Havenhurst (2016) Movie Script

[thunder rolling]
[distant siren wailing]
[sniffing and exhaling]
[thunder rolling]
[woman mumbling]
Over here.
[glass breaks distant]
[thunder crashes]
[rain falling]
[heavy breathing]
[loud banging, distant]
[clock ticking]
[shout and gasping]
[woman screams]
[more screaming]
[objects crashing, woman gasping]
Help me!
Open the door!
Help me!
Help me!
[heavy breathing]
[elevator dings]
Come on, come on, come on!
Oh, my God.
[noise from above]
[distant screams]
[shuffling feet]
Look, I've been trying to reach her
for a couple of days
so if she contacts you,
can you have her give me a call?
Alright, thanks.
[phone rings]
Tim, yeah.
Sorry to bother you.
I'm kind, I need your help.
What is it?
My friend, Danielle.
I haven't been able to
reach her for weeks.
I've called everyone she knows
and no one has heard from her.
Is she missing or not
wanting to be found?
I don't know.
I'm just really worried.
Alright, I'll, uh...
I'll look into it.
Her name is Danielle Hampton.
[woman] And just answer
as best you can, okay?
There's a pen.
And you can go in that room.
Sign right there at the bottom.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Big day today?
Come on.
I'll walk you out.
Any word from Danielle?
- No, nothing.
- Huh.
- She'll turn up.
- I hope so.
Here you go.
Oh! I almost forgot.
You'll need these.
I'm really proud of you, Jackie.
Thank you.
Clean slate, fresh start.
The rest is up to you.
Come here.
Good luck.
I'll see you at the meeting this week?
Of course.
[elevator dings]
She wouldn't leave this behind.
[knocking at door]
[siren wailing]
[woman moaning with pleasure]
Oh, yeah!
[heavy breathing]
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, God. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[shower turns on]
[close noise]
[elevator dings]
[distant voices speaking]
I needed the cash.
Prostitution is a crime.
You can't just evict me.
It's all your own fault.
So after five years, that's it?
No 30-day notice?
You know the rules.
Fuck the rules!
You are so full of shit.
Oh, no need
to make it personal, my dear.
Fuck! Bitch needs to get laid.
Oh, I must apologize for her behavior.
Don't be frightened, Jacquelin.
I'm Eleanor Mudgett.
Please come in.
I have made it a custom,
old fashioned, though it may seem,
to meet every new tenant we take in.
Many years ago,
I had to figure out what to do
with this lovely old building.
I am on the board
of many rehabilitation centers
and outreach programs
throughout the city.
So I figured that
I should use Havenhurst
to help others.
Give them a place to find their balance
and re-enter the world.
Don't be shy, dear.
You must have questions.
Um... my friend, Danielle Hampton,
- she lived here.
- Yes.
Is there a reason why I was
given her old apartment?
Oh, it's just a matter of timing, dear.
Danielle and Jason just happened to be
the last tenants to vacate.
I was just hoping that you
might know where they went.
No, I'm afraid not.
One of the drawbacks of not requiring
a security deposit.
Once they leave the building,
one rarely hears from them again.
Make no mistake about it.
I am very particular
about those whom I choose as tenants.
Your history, rather violent and sad,
stood out to me.
You have struggled with your addiction
and it has cost you dearly.
[door opens and closes]
Oh, my son, Ezra.
We've met.
Ezra looks after things around here
so if there's anything you need,
don't hesitate to call him.
Thank you, Ezra.
[heavy footsteps]
[door creaks open and shut]
Our rules are simple.
You stay sober, you lead a good life,
and you don't fall back
into your old habits.
Then, you are welcome to stay here
until the day you die.
If that is your choice.
And if I don't lead a good life?
Then your stay at Havenhurst
would be terminated.
- Like the woman...
- Oh, Paula, yes.
Well, unfortunately,
after years of support,
she decided to resume demeaning herself
and is no longer welcome here.
Well, it seems fair enough.
Do you have a pen?
Oh, you don't have to
sign it right now, dear.
You should take it home
and review it first.
