Haunted Heart (2024) Movie Script

Please, wait!
I need to go
to Anna's restaurant.
-Yes. Come in.
-Hello, Miss.
-Thank you.
-Back over here.
Whew! Um...
You okay over there?
I don't like boats.
It's the water.
I can't swim.
You came to work on an island.
Nobody told me
it was on an island.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Nice, guys.
This one goes to that corner in the back.
-Over there?
-Yes, George, dude.
Behind the big table,
over there, in the corner.
-Um, uh...
Excuse me,
I'm looking for Anna.
Unfortunately, she passed away
many years ago.
Can I help you with something?
Uh, yeah, maybe, I'm here
for the hostess position.
-Oh, really?
Well, have a seat.
Mr. Webster will be here
-Mr. Webster.
Okay. Thank you.
- Hello.
- Uh, hello.
Hi. Hey.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Yeah, you got it. Yeah!
Nina, have Milo start
in on filleting those.
And tell him to be careful.
It's a small fish.
-Hey, beauty.
-Nice shirt.
Does it glow in the dark?
Yeah, and that's a hell
of a ring there.
Fuck you, Chico.
Grandpa much be rich, huh?
To afford a ring like that.
What's he now? 90? 91?
-Oh, my God.
And how old is your father?
Tell me again.
Look, you only have
a month to be free,
but let's not waste it arguing.
It's actually only
three weeks now.
-See you tonight?
-You bet your ass.
Bro, you are late.
I got it.
How's it coming?
Good, it's good.
Mr. Max. She's here.
-The hostess.
The woman who didn't show.
Oh, Christ,
she finally showed up?
Yes, she's around back.
Sorry about that.
Mr. Webster?
-I'm Alejandra. Alex.
Yeah, the-- the hostess.
-Listen, uh,
you know, we expected you
last week, right?
And we didn't hear from you.
So, we had to go ahead
and hire someone else.
however, if you'd like, I was
thinking I could offer you uh...
-You hired someone else.
-Yeah. But--
-But it's only been a few days.
-I had to.
We open tonight.
You know what?
I-- I don't have time
for this, okay?
Uh, the position's
been filled. I apologize.
That one's on me, buddy.
Next one comes out
of your check.
Mr. Webster, you have no idea
what I went through
to get here, really!
Coming from Barcelona--
-Excellent. Um--
-Coming from Barcelona,
I decided to stop in Milan--
I like it
a lot. Lots of garlic.
I decided to stop in Milan
for a couple of days
to visit my sister
who lives there.
But when I was there,
my bag was stolen.
I tried to get
a new passport but, you know,
it was a holiday weekend
in Milan.
So, my cell phone
was in my bag,
and your number was in it,
so I couldn't call you.
And this goddamn restaurant
isn't listed anywhere. Sorry.
You know, Milan has
some great restaurants.
You should've stayed there.
I had to wait 'til Monday
to get a new passport,
and when I finally got it,
it turned out
there was a strike
at the airport.
- Ah, Max.
- Yeah?
A-- A party of eight
is coming tonight.
Where should I put them?
-Um... Table Four?
-Great. Thank you. Great.
So, I had been told the best
option would be to come by bus.
So I did.
- You want to hold this open, please?
Here, take this.
So, for almost 24 hours,
I was sat on a bus,
crossing Slovenia,
Bosnia, Serbia, and Macedonia.
Can you believe it?
That goes on the counter
over there.
Okay. And when I finally
arrived to Athens,
I took a train to Volos,
and then a ferry
all the way here.
And now you're telling me
I don't have a job anymore.
-Uh, Milo,
you want to help me
prep this, please?
Look, I meant to be here
last week,
but now I'm out of money,
and I have nowhere else to go.
I really need this job.
It's opening night.
I've got my own problems.
I can't worry about yours.
Excuse me?
This is your problem.
Not mine.
My problem? My problem.
That's nice.
You speak Spanish.
as I tried telling you before,
before you started
interrupting me,
the hostess position is filled.
However, we do need a server.
-A server.
-That's right. A server.
