Haunting Of Whaley House, The (2012) Movie Script

[dog barking]
[wind blowing]
There it is, boys.
The Whaley House.
Ah, I thought
it'd be bigger.
It's big enough
for ghosts.
You know what?
compared to you
is small, meathouse.
You guys know this place
used to be a morgue?
You gotta be
fucking kidding me.
No, dead serious.
That's one
of the reasons why it's
so frigging haunted.
And the fact that,
you know, so many
people died here.
That helps.
Well, um,
I've seen enough.
I think
we should get back
before your sister
finds out we're
gone, Casey.
Go back?
But we have
to go in first.
Besides, she's busy
porking shit-ass Steve.
We have plenty of time.
But the house
is locked, Casey.
And I forgot
my inhaler.
I need it.
for gays, dude.
I just so happen
to have the key.
Wait. Is that
one of those rocks
with the key
hidden inside,
you know,
the hideaway rock?
Is it a hideaway rock?
No, it's a regular rock.
I throw it.
We get in.
No, that's vandalism, dude.
Get Simon to do it.
Fuck you, fat boy.
Okay, come on, guys.
We've walked all this way.
We gotta see inside.
Then let's
come back and take
the damn tour.
We can get
some souvenirs
and shit.
You know we don't
have any money.
Okay, man.
If you throw
that rock in there
and you do something
and piss off
all the ghosts,
then what?
Then we see 'em,
and that's exactly
what we came here for.
Oh, my god.
You know what? Uh...
You do this,
Your arms
are fatter than mine.
It's muscle,
cancer tooth,
and I'm not going
to jail for some
stupid-ass ghosts.
[wind blows]
Don't look at me.
I'm not
about to do it.
I'd rather be
at home
watching the rest of
the fulci marathon.
Fulci is
an artistic abortion.
Argento is
the way to go, man.
Shut up,
you fat Louie
Anderson looking
Okay, fine. I'll do it.
I guess it's
a man's job anyway.
Wouldn't want
one of you ladies
to break a nail.
Hey, that was
only one time.
[glass breaks]
Now what?
I get a few shots.
And then...
You've got to be
fucking kidding me.
[horn honks]
[music playing]
[camera clicks]
Welcome, everyone,
to America's
Most Haunted House.
If you're all ready,
we'll get started.
Right this way.
Here we are
in the piano room.
When Thomas and Anna Whaley
first built the house,
they planned to run
part of it as a business,
which was in this room.
It was called Whaley
and Crosthwaite's
general store.
His partner,
Philip Crosthwaite,
was once the Deputy Sheriff
of San Diego,
and it just so happens
that he was the man
who tightened the noose
Yankee Jim Robinson's neck,
who was hanged here
when the public gallows
occupied the grounds...
Right this way, everyone.
The Whaley house
was also the site
of the first commercial
theater in all of San Diego.
The ghost of a little girl
has been seen in here
on several occasions.
Nobody really knows
who she is.
Some think that she's
the great-granddaughter
of Thomas Whaley,
but it's still a mystery.
W-whoa. Did--
Did you see that?
Never mind.
Anyway, let's continue on,
I have been asked
if I've ever
seen anything before,
and the answer to that is...
to be quite honest,
I am pretty skeptical
of the whole thing.
Now, I'm not saying that
I don't believe in ghosts
I just haven't been
convinced either way.
I'm sorry,
but I don't know
how you don't
believe this house
isn't haunted.
Excuse me?
I've been seeing things
for the past 20 minutes.
Am I alone here?
You're kidding.
You're kidding.
This house
is haunted as fuck.
Well, what have
you seen?
Maybe you've just
mistaken something.
No. No, I haven't
mistaken anything.
I've been seeing
ghosts and...
Are you okay?
Get her some water,
Somebody call 911!
I need you to...
[dispatch chatter]
Whoa. Sorry.
Hey, Bobo.
You okay, kiddo?
Yeah, it just...
[siren blaring]
Kinda stunk.
No kidding.
But you were great,
It happens
all the time.
Believe it or not,
someone has
a reaction
to this house,
and they have
to be wheeled away
to the hospital.
Well, it's
this damn house.
It does things
to people.
You've been here,
what, dear,
four months?
I-I've been
working here
over 30 years.
Trust me.
I know how to deal
with this house.
How to deal with it?
Well, walk with me
while I close
the place up.
I don't think
we're going to be doing
any more tours today.
You know, Penny,
When I first started
working here,
my predecessor gave me
three rules
to live by,
and I think--
Think maybe it's time
I shared those with you.
[keys jingle]
[lock turns]
So rule number one,
don't call
the ghosts out.
They hate that.
Rule number two,
don't damage the house.
very territorial.
And rule number three,
never, never go inside
the house at night.
That is their time,
reserved for them alone.
You know I don't
believe in ghosts, right?
Heh. I used to be
just like you, Penny,
used to think it was all
a big tourist trap.
