Hands That Bind (2021) Movie Script
(ominous music)
(car passing by on
a gravel road)
(ominous music continues)
(prairie nature sounds)
(tractor sounds)
(tractor sputtering
and stopping)
(wrench falls to the ground)
(ominous music grows louder)
- Did you learn anything
at school today son?
- No.
- Don't they teach you nothin?
- No?
- We learned about dolphins.
- Oh yeah?
What did you learn
about dolphins?
- They're manimals.
- Do you mean mammals?
- Yeah.
- That's great hon.
- I found an arrowhead today,
in the field.
- Can I see it?
- I threw it away.
- Why did you do that?
- I dunno.
(ominous music and radio static)
(Mac) - Maybe things will be OK,
if we get some rain before
the end of the month but...
(Andy) - Yeah.
- Did you hear how harvest
went for your dad?
- No I didn't.
- Why 'cuz you haven't talked
in awhile?
I mean I'm not prying
or nothing.
- Nothing to pry into.
What do you want to do
with that quarter over by
the six mile road?
- Wheat.
- No I'm right filled up.
How about your kid?
- What do you mean?
- Does he call you?
Check up on the farm?
- Sorry Andy I don't
mean to pry
I'm just trying to help.
- Fine. It's complicated is all.
- Ok I'm coffee'd out
too, let's go.
(birds and wind)
(truck approaching)
- What's going on Hank?
- Hey Mac.
You get any rain last night?
- Just a sprinkle.
- Young Bob?
Said two tenths over by Oyen.
- Is that right?
- Like you.
They're actually saying that
the trees are bribing dogs.
(Andy) - Hank.
- Hey bud.
Is he keeping you busy?
- Busy enough.
- I can't work him too hard.
He's got them kids
to chase around,
plus he's gotta keep
that wife of his happy.
- Yessir.
That's exactly why
I never got into any of that.
You know just now
as I was comin'
I saw one of your
heifers tits up.
I could see her from
the two mile.
- Is that right?
- Well, I gotta head'er.
You know, burning daylight
and all that.
- Yeah OK.
Well I guess we'll go
and take a look at that heifer.
Thanks for dropping
by with that.
- You're welcome sir,
it's always my pleasure.
- See you around Hank.
(Andy) How'd she get out here?
(Mac) Wasn't there last night.
- Overnight then.
(truck doors open)
(quiet mysterious music)
(Mac sighs)
- You'd think the coyotes
would have got her by now.
(flies buzzing )
Geez would you look at this.
- What are we looking at?
- There's no blood anywhere.
Look at the cut.
It's like a surgeon
done it with
a goddamn scalpel or something.
So they took the udder,
they took the jowels,
they took the eyes.
- They?
- It, he, she.
- Well?
- Well?
- What do you figure?
- I don't.
- Call the cops?
- I don't know what good
that would do.
- Mmmm.
- I'll probably call the vet.
Of course he'll show up
in his pink cowboy boots.
(ominous music grows)
(door opens)
(Susan chuckles)
- What you think
I can't smell it?
If you're gonna do
it just do it.
- Reminds me of sneaking
a smoke
when I was a kid.
- You were awful quiet
at supper tonight.
Everything OK?
- Yeah.
- Something happen?
- Nope.
(distant truck sound)
(Mac) - Apparently, uh, things
have dried up in the oil patch,
so he says,
and he wants to try
his hand at farming.
He's got a kid now,
with that new wife of his,
so he's coming back.
Now they're gonna be here
by the end of the week,
and stay in that old house
where you're at.
So Alfie Miller, he's got
an old trailer,
and we're gonna bring that
in there for ya.
- Hmmm.
- Anyway you can stay in there
just as long as you need.
But I can't keep you on
any more than
a month or so after that.
- You must be happy about that.
- I know that you kinda had
your eye on the place Andy.
But you gotta remember
that this farm here
goes way back
to Dirk's great grandpa.
- Well I guess I'll
start moving out.
- Might be a good time to get
in touch with your father.
Maybe you guys can try and
work things out, what
do you think?
- Yeah.
(cartoons on tv)
- It's definitely strange.
- Well, we just thought
you might
see something we didn't see.
But I gotta get back out there.
- Well I'll let you
know what comes
up when I get the results back.
It'll be a few weeks at least.
- You do that.
- You know I can't imagine
you'll get any insurance money.
They'll say natural causes.
- Wasn't set on trying.
Alright now you promised
you'll come
and help with the
witching right?
- Oh yeah, happy to help.
Making a new house huh?
- That's the plan.
- What's wrong with the old one?
- Son is coming home.
His wife's gotta have
a new house.
(moving furniture)
(country and western music)
- Can I bum a smoke?
- It's a hard act to quit.
- Thank you.
- Say hello to the missus.
(Bob Wills sings
Trouble in Mind)
(country and western
music fades,
ominous music and radio static)
(ominous music continues with
increasing radio static)
(skidding and crash)
(country and western music
and ominous music)
(Andy) - They're here.
I better go over.
- Should I come say hi?
- Probably.
- I guess I should
bring something.
- Yeah.
- You must be Dirk.
- You're dad's man?
- I'm Andy.
- Give me a hand here will ya?
- Yeah.
- Watch out. Watch out.
- Fuckin' hell.
(Trina offscreen) - Don't swear
infront of the baby.
- It's a baby dummy.
- I told you
don't call me that.
- Hi. I'm Andy.
- Hi Andy, you're so sweet.
Not like my boorish husband
over there.
- Boorish? What are you,
the fucking queen of England?
- Fuck off.
- Hello.
- Oh Susan, hey come on in.
- Hi I'm Susan.
- Sorry, this is,
this is Trina.
And this is my son Dirk.
- Hi.
- Uh, it's frozen.
Sorry. It's a crisp.
- OK.
Uh, we have the fill
the waterbed tomorrow.
You busy tomorrow Andy?
- Uh...
I think you're dad
has me haying, eh?
- No, that's no problem, no.
I could run the swather
for a few hours.
- It's a bit of a
dump, isn't it?
Ah, it'll do til we get
our own shack built, hey Porky?
(Trina stomps away)
She's been like that lately.
- Baby's quiet.
- Yeah.
- Yeah nice baby.
(sizzling meat)
(dry heaving)
- So.
Dad tells me you're
from out east.
- Well not EAST east.
- Farm?
- Yeah.
- What's that about?
- How do you mean?
- Wonder why you're here
and not there.
- That's a longer story than
I have time for today.
- Well how long are you
sticking around for?
- Maybe a month.
Sooner if something
else comes along.
- Right.
Dad sure thinks highly of you.
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Are you?
- Was sorry to hear about
you losing your job.
- Ah, no big deal.
Figured I'd come back
and help out the old man.
Are you using cold water?
- Ah, no no. That's gonna take
days to heat up.
It's gotta be room temperature.
You're gonna have to empty it.
Not too cold. Not too hot.
Room temperature.
(truck slowing)
- Two shovels, two guys,
you should make quick
work of this.
- Careful. My cousin
lost his foot
in one when we were kids.
(engine starts)
(loud auger engine)
(Andy) - You OK?
(Dirk) - Smoke
(Andy) - Well stand
well away of the bins.
(Country and Western
music on radio)
(Andy) HEY!
(radio announcer)
...poll showing
49% of Albertans
in favour of succeeding
from Canada...
(auger engine stops)
(country and western music)
- Thanks for the help.
(battery exhausted)
(turns off radio)
(walking on gravel)
- He's an asshole.
And Mac still took him back.
- If Dirk could can home,
maybe you could too.
- We're not going back.
- Why do you get to decide?
- It's the way it is.
- Maybe I should call him?
- Don't.
- Andy it would be
good for the kids
to be around their grandpa.
- We're not talking about this.
Maybe the oilpatch for a bit.
There's a pipeline
crew in town.
- I thought we agreed
you weren't
going to do that kind of work.
You'd never be home.
- Hmm.
- Are you even looking?
- I'm looking now.
- I've got a line on something?
- And?
- And what?
- You wanna tell me about it?
- Just leave it to me, alright?
(ominous music)
(whooshing space)
(bulb shatters)
(ominous music)
(Andy) - Seen Dirk yet?
(Mac) - No.
- So what's on for today?
- Well I thought I'd
just keep Dirk
doing the hay again
and maybe I could ask you to
go and pick some rocks.
- Pick rocks?