So, if you can keep your
expletives out of my kitchen,
and you can get here
on time from now on,
the job is yours.
Okay, then.
What's that?
It's Chico.
Max, first wave.
I'm sorry, watch your step.
-Thank you.
-Don't get too much drunk, okay?
-Oh, my God. Look at you.
You're so beautiful today.
What's your secret?
Okay. Enjoy your time.
Welcome to the paradise.
Good evening. Hello. Welcome.
Water, please.
- Water.
- Right. Right.
Ner, water;
anthrakocho ner,
sparkling water;
erythr kras, red wine;
lefk kras, white wine.
These people
have been waiting
for 20 minutes.
I don't understand.
Of course.
You came to work
at a restaurant in Greece,
but you don't speak
a word of Greek.
Four people out there.
Chop, chop, honey.
They ain't getting any younger.
One's in,
the other one's out.
They're marked and everything.
That was you out there?
Well, you know
how it works.
First one's on you.
Next one comes out of my check.
You got it.
I'll take that little guy
right there.
Look at him.
He's the master of his domain,
and we should all be so lucky.
Moving around,
chest all puffed out,
chasing any hen
that gets in his way.
You know I hate
that goddamn rooster.
Keeps me up all night
making noise.
You didn't tell me
she looked like that.
Come on, and dance with me.
You're gonna go with that?
Well, that's good,
because I'll have you
mated in five moves.
Oh, fuck.
Are you kidding me?
You know I'm gonna beat you
one day.
-I promise.
-Chico, come dance with me.
If you'll excuse me,
master of my domain.
I'm coming.
Hello, baby.
- Hey, nice to meet you.
- Yeah, you, too.
Oh, my God.
You can sleep
on my couch tonight, okay?
Until you find
something else tomorrow.
I have a husband and three sons.
It gets a bit crowded.
Oh, no, no, you can stay
at my place.
There's plenty of room.
You can have my bed, and I'll
sleep on the couch, okay?
Well, it's nothing fancy,
but, uh,
you're welcome to stay here
until you get on your feet.
No, this is perfect.
Thank you.
You've been so nice
about... everything.
Ah, it's my pleasure.
Good job today.
I just wanted to say
if, uh, you need anything,
I'm in the cabin down the beach.
Have fun.
Almost there.
A couple more days.
Mm! Mm.
It's a beautiful garden.
Could use some flowers, though.
Chico is gonna take you
across the bay.
See if he can set you up
with a place.
I can lend you the money
for the time being.
We can work it out later.
Thank you. Really.
Ah, look, the job is seasonal.
Uh, you should know that
in advance.
I need more help
in the summer months,
come fall, and, uh,
I gotta let some people go.
I just don't want it
to come as a surprise.
No, of course not.
Yeah. Well, you know,
you work nights, obviously.
That's when we're open,
and, uh... Mondays.
The place is closed on Mondays.
There's not much more
to it than that.
Just, uh... give me
two weeks' notice
when you want to leave.
You've already decided
that I'm gonna leave.
Well, you're young.
You look good, you...
you didn't get
the job you wanted.
Um, eventually,
you're gonna get bored.
And maybe you're--
You're gonna meet a guy.
You know, they all do.
Uh... just give me two weeks.
I have some floaties at home.
I'll give you one
for the ride back.
So, you guys know
Max pretty well?
Nobody knows Max well.
That's the way he likes it.
What do you mean?
He keeps to himself.
Some chicks dig
that silent type.
It's quite cool.
I think he might be gay.
Nah, he's not gay.
He's just... odd.
Where are we going?
Relax. It's here.
Chico, if these shoes
get ruined, I'm gonna cut
your balls off.
-What's this?
-It's a money pit.
This is my baby.
"Goddess of the sea."
It's beautiful.
I know.
I've been restoring her,
slowly, you know,
I'm taking my time.
The plan is to just
pick up one day, and shove off.
Maybe sail around
the world or something.
Sounds nice.
You want to come with me?
Yeah, right.
You saw me out on the water.
Maybe I would help you
with that fear.
I'll bring the floaties.
- Yeah?
- I'm fucking hungry.
Okay, baby.
