Harper (2021) Movie Script
[dramatic violin underscoring]
[bird cawing]
[birds cawing]
[bell tolls twice]
[rooster crows]
WOMAN: Harper?
Ms. Cooper would like to see
Are you familiar with the name
Etta Brown?
we found your aunt.
[knocking at door]
[flies buzzing]
ETTA BROWN: Who is it?!
BEN: Good morning miss, my name
is Ben.
-I'm from the Greenland--
-No need. Go away!
We have a new family policy
and we make sure everyone has a
that works for them.
-Are you deaf?
Holy shit!
I said get off my property.
At least let me fill you in on
the details
-of the policy--
-You're gonna need a life
insurance policy
if you say another word.
-Now get--
I've been calling all day.
Must be an old number.
I guess we're gonna have to pay
Ms. Etta Brown
a visit tomorrow.
If she even still exists.
Hurry up, or you're gonna miss
Yes, ma'am. I'm going.
[whispering and giggling]
[birds chirping]
[hopeful underscoring]
HARPER: You must be hungry.
"Etta Brown"?
Good morning honey!
Are you excited to meet your
[car starts]
[hopeful underscoring]
[dog bark]
[dog bark]
[dog barking continues]
Good morning!
May I speak with Ms. Etta Brown
You already are.
I'm Mary Cooper, head of The
Hope Community Home.
And this is Harper,
Harper Brown,
Your niece.
When did it happen?
Just a couple of months ago,
we've been taking care of Harper
ever since.
I'm very sorry about your loss,
Ms. Brown.
[bottle clink]
Where's her mother?
Mr. Brown's been taking care
of Harper
by himself all these years.
So she abandoned her?
Miss... Miss Brown!
Go find her mother.
I'm- I'm sorry?
You heard me.
Ms. Brown.
I'm afraid that you are the most
eligible caretaker.
Then the girl's in a lot more
than you thought she was.
you stop wasting all of our
and go find the girl's mother.
Just in case you change your
[crickets chirping]
[melancholy underscoring]
[in whispers]Why is she
still here?
[faucet running]
It's Jenny's turn!
It's okay. She's still new.
Why did you come back?
Are you deaf? Answer the
We're just curious.
Welcome to your new home.
This is not my home.
And you're no different than me.
Take your stuff and get out of
Happy life?
Your life is trash.
[two girls laugh]
How's the meal?
I apologize for what Beth said
this morning.
No hard feelings?
That's your official welcome.
[two girls laugh]
[coughs constantly]
[crickets chirping]
[dramatic underscoring
What's your name?
How about "Max"?
[dog whining]
You like this name?
Good boy. Good boy.
[birds chirping]
[underscoring becomes darker]
You changed your mind, Ms.
Can I pick her up today?
Of course.
I'll wait outside.
I'll tell Harper right away.
She'll be thrilled.
She's the only family you have.
So what?
She didn't even want anything to
do with me.
She's your aunt.
Honey. She can give you a home.
That is not my home.
Look honey,
I know this is tough for you,
but you have to move on.
Lots of girls here would give
to have a real home to go to.
I know it's not perfect.
But she's your family.
Don't worry.
I will always have your back.
[dog panting]
Max! You want to come with me?
No no no!
I'm here for you, not him.
I won't leave without him.
He stays outside.
Okay okay.
Max, Max come here.
No no no. In the back.
Oh okay.
Okay Max. Up!
Come on!
[truck starts]
[hopeful underscoring]
[unintelligible male voice over
car radio]
Come on Max!
Hey, I said he's not allowed
Then where's he gonna sleep?
That's not my problem.
-Hey hey!
Easy easy!
Here, Max.
This will keep you warmer.
Come on.
I'm sorry that you have to stay
out here tonight.
I'll figure out something in the
I'm thirsty
May I have some water?
Thank you!
It's delicious.
I didn't hear anything about you
from my dad.
I bet you didn't.
Grab your stuff.
You'll sleep in here.
You will clean it up.
You'll find what you need.
[hopeful underscoring]
It's our big first day, Max!
What are you doing?
I was just making breakfast.
This is mine.
Yours is in the pan.
I told you he wasn't allowed
Alright you now listen to me.
This is my house.
You follow my rules.
Food is not free here,
you hear me?
Your dad taught you how to make
'Paddle your own canoe',
that's what he taught me.
I know how to do a lot of
Rinse twice or there'll be
Didn't he teach you that?
These are not my dishes.
Excuse me?
I said um...
sure thing!
Twice it is!
You're a farm girl now.
Remember that.
[hopeful underscoring]
[dial tone]
[bottles clinking]
[rooster crow]
[dog bark in distance]
[rooster crow]
[rooster crow]
[birds chirping, ducks quacking]
[bottles clinking, flies
[guitar strum]
What are you doing in here?
Um... I'm cleaning the room.
Come with me.
[horse neighs]
It's part of the job.
I can do something else for you,
Clean the house or...
-chop more wood instead--
-Stop bargaining.
I did it as a kid,
and no one asked if I wanted to.
Don't call me "Princess."
Daddy used to call me that.
ETTA BROWN: Don't you dare...
[hopeful underscoring]
it's okay.
My name is Harper.
I won't hurt you.
Are you lost?
Where's your family?
[horse whinnies]
[barn animals bleating, dog
[coughing] Ew.
Smells bad huh?
I'll clean it up every day,
so Aunt Etta won't be mad
Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew...
[hopeful underscoring]
Dear Dad,
I cleaned the stable today!
I wish you could meet my new
friend "Benno".
I am sure you would love him.
Aunt Etta doesn't seem to like
me very much, but
I believe everything would
work out in the end,
like you always say.
[bang on door]
Wake up, lazy girl!
Got a long day ahead of us
We have long days every day.
The key turns it on.
The pedal is the gas.
This lever controls the bucket
in the front.
The first thing you wanna do is
to turn the key to the right.
And then the gas.
Just push it really slowly.
You don't wanna lerch yourself.
Go flyin'.
Why do I need to learn to drive
Stop talking and focus.
Turn it on
to the right.
You can do it.
[engine starts]
There you go.
And now the lever.
Alright that's good.
Now the gas.
Just a little bit, just a
little bit.
I can feel it now.
Woohoo! I know how to drive a
Yeah. Look at me go.
I chopped up all the wood
Put it all in storage?
I also piled up all the hay
nice and neat.
You're not eating any veggies.
I don't eat those.
I said I don't eat these.
You don't have a choice in the
That's good for you?
In a way.
Were you close to Dad?
Then why do you keep his guitar?
I saw it while I was cleaning.
I don't remember, it's just
what's left of the old house.
When was the last time you saw
When I was your age.
Stop talking.
Finish your meal.
Taste good?
[alarm rings]
[barn animals bleating, birds
[happy piano underscoring]
One, two, three. On the chair.
Aunt Etta,
were you ever angry with dad?
[underscoring becomes sad]
I know he wasn't perfect.
He couldn't always pay the
And he was often late.
He was never on time a day in
his life.
But... even by candlelight,
eating pizza together, telling
always made me feel warm and
when we were together.
We used to move around a lot.
I remember when he taught me how
to play the guitar,
that was fun.
And the songs he taught me still
inspire me
when I'm feeling...
Where's your mom?
Dad said she left right after I
was born.
Any updates?
We found a Community Home on the
east side.
Keep me informed.
Yes, ma'am.
Why isn't it ready yet?
We've had to push it back
several times.
The procedures are a little
I want my daughter now!
LUCAS: Hey Ms. Brown!
Here's that Lucas boy.
Will you grab that basket for
Oh, hi!
I'm Lucas.
Here you go.
Are you new around here?
I haven't seen you before.
I'm Harper.
I'm her niece.
Oh, nice to meet you.
Well, thanks for the eggs.
Nice to meet you too!
