Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982) Movie Script
Leaving British authorities still baffled ...
and without any substantial clues
nine months after the theft.
The Bluestone was one of 19...
believed to represent
the 19-year cycle of the moon.
It weighs more than fiive tons, making
its disappearance a mystery indeed.
Derrick Smith ... at Stonehenge.
When we come back,
Trina will be here to tell you what you can do
about junk mail.
Stay with us.
Eight more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Eight more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Yes, kids, you, too, can own
one of the big Halloween three.
That's right, three horrifiic masks
to choose from.
They're fun, they're frightening,
and they glow in the dark.
They're coming.
They're coming.
Anybody home?
Daddy's here.
Oh, hey.
Oh, Daddy!
Daddy's here!
Daddy! Children, we leave
our food at the table.
Oh, I'm sorry, it's bad
timing. I'm used to it.
What'd you bring us?
Well, wait.
This, uh... One for you.
One for you.
What's the matter?
Don't you like them?
Mom already got us masks.
Silver Shamrock.
Nice try.
Eight more days to Halloween, halloween, halloween
So ...
how you've been?
I gotta call in.
Drinking and doctor. Great combination.
Let's watch TV.
Eight more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Turn that down.
Eight more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
What's his condition?
All right, I'll be right in.
I gotta go.
His condition is stable,
but Dr. Castle had to leave early.
So I thought I should call
you. Sure, sure. That's fiine.
He just walked up
outta the rain.
I swear to God
that's all there was to it.
I just brought him here.
Do you have a room for him? Yes, 13.
Hey, can I leave now?
Sure. I don't see why not.
Thanks a lot for bringing him.
- Well, thank you, Doc.
I was always taught that when somebody
needs help, you help 'em.
I mean less there's gonna be trouble.
There's not gonna be any trouble, in it.
I mean you never know,
when somebody might be needing help.
It might be my turn next time.
They're going to kill us.
All of us.
All of us.
Hundred milligrams,
Who's next?
Except for him, it's a quiet night.
I could use a nap.
Doctor's lounge is empty.
Wanna take one with me?
Pillows are in the cabinet and
there's milk and cookies in the fridge.
I think I should have
married you, Agnes.
Ooh! Watch it. I play
for keeps, you know. I'm serious.
What are you doing
in here?
A man...
A man just, just...
A man just... He just...
All right, all right.
Hello, Linda. Dan.
I won't be able to pick the kids up tonight something ...
- Damn it, you promised me.
My ex-wife.
No, no, Linda, it's nothing
like that at all.
If you'd just relax for a minute,
- I... I am relaxed.
Two men died here tonight.
No, it wasn't an accident.
Listen, I'll tell you
all about it later, all right?
I really gotta go.
- Dan, you promised.
Sure. Sure. Saturday
night. That'd be fine.
They can both stay with me all night.
Tell them I'm sorry.
10:00 a.m., Saturday. Please.
I really gotta go.
- Bye.
If you would like
to make a call,
please hang up
and try again.
Is this my father?
Ma'am, I wouldn't.
Not yet.
- Let's get it over with.
Yes, that's my father.
What happened?
Oh, some crazy man.
Killed himself in the parking lot right after.
Drugs probably.
Is that it? My father's
dead because of some crazy...
The whole thing is under investigation.
I'll bet.
You've had a hard night,
and you've come a long way.
When you feel better,
I'll have some questions.
And maybe some more answers.
Dr. Rusfield, call admitting.
Dr. Rusfield, call admitting.
Look, Challis,
I'm only the assistant.
Just tell me what you know, Teddy.
Not much. It's taking a while.
The guy was a pile of ashes.
I know the sheriff thinks he was on drugs.
That doesn't make any sense.
I've seen lots of people on drugs and ...
The man was in complete control.
He looked like a businessman.
He had to be one strong
businessman. I can tell you that.
You don't pull someone's skull apart
without a little lower arm strength. Know, what I mean?
Teddy ... just do me this one favor.
Check this one out yourself.
Now, I can't do that.
It's gotta go through...
- Please.
This thing's really got you.
I've been with that hospital for eight
years. Somebody just doesn't walk in...
I'll see what I can do.
No promises.
Thanks. Thanks.
I was always good at moonlighting, wasn't I?
- Oh, the best.
Do you still have
that... You do? - Uh-huh.
How you been?
- Okay. You? - Okay.
Sierra Mesa still making you drink your ass off?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Thanks again.
Hey, you gonna be all right?
Hey, Charlie, can we have another station?
You got it.
The immortal classic,
followed by the big giveaway at 9:00,
brought to you by...
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
- Oh Come on, come on. Come on.
What's the matter?
Don't you have any Halloween spirit?
- Hello.
My name is Ellie Grimbridge.
I know.
Dan Challis.
- I know.
One of the nurses told me, I could find you here.
I saw you at the funeral.
Thank you.
I'm sorry about your father.
Did my father say anything
to you the night he died?
Yeah. He, uh ...
He said,
"Tell Ellie I love her."
Well ...
you're a bad liar, but ...
thank you anyway.
- Wait a second.
I saw something that night.
I don't know.
Your father came into the hospital. He ...
I thought he was crazy, out of his mind.
He's hangin' on to a Halloween mask. He wouldn't let it go.
And what he said was...
"They're gonna kill us all."
And in a little while, he was dead.
And I don't know
what the hell is goin' on.
Papa really loved this place ...
But business was getting bad.
I suppose you shopped at the new
mall like everybody else, huh?
The kids were keeping him going.
They'd come in after school.
He'd let 'em play with stuff right in the
aisles like I used to when I was little.
The question is, why would
anybody wanna kill Papa?
He was a wonderful man.
I've been doing some detective work.
My father kept excellent records.
"October 18: Merchants council
meeting." He was there. I checked.
"October 19: Football game."
He was there too.
"October 20:
Pick up more masks."
That's the kind your father had in his hand.
"October 21:
Dinner with Minnie."
Minnie Blankenship.
He never showed up.
He never called.
You've been busy.
I think my father ran into trouble ...
somewhere between here ...
and Santa Mira.
Santa Mira?
Where they make those.
- Little place. Not too far away.
Maybe they know something.
I'm not going back to L.A,
until I find out what happened to my father.
Linda, I can't get out of it.
I'm really sorry. I ...
You're gonna sit around...
