Hanukkah on the Rocks (2024) Movie Script
(Lighthearted music )
Right here, dear.
Hurricane Tory is
making landfall.
Hi Bubby.
I was worried you
wouldn't make it.
I would never miss
Bubby breakfast.
Best five minutes of my week.
You know I wish I could
spend more time with you.
I see you more than
anyone else in my life,
besides some people
at the office,
if that makes you
feel any better.
It does not.
(nervous laugh)
Don't look.
What's wrong? It's Helen Hirsch.
She looks nice.
She's still mad that I
wouldn't set you up
with that putz grandson of hers.
Hi Helen.
Good to see you.
She's the worst.
I think maybe she
put a curse on you,
which is why you're
still single.
Bubby, my firm's announcing
the new partners
at the beginning of the year.
I have to keep my eye
on the prize, right.
Partner, eh?
Yeah. In that case,
I'll have double lox.
(phone buzzing)
I, I know what that means.
I'm so sorry,
Bubby, I have to go.
Are you okay, Bubala?
Of course.
Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
No reason.
See you next week?
It's a date.
Oh, and don't forget,
it's almost Hanukkah.
Yeah. Be sure to get
the good candles.
I will!
I love you.
(Melodic music )
At least my
granddaughter has a job.
(Melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(mellow music )
(melodic music )
(Melodic music )
(Harmonic music )
Oh, my god.
All-nighter, huh?
Please tell me it gets
easier once you make partner.
Sure, if you make
it past the merger.
What merger?
You didn't check your email?
I'm sure you'll be fine.
(Melodic music )
(Melodic music )
(harmonic music )
(Harmonic music )
(uplifting music )
(harmonic music )
I saw that, Sam.
You do know we have a menu
with actual food on it, right.
If anybody wants any food,
they got to wait ten minutes.
I'm on break.
You just came in
ten minutes ago.
Oh, you should probably
take it up with the manager.
Oh, wait, that's me.
Also, mind your business.
Watching you is my business.
Wait, no, that came out wrong.
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?!
What is wrong with you?!
Oh, I have an audition for
Second City next week,
and I'm basing a
character on you.
Pretty good, kiddo.
Lottie: Don't
encourage her, please.
Oh, Jay Bird.
Hi Grandpa.
Jay, you're looking pretty good.
I'd say a little too tanned.
Let's try some
sunscreen next time.
I'm in a dark room
all day, Grandpa.
I think I'm safe.
In a dark room?
What are you, a photographer?
A video gamer?
He's a proctologist.
Is there a difference?
So, it's been a few years.
What brings you back?
His parents made him slep all
the way up here to try to get me
to move down there to retire
with a bunch of old coots.
We just want you to be with
the rest of your family,
so we can take care of you.
Yeah, I don't need
to be taken care of.
I'm fine and I'm
not going anywhere.
You taking Sam away?
Look, I'm just here to talk.
You know, if you mess with my
Sam, I'm gonna poison your food.
You know I think that's illegal.
And don't expect service
if you sit at a table.
Look, I think you guys
all have the wrong idea.
You know what?
I am going to write you
as the villain in my novel.
You're writing a novel?
Yeah, none of your business.
Tough room.
(Melodic music )
(phone buzzing)
(melodic music )
Hi mom.
How's the Bahamas?
I am not mom.
I am a latke.
I am very delicious
with apple sauce.
Looks like someone discovered
the magic of chat filters.
Hold on, I'll make
it go back to normal.
(Melodic music )
Walter, I, I can't make it stop
doing this Hanukkah thing.
What, I'm a donut?
How, why am I a donut?
Did you futz with this thing?
No, I don't, I didn't
touch anything.
Fix it.
Use the mouse.
There you are.
You were making me hungry.
Why? Aren't
you eating?
And what are you doing
home from the office?
Are you sick?
No, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm working from home.
Such a go-getter.
Good girl.
We're so proud of
you, sweetheart.
We tell everyone we meet
all about your success.
It's true.
When you make partner-
Great, what happened?
We're dreidels.
Oh, wait a minute.
Hanukkah, not for two more days.
Let's just make it stop.
Oh, speaking of Hanukkah,
have you gotten a present
for your nephew yet?
Guilt imported from the Bahamas.
What a treat.
No, you're right, I
should go see them.
In fact, I think I'll
go there right now.
Love you.
Love you, too, bye.
Bye, Tori bug.
(Melodic music )
I can't believe
you're here, Tor.
It's really good to see you.
Who is it?
Who are you?
Who am I?
Parker, it's your Auntie Tory.
What's the family password?
Like, the one that mom
made up when we were kids,
so we wouldn't
talk to strangers?
That's the one.
Okay, you may enter.
Why, thank you.
Why don't you go
play, Bud, okay?
What a kid, huh?
So cute.
He really didn't recognize me?
I mean I almost forgot
you had a lower torso.
I know.
I know, I'm sorry.
Are you making cookies?
For Parker's school
Hanukkah party tomorrow.
Wanna help decorate them?
Come on.
After you.
(Melodic music )
Mom, she's eating
all the frosting.
Oh, it's okay, Bud.
She's, um, she's going
through some stuff.
Yeah, I'm going
through some stuff.
So, you really had no idea
there was going to be a merger?
None, totally blindsided.
Then why aren't
you freaking out?
I mean I have some savings,
and three months severance.
I know I'll land
somewhere eventually.
I just don't know
exactly where or when.
For the first time in
my life, I feel free.
What? I thought you
loved being a lawyer.
Well, I do, but pouring over
50-page commercial contracts
all day, every day isn't
the career I pictured.
Then why did you take the job?
'Cause they offered it to
me right out of law school.
And everyone said,
"Wackowitz, Schwartz,"
Greenberg and Goldblatt,
uh, Wackowitz, Schwartz,
Greenberg and Goldblatt, you
can't turn down Wackowitz,
"Schwartz, Greenberg
and Goldblatt."
So I went.
Huh, but it's not what
I thought it would be.
I didn't expect I'd feel so cut
off from the rest of the world.
Have you told mom and dad?
You kidding?
After everything they've
done to help get me this far,
they'd freak out,
and Bubby, too.
No, I'm not saying a
word to any of them
until I know my next step.
So, don't tell them, okay?
Okay, but me not telling them is your
Hanukkah present. (cellphone buzzing)
What's mine?
(cellphone buzzing)
Why is Bubby calling me
in the middle of the day?
(cellphone buzzing)
Did you tell her?
Yes, Tor, I've been secretly
texting our grandmother
this entire time.
Hi Bubby.
Yes, I am at Becca's,
how did you know that?
Evi Shehkman told you.
Oh, she lives across the street.
She plays mahjong with Bubby
at the JCC senior
center every week.
No, no, no, everything's fine.
Um, listen, do you want to
meet me at Gilbert's Deli
tomorrow for brunch?
Yes, I know it's not our usual
day, but I'm working remotely.
No, I won't get up from the
table in the middle of the meal
to take a work call.
You'll have my
undivided attention.
(Melodic music )
Okay, great.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
I love you.
(Melodic music )
I'm perfectly capable of making
my own food, you know.
Lottie said you get dinner
downstairs at the bar
almost every night.
So, I mean the food's good.
I get a discount,
and with my friends.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing, it's just mom and dad
are worried about you, so am I.
I know that.
You didn't need to come all the
way up here to tell me that.
What's going on?
Mom and dad needed someone
to convince you to come.
And I need a little break.
You need a little break?
Something wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
But what's wrong with
you is that you fell down
on the floor and
you couldn't get up.
Yeah, that was a freak accident.
And it won't happen again.
Why don't you just fly down and
see the retirement village.
It's like a resort.
I mean it's an 18-hole golf
course, year-round sunshine,
it doesn't get better than that.
I don't play golf.
Okay, that's number one. Okay.
Number two, the sun
makes me all splotchy.
Number three, I hate casseroles.
All those aggressive
women down there, they,
they force their food on you,
and next you're gonna want
me to play pickle ball.
Can I eat already?
Here it is, Grandpa.
This looks good.
Like your papa used
to make for me.
Piece of advise, find
yourself a man who can cook,
especially if you end up
bringing home the bacon,
unless he keeps
kosher, of course.
What are you doing for the
first night of Hanukkah?
I'm volunteering for
the senior center party.
I'll get you a fake ID
if you want to come.
Can you pull off 62?
I think 62 might be
a bit of a stretch.
But is there anything
I can do to help?
One day off, and
you're already bored.
The work ethic on this one.
What can I do?
Could you get me a box of
the "good" Hanukkah candles?
The "Cohen" brand.
I can't find them anywhere,
and Helen will never
let me hear the end of it
if I bring the other kind.
Tomorrow is the first
night of Hanukkah,
and I need to get those Cohen
candles for our menorah.
They're the only good ones.
And every store
in town sold out.
So, there are "good"
Hanukkah candles.
Aren't they all the same?
You're joking, right?
Isn't a candle just a candle?
No, it has to be Cohen.
The cheap drugstore
ones drip everywhere.
And set off the smoke alarm.
And burn out in two minutes.
Who knew there was a whole
Hanukkah candle hierarchy.
Your Grandma Celia would always
use those Cohen candles
in her menorah.
I'm sorry, Grandpa,
I had no idea.
I'm gonna do my best, and I'm
gonna find them for you, okay.
Only if you want to.
I want to.
They're in a light blue box.
The candles are like a swirl of
three different shades of blue.
If there's a red
one in the box...
It's the wrong box.
Hey good luck!
Good luck!
(Lively music )
Go ahead.
You're my last hope.
Do you have any of the Cohen
Hanukkah candles left?
Oh, I'm looking for those, too.
The blue box with candles
with three shades of blue?
With the swirl?
You know about these?
Honestly, I didn't even
know there was a difference
until this morning.
I must have missed that
day at Hebrew school.
(Epic music )
You take them.
No, you go ahead.
No, no, no, I insist.
That's fine.
So, I feel like you're saying
that, but you really want them.
Well, of course I want them.
That's literally why
I'm in the store.
But as a nice Jewish gentleman,
I'm letting you have them.
Letting me?
You know what I mean.
Yes, I do.
And as a feminist,
I'm not taking them.
Wow, um, okay.
Well, you win.
Mazel tov.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
(Melodic music )
(melodic music )
(Melodic music )
So, the other guy says,
"In case you get
a hole in one."
Ha! I mean I don't play
golf, and I love that joke.
Ah, you crack me up, Sam. Ha-ha.
You should have
your own TV show.
What's your poison?
Oh, no, it's a little early
for me to have a drink.
I'm looking for someone
who just walked in.
He's tall, has dark hair.
His name is Jay.
He'll be right back.
How do you guys know each other?
We don't.
Who sent back the wings?
(Melodic music )
What was wrong with them?
Then why did you send them back?
'Cause I knew it would
bring you out here.
So, there's nothing
wrong with the wings?
Of course not!
They're perfect.
Just like you.
You're perfect.
No, okay, no, that didn't
go how it went in my head.
Could have had more
of a quirky smile.
Yeah, that was the reason.
I think you're trying just a
little bit too hard, Anthony.
I mean if it's supposed
to be, it'll be.
The shayrt.
That's how fate works.
True romantic, huh?
You know it took three
months before my late wife
even noticed me, and then we
were married almost 50 years.
What finally did the trick?
I took the last cookie
at a Hanukkah party.
You took it?
You ever had kichel?
Yeah. It's the worst stuff ever.
Dry as a bone.
Trust me, I saved her life.
Well, it's nice to know there's
still chivalry in the world.
Thought you didn't
care for chivalry.
That's not what I said exactly.
Ah, what's going on here?
I got probably the last
box of the Cohen candles
in the entire city.
Well, that's good news!
She wanted them, too.
I did. Putz, why didn't
you give it to her?
Hi, I'm, I'm Sam, you are?
Tory, hi.
Hi Tory.
This man over here with no
manners is my grandson, Jay.
And trust me, he was brought
up much better than this.
I tried to give them to her!
She refused to take them.
That true?
At the time, yes.
Oh, so you do want them now.
Hmm, then why did
you follow me here?
I didn't follow you in here.
I, I want a drink.
Could I have an old fashioned,
please, with extra cherries?
You got it.
Sam, pass them over.
Uh, oh!
My boyfriend, he just texted me.
He's taking me to
Cabo for the holidays!
That short guy?
Oh, with the bushy eyebrows?
That's right.
The one you said you had
nothing in common with?
Yes, that was before he told
me was taking me to Cabo.
I have to go pack.
We leave in two hours.
Howie's off 'til the New Year's.
We don't have anyone to bartend.
Lottie, you don't understand.
It's a, it's an all inclusive.
Okay, but does it include a job?
Because if you leave here,
you won't have one
when you come back.
I'll take my chances.
It's a big city.
Wait, Cabo?
I mean are you sure?
I don't think that means
what she thinks it means.
Yeah, I, I guess she doesn't
celebrate "Chah-nukah."
Well, I will make some calls.
But in the meantime...
does anyone know how to
make an old fashioned?
I do.
Yeah, I used to bartend
a little in college.
It's, um, bourbon, bitters,
simple syrup and cherries,
and I have a little
orange peel, please.
Yeah, me, too.
(Melodic music )
Oh, you want me to?
(Melodic music )
Okay... I guess.
(Melodic music )
(rhythmic music )
All right, tell me
what you think of that.
You are the expert.
Thank you.
(Melodic music )
Okay, you're hired.
No, no, no, I was just
showing you my recipe.
I'm not looking for a job.
So, we need someone to
cover Cabo Cara's shift.
Got any plans tonight?
And you can't just hire some
random person off the street.
Hey, go back to Florida.
Yeah, the hutzpah on this guy.
That's how you say it.
Thank you.
So, think you could help out
Lottie maybe just for one night?
I mean we just met, but
I love talking to you,
and you're kind of like a
granddaughter I never had.
You just met her.
Don't you have like an
x-ray to read or something?
Well, I, I got two
weeks off actually.
Yeah, to come here
and give me tsuris.
I mean what a waste of a vacation.
So, what do you think?
I mean one night could be fun.
But just for tonight, okay?
Of course, mm-hmm, yeah.
(Lighthearted music )
(harmonic music )
Can I take that?
Where, oof.
You okay, dear?
I think I'm just not used
to being on my feet
so much anymore.
But you had fun.
I did.
Does that mean you'll come back
tomorrow and give us a hand?
We could sure use the help.