So what
changed your mind?
Just because you
don't believe in ghosts,
doesn't mean they
don't believe in you.
You know, Penny, dear,
you know who
you remind me of?
No. Who?
Did--did you ever wonder
why you ended up
working here,
despite the fact
that you don't
believe in ghosts?
Eh, ghosts had nothing
to do with it, okay?
I just lucked into it.
I needed a job
to help pay my way
through med school,
and this is
where I ended up.
Hmm. Maybe it was
meant to be.
What was meant to be?
Oh, nothing. Just my--
my mind wandering.
Anyway, look,
you go on home now,
and I'll see you
tomorrow morning, okay?
[music playing]
Right. So that's
what I think is
the most crucial element.
My god.
I agree.
I mean, have you
actually seen
the nipples
on an indian woman?
Are we really
talking about this
right now?
Okay, honey,
please, please.
The men are trying
to talk, so...
I think the width
and the girth
of the areola
are just as important
as the size
of the breast,
you know, adds majesty
to the bosom.
A fantastic set of nipples
can literally
define a woman.
Guys, will you
please shut up?
I think it goes back
to when we were babies.
Okay, I think
I know where we're
going with this,
so let's just, uh,
stop talking
about it.
Baby, I'm a scientist.
See, the thing is--
is we want to marry
our mothers.
And we
seek out nipples
that are similar
to the ones
that we suckled.
Ah, lord.
Penny's nips,
just like my mother's.
Shut up!
Ouch. Ouch.
You need me
to do that to you?
No, I'm--I'm good.
Okay. There you go.
Guys, can we change
the subject now?
Yes. Let's.
How was everyone's day?
Some tourist
freaked out
at the house today.
No shit?
Yeah. It was weird.
Freaked out how?
Started going
into seizures
and foaming
at the mouth.
You're joking.
No. And apparently
it happens
all the time.
My boss blames it
on the house,
like it's poison
or something.
I don't know
how you can work
at that place.
It's not that bad.
Not that bad?
It's haunted
as fuck.
Well, if I ever
see anything,
I'll let you know,
Yeah, but ghost shit,
it can't be real.
It just doesn't
make sense.
Well, just 'cause
we don't understand it,
I mean, it doesn't mean
it isn't real.
Right. I mean, it took 'em
a hell of a long time
to figure out gravity, right?
I don't think
that's the case.
Okay, I mean,
millions of people
have experienced
the paranormal, okay?
Yet one witness
is enough to send someone
to death row.
I'd rather be
talking about nipples.
Look, ghosts are real,
and the Whaley house
is really haunted.
Because TV says so?
Are you saying
the TV lies to me?
Oh, no, no, no,
honey balls.
TV is your master.
All I'm saying
is that weird stuff
happens there,
but I just can't
buy that ghosts
are real.
It doesn't
make sense.
Penny, you work
in the mornings, right?
Wait. Wait.
Craig, what are
you thinking?
So you open the doors,
and you lock up at night?
Okay, now I don't
want to make an ass
out of you and me,
but is it safe
to assume that you have
a set of keys
to the Whaley house
or at least
access to them?
Yeah, but...
wait a minute.
Oh, my god. Craig.
Oh, that's such
a great idea.
No. No, it's not.
A private tour
of the most haunted house
in america.
What do you say, Penny?
Eh, wait. Wait, what--
I can get fired!
Mmm, please.
Come on, sweetie.
What do you say?
We'll be
on our best
Just--just a couple
of hours, pen.
I can call my cousin
and borrow some stuff.
He's like Q branch
for ghost hunters.
But, guys,
if anything breaks,
I'm liable,
and I need this job.
Oh, my god.
No one is going
to find out.
We'll be careful.
We're not doing this,
God, first you drive us
to the set of thriller,
and then you want
to take us
to a haunted mansion?
What's wrong with you?
Hey, Penny...
You know, it's, um--
it's your call.
Pretty please?
But only for
a little bit,
all right?
This is just
to prove to you guys
that there's
nothing there.
[line rings]
Just in and out.
What's going to hap--
Yeah, we'll just do
the old in-and-out.
Hey. Hey, Ray-Ray.
Guess what we're
doing tonight.
Oh, wow.
Oh, my god, you guys.
It smells so cool in here.
This place is
creepy as fuck.
It's just
an old house.
They say you could
hear the footsteps
of Thomas Whaley pacing
up in his bedroom.
Why are we
[knock on door]
Are you Craig's...
twice removed.
Black-ass Ray!
White-ass Craig!
[both laugh]
This is dope
as shit, brother.
How did you
pull this off?
She works here, man.
Well, I hope
you don't mind,
but I kind of
brought a friend.
Keith Drummand.
At your service,
young friends.
[gasps] the famous
Keith Drummand?
The one and only,
young man.
The one and only.
Heh heh.
if you don't mind.
Give me your hand.