- No. It's just a bunch of doctors talking about boring stuff.
The kids don't even remember your name!
- Linda, Linda take it easy.
I'll be back to take 'em trick or treating. I promise.
I'll call...
- Tell me where you're going to stay.
- No, I can't remember the name of the hotel.
I'll call you Monday.
I gotta go.
- Wait a minute!
- Bye.
"We'll be back with more" Dance Party
right after these messages.
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Two more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween ...
I think it's the next exit.
- Wait a minute.
Yeah, that's it.
Then we go about ten miles
and turn right on 33.
I wanna know, why they put their factory
out here in the middle of nowhere.
Listen ...
Santa Mira founded in 1887,
farming community.
Grew up around a large dairy.
After World War II ... a wealthy Irishman, Conal Cochran
converted it into a toy factory ...
Silver Shamrock Novelties.
Now given over to the manufacture
and sale of Halloween masks.
Largest in the world.
Proud community.
Predominantly Irish.
Irish Halloween masks?
In California ... you never know.
I feel like a goldfish.
Company town.
I'm not ready for this.
We need a plan.
Ok. How about this?
We go back to that gas station ...
See if they know anything. We could a ...
pose as a couple of buyers
and maybe rent a couple of rooms in that motel.
That way at least we'd have some place to talk without
the whole town watching us.
Good point.
Good evening to you.
- Say partner a ...
You haven't know is there a vacancy here in this motel?
My wife and I need a place to stay.
You've come to the right place.
It's cozy, it's quiet,
and the price is right.
Keep him happy
just for a minute.
Shower's good.
Put in new pipes last year.
Any bags?
- Oh, yeah.
Light packers, aren't ya?
We've had a lot of practice.
Ah! There's Mr. Cochran now.
A great man, Conal Cochran.
A true genius.
Watch your driving, honey.
You could've killed that man.
I didn't hurt him! Hey, sorry
about that. Glad it didn't hit ya.
And great big thank you for pickin' it up.
You all right?
No problem.
- Hey, Buddy Kupfer, San Diego.
This is my wife Betty.
Please to meet you.
And right there's Little Buddy.
Is it busted?
- No.
Don't you dare go in the street!
Do you hear me?!
I gotta go.
- I'll be checkin' you in now, sir.
I fiilled out the register. I left $40 under the blotter.
That'd cover it? - Oh, heavens, yes. Thank you, sir.
Have a pleasant stay.
Mr. Kupfer, I presume?
Your rooms are waiting.
Damn factory!
Got their orders all screwed up.
Now I have to stay in this dump again!
Oh, that's great.
Hey honey, it's a freebie!
This place is a zoo.
I saw Cochran.
His car, anyway.
And your old man stayed here on the 20th. I was right!
We'll go directly to the factory.
- Whoa. Hold on. Slow down, slow down. It's getting late.
I could use a drink.
Let's take our time.
It's okay with you?
To stay, I mean?
Yeah, I think these a ...
clothes could probably hold out
for at least one more day.
Maybe I ought to get another room.
That would look sort of suspicious, wouldn't it?
What I mean is, if you'd ...
feel more comfortable ...
I could sleep in the car.
Be better than this floor, anyway.
Where do you wanna sleep, Dr. Challis?
That's a dumb question, Miss Grimbridge.
It's six o'clock ... it's six o'clock ...
All residents of Santa Mira, please clear the streets.
Curfew is now in effect.
Please confine your activities to your own homes.
Thank you.
Have a very pleasant evening.
Oh, Jesus!
- Mister, I didn't mean to scare you.
Saw that bottle.
Thought it looked pretty heavy.
I ain't got no diseases.
You mind if I have a drink?
Thank you.
Hey, just a second. You are ...
You have know anything about this Cochran?
Cochran, Cochran?
Do I know anything?
He made Santa Mira
what it is today.
Dried up, little pile of nothing.
Let me tell you something, mister.
He brought in every damn one of
them factory people from the outside.
You think he'd hire me?
A local boy?
No way. Turned me down flat.
You haven't got a dollar you can spare, do you?
Thank you.
All I can tell you, mister ...
is watch out.
You seen the TV cameras yet?
He's watching you, friend.
I guarantee you that.
Hey, Cochran ..., fuck you.
Fuck you! - Ooh, ooh, shh, easy.
- It's all right all right. It don't matter to me.
He's probably listenin'.
And if he is ...
I got one thing to say.
It's the last Halloween
for that lousy factory of his.
Some pretty wild shit goin' on in there.
I ... I heard rumors.
Like what? What'd you hear?
- This year ...
I'm gonna get me ...
about a case and a half of Molotov cocktails.
Burn that son of a bitch right down!
Be the last Halloween for them.
Last Halloween.
Fellas, I was just kidding.
You know that ... You know that. Just kidding!
Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Are you picking up an order?
Are you picking up
an order at the factory?
Oh, yeah. - Oh, I figured.
There's no other reason to be in this godforsaken place.
All I can say is, good luck to both of us.
They may make great masks,
but ever since they started big volume business,
the little guy has to stand in line.
You know, what I mean?
I gave up ordering by mail.
But I hate trying to deal with 'em in person.
You can't win.
Oh, you know,
I hate to say anything, but ...
the merchandise
is slipping.
I mean. My four-year-old was throwing
the thing against the wall.
The trademark shouldn't just come right off.
Yeah, I see what you mean.
By the way ...
My name's Marge Guttman.
My shop's on Union Square in San Francisco.
You can't miss it. - Okay. - Why don't you look me up?
Yes. Thanks, I will.
- Bye.
I tried you at home.
Why would I be at home,
when there's something like this cooking?
Get it cooking.
- Got anything?
No. Someone made
a colossal boo-boo.
We've been doing an autopsy
on part of the car.
C-4 something.
Just plastic and metal shavings.
Two days wasted because
somebody mixed up the envelopes.
Where are you calling from?
Santa Mira.
The Rose of Shannon Motel. I'll
check back with you tomorrow.
All right, Sherlock.Ciao.
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
These commercials ...
Two more days to Halloween ...
never stops.
Aren't you just ... the least bit tired?
Wait. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
How old are you?
I'm older than I look.
What's that?
Who cares?
What the hell was that?
What's going on?
I don't know.
Oh, my God. That must be Marge.
- Who's that? - A lady I met.
Excuse me, I'm a doctor. Please.
