Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia, The (2013) Movie Script

get on board,
little children
- get on board,
little children...
- ( heavy panting )
there's room
for many on board
oh, the gospel train
is coming
can't you hear
her blowing?
she stops at every
little station...
( panting quickens )
( bell ringing )
( squeaking )
( gasps )
The Haunting in Connecticut 2 Ghosts of Georgia
( train whistle blowing )
- ( jackhammer rattling )
- ( car horn blares )
( reverse signal beeping )
( car horns honking )
- ( bell tolling )
- ( siren blaring )
( voices whispering )
Woman's voice:
I love you, lisa.
I love you, lisa.
I love you so much.
Listen to me, lisa.
Man's voice:
Listen to me, lisa.
I have something
to tell you.
Woman's voice:
I have something
to tell you, lisa.
Listen to me.
I have something
to tell you, lisa.
Man's voice:
I have something
to tell you, lisa.
- Mama?
- ( gasps )
oh, god!
What are you
doing up, sweetie?
Did you have
another bad dream?
I dreamed
about a swing.
Is there one
at the new house?
Well, if there isn't,
I bet your daddy might
just put one up for you.
( chuckles )
Come on, let's go
get some breakfast, okay?
- I'll meet you in there.
- Okay.
( sighs )
What does our new house
look like?
It's way out
in the country
And there's just lots
of room for you to play.
Can we bring my bike?
Even though I don't know
how to ride it yet.
You are gonna have
lots of places
To learn
how to ride your bike.
- Hey. Howdy.
- Daddy!
( laughs )
Oh! Mmm!
- You done good, daddy.
- Why, thank you.
What about you, huh?
What do you think?
- Who lived there before?
- Nobody, honey.
That's why the bank gave us
such a good deal, right?
- Thank you, mama.
- Mwah!
Well, maybe you'd
rather live in there.
- No.
- That can be arranged.
- No, thank you.
- You'd have the whole place
to yourself.
- Nope.
- Teddy bear could
have his own room.
Come on, let's go.
I'll race ya. Come on.
Go, go, go.
Race mama.
( static crackling )
Oh, what
the hell, baby?
You can't find a clearer
station than that?
We're out
in the boondocks, babe.
We're lucky we get
running water. Thank you.
Well, we don't need water.
That's what beer is for.
- Mm-hmm.
- This is my beer,
by the way.
- Mm-mmm.
- ( rattling )
( scratching )
- ( squeaks )
- ( shrieks )
( lisa laughing )
Shoo! Git!
God! Shoo!
Shoo! Git!
You think
that's funny, do you?
( door creaks )
( rattling )
( car horn honking )
Aunt joyce!
- ( honking horn )
- ( radio blaring, stops )
- Aunt joyce!
- ( screams )
Kid, you grow
like a weed.
Look at you,
miss homeowner.
( laughing )
That didn't take long.
No suitcase?
I am not
a freeloader, andy.
- Today or historically?
- Stop it, andy.
Joyce is just here
to wish us well.
Is that so?
It's a goddamn curse
being right all the time.
It truly is.
It didn't work out
with ray.
Was he the married one
or the drunk?
Bit of both,
it turns out.
- ( chuckles )
- lisa: What about you?
- Are you...?
- 11 weeks sober.
- ( voices whispering ) heidi.
- Andy: Shit, call guinness.
- Help us. Help us.
- Andy: On second thought,
That's probably
a bad idea.
- Joyce: I can get by.
- Voices: Heidi.
I've got alimony coming in.
I want to be near family.
Well, find
a place near here.
Just not here.
Who lives over there?
That's just some old wreck
someone left behind.
- I'm gonna haul it away.
- A girl lives down there.
Hmm? Nobody lives
around here, baby.
- When'd you see a girl?
- Just now.
You know,
I've lived in worse.
"near here,
but not here," right?
You did
say that, babe.
- ( andy groans )
- ( lisa laughs )
( sighs )
( sobbing, whimpering )
( sobbing continues )
( rustling, sobbing )
( moaning )
( moaning resumes )
( screams )
Stop it.
- Heidi: Mama?
