Hamari Adhuri Kahaani (2015) Movie Script
Lyino is a sin..
lt's a orave sin.
l'm not lyino.
Vasudha came to see me this mornino..
lt wa. aroun 4am.
...was wearino a red sweater.
But..She looked vey ill and tired.
l a.ke her to .it own an re.t.
But .he refu.e.
Then she asked me a auestion.
- Di .he?
She said ''Where...
would Radha oo after her death?''
l said that's an absurd auestion.
Radha would unite with
her Kri.hna after .he'. dead.
Where else would she oo?
That's her final restino place.
She staed smiling
after hearino my answer.
She came clo.e to me an .ai...
...''Hari. always remember this.''
''Don't foroet this ever.''
Then she just got up and
walked out into the sunlioht.
Vasudha left you 21 years aoo...
..and you're still
mournino her leavino.
You don't understand
that you didn't see her.
lt's iust your imaoination.
Evey 2 - 2 fl years you
say the same thino.
All you have to do is take a break.
l am increasino your dosaoe.
Let's wait and see how they work.
Ne patient please.
l don't need medication. doctor.
l am not .ick.
l am not in.ane.
Vasudha did come this mornino.
At around 4am...
- Hari.
Hari. iust let her oo.
Just let her oo.
Just let her go.
- She was wearino a red sweater...
Otheise it will oet worse...
...and my worst fear will come true.
You'll have to be sent
to a mental asylum. Get it.
Red color..
- Fine.
- Come on.
Hari. she's here to see you.
l'm Avni.
Saani's wife.
Has somethino happened?
Actually. Avni and l...
...had oone to Sinoapore...
...for my compans work.
- While we were leavino. mom called..
- ..and said she wanted to visit the
temple since it was Duroa Pooia.
That was the last
time we hear from her.
3 days..
Uncle. that's...
Would you like a olass of water?
Three days later,
when we returned home...
...we realized that
mom's oone missino.
- We had to inform the police.
- That'. when we foun out that...
- ...mom's dead body was found
on a de.eed road.
3 kilometers away from Bastar.
- What was she doino in Bastar?
- It's a complete mystey for me...
... Avni and the police.
l know what you were doino in Bastar.
You came to meet me.
That wasn't my imaoination.
That octor...
You paid a high price for
your indiscretions. Vasudha.
A shameless woman like her
wa. boun to meet thi. fate.
Brazen woman, her body
wa. found on a de.eed road.
Enouoh! Enouoh!
- Saanj.
- Enouoh!
Not a word more.
- Saani what are you.. .
She's my mother.
Saanj what are you doing?
- Keep your mouth shut...
...or l'll throw you out
in front of eveyone.
Avni, why did you get him?
- Because he's family.
He's family?
Avni wanted you to be here.
She wanted that
we take you to Kashi.. .
...so you could peorm
mom'. final rite..
But the truth i....
...you're not even wohy
of touchino her urn.
l...l'm not wohy?
- Ye.
l've more right on her than you.
- What?
She's my wife.
God has oiven me this rioht.
What...what rioht?
Now l understand why...
...she came to see me this mornino.
She was wearing a red sweater,
wa.n't .he?
lt was red. wasn't it?
Your mothes ashes
won't be immersed in Ganoa.
l am her hu.ban.
l will decide..
- Get out.
Saanj wait!
- Get out.
Saanj, listen to me.
- Get out.
Get out.
- Saani!
Vashudha won't be
immersed in Ganoa.
- Hello, welcome to
Mumbai Police Control..
Avni. what's ooino on?
l'm sory. Saani.
You were rioht.
l shouldn't have brouoht him here.
l should've iust...
He's disappeared with mom's urn...
...an he'. left that.
''Son, your mothes ashes
won't be immersed in Ganoa.''
''l'm taking them where
they riohtfully belono.''
''Read this book carefully.''
''l've written eveyone's truth in it.''
''As it had happened...''
Saanj! Good morning.
- Good mornino.
Whose bihday is it today?
- Mine.
Happy bihday!
- Thank you.
And look what your father
has sent for you.
What is this?
- Computer.
- Vey nice .
You like?
- Vey like.
And papa?
Papa will be back soon.
Like l said, papa's far
away workino for his county.
Work! Work! Work!
Mom what kind of work does he do,
that never end.?
Look what God has sent to wish Saani.
- Red beautiful flowers. no?
Saani. You oot Scared?
Don't be .care.
Don't ever be .care of the.e .oun..
God talks to us throuoh these storms.
He touche. u....
...through the color of
these flowers and their fraorance.
Thank you. God!
Thank you. God!
You need to get to school,
and l've to oet to work.
Let's oo. Let's oo.
lndia's most eligible bachelor
Aarav Ruparel is in town.
- Yeah.
By the way. who is Aarav Ruparel?
Huh? You on't know?
Thi. man oe.n't have a hou.e...
...but he own. 1Oft hotel..
Read the newspaper.
You know what he says...
...that his permanent address
is the flioht seat no. 1A.
How cool. rioht?
- He's going to check into our
presidential suite in the ne 2 hours.
And you've been given orders
by the manaoement...
... to make it special and pretty.
Good morning..
- Good mornino. Mr. Ruparel.
Welcome to the palace Hotel.
l coul ie for the.e.
Good mornino. Mr. Ruparel.
What are the.e flower. calle?
Arum lily.
Arum lily!
Which means simplicity. innocence...
...true love.
They are lovely.
lt looks like you love your iob.
But how can you tell?
From the way you
arranoed these flowers.
A person's character and
emotion. reflect in their work.
Keep up the oood work.
Thank you. Mr. Ruparel.
Good day.
ls there anything you
don't like about your iob?
l in't uner.tan?
You heard me.
What do you hate about your iob?
Pluckino of these flowers.
Whether it'. for human. or Go.
The.e flower. are .o elicate.
Even before they
Can blossom completely...
They are plucked from their branches
Theve to pay a price
for our happiness...our sorrows...
...our love...
...our achievement....
...by oettino plucked.
But nothino can be done.
For years, this job's
been providino for my family.
You're rioht.
A lot has to be
.acrifice to run a hou.e.
lt was nice meetino you. Vasudha.
Thank you. Mr. Ruparel.
And please put up the
''Do Not Disturb'' sion on the door.
l haven't slept for 18 hours.
- Sure.
Leavino early today. Vasudha?
Where's your share for
the annual staff pay.
Oh yes...
Ms. Chubby was sayino...
... that your husband
won't be accompanyino you...
...to the staff pay
aoain this year. Why?
My husband's not in the city.
The luxuy taxi business
is so unpredictable.
He's either in one city or the other.
One city...or another.
l hope he hasn't got something
ooino on the outside.
Trilok, ne time
stay within your limits.. .
...while crackino a ioke.
Fire alarm!
Get ooino!
Eveyone get out!
Fire alarm! Come on!
Come on! Hury up!
Get eveyone out!
Move out! Move out!
Clear the buildino!
- Yes. Vasudha.
l think that the guest in the
Presidential suite is still asleep.
He'll hear the alarm
and oet out safely.
You're the hotel's security in-charge,
how can you...
So? Should l risk my life?
Die in there?
You stay here. l am ooino.
Save your life first!
Where are you ooino?
Evacuation's been ordered.
- Comino.
Sir...ma'am, fire exit to the left.
- OK. thank you.
Mr. Ruparel!
Mr. Ruparel!
Mr. Ruparel!
Mr. Ruparel,
there's a fire in the hotel. and...
Mr. Ruparel.
Apooa. ouess what?
Our rama wa. a .ucce...
Get the staff to my room now.
And for God's sake,
put off the fire alarm.
Thi. i. the core team.
Goo afternoon .ir.
And that is head of security.
Sir. Trilok Sandhu.
Vasudha. this is Apooa.
My childhood friend
and business manaoer.
And Apooa. meet Vasudha.
- Hi.
The flori.t.
- Or .houl l call her a .olier...
...who has no connection
with our security staff.
Am l rioht. Mr. Manaoer?
Yes. Mr. Ruparel.
Of course l'm rioht.
l don't own 108 hotels by chance.
Before buying any new hotel,
l en.ure...
...that all the systems in
the hotel are workino properly.
And l am really sory to say,
Mr. Bhatia...
...that a WIP guest was rescued 10
minutes after the fire alarm rano.
The security systems and staff
should be replaced immediately.
Sory, sir.
- Sory. sir.
l'm one.
Sory... Mr. Ruparel...
- You can all leave. thank you.
- Yes. Mr. Ruparel.
l'm vey impressed with you.
- Puttino others before yourself.
The entire hotel industy
business thrives on these principles.
And l am olad you believe in that.
Apooa, l think we
.houl take her from here.
She can take our
new hotel in Dubai to oreater heiohts.
- Of cour.e.
From now on you won't
work for anyone else.
Double the salay...
...with all the perks included.
Thank you vey much Mr. Ruparel.
lt's a oreat offer. really!
lt's not easy to
refuse all that money.
But my famils rioht here...
...an l cannot leave them.
That's why...
l never make the .ame offer twice.
But for you l'm makino an exception.
The offer is still open.
You can come work
for us whenever you want.
Thank you.
- Alrioht.
Good day.
She should've taken my offer.
- Va.uha...
Why aren't you answerino your phone?
Ohh...maybe l didn't
hear it in all the commotion...
Saani's school called.
They took him to Bandra Crime Branch.
- Madam. where are you ooino?
- Wait. Stop!
- Saani!
Saanj, are you okay?
- Ye.
Your son is vey clever.
Even at this age,
he knows so much about computers.
At thi. rate...
...he'll .oon be Inia'. Bill Gate..
Aren't you ashamed?
You took a small
boy from his school.. .
...and brought him
to the police station.
What rioht do you have?
l. he a thief or a criminal?
What ha. he one?
Come. Saani. Where's your bao?
l'll tell you who's done what.
Shinde. Iook after the boy.
Yes. sir.
Come with me.
You kept coming to us evey
month to ask for our help...
...whereas you know
where your husband is.
You've been in touch with him.
For the last 5 years
you kept sayino that...
...your husband went to Orissa
with an American Journali.t...
...an never returne.
He disappeared. He's missino.
lsn't that what you said?
Yes. sir...
Then what'. thi.?
This bihday card?
What i. thi.?
Sir. that's my handwritino.
l write tho.e letter....
...in the name of Saani's father.
l lie...that his fathes
out of the county for work.
That'. the truth behin thi. letter.
You can punish me any way you want.
Punishment doesn't scare me anymore.
An l on't nee to run from the law.
You shouldn't be running
from the law either.
But things will get
difficult for you...
...when your husband returns.
Because your husband
isn't drivino some taxi.
He's a member of a terrorist oroup...
...that's spreading
terror in this county.
No...you're mistaken. sir.
Hari i....
l.n't that him?
He tricked four American
iournalists and took them to Orrisa.. .
...to the iunoles of bastar...
...where he shot them
one after the other.
Now this case will
become a political issue.
My bosses will want me to arrest you.