I said I'm a doctor.
Don't trouble yourself, sir.
She'll get the best care money can buy.
Who's in charge of the patient?
Why, Mr. Cochran, of course.
Mr. Cochran, good to see you, sir.
- Good evening, Mr. Rafferty.
It's all over, my friends.
Just a small accident.
The lady's going to get the very best
possible treatment. I promise you that.
Where are they taking her?
They're taking her to the factory.
We've the most marvelous facility
there for emergency treatment.
What happened?
- Misfire.
No, don't.
We can't afford to stick out.
Let's just go.
What the hell were they talking about?
- Something crazy going on here. - You wanna leave?
Yes, very much.
But not until I find out,
whether my father went to that factory.
Can you talk?
Sure. I just fiinished sifting the ashes.
What do you have?
It's what I don't have, that bothers me.
You know, I'm starting to wonder if some...
someone hasn't been tampering with this stuff.
Well ... that was a hot fire. But there would have to be
some bone fragments or teeth or something.
I've got nothing here to indicate,
there was ever body at all.
Just ashes and car parts.
How about you?
Listen Teddy. Do me another favor.
Will you find out everything you can about Conal Cochran?
He runs Silver Shamrock,
the Halloween mask people.
Conal Cochran.
All right, but this is gonna cost you
some serious dinners when you get back.
I'm always ready for dinner with you.
Liar. Bye.
Oh, there must be some mistake, dearie.
Mr. Grimbridge himself picked up that order on the 21 st.
Here's his signature.
Thank you.
Do you remember that transaction?
No ... but you can talk
to someone who might.
Oh, Red ...
these people lost an order.
Did you load this one?
Sure did. Last week. A man
in an old green station wagon.
That's right. Did he say
where he was going?
No, ma'am. Headed out to
the north. I remember that.
Thank you.
Would you care to make another order, madam?
- No. Let's go.
Well, hey.
How ya doin'?
Buddy Kupfer and family ...
here to see Mr. Cochran.
- Yes, Mr. Kupfer. Welcome.
I'll tell Mr. Cochran, you're here.
When do we get to see 'em
makin' the masks?
Real soon, little buddy. - Buddy, my feet are killing me.
- Honey, come on. The fun's just startin'.
I've seen enough. Let's get out of here.
- All right, all right.
Oh wait!
so this is Buddy Kupfer
and his lovely family.
My friends ...
Mr. Kupfer has sold more Silver Shamrock masks
this year, by far, than anyone else in the country.
And as for my other friends,
Mr. And Mrs...
- Smith, of course.
My apologies for that little bit of a disturbance last night,
but I want you both to know,
that Mrs. Guttman is going to be fine.
She's been flown to a hospital in San Francisco.
Thank you.
For and a ...
About the confusion over your order.
I'll just tell you one thing...
A replacement order is being prepared
for you absolutely free ...
The whole thing's on me.
Is he incredible or what?
Now. How would you like a guided tour?
Oh, thank you, sir.
Would it be all right if my friends come along?
Oh ... yes, I was just about to ask them.
If you'd like to?
We'd love to.
Come along.
Come along.
The latex is heated and poured.
After that, it's cooled and poured off.
Then it's all just a matter of trimming,
painting and packaging.
Oh, wow, this is it.
Hall of fame time.
What's famous?
You really don't know?
Conal Cochran, the all-time
genius of the practical joke.
He invented sticky toilet paper.
Oh, you must know. The dead
dwarf gag, the soft chain saw. All his.
No, gee, I didn't know that.
- And before that, he used to make toys.
Remember that? I had one of those when
I was a kid. Used to sit and watch it for hours.
The man has always paid attention to detail.
Are we all together?
- Yeah.
Oh, I want a mask.
Can I have a mask?
Just what I had in mind for you, Little Buddy.
- I want that one.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Look over here.
Those masks haven't been through final processing.
This one has.
There you are.
That's wonderful.
What final process?
- Don't ask me.
Hey, Mr. Cochran,
just what is the final process?
I asure you it's just a little bit of this
and a little bit of that.
Quality inspection, the seal of approval.
You know, the usual.
And of course ...
there's a couple of ...
trade secrets.
I'd sure love to take a look.
Oh, sorry.
Not even a peek for your best
salesman? Oh, just one little look.
Well you see ...
Part of the inspection process involves ...
volatile chemicals, very dangerous. I wouldn't want to put
anybody in any danger. - Oh sure, I understand.
Now listen ... I hope you and your family will be able
to have breakfast with me tomorrow morning.
I'd like your opinion on some of our sales material.
- My opinion?
Oh, sure.
Do you know he's one of the
richest men in the country?
And he got that way selling
cheap gags and Halloween masks.
Oh god, there's hope for us yet.
It's very valuable to me, you know. Your opinion has
always meant a great deal to us. - Oh, thank you, sir.
Where's Little Buddy?
- Oh, there he is, running down there.
See him there?
- Oh, yes.
Into everything always.
We like to know everything there is to know.
Like father, like son.
- Oh, yeah.
Excuse me.
I think it's time we were going.
See you later.
What's up?
I just saw a couple of men
who looked strangely familiar.
And there's another one.
They look a lot like the man,
who killed your father.
Oh, my God!
- What?
That's Papa's car.
Wait, Ellie, Ellie. Don't.
Trade secrets.
I saw it.
I know I saw it.
I think it's time
for the marines.
I'm scared. I think we should leave.
All right.
You pack ...
I'll call the police.
This place has to fall under somebody's jurisdiction.
Let's go soon, okay?
- All right, all right.
Operator, this is an emergency. I wanna ...
I'm sorry.
We cannot complete your call as dialed.
Please hang up and t...
One more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
One more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
One more days to Halloween ...
- Yes ... information.
I'm sorry. We cannot complete your call as dialed.
Please hang up and check the number and dial again.
Just one more day ...
Only 24 hours, but that's plenty of time
to pick out one more day halloween ...
If you'd like to make a call,
Please hang up and try again.
If you'd like to make a call,
please hang up and try again.
If you need help, you have to
dial your operator for assistance.
Where's the girl?
Where is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?!
Oh, Jesus. Je...
This was a rare piece.
Made in Munich ...
I must try to get a replacement.
Ah, Mr. Challis.
- Where is Ellie?
Mrs. Smith.
Ah, sure I believe she's resting just now.