- ( sobbing )
Why are you
It's nothing, sweetie.
It's nothing.
Aunt joyce is out front,
so go say good night.
And I'll come
tuck you in, okay?
Mama's crying.
Do you know why
she gets sad?
Your mama...
Gets feelings
Feelings she doesn't
much care for.
What kind
of feelings?
Tell you what.
I want you to try
something for me.
Can you do that?
Look out there.
At what?
Don't really focus
on anything specific.
Just take it
all in.
( woman's voice humming )
( children laughing )
Feel anything?
Help us.
- I think so.
- Help us.
And sometimes...
I see things.
( sighs )
That's 'cause you were born
with a veil, sweetie,
Just like your mama
and me and our mama.
What's a veil?
It means that
when you were born
You had a sheen over
your face like a wedding veil.
And sometimes folks
born that way have a gift.
They can--
They can sense certain things
that other people can't.
Mama never said
anything about it.
Your mama doesn't like
this kind of talk
Of gifts and feelings.
So let's just keep this
conversation between us, okay?
Now run
to bed, please.
( laughs )
Love you.
I love you, too.
( birds chirping )
( buzzing )
( water dripping )
( pipes rattling )
( voices whispering )
I know, mama.
Listen to me, lisa.
I have something
to tell you.
Listen to me, lisa.
I have something
to tell you.
Just be
a good girl...
( voices moaning )
And listen
to your mother.
Listen to me!
( gasps )
- Andy: Lisa.
- ( gasps )
It's 6:00 a.M.
How long you been
in here this time, hmm?
You saw something again,
didn't you?
If these pills
ain't working,
We sure as hell shouldn't
keep paying for them.
They're working.
It just gets a little tricky
when they wear off, is all.
You should finish
getting dressed.
You'll be late
for work.
- All right, darling.
- Take care.
Careful, heidi.
- You need any help?
- I can do it.
All right.
( grunts )
( groans )
( whimpering )
( yelps )
( radio playing )
little girls,
they love to dream
close their eyes
and try to see...
( turns engine off )
Hey, neighbor.
Heidi's been gone an hour
and I don't know where she is.
Well, she's probably
just wandering.
- Heidi is not a wanderer.
- That's 'cause she's never
had anywhere to wander to.
Now she does.
You're just gonna have
to get used to it.
Heidi. Baby.
Where have you been?
I've been worried sick.
I'm not
supposed to say.
Who said that?
Damn it, heidi,
who told you that?
Mr. Gordy.
- Who's mr. Gordy?
- An old man I met.
He said there's
a swing set in the woods
just like in my dream.
Remember, mama?
Okay. Okay.
Come here.
Joyce, get andy
on the phone.
This is it.
Mr. Gordy told me
there's a swing here.
Well, babe,
I don't see a swing.
I'll be damned.
There may not be
a swing here now,
But there used to be.
( grunts )
- ( gasps )
- ( laughs )
- ( groans ) jesus.
- Walk much?
Babe, did this mr. Gordy
say anything else to you?
He said there's money
buried in the garden.
Okay, sweetie, I want you
to do something for me.
How much money?
If this mr. Gordy ever
comes up to you again,
I want you to scream
as loud as you can.
Do you
understand me?
Let's go.
( water running )
( lights crackle )
( wind whistles )
- ( gasps )
- ( static plays on radio )
( static stops )
( pills rattle )
- ( wind whistles )
- ( door creaks )
( footsteps rumbling )
( door creaks )
( metal rattling )
( heidi giggles )
( woman sobbing )
I'm not supposed
to talk to you.
They think
you're a bad man.
You're not, are you?
Was that mr. Gordy
you were talking to?
Heidi, why didn't
you tell us
That you had
an imaginary friend?
Mr. Gordy is not imaginary.
He talks to me.
I was standing
right there watching.
- There's nobody outside.
- Mr. Gordy's real.
Heidi, stop it.
I don't want to hear
Any more talk
about this mr. Gordy.
Do you understand?
Seeing things
that aren't there,
It's just not a road
that you want to go down.
Good night, okay?
( joyce, andy laugh )
You are
just saying that.
What the hell, joyce?
