Lotto Otto.
This is Kugllmayer's boat
his house and his wife
Janiczka Kuglmayer.
Married five years
born in Vankova, in Brno.
Most recent occupation: Model.
My investigations...
I'll get mine from a department store detective
but do not transmit any investigation status.
Oh well,
where did Otto gamble away his money?
In a casino in the Czech Republic.
And where did the guys approach him
who wanted to lend him the money?
In Czech Republic.
And Kuglmayer has a wife
and who is?
(Rudy sighs)
Eberhofer, I smell liquid manure and pro-waste.
Probably the Kuglmayer
didn't even have a birthday.
But I had to celebrate.
What should I have done?
Stay home, none
denigrate innocent colleagues.
Just to distract
that you - for whatever reason -
on the ass of Lower Bavaria
have crashed.
Yes, but the Kuglmayer...
- Out of!
I don't want to hear any more about it.
A Bavarian policeman
is neither corrupt nor criminal.
Just because you're fishing in troubled waters, need
Don't make up stories.
I don't make up stories.
That's what Lotto-Otto told me.
Speaking of Lotto Otto.
They bring me this criminal
and then he gets arrested.
And woe betide you hid it.
I? - If you hid it
and not arrested, that is punishable.
I do not know,
what you like about this Lotto-Totto-Otto
ate for a fool.
(chickens cluck, door slams)
Susi, I swear to you
I was just investigating.
you are so pretty,
if you don't say anything
(door opens)
Now let's talk rabble!
- Zefix, you scared me.
Franz's head of department believes
you torched the lottery shop.
I? Why me, Franz?
Because you are addicted to gambling and
have a respectable criminal record,
and there is my car
not included.
Yes, okay.
But I wasn't.
Franz, did you tell him that?
We drive to Moratschek,
and there you will testify
that this cop
cut off your finger.
Who is this?
- Mike Kuglmayer.
The clip-slap, snap-snap...
(Otto) Ah.
It wasn't the one in the photo.
But he has a lot of money for you
borrowed and is now collecting it again.
Yes, yes, but that guy over there
I do not know at all.
Franz, you said that he said
that his debt collector's name is Mike.
That one looks very different.
You really don't know him?
- Franz, I swear.
Super key witness.
Hey Psyche,
what can I do about it?
Also get pampy?
Probably the result
an unstable home.
Unstable and aggressive.
I am not your master.
Do you understand me?
(Telephone rings)
(man) Mike,
someone wants to speak to you.
Chief of Police Kugllmayer.
What can I do for you?
(Otto) Mike Kugllmayer?
Uh, what's the deal?
I know who you are.
And I know you're a cop.
So so?
But that stays between us
if we agree
that the two of us reschedule a bit.
I do not get it.
From now on I don't have anymore
50,000 debts to you,
but you 50,000 with me.
Or should the Moratschek
found out about your part-time job, huh?
(he laughs)
You greedy little asshole.
(Leopold, quietly) That's it
not. That's impossible.
Where's the bill?
you already had you
solved so nicely by Franz.
And now you're investigating
but again under him.
Do you have his skinny
Grants still needed?
Although you can have mine
Now I'm investigating
and he is my henchman.
But its negative energy
rubs off on you.
I am above that.
(incredulous snort)
Is what?
- No no.
No no.
You wretched lump, you wretched one!
What have you done with my millions?
I want my millions!
(Franz) Floetzinger!
Tell me, are you crazy now?
What do you have
done with my bill?
What bill?
- My lottery ticket! Six correct ones!
2, 5, 9, 12, 20, 30.
But those are my numbers.
- What's this about now?
Why does Fltzinger have my numbers?
I was with the lottery company.
The ticket is not in the system.
Why are you looking at me now?
Why does Fltzinger have my license?
- Why do you have our ticket?
This is my ticket!
Franz gave it to me
given for a birthday.
You were always against us
common home, Franz Eberhofer,
but such baseness!
Are you giving away our millions?
To the Fltzinger!
(Fltzinger snorts)
I couldn't have known.
Besides, he didn't win anyway
because the note was not scanned.
I will kill you! I will kill you!
(Susi and Leopold scream furiously)
(wild babble of voices)
(Dad) Yes reign times!
Now you stop!
Stop with the nonsense!
Sit back, you cramp henna,
and you too, Leopold.
