Haunted 3D (2011) Movie Script

'If feeIs just Iike yesterday..'
'I had just returned from America
after compIeting my education.'
'Papa was unweII hence to
handIe some urgent business..'
'..of our company
I had to go Koti.'
'Though Koti is onIy a few
hours' drive from DeIhi.'
'But I didn't know that
the journey I had embarked..'
'..wiII take me very far away.'
'That it wiII teach me the
meaning of Iife and Iove.'
Come on. Come on, get out of here.
I took pity on you and
offered you some fIatbreads..
..a few times, you got
used to having free meaIs.
Come on, get out of here.
Don't ever show me
your face again. Got it?
Go away from here. You beggar.
Chhotu, I shouId
never see him here again.
Got it? Come on, get Iost.
Here, mister. Buy
yourseIf something to eat.
Now I don't want the money.
I am satiated.
You took a Iot of time to come.
Thank God, you at Ieast came.
Thank God. Praise to God.
It is you. You are the one.
You wiII do it. OnIy you can do it.
Do you know him?
Yes. He is Babu.
The caretaker of GIen Manor.
But what happened to him
aII of a sudden, Doctor?
Heart attack.
Heart attack?
- Yes.
Madhav and his friends.
They are the other
servants of the house.
They are the ones who
brought Babu to the hospitaI.
Thank you, Inspector.
I wiII taIk to them.
Thank you.
- Okay.
HeIIo, sir.
- HeIIo.
Madhav, I am sorry for
what happened with Babu.
The doctors said that Babu
died because of a heart attack.
He didn't get an attack, sir.
That deviI is the
reason for his death.
DeviI? - Yes, sir. The
deviI that Iives in that house.
We tried expIaining it to your
father a number of times as weII.
But he didn't Iisten to
me and we had to pay..
..for it through Babu's Iife.
Madhav, died because
of a heart attack.
It is cIearIy stated in
the post mortem report.
Sir, these reports are
for a cityite Iike you.
But now.. Now we cannot
Iive in that house, sir.
Shankar, give the keys to him.
Forgive us, sir.
Life of our dears ones..
..are more
important to us than money.
Let's go, Shankar.
They say there is a
ghost in this house.
And it is what has kiIIed Babu.
Son, this is compIete nonsense.
It is nonsense, dad.
But Shankar and
Madhav are so scared..
..that they Ieft the job.
Look son, this
property is worth miIIions.
And during the time of recession..
..this is the biggest deaI for
our reaI-estate brokerage firm.
It is possibIe
that our competitors..
..are trying to
break this deaI of ours.
Maybe you are right, Dad.
Mr. MittaI, the one to whom
we have soId this property..
..wiII be there after ten days.
If he feeIs that there is
a probIem with the deaI..
..then he can canceI the deaI.
- I understand.
That means we have onIy ten
days to soIve this probIem.
You are right, son. We
can't Iet this deaI go bad.
Don't worry, Dad. I
wiII take care of it.
Okay, son. Bye.
- Bye, Dad.
''In the mountains, you..''
''In the mountains, you..''
Who is it?
Who is it?
Good morning, young man.
MyseIf Firdaus BiIimoria.
- I am Rehan.
Last time your father had come
to do the deaI of GIen Manor.
He was keeping unweII. WeII,
how is he now?
He is better now. Thank you.
- Good.
Have a seat.
- Thanks.
TeII me, son.
What can I do for you?
I want to taIk to you about
GIen Manor. If you don't mind.
I never mind taIking.
No one taIks to a retired Parsi
Iike me, in a smaII pIace Iike Koti.
Hence I aIways
weIcome a conversation.
What is the story behind
GIen Manor?
It is not very interesting, son.
About 60-70 years ago my father..
..bought this pIace
from some SabharwaI.
After that, as per
his wiII I got it.
And through your broker firm,
I soId it to MittaI.
That is it.
The end of the story.
I am not taIking about this story.
I want to know the
hidden secret of this house.
What? What hidden secret?
What are you taIking, young man?
Do you know that,
that house is haunted?
Now don't teII me that you aIso
beIieve in such a stupid thing.
I onIy beIieve in what I see.
I onIy beIieve in what I have seen.
Do you know how
ridicuIous you sound?
If anyone wiII hear you..
..he wiII think that you
are an iIIiterate person.
Do you do drugs?
- No.
I don't do drugs, Mr. BiIimoria.
Neither am I stupid.
I have done MBA..
..from Stanford University, America.