Oh, I don't know.
Do you have something
better to do?
I mean come on, one more night.
It would mean the world
to this altekocker.
I don't think I can.
I dare you.
I double dare ya.
You double dare me?
I mean you do make
a decent cocktail.
You're welcome.
(Melodic music )
Becca: Tory, hey.
Hi Parker.
Cool fort.
What's in the bags?
I have bagels and lox, and your
Hanukkah present for tonight.
You're not coming to
the JCC with us?
No, I can't.
I have work tonight.
Hey, you got a new job already.
So, what is it,
like night court?
It's more like night life.
I'm bartending again.
Just like in college.
I thought you said you
were okay financially.
Bartending indicates otherwise.
No, I'm fine.
I walked by a bar, and
they lost their bartender,
so I just filled in a bit.
That's really nice of you.
Yeah, the tips are good.
And it's nice to be
around nice people.
Uh, it's mom on video.
Ah, hi ma.
Ma: Happy Hanukkah.
Happy Hanukkah to you, too.
Did I just hear Tory's voice?
No, mm-mmm.
She was just off yesterday.
She was, she was.
Yeah, she is back
at the office today.
I don't know why I asked.
I mean, it's Tory.
Where else would she be?
A dive bar in Old Town.
Could you imagine?
(Melodic music )
You're about six hours early.
I know.
I wanted to bring you these.
Look what I got.
That's it?
Well, I'm working
on getting more.
These ones, um, I got at work.
That's all I need
for the first night,
and to get Helen off my back.
Different Helen.
It's that Helen.
Do you want to help?
(Melodic music )
They're not kichel.
Oh, smart and thoughtful.
Hey, you know, next
time I would use
a little more icing, okay?
You know, I think you're
probably the first Jewish
retiree in the world who doesn't
want to retire in Florida.
Yeah, this hair and that
humidity will never work.
Well, for what it's worth, it's
clear that Jay loves you a lot.
That's why he wants you
to move there, right?
Ah, his parents
put him up to it.
He just wants to
make them happy.
That I can relate to.
Come on, your parents must
be incredibly proud of you.
Maybe not for much longer.
I couldn't find the menorah.
Ha-ha-ha, here it is.
I mean you could
have just texted me
and told me you found it.
I needed a break from all
the Florida mishegas.
You know, I think it'll
be perfect right up here.
So, we're gonna light the
menorah in the dive bar.
We prefer "historic lounge".
You know your grandmother and I
came here every
night after work.
Really? Yeah, this was our spot.
So, yes, we are doing
Hanukkah here because it was
her favourite holiday, and
this was her favourite place.
I'm sorry, grandpa.
I didn't realize.
Well now you know.
And I think it's only proper
we light the first candle
here tonight, since you
guys are sharing, right?
Yeah, I'm not sure that was the-
Sure, yeah.
Um, I mean it doesn't exactly
scream Hanukkah in here.
Oh, that reminds me.
I brought some
decorations from home.
Well, that's a nice start.
Hey, Sam, do you want to be
in charge of the decorating?
Ha-ha, I'm your guy.
Okay, here.
(Joyful music )
Seems a little sparse to me.
It'll have to do for now.
It's almost sundown.
For the record, I'm replacing
the two Cohen's I borrowed.
Oh, I have no doubt we have
enough candles for all
eight nights, just like the oil
in the Hanukkah story.
Okay, but there literally aren't
enough candles in the box.
Yeah, ye of little faith.
And, oh, Jay, see, you
don't use the Cohen candles,
it's full of wax.
Help me out.
I'm on it, I'm on it.
Everyone, everyone gather round.
It's the first
night of Hanukkah,
and we're gonna
light the menorah.
So, if you want to be
a part, gather round.
Hey, what if we're not Jewish?
Everybody means everybody.
The menorah, it's
a symbol of hope.
Who doesn't need that?
(Melodic music )
Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai
E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech ha-olam
A-sher ki-de-sha-nu
Ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik
ner Cha-nu-kah
You know, when Jay was a kid,
he used to blow out the candles.
He thought it was a birthday cake.
And thus, the Hanukkah
curse was born!
That's not a thing, right?
Oh, it is if you drink too
much Manischewitz sangrias.
That just gave me a good idea.
(Lighthearted music )
It's a special
Hanukkah cocktail.
It's basically a Moscow Mule,
but with a hint of Manischewitz.
Sam: What are you
gonna call it?
Good question.
"The Maccabee Mule".
Maccabee Mule it is.
That's great.
Here, try it.
Okay, thank you.
(Piano music )
Okay, wow, I am adding that to
the specials menu
tomorrow night.
You know, you guys could
lean into Hanukkah more.
You could have more decorations,
more special drinks.
And for the next seven nights,
instead of calling the bar
Rocky's, you could call
it something like...
"Hanukkah on the Rocks".
You're really good at this.
It sounds wonderful, but it
won't work unless you're here.
I mean you came up with it.
I mean technically it
was Grandma Celia's idea.
I could do one more night.
For Celia.
(Harmonic music )
(upbeat music )
(melodic music )
How long have you
been standing there?
Long enough to be
sure it was you.
I'm terrible at recognizing
people out of context.
I just assume we went to summer
camp together or something.
That's me.
Camp Shalom.
Oh, ha-ha.
No, I, I, I really went there.
You went here?
Yeah, cabin five,
like 20 years ago.
Cabin two.
No way.
That's so crazy.
Can I get a coffee
black, please.
Yeah, and for you, sir?
You okay?
Some attorneys from
my old law firm.
So, you really are a lawyer?
I think they're trying to figure
out if they should come say hi,
or pretend they didn't see me.
And I'm hoping for the latter.
See, this is why
I love radiology.
There's no awkward
office politics.
It's an introvert's paradise.
You don't seem
like an introvert.
Oh, I'm an
extraverted introvert.
I'm gonna need hours just to
recover from this conversation.
Let's go for a walk.
Can your "social
battery" handle it?
What do you know,
it's recharged.
(Mellow music )
Pretty different
from Florida, huh?
I don't think I appreciated it
enough when I was living here.
Now here, you just never know
what's around the corner.
There, you know, I guess I feel
like everything's the same.
All the time.
Yeah, like you're just
going through the motions.
Something's not quite right.
I may or may not know what
you're talking about.
It is what it is until it isn't.
Oh God, that was deep, huh?
I just made that up.
Did you?
I did. That was either the
most inspirational thing
I've ever heard, or it wasn't.
Yeah, it, it wasn't.
I didn't think so.
Hey, do you want to shop for
more Hanukkah decorations
for the bar?
So, you're really
coming back tonight?
Why wouldn't I?
I don't know.
I mean Anthony's
pretty annoying.
Okay, I'm pretty sure
if we took a poll on
"The Most Annoying Person
at Rocky's", you would win.
Yeah, I know.
Uh, they really don't want
my grandpa to leave.
He seems pretty happy here.
We just want him to
be with us, you know.
Is your family all here?
Yeah, yeah.
I've just been really busy
in the last few years,
so I haven't had that
much time to see them.
Until you got fired.
Like I said.
I'm sorry.
Always relegated
to the end caps.
Still no Cohen candles.
You know, since you owe us two.
I'm working on it.
Oh, good, they have the
traditional "Hanukkah Tiara".
That's good.
I think these sunglasses
were designed by
Elton John Berkowitz.
I didn't think you
were a selfie guy.
Well, I'm not.
My grandfather asked me to send
pictures of what we're getting.
Oh, just as long as he
doesn't get the wrong idea.
The last thing we need is
to encourage his new career
as a matchmaker.
Drives me crazy that people
assume just because a guy and
a girl are single, the
same age, and Jewish,
they should be a "thing".
Figuring out my life, I
don't have time for a "thing".
I just got out of
a long-term "thing".
Were you the
ender or the end-ee?
Let's just say I'm always gonna
wonder if someone's with me
because I'm a doctor,
or because I'm me.
It's 'cause you're a doctor.
I'm definitely getting these.
Oh, here, let's split it.
I'll pay for half.
You're unemployed.
I'm fine.
Plus, I made a ton
in tips last night!
And it's for a good cause.
Can I ask why you're
so gung-ho about this?
I mean, you just
met my grandfather.
I'm the granddaughter
he never had, remember?
You sure it's not just so
you can focus on something
besides what you're doing next?
You sure you didn't come
here just to get away from
the hamster wheel of your life?
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Want to rewind the
last thirty seconds
and we pretend it
never happened?
Thank you.
Happy Hanukkah.
Okay, lower, lower,
lower, lower.
Okay, the right side down
a little bit, a little bit.
That is perfect!
There? okay?
That's not...
I don't think it's straight.
Should we, let's just fix it.
(Upbeat music )
Okay, but now it's
Hanukkah on the Rocky's.
That doesn't really work.
Straight though.
It worked!
Asah nisim la-avoteinu
V-imoteinu ba-yamim
Ba-z'man ha-zeh
Nice job, everybody, way to go.
This really is a Hanukkah bar.
It's beautiful.
No way.
I think I see an old
buddy of mine from school.
I'll be right back.
This really is awesome.
You know, everyone's saying
they've seen this kind of thing
for Christmas, but
never Hanukkah.
It's already all over Instagram.
We don't even have an account.
We do now.
I set it up.
It's @RockysOldTown
on all platforms.
Hashtag: "Hanukkah
on the Rocks."
You have a real
flair for marketing.
I could have used you back
in the drycleaning days.
What was your slogan?
"Sam's cleaners: What,
You Want To Walk Around
with a Dirty Shirt?"
Was that your friend?
Yeah, it was.
Can you believe it?
Him and his family
never left Chicago.
Unlike some people.
So, what's the Hanukkah
drink of the day?
It's a bourbon "shamash".
Get it?
Instead of "smash?"
The "shamash" is the candle
in the middle that lights
all the other candles.
The drink's basically an
elevated Old Fashioned.
But it has a jelly
donut hole garnish.
Now you're talking.
Hey, how do you
spell "shamash?"
It's for the book.
That's a whole
day's work ruined!
I am so sorry, Anthony.
Anthony, I see you writing on
these napkins all the time.
Do you ever put your
work on actual paper?
Yeah, sure.
And sometimes I put
them on legal pads.
Or back of an envelope.
My hands.
But the best stuff goes
on the cocktail napkins.
It's what I'm
gonna be known for.
It's my schtick.
Didn't Aaron Sorkin write "A Few
Good Men" on cocktail napkins
when he was a bartender?
What are you still doing here?
Sam's not going to Florida.
Get over it.
But can we not talk about this.
It's Hanukkah.
Wait, wait.
So I can't talk about
it for another week?
I don't make the rules.
I mean you're literally
doing that right now!
How long have you
been doing that for?
I quit my accounting job
and gave myself two
years to write my novel.
When's the two years up?
New Year's Eve.
I'm almost done.
That's your novel?
Yeah, no, they're,
they're all numbered.
Anthony, no one's gonna be
able to read it like that.
Well, then no one's
gonna be able to read it.
This is how I want it, okay.
What if everybody hates it?
What if it's the
Great American Novel?
Anthony, you've put so
much work into that,
you have to show it to someone.
What about Lottie?
Um, yeah, I, I mean if,
if you typed it up, sure.
You'd read it?
Um, what, what if it's no good?
Um, well, then I guess you just
go back to doing my taxes.
Guess you better start typing.
Tory, you are good people.
Jury's still out
on this shmendrik.
(harmonic music )
Hey, check it out.
Sam lent me his old typewriter.
It was a dark
and stormy night...
Kidding, I'm kidding.
Okay, come and get it.
Oh, what's that?
Just some Hanukkah snacks I
made with what we had in back.
Oh my.
Is it good?
Lottie, this is incredible!
Thank you.
You could do a whole
small bites bar menu
for the rest of Hanukkah.
It would be such a hit, right?
One hundred percent.
I, I don't really
do gourmet anymore.
Why not?
Well, you know, um, a long
time ago I had my own place.
And one of my competitors paid
off the paper to give me
a bad review, and it worked.
That was fun.
It's just easier to
stick with the basics.
That's terrible.
But still, there's
something to be said
for going outside
your comfort zone.
Trust me.
One night could change
how you see things.
Okay, well, I'll think about it.
So delicious.
You know what the best
part about bartending is?
When you leave work,
you're just done.
For the last 10 years,
I don't think I've ever
been able to fully clock out,
you know?
This is so liberating.
So, does that mean you're
coming back tomorrow?
Oh, I thought you had
someone you're bringing in.
Oh, yeah, no, sorry,
that didn't work out.
It wouldn't be the same
with you after all this.
Unless you have other plans.
I don't.
That's been the best part.
Nobody needs me to be anywhere.
We do.
(Melodic music )
And what's another night in
the grand scheme of things?
So, you didn't interview
anybody, did ya?
You know, who has time for that?
I'm so glad you
came by, Bubbale.
You know one of my favourite
traditions for Hanukkah
is to knit a new blanket
for someone special.
And now I can pass
my talents on to you!
I'm not sure I have talent.
Or if we can legally
call this a blanket.
Speaking of legal...
Are you working
from home again today?
Um, no, today I'm
taking a personal day.
I'm having lunch with
Becca and Parker later.
Well, your "personal"
days are my lucky days,
because I get to see you.
Hmm, oh.
Seriously, what is with her?
Oh, I'm used to it.
You know, the senior center
is just like 7th grade,
but with walkers
and hearing aids.
You should hear
these ladies talk.
It's pure entertainment.
Look, Tor, I'm glad
that you're keeping busy,
and spending time
with the rest of us,
but I'm a little
worried about you.
I mean are you even
looking for something new?
No one's hiring
over the holidays.
I'm just putting my
career on a slight pause.
By taking a job at a bar?
Rocky's isn't a "job".
It's just a place where
I go to pass the time.
During a set period of the day?
And they give you money?
Yes, they do.
But just a little.
Mm-hmm, that's called a job.
Where is this coming from?
Did you talk to mom and dad?
No, of course not.
I just don't want you
to throw the law degree
out with the bathwater.
That doesn't make sense.
You know what I mean.
I don't know what you mean.
But what I do know is that this
is the first time in years
when I've actually looked
forward to going to my "job"
instead of dreading it.
Isn't that something?
What does that say?
Jay: Tory.
I don't know you.
Jay, this is my sister Becca,
and my ever-vigilant
nephew Parker.
Jay is a regular at the bar.
Oh, you already have regulars.