- Yeah I've been meaning
to get to
that spot there at
the four mile road
and I just haven't
got up there yet to do it.
- OK.
Any idea who's car that is?
I've seen it a bunch
the last couple weeks.
- I'll get to it.
(Hank) - Gordons haven't had
a drop this spring.
And that's right on
the heels of three
years of bad luck for them.
I suppose he's gonna pull out.
What's he do?
- Beats me.
- Well you're smart.
You go right to the work.
You don't get caught up in
all this land baron horseshit.
Land baron, my ass.
Barren land.
Mac's boy is really back?
- He is.
- Is he gonna buy the place?
- Looks like it.
- That kid isn't worth
a good goddamn.
He was born sorry.
He's the kind of kid
that would come over,
and kick the shit out of you,
and then tell God
you fell off a horse.
(Andy chuckles)
- Say, you have anything
happening over around
your place?
- Yeah, like helicopters,
nothing like that?
(Hank chuckles)
- No... nothing like
a helicopter.
You've seen something?
- I don't know. Maybe.
- Well...
a man spends too much time
by himself,
he might start seeing things.
- Hmmm
- So what do you think's
gonna happen
now that Mac's kid is back?
- I'll be alright.
But if you know anyone
looking for a hand...
- You're kidding.
- Looks like it.
- Oh my God.
- What about your dad's place?
- Hmmm. It's complicated.
- Well, anytime it's family
it's complicated.
Trust me.
(Hank sighs)
Watch yourself.
That kid?
Real slippery.
(truck starts)
- See ya around Hank.
- You got it.
(whistpering) - Water.
Where are you water?
(loudly) Well well well!
A hole in the ground.
Turn it sideways you
got a tunnel.
You heard that one before?
- Nope.
-This is your spot, right here.
I'd say 175, maybe
200 feet down.
Be some awful hard
water though.
-Hard water. That's what
I thought we'd get.
- Uh huh.
- We can finally burn that
old shithole to the ground.
I want one of those big ass
satellite dishes right up there.
(whispering) - Hmm. Thank you.
(truck approaches)
what's a rig?
- It's how they drill
into the ground for oil.
- Like Uncle Blair does?
- Yeah.
- How does it get down there?
- Well, milions of
years ago there
were a bunch of dinosaurs
that died.
And they all got buried
under there
and it turned into this
thick black stuff,
we call it oil.
Or something like that.
- So it's dead stuff.
- Pretty much.
- Who owns it?
- No one owns it.
Someone has to take it
out of the ground before
they own it.
- So...
if you pull it out
you get to keep it?
- Yeah.
Like finders' keepers?
- Like finders' keepers.
- Losers weepers.
(industrial work)
- Hello.
- What do you want?
- I heard you might
be looking for guys.
- Yeah? Where'd you
hear that shit?
- Well, I suppose I more
inferred it than I heard it.
- Yeah?
Trudeau's got his
head so far up
his ass with this NEP shit.
Things are drying up faster than
green grass through a goose.
(Andy) - I suppose that's
one way to see it.
(Foreman) - Well they got no
goddamn idea what
we do out here.
(Andy) - Yeah okay go easy.
(Foreman) - What did you say?
(Andy) - I said go easy.
(Foreman) - Go easy?
- I'll fucking show you easy
you goddamn faggot hillbilly.
Andy - OK OK.
Foreman - Go back
to your fucking farm.
Goddamn farmers,
you think you know shit?
You don't know shit.
Get the fuck off my line.
Who do you think you are?
(Foreman continues to shout.)
Get back to your fucking farm.
Get back to work.
(door closes)
- Dad?
- You okay?
(truck starts)
- Was that guy yelling at you?
- Yes and no.
- Somebody's here mom.
I have to go.
Yep. OK. Bye! Bye.
- Hi there!
- Mrs Miller!
What brings you by?
- Well I just would like
to see the new place.
Well it's so homey,
what a lovely job you've done.
- Oh, we sure appreciate
Albert bringing it over.
- It's smaller than I remember.
- It's okay. Just right for us.
Kitchen faucet's a
bit tempermental,
but you know Andy can fix that.
- Well where would we ever be
without our men to
take care of us.
Anyways, I brought some
canned tomatoes from last year,
Albert and I will never get
through them all.
You know, every year I forget
how much we actually need
now that there's just
the two of us,
and of course mine will
never take any.
- Well thank you that's
- So, uh, we heard
Mac's boy is back.
- Dirk, yeah.
- Uhm, I don't know
what he'd know
about farming.
Other things, sure.
You know, the stories I've heard
about what he and his friends
used to do when they
were drinking.
His brother was a gay,
did you know?
He's never been back.
The stories...
But what do I know.
So what's she like?
- She?
- The wife!
-She's nice. Outgoing, you know?
- Hmmm.
- I'm sorry I would
invite you in
for coffee,
I was just heading out to
get groceries.
- Oh. No, no, I won't keep you.
- Well thanks again
for the tomatoes.
Maybe we'll have spaghetti
for supper tonight.
- Well, I suppose you could,
but they'd really
be better in a stew I think.
We don't eat much ethnic food.
You know,
some of the ladies
and I get together
every Thursday for coffee...
(truck approaches)
(Mac) - I dunno.
Let her rot.
(Dirk) - What if it's
(Andy) - With what?
(Dirk) - I don't know.
(Andy) - Radiation from what?
- How the fuck should I know?
(Mac) - We could burn her?
(Dirk) - Wouldn't
that just make
the radiation fly around
in the air?
(Andy) - Okay why again
do you think that there's
(Dirk) - Okay why is there
a dead cow in the tree?
(Mac) - Is that how this works?
Burning her would
spread radiation?
(Dirk) - What did
you do last time?
(Mac) - The vet took her away.
- Maybe we should call him out?
- Nope, not paying
for that again.
- It's just a dead heifer.
- Well there's a jug of diesel
in the truck.
- I'd be careful
about starting a fire.
- Ah it just rained.
It'll be fine.
(liquid pouring)
(fuel ignites)
(music builds)
(roaring fire)
(music and flames loud)
- Oh my God you reek.
- Like radiation?
(laughing) - He's such an idiot.
Go take a shower dummy.
(ominous music and beeping)
(Corb Lund sings Five
Dollar Bill)
(music continues,
sounds of town dance)
- Hold my beer
while I dance with your wife.
- Hey, you're Mac's man right?
- I'm Andy.
- Right.
You guy's coming to Schmidtee's
branding tomorrow?
(Andy) - Yeah I'll be there.
Mac too.
And Dirk.
- You think he's gonna make it?
- He better slow down
or he won't.
- Hey who's that he's
dancing with?
That's not his wife is it?
Nice piece of ass.
- That's my wife.
- Huh.
Well, nice talking to you.
See ya tomrorow I suppose.
(Cowboy) - Watch yourself.
- Geez sorry about that.
Too many wobbly pops.
Here, let me get you
another round.
(Dirk laughs)
(door opens)
(glass breaks)
(men shouting)
(Dirk laughs)
(glass breaks)
(glass breaks)
(Andy) - Easy, easy, easy.
It's not even his truck.
Get in your truck
and sleep it off.
- Shut up.
- She'll probably just end up
selling to the Hutterites.
- We were just talking
about that girl gone.
- Yeah.
- You see that black
car driving around?
(door opens)
(Mac) - You're late.
- What's this about
your son coming back?
- Gonna take over?
- Well you know this
younger generation.
- Basically gotta beg
these kids to come back.
- Well how you gonna
keep 'em on
the farm once they see Paree?
- Then they want the place
for next to nothing,
and they don't know
how to work.
- Boy my man Andy.
That one can work.
He's a good man.
- So what's gonna happen to him?
- I don't know.
He's trying to keep positive.
- Yeah, well...
- Yeah.
(cattle bellow)
(torch blows)
(men working)
(hair burning)
(men working)
(talking and laughing)
- Hank!
(rope snaps)
- I'm alright.
(Hank coughs)
- Hank.
(Hank continues coughing)
Here here, come on, come on.
- Oh my God.
- You got me?
- Yep. You okay?
- I'm weak.
Let me stand up.
- Atta boy.
- I'm alright.
- You okay?
Here let me grab your hat.
- Oh man, I'm jittery.
Let me sit on something.
- Here you go, here you go,
don't miss.
(Hank sighs)
- I don't know what
the hell happened.
Oh my God I was just
working around the barn.