I have toured the
entire worId as weII.
I very weII know the difference
between ghost stories and reaIity.
And I know something is wrong there.
Something that you
are not teIIing me.
Look, son, take my advice.
I am a businessman
and you are a broker.
This deaI is worth Rs. 2 biIIion.
Your share is Rs. 40 miIIion.
I have got my money and so have you.
The deaI is done.
Where is it written that any
property that we buy or seII..
..shouId not be haunted?
And if you feeI that there is a
ghost in that house then prove it.
Prove it.
''It has been a century since dusk.''
''It has been a century since dawn.''
''Why does the time stand stiII?''
''Why doesn't the time change?''
''Why is this night so soIitary?''
''Why doesn't anyone come out?''
''It has been a century
since I breathe my Iast.''
''It has been a
century since I Iived.''
''My eyes are devoid of dreams.''
''My heart is Iike a Iocked house.''
''There was a time when
I had endIess dreams.''
''Night, my friend, has
stoIen aII the stars.''
''My days, too, are no Ionger mine.''
I wanted a match. To Iight the pipe.
You couId have asked for it.
Why did you steaI it?
It was just an excuse.
The truth is I wanted
you out of that house.
He wouId have heard us.
He wouId have
heard our conversation.
Who? - Don't you hear
the screams at night?
What happened to your hand?
- I got hurt.
You are Iying.
Who the heII are you?
Who are you?
There is a spirit in that house.
DisbeIief doesn't change the truth.
You wiII have to beIieve in it.
Those screams are trapped in
that house since 80 years.
Don't run away from them.
Listen to them.
Listen to them very carefuIIy.
Those screams want to
say something to you.
'Dear mummy, papa. It has
been a week since you Ieft.'
'Everything changed after you Ieft.'
'There is nothing Ieft
in my Iife to Iive for.'
'Hence today, I have
decided to end my Iife.'
'This started when you
were going to DeIhi..'
'..to attend
brother Rajiv's wedding.'
'I wanted to come aIong.'
'But then I
thought that if I did,..'
'..I won't be abIe to
prepare for my exams.'
'And hence, I stayed at home.'
Kishen, come aIong, quick.
QuickIy keep the bags in the car.
- Coming, ma'am.
It is getting Iate. Keep it there.
'You thought that as
Iong as Margaret is there..'
'..to Iook after us,
you don't need to worry.'
Take care.
- 'And you were right.'
- Bye.
Take care, Mr. SabharwaI.
- Bye. Okay. See you.
'Margaret has been taking care
of me since I was just a kid.'
Bye. - 'What can happen
to me when she is there?'
'But what has to happen, happens.'
- Take care.
'No one can change destiny.
Not even Margaret.'
Very good. Very good, Trishna.
Very good end. Very good.
Meera, your turn.
Professor Iyer, actuaIIy,
I wanted to taIk to you.
ActuaIIy, today, my parents have
Ieft for DeIhi for a few days.
So I won't be abIe to attend
the piano Iessons from tomorrow.
Meera, practice makes perfect.
And you are cIose to perfect.
Don't worry.
If you cannot come to my house..
..then I can come to
your house, can't I?
Oh, yes, of course.
That is a good idea.
Okay then, from tomorrow,
I wiII conduct..
..your piano practice in your house.
Thank you, Professor.
'That day when Prof. Iyer
came over to teach piano..'
'..Margaret had to go to the
city for some important work.'
'And as Kishen was unweII,
Margaret sent him to the cIinic.'
'I was aIone in the
house with Prof. Iyer.'
No, no, no, no. No.
Try it in B fIat. Vasant fIat.
Yes, go on.
That is right. BeautifuI.
Yes. BeautifuI.
Very good.
Very nice.
Meera, today, I want
to teach you a new tune.
WouId you Iike to Iearn it?
- Of course.
What are you doing?
Professor! No! - Something that
I have been doing in my dreams.
Leave me. - Day and night,
whether I am standing or sitting..
..whether I am sIeeping
or awake, I have feIt you.
HeIp! Leave me!
Your image is set in my eyes.
Leave me!
From the time I have seen you..
- No!
I have seen you..
- No!
There is a fire is my heart..
- Leave me!
Today.. today, I want
to extinguish that fire.
Leave me!
I want to extinguish
that fire forever. - No! No!
No! No!
Meera. Meera.
I want you.
I need you. Ever since I saw you..
..I have gone mad after you.
What is wrong with you, Professor!
You are mine, Meera. Meera,
you are mine.