[chickens clucking]
[happy guitar underscoring]
Over there.
A little bit over there.
You OK, little guy?
I'll name you Bobby.
[goats bleating]
Careful, careful.
my dresses are not treats.
What's your name?
Do you like it?
Come on, Benno.
You can't be too messy.
Who's Benno?
[horse whinnies]
See, he said, 'Hi, aunt Etta!'
You're wasting your time.
Well, Benno is my friend,
just like Peace and Bobby.
Peace and Bobby?
Yeah, Peace is a lamb and Bobby
is a chicken.
Quit messing around, kiddo.
Hey. Follow me.
Hold the reins like an ice cream
Now, when he picks up speed,
you're going to want to go up
when his outside legs go up.
That's called posting,
Yeah, I'm almost there.
You need to practice.
You heard me?
Yes, Aunt Etta.
Oh, look at this.
You are gonna be a pretty good
What's this?
It's a key to the house.
It's your house, too.
Thank you.
You know what?
I'll wash all the dishes
and then clean the house.
-And I'll wash all the clothes--
Okay, let's just enjoy our meal
first, okay?
[dog barking]
[animals run and bleat]
Where's my beer?
That dog of yours
dug a hole into the henhouse,
and all the chicks got out.
He's out of here.
Wait wait! I apologize, Aunt
Please don't kick him out,
You did say this was my home,
No, no.
You do not belong here, take
you and your father's stuff,
-and get out of my house--
-Wait, wait please!
Let us stay. We like living
-Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait--
-Get out of my house!
[dramatic orchestral
I miss dad.
He'd always be with me
no matter what happens.
I have no one to fall back on
[child screams]
YOUNG RYAN: Dad, she didn't do
anything wrong.
Don't hit her!
I'm begging you. I beg you!
Where are you? Please.
Please don't leave me.
I'll come back for you.
Ryan, wait!
[beer bottle crashes]
[underscoring becomes urgent]
Aunt Etta?
Aunt Etta.
Please wake up.
-You are in danger.
-Leave me alone!
MS. COOPER: Hello?
-Hello, this is Harper Brown.
Are you trying to send me to
No, no, please.
Harper, is that you?
I'm just trying to save you.
You! You drove Ryan from me.
You made me what I am.
Are you okay?
Aunt Etta!
Do you need help? Honey, are
you okay?
Are you okay?
Ms. Cooper?
Yes. Aunt Etta is drunk.
She... she really needs help.
I can get someone there right
Thank you.
[alarm goes off]
[rooster crow]
[rooster crow]
[goat bleating]
[happy acoustic underscoring]
[pig snorting]
[goats bleating]
[cow mooing]
Come here.
I brought your favorite.
[phone ringing]
[dial tone]
This's Etta's farm.
I'm not available right now.
Please leave a message.
Hi, Harper. This is Layla.
I have a good news for you.
Your aunt is a very brave woman.
She's doing a great job in
And I'm sure you'll see her
very soon.
We're just a phone call away.
Okay, honey?
Dozen of eggs,
two heads of...
what it says...
Get out of the way!
What's wrong with you?
You have to pay for these
Excuse you. You're in my way.
That's her!
She... she's the new delivery
I'm not the delivery girl.
My name is Harper and
you guys owe me an apology.
She's hurt.
Liam, just say you're sorry.
Who asked you!
Are you OK?
I'm so sorry.
Liam, say something.
I can't sell them like this, in
this condition.
I know some restaurants in town.
They would totally take the
Really? Will that work?
Yeah, of course.
Come on.
Let me help you.
[hopeful music]
My father hit me all the time.
And my brother
abandoned me.
And I was just...
We were just treated like a
with endless housework and
mocked by all the other kids.
my life is just...
with hopelessness and despair
and alcohol is my only comfort.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot
the courage to change those
things I can
and the wisdom to know the
[hopeful orchestral music]
Miss Grace.
Good morning, Harper.
Good morning, Miss Grace.
Here are your vegetables.
I even added two apples
on the side for you.
Oh, thanks, sweetheart.
You're so kind.
Hey, what happened to your arm?
It's just a scratch.
Here you go.
Thank you so much for your help.
It's my pleasure.
Bye, Miss Grace
Have a wonderful day.
Bye, Harper.
[guitar playing]
The night is gray,
as gray as weeping.
Close my eyes for fear
of seeing you alone in
I wonder, are you okay
right now?
This is the song I wrote for
I have a memory
of your voice in my head.
The sounds of the
ravine pass
by leaving unintentional
Life continues to be lonely
and unpeaceful.
Right now,
I just want to bring you my
I promise you to guard the
and village.
And promise to draw
a rainbow,
And wait for your
I promise to walk with you
through the hills.
The sunshine crossing your
and brightening my day.
Look at this poor girl.
Isn't that girl from our...
That's her... Hey!
What's going on here?
- Hey, how are you?
- Nothing.
Just hanging here.
You've got to be kidding me!
You can't honestly
think this is real.
She's a big fat liar.
What do you want?
There's enough in there for you
to crawl back into the bottle
for the rest of your life.
Miss Brown, my patience is
wearing thin.
Keep your money.
I'm not that kind of person.
You can't have her.
I don't think that's for you to
I am her mother,
I can take her whenever I like.
I think you gave up the chance
to that title
a long time ago.
-I had my reasons--
-Harper is not for sale!
And if you try to talk to me
you are gonna need to use that
to buy yourself a new tongue.
Got it?
You're gonna regret that.
Try me.
[phone rings]
Hello, this is Etta's farm.
How may I help you?
Harper, honey.
Oh, good morning, Mary.
Your aunt has completed her
first treatment successfully,
[joyful underscoring]
which means she'll be back home
Yay! Aunt Etta's coming back
She's coming back!
Hi, little guy.
She's coming back!
Wow, these flowers are so
Look at this.
Look at all of these.
Aunt Etta will love them.
Come on.
I have to go to work.
I put your lunch in the box.
Oh, no, no, you don't...
you don't need to rush to work.
We can... we can do it together.
It's OK.
I'm a farm girl now.
Dear Aunt Etta,
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks for teaching me
so that I could take good care
of the farm
while you weren't here.
I missed you so much.
Welcome home.
I love you.
Is this for me?
It's old but it still works.
- Want to give it a go?
- Uh-huh!
Oh, yeah, here you go.
All right, now start off slow.
You got your balance?
All right. Here we go!
[peaceful underscoring]
Woo! Finally, a bike of my own!
My dad had always biked me into
the town.
I can smell it from miles away.
Easy, they're hot.
Sometimes I can't believe
we're together again.
You know, I...
never dreamed that life could be
as good
as when you're in it.
What's wrong?
Well then...
Shall we have strawberry yogurt
I just learned how to make it
from the community center.
And I promise...
It'll be the best you've ever
Aunt Etta?
Oh, yeah, sure.
[horse whinnies]
[truck beeping backing up]
Hey, who's that man? And...
where's he taking Benno?
I sold Benno.
We ran up a lot of debt.
We need the money.
You what?
How could you even do that
- without telling me?--
-Because I knew exactly
..what you would say, Harper,
What do you expect me to do?
Kick you out,
make you sleep in the streets?
Benno is family.
You can't just sell him like
This isn't fair.
Where are you go--
Wait, sir.
Sir, please give Benno back,
The horse?
I just bought him.
Is there anything wrong?
He's my horse.
What do you want kid?
Sir, my name is Harper.
He is Benno.
I learned to ride.
And I grew up with him.
I know I may cause you a lot of
trouble, but please...
I can't afford to lose him,
I could do a lot of farm work,
whatever you need me to do.
The horse belongs with Harper.
He's a handsome guy.
You treat him well.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
[emotional underscoring]
Thank you Aunt Etta.
I promise we'll find another way
to make money.
