Harom Hara (2024) Movie Script

HC0382 Palaniswami
Head constable from Kuppam police station.
You present yourself as a suspect to me.
Don't you feel ashamed to be sitting here?
Palani, I don't have patience.
I need answers.
I need answers too ma'am.
You have arrested a man worshipped by all the villagers,
and you have to tell us where Subramaniam is.
Should I tell you?
should I tell you?
You commit crimes,
influence the law,
sabotage the evidence,
and hinder the FIRs...
You earn tons of money illegally
and call yourselves a Godman.
You are not worth being a human,
just because these villagers prostrate before you,
you are not a God.
Madam, shall I tell you something?
None of the villagers engaged in farming
have any loans in their names.
Those who migrated for jobs have returned
home and are now living happily.
This was all done by Subramaniam
but he never took credit for any of this.
The ones who received help find God in him,
people like you who are sceptical look for wrong in him.
If you believe in words, even demon Tarakasura
would give logical justification for his acts.
I don't want stories.
I want the truth Palani.
Okay, madam.
Before telling you the truth behind Subramaniams
elevation to the status of God,
I will tell you about the evil in this village.
Do you like this place more than our village?
Okay. Let it be.
Where are you from?
Nobody from this district dares to build
anything in the fields of Tammireddy.
Which is the field of Tammireddy?
And who is that Tammireddy?
Do you know who I am? Kolar Kumar.
I bought this field with my money.
How can you say it belongs to someone else?
The land can be registered under any name
but the land belongs to Tammireddy only.
This is not your Kolar where you can run errands
as per your wish, this is Kuppam.
The MLA of Kuppam is coming down
to our place for dinner.
That is my range.
If your Tammireddy is that big a don,
ask him to come to me and speak directly.
I swear on Pacchanagamma (Goddess),
I'm witnessing someone opposing
Tammireddy for the first time.
You too come along with your Tammireddy,
I'll serve you delicious mutton curry.
Dear, get the curry done.
Sure. Let that be.
That means, the next time it'll be
your son who'll become MLA.
Yes, of course. I'm getting old,
it's his turn to take the responsibility.
Anyhow, you don't have any opposition in this town, right?
Venkatesulu, your act of respect shouldn't be
limited to face-to-face encounters,
only then will your life be safe. Am I right?
How are you Brother Tammireddy?
How come you are here?
Venkatesu, didn't you put any word of caution to your son?
He claims to be the next MLA.
Now if he becomes,
should I employ my son under him?
Sir, I swear on my mother
I didn't know that your son is entering into politics.
Please spare my son, sir.
I beg you.
I don't believe in Karma to show mercy.
At least now ask him to hold back, otherwise
Please stop right there, sir.
Why would either of us oppose Brother Sharath?
Okay, leave.
Can you please taste this curry?
The chilli is fine but the spices are a tad bit strong.
I don't understand this, Basava.
He didn't know about me
so he challenged me to come down.
You should have killed him instantly, instead,
why did you get me here?
He boasted an attitude saying,
I've invited the MLA as my guest, that's my range.
That's why I wanted to show him our range.
Moreover, I need someone to sleep with.
I thought why not sleep with his wife for the night?
First, let's solve his problem,
and then I'll look into hers.
How many times should I teach you?
Blood won't ooze out properly if you stab there,
stab a little up.
Give it here...
Now look how vividly the blood oozes out.
Hey, burn it down.
It is certain that the woman
who caught Basava Reddy's eye
and the land that caught Tammireddy's
eye would belong to them.
People who do not respond even
if their lands are taken away
could not bear to be beaten, even on the festival day.
At a time when people were
migrating out of this village fearing for their lives,
one person came to this village to make a living.
He is Subramaniam.
For the cloud that moves towards the desert,
tears are the only companions at that height.
"When the yagna (sacred fire) approaches solemnly,
the fuel-like ingredients voluntarily jump into it directly."
"From darkness, the first rains of courage emerge slowly.
The ever-so-powerful fear is confined to a solitary cave."
"Harom Harom Hara
Suppress the immoral and the wicked."
"Harom Harom Hara
Punish iniquity."
"Hari Om Harom Harom Har
Crumble the fortress of corruption to dust."
"Hari Om Harom Harom Hara
Vanquish the fear, Om!"
"We got used to the moments of suffering.
Life goes on, as we endure perpetual struggles."
"The humiliating words force us to seek liberation,
The only hope we have is, Him!"
"The particle that you touch becomes energized
The step you've taken causes commotion"
"You've become a sanctuary for us!
You are our Sudheer!"
"To clear the debts of the past youve come.
With your arrival has this dull forest bloomed"
"The valorous qualities you possess are praised.
You are to wield the sacred weapon."
"This community was living like a corpse,
searching for strength for its people"
"The only direction left for us to explore was insanity."
"You've become the reason,
we are chanting slogans of victory with your arrival."
Get me a tea, Ramana.
I can't hold the craving back.
Why are you in such a hurry?
I understand that Subramaniam needs to go to college,
but you are jobless, why are you in such a hurry?
Ramana, I'm not jobless.
I'm under suspension, that's it.
Once you become a police officer,
it's not so easy to terminate you.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I'll get my job back after the enquiry, wait and watch.
Yes, please take it.
Did you see that, Subramaniam?
Nobody respects a man without a job.
"For the cloud that moves towards the desert,
tears are the only companions at that height."
"When the yagna (sacred fire) approaches solemnly,
the fuel-like ingredients voluntarily jump into it directly."
"From darkness, the first rains of courage emerge slowly.
The ever-so-powerful fear is confined to a solitary cave."
"Harom Harom Hara
Suppress the immoral and the wicked."
"Harom Harom Hara
Punish iniquity."
"Hari Om Harom Harom Har
Crumble the fortress of corruption to dust."
"Hari Om Harom Harom Hara
Vanquish the fear, Om!"
What's this? What if somebody sees?
So what? Let them see.
You are a teacher and I'm a lab assistant.
People will make fun of us.
It's okay. I don't care. Have it.