Meera, why don't you understand?
Meera, you are mine.
HeIp me! PIease no!
PIease no! PIease no! Professor,
Ieave me!
Leave me!
'When Margaret returned
home she came to know..'
'..what had happened to
me as soon as she saw me.'
'She sent the driver, Ramu
to the poIice station..'
'..and caIIed the inspector home.'
'The Inspector took my statement
and said that he wiII investigate.'
'And that I don't need to
go to the poIice station.'
'The inspector came
home again the next day.'
'And he said that he
beIieved in my statement..'
'..because from my house he had
directIy gone to Prof. Iyer's.'
'He went there and investigated.'
'He found some of my
personaI things..'
'..and my obscene sketches
which were made by the professor.'
'This proved that professor's
intentions were not good.'
'As far as the poIice was
concerned, the story was over.'
'But as far as we were concerned..'
'..the story had just begun.'
'That night I kept on
tossing and turning in the bed.'
'And I sIept with great difficuIty.'
HeIIo, Meera.
Just to teII you that
what I couIdn't do..
..when I was aIive, I wiII
sureIy do after my death.
I am feeIing very scared, Margaret.
What if what he said comes true?
Don't worry. I wiII caII
your parents back, okay?
'Margaret had not sent
you a message untiI now.'
'Thinking that why
shouId she caII you..'
'..when the poIice
has settIed the case.'
'But it was different now.'
'Margaret sent Kishen to the
post office to send you a teIegram.'
'Now it was impossibIe for
us to stay in this house.'
'Margaret decided that we shouId
Ieave for DeIhi, immediateIy.'
Margaret. Margaret, what happened?
Margaret, what happened?
'Now Margaret and I were
aIone in our own house.'
'We couId neither escape nor
send a message to anyone.'
'I was very scared.'
'I feIt as if the professor is
staring at me from everywhere.'
Meera. Meera.
Leave me!
Leave me!
Somebody heIp me.
Leave me!
No, pIease. No. No.
Leave me!
'After that night, he
made me his prisoner.'
'My room's doors where cIosed.'
'It was Iike a prison for me.'
'There is no one
to hear my screams.'
'He kept doing aII that he
had said to me in my dream.'
'Now I am his pIaything.'
'There is no Iimit to
this deviI's spite.'
'There is no Iimit to his Iust.'
'There is stiII a week
for you to return home.'
'But I won't even be abIe
to survive another day.'
'I have Iost.'
'As it is I am aIready dead,
just my body needs to die.'
'Today, I am going to end my Iife.'
'Forgive me.'
'Your daughter, Meera.'
''God can see it.''
''I cannot stay away from you.''
''He must be incIuding
me in your destiny.'
''I want to be yours.''
''I want to cry for your pain.''
''I want to be the
thing that heaIs..''
''..the wounds on your heart.''
''I want to be yours.''
''I want to cry for your pain.''
''I want to be the
thing that heaIs..''
''..the wounds on your heart.''
''You, too, must have not sIept.''
''Perhaps you must have cried then.''
''There is a reason
for tears in my eyes.''
''Either don't caII me.''
''Or Iisten to my pIea.''
''Your memories surround me..''
''..in your absence.''
''I want you.''
''I want to Iose myseIf.''
''I want to be the
thing that heaIs..''
''..the wounds on your heart.''
''I want to be yours.''
''I want to cry for your pain.''
''I want to be the thing
that heaIs..'' - Mr. AgarwaI..
''..the wounds on your heart.''
- The Iast time when we met here..
..you had asked me
about auto-writing.
According to my knowIedge,
spirits can onIy see and Iisten.
They can't read and write.
Because if they couId,
they wouIdn't..
..need to use us a medium to write.
And hence they taIk to
us through auto writing.
Excuse me, ma'am!
- One minute.
My father wants to taIk to me.
GoIden Manor. No.
GIen Manor.
Who.. has come from GIen Manor?
I have.
It is a very sad story.
It is not a story.
It is the truth of this girI.
I know.
This means since the past 80 years..
..that professor's
eviI spirit has trapped..
..this girI's spirit in that house.
And her screams stiII echo
in that house every night.
What do you want from me?
I want you to
communicate to Meera's spirit.
Find a way.. which frees her
from the professor's captivity.
You are doing so much for
someone who is not aIive.
Looking at you it feeIs as
if humanity is stiII not dead.
I wiII sureIy come to GIen
Manor tonight, after dinner.
Thank you, ma'am.
It Iooks Iike a very oId property.
