Headless Horseman (2022) Movie Script

[phone rings]
Shit. Shit...
Hi, Angel.
Um, it's good to see you.
Listen, I think you might have
the wrong idea about me, man.
You got sticky fingers, Lorenzo.
Angel, no!
Anything that this guy's
telling you
or that anybody's telling
you about me skimming,
they're lying.
So why were you running?
Full transparency, I didn't
know it was you guys.
-I've got enemies, okay?
-[phone rings]
I wonder why.
Whatever you're thinking about
doing, you don't have to do it.
Just let me pay you back.
Okay, good job.
This is how you pay me back.
[slicing sounds]
I'll tell Angel.
You let Fleck know.
That was Jose.
I think he found your girl.
I'm seriously regretting
my decision.
I'm gonna look like an idiot.
Oh, but you're so cute when
you look like an idiot.
-Oh, yeah?
So, yeah, at some point,
we should start
planning this wedding.
You're right, and when
you're right, you're right.
And don't you forget it.
Oh, that reminds me...
Shelby wants us to pick up candy
corn for the party tonight.
Oh, candy corn is crucial.
I never got into it.
But I can see the appeal.
[phone rings]
Hi, Crystal.
What about Andre
or Alena or Warren?
What's wrong?
Are you kidding me, Crystal?
That's so unfair.
Not tonight.
I haven't had
a day off in weeks.
Brandon, there's
someone watching us.
Okay, fine, but you owe me huge.
-Who was it?
-I don't know.
-I didn't see anyone.
-Are you kidding?
He was right there watching us.
Probably just some
trick or treaters.
I have to go in to work tonight.
Inventory issue.
-No one else is available.
But Crystal said it should
only be a few hours
and she'd pay me
time and a half.
That sucks.
I know.
Um, will you wait for me?
I have to shower
and get changed.
Who needs to shower
when you've got this?
What are you doing?
Mission accomplished.
You're smiling again.
Join me.
I dare you.
Oh, yeah?
Hey, Brandon,
I just closed up at work.
I'm the last one here,
so I hope you're on your way
because I don't wanna wait
around outside for too long.
Some folks may get
the wrong idea.
Anyway, if you can call me back,
that'd be great.
Love you.
Hard day at work, Sofia?
What are you doing here?
Long time, no see.
Did Angel put you up to this?
You know I've never
done that shit.
It's just coke.
I'm not touching that.
Come on.
It only hurts
'til it feels good.
Then it's real good.
How did you even find me?
Angel's been looking
for you for months.
He wants to put
the past behind him.
And you expect
me to do what?
You should really walk away.
As soon as you
shoot up, I'm out.
My fianc's gonna kick your ass.
Oh, I'm so scared.
Sorry, I'm late.
-What's going on?
-He found me. We have to go.
-Wait, who found you?
-Let's get out of here!
Gilbert disabled the bike.
Meet up with him and grab them
before they hit the main road.
Asshole knocked a filling loose!
Who was that guy?
Did he hurt you?
I'm fine.
He works for Angel.
Your ex?
I didn't think
he'd try to find me.
Yeah. I think
he's not over you yet.
Let's go.
-He parked his bike around here!
-They're following us!
[engine sputters]
Are you kidding me?
Somebody yanked my fuel line.
There they are!
We gotta run.
Brandon, we have
to get out of here.
They're not gonna let us go.
Angel doesn't give up.
We have to go.
Go where?
We head back that way,
we're boxed into an underpass.
Across the bridge is
the only way out of there.
We're not gonna make it
across the bridge,
Brandon, they'll kill us.
We'll see.
Listen, if you have a chance,
a moment when they're not
looking at you, you take it.
Don't worry about me.
I'm not leaving you!
This is all my fault, Brandon.
-I'm so sorry.
-Don't be.
You're worth it.
Let me handle him.
This could be fun.
You sure?
Oh, I got this.
You know,
we only wanted the girl.