Got tangled up with this rope.
- Sorry to just drop in on you.
Mac wanted to know if you'd mind
borrowing us that post-pounder.
- Oh yeah.
Could you come back
later in the week?
It's all torn apart
now cuz I've been
working on
that goddamn pin.
And I'll have it done by then.
- Yeah I'll come by
in a couple days.
- It is hot.
- Yeah. It is.
- I saw a squirrel the
other day putting
suntan lotion on his nuts.
(Andy tries to chuckle)
- Yeah.
Radio says there'll be
rain tonight, so...
- There's nothin' out there.
- How many head you runnin' now?
- Maybe just shy of a hundred.
- Well the prices are holding.
At least for now.
So you're sure you're OK?
I think that head looks
like it might be sore.
- No no, please I'm okay.
Oh man.
Come over if you would
and help me stand.
- See you around Hank.
Be back in a couple days.
- Hope so.
(distant truck driving)
(Susan) - It's the meat,
I can't seem to stomach
the smell.
- Are you...?
(Tara) - Are you what Mom?
(Andy) - Eat your food.
Never you mind.
Stop scraping your fork
on your plate.
- Sorry.
Mom she keeps kicking me.
- No I'm not.
- Ben, don't be a taddle tale.
Tara, stop it.
(Susan) - I ran into Mrs Miller
at the store today.
(Andy) - Oh yeah. What
did she want?
Ben stop it.
- We should talk about it later.
- Oh I know what you're
talking about.
- No you don't.
(Tara) - Yes I do.
(Susan) - Tara.
- BEN.
- You really hurt his feelings.
- Yeah.
Well. He needs to toughen up.
- He's 10.
- My dad would have
taken a belt
to me when I was his age.
- He doesn't have
to be like you.
And you sure as hell
don't have to be like your dad.
- I'm not.
But he needs to learn
his manners.
- You should say you're sorry.
- Maybe.
- And to her.
- Okay.
I will in the morning.
- What's wrong?
- Let's don't do this right now.
- Why don't you dance with me
when we're out?
(shouting outside)
- No.
(Dirk and Trina fight)
(Andy) - He was gone all day.
I don't think Mac was
too impressed.
(fighting escalates)
(Andy) - You think
I should go over?
- No wait. Wait wait wait.
(Susan) - Holy.
(Andy) - Shit.
(Susan) Are you gonna go over
and talk to him?
(shouting continues, baby cries)
(Trina) - Fuck you Dirk.
Stay here with your truck.
Might be best to let
him sober up.
(Dirk) - Hey hey.
Don't fucking hit my truck.
They'll sort it out, right?
(Dirk) - Get the fuck
out of here.
(pounding on door)
- Mac.
- Wakey wakey, hands off snakey.
- Aww, fuck off.
- Rough night?
- Something like that.
- Yeah we heard a bit of
something last night.
She runoff?
- She'll be back.
She's got no money.
She'll either get hungry
or bored or both.
- I'm looking for your dad.
- Probably went into
town for coffee.
- Yep, okay.
- If you need something
to do you can
go clean out the pens
in the barn.
They never got done
after calving.
I'll be out in a bit.
(door slams)
(ominous music)
(loud door opening
whooshing sound)
- You grab Hank's post-pounder
like I told you?
- I'll pick it up tomorrow.
- Crazy old hermit.
When was the last time
you think he got laid?
You know he used to
buy feed from us
we'd go over there
when I was a kid.
And he'd go into his
kitchen and we'd
hear the cupboard
doors creak open
and he'd come back
with a thick wad of cash.
His twin brother
killed himself.
Slit his own throat,
over a bucket right
in the middle of the yard.
(Andy) - I'm getting
sick of him.
- Yeah.
What do you think Mac
really thinks?
- I dunno.
It ain't my place hon.
- I've been thinking,
and I think maybe
the best thing for me to do
would be for me to get
some shifts at the hospital.
- What?
You haven't worked in 10 years.
- I haven't worked in 10 years?
- You know what I mean.
- Do I?
- At the hospital.
- I miss it.
It's time to go back.
We could really use the money.
- It's 45 miles away.
- Yeah.
- Wuh...
Well what will you
do in the winter?
- Drive.
- Right.
- Yeah right.
(Ben) - Mom, Tara won't give
my dinosaur back.
- Ben don't be such
a tattle tale.
I told you brush your teeth
and get your pajamas on.
(Andy) - What about the kids?
- What about the kids?
- Well who's gonna
take care of them?
- Who do you think?
- I'll find something.
- I can easily make
as much money as you.
- This.
This is your job.
- I'm done.
I've gotta put the kids to bed.
(car passing)
- Shit.
(truck approaches)
(turns truck off)
(knocking on door)
- Hank?
(radio) ... saying it might be
the driest year on record
with no rain in the immediate
(turns off radio)
- Hank?
Oh no.
(Andy coughs)
(Andy spits in the sink)
(clearing throat)
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
(door creaking)
(full coffee can)
(door slams)
(ominous music getting louder)
- Andy hey Andy.
We're late we have
to pick them up.
(Susan) - What's the house like?
(Andy) - Borderline unliveable.
We could ask the Miller's about
dragging the trailer out there.
- Would be a long bus ride
for the kids.
- Be good for them.
- Think Mac would co-sign?
- I can get a loan.
- You mean we.
- I just need to call the bank.
That's the first thing.
- I think we're gonna need
a co-signer Andy.
- Feels wrong, moving
this quick.
Hank's barely cold.
- You do realize your father
will never speak to you again?
- That's about where things
are at anyhow.
- Are you sure this
is what you want?
- What options to we have?
- Well me going back
to work for one.
- There's no need hon.
- Oh that pig smell.
God I'm gonna be sick.
- Do you need me to pull over?
- No no keep driving.
Just keep driving.
- Sorry.
- Oh God.
OK pull over.
- Ok ok ok.
- You ok?
(vomitting continues )
(ominous music)
(banker humming)
- Ah you forgot to
list your assets.
- Well I have my truck
and Susan's car,
but your assistant said
those won't count.
- I see right.
Let me give you a call
in a couple of days.
- Chances are good though?
- We'll have to see
what they say.
- Alright, thanks
for your time.
- Of course Mr Hollis.
- And call me
if you need anything else.
- Will do.
Mr Hollis.
Your hat.
- Ah.
Almost forgot.
(Scratch Acid song
Cannibal plays loudly)
- Chinese scrabble?
- Something like that.
- That's different music.
(music ends)
(Ian Tyson song Turning Thirty)
- You're awful dressed
up for work.
- Meeting at the bank.
- Trouble?
- Always.
- Sorry to interupt.
I was wondering if you
knew of anybody
who was looking for somebody.
- I work in a bar.
About all I see is folks
looking for someone.
- Sorry I mean a job.
- Oh.
No not recently,
the oil patch is dried up.
You're not happy?
- The boss' son is back.
- Ah yeah.
The inimitable Dirk Longridge.
You looking to stay around here?
- It's as good a place as any.
- You sure about that?
- You gotta be from somewhere.
- Well you're not from here,
neither am I.
What else is going on?
- Saw a cow in a
tree last week.
(laughing) - What's that?
- Saw a cow in a tree.
- Ah, I'm not following.
- We've had two mutilations
the last couple of months.
I guess that's what you call it.
You heard of that before?
- I read about it, yeah.
Animals all cut up
like surgery,
something like that.
- Something like that.
So do you know what it is?
- Oh, well,
aliens, satanists,
covert government testing,
teenage pranksters,
or maybe some bad alfalfa.
- You think bad alfalfa killed
and cut up those cows?
- You're asking what I think?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- Why not?
- My opinion isn't going
to solve anything for you,
because my opinion
is that I don't know.
Certainty is a rare exception
to the rules of life.
What ever is easiest to swallow
is what most folks
gravitate towards.
And even if you lie to yourself
as best as you can,
and look for something
you call true,
whatever your theory is,
it's probably wrong.
- That's bleak.
- Maybe.
Maybe not.
We make ourselves comfortable
in order to get through
our days.
Most folks just want
to be happy,
at least in some regard,
and live their lives believing
they're basically good.
- You think people are bad?
- I think people are 50/50.
Most men and women
for that matter
will choose one or the other
most of the time,
so much so that
they forget about
the other half.
- Hmmm.
(hand washing)
(water dripping)
(phone rings)
- Hello?
Yes he is, you're lucky
you caught him.