You're an Aries.
Taurus, actually.
Oh. Really?
someone here
is an Aries.
There. You see?
Heh heh.
Now, enough chitchat.
Let me at
those darn ghosts.
Who's Keith Drummand?
I thought it was
just gonna be us.
Heh. Are you serious?
He's a psychic.
He's been on, like,
every ghost-hunting show
on TV,
even that short-lived
crippled kid's one.
Let's go.
It's all right.
I'm here.
I heard you.
You called me back.
What do you want
from me?
Yes. Yes.
All right.
All right.
You want this,
and I can
give it to you.
It'll help.
Ah! Be careful with
the floor, please.
As a matter of fact,
be careful with
everything, guys.
You know what?
Here are some
ground rules, okay?
No touching
No taking anything.
No rifling
through papers
or breathing
on anything, guys.
Come on. Everything
is really fragile.
Pen, pen, relax.
It's gonna
be fine.
Hey, what'd you bring me?
The works, baby.
First and foremost,
voice recorder.
Oh, evp. Nice.
What's evp?
It's a fancy term
for recording
ghost voices on tape.
See, the recorder
picks up frequencies
the human ear
can't detect,
so if they're talking,
we'll hear 'em.
Yeah, but does
that really work?
Google it.
You'll hear things
that'll turn
your asshole white.
Ha ha!
Laser thermometer.
You can measure
temperatures all over,
or you can spot-temp
with the laser.
Good for pointing out
cold spots.
And the pice
de rsistance...
The emf meter.
use 'em,
but ghost hunters
do, too.
It's a commonly held belief
that ghosts disrupt
the electromagnetic field,
so you can use these things
like metal detectors.
But for ghosts.
Right as rain.
You didn't bring
the full-spectrum
Dumb-ass Dave dropped it
on a tombstone
a few nights ago.
That sucks.
It's okay.
Shit-ass Steve
is gonna fix it.
So what do
we do now?
Just walk around,
We could, but I'd
like to try an oldie,
but goodie first.
What's that for?
Ah, there we are.
Heh heh.
[girl laughs]
Who's there?
[clock ticking]
Guys, we really
shouldn't be doing this.
Will you please
relax, Giselle?
No. I'm not doing this.
I'm not a part of this.
Okay, everyone.
One finger
lightly on top.
We are speaking
to the Whaley family
or any earthbound entity
in this house.
We would like
to communicate with you.
My finger's
starting to cramp up
a little already.
Yeah, I've heard that
Hey, it's called
rheumatoid arthritis,
all right?
we need to focus.
No. We need to get
the fuck out of here.
Penny, you work here.
Maybe you should
ask the question.
What should I ask?
I don't know.
Maybe something only
the ghost would know.
Yes or no questions.
Did Violet Whaley
die in this house?
Move the glass
if yes, spirit.
That was Craig.
I swear to god
it wasn't me.
No, that was you, Craig.
I know it was.
No. I know you think
I'm lying 'cause I'm
an asshole,
but I swear to god
I didn't move that.
Ray: All right, guys,
fingers back on.
We've got someone here.
You're on, Penny.
Okay, Violet died
in this house,
but did she shoot
herself here, too?
Move in a circle if no
and a straight line
if yes, spirit.
Did she shoot herself
in the head?
That's right.
She shot herself
in the heart.
That's so sad. Why?
Um, her husband
abandoned her
after two weeks
of marriage,
so she went outside
and shot herself.
Thomas Whaley
heard the gunshot,
and he went out
and brought his daughter
in the house.
She died
in that chair.
Of course she did.
Okay, guys,
I am getting
increasingly freaked
the fuck out here.
We've got someone
hanging on here.
Can we please focus?
Is this Violet Whaley?
Are you still there,
Are you a ghost?
Are you a moron?
I'm a little nervous
right now.
Are you still here?
It likes you.
Ask it something else.
Are you a Whaley?
Okay. But which one?
All of them.
This place...
This house...
is interesting.
How so?
You know when you walk
into a darkened
movie theater
and it seems
empty because it--
You can hardly
see anything?
But there are
other people there
watching you,
sitting in the dark.
That's how it feels.
I just need
to get adjusted
to the dark.
You want to look around?
Yes. Yes.
I think we should.
Is it okay?
"Fine"? Really?
'Cause this is
kind of crazy
right now, Penny.
guys, okay?
I been looking forward
to this.
The Whaley house
has barred its doors
to paranormal
for years.
So tonight
I'll be the first one
to peek behind its veil.
Quite a feather
in my cap,
don't you think?
You can wait here
alone if you want.
Well, shit, when you
put it like that...
[woman sighs]
Well, I feel like
we're on the set
of thriller.
No, we're not.
We're at my job.
I thought
we were going out.
I had my hair done.
Of course we're going out,
but I got to take care
of something first.
This place
looks haunted.
Just a minute.
Puffy. Puffy.