Yeah, I got that.
-Do me a favor, Fleck.
Go around the bridge
and make sure Sofia
doesn't ditch her fianc.
Yep, yep.
You didn't have to be a part of
this, but now you're in the way.
And it's going
to stay that way.
Show me what you got!
So pretty!
Angel wants to say hi.
Calm down.
Personally, I don't get it.
Get what?
What she sees in you.
Should keep the bang-bang
to a minimum.
LAPD loves that sound!
Yeah, yeah.
The name's Angel, by the way.
Nice to meet you!
Stop, leave him alone!
You were very hard to find.
But worth it.
You son of a--
I've been called worse.
Why did you do this?
What can I say?
You were the one
who got away, Sofia.
After all these years,
I'm still not over
my high school sweetheart.
Hey there, let me see it.
Nice rock.
Layaway plan?
I never loved you.
[Brandon groans]
Hey, look!
Look at this.
He's a bullet sponge.
Hey! Angel.
Let's get outta here!
Cops will be on us!
This is all your fault.
You should feel terrible
about this.
You do understand that, if
I can't have you, no one can.
But maybe I'm being too hasty.
She's going to work for us.
Work for us?
Are you serious?
Dead serious.
She'll mule for us.
Besides, we need a new body
now that Miguel got pinched.
She won't cooperate!
Luckily, it's not up to her.
Javier is not going
to like this.
What will stop her from
yapping to the Federales?
Because I know where
mommy and daddy are now.
Oh, yeah, I found them, too.
I wonder if they remember me.
She talks,
I gut them like fish.
She plays along...
maybe she gets to like it.
Shall we?
Still alive?
Oh, my God, Brandon!
This one is for the scrapbook!
He's like a roach!
Then we should smash him.
'Tis the season...
Stop! Leave him alone!
Oh, don't worry about it.
In 24 hours, you'll be
across the border.
And so doped out of your mind
that you can't even
remember your own name.
Happy Halloween, son!
Funny boy?
How's this?
Is that funny for you?
Let's go, Fleck!
Help! Please!
My! They have left you
in shambles, friend.
Who are you?
You called for help.
Help has arrived.
Look at you.
Pitiful end.
You can forget about that.
You're dead and gone now.
You live now on my behalf.
You cried out and I heard
because I'm always listening
for the wayward soul.
I'm always in the market
for a bargain,
looking for those willing
to risk it all.
You're not real.
I haven't got all night
and neither do you.
Sofia... they've taken her.
Oh, I know.
I saw and you want her back.
And you want that dirty
drug dealer piece of trash
and all of his men dead!
I want something too.
Quid pro quo.
You want a do-over?
I will give you what you
need to accomplish that.
-For a price.
-There's always a price.
If you thought different,
you'd be lying to yourself.
Nothing in life or
death is free, kid.
What do you want?
If we're gonna go forward
and I'm gonna share
the details of our agreement,
you will be forfeiting
your final asset.
My soul...
but how do I know--
That I can do what
I say I can do?
That I am who I say I am?
You see that carcass?
Wanna see him dance?
What happens to my soul after?
Stays with me safe and sound
and warm year round.
Now I will give you the tools
and you will do the dirty work.
I will give
you the means
to bring about your
righteous vengeance.
You kill them, I claim them.
I collect all
the souls you harvest.
You can have every
last one of them.
You get 24 hours to do it.
After that, it's too late
for you and your lady love.
Do we have a deal?
Very well.
Let's turn you into
an instrument
of brimstone-fueled fury.
How are you gonna do that?
Every hero needs
a right-hand man.
With this,
you will be unstoppable.
You will be the instrument
of the vengeance you desire.
I will plant the seed...
that allows you to flower.
There now.
Don't resist it, kid.
Embrace it.
Now that is a thing of beauty.
You are going to put
the fear of...
of God into...
one more thing,
one more thing.
There, now we're talking.
