He Was A Quiet Man (2007) Movie Script

[Man narrating]
It was easier in the past.
A man knew what it was
to be a man.
You stood up for things
that were wrong.
You had the right
to do so.
You were expected
to do so.
The way you lived,
the training you put
yourself through,
prepared you for the
inevitable confrontations,
ones that could end
in dismemberment
or even death.
Then something happened.
We passed laws of decency.
Lawyers became our shepherds.
And what was once a fairly
easy thing to understand
became muddled
in the bureaucracy
of what we call
being civilized.
A man could
no longer stand up
to the wrongs
that were around him.
He had to go through
courts and lawyers
and trudge through miles
of red tape.
Women demanded equality,
and she got it.
Not by getting
everything the man had,
but by the man
being castrated
in the form
of order.
I don't care what you say.
That's not progress.
It's not evolution.
It's a disease,
and it needs someone
that understands
what's at stake.
Someone who can stand up
like a real man
and take action
against injustice
and unfairness
in this world.
Right now.
Before lunch.
Number one
for the office mascot.
Number two
for Miss Congeniality.
Number three
for "the early bird
gets the worm."
Four for
the master brownnoser.
Number five for
the ungrateful backstabber.
And last but not least,
number six...
number six...
Just do it.
You can do it.
Just do it.
[Man whistling]
Shelby wants this
by Friday, okay?
And make sure there's
nothing missing
this time.
Friday, Maconel.
[rapping on computer]
Make it happen.
[bullets clinking]
It's all about timing.
Nothing worthwhile
is done without it.
My time will come.
Um, my husband's
brother's family's
coming into town
next weekend
and I was just kind of
wondering maybe
if there's any possibility
you could do your yard?
I'll see what I can do.
That'd be great.
[Male voice]
Chickened out again,
didn't you?
I didn't chicken out.
I just didn't think
the timing was right.
[Male voice]
Oh, right.
Yeah. Uh-huh.
The timing again.
Hey, buddy,
I think I've heard
that one before.
You should be happy
I didn't do it today.
'Cause if I did,
who'd be here
to feed you, huh?
Hey, who cares
about food,
as long as those goddamn
bastards die, right?
Huh? They die.
Fuck 'em.
All right. Hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey. Hey, that's mine.
[chattering on TV]
[Man on radio]
Now, what exactly is
your fear
about these chickens?
[Man #2 on radio]
Well, the fear exactly
comes from the epidemic
of bird flu
and the diseases.
And then-- Pow! I mean,
we could all die.
Well, I think that's
just a bit extreme.
[bell dings]
[reading, overlapping]
[wind blowing]
Love the hula girl.
How's that recount coming?
You said Friday.
That's tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning.
I'd like to see it
before then.
Why? You won't be able
to tell if I missed
Look, I am not going
through this with you again.
Come on, Harper,
I wanna get a table
with a view.
I already reserved one.
Hey, what's this?
Hey, that's mine.
Put it down.
Come on.
What's it do?
Give it back.
Put it down.
Maybe it turns on his brain.
Give it back.
Give it back.
That's mine!
What's the button do?
Blow up the entire world!
Give it back.
Give it back.
Let it go.
Fine, take
your stupid toy.
[doll shatters]
I need that list done
by 5 P.M. sharp.
I'll let you have
the honors today.
[explosion rumbling]
[car alarm blaring]
Hey, hula man.
Hope you didn't break
her heart too.
[bell dings]
Were you looking
down my blouse?
Yeah, you're sorry.
Sorry you got caught.
I thought you were
somebody else.
Oh, so I'm not
the only one
you're harassing.
I'm not harass--
I have to deliver these.
I catch you looking at me
like that again,
I'm taking it upstairs.
You know, they have rules
to protect women
from men like you!
Mr. Harper?
You are so lucky
you didn't go home.
I wasn't going home.
Then where were you?
I told you I wanted
that list by 5.
That's why I brought them
up to your office,
but you weren't there.
Of course
I wasn't there.
I was down here
looking for you.
I thought you wanted me
to deliver them.
You thought.
You thought?
Give me this.
You didn't
staple it?
I used a paper clip.
Well, that was
really smart,
wasn't it?
Hey, Harp.
Shelby wants you in
on this conference call.
Staple those together
and wait in your cube
until I get back.
We're not done
with this.
There comes a time
when the diseased
and the weak
must be sacrificed
in order to save the herd.
One for the office mascot.
Number two
for Miss Congeniality.
Number three for
"the early bird gets
the worm."
Four for
the master brownnoser.
Number five for
the ungrateful backstabber.
And last but not least,
number six...
number six...
Just do it.
Just do it.
Just do it.
Oh, shit.
I told that drone
not to leave.
Hey, anybody seen Maconel?
women screaming]
Ralf, look
at what you did.
How did it feel?
[siren wailing
in distance]
I think that's
your cue to leave.
You don't kill
this many people
and simply walk away.
No trial.
[gun clicks]
No trial.
[loading gun]
Oh, my God,
it's Vanessa.
I thought it was
that Paula bitch.
It's a common mistake.
I liked Vanessa.
She has a good smile.
Great smile.
She could light up a room
with that thing.