Who's Puffy?
Come here, baby.
Come here, Puffy.
Is it a monster
or something?
look what papa got.
Hot chick. Big tits.
Can we go have sushi
at a nice restaurant
Yeah, in a minute.
Baby? Puff?
[sighs] all right,
I'm just gonna go
before I get murdered.
Babe, hold on.
Hey, babes,
where'd you go?
Come on, now. We--
we getting ready to go.
You just wait a second.
[woman crying softly]
Who's there?
[crying continues]
who's out there?
Bobo: I can't see you.
Are you hurt?
Oh, fuck that shit!
Ray: This is
the Whaley house.
Time is 10:30.
We are proceeding
to the second floor.
When you see a ghost,
what does it look like?
I'm just curious.
I see them
like I see you.
Sometimes they're
wispy and filmy,
just like
in the movies,
but usually
they're solid.
Just another
state of being.
You get me?
Kind of.
Kind of like
how water
turns to steam,
you know.
[hinge creaks]
Ah, there we are.
Who's there?
This is so cool.
Convinced yet?
About what?
Oh, come on.
That glass thing
down there was crazy.
No, no, no. Stop.
You cannot tell me
that it was, like,
some sort of...
That was Ray.
That was Ray, okay?
It had to be.
No way. I mean,
how would he know
all that stuff
about Violet Whaley?
Look, I was
on the spot, okay?
I couldn't think
of any obscure info
on the house,
and Violet
was on my mind,
so I asked about her.
But the thing is
you can find all
that stuff out online
or by taking my tour.
Look, it wasn't
a ghost, okay?
It was probably
just Ray.
God, I love you.
Okay, Scully.
whatever you say.
What do you see?
It's probably
just the wind.
This is the heart
of the house.
The vortex?
You see?
It's 10 degrees cooler
where you're standing.
What? No way.
That's not normal.
a ghost's presence
or a vortex
can create cold spots.
What's a, uh...
A vortex? For lack
of a better word,
it's a doorway
in and out of this reality,
usually found
at the heart
of haunted locations
there's someone here.
Tom? Thomas?
Oh, shit.
Is that your name?
Keith: Tom? Thomas?
Talk to me.
Speak to me, please.
Why are you looking
at us like that?
He's standing
right behind you.
That's not funny,
all right?
I wasn't joking.
Does that mean that
there's something there?
That means
there's something there.
We'd like to speak
with you, sir.
Yes. Yes.
Bang the wall again
for me, Thomas.
Yes. Yes.
Once for no,
and twice for yes.
[slam slam]
Are you bound
to this house?
Oh, my god.
That was--
That was a no?
He's free-roaming?
Are there others
with you, Thomas?
[slam slam]
Are you here
with your family?
[slam slam]
[nervous laugh]
This can't
be happening.
Thomas, if you're
not bound to the house,
can you tell us
why you're here?
Can you whisper it
into my ear?
Hey, did--
did Thomas Whaley
die in here?
No. He died
at his second house
in San Diego.
His wife Anna
and some other relatives
did die here, though.
That's why he's here.
That's why he returns,
why he protects his house.
His loved ones
are trapped here...
bound to this world.
He's here
to look over them.
And they don't like us
being here.
Okay, I'm done.
Let me go.
Mm, Giselle, please.
No, Craig.
Go fuck yourself.
This guy doesn't
like us being here,
so I'm going.
[sighs] Just stop
being such a baby.
Keith is here.
You'll be fucking fine.
Oh, why is that?
Is he, like, ghost
bulletproof or something?
[muttering mockingly]
On the contrary,
my child.
They've come
after me first.
They can attack me
and they know it.
Oh. Great.
Oh, hell, no!
What the fuck, Ray?!
You all need
to hear this shit.
[soft static]
[slam on recording]
Oh, my god.
That was--
That was a no?
That's a Class-A evp
if I ever heard one.
Fuck me.
How is that
Woman: Oh, crap.
What's wrong
with seal?
Keith, are--
Are you channeling?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
someone else here.
I-It's not Thomas.
It's the missis
of the house.
What was that?
Anna says hi.
Come sit with me,
[floor creaking]
You don't mind I'm
sitting on your bed, do you?
That's right.
Come over here.
[creaking continues]
Come. I won't hurt you.
Let's be friends.
She's there?
She's here.
Oh, I see.
What about me?
Oh, god.
No, what about me?
She's gone.
You were pointing
at me. Why?
She recognizes you.
Heh. She recognized me.
Maybe 'cause
you work here?
Yeah. Oh, that's--
That's gotta be it.
Hold up.
Keith: Ah.
Ah. Oh, I see.
Me? What about me?
[woman wails]
You all hear
that shit?
Yeah. I think
everybody heard
that shit.
Dude, this could
get us, like,
a show
on syfy channel
or something.
We should
be filming this.
I think I just
shit myself
a little bit.
Okay, that's it.
