Haunted Valley (2022) Movie Script

I just really want you
to go, say you'll be mine
Say you'll be mine, out
of the way that you know
Girl you're not just supposed to do
Just you and I, just you and I
Oh, you're the summer breeze
Kiss me softly, girl
Oh, see that you stay with
me and never let me go
If you build an airship, honey
If you provide the oxygen, honey
Yes you are my airship, honey
You are the oxygen
Uh, Robert Ramirez?
Go ahead and take a seat.
Doctor, your next patient's ready.
Okay, thank you.
Hi, hello.
Ready to get started?
Hey, everybody's left for the day
and I've turned off all the lights.
You ready to go?
No, you go ahead,
I still have a couple emails to send out.
You sure?
Yeah I'm sure.
Thanks anyway.
No problem, I'll see you in the morning.
Sounds good, have a good night, Lisa.
Is that you?
Hi, thanks for coming.
Hey ma'am.
Ma'am, so you think somebody broke in?
Yeah I do, I've been,
I've been hearing noises in
the back and there's a light on.
Was there somebody
in the building already?
Not that I know of.
I'm the only one here.
Okay ma'am, we'll check it out.
- Just wait here please.
- Okay.
Ma'am, did you forget
to pay the light bill?
Not that I'm aware of.
Anyway, let's go check this out.
You can wait right here, ma'am.
It's right through there.
Police department!
Is anybody back there?
Make yourself known now!
This is the police.
Man, this is crazy.
Her sister will
be here in the morning.
- Okay.
- So everything's good.
- Sounds good.
- No need to worry.
Don't forget to lock the doors.
- I will.
- And keep your phone handy
in case of an emergency.
Okay, I will.
- Okay.
- Love you, mom.
I'll see you in the morning.
- I'll see you then.
- Love you.
Love you too.
- Bye bye.
- Bye.
This is the police, open the door!
This is your last chance!
Open the door, come out with your hands up!
Open the door!
This is crazy.
Where did they go,
something was walking in here.
Yeah, something's not right here.
God, I don't know.
Someone was in here, man, I seen that.
You see that.
Why are the cabinets open?
That was weird.
I seen someone here.
There was somebody here.
You seen that movie, right?
I did.
Let me see your hands!
Put your hands up!
Let me see your hands
now, this is the police,
put your hands up now!
I'm gonna shoot you, man,
this is your last chance
for this to be peaceful.
Put your hands up!
She doesn't have any legs.
She doesn't have any legs.
Put your hands up, now!
Ladies first.
Oh, you suck.
Is she there or what?
There's nothing here.
It's a dead end!
What do you mean it's a dead end?
It's a dead end...
I'm gonna shoot you now, in the throat!
You're all right, you're all right.
You okay?
Are you okay?
What the hell, what was that?
Right here, you want some water?
What was that?
I don't know, that wasn't human.
I think we should get out of here now.
It's gonna be back, she's not safe.
Yeah, what was all that Jesus talk?
My dad, he was a pastor.
I think we should get
out of here right now, okay?
- Yeah.
- Let's get out of here.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
Come on, give me your hand, let's go.
Let's go, partner.
Let's go, partner, come on.
Amber, Amber wait up.
Hey Connie.
Hey, I was hoping I
could borrow your notes
for Thursday's economics class.
I was out and I wanna make sure
I'm ready for next week's test.
Don't want to incur the
wrath of professor Stine.
No, you don't.
I don't think I can hear his
His favorite phrase...
By failing to prepare,
you're preparing to fail.
Yeah, and I actually
have them here in this folder.
Hey, a few of us are
gonna hang out tonight,
pizza and a movie, wanna come?
Oh that sounds great, but I
actually have to work tonight.
Oh bummer.
Yeah, I'm babysitting
for professor Torres.
No way, really?
I've been babysitting her
kiddos a few times a month.
Since when?
Uh, since freshman year.
Oh, I wouldn't do that
whole babysitting thing.
Really, it's not so bad.
I was always stuck
babysitting my younger siblings
so I realized early on, I
don't like kids very much.
Well, professor
Torres' kids are really sweet.
They're no trouble at all.
Plus, once they go off
to bed, I'm able to study.
So it's a win win.
Oh, here they are.
Great, thanks.
I'll walk you to your car.
Sure, let's go.
Okay guy, go outside, please.
Hi Amber.
Hi Mrs. Torres.
As you can see, we're
thrilled that you're here.
You brought board games?
I sure did.
Did you bring mouse trap?
Mm, why don't you take a look.
Okay guys, go outside
so Amber can come inside.
Mr. Torres is picking me up.