Okay, you leave.
Hello, Subramaniam
-Hello, Dad. How are you?
I'm fine. But why didn't you come home?
Thrash him.
Hey, get him into the vehicle.
Don't worry about that,
I'll send you the money order.
Okay, son. I'll take your leave.
Brother, they report so many things in the newspaper,
why doesn't anybody report the atrocities
happening in our village?
How can you expect something that hasn't
happened since so many years?
What happened?
This is normal here.
Ramana, where's the tea?
Come, sit.
Why didn't you come by bus directly?
Do you have any problem picking me up? Tell me...
I didn't mean that.
But what if somebody notices us?
Being a girl, I'm ready to face those troubles.
You're a man, what are you scared of?
I'm not scared.
You, ladies, won't get that.
Let me earn a ton of money,
forget about my scooter,
then I'll arrange a chariot for you
and parade you as my partner.
Okay. You leave, I'll get ready and come.
Brother, save me.
They are coming to kill me.
What happened?
That guy chasing me misbehaved with my girlfriend,
that's why I confronted him.
Now he's coming to kill me.
Hey, wait...
Please talk to the Principal if you have any concerns.
I won't. What will you do? Hit me?
Will you hit me?
What are you looking at?
Come. Come!
Brother, he is Sharath Reddys henchman.
How dare you lay your hands on us.
Count your days, I'll be back.
Guys move...
Brother Sharath.
What happened?
Somebody from the polytechnical college
dared to lay hands on us.
Let's start the vehicle.
Hey, Sharath.
Wait outside.
Where are you going?
Didn't you listen to what they said?
Are you out of your mind?
Will you get into their petty fights?
Are they working for you or
are you working for them?
Subramaniam, don't you have a sense
of whom you are dealing with?
We can't run this college
if they hold a grudge against us.
-I'm Sharath speaking.
Sir, please forgive us.
It was a genuine mistake.
How dare you! Who is he?
Don't you know the repercussions
of laying hands on my men?
Sir, I beg your forgiveness.
I'd make sure, this never repeats.
He is not from this village, sir.
That's why he doesn't know about you.
If he continues to work at your college,
I'll make sure you no longer have a college.
Take care.
Okay, sir.
I knew this was coming.
Nobody in this village can go
against their word, Subramaniam.
If you want to continue working in this college,
you'd have to beg for their forgiveness.
Or you should resign from your job.
Sir, I didn't come to this village
to live a life of humiliation.
I don't want a life where I'd have to
prostrate before someone else.
I'll take your leave, sir.
Okay, leave. You don't need this college.
We will surely get a job much more lucrative than this.
Hey! Look at their arrogance.
I hope somebody would straighten them out.
Hey, Subramaniam!
Subramaniam! Phone..
Hello, subramaniam!
Hello... Dad.
Subramaniam, you haven't sent the money yet.
Can you send it this week?
Son, are you there?
Yes, Dad. I'll come in person this time. Okay?
Is it? Okay then. Come fast, I'll be waiting.
I'll take your leave.
My son is here, I'm leaving.
I thought you'd come in the evening
after finishing college work.
I took an off for the day.
Here's the key. You go home,
I have some work to take care of, I'll come later.
Give me the money.
What's the hurry?
I have work.
It's okay.
Don't lie there drunk, come soon.
Don't make fun of me,
I'm going to get chicken for you.
Do not damage the goods.
My son is sleeping inside. Please don't create a ruckus.
-When will you give me money?
I will pay for two days.
Why are you troubling my father?
What happened?
Didn't your father tell you?
-If he can't repay, why did he take a loan from us?
Please calm down and tell me what happened.
Brother, he is acting innocent.
How can he not know? Ask him where our money is.
Ask him How can he not know?
Wait. Wait.
He is an educated guy. Let me talk with him.
Subramaniam, your father has
taken a lot of money from all of us.
Even after many years,
he hasn't even paid interest for that.
He keeps telling us that you will pay off his loan,
but so far he hasn't given a penny to any of us.
Okay, fine. How much does he owe you?
28800 rupees.
Give me some time, I'll return all your money.
Should we now wait for another decade for you to pay?
Don't get me wrong, brother.
But I need some time to gather this huge amount.
Please understand.
We can't give any more time.
We have waited for too long already.
Wait. Everyone, silent. Let me talk.
Look, Subramaniam
You are right, you would need time
to arrange such a big amount.
But the villagers have lost faith in your father.
We will give you 3 months time,
do whatever you can and return our money.
I'll repay all your loans within this time.
Please leave now.
How can we trust them?
How long should we wait for our money?
Stop it. Subramaniam has given his word.
Let's leave for now.
How can we trust them!
We leave empty-handed every time we come here.
Have it.
Don't take my words for a drunken mans rant,
people respect only those who have money.
You should not face this.
That's why I'm telling you to earn a lot of money.
You should not face the humiliation that I face.
You tell the same thing every time you are drunk.
Do not worry about what happened in the morning.
I'll manage somehow and clear the debt.
How will you get the money?
I said there's no need.
Our fortunes will certainly change.
We will see good days too.
That day, I'll clear all my debts
and get you married to a good girl.
Please stop it.
I didn't want to tell you but you won't have it, will you?
I lost my job.
I don't know how to send you money next month.
I told you just forget about it,
I'll take care of it.
Please finish your dinner Son!
I can't dare to show you my face.
That's why I'm sharing my pain with you after you sleep
because I don't have anyone else to share with.
You never asked me anything.
Even today, you took the responsibility of clearing my debts
but never questioned me on why I took money from them.
You have always been a good son to me.
But I've been the worst father to you.
Only God knows, what sins have you done
to have me as your father
and what good deeds have
I done to have you as my son.
I'm not asleep yet.
What? Are you not asleep?
Sleep. Sleep well.
Take care.
I can't believe that my Subramaniam is upset
because of losing his job.
Why do you look so sad?
What happened to you?
Tell me the truth, Subramaniam.
My father has taken huge debts in my Village.
I have been saving money
to start a business of my own,
even my entire savings isn't enough
to clear those debts.