Tory had everyone in that bar
wrapped around her little finger
from the moment she walked in.
Oh, well, have a seat.
Oh, thank you.
But I can only sit for a second.
I'm here picking up something
for my grandfather.
Oh, isn't that sweet of you!
I don't know this word.
Oh, let's see, honey, um.
I can, I can help him.
That is a tough word.
Want to sound it out with me?
Did you hear that?
Is there a bee in here?
That's a lame joke.
I tried, I tried.
Are you, um, are you sure you
can't stay for breakfast?
I wish I could, but black and
white cookies wait for no man.
Especially if that
man's name is Sam Rosen.
He's got great taste, because
Gilbert's is the best.
Yeah, our whole family
used to come here
for breakfast every Sunday.
It's one of my favourite
memories from when I lived here.
So did ours!
What a coincidence.
If you think that's
a coincidence,
wait 'til you hear
about Camp Shalom.
Oh, do tell.
Later, because we wouldn't
want those cookies to go bad.
That's not how cookies work.
Well, it was really
nice to meet you guys.
Same here.
Very, very enlightening.
See you tonight.
It's not what you think.
I like him.
(Melodic music )
Hi Sam!
Nice to see you, Tory.
You, too.
Oh, hi Jay.
Hi Tory.
Oh, what smells so good?
That, my dear, is what
Lottie's been working on
since the crack of dawn.
The Hanukkah Happy Hour
menu is ready for tasting.
Thanks for lighting
a fire under me.
I thought it went out long ago.
(Lighthearted music )
Okay, we have fried
dill pickle spears with
"everything bagel ranch"...
Manischewitz braised short rib
with a horseradish gremolata...
Challah bread pudding with
vanilla glaze and, of course,
latkes with a crme frache and
a honeycrisp apple reduction.
When did you have
time to do all this?
I got up very early.
So, try it, try it!
(Lighthearted music )
It's funny, I never
thought there was
anything "new" anyone
could do for Hanukkah.
Until this week.
You know, food has always
brought generations together.
And I just love the fact that
we're doing that here, too.
Barukh Atta Ado-nai
Elo-heinu melech ha'olam,
She'asah nissim la'avotenu
bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh
That's what Hanukkah's
all about, isn't it?
Shining light into darkness.
And with that light,
now all of a sudden,
we see possibilities
we never saw before.
(Melodic music )
Please join us for some
Hanukkah Happy Hour.
Come on.
Come on over.
Let's go.
Got some fried
pickles over here.
(Upbeat music ) (click, plunk, plunk,
plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk)
(upbeat music )
(whimsical music )
Yeah, I can see
that on your website,
but I was wondering when
they'd be back in stock.
Because I could do
overnight shipping or...
(melodic music )
Oh, I feel like February
might be a smidge too late.
Thank you.
(Melodic music )
(harmonic music )
Oh, there's my Tory bug!
Happy Hanukkah!
I thought you guys were in
the Bahamas 'til Wednesday.
Come, sit.
We came back early.
There's far too much
sand for any one person.
We also missed seeing
your punim in person!
We're just glad you
got the morning free.
Your father thought you
for sure would be working.
It's Sunday.
Well that never
stopped you before.
She's been using
her personal days.
Now that is a great firm.
You let your best lawyers
have some family time
during the holidays.
Yeah, they're real mensches.
Um, okay, so here's-
Sam Rosen, is that you?
It's been ages.
Francis, how are you?
So good to see you.
You two know each other?
Used to play cards with
Celia at the senior center,
rest her soul.
Wait a minute, you're Tory's bubby?
Of course.
She is amazing.
How do you know Tory?
Oh, it is a great story-
Best told some other time.
Why not now?
Yeah, Sam, sit, join
us for breakfast.
Oh, oh.
We were just getting takeout.
I have a great idea.
Why don't you join us at Rocky's
for Hanukkah tonight? Okay.
The dive bar around the corner?
Historic lounge.
Historic lounge.
I remember Celia would throw the
best Hanukkah parties there.
Uhhh, hey, I just remembered,
my menorah is in the shop,
could we please
take a raincheck?
Yes, sure.
Of course.
We should get home before
the food gets cold. Yeah.
It's really nice to meet you all.
Thank you.
Nice seeing you.
There's a repair
shop for menorahs?
Who knew.
(Harmonic music )
I thought you left.
Yeah, I came back.
I want to see if you're okay.
You seemed pretty stressed out.
I was.
I still am.
Well, did you end
up telling them?
I don't want to
ruin their Hanukkah.
Or their Purim.
Or Passover.
You know I feel like
you may be stalling.
I just don't want to
disappoint them, you know.
Yeah, I understand that.
You know, my dad was pretty
upset when I didn't go
into cardiology like he did.
Why didn't you?
I wanted to do my
residency at Johns Hopkins.
The only open spot
was in radiology.
Yeah, that's pretty
much how I ended up
practicing corporate law.
Once you start down
the road like that,
it's almost impossible
to change course.
Unless something
changes it for you.
Yeah, unless something
changes it for you.
(Melodic music )
Oh, Lottie, everyone's
raving about the food.
You should come on
out and take some credit.
Oh, what do I look like, some
publicity hungry celebrity chef?
No thanks.
What, you're not
gonna imitate me?
Isn't your big
audition coming up?
Uh, I don't want
to talk about that.
Okay, I've got a
new one for tonight.
I haven't named it yet.
What's floating around in there?
It's a special liquor that
has gold flakes in it.
Huh, gold flakes.
Um, I like drinks that
are free of heavy metals.
I'm gonna pass.
I'll take it.
Novelty Hanukkah drinks
are kind of growing on me.
You want to name it?
How about "Steve"?
(laughs) No, no, no, I got it,
this is it, so much better.
"The Gelt-y Pleasure".
Yes, and we'll serve gelt
with it on the side. Yes.
I, I had all this chocolate, um.
You, always with the garnishes.
I'm sorry.
I'll make you your
own custom drink.
Hey, how about a "When are you
gonna tell your parents you lost"
"your job" and tonic?
Grandpa, she's gonna
tell them after Hanukkah.
Oh, and you know that how?
Oh, never mind.
None of my business.
Want to play some dreidel?
I was thinking, we should
have Hanukkah games here.
Like something besides dreidel.
What's the problem with dreidel?
No, no, but we could
make some of our own.
I think people would
really love it.
What, like,
"Menorah Pong?"
Like, line up the
cups like a menorah?
I could do Hanukkah trivia.
Yeah, that's cool.
Okay, try this.
Tell me what you think.
I'm gonna see if I'm gonna add
it to the menu tomorrow night.
Little soup spoons.
Anthony, here, try this.
So cute.
Oh, that's good.
That's really good.
Oh, I've got it.
"Bowling with
matzo balls."
What, you think they're
heavy enough to bowl with?
No, no, no, I-
Oh, I did it again, didn't I?
Don't drag me into this.
Remember at camp when we
had "Hanukkah in July"?
And we played that game, "Eat
a donut hole if, dot, dot, dot".
Yeah, I do.
We should workshop that.
Maybe after closing.
(Rhythmic music )
(rhythmic music )
Okay, eat a donut hole if...
you've ever wrapped a Hanukkah
gift in Christmas paper.
Me neither.
Okay, um, eat a donut hole
if you've ever been overly
competitive with
a game of dreidel.
I have.
I'm competitive.
Okay, eat a donut hole if...
your mom always snuffed
out the Hanukkah candles
early because she was convinced
they'd burn the house down.
Every year, right.
Eat a donut hole if...
this Hanukkah's becoming one
of the best you've ever had.
(Mellow music )
(melodic music )
(rhythmic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
Grandpa, making that much for
two of us is a waste of coffee.
Let me make you a pour-over.
What's that?
Well, you pour hot water
over coffee grounds,
into a glass carafe.
Oh, you mean, like this?
(Whimsical music )
Your generations
a bunch of suckers.
Yes, we are.
And by the way,
I'm out of coffee.
I'll go get some
after I get back.
Where are you going?
Okay, first things first...
I have to find Parker's mug.
It's so cute.
This looks like the
Picasso meets Warhol
meets the emergency room.
I'm just glad I'm
here to get it.
I've missed so
much of this stuff.
Yeah, it's funny.
I feel like I'm still
part of this community,
even though I've been gone
for twenty-five years.
Wow, this would be perfect
for my grandfather.
You take it.
No way.
I'm not falling for that again.
Good point. How
about we go 50/50?
Do you think Sam will
get the wrong idea
if we go in on a gift together?
He might.
Or maybe it's not the
wrongest idea in the world.
This one.
Thank you.
Uh, look at this.
Is speed dating really
making a comeback?
I guess people
miss the experience
of face-to-face awkwardness.
We should do this at the bar.
Can you imagine?
I kind of can.
Thank you, everyone, for
spreading the word about
tonight so quickly.
We're happy you're here.
And this is how it's gonna work.
So, we're gonna
ask some questions.
And you just write
down your answers.
And then we will match you up!
Hang on.
How do you decide
who gets matched up?
Oh, that's the best part.
The older folks will
do the matching for
the younger folks
and vice versa.
It's gonna be amazing.
You'll see.
But first, we need to
rearrange the tables, okay.
(Melodic music )
Two more "Yentas," Tory.
(Melodic music )
You sure you don't
want to get in on this?
Oh, no.
I told myself no dating
until I figure out
what I'm doing with my life.
Otherwise, you know someone's
heart's getting broken.
The way I see it, no point
buying a plane ticket
if you don't know
your destination.
(Melodic music )
Oh, I see what you did here.
It's like the many
layers of a relationship.
Yes, that's exactly
what I was going for.
No, but the way you said it
made it sound really deep,
so let's just go with that.
Okay, is everybody
ready for Round One
of Menorah Matchmaking?
All right, let's go!
Here's the first question.
What do you want
most for Hanukkah?
Ten seconds.
Write it down.
What do you want
most for Hanukkah?
A man who can make
a nice brisket!
Yeah, good luck with that.
(lighthearted music )
Okay, next question.
What are the top five
songs in your phone?
You can put songs on your phone?
Come on, people,
don't shout it out.
(Lighthearted music )
times up.
(Melodic music )
What TV character
are you most like?
Wait, who's that guy
on that cop show?
Or, no, wait, no, wait, he was
in that, um, that law-
What? Remember he was
in the '60s and the...
John Hamm?
Yeah, John Hamm.
You think you're
most like John Hamm?
I do.
Okay, yeah, I could see that.
All right.
I have another question.
Oh, this is a good one.
Uh, do you go to temple more
than on high holidays
and funerals?
And by the way, Bar and Bar
Mitzvahs, they don't count.
Why don't they count?
They don't count.
Come on, it's an easy one.
(Melodic music )
Next question.
What's the most important
quality you want
in a life partner?
Question, I have a question.
Yeah, let me help you out.
(Melodic music )
Who would you put?
If I were playing?
I'd say I'd want someone who
brings out the best in me.
Someone who encourages
me to take risks.
Someone who can make me laugh.
Those are, those are good.
Tory, I believe you're up.
One more question.
Yes, right, okay.
Last one.
If you could change
anything about your life,
what would it be?
Who wrote this one?
Hmm, kind of deep.
Everybody take your time.
(Lighthearted music )
So, what would you write
down if you were playing?
I probably wouldn't have taken
the first job I was offered.
What do you wish
you did instead?
I don't know yet.
But I don't want to work
alone in an office every day.
I need to be with people,
whether that's Legal Aid,
or being a public defender.
I want to see the impact
I'm having on people's lives.
(Melodic music )
What about you?
I wish I could go back in time
and talk my family out of
moving away from here
in the first place.
(Mellow music )
This is fantastic.
And do they do this every year?
Well, usually it's just
donuts and dreidel.
But this year we had a
last-minute sponsor. Who?
Didn't they tell you?
No, I had no idea.
That's so nice of them.
Uh, from what I heard,
the owner wanted to,
well, share the celebration
with the entire community.
Let's look around.
Oh good.
Check this out.
Over here.
You could be my
Hanukkah honey
You could be my honey
Bringing all
the holiday cheer
Bringing the holiday cheer
When I'm with my
Hanukkah honey
It's the best eight
days of the year
There's a game
with a wooden top
When it lands on a...
Everyone's having so much fun.
Not as much as Sam.
I've got marshmallows over here.
Oh, you want some over here?
Don't burn your hands.
Whatever you do,
don't burn them!
Okay, who else wants some?
Anybody else want some? All: Me!
All right, guys.
So, you and my sister
really hit it off, huh?
Kids: Ice cream!
Yeah, she's, she's really
an incredible woman.
But you don't live here, right?
So, how's that going to work?
Well, we... we haven't really
gotten that far yet.
Look, Jay, I like you.
But maybe you
don't get "that far"
until you both know
what your futures hold.
(Melodic music )
Look what I found, the
elusive Cohen candles on eBay.
Oh my God, that is fantastic!
I feel like that costs
more than med school.
I know.
But I need more for Bubby
for the rest of Hanukkah.
Have you seen her here tonight?
I told her I was at the office.
She's right there.
Tory! You're here!
I'm here.
I left work a little early,
'cause you know I can't
miss a good Hanukkah party.
You've missed your parents'
Hanukkah parties for years.
I think they're gonna
light the big menorah.
So, we should get a
good spot, right?
Elo-heinu melech ha'olam,
She'asah nissim la'avotenu
Bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh
(crowd chatter)
(crowd chatter)
You know, I think
I've seen more of you
in the last week than in the
last five years combined.
And that's a good thing, right?
It is for me.
But I'm worried about you.
Oh, no, no, I'm fine, Bubby.
"Fine" usually means
the opposite.
(Melodic music )
How long have you
been out of work?
(Melodic music )
I got laid off a week ago.
Huh... it's okay.
Because I have a
severance package,
and I have some
savings, and really...
And you were miserable.
I was miserable.
How did you know?
I've had breakfast with
you once a week for years.
Happy people don't order bagels
with strawberry cream cheese.
(Harmonic music )
Oh, please don't tell
Mom and Dad, not yet.
I just, I know they're
gonna worry about me.
And I'm afraid they're gonna
be upset because they worked
so hard to help get
me here, you know.
Because they thought
that's what you wanted.
If you don't want that anymore,
you have to tell them.
I will.
I'll do it soon.
But I have to run because
I have to get to work.
You just said you were laid off.
Um, yes, but there's
something else
I should probably tell you.
