Haven (2004) Movie Script

- [Waves Breaking On Shore]
- [Birds Twittering]
[Seagulls Squawking]
- I missed you.
- I missed you.
So where's the family?
Hammer's on the wave runner.
Mommy and Daddy
are on the beach.
Way down on the beach.
You're safe.
[Phone Ringing]
- Hello?
- I'm saying good-bye, man.
What's the matter?
- The Fall of Rome.
- Where?
Where else?
Allied Cayman Bank.
I just got the word.
They're coming in 15 minutes.
You're joking.
You're just telling me this now?
- You're supposed to keep me informed.
- Your clients will understand.
- Fuck the clients. I'm talking about me.
- What?
Gene, you've gotta go in
and transfer my account.
- I didn't know you had one.
- You think I'd live in a fucking tax haven...
making other cunts rich
and not put something aside for myself?
You're not supposed
to have an offshore account.
- How much are you in for?
- Everything. Just over a million.
- Jesus. I'm sorry, brother.
- [Elevator Bell Dings]
There are 500 banks on this
fucking island, Gene. We'll be all right.
Okay? Gene-
[Line Disconnects, Dial Tone]
[Sirens Wailing]
I'm looking for the prospectus
for the condo property.
[Woman] Uh, I must have left it
back in the office, sir.
Yeah, I bring you to Miami
for two fucking hours.
You bring a roller case full of fuck-knows-what
and forget the most important piece-
- Allenl
- Carl.
- Welcome to Florida.
- How's it going?
Oh, hi. You guys have
a good trip in?
Allen, I've been thinking it over,
and I really think this is the end of it.
I'm out.
It's just with my daughter's
I'm thinking it's time
to take the higher road.
Um, we can deal differently. You know,
we can go into hedge funds, bonds-
No, no, no, no.
That's not my style.
Besides, what's all this
I've been reading...
you know, about the banks down there
closing left and right?
Th-They're just clearing out the riffraff-
you know, the fucking cunts-
and leaving the way clear
for legitimate businessmen...
uh, like yourself.
So what are you gonna do
with all the money under the mattress?
What about the condo? I invest 1.5.
I don't even get a brochure?
Don't worry. I'll get my idiot secretary
to fax you one as soon as we get to the island.
- You should lighten up on her.
- Fuck her. Excuse me.
[Horns Honking]
So, Pip, you're 18.
You gonna get laid sometime soon?
Hey, as soon as I find a decent man.
[Girl] Good luck with that.
The boys at our school?
- Are you serious?
- [Carl] Good evening, ladies.
- [Girl] Hi, Mr. Ridley.
- Hey, Dad, you made it.
- Of course.
- [Kisses]
- Happy birthday, sweetheart.
- Thank you.
I'm so proud of you, sweetheart.
We'll celebrate this weekend, okay?
- Why are you leaving so soon?
- Oh, come on. You don't
want me spoiling your party.
- Eighteen years old! Oh, my God!
- [Laughing]
- Bye, sweetheart.
- Bye.
- Love you guys.
- Thank you.
Nice. Let me see.
[Radio: Deejay]
Different game in the a.m. I
Looking for caller number 13
on this unlucky Friday.
Gonna be lucky for somebody.
Good morning, Miamil Whool
##[Radio: Woman Singing]
Sheila, it's Carl.
No, no, no. Me first.
I feel like an ass.
L-That scene yesterday,
that whole charade.
I should've called you,
and I'm sorry.
I just don't want you to think
it didn't mean anything.
Sheila? Hello? Sheila?
Bye, Dad. Love you.
- Hey, Consuela. I'm leaving.
- [Ringing]
- Would you like something to eat?
- Oh, sure.
- Can you wrap it up for me?
- How was your birthday?
Oh, it was so much fun.
I wish you could've been there.
- Okay, I gotta go. Bye.
- Okay. Have a nice day.
- Dad, you got a fax!
- Drive safely, honey.
[Fax Machine Beeps]
[Police Radio Chatter]
Is Mr. Ridley available?
It's okay.
Carl Ridley. Special Agent Martinez,
Department ofTreasury.
- Am I under arrest?
- No, no, no. No.
We're just here
to serve you this subpoena.
We need to seize anything
that might be relevant business-wise.
Consuela, get these men
what they need.
- Okay, mister.
- Excuse me. I'm late for an appointment.
Good luck with that
appointment, Carl.
Let's get to work.
Take it all.
You two, upstairs.
[Horns Honking]
Five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Okay, jumping jacks.
And one, two, three, four...
five, six and seven and down.
- And one, two-
- What are you doing?
- Pippa, sweetheart, I need to talk to you.
- No, stop.
- I'm her father.
- You can't take a student out of class.
- Don't.
- Please.
Sirl [Blows Whistle]
Folks, this is
your captain speaking.
We'd like to welcome you
to Owen Roberts International Airport...
in George Town
on Grand Cayman Island.
[Horns Honking]
Is there some other way
you can get around this?
Oh, be cool, cat.
It's 4:15 on a Friday.
Don't know where
you're rushing to, man.
##[Woman Singing Reggae]
## [Singing Continues]
- ##[Continues]
- It's a shrine to all the fishermen passed on.
It's all closed, man.
They won't be openin'till Monday.
- What about Cayman Merchant?
- They've been closed for the last four months.
- Pippal
- That's my father there.
Come on, honey.
We gotta go.
We weren't expecting you
for several weeks, Mr. Ridley.
Yeah, I know.
I must say
you have a lovely daughter.
She's not exactly digging my chili
at the moment, if you know what I mean.
[Laughs] Oh, goodness, yes.
I have one of my own.
- Something wrong?
- I only seem to have the spare key at the moment.
Oh, that's fine. We'll come down
if we need anything.
- Okay. Thank you, Mr. Ridley.
- See you later.
Thank you.
Come on, Pip.
It's C-4.
What, you're not
speaking to me now?
You had this planned
the whole time.
It was supposed to be a place
for us to spend Christmas.
- A surprise.
- Yeah, well, I'm fucking surprised.
Hey, you know what?
Look at me!