Beautiful, huh?
Thank you.
No, thank Max.
He did this.
Have a beautiful day.
Hello, girls.
Hi, beautiful.
I wanna experiment.
I was thinking of something...
What's this?
Oh, my God.
Those are so beautiful.
Uh, let me get a vase.
Oh, hmm, yeah.
-First wave.
Got it.
-For me?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
How are you?
For you. For you, baby.
-Thank you.
Thank you very much.
How much is this?
This is, uh seven euro.
It's a petroleum lamp.
You can see the light
into the mirror.
-It's very nice.
-I'll take it.
Okay. Should I wrap it for you?
-No, that's it.
-It's okay.
-Thank you.
I'll take this,
and I'll take this guy, too.
All right,
I'll prepare these for you.
Thank you,
are you going to put it in?
-Uh, yeah.
-Are you going to put it
in your bag?
-That's it.
-Thank you very much.
Have a nice day.
Bye, bye.
Thank you. Bye.
For one.
Yes, thank you.
How are you holding up?
She doesn't have
to worry anymore.
She's got money, got security.
It takes a little
pressure off, right?
You look nice.
Well, it's, uh,
for special occasions.
I've never been
to a Greek wedding before.
Well, you've seen one,
you've seen 'em all.
Do you want to dance?
Nah. I-- I don't dance much.
Neither do I, come on.
Nah, I-- I don't think so.
Well, I guess this is my cue.
Mm! Mm!
Milo told me
we are running out of wine.
If they keep drinking like this,
I'm gonna own those boats
of his.
Will you marry me?
Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!
What are you up to?
I'm just keeping an eye
on the groom here.
Watching the two lovebirds.
Dimitri met someone.
Some of us are going to go
grab a drink.
You should come.
Um, well, I don't get
over to the--
To the mainland,
you know, very much.
You could come see my place.
You helped me get it.
I figure it's about time
you check it out.
Hey, Max,
are you coming?
Yeah, well, I...
You know, somebody's
gotta look after that guy.
Uh, you're right.
You take care of the groom.
I'll take care of the bride.
See you there.
You're gonna have one hell...
I'll see you in a bit.
Come on.
Don't worry. He'll come around.
You better get over there
before she goes home with Yorgo.
Smile for me?
Whoa! She's really mad at you.
What do I have to do
to get you to notice me?
Did you eat?
we got pretty busy out there.
I didn't see you eat anything.
No, I didn't get to.
Why don't you give me
a couple of minutes?
Gonna head on out there
and put on some music.
Okay. We're ready to take off.
I don't know if I can eat this.
It looks like a Matisse.
We were together
for about six months before
I discovered he was married.
How'd you find out?
I took my niece to see a movie.
And he was there.
With his family.
Wife, young kids.
He never even saw me.
I just... sat there and cried.
My niece kept asking me
what was wrong.
I couldn't tell her.
Did you tell him that you knew?
I just left one day.
I don't think
he'll ever know why.
What about you?
Were you ever married?
Well... I came close once.
Who was she?
It's a long story.
Story for another day.
Like I said, it's, uh--
There's not much to it.
I like it.
It's cute.
-What's this here?
-Uh, that's-- that's nothing.
That's, uh...
-Do you play?
It was here when
I bought the place, with a--
a bunch of junk, you know.
I don't even know why I keep it.
- You should learn. It'd be fun.
- Yeah.
Uh, that was here too.
sometimes it just seems like
you head off somewhere else.
I can never tell
what you're thinking.
Well, I'm not thinking anything.
I'm just sitting here.
I should go fire up the boat
and get you on back.
Mr. Webster.
Can I talk to you
about something, please?
Yeah, um, you know,
at the wedding, at the party,
I met a guy...
So, he just left?
I'm telling you, there's
something wrong with this guy.
Yeah, maybe.
Well, it cannot be denied.
Oh, thank you.
Thanks so much.
-Really, it was great,
great being here with you.
-Oh! Yeah.
I told you he was gay.
Where are we going?
It's just down here.
Wow. It's amazing.
It's pretty much perfect,
isn't it?