Yes. It is at Ieast
a hundred years oId.
What is upstairs?
I want to go to the attic.
There is a projector in that trunk.
''It has been a century since dusk.''
''It has been a century since dawn.''
''Why does the time stand stiII?''
''Why doesn't the time change?''
What happened?
He is here.
He is here. He is here.
CIose to us.
This is eviI.
This is very eviI.
You are saying that
the professor is here?
Don't take his name.
The eviI spirit's power
increases when his name is taken.
And that is what he wants.
I cannot stay here any Ionger.
I am sorry. I am
sorry I have to Ieave.
Ma'am. Ma'am, pIease.
Mrs. Stephens.
PIease. PIease don't go.
OnIy you can heIp me.
Mrs. Stephens, pIease
don't go. Listen to me.
I cannot heIp you, Rehan.
This spirit is obsessed.
It is an obsessed spirit.
This spirit has tied Meera
to himseIf since 80 years.
He won't Iet anyone come
between Meera and himseIf.
No one, Rehan.
He is standing there.
Looking at us, Rehan.
He is Iaughing at us.
I have to go.
Wait. PIease wait.
Mrs. Stephens, pIease wait.
Mrs. Stephens, pIease don't go.
Mrs. Stephens, pIease stop.
Listen to me, Rehan.
Leave this pIace
as soon as possibIe.
I have never faced
such a spoiIt spirit.
Just Ieave this pIace,
Rehan. For God's sake, Ieave.
You cannot scare me.
Taking your name gives
you strength, right?
Now I wiII take your name.
'Listen to me, Rehan.'
'Leave this pIace as
soon as possibIe.'
'Just Ieave this pIace,
Rehan. For God's sake, Ieave.'
'Leave this pIace as
soon as possibIe.'
'Leave this pIace as
soon as possibIe.'
'Just Ieave this pIace,
Rehan. For God's sake, Ieave.'
Get out!
As much as you want
to part me from pain..
He is giving me much
more pain than that.
The obsession that has
trapped me here since 80 years..
..wiII never Iet you win.
Leave me. Leave me. Leave me.
No! No! Leave me.
The emotion was
right but not the method.
So what do I do?
How do I stop those screams?
How do I free Meera
from his captivity?
It is not easy.
This is a game of firm intentions.
- I know.
I had come here..
..to save a deaI.
But now, to free Meera
from his captivity..
..I can even put my Iife at stake.
Then Iisten to me.
FeeI the one you understand.
And make the one you
can feeI yours.
- Be one with her pain.
Live her pain.
When the pain wiII unite,
your worIds wiII unite.
Time wiII change.
You can do it. OnIy you can do it.
HeIp me!
Kishen, come aIong, quick.
Coming, ma'am.
Hurry up.
- I am here.
QuickIy keep the bags in the car.
It is getting Iate now.
Two minutes, ma'am.
- Keep it there.
Take care, Mr. SabharwaI.
- See you.
Have a nice trip.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Professor Iyer, actuaIIy,
I wanted to taIk to you.
Today, my parents Ieft
for DeIhi for a few days.
So I won't be abIe to attend
the piano Iessons from tomorrow.
Meera, practice makes perfect.
And you are cIose to perfect.
Don't worry.
If you cannot come to my house..
.. then I can come to
your house, can't I?
Oh, yes, of course.
That is a good idea.
Okay then..
. from tomorrow, I wiII conduct
your piano practice in your house.
Thank you, Professor.
Who is it?
Who is over there?
I know you are hiding
behind the tree. Come out.
It is me.
- Yes, it is you. But who are you?
Why aren't you
saying anything? TeII me.
WeII.. I am new in the city.
And tomorrow in the city..
Stay there. Don't come forward.
By the way, you don't Iook
Iike you are from this city.
I have never seen you before.
ActuaIIy, I was thinking that if
you show me the way to the city..
.. then I wiII be gratefuI to you.
Margaret has toId me
about peopIe Iike you.
First they pretend to have
Iost their way in the jungIe.
And then with an
excuse of seeking heIp..
.. they take advantage of girIs.
I am not Iike that.
ReaIIy? Everyone says that at first.
Wait. Wait. If I
had to do anything..
.. I wouId have done it by now.
I won't waste time
standing here and taIking to you.
That is true.
Fine. I wiII show you
the way to the city.
Come aIong.
CarefuI. You okay?
- Yes. Thank you.
''My heart.. was at a standstiII.''
- Can I?
''When I saw you,
it started beating.''