And you, Fltzinger, keep your mouth shut.
After all, we are a family.
Leave Franz alone.
family is more important
than a few fucking million.
Now squat down.
The food is ready.
I would have our house twice as big...
rebuilt three times as big.
I could have been happy
but no, of course that's not possible.
Can you whine outside please?
No, I do not like it.
you heard the father
We are a family.
You share joys and sorrows.
What should I say? I almost have
bathed in the sea of millions.
I felt them everywhere.
And then someone pulled the plug.
That's a lot worse.
That was our lottery ticket.
who would not have won
because it was not read.
Exactly, as my wife and my children
left me
why don't I just have the gas bottle
turned up by the cutting torch?
That's the idea! I'll take the gun
from grandpa and put an end to it.
Yes do it.
Then at least there will be peace.
(Leopold) I redeem myself.
The Panida and the children
are punished with me anyway.
Thanks, I've had enough.
Oh I see?
Are you still in contact with your family?
Lucky you!
- Lucky one? I?
My brother steals from me
my lottery jackpot ticket
and the note was not scanned.
Dear Lord
secures my misfortune twice over.
(to himself) That's unbearable.
(grandma) No,
that's unbearable.
Hey! But they look good.
- Don't you dare!
They have to pronounce themselves properly.
Since we only disturb.
Susi, I couldn't have known.
17 million.
So this tastes really good
Ms. Eberhofer.
I haven't for a long time
eaten something good.
Boy, you better shut up now, eh?
(several horns)
Yes, Crucifix!!
What's going on out there again?
Can't you just eat in peace?
spaghetti western music)
Franze. Surprise!
(Rudi) Look,
the Kuglmayer is nearby.
Hello, Mike.
We're officially here.
We're supposed to pick up Lotto-Otto.
command from above.
I'm sorry, he's not here.
Oh I see?
He's in Landshut at the Moratschek
and makes a statement.
Franze, turn around.
(to himself) What an idiot.
I'd say we'll take him with us now
and then sponge over it.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
- We are eating right now.
yes we are waiting
Great. Then yes we can
drive together to the Moratschek.
You unpack and save money
a few years in prison.
you make a mistake
Too bad.
Everyone, take cover now!
(spaghetti western music)
Tell me crucifix!
But now it's getting higher at the back than at the front!
Tell me, you brat heads,
did they shit in your brain?
Ever heard of a lunch break?
Stop immediately!
- Dad, they're serious.
(gun shot)
(machine gun clicks)
Franz, what do they want from us?
This is the Kuglmayer. He wants Otto.
Because of you we are now being killed.
Franz, I'm scared.
Great, that doesn't get us anywhere either.
Franz, we need a plan!
(machine gun fire)
Dear God in heaven...
(Telephone rings)
stuffer. Good day.
Karli, the Eberhofer here.
We need help.
Hey you,
I don't understand you very well.
Kuglmayer kills us all.
At my place.
(loud) Your jackhammer is so loud.
(shouting) Kuglmayer is killing us.
At my place.
So the Kuglmayer wants
kill the Eberhofer. At his house.
The Kuglmayer
want to kill Eberhofer?
says Franz.
(muffled machine gun fire)
You, hold on for a moment, eh?
(Telephone rings)
(brisk ringtone melody)
(whistle, machine gun fire stops)
Hinterthann office. Kugllmayer.
What can I do for you?
Yes, Moratschek here,
Landshut Police Department.
Kugllmayer, where are you?
Yes, here at the station.
And you bring
not just the Eberhofer?
The Eberhofer? No, how come?
Stuffer, you're not doing anything.
The Eberhofer is crazy.
Servus, Franz.
He hung up!
- Hung up? Why hung up?
What kind of loser cop are you?
- Watch out, lad!
(Bullets hiss, Susi screams)
(machine gun fire stops)
There is only one solution: surrender.
Franz! Give him the Otto.
- Rudy!
That's a great idea.
- You're always so brave.
no Please don't, Franz. Please.
It's only for appearances.
We'll save you then. Somehow.
You callous human.
He'll kill Otto after all.
You do not even know that.
- Better him than all of us.
Otto stays here! Right, poor Otto?
I only hear "Otto".
What's going on with you and Otto?
Can we discuss this later?
- We might all be dead then.