Now you have a gift that you can
turn on and off as need be.
You can walk
among mortals in disguise.
How do I work this thing?
Practice makes perfect.
You see that dimwit
bag of bones?
See what you can do.
Soulmates, huh?
So why this guy?
What does... did...
he have that I don't?
Seriously, humor me.
I'm looking to improve.
I understand the need
to feel optimistic.
But, come on,
let's be real here.
You'll love Mexico
this time of year.
Who am I kidding?
Sucks all year round.
Always smells like
piss and garbage.
[car honking]
What now?
What's up?
I feel like an idiot.
What else is new.
What happened?
I gotta go back.
For what?
To get arrested?
I think I dropped my phone.
I can't find it.
Maybe when the
douchebag tripped me.
Are you kidding me right now?
I know, I know.
I'll be quick,
but I can't leave it behind.
I'll circle back
before the cops show up.
Meet me back at the house.
If you get pinched,
call Moira, not me.
It's not my first rodeo.
Now this beauty packs
quite a wallop, kid.
Give it a try.
Don't tell me
that you're feeling bad
about this bag of bones!
I've never killed anyone before.
You never forget the first time.
Okay, look.
If it'll make you feel
any better, this guy,
he killed two innocent women
a couple years ago.
And he got away with it.
Not too shabby, huh?
What if I hurt innocent people?
It's on you.
I still get the souls.
Look, kid, just make sure
that the intended victim
is on the other end
of that glove.
Now I gave you a little
special something
for those people
you like the least.
You want a little extra oomph?
Give in to your rage.
Give in to your anger.
When you get all hot and
bothered, boy, can you cook!
Just will it and
the gauntlet will obey!
Blow a hole in him.
I wasn't expecting that!
No one ever is.
That's why it's my favorite.
Let's go again.
I want you to get
more comfortable
with your little friend there.
The more you practice,
the more souls I get.
Kid, let me ask you something.
What is it with you
and this girl, huh?
You know, the human connections,
they intrigue me.
Is it love at
first sight or what?
When I first met her, she was
working at a coffee shop.
Gave me free refills.
Such a small thing,
but the way she looked at me,
she noticed me.
Made me feel
like I accomplished something.
It might not make sense,
but it's all I got.
Hey, you know, I guess you
got your priorities straight.
Let's kill this fool.
Honestly, I could
do this all night.
Holy shit!
He's alive?
I think you're starting
to like it, kid.
I don't think like's
the right word.
Appreciate it. Whatever.
Am I high?
I'm ready.
I believe you are.
Now you've got 24 hours
to bring Sofia back
before I drag you down with me.
And one other thing,
you are in human flesh.
Remember that.
Meaning what?
I thought I was dead.
Yes and no.
You can't die,
but pain is still pain.
You are bound by
certain human limitations,
which means you will slow down.
And you will need
to refuel and recharge.
I'll have to eat?
Yes, and not normal food.
Blood, human blood.
It's the closest thing to
a soul's physical essence.
Who's there?
They won't know what
hit 'em, kid.
I get it.
I gotta eat.
What are we gonna do
with you, Horse?
Welcome home!
Take her to an upstairs bedroom.
And give her a tea or
something and lock the door.
I'll be missed!
People will look for me, Angel.
Well, they won't find you.
You're disgusting.
Tomorrow afternoon, we'll prep
you for your big trip.
So get some rest.
And if you need help
getting some sleep,
maybe I can give you something.
Please, you don't
have to do this.
You can let me go.
I'll tell the cops you had
nothing to do with this.
Not my problem.
Please, he's crazy.
He's going to kill me.
Not. My. Problem.
You hungry? Thirsty?
Wait! No!
No! Please don't do this!
What happened to you?
You're not gonna believe it.
I'm a little shook.
Okay. So now that we're
unshaken, what happened?
That kid, Brandon.
He's alive.
And you stopped that
from being true, right?
He's dead!