Hey, we're gonna start over.
It's gonna be okay.
How? Everything we had
was back there.
Well, I'll hire someone
to pack up the house.
We'll get you a new car.
How does that sound?
It's not about the stupid car, Dad.
It's my friends, memories.
Mom was buried in Miami.
You can't just pack that stuff up into a box.
Honey, they were
gonna take everything.
They already have.
- Huh? [Gasps]
- Oh!
Sorry. Um, pardon. Oh.
It's 949-9211. Call me.
I'm sweatin' you out here.
Dad, can you have somebody
come change the sheets in my room?
- What's wrong?
- I don't like the color.
- Well, sure, sweetheart.
- I'm going to the beach.
Have fun.
[Seagulls Squawking]
She doesn't like the color.
That's my princess.
Darren. Two more. Blue.
Good stuff.
[Man] Yo, bloods,
I not askin'ya. I tellin'ya.
I had to fight the bitch off
to get my clothes on.
You don't believe me?
Man, I ain't got to prove nothin', blood.
- Who I be's in here? Who I be's?
- Hey, Fritz Boy, right?
Yeah. You left your
wallet and your watch.
- Yeah, sorry about that,
sweetness. Shut up, y'all.
- [Laughter]
I was doin' the drinking
thing last night.
I must've walked
into the wrong condo.
Or the right condo,
depending on how you see it.
I guess drinking's not for everyone.
[Gene] I do appreciate
what you've done for me, Allen.
Just think about
the family, man. Be smart.
I am smart, for God's sake.
Mind if I chill here?
I'm keeping the pot you left.
Call it a room charge.
Yeah, that's cool.
That's cool.
I can get you some more
of that if you want.
I'm sure I'll have no problem
finding drugs on a Caribbean island.
Cayman is a little different
than America.
Gotta have connections.
Can you break a hundred?
- Yeah, man. Can break anything.
- Oh.
[Clears Throat]
Looks pretty good.
Very tasty.
- You use some kind of special sauce, right?
- Yo, chicken specialistl
That little brown boy Fritz-
You seen him?
No, king man.
- Where have you been all this time?
- Hey, Dad.
I was with Fritz.
He's the son of the manager.
- What happenin', Mr. Carl?
- Yeah, pleasure. Let's go.
- See you later.
- All right, cool. We'll link later.
C-4, right?
- [Beeping, Dialing]
- Allen, where are you?
Call me when you get this.
Or better yet, get your ass over here.
I'm starting to feel
like a fuckin' hostage.
I don't know whether to hang here
or come look for you. C-4.
##[Man Singing]
Psst. Pippa?
What happenin'? Come here.
- What are you doing here?
- Shh. Don't wake your father up, man.
- He's already sleeping.
- So, what's goin' on? Look at you, girl.
You ready or what?
Not tonight.
I'm really jet-lagged.
- ##[Continues]
- From Florida?
Come on.
You're talkin' foolishness.
It's your first night.
Gonna be live tonight.
My cousin throwin' a little party.
- Fool, come on.
- I can't.
- ##[Continues]
- I brought you something.
You got this
from the door, stupid.
Look, no, no. L-
It's just- I couldn't find one
as pretty as you, of course.
Has that line
ever worked for you?
You gonna come, right? Come on, girl.
You know you wanna dance.
Shake your thing,
like they say in America.
- All right. Let me just get dressed.
- No, no, no, no, no.
It's bad luck to leave a conch shell inside.
What's wrong with you?
I'll take my chances.
- What are you doing?
- I left some beers in the fridge.
I gotta get 'em.
- What happened to my sheets?
- Okay.
- Wait. Your father. Shh.
- Go. Yeah, my father.
- They soft and "caressable" like me, girl.
- Yeah, uh-huh.
[Rubbing Floor]
[Hisses, Groans]
[Sighs, Mutters]
Oh, God.
- Live, right?
- How come every time I see you,
you've got a different car?
Connections, girl.
This is my island.
I run this motherfuckin' rock.
I tellin' ya.
I not askin' ya.
- What did you just say?
- Boo! Run it, girl.
[Horn Honks]
This nigga's bad.
Yo, boo, think
she wearin' panties?
- This is lookin' fun.
- Yeah, girl.
The party's not happenin' without Fritz.
You know that.
Hey, yo, yo, yo.
What's up, sexy?
When are you gonna
give me some of this?
Oh, behavel Jesusl
What the fuck are you doing?
Sorry, big man.
##[Woman Singing In Spanish]
Yo, Fritz! What up?
[Speaking English]
Yo, listen.
It ain't nothin' like that.
- You're not listening to me.
- Since when?
I can't believe that Richie grabbed
my fucking vagina on the way in here.
- He's lucky he didn't lose his ring.
- Fuck both of you.
Fucking together.
I'm sorry.
Um, can I help you?
No. I just-
I saw your iguana.
Why don't you sit down, sister?
Take a line off.
- ##[Continues]
- [Chattering]
Everybody get the fuck outl
- [Chattering]
- [Man] Let's head out.
[Chattering Continues]
Hammer, some dude outside
lookin' for your sister, yo.
Fucking pussyhole.
Got this.
Rich, what goin'on, man?
This party live, man.
- Whoo, this my juice! Look at this-
- What the fuck you doin'?
- Why the rise?
- Shut the fuck up! You crash into my ride.
- You hop in talkin' about we're
gonna work some shit out.
- Yeah, man.
- Four fuckin' months, nigga?
- Yeah, man, I've been tryin'-
- Rich, I've been tryin'
to work somethin' out for you.
- Yeah?
The shit better be workin' out
right now, man.
Oh, you know Fritz?
It is a small island.
Everybody knows Fritz.
Seriously, did he, um,
show you the sunset...
or try the one about how
the water's prettier at night?
- [Snorts, Laughs]
- Um, no.
Actually, he, uh-
he gave me a shell.
- Watch out. That guy's a land shark.
- You don't understand.
- He left her on the side of the road.
- You want a bump?
I got dollars on my brain.
Rich, I know, man.
You bad, man. I know that.
I know somewhere where you can get more
than enough money to fix your car right now.