How can you think like others?
You are not like others.
You are unique.
Do not forget that.
Don't wreck your brains over this. Take this.
Why would you do that?
Don't you know why I did that?
You need money, right?
Either sell them or pawn them.
But you should not be sad.
I can't see you like this.
I don't want this.
I'll do something.
listen to me
Subramaniam! Subramaniam!
Palani seems to be here.
My colleague in Kuppu saami has passed away.
I need to attend his cremation.
Can you drop me?
I will get the key
Palani has some work.
you leave
I'll come back, stay here.
"It will tell you all the secrets."
"Will predict the danger before it happens."
"Will bring out the hidden truth."
"Dont blame the time for whats unfolding."
"What's being preserved might get lost"
"What's lost might be found,"
"Something unexpected may happen,"
"Who knows what fate has written?"
Theres an undried fish on one
end of the spectrum
"And a hidden village on the other"
"Countless are the links between the two
Placed by the one above... "
"Lord wont do anything without a reason."
Did see this horror!
I did.
"Its Lord Murgas illusions!"
"It will tell you all the secrets."
"Will predict the danger before it happens."
"Will bring out the hidden truth."
"Dont blame the time for whats unfolding."
"What's being preserved might get lost"
"What's lost might be found,"
"Something unexpected may happen,"
"Who knows what fate has written?"
He was a great man.
He always supported me financially...
even when I didn't ask for it.
Thank you, Lord.
"It will tell you all the secrets."
"Will predict the danger before it happens."
"Will bring out the hidden truth."
"Dont blame the time for whats unfolding."
"What's being preserved might get lost"
"What's lost might be found,"
"Something unexpected may happen,"
"Who knows what fate has written?"
What, Palani
when did you come?
Just now, sir.
Okay, come.
I got some booze from Karnataka.
Let's have a peg.
I don't feel like drinking now, sir.
How can you reject an offer of liquor!
He is your colleague.
I know you must be in pain.
Come, have a drink with us.
Okay, I'll send my friend and join you.
Okay, come to the well.
"Its Lord Murgas illusions!"
"It will tell you all the secrets."
"Will predict the danger before it happens."
"Will bring out the hidden truth."
"Dont blame the time for whats unfolding."
"What's being preserved might get lost"
"What's lost might be found,"
Subramaniam, keep this cover with you.
I'll take it from you later.
You leave.
Take care, Subramaniam.
Where is it, Subramaniam?
Nobody saw it, right?
Why are you so tensed?
Do you know what's in it?
I saw.
You saw it?
If my department finds this out,
all hell will break loose.
This is the cause of my suspension.
I understand the gun,
what about the blueprint?
Four months ago
All our problems will be solved, Kuppa.
What if our superiors find out?
How will they find out?
I have traced a party in Tamilnadu,
I'll get him to make an exact replica of this.
If we replace the replica over here,
not only will we make profits
but also retain our duty.
What do you say?
But to my bad luck,
there was an inspection the very next day.
As I was the in-charge on the previous day,
I was suspended on the charge of missing
evidence under my authority.
Okay, leave.
Why do you keep it with yourself?
Why don't you sell it to that Tamil guy?
Where is he now?
He has been arrested by the Tamilnadu police.
Had I sold it to him,
I would have got 500 rupees.
500 rupees for this gun?
What do you think about?
Even if it takes 50 rupees for the metal,
add another 20 rupees for the making,
still, it should not cost more than 100.
You are right.
But who will take that risk?
People around the world hold gun for power
but this gun has travelled
all around to get to me.
It's trying to tell me something
that I'm listening to from your mouth.
Let's make a business out of this.
Are you being serious?
Why would I joke about this?
We both require money.
Think about it.
Tell me if you have a better idea than this.
Only UP people get into such business.
If we start this business,
can we survive while competing with them?
Look, brother, we have to go
against all odds to survive.
Even lion can be used for agriculture if it gets scared.
It can be the king of the Jungle
only if it scares others.
Let's start with it, we'll deal with
the obstacles later.
Look Even God gave a green signal to us.
They ring that bell every day at this time.
How is that related to our business?
When we are doing something immoral,
our guilt won't let us do it.
But if we believe that Lord Murugan is
making us do it and we are acting on his will,
it feels much more soothing in the heart.
Tell me now
I'll join you in the business but
the liability falls entirely on you.
I don't have any money to invest in this,
I'm making this very clear to you.
What happened, Subramaniam?
What are you thinking about?
Tell me
There is nothing to talk about,
let's get into action.
Where are we going?
Let's find a good place to start a business.
How's this place, Subramaniam?
Nobody stays here.
There's a school right beside it,
it's not the right place.
How about this?
Is it in good condition?
There is an empty well over there.
For what? To conduct a public exhibition?
Subramaniam, stop here.
How about we use this talkies?
Do you know who owns this place!
Let's go.
Why do we care who owns it,
it has been closed since the day
I came to this village.
It looks like someone has been
coming here frequently.
I don't think anyone's coming here.
The power supply is active,
but the bulb is not working
He looks like a poor man,
it seems he has no clothes to wear.
Sharath Reddy is here.
We took out your brother-in-law Kolar Kumar.
Do you think you are a bigger Don than him?
Bloody scoundrel.
-I beg you, don't kill me, please.
Take him out.
They have left. Let's leave.
Where would we get a better place than this?
We have electricity supply,
the sound won't go out
and since Sharath Reddy visits the place often,
no one else would come to this place.
That's what I'm saying.
He keeps coming to this place.
Let them have their petty fights.
Why should we care?
You are not scared despite
witnessing a murder
you are definitely not a good man, Subramaniam.
There's no such thing as good or bad, brother.
Better you don't trigger, Before you butter him
Just Dig your grave before, You fight him...ha ha
He got spring in the bones Hes not a metaphor
Look at him right in the eye...!
Gun smith...
Gut is just like a loaded magazine
Gun smith...
Cutting deep into bloody bones
Gun smith...
Hes got a Rusty face and knitty hands
Youll find him like a moving gun...!