You've been here a week
And heidi's already
seeing invisible friends?
Turns out this mr. Gordy,
he's up here.
And you,
encouraging her.
Coming out here,
digging up my garden,
going on some wild-goose--
( coins clinking )
Lisa's mother:
Don't be afraid.
- Let them in.
- Man: Let them in.
( heartbeat
thumping )
( gasps )
( music playing )
( engine off )
Good lord, woman.
What'd you do, rob
a shopping mall?
Courtesy of my new
sugar daddy mr. Gordy.
Did you tell heidi
where the money came from?
No, and neither
will you.
I'm sure there's lots of
stuff buried in these parts.
It doesn't mean
that there's a mr. Gordy.
I beg to differ.
Did you look at the deed
to your house?
- The previous owner?
- Yeah, the bank owned it.
Before that.
Check it out.
Straight from
the county assessor.
Look at the name
on the bottom.
The gordy family
owned all this land
Going back
And this js gordy
was the last one.
Then the bank got it
in the '70s.
Ask me
how they got it.
Okay, you're gonna get
one shot at this, all right?
If this doesn't go the way
I think it's gonna go,
I'll never
bring it up again.
Heidi, come out
here a second.
( door opens )
I am looking for
a husband for you.
They're all old.
You marry 'em.
Good girl. Okay,
pick a winner for me,
But look at them all
carefully first.
Can you do that?
You see
something, honey?
You know that man?
( whispers )
that's mr. Gordy.
I told you
he was real.
I told you and you
didn't believe me.
( door slams )
Damn it!
My daughter is not
conversing with the dead.
She picked mr. Gordy's face
out of 50 pictures.
Explain that.
That's just
your influence
coming out in her.
You know what? I don't
want you talking about any
of this with heidi anymore.
You hear me?
She's my daughter.
She can talk
about it with me.
Why would she?
You don't listen.
You just tell her what's what
just like you did with me.
You needed it.
You know what?
You still do.
I suppose I'd be better off
numbing myself with pills?
- Stop it.
- You don't think I know?
That was
mama's trick, too.
And that worked out
beautifully for her.
Joyce, go home.
There is nothing wrong
with heidi.
You know
what it is, lisa.
It's starting
for her.
( wind whistling )
- ( door creaks )
- lisa: Honey?
Are you awake?
( door opens, closes )
( birds chirping )
When I hear of a family
moving to town,
I visit to see
if they found the church yet.
Because I happen
to preside over one.
Folks around here
have been wondering
When this rather special
piece of property would sell.
What's special about it?
Aside from it being
overgrown as all hell.
- Andy wyrick.
- Pastor jordan wells.
The property
is special
Because back around
the time of the civil war,
It was
the stationmaster's land.
But I'm sure you knew that.
What, like a railroad?
No tracks on this land.
No, it wasn't
that kind of railroad.
Do you mean, like,
the underground railroad?
Folks who helped escaped
slaves make it up north?
That's right.
Those people were known
as "stationmasters."
And one of the
most well-known lived
right here on your land.
He actually hid slaves
on our property?
Yes, ma'am.
Hundreds of men,
women, and children
Passed right through here
with nothing but the clothes
on their back
And the light of the moon
to guide them.
- They didn't have flashlights?
- Oh, no, sweetie.
They couldn't even
use lanterns.
The moonlight was the only
light that they ever saw.
It was the light
of freedom
And the promised land.
The stationmaster was
an extraordinary man.
Entire generations
of families would not exist
If it was not
for the stationmaster
And this piece of land.
So, don't be surprised
If you get visitors
from time to time.
- Living ones, I hope.
- As opposed to...?
Andy's just having
a little fun.
- I do that.
- Well, if you do
get any visitors,
I hope you'll be
more welcoming
Than the previous owner
js gordy was.
He didn't exactly share
his ancestor's...
Hospitable nature.
Between you and me,
There was something
seriously off about that man.
Mr. Gordy's
nice to me.
Uh, look, pastor...
We'd better get
our day started.
- ( wind whistling )
- ( chimes ringing )
( woman sobbing )
( people singing )
( clicking,
faint snarling )
( woman sobbing )
( footsteps tapping )
( voices whispering )
( wind whistling )
Help us. Help us.
