Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) Movie Script
Uncle Michael, please don't hurt me.
Oh, no!
Oh, God, it's coming!
- Jamie, need push!
Push, push, push.
Please, give him to me.
Please, give him to me.
No. Please, my baby. Please, give him to me.
Damn you!
When Michael Myers was six years old ...
he stabbed his sister ...
to death.
For years he was locked up ...
in Smith's Grove Sanatorium.
But he escaped.
And suddenly ...
Halloween became another word ...
for mayhem.
One by one he killed his entire family.
Untill his 9 years old niece, Jamie Loyd
was the only left alive.
Six years ago. Halloween night, Michael and Jamie vanished
many people believed them dead but I think that someone hid them away.
Someone who keeps Michael, protects him, tries to control him.
And if there is one think I know you can't control evil.
You can lock it up,you can burn it and bury it,
and pray that it dies but it never will.
It...just rests a while.
You can lock your doors and say your prayers
at night, but the evil is out there.
And maybe...just maybe...it's closer than you think.
Jamie ...
Come with me if you want to save your baby.
Oh, God ... he's coming.
Come on.
It's that way!
No! No. Save your baby! Go now!
What you're doing in my truck?
What the hell're you doing in my truck?
- What?
Danny ...
Kill for him.
- Mommy!
Mommy's here.
What is it, baby?
The Voiceman. He's here.
No one's there, sweetheart.
- But I've seen him.
He says things. Bad things.
Like what?
Good night, Danny.
Good night, mom.
It's "Back Talk" with Barry Simms.
Who is that guy?
We're in the second hour of a special Halloween edition
of "Back Talk". I'm Barry Simms.
Tomorrow night, we will be
coming to you from Haddonfield.
The town that has banned Halloween since 1989 ...
when infamous serial killer Michael Myers ...
his niece, Jamie Lloyd and about a dozen cops
were killed in an explosion.
We have a caller waiting.
Who's next to talk to me?
I ... I know this may sound crazy, Barry, but ...
I really think I'm in love with him.
he's so untamed, so uninhibited.
He's everything I've ever wanted in a man.
You know, this is good. I can see the tabloids now.
"Psycho lays nympho
The best sex he ever dismembers"
Is this the type you always fall for, lady?
Any other serial studs on the list?
What about that Dahmer guy? I bet ...
I bet you could really cook with him.
- No, I just want Michael.
I ... I wanna know what's behind that mask.
Now ...
we've got someone who actually
claims to have seen that Michael Myers.
Come on. You are on "Back Talk". Next.
I was only eight years old, when I saw him.
But I was one of the lucky ones.
I survived.
There is a help out there ...
for people like you.
It's called electro-shock therapy!
Come on. You don't really believe that he's actually alive.
- Michael's work isn't done in Haddonfield.
And soon ...
very soon ...
he'll come home ...
to kill again.
But this time I'll be ready.
Michael Myers was not killed in that explosion
at the Haddonfield police station.
The CIA abducted Myers from his cell
and killed everyone to cover up their tracks.
Now why did they do that?
That's obvious. They wanted the ultimate assasin.
Myears is now on the goverment paylor.
No one contrlos Michael Myers, not even the CIA.
He took out 8 agents while they had him at Langley.
They couldn't control him. So they packed him up
in a rocked and shift him off the space.
Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you very much.
Michael myears in space. Come on. Next.
Hey, what happened to that psychiatrist of his, Loomis?
I heard the old quack was dead.
- Not dead.
Just very much ... retired.
Terence. Come in.
- What a night.
Not even so much as a sign for five miles on that road!
- That's the beauty of the countryside.
I thrived on it..
So, who is responsible for bring this
Halloween rally thing together?
We are residents of Haddonfield junior college.
But ...
But why go to all the trouble of throwing this swirl ache?
So what if Halloween has been banned in Haddonfield?
Who gives a damn?
We do! We live here.
I mean, it's time we got on with our lives.
That's what tomorrow night is all about.
This town is dying, Barry.
You know I've heard Michael Myers blamed for a lot of
things tonight, but this is a first.
killed the economy!
Look, tomorrow night is going to change all that,
especially after you do your broadcast live from campus.
You also ...
You have reached Haddonfield Emergency Services.
Due to severe weather conditions,
all circuits are momentarily busy.
If this is not an emergency ...
You gonna get up there on the stage with old Bar?
Uh, yeah, I will.
- Yeah?
Well, I'll see you tommorow night.
This is "Back Talk" with Barry Simm.
Give me a call at 1-800-968-7825.
That's 1-800-YOU-SUCK.
So come on, all you boogeyman believers out there.
Give me a call.
Call me tonight.
To old friends ...
to retirement ...
to new beginnings.
Old friends.
Sam ...
I want you to come back to Smith's Grove.
You should know that is not wise to play Halloween pranks on me.
It's no prank. You are the one I've chosen Sam.
I want you to come back.
I've burried the ghost. I've burried in and this ...
this ...
I don't wanna practise medicine anymore.
Coming thru. They're coming! They're coming! ...
-Yeah. So they're coming, they're coming.
Don't tell me your name is Joan ...
Joan of Arc and you're also hearing voices, right?
Now, who's coming?
It's Michael.
Michael Myers.
Look someone, anyone ...
help me. Dr. Loomis, are you out there?
Can you hear me? Dr. Loomis I need your help.
- Please, please. No, no, stop. Stop that.
What the hell is going on tonight?
Every looney in the state is going. What is it? A full moon?