But l won't o thi..
Because l know you're innocent.
But in return...
...you must inform us...
...whenever your husband
comes to see you.
You will have to assist
us in arrestino him.
Otheise...iust like your father...
...ruined your life by getting you
married to thi. terrori.t...
...you'll be ruining your son's life in
order to save your criminal husband.
How can l spend my entire
life with .omeone l don't know...
- Greetinos.
How can l be with someone
l on't love...
Are you crazy?
How dare you utter
such thinos in front of me?
ln our community,
marriaoe comes first...
...and then this thino you call love.
For a centuy our ancestors
have followe thi....
...and eveyone always will.
- Hari is a nice boy.
- He's cultured. like me.
- Mary him.
- You'll be happy with him.
Enouoh. Hari.
- It'. one...it'. one.
lf you're so scared of
writino your husband's name...
...how will you live with
me for the next .even live.?
lt look. .o nice.
Now you're mine forever.
- Like father...like .on!
His father was a priest in the temple.
And he would beat me up
evey nioht with a shoe.
After he died. my son took over.
He said ''Mother,
shave your head. it's our tradition.''
Even after there dead...
...men still control a woman's body.
Do yourself a favor.
Don't waste your life like me.
Don't let the fire
die before you're dead.
You're youno. beautiful.
Go...mary someone else.
And throw your nuptial
necklace in .ome du.tbin.
Take that lea.h off.
No. mother.
l don't have the courage
to take thi. off.
We are bound by our traditions.
How can l take it off?
l will wear it till l ie.
l am happy that my son's with me.
l'll hide him in some boardino school.
Take him far away from here.
l want to live for him. mother.
- Reputation.
- We can lose money,
but not our reputation.
- It's the foundation
of evey bio oroanization.
- Our. too.
And Mr. Bhatia,
l will never suppo someone.. .
...who can malion my reputation.
- Such people can't work here.
Fire them.
- Yes. Mr. Ruparel.
- Alrioht. l'll see you all soon.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
- Have a safe flioht. sir.
Bye. Vasu.
- What's wrono?
- Your flowers don't look happy today.
Somethino's wrono.
No. evemhino's fine.
Come on. tell me. l'm listenino.
Actually...you have already
answered my auestion.
So l don't want to waste your time.
By the way...
- Aarav. we've a flioht to catch.
l'll iust oet our baos.
l want to hear that auestion.
l had chanoed my mind.
Thought l would take up
the iob at your hotel in Dubai.
But, since you've
bouoht this hotel also...
...and your reputation
means evemhino to you...
...it won't be right
for me to even stay here.
My son was iust 1 month old...
...when my husband left us.
l've been waiting
for him since 5 years.
But yesterday...
...the police told me that...
...he's a member of a terrorist oroup.
But l in't know about it.
But now that l know. it scares me.
This news might
ruin my son's life.
So l thought of taking
up the iob in your Dubai hotel.
Aarav. we'll oet stuck in traffic.
Apooa. when l reach Dubai...
...l want to see a beautiful
bouauet made by her in my room.
Mr. Ruparel?
l don't have any time
for your thank you.
l have to catch a flioht.
l'll see you in Dubai soon.
Come on.
- Yup.
Aarav. what was that all about?
What happened?
What's wrono with you?
She remin. me of .omeone clo.e to me.
- And now. Iadies and oentlemen.
- Imperial hotel presents on staoe...
- ...the sizzling, the ravishing,
the one and only...Rohini!
- That was our sizzling
peormer Rohini.
- l hope you're enjoying this evening,
because l ceainly am.
- Eveybody,
please a huoe round of applause.
Get lo.t!
Get lo.t from here!
- Why, Aarav?
Why do you enter the hotel?
l've explained to you so many times...
...that l am a cabaret ai.t.
They don't know that l have a son.
People will call
me old because of you.
Mom, l've got fever.
l was feelino cold.
That's why l came inside.
Where else could l oo?
You know...
...l fled with you from
the hospital when you were born.
Because l didn't have
the money to pay the bills.
Your father didn't oive me a penny.
He left nothino before leavino us.
lt was really hard to find this iob.
And l almost lost
it all today because of you.
lf that happened,
what would we have done?
Where would we stay?
How woul we .uive?
Who o we have in thi. worl?
- Me.
l've .ai it...
Naila Saar
l work in the hotel's
house-keepino depament.
Nice meestino you.
Shehzad, we need to
oo to Miracle Garden first.
- Okay. ma'am.
Why? Why not the hotel?
Well. our boss has already arrived ...
... and he's waitino there for you.
- Good mornino. sir.
Good mornino. Mr. Ruparel.
Welcome to Dubai.
Thank you.
l know l'm a cruel man.
When it comes to work,
l spare no one.
Not even myself.
But the iob at hand is special.
Come over here,
l want to show you somethino.
My Japanese desioners want me...
...to plan the garden
of my new hotel like this one.
But l'm a bit confu.e.
Should l make an
exact replica. or not.
l mean, there are 40,OOO flowers here.
It's stunnino. It's beautiful.
But l still feel like
Somethino is missino here.
lt lacks somethino.
Can you tell me what's missino?
There are no rie leave. here.
According to me, Mr. Ruparel,
a oarden that doesn't have...
... a few dried leaves, some
withered flowers. doesn't seem real.
This place is too beautiful.
And maybe that's why
it doe.n't touch the hea.
Evey beautiful thing
ha. .ome flaw in it.
Even the moon ha. crater..
But...why is this oarden so flawless?
You answered my auestion so easily.
You surpassed my expes.
You okay?
Something went into my eye.
- May l?
Thank you.
Naila. l need a sim card.
l want to talk to my son.
Please help me oet one.
Mama, l'm here.
- Saani!
- l told you.
Now we can talk evey day for free.
- Maddy Aunty took the
principal's permission.
Happy Diwali.
- Happy Diwali. sir.
- Happy Diwali. sir.
lt feels like this place was
covere in arkne.. until now.
And this is the first time
this place has seen lioht.
But...how did you manage
all thi. in .o little time?
We did it tooether. sir.
Otheise it would've
not been possible.
But the idea was yours.
lf the light hadn't been in you,
it wouldn't have reflected out here.
No matter how many times l thank
you for that. it won't be enouoh.
This is dim in comparison to
the lioht you've brouoht to my life.
You chanoed my life.
My son's too.
l am a vey selfish man.
l only do what makes me happy.
But l would never want
you to consider this a favor.
Or feel burene.
l really mean it.
We'll miss our flioht. Aarav.
Take care.
Can l click a picture of you?
Just one snap.
Guys...eveyone oather around.
For a photo.
- Yes. sir.
For the hotel magazine.
Hury up.
Come on. eveyone back to work.
Naila, how often does
Mr. Ruparel come here?
Well...l've never counte.
You see. he leads an interestino life.
He comes if he wants to. or doesn't.
Sometimes once in three months,
or sometimes once in three years.
By the way, madam...
where do l keep these flowers?
- Yes. ma'am.
Please help me.
- Sure.
And the rest of the flowers,
where do l keep them?
Naila, will you take that
trolley to the other room.
l'll be rioht with you.
- Come fa.t.
- Va.uha.
Hi. Aarav.
- Listen, the photo l took of
you is a little out of focus.
Can you do me a favor?
Can you click one more...
...and send it to me rioht now?
Yeah...you mean. my photo?
For our hotel maoazine.
l want to do a profile on you.
l'll click one and give
it to the manaoement.
No. send it to me!
l'm waitino.
- Send it fast please.
Yeah. Ok.
Thanks. Bye.
lt's all messed up.
Follow my instructions.
Look at thi....
- l don't understand why...
... a wealthy man like you...
...who owns big hotels
all over the worl...
...is interested
in my 3-star hotel?
- And l've told you before...
... this was the first propey...
...built by my father
from his hard-earned money.
l've an emotional
attachment to this place.
So l can't sell this hotel to you.
- Sory.
Emotions and you.
l don't see a speck of
emotion on your uoly face?
What do you mean. Mr. Ruparel?
What's ooino on. Apooa?
ls this a business meetino or...
...an insultino session?
You're humiliating me in my hotel,
in front of my people.
- Think about my aoe.
- l am a hea patient.
Leave. Please leave.
Go away.
l on't want to .ell.
l won't .ell thi. hotel.
Aarav. Iet's oet to the point.
Fine. Iet's oet to the point.
l don't know how you will do it.
But l want your hotel
in a month'. time.
You will sign this
eal for 600 million...
...not a penny more or less.
And if you don't do that...
...then l'll use all
my influence to ruin you.
You and your family will be
beooino on the streets of Kolkata.
This shock mioht...
...even cause a hea-attack
and you'll die on the streets.
Believe me...
...that'll make me really happy.
- l just can't get Bose's
reaction out of my head.
''What's ooino on. Apooa?''
''ls this a business meeting,
or...an insultino session?''
- You .houl've .een hi. face.
l don't know why seeino the man...
...who humiliated me so much
durino my childhood and hu me.. .
...suffer today,
isn't makino me happy.
That...that's your problem.
This is your problem.
You feel evemhino so deeply...
...there's so much sorrow inside you.
You are always full of pain.
Because you don't know
what your hea wants.
Mr. Ruparel,
the flioht is ready for depaure.
All the passengers have boarded
and we're waitino for you.
Okay. Iet's oo.
- Attention please,
thi. i. the final call...
- ...for the passengers travelling
throuoh flioht B- 126 to London.
What happened?
Sir. the flioht is about to depa.
Can we please proceed now.
Aarav, there shutting the doors,
man. Come on.
- Aarav!
Aarav. we can't miss this flioht.
You know the European
Division is waitino in London.
Come on. Iet's oo.
Aarav. hury up. Let's oo.
We're not ooino to London.
lf we're not going to London,
where are we ooino?
You asked me what my hea wanted.
These flowers have
answered your auestion.
We're ooino to Dubai.
- Any contact with him?
Who? Who is speakino?
Patil from Mumbai Crime Branch. ma'am.
No one'. contacte me.
And how could he,
l haven't oiven this number to anyone.
lt's not difficult for
the police or a criminal.. .
...to find anyone's number. ma'am.
...l'll be waiting for your call.
- Ye.
- Happy Diwali!
- Wow! What a peormance!
Vey nice! Vey nice!
- Come on now give them
a bio round of applause
Now, l'm going to
spin this bottle aoain...
...roun an roun...
lt's spinnino...it's spinnino!
And stop!
Our ne sinoer for the evenino is...
Sory. sir...
...whoever the bottle
points at.. .has to sino.
- But. it's okay...
...you're the...
lt's pointless to run from the truth.
What truth?
You and my mother
have a similar stoy.
But after my father left us,
.he fell in love with .omeone el.e.
Jeevan Rane.
He was madly in love
with my mother. but...
...alcohol ruine him.
He even lost his iob because of it.
- But even in that
painful povey...
- ...we would find our
moments of happiness.
- We would get so happy when she
would .teal food for me from that club.
- An alcohol for Jeevan uncle.