"It is a fresh battle between
intelligence and strength!"
"Your tale speaks of humanity's survival."
Listen, Ramana.
Subramaniam seems to be having some tension,
give him a cup of tea.
Okay, brother.
It shoots in reverse.
And this?
Oh, man! You did it, Subramaniam.
I've seen only trash guns throughout my service.
I haven't seen it as good as this one so far.
Did you make the bullets yourself too?
Weapons should never be sold in parts.
The buyer would know the power of our guns
only if we have the bullets.
Only then will our business gain demand.
Now we shall celebrate Diwali every day.
Listen, come to Krishnagiri tomorrow.
You got me 60 km away from Kuppam
saying we have a party who is
interested in doing business with us.
But we are having a liquor party instead.
If not him then someone else,
if we have a service to offer,
business will come to us.
What happened, Sharath?
How long should I wait?
Why are you so late?
Any problem?
Nothing Rajamanikyam.
A little work in the village delayed it.
Leave, let's drink.
No, I'm late. I'll leave.
What's the hurry?
Is your brother causing any trouble?
He has joined hands with a Hindi guy
but I'm not scared of them.
Okay. Let's finish the last peg,
I'll leave too.
Okay, friend. I'll take your leave.
Guys, come on.
Look at our boss!
Brother, look over there.
What's this?
I can see that.
Why did you keep it here?
I thought you might need it.
Even the bullets are loaded.
Try it once.
You'll get a high for sure.
I know what you are thinking now.
Take this with you.
Use it for some time.
If you like it, talk to your father and let me know
how many you want and where to deliver them.
What do you say?
-What should I say?
Daggers are enough these days,
what would I do with this gun?
Nobody will leave this place alive.
This fight is between us.
You can show off your power in your Village, go.
How dare you!
He has a gun!
The sound from Subramaniams gun
created an echo like never before.
It caused the daggerholders to run for their lives.
Sharath, shall I tell you something?
If you have a knife, only the one you
are about to stab will fear you
but if you have a gun,
everyone around you will fear you.
[Sanskrit Shloka]
"He transformed into a weapon
and commenced writing a story about himself."
Put extra spice for me.
Useless fellow
Take this away.
Sharath has bought something for us,
instead of checking it out you are concerned
about the spice in your food, are you?
These things won't work out for us.
We should stick with whatever we are used to.
You are right.
Sharath, do you think we need this?
Do you think you and uncle
are in your prime youth?
I am nearing my prime,
tomorrow if someone attacks us with a dagger,
we can be a mere spectator
but if we have a gun we can
neutralise him from a distance.
what is this?
I aimed here and it shot there.
Come on, uncle.
Did we learn to kill by birth?
We learnt it while growing up,
this too is similar to that.
The more we use it,
the more we will get used to it.
True, Tammireddy.
Now tell me, how many guns do you want?
We can't just get one each for the three of us.
Look around, how they are looking at us.
Get one for each of them.
What happened, Devi?
What are you doing here?
I will tell but before that, tell me something,
you used to smoke occasionally
but now you have become a chain smoker.
Nothing, I'm under a bit of tension,
that's why.
Look, I threw it away.
What are you doing? Stay away.
Don't get any rosy ideas in your brain.
You are doing something behind my back.
Tell me.
What are you doing behind my back?
Is this the way to ask?
I wanted to tell you long ago.
I'm doing something wrong.
What's that?
I'm making guns.
What? Please elaborate.
do you see?
Does it go off?
If you load bullets into it, it will kill too.
Is this the wrong thing you mentioned about?
How is this wrong?
Isn't making guns immoral?
No. How can it be wrong?
All these years, have we got so much money that
we don't have to think about our basic necessities?
No, right?
Anything that we do for our survival is not wrong.
In these times, if we are good,
society takes us for granted.
Instead, we must be rebels,
only then will we get respect.
I didn't expect this from you.
What else did you expect then?
That I'll say, Oh God, this is not our cup of tea,
please stay away from such risky business!?
Come, drop me off at the college.
"Why do eyes meet like a dream?"
"In the eyelid, the waves rise, sprinkling sparkles,
a different kind of magic."
'The rhythm of revolutionary music."
"An unending quest,"
"A name that doesnt know defeat, that is you!
Come forth"
"Oh, sweet intoxicating brave one,"
"Come, erase the distances and become the love
that will stand the test of the time for centuries."
Hello, Father. Will that be enough?
"A step doesnt pause for a moment,
the moment doesnt stop you,"
"The smile on the lips doesnt come off,
the comfort doesnt forgive the resentment."
"In the edges of the sky hides the snow cloud,
unfortunately, these moments arent alive!"
Why do we need this?
What's your name? Subramaniam.
This will symbolically pronounce your name.
How's my idea?
"I stand with you timelessly."
'The rhythm of revolutionary music."
"An unending quest,"
"A name that doesnt know defeat, that is you!
Come forth"
"Oh, sweet intoxicating brave one,"
"Come, erase the distances and become the love
that will stand the test of the time for centuries."
Why did you give so much money, sir?
I know what you get by working here.
Now onwards, your grandsons will work with me.
Don't be scared for them,
I'll take care of them.
Trust me.
"The first story changes, and dreams become stories,
theres no life in despair,"
Subramaniam! Come, let's get a pic.
"In your gaze stands the sky,"
your world revolves around Subramaniam.
But he is always busy,
are you upset about it?
Subramaniam has a lot to deal with.
Unlike me, whose world revolves around him.
Why would I be upset,
he should be happy and healthy,
that's enough for me.
"An unending quest,"
"A name that doesnt know defeat, that is you!
Come forth"
"Oh, sweet intoxicating brave one,"
"Come, erase the distances and become the love
that will stand the test of the time for centuries."
Won't you drink?
I won't drink while on business.
While I'm drinking, I don't talk about business.
Leave him.
You come to the point.
My father has two wives.
My step-brother from his second
wife has gained a lot of traction
by joining hands with South India
dealer Mahendar.
My gang is not secure enough.