Oh, man. I guess Halloween brings out all the wackos.
I can't wait until we get to Haddonfield.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Leave us alone!
You can't have the baby, Michael.
You can't have the baby.
Of this Michael Myers ...
Now, you stinking kids got about three seconds
to get the hell off my property!
Doesn't Danny look cute dressed up as his Uncle Tim?
Great. Now I've got a six-year-old gang-member for a son.
This is the famous Tim Strode stomach pounder.
You down for the challenge?
Good try, Dan man.
You better stick to orange juice.
Defacing my property.
I showed them.
- John, they were just kids.
Everywhere you go it's the same damn things.
No goddamn respect.
I rest my case.
Kara, you'll never pass that exam on an empty stomach.
"Cognitive therapy and emotional disorders".
What are they teaching you in college these days?
It's called psychology, mom.
Living in this house is enough to drive anyone crazy.
Oh, yeah?
Well, who the hell asked you
to come back here in the first place?
I better get Danny to school.
Doesn't show her face around
her own family for five years ...
then comes back and expects us
to roll out the red carpet.
You think going to college is gonna
make up for your mistakes, girl?
John, please.
- Lay off her, dad.
Let's go, Danny.
- Kara, wait, please. John, can't we just sit down for once
Sorry, Mom.
Oh, yeah, that's it, Deborah.
Just keep slipping her the cash.
You know, while you're at it,
I got a great idea. Here.
Why don't you give her
all of our goddamn money?
Why don't you leave her alone?
Nothing ever changes, does it?
You gonna wake up.
I got news for you, girl.
Before you came around, everything was going fine.
Until you landed on our doorstep.
You and that little ...
bastard of yours.
I see only one bastard in this house.
Get away from her!
You shut up and stay outta this!
- John, please, don't!
You ever talk to me like that again.
And so help me God ...
You understand?
Give me the knife, Danny.
Hey ...
Hey. Make way for the Hardin County Express.
Where's Tim?
We're supposed to go over
the list of events for tonight.
Oh, God.
- Another episode of "Father Knows Best"
What the hell happened this time?
What's gotten into you?
- Just glad to see you, that's all.
You guys okay?
Tonight's the night we bring some life back into this town.
Shit, Beth, why do we have to be the ones to organize
this friggin' fair? I mean, it's only Halloween.
How many times do I have to tell you.
It's not about Halloween.
I love you, Danny.
- I love you, mommy.
Give me a squeeze.
Yeah. ok.
Dr. Wynn ...
There is something you should know.
Dawn, I'd like you to get Dr. Loomis anything he needs.
Files, tests ...
records of every treatment we've ever administered to
a former patient of ours, Michael Myers.
Michael Myers?
Is something wrong?
I just received the phone call.
That girl, Jamie Lloyd.
Her body was found this morning near Haddonfield.
Beth, who's that guy who lives across the hall from you?
Why, you interested?
Yeah, right.
He's always staring out his window.
Last night, I caught him watching me.
That must be Tommy.
On a weirdness scale of one to ten ...
he rates about 13.
Supposedly, some scary shit happened to him,
when he was a kid.
Messed up his head pretty bad.
He's harmless, though.
He's probably just lonely.
- Or horny.
Something you probably haven't felt in a while.
Tim ...
Happy Halloween, Mrs. Blankenship!
Best part about living in that boarding house is
that crazy old lady wouldn't hear a truck
Please. Look, you've gotta listen to me!
They're coming! They're coming!
Yeah, so they're coming, they're coming.
Don't tell me. Your name is Joan ...
Joan of Arc and you're also hearing voices, right?
Come on. Now, who's coming?
It's Michael.
Michael Myers.
Look, someone, anyone, help me.
Dr. Loomis, are you out there? Can you hear me, Dr. L ...
It's Michael.
Michael Myers.
... your attention, please. Bus 611 from Pontiac ...
Look, someone, anyone, help me.
Dr. Loomis, are you out there?
Can you hear me, Dr. Loomis? I need your help.
God, please, help.
- May I have your attention, please?
Bus 34 from Peoria, Russelville and Gardner ...
with through service to Chicago, lllinois ...
will be arriving in five minutes.
Ticketed passengers please wait inside the door
until arrival of bus number 34.
Can I help you, sir?
Can you tell me if a bus arrived from Pontiac last night?
Sure did.
Are you looking for someone?
- Thank you.
No. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, man.
It's okay.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
What's that?
It's ... his mark.
He's come home.
Check it out!
Tonight's gonna be killer.
Kara, I swear. One of these days,
you're gonna get lost in that thing.
I can't find my term paper.
- So copy someone else's. I do it all the time.
Works primo.
Oh, shit!
Looks like your little boy
has got himself quite an imagination.
He's been having nightmares.
I think it's cool.
Must be some nightmares.
- Beth, we got work to do.
Hey ...
Are you gonna be okay?
I need to see a doctor.
What seems to be the problem?
- Uh, it's my baby.
There's been an accident.
What kind of accident?
- Give me a doctor! Now!
Dr. Loomis?
Dr. Loomis ...
thanks God you're here.
I'm sorry.
I don't know you, do I?
- I'm Tommy.
Tommy Doyle.
Laurie Strode ...
Jamie's mother ...
was ...
baby-sitting me the night when ...
- Tommy Doyle.
What you doing here?
Please ...
I need to know the truth.
You heard it last night, didn't you?
Michael's come home, hasn't he?
she is the last of his bloodline.
- No, Dr. Loomis.
She's not the last.
Oh, God.