This is where I want 'em to bury
me when all is said and done.
Put me in the ground right here.
You didn't come up here
to show me this, right?
He's not gonna stay
for the fall.
He's got another job
lined up in Athens.
I guess...
he's headed there with
that guy he met at the wedding.
Markos's cousin.
He's young, he's pretty,
he meets someone, and...
well, next thing you know,
I'm out an employee.
I want you to be our hostess.
I want you here
full time, year-round.
is this a professional proposal,
or is it personal?
Well, it's professional.
I guess.
Then I'm gonna
have to think about it.
I should finish up the tables.
Stavros. Your name?
Did I scare you?
I thought you didn't
come to the mainland much.
Well, I figured it was, uh...
time to see the place.
You know?
Why are you looking
at me like that?
Like what?
Like you've never seen
a naked woman before.
maybe because I-- I haven't seen
a naked woman like you before.
Do you like it? My body?
What do you like about it?
I don't know. Everything.
Everything means nothing to me.
Well... everything
means everything to me.
I'm pretty curvy. No?
And here.
Can you see this?
My butt dimples.
They're called "Venus holes."
Not everybody has them,
and I've been told
they're quite adorable.
And now, my feet.
They are not so pretty,
I have corns, calluses.
Bunions, even.
More on the left foot
than on the right today.
They could probably
use a good soak,
to tell you the truth.
A little more... love and care.
I've been neglecting them.
That's me.
What about you?
-What do you got?
You're looking at it.
Where'd you get that?
Oh, it's...
a souvenir from Mexico.
that's a story for another time.
Come on in! I won't bite.
- It's so cold.
- No, it's beautiful.
It's warm. It's nice.
I told you! The sun has
been warming it for months.
Come on, swim to me.
I'm watching you the whole way.
Trust me.
There you go.
Kick your beautiful feet!
Come on.
I was with my family
at my Uncle Salvador's house.
They had this little pool
in the backyard,
and, uh...
...my cousin Anna
threw my doll in the water.
I went in after it.
I slipped under,
it was as if the sky
and the surface of the water
were the same thing.
I was just lying there,
my doll in my hand.
I remember fighting at first,
but after a minute or two,
the panic just left.
All of a sudden, it was...
It felt great.
It felt like home.
But you're still here.
My uncle pulled me out.
Everyone thought I was dead.
They gave up.
He wouldn't.
How long were you out?
A while.
What's out there?
What's waiting for us?
I don't know.
But it's nice.
You have instructions
for that thing, buddy?
Yeah. Right there, boss.
Do you understand them?
I think I do.
Yeah, I'll have Yorgos
come give you a hand.
-Sit tight.
-How's she looking?
-No good. Oil.
No, no,
she just needs a little sealant.
It's gone, this one.
You buy a new one.
Come on.
Good night.
You all right, baby?
What's wrong?
I don't know, it's just...
you know,
I don't feel great about it.
It doesn't feel good.
But you guys
are so good together.
You and I know
we are not really together.
We won't ever be.
I've had a lot of women
in my life.
I'm not bragging, okay?
And without fail,
the ones I really like--
and maybe even I love--
those ones are all taken.
Smile for me?
What are you doing
lurking in the dark?
How was your night?
Oh. It was amazing.
We danced, and we drank,
and we danced, and we drank.
I wish you would have come.
I had to dance with Chico
over and over again.
I think I might've
made Ilya a bit jealous.
But now, I'm home,
and I'm all worked up.
What are you gonna do to me?
I could start without you...
but I don't think
it'd be as fun.
How is everything?
Okay? Thank you for--
thank you for coming tonight.
Nina, have you seen Alex?
but she better get here soon.
We're getting killed out there.
I'll be right back.
What's all this?
I don't know. You tell me.
Well, I'm not exactly certain,
darling. You wanna fill me in?
I've been lied to before.
I won't go through it again.
What are you talking about?
All right, look--
-Sweetie, this isn't--
-Save it.
I don't want to hear it.
No more lies.
- Look, if you just stop...
- Let go of me!
Alex, please.
Damn it, Alex. Please!
Alex, please!