Help us.
Help us.
Help us.
( birds chirping )
( sighs )
( squeaking )
( rustling )
( squeaking )
( chains rattling )
( gasps )
Mr. Gordy.
What is that?
Tell me
what it is.
- Heidi.
- Mr. Gordy.
You know what?
I think there is an invisible
man around here.
It's me.
( both laughing )
- Did you miss your daddy?
- Yeah.
Right answer.
- Got a little
surprise for you.
- What is it?
You'll find out.
Come on.
- ( gasps )
- ( dog barks )
Look what I found
in the back of
your daddy's truck.
- ( squeals )
- heidi, meet chief.
Oh, my god!
Daddy, I love him!
Am I the greatest father
in the world or what?
- You'll do.
- Thank you.
Oh, I love you.
- ( heidi squeals )
- ( laughing )
( rustling )
( crashing )
( barking )
- ( howling )
- ( chief whines )
Remember to bring
chief's bowl back in
the house after he's done.
Where's chief?
For god's sake.
- Chief!
- Chief!
Damn dog.
( barking, whining )
Come on.
It's gonna be
all right.
( barks )
( whistles )
( whining )
Chief sounds hurt.
Hey, heidi, why don't you
just sit down right here
for a second?
And don't move.
Be right back.
- ( dog howling )
- andy: Chief!
( whistles )
Come here, boy.
- Chief.
- ( whining )
How'd you get
in there, boy?
( dog howling )
( dog howling )
Woman's voice:
- ( pounding )
- ( barks )
All right,
watch out, boy.
( barking )
What the hell?
( voices whispering )
( echoes )
help us... Help us.
( squeaking )
( squeaking,
male voice humming )
( gasps )
Man's voice:
Help us.
( screams )
- ( screams )
- no. Damn it. Hey.
I thought I told you
to sit tight.
- ( sobbing )
- what are you hollering
about over here?
Come on.
Let's get you home.
Hey, babe.
Figure out what
this thing is yet?
It's a trap.
You see, you bait
that chamber there.
The animals, they get in
and they can't get back out.
They get weak and starve.
Easy pickings.
Then you get 'em
back out through here.
A back door.
There's got to be
a better way to hunt.
- That's just cruel.
- No, it's smart.
If you're
a taxidermist.
I already found
three more of them
in the woods.
Figure they made good money
for someone back in...
Well, whenever the hell
they still used locks
like these.
Well, smash 'em all up
so chief doesn't get
stuck in them again.
Or heidi,
for that matter.
( thunder rumbling )
I love you, lisa.
Don't be afraid.
Let them in.
- Let them in.
- ( gasps )
( thunder crashing )
( faint squeaking )
( gasps )
What's going on, huh?
Oh, god.
( grunts )
I have a bike.
Do you?
Oh, it's pretty.
It's purpley.
( giggles )
What do you mean?
People are coming?
What kind of people?
Who are you
talking to now?
Mr. Gordy.
That right?
Ask him where
there's more money.
I can't.
He's gone.
Next time, then.
He said there's
people coming.
( rustling )
I swear, heidi,
we should take you
and mr. Gordy on the road.
Who's there?
Stay behind me.
I got an ax.
What the hell
is this place?
( gasps )
- Do you see her, too?
- Yeah.
Mama kay?
- Whoa, whoa.
- ( heidi gasps )
It's okay.
My name is prentiss.
This is my grandmother
mama kay.
- This your property?
- That you're trespassing on?
We were told
we could come back here.
By who?
in the trailer.
Said she's your sister.
Sold us this.
What is that?
Now help me
sit on down.
I want to visit
with the little one.
Come on, little one.
It'll be all right,
young man.
All right, you gonna tell me
why you came all the way
Out here just to buy
some ratty old quilt?
Prentiss: Long time ago,
when this quilt was hung
out here in these woods,
It meant it was safe
to approach.
Safe for who?
Mama kay's ancestors,
for one.
Mine, too.
Do you even know
where you're living
at, mister...?
Our pastor said
we might get visitors.
Something about
the underground railroad.
