Hawaiian Vacation (2011) Movie Script

Okay, it's two o'clock.
The bell at Sunnyside has rung,
so Bonnie is officially
on her winter break.
-Soon she'll be flying off to...
It's Hawaii, Buzz.
Does everybody have a vacation plan?
Rex and I have been working on
our massively multiplayer,
online, role-playing game profiles.
The Rexing Ball!
That's me !
Can you make my arms bigger?
Oh, yeah. Enhancing.
Oh, yes!
-Potato Head, you in?
-Sorry, fellas. He's all mine.
We're going to have a fun-filled week,
just the two of us.
Deal me in.
Thank you all
for coming to the audition.
Number one, action.
Dreadful. Next.
Horrifying. Next.
Bonnie's coming !
Vacation to Hawaii ! Going on vacation !
-Vacation, vacation.
-Bonnie !
Coming, Mom !
Bye, toys.
-All right, folks, let the relaxing begin.
Ready to lose at checkers, Slink?
When pigs fly.
Actually, I had an uncle
who was a pilot.
-No, not really.
Here's your bag, Barbie.
-You can put my luggage right here.
-Ken, this is so exciting !
Picture ! Say "sunscreen."
-Barbie? Ken?
Woody? Hey!
You guys are in Hawaii, too! Groovy.
We stowed away
in Bonnie's backpack.
How did you guys get here?
Ken, this is Bonnie's bedroom.
-And there she goes.
-No. No, no. No, no.
Bonnie !
You can't go.
Not without the backpack.
Let me get this straight.
You thought Bonnie would take
her school backpack on vacation?
-Oh, boy.
-Hawaii !
-You have to take us to Hawaii !
-Sorry, sir. I just zip and unzip.
-I don't actually fly.
I... I'll be right back.
He's been planning this vacation
for months.
Wow. That's a lot of numbering.
Did he do that all by himself?
Ken doesn't know I know,
but this is where he planned
to have our very first kiss.
You haven't kissed yet?
It would have been
the perfect vacation.
-Ken, could you please come out here?
I can't decide if this handbag
matches my shoes.
Well, are you wearing the pumps
or the espadrilles?
Welcome to paradise.
We've got the vacation of your dreams
all planned out for you !
Welcome to the Bonnielikeoke Motel.
I thought we were staying in a resort.
-Welcome to the Bonnielikeoke Resort.
-This is great!
"Immerse yourself
in a whole new world
"when you go deep sea diving ! "
I've got the perfect outfit!
Whoa, look at that.
Watch this.
Shark Week.
Next up, a guided nature hike.
There's the official Hawaiian state bird,
the Nene.
And the state fish,
the humuhumunukunukuapua'a.
-And a pineapple.
-How you doing?
You're not wearing any pants.
Ride like the wind, Bullseye !
Ride like the wind, Buttercup!
Okay! Get off me.
You're really rippin' those curls, Ken.
Watch me hang ten, Babs.
I'm okay.
Dinner is served.
I should've seen this coming.
The entertainment
will start in just a moment.
Hey, Buzz!
Hello ladies and gentlemen.
Barbie, we're almost ready for
the place where you have your first...
Thanks, but I got this one covered.
-Hey, Ken, come with me for a minute.
Woody, the beach is all set.
We removed the poop
from the kitty litter.
Spanish is so beautiful !
Hey, everybody, look out the window.
What are they doing out there?
It's got to be a bazillion degrees below.
Good thing they wore
the 1982 Winter Weekend Collection.
Looks like she does
have this one covered.
-How romantic!
-Yeah. Until they fall off the deck.
I'll get the shovel.
Best vacation ever.