- The world saw that as theft
but to u. it wa. love.
- And then one day
that incident took place...
- ...which completely shattered us.
- What happened?
Show me your bag,
- Why?
- l said show me your bao.
Let go.
- What's wrono?
Sir. l told you before...
...this woman steals whiskey
bottle. from our bar.
He's lying. l didn't steal anything.
- Show me your bao.
l don't steal.
- Give me your bao.
Look, sir.
- Hol thi..
You thief!
Let her oo. Let her oo.
Let him go,
he hasn't done anythino.
lt's my fault.
- Let them go.
It's my fault.
Let them oo.
- She often faced
humiliation in that hotel.
- But she was never so
disoraced as she was that nioht.
- When we were returning,
Jeevan uncle i...
-...what many people in our
county do due to povey and orief.
- Stop the car.
- Stop. We need help.
- That was the scariest
nioht of my life.
l saw a weak man get destroyed
becau.e of hi. .hame.
That nioht l swore to be successful...
...and took my first step
towards becomino successful.
But this success doesn't
take away the pain.
That pain still exists....even today.
That day when l made
you talk to your son...
...and saw the happiness on your face.
l realized that pain reduces
when you oive happiness...
Sorrows reduce when you oive ioy.
Vasudha, l want to make
a deal with you.
l want to give you all
the happiness in the world...
...in exchanoe for your pain.
Vasudha. it's your love...
...that made my hea
see the lioht beyond my darkness.
Thank you.
l love you a lot. Vasudha.
''Now you're mine forever.''
Sir. Sir. sory to disturb you. sir.
What i. thi.?
''Naila, by the time you wake up,
l would've already left.''
''Don't ask why.''
''My condition is like the
traveller wanderino in the dese...''
''...that sees water,
but it turns out to be a miraoe.''
''Just a fioment of his imaoination.''
''Last nioht l was deceived.''
''So...l am leaving without
informino the manaoement.''
''Look after yourself. Naila.''
''Thank you.''
Vasudha. where are you ooino?
Away from you.
Me...or my love?
Because you're mistaking
your lust for love.
What did you say?
- Yes. Mr. Aarav Ruparel
The world is like a toy shop for you.
You can buy anythino you like.
But l am not for .ale.
You did all this to escape
your lonely and borino life.
An l wa. .uch a fool to think that...
...l had come here for my own needs.
l am not some coin
Iyino on the street.
l belono to someone else.
Do you get that?
- No.
l don't understand
these bio talks. Vasudha.
All l uner.tan i. thi..
You know me really well. don't you?
Uner.tan me.
But do you understand yourself?
No. Vasudha.
You love me too. A lot.
But you will never say it.
You will yearn for me,
but never express it.
You'll keep runnino from me.
Wander in that dese in your hea.
You want to come clo.er to me.
Wrap your arms around me and cy,
make a place in my hea!
But you won't do it.
But l'm not like you.
l can't live without
tellino you that l love you.
That l need you.
What coul hu me more...
...than knowing that life
scares you more than death...
...love scares you. not loneliness.
l can't fall in love.
l can't feel anythino.
Go away.
You're wrono about me.
l'll take you back to your home.
But first l want to
take you somewhere. Vasudha.
After that you can
make your decisions.
A failed attempt to commit suicide...
...another failure.
Jeevan uncle couldn't
endure the brain trauma...
...and slipped into a coma.
Doctors said he'll have to
spend the rest of his life like this.
He even told mom to take him off
all his life-suppo systems...
...but mom didn't aoree.
An l .till remember what .he .ai.
She said ''Love is a responsibility...''
''...and only the
founate ones oet it.''
For the last 20 years,
she has spent ...
- ... hours here eveyday
to hear hi. heabeat.
She even says that Jeevan uncle...
...gives her marks for
her piano peormance.
- Sweet. isn't it?
So how many marks did
you oet today. ma?
Zero marks and it's all your fault.
My hea was saying that
you're somewhere close...
...and so l couldn't impress him.
Who's this wandering
soul that feels like a kindred spirit?
Ma. l've brouoht her here today...
...so that you can defend my case.
l want to oive her and her son...
...the life that you and l never had.
l want to mary her. oive her love.
But .he oe.n't tru.t me.
You can call this a plea. if you want.
But the hea doesn't
stop for eveyone.
Even heabeat. have rule..
We're told the stoy
of Sita from childhood.
We're tauoht to be like her.
But no one talk. about Raha.
Whereas she's the one revered
alono with Krishna. in evey home.
So think about it.
You won't oet this time back aoain.
Life doesn't oive a second chance.
Love's in front of you.
Don't run from it.
What oood will that do?
Make you pious?
Become Sita?
But you've always been that.
When will you become Radha?
l don't have the courage
to see you leave.
Apooa will take you back
to Mumbai by the ne flioht.
l'm not comino.
No one has ever given me
as much respect...
...as you did today,
in front of your mother.
l'm tired. Aarav.
My past has cornered me.
Can you help me foroet my past?
l on't know how to live.
Can you teach me how to live?
l on't know how to love.
Can you teach me what love is?
Don't foroet to come tomorrow mornino.
l've called my lanyer over
for somethino impoant.
For what?
Divorce papers.
Read them properly and sion them.
Ne time, l want to meet
Saani as his leoal ouardian.
l don't like hidino thinos.
No. no. no...
Don't... on't...
l'm not ea! l'm not ea!
lt'. me.
lt's me. Vasudha.
l'm hunoy.
Do you have somethino to eat?
l'm hungy.
Do you have somethino to eat?
Do you have something to eat?
l'm hunoy.
Where are you going?
Where are you ooino?
There's no food at home.
- Huh!
No foo at home.
Go. Come back .oon.
Madam do you need somethino?
- The number you've dialled is not
acceptino any calls at this moment.
- Please ty aoain later.
- Thank you.
l've yearned 5 years for this love.
What happened?
Vasudha. l'm your husband.
The police were sayino...
...you're a terrorist.
lf l on't tell them...
...that you're back...
...then they will arrest me too.
Then Saani...
You believe the police.
You never bothered to
ask me my side of the stoy.
What happened to me?
Vasudha. l was taken prisoner...
- ...alono with those Americans.
When we were headino towards Bastar...
- ... on the hiohway.
- They attacked our
car and took us hostaoe.
- They scared me. threatened me.
''Kill them. Come on.''
Forced me to kill one
of tho.e American..
- They shot the entire thing on video
and sent it to the police.
- They would thrash me evey day.
- Tell me to foroet my past.
- An l wa. one of them.
- One day those beasts...
- ...camped at Father
Peter Dayal's hermitaoe.
- l told father my stoy...
...and asked him
for his help to escape.
- He helped me.
- Come on. Fa.t...move.
- And we all escaped.
- But the entire area
was riooed with land mines.
- They cauoht us aoain.
- And to punish us, they shot Father
and me in the leo.
- They kept me locked in
the same room for years.
- Remember, when l was leaving,
and you were prayino for my safety.
- Those were the memories
that kept me sane.
- Kept me alive.
- l swore that l
won't die at any cost.
- An l'll return home.
- God answered my prayers.
- The place where they were
campino was hit by floods.
- And l oot another chance to run.
l kept runnino.
- It took me months to oet here.
No one believe. me.
No one.
You on't believe me either.
l o now.
Arranoe for a car.
We'll oet out of here.
Leave this city.
We'll .ta a new life...
What's wrono with you?
Who's callino you at this hour?
Who i. he?
Who's callino you?
Who is he. Vasudha?
Who i. he?
baray .
l work for him.
He wants to mary me.
Aren't you ashamed?
Your father taught
value. all hi. life.
How could those values
oive bih to such a woman?
l want to stranole you.
Kill Saani and myself too.
lf you feel nothing for me,
what will l live for?
lt'. all...all over!
Didn't your conscience stop you?
Didn't your God stop you?
Didn't our memories stop you?
Which memories. Hari?
The time when you forcefully...
...tattooed your name on my arm.
Just like a master brands his pet.
We'd been married for just a year,
when you disappeared.
Can you imaoine the loneliness...
...that l felt in the last five years?
Do you know how l raised our son?
But you're so engrossed
in your pain...
...that you can't see me.
Because if you could. Hari...
...you wouldn't have asked
me to run away with you.
And what's the point
of runnino away. Hari?
We can't escape.
So Hari...
...stop thinkino about me.
Go to the police station
an tell them the truth.
l am sure you'll oet iustice.
For Saani's sake.
Hi. future i. at .take.
Wow. Vasudha...
...you took Saani's name.
But it's that rich boss of
yours that you're thinkino about.
You're re.tle.. to .ee him.
Have you slept with him?
Have you slept with him?
l love him.
A lot...
Hari. come inside.
Hari. don't oo anynrhere.
Leave me!
- Let oo!
Go to your boss.
Hey...how dare you hit your wife?
Go to your boss.
Sir, he's my husband.
- Leave me!
Go back to your boss!
Go back to your boss!
- Hari!
You haven't .een the new..
Aarav... here.
Sources from Mumbai Crime
Branch have confirme...
...that the person arrested
Iast nioht for a scuffle...
...with his wife and the police...
...is Hari Prasad.
- That'. Va.udha'. hu.band.
And he's a member of
the same terrorist oroup...
...that killed 5 American
iournalists 5 years aoo.
The police have been
Iookino for him for 5 years.
Hari Prasad was arrested arouino...
...outside his ad
Naoar Home in Andheri.
Aarav...the police was here.
They want to know
if Va.uha i. involve.
lt's high time, man.
l think you should iust...
Shoul o what?
l think you should iust tell...
baray .
Hari...i. innocent.
He hasn't done anythino.
The police took him away.
Aarav. save him.
Aarav, save him.
He hasn't done anythino.
He'. innocent.
Aarav. save him.
Aarav. save him.
Save him!
- Mr. Deshmukh. l want to know...
...whether this county will be
run by law or by your will?
What happened?
She says her husband is innocent.
He'. been frame.
He didn't commit the
crimes you're accusino him of.
So let's oet to the point.
You're the Home Mini.ter.
Elections are iust around the corner.
l'm sure you'll need donations.
Name your price.
You will get the
money within the hour.
Keep the money and release Hari.
The fuher he stays from
these political oames. the better.
But. Mr. Ruparel. Hari isn't innocent.
We have evidence aoainst him.
Mr. Patil,
you seem to be a sensible person.
You can continue working
for your depament...
...without becoming puppets
for these politicians.
So please...don't give them
your shoulder to taroet this woman.
Because this entire charade
is only to stay in the headlines.
You're absolutely rioht.
l ordered Patil to
arre.t her hu.band...
...and oive the news to the media.
What to o? Election. are clo.e.
l nee to be in the healine..
An another truth i....
...her husband came
to the Crime Branch today.. .
...and accepted his crimes.
And matter of fact,
we have a written .tatement al.o...
...which also bears his sion.
You can a.k Mr. Patil.
- Yeah. he 's rioht.
l tried talkino to your husband.
l also told him the
conseauences of this statement.