- Tonight. Right now-
- Speak.
Shit. Fuck.
[Carl's Voice]
Goddamn jerk chicken.
Do you guys have any pot though?
It really helps me focus.
- What are we? Fuckin' Rastas?
- [Snorts, Laughs]
Season spliff.
Island tradition.
Oh, my God.
Thank you guys so much.
You have no idea.
My dad has just been such a jerk.
So, are you just visiting,
or, um, did your dad...
start a hedge fund,
fuck the boss and retire early?
Um, neither, really.
She's a lifer, definitely.
You can just see it in her eyes.
[All Laughing]
Welcome to our little island.
Um, do you guys know
where the bathroom is?
It's over there.
- This is fucked up, Eva.
- [Laughs]
She's not gonna last six months.
With Fritz, I'd be surprised
if she lasts the weekend.
[Gasping, Panting]
- There's somebody in here.
- [Door Closes]
Bitch, there's room for two.
- [Sighs]
- [Urinating]
Here. Have some stabilizer.
Courtesy of Rich Boy Rich.
Of course, you might know me
as Nigga Rich, behind my back.
I would never use that word.
Yo, baby, I don't
give a fuck, all right?
I got no chip
on my damn shoulder either.
Stop all that drinking.
Psst! Baby love.
##[Man Singing]
- What happened?
- Where the fuck have you been?
You just left me.
I don't even know anybody.
I know. I know. I sorry.
Are you okay? Did they hurt you?
Just take me away from here.
Pippa, Pippa, anything
them girls say, they lyin'.
They schized-out coke fiends.
Don't listen to them.
I don't care.
Just take me home.
Hey, I can't do that right now.
I'll take you for some fresh air.
Come on. Come on.
Yo, Fritz, don't go out there.
They fightin', man.
- Fuck!
- Did he say there's a fight? Who's fightin'?
Some niggas always
got to fuck up a good time.
Let's go to your house.
Pippa? Pippa?
[Buoy Bell Clanging]
So you cool?
Yo, there's this song you need to add
to the soundtrack of your life, girl.
Come on.
You know you love it.
I just want to forget
about my life right now.
It's fucked up. I hate my father.
No, yo. We gots to forget
about that. Come on, girl.
Tonight our night.
We gonna have fun. Come on.
This isn't your boat.
Yeah, yo. This-
This my brethren's boat.
My friend.
He cool with it. Don't worry.
It's the quickest way
across the island.
No worries, girl.
Here we go now.
Here we go.
Ladies first, of course.
Watch your step.
Raw, dude.
Here we go now.
Make yourself comfortable,
girl. Sit down.
A little something, Cayman style.
Yeah, sorry about that.
I don't think they got a radio here.
Oh, um, l-I don't drink.
You sure?
It's not that strong, man.
[Moans, Sighs]
To us. Of course.
You know, Pippa...
it's so crazy...
how you can meet somebody
for the first time...
and feel more connected to them...
than the people you've supposedly
known your whole life.
I feelin'like you're
this beautiful mango.
Ripe. Waiting
for someone to pick you.
Central, you on patrol?
Yeah, looks like we got
a burglary on Cayman.
- [Man] Securityl Hello? Oil
- Shit.
You bastardsl
On your feet, Fritzyl
I thought this was your friend's boat.
[Man] Quite a nice Bimmer.
Was it yours?
[Dispatcher On Radio]
All unitsl All unitsl
Hey, what's all this?
Oh, hey, bro.
There was a shootout.
Yeah, man.
It's the end of an era.
[Man Narrating]
In 1973, there was only one inmate...
in the Cayman Islands Prison.
Since that time, there has been
an average of one murder per year.
The majority of these incidents
have fallen under three categories-
vehicular homicide...
or drug-related-
all the incidents except one.
On the quiet side of the island, a group
of fishermen engaged in a heated debate.
The homicide was witnessed
by the fisherman's seven-year-old son...
who for nearly five years
did not say a word to anyone.
This earned him the nickname Shy.
What's up, Shy?
Me and the boss takin' the boat out
tonight for some deep-sea fishing.
- You won't be needing me later then?
- No, no, no, man.
But I have two bookings
in the morning.
- I want you up and at 'em.
- This one here. We got this last week.
You guys are gonna love it.
It's brand-new.
- Cheers, Marvin.
- Take it easy, bro.
Good evening, sir.
- Marvin.
- How's it going, sir?
How are you?
This kid here-
- He work for me?
- Since high school.
Daughters and the wives love him.
You should see when he's working.
The tip jar is full.
I'm not running some kind of match
service here, man. Gentlemen.
[Door Closes]
[Laughs, Sighs]
You're home early. You can come
to church with me tomorrow.
Oh, Mom, I'd love to,
you know, but I've gotta go to work.
You know why I go to church?
To thank God for my good son.
Well, maybe you can tell
that to the boss then.
Or his daughter.
Oh, yeah.
I've been hearing things.
Mom, church ladies aren't
supposed to be gossiping.
I'm her teacher.
Schoolgirls do.
Now, you be careful.
You know me, Mom.
I'm always careful.
Two carrot juice
and two fish soup, please.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you. You're welcome very much.
[Chattering Continues]
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.
- Fly Guy, Shy and Kimo.
- What's happening?
Snort in faith, dog.
Yo, Kimo, what's the deal with this switching
chips thing? It seems kind of shady.
You mean you been here all these years
and not figured that shit out yet?
Look, the barter system.
The sour cream and onions is the weed...
and the nacho chips,
that's the cash.
- It's a flawless system.
- Very creative.
Who you talkin' about?
But, yo, on a real note, check this.
Motherfucker! What'd you do?
Rob the marine supply store?
No, dog,
I went on the Internet.
is just like a flare, man.
All I gotta do
is file it down a little bit.
Crazy fucker.
Hey, go shoot Shy with that.
Oh, blood, you need to chill out on him.
Where my 10 dollars is?
- Ten dollars for what?
- For what?
I went and got you weed.
And I'm hungry.
Here's your 10 dollars.
- Thanks.
- Now get the fuck out of here.
You the handle.