(whispers) The bank.
- Hello?
Yeah it's good to hear from you.
You did? That's good.
What was that?
There's no chance?
What about a co-signer?
Ah I dunno.
Uhuh... well...
OK. Thank you.
(cow bellows)
(ominous music)
- Shit.
(pots and pans rattle)
(dark ominous music
and radio signals)
(radio static)
(music grows loud)
(Mac) - Thought you should know.
Dirk's gonna make
an offer on Hank's place.
(Andy) - That right?
Striking out on his own, eh?
- No, not really.
He's uh, expanding.
- I was thinking
about making an offer.
- Shit I didn't realize you
had that kind of capital.
- I'd get a loan.
- That'd be a tough sell.
No collateral, that's
a big ticket.
- I was thinking of getting
a co-signer.
-You're not thinking
of me are you?
- There's nothing for me here.
-This land's not worth
much anyhow.
- This is why you should
get in touch
with your father again
and try and make things up.
(kids cartoon plays)
(Susan) - Andy I've gotta talk
to you about something.
(Andy) - I'll fix
the sink tonight.
- No it's not that.
I had a meeting
at the hospital today.
I picked up a few shifts.
It's just casual for now,
but could be full time
by the fall.
- What?
- When what?
- When?
- Today.
- At the hospital?
- Yeah that's what I said Andy.
- Well you can't.
- Well I did.
- No you don't get it.
You can't.
Cuz we're moving back to dad's.
(Susan laughs)
- What are you talking about?
- I called him. It's
a done deal.
- Without talking to me first?
- I thought that's
what you wanted?
- What I want?
- Wow, you have no
idea what I want.
(whispers) You asshole.
How could you do that?
- You were the one that
kept pushing me to do it.
I'm just trying to do
what's best for all of us.
- For us or for you?
- Why are you the one
who gets to decide?
- What is wrong with you?
- What am I supposed
to tell them Andy?
- Tell who?
- Kids get your boots on.
We're going now I don't know
when we'll be back.
(plumbing tools)
(snapping metal)
(wrench hits floor)
(rotary phone dialing)
(Andy drops receiver)
(door slams across yard)
(dog barks)
(ominous music)
(ominous music climaxes)
(radio static and beeping)
(Susan) - Where are you?
- Just past Alsask.
- I can't believe
you'd leave us
without saying anything.
- Going back to Dad's.
- You didn't call him did you?
Did you?
You lied to me you
didn't call him...
- Look will you tell Mac I'm...
I'm not going to be in today.
- My god I can't believe you.
- We're going back.
I just have to talk
to him first.
- What are you just
gonna show up
at his doorstep and say what?
- I don't know yet.
- Well good luck.
(phone hangs up)
- Thanks.
(rain falling)
(knocking on door)
- Hi.
- Uhm...
... who are you?
- Haley.
- Sorry I didn't realize
he had company.
Is he here?
- Is who here?
- Dennis is not around?
- Rick? Do you know a Dennis?
This guy's looking for Dennis.
Is that the farm up the road?
- Hi, I'm Andy.
- Rick. No Dennis here.
Sorry I think you got
the wrong place.
- No...
No, no, ah...
No this is my dad's place.
- Your dad's?
- Yeah.
- You're Van Leuwen's kid?
- No... what?
Sorry, no, there's
some sort of mix up.
Dennis Hollis, this
is his house.
- Sorry who are you?
- Andy.
I'm Dennis' son.
He wouldn't sell.
- Do you want to come in
or something?
(baby crying)
- No.
(reflective music)
(rain taps on truck cab)
(shallow breathing)
(choking and coughing)
(ominous music with
radio static)
(distant thunder)
(banging on equipment)
(country music)
- You ever hear of
anyone drowning
themselves in two feet of water?
- No it's unusual.
- Drowning.
Helluva way to go.
- I heard it's rather peaceful.
- Yeah I heard the brain reaches
an alpha state when you drown.
Sort of like sleeping,
but you're concious,
very relaxed.
Not unlike hypnosis.
- Doesn't sound so bad.
- But you're still dead.
I read a story recently.
It happened over there
at the Red Deer River.
Around the end of the
last century.
There was an RCMP Constable...
He was travelling with
a French half-breed,
out around Empress.
Long before the land
was settled
mind you, it was bare land
without many folks around.
And the two men are crossing
the South Saskatchewan,
and their boat flips.
Now it's not deep water,
but the Indian knows
they're in trouble,
so he sort of swims
and crawls his way to shore.
Mahoney though, he's a big guy,
he tries to stand and walk.
And his feet get stuck
in the quicksand mud like glue.
He tries to struggle,
as anyone would I guess.
But he just sinks more.
He throws his belt and gun.
Nothing helps.
(ominous music)
The Indian's on shore,
trying to do what
he can to help,
running around looking
for their rope
which has just gone down stream.
There's no big sticks,
paddles to throw to
the poor bastard,
who's just slowly sinking.
Now just try to imagine this.
Sinking slowly,
deeper and deeper
into the water.
An hour passes, water's cold,
it's up to your chest.
Sinking more and more.
Now what must that feel like?
So he calls the Indian over,
he gives his last will
and testament,
he screams, he cries, he prays,
But nothing stops the sinking.
Water is up to his neck,
he calls the Indian over,
he says goodbye to him
he cries a last prayer,
keeps sinking,
he closes his mouth.
His eyes are like
to pop out of his head
as water is lapping
at his lips,
he tries to no avail to push
the water away from
his nostrils,
bubbles comes out,
there's a tuft of hair,
his hands flap above the water
for a moment,
and then they stop.
Helluva thing to watch
a man die.
(country music fades in)
- What the hell kinda
story is that?
- Gotta think the Indian
wanted him dead, right?
Fucking Indians.
- Whose land do
you think we're living on?
- Mine.
- No, we're living
on stolen land.
(Dirk) - Fuck off.
- Well how can a man own land?
(shuffling to leave)
Last call, it's on
the house y'all.
- Y'all.
Why don't y'all go back
where you came from?
(truck won't start)
- Old jalopy won't start eh?
- Funny.
- Hop in.
- I thought you had plans.
- Maybe you wanna join.
Besides who else is gonna
get you out of here?
- I should get home.
- Get in, we won't stay long.
(truck passes by)
(ominous music)
- So dad was saying you were
thinking of buying
old Hank's place.
- Thought about it.
- Yeah.
Signed the papers
on it yesterday.
- Congratulations.
- Got more than just that.
- What's that?
- So where are you going?
Now that, you know,
you're fired and all.
- I've got plans.
- Why didn't you go back
to your Daddy's?
You think you're better than me.
- Yeah.
(Dirk laughs)
(muffled heavy loud music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music swells)
(pounding on window)
- Wakey wakey, motherfucker.
Move over.
It's my fucking truck.
- Get in.
(engine starts)
(Dirk) - How come you never
tried to fuck my wife?
You tried to fuck my dad.
You sure tried to fuck me.
You don't think I know how hard
you tried to take our
place from us?
(ominous music starts)
He wanted my homo brother
to have it.
Never taught me shit
about farming.
But, they don't like
cocksuckers around here,
so it all fell on me.
- Sad story.
- You think I wanted this?
This place is like a noose
around my neck.
- Then why are you here?
- What kind of man would I be
if I didn't claim my birthright?
- What do you know
about being a man?
- You know what? Fuck you Andy.
(Dirk) - Whoah! WHOAH! WHOAAH!!
(truck crashes into
the distance)
(steam from truck)
(seatbelt clicks, Andy falls)
(gurgling sounds)
(ominous music grows)
(blood gurgling)
(music builds)
(quieter music and static)
(music fades)
(Mac) - Did he say anything?
(Andy) - No.
No Mac.
He was gone.
Just... gone.
I shouldn't have let him drive.
I tried.
- He was...
He was pig-headed.
I hated that about him.
Hated it.
(choking back tears)
What am I gonna do now?
Sorry I'll be right back
(door opens and closes)
(door opens and closes)
(ominous music)
(music fades)
(wind howling)
(wind rattles windows)
- Who are you?
- I'm just...
...trying to...
- What are you trying?
- I just wanna...
- Don't.
Just don't.
- You don't get to just leave.