Didn't take you long to get here, Mr. Challis.
Dr. Challis, I should say.
It'll be morning soon.
Halloween morning.
It'll be a very busy day for me.
Being a medical man,
you should find it quite interesting.
The surprising thing is that the internal
components were quite simple to produce, really.
The outer features ...
took much longer to perfect. But then, of course
in the end it's just another form of mask making.
Bless you.
Convincing, aren't they?
Loyal and obedient,
unlike most human beings.
Those who went before me, you know they...
they never dreamed of anything like this.
What is this place?
- Oh, can't you tell?
Advanced and...
ancient technology.
A good magician never explains.
Come on, then.
You've still got time
to figure it out all by yourself.
From an ancient sacrificial circle.
We had a time getting it here.
You wouldn't believe, how we did it.
It has a power in it.
A force.
Even a...
Oh, Doctor, you asked about the girl.
Where is she?
Right in there.
And your friend, Miss Guttman.
You killed her.
- Oh, no. Miss Guttman was the victim of a misfire.
The others...
What you really need to see is a demonstration
and there's one coming right up.
Mr. Cochran will be right along.
I don't like this place.Iit gives me the creeps.
I have to go to the bathroom.
- Relax a minute, will you?
Mr. Cochran'll be here.
Then everything will be fine.
He just wants my opinion about some
television commercials or something.
You know, I still can't figure out why
they won't take my orders for next year.
You know how I like to work ahead,
and well, they're just not interested at all.
Maybe they're not going to
have Halloween next year.
All right, roll it.
It's time, it's time.
Time for the big giveaway.
- This is just the same old stuff.
All you lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks,
gather 'round your TV set.
Put on your masks and watch.
- Honey, don't get too close, you'll ruin your eyes.
Gather 'round and watch.
Watch the magic pumpkin. Watch.
I think this whole thing ...
is a big joke.
I mean, look at that.
I mean, look.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
It's almost time, kids.
The clock is ticking.
Be in front of your TVsets
for the "Horrorathon."
And during the big giveaway at nine.
Don't miss it.
And don't forget to wear your masks.
The clock is ticking. It's almost time.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Hurry home. It's almost time.
All those lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks,
hurry home for the big giveaway.
It's almost time. Hurry home.
What city, please?
The number for Santa Mira,
the Rose of Shannon Motel, please.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. We cannot complete your call as dialed.
Please hang up and dial again. This is a record ...
Did I wake you?
Oh, sorry.
Listen. I've got something down here
I'd like for you to look at.
I know I could be wrong,
but I don't think it's a car part at all.
Maybe you've seen something like it.
How's tomorrow afternoon?
Tomorrow afternoon?
Okay, great. Thanks, Roger.
Oh, my God.
May I help you?
Operator, can you get me the sheriff...
Enjoy the "Horrorathon," Doctor.
And don't forget to watch
the big giveaway afterwards.
Why, Cochran? Why?
Do I need a reason?
Mr. Kupfer was right, you know.
I do love a good joke. And this is the best ever.
A joke on the children.
But there's a better reason.
You don't really know much
about Halloween.
You thought no further than the strange custom of
having your children wear masks and go out
begging for candy.
It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands
and we'd be waiting ...
in our houses of wattles and clay.
The barriers would be down, you see,
Between the real and the unreal.
And the dead might be looking in ...
to sit by our fires of turf.
The festival of Samhain.
The last great one took place 3,000 years ago
and the hills ran red ...
with the blood of animals and children.
It was a part of our world ...
Our craft.
- To us, it was a way of controlling our environment.
It's not so different now.
It's time again.
In the end ...
We don't decide these things, you know.
The planets do.
They're in alignment.
And it's time again.
The world's going to change tonight, Doctor.
I'm glad you'll be able to watch it.
happy Halloween.
- It's just that work ...
Oh, yes, yes, of course.
Tonight's just for fun. A way of saying
"thank you" to all our good customers.
Mr. Cochran.
I have good news for you.
It'll long just a moment.
It's always a pleasure doing
business with you. It is indeed.
A 43 share.
You think so?
Good. And I hope the little ones
will be watching.
Don't forget to tell them to watch
the big giveaway at 9:00.
Thank you for calling. Good-bye.
Thanks. Bye.
Camera two.
Linda, Linda...
Where the hell have you been? I waited all night.
Shut up, shut up. Linda, shut up. Listen, listen.
You have to get rid of the masks ...
the Silver Shamrock ...
No, no.
The ones that I gave them? You want me to what?
In the Santa Mira.
They killed Buddy Kupfer and his whole family.
They killed him.
That's not enough ...
We've lost him.
No, we haven't.
You'll see.
No, no, no, I'm not drunk.
Linda, listen. You have to get rid of the masks.
Just ...
You want me to what?
You're just jealous because...
I'm not. Linda, listen.
Go to hell!
Ellie. Ellie. Ellie!
South corridor.
Come on.
Wait here.
It's time, it's time.
Time for the big giveaway.
Halloween has come.
All you lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks,
gather 'round your TVset.
Put on your masks and watch.
All witches, all skeletons, all jack-o'- lanterns
gather 'round and watch.
Watch the magic pumpkin.
Watch ...
...in the eastern valley we're expecting overcast sky
and 50% chance of rain thru monday.
It's presently 74 degrees at ...
8:48 p.m.
The clock is ticking.
Hurry home, kids.
And happy Halloween.
We've gotta do something,
call somebody. Huh?
Ellie, you all right?
Your phone, your phone, where
is it? It's life and death.
Hey, don't I know you?
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween ...
- If it goes out it means a death of millions of people
everyone watching. Don't you understand that?
Well, say it's a bomb. Say whatever you want.
Say whatever you like. Just get if off the air.
Please! Just ...
No, no! I can't prove it!
You've gotta believe me! Believe me!
Take it off the air now! Please!
You've got to, please.
Please excuse the interruption.
We're having technical problems.
Please stand by.
It's time. It's time.
We are experiencing technical difficulties.
Please, stand by.
Gather 'round your TV set.
Put on your masks and watch.
All witches, all skeletons, all jack-o'- lanterns ...
The third commercial,
it's still on. Please.
Take out the third channel.
The third channel it's still running. Stop it, please.
For God's sake, please stop it.
There's no more time.
You've gotta... Please, stop it.