Come on.
Look, you're so beautiful now,
so colorful.
It's alright now, Benno.
We'll be together forever.
[horse snorts]
Aunt Etta! Aunt Etta!
I want to take a shot at this.
The winner could get
five hundred dollars.
That could really help us.
You're sweet.
you made your choice,
now you gotta work for it.
OK. OK, thank you, Aunt Etta.
[horses whinnying]
[joyful underscoring]
Hey, this is your first contest.
I believe in you.
Thank you, Aunt Etta.
You know, music...
might not always be your
but whatever it is,
you've got to fight for it,
no matter what.
Come on, I got something to show
[acoustic guitar playing]
You're almost getting as good
at that thing as Ryan was.
That's the first time
I've heard you mention him.
He was...
my lighthouse in the dark.
I miss him a lot.
Well, you won't ever feel lonely
now that you got me.
[birds chirping]
[peaceful underscoring]
Lucas, is that you?
Come on. Keep it up!
You got this.
Yeah. Woo!
Come on!
It's actually working.
What do you want to be when you
grow up?
I don't know.
I guess I haven't really thought
about it yet.
I want to be an astronaut.
or maybe a deep sea diver.
The highest highs and the lowest
You choose two extremes.
No one said we couldn't.
I'm...I'm going to move soon.
You're kidding.
It's the first flight out next
So you...
can't come see me at the
Hi, everyone.
My name is Harper.
Here's a song that I wrote
"Back to School".
Here we go...
[guitar playing]
I often ask my mother,
when will I go back to school?
My mother always says,
'Wait, not now.'
You always come and go.
You always say yes and no.
But you can't hear what I say
to the bird.
You can't see the rainbow
where I want to see.
Going back to school
is my destiny.
Going back to school
is my calling.
[audience applause]
Good day, Miss Brown.
I'm Ms. Stevens' attorney.
You can call me Sam.
We're just here to speak with
on Ms. Steven's behalf about
Well, I should tell you that
the court is on the verge
of granting Ms. Stevens request
It means you are no longer
retain custody of Harper.
Miss Brown.
This is a good thing for Harper.
Ms. Stevens will take good care
of her daughter.
You may want to look these over.
Why can't she come to talk to me
herself about this?
Ms. Stevens is very busy,
that's why she has us
to represent her.
And do you care
that she abandoned her daughter?
SAM: Ms. Stevens is not the
that you think she is.
She is a kid.
She needs friends,
knowledge and outside world
like the others, a normal
and healthy child.
You could not possibly provide
all of that for her, can you?
How do you know
that I couldn't.
This is none of your business.
Harper deserves a better life.
And Mrs. Stevens can provide
that for her.
Harper is Mrs. Stevens daughter.
I'm pretty sure that her love
for Harper
will only be deeper than yours,
as only a mother's can be.
If you really love Harper,
then you know what you have to
Don't make this harder than it
has to be.
Hello, Miss. May I help you?
no, thank you.
-Harper deserves a better life.
-If you really love Harper then
you know what you have to do.
-And Ms. Stevens can provide
that for her.
I got you.
Don't worry.
Keep moving.
I want to go back down.
Oh, come on.
The best view is yet to come.
Don't give up so easily.
Believing in yourself is half
the battle.
Let's keep moving.
We're almost there.
-But I don't want to go--
-Yes, you do.
It's going to be worth it.
[emotional underscoring]
One, two, three.
-Say "cheese"--
-[both] Cheese.
[camera click]
[camera click]
Are we going on a trip?
What happened?
Are you okay?
Harper, I need to tell you
Your mother came to find you.
My mother?
Yeah. You need to go live with
She is the one person in the
that you really belong to,
even if you've never met her.
Are you going to come with me?
No way.
I'm not leaving you.
The court is on her side.
I don't care!
How did she even know that I was
I mean... I have the right to
-I choose to stay here to live
with you--
-No, Harper.
Come on, listen to me.
The world outside is so
You can't stay here forever.
You need friends
and a good school and a normal
and I can't give you those
But she can.
I don't want that life.
Have you ever asked how I
what I want?
Do my feelings ever matter to
And I don't care if she came
back or not.
She left me.
My father's gone.
Now you are leaving me, too?
Do you really think
this is what I deserve?
You're all the same!
[dramatic underscoring]
Don't go back to that.
The stuff is packed.
Go to your room.
I'm taking you to your mother's
in the morning.
But you can't have that stuff.
I can't afford to support you.
I don't want to see you.
I don't want you in my life!
You are...
really letting me go.
When I came here,
I was just looking for a place
to belong.
But you were the one who gave
me a home.
This belongs to you as much as
it does to me.
I hope that this will help with
And I love you, Harper.
You're the only family I got
Come on, Max.
You want to help?
Thank you, Max.
Look Max. This is our new home.
I know this isn't much.
But things won't always be so
hard for us.
I promise.
[hopeful underscoring]
Here, Max.
Have some bread.
Another one?
Good boy.
Max, we got the food for today.
[dog bark]
[dog bark]
Come on, Max.
Come on, Max.
You're only hurt a little bit.
I wish that none of this ever
[hopeful underscoring]
Look, Max!
Look! We got one!
Look, Max. Another one. Yeah?
Alright, I'm gonna come back
Look, Max, look at all of them.
We've got so many. Come here.
Come on, Max.
[peaceful underscoring]
Come on, Max.
[crickets chirping]
[owls hooting]
[dog bark]
[wolves howling]
[dog bark]
Wait, Max.
[dog bark]
We gotta go. Come on.
[dramatic underscoring]
Follow me.
[dog barking]
[car passing]
[dog barking]
[wolf howling]
Oh! Max!
Wait, no!
[dog barking]
[wolves howling]
Max, come back!
[wolf howling]
[wolf growling]
Max! There's a wolf!
Please! Ah!
Max! Ah!
[wolf snarling]
Max! Come back and,
and save me, please!
Max! Max!
Max, please!
Max! Ah!
[wolf snarling]
Easy, easy. You're okay.
You're okay.
I'm sorry.
I just...
don't want to go anywhere else
without you.
Oh, come here.
I'm not going anywhere.
[emotional underscoring]
I'll visit as much as I can,
You promise?
It really is different here.
This is the reception room.
Reception room?
This is Ms. Stevens.
Your bedroom is upstairs,
right next to Ms. Stevens' room.
This is our wonderful dining
our beautiful sitting space,
and it's all a part
of our majestic manor.
Now come, come,
come up, I have more to show
[hopeful underscoring]
Wow! This is so beautiful.
I heard you're a great lover of
Ms. Stevens has prepared
music courses for you.
You're going to love them!
Take a good rest, Miss Harper.
I won't disturb you.
[lawn mower in distance]
Hello there.
Can I help you with that?
I didn't think you'd have an
in this kind of stuff.
I used to help my aunt
with this kind of stuff all the
I'm sorry,
but you don't have to do all
It's okay.
Trust me.
I'm really good at this stuff.
Let me help.
I'm sure you can, but...
I would lose my job
if Mr. Jenkins found out about
I'm sorry about that.
-It's okay.
Smells good.
Good evening, Miss Harper.
I'm Miss Luna.
I run the kitchen here.
Today's menu is baked chicken,
carrots and asparagus.
And a garden salad.
Aunt Etta did say
I should eat more carrots.
Yes. Carrots are great and
Good for the eyes, too.
Not bad.
Ms. Stevens has customized
a menu for you,
and made sure that it changes
completely day by day.
Do you know where she is, Ms.
Why hasn't she come back yet?
I wouldn't know much about that.
You can ask Mr. Jenkins.
He knows more about
Ms. Stevens' schedule.
He can keep you updated.
Thank you, Miss Luna.
[peaceful underscoring]
You must be working
hard right now on the farm.
Miss Harper.