She's alive.
Vanessa's still alive.
Hey. Whoa.
What are you doing?
I thought you liked her.
That's why I wanna put her
out of her misery.
How do you know
she's in misery?
Believe me,
it is better this way.
Wait. Don't you need
that last bullet
for yourself?
Don't be telling me
how to do this, Maconel.
It's only because
you're lamer than I am,
I haven't blown you away
at this point.
Excuse me,
but in as much
as we may have
the same feelings
about these people,
I'm not half as lame
as you are.
Oh, no?
Then you tell me
what you'd call a man
who's stupid enough
to piss off a maniac
with a fucking
loaded gun.
I'd call him
a maniac...
with his own fucking
loaded gun.
That was six.
[Vanessa whimpering]
It's okay.
You're gonna make it.
Let me see that smile.
Come on.
Come on,
you can do it.
There you go.
It really does
light up a room.
It's okay.
They're coming.
They're coming.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
[Woman on TV]
The five that were killed
were all employees
of Advanced Dynamic Devices,
but it's not apparent
if they were targeted
or if they were just
at the wrong place
at the wrong time.
Since the gunman,
Ralf Coleman,
died at the scene,
we may never know.
Jessica Light reports from
the gunman's neighborhood
in Crestview.
Hi, I'm Jessica Light.
I'm here
on a typical day
in a typical
suburban neighborhood
hearing the same
typical question
after one of these
tragic events.
How could this
have happened here?
So tell me,
what was
Ralf Coleman like?
He always seemed
like such a nice guy.
Yeah, he pretty much
kept to himself.
He was such a quiet man.
[Woman on TV]
Tragic as this event is,
we're hearing that
it could have been even worse
if it weren't for
the actions of one man,
a man who was
apparently unafraid
to stand up
to a violent world
and just say,
"No, I'm not
taking it anymore."
Timing not right again?
For your information,
I did pull
the trigger today.
No shit.
Then what are you
doing here...
[cap clatters]
It's a long story.
Well, where the hell
are we going?
Talk to me.
Some other time.
Well, at least tell us
if those fucking bastards
are dead.
Those fucking bastards
are dead.
All right.
[fish cheering]
So when are you leaving
for Fiji?
Well, not for--
We have two weeks
next month.
Oh, wonderful.
How'd your wife--
Yeah, we're bringing
a nanny, so, I mean...
[continues, indistinct]
[knocking on door]
Hello, Mr. Maconel.
My name is Derrick Miles.
I wonder if I might ask
you a few questions
about what happened at IDT.
I'm with The Herald.
How did you get
my name?
They said they wouldn't
give out my name.
Come on, Mr. Maconel,
you can't keep something
like this a secret.
You're an
honest-to-God hero.
I only killed one man.
Yeah, but you killed
the right man.
[vehicles approaching]
Look, do you think
we could continue
this conversation inside?
[tires screeching]
[Men chattering]
Please, you'd make it
so much easier on yourself
if you just tell
your story to one person.
It's called an exclusive.
You're not coming
into my house.
Please, Mr. Maconel,
let me in before
these vultures
twist your life
all out of proportion.
[knocking on door]
Mr. Maconel,
please, sir!
[crowd chattering]
[knocking on door]
Go away!
Go away!
[pounding on door,
We're here from
Channel 5 News...
[knocking on door]
Mr. Maconel!
to our world, Bob.
[Man on TV]
And we are back
with Ernest Williams,
chicken farmer--
[Man #2 on TV]
[Man on TV]
Ernesto. Ernesto Williams.
Okay, and can I call you
chicken farmer?
[continues indistinct]
Oh, fish.
There went our 15 minutes.
You know how
I was telling you
my company was coming in?
Is my lawn
bothering you again?
No, no, no, no, no.
I was wondering,
since we're having
a small
Christmas barbeque
this weekend,
that maybe you'd like
to stop by.
It'd be nice to get
to know our new neighbor.
I've lived here
five years.
Oh, my,
how time flies.
[bell dings]
There he is.
There's the man.
Our champ.
Way to go, Bob.
Well done, Maconel.
[crowd chattering, cheering]
Hey, there he is!
Hey, Bob.
No, Mr. Maconel.
You don't work here anymore.
Come on.
Have I been fired?
[crowd laughs]
No. Come on.
Where are we going?
All the way.
You know, I just think
it's so great what you did.
Now maniacs will think twice
before going crazy.
[bell dings]
He's waiting for you,
Mr. Maconel.
It's right through
those doors.
[Woman scatting]
Oh, you can go right in,
Mr. Maconel.
Right through
those doors.
There he is.
Come on in, Bob.
I am so glad
to finally meet you.
Can-- Can I get you anything?
Something to drink?
A Pepsi or something?
Oh, Bob,
this is Maurice Gregory.
I brought Maurice in
to help the employees
work through their anxiety
during the healing process.
Maurice is a good man
and a gifted psychiatrist.
Grief counselor.
Here, have a seat.
Have my seat.
Sit down, sit down.
A lot of people asked
about you at the eulogy.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I wanted to--
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You don't have
to explain yourself.
No, I'm sure this
has been a little bit
overwhelming to you.
It has.