But he said...he's doing
it for your happiness.
So that he can stay away...
...and you can be happy
with Mr. Ruparel.
l .ee....o that'. the ca.e.
l thouoht l was a lowly man.
l was using her husband
for my own benefit.
But this is iust amazino.
We're all the .ame.
Rioht. Mr. Ruparel.
A poor man's wife
is eveyone's missus.
Listen...take my advice.
That obsession of love in your eyes...
...has ruined many kinos and emperors.
So don't ruin yourself
for these stupid emotions.
Well...l'll foroet evemhino you said.
What do they call it?
Consider it a child's obstinacy.
Do you understand?
- You?
Okay. l'm done talkino.
Let's fight.
- Aarav.
Get ready to fight the biggest
battle of your life. Deshmukh.
Because l promise...
l will oet Hari out...
...even with his sioned statement.
No matter what means l use,
rioht or wrono.. .
...he will come out.
And you'll iust watch.
Aarav. Iet's oo.
Aarav. come.
Vasudha. Iet's oo.
l want the best lanyer for this case.
Robin Salve.
He hanle Mehta'. ca.e.
But we'll have to pay a
huoe fee to oet him on this case.
He doesn't like such
anti-national ca.e..
Money is not the problem. Apooa.
Just oet him.
Lets oo.
Eveyone's fiohtino because of me.
Hari put the noose around his neck.
You're prepared to
fioht aoainst the world.
And l'm just watching
evemhino like a coward.
With a hope that
evemhino will be fine.
But l'm one with thi. cowarice.
l won't build my world
on Hari's dead body.
After hi. .acrifice..
l can never be happy with you...
l have loved you a lot...
...an l can't o thi..
To build a heaven for myself
...l can't push you in this hell
l did what you asked me to do.
This hotel now belonos to you.
l apologize for my
inecent behavior.
You were the owner of thi. hotel...
...and you always will be.
- In lioht of all the evidence...
- ...the cou finds Hari Prasad
ouilty under section IPC 302...
- ...and oives him the death sentence.
- To be hanoed till death.
Hari. why didn't you say somethino?
Hari, tell them evemhing
that happened in Bastar.
Tell them about Father
Peter Dayal. Hari.
Hari. tell them the truth.
- Mr. Ruparel. this is Robin Salve.
ACP Patil wants to talk to you.
l on't uner.tan.
- Sir he wants to meet you.
- He wants to see you.
Help me?
Because even the universe
helps true lovers.. .
So l decided to make a small effo
in tyino to unite Vasudha and you.
Vasudha came to see Hari evey day...
...and pleaded with him to
withdraw hi. .tatement.
But Hari has been treating
her like an animal.
He .hunne all her effo..
l spoke to Hari after Vasudha left.
Why admit to a crime
you never committed?
Why do you want to
hano from the noose?
Becau.e l on't have a choice.
l want my wife back.
She's mine.
l will oet hanoed for her.
An l know her well.
Seeing my condition,
she will never oo back to that man.
He might be rich,
but he can't buy her soul.
l control her strinos.
And l will control her all my life.
Never let her oo.
Centuries of values
are imbibe in Va.uha.
She won't live in peace.
She will live in guilt that she
betrayed me for the rest of her life.
She will pay for her
Iu.t with her hu.ban'. bloo.
l will never let
those two be tooether.
That woman suffered for five years...
...and now she'll live
on a false belief. that...
...her husband sacrificed
him.elf for her.
You can help her if you want,
by provino Hari innocent.
Although Deshmukh sir would
never want thi. truth to be revealed.
By ooino into the iunoles of Bastar.
You will have to
meet Father Peter Dayal.
lf he gives a statement
in Hari'. favor...
...then thi. ca.e will be over.
And you'll have to do it soon.
Because the cou has already
oiven Hari a death sentence.
You have to take hi. confe..ion...
...because the cou can
never deny his statement.
Do me a favor,
cancel all my proorams.
Make arrangements
to oo see Father Peter.
Take Vasudha's sionatures on the plea.
We'll have to appeal for
Hari in the hioher cou.
But l don't understand the reason
behind you ooino to that iunole.
This county's laws don't
work in those iunoles. Aarav.
That place is riooed with explosives.
That entire place is goddamn
filled with land mines. Aarav.
l'm sory.
l'm not ooino to let you oo. man.
We'll find someone else for this iob.
l'm sory,
l'm not ooino to let you oo.
Didn't you hear what Patil said?
No one .houl fin out about thi..
l'll have to oo personally.
And remember. Apooa...
...l've to do this myself.
l don't want anyone
else on this iourney.
l cannot risk anyone's life.
Just make all the arranoements.
So fini.h it off.
What's the point of going
the i.tance to commit .uicie?
Have you seen the newspapers today?
Our shares are fallino. you know that.
And it also states that
you're suppoino Hari.. .
...because you have an illicit
affair with hi. wife.
And that his kid
may actually be yours.
l want you to file
a case aoainst this paper.
l want this newspaper
to shut down permanently.
Who all are you going
to fioht aoainst. Aarav?
Are you crazy?
Have you lost your mind?
And now you want to walk through
fire for the sake of your love.
Why. Aarav? Why?
lt took me a lifetime to uner.tan...
...that we can only love someone,
when we stop lovino ourselves.
Life is not like a business,
where it's iust oive and take.
l iust want to oive now.
So don't fioht with me please.
And make arranoements for my iourney.
On one conition.
l'm comino with you too.
Even l have the rioht to oive love.
l'm comino with you.
Make .ure all the .tuff i. over there.
Yes. sir.
Sir, all the arrangements
have been mae.
All of it?
- Yes. sir.
l'll follow it up.
- Yeah. - Okay.
Aarav. l'll see you in the car.
- Okay sir.
Eveyone. please.
What are you doino?
l ha hear...
...that God comes to eah
in human form...
...to help someone.
l've seen it today.
Thank you.
l should be thankino you.
l wa. a .hattere man...
...who was tying to
complete myself with money.
Then you entered my life...
..and made me whole aoain.
l had many addresses...
...but not a home.
You gave me a home...
in your hea.
Thank you for giving this wandering
traveller a refuoe in your hea.
Can l take a picture of you?
- Listen. do you know him?
- Father Peter Dayal.
That'. him.
- My name is Peter Dayal.
l declare that
Mr. Hari Pra.ad i. an innocent man.
- Well done. Aarav.
- With this confessional video, we
can easily put a stay on the sentence.
He'll be out of iail soon.
He'll be a free man soon. Aarav.
Send it to me right away.
- Ye.
- The entire village
will bear witne.. to thi..
Aarav. send it.
- l iust don't oet you. Aarav.
What you did today will set Hari free.
And you will lose
Va.udha forever.
But you're still happy.
A true love stoy has no end. Apooa.
There's a voice in
my hea which says that.. .
...even the entire universe
cannot separate us.
We're meant to be tooether.
Ju.t watch...
...one day we'll be tooether aoain.
l don't oet you. man.
Apooa...stop the car.
What happened?
- Stop the car please.
What happened?
That fraorance.
We'll be there in...
2 hour. from now.
Yeah. l'll call you back.
- Va.uha!
- Va.uha... Aarav!
- There'. been an incient!
Vasudha. Aaras no more.
l knew Aarav.
He would've wanted
this crowd to live for Ruparel.. .
- ...and our focus to return to our
work. which he loved so much.
With that spirit, we want to get
the entire company tooether..
..to celebrate his eraordinay life.
And his various accomplishments.
He trie to break an eternal bon.
lt's oood that he's dead.
God exists. Patil sir.
He exi.t..
No. Hari.
A Go that make. true love lo.e...
...ties a pious woman
to a fraud like you forever...
...makes her your prisoner...
...only you can believe in such a God.
Because the God l believe
in will punish you.
He will free Vasudha
from your clutches.
Now oo...
...your empty house is waitino for you.
- Va.uha!
Where'. Va.uha?
She left.
She's oone and left somethino for you.
Go. take a look.
- ''l was shocked to see
that nuptial necklace.''
- ''l couldn't understand how
the meek woman l had branded...''
- ''...with my name,
could actually leave me.''
- ''How did she muster such couraoe?''
- ''This thouoht drove me crazy.''
- ''And just like a parched
man .et. out to look for a well...''
- ''...l .et out to fin her.''
- ''And after 2 years of searchino...''
- ''...l found her on the streets of
Kolkata durino the Duroa Festival...''
Gloy to... Goddess Duroa!
This is your father.
He'. come to meet u..
Take his blessinos and oo out.
We need to talk in private.
Go out.
Stop this charade.
That's enouoh.
Remember thi.?
Or did you foroet it like your past?
l've forootten all about it.
Why did you brino it alono?
To tie me?
How will you tie me. Hari?
With ritual. an traition.?
Or with the charade
of your fake sacrifice?
No, Hari.
These thinos can't tie me down now.
And how will you foroet this?
You can hide it under your sleeve,
but how will you foroet it?
This body is mine!
Thi. breath i. mine!
You're mine for oenerations to come.
You think you can change that
after sleepino with someone else?
You're my Vasudha.
You're my Vasudha!
He touched you. didn't he?
Where? Where did he touch you?
Did he touch you here?
Did you enioy it?
You had fun. didn't you?
So you've shown your true colors.
Revealed who you truly are.
Wear thi..
Wear this or l will kill you!
Kill me.
That's what men like
you have done to women like me.
You either kille u. in the womb...
...or rioht after bih.
What stranoe tradition is this?
Evemhino belonos to you.
l've to wear your
vermillion on my forehead.
Your nuptial necklace around my neck.
My wrists and your banoles.
My womb. my blood...
...my milk...
...and the child takes your name.
Evemhino is yours.
So what do you have that's mine.
You're talkino too much.
l will kill you.
l will kill you. Vasudha.
Kill me. Hari. Kill me.
Because l'm speakino out after aoes.
l can't stop now.
Silence me.
Because l can no longer
live caoed by your dead customs.
Have you seen the lioht of love?
l did. Hari.
When Aarav touched my soul.
That light...gave rise
to a new feelino inside me.
Maybe that's why he came into my life.
All of us enter each
othe. live. for a rea.on.
You came in my life
to take me to my love.
Goddess has sent you...
to .et me free.
Cut this body. Set it on fire.
And take my ashes...to him.
- No.
He's waitino. Hari.
You've come here
to take me to my love.
You will take me to my love.
Hari. kill me!
Hari. kill me!
Hari. kill me!
Hari. he's waitino for me.
Hari. kill me!
- You can't leave me!
Hari. kill me!
You will come back to me.
- Hari. he's waitino for me.
You'll be mine aoain!
You will come back to me.
- ''l spent 21 years
livino with this lie.''
- ''But Va.uha never returne.''
- ''And when her final time arrived
.he .et out to meet her Kri.hna.''
- ''But .he couln't reach him.''
- ''l am going to complete
Vasudha's incomplete stoy.''
- ''Because the one that ties
you down. oets tied up too.''
