Headhunter (2023) Movie Script

I challenge you, one on one!
No swordsman fears a challenge!
The winner gets the opponent's head!
Where are the kids?
They were playing outside just now.
Come with me.
Where are we going? To the ring?
Go pack your food. We'll be there all day.
Time flies. Our kids are grown-ups.
They're bigger
and naughtier.
Lebor likes to provoke everybody.
Lebor hit the bead basket.
Everything fell on the ground.
He didn't even help me clean it up
and just ran away.
That's normal. They're boys.
Don't pamper him too much,
or he'll become a spoiled brat.
We're ready, Dad.
Let's go. We're leaving now.
Step forward
when the enemy attacks from the front.
Be ahead of them.
- You two keep practicing.
- Okay.
I have to go
for something important. Let's go.
I'm so tired. Let's take a break.
Dad told us to keep practicing.
That's enough.
Untai, Siah, and Lebor.
I want to show you something.
What is it?
What if Dad gets angry?
It won't take too long.
Dad is away now.
Let's go.
Come on, you two.
Here, look!
This place is beautiful.
This place is beautiful.
Anang, I think heaven looks like this.
Yes, this is our spot.
This is our heaven.
Come on, as if you've seen heaven before.
When'd you find this?
That time I went to the forest with Dad.
I told you before.
You'll fall in love with this place.
I can't believe there's a beautiful place
like this near our home.
Wow! It's so high.
Untai, look there!
Let's dive in!
Dive in?
Don't be afraid, I'm here.
We're the children of Iban heroes!
Nothing scares us!
Let's dive together!
Lebor, let's make a pledge.
We vow that we'll not part,
will help each other,
and will love each other till death.
One, two, three.
We vow that we will not part,
will help each other,
and will love each other till we die.
Aunty, Anang and Lebor aren't there
at the training ring.
They aren't there?
Where did Anang go?
Lebor? Untai? Siah?
- Did you see them?
- Nobody's there, Aunty.
This must be Lebor's idea!
- Go and find them!
- Okay, Aunty.
- Where is Anang?
- Lebor, go find Anang.
Where did he go?
What's taking him so long?
What if something happened to Anang?
Come on, don't worry. He'll be safe.
Didn't we promise to help each other?
Hence I'm here.
I don't want to leave you here.
Also, you two are girls.
I'm not afraid!
Lebor, that's Anang.
Where'd you go, Anang?
Here you go.
What's this?
The liver of a warbler.
That's for you. Take it.
This liver of a warbler is
to show my love for you!
Please know I'll always love you.
Don't worry about my passing.
I'll make sure I won't die
as long as you're alive.
We are like a pair of warblers.
We'll not be able to live
if one of us is gone.
Anang, listen to the drum.
The enemy's here!
Let's go home!
Uncle, I've looked everywhere,
but I still haven't found them.
Is that so?
Were you really looking?
Oh my God!
Where'd the boys go?
Jago isn't home either!
I've been looking for them everywhere.
I couldn't find them.
Mom, I hunted down a warbler.
I gave the liver to Untai
as a sign of my love for her.
You went into the forest?
I was worried sick!
You made me worry!
Take this! And this!
This is a lesson for them!
Do you want to kill them?
Jago, what happened?
I fell into the ravine.
Honey, are you okay?
Ouch, that hurts.
- Son.
- Yes, Dad.
Don't feel inferior or distant
because you are adopted.
We still care for you and love you
like we would if you were our own child.
Please look after Anang
and Mom too.
When I'm gone,
I hope you'll take my place.
Please don't say that.
Promise me, Lebor?
Yes, I promise to look after Mom
and Anang until my last breath.
Don't let anger get the better of you.
Don't simply hit the children.
They deserved to be beaten.
They wandered all day.
Everyone looked for them.
I didn't know where they'd got go!
Why didn't you ask them first?
Ask where they went.
What if they'd had a problem?
Maybe something happened to them?
I was furious and distraught.