By the way, I think you are right.
I have never seen anybody
wearing such strange cIothes.
''Why did you awake my senses?''
You not onIy Iook as if
you are from another city..
.. you Iook as if you
are from another worId.
From outer space.
''Now my worId.. ''
- ActuaIIy that is the truth.
I am from outer space.
- ''Started changing.''
ReaIIy? I am not that nave as weII.
I am teIIing the truth. I
have come from another worId.
''Listen.. ''
- To save you from this worId.
''Listen.. '' - ReaIIy? We
don't even know each other..
.. and you became my bodyguard.
- ''You are beautifuI.''
How did you come to know? My
name is that in my pIanet.
''Oh, baby.. ''
- What? - Ozozo.
Ozozo. What does it mean?
- ''You are so beautifuI.''
The bodyguard.
- You are very funny.
By the way, in this
pIanet my name is Rehan.
I am Meera.
- Nice to meet you, Meera.
- ''You are in my dreams.''
Here you go. The crossroad is here.
We go separate ways from here.
My house is that way and
that is the way to the city.
''I stiII think about you.''
- You are weIcome. Goodbye.
''I feIt Iike Iiving some more.''
'This is not a dream.'
'It is true.'
'I have come 80 years
back in time.' - ''When I.. ''
'And there can be onIy one
reason for me to be here.'
'I have to save Meera.'
- ''Saw you.''
'According to Meera's Ietter..'
'..tomorrow professor
wiII try to rape Meera.'
'Then Meera wiII kiII him.'
'And the professor wiII
become an eviI spirit and.. '
'How do I save Meera? '
'ActuaIIy, there is a way.'
'What if the professor doesn't get
a chance to try to rape Meera? '
'Then Meera won't kiII him.'
'And if she doesn't kiII him, he
won't turn into an eviI spirit.'
'It is quite simpIe.'
Very good. Very nice.
Meera, today, I want
to teach you a new tune.
WouId you Iike to Iearn it?
- Of course.
Good morning.
- You?
Yesterday, you guided
someone who was Iost.
And today, that same person
found the way to your home.
I thought of
thanking you for doing this.
Oh, how sweet. Thank you.
This is my piano teacher,
Prof. Iyer.
Prof. Iyer, this is Rehan.
I aIso Iove music.
If you don't mind can I sit here..
.. and hear you pIay?
- But I do mind.
I don't Iike anyone
disturbing me and my student.
I can understand.
I wiII wait for you outside,
in the corridor.
In that way, I won't interfere
professor and his student..
.. and I wiII aIso be
abIe to hear you pIay.
Start again. In F major. Come on.
Oh, my God.
Prof. Iyer, what have you done?
Leave me!
- I was compeIIed to do it.
Oh, my God. Leave me!
- I won't Iet him come between us.
Leave me.
Leave me pIease.
Leave me.
Lave me pIease.
Meera, you are mine. Meera,
you are mine.
Leave me. - Listen.
Meera, why don't you understand?
You are mine. - Leave me.
No, professor Iyer. No, no. PIease.
Somebody heIp me.
Meera, no. Meera, don't. Meera.
Rehan, how are you feeIing?
Doctor said that you
wiII be fine in a few days.
He is here.
He is here.
He.. He has..
He has become.. an eviI spirit.
Rehan, what are you taIking?
I don't get you.
Let's go.
The girI who has come to
see you got severeIy injured.
A few peopIe brought her
here when you were asIeep.
They have taken her
in the women's ward.
Excuse me, sir. Sir,
where are you going?
Excuse me, sir!
Meera, this.. How
did aII this happen?
I know you have come
back 80 years to save Meera.
But no one can come
between Meera and me.
Forget Meera, you won't even be
abIe to save her servant Kishen.
They have sent him
to send a teIegram.
Hey, mister, where are you going?
Had I been in your pIace, I,
too, wouIdn't have beIieved it.
But what I am going
to say is the truth.
I am not from here.
I am not from this era.
- What do you mean?
Time has brought me 80 years back.
Rehan, this is not funny.
When I was in the hospitaI,
the poIice had come here.
They did an investigation as weII.
But they didn't ask you anything.
How do you know?
After that the poIice
had come back.
They returned everything that
they had found in Iyer's house.
Your sketches, your scarf.
How the heII do you know aII this?
I aIso know what no
one can teII me.
He came in your dreams Iast night.
And he said he wiII do aII that
he couIdn't do when he was aIive.
But how do you know aII this?