Shut the fuck up!
Now, if you love somebody,
you gotta trust 'em.
I've never given you
a reason not to trust me.
Not once!
Look, I--
I-- I know what
you've been through.
But I'm not him.
Dinner's started.
I just seated the Castoriadis
over by the window, okay?
Her name is Christine.
You weren't married?
No. And we lived together
for a long time.
And he's yours?
Yeah. Matthew.
How old is he now?
He turned 32 in... August?
Where are they?
To tell you the truth,
I don't know.
Christine and I were--
It was toxic. We were both
so fucked up on drugs.
We were young,
fighting all the time.
And, uh...
...he was just
caught in the middle.
Finally, I did what I thought
was best for everyone,
and I--
and I left her.
I gave up drugs,
I moved around, I lived
in a lot of different places,
and finally, I ended up here.
Leaving him...
that was the worst thing
I've ever done.
And I don't know that
I'll ever forgive myself for it.
Did you ever
try and contact him?
Well, I can't do that to him.
It's been too many years.
I'm sorry, okay?
About prying, about everything.
I just want to know you.
I don't want any secrets
between us.
we both have our past.
We both came here
running from them.
You seem to own yours,
and talk about it real easy.
I love that about you.
I'm just built differently,
that's all.
I'll tell you everything,
I promise.
You just gotta be
patient with me.
You just gotta give me time.
Goddamn Euros.
I'll never get used to 'em.
- What's wrong?
- Chico broke up with me.
Oh, Ilya, I'm sorry.
Something in the way
he acted, the things he said.
There's somebody else.
No, no way.
I'm sure you're wrong.
No, no, I know. I'm absolutely
certain there's somebody else.
What am I gonna do?
I'm sorry.
Goddamn it.
Hey there.
Where have you been?
Looking for Yorgos.
The boat, the motor,
I can't get it running.
You look awful.
Yeah, well,
I couldn't sleep last night.
That goddamn rooster.
I didn't hear him.
No, you'd sleep
through a hurricane.
What are you looking for?
I had them right over here.
What for?
I get insomnia sometimes,
I can't sleep.
You know?
It's just the pills help me.
I don't know where--
I had them right here somewhere.
What's that?
Oh, it's for Chico's boat.
Yeah. He's been down lately
with the whole Ilya thing.
I'm gonna take him
out to lunch today.
Cheer him up a bit.
Okay. Shift starts at 7:00.
I know.
First the thing with
the photograph and now this.
Chico, I'm absolutely certain
it's him playing on that record.
But it says Paul Frye.
- I know.
- And his name is Max.
He never told me
he played the clarinet.
In fact, he said he didn't
when I asked him.
He said the clarinet was there
when he bought the place.
Maybe it was.
But he played it.
Maybe he taught himself.
I play pretty mean guitar.
Do you know that?
-Did I ever tell you that?
That's all I'm saying.
Don't get freaked out. Okay?
I know Max for a while.
I'm sure there's a good
explanation for everything.
Cheers to you, my friend.
...one of the two towers
of the World Trade Center
in the center of New York
going up in flames,
after a series of attacks...
- Drachmas okay?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
You're beautiful.
Enjoyed yourself?
Oh, stop with that.
Enjoy this beautiful moment.
- Okay.
- We're here.
Let's buy something, okay?
-Let's find something.
-What do you want to buy?
I don't know.
Whatever you want.
Go away, pal.
I don't have anything.
Come on, knock it off,
knock it off.
I said knock it off.
Earlier today,
you were following us.
I should be the one
asking the questions here.
What's that supposed to mean?
I know how Chico
feels about you. Okay?
And I know Chico.
He goes through women
like paper towels.
Max, you've got it all wrong.
I see where this
is headed, and uh...
I just don't want
anybody to get hurt.
You know?
You don't have to run
behind my back.
You're young, you're beautiful.
You should have whatever
it is that you want.
And if you think it's Chico...
well, so be it.
Just tell me now.
I don't want him, Max.
I want you.
You want me?
Yes, you idiot. I want you.
So, I should probably
have my head examined.
I'm sorry.