My life's in danger too.
I need guns immediately.
Is that it?
When do you want them?
It's not as easy as you think.
Do you know with whom my brother
deals for the supply of guns?
Do you know what kind of a person he is?
It's not easy to get guns in
Tamilnadu under his watch.
If Selva Manikyam finds out that I've approached
you for guns, he will go to any extent to stop the deal.
I do a lot of stuff without intimating others.
But if I commit to something,
then I'll get it done by hook or crook.
Be assured that you will receive your order,
you just have a good time.
I'll take care of the rest.
GuysSearch all the vehicles.
-Okay, sir.
Suri, check that vehicle.
They are checking as if they have
received information on us.
Do you think Rajamanikyam was right
and someone has tipped on us?
Sir, nothing is here.
You may leave.
I'm calling to ask where you'll be caught
with increased police surveillance.
Where are the guns?
They are here, don't worry.
Get those steel utensils.
Rajamanikyam sent these.
This time our boss will be the MLA.
We have no opposition.
Drive slowly, Subramaniam is sitting there.
Palani Palani
You started the story with the
promise of revealing the evil.
But you are telling the story of how
Subramaniam turned into a devil.
What good did Subramaniam do?
It has only his crimes.
I'm telling you the truth that you asked for.
If I wanted to tell only good things
about Subramaniam,
I would have skipped half the story.
We did business, that's it.
Not murders.
On one hand, we were doing well.
On the other hand,
Tammireddy and gang were
causing ruckus in the village.
We lost the case, Tammireddy.
Didn't I tell you that I'm going out and
get bathed before I come back?
I was feeling feverish.
Put on some powder at least, I'll come soon.
What, brother?
We lost the case.
Rajendra just informed me.
I'll see that lawyer's end today.
Search that bloody rascal.
I want the lawyer and that rascal
in our talkies by tonight.
Okay, sir.
Had you shown this brilliance in the court,
you would have been alive today.
The world is too small, madam.
An incident that happens to a person affects some
other person who is nowhere related to that person.
And we both were in the same village.
How can our paths go untwined?
Brother, leave me.
Do you think gun trading is easy?
Forgive me, brother.
You said it, didn't you?
Now go...
things have heated up.
That Mahendra...
Rajamanikyam, you are free to have
a business against your brother, that's your personal.
But I cannot accept that you have brought
yourself guns from another source other than me.
Did you think I'd not notice?
Or did you think I'd not react
to this business of yours?
Did you supply guns to me
when I needed them?
Have your tea and vacate the place.
Do you think you can do business
while going against me?
Don't you know I have whose support?
I don't care.
This is my territory.
I am the Don here.
That Mahendar has targeted all our men,
he may attack them anytime.
What should we do now, Subramaniam?
The guns must reach our men
before Mahendra attacks.
Deliver them tonight.
Should I tell them anything?
There's nothing to be told.
Let's get into action.
Why are we sending all the stuff at once?
It's too risky to have them here.
I think it's better if you could deliver
them personally this time around.
From UP to AP, the only weapons
being circulated were ours.
Now some other weapons are being supplied.
Henceforth, it should not!
If you have to continue your business,
you must work under us and fear us.
My boss won't agree to work under you.
Moreover, Subramaniam does not know what fear is.
Selva, did you get it?
Subramaniam should know what fear is.
Get him into the vehicle.
If anything comes to us, it's a danger.
If it comes without our knowledge, it's a disaster.
If it all comes at once, it's a bad time.
That day, Subrahmanyam's life,
along with our lives, also took a turn.
Hey, come in...
Hey, Singaru.
Did you take so long to get this old man?
Stay put.
It was not an easy task to find, got it?
Hey, why are you getting into a debate
instead of killing him at once?
He has a son, boss.
Our men are searching for him.
We are waiting for him to come
so that we kill both at once.
He will come to his cremation, won't he?
We can kill him then.
Hey, kill him.
Check out what that was.
-Okay Brother.
It is a peacock.
Kill that after you kill him.
I'll have it for dinner.
Check if someone is on a power trip.
[Sanskrit shloka]
You go
Hey, Kittappa.
Look, Mahendra,
tell your boss that there's a volcano on this side.
His name is Subramaniam
C/o. Kuppam.
I have never questioned you on any of your actions.
But now it concerns your life,
I have no other choice.
What's the fight between a common man
in Sundrapalya and these criminals?
I wanted to tell this to you long back
but I couldn't muster enough courage.
I used all my savings and your mother's ornaments
to buy land in Kuppam as you too are working here.
Later I got to know that there is someone called Tammireddy
who has grabbed my land, I was dumbfounded.
I gathered all the old sale deeds from
the seller and lodged a case in court.
The lawyer told me that the opposite party is very influential
and we would require a lot of money to win the case,
I took out a loan from everyone I knew in the village.
Eventually, we won the case.
I was on my Kuppam to inform you about the land
but in the meantime, they tried to kill me.
It is unbelievable that I was brought to that
particular talkies where you were already present,
this seems like lord Murgas magic.
Anyway, who are those barbarians?
I'm sorry, we don't have
anything better for offerings.
This temple was not always like this.
Once upon a time, this village
used to be very prosperous.
The arrival of Tammireddy and his men in this
village has driven out happiness from this village.
Today most family members of a house
are found as photo frames on their walls.
People do not even react to their neighbours
execution, if they do, they will lose their lives.
They don't have a son like yours who
can go against those demons to save his family.
When will he be cured?
The injuries will cure soon but the psychological
fear might not go away so soon.
Don't take me wrong, he will come out of
the coma only when he overcomes that fear.
How many?
How many people attacked you all?
One man.
Who is he?
What the hell are you doing?
Brother, now I'll go.
If you come along, I'll kill him in your presence
or else I'll bring his head as a souvenir.
Guys, come along.
Brother, give me change for Rs.50.
Do you know this?
-What is it?
someone has thrashed
Sharath Reddy yesterday night.
Is it true?
Yes, sister. Someone thrashed him
so badly that he almost died.