- ''My salvation is tied with hers.''
You okay?
lt's a orave sin.
l'm not lyino.
Vasudha came to see me this mornino..
lt wa. aroun 4am.
...was wearino a red sweater.
But..She looked vey ill and tired.
l a.ke her to .it own an re.t.
But .he refu.e.
Then she asked me a auestion.
- Di .he?
She said ''Where...
would Radha oo after her death?''
l said that's an absurd auestion.
Radha would unite with
her Kri.hna after .he'. dead.
Where else would she oo?
That's her final restino place.
She staed smiling
after hearino my answer.
She came clo.e to me an .ai...
...''Hari. always remember this.''
''Don't foroet this ever.''
Then she just got up and
walked out into the sunlioht.
Vasudha left you 21 years aoo...
..and you're still
mournino her leavino.
You don't understand
that you didn't see her.
lt's iust your imaoination.
Evey 2 - 2 fl years you
say the same thino.
All you have to do is take a break.
l am increasino your dosaoe.
Let's wait and see how they work.
Ne patient please.
l don't need medication. doctor.
l am not .ick.
l am not in.ane.
Vasudha did come this mornino.
At around 4am...
- Hari.
Hari. iust let her oo.
Just let her oo.
Just let her go.
- She was wearino a red sweater...
Otheise it will oet worse...
...and my worst fear will come true.
You'll have to be sent
to a mental asylum. Get it.
Red color..
- Fine.
- Come on.
Hari. she's here to see you.
l'm Avni.
Saani's wife.
Has somethino happened?
Actually. Avni and l...
...had oone to Sinoapore...
...for my compans work.
- While we were leavino. mom called..
- ..and said she wanted to visit the
temple since it was Duroa Pooia.
That was the last
time we hear from her.
3 days..
Uncle. that's...
Would you like a olass of water?
Three days later,
when we returned home...
...we realized that
mom's oone missino.
- We had to inform the police.
- That'. when we foun out that...
- ...mom's dead body was found
on a de.eed road.
3 kilometers away from Bastar.
- What was she doino in Bastar?
- It's a complete mystey for me...
... Avni and the police.
l know what you were doino in Bastar.
You came to meet me.
That wasn't my imaoination.
That octor...
You paid a high price for
your indiscretions. Vasudha.
A shameless woman like her
wa. boun to meet thi. fate.
Brazen woman, her body
wa. found on a de.eed road.
Enouoh! Enouoh!
- Saanj.
- Enouoh!
Not a word more.
- Saani what are you.. .
She's my mother.
Saanj what are you doing?
- Keep your mouth shut...
...or l'll throw you out
in front of eveyone.
Avni, why did you get him?
- Because he's family.
He's family?
Avni wanted you to be here.
She wanted that
we take you to Kashi.. .
...so you could peorm
mom'. final rite..
But the truth i....
...you're not even wohy
of touchino her urn.
l...l'm not wohy?
- Ye.
l've more right on her than you.
- What?
She's my wife.
God has oiven me this rioht.
What...what rioht?
Now l understand why...
...she came to see me this mornino.
She was wearing a red sweater,
wa.n't .he?
lt was red. wasn't it?
Your mothes ashes
won't be immersed in Ganoa.
l am her hu.ban.
l will decide..
- Get out.
Saanj wait!
- Get out.
Saanj, listen to me.
- Get out.
Get out.
- Saani!
Vashudha won't be
immersed in Ganoa.
- Hello, welcome to
Mumbai Police Control..
Avni. what's ooino on?
l'm sory. Saani.
You were rioht.
l shouldn't have brouoht him here.
l should've iust...
He's disappeared with mom's urn...
...an he'. left that.
''Son, your mothes ashes
won't be immersed in Ganoa.''
''l'm taking them where
they riohtfully belono.''
''Read this book carefully.''
''l've written eveyone's truth in it.''
''As it had happened...''
Saanj! Good morning.
- Good mornino.
Whose bihday is it today?
- Mine.
Happy bihday!
- Thank you.
And look what your father
has sent for you.
What is this?
- Computer.
- Vey nice .
You like?
- Vey like.
And papa?
Papa will be back soon.
Like l said, papa's far
away workino for his county.
Work! Work! Work!
Mom what kind of work does he do,
that never end.?
Look what God has sent to wish Saani.
- Red beautiful flowers. no?
Saani. You oot Scared?
Don't be .care.
Don't ever be .care of the.e .oun..
God talks to us throuoh these storms.
He touche. u....
...through the color of
these flowers and their fraorance.
Thank you. God!
Thank you. God!
You need to get to school,
and l've to oet to work.
Let's oo. Let's oo.
lndia's most eligible bachelor
Aarav Ruparel is in town.
- Yeah.
By the way. who is Aarav Ruparel?
Huh? You on't know?
Thi. man oe.n't have a hou.e...
...but he own. 1Oft hotel..
Read the newspaper.
You know what he says...
...that his permanent address
is the flioht seat no. 1A.
How cool. rioht?
- He's going to check into our
presidential suite in the ne 2 hours.
And you've been given orders
by the manaoement...
... to make it special and pretty.
Good morning..
- Good mornino. Mr. Ruparel.
Welcome to the palace Hotel.
l coul ie for the.e.
Good mornino. Mr. Ruparel.
What are the.e flower. calle?
Arum lily.
Arum lily!
Which means simplicity. innocence...
...true love.
They are lovely.
lt looks like you love your iob.
But how can you tell?
From the way you
arranoed these flowers.
A person's character and
emotion. reflect in their work.
Keep up the oood work.
Thank you. Mr. Ruparel.
Good day.
ls there anything you
don't like about your iob?
l in't uner.tan?
You heard me.
What do you hate about your iob?
Pluckino of these flowers.
Whether it'. for human. or Go.
The.e flower. are .o elicate.
Even before they
Can blossom completely...
They are plucked from their branches
Theve to pay a price
for our happiness...our sorrows...
...our love...
...our achievement....
...by oettino plucked.
But nothino can be done.
For years, this job's
been providino for my family.
You're rioht.
A lot has to be
.acrifice to run a hou.e.
lt was nice meetino you. Vasudha.
Thank you. Mr. Ruparel.
And please put up the
''Do Not Disturb'' sion on the door.
l haven't slept for 18 hours.
- Sure.
Leavino early today. Vasudha?
Where's your share for
the annual staff pay.
Oh yes...
Ms. Chubby was sayino...
... that your husband
won't be accompanyino you...
...to the staff pay
aoain this year. Why?
My husband's not in the city.
The luxuy taxi business
is so unpredictable.
He's either in one city or the other.
One city...or another.
l hope he hasn't got something
ooino on the outside.
Trilok, ne time
stay within your limits.. .
...while crackino a ioke.
Fire alarm!
Get ooino!
Eveyone get out!
Fire alarm! Come on!
Come on! Hury up!
Get eveyone out!
Move out! Move out!
Clear the buildino!
- Yes. Vasudha.
l think that the guest in the
Presidential suite is still asleep.
He'll hear the alarm
and oet out safely.
You're the hotel's security in-charge,
how can you...
So? Should l risk my life?
Die in there?
You stay here. l am ooino.
Save your life first!
Where are you ooino?
Evacuation's been ordered.
- Comino.
Sir...ma'am, fire exit to the left.
- OK. thank you.
Mr. Ruparel!
Mr. Ruparel!
Mr. Ruparel!
Mr. Ruparel,
there's a fire in the hotel. and...
Mr. Ruparel.
Apooa. ouess what?
Our rama wa. a .ucce...
Get the staff to my room now.
And for God's sake,
put off the fire alarm.
Thi. i. the core team.
Goo afternoon .ir.
And that is head of security.
Sir. Trilok Sandhu.
Vasudha. this is Apooa.
My childhood friend
and business manaoer.
And Apooa. meet Vasudha.
- Hi.
The flori.t.
- Or .houl l call her a .olier...
...who has no connection
with our security staff.
Am l rioht. Mr. Manaoer?
Yes. Mr. Ruparel.
Of course l'm rioht.
l don't own 108 hotels by chance.
Before buying any new hotel,
l en.ure...
...that all the systems in
the hotel are workino properly.
And l am really sory to say,
Mr. Bhatia...
...that a WIP guest was rescued 10
minutes after the fire alarm rano.
The security systems and staff
should be replaced immediately.
Sory, sir.
- Sory. sir.
l'm one.
Sory... Mr. Ruparel...
- You can all leave. thank you.
- Yes. Mr. Ruparel.
l'm vey impressed with you.
- Puttino others before yourself.
The entire hotel industy
business thrives on these principles.
And l am olad you believe in that.
Apooa, l think we
.houl take her from here.
She can take our
new hotel in Dubai to oreater heiohts.
- Of cour.e.
From now on you won't
work for anyone else.
Double the salay...
...with all the perks included.
Thank you vey much Mr. Ruparel.
lt's a oreat offer. really!
lt's not easy to
refuse all that money.
But my famils rioht here...
...an l cannot leave them.
That's why...
l never make the .ame offer twice.
But for you l'm makino an exception.
The offer is still open.
You can come work
for us whenever you want.
Thank you.
- Alrioht.
Good day.
She should've taken my offer.
- Va.uha...
Why aren't you answerino your phone?
Ohh...maybe l didn't
hear it in all the commotion...
Saani's school called.
They took him to Bandra Crime Branch.
- Madam. where are you ooino?
- Wait. Stop!
- Saani!
Saanj, are you okay?
- Ye.
Your son is vey clever.
Even at this age,
he knows so much about computers.
At thi. rate...
...he'll .oon be Inia'. Bill Gate..
Aren't you ashamed?
You took a small
boy from his school.. .
...and brought him
to the police station.
What rioht do you have?
l. he a thief or a criminal?
What ha. he one?
Come. Saani. Where's your bao?
l'll tell you who's done what.
Shinde. Iook after the boy.
Yes. sir.
Come with me.
You kept coming to us evey
month to ask for our help...
...whereas you know
where your husband is.
You've been in touch with him.
For the last 5 years
you kept sayino that...
...your husband went to Orissa
with an American Journali.t...
...an never returne.
He disappeared. He's missino.
lsn't that what you said?
Yes. sir...
Then what'. thi.?
This bihday card?
What i. thi.?
Sir. that's my handwritino.
l write tho.e letter....
...in the name of Saani's father.
l lie...that his fathes
out of the county for work.
That'. the truth behin thi. letter.
You can punish me any way you want.
Punishment doesn't scare me anymore.
An l on't nee to run from the law.
You shouldn't be running
from the law either.
But things will get
difficult for you...
...when your husband returns.
Because your husband
isn't drivino some taxi.
He's a member of a terrorist oroup...
...that's spreading
terror in this county.
No...you're mistaken. sir.
Hari i....
l.n't that him?
He tricked four American
iournalists and took them to Orrisa.. .
...to the iunoles of bastar...
...where he shot them
one after the other.
Now this case will
become a political issue.
My bosses will want me to arrest you.
But l won't o thi..
Because l know you're innocent.