- You the blade.
- All right. Later.
##[Man Singing In Spanish]
[Man Speaking Spanish]
Is that Kimo,
the magnificent West Indian?
Yo. Yo, dog, I have to go
to school tomorrow.
I know, dog. But it's her birthday, man.
It's her birthday.
You know, ain't never known a brother
so pussy-whipped without gettin' no pussy.
You got a filthy mouth
for such a little dog.
My dog not little though.
- Scrapper.
- Scrapper what?
Teeny little scrapper.
Teeny-weeny scrapper.
Teeny-weeny nothin'.
I'm liftin' trunks, see? I'm liftin' trunks, see?
[Radio Static]
Her dad's on a fishing trip.
He'll be back in the morning.
But if I'm not back in two hours,
come call me. All right?
Toss a pebble at that window.
Do you see it?
Why don't she just come out
in the bushes and make this easier?
Kimo, this is the way
it works with the nice girls.
One day you'll get yours
and you'll know.
I do know she turned legal
about an hour ago...
and you better hurry before
them niggers start lining up.
Don't be turning on
that ghetto stereo.
Look, man, don't be
dissing my pookie, see?
You gotta take this bike and go.
Are you nervous?
We don't have to do this, you know.
We've got our whole
lives ahead of us.
Shy, what do you want
to do with your life?
Besides marry you?
Besides marry me.
Be serious.
I was being serious.
I don't know.
But I feel like I've got some time.
I'm not in any particular hurry.
See, that's what worries me.
You're four years older than me.
Three years, technically,
birthday girl.
Your life has no direction.
All your friends are in high school.
I bet Kimo's outside right now.
- [Laughs]
- Somebody's got to keep watch.
I'm just worried that you're
gonna be one of those island boys...
that's just stuck on spring break.
What are you saying?
I'm nothing like
those boys on spring break.
I've never made a pass at you, Andrea.
I love you.
- No. Shy-
- Let's just-
I want this.
I want to do this.
I know you.
[Rooster Crows]
[Radio Static]
[Horn Tooting]
[Horn Tooting]
[Rooster Crows]
- Oh, shit.
- What?
Do I look like a monster?
No, baby.
You're beautiful.
But I gotta go.
- [Groans]
- Kimo messed up again.
Don't go.
[Sighs] I've got to.
Your dad'll be home.
[Groans, Sighs]
[Toilet Flushes]
[Door Closes]
- Drea?
- Just pretend like you're sleeping.
- [Knocking]
- Oh, shit.
Come on now.
Open the door.
- [Knocking Continues]
- Please. Quiet down, man. Your mom's sleeping.
There's somebody in there.
- Is there a man in there?
- Uh.
A man inside her room?
Boy, go out and catch him!
Run around front!
Open the door for Daddy now.
Sweetie, whatever's going on,
you can talk to me.
I have some people
you can talk to. Don't worry.
How you been? Can I have some of this?
I'll come back, Mommy.
- Yo, what's up, man?
- I can't believe you didn't wake me up.
What am I?
Your pussy watchman?
I need my eight hours.
I must say though, dog, you got skills.
I need to try your
cologne or something.
I'm serious. I just hope she doesn't
get in too much trouble, man.
Her? You need to worry about
if the Hammer gonna chop you to pieces.
He's a rich boy. The worst he can do
is get his dad to fire me.
You know how he got that name?
- 'Cause he hammers people to pieces?
- No, man.
Andrea hit him in the head
with a hammer when he was a kid.
- He's got a little dent right there.
- [Laughing]
- He had you runnin' though.
- Only 'cause your ass didn't wake me up.
[Horn Honks]
- That your ride?
- Yeah.
- Which reminds me.
- Hmm?
- You owe me a bicycle now, dog.
- Come on, man.
Yo, we're all dogs, man.
But, yo, some of us just pedigree.
- [Horn Honks]
- Kimo! How you doin'?
Hey, I'll see you at school.
Whitey boy.
Why-Why doesn't he like me?
Well, you're just not from around here.
That's all.
That's cool.
Ah, my boy.
What's happenin'?
- It's a day of work.
- The boss not here.
Boss not here?
Where is he?
- Hey, yo, Antoine.
- Yeah, yo.
Someone last night
raped his daughter.
Raped her? Raped her?
Yo, I've got to go.
Bro gone mad.
When acid is added to the universal
indicator, what color does it turn?
We can then neutralize the acid by adding
small amounts of alkali drop by drop.
- And what color does it get to?
- [Together] Green.
- Now, make sure that those test tubes-
- Psst. Yo, Keisha.
Girl, what's up with you
and this tub o'lovin'?
Girl, you know I got
a sickness for the thickness.
- Kimo.
- Shy, what are you doin'here?
- I'm looking for Andrea. Have you seen her?
- No, man.
Oh, you come to get some more, huh?
A little quickie in the washroom.
You've gotta stop saying that shit, man.
You're gonna get me in trouble.
Yo, Shy, you were
at my house this morning.
That was you, motherfucker.
I saw you.
You come to my house,
and you rape my sister.
- No, no, no. I didn't rape your sister, man.
- I saw you there.
You lie to me about raping
my fucking sister?
- You fuck with my father's name.
- I didn't rape your sister.
- You fuck with my family name, huh?
- [All Shouting]
- Fight! Fight!
- [School Bell Rings]
- [Shouting Continues]
- Break it up! Break it up!
I want you, you and you
to the office right now! Let's go!
- [Shouting Continues]
- Man.
I don't want you to worry, baby.
But you have to understand this is not a-
some kind of innocent mischief.
This is a serious situation here.
We make mistakes.
It wasn't a mistake.
Darling, you don't
understand what love is.
You don't know man-woman love.
I will talk to the police.
I will handle all the legal concerns.
- But why?
- Because this boy, he come in through a window-
- I let him in.
- You never let no one in your house!
You let him in for what?
To steal the first night
of your womanhood?
Am I to put bars on the window?
- Shy.
- I'm sorry, Mom.
What happened here?
Why were you here today?
I'm serious, kid.
It's gangster, bro.