(trunk slams)
(wind rattles the windows)
(woeful music)
(phone rings)
(woeful music)
(music fades)
(machine collapsing)
(crying and struggling)
(ominous music)
(indiscipherable calling)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(car passing by on
a gravel road)
(ominous music continues)
(prairie nature sounds)
(tractor sounds)
(tractor sputtering
and stopping)
(wrench falls to the ground)
(ominous music grows louder)
- Did you learn anything
at school today son?
- No.
- Don't they teach you nothin?
- No?
- We learned about dolphins.
- Oh yeah?
What did you learn
about dolphins?
- They're manimals.
- Do you mean mammals?
- Yeah.
- That's great hon.
- I found an arrowhead today,
in the field.
- Can I see it?
- I threw it away.
- Why did you do that?
- I dunno.
(ominous music and radio static)
(Mac) - Maybe things will be OK,
if we get some rain before
the end of the month but...
(Andy) - Yeah.
- Did you hear how harvest
went for your dad?
- No I didn't.
- Why 'cuz you haven't talked
in awhile?
I mean I'm not prying
or nothing.
- Nothing to pry into.
What do you want to do
with that quarter over by
the six mile road?
- Wheat.
- No I'm right filled up.
How about your kid?
- What do you mean?
- Does he call you?
Check up on the farm?
- Sorry Andy I don't
mean to pry
I'm just trying to help.
- Fine. It's complicated is all.
- Ok I'm coffee'd out
too, let's go.
(birds and wind)
(truck approaching)
- What's going on Hank?
- Hey Mac.
You get any rain last night?
- Just a sprinkle.
- Young Bob?
Said two tenths over by Oyen.
- Is that right?
- Like you.
They're actually saying that
the trees are bribing dogs.
(Andy) - Hank.
- Hey bud.
Is he keeping you busy?
- Busy enough.
- I can't work him too hard.
He's got them kids
to chase around,
plus he's gotta keep
that wife of his happy.
- Yessir.
That's exactly why
I never got into any of that.
You know just now
as I was comin'
I saw one of your
heifers tits up.
I could see her from
the two mile.
- Is that right?
- Well, I gotta head'er.
You know, burning daylight
and all that.
- Yeah OK.
Well I guess we'll go
and take a look at that heifer.
Thanks for dropping
by with that.
- You're welcome sir,
it's always my pleasure.
- See you around Hank.
(Andy) How'd she get out here?
(Mac) Wasn't there last night.
- Overnight then.
(truck doors open)
(quiet mysterious music)
(Mac sighs)
- You'd think the coyotes
would have got her by now.
(flies buzzing )
Geez would you look at this.
- What are we looking at?
- There's no blood anywhere.
Look at the cut.
It's like a surgeon
done it with
a goddamn scalpel or something.
So they took the udder,
they took the jowels,
they took the eyes.
- They?
- It, he, she.
- Well?
- Well?
- What do you figure?
- I don't.
- Call the cops?
- I don't know what good
that would do.
- Mmmm.
- I'll probably call the vet.
Of course he'll show up
in his pink cowboy boots.
(ominous music grows)
(door opens)
(Susan chuckles)
- What you think
I can't smell it?
If you're gonna do
it just do it.
- Reminds me of sneaking
a smoke
when I was a kid.
- You were awful quiet
at supper tonight.
Everything OK?
- Yeah.
- Something happen?
- Nope.
(distant truck sound)
(Mac) - Apparently, uh, things
have dried up in the oil patch,
so he says,
and he wants to try
his hand at farming.
He's got a kid now,
with that new wife of his,
so he's coming back.
Now they're gonna be here
by the end of the week,
and stay in that old house
where you're at.
So Alfie Miller, he's got
an old trailer,
and we're gonna bring that
in there for ya.
- Hmmm.
- Anyway you can stay in there
just as long as you need.
But I can't keep you on
any more than
a month or so after that.
- You must be happy about that.
- I know that you kinda had
your eye on the place Andy.
But you gotta remember
that this farm here
goes way back
to Dirk's great grandpa.
- Well I guess I'll
start moving out.
- Might be a good time to get
in touch with your father.
Maybe you guys can try and
work things out, what
do you think?
- Yeah.
(cartoons on tv)
- It's definitely strange.
- Well, we just thought
you might
see something we didn't see.
But I gotta get back out there.
- Well I'll let you
know what comes
up when I get the results back.
It'll be a few weeks at least.
- You do that.
- You know I can't imagine
you'll get any insurance money.
They'll say natural causes.
- Wasn't set on trying.
Alright now you promised
you'll come
and help with the
witching right?
- Oh yeah, happy to help.
Making a new house huh?
- That's the plan.
- What's wrong with the old one?
- Son is coming home.
His wife's gotta have
a new house.
(moving furniture)
(country and western music)
- Can I bum a smoke?
- It's a hard act to quit.
- Thank you.
- Say hello to the missus.
(Bob Wills sings
Trouble in Mind)
(country and western
music fades,
ominous music and radio static)
(ominous music continues with
increasing radio static)
(skidding and crash)
(country and western music
and ominous music)
(Andy) - They're here.
I better go over.
- Should I come say hi?
- Probably.
- I guess I should
bring something.
- Yeah.
- You must be Dirk.
- You're dad's man?
- I'm Andy.
- Give me a hand here will ya?
- Yeah.
- Watch out. Watch out.
- Fuckin' hell.
(Trina offscreen) - Don't swear
infront of the baby.
- It's a baby dummy.
- I told you
don't call me that.
- Hi. I'm Andy.
- Hi Andy, you're so sweet.
Not like my boorish husband
over there.
- Boorish? What are you,
the fucking queen of England?
- Fuck off.
- Hello.
- Oh Susan, hey come on in.
- Hi I'm Susan.
- Sorry, this is,
this is Trina.
And this is my son Dirk.
- Hi.
- Uh, it's frozen.
Sorry. It's a crisp.
- OK.
Uh, we have the fill
the waterbed tomorrow.
You busy tomorrow Andy?
- Uh...
I think you're dad
has me haying, eh?
- No, that's no problem, no.
I could run the swather
for a few hours.
- It's a bit of a
dump, isn't it?
Ah, it'll do til we get
our own shack built, hey Porky?
(Trina stomps away)
She's been like that lately.
- Baby's quiet.
- Yeah.
- Yeah nice baby.
(sizzling meat)
(dry heaving)
- So.
Dad tells me you're
from out east.
- Well not EAST east.
- Farm?
- Yeah.
- What's that about?
- How do you mean?
- Wonder why you're here
and not there.
- That's a longer story than
I have time for today.
- Well how long are you
sticking around for?
- Maybe a month.
Sooner if something
else comes along.
- Right.
Dad sure thinks highly of you.
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Are you?
- Was sorry to hear about
you losing your job.
- Ah, no big deal.
Figured I'd come back
and help out the old man.
Are you using cold water?
- Ah, no no. That's gonna take
days to heat up.
It's gotta be room temperature.
You're gonna have to empty it.
Not too cold. Not too hot.
Room temperature.
(truck slowing)
- Two shovels, two guys,
you should make quick
work of this.
- Careful. My cousin
lost his foot
in one when we were kids.
(engine starts)
(loud auger engine)
(Andy) - You OK?
(Dirk) - Smoke
(Andy) - Well stand
well away of the bins.
(Country and Western
music on radio)
(Andy) HEY!
(radio announcer)
...poll showing
49% of Albertans
in favour of succeeding
from Canada...
(auger engine stops)
(country and western music)
- Thanks for the help.
(battery exhausted)
(turns off radio)
(walking on gravel)
- He's an asshole.
And Mac still took him back.
- If Dirk could can home,
maybe you could too.
- We're not going back.
- Why do you get to decide?
- It's the way it is.
- Maybe I should call him?
- Don't.
- Andy it would be
good for the kids
to be around their grandpa.
- We're not talking about this.
Maybe the oilpatch for a bit.
There's a pipeline
crew in town.
- I thought we agreed
you weren't
going to do that kind of work.
You'd never be home.
- Hmm.
- Are you even looking?
- I'm looking now.
- I've got a line on something?
- And?
- And what?
- You wanna tell me about it?
- Just leave it to me, alright?
(ominous music)
(whooshing space)
(bulb shatters)
(ominous music)
(Andy) - Seen Dirk yet?
(Mac) - No.
- So what's on for today?
- Well I thought I'd
just keep Dirk
doing the hay again
and maybe I could ask you to
go and pick some rocks.
- Pick rocks?
- Yeah I've been meaning
to get to
that spot there at
the four mile road
and I just haven't
got up there yet to do it.