If what you say is represented here,
it's okay, I can sign it.
Yes, it is.
Welcome to Havenhurst.
It's four sections.
You're on the right.
Welcome to hell, sweetie.
More cleavage, more tips.
Tips suck. Food is even worse.
But it's a job.
I think I can handle it.
- It's only...
- Temporary. Yeah.
Go on, doll.
You got customers.
I'll take a refill.
Did you find anything out?
No credit cards, no cell phone usage.
She was living with
a guy named Jason Darby.
A junkie.
Busted for narcotics possession.
Do you know him?
I spoke to Eleanor, the woman
who owns the place.
Said they left weeks ago.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I thought you said
you'd done this before.
There's got to be something to this.
I found Danielle's camera.
She was never without it in rehab.
She wouldn't have just left it behind.
Well, maybe this time she did.
Stay in touch.
Take care of yourself.
Thank you.
[elevator dings]
You're new.
Yes, ten-oh-six.
Oh. That's Danielle's old apartment.
Let me help you.
I'm good.
Let me go first.
Then you go after.
I'm Sarah.
[arguing voices]
Where the hell have you been?
I lost track of the time.
Sorry, Tammy.
[odd noises]
What the fuck?
[knocking continues]
[knocking continues]
[metallic sound]
[loud thuds]
[distant groaning]
[loud groan]
[distant groaning]
[gasping and groaning]
[distant groaning]
[loud groan]
[distant gasping]
No, no!
[long screams]
[total silence]
[door creaks open]
What are you doing in here?
You shouldn't be here.
Come on.
You know, you shouldn't be wandering
around the building alone.
But I haven't done anything wrong.
I wish it were that simple.
It is.
Just be good.
You don't want to be evicted.
[voices arguing]
Gotta go.
You know you didn't. Just shut up!
Come on, hurry up, get in the car.
Come on, get in the car.
[car honking]
[tires screeching]
[many horns honking]
[alarm clock beeping]
And my hands were shaking
as I put my four-year-old baby girl
into that car.
If I had lost her...
I never would have made it.
Thanks everyone for sharing today.
Remember, keep coming back.
It works if you work it.
Thanks for coming.
Can you look into Paula St. Claire?
Oh, Jackie, another tenant?
I heard a struggle
and then I found this.
There's something odd about that place.
So don't go back.
I want to be there when
Danielle comes back for her stuff.
If she comes back.
Look, if you don't want
to help me... I don't...
Is everything okay?
Yes, of course.
Oh. Mike,
this is Tim.
He's an old friend.
- Good to meet you, Tim.
- Likewise.
- Welcome.
- Thanks.
I'll call you later.
- You take care.
- You, too.
You in some kind of trouble?
Why would you ask that?
Well, I know a cop when I see one.
You ever hear of anything strange
going on at Havenhurst?
- Like what?
- Tenants going missing.
Oh, other than Danielle?
I've put a good number
of patients in that place.
They all seem to love it.
Jackie, what's going on?
I'm not sure yet.
[odd noise]
You scared the shit out of me.
I'm sorry.
How did you get in here?
Did he give that to you?
- Or did you take it?
- No.
He's my friend.
Alright, well...
Look, I'm not going to hurt you.
Come on in.
What's that?
I'm not sure.
What do you have behind your back?
- Nothing.
- Come on, show me what it is.
I won't get mad.
Sarah, you can't just steal
from people's homes.
I'm sorry.
Why would you do something like this?
I wanted something
so I would remember you.
Remember me?
I just got here.
Did you know Danielle very well?
She was nice.
She took that picture.
Hm, yeah.
She did that a lot.
I have something of hers.
One of her cameras.
I can show you.
Tammy's sleeping.
She works nights.
Why do you call her Tammy?
- Isn't she your mother?
- No.
Foster mom.
I don't know anything
about my real parents.
In here.
It's my secret spot.
You can keep it.
I don't know how to work it anyway.
Sarah, what's going on?
Sorry, Tammy.
Jackie lives down the hall.
I invited her over.
Sorry if we woke you up.