There is family. Relatives of the people
who adopted Laurie ...
the Strodes.
They're living in the Myers house.
Dr. Loomis, about Michael ...
It's just a theory of mine of ...
- That's him.
Meet me ...
9:00 at the campus rally.
Tommy, wait!
I'm very sorry, Mrs. Strode.
Is everything all right?
Who are you?
I came to help your family.
It's okay.
You like that name?
Yeah, I think it suits you.
It's okay?
I won't let anything happen to you.
This force, this thing ...
that lived inside of him ...
came from a source ...
too violent ...
too deadly for you to imagine. It ...
It grew inside him.
Contaminating his soul.
It was ...
pure evil.
What makes you think he'll come back here?
- This house ...
is sacred to him.
He has all his memories here.
His rage!
Mrs. Strode ...
I beg of you. Don't let your family suffer the same fate
that Laurie and her daughter suffered.
I'm coming.
You ready?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I'm coming, all right?
You better be there. On Halloween ...
Strode Real Estate.
John, something terrible's happened.
What do you want now, Deborah?
A man came by the house,
a psychiatrist by the name of Loomis.
And he told me about the terrible things
that happened here in our house.
Deborah, what the hell are you doing?
Talking to strangers, letting 'em in our house?
John, they found Jamie Lloyd this morning.
Somebody killed her.
Deborah, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
You better stop watching that damn TV talkshows.
I'm getting the children out of here.
At least until I know what's going on.
John, I want you to come with us.
You know. You know, Deborah.
You've lost it. And you know that, Deborah.
You've just lost it.
The reason you moved us into this house ...
Your brother could never sell it,
because of what happened here, could he?
And you knew.
And you didn't tell us, John.
You knew.
We want the child.
Who is this?
Oh, Michael.
Mom? I'm home!
Are you there?
What are you doing here?
I'm your neighbor from across the street.
Tommy Doyle.
- What are you doing with my son?
And ... and where's my mother?
She wasn't here ... when Danny came home.
Danny, go downstairs.
But Tommy's my new friend.
He knows all about dinosaurs.
Do you know whose room this used to be?
Hi, Mrs. B!
You don't really expect us to stay here, do you?
I want you to watch your house.
You can see everything from that window.
Do you know how insane this is?
Who am I supposed to be looking for?
It's okay.
It's okay, Steven.
Not now, Danny.
Here you go.
Come on.
Here. Let me try.
All it takes is a mother's touch.
Runes were a kind of ... early alphabet ...
that originated about 500 B.C.
They were symbols ...
carved out of stone or ...
pieces of wood.
Used in pagan rituals
to portend future events and invoke magic.
Among the ancient druids ... Thorn represented a demon
that spread sickness ...
brought death to hundreds of thousands of people.
According to a Celtic legend, one child ...
from each tribe ...
was chosen to be inflicted with a curse of Thorn.
To have the blood sacrifices
of it's next of kin on the night of Samhain.
The sacrifice of one family meant ...
sparing the lives of an entire tribe.
For years I've been convinced
there must be some reason.
Some method behind Michael's madness.
The druids were also
great mathematicians and astronomers.
But the Thorn symbol is actually constelation of stars
that appears from time to time on Halloween night.
Whenever it appears, he appears.
I think that's why these people ...
whoever they are,
are after Jamie's baby.
To make it Michael's final sacrifice.
Where are you going?
To find the only man who can stop him before it's too late.
- Oh, no. Where's Danny?
Mrs. Blankenship!
Have you seen...
Danny, don't ever walk off without
telling me where you're going!
Take him upstairs.
Lock the door and wait till I get back.
Kara ...
whatever you do ...
Don't go back to your house.
During the autopsy we found this.
It's placental fluid.
I estimate she gave birth no more than 24 hours ago.
Then the question is:
where is the baby?
I think I ...
I may already know.
Do you know why we celebrate Halloween?
Because that's when we go
trick-or-treating and get candy.
Oh, well...
yes, but...
A long, long time ago ...
it was a night of great power ...
when the days grew short ...
and the spirits of the dead ...
returned to their homes
to warm themselves by the fireside.
All across the land ...
huge bonfires were lit.
Oh, there was a marvelous celebration.
People danced ...
and they played games.
And they dressed up in costumes.
Hoping ...
to ward off ...
the evil spirits.
Especially ...
the boogeyman.
What's the boogeyman?
Come on, Danny. Say good night to Mrs. Blankenship.
Good night, Mrs. Blankenship.
- He hears the voice, you know.
Just like the other boy that lived in that house.
What are you talking about?
I was baby-sitting with him that night.
Little Mikey Myers that lived across the street.
And that's when the voice came ...
the night he murdered his sister.
Michael heard a voice?
It told him to kill his family.
Where the hell's Barry? Let's go!
- Don't get star-struck on me now.
We got a real agenda here, and Barry
is gonna help us get the message out.
Hey, look ...
Helloooo, Haddonfield!
- " WKNB presents "Back Talk" with Barry Simms.
live from Haddonfield, Illinois ...
- Barry!
of Michael Myers!
I'm home!
Thanks for the dinner.
Come out, come out ...
wherever you are.
She actually left.
I know what's going on.
It must be ...
the boogeyman.
Here I come, boogeyman.
'Cause, you know, I am really scared.
What the hell?
The power's off.
Tell me, kids, how's it feel to ...
finally pull Halloween out of
the proverbial Haddonfield closet?
What we're saying here is ...
we will no longer let the powers that be control our minds.
For years ...