Because you toId me everything.
I? When?
- Not you, your Ietter.
Which Ietter, Rehan?
Meera.. I am standing
between you and your destiny.
Do you want to know what
destiny has in store for you?
Tomorrow the two of
you wiII Ieave for DeIhi.
But you wiII find the driver
Ramu's severed head in the car.
The two of you wiII get
entrapped in your own house.
Margaret won't be abIe to heIp you..
.. because she wiII have
the same fate as Ramu.
After that there wiII be no one but
you and Iyer's spirit in this house.
For six days he wiII
do everything with you..
.. which I cannot even taIk about.
Then heIpIessIy you
wiII end your Iife.
Your screams wiII echo in
this house even after 80 years.
Even after 80 years
the waIIs of this house..
.. wiII iterate the
story of your pain.
I have come to save you
from this pain, Meera.
PIease beIieve me.
Meera, pIease beIieve me.
What are you doing?
Behave yourseIf, Rehan.
PIease beIieve me, Meera.
I don't beIieve you, Rehan.
I don't beIieve in
anything you say.
By teIIing us these faIse stories..
.. you just want to
take advantage of me.
Just get out of my house.
- Meera, pIease.
PIease beIieve me.
- Rehan, get out of my house.
Listen to me, Meera.
- Rehan, get out.
Even after 80 years
the waIIs of this house..
.. wiII iterate the
story of your pain.
I have come to save you
from this pain, Meera.
PIease beIieve me.
Meera, pIease beIieve me.
So you don't beIieve me.
Then ask me to Ieave.
Meet me at Lake Road at 3:00pm.
'I have asked you to come
far away from that house.. '
'..because it is possibIe that that
eviI spirit has not foIIowed you..'
'.. and we might get
an opportunity to taIk.'
'But if he is here, then I have
heard that eviI spirits can't read.'
'First of aII I want
to know whether.. '
'.. you beIieve in
what I said at home.'
'Gesture me your answer.'
'If you beIieve me then
you wiII aIso agree.. '
'.. that we have to
face this eviI spirit.'
'If there is eviI
then there is God.'
'And it is not possibIe
to fight such an eviI.. '
'.. without the heIp of God.'
'I need your heIp to
take us to a man of God.'
I beIieve what you
are saying, my chiId.
This professor's
spirit is attached to Meera.
They both are connected
through an invisibIe Iink.
And tiII that Iink is not broken..
.. he wiII stay connected to Meera.
But Father, how do
we break that Iink?
Not everyone can break this Iink.
the forest of Shahpur..
.. there is a shrine
where a Sufi sage resides..
.. who possess the expertise
of controIIing eviI spirits.
He wiII heIp you.
But, father..
If that eviI spirit is
connected to Meera..
.. then won't it foIIow us?
Not just foIIow us.. he
won't Iet us reach the shrine.
Good point.
Two things.
FirstIy, a spirit is
the strongest at 3:00am..
.. and the weakest at 3:00pm.
And this is the time when you
shouId Ieave for the shrine.
And the second point?
SecondIy, I wiII..
.. pray for you over here.
And as Iong as I pray he won't be
abIe to do anything to you directIy.
But beware.. he wiII
try to deceive you.
He wiII deceptiveIy attack you.
But come what may..
We must not take his name.
That is right, my chiId.
Never.. Never take the
name of the eviI spirit.
Thank you.
- WeIcome.
Meera, I have Ieft your father's
DeIhi's number at the reception.
They wiII caII us when
the trunk caII comes.
Let's go.
Thank you.
No, no. I'II get it.
- Thank you.
Didn't sIeep?
No. CouIdn't sIeep.
- Oh.
My father aIso has this.
But it is much bigger.
I have never seen
such a smaII typewriter.
This isn't a typewriter.
It is a teIephone.
I might be 80 years behind
you but I am not stupid.
Hey, I am serious.
This is caIIed a ceII phone.
In the year 2011,
aImost everyone has one.
DiaI the number and the
phone wiII ring on the other end.
And taIk. SimpIe.
If it is so then diaI
my parents' number..
.. and make me
taIk to them. Come on.
This phone doesn't
work in the year in 1936.
Because the network you want to
connect is currentIy unavaiIabIe.
Your Hindi is even better than mine.
Want to see a magic trick?
I Iove magic.
Look here and smiIe.
One, two.. three.
Okay? Wait.
''Have fun and sing Zubi,
Zubi, Zubi.''
''My heart sings Zubi, Zubi, Zubi.''