Ms. Stevens will be home soon,
get ready and come with me.
[underscoring sours, becomes
[cameras clicking]
[reporters chatter]
Oh, Harper, my dear daughter.
Oh, finally.
Look at you!
You are so very beautiful,
my darling.
You are truly a Stevens girl
You will never know how much I
love you.
Okay, smile, darling.
Those are the most
famous photographers in town.
-Over here, over here!
Oh, Jenkins.
I am going to make you into
the most beautiful lady in the
like your mother before you.
Okay, ta-ta now. Bye bye. Yes.
[camera clicks]
Don't move.
You're beautiful.
Ms. Stevens.
Ms. Stevens?
I am your mother.
Please call me mother, dear
Mo-Miss Stevens.
I should give you more time
to get used to your new life,
and a new identity.
Perhaps you would do well with a
new name.
this is the name that my dad
gave me.
'Harper' means 'brave'.
Aunt Etta likes the name, too.
Of course, dear.
Perhaps in due time,
you'll change your mind.
this is a gift for you.
Oh, a gift?
Oh, dear me, a gift from my...
precious daughter.
Do you like it?
Harper, I don't want to re-live
the past.
It would do you well, too
if you left it behind,
and just embraced the future.
what about dad?
Please don't ever mention
your father in front of me
He let me down.
I was young and naive
and thought he could...
fit into my life, but he failed
-Did he do anything wrong--
-That's enough of that!
Memory lane is officially
What's that?
this is another gift for you.
these colors represent
happiness and reminiscence.
Put those away this instant.
We Stevens women never,
and I mean never
wear plastic
You start on the golf course
I've never played golf before.
Harper, dear, you are my
I'm going to make you into
a world-class celebrity and
my successor.
You will understand soon enough.
Get some rest.
You've had a long day.
Yes, ma'am.
This is the Stevens residence.
Who is this?
Hi, it's Etta.
Can I speak to Harper?
I'm sorry, Miss Harper is in
at the moment and can not be
How is she doing?
[busy signal]
Watch your tempo and speed.
And slowly... and whing!
Try again.
I think this suit is too tight.
You need more exercise
and a healthy diet.
You eat too much junk food,
don't you?
Come on, faster, faster, faster.
What are you doing?
Let's go.
Last one. Come on, Harper!
Come on. Get it! Let's go!
Faster, Harper! Faster!
Continue! Continue! Continue!
Continue. I'll tell you.
Continue, continue, Harper,
Come on.
LUCY: I could swim faster
than that when I was her age.
[phone rings]
Aunt Etta.
Harper, are you alright?
I'm so tired. I can't...
I can't hold on any longer.
I miss you and Max so much.
I want to go back--
[phone clicks off]
It's late.
Go to your bed and sleep.
[busy signal]
Something must be wrong.
Come on, Max.
[truck pulling away]
[emotional underscoring]
Dear dad,
I went from Aunt Etta's house
to live with my mother.
way different than I thought
she'd be.
Dear Aunt Etta,
the house I live in now is huge,
I liked our little house
together more.
I miss you so much...
Get out of bed now.
I was more diligent than you
when I was your age.
You have a singing class this
Come on.
I never asked for a lousy
singing class.
Excuse me?
I don't know what that woman
was teaching you in her house.
But here we have a little thing
called manners, young lady.
Now, I've booked you the best
singing teacher,
and she's very strict.
So don't be late.
See you downstairs.
[bell ringing]
Thank you so much, sir.
Not at all, Miss.
Have an enjoyable lesson.
Open your mouth.
Open. Long.
Relax your tongue.
Now sing!
[emotional underscoring]
We're not done.
Can we go rest now?
Dance hall, please.
More. More.
Chin down.
Shoulders down.
Arm in first.
Soft, elegant fingers.
Here we go.
First position, turn out and...
we pli, and up, pli.
And up! Back straight.
Turn and turn and turn.
Oh, try it again.
You could do this.
Here we go, back straight. Five,
Here we go.
And turn and turn and turn and
Harper. Harper.
[piano underscoring]
[in whispers]Max.
The rain keeps falling down
outside the window,
like my tears running down my
An empty house is
the only thing you left.
The cold bare walls
close in around me.
I look up at the starry sky
Wishingful thinking is my
lonely secret.
Time is so wonderful.
But lost to you and me.
I want you always by my side.
Even destiny are fickle
I want to paint a
beautiful world together.
Why is it up to me
to face it all alone.
I thought the rainbow
would fulfill my wish.
I thought I would stay by
your side,
if I was a good girl.
I thought I could sing
to you to make everything
I thought you would wait for
as you promised.
Will I ever see you again?
But I will always remember
The brightest star in the sky
is like you.
Hm... Hm... Hm...
The most beautiful
memory in my mind
is you.
[dramatic underscoring]
Benno... Ben...
Woah, woah, woah! Slow down.
Wait. Come back!
[horse whinnies]
JENKINS: Oh, my goodness,
Harper, how many times must I
say it?
Come on now.
If you don't listen to my rules,
you will pay the price!
Follow the rules! Follow the
rules! Follow the rules!
One more lap, Harper. One more
Open your mouth! Open your
mouth! Open your mouth!
MS. STEVENS: You belong to me.
No, no!
You belong to me.
Me, me! Me!
DOCTOR: OK, sweetie.
Well, she does have a slight
possibly from being overworked.
She's very tired.
What she needs is rest the most,
I want to call Aunt Etta.
She must be very busy.
We'll talk about this later.
I have something
I want to tell her.
Looks like I need to send you
to boarding school.
To where?
A school for ungrateful,
misbehaving children like
Then you can be their problem.
No, how could you even say that?
Where are you going?
Hey, come back here.
Your rampant bad behavior
is beyond my means, Harper.
I need professionals
to teach you how to follow the
and become a proper lady.
I don't want to be like those
I especially don't
want to be a person like you.
I am your mother, Harper,
and I am doing this for your own
My mother?
[dramatic underscoring]
Where were you
when I needed you the most?
Where were you
when I was sick.
Where were you...
when I was dropped off at the
community center
and the other kids mocked me.
Where were you...
when dad died.
For my own good?
You are the most selfish person
I know.
You're only doing this for
You're as arrogant and
as your father!
You little monster, you...
Get out of here!
[dog barks]
[hopeful underscoring]
Max? Max!
[inaudible] Thank you!
[happy underscoring]
People in my life have come and
You never know what to expect
in your next path.
This summer I learned to go
forth with courage
and embrace everything that
makes you who you are,
then maybe, just maybe,
you'll end up exactly where you
[piano begins]
The sky is blue,
not a drop of rain.
I play a song for you
with my ukelele.
The flowers are beautiful.
The grass is green,
I wish to walk through the
field with you.
Because of you, I don't feel
lonely today.
You inspired me to be strong.
I wish I could
be like you
to be strong like you
Never, ever, choose the
Never, ever, fear the truth.
I wish I could be just like
Believe the sun will shine
through the dark.
I wish I could be like you.
Remember to be kind and brave,
with courage and brightness
through and through.
I wish I could be just like
Be each other's sunshine,
and keep chasing the light
as we do.
The stars are bright,
the moon is light.
Your face is always in
the sky.
The wind blows
through our life.
Miss the times we chased
each other.
On the open field
cause we went through
everything together.
Our experiences,
our fond impressions.
I wish I could
be like you.
I wish I could be like you.
Never, ever, choose the
Never, ever fear the truth.
I wish I could be just like
Believe the sun will shine
through the dark.
I wish I could be like you.
Remember to be kind and brave,
with courage and brightness
through and through.
Never be down.
Never fear the truth.
Oh-way-oh. Oh-way-oh.
Just like you.
I want to be
Oh-way-oh. Oh-way-oh.
Oh way oh.
Just like you. Just like you.