But you've gotta
It takes a very
rare individual
to keep his head
and then take action
in the face
of certain death.
I'm a veteran.
I've had my scrapes,
let me tell you.
But I knew
who my enemy was.
I knew what I was getting
into on the way in.
These days...
it can come
from anywhere...
at any time...
from anyone.
That's true.
Forgive my morbid
but did you actually
see it happen?
I saw...
bodies hit the floor.
How did you manage
to not get shot?
Well, I was...
[clears throat]
I was-- I dropped
a paper clip,
so I was already
on the floor.
Oh, my God.
Can you imagine that?
A paper clip saved his life.
But then you saw
your fellow workers dying
right in front of your eyes.
It must have made you
feel terrible.
That was a really
stupid thing to say.
Of course
you felt terrible.
What am I thinking?
What else are you gonna feel?
But then you
pulled it together.
And you, um...
And, uh...
And, well,
here we are.
All right, enough of this
depressing conversation.
I'm sure that you
and Maurice
will hash out
that nightmare later.
Right now I want you
to come with me.
Come on.
Bob, come on.
I pride myself
on recognizing potential,
and as tragic
as this event has been,
it's opened my eyes
to a real talent
that's been going to waste
right beneath my nose.
I'm glad I met you.
And don't try to tell me
you're satisfied
with your present
position here.
I know, I know.
You feel wasted,
like you've got good ideas
but no one
will listen, right?
Come on,
be honest with me.
It has been a long time
since anybody asked me
what I thought.
Yeah, well,
those days are over,
because from now on,
I want to know
what Bob Maconel
is thinking every day.
Welcome to your new
think tank.
So, tell me, Bob.
What are you thinking now?
I'm thinking how
I requested a window
for years,
and they said they
didn't have any left.
Yeah, well, a few
became available
last week.
That's right.
This is the office
of one of the victims.
My personal assistant.
Vanessa Parks?
Vanessa died?
No, no.
But she won't
be coming back.
[click tongue]
Did you know her?
Just her smile.
[helicopter approaching]
Yeah, she could light up
a room with that.
Did you go to visit her
at Saint Michael's?
You've got
to go visit her.
Why? Because you
saved her life.
My God, man, the woman
is probably desperate
to thank you.
She doesn't even
know my name.
I'm not suggesting it, Bob.
I'm telling you.
Go visit her today.
During work hours?
Think of it as
your first assignment...
as Vice President
of Creative Thinking.
You're gonna pay me
to think?
It's a crazy world.
Oh, oh, oh, Bob.
When you, uh--
When you go see Vanessa,
I want you to take
this with you
and give it
to her personally.
It's just some
final work papers.
Oh, wait, Bob.
Why don't you take
your company car?
[keys clatter]
[bell dings]
Christ Almighty,
it's Maconel.
You sly dog,
playing possum
all these years.
Certainly had me fooled.
You know, I heard you
were back, but I didn't
see you in the pit.
I'm upstairs now.
And rightfully so.
All right,
now the big question.
How many rounds
did you pump into that
sick-ass Coleman, huh?
Come on, Bob.
How many?
Two, three?
Pay up, sucker.
Hey, last time I doubt
this man's drive.
Oh, Bob.
You should join
our foursome.
We could use somebody
with your killer instinct
on the back nine.
Oh, man.
Cooper's guys would shit
if we brought him out.
[bell dings]
Hey, uh, happy hour
this evening.
It's right across
the street.
Lose the briefcase, Bob.
You're an executive now.
[alarm chirps]
I'd like to visit
Vanessa Parks.
That poor girl.
Your name?
Bob Maconel.
Bob Maconel?
The Bob Maconel?
Honey, you gotta learn
to speak up.
My husband thinks
you should run for mayor.
Hey, Thelma!
Thelma, answer my phones.
I gotta take
Bob Maconel here
to visit Vanessa.
We were so proud to see you.
It's wonderful what--
It's this way--
It's wonderful
what you did.
In fact, we have your picture
hanging in the cafeteria.
And of course,
everybody wants you
to sign it.
How is she?
You haven't heard?
Only that she isn't
coming back to work.
That bullet was right
in her spine.
After the swelling went down
and they removed it,
the nerves never got
back together again.
What are you saying?
How much?
Like, her legs?
There's a visitor here
to see you.
No, no.
it's Bob Maconel.
It's the hula man.
Be right outside.
So, you're the man
that saved me.
I guess so.
I've been wanting so much
to meet you.
Can you come here?
Son of a bitch!
I was a goddess.
Now look at me!
I can't move!
I can't dance!
I certainly can't
fuck now, can I?
You should have let
Coleman finish the job!
You should have let me die!
Fuck You!
I should have died.
You should have
let him kill me.
I hate you!
Hey, Maconel.
[rapping on window]
Just in time.
We're going to Barney's.
Come on.
Put it in park
and shake a leg.
It's happy hour.
I don't want to be happy.
Everybody wants
to be happy.
I have to punch in
my time card.
What, are you nuts?
Executives don't have
time cards.
Come on.
I don't drink.
Great. It saves more
for the rest of us!
[crowd cheering]
Doesn't drink, my ass.
That was six.
[crowd cheering]
I gotta admit...
that day...