If you love something, then set it free.
- What the heck is this?
Is this a good time
for a relationship discussion?
Think about it. Either you give us
Otto or we'll get him.
Last chance.
We want to negotiate.
(gun clicks)
(machine gun fire)
Empty? Out of ammo?
Well then good night.
woman away,
Children gone, millions gone.
(muffled machine gun fire)
Leave me alone.
I really am the shame of the family.
(barking and whimpering)
Even the dog doesn't respect me.
let me kill myself
(crow call)
(sentimental music)
(Rudi) Man!
Do not look at me like that.
I'm definitely not going out there.
Otto, I have to tell you something.
I do not know,
if you know that, but...
your mom and me
we used to know each other quite well.
Is this the right moment for it?
For the truth
it's always the right moment.
You always asked yourself
who your dad is
(Dad) That's me.
(all) you?
I am Otto's father.
Now wait a minute.
Yes, it wasn't planned.
(all) you?
I was once young or, or younger.
And when Otto was born, his
Mama didn't like me anymore. Me!
Was a hard blow back then.
After all, have feelings too.
(machine gun fire)
(spherical music with female vocals)
What's going on there?
(shootout stops)
Can't you just kill yourself in peace?
But now it's getting higher at the back than at the front!
Hey! Throw that away!
(Franz) Drop your weapon!
(heroic music)
Franze, put away your pistol
or the guy is gone.
I can tell you again:
drop weapon!
Ha? Franze?
There, you asshole!
Who else wants? Ha?
one more shot
and you see yourself
the radishes from below.
(Franz) Susi, strong.
Really, respect.
But a bit
that was crazy, wasn't it?
Yes, and you? do you want our child
run out of here
with an empty magazine?
That was really seldom stupid.
No music, I said!
Leopold, let it be.
Franze, we really were the two of us
worst in police academy.
Yes, but you haven't learned anything.
(sobs and sniffs) Lili,
I hope you are well insured
you assholes!
How did that happen?
Have you never had anything
heard of de-escalating?
How does that look for us?
Shooting among cops!
Mr. Moratschek?
- Yes.
Shooting among police officers
and a department store detective.
Yeah, that doesn't sound any better either.
We give a devastating
public image.
And tomorrow comes
the Secretary of State on your anniversary.
We can do that
I'd be happy to cancel.
Tell me, how about
if we sell the whole thing as an accident?
Do you really want to file a complaint?
All the administrative work.
No way! I'll report them.
They can't just do that
shoot at us in our yard.
And all my ring cakes!
yes, pff
Ms Eberhofer,
I understand you, but...
You're taking my ad now,
because otherwise I'll be poisonous.
Mr. Moratschek,
don't mess with grandma.
And who takes care of me?
I'm a victim too.
Have you been serious
with you and Otto?
Rudy, I'm very sorry.
But Otto
he needs me a lot more than you.
This has nothing to do with you personally.
It's more physical.
Physically? Otto?
You were on a very, very good path
and i thought
that something could really happen with us.
But next to your Franz
a woman has no chance.
Servus, Rudi.
Now let's go to your papa.
Excuse me.
Was that true before?
Yes my I think so.
I put something together.
So 24 years times twelve months,
let's say
times 300 euros maintenance,
would we have 68,440 euros, please.
I beg your pardon?
The first thing you want from me is money
claim or what, you bastard?
Good, you can stutter it too.
We're related.
yes, very friendly
I think your hat is on fire.
Who shit in your inheritance?
You didn't get that from me.
They have the farm for me
balled up because of you
pluck yourself up! But quickly
before i forget myself
I think I'm crazy.
(Grandma) Dirty gang, miserable!
(Leopold) That was close, wasn't it?
Thank you Franz
I needed that now.
Susi, that was really stupid
with the empty magazine.
At least it was well intentioned.
(Susi and Franz moan in disgust)
Such a near-death experience
welds you together, doesn't it?
You, tell me, Franz,
the farm is insured, isn't it?
Yes. no I don't know.
You know what?
We'll call the insurance guy.
And with the money for the shot one
Saustall we finish our new building.
No, that's Franz's stable.
And it will stay like that.
Yes, but our new building?
We'll see then.
I thought
we would be a team now.
And I can sweep everything together again.
(brass band plays tuneless)
(Grandma) Mei, they are beautiful!