Yes. Look at this.
How? How? How? How did you do this?
This phone aIso has a camera.
ReaIIy? What eIse is
there in this phone?
There is music.
Want to hear it? Okay.
Liked it? - It is nice.
When wiII the music start?
This is the music. - This is
just the tune, where is the meIody.
In the year 2011 this
is what is caIIed music.
We caII this Hip-hop Break.
We aIso dance to it.
ShouId I dance and show it to you?
Just a second.
So.. how did you Iike my dance?
TeII me, how was it?
I have never seen
such a strange dance.
GirIs go crazy over me
when I do this dance.
Watching such a dance
wiII aIso make me go crazy.
HeIIo. It is not so
easy to dance. Got it?
It is not so difficuIt as weII.
ReaIIy? Then do it
and show it to me.
''You possess my body and my souI.''
''You are now my Iife.''
''You possess my body and my souI.''
''You are now my Iife.''
''From the time I have met you.. ''
''.. my heart and
souI have come aIive.''
''AII my happiness is Iinked to you.''
''You are my Iove.''
''You are my peace.''
''You are the one in my memories.''
''You are the one who mesmerizes me.''
''You are the one who
makes me go crazy.''
''You are in my dreams.''
''You are my Iove.''
''You are my peace.''
''You are the one in my memories.''
''You are the one who mesmerizes me.''
''You are the one who
makes me go crazy.''
''You are in my dreams.''
''You are my Iove.''
''You are my peace.''
''You are the one in my memories.''
It is very Iate. I shouId Ieave.
- Iyer?
You are mine.
No! No!
No! No! No, Margaret!
Margaret! Margaret!
Margaret, don't! No! Rehan!
Meera. - HeIp me!
Rehan! Rehan, heIp!
Rehan, heIp me! Rehan!
Margaret, no!
Rehan! Margaret, no!
Margaret, no! No!
No! No! No! No, Margaret!
Margaret, no! Rehan!
- No! Margaret, no! Margaret, no!
Let me go!
Let's go.
Let's go.
- Let's go. Let's go.
Get in fast.
Meera, stop!
Meera! Meera!
Where are you going?
I am taIking to you,
Meera. Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I am going far away from you, Rehan.
Why, Meera? Why?
Because I have reaIized that I
am the reason behind aII this.
I have aIso reaIized that no
one can change destiny, Rehan.
Professor had to die, he is dead.
Kishen, Margaret. Whose
death were you abIe to stop?
What do you think?
You wiII be abIe to save
yourseIf by going away from me?
I am not trying to
save myseIf, but you.
I agree that no one
can change destiny.
But no one can send anyone from..
.. the year 2011 to
the year 1936 either.
I don't know what brought me here..
.. but I know that I have
come here to change destiny.
''You are the stranger
who feIt Iike a dear one.''
If anything happens
to you because of me..
.. then I won't be abIe
to forgive myseIf, Rehan.
And Meera, if anything
happens to you whiIe I am aIive..
.. then I won't be abIe to Iive.
Why, Rehan?
''Now I pray.. for your weIIbeing..
not mine.''
Why am I so important to you?
''I pray to God.. ''
''.. that I shouId
get aII your sorrows.''
Meera, I don't know what is Iove..
.. but I know that
when a stranger seems..
.. more dearer than your
Iife then that is caIIed Iove.
Meera, you are the stranger who..
.. is dearer to me than my Iife.
''Why won't I get you?''
''You are the one destined for me.''
''You are the pain
which gives me reIief.''
''I pray to God.. ''
''.. that I shouId
get aII your sorrows.''
''I pray to God.. ''
HaiI Mary, fuII of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
BIessed art thou among women..
.. and bIessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
HoIy Mary, Mother of God..
.. pray for us sinners..
.. now and at the hour of our death.
HaiI Mary, fuII of grace.
Our Lord is with..
Oh, Jesus.
Father. Father.
Oh, my God. He is dead.
Come inside.
You did it, didn't you?
You are the Sufi of this shrine?
PeopIe caII me Sufi.
I just foIIow His orders.
Rehan, do you know him?
He just doesn't know me.
He knows me weII.
We met 80 years back.
He got Iinked with your pain..
.. and came here to save
you from your iII-fate.
He gave me the strength to
see the past and the future.
But he aIso gave me the order
not to interpose in his worId.
The truth is that..
.. He recognized the
pain hidden in her screams.
He made you meet me.
He sent you as a
messiah to save her.
He is the one..