I about shit my pants
when I saw Coleman
raise that gun at me.
Clich as it sounds,
my whole life flashed
before my eyes,
and I can't say
I'm proud of much of it.
But you-- God.
You're standing there
cool as ice...
staring that guy down
It's amazing.
It's fucking amazing.
Yeah, but there's--
There's one question
that's been stuck
in my brain.
If you had a gun,
why did you wait till
the shooting stopped
to use it?
[crowd cheering]
Hey, forget it.
You know,
the important
thing is...
that I didn't get
my ass blown off
that day,
and I know
I probably have you
to thank for it.
Uh, another round here.
Ugh, no six.
Oh, shit.
There he is.
The Mind Fucker.
I need to go home.
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, hey.
Oh, hey, Bob.
You okay?
Man, he's
fucked up!
Uh, somebody ought
to drive him home.
Yeah, well,
I'm in the other
I'll take him home.
Now, I hope you didn't
take what I said
last week too seriously.
I mean, a girl's got
to protect herself
from getting stuck
with a loser.
You know,
a guy with no future,
no balls.
It's not you, Bob.
I mean, everyone knows that
you've got a great future.
Now, as for the balls...
you've certainly
proven it.
You've got a great
big set of those.
I'd be more than honored
if you'd like to take
another look down my blouse.
Oh, fuck!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Hey, nice tits!
Fuck you,
asshole! Fuck!
Hello? Hey, Shithead.
Get up.
Wake up!
Christ Almighty.
The master lives.
Now, could you feed us
before we all die?
You'd better hurry,
Stripes is rolling
for the third time.
You happen to see the lady
that brought me here?
Don't work
that way, Bob.
You don't see it,
we don't see it.
[clears throat]
Nice tits, though.
[breathing heavily]
There he is.
My best
drinkin' buddy.
So, uh, Bob,
was it hot, huh?
Was she everything
she thinks she is?
I honestly can't say.
Okay, a gentleman.
We're going to have
to work on that.
Have you seen her?
Not yet, but, uh,
I did see Mr. Shelby.
He's looking for you,
some important assignment
you were supposed
to take care of?
I got to go.
Hey, Bob.
[tires squealing]
I need to see
Vanessa Parks.
Oh, that poor girl,
are you a relative?
Well, only relatives
are allowed in during
non-visiting hours.
I'm Bob Maconel.
Oh, I don't believe
you're here--
I know I upset her before--
I've been trying
to get a hold of you.
Vanessa. She wanted
to see you again.
[Woman on intercom]
Dr. Steven Chang
to Cardio-Path Lab,
Dr. Steven Chang...
Can you close
the door, please?
Certainly was fast.
Actually, I was
coming to see you.
I was supposed to give
this to you yesterday.
[door closes]
It's from Mr. Shelby.
I'm sure he would
have delivered it
himself, but uh,
he's been real busy
with everything
that's happened.
I'm sure.
I could open it
and read it to you.
Well, where would you
like me to put it?
How about straight
up his ass?
I'm sorry, I--
I didn't mean
to snap at you.
It's okay.
No, it's not.
I want to apologize
for the way I treated
you before.
It was completely unfair
to blame you for my...
for my condition.
You risked your life
to save me.
You had no idea
I'd end up like this.
Maybe you would've
acted differently
if you knew I'd never
be able to use another
body part again,
or that I'd have to rely
on people for the rest
of my life
to feed me and clothe me...
and diaper me.
You think you would have?
Would have what?
Acted differently.
I knew it, I knew you
were a compassionate man.
That's why you're the only one
that I can ask this favor of.
I want you to finish
what Coleman started.
I don't want
to live this way.
I can't live like this.
My spirit will die
a million times every day.
If you have any feelings
for me at all,
you'll help me
through it.
I can't do this anymore.
You're asking me
to end your life?
It's already over.
I get released
to home care
Wednesday at five.
If I don't see you then,
I-- I'll understand.
There you are.
Mr. Shelby.
Sit, sit, sit.
So, did you complete
the assignment?
I delivered it
to her personally.
Did she say anything
when you told her
it was from me?
Did she open it?
Vanessa's a quadriplegic.
She's completely paralyzed.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm, uh, just having so much
trouble accepting this.
I had no idea
that losing her
would affect the company
the way it has.
She did more than just
brighten this place up.
She did the little things
that nobody else will.
I feel a little bit
lost without her.
Well, if you...
need any help filling
in the gaps, I can try.
You wouldn't mind?
It might help
with my thinking.
All right, then.
I guess you could
take this over, hah.
It's my wife's latest
attempt to get published.
We need 50 copies of that
by tomorrow to send out.
Oh, and um, when you
finish with that,
could you pick up
these suits at Armine's?
They, um...
close at three.
Bob, Bob.
When are you
coming to see me?
I have to get
these copied.
Uh, can I help you?
I got it.
Hey, have you ever
used this machine?
A copier's a copier.
Ha, look,
I know you're the "big hero"
around here, having shot
the bad guy and all,
but operating the 349
isn't as easy as pointing
and pulling a trigger,
you know what
I'm saying, Bob?
These have
to be perfect,
they're for
Mr. Shelby himself.