I mean, he's alive!
I mean, it's one of those two!
What are you talking about?
Like I said, he's back,
but he's not normal.
He's got a flaming pumpkin
on his head
and a claw that does crazy shit!
Speaking of crazy...
I know it sounds nuts!
But he sold
his soul to the devil.
I saw him talking
to this old guy.
He said he has
24 hours to save Sofia
before he drags him to hell.
Are you high right now?
You know I don't use anymore!
I mean, socially, yes,
but not on a daily.
I'm clean-ish!
I'm not high right now!
So boyfriend guy sold
his soul to the devil.
And he's coming to kick our ass.
Keep it.
Get some rest. My treat.
-Where are you going?
-Off to the office.
Gotta prep for our new
mule's travel arrangements.
You don't believe me.
Don't believe me.
Excuse me.
You, uh...
You lookin' for somethin'?
No. I was hoping you boys
can help me.
Been driving around all
night wasting my time.
So now you've decided
to waste mine!
Why don't you just
keep drivin', pal?
I'm looking for Angel.
Well, we ain't hiring.
We've business to discuss.
Now somethin' about you
doesn't sit right with me.
That's a damn shame.
Bro, walk off. Step away.
Yeah. Shouldn't you be like
at a magician's ball
or a masquerade party?
Yeah. Where's your
little rabbit, huh?
Why don't we make him disappear?
You know? Dead.
Why don't you guys
help me find Angel
and I'll let you get
a new line of work?
Dude, walk away!
You wouldn't be the first idiot
we cap in broad daylight.
I mean, you know,
my man's connected, right?
Cops ain't a thing around here.
Just looking for Angel.
He ain't around here, pal.
Try the library.
So you're gonna force me
to convince you, huh?
What are you gonna do about it?
Go ahead. Convince us.
What are you, man?
The last thing you'll see alive.
Where's Angel?
Listen, man. You don't wanna
go to war with Angel.
He doesn't give up easy, man!
Same here! Now where is he and
where did he take Sofia?
I don't know who Sofia is,
but I sure hope she's worth it.
She is.
If you want the boss,
he'll be at the factory.
He's almost always there.
It's like a secret base.
The cops don't even touch it.
How do I get there?
Next town over in Candlewood.
It's on the corner of, uh...
Crimswell and Hamlin!
Made shoes or some crap there.
See? Being helpful is easy.
You're 100% right.
Eat shit!
Gracias, Javier.
You'll love her.
Hasta luego, amigo.
You wanted to see me?
Moira, come on in.
If this is about
the Panama situation,
we are still in
limbo due to Customs.
Panama can wait.
It's fake ID time.
The Feds are still sniffing
around from last time.
I hate the word no.
I have an aversion to it.
I understand that...
Maybe it's from that time
that I was
ripping that guy's eyelids out.
And he kept screaming, "No! No!"
like it would make me stop!
I know.
I was there.
You know, maybe I just
burned out on the word.
Besides, it's for
a dear friend of mine.
I'm sure it is, but--
I need to tie up
loose ends, Moira.
Javier knows.
I just called him.
It's got to happen, Moira.
It's going to take major
cash to make that happen.
You want the works?
Passport, driver's license...
You bet, and tonight.
Oh, boy.
I'm gonna call Luis.
He's usually pretty good about
this kind of stuff.
Gracias, Luis.
The last package was 10 large.
Well, it's 20 grand
for a rush job.
He's giving us a deal.
-For a just in case?
-This is your just in case.
He wouldn't budge.
My guy is the guy.
You know his quality work.
I don't trust easily.
As a matter of fact,
I can count on one hand
how many people I do trust.
And you, Moira,
are on that hand.
If you screw me,
I'd have to cut
the finger off.
Legit items are expensive items.
And you're not skimming any
off the top for yourself?
Now would I do that to you?
I knew the eyelids guy.
Make it happen.
But it's all gotta be
in my hands by tonight.