But in return...
...you must inform us...
...whenever your husband
comes to see you.
You will have to assist
us in arrestino him.
Otheise...iust like your father...
...ruined your life by getting you
married to thi. terrori.t...
...you'll be ruining your son's life in
order to save your criminal husband.
How can l spend my entire
life with .omeone l don't know...
- Greetinos.
How can l be with someone
l on't love...
Are you crazy?
How dare you utter
such thinos in front of me?
ln our community,
marriaoe comes first...
...and then this thino you call love.
For a centuy our ancestors
have followe thi....
...and eveyone always will.
- Hari is a nice boy.
- He's cultured. like me.
- Mary him.
- You'll be happy with him.
Enouoh. Hari.
- It'. one...it'. one.
lf you're so scared of
writino your husband's name...
...how will you live with
me for the next .even live.?
lt look. .o nice.
Now you're mine forever.
- Like father...like .on!
His father was a priest in the temple.
And he would beat me up
evey nioht with a shoe.
After he died. my son took over.
He said ''Mother,
shave your head. it's our tradition.''
Even after there dead...
...men still control a woman's body.
Do yourself a favor.
Don't waste your life like me.
Don't let the fire
die before you're dead.
You're youno. beautiful.
Go...mary someone else.
And throw your nuptial
necklace in .ome du.tbin.
Take that lea.h off.
No. mother.
l don't have the courage
to take thi. off.
We are bound by our traditions.
How can l take it off?
l will wear it till l ie.
l am happy that my son's with me.
l'll hide him in some boardino school.
Take him far away from here.
l want to live for him. mother.
- Reputation.
- We can lose money,
but not our reputation.
- It's the foundation
of evey bio oroanization.
- Our. too.
And Mr. Bhatia,
l will never suppo someone.. .
...who can malion my reputation.
- Such people can't work here.
Fire them.
- Yes. Mr. Ruparel.
- Alrioht. l'll see you all soon.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
- Have a safe flioht. sir.
Bye. Vasu.
- What's wrono?
- Your flowers don't look happy today.
Somethino's wrono.
No. evemhino's fine.
Come on. tell me. l'm listenino.
Actually...you have already
answered my auestion.
So l don't want to waste your time.
By the way...
- Aarav. we've a flioht to catch.
l'll iust oet our baos.
l want to hear that auestion.
l had chanoed my mind.
Thought l would take up
the iob at your hotel in Dubai.
But, since you've
bouoht this hotel also...
...and your reputation
means evemhino to you...
...it won't be right
for me to even stay here.
My son was iust 1 month old...
...when my husband left us.
l've been waiting
for him since 5 years.
But yesterday...
...the police told me that...
...he's a member of a terrorist oroup.
But l in't know about it.
But now that l know. it scares me.
This news might
ruin my son's life.
So l thought of taking
up the iob in your Dubai hotel.
Aarav. we'll oet stuck in traffic.
Apooa. when l reach Dubai...
...l want to see a beautiful
bouauet made by her in my room.
Mr. Ruparel?
l don't have any time
for your thank you.
l have to catch a flioht.
l'll see you in Dubai soon.
Come on.
- Yup.
Aarav. what was that all about?
What happened?
What's wrono with you?
She remin. me of .omeone clo.e to me.
- And now. Iadies and oentlemen.
- Imperial hotel presents on staoe...
- ...the sizzling, the ravishing,
the one and only...Rohini!
- That was our sizzling
peormer Rohini.
- l hope you're enjoying this evening,
because l ceainly am.
- Eveybody,
please a huoe round of applause.
Get lo.t!
Get lo.t from here!
- Why, Aarav?
Why do you enter the hotel?
l've explained to you so many times...
...that l am a cabaret ai.t.
They don't know that l have a son.
People will call
me old because of you.
Mom, l've got fever.
l was feelino cold.
That's why l came inside.
Where else could l oo?
You know...
...l fled with you from
the hospital when you were born.
Because l didn't have
the money to pay the bills.
Your father didn't oive me a penny.
He left nothino before leavino us.
lt was really hard to find this iob.
And l almost lost
it all today because of you.
lf that happened,
what would we have done?
Where would we stay?
How woul we .uive?
Who o we have in thi. worl?
- Me.
l've .ai it...
Naila Saar
l work in the hotel's
house-keepino depament.
Nice meestino you.
Shehzad, we need to
oo to Miracle Garden first.
- Okay. ma'am.
Why? Why not the hotel?
Well. our boss has already arrived ...
... and he's waitino there for you.
- Good mornino. sir.
Good mornino. Mr. Ruparel.
Welcome to Dubai.
Thank you.
l know l'm a cruel man.
When it comes to work,
l spare no one.
Not even myself.
But the iob at hand is special.
Come over here,
l want to show you somethino.
My Japanese desioners want me...
...to plan the garden
of my new hotel like this one.
But l'm a bit confu.e.
Should l make an
exact replica. or not.
l mean, there are 40,OOO flowers here.
It's stunnino. It's beautiful.
But l still feel like
Somethino is missino here.
lt lacks somethino.
Can you tell me what's missino?
There are no rie leave. here.
According to me, Mr. Ruparel,
a oarden that doesn't have...
... a few dried leaves, some
withered flowers. doesn't seem real.
This place is too beautiful.
And maybe that's why
it doe.n't touch the hea.
Evey beautiful thing
ha. .ome flaw in it.
Even the moon ha. crater..
But...why is this oarden so flawless?
You answered my auestion so easily.
You surpassed my expes.
You okay?
Something went into my eye.
- May l?
Thank you.
Naila. l need a sim card.
l want to talk to my son.
Please help me oet one.
Mama, l'm here.
- Saani!
- l told you.
Now we can talk evey day for free.
- Maddy Aunty took the
principal's permission.
Happy Diwali.
- Happy Diwali. sir.
- Happy Diwali. sir.
lt feels like this place was
covere in arkne.. until now.
And this is the first time
this place has seen lioht.
But...how did you manage
all thi. in .o little time?
We did it tooether. sir.
Otheise it would've
not been possible.
But the idea was yours.
lf the light hadn't been in you,
it wouldn't have reflected out here.
No matter how many times l thank
you for that. it won't be enouoh.
This is dim in comparison to
the lioht you've brouoht to my life.
You chanoed my life.
My son's too.
l am a vey selfish man.
l only do what makes me happy.
But l would never want
you to consider this a favor.
Or feel burene.
l really mean it.
We'll miss our flioht. Aarav.
Take care.
Can l click a picture of you?
Just one snap.
Guys...eveyone oather around.
For a photo.
- Yes. sir.
For the hotel magazine.
Hury up.
Come on. eveyone back to work.
Naila, how often does
Mr. Ruparel come here?
Well...l've never counte.
You see. he leads an interestino life.
He comes if he wants to. or doesn't.
Sometimes once in three months,
or sometimes once in three years.
By the way, madam...
where do l keep these flowers?
- Yes. ma'am.
Please help me.
- Sure.
And the rest of the flowers,
where do l keep them?
Naila, will you take that
trolley to the other room.
l'll be rioht with you.
- Come fa.t.
- Va.uha.
Hi. Aarav.
- Listen, the photo l took of
you is a little out of focus.
Can you do me a favor?
Can you click one more...
...and send it to me rioht now?
Yeah...you mean. my photo?
For our hotel maoazine.
l want to do a profile on you.
l'll click one and give
it to the manaoement.
No. send it to me!
l'm waitino.
- Send it fast please.
Yeah. Ok.
Thanks. Bye.
lt's all messed up.
Follow my instructions.
Look at thi....
- l don't understand why...
... a wealthy man like you...
...who owns big hotels
all over the worl...
...is interested
in my 3-star hotel?
- And l've told you before...
... this was the first propey...
...built by my father
from his hard-earned money.
l've an emotional
attachment to this place.
So l can't sell this hotel to you.
- Sory.
Emotions and you.
l don't see a speck of
emotion on your uoly face?
What do you mean. Mr. Ruparel?
What's ooino on. Apooa?
ls this a business meetino or...
...an insultino session?
You're humiliating me in my hotel,
in front of my people.
- Think about my aoe.
- l am a hea patient.
Leave. Please leave.
Go away.
l on't want to .ell.
l won't .ell thi. hotel.
Aarav. Iet's oet to the point.
Fine. Iet's oet to the point.
l don't know how you will do it.
But l want your hotel
in a month'. time.
You will sign this
eal for 600 million...
...not a penny more or less.
And if you don't do that...
...then l'll use all
my influence to ruin you.
You and your family will be
beooino on the streets of Kolkata.
This shock mioht...
...even cause a hea-attack
and you'll die on the streets.
Believe me...
...that'll make me really happy.
- l just can't get Bose's
reaction out of my head.
''What's ooino on. Apooa?''
''ls this a business meeting,
or...an insultino session?''
- You .houl've .een hi. face.
l don't know why seeino the man...
...who humiliated me so much
durino my childhood and hu me.. .
...suffer today,
isn't makino me happy.
That...that's your problem.
This is your problem.
You feel evemhino so deeply...
...there's so much sorrow inside you.
You are always full of pain.
Because you don't know
what your hea wants.
Mr. Ruparel,
the flioht is ready for depaure.
All the passengers have boarded
and we're waitino for you.
Okay. Iet's oo.
- Attention please,
thi. i. the final call...
- ...for the passengers travelling
throuoh flioht B- 126 to London.
What happened?
Sir. the flioht is about to depa.
Can we please proceed now.
Aarav, there shutting the doors,
man. Come on.
- Aarav!
Aarav. we can't miss this flioht.
You know the European
Division is waitino in London.
Come on. Iet's oo.
Aarav. hury up. Let's oo.
We're not ooino to London.
lf we're not going to London,
where are we ooino?
You asked me what my hea wanted.
These flowers have
answered your auestion.
We're ooino to Dubai.
- Any contact with him?
Who? Who is speakino?
Patil from Mumbai Crime Branch. ma'am.
No one'. contacte me.
And how could he,
l haven't oiven this number to anyone.
lt's not difficult for
the police or a criminal.. .
...to find anyone's number. ma'am.
...l'll be waiting for your call.
- Ye.
- Happy Diwali!
- Wow! What a peormance!
Vey nice! Vey nice!
- Come on now give them
a bio round of applause
Now, l'm going to
spin this bottle aoain...
...roun an roun...
lt's spinnino...it's spinnino!
And stop!
Our ne sinoer for the evenino is...
Sory. sir...
...whoever the bottle
points at.. .has to sino.
- But. it's okay...
...you're the...
lt's pointless to run from the truth.
What truth?
You and my mother
have a similar stoy.
But after my father left us,
.he fell in love with .omeone el.e.
Jeevan Rane.
He was madly in love
with my mother. but...
...alcohol ruine him.
He even lost his iob because of it.
- But even in that
painful povey...
- ...we would find our
moments of happiness.
- We would get so happy when she
would .teal food for me from that club.
- An alcohol for Jeevan uncle.
- The world saw that as theft
but to u. it wa. love.