This is-
This is beyond-
Once you do this,
then there no coming back.
It was just some mix-up.
One of the gangster kids-
You've gotta leave this
school yard stuff behind.
- I know.
- You know how I feel about fighting.
Don't touch this shit.
I don't even want this on me, bro.
I don't pick fights.
Look at this face. It takes after you.
- Come on.
- Stop it.
- Hey, you the handle.
- You the blade, man.
[Rooster Crowing]
Hey, yo, for real, though,
what happened with you and Hammer?
I mean he can't
let this shit go? Move.
Yeah, that shit goes way back.
He came and worked with us one summer down
at the dock, trying to impress his father.
My future brother-in-law, man. He's got
a whole lot of proving to do to the world, yo.
Yeah, but he gotta be
jealous too, though, man.
I mean the brother
not blessed with good looks.
- I prettier than him. In fact, he ugly, dog.
- You're such a pretty boy.
Ah, move, move.
And, yo, I'm serious
about that bike, dog!
[Horn Tooting]
- Yo.
- Yo, Hammer, what are you
doing, man? This is my house.
- Fuck! Fuck!
- [Screaming]
Fuck, Hammer!
##[Man Singing]
[Lock Buzzes]
[Dog Barking]
do you know why you've been made
to come to these sessions?
Because I had a little sex.
Just like every other girl my age.
I don't understand
what's the big deal.
I see you're getting
really upset about this.
Let's talk about something else.
Yeah, let's talk about something else.
Let's talk about Shy.
No! We're not gonna
fucking talk about Shy.
Leave him alone.
Have you tried
reaching out to him?
He used to call me...
[Clears Throat] on his bad days.
He don't want to see me though.
He don't want to see anybody.
Have you ever been in love?
I'm gonna go now.
[Clears Throat]
Just tell my daddy
I stayed the full hour.
Fuck it.
Write whatever you want.
[Seagulls Squawking]
Hey, today Friday the 13th.
Nobody don't go fishing
on the 13th.
Yeah, Shy. It's bad luck, man.
You better stay ashore today.
But if you want, you can come
and play a game of dominoes with us.
Poor sufferer.
[Engine Starts]
You know, they released
your brother today.
- He a little gangster now.
- Shut the fuck up.
So what? We ain't gonna
be able to hang no more?
What's the deal? You want me
to just take you home?
I want you to take me somewhere
and fuck the shit out of me.
[Engine Starts]
- [Radio Static]
- [Rattling]
What's up, big man?
You're like a ghost
in broad daylight.
I never see you no more.
I've been here.
Or out fishing, you know.
For real though. L-
I've been wondering if you're all right.
I'm survivin', you know.
Put a CD player in the pookie.
You know, you should
roll out tonight.
Richie is having his birthday bash.
It's gonna be
a "pootenanny" holiday.
I'll catch you later, yo.
Correction. You can't just expect
to drop out of the world, man.
It's just looks.
You're still the same person.
You're my dog.
It's just looks.
You wanna try
walking around like this?
I'm trying to
keep my heart clean, Kimo.
It was just a pebble at a window, bro.
It was just a pebble
at a fucking window!
I will sue this government.
They keep my boy in jail for four months
with no evidence, no testimony, nothin'.
Four monthsl
And they can't find the fool- the animal
that molest me poor daughter?
My princess.
And you, Mr. Hammer.
You disgrace my name.
You disgrace my family!
Only one thing I do when you were born-
I give you a name.
You're not some pygmy in a bush!
You's a Sterling!
When them judge you,
them judge me.
- And no man judge me!
- [Buzzing]
If you run with them assholes,
you come out and you smell like shit.
But you don't bring that shit
near the Sterling door.
- [Buzzing Continues]
- Is that why you didn't come get me from jail?
- It's not a good time.
- For me either.
No. Hold on.
[Mrs. Sterling]
Who's that on the phone?
None of your business.
I'm here.
I need to talk to you.
Shy, this is gonna get really complicated.
You cannot be in my life right now.
Eh? I can't what?
What are you saying, baby?
You sound so grown-up.
That's what happens
when you leave someone alone.
I didn't leave you, baby.
I didn't.
I'd never leave you, honey.
I just needed a little bit of time.
And we got plenty of that.
Remember? Isn't that what you said?
Take all the time you need.
And when you're ready...
come out from your
fucking hiding place.
- Andrea-
- Just not-
Just not now.
[Phone Buzzing]
Hey, mate. I got your call.
Do you want to get a drink or anything?
Andrea's not the girl...
you used to know.
I mean, there's-
there's been a lot of talk.
- A lot of boys.
- Shut up.
- A lot of men.
- Shut the fuck up.
- I'm sorry.
- No need to say it.
You're too good for her, man.
Stop saying that.
Have you ever really loved, Patrick?
Real love with someone
you can be with.
Let's go. Come on.
##[Thumping Bass]
- ##[Hip-hop]
- [Chattering, Laughing]
- [Man] Where's your friend at?
- [Woman] She's coming now.
- [Sputtering Gasp]
- Hey, yo, yo, yol
What's up, ladies?
What's up?
- Happy birthday.
- Yeah? So, yo, yo, yo.
Come here. When you gon' give me
some of this, huh?
Oh, behave. Jesus!
What the fuck are you doing?
Stingy bitch.
Not even a little birthday pussy, huh?
Nah, youngster.
See, that's the herd mentality.
See, you tryin' to fuck
the cute one, right?
But if that fails, then you find
the youngest, weakest...
dirtiest member of the crew
and you take 'em down.
Got it?
I'm Hammer, man.
Nigga, I know who you are.
This nigga, man.
Hey, yo, boo, go get this nigga
some jumbo shrimp, man.
Come on, kid. Let's get this party crackin'
in this motherfucker, man!
Sorry, man.
This is not my scene, mate.
I'm sure you can handle it.
A season spliff lifts.
## [Continues]
## [Woman Rapping In Spanish]
Shy. Shy! Shy!
Couple of chairs down here, mate.
I'm sorry. Um, can I help you?
I tellin' ya, it had to be
at least a hundred grand...
still countin'cash.