Oh, you didn't.
I have to get dinner on.
Did you finish your homework?
Am I making an extra plate?
No. Thank you,
I better get going.
Thanks for this.
Well, hello.
You okay?
She's fine.
She's good.
[slurred speech]
Don't be a stranger.
(Tammy) Goddammit.
Why can't you control yourself?
You ruin everything!
You don't like the way I do things?
No, I don't like the way you do things.
Then, go! Leave home! Go!
Get out!
I'm going to take a shower.
[shower starts]
Oh, God.
[door opens]
I left your dinner on the counter.
You'd do best to eat
in your room tonight.
Just stay out of his way.
Can't you stay home tonight?
Stay in your room and
you'll be fine. Okay?
[heavy breathing]
[door opens and closes]
[faucet squeaks]
[shower stops]
[door opens]
You're not being very nice.
What? You don't want to play?
Shh. Shh. Shh.
[shout of pain]
You little bitch.
Ahhh! Damn.
Yes, it's definitely Danielle's camera.
What's in the pictures?
They're being processed.
I'll know soon.
I looked into Paula St. Claire.
Been a working girl for a long time.
Rough childhood, she's been
through the system a lot.
She went back to her old
ways, just like Danielle.
No missing persons on her yet.
Yeah, something's off.
I think Danielle knew.
That's why she was documenting it.
They both broke the rules.
Maybe that's how I'll find her.
Jackie, what are you talking about?
They're ready.
Listen, I'll call you
when I have a chance
to go through the pictures.
[slicing sound]
What the hell?
What's going on?
He broke the rules.
Where is he?
What the fuck?
Holy shit.
Sarah! Open it!
Sarah! Open this door!
Sarah, open the door!
[urgent knocking]
[knocking continues]
Open it!
Sarah, open the door!
[metallic sound]
[knocking continues]
[odd noises]
[Tammy screaming]
[distant screaming]
It's too late for them.
[Tammy screams distant]
Stay here.
[flipping switch]
[rustling noises]
[creaking sound]
[Jackie gasps]
[heavy breathing]
We got evicted.
Because of Wayne.
Bad things happen when he drinks.
Did he hurt you?
Who are you calling?
A friend.
Oh, God.
[door creaks open]
[man screams]
[man screams again]
[choking, gasping]
My God.
Oh, Wayne.
I can't understand...
[metallic clanging]
[water pouring]
[eerie groan]
Please, feel free.
What exactly is it
that we're looking for?
There was blood on the sheets.
The lamp was...
You actually saw this?
This place was a mess.
There was blood on the counter.
Dear, are you feeling alright?
Please accept my apology.
Obviously there's been
some sort of misunderstanding.
No, no.
Not necessary.
Such a pretty little girl.
I always wanted a daughter.
You're more than welcome
to stay with me, dear,
until your mother gets back.
No, she's fine with me.
Well, suit yourself.
But our door is always open
if you change your mind.
Again, sorry for the trouble.
Oh, it's no trouble.
I found this hidden in one of
Danielle's picture frames.
And these pictures.
Danielle was documenting the place.
Now if you'll look close,
you can see a few key changes.
Like here.
The hallway's smaller.
And here.
The wall's been moved.
And there's something
going on in the laundry room.
You were down there?
Not yet, but look at the door.
It's gone.
These are measurements.
It's roughly the size of this room.
I need more time with this.
Can I take these?
Yeah. I had two sets made.
What about the little girl?
I should call Child Services.
No, I can watch her for a bit.
Jackie, it doesn't work like that.
At least let her stay the night.
In case her foster mom reappears.
[door opens and closes]
Here's to breaking the rules.
I hope this leads me to you.
Oh, Crawford.
That missing persons you asked for.
She had a long list.
You still looking at Havenhurst?
Not officially, no.
I don't know a thing.
Thanks, Hal.
It's a four-foot difference.
No! No!
Let me go!
My daughter!
[beeping stops]
I'm sorry.
I was trying to make breakfast.
It's okay.
- You don't look good.
- Oh, yeah.
