Haunted Forest (2007) Movie Script

Let's have a look at the map.
So, according to police reports,
the missing tourist was
camping near the river here.
What do we know about this guy?
He was just
an amateur photographer.
- They never found his body.
- Right.
The rescue teams searched
the whole area for a week.
And nothing.
Guy completely vanished.
Now, the only thing
they found was his camera.
Those are his last shots.
Let's see.
These are some crappy shots.
I just want you to focus on
the very last picture he took.
It's exactly like
the drawing in your book.
Wow, man.
This is a creepy tree.
This cannot be a coincidence.
And according to
my grandfather's manuscript,
once we find the tree
we will also find
the secret burial ground.
I just hope it's not a bunch
of old skeletons down there.
Guys, we're gonna find this tree.
All righty.
Let's go.
Look, I don't mind doing
some digging and stuff.
Finally get my hands
on some cash.
Got everything?
Where's he going?
So. This is the river.
And this is where
the guy was camping.
Now, based on the reports,
they found his camera
a few miles up the river.
That means...
we're gonna have to cover
all this area.
And this is where
Flipp's gonna build our tent.
Right, Flipp?
Flipp? Where is he?
You hear that?
Take your shoes off.
Did you grow up
in a barn or somethin'?
Take your shoes off.
Jesus Christ.
That's it?
Tell me you're joking.
A man can actually live on beans
and nothing else.
What kind of a man is that?
Corned beef?
- Flipp, you're a lifesaver.
- I don't think so.
I'm on a low-carb diet.
I thought we agreed to
share everything equally.
You thought, maybe. Not me.
Here you go, Sai.
This is for you.
Hey! That dog eats
better than I do.
I'm sorry.
Would you like some?
- Forget it.
- Please.
No. I got some doughnuts
back in the tent.
All right.
Flipp, want some beans?
No, I'm fine, thanks.
Do you want some corned beef?
- I'm good, thanks.
- All right.
Is that your grandfather?
He had Cherokee blood.
He spent his entire life studying
the people that lived in these forests.
Their secrets, their legends.
Then, when he passed away,
he left me his journal.
Who's the girl next to the tree?
That's Satinka. She's a ghost.
Her fingers are made
of little tiny branches.
And her soul was cursed
by this tree right here.
What's funny?
Your grandfather was
really fucked up, man.
I bet he was smokin' some real
good shit when he wrote that.
You know, there's some
really unique stuff in here.
That's why I want
to get it published.
What about
the secret burial ground?
And your fuckin' treasure?
You know what?
It's not at all about the money.
It's real important to me
to honor my grandfather's memory.
Cheers to your grandfather.
I can't, man.
I got a lot of work to do.
Sai? Come on, boy.
Get out. Please.
"Once the twig enters
the skin, an infection occurs.
That's how the spirit
marks his victims."
Oh, God!
What the fuck is that?
"The victim will slowly
start to get sick...
"and will ultimately be paralyzed,
as if he were under the effect
of a strong venom."
Where did you go?
This place sucks, man.
I want to go home.
What happened?
Let me see.
It's okay, man.
It's just a scratch.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Oh, gee.
Get on your dancin' shoes
You sexy little swine
Hey, Flipp! Get your ass
out of bed. Go get your dog.
Cool shot.
Hey, Flipp. Wake up, man.
I'm gonna search
the left side of the river.
And I want you and Flipp
to explore the right side.
How much digging have we got?
According to the legend,
the secret burial ground
is just below the tree.
How deep, I don't know.
Why? Got any problems?
Me? No. Flipp, yeah.
He's my problem.
Guy's got a PhD in laziness.
Hey, Flipp! Come on, get up.
We got work to do.
Where is he?
I don't know.
He was down by the river
with his dog.
All right.
I'm gonna go look for him.
We're not alone.
Hey, look what I found.
A Datura stramonium.
Blooms once in every six years.
Let's cut it.
Don't smell it.
It causes hallucinations.
I know.
Back from where I'm from, every kid
used to get high on 'shrooms.
And then we'd go back
to this barn and make out.
Come on, let's go. We only have
two more to go before we go back.
Can I make some tea with this?
It's tempting.
No, thanks.
It'll be fun.
Easy, girl.
That's enough.
Here you go.
Thank you.
To a long, hard day.
That is disgusting.
You know, it's a shame
we have to leave already.
It's so peaceful out here.
Nothing. Just the tea
was a little too hot. That's all.
There was some girl
behind me just now.
I even could feel her breathing.
Okay, listen.
No more tea.
Hey, Josh!
Just don't fuckin' do that, man.
I'm sorry.
Any luck?
No, man. He's just...
Well, he was definitely here
this morning.
Must have gotten lost
on his way back.
All right, let's go look for him.