Stop it now. Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
Any comments welcome on icee@seznam.cz
and without any substantial clues
nine months after the theft.
The Bluestone was one of 19...
believed to represent
the 19-year cycle of the moon.
It weighs more than fiive tons, making
its disappearance a mystery indeed.
Derrick Smith ... at Stonehenge.
When we come back,
Trina will be here to tell you what you can do
about junk mail.
Stay with us.
Eight more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Eight more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Yes, kids, you, too, can own
one of the big Halloween three.
That's right, three horrifiic masks
to choose from.
They're fun, they're frightening,
and they glow in the dark.
They're coming.
They're coming.
Anybody home?
Daddy's here.
Oh, hey.
Oh, Daddy!
Daddy's here!
Daddy! Children, we leave
our food at the table.
Oh, I'm sorry, it's bad
timing. I'm used to it.
What'd you bring us?
Well, wait.
This, uh... One for you.
One for you.
What's the matter?
Don't you like them?
Mom already got us masks.
Silver Shamrock.
Nice try.
Eight more days to Halloween, halloween, halloween
So ...
how you've been?
I gotta call in.
Drinking and doctor. Great combination.
Let's watch TV.
Eight more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Turn that down.
Eight more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
What's his condition?
All right, I'll be right in.
I gotta go.
His condition is stable,
but Dr. Castle had to leave early.
So I thought I should call
you. Sure, sure. That's fiine.
He just walked up
outta the rain.
I swear to God
that's all there was to it.
I just brought him here.
Do you have a room for him? Yes, 13.
Hey, can I leave now?
Sure. I don't see why not.
Thanks a lot for bringing him.
- Well, thank you, Doc.
I was always taught that when somebody
needs help, you help 'em.
I mean less there's gonna be trouble.
There's not gonna be any trouble, in it.
I mean you never know,
when somebody might be needing help.
It might be my turn next time.
They're going to kill us.
All of us.
All of us.
Hundred milligrams,
Who's next?
Except for him, it's a quiet night.
I could use a nap.
Doctor's lounge is empty.
Wanna take one with me?
Pillows are in the cabinet and
there's milk and cookies in the fridge.
I think I should have
married you, Agnes.
Ooh! Watch it. I play
for keeps, you know. I'm serious.
What are you doing
in here?
A man...
A man just, just...
A man just... He just...
All right, all right.
Hello, Linda. Dan.
I won't be able to pick the kids up tonight something ...
- Damn it, you promised me.
My ex-wife.
No, no, Linda, it's nothing
like that at all.
If you'd just relax for a minute,
- I... I am relaxed.
Two men died here tonight.
No, it wasn't an accident.
Listen, I'll tell you
all about it later, all right?
I really gotta go.
- Dan, you promised.
Sure. Sure. Saturday
night. That'd be fine.
They can both stay with me all night.
Tell them I'm sorry.
10:00 a.m., Saturday. Please.
I really gotta go.
- Bye.
If you would like
to make a call,
please hang up
and try again.
Is this my father?
Ma'am, I wouldn't.
Not yet.
- Let's get it over with.
Yes, that's my father.
What happened?
Oh, some crazy man.
Killed himself in the parking lot right after.
Drugs probably.
Is that it? My father's
dead because of some crazy...
The whole thing is under investigation.
I'll bet.
You've had a hard night,
and you've come a long way.
When you feel better,
I'll have some questions.
And maybe some more answers.
Dr. Rusfield, call admitting.
Dr. Rusfield, call admitting.
Look, Challis,
I'm only the assistant.
Just tell me what you know, Teddy.
Not much. It's taking a while.
The guy was a pile of ashes.
I know the sheriff thinks he was on drugs.
That doesn't make any sense.
I've seen lots of people on drugs and ...
The man was in complete control.
He looked like a businessman.
He had to be one strong
businessman. I can tell you that.
You don't pull someone's skull apart
without a little lower arm strength. Know, what I mean?
Teddy ... just do me this one favor.
Check this one out yourself.
Now, I can't do that.
It's gotta go through...
- Please.
This thing's really got you.
I've been with that hospital for eight
years. Somebody just doesn't walk in...
I'll see what I can do.
No promises.
Thanks. Thanks.
I was always good at moonlighting, wasn't I?
- Oh, the best.
Do you still have
that... You do? - Uh-huh.
How you been?
- Okay. You? - Okay.
Sierra Mesa still making you drink your ass off?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Thanks again.
Hey, you gonna be all right?
Hey, Charlie, can we have another station?
You got it.
The immortal classic,
followed by the big giveaway at 9:00,
brought to you by...
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
- Oh Come on, come on. Come on.
What's the matter?
Don't you have any Halloween spirit?
- Hello.
My name is Ellie Grimbridge.
I know.
Dan Challis.
- I know.
One of the nurses told me, I could find you here.
I saw you at the funeral.
Thank you.
I'm sorry about your father.
Did my father say anything
to you the night he died?
Yeah. He, uh ...
He said,
"Tell Ellie I love her."
Well ...
you're a bad liar, but ...
thank you anyway.
- Wait a second.
I saw something that night.
I don't know.
Your father came into the hospital. He ...
I thought he was crazy, out of his mind.
He's hangin' on to a Halloween mask. He wouldn't let it go.
And what he said was...
"They're gonna kill us all."
And in a little while, he was dead.
And I don't know
what the hell is goin' on.
Papa really loved this place ...
But business was getting bad.
I suppose you shopped at the new
mall like everybody else, huh?
The kids were keeping him going.
They'd come in after school.
He'd let 'em play with stuff right in the
aisles like I used to when I was little.
The question is, why would
anybody wanna kill Papa?
He was a wonderful man.
I've been doing some detective work.
My father kept excellent records.
"October 18: Merchants council
meeting." He was there. I checked.
"October 19: Football game."
He was there too.
"October 20:
Pick up more masks."
That's the kind your father had in his hand.
"October 21:
Dinner with Minnie."
Minnie Blankenship.
He never showed up.
He never called.
You've been busy.
I think my father ran into trouble ...
somewhere between here ...
and Santa Mira.
Santa Mira?
Where they make those.
- Little place. Not too far away.
Maybe they know something.
I'm not going back to L.A,
until I find out what happened to my father.
Linda, I can't get out of it.
I'm really sorry. I ...
You're gonna sit around...
- No. It's just a bunch of doctors talking about boring stuff.