I'm leaving.
Giselle, ghosts
can't hurt you.
they--they can.
There was
this case in 1987--
you know what?
I think Giselle's
We've overstayed
our welcome.
They're just trying
to get our attention.
This is a terrible way
to spend a Saturday night.
Looking for ghosts?
Walking around
an old house
in the dark?
What the fuck
is that all about?
It's stupid.
If ghosts were real,
it wouldn't matter
when you
looked for them.
Ray: Well,
the theory is--
fuck the theory.
They can have this
shitty-ass house
to themselves.
They don't have to
go around
slamming doors
in my face
or trying to scare
the shit out of me.
Gigi, calm down.
I'm calm, Vanessa.
I am super calm.
I just want
to get the fuck
out of this house.
Where are
the stairs?
They're down that way.
What? Don't look at me.
She's your friend.
Oh, come on.
Yeah, you'll be
thanking us
when we're making bank
off our ghost-hunting show.
the whole thing.
Um, hello?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Giselle. [gasping]
Get down here!
Oh, shit.
No, no, no, no.
Penny: no, no.
She must have tripped
down the stairs.
How's that happen?
Is she okay?
Giselle, honey.
Craig: Penny,
is she...
Penny: Hey.
Giselle. No.
No way, man.
she can't be.
Well, does she
have a pulse?
Giselle, honey.
Giselle, honey.
Giselle, wake up.
This isn't good.
Yeah, no shit.
No, I mean
for the house.
This isn't good
for the house.
No way, man.
We need to--
We need to call
for help, right?
Penny, let me see
your phone.
This isn't fucking
happening right now.
Just shut up, Craig.
Listen, both of you,
shut up.
What are you doing?
What the fuck does
it look like I'm doing?
What are you
talking about?
Who are you
gonna call?
I'm gonna call 911.
No. No,
you can't do that.
Am I cra--
Get the fuck off me.
Are you fucking crazy?
Don't be an idiot, man.
Give me that fucking--
What the fuck--
Give me the phone!
Fuck off, Craig.
This is fucking
serious, man!
Craig, man,
what are you doing?
Don't you guys
fucking get it?!
It'll look
like we killed her.
Are you crazy?
I'm the only one
the situation
correctly here.
You're such
a fucking asshole.
I'm an asshole?
Yeah, you.
We broke
into a house...
and our friend fell
down the stairs, right?
Who is gonna buy
that shit?
If we don't call,
they'll think
we did it.
No. No. No.
Listen, uh...
we get
out of here.
We make it look
like she snuck in
by herself
and fell
down the stairs
while walking around
in the dark.
That way,
none of us get
any shit for this.
I am doing this
for all of you.
Now we need to get
our stories straight.
Otherwise, they're gonna
pin this shit on us.
What in the name
of god are you
talking about?
It was
an accident!
An accident?
You think they're
gonna believe that?
Innocent people
go to jail
all the time!
Our friend is dead,
and you want to argue
about whether or not
we should call for help!
I'm just trying
to be realistic,
Pen, okay?
This looks
really bad,
and we're not even
supposed to be here.
No, this was your idea!
Well, you didn't
have to let us in!
You could have
just said no!
You're just
as responsible
for this as--
[line rings]
of your emergency.
Yes, hello.
My name is Penny Abbott,
And I'm
at the Whaley house.
Did you say,
"The Whaley House"?
Yes, there's been
an accident.
My friend, she fell
down a flight
of stairs and--
I'm sorry. I can't
hear you too well, ma'am.
Did you say
an accident?
Yes. My friend,
she fell.
She fell down
a flight of stairs.
Ma'am, are you
still there?
Yes, I'm still here!
Ma'am, are you there?
I'm gonna send--[static]
hello! I'm here!
Can you hear me?
we'll send some--
My friend...
oh, come on!
What happened?
My battery died.
That happens.
a spirit will drain
battery power
from cameras,
meters, even
They feed off it.
Will you cut the crap
with that ghost shit?!
Well, did
you at least
get through?
I don't know.
Well, did you,
or didn't you?
What do you mean?
I don't know, okay?
I spoke with someone,
but I don't know
if they could hear me.
I--I don't know.
probably better
that way.
Now you shut
the fuck up, man!
Just trying to help.
Fucking idiot.
Both of you
just stop, okay?
I'm gonna get...
It's hot.
I'm afraid...
they won't
let us go.
I never felt it
like this before.
It's like hate.
Energy coursing
through this house,
it's omnipotent.
Your poor friend's
that strengthened them.
Strengthened them how?
I hear voices.
I hear a lot of them.
They're saying...
Blood has been spilled.
When we die,
we open the doorway
to the next world
for our soul.
Like the vortex?
The vortex
is always open
and weaker,
but a fresh death tears
the next world open.
Wait. What are
you saying, man?
Your friend's death...
No, wait.
Not just your friend.
There has been--
There has been
more blood spilled
on the property.