Where is all this coming from?
I don't know.
You're jealous.
maybe I am a little bit.
Thank you.
-Thank you very much.
Damn it, Chico.
That couple, they're mine?
Yeah, they are.
Chico, I'm working
Yes, I know. I know.
I'm here.
Hey, I just need a minute.
Come, come.
Can you cover me for
a minute or two, please?
-Yes, sure.
-And bring them more wine.
You wanna tell me
what's so important?
Yes, I checked out
this Paul Frye guy,
and I found something.
Well, when I looked online,
I didn't find much but listen,
he was a child prodigy,
a classical one,
and he switched into jazz
when he was a teenager.
They even say he was
the new Chet Baker.
-Can you believe it?
And I found
one of his old albums.
It arrived this morning by mail.
What the fuck?
Hey, Alex, what happened?
Don't get too mad
about it, okay?
Max? I've finished with these.
Oh, Max? Max.
You're bleeding. Milo.
Thank you.
Where did you get that record?
Someone gave it to me.
It was a present.
Fucking Chico.
Max, Max!
Where are you going?
You fucking scared me, man.
Come in, come in. Have a drink.
Come in.
All right, let's drink.
I want you to
stay away from Alex.
What else do you know?
What are you talking about?
Come on.
Don't play dumb with me.
You've been digging around.
What do you know?
Bro, I don't know
what you're talking about.
You don't know.
Okay. Well, let me help you.
Let me spell it out for you.
You and I are done.
I don't want you
on my island anymore.
Philippos can handle
the patrons from here on end.
Oh, are you kidding me?
Have a seat.
-Let's talk like friends, okay?
No. No, it's okay.
No, we're not friends.
Not anymore.
Is this about the record, man?
It's fucking good,
you should be proud-- Wait!
You don't understand.
I'm not interested
in what you have to say.
You come near either of us...
What are you gonna do, Max?
I didn't know
where you had gone.
I was worried.
About me...
or him?
About you, goddamn it!
About you.
I don't want you
to see him anymore.
Did you hurt him?
You need to tell me
everything right now,
or I'm headed out that door.
You won't see me again.
You owe me that much.
I haven't seen one of these
in a long time.
This guy doesn't exist anymore.
He died years ago.
I should've told you everything.
I just wasn't ready.
I don't know
that I ever will be.
should I call you Max or Paul?
Paul's gone.
You buried him out here?
Yeah, something like that.
So, the guy playing
the clarinet the other night...
who was he?
That's a good question.
- Alex.
- What's up, honey?
You have a visitor outside.
He's down by the dock.
What in the hell
are you doing here?
If Max sees you, he'll flip.
Yeah, I know.
I'll be quick. Okay?
It's just,
you wouldn't take my calls,
and I couldn't leave
without saying goodbye.
Leave? You're leaving?
Yeah. I feel, like,
barred from the island.
I don't have much
of a business anymore.
And my friends,
you, Ilya, Max...
You're all gone.
Look, the boat's finally ready.
I've got some money saved.
It's time for me to go.
Is there any reason
Alex has the, uh, Kotsi's party
down for this evening?
I thought they were
coming Thursday.
No, maybe they switched it up.
Yeah, maybe.
Do you know where she is?
-Oh, no.
I haven't seen her in a while.
Think about it, please.
One second.
The photo, the record...
What else hasn't he told you?
You said it yourself,
there's an explanation.
Yeah, I wanted to believe that.
I really did.
But you weren't
there the other night.
You didn't see
the look in his eye.
He wanted to fucking kill me.
This is good.
This is right.
You're not going to
convince me that it isn't.
Chico, I'm happy. I'm sorry.
Just promise me
you will be careful. Okay?
Chico, please.
I hope I'm wrong.
I just wanted
to say I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to... You know?
Yes, I know.
Look, Chico,
you can't call anymore.
Yeah, I know. I won't.
I'm hanging up now.
I love you.
I guess we're finally alone.
Max, I'm all sweaty.
-I like it.
-I need a shower.
No, you don't.
You've seen too many
Italian movies.
Hey, Alex,
I found something--
something fucking big.