He says he's just a few minutes away.
My sister will be here in
the morning to take over
and stay further, through the weekend.
I left all
the emergency numbers
on the fridge and of course,
you have mine already.
Hi honey.
Will you play hide
and seek with us later?
That's why I brought my
flashlight for that very reason.
Okay kids, time to say goodbye.
Oh, I'm gonna miss my babies.
Thank you, Amber, talk
with you when we land.
Bye Mrs. Torres.
- Bye!
- Bye.
All right, who's ready to have some fun?
Me too.
Let's play some games.
One, two, three, four, I win, I win!
I get the last cheese!
Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh - okay, okay,
we get it, you won.
Well that was fun.
Okay guys, time to go brush your teeth.
But we haven't played hide and seek yet.
Oh that's right.
We'll play hide and seek
after you go brush your teeth.
Sis, I wanna go and brush my teeth first.
Okay, go brush your teeth.
Don't forget to floss.
Are you okay, Katie?
Yeah, I'm just a little sad.
What's the matter?
I just miss my mom and dad.
It's okay to miss them,
but you know what?
You'll see them again
in a couple of days.
In the meantime, you
get to hang out with me
and tomorrow you get to
hang out with your auntie.
Yeah, I guess so.
So try not to think about
the sad part too much.
Just think about all the
fun we've been having.
Oh, and think of a good hiding place
where Sammy and I
won't be able to find you.
So go brush your teeth, I'll
clean up the mess we made.
Sounds good.
nine and a half,
and 10, ready or not, here I come.
Where are you?
Coming to find you.
Are you here?
Found you!
You guys are
better at this than I thought.
Are you under the bed?
Where are you?
Are you guys in here?
Guess not.
I think I hear you.
I underestimated your hide and seek skills.
I know you're in here.
I wonder where you can be.
I'm coming to find you.
Where, where, where?
I'm coming to get you.
Okay guys, time for bed.
Okay goodnight sweetie.
I'm gonna leave the door open.
Goodnight, Amber.
Time for bed.
Can you read me a story?
Okay, but a short one.
"Little blue truck."
Horn went, beep beep.
Engine purrs, friendliest
sounds you've ever heard.
Little blue truck came down the road.
"Beep beep," said
blue to a big, green toad.
Toad said, "croak," and winked an eye
when little blue truck went rolling by.
Don't forget to lock the doors.
- Okay.
- And keep your phone handy
in case of an emergency.
- I will.
- Okay.
I'll see you in the morning.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Bye bye.
- Bye.
Oh my goodness, Sammie,
you almost gave me a heart attack.
What are you doing up, sweetie?
The lady with no head
doesn't let me sleep.
What lady?
The lady at my window.
Sammie, your room's on the second floor.
There couldn't possibly
be a lady at your window.
You must have been dreaming, come on.
Let's get you back to bed.
It's okay.
Now go to bed and try not to dream
of any other ladies anymore.
Okay, goodnight, don't
let the bed bugs bite.
All you have is sweet as honey
I bear the witness
And it fails...
Your gentle touch...
Katie, what's wrong?
Can I sleep in here tonight?
Yes yes, sweetie, come on.
Hi, I'm Margaret, Marie's sister.
Oh yes, hi, uh, nice to meet you.
Professor Torres said you'd
be coming this morning.
Uh, come in.
Is everything okay?
Yes, uh, long night, studying.
Come in, come in.
The moon and stars were
made with perfect touch
Hey, good morning, sleepy head.
- Mom.
- Yeah,
who'd you expect, the tooth fairy?
Breakfast is ready.
Mm, sounds good.
Hey, was everything okay last night?
What do you mean?
Yeah, when I got home,
I found all the lights on.
Oh that, just thought I
heard some noises outside
and wanted to keep them on.
It's so weird, you know,
I heard the same thing at work last night
after everyone left.
I even had to call the
police to come check it out,
which is why I got home so late.
Did they find anything?
No, nothing.
Yeah, I've been telling you
to get some security cameras
for that place for a while now.
You're right, that needs to be done.
Maybe we should get some here too.
Yeah, that wouldn't
be a bad idea, actually.
Sweet as honey, my...
Hey sweetie, how was your night?
I'm just gonna get some sleep.
You don't wanna have breakfast first?
No, just sleep.
Oh, what a crazy night.
I can't believe.
Mayra, eh, what are you doing here?
I work here.
Well, just for the summer.
Oh yeah of course, it's cool, cool.
What about you, what
are you up to this summer?
Not much, just doing a
lot of yard work and uh,
a lot of reading.