Come on.
I feel happy. Yeah.
Hooray for nature, Jennifer.
What's the matter?
I saw a girl again.
I'm glad you think this is funny.
It's not.
This is what
you get for drinking this shit.
Drink some water.
You're just dehydrated.
We've been out here forever.
I think I parked
the truck over there.
Sit tight, okay?
And don't go anywhere.
I saw it.
I'm gonna go this way.
All right.
Stop! It's me, Sean!
What the fuck
did you bring a gun for?
I'm sorry, man.
I thought you were that bastard.
Look at you, dude.
There's some kind of
psycho weirdo out there
playing a sick game with us,
planting traps.
They're animal traps.
- Must be a hunter.
- A hunter?
Oh, that's what it is.
Nice deduction, Columbo.
You want to give me a hand?
You okay?
Come on, we're wasting time.
Where the hell are you?
Get your ass out here, now!
I'm gonna go check this way.
Hey, I found his dog!
Sorry. I guess I was
just a little too impulsive.
It's my friend. Don't kick him.
What happened?
You okay?
I'm sorry.
I heard some noises,
and he came running through, and...
- I just accidentally...
- Yeah.
This is Jennifer, by the way.
- I'm Sean. Hey, I saw you
- Hi.
And your friend this morning.
She can't find her. Lost?
Just like we lost our pothead.
We'll just go look
for them together.
- All right?
- Let's go.
Don't want to lose
any more time.
It's gonna get dark
pretty soon, so...
let's just head back to the car.
We'll drive to the first village
and get some help...
get somebody
that knows the area.
Don't look at me.
Try now?
- Hi.
- Hey.
Listen, it's starting to get dark.
So we decided we're just gonna
spend the night in the car.
We'll just walk to town
in the morning, get some help.
You okay?
I'm just a little scared.
You think we will find them?
We will.
Let's just get some rest.
Where's the tree?
What's in the bag?
Conium maculatum.
You know, that was actually
gonna be my first guess.
What is it?
Yeah, here.
Take a look for yourself.
It says here it
"contains several alkaloids
"that work by depressing the
function of the central nervous system,
- causing paralysis."
- Correct.
"Death occurs when
the muscles used in breathing
become completely immobile."
It's a very beautiful
and very dangerous flower.
Come on, guys.
Flowers, death, alkaloids?
I'm tryin' to get
some sleep here.
I thought you were asleep.
Just with one eye.
I'm gonna take a piss.
Hey, man.
Careful with our friend out there.
Who, Bigfoot?
I'm takin' the pit bull.
Why don't
we just get some rest?
Do we know much about it?
What exactly is global warming,
and what are its
Is global warming today a reality?
Is global warming
imminent for the future?
Where's Josh?
I don't know.
We should get goin'.
I'm gonna go get him, all right?
Kiyomi, is that you?
What the fuck?
Hey, just relax!
What the fuck?
It's all right, mate. It's me.
Where'd you come from?
Up there, man.
Thank God you broke my fall.
Mind if I ask you
what the fuck you were
doin' up there?
I finally managed
to get some signal.
And I got through
to the park ranger.
He's gonna send a chopper,
but it's gonna take a few hours.
- A chopper?
- Yeah, to find Flipp.
Thank God.
Get back to the car.
What are you doing down there?
You scared the shit out of me.
While I was in the car,
I thought I saw Kiyomi.
So I went down
and looked for her,
and somebody was chasing me.
I don't know.
I think he just went down there.
- Let me give you a hand.
- Okay.
Come on, show yourself!
Get outta here!
Come on, you coward!
Feel better now?
There's a hunter.
We actually saw a bunch
of animal traps yesterday.
He sabotaged the car.
She's punishing me
for hunting in her woods.
I'm sorry.
She wants me
to prepare you now.
If I don't obey her,
she's gonna kill me.
All right, boys, start the engine.
All right, let's go
to the nearest town.
What are you doing?
Wrong way.
But we came that way.
Trust me.
You okay?
We have to follow the river
down to the valley.
Give me the map.
She just left her tree.
I can feel it.
Soon she will come
and get you.
I saw her once.
She whispered
something in my ear.
She planted her voice
inside my head.
One day, her voice told me
to stop hunting animals
and to start tracking people.
She needed my help.
People come to the forest.
She marks them.
I make sure
they don't leave...
... until she comes
and drags them underground.
Out of gas.
Nice one, Sean.
You knew how much gas
we had to get out of here.
What the hell's wrong
with you, man?
Where are you going?
Something's wrong with him.
You just noticed?
Dj vu.
I have the strangest feeling
I've been here before.
I told you we came
from the other direction.
No, not on this trip.
It was another time.
You're losin' it, man.
It's raided my morning meditation
and my yoga...
my tent.