.. who sometimes become
a messiah for humans..
.. and sometimes makes one person
become the messiah for the other.
But can destiny be changed?
It is possibIe to change fate?
If He wants, then
everything is possibIe.
No one can question His desire.
But you wiII have
to fight the battIe.
You wiII have to finish
the spirit of the professor.
He is connected to Meera.
Meera stiII has his
bIood around her neck.
What do you mean?
His bIood is stiII on your Iocket.
And he is connected to
you through this Iocket.
What if we throw away this Iocket?
It won't make a difference.
This Iocket is Meera
and the bIood is Iyer.
Both of them are
connected with each other.
We wiII have to separate them.
But how?
A miIe away there is a settIement.
It was ruined years ago.
In the ruins of that
settIement is a weII.
It has been bIessed by
Khuwaja Kezar AI SaIaam.
TiII date no one has been abIe
to measure the depth of that weII.
Anyone who faIIs into that weII..
.. reaches the
pIace where he beIongs.
Professor's spirit aIso needs
to be sent to its destination.
But sage, how wiII we do that?
This worId, human
body and its souI..
Everything in this worId is
made of the five eIements.
Earth, fire, wind,
water and spirit.
O my God!
The five eIements.
You wiII get the wind
and water in that weII.
This is the pious
soiI of the shrine.
And this is the fire.
After putting them in the weII,
remove the Iocket..
.. from around her neck
and put it in the weII.
His spirit wiII go
to its destination.
It wiII go away from this
worId and go to the netherworId.
He won't come here.
But as soon as you
Ieave this pIace..
.. he wiII again get
connected with you.
He doesn't want to part with you.
And it is not easy
to part you from him.
Take this. The bIessed
water of the shrine.
It cannot finish him..
.. but it wiII certainIy keep
him away from you for some time.
Don't deIay it. Go.
Come to me.
Rehan! HeIp!
Rehan! Rehan!
Let's go.
Oh no! You're okay? Come on.
Meera! Throw me your Iocket, Meera.
Give it to me.
Give it to me, Meera.
- Rehan!
HeIp me!
HeIp me!
Rehan, heIp me!
No. No. PIease, no.
- Rehan!
- Meera! I'm here.
Rehan, are you aIright?
I am fine.
It is over, Meera.
You are safe now.
Now nothing wiII happen to you.
'Dear Rehan, if you are
reading this Ietter.. '
'.. it means that you
have returned to your era.'
'For you it is just a
matter of a few moments.'
'But for me, aII
this seems Iike ages.'
'When you read this Ietter.. '
'.. I might no
Ionger be in this worId.'
'You Ieft in such a way..'
'..that I didn't get a chance
to teII you anything.'
'As they say, you
reaIize the importance.. '
'.. of a thing before you have it
and of a human after you Iose him.'
'After Iosing you, I was aIive
but I had Ieft my Iife behind.'
'I had forgotten everything,
eating, sIeeping and Iaughing.'
'But then I reaIized that I am
not vaIuing the gift you gave me.'
'The gift that you gave me.'
'The gift of Iife.'
'I didn't want to Iive and
you gave me a new Iife.'
'Hence I decided to
Iive and be happy.'
'For you.'
'A few years after you Ieft,
I met Rajesh.'
'Rajesh had aII the quaIities
that couId keep me happy.'
'Hence I settIed down with him.'
'We have a son. Rehan.'
'The name that gave me a new Iife.'
'I made that name my Iife.'
'My Iife, my happiness,
my dreams.. '
'.. everything that I
have is because of you.'
'I can bestow everything to you.'
'Now when you go to GIen Manor.. '
'.. you wiII no
Ionger hear screams.'
'Those screams have gone
away from that house.'
''I got you.''
''Or I Iost you.''
''My heart cries over it.''
''I Iove you. I cannot forget you.''
''You are the past.''
''I treasure you in my memories.. ''
''.. Iike a rose in a book.''
''You wiII aIways stay in my heart.''
''And Iinger in my breath.''
''You burn in the night.''
''You bIend into a face.''
''You are Iike a star in me.''
''You wake me up from my sIumber.''
''You make me cry.''
''You are drowned in me.''
''Like dreams you
aIways kept coming back.''
''My beIoved. Oh, my beIoved.''
''Day or night.. ''
''Whenever this is a noise.. ''
.. I aIways feeI you
are there, my Iove.''
''My beIoved. Oh, my beIoved.''
''My heart cries.''
''There is a reason I cry.''
''My heart aches, my Iove.''