This was one
of the stations.
Mama kay's always wanted
to visit this place.
Guy saved a lot of lives,
I reckon.
And he deserved better
than what happened to him.
You don't need eyes
to see, little one.
But you already
know that.
What do you mean?
You asked your father
if he saw me.
That makes you
some kind of special.
My mama says I'm not
supposed to talk about that.
But you
have to be careful
With a gift
like that.
'cause sometimes
The devil looks
a gentleman.
You're telling me...
All that took place
on my property?
Yes, sir.
Right here.
Guess your pastor
left that part out.
( laughing )
Family meeting.
Whoa, whoa.
Not you, kiddo.
You stay outside
for a minute, all right?
Okay, daddy.
Sit down, joyce.
That man told daddy what
happened here, didn't he?
Why can't I know?
It's just not a story
for little girls, sweetie.
I'm a big girl.
You always say that.
You remember
pastor wells talking
about the stationmaster?
( bell ringing )
Well, back when he
owned all this land,
He was what's called
a taxidermist.
He also did something that
he didn't tell anybody.
He would help
hide people
That were
in trouble.
People like mama kay's
great aunt nell
And her fianc levi.
See, nell and levi
had fallen in love
And had dreams
of getting married once
they were safe and free.
How the hell did people
even find their way out here?
There were guides
called conductors
Who helped them.
And these quilts,
They were a code from
the stationmaster telling
them where'd he meet them.
- Look here.
You see this tree?
- Yeah.
There it is down there.
The meeting place.
The stationmaster
would come get them
And take them
to a hiding place,
on this property,
Until it was safe
to move on.
Well, some of
the other landowners,
They found out
what the stationmaster
had been doing
And, well, they didn't
like it very much.
So they did some
very unkind things to him.
( groaning )
They hurt him
just for helping people?
Well, they didn't see it
that way, sweetie.
What happened to nell?
She make it up north?
Nell and levi
never arrived.
No one knows
what happened to them.
I told you something bad
happened here.
No, it was
a long time ago.
All of that evil
is over and done with now.
It's still here, mama.
I can feel it.
It's in the woods.
It's coming for me.
No, it's not.
Heidi, it's all
in your head.
- It's not real.
- But mr. Gordy said--
There is
no mr. Gordy.
Heidi, listen to me.
You have to fight this.
You have to put it
out of your head or--
I'll be like you?
Dry off.
If you loved me,
you'd believe me.
It's because I love you
that I can't, baby.
I don't hear you
getting out of that tub.
Heidi wyrick,
don't make me
come back in there.
Heidi, what is
taking so long?
( voices whispering )
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!
Oh, god!
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Come on, baby.
Cough it up.
( coughing )
( screaming )
What happened?
She was convulsing
and unconscious.
And vomiting sawdust
and insects?
- Andy.
- Are you on any medication,
mrs. Wyrick?
You didn't see what I saw.
I saw her.
- You weren't there.
- Heidi.
Do you remember
any of this?
Yeah, baby.
I didn't dry off
like I was supposed to.
And mama pulled me out
of the tub real hard.
I'm sorry,
that's not what happened.
They've been through
enough for tonight.
Come on.
Just tell me exactly what
we're supposed to do here.
If you want my advice,
I suggest you consult
with a psychiatrist.
Or a priest.
- Andy.
- Let's let heidi
rest up a sec.
It's hard when people
don't believe you,
Isn't it?
Really, lisa?
We're possessed
by the devil now?
Good lord, people.
It's a blessing,
not an exorcism.
Lord, we pray this night
For the soul
of an innocent child,
And the banishment
of evil from this land.
I want you to pray
with me now.
Can you do that?
In the name
of the father,
I ask for the cleansing
of fear and sickness
From the mind and
the soul of this child.
I ask that
you fill heidi
With the warmth
of your love into
her heart.
And that you call
upon your angels
to watch over her
And protect her
from danger.
Mom and dad, would you
lean down and lay her
back for me, please?
In the name
of the son,
We call upon your
righteous hand,
Rid this place
of all evil
- That may dwell here.
- ( thunder crashes )
( wind whistling )
( voices whispering )
Help us.