Halloween has represented everything
that's wrong with Haddonfield.
But Michael Myers is long gone.
There is NO boogeyman!
Does she get this riled up in the sack, Tim?
I bet she wears crotchless panties and barks like a dog.
Beth ...
what do you say, honey?
You and me, uh ...
As I was saying ...
we have to stop acting out of fear.
Just look at Tim's family.
They live in the Myers house.
You do?
We do?
Uh ... yeah, we do.
Great house.
Strong wood.
- I see. You mean to tell me you actually live ...
in the house...
of the most brutal massmurder in history?
This is the Bary Simm show.
And when we return...
we'll be coming at you live...
from the one ...
the only ...
Myers house.
How's that for a Halloween shock-fest?
How far to your house, Tim?
- About half a mile, but I don't know if my folks ...
What about the kids? We're supposed to throw candy.
- Phone!
Relax your crack, sweetheart.
Quick tootle around the old house hold
and we'll be right on back.
Pull the van out packs,
so that I can sneak out of your nice flat line.
Oh, no. No, no, really, really.
You're too good to me. Really.
No. Thanks for putting me in the middle of this
cheap-shit country bumpkin outfit, Paul.
My fans expect better than this.
No, no. Look, you tell that penny-pinching whiner
Mike Sarducci that when I get back,
and wear 'em as earrings.
Where's the goddamn van?
Oh, no. I'm tracking now for cheesburger.
I'm taking the show to the real Myers house,
Ten minutes in that house and I'll have
every fruitcake medium in the country calling in trying to
Sure, we can do another show about him.
Kick the audience in the face enough and ...
they'll lick you all over.
I'll call you later.
Where the f ...
What happened to the lights?
Do you think Barry's gonna show up?
Let's hope, not.
I'm sorry ...
he turned out to be such an asshole.
It's okay.
Where is everyone?
They're probably at the fair.
Just where we should be.
Beth ...
What you said before
about Michael Myers living in our house.
Is that really true?
It was a cold Halloween night.
He stood in the shadows,
watching through the windows ...
as his sister and her boyfriend made love.
Then he crept inside ...
picked up a huge butcher knife ...
she turned around ...
and he stabbed her!
Cut it out, Beth!
I really didn't know that Michael Myers
lived in my house, okay?
It freaks me out.
I'm sorry.
I was just fooling around.
It's okay.
Let's get the candles.
Just a minute.
Mommy, it's raining.
It's raining red.
Mommy, it's raining red.
It's raining.
It's warm.
Dr. Loomis.
It's happening.
Where is the baby?
Your sister would kill us if she knew we did it in her bed.
Hey, that was your idea.
I am bad, aren't I?
Only when you wear crotchless panties.
Bark like a dog.
Where you going?
I gotta take a shower.
You know, to stay fresh.
Watch out for the boogeyman.
Hey, Beth, can you bring a towel in here? I'm freezing.
Where are you? I need you, honey.
I'll be in, in a minute.
Hold on a second, Danny.
Danny ...
- Mom?
No, this is Beth.
What are you doing there?
Do you know where my mother is?
- She's not home. No one is.
What's wrong?
Is Tim with you?
He's in the shower.
I'm across the street.
I can see you.
Beth, I want you to listen to me.
Get Tim and get out of that house.
Right now.
Beth, look out! There's someone in the room.
Is right behind you!
Danny, no!
It's okay.
Danny, run!
Don't move.
Stay right there.
I'm coming to get you.
The baby.
Where's the baby?
Open the door!
Open the door!
Please, somebody help us!
Help us, please!
Help us, please!
Get 'em upstairs!
Where's the baby?
He's gone.
Who else knew I had the baby?
No one.
- No!
There had to be someone else ...
who knew!
- Nobody knew except me and ...
come to me.
Danny, no.
Careful with the girl.
Mrs. Blankenship!
Oh, God, hurry! We have to ...
Hello, dear.
Where is she?
Where's Kara?
I feel like I've been drugged.
We have been drugged.
Why are they doing this?
Why didn't they just kill us?
It's his game.
And I know ...
where he wants to play it.
Dr. Loomis, you know that can't stop Michael.
- Nothing will stop Michael.
But ...
Dr. Loomis.
- You stay here. Don't go anywhere until I come back.
I was getting worried Sam.
I was afraid you wouldn't make it.
Because you were the first one to see it.
And you recognised it's power.
Pure, uncorrupted, ancient.
You ...
are ...
a madman.
I've had my failures but this baby...
Jamie's baby.
We are at the dawn of a new age, Sam.
And I'm asking you to join me.
I thought
Michael was a monster.
But you ...
We are ready for you Dr. Wynn.
Well, we'll give Dr. Loomis a little time
to think about it.
Maximum security.
He walks amognst us brother.
He's come back.
He is very ungry.
How does it feel to be damned?
- Tommy is that you?
- Kara?
- Tommy.
- Kara, Kara?
I'm here.
I'm here.
Are you there?
Tommy, Are you ok?
Tommy, Are you ok?
Let go off me.
It's based on Doctor Wynn's research.
Ok. Ok. Ok. You can take that off now.
Halloween is over.
There's Danny.
Danny, come on.
Run Danny.
Help me please. Help me.
Go. Go. Go.Go.
Go. Go.
Quickly, here. Come on.
Go. Go.
You 've won.
He is your's.
Leave her alone.
Mom. Mom, help.
Mommy, mommy...
Mom. Mom, help.
Get in there.
Come on. Get in.
- Come with us.