How about we talk
about it over a drink?
I hear that Hanukkah bar
is really something else.
(Melodic music )
Here you go, Francis.
It's called a Hanukkah Hammer.
It's on me.
Thank you!
I'm coming, coming!
Those nice fraternity boys from
Northwestern are fighting over
who gets to play
dreidel with me.
When you got it, you got it.
You got it.
Coming boys!
Hi. Kevin has Parker,
so I can hang out!
This place is the best.
So, Jay, why would you want
your grandfather to walk away
from a community like this?
I have no idea.
I like her.
Just saying.
I found a Hanukkah
playlist online.
Is it just the dreidel
song on repeat?
It's really cool.
You know, we should definitely
get a live band next year.
And we're gonna start "Hanukkah
on the Rocks" on night one.
Next year?
Don't worry about next year.
I mean Hanukkah's
about each night
being a gift we didn't expect.
And I know none of
us expected this.
So... let's make it last
as long as we can.
So, in the interest of living
every moment of Hanukkah
to the fullest...
You want to dance with me?
I love to dance, but I
can't really leave the bar.
I got ya covered.
Are you sure, Sam?
Thank you, Grandpa.
You were not the only one who
was a bartender in college.
Oh, really?
You used to bartend, Sam?
I was the best.
Oh, this is the mother lode!
Happy Hanukkah to me!
Just about to say
the same thing.
Grandpa, Happy Hanukkah.
Oh, thank you.
Happy Hanukkah, Sam.
Wait a minute, what's, what's?
Did both of you get that for me?
Oh, it's no big deal.
No, it's, it's a big deal.
It's kind of a big deal, Tor.
Now no matter where you are,
you'll never run
out of cherries.
(Melodic music )
I just love this.
This has been a really good day.
(Melodic music )
Come on.
(Melodic music )
Hey, you got those Mules?
Isn't your big
audition tomorrow?
I'm not going to that.
Why not?
Because it's all I've
ever dreamed about doing
since I was little.
And if it doesn't work out,
I don't know what I'll do.
I do.
You'll dust yourself off
and find something else
that makes you ever happier.
Is that what you're doing?
I'm working on it.
You know what?
If I hadn't been laid off,
I wouldn't know that I was
on the wrong path
in the first place.
Do you think I'm
on the wrong path?
What I'm saying is, you
won't know either way,
until you take the first step.
You owe it to yourself to try,
so you never have to wonder,
"What if?" you know.
Thank you.
Happy Hanukkah!
We come bearing gifts!
Bubby, you didn't have to
bring me anything else.
It's for everyone.
I saw videos of this game
the kids play at parties,
where they throw a
beanbag into a hole.
It's a latke toss!
The hardware store around the
corner helped with the boards.
The ladies at the senior
center helped make these.
I caught Helen trying to
leave a gap in the seam
so the beans would fall out.
Not today, yenta!
Well, it's better
than using real latkes.
Right, all the fun, none of the
"smelling like french fries
for the next week."
Winner buys lunch tomorrow?
Get out your wallet.
You're buying. That's
fine, I got money.
Go and play.
I'll take over the bar again.
That's all I can do. The legs.
You knocked it in!
Thought that was yours.
You knocked mine in.
Wow! That was
Oh, my God.
Tomorrow, I shall be ordering
the diamond-encrusted lobster.
Yeah, I don't think
that's kosher.
Here we go.
(Upbeat music )
What are you making?
I'm not sure.
Lottie asked me to come up
with something creative.
So, you guys tell me.
There's the little garnish.
What do you think?
Do you eat those, too?
No, no.
It's delicious.
This could be your
second career!
Never know.
Hey Jay!
The guys in the back want to see
that worse x-ray ever photo.
I'll be right back.
We have to name this. I know.
I don't know what
to come up with.
Hmm, Stacy-Lynn.
Come help us.
Need a name for this drink.
How about,
"The He-Brew."
'Cause of the coffee.
It's fantastic.
Not too much?
I love it.
He-Brew, genius.
Good job.
It really is.
Okay, who wants latkes?
Did someone say latkes?
Are we doing this again?
Oh, it's the last one
before my audition.
I have to try, right?
What are all these people
gonna do without you
after tomorrow night?
I don't know what I'm
gonna do without them.
Neither do I.
Okay, who's gonna light
the candles tonight?
How about old friends?
Who are still young at heart.
Ha-heim bi-zman ha-zeh
By the way, I notice you
have the Cohen candles.
I'm impressed!
Tory could only find two
candles in all of Chicago!
Actually, those were Sam's.
Why thank you, dear.
I'll pay you back in blintzes.
But, what will you use
for the eighth night?
You'll be two candles short.
You know, there were eight
nights of oil in Jerusalem.
Somehow, I believe there's
gonna be eight nights
of candles here in Chicago.
I have faith.
Hey, has anybody seen Jay?
(Mellow music )
So, there you are.
You missed the menorah lighting.
You okay?
I was thinking about
how hard it's gonna be
going back to Florida.
You know, without you, I mean.
Oh, giving up trying to convince
me to move down, have you?
You win, Grandpa.
If I were you, I wouldn't
want to leave, either.
Then don't.
It's just not that simple.
Hmm, you know, actually it is.
You just need to
follow your heart.
The rest, it'll
take care of itself.
I'll see you inside.
I didn't know you sat anywhere
besides your spot at the bar!
Well... this booth is
very special to me.
The entire bar is.
In fact, this is the
most important place
in the world to me.
And I just want to make
sure that after I'm gone,
whoever owns it, feels the same.
Wait, you own this bar?
Yeah, shhh!
I own the entire building.
Only Lottie knows.
Mind blown.
So then wait, you're the person
who sponsored the JCC party!
Yeah, I wanted to give back.
And I want to keep giving.
And I've decided to
give all of this to Jay.
And that's where you come in.
You're a lawyer.
Mm-hmm. Do you know a
lot about estate law?
I wouldn't say a lot.
I know a little, but I
could get a few references
for estate attorneys
who know more than I do.
I'd appreciate that.
And don't tell Jay.
I won't.
I just wish you'd
tell him yourself.
Huh, when the time is right.
(Mellow music )
Sorry, there's no diamond
encrusted lobster on the menu.
That's okay.
I love grilled cheese.
I make the best grilled cheese
you've ever had in your life.
I got to make it
for you next time.
Next time you visit?
So you are going back, even
if Sam doesn't go with you.
You know, I'm done
trying to convince him.
He's happier here.
What about you?
I'm happier here, too.
But this isn't real life, is it?
I mean if I move back here,
I'd need to get a new job,
and you'd start at
another law firm.
Now that I know what it's
like to be surrounded
by people instead of paperwork?
I'm not going back
to that, no way.
You make it sound so easy.
It's not.
But in my heart,
I know it's right.
That's basically what
my grandfather told me.
He's a smart man.
You're so lucky to have him.
You know, I think he just
wants what's best for you.
And I think he
wants you to stay.
What about you?
It doesn't matter what I think.
You have to make
your own decision.
And I have to update my parents.
They're having their annual
"8th night of Hanukkah"
party tonight at the house.
I think I'll go there.
I'll have Sam watch
the bar for an hour,
and I'll tell them tonight.
You want to come with?
Moral support?
After we light the candles
at the bar, of course.
Anywhere you are, is
where I want to be.
So, count me in.
(Mellow music )
Um, Lottie, uh, I'd,
I'd love it if you'd
be the first to
read chapter one.
Oh, re-really?
I can get to it, yeah, I'll
get to it when I get to it.
Sure, thanks.
Anthony, you did it!
It's 'cause you
talked me into it.
Oh, Sam, check it out.
You came up with this?
Sure did.
Take a look.
This is fantastic!
I was thinking the hat is
just the beginning, you know.
We could sell merch up front.
You know, t-shirts,
glassware, things like that.
Great idea.
Yeah, maybe we can keep the
decorations up 'til January,
you know, just like
they do at Christmas.
Lottie, I don't know how
long I can keep working here.
Lottie: I know.
You have to get on
with your own life.
I understand.
I just don't want
this all to end.
I don't think any of us do.
Jay, do you have a few
minutes where we can speak?
Yeah, of course.
Okay, let's go.
Excuse me, can you tell me
where I can find Sam Rosen?
Um, that's me.
Can I help you with something?
Yeah, my client was interested
in buying your building.
We spoke over the
phone last month.
You haven't been
returning my calls.
Yes, there's a reason for that.
I'm not going to
sell the property.
That is disappointing.
Anyways, what do you
have going on here?
Some kind of birthday party?
It's Hanukkah.
I am in my office so much I
barely know what month it is.
Oh, is that a beanbag toss?
Yeah. Hey, hey, I call next.
You own this building?
Yeah, it's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
You were so right.
I should have told him earlier.
Wait, wait, you knew?
Only since yesterday.
He asked me for legal advice.
But I don't-
Anymore secrets
you'd like to share?
No, I don't have any secrets.
Are you sure about that?
(Melodic music )
Estelle: I, I don't
know what to say.
I was gonna tell
you tonight, Mom.
At your place.
I thought you were having
a party at the house!
We were.
But then when we heard so
much about this Hanukkah bar
from Bubby, we decided to
bring the party here.
Of course, Bubby left out
one every important detail.
I'm no snitch.
What happened, Bug?
I got laid off last week.
And I, I've been
working here a little.
I really was gonna tell
you tonight at the party.
I just, I just can't
believe you wouldn't tell us
something like this.
Este, Este.
That's why!
Let me talk to her.
Thank you.
I can't believe you
didn't tell me you knew
my grandfather
owned the building.
Jay, he asked me
not to say anything.
Well, I'm the one who's
supposed to be helping him.
I don't need your help.
I just want you to stay.
And you were using Tory
to talk me into it. No.
What, what's in it for you?
A little freelance
pay on the side?
Do you really think
that little of me?
I don't know what to
think right now, Tory.
Good, okay.
Well, good, 'cause we have
that in common now, too.
Jay, where are you going?
I'm friends with the
guy who owns the building
and I'm still paying for drinks?
He really owns the
entire building?
Yeah, Rocky's, the apartments,
the whole building.
Why didn't he tell us?
He didn't want to be
treated any differently.
Look, Jay, you're my grandson.
I love you, but you've
got to just calm down.
The Rosen's don't get so
excited about things like that,
you know.
It wasn't supposed
to be like this.
Tell me about it.
You can say that again.
Tory, Jay, follow me.
But he-
(Mellow music )
Okay. I've got some
things I want to say.
Everything I've done,
I've done for love.
When this building became
available fifteen years ago,
I bought it.
And do you know why I bought it?
'Cause this is the
bar where I met Celia.
That booth downstairs, that's
where I proposed to her.
This apartment, this is
where I raised my family.
It kept our family together.
And it brought you together.
I can still feel her in here.
She's alive in here.
So that's why I bought it.
'Cause I didn't want
anything to change.
And then I thought,
well, maybe it's me,
maybe I'm just being stubborn.
Maybe I should
just sell this place
and move down to Florida
and be close to my family.
And then you walked in the door.
And it reminded me
what's on the dreidel.
Nun, gimel, hay, shin,
which translates into
"Nes gadol haya sham."
"A great miracle
happened there."
(mellow music )
You changed everything.
For all of us.
You were the light
we were looking for.
And Jay, she gave us
the reality of exactly
what we were looking for.
A place we could call our home.
A place full of love.
A place where we belong.
This place.
Tory... you were
our miracle.
And you were mine.
(Mellow music )
Come here.
Eat some babka.
Work it out.
(Mellow music )
Jay, I'm the one who asked
Tory for some advice yesterday.
Everything else was real.
Don't be a yutz.
And Tory, about your parents.
Do what makes you feel good.
You got it?
(Mellow music )
Mmm, that's good babka.
It's really good babka.
(Mellow music )
Okay, honestly- I'm
sorry for getting upset.
I didn't mean to
react like that.
It was just a lot to take in.
For my whole life, I've only
seen things in black and white.
All or nothing.
"It is what it is?"
Until it isn't.
You know, I came up here
thinking I'd change
my grandfather's mind.
And instead he changed mine.
You both did.
About everything.
(Mellow music )
I really wish I
could have told you.
But he wanted you
to want to stay.
(Mellow music )
And I know that's
not an easy decision.
Actually, it's
the easiest decision
I've ever made in my life.
I'm not just "going
through the motions" here.
I'm living.
Now I thought something was
missing, but it turns out,
everything I was looking
for was right here.
(Mellow music )
Just to confirm,
you're staying, right?
I'm staying.
What about your practice?
You know my buddy from school
that I ran into at the bar?
His wife runs a community
clinic in Woodlawn.
And they need a radiologist.
So... you'd be working
directly with patients?
Well, it turns out once you
drag me out of a dark room
in Jacksonville, I'm not
such an introvert after all.
You just need to be
around the right people.
I am.
This is wonderful.
I'll go.
(mellow music )
Uh... what about
your parents?
Um... I guess I'll just
have to convince them
to retire up here instead.
Finally, a good idea.
(Mellow music )
Do you, like, is he coming
back, or should, I don't?
I don't know.
(Lively music )
Hey, how we doing over here?
Good, okay.
(Lively music )
So, we may have overreacted.
But we will always
worry about you.
I really am so sorry I
didn't tell you guys.
I just didn't want to
ruin your vacation. Oh.
And I didn't want you to think
that all the sacrifices
you've made for me over
the years were for nothing.
We just want you to be happy.
And whatever you decide to do,
we'll be right there with you,
just like we always have.
Thank you for saying that.
I love you guys.
We love you, too.
(Mellow music )
It's about us?
Of course, it's about us.
Hey, would you maybe want to,
um, discuss it more over dinner?
Do I have to cook it?
No, no, like a
dinner date with me.
Yeah, I could do that.
I could do that.
(Mellow music )
It's your turn.
Hmm, it's too bad we're still
missing those two Cohen candles.
Well, actually...
You had them the whole time?
Celia and I were saving
them for a special occasion.
I think this counts.
Thank you.
Barukh Atta Ado-nai
Elo-heinu melech ha'olam,
She'asah nissim la'avotenu
Bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh
(Mellow music )
Happy Hanukkah.
Happy Hanukkah.
(Mellow music )
(endearing music )
(endearing music )
We put a dreidel in a tree
(Lively music )
We put out Barbara
Streisand's holiday city
(Lively music )
We open gifts every night
(Lively music )
And there were seven more
days to go to get it right
(Horn music )
(Lighthearted music )
Right here, dear.