( voices whispering )
I ask that you
bless this child
In the name
of the holy ghost.
She and the souls
of the lost,
The forsaken
and forgotten.
And let your cleansing light
shine down upon this place
And upon this little girl
now and forever.
- Amen.
- ( screams )
( panting )
May god's love
fill your heart, child,
And give you peace
all of your days.
Now, that wasn't
so bad, was it?
You did great.
( static buzzes )
( faint music playing )
( music continues )
( thumping )
( wood creaks )
( thumps )
( faint ping )
( faint ping )
( pinging continues )
( door creaks )
( pings )
( pings )
( pings )
sent you away.
( pings )
( thunder rumbles )
( thunder crashing )
( voices shouting )
( bell rings )
- ( girl screams )
- ( gasps )
( gasping )
( screaming )
- Andy: Lisa?
- ( gasps )
- Andy?
- Heidi's gone.
- What?
- Call the cops.
Oh, my...
- ( keys beeping )
- ( whimpering )
Help me!
( sirens wailing )
- Any sign of her yet?
- No.
- Heidi!
- Help me!
- Where are you, baby?
- Down in the hole.
( heidi sobbing )
What hole?
Down here!
Oh, my god.
Oh, heidi.
I can't get out, daddy.
I can't get out.
Sit tight, heidi.
I got to find a way
to get down there, baby.
( voice growling )
- ( wood creaking )
- heidi.
( sobbing )
Please don't leave me
down here with them, daddy.
With who, heidi?
( door squeaking )
( growling )
( growling )
Mr. Gordy,
is that you?
( metal scrapes )
Daddy, help me!
I'm coming.
( heidi shuddering )
( voice growling )
( sobbing )
I'm gonna die.
( growling )
Help me!
( footsteps rustle )
- Daddy, hurry.
- Heidi, heads up.
Coming down.
Daddy, hurry!
- Help!
- Watch out.
I'm coming, baby.
( coughing )
( clicking )
( whimpering )
Oh, jesus.
How the hell did you
get down here, baby, huh?
What the hell?
This is where
the stationmaster hid 'em.
How the hell did you
find this place, heidi, huh?
A girl showed me.
Is that the one that you said
was down here with you?
( sobs )
I think something else
is down here, too, daddy.
I don't want
to be here anymore.
That makes two of us.
Know the story
of the stationmaster
who helped slaves escape
To freedom as part of
the underground railroad.
But last night,
a young local girl
Uncovered a sad, unknown
chapter in the saga
What authorities
believe are the remains
of five males...
Reporter #2:
...Discovered in a hidden
underground chamber
Beneath the ruins
of the stationmaster's cabin.
Now, the stationmaster,
also known as jefferson gordy,
Was the great grandfather
of the late js gordy
who died in 1978...
Reporter #3: For all the lives
that were saved by the
underground railroad,
There were also many folks
who didn't make it.
Just went missing.
And today's discovery
is a tragic reminder
Of how dangerous
it really was.
In this
particular case,
When the stationmaster
was murdered,
There was no one to let
the slaves out...
- Can we please turn it off?
- They probably starved
to death down there.
- Reporting live--
- ( tv off )
You think that's
mama kay's family?
They said five males,
so I doubt it.
Hey. What are you
doing up?
I don't want to
live here anymore.
It's all right
now, heidi.
The things that we saw,
they've moved on.
Their spirits
aren't trapped anymore
because of you.
Joyce, please.
Don't you understand
what's happened here, lisa?
Those people in the chamber
wanted to be found.
That's what this
has all been about.
Now they're free.
And there is nothing
to be afraid of anymore.
Mr. Gordy says
it's not safe here.
You see
mr. Gordy tonight?
He said I shouldn't have
gone down in that hole.
He said I let
something bad come out.
Okay, it is time for you
to go back to bed.
Heidi wyrick,
you follow me right now.
I can't be here
anymore, mama.
I went in the hole
and the bad man saw me.
He knows we're here now
and he's coming.
What bad man,
The stationmaster.
I let him out, mama.
Well, mr. Gordy is wrong
because you know very well
That the stationmaster
was a good man.