Done and done.
How crowded is the border?
Oh, the last report was there's
roadkill all over Texas.
But we are golden
through Chula Vista.
No checkpoints?
Nope. They pulled up stakes a
couple days ago, moved north.
We could flow some
dough while we're at it.
No. No, I want a clean
transport just in case.
I wanna make sure
this little lady
gets there without any hassle.
Yeah, her trouble happens later.
Oh, hell, no!
What was that?
Are you packing, Moira?
You think it's a police raid?
They wouldn't dare.
I'm out!
Put it down!
Yeah, right.
No, no! Wait, wait!
Wait, no, no!
Oh, God.
Where is Angel?
Do not kill me!
I'm not here for you!
You just missed him.
Son of a bitch!
You are alive.
Where is Sofia?
If I don't answer you,
you're going to kill me, right?
I'm gonna kill you anyway.
Now where is she?
Now if you kill me,
you'll never find her.
Tell me where she is and
I'll make this painless.
I used to say
that to people too,
but death is never painless.
So don't try and
make me feel better.
You brought this on yourself,
now where...
where is she?
Well, I'd love
to stay and chat.
But something tells me you're
not gonna stay down for long.
Moira, I suggest
you find an exit.
Oh, please don't kill me!
I'm not a bad guy.
I'm not supposed
to die like this!
Tell me where Sofia is!
I don't know her!
Okay. Where does he live?
Tell me that.
He lives way, way out of town.
And I don't even know if
he's going home right now.
Where could he be headed?
I don't know!
Like I told you,
he doesn't tell me anything.
This is a kind of
a need to know business!
Now is where I ask
for his address again.
I can't tell you that.
Then you must
not value your life.
It's client confidentiality.
7875 Candle Ave.
Got you!
I'll be back in a few to give
you something real nice.
It'll help you sleep.
And when you awake,
you'll be in sunny Mexico.
Eyes peeled!
Be on high alert!
You got it, boss.
today was a little messy.
Had a visit from an old friend.
A dead one, actually.
I told you.
I seen some shit,
but that was some shit!
So on top of everything that
we have to worry about,
we have a new problem.
This piece of trash sold
his soul to the devil,
which apparently
is a real damn thing.
And he's gunning for me
and he's gunning for you!
I'm next!
You're next!
You're next!
We're all next!
And this Brandon guy
is 100% fairly unstoppable...
at the moment.
Fleck... you said something
about 24 hours.
That s what I heard.
That's as long as
he said Brandon had
before he dragged him to hell.
So, time is running
short for him, right?
So it's just a game
of keep-away, really.
No. No!
Let's just wait it out.
Hunker down here.
Let's Alamo his ass.
Even if he comes here,
I don't have enough
bodies to throw at him.
No offense, fellas, but
that's what you're paid for.
Holy ground.
Devil dealers aren't allowed
on holy ground, right?
I have no idea.
It's worth a shot.
I'm coming, Brandon.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
How'd you get outta your room?
Someplace ridiculously far away!
Someplace holy!
A church or something!
The girl got away!
You're kidding!
Brandon's here?
-Never mind!
Find her!
Go! Go!
Go, Fleck.
We need to talk.
Back away.
Pretend you didn't see me.
Put in a good word with
your guy for me, huh?
I mean, I know I'm going to
hell, but I'm in no rush.
What are you talking about?
If I let you go,
maybe he'll go easy on me.
Bygones and shit.
Screw you!
The safety's on!
How are we supposed to cooperate
if we can't see eye to eye?
I'm trying to be nice here!
Anything over here?
Hey! I found her!
I'm not going to let
you send me to Mexico.
Not sure if you knew.
I'll do it again.
And I bet you'll
make it stick this time.
I regret I ever felt that way.
But an upper hand
is an upper hand.
But Brandon's alive.
I heard you.
Well, I wouldn't
say alive exactly.
I also wouldn't say all
the way dead either.