Hurricane Tory is
making landfall.
Hi Bubby.
I was worried you
wouldn't make it.
I would never miss
Bubby breakfast.
Best five minutes of my week.
You know I wish I could
spend more time with you.
I see you more than
anyone else in my life,
besides some people
at the office,
if that makes you
feel any better.
It does not.
(nervous laugh)
Don't look.
What's wrong? It's Helen Hirsch.
She looks nice.
She's still mad that I
wouldn't set you up
with that putz grandson of hers.
Hi Helen.
Good to see you.
She's the worst.
I think maybe she
put a curse on you,
which is why you're
still single.
Bubby, my firm's announcing
the new partners
at the beginning of the year.
I have to keep my eye
on the prize, right.
Partner, eh?
Yeah. In that case,
I'll have double lox.
(phone buzzing)
I, I know what that means.
I'm so sorry,
Bubby, I have to go.
Are you okay, Bubala?
Of course.
Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
No reason.
See you next week?
It's a date.
Oh, and don't forget,
it's almost Hanukkah.
Yeah. Be sure to get
the good candles.
I will!
I love you.
(Melodic music )
At least my
granddaughter has a job.
(Melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(mellow music )
(melodic music )
(Melodic music )
(Harmonic music )
Oh, my god.
All-nighter, huh?
Please tell me it gets
easier once you make partner.
Sure, if you make
it past the merger.
What merger?
You didn't check your email?
I'm sure you'll be fine.
(Melodic music )
(Melodic music )
(harmonic music )
(Harmonic music )
(uplifting music )
(harmonic music )
I saw that, Sam.
You do know we have a menu
with actual food on it, right.
If anybody wants any food,
they got to wait ten minutes.
I'm on break.
You just came in
ten minutes ago.
Oh, you should probably
take it up with the manager.
Oh, wait, that's me.
Also, mind your business.
Watching you is my business.
Wait, no, that came out wrong.
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?!
What is wrong with you?!
Oh, I have an audition for
Second City next week,
and I'm basing a
character on you.
Pretty good, kiddo.
Lottie: Don't
encourage her, please.
Oh, Jay Bird.
Hi Grandpa.
Jay, you're looking pretty good.
I'd say a little too tanned.
Let's try some
sunscreen next time.
I'm in a dark room
all day, Grandpa.
I think I'm safe.
In a dark room?
What are you, a photographer?
A video gamer?
He's a proctologist.
Is there a difference?
So, it's been a few years.
What brings you back?
His parents made him slep all
the way up here to try to get me
to move down there to retire
with a bunch of old coots.
We just want you to be with
the rest of your family,
so we can take care of you.
Yeah, I don't need
to be taken care of.
I'm fine and I'm
not going anywhere.
You taking Sam away?
Look, I'm just here to talk.
You know, if you mess with my
Sam, I'm gonna poison your food.
You know I think that's illegal.
And don't expect service
if you sit at a table.
Look, I think you guys
all have the wrong idea.
You know what?
I am going to write you
as the villain in my novel.
You're writing a novel?
Yeah, none of your business.
Tough room.
(Melodic music )
(phone buzzing)
(melodic music )
Hi mom.
How's the Bahamas?
I am not mom.
I am a latke.
I am very delicious
with apple sauce.
Looks like someone discovered
the magic of chat filters.
Hold on, I'll make
it go back to normal.
(Melodic music )
Walter, I, I can't make it stop
doing this Hanukkah thing.
What, I'm a donut?
How, why am I a donut?
Did you futz with this thing?
No, I don't, I didn't
touch anything.
Fix it.
Use the mouse.
There you are.
You were making me hungry.
Why? Aren't
you eating?
And what are you doing
home from the office?
Are you sick?
No, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm working from home.
Such a go-getter.
Good girl.
We're so proud of
you, sweetheart.
We tell everyone we meet
all about your success.
It's true.
When you make partner-
Great, what happened?
We're dreidels.
Oh, wait a minute.
Hanukkah, not for two more days.
Let's just make it stop.
Oh, speaking of Hanukkah,
have you gotten a present
for your nephew yet?
Guilt imported from the Bahamas.
What a treat.
No, you're right, I
should go see them.
In fact, I think I'll
go there right now.
Love you.
Love you, too, bye.
Bye, Tori bug.
(Melodic music )
I can't believe
you're here, Tor.
It's really good to see you.
Who is it?
Who are you?
Who am I?
Parker, it's your Auntie Tory.
What's the family password?
Like, the one that mom
made up when we were kids,
so we wouldn't
talk to strangers?
That's the one.
Okay, you may enter.
Why, thank you.
Why don't you go
play, Bud, okay?
What a kid, huh?
So cute.
He really didn't recognize me?
I mean I almost forgot
you had a lower torso.
I know.
I know, I'm sorry.
Are you making cookies?
For Parker's school
Hanukkah party tomorrow.
Wanna help decorate them?
Come on.
After you.
(Melodic music )
Mom, she's eating
all the frosting.
Oh, it's okay, Bud.
She's, um, she's going
through some stuff.
Yeah, I'm going
through some stuff.
So, you really had no idea
there was going to be a merger?
None, totally blindsided.
Then why aren't
you freaking out?
I mean I have some savings,
and three months severance.
I know I'll land
somewhere eventually.
I just don't know
exactly where or when.
For the first time in
my life, I feel free.
What? I thought you
loved being a lawyer.
Well, I do, but pouring over
50-page commercial contracts
all day, every day isn't
the career I pictured.
Then why did you take the job?
'Cause they offered it to
me right out of law school.
And everyone said,
"Wackowitz, Schwartz,"
Greenberg and Goldblatt,
uh, Wackowitz, Schwartz,
Greenberg and Goldblatt, you
can't turn down Wackowitz,
"Schwartz, Greenberg
and Goldblatt."
So I went.
Huh, but it's not what
I thought it would be.
I didn't expect I'd feel so cut
off from the rest of the world.
Have you told mom and dad?
You kidding?
After everything they've
done to help get me this far,
they'd freak out,
and Bubby, too.
No, I'm not saying a
word to any of them
until I know my next step.
So, don't tell them, okay?
Okay, but me not telling them is your
Hanukkah present. (cellphone buzzing)
What's mine?
(cellphone buzzing)
Why is Bubby calling me
in the middle of the day?
(cellphone buzzing)
Did you tell her?
Yes, Tor, I've been secretly
texting our grandmother
this entire time.
Hi Bubby.
Yes, I am at Becca's,
how did you know that?
Evi Shehkman told you.
Oh, she lives across the street.
She plays mahjong with Bubby
at the JCC senior
center every week.
No, no, no, everything's fine.
Um, listen, do you want to
meet me at Gilbert's Deli
tomorrow for brunch?
Yes, I know it's not our usual
day, but I'm working remotely.
No, I won't get up from the
table in the middle of the meal
to take a work call.
You'll have my
undivided attention.
(Melodic music )
Okay, great.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
I love you.
(Melodic music )
I'm perfectly capable of making
my own food, you know.
Lottie said you get dinner
downstairs at the bar
almost every night.
So, I mean the food's good.
I get a discount,
and with my friends.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing, it's just mom and dad
are worried about you, so am I.
I know that.
You didn't need to come all the
way up here to tell me that.
What's going on?
Mom and dad needed someone
to convince you to come.
And I need a little break.
You need a little break?
Something wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
But what's wrong with
you is that you fell down
on the floor and
you couldn't get up.
Yeah, that was a freak accident.
And it won't happen again.
Why don't you just fly down and
see the retirement village.
It's like a resort.
I mean it's an 18-hole golf
course, year-round sunshine,
it doesn't get better than that.
I don't play golf.
Okay, that's number one. Okay.
Number two, the sun
makes me all splotchy.
Number three, I hate casseroles.
All those aggressive
women down there, they,
they force their food on you,
and next you're gonna want
me to play pickle ball.
Can I eat already?
Here it is, Grandpa.
This looks good.
Like your papa used
to make for me.
Piece of advise, find
yourself a man who can cook,
especially if you end up
bringing home the bacon,
unless he keeps
kosher, of course.
What are you doing for the
first night of Hanukkah?
I'm volunteering for
the senior center party.
I'll get you a fake ID
if you want to come.
Can you pull off 62?
I think 62 might be
a bit of a stretch.
But is there anything
I can do to help?
One day off, and
you're already bored.
The work ethic on this one.
What can I do?
Could you get me a box of
the "good" Hanukkah candles?
The "Cohen" brand.
I can't find them anywhere,
and Helen will never
let me hear the end of it
if I bring the other kind.
Tomorrow is the first
night of Hanukkah,
and I need to get those Cohen
candles for our menorah.
They're the only good ones.
And every store
in town sold out.
So, there are "good"
Hanukkah candles.
Aren't they all the same?
You're joking, right?
Isn't a candle just a candle?
No, it has to be Cohen.
The cheap drugstore
ones drip everywhere.
And set off the smoke alarm.
And burn out in two minutes.
Who knew there was a whole
Hanukkah candle hierarchy.
Your Grandma Celia would always
use those Cohen candles
in her menorah.
I'm sorry, Grandpa,
I had no idea.
I'm gonna do my best, and I'm
gonna find them for you, okay.
Only if you want to.
I want to.
They're in a light blue box.
The candles are like a swirl of
three different shades of blue.
If there's a red
one in the box...
It's the wrong box.
Hey good luck!
Good luck!
(Lively music )
Go ahead.
You're my last hope.
Do you have any of the Cohen
Hanukkah candles left?
Oh, I'm looking for those, too.
The blue box with candles
with three shades of blue?
With the swirl?
You know about these?
Honestly, I didn't even
know there was a difference
until this morning.
I must have missed that
day at Hebrew school.
(Epic music )
You take them.
No, you go ahead.
No, no, no, I insist.
That's fine.
So, I feel like you're saying
that, but you really want them.
Well, of course I want them.
That's literally why
I'm in the store.
But as a nice Jewish gentleman,
I'm letting you have them.
Letting me?
You know what I mean.
Yes, I do.
And as a feminist,
I'm not taking them.
Wow, um, okay.
Well, you win.
Mazel tov.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
(Melodic music )
(melodic music )
(Melodic music )
So, the other guy says,
"In case you get
a hole in one."
Ha! I mean I don't play
golf, and I love that joke.
Ah, you crack me up, Sam. Ha-ha.
You should have
your own TV show.
What's your poison?
Oh, no, it's a little early
for me to have a drink.
I'm looking for someone
who just walked in.
He's tall, has dark hair.
His name is Jay.
He'll be right back.
How do you guys know each other?
We don't.
Who sent back the wings?
(Melodic music )
What was wrong with them?
Then why did you send them back?
'Cause I knew it would
bring you out here.
So, there's nothing
wrong with the wings?
Of course not!
They're perfect.
Just like you.
You're perfect.
No, okay, no, that didn't
go how it went in my head.
Could have had more
of a quirky smile.
Yeah, that was the reason.
I think you're trying just a
little bit too hard, Anthony.
I mean if it's supposed
to be, it'll be.
The shayrt.
That's how fate works.
True romantic, huh?
You know it took three
months before my late wife
even noticed me, and then we
were married almost 50 years.
What finally did the trick?
I took the last cookie
at a Hanukkah party.
You took it?
You ever had kichel?
Yeah. It's the worst stuff ever.
Dry as a bone.
Trust me, I saved her life.
Well, it's nice to know there's
still chivalry in the world.
Thought you didn't
care for chivalry.
That's not what I said exactly.
Ah, what's going on here?
I got probably the last
box of the Cohen candles
in the entire city.
Well, that's good news!
She wanted them, too.
I did. Putz, why didn't
you give it to her?
Hi, I'm, I'm Sam, you are?
Tory, hi.
Hi Tory.
This man over here with no
manners is my grandson, Jay.
And trust me, he was brought
up much better than this.
I tried to give them to her!
She refused to take them.
That true?
At the time, yes.
Oh, so you do want them now.
Hmm, then why did
you follow me here?
I didn't follow you in here.
I, I want a drink.
Could I have an old fashioned,
please, with extra cherries?
You got it.
Sam, pass them over.
Uh, oh!
My boyfriend, he just texted me.
He's taking me to
Cabo for the holidays!
That short guy?
Oh, with the bushy eyebrows?
That's right.
The one you said you had
nothing in common with?
Yes, that was before he told
me was taking me to Cabo.
I have to go pack.
We leave in two hours.
Howie's off 'til the New Year's.
We don't have anyone to bartend.
Lottie, you don't understand.
It's a, it's an all inclusive.
Okay, but does it include a job?
Because if you leave here,
you won't have one
when you come back.
I'll take my chances.
It's a big city.
Wait, Cabo?
I mean are you sure?
I don't think that means
what she thinks it means.
Yeah, I, I guess she doesn't
celebrate "Chah-nukah."
Well, I will make some calls.
But in the meantime...
does anyone know how to
make an old fashioned?
I do.
Yeah, I used to bartend
a little in college.
It's, um, bourbon, bitters,
simple syrup and cherries,
and I have a little
orange peel, please.
Yeah, me, too.
(Melodic music )
Oh, you want me to?
(Melodic music )
Okay... I guess.
(Melodic music )
(rhythmic music )
All right, tell me
what you think of that.
You are the expert.
Thank you.
(Melodic music )
Okay, you're hired.
No, no, no, I was just
showing you my recipe.
I'm not looking for a job.
So, we need someone to
cover Cabo Cara's shift.
Got any plans tonight?
And you can't just hire some
random person off the street.
Hey, go back to Florida.
Yeah, the hutzpah on this guy.
That's how you say it.
Thank you.
So, think you could help out
Lottie maybe just for one night?
I mean we just met, but
I love talking to you,
and you're kind of like a
granddaughter I never had.
You just met her.
Don't you have like an
x-ray to read or something?
Well, I, I got two
weeks off actually.
Yeah, to come here
and give me tsuris.
I mean what a waste of a vacation.
So, what do you think?
I mean one night could be fun.
But just for tonight, okay?
Of course, mm-hmm, yeah.
(Lighthearted music )
(harmonic music )
Can I take that?
Where, oof.
You okay, dear?
I think I'm just not used
to being on my feet
so much anymore.
But you had fun.
I did.
Does that mean you'll come back
tomorrow and give us a hand?
We could sure use the help.
Oh, I don't know.
Do you have something
better to do?