About time.
Look what I found.
Josh, it's the missing tourist's
video camera.
You gotta see this.
- What am I lookin' at?
- Hold on.
It's me.
It's raided my morning meditation
and my yoga...
my tent.
Watch this.
What are you showing me?
last night in the car
there was somebody else.
A girl. Listen.
Listen. She touched me,
and I felt this pain.
And this was in my chest.
Right here.
Can you hear yourself?
Josh, she marked me.
It's just like
in my grandpa's book.
You think I'm crazy?
Okay, somebody tell me
what's going on.
Be my guest.
It's all in here.
A Native American legend
about a ghost.
One in the form of a girl.
She's supposed to protect
the tree and the forest.
And I saw her last night.
That's beautiful.
There's a lake behind that hill.
Oh, yeah?
Let me guess.
Another dj vu?
You wouldn't understand.
I understand you're not
telling me something.
Just go east, past the lake.
That'll take you out.
What, are you staying here?
I'm gonna slow you down.
What are you talking about?
Let me help you.
The spirit marked me.
And she's coming back for me.
Will you shut up?
He's just tryin' to scare you.
No, I'm not.
Can you pass me
my grandfather's journal?
"120 years ago...
"a Native American girl
named Satinka
"used to come into the forest...
as if gliding on the moonlight."
"She was in love with the son
of the medicine man.
"But their happiness
was short-lived.
"Pioneers entered
the forest that day
with the intention of clearing
the land for their animals. "
We're gonna rush them Injuns out
of our land is what we're gonna do.
Yeah, we should've done that
a long time ago, J.R.
We're gonna have ourselves
a little Indian barbecue.
- Indian barbecue!
- What do you think?
Mm-hmm, that's right.
Let's go, Skinny.
- Why don't you start there?
- All right.
Stay down!
Stay still!
Don't cry.
Oh, yeah.
"The spirit of the tree
gave protection to Satinka
and saved her
from the burning forest. "
"But it came with a price."
"One night, during a rainstorm,
"something came out of the trunk.
"It was the spirit of the tree that took
Satinka's form.
It went out to revenge against
the enemies of the forest. "
People started to get sick and die.
And they still do.
The spirit brings their bodies
down into a secret burial ground.
Then he plants 'em like trees.
He replaces every burnt tree
with a body...
the human body.
Romantic, eco-friendly,
totally absurd.
I believe
the real body of Satinka
is still inside the tree,
controlled by the evil spirit.
Come on, you don't really believe
this shit, do you?
I'm gonna lie down.
Now, take a rest.
You'll feel better.
I know where the tree is.
You're telling me this now?
I think my grandfather took me
there when I was a kid.
Why don't you try
forgetting it again?
The tree and the rest of this shit.
'Cause come daylight,
we're outta here. The trip is over.
The tree's waiting for me.
Look, I'm gonna go check
on Jennifer.
Oh, shit.
Remember. Where is it?
Where is the tree?
Where is the tree?
A medicine man can go
into somebody else's mind
to explore his
most secret memories.
I have to find that tree.
We need to get into his mind.
You are goin' to help me,
and then I'll let you leave.
It's all in this book.
The witch lives inside of a tree.
If I can find that tree,
I can cut it down at its roots.
Be careful. She marked him.
She is already a part of him.
The dream catcher will open
the door to his dreams.
You must sleep. Sleep.
Sean, it's me.
You hear me?
I need you to tell me
where the tree is.
Will you take my hand?
Talk to me!
You have to remember!
I'm losing him.
I came here before...
with my grandfather.
We used to come here
together, remember?
This was our secret place.
You loved hiding there
next to our tree.
Behind the waterfall.
In a secret valley.
I know where the tree is.
It's behind a waterfall.
You're going to take me.
What about him?
It doesn't matter.
She's already got him.
She's got his mind.
You're not like the rest of them.
You must go now.
I trust you, and
you're gonna help me.
we will always be together.
Wake up now.
Go now.
She's gonna tell me what to do.
I won't listen to her anymore.
I have to stop her voice.
Go away!
Leave the forest!
The spirit of the tree
took your mind!
Like it took Satinka's!
We can stop this!
I know how!
Go away!
Kill Satinka.
Burn the tree.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I know what you want.
The curse is over.
You can rest in peace.
It's not over.
It was the spirit of the tree
that took your soul.
And it was using you
to avenge the burnt forest.
That night
I gave my soul to the spirit.
I wanted revenge
for what they did to us.
It was my choice.
No, that's not true.
Yes, my love.
I did it for us.
Join me, and we will live forever.
Oh, God.
Talk to me.
Save yourself.
My love, I did it for us.
...for us.
It's his time now.
Subtitled By J.R. Media Services, Inc.
Burbank, CA