I want to be...
[dramatic violin underscoring]
[bird cawing]
[birds cawing]
[bell tolls twice]
[rooster crows]
WOMAN: Harper?
Ms. Cooper would like to see
Are you familiar with the name
Etta Brown?
we found your aunt.
[knocking at door]
[flies buzzing]
ETTA BROWN: Who is it?!
BEN: Good morning miss, my name
is Ben.
-I'm from the Greenland--
-No need. Go away!
We have a new family policy
and we make sure everyone has a
that works for them.
-Are you deaf?
Holy shit!
I said get off my property.
At least let me fill you in on
the details
-of the policy--
-You're gonna need a life
insurance policy
if you say another word.
-Now get--
I've been calling all day.
Must be an old number.
I guess we're gonna have to pay
Ms. Etta Brown
a visit tomorrow.
If she even still exists.
Hurry up, or you're gonna miss
Yes, ma'am. I'm going.
[whispering and giggling]
[birds chirping]
[hopeful underscoring]
HARPER: You must be hungry.
"Etta Brown"?
Good morning honey!
Are you excited to meet your
[car starts]
[hopeful underscoring]
[dog bark]
[dog bark]
[dog barking continues]
Good morning!
May I speak with Ms. Etta Brown
You already are.
I'm Mary Cooper, head of The
Hope Community Home.
And this is Harper,
Harper Brown,
Your niece.
When did it happen?
Just a couple of months ago,
we've been taking care of Harper
ever since.
I'm very sorry about your loss,
Ms. Brown.
[bottle clink]
Where's her mother?
Mr. Brown's been taking care
of Harper
by himself all these years.
So she abandoned her?
Miss... Miss Brown!
Go find her mother.
I'm- I'm sorry?
You heard me.
Ms. Brown.
I'm afraid that you are the most
eligible caretaker.
Then the girl's in a lot more
than you thought she was.
you stop wasting all of our
and go find the girl's mother.
Just in case you change your
[crickets chirping]
[melancholy underscoring]
[in whispers]Why is she
still here?
[faucet running]
It's Jenny's turn!
It's okay. She's still new.
Why did you come back?
Are you deaf? Answer the
We're just curious.
Welcome to your new home.
This is not my home.
And you're no different than me.
Take your stuff and get out of
Happy life?
Your life is trash.
[two girls laugh]
How's the meal?
I apologize for what Beth said
this morning.
No hard feelings?
That's your official welcome.
[two girls laugh]
[coughs constantly]
[crickets chirping]
[dramatic underscoring
What's your name?
How about "Max"?
[dog whining]
You like this name?
Good boy. Good boy.
[birds chirping]
[underscoring becomes darker]
You changed your mind, Ms.
Can I pick her up today?
Of course.
I'll wait outside.
I'll tell Harper right away.
She'll be thrilled.
She's the only family you have.
So what?
She didn't even want anything to
do with me.
She's your aunt.
Honey. She can give you a home.
That is not my home.
Look honey,
I know this is tough for you,
but you have to move on.
Lots of girls here would give
to have a real home to go to.
I know it's not perfect.
But she's your family.
Don't worry.
I will always have your back.
[dog panting]
Max! You want to come with me?
No no no!
I'm here for you, not him.
I won't leave without him.
He stays outside.
Okay okay.
Max, Max come here.
No no no. In the back.
Oh okay.
Okay Max. Up!
Come on!
[truck starts]
[hopeful underscoring]
[unintelligible male voice over
car radio]
Come on Max!
Hey, I said he's not allowed
Then where's he gonna sleep?
That's not my problem.
-Hey hey!
Easy easy!
Here, Max.
This will keep you warmer.
Come on.
I'm sorry that you have to stay
out here tonight.
I'll figure out something in the
I'm thirsty
May I have some water?
Thank you!
It's delicious.
I didn't hear anything about you
from my dad.
I bet you didn't.
Grab your stuff.
You'll sleep in here.
You will clean it up.
You'll find what you need.
[hopeful underscoring]
It's our big first day, Max!
What are you doing?
I was just making breakfast.
This is mine.
Yours is in the pan.
I told you he wasn't allowed
Alright you now listen to me.
This is my house.
You follow my rules.
Food is not free here,
you hear me?
Your dad taught you how to make
'Paddle your own canoe',
that's what he taught me.
I know how to do a lot of
Rinse twice or there'll be
Didn't he teach you that?
These are not my dishes.
Excuse me?
I said um...
sure thing!
Twice it is!
You're a farm girl now.
Remember that.
[hopeful underscoring]
[dial tone]
[bottles clinking]
[rooster crow]
[dog bark in distance]
[rooster crow]
[rooster crow]
[birds chirping, ducks quacking]
[bottles clinking, flies
[guitar strum]
What are you doing in here?
Um... I'm cleaning the room.
Come with me.
[horse neighs]
It's part of the job.
I can do something else for you,
Clean the house or...
-chop more wood instead--
-Stop bargaining.
I did it as a kid,
and no one asked if I wanted to.
Don't call me "Princess."
Daddy used to call me that.
ETTA BROWN: Don't you dare...
[hopeful underscoring]
it's okay.
My name is Harper.
I won't hurt you.
Are you lost?
Where's your family?
[horse whinnies]
[barn animals bleating, dog
[coughing] Ew.
Smells bad huh?
I'll clean it up every day,
so Aunt Etta won't be mad
Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew...
[hopeful underscoring]
Dear Dad,
I cleaned the stable today!
I wish you could meet my new
friend "Benno".
I am sure you would love him.
Aunt Etta doesn't seem to like
me very much, but
I believe everything would
work out in the end,
like you always say.
[bang on door]
Wake up, lazy girl!
Got a long day ahead of us
We have long days every day.
The key turns it on.
The pedal is the gas.
This lever controls the bucket
in the front.
The first thing you wanna do is
to turn the key to the right.
And then the gas.
Just push it really slowly.
You don't wanna lerch yourself.
Go flyin'.
Why do I need to learn to drive
Stop talking and focus.
Turn it on
to the right.
You can do it.
[engine starts]
There you go.
And now the lever.
Alright that's good.
Now the gas.
Just a little bit, just a
little bit.
I can feel it now.
Woohoo! I know how to drive a
Yeah. Look at me go.
I chopped up all the wood
Put it all in storage?
I also piled up all the hay
nice and neat.
You're not eating any veggies.
I don't eat those.
I said I don't eat these.
You don't have a choice in the
That's good for you?
In a way.
Were you close to Dad?
Then why do you keep his guitar?
I saw it while I was cleaning.
I don't remember, it's just
what's left of the old house.
When was the last time you saw
When I was your age.
Stop talking.
Finish your meal.
Taste good?
[alarm rings]
[barn animals bleating, birds
[happy piano underscoring]
One, two, three. On the chair.
Aunt Etta,
were you ever angry with dad?
[underscoring becomes sad]
I know he wasn't perfect.
He couldn't always pay the
And he was often late.
He was never on time a day in
his life.
But... even by candlelight,
eating pizza together, telling
always made me feel warm and
when we were together.
We used to move around a lot.
I remember when he taught me how
to play the guitar,
that was fun.
And the songs he taught me still
inspire me
when I'm feeling...
Where's your mom?
Dad said she left right after I
was born.
Any updates?
We found a Community Home on the
east side.
Keep me informed.
Yes, ma'am.
Why isn't it ready yet?
We've had to push it back
several times.
The procedures are a little
I want my daughter now!
LUCAS: Hey Ms. Brown!
Here's that Lucas boy.
Will you grab that basket for
Oh, hi!
I'm Lucas.
Here you go.
Are you new around here?
I haven't seen you before.
I'm Harper.
I'm her niece.
Oh, nice to meet you.
Well, thanks for the eggs.
Nice to meet you too!