What if something bad had happened?
As parents, we must worry about them,
or else they'll cause trouble.
But we must also prevent ourselves
from being too extreme.
This is because of Lebor.
He's ungrateful.
He should be taking care of Anang,
but he taught him to be naughty.
Oh my God.
Whose son is this?
Please don't say that.
Their future is far-off.
Don't say that because of this.
Don't say that to Lebor.
How could you?!
I love Anang so much.
He is my son.
I don't want anything bad
to happen to him.
Ouch, that hurts.
Lebor, you have a fever
because you were badly beaten yesterday.
Don't simply say that!
She wants to be a shaman
when she grows up.
Anang, Lebor.
Let's go to the ring and practice.
Dad, Lebor is unwell.
His temperature's high.
Empiang, can you give him medicine?
Just rest at home.
You don't have to practice.
Anang, let's go!
Siah, let's go with Anang.
No, you both are girls.
They'll be staying there until dusk!
They'll be home late too.
Once again.
You must be strong to be a warrior.
Don't be soft
or the enemy will defeat you.
It's not easy to be an Iban warrior.
Understood, Dad.
Let's eat.
This potato is so delicious.
It's delicious because your mom made it.
Look at this.
Do you know the history of this machete?
The dots are the number of heads
beheaded by this machete.
Let's go back!
I've been waiting so long for this moment!
I have come to avenge
the death of my brother, Likas,
whom you killed.
Now, it is your turn, Jago!
Don't be afraid of death, son!
Iban warriors aren't afraid to die.
A true Iban warrior
isn't one who beheads others,
but one who's willing
to sacrifice himself.
Damn you!
Enough with the practice.
Have a break.
Let's eat first.
This is for you.
It's so delicious.
You should know
that in this longhouse,
Untai's the best cook.
It's late. We must go now.
Wait for a while. We just started eating.
Okay, I'll wait, but be faster.
You really are something.
We waited but you didn't care.
Now we're late.
Let him be.
He wants her attention.
They're lovebirds.
I'm sorry, Anang.
I can't wait any longer.
I'll get scolded later.
You're left with me.
I need love too.
What's bothering you?
What are you thinking about?
I remembered
how Sapik cruelly beheaded our father
before my very eyes.
I swear
if I ever run into him,
I'll behead him!
What's this?
Anang, this trap is dangerous.
Stop making the trap.
If somebody falls in, they'll die!
Indeed, I want people dead!
I want Sapik to fall in here.
It would serve him right.
Let him die!
This is the route
that Sapik and his people took
when he killed Dad.
If he takes this route,
it's his funeral.
What are you thinking right now?
The liver of a warbler.
I'm thinking of you.
You care too much about me.
My life has no purpose without you.
You mean the world to me.
You get me?
Here, take this.
Pua kumbu.
I weaved this pua kumbu myself.
It's beautiful.
I'm happy to see your sweet smile.
What are you doing here?
Bird watching.
If you want to hunt birds,
where's your blowgun?
I know what you were doing.
If we like someone,
does that person like us too?
Do you want to be like them?
Armed with high spirit
For the fighters
Who went to war
The courage to behead the enemy
To bring home
To the longhouse
Will be greeted with a tilt ceremony
The man with the rivet
Also came and went home
Will forever care for you in the war
The winner of the title of best weaver
goes to Untai!
With that,
the Indu Takar Award is awarded to Untai.
Please, take this.
Way to go!
Anang, Lebor.
- Yes?
- Yes?
Guess who just won the Indu Takar Award?
Congratulations, Untai!
I knew you'd win!
No other girls can top you, right?
Congratulations on winning
the Indu Takar Award!
I'm gifting a jungle fowl
in celebration of your success!
- Siah.
- Yes?
This is for you.
Except I'm
You also won today.
- That's right, Siah!
- What?
We all won today.
Thank you. You are always so nice to me.
Of course! Did you forget our pledge?
What are you going to cook?
I'm hungry already.