Then he'll come for me.
If he's alive,
he'll look for me.
I'm counting on it.
What do you mean?
There's a cathedral
in Woodsboro.
It's perfect.
Woodsboro's like
four hours from here.
Oh, yeah, real out of the way.
It's a haul, so it will
eat up his time.
Speaking of which,
stash her in my trunk.
We're leaving.
What if he doesn't show?
He'll show.
Where's Sofia?
Dinner table!
Boss left you a note.
[motorcycle engine roars]
Rise and shine, Sofia!
Nice night, isn't it?
What are we doing out here?
Waiting for your one true love.
What else?
He's coming here?
If he wants you back, yes.
And when he does,
we're ready for him.
But no job is too immense
when you have confidence.
What happened to us?
You were into me
once, right?
Think we could give
it another go?
I am very forgiving
for the most part.
I get it!
I tried to kill you!
Fair point.
Jessica Lewis happened to us.
Who's that?
She was my best friend.
She got hooked.
Someone sold her bad shit
and she died.
She was 17!
Then I found out it was you
that sold her that shit!
I despised you.
I wanted you dead.
I wanted me dead.
Maybe I could have saved her.
For what it's worth,
I am human.
I loved you and you hurt me.
I wouldn't have gone through all
this trouble if I wasn't hurt.
Naturally, I'm bitter,
so I guess we're even.
If that's the best you got,
then I pity you.
-You're evil!
-It helps!
I wasn't bluffing!
I'll kill myself before you
send me anywhere!
Hm, well, that would be
an utterly shocking waste.
Luckily, we traffic in
cadavers for medical schools
that don't ask questions.
Now, sit back and relax.
His time's almost up.
His time for what?
Time's almost up, Brandon.
I figured you'd show up.
You don't think
I'd miss the grand finale?
You do know this is a trap?
Figured they'd play dirty.
Yeah, well, there's
a lot about all this
that isn't exactly kosher.
What happens to Sofia
when I'm gone?
Well, if you clear the deck
as in all the guys
that wanna pack her off
to Mexico,
I suppose she gets
on with her life,
grows old and dies
happy and fulfilled.
Good enough.
See you soon, kid.
They're around the back.
Waiting for you.
Hey! There he is!
This guy damned his soul
for you, you know?
Oh my God, Brandon!
Not God.
Not exactly.
You okay?
Did he hurt you?
Are you okay?
That's far enough, lover boy.
Was it all worth it, Angel?
I mean, wouldn't
you say she's worth it?
I mean, you did sell
your damn soul
to the devil for her, right?
Too many people have died.
Just let her go, please, okay?
Give me your word
she'll be safe, I'll back off.
I don't believe you.
You have my word.
You're gonna have to trust me.
Hm, and if I do that,
if I let her go right now
and you go back to wherever
it is you're going to,
how can you trust me
to keep my promise
that I won't go after her again?
Just gonna have to trust you.
Saying that out loud, it doesn't
seem like a good idea.
No, it's a brilliant idea.
Let's try it.
What happened to you?
I don't know where to begin.
Are you... dead?
Did you really do
what he says you did?
Why did you do that?
-It should be obvious.
I don't have time for this.
[Angel laughs]
Oh, what's the matter?
Did that hurt?
What is this?
I mean, don't you get it?
Instant holy ground!
Just add holy water.
No trespassing for you.
Pretty good, huh?
Must really burn you up to be
so close, yet so far, far away.
No, no, no, no!
You're staying with me.
You wouldn't shoot me,
not after all this.
I mean, I would.
I'm unpredictable.
Oh, my God, Bran!
The devil itself!
Do it!
What do you think you're doing?
Hurry up, Father!
Splash him!
In the name of the Father
and of the Son...
-No! Stop!
It's just getting good!
And the Holy Spirit, I command
you to leave this man!
Whoa, holy water is no joke!
Dear God, merciful God!
You're a monster!