- OK.
Any idea who's car that is?
I've seen it a bunch
the last couple weeks.
- I'll get to it.
(Hank) - Gordons haven't had
a drop this spring.
And that's right on
the heels of three
years of bad luck for them.
I suppose he's gonna pull out.
What's he do?
- Beats me.
- Well you're smart.
You go right to the work.
You don't get caught up in
all this land baron horseshit.
Land baron, my ass.
Barren land.
Mac's boy is really back?
- He is.
- Is he gonna buy the place?
- Looks like it.
- That kid isn't worth
a good goddamn.
He was born sorry.
He's the kind of kid
that would come over,
and kick the shit out of you,
and then tell God
you fell off a horse.
(Andy chuckles)
- Say, you have anything
happening over around
your place?
- Yeah, like helicopters,
nothing like that?
(Hank chuckles)
- No... nothing like
a helicopter.
You've seen something?
- I don't know. Maybe.
- Well...
a man spends too much time
by himself,
he might start seeing things.
- Hmmm
- So what do you think's
gonna happen
now that Mac's kid is back?
- I'll be alright.
But if you know anyone
looking for a hand...
- You're kidding.
- Looks like it.
- Oh my God.
- What about your dad's place?
- Hmmm. It's complicated.
- Well, anytime it's family
it's complicated.
Trust me.
(Hank sighs)
Watch yourself.
That kid?
Real slippery.
(truck starts)
- See ya around Hank.
- You got it.
(whistpering) - Water.
Where are you water?
(loudly) Well well well!
A hole in the ground.
Turn it sideways you
got a tunnel.
You heard that one before?
- Nope.
-This is your spot, right here.
I'd say 175, maybe
200 feet down.
Be some awful hard
water though.
-Hard water. That's what
I thought we'd get.
- Uh huh.
- We can finally burn that
old shithole to the ground.
I want one of those big ass
satellite dishes right up there.
(whispering) - Hmm. Thank you.
(truck approaches)
what's a rig?
- It's how they drill
into the ground for oil.
- Like Uncle Blair does?
- Yeah.
- How does it get down there?
- Well, milions of
years ago there
were a bunch of dinosaurs
that died.
And they all got buried
under there
and it turned into this
thick black stuff,
we call it oil.
Or something like that.
- So it's dead stuff.
- Pretty much.
- Who owns it?
- No one owns it.
Someone has to take it
out of the ground before
they own it.
- So...
if you pull it out
you get to keep it?
- Yeah.
Like finders' keepers?
- Like finders' keepers.
- Losers weepers.
(industrial work)
- Hello.
- What do you want?
- I heard you might
be looking for guys.
- Yeah? Where'd you
hear that shit?
- Well, I suppose I more
inferred it than I heard it.
- Yeah?
Trudeau's got his
head so far up
his ass with this NEP shit.
Things are drying up faster than
green grass through a goose.
(Andy) - I suppose that's
one way to see it.
(Foreman) - Well they got no
goddamn idea what
we do out here.
(Andy) - Yeah okay go easy.
(Foreman) - What did you say?
(Andy) - I said go easy.
(Foreman) - Go easy?
- I'll fucking show you easy
you goddamn faggot hillbilly.
Andy - OK OK.
Foreman - Go back
to your fucking farm.
Goddamn farmers,
you think you know shit?
You don't know shit.
Get the fuck off my line.
Who do you think you are?
(Foreman continues to shout.)
Get back to your fucking farm.
Get back to work.
(door closes)
- Dad?
- You okay?
(truck starts)
- Was that guy yelling at you?
- Yes and no.
- Somebody's here mom.
I have to go.
Yep. OK. Bye! Bye.
- Hi there!
- Mrs Miller!
What brings you by?
- Well I just would like
to see the new place.
Well it's so homey,
what a lovely job you've done.
- Oh, we sure appreciate
Albert bringing it over.
- It's smaller than I remember.
- It's okay. Just right for us.
Kitchen faucet's a
bit tempermental,
but you know Andy can fix that.
- Well where would we ever be
without our men to
take care of us.
Anyways, I brought some
canned tomatoes from last year,
Albert and I will never get
through them all.
You know, every year I forget
how much we actually need
now that there's just
the two of us,
and of course mine will
never take any.
- Well thank you that's
- So, uh, we heard
Mac's boy is back.
- Dirk, yeah.
- Uhm, I don't know
what he'd know
about farming.
Other things, sure.
You know, the stories I've heard
about what he and his friends
used to do when they
were drinking.
His brother was a gay,
did you know?
He's never been back.
The stories...
But what do I know.
So what's she like?
- She?
- The wife!
-She's nice. Outgoing, you know?
- Hmmm.
- I'm sorry I would
invite you in
for coffee,
I was just heading out to
get groceries.
- Oh. No, no, I won't keep you.
- Well thanks again
for the tomatoes.
Maybe we'll have spaghetti
for supper tonight.
- Well, I suppose you could,
but they'd really
be better in a stew I think.
We don't eat much ethnic food.
You know,
some of the ladies
and I get together
every Thursday for coffee...
(truck approaches)
(Mac) - I dunno.
Let her rot.
(Dirk) - What if it's
(Andy) - With what?
(Dirk) - I don't know.
(Andy) - Radiation from what?
- How the fuck should I know?
(Mac) - We could burn her?
(Dirk) - Wouldn't
that just make
the radiation fly around
in the air?
(Andy) - Okay why again
do you think that there's
(Dirk) - Okay why is there
a dead cow in the tree?
(Mac) - Is that how this works?
Burning her would
spread radiation?
(Dirk) - What did
you do last time?
(Mac) - The vet took her away.
- Maybe we should call him out?
- Nope, not paying
for that again.
- It's just a dead heifer.
- Well there's a jug of diesel
in the truck.
- I'd be careful
about starting a fire.
- Ah it just rained.
It'll be fine.
(liquid pouring)
(fuel ignites)
(music builds)
(roaring fire)
(music and flames loud)
- Oh my God you reek.
- Like radiation?
(laughing) - He's such an idiot.
Go take a shower dummy.
(ominous music and beeping)
(Corb Lund sings Five
Dollar Bill)
(music continues,
sounds of town dance)
- Hold my beer
while I dance with your wife.
- Hey, you're Mac's man right?
- I'm Andy.
- Right.
You guy's coming to Schmidtee's
branding tomorrow?
(Andy) - Yeah I'll be there.
Mac too.
And Dirk.
- You think he's gonna make it?
- He better slow down
or he won't.
- Hey who's that he's
dancing with?
That's not his wife is it?
Nice piece of ass.
- That's my wife.
- Huh.
Well, nice talking to you.
See ya tomrorow I suppose.
(Cowboy) - Watch yourself.
- Geez sorry about that.
Too many wobbly pops.
Here, let me get you
another round.
(Dirk laughs)
(door opens)
(glass breaks)
(men shouting)
(Dirk laughs)
(glass breaks)
(glass breaks)
(Andy) - Easy, easy, easy.
It's not even his truck.
Get in your truck
and sleep it off.
- Shut up.
- She'll probably just end up
selling to the Hutterites.
- We were just talking
about that girl gone.
- Yeah.
- You see that black
car driving around?
(door opens)
(Mac) - You're late.
- What's this about
your son coming back?
- Gonna take over?
- Well you know this
younger generation.
- Basically gotta beg
these kids to come back.
- Well how you gonna
keep 'em on
the farm once they see Paree?
- Then they want the place
for next to nothing,
and they don't know
how to work.
- Boy my man Andy.
That one can work.
He's a good man.
- So what's gonna happen to him?
- I don't know.
He's trying to keep positive.
- Yeah, well...
- Yeah.
(cattle bellow)
(torch blows)
(men working)
(hair burning)
(men working)
(talking and laughing)
- Hank!
(rope snaps)
- I'm alright.
(Hank coughs)
- Hank.
(Hank continues coughing)
Here here, come on, come on.
- Oh my God.
- You got me?
- Yep. You okay?
- I'm weak.
Let me stand up.
- Atta boy.
- I'm alright.
- You okay?
Here let me grab your hat.
- Oh man, I'm jittery.
Let me sit on something.
- Here you go, here you go,
don't miss.
(Hank sighs)
- I don't know what
the hell happened.
Oh my God I was just
working around the barn.
Got tangled up with this rope.
- Sorry to just drop in on you.