I'm fine.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
I miss this.
Bad pancakes?
Do you know where the laundry room is?
Yeah, of course.
You need to do a load?
Not yet.
I was just wondering
if you could take me there.
No prob.
Oh. That is unfortunate.
Well, we can't have that, now can we?
Run along.
[deep groan]
Too bad.
And I had such high hopes for her.
It's this way.
What are you doing?
Looking for a way in.
To what?
There used to be a door here.
They must be hiding something important
if they went to all
this trouble to cover it.
[loud thud]
I don't think you should do that.
[heavy breathing]
What is it?
We should get out of here.
[eerie sound]
[eerie groan]
[knocking sound]
[knocking continues]
[elevator dings]
You okay?
No, come on.
Come on.
[presses repeatedly]
Come on, close.
What's on your door?
Stay here.
[phone rings]
Detective Crawford.
Tim, they have us trapped.
We're stuck on the 10th floor.
Wait, slow down.
What happened?
I found a room in the basement.
It has all the proof you need.
Danielle and the others,
they were killed.
Have you ever heard of H.H. Holmes?
Holmes? The serial killer from Chicago?
Tim, listen.
His real name was
Herman Webster Mudgett.
Holmes was just an alias.
Eleanor Mudgett.
Oh, it's you.
The walls. That's why there's
so much space between the walls.
He must have started here first.
It's still happening.
The passageways, the disappearances.
It's alright, dear.
You'll be perfectly safe.
Jackie, you there?
[Sarah, screaming]
Where's Sarah?
Oh, she's not here, Jacqueline.
Don't fuck with me, Eleanor.
I know all about you.
Calm down, dear.
Let's be civilized.
Just give her to me now
and we'll go, we'll leave here
and you'll never see
or hear from us again.
Look at yourself.
A hopeless addict.
A waster of life.
You can't even take care of yourself.
You're weak.
You're sick.
On the contrary.
It is you addicts,
prostitutes, pedophiles,
and your pathetic enablers
who are the sick ones.
Parasites to everyone around you.
Oh, the people you've hurt
with your selfishness.
Your acts of self-destruction,
the innocent lives you destroy.
You don't know what it is
to be a real mother.
To live selflessly,
to sacrifice.
You failed your own child.
And now she's rotting in a grave.
Fuck you!
Oh, darling.
You've been evicted.
Run along.
You don't have much time.
I'm not leaving without her.
My dear.
You're not leaving at all.
[siren wailing]
[tires screeching]
[odd noises]
[water dripping]
[floor creaks]
[man grunts]
[Jackie shouts and groans]
[metallic noise]
[odd noises]
[metallic noises]
[eerie noises]
[eerie noise]
Are you hurt?
[man screaming]
He's not far.
[heavy breathing]
[man, distant screaming]
He's coming.
[eerie groaning]
We'll run for it.
Go! Go!
[electric buzzing]
You hurt him.
[police siren wailing]
[metallic sound]
[Jackie screams]
You see anything?
Let's go.
[police radio chatter]
We checked out the floor,
checked out the room,
didn't find anything.
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
So you're telling me she just left?
It's been my experience
that when told they're no longer wanted,
people like Jackie, move on.
She called me 20 minutes
ago from this apartment.
Detective, I have nothing to hide.
I know what you and your sons are up to.
Please do tell.
Oh, like I said,
feel free to look around.
As much as you can without a warrant.
Then if there's nothing else,
I'll see you out.
[elevator dings]
Where'd she go?
She was just sitting there.
[periodic beeping]
No, please.
No, please.
[drill buzzing]
[drill speeds up]
Please! No!!
Well, my dear.
Now that you've had
a chance to see it all,
do you still think
you'd like to be a part
of our little family?
Everything taken care of?
Yes, Mother.
I'm so proud of my boys.
[door drags open]
You still haven't answered my question.
I do.
Splendid, my darling.
Welcome home.
[ominous music starts]
Sub's synchronized, added dash for
dialogs, etc, by H@w-to-kiLL @subscene.
[slow instrumental music]