Although I did have a
job interview last week,
so I'm really hoping to hear back.
That's great!
I hope you get the job.
Yeah me too.
I would definitely love to
make some money this summer.
Trust me, I know what you mean.
Yeah, I'm sure.
Hey um, maybe we can
hang by the pool this weekend?
Yeah, uh yeah, that sounds cool.
Let's do it.
Anyways, it was good seeing you.
Yeah, you too.
I uh, gotta keep
putting these books back.
Oh yeah, sure, of course.
Okay, bye.
Hey um, I'll call you
about setting up a time?
Yeah yeah, that sounds great.
Well, I'm off.
Okay, bye.
Hey uh, you got a minute?
Yeah sure, what's up?
Hey uh, have you been
experiencing anything weird at all lately?
You too?
So you've seen her.
I thought I was going crazy.
So, what do we do about this thing?
I don't know, I was hoping you knew.
I've never had to deal
with something like this.
This is ed and Lorraine
Warren kind of stuff.
Yeah well they're both dead
so that's not going to help us.
Well maybe you can try to make contact
with whatever this thing
is, to see what it wants?
Didn't you learn anything
from the horror movies?
You never try to communicate,
it only leads to somebody
getting possessed.
But we can't just pretend
like this isn't happening.
No, of course not.
Maybe grandma will know what to do?
Got any better ideas?
No, I guess not.
Thank you so much
for meeting me, grandma.
Aye baby, you know
I'm always here to talk,
except Wednesday nights after 6:00.
That's bingo night.
How's your mother doing?
I haven't seen much of
her, since your father left.
You know mom, always working hard.
Yeah, that's always been your mother.
Ever since I can remember,
she was making her own
money, always working,
even when she was in school.
You remind me so much of her.
Unfortunately, not all men
can handle strong women with Patience.
Do you think that's why dad left?
Your father has always
been battling his demons.
I don't think his leaving had
anything to do with anybody,
but himself.
Have you heard from him?
So angry at him, I wouldn't
wanna talk to him anyway.
It's okay to be angry.
Just don't let that lead to
bitterness sentiment, okay?
So, about this thing
that you were telling
me about over the phone.
Man, that was fun.
I just need to catch
my breath for a second.
Yeah, me too.
Man, I just wish I
could lay out here all day
and not go into work, just work on my tan.
Can't you call it off?
No, I really wanna start earning
as much money as I can this summer
so that maybe I can afford to go abroad
during the winter break.
Yeah, I mean, I would
just love to see the world,
you know, even if it's
just for a week or two.
That sounds exciting,
definitely would put something
like that on my bucket list.
You should.
There's a whole world outside of the valley
that I've never experienced.
Yeah, I hear ya.
Last year I went to the east coast
and I loved the winter experience there.
But my favorite seasonal
experience, Autumn in the midwest.
It's not too cold, it's not too hot,
and the leaves turn
into this beautiful color.
It's really an amazing sight to see.
It sounds like it.
Anyway, back to reality.
Wanna do a few more laps?
Let's do it.
All right, sounds good.
So what do you think
of all the strange things
that have been happening to us?
I am an old lady and I have seen
a lot of strange things in my lifetime,
especially here, in this region.
this is a haunted valley.
Spirits constantly roam through the roads,
the streets, and the alleyways,
looking for a dwelling place.
What do you mean, grandma?
The ancient scriptures
tells us to stay alert
for our great enemy, the devil.
He's prowling around, like a roaring lion,
looking for someone to devour.
The devil?
And his demons.
I just thought the devil
is supposed to be in hell.
Then you'd be wrong.
Hell was created for him, sure,
but he and his angels dwell amongst us
and they are trying to lure as
many souls to hell with them.
Jesus himself dealt with demons
all the time in the scriptures.
He was even tempted by the devil.
Well, we're all seeing
some kind of human-like entity,
not some kind of devil or demon.
The devil can take any form he wants.
Couldn't it just be the restless spirit
of a woman who passed here in the area?
Baby, our souls are
designed to sleep when we die
until awakened by god himself
when the day of judgment arrives.
When a demon attaches,
that demonic force continues
to impersonate that person
long after they've passed.
It wanders the streets,
looking for someone
else to attach itself to.
How do you know if
you have an attachment?
Many people don't realize it.
They go through an entire
lifetime without ever knowing.
Yet, this entity influences
many choices they make.
Does this mean we're gonna
become possessed or something?
Attachment sometimes leads
to possession, but not always.
If you are seeing a physical
manifestation of the spirit,
then it's a good sign because it means
it is still prowling around.
However, it is also very dangerous
because it means it has targeted you,
that it has targeted your family.