No, he wasn't.
Andy, will you please
tell her that there is
nothing to be afraid of?
Mr. Gordy said there was money
buried in the garden, lisa,
And there was.
He said that
Something terrible
happened here, it did.
For something
in heidi's mind,
Mr. Gordy is sure
as hell right a lot.
Are you telling me that
suddenly you believe all this?
I believe there was a cave
full of skeletons on our land.
Was there a bad man
down there, too?
Hell if I know,
But I say
we pack up the truck
and we haul our asses
Out of here
before we find out.
( buzzes )
I mean,
you can't be serious.
We don't have
anywhere to go.
I mean, where--
where are we gonna go?
Baby, I--
I'm sick.
- Heidi and I--
- you're fine.
Heidi's fine.
Tell me something.
How the hell did heidi
get down in that hole?
Even if she could move
that slab, which she can't,
It's a 25-foot drop
after that.
She didn't have
a scratch on her.
Did you ever think
that maybe joyce is right?
Crazy joyce.
That this isn't some kind
of disease, but,
I don't know,
it's... A gift?
A gift?
You try seeing what I've seen
and you call it a gift.
I'm just saying
maybe it is.
And I'm done letting you
tell our daughter
That she's sick.
That she's got
some mental disorder.
- I--
- I love you. I do.
- I won't...
- ( gasps )
Let heidi live like this.
You understand me?
- I won't do it.
- Andy, please.
Look, I have seen enough
to know that it ain't up here.
It's out there.
And maybe it's trying
to tell us something.
Maybe you should
try listening.
It's sure gonna be lonely
here without you guys.
You should leave, too.
This is a bad place.
No, sweetie,
it was a bad place.
Now it's not
'cause of you.
I'm gonna miss you,
baby girl.
I'm gonna
miss you, too.
( chimes ringing )
( door creaks )
( voices whispering )
( barks )
Hey, chief.
Come on, buddy.
Hop up.
Aw, good boy.
Good boy.
- ( barking )
- hey.
- ( voices whisper )
- ( whines )
Where the hell is that
damn dog going?
Daddy, we need to leave
right now.
Without your mama?
Yeah, I'm not sure
how she'd take that.
It's all right.
Let me go find chief.
Be right back.
Stay here and lock the door.
( gasps,
lock clicks )
- ( dog barking )
- andy: Chief!
Here, boy.
( static buzzes )
( music playing )
Man's voice:
( growling )
( echoing )
why are you here?
( growling )
( music continues )
( panting )
- ( rumbling )
- ( whimpering )
( roaring )
( keys beeping )
( line ringing )
( music continues )
( coughing )
( thunder crashing )
( groaning )
( music continues )
Woman's voice on radio:
Help us.
Help us.
Help us.
( growling )
( music stops )
- ( roars )
- ( screams )
( door creaks )
( sighs )
( screams )
oh, my god!
Oh, god!
Oh, my god.
( howling )
Oh, god.
Oh, god.
No, no!
( screams )
Heidi! Heidi!
- Lisa!
- Oh, andy. Heidi's gone.
- Check joyce's.
Check joyce's.
- Okay.
Heidi! Heidi!
Damn it!
Damn it.
- ( thunder crashing )
- heidi!
Come on!
Joyce, heidi's missing.
( beeping )
( sobbing )
Let me in.
( groaning )
( gasps )
oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Man's voice:
Oh, my god.
( gasps )
Joyce, can you hear me?
- Joyce? Joyce?
- ( gurgling )
( door creaks )
( rapid beeping )
- ( beeping stops )
- ( shrieks )
( coughing )
- Joyce.
- ( gasping )
Joyce, please.
Heidi's been taken.
Where is she?
( shuddering )
With him.
With him?
Who's "him"?
Joyce, who's him?
( door creaks )
( screams )
No, not tonight.
No, not tonight.
Where's my little girl?
They know.
Who's they, joyce?
Tell me.
Who's they?
Okay. Okay.
( swing squeaking )
( gasps )
( sobbing )
( voices whispering )
Andy's voice:
It's a trap.
The animals, they get in
and they can't get back out.
They get weak and starve.