So, what you sayin'? We should just
kick down his door, take his shit?
No, big man.
Go through the front door, yo.
I like that.
If this goes wrong...
you better leave the island.
[Chattering, Laughing]
Shut the fuckin' door, bloods.
[Man Groans]
Get off me!
[Panting, Moaning]
[Fritz] Stop all that drinking.
Psstl Baby love.
- What are you doing here?
- Get off me! Don't touch me!
Your face.
Are you high?
- No. I'm not high.
- Are you high? You're high.
Get off of her.
No, Hammer!
- Come on!
- Stop it!
## [Continues]
Stopl Stop itl
- [Grunting]
- [Man] Watch out.
- Shy, nol
- [Chattering, Shouting]
Leave him alonel Stop itl
- Hammerl
- Kick him!
- [Shy Groaning]
- Stop it! I fucking hate you!
- [Grunting, Sobbing]
- The way I see it, you're my walking trophy.
So all these pussy-tail wanna-be niggas
know who the real deal is.
You stay away from my sister before
I fuck up the other side of your face. Huh?
- You motherfucker!
- [Blows Lands]
Stop it! Stop it!
- [Screams]
- Yol Yol
- Please! Stop it! Fuck you!
- [Men Chattering]
- [Andrea] Leave us alonel
- Yol Yo, Hammerl
- Hammer, calm down.
- Go the fuck home!
Some shit gon' change, huh?
You go the fuck home!
Get off me!
Get the fuck off me!
Nobody fuck with Hammerl
You want some?
Huh? Stay the fuck away
from my sister!
What the fuck, huh?
Go home!
[Hammer Mutters]
Go the fuck home.
Hey, yol
Hey, yo, Hammerl
Why you niggas bringin' drama?
Yo, Hammer!
Come on, man. Let's roll.
Fuck them niggas
bringin'drama and shit.
Are you Patrick?
I'm Andrea.
Listen, do you-
do you know of anywhere, um-
anywhere we could find him,
anyplace special?
Every place was special.
- What does that mean?
- Just tell me where I can find him.
How the fuck should I know? I don't know
where he goes and he hides right now.
No, he's changed.
He's changed a lot.
You have no idea. God, do you have
any concept of what he's been through?
- I know what he's done to me.
- Oh! [Scoffs]
I've seen you at school.
I know what you've become.
- I know what you've become.
- [Chuckles]
You're not worth a second of his time.
Not one second!
And he worships you. He-
He never stops talking about you,
never stops thinking about you.
And I have no idea why. Why?
You tell me something.
Do you keep a picture of him
on your bedside?
You absolutely fucking disgust me.
- I'm sorry, Patrick-
- Oh, don't apologize to me.
- In fact, get out of my car.
- No. Let's go find him.
How dare you.
Get out of my car. Get the fuck-
- No-
- Get out of my car! Get out!
- You sure you wanna do this?
- What?
Yo, Rich, you don't know me...
but I'm the first to roll
on any motherfucker who fuck with me.
But we're gonna smash in
and rob some tourists?
Some guests of the island who didn't fuck
with anybody? Sounds messed up.
You know what?
- You gotta get out.
- [Scoffs]
- See-
- Come on, man.
I know where you're coming from.
I understand.
- But this shit is different.
- We need to keep our business
to ourselves and not the tourists.
- Fuck, they're our bread and butter.
- Maybe for you, Hammer.
You my boy and shit,
your family is rich...
but, dog, you just don't
understand this stuff.
- Fuckin' bar tip boy.
- He's right.
He's right.
You don't understand.
You can't understand.
I gotta get a piece, man.
By the hook or by the crook.
Yeah, dog. You the handle.
## [R&B Ballad]
- Yo, be Shy goin' there.
- I see him, man.
- Ask if gonna be there.
- All right.
- Nigga Rich's party.
- Nigga Rich's party?
- Where they going now?
- They goin' Willie's.
- Willie's?
- Yeah.
But I catch you later.
- Thanks, boys.
- All right.
You look worried, man.
You're safe.
Tell me a secret, something
you've never told anybody else.
Never told anyone before...
I fantasize about making love to you.
- [Giggling] What?
- No!
That is not fair.
I love you.
Oh, I, uh...
filled out my applications
for university yesterday.
I'm thinking law or business...
something that makes lots of money.
Stupid people make money
these days, Patrick.
Clever ones just help them
look after it.
Times have changed.
What do you mean?
What do I mean?
I have a client in Miami-
high school educated.
One day some friends, and friends of friends,
come along and say to him...
"Would you mind very much
looking after some money for me?"
Paid cash for his trouble.
And, uh, then, of course,
he needs someone...
to help him introduce the cash into
the banking system here- invest it, hide it.
So that's it.
We all get little droppings.
Putting a clean face on dirty money.
Dad, do you-
do you not like what you do?
I'm looking for the prospectus
for the condo property.
Uh, I must have left it
back in the office, sir.
Yeah, I bring you to Miami
for two fucking hours.
You bring a roller case full of fuck-knows-what
and forget the most important-
Welcome to Florida.
- Good to see you.
- You guys have a good trip in?
- A few hiccups. This is my assistant, Sheila.
- Yes, we've met.
- Oh, really?
- [Sheila] Cayman, briefly.
I think it was at church.
That's right. That's right.
A- At church.
- That's right. I forgot.
- You went to church?
Yeah, on my last trip I decided to go
and take in some of the local experience.
- It's good seeing you again.
- You too.
That's quite a bag you got there.
You guys moving to Miami,
or am I about to sign my life away?
[All Laughing]
My sincerest apologies,
Mr. Ridley...
but there's some stuff
I need to fax you later.
Carl. Please.
And, uh, use my home fax.
Easiest thing in the world.
- Uh, we, uh-
- That's okay.
- Is this your first time to the States?
- Yes, sir.
- Check the office voice mail. Should we talk?
- You bet.
Hey, I'll look forward
to getting those papers.
Allen, look, I've been really
thinking this over, and...
I think this is the end of it-
I'm out.
I feel it's just time
to take the high road.
W-We can deal differently,
you know.