I mean come on, one more night.
It would mean the world
to this altekocker.
I don't think I can.
I dare you.
I double dare ya.
You double dare me?
I mean you do make
a decent cocktail.
You're welcome.
(Melodic music )
Becca: Tory, hey.
Hi Parker.
Cool fort.
What's in the bags?
I have bagels and lox, and your
Hanukkah present for tonight.
You're not coming to
the JCC with us?
No, I can't.
I have work tonight.
Hey, you got a new job already.
So, what is it,
like night court?
It's more like night life.
I'm bartending again.
Just like in college.
I thought you said you
were okay financially.
Bartending indicates otherwise.
No, I'm fine.
I walked by a bar, and
they lost their bartender,
so I just filled in a bit.
That's really nice of you.
Yeah, the tips are good.
And it's nice to be
around nice people.
Uh, it's mom on video.
Ah, hi ma.
Ma: Happy Hanukkah.
Happy Hanukkah to you, too.
Did I just hear Tory's voice?
No, mm-mmm.
She was just off yesterday.
She was, she was.
Yeah, she is back
at the office today.
I don't know why I asked.
I mean, it's Tory.
Where else would she be?
A dive bar in Old Town.
Could you imagine?
(Melodic music )
You're about six hours early.
I know.
I wanted to bring you these.
Look what I got.
That's it?
Well, I'm working
on getting more.
These ones, um, I got at work.
That's all I need
for the first night,
and to get Helen off my back.
Different Helen.
It's that Helen.
Do you want to help?
(Melodic music )
They're not kichel.
Oh, smart and thoughtful.
Hey, you know, next
time I would use
a little more icing, okay?
You know, I think you're
probably the first Jewish
retiree in the world who doesn't
want to retire in Florida.
Yeah, this hair and that
humidity will never work.
Well, for what it's worth, it's
clear that Jay loves you a lot.
That's why he wants you
to move there, right?
Ah, his parents
put him up to it.
He just wants to
make them happy.
That I can relate to.
Come on, your parents must
be incredibly proud of you.
Maybe not for much longer.
I couldn't find the menorah.
Ha-ha-ha, here it is.
I mean you could
have just texted me
and told me you found it.
I needed a break from all
the Florida mishegas.
You know, I think it'll
be perfect right up here.
So, we're gonna light the
menorah in the dive bar.
We prefer "historic lounge".
You know your grandmother and I
came here every
night after work.
Really? Yeah, this was our spot.
So, yes, we are doing
Hanukkah here because it was
her favourite holiday, and
this was her favourite place.
I'm sorry, grandpa.
I didn't realize.
Well now you know.
And I think it's only proper
we light the first candle
here tonight, since you
guys are sharing, right?
Yeah, I'm not sure that was the-
Sure, yeah.
Um, I mean it doesn't exactly
scream Hanukkah in here.
Oh, that reminds me.
I brought some
decorations from home.
Well, that's a nice start.
Hey, Sam, do you want to be
in charge of the decorating?
Ha-ha, I'm your guy.
Okay, here.
(Joyful music )
Seems a little sparse to me.
It'll have to do for now.
It's almost sundown.
For the record, I'm replacing
the two Cohen's I borrowed.
Oh, I have no doubt we have
enough candles for all
eight nights, just like the oil
in the Hanukkah story.
Okay, but there literally aren't
enough candles in the box.
Yeah, ye of little faith.
And, oh, Jay, see, you
don't use the Cohen candles,
it's full of wax.
Help me out.
I'm on it, I'm on it.
Everyone, everyone gather round.
It's the first
night of Hanukkah,
and we're gonna
light the menorah.
So, if you want to be
a part, gather round.
Hey, what if we're not Jewish?
Everybody means everybody.
The menorah, it's
a symbol of hope.
Who doesn't need that?
(Melodic music )
Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai
E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech ha-olam
A-sher ki-de-sha-nu
Ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik
ner Cha-nu-kah
You know, when Jay was a kid,
he used to blow out the candles.
He thought it was a birthday cake.
And thus, the Hanukkah
curse was born!
That's not a thing, right?
Oh, it is if you drink too
much Manischewitz sangrias.
That just gave me a good idea.
(Lighthearted music )
It's a special
Hanukkah cocktail.
It's basically a Moscow Mule,
but with a hint of Manischewitz.
Sam: What are you
gonna call it?
Good question.
"The Maccabee Mule".
Maccabee Mule it is.
That's great.
Here, try it.
Okay, thank you.
(Piano music )
Okay, wow, I am adding that to
the specials menu
tomorrow night.
You know, you guys could
lean into Hanukkah more.
You could have more decorations,
more special drinks.
And for the next seven nights,
instead of calling the bar
Rocky's, you could call
it something like...
"Hanukkah on the Rocks".
You're really good at this.
It sounds wonderful, but it
won't work unless you're here.
I mean you came up with it.
I mean technically it
was Grandma Celia's idea.
I could do one more night.
For Celia.
(Harmonic music )
(upbeat music )
(melodic music )
How long have you
been standing there?
Long enough to be
sure it was you.
I'm terrible at recognizing
people out of context.
I just assume we went to summer
camp together or something.
That's me.
Camp Shalom.
Oh, ha-ha.
No, I, I, I really went there.
You went here?
Yeah, cabin five,
like 20 years ago.
Cabin two.
No way.
That's so crazy.
Can I get a coffee
black, please.
Yeah, and for you, sir?
You okay?
Some attorneys from
my old law firm.
So, you really are a lawyer?
I think they're trying to figure
out if they should come say hi,
or pretend they didn't see me.
And I'm hoping for the latter.
See, this is why
I love radiology.
There's no awkward
office politics.
It's an introvert's paradise.
You don't seem
like an introvert.
Oh, I'm an
extraverted introvert.
I'm gonna need hours just to
recover from this conversation.
Let's go for a walk.
Can your "social
battery" handle it?
What do you know,
it's recharged.
(Mellow music )
Pretty different
from Florida, huh?
I don't think I appreciated it
enough when I was living here.
Now here, you just never know
what's around the corner.
There, you know, I guess I feel
like everything's the same.
All the time.
Yeah, like you're just
going through the motions.
Something's not quite right.
I may or may not know what
you're talking about.
It is what it is until it isn't.
Oh God, that was deep, huh?
I just made that up.
Did you?
I did. That was either the
most inspirational thing
I've ever heard, or it wasn't.
Yeah, it, it wasn't.
I didn't think so.
Hey, do you want to shop for
more Hanukkah decorations
for the bar?
So, you're really
coming back tonight?
Why wouldn't I?
I don't know.
I mean Anthony's
pretty annoying.
Okay, I'm pretty sure
if we took a poll on
"The Most Annoying Person
at Rocky's", you would win.
Yeah, I know.
Uh, they really don't want
my grandpa to leave.
He seems pretty happy here.
We just want him to
be with us, you know.
Is your family all here?
Yeah, yeah.
I've just been really busy
in the last few years,
so I haven't had that
much time to see them.
Until you got fired.
Like I said.
I'm sorry.
Always relegated
to the end caps.
Still no Cohen candles.
You know, since you owe us two.
I'm working on it.
Oh, good, they have the
traditional "Hanukkah Tiara".
That's good.
I think these sunglasses
were designed by
Elton John Berkowitz.
I didn't think you
were a selfie guy.
Well, I'm not.
My grandfather asked me to send
pictures of what we're getting.
Oh, just as long as he
doesn't get the wrong idea.
The last thing we need is
to encourage his new career
as a matchmaker.
Drives me crazy that people
assume just because a guy and
a girl are single, the
same age, and Jewish,
they should be a "thing".
Figuring out my life, I
don't have time for a "thing".
I just got out of
a long-term "thing".
Were you the
ender or the end-ee?
Let's just say I'm always gonna
wonder if someone's with me
because I'm a doctor,
or because I'm me.
It's 'cause you're a doctor.
I'm definitely getting these.
Oh, here, let's split it.
I'll pay for half.
You're unemployed.
I'm fine.
Plus, I made a ton
in tips last night!
And it's for a good cause.
Can I ask why you're
so gung-ho about this?
I mean, you just
met my grandfather.
I'm the granddaughter
he never had, remember?
You sure it's not just so
you can focus on something
besides what you're doing next?
You sure you didn't come
here just to get away from
the hamster wheel of your life?
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Want to rewind the
last thirty seconds
and we pretend it
never happened?
Thank you.
Happy Hanukkah.
Okay, lower, lower,
lower, lower.
Okay, the right side down
a little bit, a little bit.
That is perfect!
There? okay?
That's not...
I don't think it's straight.
Should we, let's just fix it.
(Upbeat music )
Okay, but now it's
Hanukkah on the Rocky's.
That doesn't really work.
Straight though.
It worked!
Asah nisim la-avoteinu
V-imoteinu ba-yamim
Ba-z'man ha-zeh
Nice job, everybody, way to go.
This really is a Hanukkah bar.
It's beautiful.
No way.
I think I see an old
buddy of mine from school.
I'll be right back.
This really is awesome.
You know, everyone's saying
they've seen this kind of thing
for Christmas, but
never Hanukkah.
It's already all over Instagram.
We don't even have an account.
We do now.
I set it up.
It's @RockysOldTown
on all platforms.
Hashtag: "Hanukkah
on the Rocks."
You have a real
flair for marketing.
I could have used you back
in the drycleaning days.
What was your slogan?
"Sam's cleaners: What,
You Want To Walk Around
with a Dirty Shirt?"
Was that your friend?
Yeah, it was.
Can you believe it?
Him and his family
never left Chicago.
Unlike some people.
So, what's the Hanukkah
drink of the day?
It's a bourbon "shamash".
Get it?
Instead of "smash?"
The "shamash" is the candle
in the middle that lights
all the other candles.
The drink's basically an
elevated Old Fashioned.
But it has a jelly
donut hole garnish.
Now you're talking.
Hey, how do you
spell "shamash?"
It's for the book.
That's a whole
day's work ruined!
I am so sorry, Anthony.
Anthony, I see you writing on
these napkins all the time.
Do you ever put your
work on actual paper?
Yeah, sure.
And sometimes I put
them on legal pads.
Or back of an envelope.
My hands.
But the best stuff goes
on the cocktail napkins.
It's what I'm
gonna be known for.
It's my schtick.
Didn't Aaron Sorkin write "A Few
Good Men" on cocktail napkins
when he was a bartender?
What are you still doing here?
Sam's not going to Florida.
Get over it.
But can we not talk about this.
It's Hanukkah.
Wait, wait.
So I can't talk about
it for another week?
I don't make the rules.
I mean you're literally
doing that right now!
How long have you
been doing that for?
I quit my accounting job
and gave myself two
years to write my novel.
When's the two years up?
New Year's Eve.
I'm almost done.
That's your novel?
Yeah, no, they're,
they're all numbered.
Anthony, no one's gonna be
able to read it like that.
Well, then no one's
gonna be able to read it.
This is how I want it, okay.
What if everybody hates it?
What if it's the
Great American Novel?
Anthony, you've put so
much work into that,
you have to show it to someone.
What about Lottie?
Um, yeah, I, I mean if,
if you typed it up, sure.
You'd read it?
Um, what, what if it's no good?
Um, well, then I guess you just
go back to doing my taxes.
Guess you better start typing.
Tory, you are good people.
Jury's still out
on this shmendrik.
(harmonic music )
Hey, check it out.
Sam lent me his old typewriter.
It was a dark
and stormy night...
Kidding, I'm kidding.
Okay, come and get it.
Oh, what's that?
Just some Hanukkah snacks I
made with what we had in back.
Oh my.
Is it good?
Lottie, this is incredible!
Thank you.
You could do a whole
small bites bar menu
for the rest of Hanukkah.
It would be such a hit, right?
One hundred percent.
I, I don't really
do gourmet anymore.
Why not?
Well, you know, um, a long
time ago I had my own place.
And one of my competitors paid
off the paper to give me
a bad review, and it worked.
That was fun.
It's just easier to
stick with the basics.
That's terrible.
But still, there's
something to be said
for going outside
your comfort zone.
Trust me.
One night could change
how you see things.
Okay, well, I'll think about it.
So delicious.
You know what the best
part about bartending is?
When you leave work,
you're just done.
For the last 10 years,
I don't think I've ever
been able to fully clock out,
you know?
This is so liberating.
So, does that mean you're
coming back tomorrow?
Oh, I thought you had
someone you're bringing in.
Oh, yeah, no, sorry,
that didn't work out.
It wouldn't be the same
with you after all this.
Unless you have other plans.
I don't.
That's been the best part.
Nobody needs me to be anywhere.
We do.
(Melodic music )
And what's another night in
the grand scheme of things?
So, you didn't interview
anybody, did ya?
You know, who has time for that?
I'm so glad you
came by, Bubbale.
You know one of my favourite
traditions for Hanukkah
is to knit a new blanket
for someone special.
And now I can pass
my talents on to you!
I'm not sure I have talent.
Or if we can legally
call this a blanket.
Speaking of legal...
Are you working
from home again today?
Um, no, today I'm
taking a personal day.
I'm having lunch with
Becca and Parker later.
Well, your "personal"
days are my lucky days,
because I get to see you.
Hmm, oh.
Seriously, what is with her?
Oh, I'm used to it.
You know, the senior center
is just like 7th grade,
but with walkers
and hearing aids.
You should hear
these ladies talk.
It's pure entertainment.
Look, Tor, I'm glad
that you're keeping busy,
and spending time
with the rest of us,
but I'm a little
worried about you.
I mean are you even
looking for something new?
No one's hiring
over the holidays.
I'm just putting my
career on a slight pause.
By taking a job at a bar?
Rocky's isn't a "job".
It's just a place where
I go to pass the time.
During a set period of the day?
And they give you money?
Yes, they do.
But just a little.
Mm-hmm, that's called a job.
Where is this coming from?
Did you talk to mom and dad?
No, of course not.
I just don't want you
to throw the law degree
out with the bathwater.
That doesn't make sense.
You know what I mean.
I don't know what you mean.
But what I do know is that this
is the first time in years
when I've actually looked
forward to going to my "job"
instead of dreading it.
Isn't that something?
What does that say?
Jay: Tory.
I don't know you.
Jay, this is my sister Becca,
and my ever-vigilant
nephew Parker.
Jay is a regular at the bar.
Oh, you already have regulars.
Tory had everyone in that bar
wrapped around her little finger
from the moment she walked in.