How I wish that he would have died!
Priest, did you hear this
Someone has thrashed Sharath Reddy
so bad that he almost died.
God has proved his existence.
All praise Lord Murga! Harom Hara!
Are you sure about this news?
-Yes, I'm sure.
Wow! This is something to be celebrated.
Come on, everybody.
Today I'll give nuts cheaply to everyone.
Come.. come...
Did you hear that,
Sharath Reddy has been thrashed.
Is it?
Brother, Sharath Reddy has been thrashed.
Brother Govindswami,
Sharath Reddy has been thrashed.
Did you hear that,
Sharath Reddy has been thrashed.
Is it?
Here. Take.
Give me some.
-I am. Wait.
I never thought I would see this day.
Good times await for our Kuppam.
Where is he?
Where is he?
Where is that Subramaniam
who thrashed my son?
I didn't know his name until you informed me.
Now that I've heard the name,
I realise it is Lord Murga who has come to save us.
I wouldn't say anything about him even if I knew.
If I kill him, he might not be able to me
but the fear of watching him die
would make someone else speak out.
"Go ahead, invade and begin the
extermination of demons."
"Raise your weapon and instill fear
in the hearts of your enemies."
"Go ahead, invade and begin the
extermination of demons."
"Raise your weapon and instill fear
in the hearts of your enemies."
"With Dandapani's strength entwined,
weave the hearts into a garland divine."
"O beloved God... he stands by your side."
"Swear on the graves,
Oh God... Oh God."
"Vertebral shivers,
Oh God... Oh God."
"In the fervent battle of Lord Murugan,
Who dares to halt the fray?"
"A white whisk witnesses the massacre."
"Swear on the graves,
Oh God... Oh God."
"Vertebral shivers,
Oh God... Oh God."
"O Linga... blow the conch and commence the war."
You were asking about the
whereabouts of Subramaniam, weren't you?
Subramaniam is here.
The Rage-filled Subramaniam!
If we kill him along with his brother,
this village will become prosperous once again.
-Have you forgotten who I am?
Come on..
-Thammireddi, get in.
I will kill you all.
-This is not the time. Listen to me.
Get in.
I've been hearing about all the atrocities
these guys carry on in this village.
Henceforth nothing of that sort will take place.
I will get back all your lands that these
criminals illegally grabbed from you.
Call all those who have migrated
away from this village.
No child should look forward
to his fathers arrival.
No mother should cry for her son.
No wife should live a life of solitude
without her husband.
The auspicious chariot procession
that stopped 20 years ago must start yet again.
I swear on Lord Subramaniam,
henceforth if any troubles have to reach you,
it must first face me.
We must have heard about the
assassination of Tarakasura by Lord Murugan
but today we saw the live demonstration of that.
He is not any ordinary Subramaniam,
he is the manifestation of all prayers
to our Lord Murugan.
He is the incarnation of Lord Murugan.
All hail, Murugan!
All hail, Murugan!
All hail, Murugan!
Harrom Hara!
Harom Hara!
Leave early and come to Kuppam, okay?
You don't have to live there anymore.
You don't have to pay me anything.
Speak as long as you want.
Thank you, brother.
Brother, it is because of you that
I could meet my family again.
Now that all of you are back,
celebrate the carnival well.
Okay, brother.
Tammireddy, I've always seen rage in your eyes,
for the first time I see sadness.
A strong man should never
display his sadness to others.
My son lies in a hospital,
my brother died a horrible death
and I have exiled myself from the
village after losing to him,
It's all because of him but
I can't do anything to him.
You have not lost until you give up, Tammireddy.
Madam, you are making the floor wet.
Keep the umbrella out.
Keep it out, dear.
Tell me. What do you want?
Father-in-law, give that.
We won the case in the court.
We have the order,
you need to give us the documents.
I got it.
Get me some favours done and
I will make sure your job gets done in 3 to 4 months.
Why are you silent?
Didn't you understand what
favours I'm talking about?
We understood.
If it takes 3 to 4 months, me
and father-in-law would wait.
But my husband is impatient,
he won't wait that long.
We can't consider his impatience,
he must wait.
Your husband is not a VIP that things
would happen at his pace.
Do you know about Subramaniam?
Do you know him?
Can you please look outside?
I swear, I didn't know.
Please sit.
Hey, get some tea for them.
-Okay, sir.
We don't require your hospitality.
Just get our job done.
Hey, look for that survey number. Quick.
Sit down sir.
Listen, get it done fast.
Get the temple documents ready as well.
Your job is done, sir.
All the temple land now belongs to the people.
Trust me, your job is done.
Is your work done?
It's been pending since 5 years, brother.
There's no fault of mine, sir.
I did it out of fear of Tammireddy.
the pace with which got my documents done,
with the same pace you must get
all these villagers documents done.
I will, sir.
I will get it done by tomorrow.
Grandpa, he will get it done by tomorrow.
Is it okay with you?
We've been hearing the same
thing since the last 5 years.
Look, those times were different
and these times are different.
I said, I'll get it done.
I won't go back on my words.
Trust me, sir. I will get it done.
Brother, they have dug up all my lands for quarry.
What should we do?
My land is a dryland, brother.
What should we do?
Even selling all my land will be
insufficient to clear my loans.
I'll take care
-Ok sir.
Sir, take this.
Please take this, sir.
Let's go.
Brother Palani, did you notice
Once upon a time, our family was very small,
now see how big it has become.
So have my responsibilities
That means, my income should also grow.
Brother Palani, we have to lease this factory.
What? Are you going to increase
your income with this?
Why are you laughing, Subramaniam?
Tell me what's on your mind
There's nothing to tell anymore,
we are getting into action.
"Shoot ahead like an arrow that
has left its bow aiming for the target."
"May every step of your journey...
be filled with wonder and delight."
"Your lineage... transcends generations, march ahead
Stand firm on the new path that you lay"
"Like the God of war, Muruga
Turn up for the battle fiercely."
we are finding it difficult to name these
models while taking orders.
Nobody is able to pronounce it correctly.