The kids don't even remember your name!
- Linda, Linda take it easy.
I'll be back to take 'em trick or treating. I promise.
I'll call...
- Tell me where you're going to stay.
- No, I can't remember the name of the hotel.
I'll call you Monday.
I gotta go.
- Wait a minute!
- Bye.
"We'll be back with more" Dance Party
right after these messages.
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Two more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween ...
I think it's the next exit.
- Wait a minute.
Yeah, that's it.
Then we go about ten miles
and turn right on 33.
I wanna know, why they put their factory
out here in the middle of nowhere.
Listen ...
Santa Mira founded in 1887,
farming community.
Grew up around a large dairy.
After World War II ... a wealthy Irishman, Conal Cochran
converted it into a toy factory ...
Silver Shamrock Novelties.
Now given over to the manufacture
and sale of Halloween masks.
Largest in the world.
Proud community.
Predominantly Irish.
Irish Halloween masks?
In California ... you never know.
I feel like a goldfish.
Company town.
I'm not ready for this.
We need a plan.
Ok. How about this?
We go back to that gas station ...
See if they know anything. We could a ...
pose as a couple of buyers
and maybe rent a couple of rooms in that motel.
That way at least we'd have some place to talk without
the whole town watching us.
Good point.
Good evening to you.
- Say partner a ...
You haven't know is there a vacancy here in this motel?
My wife and I need a place to stay.
You've come to the right place.
It's cozy, it's quiet,
and the price is right.
Keep him happy
just for a minute.
Shower's good.
Put in new pipes last year.
Any bags?
- Oh, yeah.
Light packers, aren't ya?
We've had a lot of practice.
Ah! There's Mr. Cochran now.
A great man, Conal Cochran.
A true genius.
Watch your driving, honey.
You could've killed that man.
I didn't hurt him! Hey, sorry
about that. Glad it didn't hit ya.
And great big thank you for pickin' it up.
You all right?
No problem.
- Hey, Buddy Kupfer, San Diego.
This is my wife Betty.
Please to meet you.
And right there's Little Buddy.
Is it busted?
- No.
Don't you dare go in the street!
Do you hear me?!
I gotta go.
- I'll be checkin' you in now, sir.
I fiilled out the register. I left $40 under the blotter.
That'd cover it? - Oh, heavens, yes. Thank you, sir.
Have a pleasant stay.
Mr. Kupfer, I presume?
Your rooms are waiting.
Damn factory!
Got their orders all screwed up.
Now I have to stay in this dump again!
Oh, that's great.
Hey honey, it's a freebie!
This place is a zoo.
I saw Cochran.
His car, anyway.
And your old man stayed here on the 20th. I was right!
We'll go directly to the factory.
- Whoa. Hold on. Slow down, slow down. It's getting late.
I could use a drink.
Let's take our time.
It's okay with you?
To stay, I mean?
Yeah, I think these a ...
clothes could probably hold out
for at least one more day.
Maybe I ought to get another room.
That would look sort of suspicious, wouldn't it?
What I mean is, if you'd ...
feel more comfortable ...
I could sleep in the car.
Be better than this floor, anyway.
Where do you wanna sleep, Dr. Challis?
That's a dumb question, Miss Grimbridge.
It's six o'clock ... it's six o'clock ...
All residents of Santa Mira, please clear the streets.
Curfew is now in effect.
Please confine your activities to your own homes.
Thank you.
Have a very pleasant evening.
Oh, Jesus!
- Mister, I didn't mean to scare you.
Saw that bottle.
Thought it looked pretty heavy.
I ain't got no diseases.
You mind if I have a drink?
Thank you.
Hey, just a second. You are ...
You have know anything about this Cochran?
Cochran, Cochran?
Do I know anything?
He made Santa Mira
what it is today.
Dried up, little pile of nothing.
Let me tell you something, mister.
He brought in every damn one of
them factory people from the outside.
You think he'd hire me?
A local boy?
No way. Turned me down flat.
You haven't got a dollar you can spare, do you?
Thank you.
All I can tell you, mister ...
is watch out.
You seen the TV cameras yet?
He's watching you, friend.
I guarantee you that.
Hey, Cochran ..., fuck you.
Fuck you! - Ooh, ooh, shh, easy.
- It's all right all right. It don't matter to me.
He's probably listenin'.
And if he is ...
I got one thing to say.
It's the last Halloween
for that lousy factory of his.
Some pretty wild shit goin' on in there.
I ... I heard rumors.
Like what? What'd you hear?
- This year ...
I'm gonna get me ...
about a case and a half of Molotov cocktails.
Burn that son of a bitch right down!
Be the last Halloween for them.
Last Halloween.
Fellas, I was just kidding.
You know that ... You know that. Just kidding!
Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Are you picking up an order?
Are you picking up
an order at the factory?
Oh, yeah. - Oh, I figured.
There's no other reason to be in this godforsaken place.
All I can say is, good luck to both of us.
They may make great masks,
but ever since they started big volume business,
the little guy has to stand in line.
You know, what I mean?
I gave up ordering by mail.
But I hate trying to deal with 'em in person.
You can't win.
Oh, you know,
I hate to say anything, but ...
the merchandise
is slipping.
I mean. My four-year-old was throwing
the thing against the wall.
The trademark shouldn't just come right off.
Yeah, I see what you mean.
By the way ...
My name's Marge Guttman.
My shop's on Union Square in San Francisco.
You can't miss it. - Okay. - Why don't you look me up?
Yes. Thanks, I will.
- Bye.
I tried you at home.
Why would I be at home,
when there's something like this cooking?
Get it cooking.
- Got anything?
No. Someone made
a colossal boo-boo.
We've been doing an autopsy
on part of the car.
C-4 something.
Just plastic and metal shavings.
Two days wasted because
somebody mixed up the envelopes.
Where are you calling from?
Santa Mira.
The Rose of Shannon Motel. I'll
check back with you tomorrow.
All right, Sherlock.Ciao.
Two more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
These commercials ...
Two more days to Halloween ...
never stops.
Aren't you just ... the least bit tired?
Wait. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
How old are you?
I'm older than I look.
What's that?
Who cares?
What the hell was that?
What's going on?
I don't know.
Oh, my God. That must be Marge.
- Who's that? - A lady I met.
Excuse me, I'm a doctor. Please.
I said I'm a doctor.