It's about Max.
You need to hear this.
I'm sailing back right now.
I should be there on Tuesday
night, around 10:00 p.m.
This is something. Meet me at
the back of the island, okay?
Please, please,
please be there.
And don't tell Max.
Okay? Trust me, please.
Where is she?
She's not coming.
She doesn't wanna see you.
I don't believe you.
Where is she?
Why did you come here?
Because I know who you are,
and I know what you did.
I know about Malibu Canyon.
I'm gonna show her
what you really are.
I can't let that happen.
Max, this is Captain Seros.
-He says Chico is missing.
-His boat was found
at sea a couple of days ago.
He wasn't in it.
Jesus, I hope he's okay.
What-- What brings you out here?
His phone bill, actually.
He called Miss Alonso
several times over the course
of the week.
She was
the only person he called.
-I didn't pick up.
We had a fight.
We weren't talking.
- You never spoke to him?
- No.
Did he leave messages?
No, none.
What was the fight about?
Oh, he, uh...
He had a little crush on her.
All right.
Well, if he tries you again,
if you hear from him,
give us a call.
Captain, do you think he's okay?
Come on.
Can we just had a nice dinner?
Max, Chico is missing.
And he'll be
missing after dinner, too.
Why would you say
something like that?
-Alex, come on.
-Leave me alone.
Oy, it's Chico,
like Chico Buarque.
If you don't know him,
you got a problem.
you can leave a message.
Chico, pick up.
I'm here.
Call back.
Oy, it's Chico,
like Chico Buarque.
If you don't know him,
you got a problem.
you can leave a message.
God damn it, Chico.
Where are you?
You can't do this to me.
I need to know you're okay.
Please, be out there.
I love you.
Feel like you need to
sneak off now?
You told him you loved him.
Not like you, Max.
He's my friend.
You never told me
that you loved him.
Max, not now.
He's not the type, you know.
-To die for love.
He wouldn't do it himself.
Pick up the phone,
Chico, please.
Where are you?
You shouldn't
have come here.
You don't have to be afraid.
-I would never hurt you.
-Please. Please, no.
-Let me explain.
-Please-- No!
What is this?
- Shh. It's okay.
- Max, please.
-Everything's gonna be okay.
- No.
- Yeah.
No. You...
You... Please, Max.
No. Max.
- Open up. Open up.
- We can talk.
-We can talk, Max.
-No, no, no. I tried talking.
- Please.
-I tried to explain everything to you, but you wouldn't listen.
- I will.
- Open.
-Please. Tell me.
-No. Shh, open up. Open.
That's it. Good job.
There you go.
That's a good girl.
Swallow. Swallow.
There you go.
Time to go to sleep.
Are you okay there?
I know you have questions.
I know you have doubts.
But if you look into my eyes,
you'll see that the man you love
is right here.
I'm gonna tell you everything.
And afterwards,
if you want to leave,
I'll let you.
I promise.
I need some more water.
Of course.
- Alex!
- Oh my God.
Please! Goddamit!
Here, please!
Stop! I'm here!
Please, help!
Help... Help...
Alex, no!
I want you to take these.
It's for your fever.
How are you feeling?
Good, 'cause I was
really worried about you.
I cooked a really big breakfast.
I hope you're hungry.
They're gonna have
fireworks on the bay later.
And I thought, maybe if you were
feeling up to it,
we can go down to the beach
and have a look.
We'll see how you feel.
I forgot the orange juice.
You know, the fireworks
are usually amazing.
They really go all out.
You know, last year, they...
Last year?
Give it to me.
You know what.
Give me the goddamn knife, Alex.
-I don't know what are you--
-Give it to me!
Stay away!
Look, you're all I've got.
I'm not gonna lose you, too.
I'm gone, Max.
One way or another, I'm gone.
-Please. No.
I love you.
You know that.
More than anything.
I adore you.
But I look in your eyes,
and I know you'll never look
at me the same way again.
- I really love you.
- Please.
Don't. Max, don't.
You're gonna have to do it.
I'm tired.
Everything's gonna be all right.
I just love the view from here.