I've had beautiful ones too, but
they shot me.
Yes. Mei, thank you very much!
(music stops, applause)
Maybe a glass of sparkling wine, Herr Dings,
uh, secretary of state? - No thank you.
Where is he, Zefix?
(Susi stammers)
(Rudi) Your test result is here, by the way.
(Franz) Hm.
Doesn't that interest you at all?
I know,
that I am not the father.
You're not even related.
- I'm not even related?
You're not even related.
- And that means yes...
Neither does your dad
who can be Otto's dad.
Since Nicole has bribed the papa.
- That's how it looks.
Such a bitch.
- How do you talk about a dead person?
(soft music)
You don't have to
for your anniversary party?
The Secretary of State himself
does the honour.
The famous Franz Eberhofer,
the investigator with the best
Clear-up rate for all of Bavaria.
Maybe name them
a road after you
Or a swimming pool.
Uh, you, Rudi, I really have to.
Uh, the Secretary of State doesn't like to wait.
We'll see each other again sometime.
Maybe next year.
you know i'll get back to you
if my schedule allows it.
(bottle cap hisses)
And what about the Secretary of State?
He's supposed to kiss both of our asses.
(bottle cap hisses)
Would you rather party with me?
Yes, but only because I
you don't have to wear a suit.
Franz, it's okay to show feelings.
Bottom up!
Yes, the dog likes to party too.
Well, dog?
Maybe he likes a beer.
- Would you like a beer?
Yes, would you like a beer?
He likes one.
(Franz) That's good, isn't it? Yes.
Eelei, but now it was enough again.
Bah! This is unsavory.
(pleasurable moan)
you know, Rudy
I share my beer with whoever I want.
And especially with my dog.
Gell, Hinkelotta.
Rudi, if anyone sees us!
(Rudi) There is nobody. Except Hinkelotta.
(Rap music)
# Attention attention,
this is the police speaking
# If someone here wants beef,
come to my butcher shop
# I'll have one for all of us
and then we'll stop arguing
# Today we're having a party
at the wolf i in the pub'n
(Susi) # Fltzinger, you were an idiot,
# who checks where nothing
# Your purpose in life:
Gas, water, shit
(Floetzinger) Ha! Ha! Ha! bitches!
I'm rich now!
# Fuck you!
My tub is full of money, honey
# Hey, Ignatz, hey, Fltzinger,
you really are a fool
# Here I come
into the rap business with a bad rap
# And take away the lottery ticket
- # Susi, great rap, not bad
# Then I'll throw you out
from the pigsty
# In such a high arc that you only behind the
Simmerl crashing again at the roundabout
# Whoa, that was abusive.
- # Franz, stand by Rudi
# And keep your eyes open, brother,
I'm not just dei Gspusi
# I am Susi and my music
sounds like girl power
# We live in a pigsty,
but the Fltzi is the pig farmer
# Fltzinger, you were an idiot,
who doesn't check anything
# Your purpose in life:
Gas, water, shit
# Ha! Ha! Ha! bitches!
# I'm rich now! Fuck you!
# My tub is full of money, honey
# Millionaire? With my bill!
# That can't be the truth
# I ask you: Do you think that's right?
# The Fltzinger wins
and makes himself important
# The wretch, the wretched one
# the day thief,
he only has women on his mind
# Hallodri carries the 17 million
but only in the whorehouse
# whorish, drunk,
this excites me so much
# I would have needed the money much more
# This is a screaming one
injustice, that is
# But really!
# I only chat to women
-# In XXL
# I have the biggest envy
- # In XXL
# The bros and I are going drinking
-# In XXL
# And I only shit heaps
-# In XXL
# So now calm down
and just chill
# Most don't watch anymore
so wild through the green glasses
# Most people
already do too much drinking
# Rather smoke more, folks,
that's what papa is telling you now
# Now we continue with your drivel
- # I hear badly,
# but the beat is loud
like a squadron
# he flies over the garden
# You smell the...
- # Floral scent
# Coffee aroma in the air
- # And a pinch of ring cake
# Fltzinger, you were an idiot,
who doesn't check anything
# Your purpose in life:
Gas, water, shit
# Ha! Ha! Ha! bitches!
# I'm rich now! Fuck you!
# My tub is full of money, honey
Subtext Berlin, 2022