[chickens clucking]
[happy guitar underscoring]
Over there.
A little bit over there.
You OK, little guy?
I'll name you Bobby.
[goats bleating]
Careful, careful.
my dresses are not treats.
What's your name?
Do you like it?
Come on, Benno.
You can't be too messy.
Who's Benno?
[horse whinnies]
See, he said, 'Hi, aunt Etta!'
You're wasting your time.
Well, Benno is my friend,
just like Peace and Bobby.
Peace and Bobby?
Yeah, Peace is a lamb and Bobby
is a chicken.
Quit messing around, kiddo.
Hey. Follow me.
Hold the reins like an ice cream
Now, when he picks up speed,
you're going to want to go up
when his outside legs go up.
That's called posting,
Yeah, I'm almost there.
You need to practice.
You heard me?
Yes, Aunt Etta.
Oh, look at this.
You are gonna be a pretty good
What's this?
It's a key to the house.
It's your house, too.
Thank you.
You know what?
I'll wash all the dishes
and then clean the house.
-And I'll wash all the clothes--
Okay, let's just enjoy our meal
first, okay?
[dog barking]
[animals run and bleat]
Where's my beer?
That dog of yours
dug a hole into the henhouse,
and all the chicks got out.
He's out of here.
Wait wait! I apologize, Aunt
Please don't kick him out,
You did say this was my home,
No, no.
You do not belong here, take
you and your father's stuff,
-and get out of my house--
-Wait, wait please!
Let us stay. We like living
-Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait--
-Get out of my house!
[dramatic orchestral
I miss dad.
He'd always be with me
no matter what happens.
I have no one to fall back on
[child screams]
YOUNG RYAN: Dad, she didn't do
anything wrong.
Don't hit her!
I'm begging you. I beg you!
Where are you? Please.
Please don't leave me.
I'll come back for you.
Ryan, wait!
[beer bottle crashes]
[underscoring becomes urgent]
Aunt Etta?
Aunt Etta.
Please wake up.
-You are in danger.
-Leave me alone!
MS. COOPER: Hello?
-Hello, this is Harper Brown.
Are you trying to send me to
No, no, please.
Harper, is that you?
I'm just trying to save you.
You! You drove Ryan from me.
You made me what I am.
Are you okay?
Aunt Etta!
Do you need help? Honey, are
you okay?
Are you okay?
Ms. Cooper?
Yes. Aunt Etta is drunk.
She... she really needs help.
I can get someone there right
Thank you.
[alarm goes off]
[rooster crow]
[rooster crow]
[goat bleating]
[happy acoustic underscoring]
[pig snorting]
[goats bleating]
[cow mooing]
Come here.
I brought your favorite.
[phone ringing]
[dial tone]
This's Etta's farm.
I'm not available right now.
Please leave a message.
Hi, Harper. This is Layla.
I have a good news for you.
Your aunt is a very brave woman.
She's doing a great job in
And I'm sure you'll see her
very soon.
We're just a phone call away.
Okay, honey?
Dozen of eggs,
two heads of...
what it says...
Get out of the way!
What's wrong with you?
You have to pay for these
Excuse you. You're in my way.
That's her!
She... she's the new delivery
I'm not the delivery girl.
My name is Harper and
you guys owe me an apology.
She's hurt.
Liam, just say you're sorry.
Who asked you!
Are you OK?
I'm so sorry.
Liam, say something.
I can't sell them like this, in
this condition.
I know some restaurants in town.
They would totally take the
Really? Will that work?
Yeah, of course.
Come on.
Let me help you.
[hopeful music]
My father hit me all the time.
And my brother
abandoned me.
And I was just...
We were just treated like a
with endless housework and
mocked by all the other kids.
my life is just...
with hopelessness and despair
and alcohol is my only comfort.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot
the courage to change those
things I can
and the wisdom to know the
[hopeful orchestral music]
Miss Grace.
Good morning, Harper.
Good morning, Miss Grace.
Here are your vegetables.
I even added two apples
on the side for you.
Oh, thanks, sweetheart.
You're so kind.
Hey, what happened to your arm?
It's just a scratch.
Here you go.
Thank you so much for your help.
It's my pleasure.
Bye, Miss Grace
Have a wonderful day.
Bye, Harper.
[guitar playing]
The night is gray,
as gray as weeping.
Close my eyes for fear
of seeing you alone in
I wonder, are you okay
right now?
This is the song I wrote for
I have a memory
of your voice in my head.
The sounds of the
ravine pass
by leaving unintentional
Life continues to be lonely
and unpeaceful.
Right now,
I just want to bring you my
I promise you to guard the
and village.
And promise to draw
a rainbow,
And wait for your
I promise to walk with you
through the hills.
The sunshine crossing your
and brightening my day.
Look at this poor girl.
Isn't that girl from our...
That's her... Hey!
What's going on here?
- Hey, how are you?
- Nothing.
Just hanging here.
You've got to be kidding me!
You can't honestly
think this is real.
She's a big fat liar.
What do you want?
There's enough in there for you
to crawl back into the bottle
for the rest of your life.
Miss Brown, my patience is
wearing thin.
Keep your money.
I'm not that kind of person.
You can't have her.
I don't think that's for you to
I am her mother,
I can take her whenever I like.
I think you gave up the chance
to that title
a long time ago.
-I had my reasons--
-Harper is not for sale!
And if you try to talk to me
you are gonna need to use that
to buy yourself a new tongue.
Got it?
You're gonna regret that.
Try me.
[phone rings]
Hello, this is Etta's farm.
How may I help you?
Harper, honey.
Oh, good morning, Mary.
Your aunt has completed her
first treatment successfully,
[joyful underscoring]
which means she'll be back home
Yay! Aunt Etta's coming back
She's coming back!
Hi, little guy.
She's coming back!
Wow, these flowers are so
Look at this.
Look at all of these.
Aunt Etta will love them.
Come on.
I have to go to work.
I put your lunch in the box.
Oh, no, no, you don't...
you don't need to rush to work.
We can... we can do it together.
It's OK.
I'm a farm girl now.
Dear Aunt Etta,
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks for teaching me
so that I could take good care
of the farm
while you weren't here.
I missed you so much.
Welcome home.
I love you.
Is this for me?
It's old but it still works.
- Want to give it a go?
- Uh-huh!
Oh, yeah, here you go.
All right, now start off slow.
You got your balance?
All right. Here we go!
[peaceful underscoring]
Woo! Finally, a bike of my own!
My dad had always biked me into
the town.
I can smell it from miles away.
Easy, they're hot.
Sometimes I can't believe
we're together again.
You know, I...
never dreamed that life could be
as good
as when you're in it.
What's wrong?
Well then...
Shall we have strawberry yogurt
I just learned how to make it
from the community center.
And I promise...
It'll be the best you've ever
Aunt Etta?
Oh, yeah, sure.
[horse whinnies]
[truck beeping backing up]
Hey, who's that man? And...
where's he taking Benno?
I sold Benno.
We ran up a lot of debt.
We need the money.
You what?
How could you even do that
- without telling me?--
-Because I knew exactly
..what you would say, Harper,
What do you expect me to do?
Kick you out,
make you sleep in the streets?
Benno is family.
You can't just sell him like
This isn't fair.
Where are you go--
Wait, sir.
Sir, please give Benno back,
The horse?
I just bought him.
Is there anything wrong?
He's my horse.
What do you want kid?
Sir, my name is Harper.
He is Benno.
I learned to ride.
And I grew up with him.
I know I may cause you a lot of
trouble, but please...
I can't afford to lose him,
I could do a lot of farm work,
whatever you need me to do.
The horse belongs with Harper.
He's a handsome guy.
You treat him well.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
[emotional underscoring]
Thank you Aunt Etta.
I promise we'll find another way
to make money.
Come on.