Me? Look at him!
He's got a burning
pumpkin head!
I'm the normal one here!
Brandon, can you hear me?
I'm sorry, Sofia.
Look, I don't know
when you made
this little super
powered agreement,
but I'm guessing
time's almost up for you.
Jesus, Angel.
Just let me go.
You don't have to
do any of this!
What? No.
I'm not finished yet!
Famous last words!
In case you haven't
noticed, it's over.
I win.
Sounds like that's for you.
Time's up, friend.
What's happening?
I love you.
I love you, Brandon.
Take these.
She won't have need for those.
I'll love you forever.
No! No!
You don't see that every day.
Fleck, did you see that?
Oh, I saw it.
Merciful God...
Oh, what's the matter?
You never seen an ex-boyfriend
dragged back to hell before?
Get away from me!
Cheer up.
You two would have
never lasted anyway.
Father, thank you for your help.
He... he was possessed.
Yeah, something like that.
Don't look so surprised, Father.
Don't they prepare you guys
for stuff like this?
I'd imagine it's Priest 101.
I... I have to report this
to the Monsignor.
He... He has to know about
this immediately.
No, no, mum's the word.
You understand?
This needs to stay between us.
Seal of the confessional
and all that.
You have to understand
what I just witnessed
doesn't happen too often.
Frankly, I've never
heard of anyone
who's seen anything
remotely like this.
It's... It's huge.
It's a big deal, I know.
I understand.
It's immense!
It's unfathomable.
Do you know what this
could mean for the church?
Father, do you know
what this could mean
if I get connected
to something like this?
Uh, I'd...
I'd keep your
name out of this.
I'd keep my mouth shut
about your involvement
and your associate's
involvement, too.
Yeah. Well, you see, it
is important, nay imperative
that you keep your
mouth shut about all of this.
Can you do that?
Look, Mr. Cregar...
Like I keep saying...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I get it.
We got a problem.
What are you talking about?
You gotta be kidding me!
You weren't watching her!
She was tied up.
I'm one guy!
I had to back you up
with the priest!
Did it look like I needed
backup with the priest?
Well, you never know!
I'll find her!
I know where she went.
To where it all began.
The bridge?
Because there's no way...
Gather the boys!
The ones that are alive, double
their pay if they survive.
And toss the priest.
Are you here?
I wanna make a deal
just like Brandon!
Please, if you're there, I'm
willing to give all that I have!
Please! Please!
Please, are you there?
Why so sad?
He gave his life for me.
Now I wanna do the same.
Love makes humans fools.
I do love him.
He doesn't deserve to
die like that.
And you do?
Make no mistake, young lady.
That is what you're asking me,
or am I mistaken?
You're not.
I see what Brandon sees in you.
You wear guts well.
Oh, yeah.
You can feel it.
I know you can feel it.
But you mentioned something
about giving your life.
A trade.
A trade?
You know, I don't normally
like to trade.
But exchanging his soul
for your ivory pure one,
that would be a
bargain, wouldn't it?
The men that took me...
They're still alive, I know.
And they're coming here now.
They were promised to me.
You'll have them.
You'll deliver them?
Now I know why
Brandon loves you.
But once the coast is clear,
you're staying with me.
No ifs, ands or buts about it.
You understand the terms
of the agreement?
On the condition that he returns
with no obligation to you.
You accept my gift?
Your gift?
I accept.
Why would she come back here?
It's where I would go.
I think she went to the cops.
This is beyond cops, Fleck.
She could be anywhere.
No. She's on that bridge.
Listen up!
Get the girl and
take her alive.
She's merchandise,
so treat her nice.
No rough stuff...
unless you have
to be convincing.
Where'd you go?
Oh, my God!
You're back!
Where am I?
Did we win?
What does that mean?
I brought you back.
You brought me back?
Wait, wait.
We're back on the bridge.
What did you do?
What I had to.
No, you shouldn't
have done that!