I'll be gentle.
I hear you've been
looking for me.
Quite a night,
wasn't it, hm?
What happened?
You don't remember?
Well, I, uh,
I know now why you're
such a quiet man.
Because you
don't have much
to talk about...
down there.
Don't worry, baby.
It'll be our little secret.
It was supposed to be you.
[continues laughing]
Vanessa Parks is paralyzed
because she looks like you.
Coleman made a mistake.
You just dissed
Paula Metzler.
You really are
a bad-ass.
She doesn't know
how lucky she is.
[Woman on television]
The F.B.I. is now saying
sabotage was the cause
of that airliner
losing its wheel,
which resulted
in 12 deaths.
Finish what
Coleman started.
The F.B.I. are also
still piecing together
the possible motive
for Ralf Coleman's
murderous rampage at ADD,
but have so far
made little progress.
They also refuse
to link Coleman's actions
to the recent discovery
that his wife and daughter
had died in an auto accident
five years ago,
Finish what
Coleman started.
saying it was
too long ago to matter.
Listen to them.
Don't those
fucking assholes know
the world
is a shitty place?
Just ask Vanessa.
Shut up!
That poor girl.
Ready to leave?
How appropriate,
my old company car.
What else did Shelby
give you of mine?
Your office.
I think your job.
Well, whatever you do,
don't sleep with him.
I won't.
Okay, let me see
how to do this.
All right?
That's it.
This one around
my chest, here,
there's this clip
in the back.
All right.
You going
to be all right,
if I do this?
[clearing throat]
Don't worry,
I won't feel anything
if you touch me.
Uh, well, maybe--
maybe not everything.
[both chuckling]
I will not blink again
Okay, there you go.
You will be sure
as I am
That you and I are one
Now what?
Just get me
out of here.
I've been giving this
a lot of thought,
and I think
I've figured out
a way for you to do this
without getting
any blood on your hands.
The last thing I want
is for you to get into
any trouble over this.
Legally or spiritually.
And I'm not taking
any bullshit pills either.
I'm going out
the same way I came in...
There's a station
on the Red Line,
one where
the South Express
doesn't stop.
The concrete
in the waiting area
is sloped, not very much,
but it's smooth
all the way down.
So, just position me
at the top,
and when we feel
the train coming,
just let me go,
and gravity will take over.
What station?
Franklin Street.
The one by
the Crown Superstore?
Is it a busy station?
Yeah, but it clears out
at about midnight or so.
You hungry? You want
to get something to eat?
Are you asking me
to dinner, Bob?
I guess.
There's a...
Sizzler up here
a little ways.
Look, Bob, if this
is going to be
my last meal,
I'd like it to be
something special.
I don't get out much,
Sizzler's all I know.
Then this will be a treat
for the both of us.
Right, this way, sir,
we have a lovely table
for you, hidden away
in the back.
Six months I've been
trying to get a table here,
you've always been
too crowded?
Well, tonight must be
your lucky night.
Oh, yeah, it's amazing
what a bullet to the spine
will do for your luck.
I should
go out and get
some Quick Picks!
I'm sure you'll have
a wonderful time here
at the restaurant.
Here you are.
Your waiter
will tell you
about the specials.
God, I hate snobs.
Then why eat here?
Because it's
supposed to be
the best in the city,
and I don't want you
to forget this night.
I don't think
that'll be a problem.
You're not going to chicken
out on me, are you, Bob?
Because this will
be a wasted meal
if you don't go
through with it.
It's not a wasted meal.
Then stop looking
so goddamn sad.
would you like
to hear the specials?
Oh, no need, we'll take
the two most expensive
dishes on the menu.
Excellent choice.
I imagine you'd like
a bottle of Opus One
to wash it down?
You read my mind.
I'll bring it
right over.
Don't worry, if you
really have my job,
you can afford it.
Aren't you going
to miss anything?
Your friends,
your family...
Bob, how many flowers
were in my room?
I don't remember.
And how many people
came to wish me well?
I don't know.
And who came
to see me today?
The day I got
to go home?
Just me.
Just you.
You're such a beautiful woman,
so full of life, your smile--
Yeah, I could light
up a room, I know,
it's my first
line of offense.
I don't understand.
I'm 26 years old, Bob.
Yeah, and I was a heartbeat
away from being Senior VP
at a Fortune 500
company in just
one year on the job.
You're an incredibly
educated woman--
No, no I'm not.
My entire extended
schooling is two years
at Valley Junior College.
I have a brain, Bob,
but the only reason why
I got to where I am
so fast is because,
one, I was a complete
knockout, and two,
I gave the best goddamn
blow jobs in the entire state.
Your wine.
And it didn't hurt
that I also had that whole
woman/child thing going on.
Men either wanted to
protect me or fuck me, so,
it helped me get
up the ladder,
and I did a hell of a
lot of climbing, Bob.
More than my share.
Look, the point is,
you don't make any friends
stepping all over them
on the way up.
Look, enough with
this doom and gloom.
Let's see what a $300 bottle
of wine tastes like.
Me first. Here, can
you take this off?
Don't worry.
Ow, that's so
much better.
Now that I'll miss.
Bon appetit.