You must remain vigilant.
The enemy tries to find ways
to gain access into your home
and ultimately your heart,
as it is this way that it
can also draw you away
from the love and protection of god.
See, we are empty vessels.
We can choose to fill our heart
with bitterness, greed, hate, anger, lust,
which are open invitations
to unclean spirits of the world.
Or, we can choose to be
filled with the presence of god.
The choice is ours to make.
Remain vigilant.
You know, I don't think
I've ever taken this path home before.
Yeah, it's a bit faster.
You just have to pass
by the old Miller house.
The what?
The old Miller house?
You've never heard of the old Miller house?
Well, it's only supposed to be
one of the most haunted
places in the valley.
Well, I mean, I don't
know if it's true or not,
but as the legend has it,
Mrs. Miller became very depressed
after suffering the loss of a child.
Her husband, Mr. Miller,
tried to get her help.
She was inconsolable.
She began to hear voices
that were telling her to hurt herself.
Unfortunately, her husband
wasn't able to help her.
She became lost in her loneliness.
After that, Mr. Miller was
never the same again.
People said that he
still talked to his wife.
They even saw her on the property at times.
Eventually he moved and no
one's lived there ever again.
Anyway, it's just a ghost legend.
What do you want?
I really wasn't expecting
for you to pick up.
I was just gonna leave a message.
How are you doing?
Just get to the point.
Uh, I'm not uh,
quite sure what the best
way to uh, say this is,
so, I'm just gonna go
right ahead and say it.
Um, I've met someone, Bethany, and um,
we uh, we'd like to get married.
Well I hope she knows
what she's getting into.
So I'm just gonna go right ahead and uh,
send you the uh, divorce papers.
That way we can finalize this thing and uh,
we can both move on with our lives.
Listen, I was hoping you
could do me a favor and uh,
share the news with the kids for me?
Let 'em know yourself.
So um, do you believe any of that?
What, the stories?
Sure, I believe miss
Miller killed herself.
How about the ghost part?
I don't know, I'm sure
there's some truth to the stories.
Have you ever experienced
anything paranormal before?
I don't know.
I can't say I have.
Have you?
oh my goodness, you have, haven't you?
I'd rather you not think
I'm some kind of nut job or something.
No, I think that's so cool.
I envy you.
Trust me, you do not wanna
experience anything paranormal.
Well, maybe just a little.
Well, this is where we split up.
Yeah, I had a really nice time.
Me too.
Um, call me?
Yeah, of course.
I'll see you soon.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Everything you feel
Maybe he's right,
I don't wanna experience
anything paranormal.
So, apparently we live down the street
from a haunted house.
What, how do you know?
My friend Mayra just told me.
Apparently some lady
committed suicide there
after having suffered from depression.
When was this?
I don't know, exactly.
It sounds like quite a few years ago.
Mayra says people claim to have seen her
on the property long after she died.
That's it.
Grandma was telling me that
demonic spirits attach themselves
to people when they see an opportunity.
She was telling me that what we think are
human spirits or ghosts
are actually demonic spirits
impersonating the person
that they were attached to
until they can find someone else
they can attach themselves to.
Don't you see?
This entity is probably the same spirit
that attached itself to this poor woman,
due to her state of depression.
Might have been what led her
to commit suicide in the first place,
taking advantage of her poor mental health.
Now, it's trying to find
someone else to attach itself to.
So the spirit wants to
attach itself to one of us?
I think so.
How do we stop it?
I don't know, she didn't say.
Okay okay, I probably should've asked.
You think?
Baby, why did you leave me
Why did you leave me, leave me behind
I don't know that...
Here you go.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
This is good.
- Yeah?
- How's yours?
- It's good.
- Isn't it?
I might have to get
another one before we leave.
So, I'm sorry to hear
things aren't going great with your dad.
Yeah, thanks.
I just don't like feeling
anger all the time, you know?
It's exhausting.
I bet.
I know it's easier said than done,
but you just have to forgive your dad
for putting you through this.
It's just so hard, you know?
Well, look at it this way,
just because you love and forgive someone
doesn't mean you always
have to agree with their choices
or even like them for that matter.
You just have to release someone that
you've been holding captive.
My dad?
No, you Aaron,
you need to release what
you've been holding in.
Be free.
What do you mean?
Well, while your dad made his choices
and they have consequences, so do yours.
So, I wouldn't let anger in.
Bitterness will just eat you up inside.
It'll eat you alive.
Maybe you're right.
Of course I am.
Be the Aaron I've come to know.
Which Aaron's that?
The nice Aaron.