Easy pickings.
Then you get 'em back
out through here.
A back door.
( door opens )
( wind whistling )
Oh, god!
( groans )
Heidi, baby?
Are you in here?
( screams )
( gasps )
( screams )
- ( thunder crashes )
- ( metal scrapes )
You remember pastor wells
talking about the stationmaster?
Well, back when he owned
all this land,
He was also what's called
a taxidermist.
( howling )
- Mama.
- Heidi!
- Heidi. Oh, my god.
- Mama.
Heidi, are you okay?
Are you okay? I'm here.
It's okay. Just focus on me.
I'm gonna get you out
of here, okay?
- Mama.
- Okay.
Okay. Okay.
Hold onto me.
Hold on.
- Man's voice: Help us.
- Woman's voice: Help us.
- Help.
- ( girl's voice screaming )
- Help us.
- Okay.
- Help us.
- Help.
Can you stand up?
Okay, careful.
Okay, put your head down.
( grunting )
- ( heidi crying )
- ah!
Come here, baby.
You're gonna climb, okay?
It's gonna be okay.
Okay, hold on right there.
You can do it.
( roaring )
( heidi screams )
( screams )
- ( wood creaking )
- oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
( wind whistling )
( gasps )
( roars )
Lisa's mother:
Listen to me, lisa.
You have to
let them in.
- ( voices whispering )
- let them in.
You don't listen.
Did you ever think
that maybe joyce was right?
That maybe this isn't a disease,
but maybe it's a gift?
- Help us.
- Those people in that chamber
wanted to be found.
That's what this
has all been about.
( echoing )
now they're free.
Because of you.
If these pills
ain't working,
We sure as hell shouldn't
keep paying for them.
They're working.
Just gets a little tricky
when they wear off, is all.
Let them in.
( woman humming )
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
there's room
for many on board
the gospel train
is coming...
I'll be back for you.
can't you hear
her blowing?
she stops at every
little station
come on, brothers,
let's go...
Lisa: You know very well
that the stationmaster
was a good man.
No, he wasn't.
( gasps )
( voices whispering )
I love you, lisa.
Nell and levi
never arrived.
No one knows
what happened to them.
( woman humming )
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children...
( roars )
( howling )
( howling )
( screams )
( screams )
- Mama!
- Heidi!
Oh, baby,
are you okay?
Are you okay?
Where's your daddy?
Who pulled me out?
It's okay.
It's okay.
- Heidi!
- Daddy!
Oh, thank god.
Thank god.
You all right?
You all right?
Mr. Gordy?
( sighs )
god damn it.
You know the tire's supposed
to go below the branch, right?
You know what? Shh.
I don't want to hear it.
No, it's all right, andy.
Heidi's gonna love it.
Every girl wants her own
dirty rubber nest up a tree.
- Nobody likes you.
- ( laughs )
( whines )
This ain't over.
Do you think mr. Gordy knew
what his granddaddy did?
Probably why he didn't want
anybody on his property.
Wanted the stationmaster
to be remembered
For the people
that he saved,
Not the ones he...
I keep thinking about
mama kay's family.
Well, they're in
a better place.
That much
I do know.
( grunting )
( gasps )
( squeals )
( laughing )
( squeaking )
( instrumental music
playing )
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
there's room for many
on board
oh, the gospel train
is coming
can't you hear
her blowing?
she stops at every
little station
come on, brother,
let's go
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
get on board,
little children
there's room
for many on board.
someday run away
hurt you
on the playground
let's be on your way
far from you
close your eyes
everything's gonna be
all right
when you're dreaming
when you're
the promised led astray
( echoes )
the promised led astray
welcome to a letdown
hide and seek we'll play
and be kings
and queens
close your eyes
everything's gonna be
all right
when you're dreaming
when you're dreaming
the sky came down today
raindrops took
the playground
pull my hand to shore
breathe the secret
into the ash a bloom
behind the lullaby
a bold new wish
to leave it all behind
to leave the dark without
close your eyes
gonna be all right
when you're dreaming
when you're dreaming
when you're
when you're dreaming
when you're
the sun came out today
met you
on the playground.