You have any brothers and
What was your most personal--
I do like apple juice a lot...
Really? One time
at the office I was
talking shit about Paula
Sweet Orchard apple juice...
and she was right behind me.
Oh, Paula...
But are goldfish like cats,
where you can't leave food
out for them?
Pretty much.
Everyone's due for
a good hangover.
It's easier to ask
what hasn't been my most...
You go ahead,
I'm stuffed.
How can you tell?
You can't feel anything
below your neck.
I know my limit.
Besides, they're
closing this place
out, I think.
It's only
ten o'clock.
I guess we're going to have
to try and find something else
we've never done before.
What haven't you done before?
[rock music]
You're doing the back-up lines.
You hear me?
Yes you are!
No, no, no.
Gladys is nothing
without the Pips.
Take the mic. Bob!
["Midnight Train
to Georgia"]
Proved too much
for the man
So he's leavin' the life
He's come to know
Bob. You gotta do this.
He said he's going
back to find
Where are the Pips?
Do the Pips!
Ooh, what's left
of this world
You're killing me, come on.
The world he left behind
Come on!
[audience shouting] Come on
buddy, give her a little help!
Not so long ago
Ho, ho, ho!
You know, forget you!
He's leaving
On that midnight train
to Georgia
Leaving on
the midnight train
Said he's going back
Going back to find
To a simpler place and time
Simpler place and time
Oh yes he is!
I'll be with him
I know you will
On that midnight train
to Georgia
You know, on
that midnight train
Oh my God.
I'd rather live
in his world--
It's her colostomy bag.
Bob. Bob. Bob!
Bob, get me
out of here!
[audience consternation]
Oh shit!
[mic feedback]
Bob! Oh my God!
Get me out of here!
Thank God I'm not
in a wheelchair.
[distant siren]
There it is.
[subway train passing]
[subway train passing]
Keep going, Bob.
[wheelchair squeaking]
Right here. Stop.
I've been here so many times.
You're going to let go,
you promise?
I promise.
I'm glad I got
to know you, Bob.
So am I.
[horn approaching]
Now Bob. Now.
[train approaching]
[increasing roar]
Bob, let me go! Bob!
Bob, you promised me!
You fucking promised me!
Goddamn it, Bob!
Let me go.
I'm sorry!
You promised me!
You fucking chickenshit!
You fucking cocksucker!
Let me go!
Bob! Bob! No!
I'm sorry! I know!
[brakes screeching]
Oh, the--
Bob! Shit!
Myelinated actions below
the wound were not as contused
as the original
MRI indicated.
So we rescanned, using
NMR microimaging.
That revealed an overabundance
of progenitor cells,
which apparently caused glia
to be secreted around
the C-7 thoracic synapsis.
What does all
that mean?
It means there's hope.
There's definite hope.
[monitor beeps]
Come here.
[Heart beat]
[Man singing acapella]
Thank you for
saving my life.
This time you
won't regret it.
[Man singing]
Inside, outside
Make up your mind
Put on your face
And close your door
Step out of your mind
...isn't anymore, is it?
No, it certainly is not.
Not another day
This one is here
to stay
Not another sign
You can kiss those blues
of yours goodbye
And I said some days
may fade
I will let this one fade
and sometimes rain falls
I will let it fall
And some things
are bound to change
They will change that way
And sometimes
there will be pain
There won't be any pain
Not today
Not this day
This one's all for you
Not this day
It's your day
This one's all for you
It's all for you
For you
It's all for you
For you
I told you guys to be here
as soon as possible.
It's an emergency.
Where'd you learn
how to drive? Huh?
The big problem's
a lack of communication
between departments,
but I notice there's one place
people don't have any trouble
expressing themselves,
and that's by the water cooler,
so I thought if you put
a little miniature water cooler
by every phone in every office
and promote communication
between departments.
That's good
thinking, Bob.
Yeah, yeah.
And I said
some days may fade
I will let this one fade
Sometimes rain falls
And I will let it fall
And some things
are bound to change
They will change that way
And sometimes
there will be pain
There won't be any pain
Not today
Not this day
This one's all for you
Not today
Not this day
This one's all for you
This is your day
It's your day
This one's all for you
This is your day
It's your day
This one's all for you
It's all for you
For you
It's all for you
For you
And I said
Some days may fade
I will let this one fade
Not today
I guess we overdid
it today.
It was a great day.
But it could
be perfect.
It's not already?
It just needs
that final touch.
Your finger's definitely
getting stronger.
Take me to the couch.
I want to satisfy
you, Bob.
You have.
You are.
Not intellectually,
I mean intimately.
All you have to do
is reposition me,
put my head over the couch,
and I'll do the rest.
What? You're my
boyfriend, right?
Come on, you've done
so much for me.
Please, just let me
do this for you.
No, no,
I don't think we should.
I don't see you that way.
Well that's just it.
I want you to. I want
you to find me attractive.
I do.
You're beautiful.
Not enough to
be intimate with?
from the first moment
I saw you
I wanted to be close to you
in every way possible.
I fantasized about you
being naked.
Can I at least fulfill
that fantasy then?
[Man singing]
Buttons, Bob?
It's okay.
There's a clasp.