Oh, well, have a seat.
Oh, thank you.
But I can only sit for a second.
I'm here picking up something
for my grandfather.
Oh, isn't that sweet of you!
I don't know this word.
Oh, let's see, honey, um.
I can, I can help him.
That is a tough word.
Want to sound it out with me?
Did you hear that?
Is there a bee in here?
That's a lame joke.
I tried, I tried.
Are you, um, are you sure you
can't stay for breakfast?
I wish I could, but black and
white cookies wait for no man.
Especially if that
man's name is Sam Rosen.
He's got great taste, because
Gilbert's is the best.
Yeah, our whole family
used to come here
for breakfast every Sunday.
It's one of my favourite
memories from when I lived here.
So did ours!
What a coincidence.
If you think that's
a coincidence,
wait 'til you hear
about Camp Shalom.
Oh, do tell.
Later, because we wouldn't
want those cookies to go bad.
That's not how cookies work.
Well, it was really
nice to meet you guys.
Same here.
Very, very enlightening.
See you tonight.
It's not what you think.
I like him.
(Melodic music )
Hi Sam!
Nice to see you, Tory.
You, too.
Oh, hi Jay.
Hi Tory.
Oh, what smells so good?
That, my dear, is what
Lottie's been working on
since the crack of dawn.
The Hanukkah Happy Hour
menu is ready for tasting.
Thanks for lighting
a fire under me.
I thought it went out long ago.
(Lighthearted music )
Okay, we have fried
dill pickle spears with
"everything bagel ranch"...
Manischewitz braised short rib
with a horseradish gremolata...
Challah bread pudding with
vanilla glaze and, of course,
latkes with a crme frache and
a honeycrisp apple reduction.
When did you have
time to do all this?
I got up very early.
So, try it, try it!
(Lighthearted music )
It's funny, I never
thought there was
anything "new" anyone
could do for Hanukkah.
Until this week.
You know, food has always
brought generations together.
And I just love the fact that
we're doing that here, too.
Barukh Atta Ado-nai
Elo-heinu melech ha'olam,
She'asah nissim la'avotenu
bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh
That's what Hanukkah's
all about, isn't it?
Shining light into darkness.
And with that light,
now all of a sudden,
we see possibilities
we never saw before.
(Melodic music )
Please join us for some
Hanukkah Happy Hour.
Come on.
Come on over.
Let's go.
Got some fried
pickles over here.
(Upbeat music ) (click, plunk, plunk,
plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk)
(upbeat music )
(whimsical music )
Yeah, I can see
that on your website,
but I was wondering when
they'd be back in stock.
Because I could do
overnight shipping or...
(melodic music )
Oh, I feel like February
might be a smidge too late.
Thank you.
(Melodic music )
(harmonic music )
Oh, there's my Tory bug!
Happy Hanukkah!
I thought you guys were in
the Bahamas 'til Wednesday.
Come, sit.
We came back early.
There's far too much
sand for any one person.
We also missed seeing
your punim in person!
We're just glad you
got the morning free.
Your father thought you
for sure would be working.
It's Sunday.
Well that never
stopped you before.
She's been using
her personal days.
Now that is a great firm.
You let your best lawyers
have some family time
during the holidays.
Yeah, they're real mensches.
Um, okay, so here's-
Sam Rosen, is that you?
It's been ages.
Francis, how are you?
So good to see you.
You two know each other?
Used to play cards with
Celia at the senior center,
rest her soul.
Wait a minute, you're Tory's bubby?
Of course.
She is amazing.
How do you know Tory?
Oh, it is a great story-
Best told some other time.
Why not now?
Yeah, Sam, sit, join
us for breakfast.
Oh, oh.
We were just getting takeout.
I have a great idea.
Why don't you join us at Rocky's
for Hanukkah tonight? Okay.
The dive bar around the corner?
Historic lounge.
Historic lounge.
I remember Celia would throw the
best Hanukkah parties there.
Uhhh, hey, I just remembered,
my menorah is in the shop,
could we please
take a raincheck?
Yes, sure.
Of course.
We should get home before
the food gets cold. Yeah.
It's really nice to meet you all.
Thank you.
Nice seeing you.
There's a repair
shop for menorahs?
Who knew.
(Harmonic music )
I thought you left.
Yeah, I came back.
I want to see if you're okay.
You seemed pretty stressed out.
I was.
I still am.
Well, did you end
up telling them?
I don't want to
ruin their Hanukkah.
Or their Purim.
Or Passover.
You know I feel like
you may be stalling.
I just don't want to
disappoint them, you know.
Yeah, I understand that.
You know, my dad was pretty
upset when I didn't go
into cardiology like he did.
Why didn't you?
I wanted to do my
residency at Johns Hopkins.
The only open spot
was in radiology.
Yeah, that's pretty
much how I ended up
practicing corporate law.
Once you start down
the road like that,
it's almost impossible
to change course.
Unless something
changes it for you.
Yeah, unless something
changes it for you.
(Melodic music )
Oh, Lottie, everyone's
raving about the food.
You should come on
out and take some credit.
Oh, what do I look like, some
publicity hungry celebrity chef?
No thanks.
What, you're not
gonna imitate me?
Isn't your big
audition coming up?
Uh, I don't want
to talk about that.
Okay, I've got a
new one for tonight.
I haven't named it yet.
What's floating around in there?
It's a special liquor that
has gold flakes in it.
Huh, gold flakes.
Um, I like drinks that
are free of heavy metals.
I'm gonna pass.
I'll take it.
Novelty Hanukkah drinks
are kind of growing on me.
You want to name it?
How about "Steve"?
(laughs) No, no, no, I got it,
this is it, so much better.
"The Gelt-y Pleasure".
Yes, and we'll serve gelt
with it on the side. Yes.
I, I had all this chocolate, um.
You, always with the garnishes.
I'm sorry.
I'll make you your
own custom drink.
Hey, how about a "When are you
gonna tell your parents you lost"
"your job" and tonic?
Grandpa, she's gonna
tell them after Hanukkah.
Oh, and you know that how?
Oh, never mind.
None of my business.
Want to play some dreidel?
I was thinking, we should
have Hanukkah games here.
Like something besides dreidel.
What's the problem with dreidel?
No, no, but we could
make some of our own.
I think people would
really love it.
What, like,
"Menorah Pong?"
Like, line up the
cups like a menorah?
I could do Hanukkah trivia.
Yeah, that's cool.
Okay, try this.
Tell me what you think.
I'm gonna see if I'm gonna add
it to the menu tomorrow night.
Little soup spoons.
Anthony, here, try this.
So cute.
Oh, that's good.
That's really good.
Oh, I've got it.
"Bowling with
matzo balls."
What, you think they're
heavy enough to bowl with?
No, no, no, I-
Oh, I did it again, didn't I?
Don't drag me into this.
Remember at camp when we
had "Hanukkah in July"?
And we played that game, "Eat
a donut hole if, dot, dot, dot".
Yeah, I do.
We should workshop that.
Maybe after closing.
(Rhythmic music )
(rhythmic music )
Okay, eat a donut hole if...
you've ever wrapped a Hanukkah
gift in Christmas paper.
Me neither.
Okay, um, eat a donut hole
if you've ever been overly
competitive with
a game of dreidel.
I have.
I'm competitive.
Okay, eat a donut hole if...
your mom always snuffed
out the Hanukkah candles
early because she was convinced
they'd burn the house down.
Every year, right.
Eat a donut hole if...
this Hanukkah's becoming one
of the best you've ever had.
(Mellow music )
(melodic music )
(rhythmic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
(melodic music )
Grandpa, making that much for
two of us is a waste of coffee.
Let me make you a pour-over.
What's that?
Well, you pour hot water
over coffee grounds,
into a glass carafe.
Oh, you mean, like this?
(Whimsical music )
Your generations
a bunch of suckers.
Yes, we are.
And by the way,
I'm out of coffee.
I'll go get some
after I get back.
Where are you going?
Okay, first things first...
I have to find Parker's mug.
It's so cute.
This looks like the
Picasso meets Warhol
meets the emergency room.
I'm just glad I'm
here to get it.
I've missed so
much of this stuff.
Yeah, it's funny.
I feel like I'm still
part of this community,
even though I've been gone
for twenty-five years.
Wow, this would be perfect
for my grandfather.
You take it.
No way.
I'm not falling for that again.
Good point. How
about we go 50/50?
Do you think Sam will
get the wrong idea
if we go in on a gift together?
He might.
Or maybe it's not the
wrongest idea in the world.
This one.
Thank you.
Uh, look at this.
Is speed dating really
making a comeback?
I guess people
miss the experience
of face-to-face awkwardness.
We should do this at the bar.
Can you imagine?
I kind of can.
Thank you, everyone, for
spreading the word about
tonight so quickly.
We're happy you're here.
And this is how it's gonna work.
So, we're gonna
ask some questions.
And you just write
down your answers.
And then we will match you up!
Hang on.
How do you decide
who gets matched up?
Oh, that's the best part.
The older folks will
do the matching for
the younger folks
and vice versa.
It's gonna be amazing.
You'll see.
But first, we need to
rearrange the tables, okay.
(Melodic music )
Two more "Yentas," Tory.
(Melodic music )
You sure you don't
want to get in on this?
Oh, no.
I told myself no dating
until I figure out
what I'm doing with my life.
Otherwise, you know someone's
heart's getting broken.
The way I see it, no point
buying a plane ticket
if you don't know
your destination.
(Melodic music )
Oh, I see what you did here.
It's like the many
layers of a relationship.
Yes, that's exactly
what I was going for.
No, but the way you said it
made it sound really deep,
so let's just go with that.
Okay, is everybody
ready for Round One
of Menorah Matchmaking?
All right, let's go!
Here's the first question.
What do you want
most for Hanukkah?
Ten seconds.
Write it down.
What do you want
most for Hanukkah?
A man who can make
a nice brisket!
Yeah, good luck with that.
(lighthearted music )
Okay, next question.
What are the top five
songs in your phone?
You can put songs on your phone?
Come on, people,
don't shout it out.
(Lighthearted music )
times up.
(Melodic music )
What TV character
are you most like?
Wait, who's that guy
on that cop show?
Or, no, wait, no, wait, he was
in that, um, that law-
What? Remember he was
in the '60s and the...
John Hamm?
Yeah, John Hamm.
You think you're
most like John Hamm?
I do.
Okay, yeah, I could see that.
All right.
I have another question.
Oh, this is a good one.
Uh, do you go to temple more
than on high holidays
and funerals?
And by the way, Bar and Bar
Mitzvahs, they don't count.
Why don't they count?
They don't count.
Come on, it's an easy one.
(Melodic music )
Next question.
What's the most important
quality you want
in a life partner?
Question, I have a question.
Yeah, let me help you out.
(Melodic music )
Who would you put?
If I were playing?
I'd say I'd want someone who
brings out the best in me.
Someone who encourages
me to take risks.
Someone who can make me laugh.
Those are, those are good.
Tory, I believe you're up.
One more question.
Yes, right, okay.
Last one.
If you could change
anything about your life,
what would it be?
Who wrote this one?
Hmm, kind of deep.
Everybody take your time.
(Lighthearted music )
So, what would you write
down if you were playing?
I probably wouldn't have taken
the first job I was offered.
What do you wish
you did instead?
I don't know yet.
But I don't want to work
alone in an office every day.
I need to be with people,
whether that's Legal Aid,
or being a public defender.
I want to see the impact
I'm having on people's lives.
(Melodic music )
What about you?
I wish I could go back in time
and talk my family out of
moving away from here
in the first place.
(Mellow music )
This is fantastic.
And do they do this every year?
Well, usually it's just
donuts and dreidel.
But this year we had a
last-minute sponsor. Who?
Didn't they tell you?
No, I had no idea.
That's so nice of them.
Uh, from what I heard,
the owner wanted to,
well, share the celebration
with the entire community.
Let's look around.
Oh good.
Check this out.
Over here.
You could be my
Hanukkah honey
You could be my honey
Bringing all
the holiday cheer
Bringing the holiday cheer
When I'm with my
Hanukkah honey
It's the best eight
days of the year
There's a game
with a wooden top
When it lands on a...
Everyone's having so much fun.
Not as much as Sam.
I've got marshmallows over here.
Oh, you want some over here?
Don't burn your hands.
Whatever you do,
don't burn them!
Okay, who else wants some?
Anybody else want some? All: Me!
All right, guys.
So, you and my sister
really hit it off, huh?
Kids: Ice cream!
Yeah, she's, she's really
an incredible woman.
But you don't live here, right?
So, how's that going to work?
Well, we... we haven't really
gotten that far yet.
Look, Jay, I like you.
But maybe you
don't get "that far"
until you both know
what your futures hold.
(Melodic music )
Look what I found, the
elusive Cohen candles on eBay.
Oh my God, that is fantastic!
I feel like that costs
more than med school.
I know.
But I need more for Bubby
for the rest of Hanukkah.
Have you seen her here tonight?
I told her I was at the office.
She's right there.
Tory! You're here!
I'm here.
I left work a little early,
'cause you know I can't
miss a good Hanukkah party.
You've missed your parents'
Hanukkah parties for years.
I think they're gonna
light the big menorah.
So, we should get a
good spot, right?
Elo-heinu melech ha'olam,
She'asah nissim la'avotenu
Bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh
(crowd chatter)
(crowd chatter)
You know, I think
I've seen more of you
in the last week than in the
last five years combined.
And that's a good thing, right?
It is for me.
But I'm worried about you.
Oh, no, no, I'm fine, Bubby.
"Fine" usually means
the opposite.
(Melodic music )
How long have you
been out of work?
(Melodic music )
I got laid off a week ago.
Huh... it's okay.
Because I have a
severance package,
and I have some
savings, and really...
And you were miserable.
I was miserable.
How did you know?
I've had breakfast with
you once a week for years.
Happy people don't order bagels
with strawberry cream cheese.
(Harmonic music )
Oh, please don't tell
Mom and Dad, not yet.
I just, I know they're
gonna worry about me.
And I'm afraid they're gonna
be upset because they worked
so hard to help get
me here, you know.
Because they thought
that's what you wanted.
If you don't want that anymore,
you have to tell them.
I will.
I'll do it soon.
But I have to run because
I have to get to work.
You just said you were laid off.
Um, yes, but there's
something else
I should probably tell you.
How about we talk
about it over a drink?