More blood?
What--what about
that woman
Who spazzed out
earlier this afternoon?
She--she's not dead.
She was alive
when they took her
to the hospital.
I see a woman
and two men
right there.
Oh, shit!
Their deaths has
opened the portal wide,
wider than ever...
And they're
keeping it open,
drawing strength
from both sides.
No. He is.
I hear you.
I hear you, Mr. Whaley.
He can finally
bring his family over
to the other side.
The portal has
allowed them a way out,
but he's propping it
open for some reason.
I'm afraid they aim
to do us harm.
Why? What did
we ever do to them?
It's because of her.
No, not this again.
Yeah, enough of this.
Let's smash a window.
Shh. Stand still.
[clock ticking]
Do you all feel that?
[house rumbling]
Oh, no.
What the fuck
was that all about?
It's okay.
Just an earthquake?
Not an earthquake.
That was the portal,
my young friends.
It was trying to close,
but it can't,
so it's affecting
our reality.
They broke
my equipment!
You okay, man?
No, I am not okay!
Do you know how expensive
this shit is?!
You just can't
run down to walmart
and buy a--
A trifield meter.
Damn it!
Now some
stupid-ass ghost
Has to come
and break my shit?
Cuz, it's okay.
No, it's not okay.
Fuck you, ghost!
Do you hear me?!
Who the hell
do you think you are,
breaking a man's shit?
Do you know how hard
I work for this--
I work a minimum-wage job
to afford this shit,
and you just gonna
come and break it?
Fuck you!
Ray, be careful.
They're listening.
Good! I hope
they hear me!
Damn ghosts
can suck my dick.
Come on, ghosts!
Where are you?!
Come on, now.
Bang on a wall now,
Ray, stop it.
Don't call them out.
make them angry.
Good! Where are you?!
Where are you? 10 years,
I been looking for you.
Heh. Maybe a noise here.
Maybe a whisper there,
but that's all crap.
If you're there,
I want to fucking
see you.
Don't do that.
Here I am.
Come and get me,
[Ray panting]
Can't breathe.
[rope stretching]
[dog barks]
Okay, okay, okay.
[Vanessa crying]
Shh. Shh. Okay.
This isn't right.
None of this,
this isn't right.
This is--Penny,
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
We're gonna get
out of here, okay?
No. No,
I know we're not.
Don't lie to me.
we're gonna be okay,
all right?
You gotta stay strong.
Gotta stay strong, okay?
[footsteps upstairs]
Shh. Shh.
Okay. It's okay.
[slam slam]
[footsteps continue]
He's up there.
They all are.
No. No, the doors
are locked solid.
Yeah, it's like
a meat locker
back there.
[slam slam]
Are you seriously
going back up there?
[slam slam]
Well, yes.
We have
to talk to them,
ask for
their forgiveness.
Maybe they'll
let us out
if we plead
for mercy.
Plea for mercy?
What about all that
"power of christ
compels you" stuff?
Shouldn't we able
to force them
to let us go?
They're not like that.
They aren't evil.
They aren't?
They aren't evil?
Ray is dead, okay?!
Giselle is dead.
I know. No,
they're just desperate.
Desperate for what?
But I'm not sure why.
It's okay.
You guys can stay here
if you want.
I'm going up
to find out.
It's cold
up here, too.
Whaley family,
we come as friends.
Where can we speak?
No! No! No!
Penny: Vanessa!
Oh, god.
are you hurt?
What happened?
She grabbed me!
She grabbed me!
What? But there's--
There's nobody
in here.
Guys, look.
Vanessa: Oh, god.
Oh, god.
What is it?
I see something.
It's not Thomas.
Keith, what is it?
Back up!
Back up now!
Go back!
Go away! Go back!
[Vanessa sobbing]
[Penny murmuring,
it's okay.
Okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
What was it?
What the hell
did you see, man?
It wasn't--
It wasn't human.
Not human?
Like what?
Like a fucking demon
or something?
stay with me, okay?
Okay, I thought you said
they were just ghosts.
[Vanessa crying]
It wasn't a Whaley.
Stay with me, okay?
I know. I know. I know.
I know. I know. I know.
It said its name
was Santiago.
Yankee Jim?
Who's Yankee Jim?
He was hanged
on the property
when it was
a gallows.
He was too tall
for the noose,
so he stood
on his tiptoes
when they dropped him.
Penny: Shh.
It took him
hours to die.
His real name
was Santiago,
and he's
supposed to be one
of the resident ghosts.
So, what? So he's
not human anymore?
W-what the fuck?
He told me he died bad.
He stayed bad.
Stay out!
Stay back!
You have no power
over us!
Go away!
Go away!
He's gonna
break the fucking
door down!
I fucking told you!
[Vanessa sobbing]
Oh, my god.
[sobbing continues]
is that you?
Oh, my god.
[sobbing ends]
He's gone.