Touch them.
But you won't
feel anything.
I will if you do.
So don't you worry at all
And ooh, can't you see
The world's here for you
And ooh, can't you see
Take your glasses off.
Come here.
And ooh, can't you see
The world's here for you
I'm here for you
Here for you
Take me with you.
Take me with you.
Vanessa, it's Monday.
I have to go to work.
I know. I want
to go with you.
Because, it's time to
see where it happened.
All those people seeing
what's happened to you.
The ones that you said
you stepped on,
are you sure you're strong
enough to handle all that?
I will be
if you're with me.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
Is the lipstick
No, the nurse
did a good job.
This hair
is in the way.
Let's no do this.
Not today.
No! No no no no no!
When are you going to learn
to put your emotions away
and just do it?
Stop! Dammit,
don't do that!
Don't be weak.
Come here!
Look at me.
Show some
courage, Bob.
I need that.
You're all I got
in there.
Vanessa. It's really
a shame what happened.
But you look ravishing
as always.
Such a tragic thing, Vanessa.
If there's anything
I can do, really.
You okay?
Keep moving.
It smells different.
They started to pump
in air freshener.
How come?
It's supposed to
make you happy.
It stinks.
Wait, stop.
I was filling
my water bottle.
Where were you?
I was over by the hula girl.
Take me to where I fell.
I heard the shots, but I didn't
see where they came from.
Where was Coleman standing?
He was right there.
Show me.
I wanna see.
What's wrong?
I wish I would have
seen his eyes.
If you had,
he wouldn't have fired.
How do you know?
I know.
They told me you were here.
I couldn't believe it.
I wanted to see
where it happened.
I understand.
I am so, so sorry
about what happened.
Yeah, so am I.
Bob. Come on. Let's go.
We're done here.
You can move?
I-I thought you were
permanently paralyzed.
Yeah, so did I. I guess
we were both wrong.
It was so good
to see you.
Freak show's over.
Everyone back to work.
That's Hawaii, definitely.
Or maybe it's Japan.
Both would be great.
God, it would be nice
to go somewhere.
You're awfully
quiet tonight.
If you hadn't been shot,
would you ever have thought
of being with me like this?
That's kind of
a cruel question.
You wouldn't, I know.
I didn't even
know you.
Who would you be
with then?
What does it matter?
We're in a different world.
Mr. Shelby...
Did you love him?
He was married, Bob.
So I told you
who I was before.
And why I did
what I did.
[jet roar]
Love was the last
thing on my mind.
Why are we talking
about this right now?
What happened happened.
And in this world
I'm with you, you are
the one I want to be with,
and nothing's going
to change that unless
you want it to change.
I don't want
anything to change.
Then it won't.
you should've told me
you like your women
I would have
Your day will come.
Hey Bob.
What are you doing in here?
We need to talk.
Don't you ever stop?
I have nothing to say.
I'm fine.
Well, I'm not, okay?
I'm failing here, Bob,
and I need your help.
See, I wasn't good enough
to do my job.
And now I think something
really wrong is going to happen,
and it's going to be my fault.
What could go wrong?
Let me show you something.
All right, Bob.
You gotta see this.
I haven't shown this
to anybody.
Sit down.
Where did you find this?
In the copy machine.
You see, the good thing is,
it's in the form of a question.
That means whoever wrote it
hasn't made up their mind
what they're going to do yet.
Maybe they already have,
and they're not
going to do anything.
Can we take that chance?
No. The person that wrote
this note is reaching out.
He may not even know it.
But that would be
a real tragedy
if you and I didn't
try to save him.
How can I save him?
Help me bring him out
into the open.
Otherwise, I gotta
go down to Mr. Shelby,
initiate a company-wide
handwriting analysis
and, my friend,
that's just a bitch.
It's just a bitch.
Oh, shit.
Bob, you there?
[clears throat]
Ah. I need you to go
out and buy a gift.
I wanna get something--
something really special,
but I don't know
what's appropriate
for someone
in Vanessa's condition
I figured you would know
what she'd like these days,
because I certainly
don't know.
I can not get over seeing
her come in like that.
What a brave woman.
Here. Take the afternoon
if you need it.
We-- here.
What? Do you think
it's not enough?
I don't think it's right.
Why not?
You shouldn't be buying
presents for another woman.
Vanessa is not
another woman.
She happens to be a valued
and appreciated member
of the ADD team.
Is that what you
tell Mrs. Shelby?
Are you questioning
my fidelity?
Because if you are,
you are way out of line, pal!
I just don't wanna see
her hurt again.
And what are you?
Her protector?
I care about her.
Oh, Jesus, you're
in love with her.
I can't believe it.
She's done it
to you too.
Bob, that woman
will do anything to get a man
to give her what she needs.
She's changed.
Yes. She's disabled.
She doesn't want
anything from me.
Bob, you're the spoon.
Because that's what
she needs right now.
But let me ask
you something.
What happens if she starts
to wiggle more than her finger?
What if she starts to move
her entire hand?
Or her arm?
What happens if she
can feed herself,
move herself,
take care of herself?
Do you really think
that a woman like that
is gonna choose
a man like you?
I mean, honestly now.
am not...
a spoon.