I hear that Hanukkah bar
is really something else.
(Melodic music )
Here you go, Francis.
It's called a Hanukkah Hammer.
It's on me.
Thank you!
I'm coming, coming!
Those nice fraternity boys from
Northwestern are fighting over
who gets to play
dreidel with me.
When you got it, you got it.
You got it.
Coming boys!
Hi. Kevin has Parker,
so I can hang out!
This place is the best.
So, Jay, why would you want
your grandfather to walk away
from a community like this?
I have no idea.
I like her.
Just saying.
I found a Hanukkah
playlist online.
Is it just the dreidel
song on repeat?
It's really cool.
You know, we should definitely
get a live band next year.
And we're gonna start "Hanukkah
on the Rocks" on night one.
Next year?
Don't worry about next year.
I mean Hanukkah's
about each night
being a gift we didn't expect.
And I know none of
us expected this.
So... let's make it last
as long as we can.
So, in the interest of living
every moment of Hanukkah
to the fullest...
You want to dance with me?
I love to dance, but I
can't really leave the bar.
I got ya covered.
Are you sure, Sam?
Thank you, Grandpa.
You were not the only one who
was a bartender in college.
Oh, really?
You used to bartend, Sam?
I was the best.
Oh, this is the mother lode!
Happy Hanukkah to me!
Just about to say
the same thing.
Grandpa, Happy Hanukkah.
Oh, thank you.
Happy Hanukkah, Sam.
Wait a minute, what's, what's?
Did both of you get that for me?
Oh, it's no big deal.
No, it's, it's a big deal.
It's kind of a big deal, Tor.
Now no matter where you are,
you'll never run
out of cherries.
(Melodic music )
I just love this.
This has been a really good day.
(Melodic music )
Come on.
(Melodic music )
Hey, you got those Mules?
Isn't your big
audition tomorrow?
I'm not going to that.
Why not?
Because it's all I've
ever dreamed about doing
since I was little.
And if it doesn't work out,
I don't know what I'll do.
I do.
You'll dust yourself off
and find something else
that makes you ever happier.
Is that what you're doing?
I'm working on it.
You know what?
If I hadn't been laid off,
I wouldn't know that I was
on the wrong path
in the first place.
Do you think I'm
on the wrong path?
What I'm saying is, you
won't know either way,
until you take the first step.
You owe it to yourself to try,
so you never have to wonder,
"What if?" you know.
Thank you.
Happy Hanukkah!
We come bearing gifts!
Bubby, you didn't have to
bring me anything else.
It's for everyone.
I saw videos of this game
the kids play at parties,
where they throw a
beanbag into a hole.
It's a latke toss!
The hardware store around the
corner helped with the boards.
The ladies at the senior
center helped make these.
I caught Helen trying to
leave a gap in the seam
so the beans would fall out.
Not today, yenta!
Well, it's better
than using real latkes.
Right, all the fun, none of the
"smelling like french fries
for the next week."
Winner buys lunch tomorrow?
Get out your wallet.
You're buying. That's
fine, I got money.
Go and play.
I'll take over the bar again.
That's all I can do. The legs.
You knocked it in!
Thought that was yours.
You knocked mine in.
Wow! That was
Oh, my God.
Tomorrow, I shall be ordering
the diamond-encrusted lobster.
Yeah, I don't think
that's kosher.
Here we go.
(Upbeat music )
What are you making?
I'm not sure.
Lottie asked me to come up
with something creative.
So, you guys tell me.
There's the little garnish.
What do you think?
Do you eat those, too?
No, no.
It's delicious.
This could be your
second career!
Never know.
Hey Jay!
The guys in the back want to see
that worse x-ray ever photo.
I'll be right back.
We have to name this. I know.
I don't know what
to come up with.
Hmm, Stacy-Lynn.
Come help us.
Need a name for this drink.
How about,
"The He-Brew."
'Cause of the coffee.
It's fantastic.
Not too much?
I love it.
He-Brew, genius.
Good job.
It really is.
Okay, who wants latkes?
Did someone say latkes?
Are we doing this again?
Oh, it's the last one
before my audition.
I have to try, right?
What are all these people
gonna do without you
after tomorrow night?
I don't know what I'm
gonna do without them.
Neither do I.
Okay, who's gonna light
the candles tonight?
How about old friends?
Who are still young at heart.
Ha-heim bi-zman ha-zeh
By the way, I notice you
have the Cohen candles.
I'm impressed!
Tory could only find two
candles in all of Chicago!
Actually, those were Sam's.
Why thank you, dear.
I'll pay you back in blintzes.
But, what will you use
for the eighth night?
You'll be two candles short.
You know, there were eight
nights of oil in Jerusalem.
Somehow, I believe there's
gonna be eight nights
of candles here in Chicago.
I have faith.
Hey, has anybody seen Jay?
(Mellow music )
So, there you are.
You missed the menorah lighting.
You okay?
I was thinking about
how hard it's gonna be
going back to Florida.
You know, without you, I mean.
Oh, giving up trying to convince
me to move down, have you?
You win, Grandpa.
If I were you, I wouldn't
want to leave, either.
Then don't.
It's just not that simple.
Hmm, you know, actually it is.
You just need to
follow your heart.
The rest, it'll
take care of itself.
I'll see you inside.
I didn't know you sat anywhere
besides your spot at the bar!
Well... this booth is
very special to me.
The entire bar is.
In fact, this is the
most important place
in the world to me.
And I just want to make
sure that after I'm gone,
whoever owns it, feels the same.
Wait, you own this bar?
Yeah, shhh!
I own the entire building.
Only Lottie knows.
Mind blown.
So then wait, you're the person
who sponsored the JCC party!
Yeah, I wanted to give back.
And I want to keep giving.
And I've decided to
give all of this to Jay.
And that's where you come in.
You're a lawyer.
Mm-hmm. Do you know a
lot about estate law?
I wouldn't say a lot.
I know a little, but I
could get a few references
for estate attorneys
who know more than I do.
I'd appreciate that.
And don't tell Jay.
I won't.
I just wish you'd
tell him yourself.
Huh, when the time is right.
(Mellow music )
Sorry, there's no diamond
encrusted lobster on the menu.
That's okay.
I love grilled cheese.
I make the best grilled cheese
you've ever had in your life.
I got to make it
for you next time.
Next time you visit?
So you are going back, even
if Sam doesn't go with you.
You know, I'm done
trying to convince him.
He's happier here.
What about you?
I'm happier here, too.
But this isn't real life, is it?
I mean if I move back here,
I'd need to get a new job,
and you'd start at
another law firm.
Now that I know what it's
like to be surrounded
by people instead of paperwork?
I'm not going back
to that, no way.
You make it sound so easy.
It's not.
But in my heart,
I know it's right.
That's basically what
my grandfather told me.
He's a smart man.
You're so lucky to have him.
You know, I think he just
wants what's best for you.
And I think he
wants you to stay.
What about you?
It doesn't matter what I think.
You have to make
your own decision.
And I have to update my parents.
They're having their annual
"8th night of Hanukkah"
party tonight at the house.
I think I'll go there.
I'll have Sam watch
the bar for an hour,
and I'll tell them tonight.
You want to come with?
Moral support?
After we light the candles
at the bar, of course.
Anywhere you are, is
where I want to be.
So, count me in.
(Mellow music )
Um, Lottie, uh, I'd,
I'd love it if you'd
be the first to
read chapter one.
Oh, re-really?
I can get to it, yeah, I'll
get to it when I get to it.
Sure, thanks.
Anthony, you did it!
It's 'cause you
talked me into it.
Oh, Sam, check it out.
You came up with this?
Sure did.
Take a look.
This is fantastic!
I was thinking the hat is
just the beginning, you know.
We could sell merch up front.
You know, t-shirts,
glassware, things like that.
Great idea.
Yeah, maybe we can keep the
decorations up 'til January,
you know, just like
they do at Christmas.
Lottie, I don't know how
long I can keep working here.
Lottie: I know.
You have to get on
with your own life.
I understand.
I just don't want
this all to end.
I don't think any of us do.
Jay, do you have a few
minutes where we can speak?
Yeah, of course.
Okay, let's go.
Excuse me, can you tell me
where I can find Sam Rosen?
Um, that's me.
Can I help you with something?
Yeah, my client was interested
in buying your building.
We spoke over the
phone last month.
You haven't been
returning my calls.
Yes, there's a reason for that.
I'm not going to
sell the property.
That is disappointing.
Anyways, what do you
have going on here?
Some kind of birthday party?
It's Hanukkah.
I am in my office so much I
barely know what month it is.
Oh, is that a beanbag toss?
Yeah. Hey, hey, I call next.
You own this building?
Yeah, it's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
You were so right.
I should have told him earlier.
Wait, wait, you knew?
Only since yesterday.
He asked me for legal advice.
But I don't-
Anymore secrets
you'd like to share?
No, I don't have any secrets.
Are you sure about that?
(Melodic music )
Estelle: I, I don't
know what to say.
I was gonna tell
you tonight, Mom.
At your place.
I thought you were having
a party at the house!
We were.
But then when we heard so
much about this Hanukkah bar
from Bubby, we decided to
bring the party here.
Of course, Bubby left out
one every important detail.
I'm no snitch.
What happened, Bug?
I got laid off last week.
And I, I've been
working here a little.
I really was gonna tell
you tonight at the party.
I just, I just can't
believe you wouldn't tell us
something like this.
Este, Este.
That's why!
Let me talk to her.
Thank you.
I can't believe you
didn't tell me you knew
my grandfather
owned the building.
Jay, he asked me
not to say anything.
Well, I'm the one who's
supposed to be helping him.
I don't need your help.
I just want you to stay.
And you were using Tory
to talk me into it. No.
What, what's in it for you?
A little freelance
pay on the side?
Do you really think
that little of me?
I don't know what to
think right now, Tory.
Good, okay.
Well, good, 'cause we have
that in common now, too.
Jay, where are you going?
I'm friends with the
guy who owns the building
and I'm still paying for drinks?
He really owns the
entire building?
Yeah, Rocky's, the apartments,
the whole building.
Why didn't he tell us?
He didn't want to be
treated any differently.
Look, Jay, you're my grandson.
I love you, but you've
got to just calm down.
The Rosen's don't get so
excited about things like that,
you know.
It wasn't supposed
to be like this.
Tell me about it.
You can say that again.
Tory, Jay, follow me.
But he-
(Mellow music )
Okay. I've got some
things I want to say.
Everything I've done,
I've done for love.
When this building became
available fifteen years ago,
I bought it.
And do you know why I bought it?
'Cause this is the
bar where I met Celia.
That booth downstairs, that's
where I proposed to her.
This apartment, this is
where I raised my family.
It kept our family together.
And it brought you together.
I can still feel her in here.
She's alive in here.
So that's why I bought it.
'Cause I didn't want
anything to change.
And then I thought,
well, maybe it's me,
maybe I'm just being stubborn.
Maybe I should
just sell this place
and move down to Florida
and be close to my family.
And then you walked in the door.
And it reminded me
what's on the dreidel.
Nun, gimel, hay, shin,
which translates into
"Nes gadol haya sham."
"A great miracle
happened there."
(mellow music )
You changed everything.
For all of us.
You were the light
we were looking for.
And Jay, she gave us
the reality of exactly
what we were looking for.
A place we could call our home.
A place full of love.
A place where we belong.
This place.
Tory... you were
our miracle.
And you were mine.
(Mellow music )
Come here.
Eat some babka.
Work it out.
(Mellow music )
Jay, I'm the one who asked
Tory for some advice yesterday.
Everything else was real.
Don't be a yutz.
And Tory, about your parents.
Do what makes you feel good.
You got it?
(Mellow music )
Mmm, that's good babka.
It's really good babka.
(Mellow music )
Okay, honestly- I'm
sorry for getting upset.
I didn't mean to
react like that.
It was just a lot to take in.
For my whole life, I've only
seen things in black and white.
All or nothing.
"It is what it is?"
Until it isn't.
You know, I came up here
thinking I'd change
my grandfather's mind.
And instead he changed mine.
You both did.
About everything.
(Mellow music )
I really wish I
could have told you.
But he wanted you
to want to stay.
(Mellow music )
And I know that's
not an easy decision.
Actually, it's
the easiest decision
I've ever made in my life.
I'm not just "going
through the motions" here.
I'm living.
Now I thought something was
missing, but it turns out,
everything I was looking
for was right here.
(Mellow music )
Just to confirm,
you're staying, right?
I'm staying.
What about your practice?
You know my buddy from school
that I ran into at the bar?
His wife runs a community
clinic in Woodlawn.
And they need a radiologist.
So... you'd be working
directly with patients?
Well, it turns out once you
drag me out of a dark room
in Jacksonville, I'm not
such an introvert after all.
You just need to be
around the right people.
I am.
This is wonderful.
I'll go.
(mellow music )
Uh... what about
your parents?
Um... I guess I'll just
have to convince them
to retire up here instead.
Finally, a good idea.
(Mellow music )
Do you, like, is he coming
back, or should, I don't?
I don't know.
(Lively music )
Hey, how we doing over here?
Good, okay.
(Lively music )
So, we may have overreacted.
But we will always
worry about you.
I really am so sorry I
didn't tell you guys.
I just didn't want to
ruin your vacation. Oh.
And I didn't want you to think
that all the sacrifices
you've made for me over
the years were for nothing.
We just want you to be happy.
And whatever you decide to do,
we'll be right there with you,
just like we always have.
Thank you for saying that.
I love you guys.
We love you, too.
(Mellow music )
It's about us?
Of course, it's about us.
Hey, would you maybe want to,
um, discuss it more over dinner?
Do I have to cook it?
No, no, like a
dinner date with me.
Yeah, I could do that.
I could do that.
(Mellow music )
It's your turn.
Hmm, it's too bad we're still
missing those two Cohen candles.
Well, actually...
You had them the whole time?
Celia and I were saving
them for a special occasion.
I think this counts.
Thank you.
Barukh Atta Ado-nai
Elo-heinu melech ha'olam,
She'asah nissim la'avotenu
Bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh
(Mellow music )
Happy Hanukkah.
Happy Hanukkah.
(Mellow music )
(endearing music )
(endearing music )
We put a dreidel in a tree
(Lively music )
We put out Barbara
Streisand's holiday city
(Lively music )
We open gifts every night
(Lively music )
And there were seven more
days to go to get it right
(Horn music )