- No, I have a little business to attend to here.
Oh, no!
Oh, God, it's coming!
- Jamie, need push!
Push, push, push.
Please, give him to me.
Please, give him to me.
No. Please, my baby. Please, give him to me.
Damn you!
When Michael Myers was six years old ...
he stabbed his sister ...
to death.
For years he was locked up ...
in Smith's Grove Sanatorium.
But he escaped.
And suddenly ...
Halloween became another word ...
for mayhem.
One by one he killed his entire family.
Untill his 9 years old niece, Jamie Loyd
was the only left alive.
Six years ago. Halloween night, Michael and Jamie vanished
many people believed them dead but I think that someone hid them away.
Someone who keeps Michael, protects him, tries to control him.
And if there is one think I know you can't control evil.
You can lock it up,you can burn it and bury it,
and pray that it dies but it never will.
It...just rests a while.
You can lock your doors and say your prayers
at night, but the evil is out there.
And maybe...just maybe...it's closer than you think.
Jamie ...
Come with me if you want to save your baby.
Oh, God ... he's coming.
Come on.
It's that way!
No! No. Save your baby! Go now!
What you're doing in my truck?
What the hell're you doing in my truck?
- What?
Danny ...
Kill for him.
- Mommy!
Mommy's here.
What is it, baby?
The Voiceman. He's here.
No one's there, sweetheart.
- But I've seen him.
He says things. Bad things.
Like what?
Good night, Danny.
Good night, mom.
It's "Back Talk" with Barry Simms.
Who is that guy?
We're in the second hour of a special Halloween edition
of "Back Talk". I'm Barry Simms.
Tomorrow night, we will be
coming to you from Haddonfield.
The town that has banned Halloween since 1989 ...
when infamous serial killer Michael Myers ...
his niece, Jamie Lloyd and about a dozen cops
were killed in an explosion.
We have a caller waiting.
Who's next to talk to me?
I ... I know this may sound crazy, Barry, but ...
I really think I'm in love with him.
he's so untamed, so uninhibited.
He's everything I've ever wanted in a man.
You know, this is good. I can see the tabloids now.
"Psycho lays nympho
The best sex he ever dismembers"
Is this the type you always fall for, lady?
Any other serial studs on the list?
What about that Dahmer guy? I bet ...
I bet you could really cook with him.
- No, I just want Michael.
I ... I wanna know what's behind that mask.
Now ...
we've got someone who actually
claims to have seen that Michael Myers.
Come on. You are on "Back Talk". Next.
I was only eight years old, when I saw him.
But I was one of the lucky ones.
I survived.
There is a help out there ...
for people like you.
It's called electro-shock therapy!
Come on. You don't really believe that he's actually alive.
- Michael's work isn't done in Haddonfield.
And soon ...
very soon ...
he'll come home ...
to kill again.
But this time I'll be ready.
Michael Myers was not killed in that explosion
at the Haddonfield police station.
The CIA abducted Myers from his cell
and killed everyone to cover up their tracks.
Now why did they do that?
That's obvious. They wanted the ultimate assasin.
Myears is now on the goverment paylor.
No one contrlos Michael Myers, not even the CIA.
He took out 8 agents while they had him at Langley.
They couldn't control him. So they packed him up
in a rocked and shift him off the space.
Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you very much.
Michael myears in space. Come on. Next.
Hey, what happened to that psychiatrist of his, Loomis?
I heard the old quack was dead.
- Not dead.
Just very much ... retired.
Terence. Come in.
- What a night.
Not even so much as a sign for five miles on that road!
- That's the beauty of the countryside.
I thrived on it..
So, who is responsible for bring this
Halloween rally thing together?
We are residents of Haddonfield junior college.
But ...
But why go to all the trouble of throwing this swirl ache?
So what if Halloween has been banned in Haddonfield?
Who gives a damn?
We do! We live here.
I mean, it's time we got on with our lives.
That's what tomorrow night is all about.
This town is dying, Barry.
You know I've heard Michael Myers blamed for a lot of
things tonight, but this is a first.
killed the economy!
Look, tomorrow night is going to change all that,
especially after you do your broadcast live from campus.
You also ...
You have reached Haddonfield Emergency Services.
Due to severe weather conditions,
all circuits are momentarily busy.
If this is not an emergency ...
You gonna get up there on the stage with old Bar?
Uh, yeah, I will.
- Yeah?
Well, I'll see you tommorow night.
This is "Back Talk" with Barry Simm.
Give me a call at 1-800-968-7825.
That's 1-800-YOU-SUCK.
So come on, all you boogeyman believers out there.
Give me a call.
Call me tonight.
To old friends ...
to retirement ...
to new beginnings.
Old friends.
Sam ...
I want you to come back to Smith's Grove.
You should know that is not wise to play Halloween pranks on me.
It's no prank. You are the one I've chosen Sam.
I want you to come back.
I've burried the ghost. I've burried in and this ...
this ...
I don't wanna practise medicine anymore.
Coming thru. They're coming! They're coming! ...
-Yeah. So they're coming, they're coming.
Don't tell me your name is Joan ...
Joan of Arc and you're also hearing voices, right?
Now, who's coming?
It's Michael.
Michael Myers.
Look someone, anyone ...
help me. Dr. Loomis, are you out there?
Can you hear me? Dr. Loomis I need your help.
- Please, please. No, no, stop. Stop that.
What the hell is going on tonight?
Every looney in the state is going. What is it? A full moon?
Oh, man. I guess Halloween brings out all the wackos.