You want to eat this? You weren't sincere.
Let's go home. I'm hungry too.
I've seen it all.
I want to test your courage.
Now is the time to prove your greatness.
Find and defeat the enemy.
That signifies you're a warrior.
Whoever among you manages to beat
and behead the enemy
and bring home
an enemy's head to the longhouse
will be granted the title
of Brave Warrior.
All Iban men go through this.
Don't worry about me.
I'm afraid
that something bad might happen to you.
I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen.
I learned a lot from my dad.
I will come home safely
as a Brave Warrior.
You don't have to be that.
You're enough for me
as you are.
Anang, I
I'll always be your Anang.
But I also need to be an Iban warrior
because I am the son of a Brave Warrior.
Let's go home.
Lebor, promise me
that you'll look after Anang.
Okay, Mom.
We'll look after each other.
Don't worry, Mom. I will not fail.
I'll come home with a victory.
I'll pray for your safety,
so you'll come back in one piece.
I'll always wait
for your return.
Wait for my return
with at least
one enemy's head.
My stomach hurts, Lebor.
I'm going to find a better spot.
- Anang.
- Yes?
- Let's eat these insects.
- Looks delicious.
Where did our people go?
There's no way we're lost.
We've passed here three times already.
How can it be like this?
Lebor, look at this cave.
Where are we?
It's midnight.
- Let's spend the night here.
- Okay.
Anang, wake up. It's noon already.
Let's get going.
don't move!
Luckily you saw the snake.
Why do you keep the snake's head?
Dad once told me
to keep my enemy's head.
Lebor, that's the sound
of the enemy's drum.
We've entered enemy territory.
Grab this!
Behead him!
Behead him now!
Grab his head.
Tell them you're the one who did it!
You're a Brave Warrior.
Why do you seem so upset?
Are you thinking about Lebor and Anang?
I'm thinking about them.
I shouldn't be worried.
I'm sure they'll come home with victory.
You're very lucky.
My fate is bad.
Nobody wants me because I'm not pretty.
Who am I compared to you?
Don't look down on yourself.
You're beautiful too.
Your eyes and lips are beautiful.
the rays of your eyes
have so much love.
I'm so lucky to have friends
as good as you.
Our Brave Warrior is home,
along with the enemy's head.
Empiang, come here.
Son of a Brave Warrior.
Let's go inside.
With this opportunity, we all know that
Lebor and Anang have returned from Ngayau
with the enemy's head.
So both of them
proved and fought to be called
Brave Warriors.
So, tomorrow morning,
both of them will be tattooed
as proof that they've managed
to defeat the enemy.
A sign that they are Brave Warriors.
I agree!
Let's drink!
Let's continue dancing! Let's drink!
Let's drink!
You fought successfully,
so this tattoo depicts the Brave Warrior.
Both of you deserve to get married.
Do you have someone in mind?
Anang has someone.
will you be my wife?
We must conquer the Iban longhouse.
That's the only way
for us to save our people
from hunger and poverty.
I agree, Chief.
Now, our plants seem unsuccessful.
Many animals are dead
because of the epidemic.
By conquering the longhouse,
we can seize everything.
Only then will our lives be comfortable.
The wealth,
and girls.
Their daughters will be ours.
How can you defeat those longhouse people
when there are many warriors
in that house?
You're scared,
and that's conceding defeat!
In this forest,
I'm the king,
and I can have whatever I want.
Chief, I have a way
to achieve your desire easily.
We should ask for help
from the pirates' captain, Anton.
Let's drink!
Where's my drink?
I hereby announce to all of you
that Anang will be proposing to Untai.
As usual, we must follow
our customs and culture
to determine Anang's masculinity.
He must climb this pole.
If you fail to climb the pole,
you can't marry Untai.
Come on.
- Come on!
- Climb it!
Honey, I'm coming! Wait for me!
That's it!
Do you want to get married?
Come on, Anang!
You got this!
That's it!
How are you going to marry Untai
if you can't climb the pole?