Look, you're so beautiful now,
so colorful.
It's alright now, Benno.
We'll be together forever.
[horse snorts]
Aunt Etta! Aunt Etta!
I want to take a shot at this.
The winner could get
five hundred dollars.
That could really help us.
You're sweet.
you made your choice,
now you gotta work for it.
OK. OK, thank you, Aunt Etta.
[horses whinnying]
[joyful underscoring]
Hey, this is your first contest.
I believe in you.
Thank you, Aunt Etta.
You know, music...
might not always be your
but whatever it is,
you've got to fight for it,
no matter what.
Come on, I got something to show
[acoustic guitar playing]
You're almost getting as good
at that thing as Ryan was.
That's the first time
I've heard you mention him.
He was...
my lighthouse in the dark.
I miss him a lot.
Well, you won't ever feel lonely
now that you got me.
[birds chirping]
[peaceful underscoring]
Lucas, is that you?
Come on. Keep it up!
You got this.
Yeah. Woo!
Come on!
It's actually working.
What do you want to be when you
grow up?
I don't know.
I guess I haven't really thought
about it yet.
I want to be an astronaut.
or maybe a deep sea diver.
The highest highs and the lowest
You choose two extremes.
No one said we couldn't.
I'm...I'm going to move soon.
You're kidding.
It's the first flight out next
So you...
can't come see me at the
Hi, everyone.
My name is Harper.
Here's a song that I wrote
"Back to School".
Here we go...
[guitar playing]
I often ask my mother,
when will I go back to school?
My mother always says,
'Wait, not now.'
You always come and go.
You always say yes and no.
But you can't hear what I say
to the bird.
You can't see the rainbow
where I want to see.
Going back to school
is my destiny.
Going back to school
is my calling.
[audience applause]
Good day, Miss Brown.
I'm Ms. Stevens' attorney.
You can call me Sam.
We're just here to speak with
on Ms. Steven's behalf about
Well, I should tell you that
the court is on the verge
of granting Ms. Stevens request
It means you are no longer
retain custody of Harper.
Miss Brown.
This is a good thing for Harper.
Ms. Stevens will take good care
of her daughter.
You may want to look these over.
Why can't she come to talk to me
herself about this?
Ms. Stevens is very busy,
that's why she has us
to represent her.
And do you care
that she abandoned her daughter?
SAM: Ms. Stevens is not the
that you think she is.
She is a kid.
She needs friends,
knowledge and outside world
like the others, a normal
and healthy child.
You could not possibly provide
all of that for her, can you?
How do you know
that I couldn't.
This is none of your business.
Harper deserves a better life.
And Mrs. Stevens can provide
that for her.
Harper is Mrs. Stevens daughter.
I'm pretty sure that her love
for Harper
will only be deeper than yours,
as only a mother's can be.
If you really love Harper,
then you know what you have to
Don't make this harder than it
has to be.
Hello, Miss. May I help you?
no, thank you.
-Harper deserves a better life.
-If you really love Harper then
you know what you have to do.
-And Ms. Stevens can provide
that for her.
I got you.
Don't worry.
Keep moving.
I want to go back down.
Oh, come on.
The best view is yet to come.
Don't give up so easily.
Believing in yourself is half
the battle.
Let's keep moving.
We're almost there.
-But I don't want to go--
-Yes, you do.
It's going to be worth it.
[emotional underscoring]
One, two, three.
-Say "cheese"--
-[both] Cheese.
[camera click]
[camera click]
Are we going on a trip?
What happened?
Are you okay?
Harper, I need to tell you
Your mother came to find you.
My mother?
Yeah. You need to go live with
She is the one person in the
that you really belong to,
even if you've never met her.
Are you going to come with me?
No way.
I'm not leaving you.
The court is on her side.
I don't care!
How did she even know that I was
I mean... I have the right to
-I choose to stay here to live
with you--
-No, Harper.
Come on, listen to me.
The world outside is so
You can't stay here forever.
You need friends
and a good school and a normal
and I can't give you those
But she can.
I don't want that life.
Have you ever asked how I
what I want?
Do my feelings ever matter to
And I don't care if she came
back or not.
She left me.
My father's gone.
Now you are leaving me, too?
Do you really think
this is what I deserve?
You're all the same!
[dramatic underscoring]
Don't go back to that.
The stuff is packed.
Go to your room.
I'm taking you to your mother's
in the morning.
But you can't have that stuff.
I can't afford to support you.
I don't want to see you.
I don't want you in my life!
You are...
really letting me go.
When I came here,
I was just looking for a place
to belong.
But you were the one who gave
me a home.
This belongs to you as much as
it does to me.
I hope that this will help with
And I love you, Harper.
You're the only family I got
Come on, Max.
You want to help?
Thank you, Max.
Look Max. This is our new home.
I know this isn't much.
But things won't always be so
hard for us.
I promise.
[hopeful underscoring]
Here, Max.
Have some bread.
Another one?
Good boy.
Max, we got the food for today.
[dog bark]
[dog bark]
Come on, Max.
Come on, Max.
You're only hurt a little bit.
I wish that none of this ever
[hopeful underscoring]
Look, Max!
Look! We got one!
Look, Max. Another one. Yeah?
Alright, I'm gonna come back
Look, Max, look at all of them.
We've got so many. Come here.
Come on, Max.
[peaceful underscoring]
Come on, Max.
[crickets chirping]
[owls hooting]
[dog bark]
[wolves howling]
[dog bark]
Wait, Max.
[dog bark]
We gotta go. Come on.
[dramatic underscoring]
Follow me.
[dog barking]
[car passing]
[dog barking]
[wolf howling]
Oh! Max!
Wait, no!
[dog barking]
[wolves howling]
Max, come back!
[wolf howling]
[wolf growling]
Max! There's a wolf!
Please! Ah!
Max! Ah!
[wolf snarling]
Max! Come back and,
and save me, please!
Max! Max!
Max, please!
Max! Ah!
[wolf snarling]
Easy, easy. You're okay.
You're okay.
I'm sorry.
I just...
don't want to go anywhere else
without you.
Oh, come here.
I'm not going anywhere.
[emotional underscoring]
I'll visit as much as I can,
You promise?
It really is different here.
This is the reception room.
Reception room?
This is Ms. Stevens.
Your bedroom is upstairs,
right next to Ms. Stevens' room.
This is our wonderful dining
our beautiful sitting space,
and it's all a part
of our majestic manor.
Now come, come,
come up, I have more to show
[hopeful underscoring]
Wow! This is so beautiful.
I heard you're a great lover of
Ms. Stevens has prepared
music courses for you.
You're going to love them!
Take a good rest, Miss Harper.
I won't disturb you.
[lawn mower in distance]
Hello there.
Can I help you with that?
I didn't think you'd have an
in this kind of stuff.
I used to help my aunt
with this kind of stuff all the
I'm sorry,
but you don't have to do all
It's okay.
Trust me.
I'm really good at this stuff.
Let me help.
I'm sure you can, but...
I would lose my job
if Mr. Jenkins found out about
I'm sorry about that.
-It's okay.
Smells good.
Good evening, Miss Harper.
I'm Miss Luna.
I run the kitchen here.
Today's menu is baked chicken,
carrots and asparagus.
And a garden salad.
Aunt Etta did say
I should eat more carrots.
Yes. Carrots are great and
Good for the eyes, too.
Not bad.
Ms. Stevens has customized
a menu for you,
and made sure that it changes
completely day by day.
Do you know where she is, Ms.
Why hasn't she come back yet?
I wouldn't know much about that.
You can ask Mr. Jenkins.
He knows more about
Ms. Stevens' schedule.
He can keep you updated.
Thank you, Miss Luna.
[peaceful underscoring]
You must be working
hard right now on the farm.
Miss Harper.