I can't wait until we get to Haddonfield.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Leave us alone!
You can't have the baby, Michael.
You can't have the baby.
Of this Michael Myers ...
Now, you stinking kids got about three seconds
to get the hell off my property!
Doesn't Danny look cute dressed up as his Uncle Tim?
Great. Now I've got a six-year-old gang-member for a son.
This is the famous Tim Strode stomach pounder.
You down for the challenge?
Good try, Dan man.
You better stick to orange juice.
Defacing my property.
I showed them.
- John, they were just kids.
Everywhere you go it's the same damn things.
No goddamn respect.
I rest my case.
Kara, you'll never pass that exam on an empty stomach.
"Cognitive therapy and emotional disorders".
What are they teaching you in college these days?
It's called psychology, mom.
Living in this house is enough to drive anyone crazy.
Oh, yeah?
Well, who the hell asked you
to come back here in the first place?
I better get Danny to school.
Doesn't show her face around
her own family for five years ...
then comes back and expects us
to roll out the red carpet.
You think going to college is gonna
make up for your mistakes, girl?
John, please.
- Lay off her, dad.
Let's go, Danny.
- Kara, wait, please. John, can't we just sit down for once
Sorry, Mom.
Oh, yeah, that's it, Deborah.
Just keep slipping her the cash.
You know, while you're at it,
I got a great idea. Here.
Why don't you give her
all of our goddamn money?
Why don't you leave her alone?
Nothing ever changes, does it?
You gonna wake up.
I got news for you, girl.
Before you came around, everything was going fine.
Until you landed on our doorstep.
You and that little ...
bastard of yours.
I see only one bastard in this house.
Get away from her!
You shut up and stay outta this!
- John, please, don't!
You ever talk to me like that again.
And so help me God ...
You understand?
Give me the knife, Danny.
Hey ...
Hey. Make way for the Hardin County Express.
Where's Tim?
We're supposed to go over
the list of events for tonight.
Oh, God.
- Another episode of "Father Knows Best"
What the hell happened this time?
What's gotten into you?
- Just glad to see you, that's all.
You guys okay?
Tonight's the night we bring some life back into this town.
Shit, Beth, why do we have to be the ones to organize
this friggin' fair? I mean, it's only Halloween.
How many times do I have to tell you.
It's not about Halloween.
I love you, Danny.
- I love you, mommy.
Give me a squeeze.
Yeah. ok.
Dr. Wynn ...
There is something you should know.
Dawn, I'd like you to get Dr. Loomis anything he needs.
Files, tests ...
records of every treatment we've ever administered to
a former patient of ours, Michael Myers.
Michael Myers?
Is something wrong?
I just received the phone call.
That girl, Jamie Lloyd.
Her body was found this morning near Haddonfield.
Beth, who's that guy who lives across the hall from you?
Why, you interested?
Yeah, right.
He's always staring out his window.
Last night, I caught him watching me.
That must be Tommy.
On a weirdness scale of one to ten ...
he rates about 13.
Supposedly, some scary shit happened to him,
when he was a kid.
Messed up his head pretty bad.
He's harmless, though.
He's probably just lonely.
- Or horny.
Something you probably haven't felt in a while.
Tim ...
Happy Halloween, Mrs. Blankenship!
Best part about living in that boarding house is
that crazy old lady wouldn't hear a truck
Please. Look, you've gotta listen to me!
They're coming! They're coming!
Yeah, so they're coming, they're coming.
Don't tell me. Your name is Joan ...
Joan of Arc and you're also hearing voices, right?
Come on. Now, who's coming?
It's Michael.
Michael Myers.
Look, someone, anyone, help me.
Dr. Loomis, are you out there? Can you hear me, Dr. L ...
It's Michael.
Michael Myers.
... your attention, please. Bus 611 from Pontiac ...
Look, someone, anyone, help me.
Dr. Loomis, are you out there?
Can you hear me, Dr. Loomis? I need your help.
God, please, help.
- May I have your attention, please?
Bus 34 from Peoria, Russelville and Gardner ...
with through service to Chicago, lllinois ...
will be arriving in five minutes.
Ticketed passengers please wait inside the door
until arrival of bus number 34.
Can I help you, sir?
Can you tell me if a bus arrived from Pontiac last night?
Sure did.
Are you looking for someone?
- Thank you.
No. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, man.
It's okay.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
What's that?
It's ... his mark.
He's come home.
Check it out!
Tonight's gonna be killer.
Kara, I swear. One of these days,
you're gonna get lost in that thing.
I can't find my term paper.
- So copy someone else's. I do it all the time.
Works primo.
Oh, shit!
Looks like your little boy
has got himself quite an imagination.
He's been having nightmares.
I think it's cool.
Must be some nightmares.
- Beth, we got work to do.
Hey ...
Are you gonna be okay?
I need to see a doctor.
What seems to be the problem?
- Uh, it's my baby.
There's been an accident.
What kind of accident?
- Give me a doctor! Now!
Dr. Loomis?
Dr. Loomis ...
thanks God you're here.
I'm sorry.
I don't know you, do I?
- I'm Tommy.
Tommy Doyle.
Laurie Strode ...
Jamie's mother ...
was ...
baby-sitting me the night when ...
- Tommy Doyle.
What you doing here?
Please ...
I need to know the truth.
You heard it last night, didn't you?
Michael's come home, hasn't he?
she is the last of his bloodline.
- No, Dr. Loomis.
She's not the last.
Oh, God.