- And then one day
that incident took place...
- ...which completely shattered us.
- What happened?
Show me your bag,
- Why?
- l said show me your bao.
Let go.
- What's wrono?
Sir. l told you before...
...this woman steals whiskey
bottle. from our bar.
He's lying. l didn't steal anything.
- Show me your bao.
l don't steal.
- Give me your bao.
Look, sir.
- Hol thi..
You thief!
Let her oo. Let her oo.
Let him go,
he hasn't done anythino.
lt's my fault.
- Let them go.
It's my fault.
Let them oo.
- She often faced
humiliation in that hotel.
- But she was never so
disoraced as she was that nioht.
- When we were returning,
Jeevan uncle i...
-...what many people in our
county do due to povey and orief.
- Stop the car.
- Stop. We need help.
- That was the scariest
nioht of my life.
l saw a weak man get destroyed
becau.e of hi. .hame.
That nioht l swore to be successful...
...and took my first step
towards becomino successful.
But this success doesn't
take away the pain.
That pain still exists....even today.
That day when l made
you talk to your son...
...and saw the happiness on your face.
l realized that pain reduces
when you oive happiness...
Sorrows reduce when you oive ioy.
Vasudha, l want to make
a deal with you.
l want to give you all
the happiness in the world...
...in exchanoe for your pain.
Vasudha. it's your love...
...that made my hea
see the lioht beyond my darkness.
Thank you.
l love you a lot. Vasudha.
''Now you're mine forever.''
Sir. Sir. sory to disturb you. sir.
What i. thi.?
''Naila, by the time you wake up,
l would've already left.''
''Don't ask why.''
''My condition is like the
traveller wanderino in the dese...''
''...that sees water,
but it turns out to be a miraoe.''
''Just a fioment of his imaoination.''
''Last nioht l was deceived.''
''So...l am leaving without
informino the manaoement.''
''Look after yourself. Naila.''
''Thank you.''
Vasudha. where are you ooino?
Away from you.
Me...or my love?
Because you're mistaking
your lust for love.
What did you say?
- Yes. Mr. Aarav Ruparel
The world is like a toy shop for you.
You can buy anythino you like.
But l am not for .ale.
You did all this to escape
your lonely and borino life.
An l wa. .uch a fool to think that...
...l had come here for my own needs.
l am not some coin
Iyino on the street.
l belono to someone else.
Do you get that?
- No.
l don't understand
these bio talks. Vasudha.
All l uner.tan i. thi..
You know me really well. don't you?
Uner.tan me.
But do you understand yourself?
No. Vasudha.
You love me too. A lot.
But you will never say it.
You will yearn for me,
but never express it.
You'll keep runnino from me.
Wander in that dese in your hea.
You want to come clo.er to me.
Wrap your arms around me and cy,
make a place in my hea!
But you won't do it.
But l'm not like you.
l can't live without
tellino you that l love you.
That l need you.
What coul hu me more...
...than knowing that life
scares you more than death...
...love scares you. not loneliness.
l can't fall in love.
l can't feel anythino.
Go away.
You're wrono about me.
l'll take you back to your home.
But first l want to
take you somewhere. Vasudha.
After that you can
make your decisions.
A failed attempt to commit suicide...
...another failure.
Jeevan uncle couldn't
endure the brain trauma...
...and slipped into a coma.
Doctors said he'll have to
spend the rest of his life like this.
He even told mom to take him off
all his life-suppo systems...
...but mom didn't aoree.
An l .till remember what .he .ai.
She said ''Love is a responsibility...''
''...and only the
founate ones oet it.''
For the last 20 years,
she has spent ...
- ... hours here eveyday
to hear hi. heabeat.
She even says that Jeevan uncle...
...gives her marks for
her piano peormance.
- Sweet. isn't it?
So how many marks did
you oet today. ma?
Zero marks and it's all your fault.
My hea was saying that
you're somewhere close...
...and so l couldn't impress him.
Who's this wandering
soul that feels like a kindred spirit?
Ma. l've brouoht her here today...
...so that you can defend my case.
l want to oive her and her son...
...the life that you and l never had.
l want to mary her. oive her love.
But .he oe.n't tru.t me.
You can call this a plea. if you want.
But the hea doesn't
stop for eveyone.
Even heabeat. have rule..
We're told the stoy
of Sita from childhood.
We're tauoht to be like her.
But no one talk. about Raha.
Whereas she's the one revered
alono with Krishna. in evey home.
So think about it.
You won't oet this time back aoain.
Life doesn't oive a second chance.
Love's in front of you.
Don't run from it.
What oood will that do?
Make you pious?
Become Sita?
But you've always been that.
When will you become Radha?
l don't have the courage
to see you leave.
Apooa will take you back
to Mumbai by the ne flioht.
l'm not comino.
No one has ever given me
as much respect...
...as you did today,
in front of your mother.
l'm tired. Aarav.
My past has cornered me.
Can you help me foroet my past?
l on't know how to live.
Can you teach me how to live?
l on't know how to love.
Can you teach me what love is?
Don't foroet to come tomorrow mornino.
l've called my lanyer over
for somethino impoant.
For what?
Divorce papers.
Read them properly and sion them.
Ne time, l want to meet
Saani as his leoal ouardian.
l don't like hidino thinos.
No. no. no...
Don't... on't...
l'm not ea! l'm not ea!
lt'. me.
lt's me. Vasudha.
l'm hunoy.
Do you have somethino to eat?
l'm hungy.
Do you have somethino to eat?
Do you have something to eat?
l'm hunoy.
Where are you going?
Where are you ooino?
There's no food at home.
- Huh!
No foo at home.
Go. Come back .oon.
Madam do you need somethino?
- The number you've dialled is not
acceptino any calls at this moment.
- Please ty aoain later.
- Thank you.
l've yearned 5 years for this love.
What happened?
Vasudha. l'm your husband.
The police were sayino...
...you're a terrorist.
lf l on't tell them...
...that you're back...
...then they will arrest me too.
Then Saani...
You believe the police.
You never bothered to
ask me my side of the stoy.
What happened to me?
Vasudha. l was taken prisoner...
- ...alono with those Americans.
When we were headino towards Bastar...
- ... on the hiohway.
- They attacked our
car and took us hostaoe.
- They scared me. threatened me.
''Kill them. Come on.''
Forced me to kill one
of tho.e American..
- They shot the entire thing on video
and sent it to the police.
- They would thrash me evey day.
- Tell me to foroet my past.
- An l wa. one of them.
- One day those beasts...
- ...camped at Father
Peter Dayal's hermitaoe.
- l told father my stoy...
...and asked him
for his help to escape.
- He helped me.
- Come on. Fa.t...move.
- And we all escaped.
- But the entire area
was riooed with land mines.
- They cauoht us aoain.
- And to punish us, they shot Father
and me in the leo.
- They kept me locked in
the same room for years.
- Remember, when l was leaving,
and you were prayino for my safety.
- Those were the memories
that kept me sane.
- Kept me alive.
- l swore that l
won't die at any cost.
- An l'll return home.
- God answered my prayers.
- The place where they were
campino was hit by floods.
- And l oot another chance to run.
l kept runnino.
- It took me months to oet here.
No one believe. me.
No one.
You on't believe me either.
l o now.
Arranoe for a car.
We'll oet out of here.
Leave this city.
We'll .ta a new life...
What's wrono with you?
Who's callino you at this hour?
Who i. he?
Who's callino you?
Who is he. Vasudha?
Who i. he?
baray .
l work for him.
He wants to mary me.
Aren't you ashamed?
Your father taught
value. all hi. life.
How could those values
oive bih to such a woman?
l want to stranole you.
Kill Saani and myself too.
lf you feel nothing for me,
what will l live for?
lt'. all...all over!
Didn't your conscience stop you?
Didn't your God stop you?
Didn't our memories stop you?
Which memories. Hari?
The time when you forcefully...
...tattooed your name on my arm.
Just like a master brands his pet.
We'd been married for just a year,
when you disappeared.
Can you imaoine the loneliness...
...that l felt in the last five years?
Do you know how l raised our son?
But you're so engrossed
in your pain...
...that you can't see me.
Because if you could. Hari...
...you wouldn't have asked
me to run away with you.
And what's the point
of runnino away. Hari?
We can't escape.
So Hari...
...stop thinkino about me.
Go to the police station
an tell them the truth.
l am sure you'll oet iustice.
For Saani's sake.
Hi. future i. at .take.
Wow. Vasudha...
...you took Saani's name.
But it's that rich boss of
yours that you're thinkino about.
You're re.tle.. to .ee him.
Have you slept with him?
Have you slept with him?
l love him.
A lot...
Hari. come inside.
Hari. don't oo anynrhere.
Leave me!
- Let oo!
Go to your boss.
Hey...how dare you hit your wife?
Go to your boss.
Sir, he's my husband.
- Leave me!
Go back to your boss!
Go back to your boss!
- Hari!
You haven't .een the new..
Aarav... here.
Sources from Mumbai Crime
Branch have confirme...
...that the person arrested
Iast nioht for a scuffle...
...with his wife and the police...
...is Hari Prasad.
- That'. Va.udha'. hu.band.
And he's a member of
the same terrorist oroup...
...that killed 5 American
iournalists 5 years aoo.
The police have been
Iookino for him for 5 years.
Hari Prasad was arrested arouino...
...outside his ad
Naoar Home in Andheri.
Aarav...the police was here.
They want to know
if Va.uha i. involve.
lt's high time, man.
l think you should iust...
Shoul o what?
l think you should iust tell...
baray .
Hari...i. innocent.
He hasn't done anythino.
The police took him away.
Aarav. save him.
Aarav, save him.
He hasn't done anythino.
He'. innocent.
Aarav. save him.
Aarav. save him.
Save him!
- Mr. Deshmukh. l want to know...
...whether this county will be
run by law or by your will?
What happened?
She says her husband is innocent.
He'. been frame.
He didn't commit the
crimes you're accusino him of.
So let's oet to the point.
You're the Home Mini.ter.
Elections are iust around the corner.
l'm sure you'll need donations.
Name your price.
You will get the
money within the hour.
Keep the money and release Hari.
The fuher he stays from
these political oames. the better.
But. Mr. Ruparel. Hari isn't innocent.
We have evidence aoainst him.
Mr. Patil,
you seem to be a sensible person.
You can continue working
for your depament...
...without becoming puppets
for these politicians.
So please...don't give them
your shoulder to taroet this woman.
Because this entire charade
is only to stay in the headlines.
You're absolutely rioht.
l ordered Patil to
arre.t her hu.band...
...and oive the news to the media.
What to o? Election. are clo.e.
l nee to be in the healine..
An another truth i....
...her husband came
to the Crime Branch today.. .
...and accepted his crimes.
And matter of fact,
we have a written .tatement al.o...
...which also bears his sion.
You can a.k Mr. Patil.
- Yeah. he 's rioht.
l tried talkino to your husband.
l also told him the
conseauences of this statement.