What else was
I supposed to do?
When I said I'd love
you forever, I meant it.
Look, this is all my fault.
I'm so sorry.
You did nothing wrong,
okay, except talking to him.
I had no other choice.
Angel and his guys are
on their way here right now.
But they don't know
what's coming for them.
Now how do I work this thing
so I can kick their ass?
At this point, I think
we should just kill her.
She's become
too much of a problem.
You guys go on up ahead.
What's the matter?
You want us to go first?
Oh, I could hold your
hand if you're scared.
So who'd you say
we were looking for?
Well, she ain't here.
Uh, okay.
Screw this!
Keep it.
Consider it a gift.
Let me be the first
to apologize.
I know things went too far
and for that, I'm sorry.
Too late.
Get up... slowly.
No metal hand tells me bullets
might mean more to you now.
Walk in front of me.
Don't be stupid.
You run, I shoot.
You don't want me.
Let's make a deal.
I get you Angel.
And in exchange,
you let me walk outta here.
-What are you doing?
-Squashing a flea.
No. No!
I don't deserve this!
[neck cracks]
He snuck up on me.
Let him go!
I mean, I'm not gonna do that.
You keep making
the wrong choices.
You know you're
gonna die, right?
I've accepted that outcome.
It was all supposed
to be so simple!
Don't do it!
You know what they say.
If you can't beat 'em,
take 'em with you.
You broke my heart.
Get over it!
Not bad!
Had a good teacher.
You're right about this thing.
MVP of the night.
In a way...
I... still... win.
It's okay, I'm okay.
I've been through
this a few times.
Hurts like hell, right?
Don't worry.
You'll bounce right back up.
But you'll need to feed, right?
You won't want to,
but you'll need to.
It hurts!
I can get Angel and...
Stay with me.
Be with me.
Hold my hand.
Could you love me forever?
And ever.
You weren't dead.
What did you promise
him to bring me back?
Oh, no, no, you didn't!
No! Don't take her!
She doesn't deserve this!
Bran, please...
Don't you take her from me!
I don't want you to go.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
You're worth it.
No! Sofia, no!
How could you take her from me?
How could you?
Hey! I know you can hear me!
Bring her back!
Please don't do this!
She's gone.
Bring her back.
-A deal's a deal.
-It's not fair.
I'm always fair.
It was her choice.
She's gone, you're here.
Debts paid.
No. No, I can't accept that.
There must be
something I can do.
It's always possible, but don't
you think you've done enough?
Remember, she gave up her
life on your behalf.
Be a good man.
Live a good life.
Earn her sacrifice.
I wanna make a new deal.
Kid, listen.
Walk away.
Be selfish.
You know what you could do?
Dedicate a park bench in her
name, something like that.
Just be done with it.
I just want her back.
Doesn't work like that.
There's tit for tat.
I want, you want.
I get, you get.
I understand, okay?
There must be something
I can give.
I just want her back. Please.
I knew I was
right about you two.
What does that mean?
I knew if I got
Sofia under contract,
I wouldn't have both of you.
Now hold on, hold on.
I didn't pull anything tricky.
She came calling.
You didn't have
to accept her deal.
Why wouldn't I?
Okay, let's fix it!
Fix it?
All right, let me think,
let me think.
Now you proved that
you're a man of your word.
But you're used goods.
Your soul is filthy.
You're useless.
But I have worked with worse.
Sure, you have.
Well, every tool has its use,
no matter how rusted.
Name it!
If not my soul, then what?
Oh, no, no, no.
Your soul is included.
I just have to figure out how
to amend our original agreement.
Would you consider
killing again... for me?
I hated it.
Kid, it's for Sofia, the
girl who made you feel seen,
the girl who
completed you... Sofia.
For her, I would.
I have.
So, yes.
That's a beautiful thing, kid.
I get, you get.
In exchange for Sofia's life.
Now let's go
paint the town... red.