Let's change the name to a name
that can be easily pronounced.
This is NTR,
this is ANR,
and Krishna.
And what about this?
Amitabh Bachchan.
It'll be famous in the North.
'Even the simmering spark,
will struggle in the depths of cold."
"Every dynasty that cuts deep
etches its name in history."
"If you ask the winds to deviate from its original
state citing injustice and laws laid for justice,"
"Rest becomes entertainment,
and growth showers upon us"
"The melody salutes,
and endures for times unknown."
"Lamenting becomes forbidden,
leisure has no place in life."
What, brother? Are you reading something?
Do you need to be learn something right now?
If you are advanced, you don't need to learn.
However, if you want to progress,
you have to learn something.
They are preparing for sowing
and have come for money.
I have made your favourite Chitti Mutyala Pulao.
Like Parents know their kids likes and dislikes,
Children too know their parents likes and dislikes.
Subramaniam, we have received
this letter from Arun Gawli.
Is he going on a war?
There is nothing to do with this.
What? Are you planning to build it?
No, brother.
I was thinking once Brother Subramaniam
builds what name should it be given.
What name have you thought of?
-Jyothilakshmi, brother.
Guys, have a look at Jyothi Lakshmi.
'Even the light that falls upon,
will it shine through without burning itself?"
'Will destiny question anyone,
how is it related to them?"
"If disturbance remains unseen,
victory doesnt raise its head"
"A rivers course doesnt change abruptly,
this fact is known to all."
Take care.
Not of yourself, take care of the gun.
Local made.
I've seen many such bullets in Bombay, madam.
Can't locally made armoury reach Bombay?
What should we do now, madam?
The man behind the trigger
would be apprehended somehow
but I want the man who made the trigger.
Tell me, Selva Manikyam.
What do you want from us?
He has been my supplier of weapons
since I've been in this business.
His name is Mahendra.
He is the sole supplier in the south for UPs gangs.
If you brought the man along,
I assume the work is big enough. What is it?
Look, brother.
Until yesterday, my gang was unbeatable.
But today I've been betrayed by my step-brother.
Many of my gang members have been killed.
If I kill him, someone else would come up in his place.
I need to kill his strength.
That means, I need to kill Subramaniam.
And I want your help to do that.
He was once our Sharaths friend
and has started a gang of his own.
Didn't you tell me that he has
connections with UP gangs,
then why do you need us?
But if we involve them,
my Boss in the North will look down upon me,
that's why we have approached you.
Tell me, what can I do for you?
Subramaniam will recognize
any gangster from all three states,
someone not related to our field must approach him
and give him a big consignment order
but ask the delivery to be made to Krishnagiri.
That's it.
Once he comes down, he will not return to Kuppam,
he will go to a place from where there is no return.
So, we are thinking that instead of people like us,
it will be better to send someone diplomatic.
Brother, MLA Venkateshulu is coming.
Very small matter, Subramaniam.
You don't have to fear.
Do you see fear in me?
Tell me.
You know about Krishnagiri Nataraj, right?
The Bypolls have been announced.
The opposition candidate has
camped his gang in Tirunelveli.
My guy is asking for guns for his safety,
that's why I came to you.
First of all, who informed you about us?
Being in politics for so many years,
can't I find out this small piece of information?
Just let me know if you can do the job or not.
We don't give no for an answer to anyone.
When do you want the delivery and where?
Take a look.
The front one is NTR, the one beside
that is Chiranjeevi and that one is Krishna.
Tell me what you want and when you want.
Krishna. A tractor full.
You have to deliver it to Krishnagiri in two days.
Okay. Your job will be done.
Pay advance to Palani and leave.
Don't fall back on your promise.
I've always been true to my words, protect my virtue.
My word is the word of that Almighty.
Once I commit, the job will be done no matter what.
You may leave.
"If he stares into your eyes,
the path to hell becomes visible."
Where's the load?
It is correct, Subramaniam.
Subramaniam, you must not
disturb a still-laying lion.
If it attacks you back,
you'll have to lose your life.
It seems there's no one taking his body back.
"No poison has tainted your blood."
"The venom in your veins gleams
like a precious jewel to you."
"No poison has tainted your blood."
"The venom in your veins gleams
like a precious jewel to you."
"A snake that does not budge sacrifices itself"
Selva Manikyam, what actually happened?
It is another incarnation of Subramaniam.
In a forest without lions,
even a wolf believes it's a lion.
Once the war begins, who will do what?
Do you know my name, don't you?
God of Gods.
Shall I tell you something?
I know that you are doing business not just for
our family but for the whole village.
But I felt like telling this to you in this holy place.
The weapons that you create don't know
any good or bad, they only crave blood.
If your weapons take innocent lives,
we will be burdened with those sins.
For the coming Kavidi festival take a holy vow
and then leave everything behind.
Okay, Dad.
Let's go.
No warrior can stop a war all of a sudden.
Find another way to serve these people.
Sir, here is a man named Subrahmanyam in Kuppam.
Did you come here to say this?
I also underestimated him,
but he's even more powerful
than we had imagined.
Let's see..
Hey, idiot. We couldn't harm him
when he was out in the open.
How can we reach him and how can
we lay our hands on him in his territory?
He thinks he is great by manufacturing
four types of weapons.
Do you know what my sub-boss is sending for us??
If we get our hands on it, the entire Kuppam
will be turned to a colony of ash.
But we have another problem. Kiranmayi.
Chidambaram, SHO.
He is our writer Srin
Where's the evidence?
Inside, madam
This is from Madanapalle,
this is from Krishnagiri,
this is from Mulbagal
and this is from Kolar.
All of them have the same model of guns and bullets.
So, manufacturers and suppliers are the same, right?
But who is supplying such huge consignments, madam?
From our primary investigation,
we have received information that all the supplies
are taking place from the Kuppam borders.
Who will have their base in such a small town, madam?
Chidambaram, there is a small town called Bulandshahr.
The entire supply of illegal guns in India used
to take place from this place.