That's it!
At last, Untai is yours now!
You successfully came to me
for the sake of love.
Even if you're in the sky,
I'll reach for you.
Promise me
the love and affection between us
will stay forever.
I promise to love you till death.
I promise, till death do us part.
I want to meet your boss, Anton.
- Apai.
- Yes?
We saw Sapik
with the pirates' captain on the beach.
I second that.
Yes, I know Likas.
I'm indebted to him.
Why do you want to meet me?
Likas was killed by Jago.
I wanted revenge.
I was waiting for the time
to get revenge on him
so I could behead Jago!
The longhouse is not far from the river.
I want to conquer that longhouse!
That's why I came here.
I need your help.
Please help me.
Sapik wants to fight with us again.
He met with the pirates because
he wanted to ask for help.
He wants to conquer our longhouse.
it would be better if all of us
patrolled the beach.
The seniors should keep our longhouse
from being conquered by them.
I disagree!
We're experienced warriors.
We should be the ones
patrolling the beach.
Older people like us
have more knowledge
about the ins and outs of fighting.
It's difficult for them
to capture our longhouse.
If so
senior warriors will patrol the beach,
while the young warriors
patrol the longhouse.
My dad,
- Untai!
- Anang!
She's beautiful.
Take good care of her.
She's beautiful.
Take good care of this girl.
An eye for an eye!
I'll kill your killer, honey!
I can't live without you.
Why did you kill Untai?
I'm a warrior,
there's no reason for me to kill a girl.
Your son is here.
You're here for revenge?
You want to avenge your father's death?
This is Sapik's head.
I beheaded him.
I'm happy now!
I have avenged the deaths
of Untai and my dad.
- I brought Dad's head home.
- Gosh.
Anang will be the head of the warriors.
Where'd you get the bracelet?
I've something important to tell you.
What do you want to tell me?
It'll hurt you,
but it's wrong to keep this from you.
I'm afraid to tell you.
Remember, an Iban person
shouldn't be afraid!
Lebor, where were you coming from?
You scared me.
I want to talk to Untai.
Siah, you should go home.
I'm begging you.
Please, don't marry Anang.
What are you talking about?
Are you crazy?
Yes, I'm crazy about you.
I've loved you for a long time.
We should get married.
Don't do this!
Why are you doing this to me?
Is it wrong for me to love you?
Yes, it's wrong!
I can't keep this from you.
I'm full of regret.
Where'd you get the bracelet?
Why did you kill my beloved?
Pick up your machete!
What has gotten into you?
One of us will die today!
What's the point of me living
when my beloved is dead?
I didn't kill Untai!
Why did you kill Untai?
Why did you act so cruelly to our family?
My parents
looked after you like their own child.
No wonder your own family
left you in the woods.
I didn't kill Untai!
I never betrayed you or Untai.
Untai didn't die because of me.
I swear
I'll behead the person who did this.
Why did you do this to Anang?
You're the one who should have died!
Not Anang!
You shouldn't die, Anang.
You don't deserve to die, Anang.
I betrayed Untai.
Marry me.
I love you, Anang.
What do you mean?
I've lost to Untai since I was young.
Everything she did,
she was always better than me.
I had feelings
for Anang since the beginning
but he never realized it.
Everything was about Untai.
I'm a train wreck.
never liked me because he
had feelings for Untai.
I couldn't bear to see Untai with Anang.
I thought it would be better if she died.
What are you talking about, Siah?
So, you're the one who killed her?
You deserve
to be beheaded!
Don't do that!
- She's our family too!
- Anang.
I have
one last request.
Just say it.
Before my last breath
I hope
you can fulfill my wish.
Please say it.
Dad once told me
a true Iban warrior
isn't one who beheads others
but one who's willing
to sacrifice himself.
I don't get it.
Behead me.
I want to die
like my father
as a true Iban warrior.
Behead me, now!
Behead me!
Don't do it.
Lebor, don't do it!