Well, he was sure
as shit there
a fucking
minute ago.
I figure it's
exhausted itself
with the door
and needs to rest.
Why is he an it?
If he was--
If he was human once,
why is he an it?
He died bad...
on the wrong side.
What is that stuff?
Purified and
blessed sea salt
with powdered angelica root.
Helps to protect
against negative energy.
Oh, is that gonna
keep them outside?
It should work.
Ah, shit!
[crickets chirping]
[thunder rumbling]
You ever been
in this place before?
They say it's haunted.
Oh, yeah?
You get a bunch
of prank calls
about this place?
None. This might be
the first one.
[rings doorbell]
[thunder crashes]
Place looks like
it's been ransacked.
Any ghosts?
Let's go around back.
Probable cause.
SDPD! Who's here?!
Pretty sure they
wouldn't have a pulse
if I checked anyway.
You want to call it in?
I got it.
We are so fucked
right now.
I--I mean, like--
Shh, shh, shh.
I mean, like fucked---
Shut up! Shut up.
Like really fucked.
Listen! Listen!
Officer: This is
the San Diego
police department!
Is anybody sick
or injured in the house?
Dispatch, this is
Officer Downs. Come back.
Dispatch, do you copy?
What, is it wonky?
Signal's doing something.
Try yours.
Hey! Hey!
Put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
Put your hands up!
I was the one that
called you guys, okay?
All right, come down here.
Keep your hands where
we can see 'em.
There are more of us.
One of us is hurt.
[woman sobbing]
I got it.
Okay, you go.
I got them.
Where is he going?
Ma'am, San Diego police.
Are you all right?
Ma'am, are you hurt?
Officer: Okay,
hold it, you two.
Where's your friends?
Go, go, go, go, go.
Gates: Oh, my god.
Gates, what is it?
What's he doing?
Hey, cool it
with that stuff, man.
Shit. You think
chairs are gonna keep
those fuckers out, man?
This is magic, dude.
This'll work.
Gates: This is ridiculous.
What the fuck?
Dispatch, come back. Over.
Still not working?
No, it isn't.
Backup'll be here soon,
though, right?
I mean, you guys
can't just fall
off the map, huh?
Yeah, if we don't
check in within
half an hour,
they send
another squad car out.
I hope it's
not too long.
Vanessa isn't
doing very well.
Yeah, but--
But she'll
be okay, right?
No, she's not.
I know you're there.
I know you are.
Who's there?
Come on out.
You think we should
leave the room?
I wouldn't do that.
I'll be right back.
She looks like Lisa.
Hey, this salt
stuff'll protect us
in here, right?
Yes, unless there's
something in here already.
I know you're here.
What's your name, child?
What's your name,
Wait, sweetheart.
What about Keith?
Man, fuck Keith, okay?
He can take it down
when he gets back.
Help me, please.
[humming, murmuring]
Hey, I think there
might be something
wrong with your friend.
Hey, baby,
are you okay?
[continues humming]
What is she saying?
Fuck me!
Holy shit!
Fucking freeze!
This is my house.
My house.
Will die.
Vanessa, what's--
Vanessa is asleep.
You're not Vanessa.
You belong to us.
Why are you
doing this?
We want you back.
Back from what?
You ours.
How am I yours?
You missing.
You're missing me?
Hey, give us
our friend back.
Be careful.
She is not yours.
She, too...
Who are you?
Look out! What is she--
Penny: No.
Watch out!
Honey, it's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
What happened?
You know, I don't--
No. Now they're
fucking possessing us.
I have had it
with this shit, man!
Hey, stay calm.
I'm getting
the fuck out of here!
I'm not gonna wait
for these fucks
to kill us all!
Craig, wait.
I'm gonna break
this fucking window!
[crickets chirping]
[clock ticking]
[soft whispering]
Where'd you go, child?
I know you're up here.
[whispering continues]
Don't be afraid.
You know, I had
a daughter once.
She was so beautiful,
had a smile that
would make my day.
Her name was Lisa.
She's gone now, too.
She was hit by a car...
her and her mommy,
a long time ago.
[breathes deeply]
I miss my little girl
very much.
I remember
the hugs the best.
May I give you a hug?
I'm sorry, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
Where'd you go,
Where are you,
What is this?
Not supposed
to be there.
[screams echoing]
Vanessa: Why would
they do that to Craig?
Jesus, Vanessa!
Shh, shh, shh.
Vanessa, just--
Just stop it, okay?
Sweetie, please.
Vanessa, Vanessa,
Vanessa, Vanessa,
Vanessa, Vanessa,
Put the gun down.
You don't need that.
Of course I do.
It's because of you
that we're all here.
You deserve to die
more than Craig did.
She's fucking
lost it.
She's fucking
lost it.
They aren't
gonna let us leave.
Can't you see that?
I mean, they win.
They win, right?
I mean, they win, right?
They win.
Vanessa, don't.