Don't trouble yourself, sir.
She'll get the best care money can buy.
Who's in charge of the patient?
Why, Mr. Cochran, of course.
Mr. Cochran, good to see you, sir.
- Good evening, Mr. Rafferty.
It's all over, my friends.
Just a small accident.
The lady's going to get the very best
possible treatment. I promise you that.
Where are they taking her?
They're taking her to the factory.
We've the most marvelous facility
there for emergency treatment.
What happened?
- Misfire.
No, don't.
We can't afford to stick out.
Let's just go.
What the hell were they talking about?
- Something crazy going on here. - You wanna leave?
Yes, very much.
But not until I find out,
whether my father went to that factory.
Can you talk?
Sure. I just fiinished sifting the ashes.
What do you have?
It's what I don't have, that bothers me.
You know, I'm starting to wonder if some...
someone hasn't been tampering with this stuff.
Well ... that was a hot fire. But there would have to be
some bone fragments or teeth or something.
I've got nothing here to indicate,
there was ever body at all.
Just ashes and car parts.
How about you?
Listen Teddy. Do me another favor.
Will you find out everything you can about Conal Cochran?
He runs Silver Shamrock,
the Halloween mask people.
Conal Cochran.
All right, but this is gonna cost you
some serious dinners when you get back.
I'm always ready for dinner with you.
Liar. Bye.
Oh, there must be some mistake, dearie.
Mr. Grimbridge himself picked up that order on the 21 st.
Here's his signature.
Thank you.
Do you remember that transaction?
No ... but you can talk
to someone who might.
Oh, Red ...
these people lost an order.
Did you load this one?
Sure did. Last week. A man
in an old green station wagon.
That's right. Did he say
where he was going?
No, ma'am. Headed out to
the north. I remember that.
Thank you.
Would you care to make another order, madam?
- No. Let's go.
Well, hey.
How ya doin'?
Buddy Kupfer and family ...
here to see Mr. Cochran.
- Yes, Mr. Kupfer. Welcome.
I'll tell Mr. Cochran, you're here.
When do we get to see 'em
makin' the masks?
Real soon, little buddy. - Buddy, my feet are killing me.
- Honey, come on. The fun's just startin'.
I've seen enough. Let's get out of here.
- All right, all right.
Oh wait!
so this is Buddy Kupfer
and his lovely family.
My friends ...
Mr. Kupfer has sold more Silver Shamrock masks
this year, by far, than anyone else in the country.
And as for my other friends,
Mr. And Mrs...
- Smith, of course.
My apologies for that little bit of a disturbance last night,
but I want you both to know,
that Mrs. Guttman is going to be fine.
She's been flown to a hospital in San Francisco.
Thank you.
For and a ...
About the confusion over your order.
I'll just tell you one thing...
A replacement order is being prepared
for you absolutely free ...
The whole thing's on me.
Is he incredible or what?
Now. How would you like a guided tour?
Oh, thank you, sir.
Would it be all right if my friends come along?
Oh ... yes, I was just about to ask them.
If you'd like to?
We'd love to.
Come along.
Come along.
The latex is heated and poured.
After that, it's cooled and poured off.
Then it's all just a matter of trimming,
painting and packaging.
Oh, wow, this is it.
Hall of fame time.
What's famous?
You really don't know?
Conal Cochran, the all-time
genius of the practical joke.
He invented sticky toilet paper.
Oh, you must know. The dead
dwarf gag, the soft chain saw. All his.
No, gee, I didn't know that.
- And before that, he used to make toys.
Remember that? I had one of those when
I was a kid. Used to sit and watch it for hours.
The man has always paid attention to detail.
Are we all together?
- Yeah.
Oh, I want a mask.
Can I have a mask?
Just what I had in mind for you, Little Buddy.
- I want that one.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Look over here.
Those masks haven't been through final processing.
This one has.
There you are.
That's wonderful.
What final process?
- Don't ask me.
Hey, Mr. Cochran,
just what is the final process?
I asure you it's just a little bit of this
and a little bit of that.
Quality inspection, the seal of approval.
You know, the usual.
And of course ...
there's a couple of ...
trade secrets.
I'd sure love to take a look.
Oh, sorry.
Not even a peek for your best
salesman? Oh, just one little look.
Well you see ...
Part of the inspection process involves ...
volatile chemicals, very dangerous. I wouldn't want to put
anybody in any danger. - Oh sure, I understand.
Now listen ... I hope you and your family will be able
to have breakfast with me tomorrow morning.
I'd like your opinion on some of our sales material.
- My opinion?
Oh, sure.
Do you know he's one of the
richest men in the country?
And he got that way selling
cheap gags and Halloween masks.
Oh god, there's hope for us yet.
It's very valuable to me, you know. Your opinion has
always meant a great deal to us. - Oh, thank you, sir.
Where's Little Buddy?
- Oh, there he is, running down there.
See him there?
- Oh, yes.
Into everything always.
We like to know everything there is to know.
Like father, like son.
- Oh, yeah.
Excuse me.
I think it's time we were going.
See you later.
What's up?
I just saw a couple of men
who looked strangely familiar.
And there's another one.
They look a lot like the man,
who killed your father.
Oh, my God!
- What?
That's Papa's car.
Wait, Ellie, Ellie. Don't.
Trade secrets.
I saw it.
I know I saw it.
I think it's time
for the marines.
I'm scared. I think we should leave.
All right.
You pack ...
I'll call the police.
This place has to fall under somebody's jurisdiction.
Let's go soon, okay?
- All right, all right.
Operator, this is an emergency. I wanna ...
I'm sorry.
We cannot complete your call as dialed.
Please hang up and t...
One more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
One more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
One more days to Halloween ...
- Yes ... information.
I'm sorry. We cannot complete your call as dialed.
Please hang up and check the number and dial again.
Just one more day ...
Only 24 hours, but that's plenty of time
to pick out one more day halloween ...
If you'd like to make a call,
Please hang up and try again.
If you'd like to make a call,
please hang up and try again.
If you need help, you have to
dial your operator for assistance.
Where's the girl?
Where is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?!
Oh, Jesus. Je...
This was a rare piece.
Made in Munich ...
I must try to get a replacement.
Ah, Mr. Challis.
- Where is Ellie?
Mrs. Smith.
Ah, sure I believe she's resting just now.
Didn't take you long to get here, Mr. Challis.