Just like you said, if their police too would have
ignored the small town called Bulandshahr,
that crime would have never been exposed.
Condemnation without investigation
is the height of ignorance.
So, keep aside your intelligence and search every
inch in Kuppam and secure all the borders of Kuppam.
No vehicle should be allowed through
without thorough checking.
Yes, madam.
Hail Lord Murugan!
[Devotional Song]
Brother Palani!
Please come here..
Why did you come here instead
of taking the vehicle to the factory?
Brother, we have a huge problem.
While on my way back, the police caught
me and started checking the vehicle.
Park your vehicle aside.
Thoroughly check the vehicle at the top.
Did you check well?
They did, madam. They found nothing.
This is a regular vehicle travelling up and down.
Where are you coming from?
I'm coming from Katpadi after delivering a load.
They found that the lorry belongs to Subramaniam.
What should we do now?
Okay, you leave to the factory, I'll take care of it.
9mm bullet.
Didn't get you, madam.
Look, Chidambaram.
Kuppam has a variety of flowers,
they can be transported,
there's a quarry here,
export can take place from there.
But why would be Brics exported?
They'll get many from Karnataka and Tamilnadu.
Instead of getting bricks from there
why would someone get it from Kuppam?
Maybe their quality is good, madam.
But still, why would someone spend such
a big amount to buy bricks?
It's bloody common sense, damnit.
Go in and get all the guns out.
-Okay, brother.
Come, take this bag to the carnival.
Fast, we need to reach our factory.
From Bombay?
Since we are tracking trunk calls,
he's been doing his business through letters.
Start the vehicle.
-We must not lose Subramaniam at any cost.
Send a team to search the factory.
-Okay, madam.
Mohan, you have to go to the brick factory for searching,
you have orders from ACP madam.
Chidambaram, search the house.
Guys, search the house.
Conduct a thorough search.
We didn't get anything at the factory, madam.
Madam, we have found nothing.
Chidambaram, search everyone present here.
You both go that side, you both come here.
Don't spare anyone.
Stand in line.
Subramaniam, don't do any thing.
Give me the handcuffs.
Hey, you can't take our brother like this.
Listen up, police are arresting Subramaniam.
They are arresting our brother, come on.
[Sanskrit shloka]
You can't come. Stay right there.
[Sanskrit shloka]
Chidambaram, what's happening?
Madam, we can't move the vehicle from here.
They won't listen to anyone except for him.
Subramaniam, you would be responsible for
any loss of life over here.
Think about it.
Enough of theatrics. Get up.
Guys, you are my family.
What respect will I have if my
family is lying on the roads!
Listen to your Subramaniam, get up.
Do not cause any ruckus
and do not stop the festivities.
They can't do anything to me.
Even now, they are not arresting me,
I'm going with them as per my will.
Subramaniam should be released immediately.
If this continues like this,
how will we take him to court?
Guys, they have taken away
Brother Subramaniam somewhere.
He is not inside.
Hey! Your brother is not here.
As per the courts warrant,
we have shifted him to a different station.
Everyone leave from here.
Now if the festival should happen as per plan
or the people should be saved from them,
we need to know
Subramaniams whereabouts, madam.
So you think that I have relocated
your Subramaniam from here?
But I believe that you have influenced the court
into relocating him from here.
Palani, you don't know what
happened after his arrest
Protection warrant!
With your cooperation,
we have to take Subramaniam to Chittoor.
You have arrested him, but if someone has denied you
and taken Subramaniam along with them,
then it's a big plan to eliminate him.
Please, madam.
Please tell us our Subramaniams whereabouts.
Sir, what's happening here?
Did you do all this intentionally by me?
If this is the case, the situation is going to be chaotic.
Let it be, Kiranmayi.
Things will go accordingly.
Give me the information now. Yeah.
Thanks, madam.
Rajamanikyam, I'm Palani from Kuppam.
Tell me...
We got information on Subramaniam.
Hello, Manju.
I'm Palani
Brother, an emergency
Arun bhai, I'm Palani speaking.
We found the location of the Lions cage,
it's time to hunt.
Sir, I'm SI Shekhar speaking.
Sir, Subramaniam is not any other petty criminal.
All the families of the police officers who were
involved in his arrests have been kidnapped by his gang.
Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu the gangsters
from all the states are involved in this.
Even the home ministers family has been abducted.
Hey, stop it.
Release him immediately.
-What happened, sir?
Take care of that Hindi gang.
-I'll take care of them, brother.
I'm SP speaking.
I don't think you know well about this Subramaniam, sir.
What are you talking about, Somu?
Do what the minister has asked you to do.
Just get him as close to death as possible,
then hand him over to him.
Sir, if I disobey you,
the maximum I'll lose is my job.
But he has abducted every single family member
of all the people involved in this operation,
including the ones of that minister.
Sir, please take this as my advice.
Just go far away somewhere from here.
Hey, what are you talking about?
I'm asking you to just live.
Singaru, ask all our men at the farmhouse to move.
Okay, brother.
The festivities begin with this ritual.
All hail, Lord Murga!
Harom hara!
Dad, I'm here. Let's go to the hospital.
Dear son...
I made a mistake.
If I hadn't stopped that day,
at least some people would have survived.
It's okay father.
If the strong require a weapon,
it serves as strength for the weak.
Don't stop it.
Don't stop it.
Okay father.
What are you doing?
Where are you planning to go alone?
We won't send you alone anywhere.
We will come along with you.
I have lost enough lives.
Nobody should lose their life for me anymore,
I can't live with that.
Look, tell me, are you planning to wage a war on him?
There is nothing to tell,
just getting into the action
Shoot him down.
Stop it. Stop it.
The range is not enough.
Move closer and shoot him down.
Hey, shoot him
You, go.
Get down.
Your husband is there.
Don't come.
Are you fine ?
"No poison has tainted your blood."
"The venom in your veins gleams
like a precious jewel to you."
"He fell into a spiritual trance of Goddess Yellamma,
descending into chaos."
"If he stares into your eyes,
the path to hell becomes visible."
What harm did my father do to you?