Mac wanted to know if you'd mind
borrowing us that post-pounder.
- Oh yeah.
Could you come back
later in the week?
It's all torn apart
now cuz I've been
working on
that goddamn pin.
And I'll have it done by then.
- Yeah I'll come by
in a couple days.
- It is hot.
- Yeah. It is.
- I saw a squirrel the
other day putting
suntan lotion on his nuts.
(Andy tries to chuckle)
- Yeah.
Radio says there'll be
rain tonight, so...
- There's nothin' out there.
- How many head you runnin' now?
- Maybe just shy of a hundred.
- Well the prices are holding.
At least for now.
So you're sure you're OK?
I think that head looks
like it might be sore.
- No no, please I'm okay.
Oh man.
Come over if you would
and help me stand.
- See you around Hank.
Be back in a couple days.
- Hope so.
(distant truck driving)
(Susan) - It's the meat,
I can't seem to stomach
the smell.
- Are you...?
(Tara) - Are you what Mom?
(Andy) - Eat your food.
Never you mind.
Stop scraping your fork
on your plate.
- Sorry.
Mom she keeps kicking me.
- No I'm not.
- Ben, don't be a taddle tale.
Tara, stop it.
(Susan) - I ran into Mrs Miller
at the store today.
(Andy) - Oh yeah. What
did she want?
Ben stop it.
- We should talk about it later.
- Oh I know what you're
talking about.
- No you don't.
(Tara) - Yes I do.
(Susan) - Tara.
- BEN.
- You really hurt his feelings.
- Yeah.
Well. He needs to toughen up.
- He's 10.
- My dad would have
taken a belt
to me when I was his age.
- He doesn't have
to be like you.
And you sure as hell
don't have to be like your dad.
- I'm not.
But he needs to learn
his manners.
- You should say you're sorry.
- Maybe.
- And to her.
- Okay.
I will in the morning.
- What's wrong?
- Let's don't do this right now.
- Why don't you dance with me
when we're out?
(shouting outside)
- No.
(Dirk and Trina fight)
(Andy) - He was gone all day.
I don't think Mac was
too impressed.
(fighting escalates)
(Andy) - You think
I should go over?
- No wait. Wait wait wait.
(Susan) - Holy.
(Andy) - Shit.
(Susan) Are you gonna go over
and talk to him?
(shouting continues, baby cries)
(Trina) - Fuck you Dirk.
Stay here with your truck.
Might be best to let
him sober up.
(Dirk) - Hey hey.
Don't fucking hit my truck.
They'll sort it out, right?
(Dirk) - Get the fuck
out of here.
(pounding on door)
- Mac.
- Wakey wakey, hands off snakey.
- Aww, fuck off.
- Rough night?
- Something like that.
- Yeah we heard a bit of
something last night.
She runoff?
- She'll be back.
She's got no money.
She'll either get hungry
or bored or both.
- I'm looking for your dad.
- Probably went into
town for coffee.
- Yep, okay.
- If you need something
to do you can
go clean out the pens
in the barn.
They never got done
after calving.
I'll be out in a bit.
(door slams)
(ominous music)
(loud door opening
whooshing sound)
- You grab Hank's post-pounder
like I told you?
- I'll pick it up tomorrow.
- Crazy old hermit.
When was the last time
you think he got laid?
You know he used to
buy feed from us
we'd go over there
when I was a kid.
And he'd go into his
kitchen and we'd
hear the cupboard
doors creak open
and he'd come back
with a thick wad of cash.
His twin brother
killed himself.
Slit his own throat,
over a bucket right
in the middle of the yard.
(Andy) - I'm getting
sick of him.
- Yeah.
What do you think Mac
really thinks?
- I dunno.
It ain't my place hon.
- I've been thinking,
and I think maybe
the best thing for me to do
would be for me to get
some shifts at the hospital.
- What?
You haven't worked in 10 years.
- I haven't worked in 10 years?
- You know what I mean.
- Do I?
- At the hospital.
- I miss it.
It's time to go back.
We could really use the money.
- It's 45 miles away.
- Yeah.
- Wuh...
Well what will you
do in the winter?
- Drive.
- Right.
- Yeah right.
(Ben) - Mom, Tara won't give
my dinosaur back.
- Ben don't be such
a tattle tale.
I told you brush your teeth
and get your pajamas on.
(Andy) - What about the kids?
- What about the kids?
- Well who's gonna
take care of them?
- Who do you think?
- I'll find something.
- I can easily make
as much money as you.
- This.
This is your job.
- I'm done.
I've gotta put the kids to bed.
(car passing)
- Shit.
(truck approaches)
(turns truck off)
(knocking on door)
- Hank?
(radio) ... saying it might be
the driest year on record
with no rain in the immediate
(turns off radio)
- Hank?
Oh no.
(Andy coughs)
(Andy spits in the sink)
(clearing throat)
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
(door creaking)
(full coffee can)
(door slams)
(ominous music getting louder)
- Andy hey Andy.
We're late we have
to pick them up.
(Susan) - What's the house like?
(Andy) - Borderline unliveable.
We could ask the Miller's about
dragging the trailer out there.
- Would be a long bus ride
for the kids.
- Be good for them.
- Think Mac would co-sign?
- I can get a loan.
- You mean we.
- I just need to call the bank.
That's the first thing.
- I think we're gonna need
a co-signer Andy.
- Feels wrong, moving
this quick.
Hank's barely cold.
- You do realize your father
will never speak to you again?
- That's about where things
are at anyhow.
- Are you sure this
is what you want?
- What options to we have?
- Well me going back
to work for one.
- There's no need hon.
- Oh that pig smell.
God I'm gonna be sick.
- Do you need me to pull over?
- No no keep driving.
Just keep driving.
- Sorry.
- Oh God.
OK pull over.
- Ok ok ok.
- You ok?
(vomitting continues )
(ominous music)
(banker humming)
- Ah you forgot to
list your assets.
- Well I have my truck
and Susan's car,
but your assistant said
those won't count.
- I see right.
Let me give you a call
in a couple of days.
- Chances are good though?
- We'll have to see
what they say.
- Alright, thanks
for your time.
- Of course Mr Hollis.
- And call me
if you need anything else.
- Will do.
Mr Hollis.
Your hat.
- Ah.
Almost forgot.
(Scratch Acid song
Cannibal plays loudly)
- Chinese scrabble?
- Something like that.
- That's different music.
(music ends)
(Ian Tyson song Turning Thirty)
- You're awful dressed
up for work.
- Meeting at the bank.
- Trouble?
- Always.
- Sorry to interupt.
I was wondering if you
knew of anybody
who was looking for somebody.
- I work in a bar.
About all I see is folks
looking for someone.
- Sorry I mean a job.
- Oh.
No not recently,
the oil patch is dried up.
You're not happy?
- The boss' son is back.
- Ah yeah.
The inimitable Dirk Longridge.
You looking to stay around here?
- It's as good a place as any.
- You sure about that?
- You gotta be from somewhere.
- Well you're not from here,
neither am I.
What else is going on?
- Saw a cow in a
tree last week.
(laughing) - What's that?
- Saw a cow in a tree.
- Ah, I'm not following.
- We've had two mutilations
the last couple of months.
I guess that's what you call it.
You heard of that before?
- I read about it, yeah.
Animals all cut up
like surgery,
something like that.
- Something like that.
So do you know what it is?
- Oh, well,
aliens, satanists,
covert government testing,
teenage pranksters,
or maybe some bad alfalfa.
- You think bad alfalfa killed
and cut up those cows?
- You're asking what I think?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- Why not?
- My opinion isn't going
to solve anything for you,
because my opinion
is that I don't know.
Certainty is a rare exception
to the rules of life.
What ever is easiest to swallow
is what most folks
gravitate towards.
And even if you lie to yourself
as best as you can,
and look for something
you call true,
whatever your theory is,
it's probably wrong.
- That's bleak.
- Maybe.
Maybe not.
We make ourselves comfortable
in order to get through
our days.
Most folks just want
to be happy,
at least in some regard,
and live their lives believing
they're basically good.
- You think people are bad?
- I think people are 50/50.
Most men and women
for that matter
will choose one or the other
most of the time,
so much so that
they forget about
the other half.
- Hmmm.
(hand washing)
(water dripping)
(phone rings)
- Hello?
Yes he is, you're lucky
you caught him.
(whispers) The bank.