Dr. Challis, I should say.
It'll be morning soon.
Halloween morning.
It'll be a very busy day for me.
Being a medical man,
you should find it quite interesting.
The surprising thing is that the internal
components were quite simple to produce, really.
The outer features ...
took much longer to perfect. But then, of course
in the end it's just another form of mask making.
Bless you.
Convincing, aren't they?
Loyal and obedient,
unlike most human beings.
Those who went before me, you know they...
they never dreamed of anything like this.
What is this place?
- Oh, can't you tell?
Advanced and...
ancient technology.
A good magician never explains.
Come on, then.
You've still got time
to figure it out all by yourself.
From an ancient sacrificial circle.
We had a time getting it here.
You wouldn't believe, how we did it.
It has a power in it.
A force.
Even a...
Oh, Doctor, you asked about the girl.
Where is she?
Right in there.
And your friend, Miss Guttman.
You killed her.
- Oh, no. Miss Guttman was the victim of a misfire.
The others...
What you really need to see is a demonstration
and there's one coming right up.
Mr. Cochran will be right along.
I don't like this place.Iit gives me the creeps.
I have to go to the bathroom.
- Relax a minute, will you?
Mr. Cochran'll be here.
Then everything will be fine.
He just wants my opinion about some
television commercials or something.
You know, I still can't figure out why
they won't take my orders for next year.
You know how I like to work ahead,
and well, they're just not interested at all.
Maybe they're not going to
have Halloween next year.
All right, roll it.
It's time, it's time.
Time for the big giveaway.
- This is just the same old stuff.
All you lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks,
gather 'round your TV set.
Put on your masks and watch.
- Honey, don't get too close, you'll ruin your eyes.
Gather 'round and watch.
Watch the magic pumpkin. Watch.
I think this whole thing ...
is a big joke.
I mean, look at that.
I mean, look.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
It's almost time, kids.
The clock is ticking.
Be in front of your TVsets
for the "Horrorathon."
And during the big giveaway at nine.
Don't miss it.
And don't forget to wear your masks.
The clock is ticking. It's almost time.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock.
Hurry home. It's almost time.
All those lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks,
hurry home for the big giveaway.
It's almost time. Hurry home.
What city, please?
The number for Santa Mira,
the Rose of Shannon Motel, please.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. We cannot complete your call as dialed.
Please hang up and dial again. This is a record ...
Did I wake you?
Oh, sorry.
Listen. I've got something down here
I'd like for you to look at.
I know I could be wrong,
but I don't think it's a car part at all.
Maybe you've seen something like it.
How's tomorrow afternoon?
Tomorrow afternoon?
Okay, great. Thanks, Roger.
Oh, my God.
May I help you?
Operator, can you get me the sheriff...
Enjoy the "Horrorathon," Doctor.
And don't forget to watch
the big giveaway afterwards.
Why, Cochran? Why?
Do I need a reason?
Mr. Kupfer was right, you know.
I do love a good joke. And this is the best ever.
A joke on the children.
But there's a better reason.
You don't really know much
about Halloween.
You thought no further than the strange custom of
having your children wear masks and go out
begging for candy.
It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands
and we'd be waiting ...
in our houses of wattles and clay.
The barriers would be down, you see,
Between the real and the unreal.
And the dead might be looking in ...
to sit by our fires of turf.
The festival of Samhain.
The last great one took place 3,000 years ago
and the hills ran red ...
with the blood of animals and children.
It was a part of our world ...
Our craft.
- To us, it was a way of controlling our environment.
It's not so different now.
It's time again.
In the end ...
We don't decide these things, you know.
The planets do.
They're in alignment.
And it's time again.
The world's going to change tonight, Doctor.
I'm glad you'll be able to watch it.
happy Halloween.
- It's just that work ...
Oh, yes, yes, of course.
Tonight's just for fun. A way of saying
"thank you" to all our good customers.
Mr. Cochran.
I have good news for you.
It'll long just a moment.
It's always a pleasure doing
business with you. It is indeed.
A 43 share.
You think so?
Good. And I hope the little ones
will be watching.
Don't forget to tell them to watch
the big giveaway at 9:00.
Thank you for calling. Good-bye.
Thanks. Bye.
Camera two.
Linda, Linda...
Where the hell have you been? I waited all night.
Shut up, shut up. Linda, shut up. Listen, listen.
You have to get rid of the masks ...
the Silver Shamrock ...
No, no.
The ones that I gave them? You want me to what?
In the Santa Mira.
They killed Buddy Kupfer and his whole family.
They killed him.
That's not enough ...
We've lost him.
No, we haven't.
You'll see.
No, no, no, I'm not drunk.
Linda, listen. You have to get rid of the masks.
Just ...
You want me to what?
You're just jealous because...
I'm not. Linda, listen.
Go to hell!
Ellie. Ellie. Ellie!
South corridor.
Come on.
Wait here.
It's time, it's time.
Time for the big giveaway.
Halloween has come.
All you lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks,
gather 'round your TVset.
Put on your masks and watch.
All witches, all skeletons, all jack-o'- lanterns
gather 'round and watch.
Watch the magic pumpkin.
Watch ...
...in the eastern valley we're expecting overcast sky
and 50% chance of rain thru monday.
It's presently 74 degrees at ...
8:48 p.m.
The clock is ticking.
Hurry home, kids.
And happy Halloween.
We've gotta do something,
call somebody. Huh?
Ellie, you all right?
Your phone, your phone, where
is it? It's life and death.
Hey, don't I know you?
Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween ...
- If it goes out it means a death of millions of people
everyone watching. Don't you understand that?
Well, say it's a bomb. Say whatever you want.
Say whatever you like. Just get if off the air.
Please! Just ...
No, no! I can't prove it!
You've gotta believe me! Believe me!
Take it off the air now! Please!
You've got to, please.
Please excuse the interruption.
We're having technical problems.
Please stand by.
It's time. It's time.
We are experiencing technical difficulties.
Please, stand by.
Gather 'round your TV set.
Put on your masks and watch.
All witches, all skeletons, all jack-o'- lanterns ...
The third commercial,
it's still on. Please.
Take out the third channel.
The third channel it's still running. Stop it, please.
For God's sake, please stop it.
There's no more time.
You've gotta... Please, stop it.
Stop it now. Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
Any comments welcome on icee@seznam.cz