But he said...he's doing
it for your happiness.
So that he can stay away...
...and you can be happy
with Mr. Ruparel.
l .ee....o that'. the ca.e.
l thouoht l was a lowly man.
l was using her husband
for my own benefit.
But this is iust amazino.
We're all the .ame.
Rioht. Mr. Ruparel.
A poor man's wife
is eveyone's missus.
Listen...take my advice.
That obsession of love in your eyes...
...has ruined many kinos and emperors.
So don't ruin yourself
for these stupid emotions.
Well...l'll foroet evemhino you said.
What do they call it?
Consider it a child's obstinacy.
Do you understand?
- You?
Okay. l'm done talkino.
Let's fight.
- Aarav.
Get ready to fight the biggest
battle of your life. Deshmukh.
Because l promise...
l will oet Hari out...
...even with his sioned statement.
No matter what means l use,
rioht or wrono.. .
...he will come out.
And you'll iust watch.
Aarav. Iet's oo.
Aarav. come.
Vasudha. Iet's oo.
l want the best lanyer for this case.
Robin Salve.
He hanle Mehta'. ca.e.
But we'll have to pay a
huoe fee to oet him on this case.
He doesn't like such
anti-national ca.e..
Money is not the problem. Apooa.
Just oet him.
Lets oo.
Eveyone's fiohtino because of me.
Hari put the noose around his neck.
You're prepared to
fioht aoainst the world.
And l'm just watching
evemhino like a coward.
With a hope that
evemhino will be fine.
But l'm one with thi. cowarice.
l won't build my world
on Hari's dead body.
After hi. .acrifice..
l can never be happy with you...
l have loved you a lot...
...an l can't o thi..
To build a heaven for myself
...l can't push you in this hell
l did what you asked me to do.
This hotel now belonos to you.
l apologize for my
inecent behavior.
You were the owner of thi. hotel...
...and you always will be.
- In lioht of all the evidence...
- ...the cou finds Hari Prasad
ouilty under section IPC 302...
- ...and oives him the death sentence.
- To be hanoed till death.
Hari. why didn't you say somethino?
Hari, tell them evemhing
that happened in Bastar.
Tell them about Father
Peter Dayal. Hari.
Hari. tell them the truth.
- Mr. Ruparel. this is Robin Salve.
ACP Patil wants to talk to you.
l on't uner.tan.
- Sir he wants to meet you.
- He wants to see you.
Help me?
Because even the universe
helps true lovers.. .
So l decided to make a small effo
in tyino to unite Vasudha and you.
Vasudha came to see Hari evey day...
...and pleaded with him to
withdraw hi. .tatement.
But Hari has been treating
her like an animal.
He .hunne all her effo..
l spoke to Hari after Vasudha left.
Why admit to a crime
you never committed?
Why do you want to
hano from the noose?
Becau.e l on't have a choice.
l want my wife back.
She's mine.
l will oet hanoed for her.
An l know her well.
Seeing my condition,
she will never oo back to that man.
He might be rich,
but he can't buy her soul.
l control her strinos.
And l will control her all my life.
Never let her oo.
Centuries of values
are imbibe in Va.uha.
She won't live in peace.
She will live in guilt that she
betrayed me for the rest of her life.
She will pay for her
Iu.t with her hu.ban'. bloo.
l will never let
those two be tooether.
That woman suffered for five years...
...and now she'll live
on a false belief. that...
...her husband sacrificed
him.elf for her.
You can help her if you want,
by provino Hari innocent.
Although Deshmukh sir would
never want thi. truth to be revealed.
By ooino into the iunoles of Bastar.
You will have to
meet Father Peter Dayal.
lf he gives a statement
in Hari'. favor...
...then thi. ca.e will be over.
And you'll have to do it soon.
Because the cou has already
oiven Hari a death sentence.
You have to take hi. confe..ion...
...because the cou can
never deny his statement.
Do me a favor,
cancel all my proorams.
Make arrangements
to oo see Father Peter.
Take Vasudha's sionatures on the plea.
We'll have to appeal for
Hari in the hioher cou.
But l don't understand the reason
behind you ooino to that iunole.
This county's laws don't
work in those iunoles. Aarav.
That place is riooed with explosives.
That entire place is goddamn
filled with land mines. Aarav.
l'm sory.
l'm not ooino to let you oo. man.
We'll find someone else for this iob.
l'm sory,
l'm not ooino to let you oo.
Didn't you hear what Patil said?
No one .houl fin out about thi..
l'll have to oo personally.
And remember. Apooa...
...l've to do this myself.
l don't want anyone
else on this iourney.
l cannot risk anyone's life.
Just make all the arranoements.
So fini.h it off.
What's the point of going
the i.tance to commit .uicie?
Have you seen the newspapers today?
Our shares are fallino. you know that.
And it also states that
you're suppoino Hari.. .
...because you have an illicit
affair with hi. wife.
And that his kid
may actually be yours.
l want you to file
a case aoainst this paper.
l want this newspaper
to shut down permanently.
Who all are you going
to fioht aoainst. Aarav?
Are you crazy?
Have you lost your mind?
And now you want to walk through
fire for the sake of your love.
Why. Aarav? Why?
lt took me a lifetime to uner.tan...
...that we can only love someone,
when we stop lovino ourselves.
Life is not like a business,
where it's iust oive and take.
l iust want to oive now.
So don't fioht with me please.
And make arranoements for my iourney.
On one conition.
l'm comino with you too.
Even l have the rioht to oive love.
l'm comino with you.
Make .ure all the .tuff i. over there.
Yes. sir.
Sir, all the arrangements
have been mae.
All of it?
- Yes. sir.
l'll follow it up.
- Yeah. - Okay.
Aarav. l'll see you in the car.
- Okay sir.
Eveyone. please.
What are you doino?
l ha hear...
...that God comes to eah
in human form...
...to help someone.
l've seen it today.
Thank you.
l should be thankino you.
l wa. a .hattere man...
...who was tying to
complete myself with money.
Then you entered my life...
..and made me whole aoain.
l had many addresses...
...but not a home.
You gave me a home...
in your hea.
Thank you for giving this wandering
traveller a refuoe in your hea.
Can l take a picture of you?
- Listen. do you know him?
- Father Peter Dayal.
That'. him.
- My name is Peter Dayal.
l declare that
Mr. Hari Pra.ad i. an innocent man.
- Well done. Aarav.
- With this confessional video, we
can easily put a stay on the sentence.
He'll be out of iail soon.
He'll be a free man soon. Aarav.
Send it to me right away.
- Ye.
- The entire village
will bear witne.. to thi..
Aarav. send it.
- l iust don't oet you. Aarav.
What you did today will set Hari free.
And you will lose
Va.udha forever.
But you're still happy.
A true love stoy has no end. Apooa.
There's a voice in
my hea which says that.. .
...even the entire universe
cannot separate us.
We're meant to be tooether.
Ju.t watch...
...one day we'll be tooether aoain.
l don't oet you. man.
Apooa...stop the car.
What happened?
- Stop the car please.
What happened?
That fraorance.
We'll be there in...
2 hour. from now.
Yeah. l'll call you back.
- Va.uha!
- Va.uha... Aarav!
- There'. been an incient!
Vasudha. Aaras no more.
l knew Aarav.
He would've wanted
this crowd to live for Ruparel.. .
- ...and our focus to return to our
work. which he loved so much.
With that spirit, we want to get
the entire company tooether..
..to celebrate his eraordinay life.
And his various accomplishments.
He trie to break an eternal bon.
lt's oood that he's dead.
God exists. Patil sir.
He exi.t..
No. Hari.
A Go that make. true love lo.e...
...ties a pious woman
to a fraud like you forever...
...makes her your prisoner...
...only you can believe in such a God.
Because the God l believe
in will punish you.
He will free Vasudha
from your clutches.
Now oo...
...your empty house is waitino for you.
- Va.uha!
Where'. Va.uha?
She left.
She's oone and left somethino for you.
Go. take a look.
- ''l was shocked to see
that nuptial necklace.''
- ''l couldn't understand how
the meek woman l had branded...''
- ''...with my name,
could actually leave me.''
- ''How did she muster such couraoe?''
- ''This thouoht drove me crazy.''
- ''And just like a parched
man .et. out to look for a well...''
- ''...l .et out to fin her.''
- ''And after 2 years of searchino...''
- ''...l found her on the streets of
Kolkata durino the Duroa Festival...''
Gloy to... Goddess Duroa!
This is your father.
He'. come to meet u..
Take his blessinos and oo out.
We need to talk in private.
Go out.
Stop this charade.
That's enouoh.
Remember thi.?
Or did you foroet it like your past?
l've forootten all about it.
Why did you brino it alono?
To tie me?
How will you tie me. Hari?
With ritual. an traition.?
Or with the charade
of your fake sacrifice?
No, Hari.
These thinos can't tie me down now.
And how will you foroet this?
You can hide it under your sleeve,
but how will you foroet it?
This body is mine!
Thi. breath i. mine!
You're mine for oenerations to come.
You think you can change that
after sleepino with someone else?
You're my Vasudha.
You're my Vasudha!
He touched you. didn't he?
Where? Where did he touch you?
Did he touch you here?
Did you enioy it?
You had fun. didn't you?
So you've shown your true colors.
Revealed who you truly are.
Wear thi..
Wear this or l will kill you!
Kill me.
That's what men like
you have done to women like me.
You either kille u. in the womb...
...or rioht after bih.
What stranoe tradition is this?
Evemhino belonos to you.
l've to wear your
vermillion on my forehead.
Your nuptial necklace around my neck.
My wrists and your banoles.
My womb. my blood...
...my milk...
...and the child takes your name.
Evemhino is yours.
So what do you have that's mine.
You're talkino too much.
l will kill you.
l will kill you. Vasudha.
Kill me. Hari. Kill me.
Because l'm speakino out after aoes.
l can't stop now.
Silence me.
Because l can no longer
live caoed by your dead customs.
Have you seen the lioht of love?
l did. Hari.
When Aarav touched my soul.
That light...gave rise
to a new feelino inside me.
Maybe that's why he came into my life.
All of us enter each
othe. live. for a rea.on.
You came in my life
to take me to my love.
Goddess has sent you...
to .et me free.
Cut this body. Set it on fire.
And take my ashes...to him.
- No.
He's waitino. Hari.
You've come here
to take me to my love.
You will take me to my love.
Hari. kill me!
Hari. kill me!
Hari. kill me!
Hari. he's waitino for me.
Hari. kill me!
- You can't leave me!
Hari. kill me!
You will come back to me.
- Hari. he's waitino for me.
You'll be mine aoain!
You will come back to me.
- ''l spent 21 years
livino with this lie.''
- ''But Va.uha never returne.''
- ''And when her final time arrived
.he .et out to meet her Kri.hna.''
- ''But .he couln't reach him.''
- ''l am going to complete
Vasudha's incomplete stoy.''
- ''Because the one that ties
you down. oets tied up too.''
- ''My salvation is tied with hers.''
You okay?