- Hello?
Yeah it's good to hear from you.
You did? That's good.
What was that?
There's no chance?
What about a co-signer?
Ah I dunno.
Uhuh... well...
OK. Thank you.
(cow bellows)
(ominous music)
- Shit.
(pots and pans rattle)
(dark ominous music
and radio signals)
(radio static)
(music grows loud)
(Mac) - Thought you should know.
Dirk's gonna make
an offer on Hank's place.
(Andy) - That right?
Striking out on his own, eh?
- No, not really.
He's uh, expanding.
- I was thinking
about making an offer.
- Shit I didn't realize you
had that kind of capital.
- I'd get a loan.
- That'd be a tough sell.
No collateral, that's
a big ticket.
- I was thinking of getting
a co-signer.
-You're not thinking
of me are you?
- There's nothing for me here.
-This land's not worth
much anyhow.
- This is why you should
get in touch
with your father again
and try and make things up.
(kids cartoon plays)
(Susan) - Andy I've gotta talk
to you about something.
(Andy) - I'll fix
the sink tonight.
- No it's not that.
I had a meeting
at the hospital today.
I picked up a few shifts.
It's just casual for now,
but could be full time
by the fall.
- What?
- When what?
- When?
- Today.
- At the hospital?
- Yeah that's what I said Andy.
- Well you can't.
- Well I did.
- No you don't get it.
You can't.
Cuz we're moving back to dad's.
(Susan laughs)
- What are you talking about?
- I called him. It's
a done deal.
- Without talking to me first?
- I thought that's
what you wanted?
- What I want?
- Wow, you have no
idea what I want.
(whispers) You asshole.
How could you do that?
- You were the one that
kept pushing me to do it.
I'm just trying to do
what's best for all of us.
- For us or for you?
- Why are you the one
who gets to decide?
- What is wrong with you?
- What am I supposed
to tell them Andy?
- Tell who?
- Kids get your boots on.
We're going now I don't know
when we'll be back.
(plumbing tools)
(snapping metal)
(wrench hits floor)
(rotary phone dialing)
(Andy drops receiver)
(door slams across yard)
(dog barks)
(ominous music)
(ominous music climaxes)
(radio static and beeping)
(Susan) - Where are you?
- Just past Alsask.
- I can't believe
you'd leave us
without saying anything.
- Going back to Dad's.
- You didn't call him did you?
Did you?
You lied to me you
didn't call him...
- Look will you tell Mac I'm...
I'm not going to be in today.
- My god I can't believe you.
- We're going back.
I just have to talk
to him first.
- What are you just
gonna show up
at his doorstep and say what?
- I don't know yet.
- Well good luck.
(phone hangs up)
- Thanks.
(rain falling)
(knocking on door)
- Hi.
- Uhm...
... who are you?
- Haley.
- Sorry I didn't realize
he had company.
Is he here?
- Is who here?
- Dennis is not around?
- Rick? Do you know a Dennis?
This guy's looking for Dennis.
Is that the farm up the road?
- Hi, I'm Andy.
- Rick. No Dennis here.
Sorry I think you got
the wrong place.
- No...
No, no, ah...
No this is my dad's place.
- Your dad's?
- Yeah.
- You're Van Leuwen's kid?
- No... what?
Sorry, no, there's
some sort of mix up.
Dennis Hollis, this
is his house.
- Sorry who are you?
- Andy.
I'm Dennis' son.
He wouldn't sell.
- Do you want to come in
or something?
(baby crying)
- No.
(reflective music)
(rain taps on truck cab)
(shallow breathing)
(choking and coughing)
(ominous music with
radio static)
(distant thunder)
(banging on equipment)
(country music)
- You ever hear of
anyone drowning
themselves in two feet of water?
- No it's unusual.
- Drowning.
Helluva way to go.
- I heard it's rather peaceful.
- Yeah I heard the brain reaches
an alpha state when you drown.
Sort of like sleeping,
but you're concious,
very relaxed.
Not unlike hypnosis.
- Doesn't sound so bad.
- But you're still dead.
I read a story recently.
It happened over there
at the Red Deer River.
Around the end of the
last century.
There was an RCMP Constable...
He was travelling with
a French half-breed,
out around Empress.
Long before the land
was settled
mind you, it was bare land
without many folks around.
And the two men are crossing
the South Saskatchewan,
and their boat flips.
Now it's not deep water,
but the Indian knows
they're in trouble,
so he sort of swims
and crawls his way to shore.
Mahoney though, he's a big guy,
he tries to stand and walk.
And his feet get stuck
in the quicksand mud like glue.
He tries to struggle,
as anyone would I guess.
But he just sinks more.
He throws his belt and gun.
Nothing helps.
(ominous music)
The Indian's on shore,
trying to do what
he can to help,
running around looking
for their rope
which has just gone down stream.
There's no big sticks,
paddles to throw to
the poor bastard,
who's just slowly sinking.
Now just try to imagine this.
Sinking slowly,
deeper and deeper
into the water.
An hour passes, water's cold,
it's up to your chest.
Sinking more and more.
Now what must that feel like?
So he calls the Indian over,
he gives his last will
and testament,
he screams, he cries, he prays,
But nothing stops the sinking.
Water is up to his neck,
he calls the Indian over,
he says goodbye to him
he cries a last prayer,
keeps sinking,
he closes his mouth.
His eyes are like
to pop out of his head
as water is lapping
at his lips,
he tries to no avail to push
the water away from
his nostrils,
bubbles comes out,
there's a tuft of hair,
his hands flap above the water
for a moment,
and then they stop.
Helluva thing to watch
a man die.
(country music fades in)
- What the hell kinda
story is that?
- Gotta think the Indian
wanted him dead, right?
Fucking Indians.
- Whose land do
you think we're living on?
- Mine.
- No, we're living
on stolen land.
(Dirk) - Fuck off.
- Well how can a man own land?
(shuffling to leave)
Last call, it's on
the house y'all.
- Y'all.
Why don't y'all go back
where you came from?
(truck won't start)
- Old jalopy won't start eh?
- Funny.
- Hop in.
- I thought you had plans.
- Maybe you wanna join.
Besides who else is gonna
get you out of here?
- I should get home.
- Get in, we won't stay long.
(truck passes by)
(ominous music)
- So dad was saying you were
thinking of buying
old Hank's place.
- Thought about it.
- Yeah.
Signed the papers
on it yesterday.
- Congratulations.
- Got more than just that.
- What's that?
- So where are you going?
Now that, you know,
you're fired and all.
- I've got plans.
- Why didn't you go back
to your Daddy's?
You think you're better than me.
- Yeah.
(Dirk laughs)
(muffled heavy loud music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music swells)
(pounding on window)
- Wakey wakey, motherfucker.
Move over.
It's my fucking truck.
- Get in.
(engine starts)
(Dirk) - How come you never
tried to fuck my wife?
You tried to fuck my dad.
You sure tried to fuck me.
You don't think I know how hard
you tried to take our
place from us?
(ominous music starts)
He wanted my homo brother
to have it.
Never taught me shit
about farming.
But, they don't like
cocksuckers around here,
so it all fell on me.
- Sad story.
- You think I wanted this?
This place is like a noose
around my neck.
- Then why are you here?
- What kind of man would I be
if I didn't claim my birthright?
- What do you know
about being a man?
- You know what? Fuck you Andy.
(Dirk) - Whoah! WHOAH! WHOAAH!!
(truck crashes into
the distance)
(steam from truck)
(seatbelt clicks, Andy falls)
(gurgling sounds)
(ominous music grows)
(blood gurgling)
(music builds)
(quieter music and static)
(music fades)
(Mac) - Did he say anything?
(Andy) - No.
No Mac.
He was gone.
Just... gone.
I shouldn't have let him drive.
I tried.
- He was...
He was pig-headed.
I hated that about him.
Hated it.
(choking back tears)
What am I gonna do now?
Sorry I'll be right back
(door opens and closes)
(door opens and closes)
(ominous music)
(music fades)
(wind howling)
(wind rattles windows)
- Who are you?
- I'm just...
...trying to...
- What are you trying?
- I just wanna...
- Don't.
Just don't.
- You don't get to just leave.
(trunk slams)
(wind rattles the windows)
(woeful music)
(phone rings)
(woeful music)
(music fades)
(machine collapsing)
(crying and struggling)
(ominous music)
(indiscipherable calling)
(ominous music)