The nice Aaron?
Can I be bad?
I'm very worried about
you and the children.
Yes mom, I know.
We're just trying to figure out
why this thing is following us.
You cannot deal with this alone.
Listen mom, I'm gonna have to let you go.
I've gotta get back to work.
Yeah, I know.
I love you too.
Lord, please help my
daughter and my grandchildren.
Illuminate their paths
and deliver them from evil.
Let your spirit fill them
with wisdom and power.
Free them from oppression.
In the name of your son, I pray.
Prays for church, huh?
Come on.
I haven't
seen you in church lately.
Well, not much
sense in my going to church.
Do you remember one
time when we were small,
and we were out here, it
was from right over there,
I jumped out at you from behind the tree.
Greg walked out, got all
excited, he shook his fist at me,
and he said, "boy,
you're For help."
Remember that, right over there?
We used to really be scared.
You're still afraid.
Stop it now, I mean it!
Oh mom, I didn't hear you come in.
Must have dosed off while watching the TV.
Is Amber back as well?
She mentioned going out with some friends.
Stop it,
you're acting like a child!
I should be home in
about 20 minutes or so.
Is your sister home from the Torres' yet?
I'm headed home now.
Shouldn't be long.
You leave us alone!
Leave my family alone!
Stop following us.
You can't have us.
You can't have my children!
That thing, grandma,
it's taunting us all the time,
and I'm sick of being scared.
I know this is difficult,
but there is only one way to be set free
from the grips of demonic oppression.
Christ told his disciples
that sometimes malignant spirits
can be fought with prayer and fasting.
So I have been praying and
fasting for you and your family.
Now is the time for us to fight.
What are you doing?
I'm anointing this house.
What's that?
It's an old biblical practice
used to consecrate
something or someone to Christ.
To set apart.
It's not some kind of mystical
thing that I'm doing here.
Lord, I anoint this house
so that no ungodly spirit may enter.
That your angels stand guard
on each side of the
property and all of its corners.
In the name of your son, I pray.
Now it's time to anoint you.
Lord, I anoint Aaron as a vessel
to be used solely for you.
Protect him from the evil
one and all his demons.
Fill him with your love and compassion,
your kindness, your mercy, your grace.
Peace and forgiveness.
Now, repeat after me.
I renounce evil.
I renounce evil.
I renounce hate.
I renounce hate.
I renounce bitterness.
I renounce bitterness.
I renounce sin.
I renounce sin.
I renounce the devil.
I renounce the devil.
Please help me.
Please help me, help.
Are you all right?
Yeah, I think so.
That is good,
- Mom.
- Come in,
Come in.
You know what, mom, I
think I'm just gonna head home.
I've had a rough day.
Nonsense, I'll make you some tea.
No mom, I'm just gonna head home.
I just came to pick up Aaron.
How'd you know I was here, mom?
Hey uh, GPS tracking app on your phone.
Let's go.
Come on, you're letting
the flies in, come on.
The flies are coming in.
Come on.
You okay, mom?
Yeah, I'm all right, I just,
I don't know what came over me,
I started feeling so strange.
Come on, mom, take a
seat, you don't look so good.
Yeah, he's right.
I don't know what's
happening to me, I just,
oh, I feel faint.
I'll get you some water.
I think, I think that entity
is trying to take over you.
I saw it again, mom,
but this time it took your appearance.
Wait, wait what?
I thought it was you, it was in the house
and I thought it was you.
You know what?
I saw it too, on my way over here.
I have never felt so afraid in my life.
I just...
Here you go, sweetie.
Thank you, mom.
Grandma, bring the oil.
I think what she's
experiencing is a spiritual attack.
Wait, oil, what oil?
You'll see.
That spirit cannot get a hold of you
if you surrender yourself to god.
You must lay your sorrows by his feet.
Look to god, let go of that resentment...
- die, die!
- You've been holding on to.
Don't let it eat you...
Don't let it consume you.
Let go of...
Let go of that resentment
that you've been holding on to.
Don't let it eat you alive.
Don't let it consume you... no!
It cannot get a hold of you
if you surrender yourself to god.
Lay your sorrows at his feet,
That spirit of sadness.
Go your own way
Go your own way...
You will never be free
if all of you don't make the
choice to forgive and move on.
He who forgives is much forgiven.
Turn to face the sun
You're not on the run
And restless spirits will continue to roam
like a roaring lion,
looking for someone to devour,
spreading hate and evil like a virus,
an effort to steal your
joy, kill your hopes,
and destroy your dreams.
It will guide you remain vigilant.
To the place you call home
The wildest call in you
You know what to do