- We can go into hedge funds, bonds-
- No, no, that's not my style.
- What are you gonna do with all
the money under the mattress?
- What about the condo?
I invest 1.5, I don't even-
Mr. Ridley's a very nice man.
Fancy him?
No, sir.
I saw you.
Lingering handshakes.
Well, he's very powerful.
- Allen, we discussed this.
- He's very rich.
[Allen] The more you earn,
the less you keep.
In that case, I should've just
brought in cash.
I could've gotten it
for a million even.
You want to walk into a Realtor
with a million dollars in cash?
Didn't do a fucking thing.
Say, you'd make a good team,
wouldn't you?
##[Man Singing]
##[Continues, Fades]
[Line Rings]
Yes, this is Mr. Allen
from the Cayman Islands.
Special Agent Martinez.
Hi! How's it going?
Thanks for getting back to me so soon.
No, I was just with him yesterday.
Hold on.
What was the number
to Mr. Ridley's condo?
C- 4.
[Mouths Word]
No, they're on their way now.
Uh, excuse me, sir?
Are we allowed to
fax bank statements?
Just fucking do it, will you!
Sorry. Go ahead.
[Allen] Jesus, you guys work fast,
don't you?
[Phone Rings]
Hello. Mr. Allen's office.
Sheila? It's Carl.
Can you talk?
Oh, Carl.
I'm so glad you called.
No, no, me first.
I feel like an ass.
- Sheila?
- That whole charade with your boss.
- Sheila!
- Hello?
Coming, Mr. Allen!
- [Whirring]
- Dad! You got a fax!
Take this down to the post room,
get it packed up for shipping.
So why are you leaving?
Do you know the thing about the Cayman Islands?
You know about the tax thing.
Enlighten me.
Years ago...
all bushes and fishermen.
There was a storm.
A convoy of ships
was crashed on the reef...
and the locals risked their lives
to go out and help the passengers...
one of whom turned out to be the son
of King George III of England.
And His Majesty was so pleased...
that his son's life had been spared...
that he decreed the Cayman Islands
had paid their dues to the crown...
and would never again
have to pay taxes.
Hundreds of years later...
the locals took it upon themselves...
to open up that privilege to the rest
of the fucking world, made a fucking mint.
- They fucking did, didn't they?
- Yeah.
That's why the roads are all paved
and the streets are fucking clean.
Because the locals know
how to work the fucking system.
That's what I want you to do-
just help me work the fucking system.
- How?
- Well...
you're a senior manager.
That means you can
sign off on my account...
make deposits over time...
on my behalf.
And where are you gonna be?
[Allen] I'll let you have the house as well.
I'll be offshore.
Or in prison.
I'll be rich.
Rich white men don't go to prison.
I'll drink to that.
- You're a good man.
- Cheers.
[Allen] Do you want me to tell you
what we're gonna do?
- [Car Door Closes]
- Bullshit, yo.
I'm gonna take her inside.
Why don't you take our boy
down to see Powell.
[Locks Rattling]
Fuck, man.
This way, miss.
What the fuck kind of thing
they dealin' with now?
[Door Chime Dinging]
[Engine Starts]
So, according to this young lady...
when she and the other gentleman
got down to the dock...
the glass on the boat
was already smashed.
- Who is this other gentleman?
- Oh, I don't know.
He got away,
so we couldn't catch him.
Likely some local.
Mr. Allen, he's a lawyer. Right?
[Phone Ringing]
- Get the phone.
- [Ringing Continues]
- [Ringing Continues]
- [Sighs]
Allen! Wake up!
- Wake up. It's the police.
- Mmm.
Is he on the island?
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
[Ridley On Machine]
Allen, where are you?
- I left five messages.
- He called several times during the day.
Why didn't you fucking tell me?
You're completely drunk.
Remember when we first came here,
we used to sit by the ocean?
You liked the smell.
When was the last time
you smelled the ocean?
Shut up.
Turn the light off.
[Door Alarm Dinging]
Get out of the fucking car.
[Lock Clicks]
What goin' on, Officer Powell?
What happenin'?
You know, Fritz,
I been on to you for some time.
Borrowing of the cars,
boats, condos.
I mean, I expect it
from the spring breakers, but you?
You live your whole life
on vacation.
You know what I think it is?
You're a fucking whitewashed,
wanna-be American.
You don't fit in amongst the locals...
so you leech off of the next batch
of fucked-up girls...
that want a fling
with a little island monkey.
I'm talking to you.
Look at me.
Don't fit in? Officer Powell,
my family been here six generations.
Since tightropes and turtle nets.
I think I can stick my dick in any piece
of sexy white beef I feel is worthy-
What you doing?
- Where's your father?
- Uh, I don't know.
- You don't know?
- Don't know where your father is?
- Where are you living? Where are you staying?
- [Chuckles]
How do you not know
where your father is?
- We just got here. L-I don't know.
- You don't know much, do you?
Look at you, leeching off the rich,
living other people's lives.
The bloody boats.
- Come on!
- And the cars.
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- And the condos.
Jesus Christ, man.
Am I glad to see you.
- Where have you been?
- I'm sorry, man.
I called your office, your house.
I must've left 10 messages.
I had no idea.
I've just been busy.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Pippa's gone. L- I don't even know
where to begin to look.
Pippa's at the police station.
- The police station?
- Yeah.
- What happened?
- She just got taken in for something.
It's no big deal. She's fine.
That's why I'm here.
What are you doing on the island?
They came at me hard-
warrants, subpoenas.
Barely got to the bank in time.
- It's a good thing you sent that fax.
- Yeah. Which fax?
Oh, the one-Yeah, Sheila sent it
first thing this morning.
About the condo.
Yeah, that is lucky.
Fuck, they just- No warning?
They just come down on you?
That's too bad, man.
I can't believe that.
- I thought you had connections.
- Yeah. Yeah, l-
Y-You said that Pippa's okay?
Yeah, she's fine.
We should go and get her.
Let me just grab a couple things.
Son of a fucking bitch!
[Allen] Fuck, they just-No warning?
They just come down on you?
- Which fax?
- Dad, you got a fax!