Don't, babe.
Vanessa, what are you doing?
Just--Just stop it, okay?
She won't let me.
You have to. Do it.
Stay with us.
Ah, she wants it
to be like Violet.
Penny: Vanessa,
put the fucking
gun down!
Violet died
of a broken heart.
Me, too.
No! Vanessa, no!
Get her.
Vanessa. Vanessa.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's not so bad.
They think...
You're Violet.
I'm done.
I give up.
No. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
No, don't--
Don't you say that.
Don't you say that, okay?
We can get out of this.
We can't.
We can't.
We can--
We can at least try.
Okay, I need you
to focus.
Penny, need you to focus.
Fire escape.
The fire escape.
What fire escape?
The fire--
There's a fire--
A hatch
in the attic.
a fire escape,
a way out of here.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, Penny, let's go.
Where is it?
It's back
around here.
It's padlocked,
but maybe we can
rip it from the wall.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa.
It must have
been Keith's.
Penny: Then
he's up here?
Oh, my god! Pull me!
Pull me! Pull me!
Pull me out!
Pull me out!
Penny! Aah!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Shit! Shit!
Oh, my god! Aah!
What the--What--
What the fuck?! Aah!
No! No! Please!
No! No! Aah!
No, please. No, please.
Please, just let me go.
Aah! No!
Please, no.
No, please.
We love you.
Come with us.
Come with us.
Mommy is--
No, no!
It's been so long.
We've missed you.
I'm not Violet.
You belong to us.
My name is Penny.
I'm not Violet.
You--You made
a mistake.
just leave me alone.
Anna: We love you.
We missed you
so much.
Come back.
Violet's gone.
Come back.
Go be with her.
You belong with us.
Please just me go.
Violet, please.
Violet, please.
Go. Go be with Violet.
It's over.
It's over.
[tumbling down stairs]
[birds chirping]
[woman gasping]
All right, ma'am.
Stay behind me.
Stay behind me.
Stay behind me.
Oh, god. What is--
What is--
Penny, Penny,
are you in there?
Ma'am, stay back.
Penny. No, no.
No, no, no. Stay back.
I need to see.
Ma'am, trust me.
I need to see.
Oh, my god!
Dispatch, this is
Officer Jones.
I'm at the Whaley home.
Oh, god, what is it?
Send in more pd...
Homicide, please.
It can't--No, no, no.
Ma'am, please.
No, no, no.
Please stop.
No! Oh, god!
Are you gonna
be okay, ma'am?
No. No.
I'm not, not for
a very long time.
We'll need you
to come down and make
a statement at the station.
Oh, does it have
to be this second?
I'm afraid so, ma'am.
Are you okay to drive,
or would you
like a ride?
I can drive.
Ju-just give me
a moment to close up
the house.
[wheels rolling]
Is--is that her?
Oh, Penny,
I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry.
Good-bye, Penny, dear.
Oh, Bethany,
thank god.
Damn this house.
She wasn't
yours to take.
They didn't
take me, Bethany.
I'm right here.
But they
didn't take me.
all gone now.
I'm right here.
all gone now.
I'm--I'm here.
You did look
so much like her.
Why can't you
hear me, Bethany?
You just had
to have her.
Why can't you
hear me?
I'm here, Bethany.
I'm right here!
Penny, dear?
Was that you?
Penny, dear?
Oh, Penny,
I'm so very sorry.
But don't worry.
You won't be lonely.
I'll be around.
No. No. No, Be--
No. No.
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
[music playing]
looking in the mirror
no reflection
searching for a pulse
no detection
trying to find a sign
that I exist at all
memory of you
a flash of lightning
a dark and empty house
can feel so frightening
the sound
of my own voice
just echoes
off the walls
till I've given up
the ghost
given up the ghost
given up the ghost
in this haunted,
haunted home
spiders in my sleep
afraid of dreaming
my mind is off the hook
the phone is screaming
I'm reaching out for you
when someone
cuts the line
shadows on the move
a faded photo
a footstep in the hall
a shattered window
the wind comes
crashing in
to take me back in time
until I've given up
the ghost
given up the ghost
given up the ghost
in this haunted,
haunted home
another stormy night
supernatural feeling
another stormy night,
and I'm scared
and I'm scared
of the dark
scared of the dark
another stormy night
supernatural feeling
another stormy night,
and I'm scared
and I'm scared
of the dark
scared of the dark
without you
till I've given up
the ghost
given up the ghost
given up the ghost
in this haunted,
haunted home
another stormy night
supernatural feeling
another stormy night,
and I'm scared
and I'm scared
of the dark
scared of the dark
another stormy night
supernatural feeling
another stormy night,
and I'm scared
and I'm scared
of the dark
scared of the dark
another stormy night
supernatural feeling
another stormy night,
and I'm scared
and I'm scared
of the dark
scared of the dark
another stormy night
supernatural feeling...