There is family. Relatives of the people
who adopted Laurie ...
the Strodes.
They're living in the Myers house.
Dr. Loomis, about Michael ...
It's just a theory of mine of ...
- That's him.
Meet me ...
9:00 at the campus rally.
Tommy, wait!
I'm very sorry, Mrs. Strode.
Is everything all right?
Who are you?
I came to help your family.
It's okay.
You like that name?
Yeah, I think it suits you.
It's okay?
I won't let anything happen to you.
This force, this thing ...
that lived inside of him ...
came from a source ...
too violent ...
too deadly for you to imagine. It ...
It grew inside him.
Contaminating his soul.
It was ...
pure evil.
What makes you think he'll come back here?
- This house ...
is sacred to him.
He has all his memories here.
His rage!
Mrs. Strode ...
I beg of you. Don't let your family suffer the same fate
that Laurie and her daughter suffered.
I'm coming.
You ready?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I'm coming, all right?
You better be there. On Halloween ...
Strode Real Estate.
John, something terrible's happened.
What do you want now, Deborah?
A man came by the house,
a psychiatrist by the name of Loomis.
And he told me about the terrible things
that happened here in our house.
Deborah, what the hell are you doing?
Talking to strangers, letting 'em in our house?
John, they found Jamie Lloyd this morning.
Somebody killed her.
Deborah, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
You better stop watching that damn TV talkshows.
I'm getting the children out of here.
At least until I know what's going on.
John, I want you to come with us.
You know. You know, Deborah.
You've lost it. And you know that, Deborah.
You've just lost it.
The reason you moved us into this house ...
Your brother could never sell it,
because of what happened here, could he?
And you knew.
And you didn't tell us, John.
You knew.
We want the child.
Who is this?
Oh, Michael.
Mom? I'm home!
Are you there?
What are you doing here?
I'm your neighbor from across the street.
Tommy Doyle.
- What are you doing with my son?
And ... and where's my mother?
She wasn't here ... when Danny came home.
Danny, go downstairs.
But Tommy's my new friend.
He knows all about dinosaurs.
Do you know whose room this used to be?
Hi, Mrs. B!
You don't really expect us to stay here, do you?
I want you to watch your house.
You can see everything from that window.
Do you know how insane this is?
Who am I supposed to be looking for?
It's okay.
It's okay, Steven.
Not now, Danny.
Here you go.
Come on.
Here. Let me try.
All it takes is a mother's touch.
Runes were a kind of ... early alphabet ...
that originated about 500 B.C.
They were symbols ...
carved out of stone or ...
pieces of wood.
Used in pagan rituals
to portend future events and invoke magic.
Among the ancient druids ... Thorn represented a demon
that spread sickness ...
brought death to hundreds of thousands of people.
According to a Celtic legend, one child ...
from each tribe ...
was chosen to be inflicted with a curse of Thorn.
To have the blood sacrifices
of it's next of kin on the night of Samhain.
The sacrifice of one family meant ...
sparing the lives of an entire tribe.
For years I've been convinced
there must be some reason.
Some method behind Michael's madness.
The druids were also
great mathematicians and astronomers.
But the Thorn symbol is actually constelation of stars
that appears from time to time on Halloween night.
Whenever it appears, he appears.
I think that's why these people ...
whoever they are,
are after Jamie's baby.
To make it Michael's final sacrifice.
Where are you going?
To find the only man who can stop him before it's too late.
- Oh, no. Where's Danny?
Mrs. Blankenship!
Have you seen...
Danny, don't ever walk off without
telling me where you're going!
Take him upstairs.
Lock the door and wait till I get back.
Kara ...
whatever you do ...
Don't go back to your house.
During the autopsy we found this.
It's placental fluid.
I estimate she gave birth no more than 24 hours ago.
Then the question is:
where is the baby?
I think I ...
I may already know.
Do you know why we celebrate Halloween?
Because that's when we go
trick-or-treating and get candy.
Oh, well...
yes, but...
A long, long time ago ...
it was a night of great power ...
when the days grew short ...
and the spirits of the dead ...
returned to their homes
to warm themselves by the fireside.
All across the land ...
huge bonfires were lit.
Oh, there was a marvelous celebration.
People danced ...
and they played games.
And they dressed up in costumes.
Hoping ...
to ward off ...
the evil spirits.
Especially ...
the boogeyman.
What's the boogeyman?
Come on, Danny. Say good night to Mrs. Blankenship.
Good night, Mrs. Blankenship.
- He hears the voice, you know.
Just like the other boy that lived in that house.
What are you talking about?
I was baby-sitting with him that night.
Little Mikey Myers that lived across the street.
And that's when the voice came ...
the night he murdered his sister.
Michael heard a voice?
It told him to kill his family.
Where the hell's Barry? Let's go!
- Don't get star-struck on me now.
We got a real agenda here, and Barry
is gonna help us get the message out.
Hey, look ...
Helloooo, Haddonfield!
- " WKNB presents "Back Talk" with Barry Simms.
live from Haddonfield, Illinois ...
- Barry!
of Michael Myers!
I'm home!
Thanks for the dinner.
Come out, come out ...
wherever you are.
She actually left.
I know what's going on.
It must be ...
the boogeyman.
Here I come, boogeyman.
'Cause, you know, I am really scared.
What the hell?
The power's off.
Tell me, kids, how's it feel to ...
finally pull Halloween out of
the proverbial Haddonfield closet?
What we're saying here is ...
we will no longer let the powers that be control our minds.
For years ...
Halloween has represented everything
that's wrong with Haddonfield.