Ms. Stevens will be home soon,
get ready and come with me.
[underscoring sours, becomes
[cameras clicking]
[reporters chatter]
Oh, Harper, my dear daughter.
Oh, finally.
Look at you!
You are so very beautiful,
my darling.
You are truly a Stevens girl
You will never know how much I
love you.
Okay, smile, darling.
Those are the most
famous photographers in town.
-Over here, over here!
Oh, Jenkins.
I am going to make you into
the most beautiful lady in the
like your mother before you.
Okay, ta-ta now. Bye bye. Yes.
[camera clicks]
Don't move.
You're beautiful.
Ms. Stevens.
Ms. Stevens?
I am your mother.
Please call me mother, dear
Mo-Miss Stevens.
I should give you more time
to get used to your new life,
and a new identity.
Perhaps you would do well with a
new name.
this is the name that my dad
gave me.
'Harper' means 'brave'.
Aunt Etta likes the name, too.
Of course, dear.
Perhaps in due time,
you'll change your mind.
this is a gift for you.
Oh, a gift?
Oh, dear me, a gift from my...
precious daughter.
Do you like it?
Harper, I don't want to re-live
the past.
It would do you well, too
if you left it behind,
and just embraced the future.
what about dad?
Please don't ever mention
your father in front of me
He let me down.
I was young and naive
and thought he could...
fit into my life, but he failed
-Did he do anything wrong--
-That's enough of that!
Memory lane is officially
What's that?
this is another gift for you.
these colors represent
happiness and reminiscence.
Put those away this instant.
We Stevens women never,
and I mean never
wear plastic
You start on the golf course
I've never played golf before.
Harper, dear, you are my
I'm going to make you into
a world-class celebrity and
my successor.
You will understand soon enough.
Get some rest.
You've had a long day.
Yes, ma'am.
This is the Stevens residence.
Who is this?
Hi, it's Etta.
Can I speak to Harper?
I'm sorry, Miss Harper is in
at the moment and can not be
How is she doing?
[busy signal]
Watch your tempo and speed.
And slowly... and whing!
Try again.
I think this suit is too tight.
You need more exercise
and a healthy diet.
You eat too much junk food,
don't you?
Come on, faster, faster, faster.
What are you doing?
Let's go.
Last one. Come on, Harper!
Come on. Get it! Let's go!
Faster, Harper! Faster!
Continue! Continue! Continue!
Continue. I'll tell you.
Continue, continue, Harper,
Come on.
LUCY: I could swim faster
than that when I was her age.
[phone rings]
Aunt Etta.
Harper, are you alright?
I'm so tired. I can't...
I can't hold on any longer.
I miss you and Max so much.
I want to go back--
[phone clicks off]
It's late.
Go to your bed and sleep.
[busy signal]
Something must be wrong.
Come on, Max.
[truck pulling away]
[emotional underscoring]
Dear dad,
I went from Aunt Etta's house
to live with my mother.
way different than I thought
she'd be.
Dear Aunt Etta,
the house I live in now is huge,
I liked our little house
together more.
I miss you so much...
Get out of bed now.
I was more diligent than you
when I was your age.
You have a singing class this
Come on.
I never asked for a lousy
singing class.
Excuse me?
I don't know what that woman
was teaching you in her house.
But here we have a little thing
called manners, young lady.
Now, I've booked you the best
singing teacher,
and she's very strict.
So don't be late.
See you downstairs.
[bell ringing]
Thank you so much, sir.
Not at all, Miss.
Have an enjoyable lesson.
Open your mouth.
Open. Long.
Relax your tongue.
Now sing!
[emotional underscoring]
We're not done.
Can we go rest now?
Dance hall, please.
More. More.
Chin down.
Shoulders down.
Arm in first.
Soft, elegant fingers.
Here we go.
First position, turn out and...
we pli, and up, pli.
And up! Back straight.
Turn and turn and turn.
Oh, try it again.
You could do this.
Here we go, back straight. Five,
Here we go.
And turn and turn and turn and
Harper. Harper.
[piano underscoring]
[in whispers]Max.
The rain keeps falling down
outside the window,
like my tears running down my
An empty house is
the only thing you left.
The cold bare walls
close in around me.
I look up at the starry sky
Wishingful thinking is my
lonely secret.
Time is so wonderful.
But lost to you and me.
I want you always by my side.
Even destiny are fickle
I want to paint a
beautiful world together.
Why is it up to me
to face it all alone.
I thought the rainbow
would fulfill my wish.
I thought I would stay by
your side,
if I was a good girl.
I thought I could sing
to you to make everything
I thought you would wait for
as you promised.
Will I ever see you again?
But I will always remember
The brightest star in the sky
is like you.
Hm... Hm... Hm...
The most beautiful
memory in my mind
is you.
[dramatic underscoring]
Benno... Ben...
Woah, woah, woah! Slow down.
Wait. Come back!
[horse whinnies]
JENKINS: Oh, my goodness,
Harper, how many times must I
say it?
Come on now.
If you don't listen to my rules,
you will pay the price!
Follow the rules! Follow the
rules! Follow the rules!
One more lap, Harper. One more
Open your mouth! Open your
mouth! Open your mouth!
MS. STEVENS: You belong to me.
No, no!
You belong to me.
Me, me! Me!
DOCTOR: OK, sweetie.
Well, she does have a slight
possibly from being overworked.
She's very tired.
What she needs is rest the most,
I want to call Aunt Etta.
She must be very busy.
We'll talk about this later.
I have something
I want to tell her.
Looks like I need to send you
to boarding school.
To where?
A school for ungrateful,
misbehaving children like
Then you can be their problem.
No, how could you even say that?
Where are you going?
Hey, come back here.
Your rampant bad behavior
is beyond my means, Harper.
I need professionals
to teach you how to follow the
and become a proper lady.
I don't want to be like those
I especially don't
want to be a person like you.
I am your mother, Harper,
and I am doing this for your own
My mother?
[dramatic underscoring]
Where were you
when I needed you the most?
Where were you
when I was sick.
Where were you...
when I was dropped off at the
community center
and the other kids mocked me.
Where were you...
when dad died.
For my own good?
You are the most selfish person
I know.
You're only doing this for
You're as arrogant and
as your father!
You little monster, you...
Get out of here!
[dog barks]
[hopeful underscoring]
Max? Max!
[inaudible] Thank you!
[happy underscoring]
People in my life have come and
You never know what to expect
in your next path.
This summer I learned to go
forth with courage
and embrace everything that
makes you who you are,
then maybe, just maybe,
you'll end up exactly where you
[piano begins]
The sky is blue,
not a drop of rain.
I play a song for you
with my ukelele.
The flowers are beautiful.
The grass is green,
I wish to walk through the
field with you.
Because of you, I don't feel
lonely today.
You inspired me to be strong.
I wish I could
be like you
to be strong like you
Never, ever, choose the
Never, ever, fear the truth.
I wish I could be just like
Believe the sun will shine
through the dark.
I wish I could be like you.
Remember to be kind and brave,
with courage and brightness
through and through.
I wish I could be just like
Be each other's sunshine,
and keep chasing the light
as we do.
The stars are bright,
the moon is light.
Your face is always in
the sky.
The wind blows
through our life.
Miss the times we chased
each other.
On the open field
cause we went through
everything together.
Our experiences,
our fond impressions.
I wish I could
be like you.
I wish I could be like you.
Never, ever, choose the
Never, ever fear the truth.
I wish I could be just like
Believe the sun will shine
through the dark.
I wish I could be like you.
Remember to be kind and brave,
with courage and brightness
through and through.
Never be down.
Never fear the truth.
Oh-way-oh. Oh-way-oh.
Just like you.
I want to be
Oh-way-oh. Oh-way-oh.
Oh way oh.
Just like you. Just like you.
I want to be...