Sheila sent it first thing this morning.
About the condo.
Special Agent Martinez.
[Lock Clicks]
Traveling light?
Heavy enough.
Let's go.
Hey, Carl. You should put that somewhere
safe, if that's what I think it is.
Let's just get to the station.
- I wanna see my daughter.
- You're on the run from the feds.
You wanna turn up at the police station
with a bag of incriminating evidence?
You are a fucking adultl
- Act like it!
- [Groans]
[Gasping, Panting]
[Groans, Panting Continues]
Let me tell you something, Fritz.
I'd better not see you even riding in a car
if your name is not on the deed. Understand?
[Fritz Groaning, Muttering]
Not even to borrow your mum's
piece of shit wagon to get groceries.
Because if I find you in a car,
I'm gonna beat you...
- and throw you in the swamp!
- [Groaning]
We huntin' some
imaginary people, bro.
It's a nice crib though.
- [Chuckling]
- Sick fuck.
Fuckin' empty!
I'm gon' kill Fritz, man.
I'm gon' kill him!
Wherever I see him,
I don't care- I'm gon' kill him!
If I have to find the girl,
they'll have to find your body!
Why, dude-
- Where are my fuckin' glasses?
- I don't know!
[Dryer Buzzer Buzzes]
- [Gunshot]
- [Screaming]
Shy, you're gonna kill me now?
What the fuck did I do to you? Huh?
I lived to love your sister.
What was so fuckin' wrong with that?
Fuck you.
- That wasn't love.
- What the fuck do you know about love? Huh?
Do you know what it means
to love? Do you?
Do you know what it means to look
into someone's eyes, someone you love?
Do you?
She was so fucking innocent, man.
She was so pure,
and she loved me.
You fuckin' embarrassed
my family, Shy.
My sister had everything
before she started dealin' with you.
- I just saw her being fucked in a toilet!
- And who's fault is that? Huh?
What does she got now?
She's better off now, is she?
She's fucking better off being fucked
in a cubicle by some fucking stranger?
I can't stand you, brethren.
That's the way it is.
This didn't scar me, man.
You scarred her.
Fucking live with that.
You fucking live with that.
- [Exhales]
- Bloody been in here for 48 hours.
I put it in first thing on Monday.
Cash business as usual.
It's too big.
I got it.
Only two people in the world
know this combination-
me and God.
And he's too busy to remember.
Don't worry. Come on.
Let's go and find her.
Put this jewelry somewhere now.
[Exhales, Whispers]
What the fuck?
[Buzzer Buzzes]
Is she all right?
- Yeah, she's fine.
- What are the charges? Drugs?
- No, no. There are no charges.
- Then what are they holding her for?
Just because they've had
a bit of a rough night.
A shooting, a burglary. The shit's
hit the fan tonight for some reason.
Hi, Andrea.
Have you seen him?
Yeah, man. We saw him down
by the dock just now.
Dock by the dock.
Without a doubt, yeah.
So you come to the Cayman Islands,
and you don't even call me?
I should be horsewhipped.
- Where's Allen?
- He left with them.
[Clears Throat]
Courtesy of a grateful nation.
For you and your family.
- Thank you.
- There'll be a lot of questions asked.
Where the money went.
Where it came from.
Who betrayed whose client.
Cayman police are gonna come
looking for you.
God bless America.
- Are you okay?
- Daddy.
- They treat you all right?
- [Whimpers]
Extradition time, Carl.
Vacation's over.
One minute.
Hold up.
I gotta go off
with these guys for a while.
- What happened?
- I fucked up, baby. I fucked up.
I wish I could say something
that would make it all right, b-but I can't.
- What?
- You'll be okay. You'll see. It'll be okay.
Baby, you're so beautiful.
You'll be okay. It's okay.
- Daddy-
- Just look to your memories.
It's all you'll ever need.
- I love you so much. Do you know that?
- Gotta go.
- Please. Please!
- Take him back.
- Goddamn itl
- No. No. It's gonna be all right.
I want him in my car.
Can't just come to these islands
and exploit these people.
They don't deserve it.
- Mr. Allen, why are you-
- Thanks for coming down, Sheila. Keep the car.
Come on, sweetie.
I'll look out for you.
I've been looking for you all night.
I lost my way...
and I'm sorry.
Baby, I really needed you.
It's just that...
you're my heart.
And when you broke...
I broke down with you.
I want to be with you, Shy.
I don't care what my father thinks.
I don't care what Hammer thinks.
I care about you.
You don't know.
Know what?
Fuck you, Shy. Huh?
I'd rather my sister be a whore
in the fucking streets than fuck with you!
- [Gunshot]
- [Groans]
Fuck it!
I'm sorry.
[Rapid Breathing]
- Patrick?
- [Martinez] You're on the clock.
Yeah. Patrick!
Listen to me.
That piece of ass you call a secretary is at
the station right now making herself a deal.
So you have a choice- pack your shit
and meet us here in five minutes...
or your family's
gonna be visiting you in prison.
It's all right.
I'm traveling light.
Twenty-eight pounds.
- What? Pardon?
- Don't you remember what you asked me, Allen?
In Miami?
You want to walk into a Realtor
with a million dollars in cash?
- Do you have any idea
how much that would weigh?
- A million dollars.
One-hundred-dollar bills.
Twenty-eight pounds.
Chop chopl
Where have you been?
Don't do that to me again, okay?
Talk to me.
I've been so worried.
You ready? Come on!
We've got to go!
Fuck. Allen!
Oh, no.
fucking, fucking, fucking-
Oh, fucking, fucking...
fucking, fucking, shitting...
fucking Christ!
We haven't got any money.
This fucking place.
Fucking paradise.
It's about money like everything else.
[Glass Shatters]
Oh, let's go to the beach.
Let's smell the fucking ocean.
It's not about the beach.
It's not about the fucking ocean.
It's about money,
and I haven't got any!
[Car Horn Honking]
Found these at the front door.
##[Woman Singing]
There's something
I gotta tell you about all this.
Save it for another time.
##[Woman Singing]
Don't cry.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
##[Man Singing]