There he is.
Man of the people.
Now this thing between
you and Little Miss
Bottle Rocket serious?
Don't call her that.
I'm just saying, Bob,
you're at your peak right now.
Great money, great car,
great friends.
Some men wait a whole
lifetime for that.
Why would you wanna
waste it on a gimp?
You are a very
cruel man!
Bob, come on. Hey.
Forget golf on Sunday,
you fucking freak!
[door creaks, slams]
Don't touch her.
She was mine.
Well, you threw her away.
No, I didn't.
She was broken.
She was in pieces.
She's all better now.
She was mine.
Say bye-bye.
What's this?
He's the guy
you're looking for.
He's the one
with the problem.
Henry from Maintenance.
That's your man.
Bob, I think you misunderstood
what I was asking of you.
No, I didn't.
You wanted me to find
the next Coleman,
that's-- that's
what I did.
How did you
actually do this?
I had the sense, remember?
The sense.
You know, how
I knew something was
gonna happen here.
How I knew to bring my gun in
the day Coleman went off.
And you're right.
This man is very dangerous.
You need to do something.
You need to get him some help,
and you need to get him out
of here, just like you said.
Bob, he's not the one.
You didn't see him.
He's this tall!
You're the one, Bob.
You're the one
that needs help.
I'm the hero.
I shot the bad guy.
I know.
That's why I wanted you
to come to me on your own.
That's why you're up here
on the top floor.
You're wrong.
Think about it-- Vice President
of Creative Thinking?
Do you really believe that
someone like you would
have a job like that?
Someone like me?
Just admit you're
the one, Bob,
and you'll be
halfway home.
I'm not the one.
I'm not the one!
I'm not the one!
I'm not the one!
I'm not!
Not the one!
No. No, no, no.
Let me through!
Let me through!
[plane landing]
Mr. Shelby?
Hello, Bob.
What's going on?
Why is he here?
I just came--
I didn't ask you!
I think you better go.
Are you sure?
I, uh-- I'll see you
tomorrow, Bob.
I didn't know that he
was coming over.
The nurse let him in
before I could stop her.
He's never come
over here before.
Why here? Why now?
He wanted to talk.
About what? About your
miraculous recovery?
Or how-- how he wants
to ask you back into his life.
Don't do this.
Don't do what?
Don't turn this into
something it's not.
Don't tell me
how to feel!
He came over here because
he was worried about you.
He said that you two
had words earlier
and that you
left very upset.
Did he tell you
why I was upset?
How he wanted me to buy you
a present from him? Huh?
I bet he didn't tell you
a thing about that, did he?
Yeah, he did.
He also told me that
you harassed Paula
and that you choked
Harper in the elevator.
That's 'cause they
disrespected you.
My God! What is so wrong?
I'm not the one
who has the problem!
I don't need any help!
Do I?
Bob, everybody needs
help sometimes.
There's nothing
wrong with that.
Look at me.
Without you, I'd either
be hopeless or dead.
That's because you
need me right now.
What happens if you
start to get better?
If you could feed yourself,
clothe yourself,
take better
care of yourself--
What're you gonna
do with me then, huh?
Bob, please stop it.
What're gonna
do with me then?
You're gonna throw me away.
That's it.
No, I'm not.
Listen to me.
Yes, you are!
Yes, you are!
Sit down.
Come here.
Sit down.
Come here.
I'm not coming
over there!
Bob. Sit down.
Come here
and sit down, now.
Listen to me.
I didn't just find you
in this tragedy.
I found myself.
And I can tell you
with all honesty
that it doesn't matter
if I never walk again
or I can fucking fly.
It's your heart
and your soul that
I desperately need,
and I'll always need.
So you have a problem?
So what?
I'm gonna help you
get through this.
You just need the courage
to do the right thing.
What is the right thing?
To do what's in your heart.
And you need the courage
to face that.
It's easier to find
when I'm with you.
And if you feel
it's slipping away,
just look into my eyes...
and it'll be right there.
Do you love me?
that's such a foreign word
to me, you know that.
It doesn't mean
that I won't,
I just-- I have to be
sure before I say it.
[plane landing]
It doesn't matter.
Yes, it matters.
It does matter, Bob!
Please. Don't go.
Stay with me
tonight, please.
Because I'm afraid if you
leave feeling this way...
you won't find
your way back.
[soft moan]
What-- what?
So, she couldn't say it.
So what?
It'll come.
It'll happen.
I just have to be patient.
'Cause in the end,
it's all about timing.
The bitch lied.
Excuse me, sir!
Where's Shelby?
He's not up here.
He's downstairs.
Dammit, I told that
drone not to leave.
You know where
Maconel went?
[office chatter]
You see that?
He's got a gun!
You're the one, Bob.
You're the one that needs help.
You may ask why
I did what I did.
But what choice
did you give me?
How else could
I get your attention?
All I wanted was to
exist in your world.
Just one person
who took time
to actually see me,
who helped me...
a way out.
There comes a time
when the diseased
and the weak
must be sacrificed
in order to save the herd.
He seemed like a nice guy.
He was a quiet man.
Closed-Captioned By
J.R. Media Services, Inc.
Burbank, CA