But Michael Myers is long gone.
There is NO boogeyman!
Does she get this riled up in the sack, Tim?
I bet she wears crotchless panties and barks like a dog.
Beth ...
what do you say, honey?
You and me, uh ...
As I was saying ...
we have to stop acting out of fear.
Just look at Tim's family.
They live in the Myers house.
You do?
We do?
Uh ... yeah, we do.
Great house.
Strong wood.
- I see. You mean to tell me you actually live ...
in the house...
of the most brutal massmurder in history?
This is the Bary Simm show.
And when we return...
we'll be coming at you live...
from the one ...
the only ...
Myers house.
How's that for a Halloween shock-fest?
How far to your house, Tim?
- About half a mile, but I don't know if my folks ...
What about the kids? We're supposed to throw candy.
- Phone!
Relax your crack, sweetheart.
Quick tootle around the old house hold
and we'll be right on back.
Pull the van out packs,
so that I can sneak out of your nice flat line.
Oh, no. No, no, really, really.
You're too good to me. Really.
No. Thanks for putting me in the middle of this
cheap-shit country bumpkin outfit, Paul.
My fans expect better than this.
No, no. Look, you tell that penny-pinching whiner
Mike Sarducci that when I get back,
and wear 'em as earrings.
Where's the goddamn van?
Oh, no. I'm tracking now for cheesburger.
I'm taking the show to the real Myers house,
Ten minutes in that house and I'll have
every fruitcake medium in the country calling in trying to
Sure, we can do another show about him.
Kick the audience in the face enough and ...
they'll lick you all over.
I'll call you later.
Where the f ...
What happened to the lights?
Do you think Barry's gonna show up?
Let's hope, not.
I'm sorry ...
he turned out to be such an asshole.
It's okay.
Where is everyone?
They're probably at the fair.
Just where we should be.
Beth ...
What you said before
about Michael Myers living in our house.
Is that really true?
It was a cold Halloween night.
He stood in the shadows,
watching through the windows ...
as his sister and her boyfriend made love.
Then he crept inside ...
picked up a huge butcher knife ...
she turned around ...
and he stabbed her!
Cut it out, Beth!
I really didn't know that Michael Myers
lived in my house, okay?
It freaks me out.
I'm sorry.
I was just fooling around.
It's okay.
Let's get the candles.
Just a minute.
Mommy, it's raining.
It's raining red.
Mommy, it's raining red.
It's raining.
It's warm.
Dr. Loomis.
It's happening.
Where is the baby?
Your sister would kill us if she knew we did it in her bed.
Hey, that was your idea.
I am bad, aren't I?
Only when you wear crotchless panties.
Bark like a dog.
Where you going?
I gotta take a shower.
You know, to stay fresh.
Watch out for the boogeyman.
Hey, Beth, can you bring a towel in here? I'm freezing.
Where are you? I need you, honey.
I'll be in, in a minute.
Hold on a second, Danny.
Danny ...
- Mom?
No, this is Beth.
What are you doing there?
Do you know where my mother is?
- She's not home. No one is.
What's wrong?
Is Tim with you?
He's in the shower.
I'm across the street.
I can see you.
Beth, I want you to listen to me.
Get Tim and get out of that house.
Right now.
Beth, look out! There's someone in the room.
Is right behind you!
Danny, no!
It's okay.
Danny, run!
Don't move.
Stay right there.
I'm coming to get you.
The baby.
Where's the baby?
Open the door!
Open the door!
Please, somebody help us!
Help us, please!
Help us, please!
Get 'em upstairs!
Where's the baby?
He's gone.
Who else knew I had the baby?
No one.
- No!
There had to be someone else ...
who knew!
- Nobody knew except me and ...
come to me.
Danny, no.
Careful with the girl.
Mrs. Blankenship!
Oh, God, hurry! We have to ...
Hello, dear.
Where is she?
Where's Kara?
I feel like I've been drugged.
We have been drugged.
Why are they doing this?
Why didn't they just kill us?
It's his game.
And I know ...
where he wants to play it.
Dr. Loomis, you know that can't stop Michael.
- Nothing will stop Michael.
But ...
Dr. Loomis.
- You stay here. Don't go anywhere until I come back.
I was getting worried Sam.
I was afraid you wouldn't make it.
Because you were the first one to see it.
And you recognised it's power.
Pure, uncorrupted, ancient.
You ...
are ...
a madman.
I've had my failures but this baby...
Jamie's baby.
We are at the dawn of a new age, Sam.
And I'm asking you to join me.
I thought
Michael was a monster.
But you ...
We are ready for you Dr. Wynn.
Well, we'll give Dr. Loomis a little time
to think about it.
Maximum security.
He walks amognst us brother.
He's come back.
He is very ungry.
How does it feel to be damned?
- Tommy is that you?
- Kara?
- Tommy.
- Kara, Kara?
I'm here.
I'm here.
Are you there?
Tommy, Are you ok?
Tommy, Are you ok?
Let go off me.
It's based on Doctor Wynn's research.
Ok. Ok. Ok. You can take that off now.
Halloween is over.
There's Danny.
Danny, come on.
Run Danny.
Help me please. Help me.
Go. Go. Go.Go.
Go. Go.
Quickly, here. Come on.
Go. Go.
You 've won.
He is your's.
Leave her alone.
Mom. Mom, help.
Mommy, mommy...
Mom. Mom, help.
Get in there.
Come on. Get in.
- Come with us.
- No, I have a little business to attend to here.